{"text":"A soldier came marching along the high road: \"Left, right - left, right.\" He","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side; he had been to the wars,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and was now returning home. As he walked on, he met a very frightful-looking old","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"witch in the road. Her under-lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and said, \"Good evening, soldier; you have a very fine sword, and a large","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"knapsack, and you are a real soldier; so you shall have as much money as ever","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"you like.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Thank you, old witch,\" said the soldier.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Do you see that large tree,\" said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"beside them. \"Well, it is quite hollow inside, and you must climb to the top,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"to a great depth. I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"again when you call out to me.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"But what am I to do, down there in the tree?\" asked the soldier.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Get money,\" she replied; \"for you must know that when you reach the ground","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"under the tree, you will find yourself in a large hall, lighted up by three","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"hundred lamps; you will then see three doors, which can be easily opened, for","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the keys are in all the locks. On entering the first of the chambers, to which","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"these doors lead, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"floor, and upon it a dog seated, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups. But","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"place him upon it. You can then open the chest, and take from it as many pence","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"as you please, they are only copper pence; but if you would rather have silver","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"money, you must go into the second chamber. Here you will find another dog, with","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"eyes as big as mill-wheels; but do not let that trouble you. Place him upon my","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"apron, and then take what money you please. If, however, you like gold best,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"enter the third chamber, where there is another chest full of it. The dog who","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"sits on this chest is very dreadful; his eyes are as big as a tower, but do not","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"mind him. If he also is placed upon my apron, he cannot hurt you, and you may","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"take from the chest what gold you will.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"This is not a bad story,\" said the soldier; \"but what am I to give you, you old","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"witch? For, of course, you do not mean to tell me all this for nothing.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the witch; \"but I do not ask for a single penny. Only promise to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"bring me an old tinder-box, which my grandmother left behind the last time she","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"went down there.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Very well; I promise. Now tie the rope round my body.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Here it is,\" replied the witch; \"and here is my blue checked apron.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"As soon as the rope was tied, the soldier climbed up the tree, and let himself","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"down through the hollow to the ground beneath; and here he found, as the witch","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"had told him, a large hall, in which many hundred lamps were all burning.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Then he opened the first door. \"Ah!\" there sat the dog, with the eyes as large","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"as teacups, staring at him.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"You're a pretty fellow,\" said the soldier, seizing him, and placing him on the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"witch's apron, while he filled his pockets from the chest with as many pieces","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"as they would hold. Then he closed the lid, seated the dog upon it again, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"walked into another chamber, and, sure enough, there sat the dog with eyes as","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"big as mill-wheels.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"You had better not look at me in that way,\" said the soldier; \"you will make","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"your eyes water;\" and then he seated him also upon the apron, and opened the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"chest. But when he saw what a quantity of silver money it contained, he very","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"quickly threw away all the coppers he had taken, and filled his pockets and his","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"knapsack with nothing but silver. Then he went into the third room, and there","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the dog was really hideous; his eyes were, truly, as big as towers, and they","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"turned round and round in his head like wheels.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Good morning,\" said the soldier, touching his cap, for he had never seen such","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"a dog in his life. But after looking at him more closely, he thought he had","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"been civil enough, so he placed him on the floor, and opened the chest. Good","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"gracious, what a quantity of gold there was! enough to buy all the sugar-sticks","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"of the sweet-stuff women; all the tin soldiers, whips, and rocking-horses in","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the world, or even the whole town itself There was, indeed, an immense quantity.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"So the soldier now threw away all the silver money he had taken, and filled","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"his pockets and his knapsack with gold instead; and not only his pockets and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"his knapsack, but even his cap and boots, so that he could scarcely walk. He","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"was really rich now; so he replaced the dog on the chest, closed the door, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"called up through the tree: \"Now pull me out, you old witch.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Have you got the tinder-box?\" asked the witch.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"No; I declare I quite forgot it.\" So he went back and fetched the tinderbox,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and then the witch drew him up out of the tree, and he stood again in the high","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"road, with his pockets, his knapsack, his cap, and his boots full of gold.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"What are you going to do with the tinder-box?\" asked the soldier.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"That is nothing to you,\" replied the witch; \"you have the money, now give me","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the tinder-box.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"I tell you what,\" said the soldier, \"if you don't tell me what you are going to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"do with it, I will draw my sword and cut off your head.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the witch.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The soldier immediately cut off her head, and there she lay on the ground. Then","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"he tied up all his money in her apron, and slung it on his back like a bundle,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"put the tinderbox in his pocket, and walked off to the nearest town.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"It was a very nice town, and he put up at the best inn, and ordered a dinner of","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"all his favourite dishes, for now he was rich and had plenty of money.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The servant, who cleaned his boots, thought they certainly were a shabby pair","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"to be worn by such a rich gentleman, for he had not yet bought any new ones.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The next day, however, he procured some good clothes and proper boots, so that","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"our soldier soon became known as a fine gentleman, and the people visited him,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and told him all the wonders that were to be seen in the town, and of the king's","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"beautiful daughter, the princess.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Where can I see her?\" asked the soldier.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"She is not to be seen at all,\" they said; \"she lives in a large copper castle,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"surrounded by walls and towers. No one but the king himself can pass in or out,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"for there has been a prophecy that she will marry a common soldier, and the king","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"cannot bear to think of such a marriage.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"I should like very much to see her,\" thought the soldier; but he could not","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"obtain permission to do so.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"However, he passed a very pleasant time; went to the theatre, drove in the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"king's garden, and gave a great deal of money to the poor, which was very good","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"of him; he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Now he was rich, had fine clothes, and many friends, who all declared he was a","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"fine fellow and a real gentleman, and all this gratified him exceedingly. But","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"his money would not last forever; and as he spent and gave away a great deal","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"daily, and received none, he found himself at last with only two shillings left.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"So he was obliged to leave his elegant rooms, and live in a little garret under","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the roof, where he had to clean his own boots, and even mend them with a large","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"needle. None of his friends came to see him, there were too many stairs to mount","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"up.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"One dark evening, he had not even a penny to buy a candle; then all at once he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"remembered that there was a piece of candle stuck in the tinder-box, which he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"had brought from the old tree, into which the witch had helped him. He found the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"tinder-box, but no sooner had he struck a few sparks from the flint and steel,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"than the door flew open and the dog with eyes as big as teacups, whom he had","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"seen while down in the tree, stood before him, and said, \"What orders, master?\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Hallo,\" said the soldier; \"well this is a pleasant tinderbox, if it brings me","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"all I wish for.\" - \"Bring me some money,\" said he to the dog. He was gone in a","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"moment, and presently returned, carrying a large bag of coppers in his month.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The soldier very soon discovered after this the value of the tinder-box. If he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"struck the flint once, the dog who sat on the chest of copper money made his","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"appearance; if twice, the dog came from the chest of silver; and if three times,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the dog with eyes like towers, who watched over the gold. The soldier had now","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"plenty of money; he returned to his elegant rooms, and reappeared in his fine","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"clothes, so that his friends knew him again directly, and made as much of him as","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"before.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"After a while he began to think it was very strange that no one could get a","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"look at the princess. \"Every one says she is very beautiful,\" thought he to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"himself; \"but what is the use of that if she is to be shut up in a copper castle","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"surrounded by so many towers. Can I by any means get to see her. Stop! where is","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"my tinder-box?\" Then he struck a light, and in a moment the dog, with eyes as","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"big as teacups, stood before him.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"It is midnight,\" said the soldier, \"yet I should very much like to see the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"princess, if only for a moment.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The dog disappeared instantly, and before the soldier could even look round, he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"returned with the princess. She was lying on the dog's back asleep, and looked","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"so lovely, that every one who saw her would know she was a real princess. The","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"soldier could not help kissing her, true soldier as he was.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Then the dog ran back with the princess; but in the morning, while at breakfast","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"with the king and queen, she told them what a singular dream she had had during","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the night, of a dog and a soldier, that she had ridden on the dog's back, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"been kissed by the soldier.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"That is a very pretty story, indeed,\" said the queen.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"So the next night one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"princess's bed, to discover whether it really was a dream, or what else it might","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"be.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The soldier longed very much to see the princess once more, so he sent for the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"dog again in the night to fetch her, and to run with her as fast as ever he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"could. But the old lady put on water boots, and ran after him as quickly as he","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"did, and found that he carried the princess into a large house. She thought it","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"would help her to remember the place if she made a large cross on the door with","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"a piece of chalk. Then she went home to bed, and the dog presently returned","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"with the princess. But when he saw that a cross had been made on the door of the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"house, where the soldier lived, he took another piece of chalk and made crosses","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"on all the doors in the town, so that the lady-in-waiting might not be able to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"find out the right door.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Early the next morning the king and queen accompanied the lady and all the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"officers of the household, to see where the princess had been.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Here it is,\" said the king, when they came to the first door with a cross on","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"it.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"No, my dear husband, it must be that one,\" said the queen, pointing to a second","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"door having a cross also.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"And here is one, and there is another!\" they all exclaimed; for there were","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"crosses on all the doors in every direction. So they felt it would be useless to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"search any farther.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"But the queen was a very clever woman; she could do a great deal more than","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"merely ride in a carriage. She took her large gold scissors, cut a piece of silk","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"into squares, and made a neat little bag. This bag she filled with buckwheat","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"flour, and tied it round the princess's neck; and then she cut a small hole in","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the bag, so that the flour might be scattered on the ground as the princess went","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"along.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"During the night, the dog came again and carried the princess on his back, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"ran with her to the soldier, who loved her very much, and wished that he had","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"been a prince, so that he might have her for a wife.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The dog did not observe how the flour ran out of the bag all the way from the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"castle wall to the soldier's house, and even up to the window, where he had","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"climbed with the princess. Therefore in the morning the king and queen found out","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"where their daughter had been, and the soldier was taken up and put in prison.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Oh, how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there, and the people said to","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"him, \"To-morrow you will be hanged.\" It was not very pleasant news, and besides,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"he had left the tinder-box at the inn. In the morning he could see through the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"to see him hanged; he heard the drums beating, and saw the soldiers marching.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Every one ran out to look at them, and a shoemaker's boy, with a leather apron","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and slippers on, galloped by so fast, that one of his slippers flew off and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"struck against the wall where the soldier sat looking through the iron grating.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Hallo, you shoemaker's boy, you need not be in such a hurry,\" cried the soldier","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"to him. \"There will be nothing to see till I come; but if you will run to the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"house where I have been living, and bring me my tinder-box, you shall have four","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"shillings, but you must put your best foot foremost.\" The shoemaker's boy liked","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the idea of getting the four shillings, so he ran very fast and fetched the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"tinder-box, and gave it to the soldier. And now we shall see what happened.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"Outside the town a large gibbet had been erected, round which stood the soldiers","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and several thousands of people. The king and the queen sat on splendid thrones","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"opposite to the judges and the whole council.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The soldier already stood on the ladder; but as they were about to place the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"rope around his neck, he said that an innocent request was often granted to a","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"poor criminal before he suffered death. He wished very much to smoke a pipe, as","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"it would be the last pipe he should ever smoke in the world.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"The king could not refuse this request, so the soldier took his tinder-box, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"struck fire, once, twice, thrice, and there in a moment stood all the dogs; the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"one with eyes as big as teacups, the one with eyes as large as mill-wheels, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the third, whose eyes were like towers.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"Help me now, that I may not be hanged,\" cried the soldier. And the dogs fell","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"upon the judges and all the councillors; seized one by the legs, and another by","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"the nose, and tossed them many feet high in the air, so that they fell down and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"were dashed to pieces.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"\"I will not be touched,\" said the king. But the largest dog seized him, as well","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"as the queen, and threw them after the others. Then the soldiers and all the","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"people were afraid, and cried, \"Good soldier, you shall be our king, and you","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"shall marry the beautiful princess.\"","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"So they placed the soldier in the king's carriage, and the three dogs ran on in","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"front and cried \"Hurrah!\" and the little boys whistled through their fingers,","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"and the soldiers presented arms. The princess came out of the copper castle, and","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"became queen, which was very pleasing to her. The wedding festivities lasted a","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"whole week, and the dogs sat at the table, and stared with all their eyes.","book":"The tinder-box"} {"text":"In a village there once lived two men who had the same name. They were both","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"called Claus. One of them had four horses, but the other had only one; so to","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"distinguish them, people called the owner of the four horses, \"Great Claus,\" and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"he who had only one, \"Little Claus.\" Now we shall hear what happened to them,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"for this is a true story.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Through the whole week, Little Claus was obliged to plough for Great Claus,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and lend him his one horse; and once a week, on a Sunday, Great Claus lent him","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"all his four horses. Then how Little Claus would smack his whip over all five","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"horses, they were as good as his own on that one day. The sun shone brightly,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and the church bells were ringing merrily as the people passed by, dressed in","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"their best clothes, with their prayer-books under their arms. They were going to","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"hear the clergyman preach. They looked at Little Claus ploughing with his five","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"horses, and he was so proud that he smacked his whip, and said, \"Gee-up, my five","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"horses.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"You must not say that,\" said Big Claus; \"for only one of them belongs to you.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"But Little Claus soon forgot what he ought to say, and when any one passed he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"would call out, \"Gee-up, my five horses!\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Now I must beg you not to say that again,\" said Big Claus; \"for if you do, I","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"shall hit your horse on the head, so that he will drop dead on the spot, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"there will be an end of him.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"I promise you I will not say it any more,\" said the other; but as soon as","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"people came by, nodding to him, and wishing him \"Good day,\" he became so","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"pleased, and thought how grand it looked to have five horses ploughing in his","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"field, that he cried out again, \"Gee-up, all my horses!\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"I'll gee-up your horses for you,\" said Big Claus; and seizing a hammer, he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"struck the one horse of Little Claus on the head, and he fell dead instantly.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, now I have no horse at all,\" said Little Claus, weeping. But after a while","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"he took off the dead horse's skin, and hung the hide to dry in the wind. Then","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"he put the dry skin into a bag, and, placing it over his shoulder, went out into","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the next town to sell the horse's skin.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"He had a very long way to go, and had to pass through a dark, gloomy forest.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Presently a storm arose, and he lost his way, and before he discovered the right","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"path, evening came on, and it was still a long way to the town, and too far to","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"return home before night.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Near the road stood a large farmhouse. The shutters outside the windows","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"were closed, but lights shone through the crevices at the top. \"I might get","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"permission to stay here for the night,\" thought Little Claus; so he went up to","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the door and knocked.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"The farmer's wife opened the door; but when she heard what he wanted, she told","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"him to go away, as her husband would not allow her to admit strangers.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Then I shall be obliged to lie out here,\" said Little Claus to himself, as the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"farmer's wife shut the door in his face.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Near to the farmhouse stood a large haystack, and between it and the house was a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"small shed, with a thatched roof.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"I can lie up there,\" said Little Claus, as he saw the roof; \"it will make a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"famous bed, but I hope the stork will not fly down and bite my legs;\" for on it","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"stood a living stork, whose nest was in the roof.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So Little Claus climbed to the roof of the shed, and while he turned himself","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"to get comfortable, he discovered that the wooden shutters, which were closed,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"did not reach to the tops of the windows of the farmhouse, so that he could","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"see into a room, in which a large table was laid out with wine, roast meat,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and a splendid fish. The farmer's wife and the sexton were sitting at the table","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"together; and she filled his glass, and helped him plenteously to fish, which","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"appeared to be his favorite dish.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"If I could only get some, too,\" thought Little Claus; and then, as he stretched","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"his neck towards the window he spied a large, beautiful pie,– indeed they had a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"glorious feast before them.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"At this moment he heard some one riding down the road, towards the farmhouse. It","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"was the farmer returning home.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"He was a good man, but still he had a very strange prejudice,– he could not","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"bear the sight of a sexton. If one appeared before him, he would put himself in","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"a terrible rage. In consequence of this dislike, the sexton had gone to visit","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the farmer's wife during her husband's absence from home, and the good woman","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"had placed before him the best she had in the house to eat. When she heard the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"farmer coming she was frightened, and begged the sexton to hide himself in a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"large empty chest that stood in the room. He did so, for he knew her husband","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"could not endure the sight of a sexton. The woman then quickly put away the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"wine, and hid all the rest of the nice things in the oven; for if her husband","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"had seen them he would have asked what they were brought out for.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, dear,\" sighed Little Claus from the top of the shed, as he saw all the good","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"things disappear.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Is any one up there?\" asked the farmer, looking up and discovering Little","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Claus. \"Why are you lying up there? Come down, and come into the house with me.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So Little Claus came down and told the farmer how he had lost his way and begged","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"for a night's lodging.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"All right,\" said the farmer; \"but we must have something to eat first.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"The woman received them both very kindly, laid the cloth on a large table, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"placed before them a dish of porridge. The farmer was very hungry, and ate his","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"porridge with a good appetite, but Little Claus could not help thinking of the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"nice roast meat, fish and pies, which he knew were in the oven.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Under the table, at his feet, lay the sack containing the horse's skin, which he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"intended to sell at the next town. Now Little Claus did not relish the porridge","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"at all, so he trod with his foot on the sack under the table, and the dry skin","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"squeaked quite loud.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Hush!\" said Little Claus to his sack, at the same time treading upon it again,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"till it squeaked louder than before.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Hallo! what have you got in your sack!\" asked the farmer.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, it is a conjuror,\" said Little Claus; \"and he says we need not eat","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"porridge, for he has conjured the oven full of roast meat, fish, and pie.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Wonderful!\" cried the farmer, starting up and opening the oven door; and there","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"lay all the nice things hidden by the farmer's wife, but which he supposed","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"had been conjured there by the wizard under the table. The woman dared not say","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"anything; so she placed the things before them, and they both ate of the fish,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the meat, and the pastry. Then Little Claus trod again upon his sack, and it","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"squeaked as before.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"What does he say now?\" asked the farmer.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"He says,\" replied Little Claus, \"that there are three bottles of wine for us,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"standing in the corner, by the oven.\" So the woman was obliged to bring out the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"wine also, which she had hidden, and the farmer drank it till he became quite","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"merry. He would have liked such a conjuror as Little Claus carried in his sack.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Could he conjure up the evil one?\" asked the farmer. \"I should like to see him","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"now, while I am so merry.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, yes!\" replied Little Claus, \"my conjuror can do anything I ask him,– can","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"you not?\" he asked, treading at the same time on the sack till it squeaked. \"Do","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"you hear? he answers 'Yes,' but he fears that we shall not like to look at him.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, I am not afraid. What will he be like?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Well, he is very much like a sexton.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Ha!\" said the farmer, \"then he must be ugly. Do you know I cannot endure the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"sight of a sexton. However, that doesn't matter, I shall know who it is; so I","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"shall not mind. Now then, I have got up my courage, but don't let him come too","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"near me.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Stop, I must ask the conjuror,\" said Little Claus; so he trod on the bag, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"stooped his ear down to listen.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"What does he say?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"He says that you must go and open that large chest which stands in the corner,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and you will see the evil one crouching down inside; but you must hold the lid","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"firmly, that he may not slip out.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Will you come and help me hold it?\" said the farmer, going towards the chest in","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"The farmer opened the lid a very little way, and peeped in. \"Oh,\" cried he,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"springing backwards, \"I saw him, and he is exactly like our sexton. How dreadful","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"it is!\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So after that he was obliged to drink again, and they sat and drank till far","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"into the night.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"You must sell your conjuror to me,\" said the farmer; \"ask as much as you like,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"I will pay it; indeed I would give you directly a whole bushel of gold.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"No, indeed, I cannot,\" said Little Claus; \"only think how much profit I could","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"make out of this conjuror.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"But I should like to have him,\" said the fanner, still continuing his","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"entreaties.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Well,\" said Little Claus at length, \"you have been so good as to give me a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"night's lodging, I will not refuse you; you shall have the conjuror for a bushel","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"of money, but I will have quite full measure.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"So you shall,\" said the farmer; \"but you must take away the chest as well. I","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"would not have it in the house another hour; there is no knowing if he may not","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"be still there.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So Little Claus gave the farmer the sack containing the dried horse's skin, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"received in exchange a bushel of money– full measure. The farmer also gave him a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"wheelbarrow on which to carry away the chest and the gold.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Farewell,\" said Little Claus, as he went off with his money and the great","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"chest, in which the sexton lay still concealed.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"On one side of the forest was a broad, deep river, the water flowed so rapidly","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"that very few were able to swim against the stream. A new bridge had lately","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"been built across it, and in the middle of this bridge Little Claus stopped,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and said, loud enough to be heard by the sexton, \"Now what shall I do with this","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"stupid chest; it is as heavy as if it were full of stones: I shall be tired if","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"I roll it any farther, so I may as well throw it in the river; if it swims after","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"me to my house, well and good, and if not, it will not much matter.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So he seized the chest in his hand and lifted it up a little, as if he were","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"going to throw it into the water.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"No, leave it alone,\" cried the sexton from within the chest; \"let me out","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"first.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" exclaimed Little Claus, pretending to be frightened, \"he is in there","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"still, is he? I must throw him into the river, that he may be drowned.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, no; oh, no,\" cried the sexton; \"I will give you a whole bushel full of","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"money if you will let me go.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Why, that is another matter,\" said Little Claus, opening the chest. The sexton","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"crept out, pushed the empty chest into the water, and went to his house, then","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"he measured out a whole bushel full of gold for Little Claus, who had already","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"received one from the farmer, so that now he had a barrow full.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"I have been well paid for my horse,\" said he to himself when he reached home,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"entered his own room, and emptied all his money into a heap on the floor. \"How","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"vexed Great Claus will be when he finds out how rich I have become all through","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"my one horse; but I shall not tell him exactly how it all happened.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Then he sent a boy to Great Claus to borrow a bushel measure.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"What can he want it for?\" thought Great Claus; so he smeared the bottom of","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the measure with tar, that some of whatever was put into it might stick there","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and remain. And so it happened; for when the measure returned, three new silver","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"florins were sticking to it.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"What does this mean?\" said Great Claus; so he ran off directly to Little Claus,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and asked, \"Where did you get so much money?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, for my horse's skin, I sold it yesterday.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"It was certainly well paid for then,\" said Great Claus; and he ran home to his","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"house, seized a hatchet, and knocked all his four horses on the head, flayed off","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"their skins, and took them to the town to sell.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Skins, skins, who'll buy skins?\" he cried, as he went through the streets.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"All the shoemakers and tanners came running, and asked how much he wanted for","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"them.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"A bushel of money, for each,\" replied Great Claus.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Are you mad?\" they all cried; \"do you think we have money to spend by the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"bushel?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Skins, skins,\" he cried again, \"who'll buy skins?\" but to all who inquired the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"price, his answer was, \"a bushel of money.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"He is making fools of us,\" said they all; then the shoemakers took their","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"straps, and the tanners their leather aprons, and began to beat Great Claus.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Skins, skins!\" they cried, mocking him; \"yes, we'll mark your skin for you,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"till it is black and blue.\" - \"Out of the town with him,\" said they. And Great","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Claus was obliged to run as fast as he could, he had never before been so","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"thoroughly beaten.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" said he, as he came to his house; \"Little Claus shall pay me for this; I","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"will beat him to death.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Meanwhile the old grandmother of Little Claus died. She had been cross, unkind,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and really spiteful to him; but he was very sorry, and took the dead woman and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"laid her in his warm bed to see if he could bring her to life again. There he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"determined that she should lie the whole night, while he seated himself in a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"chair in a corner of the room as he had often done before.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"During the night, as he sat there, the door opened, and in came Great Claus","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"with a hatchet. He knew well where Little Claus's bed stood; so he went right","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"up to it, and struck the old grandmother on the head. thinking it must be Little","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Claus.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"There,\" cried he, \"now you cannot make a fool of me again;\" and then he went","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"home.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"That is a very wicked man,\" thought Little Claus; \"he meant to kill me. It is","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"a good thing for my old grandmother that she was already dead, or he would have","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"taken her life.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Then he dressed his old grandmother in her best clothes, borrowed a horse of","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"his neighbor, and harnessed it to a cart. Then he placed the old woman on the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"back seat, so that she might not fall out as he drove, and rode away through the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"wood. By sunrise they reached a large inn, where Little Claus stopped and went","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"to get something to eat.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"The landlord was a rich man, and a good man too; but as passionate as if he had","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"been made of pepper and snuff.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Good morning,\" said he to Little Claus; \"you are come betimes to-day.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said Little Claus; \"I am going to the town with my old grandmother; she","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"is sitting at the back of the wagon, but I cannot bring her into the room. Will","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"you take her a glass of mead? but you must speak very loud, for she cannot hear","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"well.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Yes, certainly I will,\" replied the landlord; and, pouring out a glass of mead,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"he carried it out to the dead grandmother, who sat upright in the cart.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Here is a glass of mead from your grandson,\" said the landlord. The dead woman","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"did not answer a word, but sat quite still.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Do you not hear?\" cried the landlord as loud as he could; \"here is a glass of","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"mead from your grandson.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Again and again he bawled it out, but as she did not stir he flew into a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"passion, and threw the glass of mead in her face; it struck her on the nose, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"she fell backwards out of the cart, for she was only seated there, not tied in.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Hallo!\" cried Little Claus, rushing out of the door, and seizing hold of the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"landlord by the throat; \"you have killed my grandmother; see, here is a great","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"hole in her forehead.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, how unfortunate,\" said the landlord, wringing his hands. \"This all comes","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"of my fiery temper. Dear Little Claus, I will give you a bushel of money; I will","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"bury your grandmother as if she were my own; only keep silent, or else they will","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"cut off my head, and that would be disagreeable.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"When Little Claus reached home again, he immediately sent a boy to Great Claus,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"requesting him to lend him a bushel measure.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"How is this?\" thought Great Claus; \"did I not kill him? I must go and see for","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"myself.\" So he went to Little Claus, and took the bushel measure with him.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"How did you get all this money?\" asked Great Claus, staring with wide open eyes","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"at his neighbor's treasures.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"You killed my grandmother instead of me,\" said Little Claus; \"so I have sold","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"her for a bushel of money.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"That is a good price at all events,\" said Great Claus. So he went home, took a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"hatchet, and killed his old grandmother with one blow. Then he placed her on a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"cart, and drove into the town to the apothecary, and asked him if he would buy a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"dead body.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Whose is it, and where did you get it?\" asked the apothecary.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"It is my grandmother,\" he replied; \"I killed her with a blow, that I might get","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"a bushel of money for her.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Heaven preserve us!\" cried the apothecary, \"you are out of your mind. Don't say","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"such things, or you will lose your head.\" And then he talked to him seriously","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"about the wicked deed he had done, and told him that such a wicked man would","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"surely be punished. Great Claus got so frightened that he rushed out of the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"surgery, jumped into the cart, whipped up his horses, and drove home quickly.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"The apothecary and all the people thought him mad, and let him drive where he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"liked.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"You shall pay for this,\" said Great Claus, as soon as he got into the highroad,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"that you shall, Little Claus.\" So as soon as he reached home he took the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"largest sack he could find and went over to Little Claus. \"You have played","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"me another trick,\" said he. \"First, I killed all my horses, and then my old","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"grandmother, and it is all your fault; but you shall not make a fool of me any","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"more.\" So he laid hold of Little Claus round the body, and pushed him into the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"sack, which he took on his shoulders, saying, \"Now I'm going to drown you in the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"river.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"He had a long way to go before he reached the river, and Little Claus was not","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"a very light weight to carry. The road led by the church, and as they passed he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"could hear the organ playing and the people singing beautifully. Great Claus put","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"down the sack close to the church-door, and thought he might as well go in and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"hear a psalm before he went any farther. Little Claus could not possibly get out","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"of the sack, and all the people were in church; so in he went.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh dear, oh dear,\" sighed Little Claus in the sack, as he turned and twisted","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"about; but he found he could not loosen the string with which it was tied.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Presently an old cattle driver, with snowy hair, passed by, carrying a large","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"staff in his hand, with which he drove a large herd of cows and oxen before him.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"They stumbled against the sack in which lay Little Claus, and turned it over.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh dear,\" sighed Little Claus, \"I am very young, yet I am soon going to","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"heaven.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"And I, poor fellow,\" said the drover, \"I who am so old already, cannot get","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"there.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Open the sack,\" cried Little Claus; \"creep into it instead of me, and you will","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"soon be there.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"With all my heart,\" replied the drover, opening the sack, from which sprung","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Little Claus as quickly as possible.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Will you take care of my cattle?\" said the old man, as he crept into the bag.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said Little Claus, and he tied up the sack, and then walked off with all","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the cows and oxen.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"When Great Claus came out of church, he took up the sack, and placed it on his","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"shoulders. It appeared to have become lighter, for the old drover was not half","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"so heavy as Little Claus. \"How light he seems now,\" said he. \"Ah, it is because","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"I have been to a church.\" So he walked on to the river, which was deep and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"broad, and threw the sack containing the old drover into the water, believing it","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"to be Little Claus. \"There you may lie!\" he exclaimed; \"you will play me no more","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"tricks now.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Then he turned to go home, but when he came to a place where two roads crossed,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"there was Little Claus driving the cattle.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"How is this?\" said Great Claus. \"Did I not drown you just now?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said Little Claus; \"you threw me into the river about half an hour ago.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"But wherever did you get all these fine beasts?\" asked Great Claus.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"These beasts are sea-cattle,\" replied Little Claus. \"I'll tell you the whole","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"story, and thank you for drowning me; I am above you now, I am really very","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"rich. I was frightened, to be sure, while I lay tied up in the sack, and the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"wind whistled in my ears when you threw me into the river from the bridge, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"I sank to the bottom immediately; but I did not hurt myself, for I fell upon","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"beautifully soft grass which grows down there; and in a moment, the sack opened,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"and the sweetest little maiden came towards me. She had snow-white robes, and","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"a wreath of green leaves on her wet hair. She took me by the hand, and said,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"'So you are come, Little Claus, and here are some cattle for you to begin with.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"About a mile farther on the road, there is another herd for you.' Then I saw","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"that the river formed a great highway for the people who live in the sea. They","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"were walking and driving here and there from the sea to the land at the, spot","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"where the river terminates. The bed of the river was covered with the loveliest","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"flowers and sweet fresh grass. The fish swam past me as rapidly as the birds","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"do here in the air. How handsome all the people were, and what fine cattle were","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"grazing on the hills and in the valleys!\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"But why did you come up again,\" said Great Claus, \"if it was all so beautiful","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"down there? I should not have done so?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Well,\" said Little Claus, \"it was good policy on my part; you heard me say just","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"now that I was told by the sea-maiden to go a mile farther on the road, and I","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"should find a whole herd of cattle. By the road she meant the river, for she","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"could not travel any other way; but I knew the winding of the river, and how it","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"bends, sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left, and it seemed a long","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"way, so I chose a shorter one; and, by coming up to the land, and then driving","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"across the fields back again to the river, I shall save half a mile, and get all","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"my cattle more quickly.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"What a lucky fellow you are!\" exclaimed Great Claus. \"Do you think I should get","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"any sea-cattle if I went down to the bottom of the river?\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Yes, I think so,\" said Little Claus; \"but I cannot carry you there in a sack,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"you are too heavy. However if you will go there first, and then creep into a","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"sack, I will throw you in with the greatest pleasure.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Thank you,\" said Great Claus; \"but remember, if I do not get any sea-cattle","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"down there I shall come up again and give you a good thrashing.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"No, now, don't be too fierce about it!\" said Little Claus, as they walked on","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"towards the river. When they approached it, the cattle, who were very thirsty,","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"saw the stream, and ran down to drink.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"See what a hurry they are in,\" said Little Claus, \"they are longing to get down","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"again,\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Come, help me, make haste,\" said Great Claus; \"or you'll get beaten.\" So he","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"crept into a large sack, which had been lying across the back of one of the","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"oxen. \"Put in a stone,\" said Great Claus, \"or I may not sink.\"","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"Oh, there's not much fear of that,\" he replied; still he put a large stone into","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"the bag, and then tied it tightly, and gave it a push. \"Plump!\" In went Great","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Claus, and immediately sank to the bottom of the river.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"\"I'm afraid he will not find any cattle,\" said Little Claus, and then he drove","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"his own beasts homewards.","book":"Little Claus and big Claus"} {"text":"Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she woul","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"he would have liked very much to have a real princess.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate,","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"and the old king went to open it.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious!","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"\"Well, we'll soon find that out,\" thought the old queen. But she said nothing,","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"On this the princess had to lie all night.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"In the morning she was asked how she had slept.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"\"Oh, very badly!\" said she. \"I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!\"","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. Nobody but a real","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"princess could be as sensitive as that.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"one has stolen it.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"There, that is a true story.","book":"The princess and the pea"} {"text":"\"My poor flowers are quite dead,\" said little Ida, \"they were so pretty","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"yesterday evening, and now all the leaves are hanging down quite withered. What","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"do they do that for,\" she asked, of the student who sat on the sofa; she liked","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"him very much, he could tell the most amusing stories, and cut out the prettiest","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"pictures; hearts, and ladies dancing, castles with doors that opened, as well as","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flowers; he was a delightful student. \"Why do the flowers look so faded to-day?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"she asked again, and pointed to her nosegay, which was quite withered.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Don't you know what is the matter with them?\" said the student. \"The flowers","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"were at a ball last night, and therefore, it is no wonder they hang their","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"heads.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"But flowers cannot dance?\" cried little Ida.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Yes indeed, they can,\" replied the student. \"When it grows dark, and everybody","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"is asleep, they jump about quite merrily. They have a ball almost every night.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Can children go to these balls?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said the student, \"little daisies and lilies of the valley.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Where do the beautiful flowers dance?\" asked little Ida. \"Have you not often","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"seen the large castle outside the gates of the town, where the king lives in","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"summer, and where the beautiful garden is full of flowers? And have you not fed","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the swans with bread when they swam towards you? Well, the flowers have capital","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"balls there, believe me.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"I was in the garden out there yesterday with my mother,\" said Ida, \"but all","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the leaves were off the trees, and there was not a single flower left. Where are","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"they? I used to see so many in the summer.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"They are in the castle,\" replied the student. \"You must know that as soon as","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the king and all the court are gone into the town, the flowers run out of the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"garden into the castle, and you should see how merry they are. The two most","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"beautiful roses seat themselves on the throne, and are called the king and","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"queen, then all the red cockscombs range themselves on each side, and bow, these","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"are the lords-in-waiting. After that the pretty flowers come in, and there is","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"a grand ball. The blue violets represent little naval cadets, and dance with","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"hyacinths and crocuses which they call young ladies. The tulips and tiger-lilies","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"are the old ladies who sit and watch the dancing, so that everything may be","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"conducted with order and propriety.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"But,\" said little Ida, \"is there no one there to hurt the flowers for dancing","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"in the king's castle?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"No one knows anything about it,\" said the student. \"The old steward of the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"castle, who has to watch there at night, sometimes comes in; but he carries","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"a great bunch of keys, and as soon as the flowers hear the keys rattle, they","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"run and hide themselves behind the long curtains, and stand quite still, just","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"peeping their heads out. Then the old steward says, 'I smell flowers here,' but","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"he cannot see them.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Oh how capital,\" said little Ida, clapping her hands. \"Should I be able to see","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"these flowers?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said the student, \"mind you think of it the next time you go out, no","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"doubt you will see them, if you peep through the window. I did so to-day, and I","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"saw a long yellow lily lying stretched out on the sofa. She was a court lady.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Can the flowers from the Botanical Gardens go to these balls?\" asked Ida. \"It","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"is such a distance!\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Oh yes,\" said the student \"whenever they like, for they can fly. Have you not","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"seen those beautiful red, white, and yellow butterflies, that look like flowers?","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"They were flowers once. They have flown off their stalks into the air, and flap","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"their leaves as if they were little wings to make them fly. Then, if they behave","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"well, they obtain permission to fly about during the day, instead of being","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"obliged to sit still on their stems at home, and so in time their leaves become","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"real wings. It may be, however, that the flowers in the Botanical Gardens have","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"never been to the king's palace, and, therefore, they know nothing of the merry","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"doings at night, which take place there. I will tell you what to do, and the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"botanical professor, who lives close by here, will be so surprised. You know him","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"very well, do you not? Well, next time you go into his garden, you must tell one","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"of the flowers that there is going to be a grand ball at the castle, then that","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flower will tell all the others, and they will fly away to the castle as soon","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"as possible. And when the professor walks into his garden, there will not be a","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"single flower left. How he will wonder what has become of them!\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"But how can one flower tell another? Flowers cannot speak?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"No, certainly not,\" replied the student; \"but they can make signs. Have you","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"not often seen that when the wind blows they nod at one another, and rustle all","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"their green leaves?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Can the professor understand the signs?\" asked Ida.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Yes, to be sure he can. He went one morning into his garden, and saw a stinging","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"nettle making signs with its leaves to a beautiful red carnation. It was saying,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"'You are so pretty, I like you very much.' But the professor did not approve","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"of such nonsense, so he clapped his hands on the nettle to stop it. Then the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"leaves, which are its fingers, stung him so sharply that he has never ventured","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to touch a nettle since.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Oh how funny!\" said Ida, and she laughed.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"How can anyone put such notions into a child's head?\" said a tiresome lawyer,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"who had come to pay a visit, and sat on the sofa. He did not like the student,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and would grumble when he saw him cutting out droll or amusing pictures.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Sometimes it would be a man hanging on a gibbet and holding a heart in his hand","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"as if he had been stealing hearts. Sometimes it was an old witch riding through","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the air on a broom and carrying her husband on her nose. But the lawyer did not","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"like such jokes, and he would say as he had just said, \"How can anyone put such","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"nonsense into a child's head! what absurd fancies there are!\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"But to little Ida, all these stories which the student told her about the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flowers, seemed very droll, and she thought over them a great deal. The flowers","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"did hang their heads, because they had been dancing all night, and were very","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"tired, and most likely they were ill. Then she took them into the room where","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"a number of toys lay on a pretty little table, and the whole of the table","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"drawer besides was full of beautiful things. Her doll Sophy lay in the doll's","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"bed asleep, and little Ida said to her, \"You must really get up Sophy, and be","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"content to lie in the drawer to-night; the poor flowers are ill, and they must","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"lie in your bed, then perhaps they will get well again.\" So she took the doll","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"out, who looked quite cross, and said not a single word, for she was angry at","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"being turned out of her bed.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Ida placed the flowers in the doll's bed, and drew the quilt over them. Then","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"she told them to lie quite still and be good, while she made some tea for them,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"so that they might be quite well and able to get up the next morning. And she","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"drew the curtains close round the little bed, so that the sun might not shine in","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"their eyes.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"During the whole evening she could not help thinking of what the student had","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"told her. And before she went to bed herself, she was obliged to peep behind","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the curtains into the garden where all her mother's beautiful flowers grew,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"hyacinths and tulips, and many others. Then she whispered to them quite softly,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"I know you are going to a ball to-night.\" But the flowers appeared as if they","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"did not understand, and not a leaf moved; still Ida felt quite sure she knew all","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"about it.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"She lay awake a long time after she was in bed, thinking how pretty it must be","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to see all the beautiful flowers dancing in the king's garden. \"I wonder if my","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flowers have really been there,\" she said to herself, and then she fell asleep.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"In the night she awoke; she had been dreaming of the flowers and of the student,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"as well as of the tiresome lawyer who found fault with him. It was quite still","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"in Ida's bedroom; the night-lamp burnt on the table, and her father and mother","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"were asleep.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"I wonder if my flowers are still lying in Sophy's bed,\" she thought to herself;","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"how much I should like to know.\" She raised herself a little, and glanced at","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the door of the room where all her flowers and playthings lay; it was partly","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"open, and as she listened, it seemed as if some one in the room was playing the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"piano, but softly and more prettily than she had ever before heard it.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Now all the flowers are certainly dancing in there,\" she thought, \"oh how much","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"I should like to see them,\" but she did not dare move for fear of disturbing","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"her father and mother. \"If they would only come in here,\" she thought; but they","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"did not come, and the music continued to play so beautifully, and was so pretty,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"that she could resist no longer. She crept out of her little bed, went softly","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to the door and looked into the room. Oh what a splendid sight there was to be","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"sure!","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"There was no night-lamp burning, but the room appeared quite light, for the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"moon shone through the window upon the floor, and made it almost like day. All","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the hyacinths and tulips stood in two long rows down the room, not a single","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flower remained in the window, and the flower-pots were all empty. The flowers","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"were dancing gracefully on the floor, making turns and holding each other by","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"their long green leaves as they swung round. At the piano sat a large yellow","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"lily which little Ida was sure she had seen in the summer, for she remembered","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the student saying she was very much like Miss Lina, one of Ida's friends. They","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"all laughed at him then, but now it seemed to little Ida as if the tall, yellow","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flower was really like the young lady. She had just the same manners while","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"playing, bending her long yellow face from side to side, and nodding in time to","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the beautiful music. Then she saw a large purple crocus jump into the middle of","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the table where the playthings stood, go up to the doll's bedstead and draw back","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the curtains; there lay the sick flowers, but they got up directly, and nodded","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to the others as a sign that they wished to dance with them. The old rough doll,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"with the broken mouth, stood up and bowed to the pretty flowers. They did not","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"look ill at all now, but jumped about and were very merry, yet none of them","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"noticed little Ida.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Presently it seemed as if something fell from the table. Ida looked that way,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and saw a slight carnival rod jumping down among the flowers as if it belonged","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to them; it was, however, very smooth and neat, and a little wax doll with a","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"broad brimmed hat on her head, like the one worn by the lawyer, sat upon it.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"The carnival rod hopped about among the flowers on its three red stilted feet,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and stamped quite loud when it danced the Mazurka; the flowers could not perform","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"this dance, they were too light to stamp in that manner.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"All at once the wax doll which rode on the carnival rod seemed to grow larger","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and taller, and it turned round and said to the paper flowers, \"How can you put","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"such things in a child's head? they are all foolish fancies;\" and then the doll","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"was exactly like the lawyer with the broad brimmed hat, and looked as yellow","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and as cross as he did; but the paper dolls struck him on his thin legs, and he","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"shrunk up again and became quite a little wax doll. This was very amusing, and","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Ida could not help laughing. The carnival rod went on dancing, and the lawyer","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"was obliged to dance also. It was no use, he might make himself great and tall,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"or remain a little wax doll with a large black hat; still he must dance. Then","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"at last the other flowers interceded for him, especially those who had lain in","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the doll's bed, and the carnival rod gave up his dancing. At the same moment","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"a loud knocking was heard in the drawer, where Ida's doll Sophy lay with many","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"other toys. Then the rough doll ran to the end of the table, laid himself flat","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"down upon it, and began to pull the drawer out a little way. Then Sophy raised","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"himself, and looked round quite astonished, \"There must be a ball here to-","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"night,\" said Sophy. \"Why did not somebody tell me?\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Will you dance with me?\" said the rough doll.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"You are the right sort to dance with, certainly,\" said she, turning her back","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"upon him. Then she seated herself on the edge of the drawer, and thought that","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"perhaps one of the flowers would ask her to dance; but none of them came. Then","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"she coughed, \"Hem, hem, a-hem;\" but for all that not one came. The shabby doll","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"now danced quite alone, and not very badly, after all.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"As none of the flowers seemed to notice Sophy, she let herself down from the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"drawer to the floor, so as to make a very great noise. All the flowers came","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"round her directly, and asked if she had hurt herself, especially those who had","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"lain in her bed. But she was not hurt at all, and Ida's flowers thanked her for","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"the use of the nice bed, and were very kind to her. They led her into the middle","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"of the room, where the moon shone, and danced with her, while all the other","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flowers formed a circle round them. Then Sophy was very happy, and said they","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"might keep her bed; she did not mind lying in the drawer at all.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"But the flowers thanked her very much, and said,– \"We cannot live long. To-","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"morrow morning we shall be quite dead; and you must tell little Ida to bury us","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"in the garden, near to the grave of the canary; then, in the summer we shall","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"wake up and be more beautiful than ever.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"No, you must not die,\" said Sophy, as she kissed the flowers. Then the door","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"of the room opened, and a number of beautiful flowers danced in. Ida could","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"not imagine where they could come from, unless they were the flowers from the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"king's garden. First came two lovely roses, with little golden crowns on their","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"heads; these were the king and queen. Beautiful stocks and carnations followed,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"bowing to every one present. They had also music with them. Large poppies and","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"peonies had pea-shells for instruments, and blew into them till they were quite","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"red in the face. The bunches of blue hyacinths and the little white snowdrops","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"jingled their bell-like flowers, as if they were real bells. Then came many more","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"flowers: blue violets, purple heart's-ease, daisies, and lilies of the valley,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"and they all danced together, and kissed each other. It was very beautiful to","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"behold.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"At last the flowers wished each other good-night. Then little Ida crept back","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"into her bed again, and dreamt of all she had seen.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"When she arose the next morning, she went quickly to the little table, to see","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"if the flowers were still there. She drew aside the curtains of the little bed.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"There they all lay, but quite faded; much more so than the day before. Sophy was","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"lying in the drawer where Ida had placed her; but she looked very sleepy.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"Do you remember what the flowers told you to say to me?\" said little Ida. But","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Sophy looked quite stupid, and said not a single word. \"You are not kind at","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"all,\" said Ida; \"and yet they all danced with you.\" Then she took a little paper","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"box, on which were painted beautiful birds, and laid the dead flowers in it.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"\"This shall be your pretty coffin,\" she said; \"and by and by, when my cousins","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"come to visit me, they shall help me to bury you out in the garden; so that next","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"summer you may grow up again more beautiful than ever.\"","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Her cousins were two good-tempered boys, whose names were James and Adolphus.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"Their father had given them each a bow and arrow, and they had brought them","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"to show Ida. She told them about the poor flowers which were dead; and as soon","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"as they obtained permission, they went with her to bury them. The two boys","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"walked first, with their crossbows on their shoulders, and little Ida followed,","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"carrying the pretty box containing the dead flowers. They dug a little grave","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"in the garden. Ida kissed her flowers and then laid them, with the box, in the","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"earth. James and Adolphus then fired their crossbows over the grave, as they had","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"neither guns nor cannons.","book":"Little Ida's flowers"} {"text":"There was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but she coul","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"not obtain her wish. At last she went to a fairy, and said, \"I should so very","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"much like t have a little child; can you tell me where I can find one?","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Oh, that can be easily managed,\" said the fairy. \"Here is a barleycorn of","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"a different kind to those which grow in the farmer's fields, and which the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"chickens eat; put it into a flower-pot, and see what will happen.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Thank you,\" said the woman, and she gave the fairy twelve shillings, which was","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the price of the barleycorn. Then she went home and planted it, and immediately","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"there grew up a large handsome flower, something like a tulip in appearance, but","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"with its leaves tightly closed as if it were still a bud.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"It is a beautiful flower,\" said the woman, and she kissed the red and golden-","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"colored leaves, and while she did so the flower opened, and she could see that","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"it was a real tulip. Within the flower, upon the green velvet stamens, sat a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"very delicate and graceful little maiden. She was scarcely half as long as a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"thumb, and they gave her the name of \"Thumbelina,\" or Tiny, because she was so","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"small.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"A walnut-shell, elegantly polished, served her for a cradle; her bed was formed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"of blue violet-leaves, with a rose-leaf for a counterpane. Here she slept at","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"night, but during the day she amused herself on a table, where the woman had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"placed a plateful of water. Round this plate were wreaths of flowers with their","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"stems in the water, and upon it floated a large tulip-leaf, which served Tiny","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"for a boat. Here the little maiden sat and rowed herself from side to side,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"with two oars made of white horse-hair. It really was a very pretty sight. Tiny","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"could, also, sing so softly and sweetly that nothing like her singing had ever","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"before been heard.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"One night, while she lay in her pretty bed, a large, ugly, wet toad crept","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"through a broken pane of glass in the window, and leaped right upon the table","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"where Tiny lay sleeping under her rose-leaf quilt.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"What a pretty little wife this would make for my son,\" said the toad, and she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"took up the walnut-shell in which little Tiny lay asleep, and jumped through the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"window with it into the garden.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"In the swampy margin of a broad stream in the garden lived the toad, with her","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"son. He was uglier even than his mother, and when he saw the pretty little","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"maiden in her elegant bed, he could only cry, \"Croak, croak, croak.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Don't speak so loud, or she will wake,\" said the toad, \"and then she might run","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"away, for she is as light as swan's down. We will place her on one of the water-","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"lily leaves out in the stream; it will be like an island to her, she is so light","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and small, and then she cannot escape; and, while she is away, we will make","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"haste and prepare the state-room under the marsh, in which you are to live when","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"you are married.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Far out in the stream grew a number of water-lilies, with broad green leaves,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"which seemed to float on the top of the water. The largest of these leaves","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"appeared farther off than the rest, and the old toad swam out to it with the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"walnut-shell, in which little Tiny lay still asleep.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The tiny little creature woke very early in the morning, and began to cry","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"bitterly when she found where she was, for she could see nothing but water on","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"every side of the large green leaf, and no way of reaching the land.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Meanwhile the old toad was very busy under the marsh, decking her room with","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"rushes and wild yellow flowers, to make it look pretty for her new daughter-","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"in-law. Then she swam out with her ugly son to the leaf on which she had placed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"poor little Tiny. She wanted to fetch the pretty bed, that she might put it in","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the bridal chamber to be ready for her. The old toad bowed low to her in the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"water, and said, \"Here is my son, he will be your husband, and you will live","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"happily in the marsh by the stream.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Croak, croak, croak,\" was all her son could say for himself.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"So the toad took up the elegant little bed, and swam away with it, leaving Tiny","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"all alone on the green leaf, where she sat and wept. She could not bear to think","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"of living with the old toad, and having her ugly son for a husband. The little","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"fishes, who swam about in the water beneath, had seen the toad, and heard what","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"she said, so they lifted their heads above the water to look at the little","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"maiden. As soon as they caught sight of her, they saw she was very pretty, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"it made them very sorry to think that she must go and live with the ugly toads.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"No, it must never be!\" so they assembled together in the water, round the green","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"stalk which held the leaf on which the little maiden stood, and gnawed it away","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"at the root with their teeth. Then the leaf floated down the stream, carrying","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny far away out of reach of land.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny sailed past many towns, and the little birds in the bushes saw her, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"sang, \"What a lovely little creature;\" so the leaf swam away with her farther","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and farther, till it brought her to other lands.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"A graceful little white butterfly constantly fluttered round her, and at last","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"alighted on the leaf. Tiny pleased him, and she was glad of it, for now the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"toad could not possibly reach her, and the country through which she sailed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"was beautiful, and the sun shone upon the water, till it glittered like liquid","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"gold. She took off her girdle and tied one end of it round the butterfly, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the other end of the ribbon she fastened to the leaf, which now glided on much","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"faster than ever, taking little Tiny with it as she stood.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Presently a large cockchafer flew by; the moment he caught sight of her, he","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"seized her round her delicate waist with his claws, and flew with her into a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"tree. The green leaf floated away on the brook, and the butterfly flew with it,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"for he was fastened to it, and could not get away.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Oh, how frightened little Tiny felt when the cockchafer flew with her to the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"tree! But especially was she sorry for the beautiful white butterfly which","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"she had fastened to the leaf, for if he could not free himself he would die of","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"hunger. But the cockchafer did not trouble himself at all about the matter. He","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"seated himself by her side on a large green leaf, gave her some honey from the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"flowers to eat, and told her she was very pretty, though not in the least like","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"a cockchafer. After a time, all the cockchafers turned up their feelers, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"said, \"She has only two legs! how ugly that looks.\" - \"She has no feelers,\" said","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"another. \"Her waist is quite slim. Pooh! she is like a human being.\" - \"Oh! she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"is ugly,\" said all the lady cockchafers, although Tiny was very pretty. Then","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the cockchafer who had run away with her, believed all the others when they","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"said she was ugly, and would have nothing more to say to her, and told her she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"might go where she liked. Then he flew down with her from the tree, and placed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"her on a daisy, and she wept at the thought that she was so ugly that even the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"cockchafers would have nothing to say to her. And all the while she was really","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the loveliest creature that one could imagine, and as tender and delicate as a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"beautiful rose-leaf.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"During the whole summer poor little Tiny lived quite alone in the wide forest.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"She wove herself a bed with blades of grass, and hung it up under a broad leaf,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to protect herself from the rain. She sucked the honey from the flowers for","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"food, and drank the dew from their leaves every morning. So passed away the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"summer and the autumn, and then came the winter,– the long, cold winter. All","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the birds who had sung to her so sweetly were flown away, and the trees and the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"flowers had withered. The large clover leaf under the shelter of which she had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"lived, was now rolled together and shrivelled up, nothing remained but a yellow","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"withered stalk. She felt dreadfully cold, for her clothes were torn, and she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"was herself so frail and delicate, that poor little Tiny was nearly frozen to","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"death. It began to snow too; and the snow-flakes, as they fell upon her, were","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"like a whole shovelful falling upon one of us, for we are tall, but she was only","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"an inch high. Then she wrapped herself up in a dry leaf, but it cracked in the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"middle and could not keep her warm, and she shivered with cold.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Near the wood in which she had been living lay a corn-field, but the corn had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"been cut a long time; nothing remained but the bare dry stubble standing up","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"out of the frozen ground. It was to her like struggling through a large wood.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Oh! how she shivered with the cold. She came at last to the door of a field-","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"mouse, who had a little den under the corn-stubble. There dwelt the field-mouse","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"in warmth and comfort, with a whole roomful of corn, a kitchen, and a beautiful","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"dining room. Poor little Tiny stood before the door just like a little beggar-","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"girl, and begged for a small piece of barley-corn, for she had been without a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"morsel to eat for two days.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"You poor little creature,\" said the field-mouse, who was really a good old","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"field-mouse, \"come into my warm room and dine with me.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"She was very pleased with Tiny, so she said, \"You are quite welcome to stay with","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"me all the winter, if you like; but you must keep my rooms clean and neat, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"tell me stories, for I shall like to hear them very much.\" And Tiny did all the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"field-mouse asked her, and found herself very comfortable.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"We shall have a visitor soon,\" said the field-mouse one day; \"my neighbor pays","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"me a visit once a week. He is better off than I am; he has large rooms, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"wears a beautiful black velvet coat. If you could only have him for a husband,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"you would be well provided for indeed. But he is blind, so you must tell him","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"some of your prettiest stories.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"But Tiny did not feel at all interested about this neighbor, for he was a mole.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"However, he came and paid his visit dressed in his black velvet coat. \"He is","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"very rich and learned, and his house is twenty times larger than mine,\" said the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"field-mouse. He was rich and learned, no doubt, but he always spoke slightingly","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"of the sun and the pretty flowers, because he had never seen them. Tiny was","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"obliged to sing to him, \"Lady-bird, lady-bird, fly away home,\" and many other","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"pretty songs. And the mole fell in love with her because she had such a sweet","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"voice; but he said nothing yet, for he was very cautious.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"A short time before, the mole had dug a long passage under the earth, which led","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"from the dwelling of the field-mouse to his own, and here she had permission to","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"walk with Tiny whenever she liked. But he warned them not to be alarmed at the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"sight of a dead bird which lay in the passage. It was a perfect bird, with a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"beak and feathers, and could not have been dead long, and was lying just where","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the mole had made his passage.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The mole took a piece of phosphorescent wood in his mouth, and it glittered like","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"fire in the dark; then he went before them to light them through the long, dark","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"passage. When they came to the spot where lay the dead bird, the mole pushed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"his broad nose through the ceiling, the earth gave way, so that there was a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"large hole, and the daylight shone into the passage. In the middle of the floor","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"lay a dead swallow, his beautiful wings pulled close to his sides, his feet and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"his head drawn up under his feathers; the poor bird had evidently died of the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"cold. It made little Tiny very sad to see it, she did so love the little birds;","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"all the summer they had sung and twittered for her so beautifully. But the mole","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"pushed it aside with his crooked legs, and said, \"He will sing no more now. How","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"miserable it must be to be born a little bird! I am thankful that none of my","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"children will ever be birds, for they can do nothing but cry, 'Tweet, tweet,'","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and always die of hunger in the winter.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Yes, you may well say that, as a clever man!\" exclaimed the field-mouse, \"What","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"is the use of his twittering, for when winter comes he must either starve or be","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"frozen to death. Still birds are very high bred.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny said nothing; but when the two others had turned their backs on the bird,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"she stooped down and stroked aside the soft feathers which covered the head, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"kissed the closed eyelids. \"Perhaps this was the one who sang to me so sweetly","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"in the summer,\" she said; \"and how much pleasure it gave me, you dear, pretty","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"bird.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The mole now stopped up the hole through which the daylight shone, and then","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"accompanied the lady home. But during the night Tiny could not sleep; so she got","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"out of bed and wove a large, beautiful carpet of hay; then she carried it to the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"dead bird, and spread it over him; with some down from the flowers which she had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"found in the field-mouse's room. It was as soft as wool, and she spread some of","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"it on each side of the bird, so that he might lie warmly in the cold earth.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Farewell, you pretty little bird,\" said she, \"farewell; thank you for your","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"delightful singing during the summer, when all the trees were green, and the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warm sun shone upon us.\" Then she laid her head on the bird's breast, but she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"was alarmed immediately, for it seemed as if something inside the bird went","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"thump, thump.\" It was the bird's heart; he was not really dead, only benumbed","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"with the cold, and the warmth had restored him to life.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"In autumn, all the swallows fly away into warm countries, but if one happens","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to linger, the cold seizes it, it becomes frozen, and falls down as if dead; it","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"remains where it fell, and the cold snow covers it.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny trembled very much; she was quite frightened, for the bird was large,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"a great deal larger than herself,– she was only an inch high. But she took","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"courage, laid the wool more thickly over the poor swallow, and then took a leaf","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"which she had used for her own counterpane, and laid it over the head of the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"poor bird.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The next morning she again stole out to see him. He was alive but very weak; he","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"could only open his eyes for a moment to look at Tiny, who stood by holding a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"piece of decayed wood in her hand, for she had no other lantern.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Thank you, pretty little maiden,\" said the sick swallow; \"I have been so nicely","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warmed, that I shall soon regain my strength, and be able to fly about again in","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the warm sunshine.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" said she, \"it is cold out of doors now; it snows and freezes. Stay in your","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warm bed; I will take care of you.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Then she brought the swallow some water in a flower-leaf, and after he had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"drank, he told her that he had wounded one of his wings in a thorn-bush, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"could not fly as fast as the others, who were soon far away on their journey to","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warm countries. Then at last he had fallen to the earth, and could remember no","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"more, nor how he came to be where she had found him.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The whole winter the swallow remained underground, and Tiny nursed him with care","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and love. Neither the mole nor the field-mouse knew anything about it, for they","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"did not like swallows.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Very soon the spring time came, and the sun warmed the earth. Then the swallow","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"bade farewell to Tiny, and she opened the hole in the ceiling which the mole had","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"made. The sun shone in upon them so beautifully, that the swallow asked her if","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"she would go with him; she could sit on his back, he said, and he would fly away","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"with her into the green woods. But Tiny knew it would make the field-mouse very","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"grieved if she left her in that manner, so she said, \"No, I cannot.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty little maiden,\" said the swallow;","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and he flew out into the sunshine. Tiny looked after him, and the tears rose in","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"her eyes. She was very fond of the poor swallow.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Tweet, tweet,\" sang the bird, as he flew out into the green woods, and Tiny","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"felt very sad.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"She was not allowed to go out into the warm sunshine. The corn which had been","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"sown in the field over the house of the field-mouse had grown up high into the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"air, and formed a thick wood to Tiny, who was only an inch in height.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"You are going to be married, Tiny,\" said the field-mouse. \"My neighbor has","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"asked for you. What good fortune for a poor child like you. Now we will prepare","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"your wedding clothes. They must be both woollen and linen. Nothing must be","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"wanting when you are the mole's wife.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny had to turn the spindle, and the field-mouse hired four spiders, who were","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to weave day and night. Every evening the mole visited her, and was continually","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"speaking of the time when the summer would be over. Then he would keep his","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"wedding-day with Tiny; but now the heat of the sun was so great that it burned","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the earth, and made it quite hard, like a stone. As soon, as the summer was","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"over, the wedding should take place. But Tiny was not at all pleased; for she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"did not like the tiresome mole. Every morning when the sun rose, and every","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"evening when it went down, she would creep out at the door, and as the wind","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"blew aside the ears of corn, so that she could see the blue sky, she thought","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"how beautiful and bright it seemed out there, and wished so much to see her dear","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"swallow again. But he never returned; for by this time he had flown far away","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"into the lovely green forest.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"When autumn arrived, Tiny had her outfit quite ready; and the field-mouse said","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to her, \"In four weeks the wedding must take place.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Then Tiny wept, and said she would not marry the disagreeable mole.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Nonsense,\" replied the field-mouse. \"Now don't be obstinate, or I shall bite","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"you with my white teeth. He is a very handsome mole; the queen herself does not","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"wear more beautiful velvets and furs. His kitchen and cellars are quite full.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"You ought to be very thankful for such good fortune.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"So the wedding-day was fixed, on which the mole was to fetch Tiny away to live","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"with him, deep under the earth, and never again to see the warm sun, because","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"he did not like it. The poor child was very unhappy at the thought of saying","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"farewell to the beautiful sun, and as the field-mouse had given her permission","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to stand at the door, she went to look at it once more.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Farewell bright sun,\" she cried, stretching out her arm towards it; and then","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"she walked a short distance from the house; for the corn had been cut, and only","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the dry stubble remained in the fields. \"Farewell, farewell,\" she repeated,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"twining her arm round a little red flower that grew just by her side. \"Greet the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"little swallow from me, if you should see him again.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Tweet, tweet,\" sounded over her head suddenly. She looked up, and there was","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"the swallow himself flying close by. As soon as he spied Tiny, he was delighted;","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and then she told him how unwilling she felt to marry the ugly mole, and to live","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"always beneath the earth, and never to see the bright sun any more. And as she","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"told him she wept.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Cold winter is coming,\" said the swallow, \"and I am going to fly away into","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warmer countries. Will you go with me? You can sit on my back, and fasten","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"yourself on with your sash. Then we can fly away from the ugly mole and his","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"gloomy rooms,– far away, over the mountains, into warmer countries, where the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"sun shines more brightly– than here; where it is always summer, and the flowers","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"bloom in greater beauty. Fly now with me, dear little Tiny; you saved my life","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"when I lay frozen in that dark passage.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Yes, I will go with you,\" said Tiny; and she seated herself on the bird's","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"back, with her feet on his outstretched wings, and tied her girdle to one of","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"his strongest feathers. Then the swallow rose in the air, and flew over forest","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and over sea, high above the highest mountains, covered with eternal snow.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny would have been frozen in the cold air, but she crept under the bird's","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"warm feathers, keeping her little head uncovered, so that she might admire the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"beautiful lands over which they passed.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"At length they reached the warm countries, where the sun shines brightly,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and the sky seems so much higher above the earth. Here, on the hedges, and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"by the wayside, grew purple, green, and white grapes; lemons and oranges hung","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"from trees in the woods; and the air was fragrant with myrtles and orange","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"blossoms. Beautiful children ran along the country lanes, playing with large gay","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"butterflies; and as the swallow flew farther and farther, every place appeared","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"still more lovely. At last they came to a blue lake, and by the side of it,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"shaded by trees of the deepest green, stood a palace of dazzling white marble,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"built in the olden times. Vines clustered round its lofty pillars, and at the","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"top were many swallows' nests, and one of these was the home of the swallow who","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"carried Tiny.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"This is my house,\" said the swallow; \"but it would not do for you to live","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"there– you would not be comfortable. You must choose for yourself one of","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"those lovely flowers, and I will put you down upon it, and then you shall have","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"everything that you can wish to make you happy.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"That will be delightful,\" she said, and clapped her little hands for joy.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"A large marble pillar lay on the ground, which, in falling, had been broken into","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"three pieces. Between these pieces grew the most beautiful large white flowers;","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"so the swallow flew down with Tiny, and placed her on one of the broad leaves.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"But how surprised she was to see in the middle of the flower, a tiny little man,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"as white and transparent as if he had been made of crystal! He had a gold crown","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Tiny herself. He was the angel of the flower; for a tiny man and a tiny woman","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"dwell in every flower; and this was the king of them all.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Oh, how beautiful he is!\" whispered Tiny to the swallow. The little prince was","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"at first quite frightened at the bird, who was like a giant, compared to such","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"a delicate little creature as himself; but when he saw Tiny, he was delighted,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and thought her the prettiest little maiden he had ever seen. He took the gold","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"crown from his head, and placed it on hers, and asked her name, and if she would","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"be his wife, and queen over all the flowers. This certainly was a very different","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"sort of husband to the son of a toad, or the mole, with my black velvet and","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"fur; so she said, \"Yes,\" to the handsome prince. Then all the flowers opened,","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"and out of each came a little lady or a tiny lord, all so pretty it was quite a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"pleasure to look at them. Each of them brought Tiny a present; but the best gift","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"was a pair of beautiful wings, which had belonged to a large white fly and they","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"fastened them to Tiny's shoulders, so that she might fly from flower to flower.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"Then there was much rejoicing, and the little swallow who sat above them, in his","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"nest, was asked to sing a wedding song, which he did as well as he could; but in","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"his heart he felt sad for he was very fond of Tiny, and would have liked never","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"to part from her again.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"You must not be called Tiny any more,\" said the spirit of the flowers to her.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"It is an ugly name, and you are so very pretty. We will call you Maia.\"","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"\"Farewell, farewell,\" said the swallow, with a heavy heart as he left the warm","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"countries to fly back into Denmark. There he had a nest over the window of a","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"house in which dwelt the writer of fairy tales.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"The swallow sang, \"Tweet, tweet,\" and from his song came the whole story.","book":"Thumbelina"} {"text":"A long time ago, there lived an old poet, a thoroughly kind old poet. As he was","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"sitting one evening in his room, a dreadful storm arose without, and the rain","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"streamed down from heaven; but the old poet sat warm and comfortable in his","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"chimney-comer, where the fire blazed and the roasting apple hissed.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"Those who have not a roof over their heads will be wetted to the skin,\" said","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"the good old poet.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"Oh let me in! Let me in! I am cold, and I'm so wet!\" exclaimed suddenly a child","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"that stood crying at the door and knocking for admittance, while the rain poured","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"down, and the wind made all the windows rattle.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"Poor thing!\" said the old poet, as he went to open the door. There stood a","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"little boy, quite naked, and the water ran down from his long golden hair; he","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"trembled with cold, and had he not come into a warm room he would most certainly","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"have perished in the frightful tempest.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"Poor child!\" said the old poet, as he took the boy by the hand. \"Come in, come","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"in, and I will soon restore thee! Thou shalt have wine and roasted apples, for","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"thou art verily a charming child!\"","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"And the boy was so really. His eyes were like two bright stars; and although","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"the water trickled down his hair, it waved in beautiful curls. He looked exactly","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"like a little angel, but he was so pale, and his whole body trembled with cold.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"He had a nice little bow in his hand, but it was quite spoiled by the rain, and","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"the tints of his many-colored arrows ran one into the other.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"The old poet seated himself beside his hearth, and took the little fellow on his","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"lap; he squeezed the water out of his dripping hair, warmed his hands between","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"his own, and boiled for him some sweet wine. Then the boy recovered, his cheeks","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"again grew rosy, he jumped down from the lap where he was sitting, and danced","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"round the kind old poet.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"You are a merry fellow,\" said the old man. \"What's your name?\"","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"My name is Cupid,\" answered the boy. \"Don't you know me? There lies my bow;","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"it shoots well, I can assure you! Look, the weather is now clearing up, and the","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"moon is shining clear again through the window.\"","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"Why, your bow is quite spoiled,\" said the old poet.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"\"That were sad indeed,\" said the boy, and he took the bow in his hand -and","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"examined it on every side. \"Oh, it is dry again, and is not hurt at all; the","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"string is quite tight. I will try it directly.\" And he bent his bow, took aim,","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"and shot an arrow at the old poet, right into his heart. \"You see now that my","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"bow was not spoiled,\" said he laughing; and away he ran. The naughty boy, to","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"shoot the old poet in that way; he who had taken him into his warm room, who had","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"treated him so kindly, and who had given him warm wine and the very best apples!","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"The poor poet lay on the earth and wept, for the arrow had really flown into","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"his heart. \"Fie!\" said he. \"How naughty a boy Cupid is! I will tell all children","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"about him, that they may take care and not play with him, for he will only cause","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"them sorrow and many a heartache.\"","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"And all good children to whom he related this story, took great heed of this","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"naughty Cupid; but he made fools of them still, for he is astonishingly cunning.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"When the university students come from the lectures, he runs beside them in a","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"black coat, and with a book under his arm. It is quite impossible for them to","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"know him, and they walk along with him arm in arm, as if he, too, were a student","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"like themselves; and then, unperceived, he thrusts an arrow to their bosom.","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"When the young maidens come from being examined by the clergyman, or go to","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"church to be confirmed, there he is again close behind them. Yes, he is forever","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"following people. At the play, he sits in the great chandelier and burns in","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"bright flames, so that people think it is really a flame, but they soon discover","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"it is something else. He roves about in the garden of the palace and upon the","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"ramparts: yes, once he even shot your father and mother right in the heart. Ask","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"them only and you will hear what they'll tell you. Oh, he is a naughty boy, that","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"Cupid; you must never have anything to do with him. He is forever running after","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"everybody. Only think, he shot an arrow once at your old grandmother! But that","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"is a long time ago, and it is all past now; however, a thing of that sort she","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"never forgets. Fie, naughty Cupid! But now you know him, and you know, too, how","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"ill-behaved he is!","book":"The naughty boy"} {"text":"Poor John was very sad; for his father was so ill, he had no hope of his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"recovery. John sat alone with the sick man in the little room, and the lamp had","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"nearly burnt out; for it was late in the night.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"You have been a good son, John,\" said the sick father, \"and God will help you","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"on in the world.\" He looked at him, as he spoke, with mild, earnest eyes, drew a","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"deep sigh, and died; yet it appeared as if he still slept.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John wept bitterly. He had no one in the wide world now; neither father, mother,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"brother, nor sister. Poor John! he knelt down by the bed, kissed his dead","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"father's hand, and wept many, many bitter tears. But at last his eyes closed,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and he fell asleep with his head resting against the hard bedpost. Then he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"dreamed a strange dream; he thought he saw the sun shining upon him, and his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"father alive and well, and even heard him laughing as he used to do when he was","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very happy. A beautiful girl, with a golden crown on her head, and long, shining","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"hair, gave him her hand; and his father said, \"See what a bride you have won.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"She is the loveliest maiden on the whole earth.\" Then he awoke, and all the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"beautiful things vanished before his eyes, his father lay dead on the bed, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he was all alone. Poor John!","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"During the following week the dead man was buried. The son walked behind the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"coffin which contained his father, whom he so dearly loved, and would never","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"again behold. He heard the earth fall on the coffin-lid, and watched it till","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"only a corner remained in sight, and at last that also disappeared. He felt as","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"if his heart would break with its weight of sorrow, till those who stood round","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the grave sang a psalm, and the sweet, holy tones brought tears into his eyes,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"which relieved him. The sun shone brightly down on the green trees, as if it","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"would say, \"You must not be so sorrowful, John. Do you see the beautiful blue","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sky above you? Your father is up there, and he prays to the loving Father of","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"all, that you may do well in the future.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"I will always be good,\" said John, \"and then I shall go to be with my father in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"heaven. What joy it will be when we see each other again! How much I shall have","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to relate to him, and how many things he will be able to explain to me of the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"delights of heaven, and teach me as he once did on earth. Oh, what joy it will","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"be!\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"He pictured it all so plainly to himself, that he smiled even while the tears","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"ran down his cheeks.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The little birds in the chestnut-trees twittered, \"Tweet, tweet;\" they were","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"so happy, although they had seen the funeral; but they seemed as if they knew","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"that the dead man was now in heaven, and that he had wings much larger and more","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"beautiful than their own; and he was happy now, because he had been good here on","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"earth, and they were glad of it. John saw them fly away out of the green trees","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"into the wide world, and he longed to fly with them; but first he cut out a","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"large wooden cross, to place on his father's grave; and when he brought it there","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"in the evening, he found the grave decked out with gravel and flowers. Strangers","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had done this; they who had known the good old father who was now dead, and who","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had loved him very much.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Early the next morning, John packed up his little bundle of clothes, and placed","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"all his money, which consisted of fifty dollars and a few shillings, in his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"girdle; with this he determined to try his fortune in the world. But first he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"went into the churchyard; and, by his father's grave, he offered up a prayer,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and said, \"Farewell.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"As he passed through the fields, all the flowers looked fresh and beautiful in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the warm sunshine, and nodded in the wind, as if they wished to say, \"Welcome to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the green wood, where all is fresh and bright.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then John turned to have one more look at the old church, in which he had been","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"christened in his infancy, and where his father had taken him every Sunday to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"hear the service and join in singing the psalms. As he looked at the old tower,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he espied the ringer standing at one of the narrow openings, with his little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"pointed red cap on his head, and shading his eyes from the sun with his bent","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"arm. John nodded farewell to him, and the little ringer waved his red cap, laid","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"his hand on his heart, and kissed his hand to him a great many times, to show","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"that he felt kindly towards him, and wished him a prosperous journey.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John continued his journey, and thought of all the wonderful things he should","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"see in the large, beautiful world, till he found himself farther away from home","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"than ever he had been before. He did not even know the names of the places he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"passed through, and could scarcely understand the language of the people he met,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"for he was far away, in a strange land. The first night he slept on a haystack,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"out in the fields, for there was no other bed for him; but it seemed to him so","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"nice and comfortable that even a king need not wish for a better. The field, the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"brook, the haystack, with the blue sky above, formed a beautiful sleeping-room.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The green grass, with the little red and white flowers, was the carpet; the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"elder-bushes and the hedges of wild roses looked like garlands on the walls; and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"for a bath he could have the clear, fresh water of the brook; while the rushes","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"bowed their heads to him, to wish him good morning and good evening. The moon,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"like a large lamp, hung high up in the blue ceiling, and he had no fear of its","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"setting fire to his curtains. John slept here quite safely all night; and when","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he awoke, the sun was up, and all the little birds were singing round him, \"Good","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"morning, good morning. Are you not up yet?\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"It was Sunday, and the bells were ringing for church. As the people went in,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John followed them; he heard God's word, joined in singing the psalms, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"listened to the preacher. It seemed to him just as if he were in his own church,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"where he had been christened, and had sung the psalms with his father. Out in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the churchyard were several graves, and on some of them the grass had grown very","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"high. John thought of his father's grave, which he knew at last would look like","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"these, as he was not there to weed and attend to it. Then he set to work, pulled","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"up the high grass, raised the wooden crosses which had fallen down, and replaced","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the wreaths which had been blown away from their places by the wind, thinking","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"all the time, \"Perhaps some one is doing the same for my father's grave, as I am","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"not there to do it \"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Outside the church door stood an old beggar, leaning on his crutch. John gave","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"him his silver shillings, and then he continued his journey, feeling lighter","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and happier than ever. Towards evening, the weather became very stormy, and he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"hastened on as quickly as he could, to get shelter; but it was quite dark by","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the time he reached a little lonely church which stood on a hill. \"I will go in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"here,\" he said, \"and sit down in a corner; for I am quite tired, and want rest.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"So he went in, and seated himself; then he folded his hands, and offered up his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"evening prayer, and was soon fast asleep and dreaming, while the thunder rolled","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and the lightning flashed without. When he awoke, it was still night; but the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"storm had ceased, and the moon shone in upon him through the windows. Then he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"saw an open coffin standing in the centre of the church, which contained a dead","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"man, waiting for burial. John was not at all timid; he had a good conscience,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and he knew also that the dead can never injure any one. It is living wicked men","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"who do harm to others. Two such wicked persons stood now by the dead man, who","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had been brought to the church to be buried. Their evil intentions were to throw","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the poor dead body outside the church door, and not leave him to rest in his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"coffin.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Why do you do this?\" asked John, when he saw what they were going to do; \"it is","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very wicked. Leave him to rest in peace, in Christ's name.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Nonsense,\" replied the two dreadful men. \"He has cheated us; he owed us money","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"which he could not pay, and now he is dead we shall not get a penny; so we mean","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to have our revenge, and let him lie like a dog outside the church door.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"I have only fifty dollars,\" said John, \"it is all I possess in the world, but","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"I will give it to you if you will promise me faithfully to leave the dead man","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"in peace. I shall be able to get on without the money; I have strong and healthy","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"limbs, and God will always help me.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Why, of course,\" said the horrid men, \"if you will pay his debt we will both","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"promise not to touch him. You may depend upon that;\" and then they took the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"money he offered them, laughed at him for his good nature, and went their way.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then he laid the dead body back in the coffin, folded the hands, and took leave","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"of it; and went away contentedly through the great forest. All around him he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"could see the prettiest little elves dancing in the moonlight, which shone","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"through the trees. They were not disturbed by his appearance, for they knew","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he was good and harmless among men. They are wicked people only who can never","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"obtain a glimpse of fairies. Some of them were not taller than the breadth of a","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"finger, and they wore golden combs in their long, yellow hair. They were rocking","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"themselves two together on the large dew-drops with which the leaves and the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"high grass were sprinkled. Sometimes the dew-drops would roll away, and then","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"they fell down between the stems of the long grass, and caused a great deal","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"of laughing and noise among the other little people. It was quite charming to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"watch them at play. Then they sang songs, and John remembered that he had learnt","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"those pretty songs when he was a little boy. Large speckled spiders, with silver","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"crowns on their heads, were employed to spin suspension bridges and palaces from","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"one hedge to another, and when the tiny drops fell upon them, they glittered in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the moonlight like shining glass. This continued till sunrise. Then the little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"elves crept into the flower-buds, and the wind seized the bridges and palaces,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and fluttered them in the air like cobwebs.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"As John left the wood, a strong man's voice called after him, \"Hallo, comrade,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"where are you travelling?\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Into the wide world,\" he replied; \"I am only a poor lad, I have neither father","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"nor mother, but God will help me.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"I am going into the wide world also,\" replied the stranger; \"shall we keep each","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"other company?\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"With all my heart,\" he said, and so they went on together. Soon they began to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"like each other very much, for they were both good; but John found out that the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"stranger was much more clever than himself. He had travelled all over the world,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and could describe almost everything. The sun was high in the heavens when they","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"seated themselves under a large tree to eat their breakfast, and at the same","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"moment an old woman came towards them. She was very old and almost bent double.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"She leaned upon a stick and carried on her back a bundle of firewood, which she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had collected in the forest; her apron was tied round it, and John saw three","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"great stems of fern and some willow twigs peeping out. Just as she came close up","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to them, her foot slipped and she fell to the ground screaming loudly; poor old","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"woman, she had broken her leg! John proposed directly that they should carry the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"old woman home to her cottage; but the stranger opened his knapsack and took out","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"a box, in which he said he had a salve that would quickly make her leg well and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"strong again, so that she would be able to walk home herself, as if her leg had","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"never been broken. And all that he would ask in return was the three fern stems","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"which she carried in her apron.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"That is rather too high a price,\" said the old woman, nodding her head quite","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"strangely. She did not seem at all inclined to part with the fern stems.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"However, it was not very agreeable to lie there with a broken leg, so she gave","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"them to him; and such was the power of the ointment, that no sooner had he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"rubbed her leg with it than the old mother rose up and walked even better than","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she had done before. But then this wonderful ointment could not be bought at a","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"chemist's.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"What can you want with those three fern rods?\" asked John of his fellow-","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"traveller.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Oh, they will make capital brooms,\" said he; \"and I like them because I have","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"strange whims sometimes.\" Then they walked on together for a long distance.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"How dark the sky is becoming,\" said John; \"and look at those thick, heavy","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"clouds.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Those are not clouds,\" replied his fellow-traveller; \"they are mountains–","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"large lofty mountains– on the tops of which we should be above the clouds, in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the pure, free air. Believe me, it is delightful to ascend so high, tomorrow","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"we shall be there.\" But the mountains were not so near as they appeared; they","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had to travel a whole day before they reached them, and pass through black","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"forests and piles of rock as large as a town. The journey had been so fatiguing","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"that John and his fellow-traveller stopped to rest at a roadside inn, so that","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"they might gain strength for their journey on the morrow. In the large public","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"room of the inn a great many persons were assembled to see a comedy performed","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"by dolls. The showman had just erected his little theatre, and the people were","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sitting round the room to witness the performance. Right in front, in the very","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"best place, sat a stout butcher, with a great bull-dog by his side who seemed","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very much inclined to bite. He sat staring with all his eyes, and so indeed","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"did every one else in the room. And then the play began. It was a pretty piece,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with a king and a queen in it, who sat on a beautiful throne, and had gold","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"crowns on their heads. The trains to their dresses were very long, according","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to the fashion; while the prettiest of wooden dolls, with glass eyes and large","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mustaches, stood at the doors, and opened and shut them, that the fresh air","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"might come into the room. It was a very pleasant play, not at all mournful;","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"but just as the queen stood up and walked across the stage, the great bull-","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"dog, who should have been held back by his master, made a spring forward, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"caught the queen in the teeth by the slender wrist, so that it snapped in two.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"This was a very dreadful disaster. The poor man, who was exhibiting the dolls,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was much annoyed, and quite sad about his queen; she was the prettiest doll he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had, and the bull-dog had broken her head and shoulders off. But after all the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"people were gone away, the stranger, who came with John, said that he could","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"soon set her to rights. And then he brought out his box and rubbed the doll","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with some of the salve with which he had cured the old woman when she broke her","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"leg. As soon as this was done the doll's back became quite right again; her head","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and shoulders were fixed on, and she could even move her limbs herself: there","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was now no occasion to pull the wires, for the doll acted just like a living","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"creature, excepting that she could not speak. The man to whom the show belonged","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was quite delighted at having a doll who could dance of herself without being","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"pulled by the wires; none of the other dolls could do this.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"During the night, when all the people at the inn were gone to bed, some one was","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"heard to sigh so deeply and painfully, and the sighing continued for so long a","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"time, that every one got up to see what could be the matter. The showman went at","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"once to his little theatre and found that it proceeded from the dolls, who all","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"lay on the floor sighing piteously, and staring with their glass eyes; they all","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"wanted to be rubbed with the ointment, so that, like the queen, they might be","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"able to move of themselves. The queen threw herself on her knees, took off her","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"beautiful crown, and, holding it in her hand, cried, \"Take this from me, but do","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"rub my husband and his courtiers.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The poor man who owned the theatre could scarcely refrain from weeping; he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was so sorry that he could not help them. Then he immediately spoke to John's","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"comrade, and promised him all the money he might receive at the next evening's","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"performance, if he would only rub the ointment on four or five of his dolls.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"But the fellow-traveller said he did not require anything in return, excepting","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the sword which the showman wore by his side. As soon as he received the sword","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he anointed six of the dolls with the ointment, and they were able immediately","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to dance so gracefully that all the living girls in the room could not help","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"joining in the dance. The coachman danced with the cook, and the waiters with","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the chambermaids, and all the strangers joined; even the tongs and the fire-","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"shovel made an attempt, but they fell down after the first jump. So after all","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"it was a very merry night. The next morning John and his companion left the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"inn to continue their journey through the great pine-forests and over the high","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mountains. They arrived at last at such a great height that towns and villages","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"lay beneath them, and the church steeples looked like little specks between the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"green trees. They could see for miles round, far away to places they had never","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"visited, and John saw more of the beautiful world than he had ever known before.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The sun shone brightly in the blue firmament above, and through the clear","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mountain air came the sound of the huntsman's horn, and the soft, sweet notes","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"brought tears into his eyes, and he could not help exclaiming, \"How good and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"loving God is to give us all this beauty and loveliness in the world to make us","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"happy!\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"His fellow-traveller stood by with folded hands, gazing on the dark wood and the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"towns bathed in the warm sunshine. At this moment there sounded over their heads","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sweet music. They looked up, and discovered a large white swan hovering in the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"air, and singing as never bird sang before. But the song soon became weaker and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"weaker, the bird's head drooped, and he sunk slowly down, and lay dead at their","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"feet.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"It is a beautiful bird,\" said the traveller, \"and these large white wings are","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"worth a great deal of money. I will take them with me. You see now that a sword","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"will be very useful.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"So he cut off the wings of the dead swan with one blow, and carried them away","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with him.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"They now continued their journey over the mountains for many miles, till they","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"at length reached a large city, containing hundreds of towers, that shone in the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sunshine like silver. In the midst of the city stood a splendid marble palace,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"roofed with pure red gold, in which dwelt the king. John and his companion would","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"not go into the town immediately; so they stopped at an inn outside the town,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to change their clothes; for they wished to appear respectable as they walked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"through the streets. The landlord told them that the king was a very good man,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"who never injured any one: but as to his daughter, \"Heaven defend us!\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"She was indeed a wicked princess. She possessed beauty enough– nobody could be","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"more elegant or prettier than she was; but what of that? for she was a wicked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"witch; and in consequence of her conduct many noble young princes had lost","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"their lives. Any one was at liberty to make her an offer; were he a prince or","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"a beggar, it mattered not to her. She would ask him to guess three things which","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she had just thought of, and if he succeed, he was to marry her, and be king","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"over all the land when her father died; but if he could not guess these three","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"things, then she ordered him to be hanged or to have his head cut off. The old","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"king, her father, was very much grieved at her conduct, but he could not prevent","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"her from being so wicked, because he once said he would have nothing more to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"do with her lovers; she might do as she pleased. Each prince who came and tried","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the three guesses, so that he might marry the princess, had been unable to find","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"them out, and had been hanged or beheaded. They had all been warned in time,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and might have left her alone, if they would. The old king became at last so","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"distressed at all these dreadful circumstances, that for a whole day every year","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he and his soldiers knelt and prayed that the princess might become good; but","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she continued as wicked as ever. The old women who drank brandy would color it","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"quite black before they drank it, to show how they mourned; and what more could","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"they do?","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"What a horrible princess!\" said John; \"she ought to be well flogged. If I were","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the old king, I would have her punished in some way.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Just then they heard the people outside shouting, \"Hurrah!\" and, looking out,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"they saw the princess passing by; and she was really so beautiful that everybody","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"forgot her wickedness, and shouted \"Hurrah!\" Twelve lovely maidens in white silk","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"dresses, holding golden tulips in their hands, rode by her side on coal-black","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"horses. The princess herself had a snow-white steed, decked with diamonds and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"rubies. Her dress was of cloth of gold, and the whip she held in her hand looked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"like a sunbeam. The golden crown on her head glittered like the stars of heaven,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and her mantle was formed of thousands of butterflies' wings sewn together. Yet","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she herself was more beautiful than all.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"When John saw her, his face became as red as a drop of blood, and he could","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"scarcely utter a word. The princess looked exactly like the beautiful lady","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with the golden crown, of whom he had dreamed on the night his father died. She","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"appeared to him so lovely that he could not help loving her.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"It could not be true,\" he thought, \"that she was really a wicked witch, who","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"ordered people to be hanged or beheaded, if they could not guess her thoughts.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Every one has permission to go and ask her hand, even the poorest beggar.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"I shall pay a visit to the palace,\" he said; \"I must go, for I cannot help","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"myself.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then they all advised him not to attempt it; for he would be sure to share the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"same fate as the rest. His fellow-traveller also tried to persuade him against","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"it; but John seemed quite sure of success. He brushed his shoes and his coat,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"washed his face and his hands, combed his soft flaxen hair, and then went out","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"alone into the town, and walked to the palace.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Come in,\" said the king, as John knocked at the door. John opened it, and the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"old king, in a dressing gown and embroidered slippers, came towards him. He","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had the crown on his head, carried his sceptre in one hand, and the orb in the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"other. \"Wait a bit,\" said he, and he placed the orb under his arm, so that he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"could offer the other hand to John; but when he found that John was another","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"suitor, he began to weep so violently, that both the sceptre and the orb fell to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the floor, and he was obliged to wipe his eyes with his dressing gown. Poor old","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"king! \"Let her alone,\" he said; \"you will fare as badly as all the others. Come,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"I will show you.\" Then he led him out into the princess's pleasure gardens,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and there he saw a frightful sight. On every tree hung three or four king's","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sons who had wooed the princess, but had not been able to guess the riddles she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"gave them. Their skeletons rattled in every breeze, so that the terrified birds","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"never dared to venture into the garden. All the flowers were supported by human","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"bones instead of sticks, and human skulls in the flower-pots grinned horribly.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"It was really a doleful garden for a princess. \"Do you see all this?\" said the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"old king; \"your fate will be the same as those who are here, therefore do not","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"attempt it. You really make me very unhappy,– I take these things to heart so","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very much.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John kissed the good old king's hand, and said he was sure it would be all","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"right, for he was quite enchanted with the beautiful princess. Then the princess","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"herself came riding into the palace yard with all her ladies, and he wished","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"her \"Good morning.\" She looked wonderfully fair and lovely when she offered her","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"hand to John, and he loved her more than ever. How could she be a wicked witch,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"as all the people asserted? He accompanied her into the hall, and the little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"pages offered them gingerbread nuts and sweetmeats, but the old king was so","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"unhappy he could eat nothing, and besides, gingerbread nuts were too hard for","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"him. It was decided that John should come to the palace the next day, when the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"judges and the whole of the counsellors would be present, to try if he could","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"guess the first riddle. If he succeeded, he would have to come a second time;","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"but if not, he would lose his life,– and no one had ever been able to guess","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"even one. However, John was not at all anxious about the result of his trial;","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"on the contrary, he was very merry. He thought only of the beautiful princess,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and believed that in some way he should have help, but how he knew not, and did","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"not like to think about it; so he danced along the high-road as he went back to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the inn, where he had left his fellow-traveller waiting for him. John could not","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"refrain from telling him how gracious the princess had been, and how beautiful","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she looked. He longed for the next day so much, that he might go to the palace","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and try his luck at guessing the riddles. But his comrade shook his head, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"looked very mournful. \"I do so wish you to do well,\" said he; \"we might have","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"continued together much longer, and now I am likely to lose you; you poor dear","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John! I could shed tears, but I will not make you unhappy on the last night we","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"may be together. We will be merry, really merry this evening; to-morrow, after","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"you are gone, shall be able to weep undisturbed.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"It was very quickly known among the inhabitants of the town that another suitor","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had arrived for the princess, and there was great sorrow in consequence. The","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"theatre remained closed, the women who sold sweetmeats tied crape round the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sugar-sticks, and the king and the priests were on their knees in the church.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"There was a great lamentation, for no one expected John to succeed better than","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"those who had been suitors before.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"In the evening John's comrade prepared a large bowl of punch, and said, \"Now let","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"us be merry, and drink to the health of the princess.\" But after drinking two","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"glasses, John became so sleepy, that he could not keep his eyes open, and fell","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"fast asleep. Then his fellow-traveller lifted him gently out of his chair, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"laid him on the bed; and as soon as it was quite dark, he took the two large","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"wings which he had cut from the dead swan, and tied them firmly to his own","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"shoulders. Then he put into his pocket the largest of the three rods which he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had obtained from the old woman who had fallen and broken her leg. After this he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"opened the window, and flew away over the town, straight towards the palace, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"seated himself in a corner, under the window which looked into the bedroom of","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the princess.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The town was perfectly still when the clocks struck a quarter to twelve.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Presently the window opened, and the princess, who had large black wings to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"her shoulders, and a long white mantle, flew away over the city towards a high","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mountain. The fellow-traveller, who had made himself invisible, so that she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"could not possibly see him, flew after her through the air, and whipped the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"princess with his rod, so that the blood came whenever he struck her. Ah, it was","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"a strange flight through the air! The wind caught her mantle, so that it spread","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"out on all sides, like the large sail of a ship, and the moon shone through it.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"How it hails, to be sure!\" said the princess, at each blow she received from","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the rod; and it served her right to be whipped.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"At last she reached the side of the mountain, and knocked. The mountain opened","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with a noise like the roll of thunder, and the princess went in. The traveller","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"followed her; no one could see him, as he had made himself invisible. They went","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"through a long, wide passage. A thousand gleaming spiders ran here and there","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"on the walls, causing them to glitter as if they were illuminated with fire.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"They next entered a large hall built of silver and gold. Large red and blue","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"flowers shone on the walls, looking like sunflowers in size, but no one could","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"dare to pluck them, for the stems were hideous poisonous snakes, and the flowers","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"were flames of fire, darting out of their jaws. Shining glow-worms covered the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"ceiling, and sky-blue bats flapped their transparent wings. Altogether the place","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had a frightful appearance. In the middle of the floor stood a throne supported","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"by four skeleton horses, whose harness had been made by fiery-red spiders.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The throne itself was made of milk-white glass, and the cushions were little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"black mice, each biting the other's tail. Over it hung a canopy of rose-colored","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"spider's webs, spotted with the prettiest little green flies, which sparkled","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"like precious stones. On the throne sat an old magician with a crown on his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"ugly head, and a sceptre in his hand. He kissed the princess on the forehead,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"seated her by his side on the splendid throne, and then the music commenced.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Great black grasshoppers played the mouth organ, and the owl struck herself","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"on the body instead of a drum. It was altogether a ridiculous concert. Little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"black goblins with false lights in their caps danced about the hall; but no one","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"could see the traveller, and he had placed himself just behind the throne where","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he could see and hear everything. The courtiers who came in afterwards looked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"noble and grand; but any one with common sense could see what they really were,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"only broomsticks, with cabbages for heads. The magician had given them life,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and dressed them in embroidered robes. It answered very well, as they were only","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"wanted for show. After there had been a little dancing, the princess told the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"magician that she had a new suitor, and asked him what she could think of for","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the suitor to guess when he came to the castle the next morning.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Listen to what I say,\" said the magician, \"you must choose something very easy,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he is less likely to guess it then. Think of one of your shoes, he will never","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"imagine it is that. Then cut his head off; and mind you do not forget to bring","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"his eyes with you to-morrow night, that I may eat them.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The princess curtsied low, and said she would not forget the eyes.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The magician then opened the mountain and she flew home again, but the traveller","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"followed and flogged her so much with the rod, that she sighed quite deeply","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"about the heavy hail-storm, and made as much haste as she could to get back to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"her bedroom through the window. The traveller then returned to the inn where","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John still slept, took off his wings and laid down on the bed, for he was very","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"tired. Early in the morning John awoke, and when his fellow-traveller got up,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he said that he had a very wonderful dream about the princess and her shoe, he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"therefore advised John to ask her if she had not thought of her shoe. Of course","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the traveller knew this from what the magician in the mountain had said.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"I may as well say that as anything,\" said John. \"Perhaps your dream may come","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"true; still I will say farewell, for if I guess wrong I shall never see you","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"again.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then they embraced each other, and John went into the town and walked to the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"palace. The great hall was full of people, and the judges sat in arm-chairs,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with eider-down cushions to rest their heads upon, because they had so much","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to think of. The old king stood near, wiping his eyes with his white pocket-","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"handkerchief. When the princess entered, she looked even more beautiful than she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had appeared the day before, and greeted every one present most gracefully; but","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"to John she gave her hand, and said, \"Good morning to you.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Now came the time for John to guess what she was thinking of; and oh, how kindly","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"she looked at him as she spoke. But when he uttered the single word shoe, she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"turned as pale as a ghost; all her wisdom could not help her, for he had guessed","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"rightly. Oh, how pleased the old king was! It was quite amusing to see how","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he capered about. All the people clapped their hands, both on his account and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John's, who had guessed rightly the first time. His fellow-traveller was glad","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"also, when he heard how successful John had been. But John folded his hands,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and thanked God, who, he felt quite sure, would help him again; and he knew he","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"had to guess twice more. The evening passed pleasantly like the one preceding.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"While John slept, his companion flew behind the princess to the mountain, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"flogged her even harder than before; this time he had taken two rods with him.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"No one saw him go in with her, and he heard all that was said. The princess","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"this time was to think of a glove, and he told John as if he had again heard","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"it in a dream. The next day, therefore, he was able to guess correctly the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"second time, and it caused great rejoicing at the palace. The whole court jumped","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"about as they had seen the king do the day before, but the princess lay on the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sofa, and would not say a single word. All now depended upon John. If he only","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"guessed rightly the third time, he would marry the princess, and reign over the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"kingdom after the death of the old king: but if he failed, he would lose his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"life, and the magician would have his beautiful blue eyes. That evening John","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"said his prayers and went to bed very early, and soon fell asleep calmly. But","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"his companion tied on his wings to his shoulders, took three rods, and, with","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"his sword at his side, flew to the palace. It was a very dark night, and so","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"stormy that the tiles flew from the roofs of the houses, and the trees in the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"garden upon which the skeletons hung bent themselves like reeds before the wind.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The lightning flashed, and the thunder rolled in one long-continued peal all","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"night. The window of the castle opened, and the princess flew out. She was pale","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"as death, but she laughed at the storm as if it were not bad enough. Her white","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mantle fluttered in the wind like a large sail, and the traveller flogged her","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with the three rods till the blood trickled down, and at last she could scarcely","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"fly; she contrived, however, to reach the mountain. \"What a hail-storm!\" she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"said, as she entered; \"I have never been out in such weather as this.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Yes, there may be too much of a good thing sometimes,\" said the magician.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then the princess told him that John had guessed rightly the second time, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"if he succeeded the next morning, he would win, and she could never come to the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"mountain again, or practice magic as she had done, and therefore she was quite","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"unhappy. \"I will find out something for you to think of which he will never","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"guess, unless he is a greater conjuror than myself. But now let us be merry.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then he took the princess by both hands, and they danced with all the little","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"goblins and Jack-o'-lanterns in the room. The red spiders sprang here and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"there on the walls quite as merrily, and the flowers of fire appeared as if","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"they were throwing out sparks. The owl beat the drum, the crickets whistled","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and the grasshoppers played the mouth-organ. It was a very ridiculous ball.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"After they had danced enough, the princess was obliged to go home, for fear she","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"should be missed at the palace. The magician offered to go with her, that they","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"might be company to each other on the way. Then they flew away through the bad","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"weather, and the traveller followed them, and broke his three rods across their","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"shoulders. The magician had never been out in such a hail-storm as this. Just by","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the palace the magician stopped to wish the princess farewell, and to whisper in","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"her ear, \"To-morrow think of my head.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"But the traveller heard it, and just as the princess slipped through the window","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"into her bedroom, and the magician turned round to fly back to the mountain,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"he seized him by the long black beard, and with his sabre cut off the wicked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"conjuror's head just behind the shoulders, so that he could not even see who it","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was. He threw the body into the sea to the fishes, and after dipping the head","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"into the water, he tied it up in a silk handkerchief, took it with him to the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"inn, and then went to bed. The next morning he gave John the handkerchief, and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"told him not to untie it till the princess asked him what she was thinking of.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"There were so many people in the great hall of the palace that they stood as","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"thick as radishes tied together in a bundle. The council sat in their arm-chairs","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"with the white cushions. The old king wore new robes, and the golden crown and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sceptre had been polished up so that he looked quite smart. But the princess was","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very pale, and wore a black dress as if she were going to a funeral.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"What have I thought of?\" asked the princess, of John. He immediately untied the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"handkerchief, and was himself quite frightened when he saw the head of the ugly","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"magician. Every one shuddered, for it was terrible to look at; but the princess","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"sat like a statue, and could not utter a single word. At length she rose and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"gave John her hand, for he had guessed rightly.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"She looked at no one, but sighed deeply, and said, \"You are my master now; this","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"evening our marriage must take place.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"I am very pleased to hear it,\" said the old king. \"It is just what I wish.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Then all the people shouted \"Hurrah.\" The band played music in the streets, the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"bells rang, and the cake-women took the black crape off the sugar-sticks. There","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"was universal joy. Three oxen, stuffed with ducks and chickens, were roasted","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"whole in the market-place, where every one might help himself to a slice. The","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"fountains spouted forth the most delicious wine, and whoever bought a penny","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"loaf at the baker's received six large buns, full of raisins, as a present.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"In the evening the whole town was illuminated. The soldiers fired off cannons,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and the boys let off crackers. There was eating and drinking, dancing and","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"jumping everywhere. In the palace, the high-born gentlemen and beautiful ladies","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"danced with each other, and they could be heard at a great distance singing the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"following song:–","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"\"Here are maidens, young and fair,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Dancing in the summer air;","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Like two spinning-wheels at play,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Pretty maidens dance away–","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Dance the spring and summer through","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Till the sole falls from your shoe.\"","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"But the princess was still a witch, and she could not love John. His fellow-","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"traveller had thought of that, so he gave John three feathers out of the swan's","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"wings, and a little bottle with a few drops in it. He told him to place a large","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"bath full of water by the princess's bed, and put the feathers and the drops","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"into it. Then, at the moment she was about to get into bed, he must give her","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"a little push, so that she might fall into the water, and then dip her three","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"times. This would destroy the power of the magician, and she would love him","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"very much. John did all that his companion told him to do. The princess shrieked","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"aloud when he dipped her under the water the first time, and struggled under his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"hands in the form of a great black swan with fiery eyes. As she rose the second","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"time from the water, the swan had become white, with a black ring round its","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"neck. John allowed the water to close once more over the bird, and at the same","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"time it changed into a most beautiful princess. She was more lovely even than","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"before, and thanked him, while her eyes sparkled with tears, for having broken","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"the spell of the magician. The next day, the king came with the whole court to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"offer their congratulations, and stayed till quite late. Last of all came the","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"travelling companion; he had his staff in his hand and his knapsack on his back.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"John kissed him many times and told him he must not go, he must remain with him,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"for he was the cause of all his good fortune. But the traveller shook his head,","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"and said gently and kindly, \"No: my time is up now; I have only paid my debt to","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"you. Do you remember the dead man whom the bad people wished to throw out of his","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"coffin? You gave all you possessed that he might rest in his grave; I am that","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"man.\" As he said this, he vanished.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"The wedding festivities lasted a whole month. John and his princess loved each","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"other dearly, and the old king lived to see many a happy day, when he took their","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"little children on his knees and let them play with his sceptre. And John became","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"king over the whole country.","book":"The travelling companion"} {"text":"Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Sea King and his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and his aged mother kept house","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"for him. She was a very wise woman, and exceedingly proud of her high birth;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"on that account she wore twelve oysters on her tail; while others, also of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"high rank, were only allowed to wear six. She was, however, deserving of very","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"great praise, especially for her care of the little sea-princesses, her grand-","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"daughters. They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her body ended in a fish's tail. All day long they played in the great halls","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the castle, or among the living flowers that grew out of the walls. The","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"large amber windows were open, and the fish swam in, just as the swallows fly","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"into our houses when we open the windows, excepting that the fishes swam up to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the princesses, ate out of their hands, and allowed themselves to be stroked.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Outside the castle there was a beautiful garden, in which grew bright red and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dark blue flowers, and blossoms like flames of fire; the fruit glittered like","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"gold, and the leaves and stems waved to and fro continually. The earth itself","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulphur. Over everything","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"lay a peculiar blue radiance, as if it were surrounded by the air from above,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"through which the blue sky shone, instead of the dark depths of the sea. In","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"streaming from the calyx.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden, where","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she might dig and plant as she pleased. One arranged her flower-bed into the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"form of a whale; another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"little mermaid; but that of the youngest was round like the sun, and contained","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"flowers as red as his rays at sunset. She was a strange child, quiet and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"rose-colored weeping willow. It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands. The shadow had a violet","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"tint, and waved to and fro like the branches; it seemed as if the crown of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other. Nothing gave","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea; that the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"trees of the forest should be green; and that the fishes among the trees could","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them. Her grandmother","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had never seen birds.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"When you have reached your fifteenth year,\" said the grand-mother, \"you will","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"while the great ships are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"towns.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"In the following year, one of the sisters would be fifteen: but as each was a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"year younger than the other, the youngest would have to wait five years before","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her turn came to rise up from the bottom of the ocean, and see the earth as we","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"do. However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and what she thought the most beautiful; for their grandmother could not tell","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"them enough; there were so many things on which they wanted information. None","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who had the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful. Many nights she stood","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails. She could see the moon","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and stars shining faintly; but through the water they looked larger than they do","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to our eyes. When something like a black cloud passed between her and them, she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship full of human","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"beings, who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"them, holding out her white hands towards the keel of their ship.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the ocean. When she came back, she had hundreds of things to talk about; but","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the most beautiful, she said, was to lie in the moonlight, on a sandbank, in the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"quiet sea, near the coast, and to gaze on a large town nearby, where the lights","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"were twinkling like hundreds of stars; to listen to the sounds of the music, the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"noise of carriages, and the voices of human beings, and then to hear the merry","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"bells peal out from the church steeples; and because she could not go near to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"all those wonderful things, she longed for them more than ever. Oh, did not the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"youngest sister listen eagerly to all these descriptions? and afterwards, when","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water, she thought","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the great city, with all its bustle and noise, and even fancied she could","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"hear the sound of the church bells, down in the depths of the sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"In another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the water, and to swim about where she pleased. She rose just as the sun","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sky looked like gold, while violet and rose-colored clouds, which she could","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"not describe, floated over her; and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"veil across the sea. She also swam towards the sun; but it sunk into the waves,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The third sister's turn followed; she was the boldest of them all, and she swam","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"up a broad river that emptied itself into the sea. On the banks she saw green","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"hills covered with beautiful vines; palaces and castles peeped out from amid","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the proud trees of the forest; she heard the birds singing, and the rays of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sun were so powerful that she was obliged often to dive down under the water","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to cool her burning face. In a narrow creek she found a whole troop of little","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"human children, quite naked, and sporting about in the water; she wanted to play","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with them, but they fled in a great fright; and then a little black animal came","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to the water; it was a dog, but she did not know that, for she had never before","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"seen one. This animal barked at her so terribly that she became frightened, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"rushed back to the open sea. But she said she should never forget the beautiful","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"forest, the green hills, and the pretty little children who could swim in the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"water, although they had not fish's tails.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The fourth sister was more timid; she remained in the midst of the sea, but she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"said it was quite as beautiful there as nearer the land. She could see for so","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"many miles around her, and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. She had","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"seen the ships, but at such a great distance that they looked like sea-gulls.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The dolphins sported in the waves, and the great whales spouted water from","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"their nostrils till it seemed as if a hundred fountains were playing in every","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"direction.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The fifth sister's birthday occurred in the winter; so when her turn came, she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"saw what the others had not seen the first time they went up. The sea looked","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"quite green, and large icebergs were floating about, each like a pearl, she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"said, but larger and loftier than the churches built by men. They were of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"most singular shapes, and glittered like diamonds. She had seated herself upon","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"one of the largest, and let the wind play with her long hair, and she remarked","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"that all the ships sailed by rapidly, and steered as far away as they could","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"from the iceberg, as if they were afraid of it. Towards evening, as the sun","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"went down, dark clouds covered the sky, the thunder rolled and the lightning","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"flashed, and the red light glowed on the icebergs as they rocked and tossed on","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the heaving sea. On all the ships the sails were reefed with fear and trembling,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"while she sat calmly on the floating iceberg, watching the blue lightning, as it","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"darted its forked flashes into the sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"When first the sisters had permission to rise to the surface, they were each","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"delighted with the new and beautiful sights they saw; but now, as grown-up","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"girls, they could go when they pleased, and they had become indifferent about","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"it. They wished themselves back again in the water, and after a month had","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"passed they said it was much more beautiful down below, and pleasanter to be at","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"home. Yet often, in the evening hours, the five sisters would twine their arms","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"round each other, and rise to the surface, in a row. They had more beautiful","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"voices than any human being could have; and before the approach of a storm,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and when they expected a ship would be lost, they swam before the vessel, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sang sweetly of the delights to be found in the depths of the sea, and begging","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the sailors not to fear if they sank to the bottom. But the sailors could not","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"understand the song, they took it for the howling of the storm. And these things","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"were never to be beautiful for them; for if the ship sank, the men were drowned,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and their dead bodies alone reached the palace of the Sea King.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"When the sisters rose, arm-in-arm, through the water in this way, their youngest","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sister would stand quite alone, looking after them, ready to cry, only that the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"mermaids have no tears, and therefore they suffer more. \"Oh, were I but fifteen","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"years old,\" said she: \"I know that I shall love the world up there, and all the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"people who live in it.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"At last she reached her fifteenth year. \"Well, now, you are grown up,\" said","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the old dowager, her grandmother; \"so you must let me adorn you like your other","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sisters;\" and she placed a wreath of white lilies in her hair, and every flower","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"leaf was half a pearl. Then the old lady ordered eight great oysters to attach","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"themselves to the tail of the princess to show her high rank.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"But they hurt me so,\" said the little mermaid.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Pride must suffer pain,\" replied the old lady. Oh, how gladly she would have","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"shaken off all this grandeur, and laid aside the heavy wreath! The red flowers","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"in her own garden would have suited her much better, but she could not help","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"herself: so she said, \"Farewell,\" and rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the water. The sun had just set as she raised her head above the waves;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"but the clouds were tinted with crimson and gold, and through the glimmering","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"twilight beamed the evening star in all its beauty. The sea was calm, and the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"air mild and fresh. A large ship, with three masts, lay becalmed on the water,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with only one sail set; for not a breeze stiffed, and the sailors sat idle on","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"deck or amongst the rigging. There was music and song on board; and, as darkness","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"came on, a hundred colored lanterns were lighted, as if the flags of all nations","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"waved in the air. The little mermaid swam close to the cabin windows; and now","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and then, as the waves lifted her up, she could look in through clear glass","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"window-panes, and see a number of well-dressed people within. Among them was a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"young prince, the most beautiful of all, with large black eyes; he was sixteen","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"years of age, and his birthday was being kept with much rejoicing. The sailors","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"were dancing on deck, but when the prince came out of the cabin, more than a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"hundred rockets rose in the air, making it as bright as day. The little mermaid","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"was so startled that she dived under water; and when she again stretched out","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her head, it appeared as if all the stars of heaven were falling around her, she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had never seen such fireworks before. Great suns spurted fire about, splendid","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"fireflies flew into the blue air, and everything was reflected in the clear,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"calm sea beneath. The ship itself was so brightly illuminated that all the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"people, and even the smallest rope, could be distinctly and plainly seen. And","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"how handsome the young prince looked, as he pressed the hands of all present and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"smiled at them, while the music resounded through the clear night air.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"It was very late; yet the little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"or from the beautiful prince. The colored lanterns had been extinguished, no","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"more rockets rose in the air, and the cannon had ceased firing; but the sea","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"became restless, and a moaning, grumbling sound could be heard beneath the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"waves: still the little mermaid remained by the cabin window, rocking up and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"down on the water, which enabled her to look in. After a while, the sails were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"quickly unfurled, and the noble ship continued her passage; but soon the waves","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"rose higher, heavy clouds darkened the sky, and lightning appeared in the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"distance. A dreadful storm was approaching; once more the sails were reefed,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the great ship pursued her flying course over the raging sea. The waves rose","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"mountains high, as if they would have overtopped the mast; but the ship dived","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"like a swan between them, and then rose again on their lofty, foaming crests.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"To the little mermaid this appeared pleasant sport; not so to the sailors. At","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"length the ship groaned and creaked; the thick planks gave way under the lashing","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the sea as it broke over the deck; the mainmast snapped asunder like a reed;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the ship lay over on her side; and the water rushed in. The little mermaid","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"now perceived that the crew were in danger; even she herself was obliged to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"be careful to avoid the beams and planks of the wreck which lay scattered on","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the water. At one moment it was so pitch dark that she could not see a single","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"object, but a flash of lightning revealed the whole scene; she could see every","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"one who had been on board excepting the prince; when the ship parted, she had","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"seen him sink into the deep waves, and she was glad, for she thought he would","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"now be with her; and then she remembered that human beings could not live in","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the water, so that when he got down to her father's palace he would be quite","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dead. But he must not die. So she swam about among the beams and planks which","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"strewed the surface of the sea, forgetting that they could crush her to pieces.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Then she dived deeply under the dark waters, rising and falling with the waves,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"till at length she managed to reach the young prince, who was fast losing the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"power of swimming in that stormy sea. His limbs were failing him, his beautiful","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"eyes were closed, and he would have died had not the little mermaid come to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"his assistance. She held his head above the water, and let the waves drift them","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"where they would.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"In the morning the storm had ceased; but of the ship not a single fragment could","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"be seen. The sun rose up red and glowing from the water, and its beams brought","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"back the hue of health to the prince's cheeks; but his eyes remained closed.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The mermaid kissed his high, smooth forehead, and stroked back his wet hair; he","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"seemed to her like the marble statue in her little garden, and she kissed him","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"again, and wished that he might live. Presently they came in sight of land; she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"saw lofty blue mountains, on which the white snow rested as if a flock of swans","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"were lying upon them. Near the coast were beautiful green forests, and close by","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"stood a large building, whether a church or a convent she could not tell. Orange","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and citron trees grew in the garden, and before the door stood lofty palms. The","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sea here formed a little bay, in which the water was quite still, but very deep;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"so she swam with the handsome prince to the beach, which was covered with fine,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"white sand, and there she laid him in the warm sunshine, taking care to raise","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"his head higher than his body. Then bells sounded in the large white building,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and a number of young girls came into the garden. The little mermaid swam out","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"farther from the shore and placed herself between some high rocks that rose out","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the water; then she covered her head and neck with the foam of the sea so","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"that her little face might not be seen, and watched to see what would become of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the poor prince. She did not wait long before she saw a young girl approach the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"spot where he lay. She seemed frightened at first, but only for a moment; then","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she fetched a number of people, and the mermaid saw that the prince came to life","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"again, and smiled upon those who stood round him. But to her he sent no smile;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"he knew not that she had saved him. This made her very unhappy, and when he was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"led away into the great building, she dived down sorrowfully into the water, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"returned to her father's castle. She had always been silent and thoughtful, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"now she was more so than ever. Her sisters asked her what she had seen during","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her first visit to the surface of the water; but she would tell them nothing.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Many an evening and morning did she rise to the place where she had left the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"prince. She saw the fruits in the garden ripen till they were gathered, the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"snow on the tops of the mountains melt away; but she never saw the prince, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"therefore she returned home, always more sorrowful than before. It was her only","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"comfort to sit in her own little garden, and fling her arm round the beautiful","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"marble statue which was like the prince; but she gave up tending her flowers,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and they grew in wild confusion over the paths, twining their long leaves and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"stems round the branches of the trees, so that the whole place became dark and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"gloomy. At length she could bear it no longer, and told one of her sisters all","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"about it. Then the others heard the secret, and very soon it became known to two","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"mermaids whose intimate friend happened to know who the prince was. She had also","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"seen the festival on board ship, and she told them where the prince came from,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and where his palace stood.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Come, little sister,\" said the other princesses; then they entwined their","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"arms and rose up in a long row to the surface of the water, close by the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"spot where they knew the prince's palace stood. It was built of bright yellow","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"shining stone, with long flights of marble steps, one of which reached quite","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"down to the sea. Splendid gilded cupolas rose over the roof, and between the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life-like statues of marble.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Through the clear crystal of the lofty windows could be seen noble rooms, with","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"costly silk curtains and hangings of tapestry; while the walls were covered","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with beautiful paintings which were a pleasure to look at. In the centre of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the largest saloon a fountain threw its sparkling jets high up into the glass","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cupola of the ceiling, through which the sun shone down upon the water and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"upon the beautiful plants growing round the basin of the fountain. Now that she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"knew where he lived, she spent many an evening and many a night on the water","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"near the palace. She would swim much nearer the shore than any of the others","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"ventured to do; indeed once she went quite up the narrow channel under the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"marble balcony, which threw a broad shadow on the water. Here she would sit and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"watch the young prince, who thought himself quite alone in the bright moonlight.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"She saw him many times of an evening sailing in a pleasant boat, with music","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"playing and flags waving. She peeped out from among the green rushes, and if","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the wind caught her long silvery-white veil, those who saw it believed it to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"be a swan, spreading out its wings. On many a night, too, when the fishermen,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with their torches, were out at sea, she heard them relate so many good things","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"about the doings of the young prince, that she was glad she had saved his life","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"when he had been tossed about half-dead on the waves. And she remembered that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"his head had rested on her bosom, and how heartily she had kissed him; but he","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"knew nothing of all this, and could not even dream of her. She grew more and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"more fond of human beings, and wished more and more to be able to wander about","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with those whose world seemed to be so much larger than her own. They could fly","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"over the sea in ships, and mount the high hills which were far above the clouds;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the lands they possessed, their woods and their fields, stretched far away","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"beyond the reach of her sight. There was so much that she wished to know, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her sisters were unable to answer all her questions. Then she applied to her old","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"grandmother, who knew all about the upper world, which she very rightly called","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the lands above the sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"If human beings are not drowned,\" asked the little mermaid, \"can they live","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"forever? do they never die as we do here in the sea?\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" replied the old lady, \"they must also die, and their term of life is","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"even shorter than ours. We sometimes live to three hundred years, but when we","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cease to exist here we only become the foam on the surface of the water, and we","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"have not even a grave down here of those we love. We have not immortal souls,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"we shall never live again; but, like the green sea-weed, when once it has been","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cut off, we can never flourish more. Human beings, on the contrary, have a soul","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"which lives forever, lives after the body has been turned to dust. It rises up","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"through the clear, pure air beyond the glittering stars. As we rise out of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"water, and behold all the land of the earth, so do they rise to unknown and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"glorious regions which we shall never see.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Why have not we an immortal soul?\" asked the little mermaid mournfully; \"I","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"would give gladly all the hundreds of years that I have to live, to be a human","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"being only for one day, and to have the hope of knowing the happiness of that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"glorious world above the stars.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"You must not think of that,\" said the old woman; \"we feel ourselves to be much","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"happier and much better off than human beings.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"So I shall die,\" said the little mermaid, \"and as the foam of the sea I shall","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"be driven about never again to hear the music of the waves, or to see the pretty","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"flowers nor the red sun. Is there anything I can do to win an immortal soul?\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the old woman, \"unless a man were to love you so much that you were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"more to him than his father or mother; and if all his thoughts and all his","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"love were fixed upon you, and the priest placed his right hand in yours, and he","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"promised to be true to you here and hereafter, then his soul would glide into","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"your body and you would obtain a share in the future happiness of mankind. He","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"would give a soul to you and retain his own as well; but this can never happen.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Your fish's tail, which amongst us is considered so beautiful, is thought on","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"earth to be quite ugly; they do not know any better, and they think it necessary","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to have two stout props, which they call legs, in order to be handsome.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Then the little mermaid sighed, and looked sorrowfully at her fish's tail. \"Let","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"us be happy,\" said the old lady, \"and dart and spring about during the three","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"hundred years that we have to live, which is really quite long enough; after","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"that we can rest ourselves all the better. This evening we are going to have a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"court ball.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"It is one of those splendid sights which we can never see on earth. The walls","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the ceiling of the large ball-room were of thick, but transparent crystal.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"May hundreds of colossal shells, some of a deep red, others of a grass green,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"stood on each side in rows, with blue fire in them, which lighted up the whole","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"saloon, and shone through the walls, so that the sea was also illuminated.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Innumerable fishes, great and small, swam past the crystal walls; on some of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"them the scales glowed with a purple brilliancy, and on others they shone like","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"silver and gold. Through the halls flowed a broad stream, and in it danced the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"mermen and the mermaids to the music of their own sweet singing. No one on earth","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"has such a lovely voice as theirs. The little mermaid sang more sweetly than","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"them all. The whole court applauded her with hands and tails; and for a moment","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her heart felt quite gay, for she knew she had the loveliest voice of any on","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"earth or in the sea. But she soon thought again of the world above her, for","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she could not forget the charming prince, nor her sorrow that she had not an","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"immortal soul like his; therefore she crept away silently out of her father's","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"palace, and while everything within was gladness and song, she sat in her own","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"little garden sorrowful and alone. Then she heard the bugle sounding through the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"water, and thought– \"He is certainly sailing above, he on whom my wishes depend,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and in whose hands I should like to place the happiness of my life. I will","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"venture all for him, and to win an immortal soul, while my sisters are dancing","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"in my father's palace, I will go to the sea witch, of whom I have always been so","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"much afraid, but she can give me counsel and help.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"And then the little mermaid went out from her garden, and took the road to the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"foaming whirlpools, behind which the sorceress lived. She had never been that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"way before: neither flowers nor grass grew there; nothing but bare, gray, sandy","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"ground stretched out to the whirlpool, where the water, like foaming mill-","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"wheels, whirled round everything that it seized, and cast it into the fathomless","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"deep. Through the midst of these crushing whirlpools the little mermaid was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"obliged to pass, to reach the dominions of the sea witch; and also for a long","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"distance the only road lay right across a quantity of warm, bubbling mire,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"called by the witch her turfmoor. Beyond this stood her house, in the centre of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"a strange forest, in which all the trees and flowers were polypi, half animals","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and half plants; they looked like serpents with a hundred heads growing out of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the ground. The branches were long slimy arms, with fingers like flexible worms,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"moving limb after limb from the root to the top. All that could be reached in","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the sea they seized upon, and held fast, so that it never escaped from their","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"clutches. The little mermaid was so alarmed at what she saw, that she stood","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"still, and her heart beat with fear, and she was very nearly turning back; but","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she thought of the prince, and of the human soul for which she longed, and her","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"courage returned. She fastened her long flowing hair round her head, so that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the polypi might not seize hold of it. She laid her hands together across her","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"bosom, and then she darted forward as a fish shoots through the water, between","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the supple arms and fingers of the ugly polypi, which were stretched out on each","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"side of her. She saw that each held in its grasp something it had seized with","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"its numerous little arms, as if they were iron bands. The white skeletons of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"human beings who had perished at sea, and had sunk down into the deep waters,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"skeletons of land animals, oars, rudders, and chests of ships were lying tightly","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"grasped by their clinging arms; even a little mermaid, whom they had caught and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"strangled; and this seemed the most shocking of all to the little princess.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"She now came to a space of marshy ground in the wood, where large, fat water-","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"snakes were rolling in the mire, and showing their ugly, drab-colored bodies. In","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the midst of this spot stood a house, built with the bones of shipwrecked human","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"beings. There sat the sea witch, allowing a toad to eat from her mouth, just as","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar. She called the ugly water-","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"snakes her little chickens, and allowed them to crawl all over her bosom.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"I know what you want,\" said the sea witch; \"it is very stupid of you, but you","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"shall have your way, and it will bring you to sorrow, my pretty princess. You","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"want to get rid of your fish's tail, and to have two supports instead of it,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"like human beings on earth, so that the young prince may fall in love with you,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and that you may have an immortal soul.\" And then the witch laughed so loud and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"disgustingly, that the toad and the snakes fell to the ground, and lay there","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"wriggling about. \"You are but just in time,\" said the witch; \"for after sunrise","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to-morrow I should not be able to help you till the end of another year. I will","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"prepare a draught for you, with which you must swim to land tomorrow before","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sunrise, and sit down on the shore and drink it. Your tail will then disappear,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and shrink up into what mankind calls legs, and you will feel great pain, as","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"if a sword were passing through you. But all who see you will say that you are","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the prettiest little human being they ever saw. You will still have the same","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"floating gracefulness of movement, and no dancer will ever tread so lightly; but","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"at every step you take it will feel as if you were treading upon sharp knives,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and that the blood must flow. If you will bear all this, I will help you.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Yes, I will,\" said the little princess in a trembling voice, as she thought of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the prince and the immortal soul.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"But think again,\" said the witch; \"for when once your shape has become like","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"a human being, you can no more be a mermaid. You will never return through the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"water to your sisters, or to your father's palace again; and if you do not win","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the love of the prince, so that he is willing to forget his father and mother","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"for your sake, and to love you with his whole soul, and allow the priest to join","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"your hands that you may be man and wife, then you will never have an immortal","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"soul. The first morning after he marries another your heart will break, and you","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"will become foam on the crest of the waves.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"I will do it,\" said the little mermaid, and she became pale as death.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"But I must be paid also,\" said the witch, \"and it is not a trifle that I ask.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"You have the sweetest voice of any who dwell here in the depths of the sea, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"you believe that you will be able to charm the prince with it also, but this","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"voice you must give to me; the best thing you possess will I have for the price","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of my draught. My own blood must be mixed with it, that it may be as sharp as a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"two-edged sword.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"But if you take away my voice,\" said the little mermaid, \"what is left for me?\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Your beautiful form, your graceful walk, and your expressive eyes; surely with","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"these you can enchain a man's heart. Well, have you lost your courage? Put out","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"your little tongue that I may cut it off as my payment; then you shall have the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"powerful draught.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"It shall be,\" said the little mermaid.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Then the witch placed her cauldron on the fire, to prepare the magic draught.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Cleanliness is a good thing,\" said she, scouring the vessel with snakes, which","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she had tied together in a large knot; then she pricked herself in the breast,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and let the black blood drop into it. The steam that rose formed itself into","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"such horrible shapes that no one could look at them without fear. Every moment","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the witch threw something else into the vessel, and when it began to boil, the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sound was like the weeping of a crocodile. When at last the magic draught was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"ready, it looked like the clearest water. \"There it is for you,\" said the witch.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Then she cut off the mermaid's tongue, so that she became dumb, and would never","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"again speak or sing. \"If the polypi should seize hold of you as you return","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"through the wood,\" said the witch, \"throw over them a few drops of the potion,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and their fingers will be torn into a thousand pieces.\" But the little mermaid","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had no occasion to do this, for the polypi sprang back in terror when they","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"caught sight of the glittering draught, which shone in her hand like a twinkling","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"star.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"So she passed quickly through the wood and the marsh, and between the rushing","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"whirlpools. She saw that in her father's palace the torches in the ballroom were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"extinguished, and all within asleep; but she did not venture to go in to them,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"for now she was dumb and going to leave them forever, she felt as if her heart","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"would break. She stole into the garden, took a flower from the flower-beds of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"each of her sisters, kissed her hand a thousand times towards the palace, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"then rose up through the dark blue waters. The sun had not risen when she came","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"in sight of the prince's palace, and approached the beautiful marble steps,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"but the moon shone clear and bright. Then the little mermaid drank the magic","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"draught, and it seemed as if a two-edged sword went through her delicate body:","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she fell into a swoon, and lay like one dead. When the sun arose and shone over","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the sea, she recovered, and felt a sharp pain; but just before her stood the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"handsome young prince. He fixed his coal-black eyes upon her so earnestly that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she cast down her own, and then became aware that her fish's tail was gone,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and that she had as pretty a pair of white legs and tiny feet as any little","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"maiden could have; but she had no clothes, so she wrapped herself in her long,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"thick hair. The prince asked her who she was, and where she came from, and she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"looked at him mildly and sorrowfully with her deep blue eyes; but she could not","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"speak. Every step she took was as the witch had said it would be, she felt as if","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"treading upon the points of needles or sharp knives; but she bore it willingly,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and stepped as lightly by the prince's side as a soap-bubble, so that he and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"all who saw her wondered at her graceful-swaying movements. She was very soon","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"arrayed in costly robes of silk and muslin, and was the most beautiful creature","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"in the palace; but she was dumb, and could neither speak nor sing.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Beautiful female slaves, dressed in silk and gold, stepped forward and sang","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"before the prince and his royal parents: one sang better than all the others,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and the prince clapped his hands and smiled at her. This was great sorrow to the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"little mermaid; she knew how much more sweetly she herself could sing once, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she thought, \"Oh if he could only know that! I have given away my voice forever,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to be with him.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The slaves next performed some pretty fairy-like dances, to the sound of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"beautiful music. Then the little mermaid raised her lovely white arms, stood","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"on the tips of her toes, and glided over the floor, and danced as no one yet","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had been able to dance. At each moment her beauty became more revealed, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her expressive eyes appealed more directly to the heart than the songs of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"slaves. Every one was enchanted, especially the prince, who called her his","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"little foundling; and she danced again quite readily, to please him, though each","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"time her foot touched the floor it seemed as if she trod on sharp knives.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The prince said she should remain with him always, and she received permission","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to sleep at his door, on a velvet cushion. He had a page's dress made for her,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"that she might accompany him on horseback. They rode together through the sweet-","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"scented woods, where the green boughs touched their shoulders, and the little","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"birds sang among the fresh leaves. She climbed with the prince to the tops","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of high mountains; and although her tender feet bled so that even her steps","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"were marked, she only laughed, and followed him till they could see the clouds","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"beneath them looking like a flock of birds travelling to distant lands.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"While at the prince's palace, and when all the household were asleep, she would","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"go and sit on the broad marble steps; for it eased her burning feet to bathe","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"them in the cold sea-water; and then she thought of all those below in the deep.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Once during the night her sisters came up arm-in-arm, singing sorrowfully, as","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"they floated on the water. She beckoned to them, and then they recognized her,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and told her how she had grieved them. After that, they came to the same place","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"every night; and once she saw in the distance her old grandmother, who had not","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"been to the surface of the sea for many years, and the old Sea King, her father,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"with his crown on his head. They stretched out their hands towards her, but they","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"did not venture so near the land as her sisters did.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"As the days passed, she loved the prince more fondly, and he loved her as he","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"would love a little child, but it never came into his head to make her his wife;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"yet, unless he married her, she could not receive an immortal soul; and, on the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"morning after his marriage with another, she would dissolve into the foam of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Do you not love me the best of them all?\" the eyes of the little mermaid seemed","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to say, when he took her in his arms, and kissed her fair forehead.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Yes, you are dear to me,\" said the prince; \"for you have the best heart, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"you are the most devoted to me; you are like a young maiden whom I once saw, but","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"whom I shall never meet again. I was in a ship that was wrecked, and the waves","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cast me ashore near a holy temple, where several young maidens performed the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"service. The youngest of them found me on the shore, and saved my life. I saw","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her but twice, and she is the only one in the world whom I could love; but you","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"are like her, and you have almost driven her image out of my mind. She belongs","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to the holy temple, and my good fortune has sent you to me instead of her; and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"we will never part.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Ah, he knows not that it was I who saved his life,\" thought the little mermaid.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"I carried him over the sea to the wood where the temple stands: I sat beneath","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the foam, and watched till the human beings came to help him. I saw the pretty","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"maiden that he loves better than he loves me;\" and the mermaid sighed deeply,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"but she could not shed tears. \"He says the maiden belongs to the holy temple,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"therefore she will never return to the world. They will meet no more: while I am","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"by his side, and see him every day. I will take care of him, and love him, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"give up my life for his sake.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Very soon it was said that the prince must marry, and that the beautiful","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"daughter of a neighboring king would be his wife, for a fine ship was being","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"fitted out. Although the prince gave out that he merely intended to pay a visit","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to the king, it was generally supposed that he really went to see his daughter.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"A great company were to go with him. The little mermaid smiled, and shook her","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"head. She knew the prince's thoughts better than any of the others.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"I must travel,\" he had said to her; \"I must see this beautiful princess; my","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"parents desire it; but they will not oblige me to bring her home as my bride.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"I cannot love her; she is not like the beautiful maiden in the temple, whom","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"you resemble. If I were forced to choose a bride, I would rather choose you, my","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dumb foundling, with those expressive eyes.\" And then he kissed her rosy mouth,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"played with her long waving hair, and laid his head on her heart, while she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dreamed of human happiness and an immortal soul. \"You are not afraid of the sea,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"my dumb child,\" said he, as they stood on the deck of the noble ship which was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to carry them to the country of the neighboring king. And then he told her of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"storm and of calm, of strange fishes in the deep beneath them, and of what the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"divers had seen there; and she smiled at his descriptions, for she knew better","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"than any one what wonders were at the bottom of the sea.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"In the moonlight, when all on board were asleep, excepting the man at the helm,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"who was steering, she sat on the deck, gazing down through the clear water.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"She thought she could distinguish her father's castle, and upon it her aged","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"grandmother, with the silver crown on her head, looking through the rushing tide","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"at the keel of the vessel. Then her sisters came up on the waves, and gazed at","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her mournfully, wringing their white hands. She beckoned to them, and smiled,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and wanted to tell them how happy and well off she was; but the cabin-boy","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"approached, and when her sisters dived down he thought it was only the foam of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the sea which he saw.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The next morning the ship sailed into the harbor of a beautiful town belonging","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to the king whom the prince was going to visit. The church bells were ringing,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets; and soldiers, with","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"flying colors and glittering bayonets, lined the rocks through which they","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"passed. Every day was a festival; balls and entertainments followed one another.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"But the princess had not yet appeared. People said that she was being brought up","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and educated in a religious house, where she was learning every royal virtue. At","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"last she came. Then the little mermaid, who was very anxious to see whether she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"was really beautiful, was obliged to acknowledge that she had never seen a more","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"perfect vision of beauty. Her skin was delicately fair, and beneath her long","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dark eye-lashes her laughing blue eyes shone with truth and purity.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"It was you,\" said the prince, \"who saved my life when I lay dead on the beach,\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and he folded his blushing bride in his arms. \"Oh, I am too happy,\" said he to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the little mermaid; \"my fondest hopes are all fulfilled. You will rejoice at my","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"happiness; for your devotion to me is great and sincere.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the foam of the sea. All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"town proclaiming the betrothal. Perfumed oil was burning in costly silver lamps","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"on every altar. The priests waved the censers, while the bride and bridegroom","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"joined their hands and received the blessing of the bishop. The little mermaid,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"dressed in silk and gold, held up the bride's train; but her ears heard nothing","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"of the festive music, and her eyes saw not the holy ceremony; she thought of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"night of death which was coming to her, and of all she had lost in the world.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"On the same evening the bride and bridegroom went on board ship; cannons were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"roaring, flags waving, and in the centre of the ship a costly tent of purple","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and gold had been erected. It contained elegant couches, for the reception of","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the bridal pair during the night. The ship, with swelling sails and a favorable","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"wind, glided away smoothly and lightly over the calm sea. When it grew dark a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"number of colored lamps were lit, and the sailors danced merrily on the deck.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The little mermaid could not help thinking of her first rising out of the sea,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"when she had seen similar festivities and joys; and she joined in the dance,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"poised herself in the air as a swallow when he pursues his prey, and all present","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cheered her with wonder. She had never danced so elegantly before. Her tender","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"feet felt as if cut with sharp knives, but she cared not for it; a sharper pang","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had pierced through her heart. She knew this was the last evening she should","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"ever see the prince, for whom she had forsaken her kindred and her home; she","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had given up her beautiful voice, and suffered unheard-of pain daily for him,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"while he knew nothing of it. This was the last evening that she would breathe","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the same air with him, or gaze on the starry sky and the deep sea; an eternal","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"night, without a thought or a dream, awaited her: she had no soul and now","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"she could never win one. All was joy and gayety on board ship till long after","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"midnight; she laughed and danced with the rest, while the thoughts of death were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"in her heart. The prince kissed his beautiful bride, while she played with his","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"raven hair, till they went arm-in-arm to rest in the splendid tent. Then all","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"became still on board the ship; the helmsman, alone awake, stood at the helm.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The little mermaid leaned her white arms on the edge of the vessel, and looked","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"towards the east for the first blush of morning, for that first ray of dawn that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"would bring her death. She saw her sisters rising out of the flood: they were","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"as pale as herself; but their long beautiful hair waved no more in the wind, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"had been cut off.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"We have given our hair to the witch,\" said they, \"to obtain help for you, that","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"you may not die to-night. She has given us a knife: here it is, see it is very","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"sharp. Before the sun rises you must plunge it into the heart of the prince;","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"when the warm blood falls upon your feet they will grow together again, and form","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"into a fish's tail, and you will be once more a mermaid, and return to us to","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"live out your three hundred years before you die and change into the salt sea","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"foam. Haste, then; he or you must die before sunrise. Our old grandmother moans","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"so for you, that her white hair is falling off from sorrow, as ours fell under","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the witch's scissors. Kill the prince and come back; hasten: do you not see the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"first red streaks in the sky? In a few minutes the sun will rise, and you must","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"die.\" And then they sighed deeply and mournfully, and sank down beneath the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"waves.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The little mermaid drew back the crimson curtain of the tent, and beheld","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the fair bride with her head resting on the prince's breast. She bent down","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and kissed his fair brow, then looked at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"brighter and brighter; then she glanced at the sharp knife, and again fixed","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her eyes on the prince, who whispered the name of his bride in his dreams. She","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"was in his thoughts, and the knife trembled in the hand of the little mermaid:","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"then she flung it far away from her into the waves; the water turned red where","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"it fell, and the drops that spurted up looked like blood. She cast one more","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"lingering, half-fainting glance at the prince, and then threw herself from the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"ship into the sea, and thought her body was dissolving into foam. The sun rose","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"above the waves, and his warm rays fell on the cold foam of the little mermaid,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"who did not feel as if she were dying. She saw the bright sun, and all around","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her floated hundreds of transparent beautiful beings; she could see through them","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the white sails of the ship, and the red clouds in the sky; their speech was","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"melodious, but too ethereal to be heard by mortal ears, as they were also unseen","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"by mortal eyes. The little mermaid perceived that she had a body like theirs,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"and that she continued to rise higher and higher out of the foam. \"Where am I?\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"asked she, and her voice sounded ethereal, as the voice of those who were with","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"her; no earthly music could imitate it.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Among the daughters of the air,\" answered one of them. \"A mermaid has not an","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"immortal soul, nor can she obtain one unless she wins the love of a human being.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"On the power of another hangs her eternal destiny. But the daughters of the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"air, although they do not possess an immortal soul, can, by their good deeds,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"procure one for themselves. We fly to warm countries, and cool the sultry air","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"that destroys mankind with the pestilence. We carry the perfume of the flowers","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to spread health and restoration. After we have striven for three hundred years","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to all the good in our power, we receive an immortal soul and take part in the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"happiness of mankind. You, poor little mermaid, have tried with your whole heart","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"to do as we are doing; you have suffered and endured and raised yourself to the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"spirit-world by your good deeds; and now, by striving for three hundred years in","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"the same way, you may obtain an immortal soul.\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"The little mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the sun, and felt them,","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"for the first time, filling with tears. On the ship, in which she had left the","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"prince, there were life and noise; she saw him and his beautiful bride searching","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"for her; sorrowfully they gazed at the pearly foam, as if they knew she had","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"thrown herself into the waves. Unseen she kissed the forehead of her bride, and","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"fanned the prince, and then mounted with the other children of the air to a rosy","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"cloud that floated through the aether.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"After three hundred years, thus shall we float into the kingdom of heaven,\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"said she. \"And we may even get there sooner,\" whispered one of her companions.","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"\"Unseen we can enter the houses of men, where there are children, and for every","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"day on which we find a good child, who is the joy of his parents and deserves","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"their love, our time of probation is shortened. The child does not know, when","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"we fly through the room, that we smile with joy at his good conduct, for we can","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"count one year less of our three hundred years. But when we see a naughty or a","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"wicked child, we shed tears of sorrow, and for every tear a day is added to our","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"time of trial!\"","book":"The little mermaid"} {"text":"Many, many years ago lived an emperor, who thought so much of new clothes that","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only ambition was to be","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"always well dressed. He did not care for his soldiers, and the theatre did not","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"amuse him; the only thing, in fact, he thought anything of was to drive out","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"and show a new suit of clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day; and as","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"one would say of a king \"He is in his cabinet,\" so one could say of him, \"The","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"emperor is in his dressing-room.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The great city where he resided was very gay; every day many strangers from all","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"parts of the globe arrived. One day two swindlers came to this city; they made","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"people believe that they were weavers, and declared they could manufacture the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"finest cloth to be imagined. Their colours and patterns, they said, were not","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"only exceptionally beautiful, but the clothes made of their material possessed","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the wonderful quality of being invisible to any man who was unfit for his office","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"or unpardonably stupid.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"That must be wonderful cloth,\" thought the emperor. \"If I were to be dressed","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"in a suit made of this cloth I should be able to find out which men in my empire","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"were unfit for their places, and I could distinguish the clever from the stupid.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"I must have this cloth woven for me without delay.\" And he gave a large sum of","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"money to the swindlers, in advance, that they should set to work without any","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"loss of time. They set up two looms, and pretended to be very hard at work, but","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"they did nothing whatever on the looms. They asked for the finest silk and the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"most precious gold-cloth; all they got they did away with, and worked at the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"empty looms till late at night.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"I should very much like to know how they are getting on with the cloth,\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"thought the emperor. But he felt rather uneasy when he remembered that he who","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"was not fit for his office could not see it. Personally, he was of opinion","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"that he had nothing to fear, yet he thought it advisable to send somebody else","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"first to see how matters stood. Everybody in the town knew what a remarkable","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"quality the stuff possessed, and all were anxious to see how bad or stupid their","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"neighbours were.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"I shall send my honest old minister to the weavers,\" thought the emperor.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"He can judge best how the stuff looks, for he is intelligent, and nobody","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"understands his office better than he.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The good old minister went into the room where the swindlers sat before the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"empty looms. \"Heaven preserve us!\" he thought, and opened his eyes wide, \"I","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"cannot see anything at all,\" but he did not say so. Both swindlers requested","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"him to come near, and asked him if he did not admire the exquisite pattern and","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the beautiful colours, pointing to the empty looms. The poor old minister tried","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"his very best, but he could see nothing, for there was nothing to be seen. \"Oh","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"dear,\" he thought, \"can I be so stupid? I should never have thought so, and","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"nobody must know it! Is it possible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"cannot say that I was unable to see the cloth.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Now, have you got nothing to say?\" said one of the swindlers, while he","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"pretended to be busily weaving.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Oh, it is very pretty, exceedingly beautiful,\" replied the old minister looking","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"through his glasses. \"What a beautiful pattern, what brilliant colours! I shall","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"tell the emperor that I like the cloth very much.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"We are pleased to hear that,\" said the two weavers, and described to him","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the colours and explained the curious pattern. The old minister listened","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"attentively, that he might relate to the emperor what they said; and so he did.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"Now the swindlers asked for more money, silk and gold-cloth, which they required","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"for weaving. They kept everything for themselves, and not a thread came near the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"loom, but they continued, as hitherto, to work at the empty looms.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"Soon afterwards the emperor sent another honest courtier to the weavers to see","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"how they were getting on, and if the cloth was nearly finished. Like the old","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"minister, he looked and looked but could see nothing, as there was nothing to be","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"seen.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Is it not a beautiful piece of cloth?\" asked the two swindlers, showing and","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"explaining the magnificent pattern, which, however, did not exist.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"I am not stupid,\" said the man. \"It is therefore my good appointment for which","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"I am not fit. It is very strange, but I must not let any one know it;\" and he","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"praised the cloth, which he did not see, and expressed his joy at the beautiful","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"colours and the fine pattern. \"It is very excellent,\" he said to the emperor.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"Everybody in the whole town talked about the precious cloth. At last the emperor","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"wished to see it himself, while it was still on the loom. With a number of","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"courtiers, including the two who had already been there, he went to the two","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"clever swindlers, who now worked as hard as they could, but without using any","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"thread.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Is it not magnificent?\" said the two old statesmen who had been there before.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Your Majesty must admire the colours and the pattern.\" And then they pointed to","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the empty looms, for they imagined the others could see the cloth.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"What is this?\" thought the emperor, \"I do not see anything at all. That is","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"terrible! Am I stupid? Am I unfit to be emperor? That would indeed be the most","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"dreadful thing that could happen to me.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Really,\" he said, turning to the weavers, \"your cloth has our most gracious","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"approval;\" and nodding contentedly he looked at the empty loom, for he did not","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"like to say that he saw nothing. All his attendants, who were with him, looked","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"and looked, and although they could not see anything more than the others, they","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"said, like the emperor, \"It is very beautiful.\" And all advised him to wear","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the new magnificent clothes at a great procession which was soon to take place.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"It is magnificent, beautiful, excellent,\" one heard them say; everybody seemed","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"to be delighted, and the emperor appointed the two swindlers \"Imperial Court","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"weavers.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The whole night previous to the day on which the procession was to take place,","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the swindlers pretended to work, and burned more than sixteen candles. People","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"should see that they were busy to finish the emperor's new suit. They pretended","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"to take the cloth from the loom, and worked about in the air with big scissors,","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"and sewed with needles without thread, and said at last: \"The emperor's new suit","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"is ready now.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The emperor and all his barons then came to the hall; the swindlers held their","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"arms up as if they held something in their hands and said: \"These are the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"trousers!\" - \"This is the coat!\" and \"Here is the cloak!\" and so on. \"They are","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"all as light as a cobweb, and one must feel as if one had nothing at all upon","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the body; but that is just the beauty of them.\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Indeed!\" said all the courtiers; but they could not see anything, for there was","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"nothing to be seen.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"Does it please your Majesty now to graciously undress,\" said the swindlers,","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"that we may assist your Majesty in putting on the new suit before the large","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"looking-glass?\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The emperor undressed, and the swindlers pretended to put the new suit upon him,","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"one piece after another; and the emperor looked at himself in the glass from","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"every side.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"How well they look! How well they fit!\" said all. \"What a beautiful pattern!","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"What fine colours! That is a magnificent suit of clothes!\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The master of the ceremonies announced that the bearers of the canopy, which was","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"to be carried in the procession, were ready.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"I am ready,\" said the emperor. \"Does not my suit fit me marvellously?\" Then he","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"turned once more to the looking-glass, that people should think he admired his","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"garments.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The chamberlains, who were to carry the train, stretched their hands to the","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"ground as if they lifted up a train, and pretended to hold something in their","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"hands; they did not like people to know that they could not see anything.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"The emperor marched in the procession under the beautiful canopy, and all who","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"saw him in the street and out of the windows exclaimed: \"Indeed, the emperor's","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"new suit is incomparable! What a long train he has! How well it fits him!\"","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"unfit for his office or too stupid. Never emperor's clothes were more admired.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"But he has nothing on at all,\" said a little child at last. \"Good heavens!","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"listen to the voice of an innocent child,\" said the father, and one whispered to","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"the other what the child had said.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"\"But he has nothing on at all,\" cried at last the whole people. That made a deep","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but he","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"thought to himself, \"Now I must bear up to the end.\" And the chamberlains walked","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train which did not exist.","book":"The emperor's new suit"} {"text":"A Beginning","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"In a house in Copenhagen, not far from the king's new market, a very large","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"party had assembled, the host and his family expecting, no doubt, to receive","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"invitations in return. One half of the company were already seated at the card-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"tables, the other half seemed to be waiting the result of their hostess's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"question, \"Well, how shall we amuse ourselves?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Conversation followed, which, after a while, began to prove very entertaining.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Among other subjects, it turned upon the events of the middle ages, which some","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"persons maintained were more full of interest than our own times. Counsellor","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Knapp defended this opinion so warmly that the lady of the house immediately","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"went over to his side, and both exclaimed against Oersted's Essays on Ancient","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and Modern Times, in which the preference is given to our own. The counsellor","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"considered the times of the Danish king, Hans, as the noblest and happiest.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The conversation on this topic was only interrupted for a moment by the arrival","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of a newspaper, which did not, however, contain much worth reading, and while it","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"is still going on we will pay a visit to the ante-room, in which cloaks, sticks,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and goloshes were carefully placed. Here sat two maidens, one young, and the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"other old, as if they had come and were waiting to accompany their mistresses","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"home; but on looking at them more closely, it could easily be seen that they","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"were no common servants. Their shapes were too graceful, their complexions too","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"delicate, and the cut of their dresses much too elegant. They were two fairies.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The younger was not Fortune herself, but the chambermaid of one of Fortune's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"attendants, who carries about her more trifling gifts. The elder one, who was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"named Care, looked rather gloomy; she always goes about to perform her own","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"business in person; for then she knows it is properly done. They were telling","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"each other where they had been during the day. The messenger of Fortune had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"only transacted a few unimportant matters; for instance, she had preserved a new","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"bonnet from a shower of rain, and obtained for an honest man a bow from a titled","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"nobody, and so on; but she had something extraordinary to relate, after all.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I must tell you,\" said she, \"that to-day is my birthday; and in honor of it I","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"have been intrusted with a pair of goloshes, to introduce amongst mankind. These","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"goloshes have the property of making every one who puts them on imagine himself","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in any place he wishes, or that he exists at any period. Every wish is fulfilled","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"at the moment it is expressed, so that for once mankind have the chance of being","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"happy.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"No,\" replied Care; \"you may depend upon it that whoever puts on those goloshes","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"will be very unhappy, and bless the moment in which he can get rid of them.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"What are you thinking of?\" replied the other. \"Now see; I will place them by","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the door; some one will take them instead of his own, and he will be the happy","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"man.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"This was the end of their conversation.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"What Happened To The Counsellor","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"IT was late when Counsellor Knapp, lost in thought about the times of King Hans,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"desired to return home; and fate so ordered it that he put on the goloshes of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Fortune instead of his own, and walked out into the East Street. Through the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"magic power of the goloshes, he was at once carried back three hundred years,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"to the times of King Hans, for which he had been longing when he put them on.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Therefore he immediately set his foot into the mud and mire of the street, which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in those days possessed no pavement.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Why, this is horrible; how dreadfully dirty it is!\" said the counsellor; \"and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the whole pavement has vanished, and the lamps are all out.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The moon had not yet risen high enough to penetrate the thick foggy air, and all","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the objects around him were confused together in the darkness. At the nearest","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"corner, a lamp hung before a picture of the Madonna; but the light it gave was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"almost useless, for he only perceived it when he came quite close and his eyes","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fell on the painted figures of the Mother and Child.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"That is most likely a museum of art,\" thought he, \"and they have forgotten to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"take down the sign.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Two men, in the dress of olden times, passed by him.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"What odd figures!\" thought he; \"they must be returning from some masquerade.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Suddenly he heard the sound of a drum and fifes, and then a blazing light from","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"torches shone upon him. The counsellor stared with astonishment as he beheld a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"most strange procession pass before him. First came a whole troop of drummers,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"beating their drums very cleverly; they were followed by life-guards, with","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"longbows and crossbows. The principal person in the procession was a clerical-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"looking gentleman. The astonished counsellor asked what it all meant, and who","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the gentleman might be.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"That is the bishop of Zealand.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Good gracious!\" he exclaimed; \"what in the world has happened to the bishop?","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"what can he be thinking about?\" Then he shook his head and said, \"It cannot","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"possibly be the bishop himself.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"While musing on this strange affair, and without looking to the right or left,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he walked on through East Street and over Highbridge Place. The bridge, which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he supposed led to Palace Square, was nowhere to be found; but instead, he saw a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"bank and some shallow water, and two people, who sat in a boat.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Does the gentleman wish to be ferried over the Holm?\" asked one.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"To the Holm!\" exclaimed the counsellor, not knowing in what age he was now","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"existing; \"I want to go to Christian's Haven, in Little Turf Street.\" The men","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"stared at him. \"Pray tell me where the bridge is!\" said he. \"It is shameful that","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the lamps are not lighted here, and it is as muddy as if one were walking in a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"marsh.\" But the more he talked with the boatmen the less they could understand","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"each other.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I don't understand your outlandish talk,\" he cried at last, angrily turning his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"back upon them. He could not, however, find the bridge nor any railings.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"What a scandalous condition this place is in,\" said he; never, certainly, had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he found his own times so miserable as on this evening. \"I think it will be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"better for me to take a coach; but where are they?\" There was not one to be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"seen! \"I shall be obliged to go back to the king's new market,\" said he, \"where","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"there are plenty of carriages standing, or I shall never reach Christian's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Haven.\" Then he went towards East Street, and had nearly passed through it, when","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the moon burst forth from a cloud.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Dear me, what have they been erecting here?\" he cried, as he caught sight of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the East gate, which in olden times used to stand at the end of East Street.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"However, he found an opening through which he passed, and came out upon where","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he expected to find the new market. Nothing was to be seen but an open meadow,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"surrounded by a few bushes, through which ran a broad canal or stream. A few","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"miserable-looking wooden booths, for the accommodation of Dutch watermen, stood","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"on the opposite shore.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Either I behold a fata morgana, or I must be tipsy,\" groaned the counsellor.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"What can it be? What is the matter with me?\" He turned back in the full","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"conviction that he must be ill. In walking through the street this time, he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"examined the houses more closely; he found that most of them were built of lath","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and plaster, and many had only a thatched roof.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I am certainly all wrong,\" said he, with a sigh; \"and yet I only drank one","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"glass of punch. But I cannot bear even that, and it was very foolish to give us","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"punch and hot salmon; I shall speak about it to our hostess, the agent's lady.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Suppose I were to go back now and say how ill I feel, I fear it would look so","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"ridiculous, and it is not very likely that I should find any one up.\" Then he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"looked for the house, but it was not in existence.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"This is really frightful; I cannot even recognize East Street. Not a shop to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"be seen; nothing but old, wretched, tumble-down houses, just as if I were at","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Roeskilde or Ringstedt. Oh, I really must be ill! It is no use to stand upon","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"ceremony. But where in the world is the agent's house. There is a house, but","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it is not his; and people still up in it, I can hear. Oh dear! I certainly am","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"very queer.\" As he reached the half-open door, he saw a light and went in. It","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was a tavern of the olden times, and seemed a kind of beershop. The room had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the appearance of a Dutch interior. A number of people, consisting of seamen,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Copenhagen citizens, and a few scholars, sat in deep conversation over their","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"mugs, and took very little notice of the new comer.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Pardon me,\" said the counsellor, addressing the landlady, \"I do not feel","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"quite well, and I should be much obliged if you will send for a fly to take","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"me to Christian's Haven.\" The woman stared at him and shook her head. Then","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"she spoke to him in German. The counsellor supposed from this that she did","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"not understand Danish; he therefore repeated his request in German. This,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"as well as his singular dress, convinced the woman that he was a foreigner.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"She soon understood, however, that he did not find himself quite well, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"therefore brought him a mug of water. It had something of the taste of seawater,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"certainly, although it had been drawn from the well outside. Then the counsellor","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"leaned his head on his hand, drew a deep breath, and pondered over all the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"strange things that had happened to him.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Is that to-day's number of the Day?\" he asked, quite mechanically, as he saw","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the woman putting by a large piece of paper. She did not understand what he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"meant, but she handed him the sheet; it was a woodcut, representing a meteor,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"which had appeared in the town of Cologne.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"That is very old,\" said the counsellor, becoming quite cheerful at the sight","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of this antique drawing. \"Where did you get this singular sheet? It is very","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"interesting, although the whole affair is a fable. Meteors are easily explained","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in these days; they are northern lights, which are often seen, and are no doubt","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"caused by electricity.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Those who sat near him, and heard what he said, looked at him in great","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"astonishment, and one of them rose, took off his hat respectfully, and said in a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"very serious manner, \"You must certainly be a very learned man, monsieur.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh no,\" replied the counsellor; \"I can only discourse on topics which every one","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"should understand.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Modestia is a beautiful virtue,\" said the man. \"Moreover, I must add to your","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"speech mihi secus videtur; yet in this case I would suspend my judicium.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"May I ask to whom I have the pleasure of speaking?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I am a Bachelor of Divinity,\" said the man. This answer satisfied the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"counsellor. The title agreed with the dress.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"This is surely,\" thought he, \"an old village schoolmaster, a perfect original,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"such as one meets with sometimes even in Jutland.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"This is not certainly a locus docendi,\" began the man; \"still I must beg you to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"continue the conversation. You must be well read in ancient lore.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh yes,\" replied the counsellor; \"I am very fond of reading useful old books,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and modern ones as well, with the exception of every-day stories, of which we","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"really have more than enough.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Every-day stories?\" asked the bachelor.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Yes, I mean the new novels that we have at the present day.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" replied the man, with a smile; \"and yet they are very witty, and are much","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"read at Court. The king likes especially the romance of Messeurs Iffven and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Gaudian, which describes King Arthur and his knights of the round table. He has","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"joked about it with the gentlemen of his Court.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Well, I have certainly not read that,\" replied the counsellor. \"I suppose it is","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"quite new, and published by Heiberg.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"No,\" answered the man, \"it is not by Heiberg; Godfred von Gehman brought it","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"out.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh, is he the publisher? That is a very old name,\" said the counsellor; \"was it","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"not the name of the first publisher in Denmark?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Yes; and he is our first printer and publisher now,\" replied the scholar.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"So far all had passed off very well; but now one of the citizens began to speak","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of a terrible pestilence which had been raging a few years before, meaning the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"plague of 1484. The counsellor thought he referred to the cholera, and they","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"could discuss this without finding out the mistake. The war in 1490 was spoken","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of as quite recent. The English pirates had taken some ships in the Channel in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"1801, and the counsellor, supposing they referred to these, agreed with them","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in finding fault with the English. The rest of the talk, however, was not so","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"agreeable; every moment one contradicted the other. The good bachelor appeared","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"very ignorant, for the simplest remark of the counsellor seemed to him either","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"too bold or too fantastic. They stared at each other, and when it became worse","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the bachelor spoke in Latin, in the hope of being better understood; but it was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all useless.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"How are you now?\" asked the landlady, pulling the counsellor's sleeve.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Then his recollection returned to him. In the course of conversation he had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"forgotten all that had happened previously.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Goodness me! where am I?\" said he. It bewildered him as he thought of it.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"We will have some claret, or mead, or Bremen beer,\" said one of the guests;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"will you drink with us?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Two maids came in. One of them had a cap on her head of two colors. They poured","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"out the wine, bowed their heads, and withdrew.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The counsellor felt a cold shiver run all over him. \"What is this? what does","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it mean?\" said he; but he was obliged to drink with them, for they overpowered","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the good man with their politeness. He became at last desperate; and when","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"one of them said he was tipsy, he did not doubt the man's word in the least–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"only begged them to get a droschky; and then they thought he was speaking the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Muscovite language. Never before had he been in such rough and vulgar company.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"One might believe that the country was going back to heathenism,\" he observed.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"This is the most terrible moment of my life.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Just then it came into his mind that he would stoop under the table, and so","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"creep to the door. He tried it; but before he reached the entry, the rest","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"discovered what he was about, and seized him by the feet, when, luckily for","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"him, off came the goloshes, and with them vanished the whole enchantment.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The counsellor now saw quite plainly a lamp, and a large building behind it;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"everything looked familiar and beautiful. He was in East Street, as it now","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"appears; he lay with his legs turned towards a porch, and just by him sat the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"watchman asleep.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Is it possible that I have been lying here in the street dreaming?\" said he.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Yes, this is East Street; how beautifully bright and gay it looks! It is quite","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"shocking that one glass of punch should have upset me like this.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Two minutes afterwards he sat in a droschky, which was to drive him to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Christian's Haven. He thought of all the terror and anxiety which he had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"undergone, and felt thankful from his heart for the reality and comfort of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"modern times, which, with all their errors, were far better than those in which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he so lately found himself.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The Watchman's Adventures","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Well, I declare, there lies a pair of goloshes,\" said the watchman. \"No doubt,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"they belong to the lieutenant who lives up stairs. They are lying just by his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"door.\" Gladly would the honest man have rung, and given them in, for a light","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was still burning, but he did not wish to disturb the other people in the house;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"so he let them lie. \"These things must keep the feet very warm,\" said he; \"they","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"are of such nice soft leather.\" Then he tried them on, and they fitted his feet","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"exactly. \"Now,\" said he, \"how droll things are in this world! There's that man","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"can lie down in his warm bed, but he does not do so. There he goes pacing up and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"down the room. He ought to be a happy man. He has neither wife nor children, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he goes out into company every evening. Oh, I wish I were he; then I should be a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"happy man.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"As he uttered this wish, the goloshes which he had put on took effect, and the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"watchman at once became the lieutenant. There he stood in his room, holding a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"little piece of pink paper between his fingers, on which was a poem,– a poem","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"written by the lieutenant himself. Who has not had, for once in his life, a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"moment of poetic inspiration? and at such a moment, if the thoughts are written","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"down, they flow in poetry. The following verses were written on the pink paper:–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Oh Were I Rich!","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh were I rich! How oft, in youth's bright hour,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"When youthful pleasures banish every care,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I longed for riches but to gain a power,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The sword and plume and uniform to wear!","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The riches and the honor came for me;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Yet still my greatest wealth was poverty:","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Ah, help and pity me!","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Once in my youthful hours, when gay and free,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"A maiden loved me; and her gentle kiss,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Rich in its tender love and purity,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Taught me, alas! too much of earthly bliss.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Dear child! She only thought of youthful glee;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"She loved no wealth, but fairy tales and me.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Thou knowest: ah, pity me!","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Oh were I rich! again is all my prayer:","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"That child is now a woman, fair and free,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"As good and beautiful as angels are.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Oh, were I rich in lovers' poetry,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"To tell my fairy tale, love's richest lore!","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"But no; I must be silent– I am poor.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Ah, wilt thou pity me?","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Oh were I rich in truth and peace below,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I need not then my poverty bewail.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"To thee I dedicate these lines of woe;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Wilt thou not understand the mournful tale?","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"A leaf on which my sorrows I relate–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Dark story of a darker night of fate.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Ah, bless and pity me!\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Well, yes; people write poems when they are in love, but a wise man will not","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"print them. A lieutenant in love, and poor. This is a triangle, or more properly","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"speaking, the half of the broken die of fortune.\" The lieutenant felt this","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"very keenly, and therefore leaned his head against the window-frame, and sighed","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"deeply. \"The poor watchman in the street,\" said he, \"is far happier than I am.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"He knows not what I call poverty. He has a home, a wife and children, who weep","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"at his sorrow and rejoice at his joy. Oh, how much happier I should be could","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I change my being and position with him, and pass through life with his humble","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"expectations and hopes! Yes, he is indeed happier than I am.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"At this moment the watchman again became a watchman; for having, through the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"goloshes of Fortune, passed into the existence of the lieutenant, and found","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"himself less contented than he expected, he had preferred his former condition,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and wished himself again a watchman. \"That was an ugly dream,\" said he, \"but","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"droll enough. It seemed to me as if I were the lieutenant up yonder, but there","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was no happiness for me. I missed my wife and the little ones, who are always","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"ready to smother me with kisses.\" He sat down again and nodded, but he could not","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"get the dream out of his thoughts, and he still had the goloshes on his feet.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"A falling star gleamed across the sky. \"There goes one!\" cried he. \"However,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"there are quite enough left; I should very much like to examine these a little","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"nearer, especially the moon, for that could not slip away under one's hands.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The student, for whom my wife washes, says that when we die we shall fly from","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"one star to another. If that were true, it would be very delightful, but I don't","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"believe it. I wish I could make a little spring up there now; I would willingly","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"let my body lie here on the steps.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"There are certain things in the world which should be uttered very cautiously;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"doubly so when the speaker has on his feet the goloshes of Fortune. Now we shall","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"hear what happened to the watchman.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Nearly every one is acquainted with the great power of steam; we have proved it","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"by the rapidity with which we can travel, both on a railroad or in a steamship","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"across the sea. But this speed is like the movements of the sloth, or the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"crawling march of the snail, when compared to the swiftness with which light","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"travels; light flies nineteen million times faster than the fleetest race-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"horse, and electricity is more rapid still. Death is an electric shock which we","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"receive in our hearts, and on the wings of electricity the liberated soul flies","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"away swiftly, the light from the sun travels to our earth ninety-five millions","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of miles in eight minutes and a few seconds; but on the wings of electricity,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the mind requires only a second to accomplish the same distance. The space","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"between the heavenly bodies is, to thought, no farther than the distance which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"we may have to walk from one friend's house to another in the same town; yet","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"this electric shock obliges us to use our bodies here below, unless, like the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"watchman, we have on the goloshes of Fortune.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"In a very few seconds the watchman had travelled more than two hundred thousand","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"miles to the moon, which is formed of a lighter material than our earth, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"may be said to be as soft as new fallen snow. He found himself on one of the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"circular range of mountains which we see represented in Dr. Madler's large map","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of the moon. The interior had the appearance of a large hollow, bowl-shaped,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"with a depth about half a mile from the brim. Within this hollow stood a large","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"town; we may form some idea of its appearance by pouring the white of an egg","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"into a glass of water. The materials of which it was built seemed just as soft,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and pictured forth cloudy turrets and sail-like terraces, quite transparent,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and floating in the thin air. Our earth hung over his head like a great dark","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"red ball. Presently he discovered a number of beings, which might certainly be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"called men, but were very different to ourselves. A more fantastical imagination","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"than Herschel's must have discovered these. Had they been placed in groups,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and painted, it might have been said, \"What beautiful foliage!\" They had also","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a language of their own. No one could have expected the soul of the watchman","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"to understand it, and yet he did understand it, for our souls have much greater","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"capabilities then we are inclined to believe. Do we not, in our dreams, show","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a wonderful dramatic talent? each of our acquaintance appears to us then in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his own character, and with his own voice; no man could thus imitate them in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his waking hours. How clearly, too, we are reminded of persons whom we have","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"not seen for many years; they start up suddenly to the mind's eye with all","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"their peculiarities as living realities. In fact, this memory of the soul is","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a fearful thing; every sin, every sinful thought it can bring back, and we may","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"well ask how we are to give account of \"every idle word\" that may have been","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"whispered in the heart or uttered with the lips. The spirit of the watchman","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"therefore understood very well the language of the inhabitants of the moon. They","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"were disputing about our earth, and doubted whether it could be inhabited. The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"atmosphere, they asserted, must be too dense for any inhabitants of the moon to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"exist there. They maintained that the moon alone was inhabited, and was really","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the heavenly body in which the old world people lived. They likewise talked","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"politics.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"But now we will descend to East Street, and see what happened to the watchman's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"body. He sat lifeless on the steps. His staff had fallen out of his hand, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his eyes stared at the moon, about which his honest soul was wandering.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"What is it o'clock, watchman?\" inquired a passenger. But there was no answer","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"from the watchman.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The man then pulled his nose gently, which caused him to lose his balance. The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"body fell forward, and lay at full length on the ground as one dead.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"All his comrades were very much frightened, for he seemed quite dead; still","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"they allowed him to remain after they had given notice of what had happened;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and at dawn the body was carried to the hospital. We might imagine it to be no","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"jesting matter if the soul of the man should chance to return to him, for most","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"probably it would seek for the body in East Street without being able to find","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it. We might fancy the soul inquiring of the police, or at the address office,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"or among the missing parcels, and then at length finding it at the hospital. But","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"we may comfort ourselves by the certainty that the soul, when acting upon its","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"own impulses, is wiser than we are; it is the body that makes it stupid.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"As we have said, the watchman's body had been taken to the hospital, and here it","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was placed in a room to be washed. Naturally, the first thing done here was to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"take off the goloshes, upon which the soul was instantly obliged to return, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it took the direct road to the body at once, and in a few seconds the man's life","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"returned to him. He declared, when he quite recovered himself, that this had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"been the most dreadful night he had ever passed; not for a hundred pounds would","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he go through such feelings again. However, it was all over now.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The same day he was allowed to leave, but the goloshes remained at the hospital.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The Eventful Moment – A Most Unusual Journey","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Every inhabitant of Copenhagen knows what the entrance to Frederick's Hospital","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"is like; but as most probably a few of those who read this little tale may not","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"reside in Copenhagen, we will give a short description of it.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The hospital is separated from the street by an iron railing, in which the bars","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"stand so wide apart that, it is said, some very slim patients have squeezed","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"through, and gone to pay little visits in the town. The most difficult part","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of the body to get through was the head; and in this case, as it often happens","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in the world, the small heads were the most fortunate. This will serve as","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sufficient introduction to our tale. One of the young volunteers, of whom,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"physically speaking, it might be said that he had a great head, was on guard","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"that evening at the hospital. The rain was pouring down, yet, in spite of these","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"two obstacles, he wanted to go out just for a quarter of an hour; it was not","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"worth while, he thought, to make a confidant of the porter, as he could easily","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"slip through the iron railings. There lay the goloshes, which the watchman had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"forgotten. It never occurred to him that these could be goloshes of Fortune.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"They would be very serviceable to him in this rainy weather, so he drew them","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"on. Now came the question whether he could squeeze through the palings; he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"certainly had never tried, so he stood looking at them. \"I wish to goodness my","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"head was through,\" said he, and instantly, though it was so thick and large,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it slipped through quite easily. The goloshes answered that purpose very well,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"but his body had to follow, and this was impossible. \"I am too fat,\" he said;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I thought my head would be the worst, but I cannot get my body through, that","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"is certain.\" Then he tried to pull his head back again, but without success;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he could move his neck about easily enough, and that was all. His first feeling","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was one of anger, and then his spirits sank below zero. The goloshes of Fortune","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"had placed him in this terrible position, and unfortunately it never occurred","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"to him to wish himself free. No, instead of wishing he kept twisting about,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"yet did not stir from the spot. The rain poured, and not a creature could be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"seen in the street. The porter's bell he was unable to reach, and however was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he to get loose! He foresaw that he should have to stay there till morning,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and then they must send for a smith to file away the iron bars, and that would","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"be a work of time. All the charity children would just be going to school: and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all the sailors who inhabited that quarter of the town would be there to see","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"him standing in the pillory. What a crowd there would be. \"Ha,\" he cried, \"the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"blood is rushing to my head, and I shall go mad. I believe I am crazy already;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"oh, I wish I were free, then all these sensations would pass off.\" This is just","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"what he ought to have said at first. The moment he had expressed the thought","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his head was free. He started back, quite bewildered with the fright which the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"goloshes of Fortune had caused him. But we must not suppose it was all over;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"no, indeed, there was worse to come yet. The night passed, and the whole of the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"following day; but no one sent for the goloshes. In the evening a declamatory","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"performance was to take place at the amateur theatre in a distant street. The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"house was crowded; among the audience was the young volunteer from the hospital,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"who seemed to have quite forgotten his adventures of the previous evening. He","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"had on the goloshes; they had not been sent for, and as the streets were still","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"very dirty, they were of great service to him. A new poem, entitled \"My Aunt's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Spectacles,\" was being recited. It described these spectacles as possessing a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"wonderful power; if any one put them on in a large assembly the people appeared","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"like cards, and the future events of ensuing years could be easily foretold","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"by them. The idea struck him that he should very much like to have such a pair","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of spectacles; for, if used rightly, they would perhaps enable him to see into","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the hearts of people, which he thought would be more interesting than to know","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"what was going to happen next year; for future events would be sure to show","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"themselves, but the hearts of people never. \"I can fancy what I should see","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in the whole row of ladies and gentlemen on the first seat, if I could only","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"look into their hearts; that lady, I imagine, keeps a store for things of all","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"descriptions; how my eyes would wander about in that collection; with many","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"ladies I should no doubt find a large millinery establishment. There is another","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"that is perhaps empty, and would be all the better for cleaning out. There may","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"be some well stored with good articles. Ah, yes,\" he sighed, \"I know one, in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"which everything is solid, but a servant is there already, and that is the only","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"thing against it. I dare say from many I should hear the words, 'Please to walk","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in.' I only wish I could slip into the hearts like a little tiny thought.\" This","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was the word of command for the goloshes. The volunteer shrunk up together, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"commenced a most unusual journey through the hearts of the spectators in the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"first row. The first heart he entered was that of a lady, but he thought he must","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"have got into one of the rooms of an orthopedic institution where plaster casts","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of deformed limbs were hanging on the walls, with this difference, that the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"casts in the institution are formed when the patient enters, but here they were","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"formed and preserved after the good people had left. These were casts of the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"bodily and mental deformities of the lady's female friends carefully preserved.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Quickly he passed into another heart, which had the appearance of a spacious,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"holy church, with the white dove of innocence fluttering over the altar. Gladly","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"would he have fallen on his knees in such a sacred place; but he was carried","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"on to another heart, still, however, listening to the tones of the organ, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"feeling himself that he had become another and a better man. The next heart","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was also a sanctuary, which he felt almost unworthy to enter; it represented a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"mean garret, in which lay a sick mother; but the warm sunshine streamed through","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the window, lovely roses bloomed in a little flowerbox on the roof, two blue","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"birds sang of childlike joys, and the sick mother prayed for a blessing on her","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"daughter. Next he crept on his hands and knees through an overfilled butcher's","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"shop; there was meat, nothing but meat, wherever he stepped; this was the heart","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of a rich, respectable man, whose name is doubtless in the directory. Then","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he entered the heart of this man's wife; it was an old, tumble-down pigeon-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"house; the husband's portrait served as a weather-cock; it was connected with","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all the doors, which opened and shut just as the husband's decision turned.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The next heart was a complete cabinet of mirrors, such as can be seen in the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Castle of Rosenberg. But these mirrors magnified in an astonishing degree; in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the middle of the floor sat, like the Grand Lama, the insignificant I of the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"owner, astonished at the contemplation of his own features. At his next visit he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fancied he must have got into a narrow needlecase, full of sharp needles: \"Oh,\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"thought he, \"this must be the heart of an old maid;\" but such was not the fact;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it belonged to a young officer, who wore several orders, and was said to be a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"man of intellect and heart.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The poor volunteer came out of the last heart in the row quite bewildered. He","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"could not collect his thoughts, and imagined his foolish fancies had carried him","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"away. \"Good gracious!\" he sighed, \"I must have a tendency to softening of the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"brain, and here it is so exceedingly hot that the blood is rushing to my head.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"And then suddenly recurred to him the strange event of the evening before, when","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his head had been fixed between the iron railings in front of the hospital.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"That is the cause of it all!\" he exclaimed, \"I must do something in time. A","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Russian bath would be a very good thing to begin with. I wish I were lying on","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"one of the highest shelves.\" Sure enough, there he lay on an upper shelf of a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"vapor bath, still in his evening costume, with his boots and goloshes on, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the hot drops from the ceiling falling on his face. \"Ho!\" he cried, jumping","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"down and rushing towards the plunging bath. The attendant stopped him with a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"loud cry, when he saw a man with all his clothes on. The volunteer had, however,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"presence of mind enough to whisper, \"It is for a wager;\" but the first thing he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"did, when he reached his own room, was to put a large blister on his neck, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"another on his back, that his crazy fit might be cured. The next morning his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"back was very sore, which was all he gained by the goloshes of Fortune.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The Clerk's Transformation","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The watchman, whom we of course have not forgotten, thought, after a while,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of the goloshes which he had found and taken to the hospital; so he went","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and fetched them. But neither the lieutenant nor any one in the street could","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"recognize them as their own, so he gave them up to the police. \"They look","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"exactly like my own goloshes,\" said one of the clerks, examining the unknown","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"articles, as they stood by the side of his own. \"It would require even more than","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the eye of a shoemaker to know one pair from the other.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Master clerk,\" said a servant who entered with some papers. The clerk turned","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and spoke to the man; but when he had done with him, he turned to look at the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"goloshes again, and now he was in greater doubt than ever as to whether the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"pair on the right or on the left belonged to him. \"Those that are wet must be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"mine,\" thought he; but he thought wrong, it was just the reverse. The goloshes","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of Fortune were the wet pair; and, besides, why should not a clerk in a police","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"office be wrong sometimes? So he drew them on, thrust his papers into his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"pocket, placed a few manuscripts under his arm, which he had to take with him,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and to make abstracts from at home. Then, as it was Sunday morning and the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"weather very fine, he said to himself, \"A walk to Fredericksburg will do me","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"good:\" so away he went.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"There could not be a quieter or more steady young man than this clerk. We will","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"not grudge him this little walk, it was just the thing to do him good after","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sitting so much. He went on at first like a mere automaton, without thought or","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"wish; therefore the goloshes had no opportunity to display their magic power.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"In the avenue he met with an acquaintance, one of our young poets, who told him","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"that he intended to start on the following day on a summer excursion. \"Are you","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"really going away so soon?\" asked the clerk. \"What a free, happy man you are.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"You can roam about where you will, while such as we are tied by the foot.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"But it is fastened to the bread-tree,\" replied the poet. \"You need have no","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"anxiety for the morrow; and when you are old there is a pension for you.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Ah, yes; but you have the best of it,\" said the clerk; \"it must be so","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"delightful to sit and write poetry. The whole world makes itself agreeable to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"you, and then you are your own master. You should try how you would like to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"listen to all the trivial things in a court of justice.\" The poet shook his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"head, so also did the clerk; each retained his own opinion, and so they parted.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"They are strange people, these poets,\" thought the clerk. \"I should like to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"try what it is to have a poetic taste, and to become a poet myself. I am sure I","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"should not write such mournful verses as they do. This is a splendid spring day","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"for a poet, the air is so remarkably clear, the clouds are so beautiful, and the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"green grass has such a sweet smell. For many years I have not felt as I do at","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"this moment.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"We perceive, by these remarks, that he had already become a poet. By most poets","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"what he had said would be considered common-place, or as the Germans call it,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"insipid.\" It is a foolish fancy to look upon poets as different to other men.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"There are many who are more the poets of nature than those who are professed","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"poets. The difference is this, the poet's intellectual memory is better; he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"seizes upon an idea or a sentiment, until he can embody it, clearly and plainly","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in words, which the others cannot do. But the transition from a character of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"every-day life to one of a more gifted nature is a great transition; and so","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the clerk became aware of the change after a time. \"What a delightful perfume,\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"said he; \"it reminds me of the violets at Aunt Lora's. Ah, that was when I was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a little boy. Dear me, how long it seems since I thought of those days! She was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a good old maiden lady! she lived yonder, behind the Exchange. She always had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a sprig or a few blossoms in water, let the winter be ever so severe. I could","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"smell the violets, even while I was placing warm penny pieces against the frozen","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"panes to make peep-holes, and a pretty view it was on which I peeped. Out in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the river lay the ships, icebound, and forsaken by their crews; a screaming crow","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"represented the only living creature on board. But when the breezes of spring","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"came, everything started into life. Amidst shouting and cheers the ships were","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"tarred and rigged, and then they sailed to foreign lands.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I remain here, and always shall remain, sitting at my post at the police","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"office, and letting others take passports to distant lands. Yes, this is my","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fate,\" and he sighed deeply. Suddenly he paused. \"Good gracious, what has come","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"over me? I never felt before as I do now; it must be the air of spring. It is","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"overpowering, and yet it is delightful.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"He felt in his pockets for some of his papers. \"These will give me something","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"else to think of,\" said he. Casting his eyes on the first page of one, he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"read, \"'Mistress Sigbirth; an original Tragedy, in Five Acts.' What is this?–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in my own handwriting, too! Have I written this tragedy?\" He read again, \"'The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Intrigue on the Promenade; or, the Fast-Day. A Vaudeville.' However did I get","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all this? Some one must have put them into my pocket. And here is a letter!\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"It was from the manager of a theatre; the pieces were rejected, not at all in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"polite terms.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Hem, hem!\" said he, sitting down on a bench; his thoughts were very elastic,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and his heart softened strangely. Involuntarily he seized one of the nearest","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"flowers; it was a little, simple daisy. \"All that botanists can say in many","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"lectures was explained in a moment by this little flower. It spoke of the glory","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of its birth; it told of the strength of the sunlight, which had caused its","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"delicate leaves to expand, and given to it such sweet perfume. The struggles of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"life which arouse sensations in the bosom have their type in the tiny flowers.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Air and light are the lovers of the flowers, but light is the favored one;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"towards light it turns, and only when light vanishes does it fold its leaves","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"together, and sleep in the embraces of the air.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"It is light that adorns me,\" said the flower.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"But the air gives you the breath of life,\" whispered the poet.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Just by him stood a boy, splashing with his stick in a marshy ditch. The water-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"drops spurted up among the green twigs, and the clerk thought of the millions of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"animalculae which were thrown into the air with every drop of water, at a height","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"which must be the same to them as it would be to us if we were hurled beyond","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the clouds. As the clerk thought of all these things, and became conscious","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of the great change in his own feelings, he smiled, and said to himself, \"I","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"must be asleep and dreaming; and yet, if so, how wonderful for a dream to be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"so natural and real, and to know at the same time too that it is but a dream.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I hope I shall be able to remember it all when I wake tomorrow. My sensations","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"seem most unaccountable. I have a clear perception of everything as if I were","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"wide awake. I am quite sure if I recollect all this tomorrow, it will appear","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"utterly ridiculous and absurd. I have had this happen to me before. It is with","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the clever or wonderful things we say or hear in dreams, as with the gold which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"comes from under the earth, it is rich and beautiful when we possess it, but","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"when seen in a true light it is but as stones and withered leaves.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Ah!\" he sighed mournfully, as he gazed at the birds singing merrily, or hopping","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"from branch to branch, \"they are much better off than I. Flying is a glorious","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"power. Happy is he who is born with wings. Yes, if I could change myself into","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"anything I would be a little lark.\" At the same moment his coat-tails and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sleeves grew together and formed wings, his clothes changed to feathers, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his goloshes to claws. He felt what was taking place, and laughed to himself.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Well, now it is evident I must be dreaming; but I never had such a wild dream","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"as this.\" And then he flew up into the green boughs and sang, but there was no","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"poetry in the song, for his poetic nature had left him. The goloshes, like all","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"persons who wish to do a thing thoroughly, could only attend to one thing at a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"time. He wished to be a poet, and he became one. Then he wanted to be a little","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"bird, and in this change he lost the characteristics of the former one. \"Well,\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"thought he, \"this is charming; by day I sit in a police-office, amongst the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"dryest law papers, and at night I can dream that I am a lark, flying about in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the gardens of Fredericksburg. Really a complete comedy could be written about","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"it.\" Then he flew down into the grass, turned his head about in every direction,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and tapped his beak on the bending blades of grass, which, in proportion to his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"size, seemed to him as long as the palm-leaves in northern Africa.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"In another moment all was darkness around him. It seemed as if something","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"immense had been thrown over him. A sailor boy had flung his large cap over","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the bird, and a hand came underneath and caught the clerk by the back and wings","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"so roughly, that he squeaked, and then cried out in his alarm, \"You impudent","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"rascal, I am a clerk in the police-office!\" but it only sounded to the boy","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"like \"tweet, tweet;\" so he tapped the bird on the beak, and walked away with","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"him. In the avenue he met two school-boys, who appeared to belong to a better","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"class of society, but whose inferior abilities kept them in the lowest class","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"at school. These boys bought the bird for eightpence, and so the clerk returned","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"to Copenhagen. \"It is well for me that I am dreaming,\" he thought; \"otherwise","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I should become really angry. First I was a poet, and now I am a lark. It must","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"have been the poetic nature that changed me into this little creature. It is","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a miserable story indeed, especially now I have fallen into the hands of boys.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I wonder what will be the end of it.\" The boys carried him into a very elegant","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"room, where a stout, pleasant-looking lady received them, but she was not at","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all gratified to find that they had brought a lark– a common field-bird as","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"she called it. However, she allowed them for one day to place the bird in an","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"empty cage that hung near the window. \"It will please Polly perhaps,\" she said,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"laughing at a large gray parrot, who was swinging himself proudly on a ring in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a handsome brass cage. \"It is Polly's birthday,\" she added in a simpering tone,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"and the little field-bird has come to offer his congratulations.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Polly did not answer a single word, he continued to swing proudly to and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fro; but a beautiful canary, who had been brought from his own warm, fragrant","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fatherland, the summer previous, began to sing as loud as he could.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"You screamer!\" said the lady, throwing a white handkerchief over the cage.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Tweet, tweet,\" sighed he, \"what a dreadful snowstorm!\" and then he became","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"silent.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The clerk, or as the lady called him the field-bird, was placed in a little cage","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"close to the canary, and not far from the parrot. The only human speech which","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Polly could utter, and which she sometimes chattered forth most comically, was","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Now let us be men.\" All besides was a scream, quite as unintelligible as the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"warbling of the canary-bird, excepting to the clerk, who being now a bird, could","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"understand his comrades very well.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"I flew beneath green palm-trees, and amidst the blooming almond-trees,\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sang the canary. \"I flew with my brothers and sisters over beautiful flowers,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and across the clear, bright sea, which reflected the waving foliage in its","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"glittering depths; and I have seen many gay parrots, who could relate long and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"delightful stories.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"They were wild birds,\" answered the parrot, \"and totally uneducated. Now let","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"us be men. Why do you not laugh? If the lady and her visitors can laugh at","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"this, surely you can. It is a great failing not to be able to appreciate what is","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"amusing. Now let us be men.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Do you remember,\" said the canary, \"the pretty maidens who used to dance in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the tents that were spread out beneath the sweet blossoms? Do you remember the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"delicious fruit and the cooling juice from the wild herbs?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Oh, yes,\" said the parrot; \"but here I am much better off. I am well fed, and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"treated politely. I know that I have a clever head; and what more do I want?","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Let us be men now. You have a soul for poetry. I have deep knowledge and wit.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"You have genius, but no discretion. You raise your naturally high notes so much,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"that you get covered over. They never serve me so. Oh, no; I cost them something","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"more than you. I keep them in order with my beak, and fling my wit about me. Now","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"let us be men.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"O my warm, blooming fatherland,\" sang the canary bird, \"I will sing of thy","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"dark-green trees and thy quiet streams, where the bending branches kiss the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"clear, smooth water. I will sing of the joy of my brothers and sisters, as their","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"shining plumage flits among the dark leaves of the plants which grow wild by the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"springs.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Do leave off those dismal strains,\" said the parrot; \"sing something to make","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"us laugh; laughter is the sign of the highest order of intellect. Can a dog or a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"horse laugh? No, they can cry; but to man alone is the power of laughter given.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Ha! ha! ha!\" laughed Polly, and repeated his witty saying, \"Now let us be men.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"You little gray Danish bird,\" said the canary, \"you also have become a","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"prisoner. It is certainly cold in your forests, but still there is liberty","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"there. Fly out! they have forgotten to close the cage, and the window is open at","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the top. Fly, fly!\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Instinctively, the clerk obeyed, and left the cage; at the same moment the half-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"opened door leading into the next room creaked on its hinges, and, stealthily,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"with green fiery eyes, the cat crept in and chased the lark round the room. The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"canary-bird fluttered in his cage, and the parrot flapped his wings and cried,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Let us be men;\" the poor clerk, in the most deadly terror, flew through the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"window, over the houses, and through the streets, till at length he was obliged","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"to seek a resting-place. A house opposite to him had a look of home. A window","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"stood open; he flew in, and perched upon the table. It was his own room. \"Let us","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"be men now,\" said he, involuntarily imitating the parrot; and at the same moment","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"he became a clerk again, only that he was sitting on the table. \"Heaven preserve","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"us!\" said he; \"How did I get up here and fall asleep in this way? It was an","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"uneasy dream too that I had. The whole affair appears most absurd.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The Best Thing The Goloshes Did","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Early on the following morning, while the clerk was still in bed, his neighbor,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a young divinity student, who lodged on the same storey, knocked at his door,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"and then walked in. \"Lend me your goloshes,\" said he; \"it is so wet in the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"garden, but the sun is shining brightly. I should like to go out there and smoke","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"my pipe.\" He put on the goloshes, and was soon in the garden, which contained","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"only one plum-tree and one apple-tree; yet, in a town, even a small garden like","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"this is a great advantage.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The student wandered up and down the path; it was just six o'clock, and he","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"could hear the sound of the post-horn in the street. \"Oh, to travel, to travel!\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"cried he; \"there is no greater happiness in the world: it is the height of my","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"ambition. This restless feeling would be stilled, if I could take a journey far","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"away from this country. I should like to see beautiful Switzerland, to travel","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"through Italy, and,\"– It was well for him that the goloshes acted immediately,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"otherwise he might have been carried too far for himself as well as for us. In","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a moment he found himself in Switzerland, closely packed with eight others in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the diligence. His head ached, his back was stiff, and the blood had ceased to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"circulate, so that his feet were swelled and pinched by his boots. He wavered","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in a condition between sleeping and waking. In his right-hand pocket he had","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"a letter of credit; in his left-hand pocket was his passport; and a few louis","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"d'ors were sewn into a little leather bag which he carried in his breast-","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"pocket. Whenever he dozed, he dreamed that he had lost one or another of these","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"possessions; then he would awake with a start, and the first movements of his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"hand formed a triangle from his right-hand pocket to his breast, and from his","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"breast to his left-hand pocket, to feel whether they were all safe. Umbrellas,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sticks, and hats swung in the net before him, and almost obstructed the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"prospect, which was really very imposing; and as he glanced at it, his memory","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"recalled the words of one poet at least, who has sung of Switzerland, and whose","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"poems have not yet been printed:–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"How lovely to my wondering eyes","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Mont Blanc's fair summits gently rise;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"'Tis sweet to breathe the mountain air,–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"If you have gold enough to spare.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Grand, dark, and gloomy appeared the landscape around him. The pine-forests","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"looked like little groups of moss on high rocks, whose summits were lost in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"clouds of mist. Presently it began to snow, and the wind blew keen and cold.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" he sighed, \"if I were only on the other side of the Alps now, it would be","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"summer, and I should be able to get money on my letter of credit. The anxiety I","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"feel on this matter prevents me from enjoying myself in Switzerland. Oh, I wish","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"I was on the other side of the Alps.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"And there, in a moment, he found himself, far away in the midst of Italy,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"between Florence and Rome, where the lake Thrasymene glittered in the evening","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"sunlight like a sheet of molten gold between the dark blue mountains. There,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"where Hannibal defeated Flaminius, the grape vines clung to each other with the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"friendly grasp of their green tendril fingers; while, by the wayside, lovely","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"half-naked children were watching a herd of coal-black swine under the blossoms","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of fragrant laurel. Could we rightly describe this picturesque scene, our","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"readers would exclaim, \"Delightful Italy!\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"But neither the student nor either of his travelling companions felt the least","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"inclination to think of it in this way. Poisonous flies and gnats flew into the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"coach by thousands. In vain they drove them away with a myrtle branch, the flies","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"stung them notwithstanding. There was not a man in the coach whose face was not","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"swollen and disfigured with the stings. The poor horses looked wretched; the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"flies settled on their backs in swarms, and they were only relieved when the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"coachmen got down and drove the creatures off.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"As the sun set, an icy coldness filled all nature, not however of long duration.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"It produced the feeling which we experience when we enter a vault at a funeral,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"on a summer's day; while the hills and the clouds put on that singular green","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"hue which we often notice in old paintings, and look upon as unnatural until we","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"have ourselves seen nature's coloring in the south. It was a glorious spectacle;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"but the stomachs of the travellers were empty, their bodies exhausted with","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"fatigue, and all the longings of their heart turned towards a resting-place for","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the night; but where to find one they knew not. All the eyes were too eagerly","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"seeking for this resting-place, to notice the beauties of nature.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The road passed through a grove of olive-trees; it reminded the student of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the willow-trees at home. Here stood a lonely inn, and close by it a number","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of crippled beggars had placed themselves; the brightest among them looked, to","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"quote the words of Marryat, \"like the eldest son of Famine who had just come","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"of age.\" The others were either blind, or had withered legs, which obliged","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"them to creep about on their hands and knees, or they had shrivelled arms and","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"hands without fingers. It was indeed poverty arrayed in rags. \"Eccellenza,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"miserabili!\" they exclaimed, stretching forth their diseased limbs. The hostess","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"received the travellers with bare feet, untidy hair, and a dirty blouse. The","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"doors were fastened together with string; the floors of the rooms were of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"brick, broken in many places; bats flew about under the roof; and as to the odor","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"within–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Let us have supper laid in the stable,\" said one of the travellers; \"then we","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"shall know what we are breathing.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The windows were opened to let in a little fresh air, but quicker than air came","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"in the withered arms and the continual whining sounds, \"Miserabili, eccellenza.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"On the walls were inscriptions, half of them against \"la bella Italia.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The supper made its appearance at last. It consisted of watery soup, seasoned","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"with pepper and rancid oil. This last delicacy played a principal part in the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"salad. Musty eggs and roasted cocks'-combs were the best dishes on the table;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"even the wine had a strange taste, it was certainly a mixture. At night, all the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"boxes were placed against the doors, and one of the travellers watched while the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"others slept. The student's turn came to watch. How close the air felt in that","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"room; the heat overpowered him. The gnats were buzzing about and stinging, while","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the miserabili, outside, moaned in their dreams.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Travelling would be all very well,\" said the student of divinity to himself,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"if we had no bodies, or if the body could rest while the soul if flying.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Wherever I go I feel a want which oppresses my heart, for something better","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"presents itself at the moment; yes, something better, which shall be the best of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"all; but where is that to be found? In fact, I know in my heart very well what I","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"want. I wish to attain the greatest of all happiness.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"No sooner were the words spoken than he was at home. Long white curtains shaded","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"the windows of his room, and in the middle of the floor stood a black coffin, in","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"which he now lay in the still sleep of death; his wish was fulfilled, his body","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"was at rest, and his spirit travelling.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Esteem no man happy until he is in his grave,\" were the words of Solon.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Here was a strong fresh proof of their truth. Every corpse is a sphinx of","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"immortality. The sphinx in this sarcophagus might unveil its own mystery in the","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"words which the living had himself written two days before–","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Stern death, thy chilling silence waketh dread;","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Yet in thy darkest hour there may be light.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Earth's garden reaper! from the grave's cold bed","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The soul on Jacob's ladder takes her flight.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Man's greatest sorrows often are a part","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Of hidden griefs, concealed from human eyes,","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Which press far heavier on the lonely heart","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Than now the earth that on his coffin lies.\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Two figures were moving about the room; we know them both. One was the fairy","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"named Care, the other the messenger of Fortune. They bent over the dead.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Look!\" said Care; \"what happiness have your goloshes brought to mankind?\"","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"They have at least brought lasting happiness to him who slumbers here,\" she","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"said.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"\"Not so,\" said Care, \"he went away of himself, he was not summoned. His mental","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"powers were not strong enough to discern the treasures which he had been","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"destined to discover. I will do him a favor now.\" And she drew the goloshes from","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"his feet.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"The sleep of death was ended, and the recovered man raised himself. Care","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"vanished, and with her the goloshes; doubtless she looked upon them as her own","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"property.","book":"The goloshes of fortune"} {"text":"Now listen! In the country, close by the high road, stood a farmhouse; perhaps","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"you have passed by and seen it yourself. There was a little flower garden with","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"painted wooden palings in front of it; close by was a ditch, on its fresh green","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"bank grew a little daisy; the sun shone as warmly and brightly upon it as on the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"magnificent garden flowers, and therefore it thrived well. One morning it had","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"quite opened, and its little snow-white petals stood round the yellow centre,","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"like the rays of the sun. It did not mind that nobody saw it in the grass, and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"that it was a poor despised flower; on the contrary, it was quite happy, and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"turned towards the sun, looking upward and listening to the song of the lark","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"high up in the air.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"The little daisy was as happy as if the day had been a great holiday, but it was","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"only Monday. All the children were at school, and while they were sitting on the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"forms and learning their lessons, it sat on its thin green stalk and learnt from","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"the sun and from its surroundings how kind God is, and it rejoiced that the song","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"of the little lark expressed so sweetly and distinctly its own feelings. With a","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"it did not feel envious. \"I can see and hear,\" it thought; \"the sun shines upon","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"me, and the forest kisses me. How rich I am!\"","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"In the garden close by grew many large and magnificent flowers, and, strange","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"to say, the less fragrance they had the haughtier and prouder they were. The","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"peonies puffed themselves up in order to be larger than the roses, but size is","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"not everything! The tulips had the finest colours, and they knew it well, too,","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"for they were standing bolt upright like candles, that one might see them the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"better. In their pride they did not see the little daisy, which looked over to","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"them and thought, \"How rich and beautiful they are! I am sure the pretty bird","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"will fly down and call upon them. Thank God, that I stand so near and can at","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"least see all the splendour.\" And while the daisy was still thinking, the lark","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"came flying down, crying \"Tweet,\" but not to the peonies and tulips– no, into","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"the grass to the poor daisy. Its joy was so great that it did not know what to","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"think. The little bird hopped round it and sang, \"How beautifully soft the grass","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"is, and what a lovely little flower with its golden heart and silver dress is","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"growing here.\" The yellow centre in the daisy did indeed look like gold, while","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"the little petals shone as brightly as silver.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"How happy the daisy was! No one has the least idea. The bird kissed it with its","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"beak, sang to it, and then rose again up to the blue sky. It was certainly more","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"than a quarter of an hour before the daisy recovered its senses. Half ashamed,","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"yet glad at heart, it looked over to the other flowers in the garden; surely","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"they had witnessed its pleasure and the honour that had been done to it; they","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"understood its joy. But the tulips stood more stiffly than ever, their faces","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"were pointed and red, because they were vexed. The peonies were sulky; it was","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"well that they could not speak, otherwise they would have given the daisy a good","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"lecture. The little flower could very well see that they were ill at ease, and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"pitied them sincerely.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"Shortly after this a girl came into the garden, with a large sharp knife. She","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"went to the tulips and began cutting them off, one after another. \"Ugh!\" sighed","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"the daisy, \"that is terrible; now they are done for.\"","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"The girl carried the tulips away. The daisy was glad that it was outside, and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"only a small flower– it felt very grateful. At sunset it folded its petals, and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"fell asleep, and dreamt all night of the sun and the little bird.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"On the following morning, when the flower once more stretched forth its tender","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"petals, like little arms, towards the air and light, the daisy recognised the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"bird's voice, but what it sang sounded so sad. Indeed the poor bird had good","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"reason to be sad, for it had been caught and put into a cage close by the open","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"window. It sang of the happy days when it could merrily fly about, of fresh","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"green corn in the fields, and of the time when it could soar almost up to the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"clouds. The poor lark was most unhappy as a prisoner in a cage. The little","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"daisy would have liked so much to help it, but what could be done? Indeed, that","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"was very difficult for such a small flower to find out. It entirely forgot how","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"beautiful everything around it was, how warmly the sun was shining, and how","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"splendidly white its own petals were. It could only think of the poor captive","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"bird, for which it could do nothing. Then two little boys came out of the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"garden; one of them had a large sharp knife, like that with which the girl had","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"cut the tulips. They came straight towards the little daisy, which could not","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"understand what they wanted.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"\"Here is a fine piece of turf for the lark,\" said one of the boys, and began","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"to cut out a square round the daisy, so that it remained in the centre of the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"grass.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"\"Pluck the flower off\" said the other boy, and the daisy trembled for fear, for","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"to be pulled off meant death to it; and it wished so much to live, as it was to","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"go with the square of turf into the poor captive lark's cage.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"\"No let it stay,\" said the other boy, \"it looks so pretty.\"","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"And so it stayed, and was brought into the lark's cage. The poor bird was","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"lamenting its lost liberty, and beating its wings against the wires; and the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"little daisy could not speak or utter a consoling word, much as it would have","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"liked to do so. So the forenoon passed.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"\"I have no water,\" said the captive lark, \"they have all gone out, and forgotten","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"to give me anything to drink. My throat is dry and burning. I feel as if I had","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"fire and ice within me, and the air is so oppressive. Alas! I must die, and part","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"with the warm sunshine, the fresh green meadows, and all the beauty that God has","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"created.\" And it thrust its beak into the piece of grass, to refresh itself a","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"little. Then it noticed the little daisy, and nodded to it, and kissed it with","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"its beak and said: \"You must also fade in here, poor little flower. You and the","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world, which","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"I enjoyed outside. Each little blade of grass shall be a green tree for me, each","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"of your white petals a fragrant flower. Alas! you only remind me of what I have","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"lost.\"","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"\"I wish I could console the poor lark,\" thought the daisy. It could not move one","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"of its leaves, but the fragrance of its delicate petals streamed forth, and was","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"much stronger than such flowers usually have: the bird noticed it, although it","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"was dying with thirst, and in its pain tore up the green blades of grass, but","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"did not touch the flower.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"The evening came, and nobody appeared to bring the poor bird a drop of water;","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"it opened its beautiful wings, and fluttered about in its anguish; a faint","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"and mournful \"Tweet, tweet,\" was all it could utter, then it bent its little","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"head towards the flower, and its heart broke for want and longing. The flower","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"could not, as on the previous evening, fold up its petals and sleep; it dropped","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"sorrowfully. The boys only came the next morning; when they saw the dead","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"bird, they began to cry bitterly, dug a nice grave for it, and adorned it with","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"flowers. The bird's body was placed in a pretty red box; they wished to bury","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"it with royal honours. While it was alive and sang they forgot it, and let it","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"suffer want in the cage; now, they cried over it and covered it with flowers.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"The piece of turf, with the little daisy in it, was thrown out on the dusty","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"highway. Nobody thought of the flower which had felt so much for the bird and","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"had so greatly desired to comfort it.","book":"The daisy"} {"text":"There were once five-and-twenty tin soldiers, who were all brothers, for they","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"had been made out of the same ol tin spoon. They shouldered arms and looked","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"straight before them, and wore a splendid uniform, red and blue. Th first thing","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"in the world they ever heard were the words, \"Tin soldiers!\" uttered by a little","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"boy, who clapped his hand with delight when the lid of the box, in which they","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"lay, was taken off. They were given him for a birthday present and he stood at","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the table to set them up. The soldiers were all exactly alike, excepting one,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"who had only one leg he had been left to the last, and then there was not enough","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"of the melted tin to finish him, so they made him t stand firmly on one leg, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"this caused him to be very remarkable","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"The table on which the tin soldiers stood, was covered with other playthings,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but the most attractive to the eye was a pretty little paper castle. Through the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"small windows the rooms could be seen. In front of the castle a number of little","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"trees surrounded a piece of looking-glass, which was intended to represent a","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"transparent lake. Swans, made of wax, swam on the lake, and were reflected in","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"it. All this was very pretty, but the prettiest of all was a tiny little lady,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"who stood at the open door of the castle; she, also, was made of paper, and she","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"wore a dress of clear muslin, with a narrow blue ribbon over her shoulders just","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"like a scarf. In front of these was fixed a glittering tinsel rose, as large","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"as her whole face. The little lady was a dancer, and she stretched out both her","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"arms, and raised one of her legs so high, that the tin soldier could not see it","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"at all, and he thought that she, like himself, had only one leg.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"That is the wife for me,\" he thought; \"but she is too grand, and lives in a","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"castle, while I have only a box to live in, five-and-twenty of us altogether,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"that is no place for her. Still I must try and make her acquaintance.\" Then he","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"laid himself at full length on the table behind a snuff-box that stood upon it,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"so that he could peep at the little delicate lady, who continued to stand on one","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"leg without losing her balance.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"When evening came, the other tin soldiers were all placed in the box, and the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"people of the house went to bed. Then the playthings began to have their own","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"games together, to pay visits, to have sham fights, and to give balls. The tin","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"soldiers rattled in their box; they wanted to get out and join the amusements,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but they could not open the lid. The nut-crackers played at leap-frog, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the pencil jumped about the table. There was such a noise that the canary woke","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"up and began to talk, and in poetry too. Only the tin soldier and the dancer","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"remained in their places. She stood on tiptoe, with her legs stretched out,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"as firmly as he did on his one leg. He never took his eyes from her for even a","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"moment.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"The clock struck twelve, and, with a bounce, up sprang the lid of the snuff-box;","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but, instead of snuff, there jumped up a little black goblin; for the snuff-box","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"was a toy puzzle.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Tin soldier,\" said the goblin, \"don't wish for what does not belong to you.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"But the tin soldier pretended not to hear.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Very well; wait till to-morrow, then,\" said the goblin.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"When the children came in the next morning, they placed the tin soldier in the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"window. Now, whether it was the goblin who did it, or the draught, is not known,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but the window flew open, and out fell the tin soldier, heels over head, from","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the third story, into the street beneath. It was a terrible fall; for he came","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"head downwards, his helmet and his bayonet stuck in between the flagstones, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"his one leg up in the air.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"The servant maid and the little boy went down stairs directly to look for him;","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but he was nowhere to be seen, although once they nearly trod upon him. If he","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"had called out, \"Here I am,\" it would have been all right, but he was too proud","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"to cry out for help while he wore a uniform.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Presently it began to rain, and the drops fell faster and faster, till there was","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"a heavy shower. When it was over, two boys happened to pass by, and one of them","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"said:","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Look, there is a tin soldier. He ought to have a boat to sail in.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"So they made a boat out of a newspaper, and placed the tin soldier in it, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"sent him sailing down the gutter, while the two boys ran by the side of it,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"and clapped their hands. Good gracious, what large waves arose in that gutter!","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"and how fast the stream rolled on! for the rain had been very heavy. The paper","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"boat rocked up and down, and turned itself round sometimes so quickly that the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"tin soldier trembled; yet he remained firm; his countenance did not change; he","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"looked straight before him, and shouldered his musket.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Suddenly the boat shot under a bridge which formed a part of a drain, and then","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"it was as dark as the tin soldier's box.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Where am I going now?\" thought he. \"This is the black goblin's fault, I am","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"sure. Ah, well, if the little lady were only here with me in the boat, I should","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"not care for any darkness.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Suddenly there appeared a great water-rat, who lived in the drain.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Have you a passport?\" asked the rat, \"give it to me at once.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"But the tin soldier remained silent and held his musket tighter than ever. The","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"boat sailed on and the rat followed it. How he did gnash his teeth and cry out","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"to the bits of wood and straw:","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Stop him, stop him; he has not paid toll, and has not shown his pass.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"But the stream rushed on stronger and stronger. The tin soldier could already","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"see daylight shining where the arch ended. Then he heard a roaring sound quite","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"terrible enough to frighten the bravest man. At the end of the tunnel the drain","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"fell into a large canal over a steep place, which made it as dangerous for him","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"as a waterfall would be to us.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"He was too close to it to stop, so the boat rushed on, and the poor tin soldier","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"could only hold himself as stiffly as possible, without moving an eyelid, to","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"show that he was not afraid. The boat whirled round three or four times, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"then filled with water to the very edge; nothing could save it from sinking. He","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"now stood up to his neck in water, while deeper and deeper sank the boat, and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the paper became soft and loose with the wet, till at last the water closed over","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the soldier's head. He thought of the elegant little dancer whom he should never","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"see again, and the words of the song sounded in his ears–","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"\"Farewell, warrior! ever brave,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Drifting onward to thy grave.\"","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Then the paper boat fell to pieces, and the soldier sank into the water and","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"immediately afterwards was swallowed up by a great fish.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Oh how dark it was inside the fish! A great deal darker than in the tunnel,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"and narrower too, but the tin soldier continued firm, and lay at full length","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"shouldering his musket.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"The fish swam to and fro, making the most wonderful movements, but at last he","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"became quite still. After a while, a flash of lightning seemed to pass through","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"him, and then the daylight approached, and a voice cried out, \"I declare here","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"is the tin soldier.\" The fish had been caught, taken to the market and sold to","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the cook, who took him into the kitchen and cut him open with a large knife. She","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"picked up the soldier and held him by the waist between her finger and thumb,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"and carried him into the room. They were all anxious to see this wonderful","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"soldier who had travelled about inside a fish; but he was not at all proud. They","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"placed him on the table, and– how many curious things do happen in the world!–","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"there he was in the very same room from the window of which he had fallen, there","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"were the same children, the same playthings, standing on the table, and the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"pretty castle with the elegant little dancer at the door; she still balanced","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"herself on one leg, and held up the other, so she was as firm as himself. It","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"touched the tin soldier so much to see her that he almost wept tin tears, but he","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"kept them back. He only looked at her and they both remained silent.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Presently one of the little boys took up the tin soldier, and threw him into the","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"stove. He had no reason for doing so, therefore it must have been the fault of","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the black goblin who lived in the snuff-box.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"The flames lighted up the tin soldier, as he stood, the heat was very terrible,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but whether it proceeded from the real fire or from the fire of love he could","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"not tell. Then he could see that the bright colors were faded from his uniform,","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"but whether they had been washed off during his journey or from the effects of","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"his sorrow, no one could say. He looked at the little lady, and she looked at","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"him. He felt himself melting away, but he still remained firm with his gun on","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"his shoulder. Suddenly the door of the room flew open and the draught of air","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"caught up the little dancer, she fluttered like a sylph right into the stove by","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"the side of the tin soldier, and was instantly in flames and was gone. The tin","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"soldier melted down into a lump, and the next morning, when the maid servant","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"took the ashes out of the stove, she found him in the shape of a little tin","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"heart. But of the little dancer nothing remained but the tinsel rose, which was","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"burnt black as a cinder.","book":"The brave tin soldier"} {"text":"Far away in the land to which the swallows fly when it is winter, dwelt a king","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"who had eleven sons, and on daughter, named Eliza. The eleven brothers were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"princes, and each went to school with a star on his breast, and a sword by his","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"side. They wrote with diamond pencils on gold slates, and learnt their lessons","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"so quickly and read so easily that every one might know they were princes.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Their sister Eliza sat on a little stool of plate-glass, and had a book full of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"pictures, which had cost as much as half a kingdom.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Oh, these children were indeed happy, but it was not to remain so always.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Their father, who was king of the country, married a very wicked queen, who did","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"not love the poor children at all. They knew this from the very first day after","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the wedding. In the palace there were great festivities, and the children played","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"at receiving company; but instead of having, as usual, all the cakes and apples","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"that were left, she gave them some sand in a tea-cup, and told them to pretend","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"it was cake.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The week after, she sent little Eliza into the country to a peasant and his","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"wife, and then she told the king so many untrue things about the young princes,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"that he gave himself no more trouble respecting them.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Go out into the world and get your own living,\" said the queen. \"Fly like","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"great birds, who have no voice.\" But she could not make them ugly as she wished,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"for they were turned into eleven beautiful wild swans. Then, with a strange","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"cry, they flew through the windows of the palace, over the park, to the forest","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"beyond.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"It was early morning when they passed the peasant's cottage, where their sister","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza lay asleep in her room. They hovered over the roof, twisted their long","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"necks and flapped their wings, but no one heard them or saw them, so they were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"at last obliged to fly away, high up in the clouds; and over the wide world","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"they flew till they came to a thick, dark wood, which stretched far away to the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"seashore.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Poor little Eliza was alone in her room playing with a green leaf, for she had","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"no other playthings, and she pierced a hole through the leaf, and looked through","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"it at the sun, and it was as if she saw her brothers' clear eyes, and when the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"warm sun shone on her cheeks, she thought of all the kisses they had given her.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"One day passed just like another; sometimes the winds rustled through the leaves","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of the rose-bush, and would whisper to the roses, \"Who can be more beautiful","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"than you!\" But the roses would shake their heads, and say, \"Eliza is.\" And when","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the old woman sat at the cottage door on Sunday, and read her hymn-book, the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"wind would flutter the leaves, and say to the book, \"Who can be more pious than","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"you?\" and then the hymn-book would answer \"Eliza.\" And the roses and the hymn-","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"book told the real truth.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"At fifteen she returned home, but when the queen saw how beautiful she was, she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"became full of spite and hatred towards her. Willingly would she have turned her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"into a swan, like her brothers, but she did not dare to do so yet, because the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"king wished to see his daughter.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Early one morning the queen went into the bath-room; it was built of marble,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and had soft cushions, trimmed with the most beautiful tapestry. She took three","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"toads with her, and kissed them, and said to one, \"When Eliza comes to the bath,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"seat yourself upon her head, that she may become as stupid as you are.\" Then she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"said to another, \"Place yourself on her forehead, that she may become as ugly","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"as you are, and that her father may not know her.\" - \"Rest on her heart,\" she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"whispered to the third, \"then she will have evil inclinations, and suffer in","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"consequence.\" So she put the toads into the clear water, and they turned green","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"immediately. She next called Eliza, and helped her to undress and get into the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"bath. As Eliza dipped her head under the water, one of the toads sat on her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"hair, a second on her forehead, and a third on her breast, but she did not seem","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to notice them, and when she rose out of the water, there were three red poppies","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"floating upon it. Had not the creatures been venomous or been kissed by the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"witch, they would have been changed into red roses. At all events they became","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"flowers, because they had rested on Eliza's head, and on her heart. She was too","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"good and too innocent for witchcraft to have any power over her.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When the wicked queen saw this, she rubbed her face with walnut-juice, so that","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she was quite brown; then she tangled her beautiful hair and smeared it with","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"disgusting ointment, till it was quite impossible to recognize the beautiful","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When her father saw her, he was much shocked, and declared she was not his","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"daughter. No one but the watch-dog and the swallows knew her; and they were only","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"poor animals, and could say nothing.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then poor Eliza wept, and thought of her eleven brothers, who were all away.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Sorrowfully, she stole away from the palace, and walked, the whole day, over","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fields and moors, till she came to the great forest. She knew not in what","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"direction to go; but she was so unhappy, and longed so for her brothers, who had","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"been, like herself, driven out into the world, that she was determined to seek","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"them.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She had been but a short time in the wood when night came on, and she quite","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"lost the path; so she laid herself down on the soft moss, offered up her evening","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"prayer, and leaned her head against the stump of a tree. All nature was still,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and the soft, mild air fanned her forehead. The light of hundreds of glow-worms","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"shone amidst the grass and the moss, like green fire; and if she touched a twig","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"with her hand, ever so lightly, the brilliant insects fell down around her, like","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"shooting-stars.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"All night long she dreamt of her brothers. She and they were children again,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"playing together. She saw them writing with their diamond pencils on golden","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"slates, while she looked at the beautiful picture-book which had cost half","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"a kingdom. They were not writing lines and letters, as they used to do;","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"but descriptions of the noble deeds they had performed, and of all they had","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"discovered and seen. In the picture-book, too, everything was living. The birds","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sang, and the people came out of the book, and spoke to Eliza and her brothers;","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"but, as the leaves turned over, they darted back again to their places, that all","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"might be in order.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When she awoke, the sun was high in the heavens; yet she could not see him, for","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the lofty trees spread their branches thickly over her head; but his beams were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"glancing through the leaves here and there, like a golden mist. There was a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sweet fragrance from the fresh green verdure, and the birds almost perched upon","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her shoulders. She heard water rippling from a number of springs, all flowing in","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"a lake with golden sands. Bushes grew thickly round the lake, and at one spot an","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"opening had been made by a deer, through which Eliza went down to the water. The","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"lake was so clear that, had not the wind rustled the branches of the trees and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the bushes, so that they moved, they would have appeared as if painted in the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"depths of the lake; for every leaf was reflected in the water, whether it stood","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"in the shade or the sunshine.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As soon as Eliza saw her own face, she was quite terrified at finding it so","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brown and ugly; but when she wetted her little hand, and rubbed her eyes and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"forehead, the white skin gleamed forth once more; and, after she had undressed,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and dipped herself in the fresh water, a more beautiful king's daughter could","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"not be found in the wide world.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As soon as she had dressed herself again, and braided her long hair, she went","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to the bubbling spring, and drank some water out of the hollow of her hand. Then","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she wandered far into the forest, not knowing whither she went. She thought of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her brothers, and felt sure that God would not forsake her. It is God who makes","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the wild apples grow in the wood, to satisfy the hungry, and He now led her to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"one of these trees, which was so loaded with fruit, that the boughs bent beneath","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the weight. Here she held her noonday repast, placed props under the boughs,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and then went into the gloomiest depths of the forest. It was so still that","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she could hear the sound of her own footsteps, as well as the rustling of every","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"withered leaf which she crushed under her feet. Not a bird was to be seen, not a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sunbeam could penetrate through the large, dark boughs of the trees. Their lofty","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"trunks stood so close together, that, when she looked before her, it seemed","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"as if she were enclosed within trellis-work. Such solitude she had never known","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"before.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The night was very dark. Not a single glow-worm glittered in the moss.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Sorrowfully she laid herself down to sleep; and, after a while, it seemed to her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"as if the branches of the trees parted over her head, and that the mild eyes of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"angels looked down upon her from heaven.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When she awoke in the morning, she knew not whether she had dreamt this, or if","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"it had really been so.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then she continued her wandering; but she had not gone many steps forward,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"when she met an old woman with berries in her basket, and she gave her a few to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"eat. Then Eliza asked her if she had not seen eleven princes riding through the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"forest.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"No,\" replied the old woman, \"But I saw yesterday eleven swans, with gold crowns","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"on their heads, swimming on the river close by.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\" Then she led Eliza a little distance farther to a sloping bank, and at the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"foot of it wound a little river. The trees on its banks stretched their long","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"leafy branches across the water towards each other, and where the growth","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"prevented them from meeting naturally, the roots had torn themselves away from","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the ground, so that the branches might mingle their foliage as they hung over","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the water.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza bade the old woman farewell, and walked by the flowing river, till she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"reached the shore of the open sea.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And there, before the young maiden's eyes, lay the glorious ocean, but not a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sail appeared on its surface, not even a boat could be seen. How was she to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"go farther? She noticed how the countless pebbles on the sea-shore had been","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"smoothed and rounded by the action of the water. Glass, iron, stones, everything","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"that lay there mingled together, had taken its shape from the same power, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"felt as smooth, or even smoother than her own delicate hand. \"The water rolls on","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"without weariness,\" she said, \"till all that is hard becomes smooth; so will I","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"be unwearied in my task. Thanks for your lessons, bright rolling waves; my heart","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"tells me you will lead me to my dear brothers.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"On the foam-covered sea-weeds, lay eleven white swan feathers, which she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"gathered up and placed together. Drops of water lay upon them; whether they were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dew-drops or tears no one could say. Lonely as it was on the sea-shore, she did","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"not observe it, for the ever-moving sea showed more changes in a few hours than","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the most varying lake could produce during a whole year. If a black heavy cloud","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"arose, it was as if the sea said, \"I can look dark and angry too;\" and then","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the wind blew, and the waves turned to white foam as they rolled. When the wind","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"slept, and the clouds glowed with the red sunlight, then the sea looked like a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"rose leaf. But however quietly its white glassy surface rested, there was still","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"a motion on the shore, as its waves rose and fell like the breast of a sleeping","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"child.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When the sun was about to set, Eliza saw eleven white swans with golden crowns","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"on their heads, flying towards the land, one behind the other, like a long white","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"ribbon. Then Eliza went down the slope from the shore, and hid herself behind","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the bushes. The swans alighted quite close to her and flapped their great white","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"wings.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As soon as the sun had disappeared under the water, the feathers of the swans","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fell off, and eleven beautiful princes, Eliza's brothers, stood near her. She","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"uttered a loud cry, for, although they were very much changed, she knew them","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"immediately. She sprang into their arms, and called them each by name. Then, how","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"happy the princes were at meeting their little sister again, for they recognized","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her, although she had grown so tall and beautiful. They laughed, and they wept,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and very soon understood how wickedly their mother had acted to them all.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"We brothers,\" said the eldest, \"fly about as wild swans, so long as the sun","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"is in the sky; but as soon as it sinks behind the hills, we recover our human","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"shape. Therefore must we always be near a resting place for our feet before","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sunset; for if we should be flying towards the clouds at the time we recovered","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"our natural shape as men, we should sink deep into the sea. We do not dwell","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"here, but in a land just as fair, that lies beyond the ocean, which we have","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to cross for a long distance; there is no island in our passage upon which we","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"could pass, the night; nothing but a little rock rising out of the sea, upon","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"which we can scarcely stand with safety, even closely crowded together. If the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sea is rough, the foam dashes over us, yet we thank God even for this rock; we","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"have passed whole nights upon it, or we should never have reached our beloved","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fatherland, for our flight across the sea occupies two of the longest days","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"in the year. We have permission to visit out home once in every year, and to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"remain eleven days, during which we fly across the forest to look once more at","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the palace where our father dwells, and where we were born, and at the church,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"where our mother lies buried. Here it seems as if the very trees and bushes were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"related to us. The wild horses leap over the plains as we have seen them in our","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"childhood. The charcoal burners sing the old songs, to which we have danced as","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"children. This is our fatherland, to which we are drawn by loving ties; and here","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"we have found you, our dear little sister., Two days longer we can remain here,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and then must we fly away to a beautiful land which is not our home; and how can","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"we take you with us? We have neither ship nor boat.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"How can I break this spell?\" said their sister.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And then she talked about it nearly the whole night, only slumbering for a few","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"hours.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza was awakened by the rustling of the swans' wings as they soared above. Her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brothers were again changed to swans, and they flew in circles wider and wider,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"till they were far away; but one of them, the youngest swan, remained behind,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and laid his head in his sister's lap, while she stroked his wings; and they","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"remained together the whole day. Towards evening, the rest came back, and as the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sun went down they resumed their natural forms.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"To-morrow,\" said one, \"we shall fly away, not to return again till a whole year","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"has passed. But we cannot leave you here. Have you courage to go with us? My arm","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"is strong enough to carry you through the wood; and will not all our wings be","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"strong enough to fly with you over the sea?\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Yes, take me with you,\" said Eliza.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then they spent the whole night in weaving a net with the pliant willow and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"rushes. It was very large and strong. Eliza laid herself down on the net, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"when the sun rose, and her brothers again became wild swans, they took up the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"net with their beaks, and flew up to the clouds with their dear sister, who","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"still slept. The sunbeams fell on her face, therefore one of the swans soared","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"over her head, so that his broad wings might shade her.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"They were far from the land when Eliza woke. She thought she must still be","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dreaming, it seemed so strange to her to feel herself being carried so high in","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the air over the sea. By her side lay a branch full of beautiful ripe berries,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and a bundle of sweet roots; the youngest of her brothers had gathered them for","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her, and placed them by her side. She smiled her thanks to him; she knew it was","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the same who had hovered over her to shade her with his wings.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"They were now so high, that a large ship beneath them looked like a white sea-","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"gull skimming the waves. A great cloud floating behind them appeared like a vast","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"mountain, and upon it Eliza saw her own shadow and those of the eleven swans,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"looking gigantic in size. Altogether it formed a more beautiful picture than she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"had ever seen; but as the sun rose higher, and the clouds were left behind, the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"shadowy picture vanished away.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Onward the whole day they flew through the air like a winged arrow, yet more","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"slowly than usual, for they had their sister to carry. The weather seemed","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"inclined to be stormy, and Eliza watched the sinking sun with great anxiety,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"for the little rock in the ocean was not yet in sight. It appeared to her as if","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the swans were making great efforts with their wings. Alas! she was the cause","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of their not advancing more quickly. When the sun set, they would change to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"men, fall into the sea and be drowned. Then she offered a prayer from her inmost","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"heart, but still no appearance of the rock. Dark clouds came nearer, the gusts","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of wind told of a coming storm, while from a thick, heavy mass of clouds the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"lightning burst forth flash after flash.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The sun had reached the edge of the sea, when the swans darted down so swiftly,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"that Eliza's head trembled; she believed they were falling, but they again","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"soared onward. Presently she caught sight of the rock just below them, and by","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"this time the sun was half hidden by the waves. The rock did not appear larger","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"than a seal's head thrust out of the water. They sunk so rapidly, that at the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"moment their feet touched the rock, it shone only like a star, and at last","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"disappeared like the last spark in a piece of burnt paper. Then she saw her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brothers standing closely round her with their arms linked together. There was","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"but just room enough for them, and not the smallest space to spare. The sea","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dashed against the rock, and covered them with spray. The heavens were lighted","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"up with continual flashes, and peal after peal of thunder rolled. But the sister","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and brothers sat holding each other's hands, and singing hymns, from which they","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"gained hope and courage.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"In the early dawn the air became calm and still, and at sunrise the swans flew","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"away from the rock with Eliza. The sea was still rough, and from their high","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"position in the air, the white foam on the dark green waves looked like millions","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of swans swimming on the water.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As the sun rose higher, Eliza saw before her, floating on the air, a range of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"mountains, with shining masses of ice on their summits. In the centre, rose a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"castle apparently a mile long, with rows of columns, rising one above another,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"while, around it, palm-trees waved and flowers bloomed as large as mill wheels.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She asked if this was the land to which they were hastening. The swans shook","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"their heads, for what she beheld were the beautiful ever-changing cloud palaces","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of the \"Fata Morgana,\" into which no mortal can enter. Eliza was still gazing at","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the scene, when mountains, forests, and castles melted away, and twenty stately","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"churches rose in their stead, with high towers and pointed gothic windows. Eliza","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"even fancied she could hear the tones of the organ, but it was the music of the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"murmuring sea which she heard. As they drew nearer to the churches, they also","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"changed into a fleet of ships, which seemed to be sailing beneath her; but as","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she looked again, she found it was only a sea mist gliding over the ocean. So","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"there continued to pass before her eyes a constant change of scene, till at last","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she saw the real land to which they were bound, with its blue mountains, its","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"cedar forests, and its cities and palaces. Long before the sun went down, she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sat on a rock, in front of a large cave, on the floor of which the over-grown","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"yet delicate green creeping plants looked like an embroidered carpet.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Now we shall expect to hear what you dream of to-night,\" said the youngest","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brother, as he showed his sister her bedroom.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Heaven grant that I may dream how to save you,\" she replied. And this thought","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"even in her sleep she continued to pray. Then it appeared to her as if she were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"flying high in the air, towards the cloudy palace of the \"Fata Morgana,\" and a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fairy came out to meet her, radiant and beautiful in appearance, and yet very","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"much like the old woman who had given her berries in the wood, and who had told","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her of the swans with golden crowns on their heads.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Your brothers can be released,\" said she, \"if you have only courage and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"perseverance. True, water is softer than your own delicate hands, and yet it","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"polishes stones into shapes; it feels no pain as your fingers would feel, it has","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"no soul, and cannot suffer such agony and torment as you will have to endure.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Do you see the stinging nettle which I hold in my hand? Quantities of the same","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sort grow round the cave in which you sleep, but none will be of any use to you","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"unless they grow upon the graves in a churchyard. These you must gather even","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"while they burn blisters on your hands. Break them to pieces with your hands and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"feet, and they will become flax, from which you must spin and weave eleven coats","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"with long sleeves; if these are then thrown over the eleven swans, the spell","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"will be broken. But remember, that from the moment you commence your task until","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"it is finished, even should it occupy years of your life, you must not speak.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The first word you utter will pierce through the hearts of your brothers like a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"deadly dagger. Their lives hang upon your tongue. Remember all I have told you.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And as she finished speaking, she touched her hand lightly with the nettle, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"a pain, as of burning fire, awoke Eliza. It was broad daylight, and close by","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"where she had been sleeping lay a nettle like the one she had seen in her dream.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She fell on her knees and offered her thanks to God. Then she went forth from","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the cave to begin her work with her delicate hands.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She groped in amongst the ugly nettles, which burnt great blisters on her hands","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and arms, but she determined to bear it gladly if she could only release her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dear brothers. So she bruised the nettles with her bare feet and spun the flax.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"At sunset her brothers returned and were very much frightened when they found","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her dumb. They believed it to be some new sorcery of their wicked step-mother.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"But when they saw her hands they understood what she was doing on their behalf,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and the youngest brother wept, and where his tears fell the pain ceased, and the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"burning blisters vanished.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She kept to her work all night, for she could not rest till she had released her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dear brothers. During the whole of the following day, while her brothers were","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"absent, she sat in solitude, but never before had the time flown so quickly.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"One coat was already finished and she had begun the second, when she heard the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"huntsman's horn, and was struck with fear.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The sound came nearer and nearer, she heard the dogs barking, and fled with","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"terror into the cave. She hastily bound together the nettles she had gathered","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"into a bundle and sat upon them.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Immediately a great dog came bounding towards her out of the ravine, and then","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"another and another; they barked loudly, ran back, and then came again. In a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"very few minutes all the huntsmen stood before the cave, and the handsomest of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"them was the king of the country. He advanced towards her, for he had never seen","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"a more beautiful maiden.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"How did you come here, my sweet child?\" he asked. But Eliza shook her head. She","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dared not speak, at the cost of her brothers' lives. And she hid her hands under","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her apron, so that the king might not see how she must be suffering.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Come with me,\" he said; \"here you cannot remain. If you are as good as you","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"are beautiful, I will dress you in silk and velvet, I will place a golden crown","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"upon your head, and you shall dwell, and rule, and make your home in my richest","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"castle.\" And then he lifted her on his horse. She wept and wrung her hands, but","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the king said, \"I wish only for your happiness. A time will come when you will","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"thank me for this.\" And then he galloped away over the mountains, holding her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"before him on this horse, and the hunters followed behind them.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As the sun went down, they approached a fair royal city, with churches, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"cupolas. On arriving at the castle the king led her into marble halls, where","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"large fountains played, and where the walls and the ceilings were covered with","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"rich paintings. But she had no eyes for all these glorious sights, she could","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"only mourn and weep. Patiently she allowed the women to array her in royal","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"robes, to weave pearls in her hair, and draw soft gloves over her blistered","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fingers.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As she stood before them in all her rich dress, she looked so dazzingly","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"beautiful that the court bowed low in her presence. Then the king declared","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"his intention of making her his bride, but the archbishop shook his head, and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"whispered that the fair young maiden was only a witch who had blinded the king's","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"eyes and bewitched his heart.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"But the king would not listen to this; he ordered the music to sound, the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"daintiest dishes to be served, and the loveliest maidens to dance. After-wards","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"he led her through fragrant gardens and lofty halls, but not a smile appeared","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"on her lips or sparkled in her eyes. She looked the very picture of grief. Then","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the king opened the door of a little chamber in which she was to sleep; it was","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"adorned with rich green tapestry, and resembled the cave in which he had found","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her. On the floor lay the bundle of flax which she had spun from the nettles,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and under the ceiling hung the coat she had made. These things had been brought","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"away from the cave as curiosities by one of the huntsmen.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Here you can dream yourself back again in the old home in the cave,\" said the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"king; \"here is the work with which you employed yourself. It will amuse you now","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"in the midst of all this splendor to think of that time.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"When Eliza saw all these things which lay so near her heart, a smile played","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"around her mouth, and the crimson blood rushed to her cheeks. She thought of her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brothers, and their release made her so joyful that she kissed the king's hand.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then he pressed her to his heart. Very soon the joyous church bells announced","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the marriage feast, and that the beautiful dumb girl out of the wood was to be","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"made the queen of the country.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then the archbishop whispered wicked words in the king's ear, but they did not","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sink into his heart. The marriage was still to take place, and the archbishop","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"himself had to place the crown on the bride's head; in his wicked spite, he","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"pressed the narrow circlet so tightly on her forehead that it caused her pain.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"But a heavier weight encircled her heart– sorrow for her brothers. She felt","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"not bodily pain. Her mouth was closed; a single word would cost the lives of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her brothers. But she loved the kind, handsome king, who did everything to make","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her happy more and more each day; she loved him with all her heart, and her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"eyes beamed with the love she dared not speak. Oh! if she had only been able","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to confide in him and tell him of her grief. But dumb she must remain till her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"task was finished. Therefore at night she crept away into her little chamber,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"which had been decked out to look like the cave, and quickly wove one coat after","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"another. But when she began the seventh she found she had no more flax.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"She knew that the nettles she wanted to use grew in the churchyard, and that she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"must pluck them herself. How should she get out there?","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Oh, what is the pain in my fingers to the torment which my heart endures?\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"said she. \"I must venture, I shall not be denied help from heaven.\" Then with a","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"trembling heart, as if she were about to perform a wicked deed, she crept into","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the garden in the broad moonlight, and passed through the narrow walks and the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"deserted streets, till she reached the churchyard. Then she saw on one of the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"broad tombstones a group of ghouls. These hideous creatures took off their rags,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"as if they intended to bathe, and then clawing open the fresh graves with their","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"long, skinny fingers, pulled out the dead bodies and ate the flesh! Eliza had to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"pass close by them, and they fixed their wicked glances upon her, but she prayed","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"silently, gathered the burning nettles, and carried them home with her to the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"castle.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"One person only had seen her, and that was the archbishop– he was awake while","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"everybody was asleep. Now he thought his opinion was evidently correct. All was","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"not right with the queen. She was a witch, and had bewitched the king and all","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the people.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Secretly he told the king what he had seen and what he feared, and as the hard","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"words came from his tongue, the carved images of the saints shook their heads","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"as if they would say. \"It is not so. Eliza is innocent.\" But the archbishop","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"interpreted it in another way; he believed that they witnessed against her,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and were shaking their heads at her wickedness. Two large tears rolled down","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the king's cheeks, and he went home with doubt in his heart, and at night he","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"pretended to sleep, but there came no real sleep to his eyes, for he saw Eliza","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"get up every night and disappear in her own chamber.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"From day to day his brow became darker, and Eliza saw it and did not understand","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the reason, but it alarmed her and made her heart tremble for her brothers.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Her hot tears glittered like pearls on the regal velvet and diamonds, while all","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"who saw her were wishing they could be queens. In the mean time she had almost","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"finished her task; only one coat of mail was wanting, but she had no flax left,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"and not a single nettle. Once more only, and for the last time, must she venture","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to the churchyard and pluck a few handfuls. She thought with terror of the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"solitary walk, and of the horrible ghouls, but her will was firm, as well as her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"trust in Providence.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza went, and the king and the archbishop followed her. They saw her vanish","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"through the wicket gate into the churchyard, and when they came nearer they saw","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the ghouls sitting on the tombstone, as Eliza had seen them, and the king turned","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"away his head, for he thought she was with them– she whose head had rested on","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"his breast that very evening.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"The people must condemn her,\" said he, and she was very quickly condemned by","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"every one to suffer death by fire.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Away from the gorgeous regal halls was she led to a dark, dreary cell, where","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the wind whistled through the iron bars. Instead of the velvet and silk dresses,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"they gave her the coats of mail which she had woven to cover her, and the bundle","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"of nettles for a pillow; but nothing they could give her would have pleased her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"more. She continued her task with joy, and prayed for help, while the street-","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"boys sang jeering songs about her, and not a soul comforted her with a kind","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"word.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Towards evening, she heard at the grating the flutter of a swan's wing, it was","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her youngest brother– he had found his sister, and she sobbed for joy, although","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"she knew that very likely this would be the last night she would have to live.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"But still she could hope, for her task was almost finished, and her brothers","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"were come.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then the archbishop arrived, to be with her during her last hours, as he","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"had promised the king. But she shook her head, and begged him, by looks and","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"gestures, not to stay; for in this night she knew she must finish her task,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"otherwise all her pain and tears and sleepless nights would have been suffered","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"in vain. The archbishop withdrew, uttering bitter words against her; but poor","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Eliza knew that she was innocent, and diligently continued her work.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"The little mice ran about the floor, they dragged the nettles to her feet,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"to help as well as they could; and the thrush sat outside the grating of the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"window, and sang to her the whole night long, as sweetly as possible, to keep up","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her spirits.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"It was still twilight, and at least an hour before sunrise, when the eleven","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"brothers stood at the castle gate, and demanded to be brought before the king.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"They were told it could not be, it was yet almost night, and as the king slept","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"they dared not disturb him. They threatened, they entreated. Then the guard","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"appeared, and even the king himself, inquiring what all the noise meant. At","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"this moment the sun rose. The eleven brothers were seen no more, but eleven wild","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"swans flew away over the castle.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And now all the people came streaming forth from the gates of the city, to","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"see the witch burnt. An old horse drew the cart on which she sat. They had","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"dressed her in a garment of coarse sackcloth. Her lovely hair hung loose on","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her shoulders, her cheeks were deadly pale, her lips moved silently, while her","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"fingers still worked at the green flax. Even on the way to death, she would not","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"give up her task. The ten coats of mail lay at her feet, she was working hard at","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"the eleventh, while the mob jeered her and said,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"See the witch, how she mutters! She has no hymn-book in her hand. She sits","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"there with her ugly sorcery. Let us tear it in a thousand pieces.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And then they pressed towards her, and would have destroyed the coats of mail,","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"but at the same moment eleven wild swans flew over her, and alighted on the","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"cart. Then they flapped their large wings, and the crowd drew on one side in","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"alarm.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"It is a sign from heaven that she is innocent,\" whispered many of them; but","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"they ventured not to say it aloud.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"As the executioner seized her by the hand, to lift her out of the cart, she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"hastily threw the eleven coats of mail over the swans, and they immediately","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"became eleven handsome princes; but the youngest had a swan's wing, instead of","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"an arm; for she had not been able to finish the last sleeve of the coat.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Now I may speak,\" she exclaimed. \"I am innocent.\"","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"Then the people, who saw what happened, bowed to her, as before a saint; but she","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"sank lifeless in her brothers' arms, overcome with suspense, anguish, and pain.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"\"Yes, she is innocent,\" said the eldest brother; and then he related all that","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"had taken place; and while he spoke there rose in the air a fragrance as from","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"millions of roses. Every piece of faggot in the pile had taken root, and threw","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"out branches, and appeared a thick hedge, large and high, covered with roses;","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"while above all bloomed a white and shining flower, that glittered like a star.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"This flower the king plucked, and placed in Eliza's bosom, when she awoke from","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"her swoon, with peace and happiness in her heart.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And all the church bells rang of themselves, and the birds came in great troops.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"And a marriage procession returned to the castle, such as no king had ever","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"before seen.","book":"The wild swans"} {"text":"In the midst of a garden grew a rose-tree, in full blossom, and in the prettiest","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"of all the roses lived an elf. He was such a little wee thing, that no human","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"eye could see him. Behind each leaf of the rose he had a sleeping chamber. He","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"was as well formed and as beautiful as a little child could be, and had wings","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"that reached from his shoulders to his feet. Oh, what sweet fragrance there was","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"in his chambers! and how clean and beautiful were the walls! for they were the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"blushing leaves of the rose.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"During the whole day he enjoyed himself in the warm sunshine, flew from flower","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"to flower, and danced on the wings of the flying butterflies. Then he took it","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"into his head to measure how many steps he would have to go through the roads","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"and cross-roads that are on the leaf of a linden-tree. What we call the veins on","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"a leaf, he took for roads; ay, and very long roads they were for him; for before","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"he had half finished his task, the sun went down: he had commenced his work too","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"late. It became very cold, the dew fell, and the wind blew; so he thought the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"best thing he could do would be to return home. He hurried himself as much as","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"he could; but he found the roses all closed up, and he could not get in; not","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"a single rose stood open. The poor little elf was very much frightened. He had","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"never before been out at night, but had always slumbered secretly behind the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"warm rose-leaves. Oh, this would certainly be his death. At the other end of the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"garden, he knew there was an arbor, overgrown with beautiful honey-suckles. The","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"blossoms looked like large painted horns; and he thought to himself, he would","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"go and sleep in one of these till the morning. He flew thither; but \"hush!\" two","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"people were in the arbor,– a handsome young man and a beautiful lady. They sat","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"side by side, and wished that they might never be obliged to part. They loved","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"each other much more than the best child can love its father and mother.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"But we must part,\" said the young man; \"your brother does not like our","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"engagement, and therefore he sends me so far away on business, over mountains","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"and seas. Farewell, my sweet bride; for so you are to me.\"","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"And then they kissed each other, and the girl wept, and gave him a rose; but","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"before she did so, she pressed a kiss upon it so fervently that the flower","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"opened. Then the little elf flew in, and leaned his head on the delicate,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"fragrant walls. Here he could plainly hear them say, \"Farewell, farewell;\" and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"he felt that the rose had been placed on the young man's breast. Oh, how his","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"heart did beat! The little elf could not go to sleep, it thumped so loudly. The","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"young man took it out as he walked through the dark wood alone, and kissed the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"flower so often and so violently, that the little elf was almost crushed. He","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"could feel through the leaf how hot the lips of the young man were, and the rose","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"had opened, as if from the heat of the noonday sun.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"There came another man, who looked gloomy and wicked. He was the wicked brother","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"of the beautiful maiden. He drew out a sharp knife, and while the other was","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"kissing the rose, the wicked man stabbed him to death; then he cut off his head,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"and buried it with the body in the soft earth under the linden-tree.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"Now he is gone, and will soon be forgotten,\" thought the wicked brother; \"he","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"will never come back again. He was going on a long journey over mountains and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"seas; it is easy for a man to lose his life in such a journey. My sister will","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"suppose he is dead; for he cannot come back, and she will not dare to question","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"me about him.\"","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"Then he scattered the dry leaves over the light earth with his foot, and went","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"home through the darkness; but he went not alone, as he thought,– the little","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"elf accompanied him. He sat in a dry rolled-up linden-leaf, which had fallen","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"from the tree on to the wicked man's head, as he was digging the grave. The hat","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"was on the head now, which made it very dark, and the little elf shuddered with","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"fright and indignation at the wicked deed.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"It was the dawn of morning before the wicked man reached home; he took off his","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"hat, and went into his sister's room. There lay the beautiful, blooming girl,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"dreaming of him whom she loved so, and who was now, she supposed, travelling","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"far away over mountain and sea. Her wicked brother stopped over her, and laughed","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"hideously, as fiends only can laugh. The dry leaf fell out of his hair upon the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"counterpane; but he did not notice it, and went to get a little sleep during","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the early morning hours. But the elf slipped out of the withered leaf, placed","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"himself by the ear of the sleeping girl, and told her, as in a dream, of the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"horrid murder; described the place where her brother had slain her lover, and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"buried his body; and told her of the linden-tree, in full blossom, that stood","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"close by.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"That you may not think this is only a dream that I have told you,\" he said,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"you will find on your bed a withered leaf.\"","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"Then she awoke, and found it there. Oh, what bitter tears she shed! and she","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"could not open her heart to any one for relief.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"The window stood open the whole day, and the little elf could easily have","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"reached the roses, or any of the flowers; but he could not find it in his heart","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"to leave one so afflicted. In the window stood a bush bearing monthly roses. He","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"seated himself in one of the flowers, and gazed on the poor girl. Her brother","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"often came into the room, and would be quite cheerful, in spite of his base","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"conduct; so she dare not say a word to him of her heart's grief.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"As soon as night came on, she slipped out of the house, and went into the wood,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"to the spot where the linden-tree stood; and after removing the leaves from the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"earth, she turned it up, and there found him who had been murdered. Oh, how she","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"wept and prayed that she also might die! Gladly would she have taken the body","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"home with her; but that was impossible; so she took up the poor head with the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"closed eyes, kissed the cold lips, and shook the mould out of the beautiful","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"hair.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"I will keep this,\" said she; and as soon as she had covered the body again","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"with the earth and leaves, she took the head and a little sprig of jasmine that","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"bloomed in the wood, near the spot where he was buried, and carried them home","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"with her. As soon as she was in her room, she took the largest flower-pot she","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"could find, and in this she placed the head of the dead man, covered it up with","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"earth, and planted the twig of jasmine in it.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"Farewell, farewell,\" whispered the little elf. He could not any longer endure","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"to witness all this agony of grief, he therefore flew away to his own rose in","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the garden. But the rose was faded; only a few dry leaves still clung to the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"green hedge behind it.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"\"Alas! how soon all that is good and beautiful passes away,\" sighed the elf.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"After a while he found another rose, which became his home, for among its","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"delicate fragrant leaves he could dwell in safety. Every morning he flew to the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"window of the poor girl, and always found her weeping by the flower pot. The","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"bitter tears fell upon the jasmine twig, and each day, as she became paler and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"paler, the sprig appeared to grow greener and fresher. One shoot after another","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"sprouted forth, and little white buds blossomed, which the poor girl fondly","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"kissed. But her wicked brother scolded her, and asked her if she was going mad.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"He could not imagine why she was weeping over that flower-pot, and it annoyed","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"him. He did not know whose closed eyes were there, nor what red lips were fading","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"beneath the earth. And one day she sat and leaned her head against the flower-","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"pot, and the little elf of the rose found her asleep. Then he seated himself by","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"her ear, talked to her of that evening in the arbor, of the sweet perfume of the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"rose, and the loves of the elves. Sweetly she dreamed, and while she dreamt, her","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"life passed away calmly and gently, and her spirit was with him whom she loved,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"in heaven. And the jasmine opened its large white bells, and spread forth its","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"sweet fragrance; it had no other way of showing its grief for the dead. But the","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"wicked brother considered the beautiful blooming plant as his own property, left","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"to him by his sister, and he placed it in his sleeping room, close by his bed,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"for it was very lovely in appearance, and the fragrance sweet and delightful.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"The little elf of the rose followed it, and flew from flower to flower, telling","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"each little spirit that dwelt in them the story of the murdered young man,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"whose head now formed part of the earth beneath them, and of the wicked brother","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"and the poor sister. \"We know it,\" said each little spirit in the flowers, \"we","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"know it, for have we not sprung from the eyes and lips of the murdered one.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"We know it, we know it,\" and the flowers nodded with their heads in a peculiar","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"manner. The elf of the rose could not understand how they could rest so quietly","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"in the matter, so he flew to the bees, who were gathering honey, and told them","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"of the wicked brother. And the bees told it to their queen, who commanded that","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the next morning they should go and kill the murderer. But during the night,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the first after the sister's death, while the brother was sleeping in his bed,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"close to where he had placed the fragrant jasmine, every flower cup opened, and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"invisibly the little spirits stole out, armed with poisonous spears. They placed","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"themselves by the ear of the sleeper, told him dreadful dreams and then flew","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"across his lips, and pricked his tongue with their poisoned spears. \"Now have we","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"revenged the dead,\" said they, and flew back into the white bells of the jasmine","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"flowers. When the morning came, and as soon as the window was opened, the rose","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"elf, with the queen bee, and the whole swarm of bees, rushed in to kill him.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"But he was already dead. People were standing round the bed, and saying that","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the scent of the jasmine had killed him. Then the elf of the rose understood","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the revenge of the flowers, and explained it to the queen bee, and she, with","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"the whole swarm, buzzed about the flower-pot. The bees could not be driven away.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"Then a man took it up to remove it, and one of the bees stung him in the hand,","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"so that he let the flower-pot fall, and it was broken to pieces. Then every one","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"saw the whitened skull, and they knew the dead man in the bed was a murderer.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"And the queen bee hummed in the air, and sang of the revenge of the flowers, and","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"of the elf of the rose and said that behind the smallest leaf dwells One, who","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"can discover evil deeds, and punish them also.","book":"The elf of the rose"} {"text":"There was once a king's son who had a larger and more beautiful collection","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of books than any one else in the world, and full of splendid copper-plate","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"engravings. He could read and obtain information respecting every people of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"every land; but not a word could he find to explain the situation of the garden","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of paradise, and this was just what he most wished to know. His grandmother had","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"told him when he was quite a little boy, just old enough to go to school, that","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"each flower in the garden of paradise was a sweet cake, that the pistils were","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"full of rich wine, that on one flower history was written, on another geography","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"or tables; so those who wished to learn their lessons had only to eat some of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the cakes, and the more they ate, the more history, geography, or tables they","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"knew. He believed it all then; but as he grew older, and learnt more and more,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"he became wise enough to understand that the splendor of the garden of paradise","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"must be very different to all this. \"Oh, why did Eve pluck the fruit from the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"tree of knowledge? why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit?\" thought the king's","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"son: \"if I had been there it would never have happened, and there would have","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"been no sin in the world.\" The garden of paradise occupied all his thoughts till","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"he reached his seventeenth year.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"One day he was walking alone in the wood, which was his greatest pleasure, when","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"evening came on. The clouds gathered, and the rain poured down as if the sky","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"had been a waterspout; and it was as dark as the bottom of a well at midnight;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sometimes he slipped over the smooth grass, or fell over stones that projected","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"out of the rocky ground. Every thing was dripping with moisture, and the poor","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"prince had not a dry thread about him. He was obliged at last to climb over","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"great blocks of stone, with water spurting from the thick moss. He began to feel","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"quite faint, when he heard a most singular rushing noise, and saw before him","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"a large cave, from which came a blaze of light. In the middle of the cave an","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"immense fire was burning, and a noble stag, with its branching horns, was placed","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"on a spit between the trunks of two pine-trees. It was turning slowly before","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the fire, and an elderly woman, as large and strong as if she had been a man in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"disguise, sat by, throwing one piece of wood after another into the flames.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Come in,\" she said to the prince; \"sit down by the fire and dry yourself.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"There is a great draught here,\" said the prince, as he seated himself on the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"ground.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"It will be worse when my sons come home,\" replied the woman; \"you are now","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"in the cavern of the Winds, and my sons are the four Winds of heaven: can you","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"understand that?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Where are your sons?\" asked the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"It is difficult to answer stupid questions,\" said the woman. \"My sons have","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"plenty of business on hand; they are playing at shuttlecock with the clouds up","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"yonder in the king's hall,\" and she pointed upwards.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Oh, indeed,\" said the prince; \"but you speak more roughly and harshly and are","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"not so gentle as the women I am used to.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Yes, that is because they have nothing else to do; but I am obliged to be","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"harsh, to keep my boys in order, and I can do it, although they are so head-","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"strong. Do you see those four sacks hanging on the wall? Well, they are just","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"as much afraid of those sacks, as you used to be of the rat behind the looking-","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"glass. I can bend the boys together, and put them in the sacks without any","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"resistance on their parts, I can tell you. There they stay, and dare not attempt","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to come out until I allow them to do so. And here comes one of them.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"It was the North Wind who came in, bringing with him a cold, piercing blast;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"large hailstones rattled on the floor, and snowflakes were scattered around in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"all directions. He wore a bearskin dress and cloak. His sealskin cap was drawn","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"over his ears, long icicles hung from his beard, and one hailstone after another","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"rolled from the collar of his jacket.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Don't go too near the fire,\" said the prince, \"or your hands and face will be","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"frost-bitten.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Frost-bitten!\" said the North Wind, with a loud laugh; \"why frost is my","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"greatest delight. What sort of a little snip are you, and how did you find your","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"way to the cavern of the Winds?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"He is my guest,\" said the old woman, \"and if you are not satisfied with that","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"explanation you can go into the sack. Do you understand me?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"That settled the matter. So the North Wind began to relate his adventures,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"whence he came, and where he had been for a whole month. \"I come from the polar","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"seas,\" he said; \"I have been on the Bear's Island with the Russian walrus-","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"hunters. I sat and slept at the helm of their ship, as they sailed away from","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"North Cape. Sometimes when I woke, the storm-birds would fly about my legs.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"They are curious birds; they give one flap with their wings, and then on their","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"outstretched pinions soar far away.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Don't make such a long story of it,\" said the mother of the winds; \"what sort","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of a place is Bear's Island?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"A very beautiful place, with a floor for dancing as smooth and flat as a","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"plate. Half-melted snow, partly covered with moss, sharp stones, and skeletons","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of walruses and polar-bears, lie all about, their gigantic limbs in a state","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of green decay. It would seem as if the sun never shone there. I blew gently,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to clear away the mist, and then I saw a little hut, which had been built","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"from the wood of a wreck, and was covered with the skins of the walrus, the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"fleshy side outwards; it looked green and red, and on the roof sat a growling","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"bear. Then I went to the sea shore, to look after birds' nests, and saw the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"unfledged nestlings opening their mouths and screaming for food. I blew into the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"thousand little throats, and quickly stopped their screaming. Farther on were","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the walruses with pig's heads, and teeth a yard long, rolling about like great","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"worms.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"You relate your adventures very well, my son,\" said the mother, \"it makes my","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"mouth water to hear you.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"After that,\" continued the North Wind, \"the hunting commenced. The harpoon was","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"flung into the breast of the walrus, so that a smoking stream of blood spurted","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"forth like a fountain, and besprinkled the ice. Then I thought of my own game;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"I began to blow, and set my own ships, the great icebergs sailing, so that they","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"might crush the boats. Oh, how the sailors howled and cried out! but I howled","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"louder than they. They were obliged to unload their cargo, and throw their","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"chests and the dead walruses on the ice. Then I sprinkled snow over them, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"left them in their crushed boats to drift southward, and to taste salt water.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"They will never return to Bear's Island.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"So you have done mischief,\" said the mother of the Winds.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I shall leave others to tell the good I have done,\" he replied. \"But here comes","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"my brother from the West; I like him best of all, for he has the smell of the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sea about him, and brings in a cold, fresh air as he enters.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Is that the little Zephyr?\" asked the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Yes, it is the little Zephyr,\" said the old woman; \"but he is not little now.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"In years gone by he was a beautiful boy; now that is all past.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"He came in, looking like a wild man, and he wore a slouched hat to protect his","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"head from injury. In his hand he carried a club, cut from a mahogany tree in the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"American forests, not a trifle to carry.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Whence do you come?\" asked the mother.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I come from the wilds of the forests, where the thorny brambles form thick","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"hedges between the trees; where the water-snake lies in the wet grass, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"mankind seem to be unknown.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"What were you doing there?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I looked into the deep river, and saw it rushing down from the rocks. The water","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"drops mounted to the clouds and glittered in the rainbow. I saw the wild buffalo","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"swimming in the river, but the strong tide carried him away amidst a flock of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"wild ducks, which flew into the air as the waters dashed onwards, leaving the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"buffalo to be hurled over the waterfall. This pleased me; so I raised a storm,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"which rooted up old trees, and sent them floating down the river.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"And what else have you done?\" asked the old woman.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I have rushed wildly across the savannahs; I have stroked the wild horses, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"shaken the cocoa-nuts from the trees. Yes, I have many stories to relate; but","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"I need not tell everything I know. You know it all very well, don't you, old","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"lady?\" And he kissed his mother so roughly, that she nearly fell backwards. Oh,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"he was, indeed, a wild fellow.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Now in came the South Wind, with a turban and a flowing Bedouin cloak.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"How cold it is here!\" said he, throwing more wood on the fire. \"It is easy to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"feel that the North Wind has arrived here before me.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Why it is hot enough here to roast a bear,\" said the North Wind.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"You are a bear yourself,\" said the other.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Do you want to be put in the sack, both of you?\" said the old woman. \"Sit down,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"now, on that stone, yonder, and tell me where you have been.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"In Africa, mother. I went out with the Hottentots, who were lion-hunting in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the Kaffir land, where the plains are covered with grass the color of a green","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"olive; and here I ran races with the ostrich, but I soon outstripped him in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"swiftness. At last I came to the desert, in which lie the golden sands, looking","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like the bottom of the sea. Here I met a caravan, and the travellers had just","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"killed their last camel, to obtain water; there was very little for them, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"they continued their painful journey beneath the burning sun, and over the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"hot sands, which stretched before them a vast, boundless desert. Then I rolled","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"myself in the loose sand, and whirled it in burning columns over their heads.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The dromedarys stood still in terror, while the merchants drew their caftans","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"over their heads, and threw themselves on the ground before me, as they do","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"before Allah, their god. Then I buried them beneath a pyramid of sand, which","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"covers them all. When I blow that away on my next visit, the sun will bleach","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"their bones, and travellers will see that others have been there before them;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"otherwise, in such a wild desert, they might not believe it possible.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"So you have done nothing but evil,\" said the mother. \"Into the sack with you;\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and, before he was aware, she had seized the South Wind round the body, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"popped him into the bag. He rolled about on the floor, till she sat herself upon","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"him to keep him still.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"These boys of yours are very lively,\" said the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" she replied, \"but I know how to correct them, when necessary; and here","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"comes the fourth.\" In came the East Wind, dressed like a Chinese.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Oh, you come from that quarter, do you?\" said she; \"I thought you had been to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the garden of paradise.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I am going there to-morrow,\" he replied; \"I have not been there for a hundred","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"years. I have just come from China, where I danced round the porcelain tower","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"till all the bells jingled again. In the streets an official flogging was taking","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"place, and bamboo canes were being broken on the shoulders of men of every","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"high position, from the first to the ninth grade. They cried, 'Many thanks, my","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"fatherly benefactor;' but I am sure the words did not come from their hearts, so","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"I rang the bells till they sounded, 'ding, ding-dong.'\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"You are a wild boy,\" said the old woman; \"it is well for you that you are going","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to-morrow to the garden of paradise; you always get improved in your education","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"there. Drink deeply from the fountain of wisdom while you are there, and bring","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"home a bottleful for me.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"That I will,\" said the East Wind; \"but why have you put my brother South in a","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"bag? Let him out; for I want him to tell me about the phoenix-bird. The princess","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"always wants to hear of this bird when I pay her my visit every hundred years.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"If you will open the sack, sweetest mother, I will give you two pocketfuls of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"tea, green and fresh as when I gathered it from the spot where it grew.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Well, for the sake of the tea, and because you are my own boy, I will open the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"bag.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"She did so, and the South Wind crept out, looking quite cast down, because the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"prince had seen his disgrace.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"There is a palm-leaf for the princess,\" he said. \"The old phoenix, the only","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"one in the world, gave it to me himself. He has scratched on it with his beak","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the whole of his history during the hundred years he has lived. She can there","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"read how the old phoenix set fire to his own nest, and sat upon it while it was","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"burning, like a Hindoo widow. The dry twigs around the nest crackled and smoked","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"till the flames burst forth and consumed the phoenix to ashes. Amidst the fire","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"lay an egg, red hot, which presently burst with a loud report, and out flew","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"a young bird. He is the only phoenix in the world, and the king over all the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"other birds. He has bitten a hole in the leaf which I give you, and that is his","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"greeting to the princess.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Now let us have something to eat,\" said the mother of the Winds. So they all","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sat down to feast on the roasted stag; and as the prince sat by the side of the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"East Wind, they soon became good friends.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Pray tell me,\" said the prince, \"who is that princess of whom you have been","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"talking! and where lies the garden of paradise?\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Ho! ho!\" said the East Wind, \"would you like to go there? Well, you can fly off","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"with me to-morrow; but I must tell you one thing– no human being has been there","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"since the time of Adam and Eve. I suppose you have read of them in your Bible.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Of course I have,\" said the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Well,\" continued the East Wind, \"when they were driven out of the garden","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of paradise, it sunk into the earth; but it retained its warm sunshine, its","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"balmy air, and all its splendor. The fairy queen lives there, in the island of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"happiness, where death never comes, and all is beautiful. I can manage to take","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"you there to-morrow, if you will sit on my back. But now don't talk any more,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"for I want to go to sleep;\" and then they all slept.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"When the prince awoke in the early morning, he was not a little surprised at","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"finding himself high up above the clouds. He was seated on the back of the East","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Wind, who held him faithfully; and they were so high in the air that woods and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"fields, rivers and lakes, as they lay beneath them, looked like a painted map.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Good morning,\" said the East Wind. \"You might have slept on a while; for there","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"is very little to see in the flat country over which we are passing unless you","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like to count the churches; they look like spots of chalk on a green board.\" The","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"green board was the name he gave to the green fields and meadows.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"It was very rude of me not to say good-bye to your mother and your brothers,\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"said the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"They will excuse you, as you were asleep,\" said the East Wind; and then they","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"flew on faster than ever.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The leaves and branches of the trees rustled as they passed. When they flew over","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"seas and lakes, the waves rose higher, and the large ships dipped into the water","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like diving swans. As darkness came on, towards evening, the great towns looked","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"charming; lights were sparkling, now seen now hidden, just as the sparks go out","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"one after another on a piece of burnt paper. The prince clapped his hands with","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"pleasure; but the East Wind advised him not to express his admiration in that","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"manner, or he might fall down, and find himself hanging on a church steeple. The","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"eagle in the dark forests flies swiftly; but faster than he flew the East Wind.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The Cossack, on his small horse, rides lightly over the plains; but lighter","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"still passed the prince on the winds of the wind.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"There are the Himalayas, the highest mountains in Asia,\" said the East Wind.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"We shall soon reach the garden of paradise now.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Then, they turned southward, and the air became fragrant with the perfume of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"spices and flowers. Here figs and pomegranates grew wild, and the vines were","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"covered with clusters of blue and purple grapes. Here they both descended to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the earth, and stretched themselves on the soft grass, while the flowers bowed","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to the breath of the wind as if to welcome it. \"Are we now in the garden of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"paradise?\" asked the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"No, indeed,\" replied the East Wind; \"but we shall be there very soon. Do you","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"see that wall of rocks, and the cavern beneath it, over which the grape vines","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"hang like a green curtain? Through that cavern we must pass. Wrap your cloak","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"round you; for while the sun scorches you here, a few steps farther it will be","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"icy cold. The bird flying past the entrance to the cavern feels as if one wing","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"were in the region of summer, and the other in the depths of winter.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"So this then is the way to the garden of paradise?\" asked the prince, as they","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"entered the cavern. It was indeed cold; but the cold soon passed, for the East","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Wind spread his wings, and they gleamed like the brightest fire. As they passed","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"on through this wonderful cave, the prince could see great blocks of stone, from","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"which water trickled, hanging over their heads in fantastic shapes. Sometimes","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"it was so narrow that they had to creep on their hands and knees, while at","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"other times it was lofty and wide, like the free air. It had the appearance of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"a chapel for the dead, with petrified organs and silent pipes. \"We seem to be","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"passing through the valley of death to the garden of paradise,\" said the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"But the East Wind answered not a word, only pointed forwards to a lovely","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"blue light which gleamed in the distance. The blocks of stone assumed a misty","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"appearance, till at last they looked like white clouds in moonlight. The air","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"was fresh and balmy, like a breeze from the mountains perfumed with flowers from","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"a valley of roses. A river, clear as the air itself, sparkled at their feet,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"while in its clear depths could be seen gold and silver fish sporting in the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"bright water, and purple eels emitting sparks of fire at every moment, while","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the broad leaves of the water-lilies, that floated on its surface, flickered","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"with all the colors of the rainbow. The flower in its color of flame seemed to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"receive its nourishment from the water, as a lamp is sustained by oil. A marble","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"bridge, of such exquisite workmanship that it appeared as if formed of lace and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"pearls, led to the island of happiness, in which bloomed the garden of paradise.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The East Wind took the prince in his arms, and carried him over, while the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"flowers and the leaves sang the sweet songs of his childhood in tones so full","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and soft that no human voice could venture to imitate. Within the garden grew","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"large trees, full of sap; but whether they were palm-trees or gigantic water-","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"plants, the prince knew not. The climbing plants hung in garlands of green and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"gold, like the illuminations on the margins of old missals or twined among the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"initial letters. Birds, flowers, and festoons appeared intermingled in seeming","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"confusion. Close by, on the grass, stood a group of peacocks, with radiant tails","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"outspread to the sun. The prince touched them, and found, to his surprise, that","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"they were not really birds, but the leaves of the burdock tree, which shone","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"with the colors of a peacock's tail. The lion and the tiger, gentle and tame,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"were springing about like playful cats among the green bushes, whose perfume was","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like the fragrant blossom of the olive. The plumage of the wood-pigeon glistened","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like pearls as it struck the lion's mane with its wings; while the antelope,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"usually so shy, stood near, nodding its head as if it wished to join in the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"frolic. The fairy of paradise next made her appearance. Her raiment shone like","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the sun, and her serene countenance beamed with happiness like that of a mother","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"rejoicing over her child. She was young and beautiful, and a train of lovely","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"maidens followed her, each wearing a bright star in her hair. The East Wind gave","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"her the palm-leaf, on which was written the history of the phoenix; and her eyes","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sparkled with joy. She then took the prince by the hand, and led him into her","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"palace, the walls of which were richly colored, like a tulip-leaf when it is","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"turned to the sun. The roof had the appearance of an inverted flower, and the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"colors grew deeper and brighter to the gazer. The prince walked to a window, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"saw what appeared to be the tree of knowledge of good and evil, with Adam and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Eve standing by, and the serpent near them. \"I thought they were banished from","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"paradise,\" he said.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The princess smiled, and told him that time had engraved each event on a","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"window-pane in the form of a picture; but, unlike other pictures, all that it","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"represented lived and moved,– the leaves rustled, and the persons went and came,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"as in a looking-glass. He looked through another pane, and saw the ladder in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Jacob's dream, on which the angels were ascending and descending with outspread","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"wings. All that had ever happened in the world here lived and moved on the panes","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of glass, in pictures such as time alone could produce. The fairy now led the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"prince into a large, lofty room with transparent walls, through which the light","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"shone. Here were portraits, each one appearing more beautiful than the other–","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"millions of happy beings, whose laughter and song mingled in one sweet melody:","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"some of these were in such an elevated position that they appeared smaller","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"than the smallest rosebud, or like pencil dots on paper. In the centre of the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"hall stood a tree, with drooping branches, from which hung golden apples, both","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"great and small, looking like oranges amid the green leaves. It was the tree of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"knowledge of good and evil, from which Adam and Eve had plucked and eaten the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"forbidden fruit, and from each leaf trickled a bright red dewdrop, as if the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"tree were weeping tears of blood for their sin. \"Let us now take the boat,\" said","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the fairy: \"a sail on the cool waters will refresh us. But we shall not move","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"from the spot, although the boat may rock on the swelling water; the countries","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of the world will glide before us, but we shall remain still.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"It was indeed wonderful to behold. First came the lofty Alps, snow-clad, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"covered with clouds and dark pines. The horn resounded, and the shepherds sang","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"merrily in the valleys. The banana-trees bent their drooping branches over","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the boat, black swans floated on the water, and singular animals and flowers","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"appeared on the distant shore. New Holland, the fifth division of the world, now","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"glided by, with mountains in the background, looking blue in the distance. They","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"heard the song of the priests, and saw the wild dance of the savage to the sound","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of the drums and trumpets of bone; the pyramids of Egypt rising to the clouds;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"columns and sphinxes, overthrown and buried in the sand, followed in their turn;","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"while the northern lights flashed out over the extinguished volcanoes of the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"north, in fireworks none could imitate.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The prince was delighted, and yet he saw hundreds of other wonderful things more","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"than can be described. \"Can I stay here forever?\" asked he.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"That depends upon yourself,\" replied the fairy. \"If you do not, like Adam, long","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"for what is forbidden, you can remain here always.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I should not touch the fruit on the tree of knowledge,\" said the prince; \"there","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"is abundance of fruit equally beautiful.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Examine your own heart,\" said the princess, \"and if you do not feel sure of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"its strength, return with the East Wind who brought you. He is about to fly","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"back, and will not return here for a hundred years. The time will not seem to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"you more than a hundred hours, yet even that is a long time for temptation and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"resistance. Every evening, when I leave you, I shall be obliged to say, 'Come","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"with me,' and to beckon to you with my hand. But you must not listen, nor move","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"from your place to follow me; for with every step you will find your power to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"resist weaker. If once you attempted to follow me, you would soon find yourself","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"in the hall, where grows the tree of knowledge, for I sleep beneath its perfumed","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"branches. If you stooped over me, I should be forced to smile. If you then","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"kissed my lips, the garden of paradise would sink into the earth, and to you it","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"would be lost. A keen wind from the desert would howl around you; cold rain fall","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"on your head, and sorrow and woe be your future lot.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I will remain,\" said the prince.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"So the East Wind kissed him on the forehead, and said, \"Be firm; then shall we","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"meet again when a hundred years have passed. Farewell, farewell.\" Then the East","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Wind spread his broad pinions, which shone like the lightning in harvest, or as","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the northern lights in a cold winter.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Farewell, farewell,\" echoed the trees and the flowers.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Storks and pelicans flew after him in feathery bands, to accompany him to the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"boundaries of the garden.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Now we will commence dancing,\" said the fairy; \"and when it is nearly over at","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sunset, while I am dancing with you, I shall make a sign, and ask you to follow","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"me: but do not obey. I shall be obliged to repeat the same thing for a hundred","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"years; and each time, when the trial is past, if you resist, you will gain","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"strength, till resistance becomes easy, and at last the temptation will be quite","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"overcome. This evening, as it will be the first time, I have warned you.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"After this the fairy led him into a large hall, filled with transparent lilies.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The yellow stamina of each flower formed a tiny golden harp, from which came","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"forth strains of music like the mingled tones of flute and lyre. Beautiful","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"maidens, slender and graceful in form, and robed in transparent gauze, floated","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"through the dance, and sang of the happy life in the garden of paradise, where","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"death never entered, and where all would bloom forever in immortal youth. As","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the sun went down, the whole heavens became crimson and gold, and tinted the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"lilies with the hue of roses. Then the beautiful maidens offered to the prince","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"sparkling wine; and when he had drank, he felt happiness greater than he had","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"ever known before. Presently the background of the hall opened and the tree","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"of knowledge appeared, surrounded by a halo of glory that almost blinded him.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Voices, soft and lovely as his mother's sounded in his ears, as if she were","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"singing to him, \"My child, my beloved child.\" Then the fairy beckoned to him,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and said in sweet accents, \"Come with me, come with me.\" Forgetting his promise,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"forgetting it even on the very first evening, he rushed towards her, while she","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"continued to beckon to him and to smile. The fragrance around him overpowered","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"his senses, the music from the harps sounded more entrancing, while around the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"tree appeared millions of smiling faces, nodding and singing. \"Man should know","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"everything; man is the lord of the earth.\" The tree of knowledge no longer wept","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"tears of blood, for the dewdrops shone like glittering stars.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"Come, come,\" continued that thrilling voice, and the prince followed the call.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"At every step his cheeks glowed, and the blood rushed wildly through his veins.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I must follow,\" he cried; \"it is not a sin, it cannot be, to follow beauty and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"joy. I only want to see her sleep, and nothing will happen unless I kiss her,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and that I will not do, for I have strength to resist, and a determined will.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"The fairy threw off her dazzling attire, bent back the boughs, and in another","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"moment was hidden among them.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"I have not sinned yet,\" said the prince, \"and I will not;\" and then he pushed","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"aside the boughs to follow the princess. She was lying already asleep, beautiful","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"as only a fairy in the garden of paradise could be. She smiled as he bent over","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"her, and he saw tears trembling out of her beautiful eyelashes. \"Do you weep","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"for me?\" he whispered. \"Oh weep not, thou loveliest of women. Now do I begin","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to understand the happiness of paradise; I feel it to my inmost soul, in every","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"thought. A new life is born within me. One moment of such happiness is worth an","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"eternity of darkness and woe.\" He stooped and kissed the tears from her eyes,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and touched her lips with his.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"A clap of thunder, loud and awful, resounded through the trembling air. All","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"around him fell into ruin. The lovely fairy, the beautiful garden, sunk deeper","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"and deeper. The prince saw it sinking down in the dark night till it shone only","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"like a star in the distance beneath him. Then he felt a coldness, like death,","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"creeping over him; his eyes closed, and he became insensible.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"When he recovered, a chilling rain was beating upon him, and a sharp wind blew","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"on his head. \"Alas! what have I done?\" he sighed; \"I have sinned like Adam, and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the garden of paradise has sunk into the earth.\" He opened his eyes, and saw the","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"star in the distance, but it was the morning star in heaven which glittered in","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the darkness.","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"Presently he stood up and found himself in the depths of the forest, close to","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the cavern of the Winds, and the mother of the Winds sat by his side. She looked","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"angry, and raised her arm in the air as she spoke. \"The very first evening!\" she","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"said. \"Well, I expected it! If you were my son, you should go into the sack.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"\"And there he will have to go at last,\" said a strong old man, with large","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"black wings, and a scythe in his hand, whose name was Death. \"He shall be laid","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"in his coffin, but not yet. I will allow him to wander about the world for a","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"while, to atone for his sin, and to give him time to become better. But I shall","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"return when he least expects me. I shall lay him in a black coffin, place it on","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"my head, and fly away with it beyond the stars. There also blooms a garden of","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"paradise, and if he is good and pious he will be admitted; but if his thoughts","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"are bad, and his heart is full of sin, he will sink with his coffin deeper than","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"the garden of paradise has sunk. Once in every thousand years I shall go and","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"fetch him, when he will either be condemned to sink still deeper, or be raised","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"to a happier life in the world beyond the stars.\"","book":"The garden of paradise"} {"text":"There was once a merchant who was so rich that he could have paved the whole","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"street with gold, and would even then have had enough for a small alley. But","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"he did not do so; he knew the value of money better than to use it in this way.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"So clever was he, that every shilling he put out brought him a crown; and so","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"he continued till he died. His son inherited his wealth, and he lived a merry","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"life with it; he went to a masquerade every night, made kites out of five pound","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"notes, and threw pieces of gold into the sea instead of stones, making ducks","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and drakes of them. In this manner he soon lost all his money. At last he had","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"nothing left but a pair of slippers, an old dressing-gown, and four shillings.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"And now all his friends deserted him, they could not walk with him in the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"streets; but one of them, who was very good-natured, sent him an old trunk","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"with this message, \"Pack up!\" - \"Yes,\" he said, \"it is all very well to say","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'pack up,' \"but he had nothing left to pack up, therefore he seated himself in","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the trunk. It was a very wonderful trunk; no sooner did any one press on the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"lock than the trunk could fly. He shut the lid and pressed the lock, when away","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant's son in it, right up into the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"clouds. Whenever the bottom of the trunk cracked, he was in a great fright, for","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"if the trunk fell to pieces he would have made a tremendous somerset over the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"trees. However, he got safely in his trunk to the land of Turkey. He hid the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"trunk in the wood under some dry leaves, and then went into the town: he could","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"so this very well, for the Turks always go about dressed in dressing-gowns and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"slippers, as he was himself. He happened to meet a nurse with a little child. \"I","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"say, you Turkish nurse,\" cried he, \"what castle is that near the town, with the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"windows placed so high?\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"The king's daughter lives there,\" she replied; \"it has been prophesied that","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"she will be very unhappy about a lover, and therefore no one is allowed to visit","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"her, unless the king and queen are present.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Thank you,\" said the merchant's son. So he went back to the wood, seated","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"himself in his trunk, flew up to the roof of the castle, and crept through the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"window into the princess's room. She lay on the sofa asleep, and she was so","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"beautiful that the merchant's son could not help kissing her. Then she awoke,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and was very much frightened; but he told her he was a Turkish angel, who had","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"come down through the air to see her, which pleased her very much. He sat down","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"by her side and talked to her: he said her eyes were like beautiful dark lakes,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"in which the thoughts swam about like little mermaids, and he told her that her","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"forehead was a snowy mountain, which contained splendid halls full of pictures.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"And then he related to her about the stork who brings the beautiful children","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"from the rivers. These were delightful stories; and when he asked the princess","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"if she would marry him, she consented immediately.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"But you must come on Saturday,\" she said; \"for then the king and queen will","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"take tea with me. They will be very proud when they find that I am going to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"marry a Turkish angel; but you must think of some very pretty stories to tell","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"them, for my parents like to hear stories better than anything. My mother","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"prefers one that is deep and moral; but my father likes something funny, to make","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"him laugh.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Very well,\" he replied; \"I shall bring you no other marriage portion than a","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"story,\" and so they parted. But the princess gave him a sword which was studded","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"with gold coins, and these he could use.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"Then he flew away to the town and bought a new dressing-gown, and afterwards","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"returned to the wood, where he composed a story, so as to be ready for Saturday,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"which was no easy matter. It was ready however by Saturday, when he went to see","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the princess. The king, and queen, and the whole court, were at tea with the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"princess; and he was received with great politeness.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Will you tell us a story?\" said the queen,– \"one that is instructive and full","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"of deep learning.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Yes, but with something in it to laugh at,\" said the king.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Certainly,\" he replied, and commenced at once, asking them to listen","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"attentively.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"There was once a bundle of matches that were exceedingly proud of their high","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"descent. Their genealogical tree, that is, a large pine-tree from which they","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"had been cut, was at one time a large, old tree in the wood. The matches now","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"lay between a tinder-box and an old iron saucepan, and were talking about their","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"youthful days. 'Ah! then we grew on the green boughs, and were as green as they;","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"every morning and evening we were fed with diamond drops of dew. Whenever the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"sun shone, we felt his warm rays, and the little birds would relate stories","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"to us as they sung. We knew that we were rich, for the other trees only wore","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"their green dress in summer, but our family were able to array themselves in","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"green, summer and winter. But the wood-cutter came, like a great revolution,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and our family fell under the axe. The head of the house obtained a situation","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"as mainmast in a very fine ship, and can sail round the world when he will. The","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"other branches of the family were taken to different places, and our office now","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"is to kindle a light for common people. This is how such high-born people as we","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"came to be in a kitchen.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Mine has been a very different fate,' said the iron pot, which stood by the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"matches; 'from my first entrance into the world I have been used to cooking","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and scouring. I am the first in this house, when anything solid or useful is","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"required. My only pleasure is to be made clean and shining after dinner, and to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"sit in my place and have a little sensible conversation with my neighbors. All","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"of us, excepting the water-bucket, which is sometimes taken into the courtyard,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"live here together within these four walls. We get our news from the market-","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"basket, but he sometimes tells us very unpleasant things about the people and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the government. Yes, and one day an old pot was so alarmed, that he fell down","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and was broken to pieces. He was a liberal, I can tell you.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'You are talking too much,' said the tinder-box, and the steel struck against","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the flint till some sparks flew out, crying, 'We want a merry evening, don't","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"we?'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Yes, of course,' said the matches, 'let us talk about those who are the highest","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"born.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'No, I don't like to be always talking of what we are,' remarked the saucepan;","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'let us think of some other amusement; I will begin. We will tell something that","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"has happened to ourselves; that will be very easy, and interesting as well. On","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the Baltic Sea, near the Danish shore'– 'What a pretty commencement!' said the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"plates; 'we shall all like that story, I am sure.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Yes; well in my youth, I lived in a quiet family, where the furniture was","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"polished, the floors scoured, and clean curtains put up every fortnight,'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'What an interesting way you have of relating a story,' said the carpet-broom;","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'it is easy to perceive that you have been a great deal in women's society,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"there is something so pure runs through what you say.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'That is quite true,' said the water-bucket; and he made a spring with joy, and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"splashed some water on the floor.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"Then the saucepan went on with his story, and the end was as good as the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"beginning.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"The plates rattled with pleasure, and the carpet-broom brought some green","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"parsley out of the dust-hole and crowned the saucepan, for he knew it would vex","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"the others; and he thought, 'If I crown him to-day he will crown me to-morrow.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Now, let us have a dance,' said the fire-tongs; and then how they danced and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"stuck up one leg in the air. The chair-cushion in the corner burst with laughter","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"when she saw it.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Shall I be crowned now?' asked the fire-tongs; so the broom found another","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"wreath for the tongs.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'They were only common people after all,' thought the matches. The tea-urn","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"was now asked to sing, but she said she had a cold, and could not sing without","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"boiling heat. They all thought this was affectation, and because she did not","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"wish to sing excepting in the parlor, when on the table with the grand people.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"In the window sat an old quill-pen, with which the maid generally wrote. There","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"was nothing remarkable about the pen, excepting that it had been dipped too","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"deeply in the ink, but it was proud of that.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'If the tea-urn won't sing,' said the pen, 'she can leave it alone; there is a","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"nightingale in a cage who can sing; she has not been taught much, certainly, but","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"we need not say anything this evening about that.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'I think it highly improper,' said the tea-kettle, who was kitchen singer, and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"half-brother to the tea-urn, 'that a rich foreign bird should be listened to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"here. Is it patriotic? Let the market-basket decide what is right.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'I certainly am vexed,' said the basket; 'inwardly vexed, more than any one can","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"imagine. Are we spending the evening properly? Would it not be more sensible to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"put the house in order? If each were in his own place I would lead a game; this","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"would be quite another thing.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Let us act a play,' said they all. At the same moment the door opened, and the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"maid came in. Then not one stirred; they all remained quite still; yet, at the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"same time, there was not a single pot amongst them who had not a high opinion of","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"himself, and of what he could do if he chose.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Yes, if we had chosen,' they each thought, 'we might have spent a very pleasant","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"evening.'","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"The maid took the matches and lighted them; dear me, how they sputtered and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"blazed up!","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"'Now then,' they thought, 'every one will see that we are the first. How we","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"shine; what a light we give!' Even while they spoke their light went out.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"What a capital story,\" said the queen, \"I feel as if I were really in the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"kitchen, and could see the matches; yes, you shall marry our daughter.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"Certainly,\" said the king, \"thou shalt have our daughter.\" The king said thou","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"to him because he was going to be one of the family. The wedding-day was fixed,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and, on the evening before, the whole city was illuminated. Cakes and sweetmeats","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"were thrown among the people. The street boys stood on tiptoe and shouted","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"hurrah,\" and whistled between their fingers; altogether it was a very splendid","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"affair.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"I will give them another treat,\" said the merchant's son. So he went and bought","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"rockets and crackers, and all sorts of fire-works that could be thought of,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"packed them in his trunk, and flew up with it into the air. What a whizzing and","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"popping they made as they went off! The Turks, when they saw such a sight in the","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"air, jumped so high that their slippers flew about their ears. It was easy to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"believe after this that the princess was really going to marry a Turkish angel.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"As soon as the merchant's son had come down in his flying trunk to the wood","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"after the fireworks, he thought, \"I will go back into the town now, and hear","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"what they think of the entertainment.\" It was very natural that he should wish","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"to know. And what strange things people did say, to be sure! every one whom","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"he questioned had a different tale to tell, though they all thought it very","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"beautiful.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"I saw the Turkish angel myself,\" said one; \"he had eyes like glittering stars,","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"and a head like foaming water.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"\"He flew in a mantle of fire,\" cried another, \"and lovely little cherubs peeped","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"out from the folds.\"","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"He heard many more fine things about himself, and that the next day he was to be","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"married. After this he went back to the forest to rest himself in his trunk. It","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"had disappeared! A spark from the fireworks which remained had set it on fire;","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"it was burnt to ashes! So the merchant's son could not fly any more, nor go to","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"meet his bride. She stood all day on the roof waiting for him, and most likely","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"she is waiting there still; while he wanders through the world telling fairy","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"tales, but none of them so amusing as the one he related about the matches.","book":"The flying trunk"} {"text":"On the last house in a little village the storks had built a nest, and the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"mother stork sat in it with her four young ones, who stretched out their necks","book":"The storks"} {"text":"and pointed their black beaks, which had not yet turned red like those of the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"parent birds. A little way off, on the edge of the roof, stood the father stork,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"quite upright and stiff; not liking to be quite idle, he drew up one leg, and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"stood on the other, so still that it seemed almost as if he were carved in wood.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"It must look very grand,\" thought he, \"for my wife to have a sentry guarding","book":"The storks"} {"text":"her nest. They do not know that I am her husband; they will think I have been","book":"The storks"} {"text":"commanded to stand here, which is quite aristocratic;\" and so he continued","book":"The storks"} {"text":"standing on one leg.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"In the street below were a number of children at play, and when they caught","book":"The storks"} {"text":"sight of the storks, one of the boldest amongst the boys began to sing a song","book":"The storks"} {"text":"about them, and very soon he was joined by the rest. These are the words of the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"song, but each only sang what he could remember of them in his own way.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Stork, stork, fly away,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"Stand not on one leg, I pray,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"See your wife is in her nest,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"With her little ones at rest.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"They will hang one,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"And fry another;","book":"The storks"} {"text":"They will shoot a third,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"And roast his brother.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Just hear what those boys are singing,\" said the young storks; \"they say we","book":"The storks"} {"text":"shall be hanged and roasted.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Never mind what they say; you need not listen,\" said the mother. \"They can do","book":"The storks"} {"text":"no harm.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"But the boys went on singing and pointing at the storks, and mocking at them,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"excepting one of the boys whose name was Peter; he said it was a shame to make","book":"The storks"} {"text":"fun of animals, and would not join with them at all. The mother stork comforted","book":"The storks"} {"text":"her young ones, and told them not to mind. \"See,\" she said, \"How quiet your","book":"The storks"} {"text":"father stands, although he is only on one leg.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"But we are very much frightened,\" said the young storks, and they drew back","book":"The storks"} {"text":"their heads into the nests.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"The next day when the children were playing together, and saw the storks, they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"sang the song again–","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"They will hang one,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"And roast another.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Shall we be hanged and roasted?\" asked the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"No, certainly not,\" said the mother. \"I will teach you to fly, and when you","book":"The storks"} {"text":"have learnt, we will fly into the meadows, and pay a visit to the frogs, who","book":"The storks"} {"text":"will bow themselves to us in the water, and cry 'Croak, croak,' and then we","book":"The storks"} {"text":"shall eat them up; that will be fun.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"And what next?\" asked the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Then,\" replied the mother, \"all the storks in the country will assemble","book":"The storks"} {"text":"together, and go through their autumn manoeuvres, so that it is very important","book":"The storks"} {"text":"for every one to know how to fly properly. If they do not, the general will","book":"The storks"} {"text":"thrust them through with his beak, and kill them. Therefore you must take pains","book":"The storks"} {"text":"and learn, so as to be ready when the drilling begins.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Then we may be killed after all, as the boys say; and hark! they are singing","book":"The storks"} {"text":"again.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Listen to me, and not to them,\" said the mother stork. \"After the great review","book":"The storks"} {"text":"is over, we shall fly away to warm countries far from hence, where there are","book":"The storks"} {"text":"mountains and forests. To Egypt, where we shall see three-cornered houses built","book":"The storks"} {"text":"of stone, with pointed tops that reach nearly to the clouds. They are called","book":"The storks"} {"text":"Pyramids, and are older than a stork could imagine; and in that country, there","book":"The storks"} {"text":"is a river that overflows its banks, and then goes back, leaving nothing but","book":"The storks"} {"text":"mire; there we can walk about, and eat frogs in abundance.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Oh, o–h!\" cried the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Yes, it is a delightful place; there is nothing to do all day long but eat, and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"while we are so well off out there, in this country there will not be a single","book":"The storks"} {"text":"green leaf on the trees, and the weather will be so cold that the clouds will","book":"The storks"} {"text":"freeze, and fall on the earth in little white rags.\" The stork meant snow, but","book":"The storks"} {"text":"she could not explain it in any other way.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Will the naughty boys freeze and fall in pieces?\" asked the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"No, they will not freeze and fall into pieces,\" said the mother, \"but they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"will be very cold, and be obliged to sit all day in a dark, gloomy room, while","book":"The storks"} {"text":"we shall be flying about in foreign lands, where there are blooming flowers and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"warm sunshine.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"Time passed on, and the young storks grew so large that they could stand upright","book":"The storks"} {"text":"in the nest and look about them. The father brought them, every day, beautiful","book":"The storks"} {"text":"frogs, little snakes, and all kinds of stork-dainties that he could find. And","book":"The storks"} {"text":"then, how funny it was to see the tricks he would perform to amuse them. He","book":"The storks"} {"text":"would lay his head quite round over his tail, and clatter with his beak, as if","book":"The storks"} {"text":"it had been a rattle; and then he would tell them stories all about the marshes","book":"The storks"} {"text":"and fens.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Come,\" said the mother one day, \"Now you must learn to fly.\" And all the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"four young ones were obliged to come out on the top of the roof. Oh, how they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"tottered at first, and were obliged to balance themselves with their wings, or","book":"The storks"} {"text":"they would have fallen to the ground below.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Look at me,\" said the mother, \"you must hold your heads in this way, and place","book":"The storks"} {"text":"your feet so. Once, twice, once, twice– that is it. Now you will be able to take","book":"The storks"} {"text":"care of yourselves in the world.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"Then she flew a little distance from them, and the young ones made a spring to","book":"The storks"} {"text":"follow her; but down they fell plump, for their bodies were still too heavy.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"I don't want to fly,\" said one of the young storks, creeping back into the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"nest. \"I don't care about going to warm countries.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Would you like to stay here and freeze when the winter comes?\" said the mother,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"or till the boys comes to hang you, or to roast you?– Well then, I'll call","book":"The storks"} {"text":"them.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Oh no, no,\" said the young stork, jumping out on the roof with the others; and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"now they were all attentive, and by the third day could fly a little. Then they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"began to fancy they could soar, so they tried to do so, resting on their wings,","book":"The storks"} {"text":"but they soon found themselves falling, and had to flap their wings as quickly","book":"The storks"} {"text":"as possible. The boys came again in the street singing their song:–","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Stork, stork, fly away.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Shall we fly down, and pick their eyes out?\" asked the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"No; leave them alone,\" said the mother. \"Listen to me; that is much more","book":"The storks"} {"text":"important. Now then. One-two-three. Now to the right. One-two-three. Now to the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"left, round the chimney. There now, that was very good. That last flap of the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"wings was so easy and graceful, that I shall give you permission to fly with me","book":"The storks"} {"text":"to-morrow to the marshes. There will be a number of very superior storks there","book":"The storks"} {"text":"with their families, and I expect you to show them that my children are the best","book":"The storks"} {"text":"brought up of any who may be present. You must strut about proudly– it will look","book":"The storks"} {"text":"well and make you respected.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"But may we not punish those naughty boys?\" asked the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"No; let them scream away as much as they like. You can fly from them now up","book":"The storks"} {"text":"high amid the clouds, and will be in the land of the pyramids when they are","book":"The storks"} {"text":"freezing, and have not a green leaf on the trees or an apple to eat.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"We will revenge ourselves,\" whispered the young storks to each other, as they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"again joined the exercising.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"Of all the boys in the street who sang the mocking song about the storks, not","book":"The storks"} {"text":"one was so determined to go on with it as he who first began it. Yet he was a","book":"The storks"} {"text":"little fellow not more than six years old. To the young storks he appeared at","book":"The storks"} {"text":"least a hundred, for he was so much bigger than their father and mother. To be","book":"The storks"} {"text":"sure, storks cannot be expected to know how old children and grown-up people","book":"The storks"} {"text":"are. So they determined to have their revenge on this boy, because he began the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"song first and would keep on with it. The young storks were very angry, and grew","book":"The storks"} {"text":"worse as they grew older; so at last their mother was obliged to promise that","book":"The storks"} {"text":"they should be revenged, but not until the day of their departure.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"We must see first, how you acquit yourselves at the grand review,\" said she.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"If you get on badly there, the general will thrust his beak through you, and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"you will be killed, as the boys said, though not exactly in the same manner. So","book":"The storks"} {"text":"we must wait and see.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"You shall see,\" said the young birds, and then they took such pains and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"practised so well every day, that at last it was quite a pleasure to see them","book":"The storks"} {"text":"fly so lightly and prettily. As soon as the autumn arrived, all the storks began","book":"The storks"} {"text":"to assemble together before taking their departure for warm countries during the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"winter. Then the review commenced. They flew over forests and villages to show","book":"The storks"} {"text":"what they could do, for they had a long journey before them. The young storks","book":"The storks"} {"text":"performed their part so well that they received a mark of honor, with frogs and","book":"The storks"} {"text":"snakes as a present. These presents were the best part of the affair, for they","book":"The storks"} {"text":"could eat the frogs and snakes, which they very quickly did.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Now let us have our revenge,\" they cried.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"Yes, certainly,\" cried the mother stork. \"I have thought upon the best way to","book":"The storks"} {"text":"be revenged. I know the pond in which all the little children lie, waiting till","book":"The storks"} {"text":"the storks come to take them to their parents. The prettiest little babies lie","book":"The storks"} {"text":"there dreaming more sweetly than they will ever dream in the time to come. All","book":"The storks"} {"text":"parents are glad to have a little child, and children are so pleased with a","book":"The storks"} {"text":"little brother or sister. Now we will fly to the pond and fetch a little baby","book":"The storks"} {"text":"for each of the children who did not sing that naughty song to make game of the","book":"The storks"} {"text":"storks.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"But the naughty boy, who began the song first, what shall we do to him?\" cried","book":"The storks"} {"text":"the young storks.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"\"There lies in the pond a little dead baby who has dreamed itself to death,\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"said the mother. \"We will take it to the naughty boy, and he will cry because we","book":"The storks"} {"text":"have brought him a little dead brother. But you have not forgotten the good boy","book":"The storks"} {"text":"who said it was a shame to laugh at animals: we will take him a little brother","book":"The storks"} {"text":"and sister too, because he was good. He is called Peter, and you shall all be","book":"The storks"} {"text":"called Peter in future.\"","book":"The storks"} {"text":"So they all did what their mother had arranged, and from that day, even till","book":"The storks"} {"text":"now, all the storks have been called Peter.","book":"The storks"} {"text":"There lived once upon a time a wicked prince whose heart and mind were set","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"upon conquering all the countries of the world, and on frightening the people;","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"he devastated their countries with fire and sword, and his soldiers trod down","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the crops in the fields and destroyed the peasants' huts by fire, so that the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"flames licked the green leaves off the branches, and the fruit hung dried up","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"on the singed black trees. Many a poor mother fled, her naked baby in her arms,","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"behind the still smoking walls of her cottage; but also there the soldiers","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"followed her, and when they found her, she served as new nourishment to their","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"diabolical enjoyments; demons could not possibly have done worse things than","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"these soldiers! The prince was of opinion that all this was right, and that it","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"was only the natural course which things ought to take. His power increased day","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"by day, his name was feared by all, and fortune favoured his deeds. He brought","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"enormous wealth home from the conquered towns, and gradually accumulated in","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"his residence riches which could nowhere be equalled. He erected magnificent","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"palaces, churches, and halls, and all who saw these splendid buildings and great","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"treasures exclaimed admiringly: \"What a mighty prince!\" But they did not know","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"what endless misery he had brought upon other countries, nor did they hear the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"sighs and lamentations which rose up from the debris of the destroyed cities.","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"The prince often looked with delight upon his gold and his magnificent edifices,","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"and thought, like the crowd: \"What a mighty prince! But I must have more– much","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"more. No power on earth must equal mine, far less exceed it.\" He made war with","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"all his neighbours, and defeated them. The conquered kings were chained up with","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"golden fetters to his chariot when he drove through the streets of his city.","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"These kings had to kneel at his and his courtiers' feet when they sat at table,","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"and live on the morsels which they left.","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"At last the prince had his own statue erected on the public places and fixed","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"on the royal palaces; nay, he even wished it to be placed in the churches,","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"on the altars, but in this the priests opposed him, saying: \"Prince, you are","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"mighty indeed, but God's power is much greater than yours; we dare not obey your","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"orders.\"","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"\"Well,\" said the prince. \"Then I will conquer God too.\" And in his haughtiness","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"and foolish presumption he ordered a magnificent ship to be constructed, with","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"which he could sail through the air; it was gorgeously fitted out and of many","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"colours; like the tail of a peacock, it was covered with thousands of eyes, but","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"each eye was the barrel of a gun. The prince sat in the centre of the ship, and","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"had only to touch a spring in order to make thousands of bullets fly out in all","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"directions, while the guns were at once loaded again. Hundreds of eagles were","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the sun. The earth was soon left far below, and looked, with its mountains","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"and woods, like a cornfield where the plough had made furrows which separated","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"green meadows; soon it looked only like a map with indistinct lines upon it;","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"and at last it entirely disappeared in mist and clouds. Higher and higher rose","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the eagles up into the air; then God sent one of his numberless angels against","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the ship. The wicked prince showered thousands of bullets upon him, but they","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"rebounded from his shining wings and fell down like ordinary hailstones. One","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"drop of blood, one single drop, came out of the white feathers of the angel's","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"wings and fell upon the ship in which the prince sat, burnt into it, and weighed","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"upon it like thousands of hundredweights, dragging it rapidly down to the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"earth again; the strong wings of the eagles gave way, the wind roared round the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"prince's head, and the clouds around– were they formed by the smoke rising up","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"from the burnt cities?– took strange shapes, like crabs many, many miles long,","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"which stretched their claws out after him, and rose up like enormous rocks, from","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"which rolling masses dashed down, and became fire-spitting dragons. The prince","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"was lying half-dead in his ship, when it sank at last with a terrible shock into","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the branches of a large tree in the wood.","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"\"I will conquer God!\" said the prince. \"I have sworn it: my will must be done!\"","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"with. He gathered warriors from all countries, so many that when they were","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"placed side by side they covered the space of several miles. They entered the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"ships and the prince was approaching his own, when God sent a swarm of gnats–","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"one swarm of little gnats. They buzzed round the prince and stung his face and","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"air and did not hit the gnats. Then he ordered his servants to bring costly","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"coverings and wrap him in them, that the gnats might no longer be able to reach","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"him. The servants carried out his orders, but one single gnat had placed itself","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"inside one of the coverings, crept into the prince's ear and stung him. The","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"place burnt like fire, and the poison entered into his blood. Mad with pain, he","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"tore off the coverings and his clothes too, flinging them far away, and danced","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"about before the eyes of his ferocious soldiers, who now mocked at him, the mad","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"prince, who wished to make war with God, and was overcome by a single little","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"gnat.","book":"The wicked prince"} {"text":"There is nobody in the world who knows so many stories as Ole-Luk-Oie, or who","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"can relate them so nicely. In the evening, while the children are seated at","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the table or in their little chairs, he comes up the stairs very softly, for","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"he walks in his socks, then he opens the doors without the slightest noise, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"throws a small quantity of very fine dust in their eyes, just enough to prevent","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"them from keeping them open, and so they do not see him. Then he creeps behind","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"them, and blows softly upon their necks, till their heads begin to droop. But","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Ole-Luk-Oie does not wish to hurt them, for he is very fond of children, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"only wants them to be quiet that he may relate to them pretty stories, and they","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"never are quiet until they are in bed and asleep. As soon as they are asleep,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Ole-Luk-Oie seats himself upon the bed. He is nicely dressed; his coat is made","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"of silken stuff; it is impossible to say of what color, for it changes from","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"green to red, and from red to blue as he turns from side to side. Under each","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"arm he carries an umbrella; one of them, with pictures on the inside, he spreads","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"over the good children, and then they dream the most beautiful stories the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"whole night. But the other umbrella has no pictures, and this he holds over the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"naughty children so that they sleep heavily, and wake in the morning without","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"having dreamed at all.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Now we shall hear how Ole-Luk-Oie came every night during a whole week to the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"little boy named Hjalmar, and what he told him. There were seven stories, as","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"there are seven days in the week.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Monday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Now pay attention,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, in the evening, when Hjalmar was in bed,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"and I will decorate the room.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Immediately all the flowers in the flower-pots became large trees, with long","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"branches reaching to the ceiling, and stretching along the walls, so that the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"whole room was like a greenhouse. All the branches were loaded with flowers,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"each flower as beautiful and as fragrant as a rose; and, had any one tasted","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"them, he would have found them sweeter even than jam. The fruit glittered like","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"gold, and there were cakes so full of plums that they were nearly bursting.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"It was incomparably beautiful. At the same time sounded dismal moans from the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"table-drawer in which lay Hjalmar's school books.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"What can that be now?\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, going to the table and pulling out the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"drawer.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"It was a slate, in such distress because of a false number in the sum, that it","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"had almost broken itself to pieces. The pencil pulled and tugged at its string","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"as if it were a little dog that wanted to help, but could not.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And then came a moan from Hjalmar's copy-book. Oh, it was quite terrible to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"hear! On each leaf stood a row of capital letters, every one having a small","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"letter by its side. This formed a copy; under these were other letters, which","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Hjalmar had written: they fancied they looked like the copy, but they were","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"mistaken; for they were leaning on one side as if they intended to fall over the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"pencil-lines.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"See, this is the way you should hold yourselves,\" said the copy. \"Look here,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"you should slope thus, with a graceful curve.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Oh, we are very willing to do so, but we cannot,\" said Hjalmar's letters; \"we","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"are so wretchedly made.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"You must be scratched out, then,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Oh, no!\" they cried, and then they stood up so gracefully it was quite a","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"pleasure to look at them.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Now we must give up our stories, and exercise these letters,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie;","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"One, two– one, two– \" So he drilled them till they stood up gracefully, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"looked as beautiful as a copy could look. But after Ole-Luk-Oie was gone, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Hjalmar looked at them in the morning, they were as wretched and as awkward as","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"ever.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Tuesday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"As soon as Hjalmar was in bed, Ole-Luk-Oie touched, with his little magic wand,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"all the furniture in the room, which immediately began to chatter, and each","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"article only talked of itself.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Over the chest of drawers hung a large picture in a gilt frame, representing","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"a landscape, with fine old trees, flowers in the grass, and a broad stream,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"which flowed through the wood, past several castles, far out into the wild","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"ocean. Ole-Luk-Oie touched the picture with his magic wand, and immediately","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the birds commenced singing, the branches of the trees rustled, and the clouds","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"moved across the sky, casting their shadows on the landscape beneath them. Then","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Ole-Luk-Oie lifted little Hjalmar up to the frame, and placed his feet in the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"picture, just on the high grass, and there he stood with the sun shining down","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"upon him through the branches of the trees. He ran to the water, and seated","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"himself in a little boat which lay there, and which was painted red and white.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"The sails glittered like silver, and six swans, each with a golden circlet","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"round its neck, and a bright blue star on its forehead, drew the boat past","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the green wood, where the trees talked of robbers and witches, and the flowers","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"of beautiful little elves and fairies, whose histories the butterflies had","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"related to them. Brilliant fish, with scales like silver and gold, swam after","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the boat, sometimes making a spring and splashing the water round them, while","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"birds, red and blue, small and great, flew after him in two long lines. The","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"gnats danced round them, and the cockchafers cried \"Buz, buz.\" They all wanted","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"to follow Hjalmar, and all had some story to tell him. It was a most pleasant","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"sail. Sometimes the forests were thick and dark, sometimes like a beautiful","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"garden, gay with sunshine and flowers; then he passed great palaces of glass","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and of marble, and on the balconies stood princesses, whose faces were those","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"of little girls whom Hjalmar knew well, and had often played with. One of them","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"held out her hand, in which was a heart made of sugar, more beautiful than any","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"confectioner ever sold. As Hjalmar sailed by, he caught hold of one side of the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"sugar heart, and held it fast, and the princess held fast also, so that it broke","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"in two pieces. Hjalmar had one piece, and the princess the other, but Hjalmar's","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"was the largest. At each castle stood little princes acting as sentinels. They","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"presented arms, and had golden swords, and made it rain plums and tin soldiers,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"so that they must have been real princes.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Hjalmar continued to sail, sometimes through woods, sometimes as it were through","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"large halls, and then by large cities. At last he came to the town where his","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"nurse lived, who had carried him in her arms when he was a very little boy, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"had always been kind to him. She nodded and beckoned to him, and then sang the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"little verses she had herself composed and set to him,–","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"How oft my memory turns to thee,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"My own Hjalmar, ever dear!","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"When I could watch thy infant glee,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Or kiss away a pearly tear.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"'Twas in my arms thy lisping tongue","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"First spoke the half-remembered word,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"While o'er thy tottering steps I hung,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"My fond protection to afford.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Farewell! I pray the Heavenly Power","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"To keep thee till thy dying hour.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And all the birds sang the same tune, the flowers danced on their stems, and the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"old trees nodded as if Ole-Luk-Oie had been telling them stories as well.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Wednesday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"How the rain did pour down! Hjalmar could hear it in his sleep;. and when Ole-","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Luk-Oie opened the window, the water flowed quite up to the window-sill. It had","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the appearance of a large lake outside, and a beautiful ship lay close to the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"house.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Wilt thou sail with me to-night, little Hjalmar?\" said Ole-Luk-Oie; \"then we","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"shall see foreign countries, and thou shalt return here in the morning.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"All in a moment, there stood Hjalmar, in his best clothes, on the deck of the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"noble ship; and immediately the weather became fine. They sailed through the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"streets, round by the church, and on every side rolled the wide, great sea.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"They sailed till the land disappeared, and then they saw a flock of storks, who","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"had left their own country, and were travelling to warmer climates. The storks","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"flew one behind the other, and had already been a long, long time on the wing.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"One of them seemed so tired that his wings could scarcely carry him. He was the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"last of the row, and was soon left very far behind. At length he sunk lower and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"lower, with outstretched wings, flapping them in vain, till his feet touched the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"rigging of the ship, and he slided from the sails to the deck, and stood before","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"them. Then a sailor-boy caught him, and put him in the hen-house, with the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"fowls, the ducks, and the turkeys, while the poor stork stood quite bewildered","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"amongst them.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Just look at that fellow,\" said the chickens.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then the turkey-cock puffed himself out as large as he could, and inquired who","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"he was; and the ducks waddled backwards, crying, \"Quack, quack.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then the stork told them all about warm Africa, of the pyramids, and of the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"ostrich, which, like a wild horse, runs across the desert. But the ducks did not","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"understand what he said, and quacked amongst themselves, \"We are all of the same","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"opinion; namely, that he is stupid.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, to be sure, he is stupid,\" said the turkey-cock; and gobbled.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then the stork remained quite silent, and thought of his home in Africa.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Those are handsome thin legs of yours,\" said the turkey-cock. \"What do they","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"cost a yard?\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Quack, quack, quack,\" grinned the ducks; but, the stork pretended not to hear.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"You may as well laugh,\" said the turkey; \"for that remark was rather witty, or","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"perhaps it was above you. Ah, ah, is he not clever? He will be a great amusement","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"to us while he remains here.\" And then he gobbled, and the ducks quacked,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Gobble, gobble; Quack, quack.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"What a terrible uproar they made, while they were having such fun among","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"themselves!","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then Hjalmar went to the hen-house; and, opening the door, called to the stork.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then he hopped out on the deck. He had rested himself now, and he looked happy,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and seemed as if he nodded to Hjalmar, as if to thank him. Then he spread his","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"wings, and flew away to warmer countries, while the hens clucked, the ducks","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"quacked, and the turkey-cock turned quite scarlet in the head.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"To-morrow you shall be made into soup,\" said Hjalmar to the fowls; and then he","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"awoke, and found himself lying in his little bed.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"It was a wonderful journey which Ole-Luk-Oie had made him take this night.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Thursday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"What do you think I have got here?\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, \"Do not be frightened,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and you shall see a little mouse.\" And then he held out his hand to him, in","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"which lay a lovely little creature. \"It has come to invite you to a wedding.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Two little mice are going to enter into the marriage state tonight. They reside","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"under the floor of your mother's store-room, and that must be a fine dwelling-","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"place.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"But how can I get through the little mouse-hole in the floor?\" asked Hjalmar.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Leave me to manage that,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie. \"I will soon make you small","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"enough.\" And then he touched Hjalmar with his magic wand, whereupon he became","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"less and less, until at last he was not longer than a little finger. \"Now you","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"can borrow the dress of the tin soldier. I think it will just fit you. It looks","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"well to wear a uniform when you go into company.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, certainly,\" said Hjalmar; and in a moment he was dressed as neatly as the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"neatest of all tin soldiers.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Will you be so good as to seat yourself in your mamma's thimble,\" said the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"little mouse, \"that I may have the pleasure of drawing you to the wedding.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Will you really take so much trouble, young lady?\" said Hjalmar. And so in this","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"way he rode to the mouse's wedding.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"First they went under the floor, and then passed through a long passage, which","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"was scarcely high enough to allow the thimble to drive under, and the whole","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"passage was lit up with the phosphorescent light of rotten wood.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Does it not smell delicious?\" asked the mouse, as she drew him along. \"The wall","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and the floor have been smeared with bacon-rind; nothing can be nicer.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Very soon they arrived at the bridal hall. On the right stood all the little","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"lady-mice, whispering and giggling, as if they were making game of each other.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"To the left were the gentlemen-mice, stroking their whiskers with their fore-","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"paws; and in the centre of the hall could be seen the bridal pair, standing side","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"by side, in a hollow cheese-rind, and kissing each other, while all eyes were","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"upon them; for they had already been betrothed, and were soon to be married.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"More and more friends kept arriving, till the mice were nearly treading each","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"other to death; for the bridal pair now stood in the doorway, and none could","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"pass in or out.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"The room had been rubbed over with bacon-rind, like the passage, which was all","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the refreshment offered to the guests. But for dessert they produced a pea,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"on which a mouse belonging to the bridal pair had bitten the first letters of","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"their names. This was something quite uncommon. All the mice said it was a very","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"beautiful wedding, and that they had been very agreeably entertained.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"After this, Hjalmar returned home. He had certainly been in grand society; but","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"he had been obliged to creep under a room, and to make himself small enough to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"wear the uniform of a tin soldier.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Friday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"It is incredible how many old people there are who would be glad to have me","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"at night,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, \"especially those who have done something wrong.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"'Good little Ole,' say they to me, 'we cannot close our eyes, and we lie awake","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the whole night and see all our evil deeds sitting on our beds like little imps,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and sprinkling us with hot water. Will you come and drive them away, that we","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"may have a good night's rest?' and then they sigh so deeply and say, 'We would","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"gladly pay you for it. Good-night, Ole-Luk, the money lies on the window.' But I","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"never do anything for gold.\" - \"What shall we do to-night?\" asked Hjalmar. \"I do","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"not know whether you would care to go to another wedding,\" he replied, \"although","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"it is quite a different affair to the one we saw last night. Your sister's","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"large doll, that is dressed like a man, and is called Herman, intends to marry","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the doll Bertha. It is also the dolls' birthday, and they will receive many","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"presents.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, I know that already,\" said Hjalmar, \"my sister always allows her dolls to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"keep their birthdays or to have a wedding when they require new clothes; that","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"has happened already a hundred times, I am quite sure.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, so it may; but to-night is the hundred and first wedding, and when","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"that has taken place it must be the last, therefore this is to be extremely","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"beautiful. Only look.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Hjalmar looked at the table, and there stood the little card-board doll's house,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"with lights in all the windows, and drawn up before it were the tin soldiers","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"presenting arms. The bridal pair were seated on the floor, leaning against the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"leg of the table, looking very thoughtful, and with good reason. Then Ole-Luk-","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Oie dressed up in grandmother's black gown married them.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"As soon as the ceremony was concluded, all the furniture in the room joined in","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"singing a beautiful song, which had been composed by the lead pencil, and which","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"went to the melody of a military tattoo.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"What merry sounds are on the wind,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"As marriage rites together bind","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"A quiet and a loving pair,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Though formed of kid, yet smooth and fair!","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":":/: Hurrah! If they are deaf and blind,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"We'll sing, though weather prove unkind.:/:","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And now came the present; but the bridal pair had nothing to eat, for love was","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"to be their food.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Shall we go to a country house, or travel?\" asked the bridegroom.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Then they consulted the swallow who had travelled so far, and the old hen in the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"yard, who had brought up five broods of chickens.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And the swallow talked to them of warm countries, where the grapes hang in large","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"clusters on the vines, and the air is soft and mild, and about the mountains","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"glowing with colors more beautiful than we can think of.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"But they have no red cabbage like we have,\" said the hen, \"I was once in the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"country with my chickens for a whole summer, there was a large sand-pit, in","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"which we could walk about and scratch as we liked. Then we got into a garden","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"in which grew red cabbage; oh, how nice it was, I cannot think of anything more","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"delicious.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"But one cabbage stalk is exactly like another,\" said the swallow; \"and here we","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"have often bad weather.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, but we are accustomed to it,\" said the hen.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"But it is so cold here, and freezes sometimes.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Cold weather is good for cabbages,\" said the hen; \"besides we do have it warm","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"here sometimes. Four years ago, we had a summer that lasted more than five","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"weeks, and it was so hot one could scarcely breathe. And then in this country","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"we have no poisonous animals, and we are free from robbers. He must be wicked","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"who does not consider our country the finest of all lands. He ought not to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"be allowed to live here.\" And then the hen wept very much and said, \"I have","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"also travelled. I once went twelve miles in a coop, and it was not pleasant","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"travelling at all.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"The hen is a sensible woman,\" said the doll Bertha. \"I don't care for","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"travelling over mountains, just to go up and come down again. No, let us go to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"the sand-pit in front of the gate, and then take a walk in the cabbage garden.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And so they settled it.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Saturday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Am I to hear any more stories?\" asked little Hjalmar, as soon as Ole-Luk-Oie","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"had sent him to sleep.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"We shall have no time this evening,\" said he, spreading out his prettiest","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"umbrella over the child. \"Look at these Chinese,\" and then the whole umbrella","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"appeared like a large china bowl, with blue trees and pointed bridges, upon","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"which stood little Chinamen nodding their heads. \"We must make all the world","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"beautiful for to-morrow morning,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, \"for it will be a holiday,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"it is Sunday. I must now go to the church steeple and see if the little sprites","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"who live there have polished the bells, so that they may sound sweetly. Then I","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"must go into the fields and see if the wind has blown the dust from the grass","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and the leaves, and the most difficult task of all which I have to do, is to","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"take down all the stars and brighten them up. I have to number them first before","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"I put them in my apron, and also to number the places from which I take them,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"so that they may go back into the right holes, or else they would not remain,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and we should have a number of falling stars, for they would all tumble down one","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"after the other.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Hark ye! Mr. Luk-Oie,\" said an old portrait which hung on the wall of Hjalmar's","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"bedroom. \"Do you know me? I am Hjalmar's great-grandfather. I thank you for","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"telling the boy stories, but you must not confuse his ideas. The stars cannot be","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"taken down from the sky and polished; they are spheres like our earth, which is","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"a good thing for them.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Thank you, old great-grandfather,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie. \"I thank you; you may","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"be the head of the family, as no doubt you are, but I am older than you. I am","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"an ancient heathen. The old Romans and Greeks named me the Dream-god. I have","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"visited the noblest houses, and continue to do so; still I know how to conduct","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"myself both to high and low, and now you may tell the stories yourself:\" and so","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Ole-Luk-Oie walked off, taking his umbrellas with him.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Well, well, one is never to give an opinion, I suppose,\" grumbled the portrait.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"And it woke Hjalmar.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Sunday","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Good evening,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Hjalmar nodded, and then sprang out of bed, and turned his great-grandfather's","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"portrait to the wall, so that it might not interrupt them as it had done","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"yesterday. \"Now,\" said he, \"you must tell me some stories about five green peas","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"that lived in one pod; or of the chickseed that courted the chickweed; or of the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"darning needle, who acted so proudly because she fancied herself an embroidery","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"needle.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"You may have too much of a good thing,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie. \"You know that I","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"like best to show you something, so I will show you my brother. He is also","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"called Ole-Luk-Oie but he never visits any one but once, and when he does come,","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"he takes him away on his horse, and tells him stories as they ride along. He","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"knows only two stories. One of these is so wonderfully beautiful, that no one","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"in the world can imagine anything at all like it; but the other is just as ugly","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"and frightful, so that it would be impossible to describe it.\" Then Ole-Luk-","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"Oie lifted Hjalmar up to the window. \"There now, you can see my brother, the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"other Ole-Luk-Oie; he is also called Death. You perceive he is not so bad as","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"they represent him in picture books; there he is a skeleton, but now his coat","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"is embroidered with silver, and he wears the splendid uniform of a hussar, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"a mantle of black velvet flies behind him, over the horse. Look, how he gallops","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"along.\" Hjalmar saw that as this Ole-Luk-Oie rode on, he lifted up old and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"young, and carried them away on his horse. Some he seated in front of him, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"some behind, but always inquired first, \"How stands the mark-book?\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Good,\" they all answered.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Yes, but let me see for myself,\" he replied; and they were obliged to give","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"him the books. Then all those who had \"Very good,\" or \"Exceedingly good,\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"came in front of the horse, and heard the beautiful story; while those who had","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Middling,\" or \"Tolerably good,\" in their books, were obliged to sit behind, and","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"listen to the frightful tale. They trembled and cried, and wanted to jump down","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"from the horse, but they could not get free, for they seemed fastened to the","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"seat.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Why, Death is a most splendid Luk-Oie,\" said Hjalmar. \"I am not in the least","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"afraid of him.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"You need have no fear of him,\" said Ole-Luk-Oie, \"if you take care and keep a","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"good conduct book.\"","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"Now I call that very instructive,\" murmured the great-grandfather's portrait.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"\"It is useful sometimes to express an opinion;\" so he was quite satisfied.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"These are some of the doings and sayings of Ole-Luk-Oie. I hope he may visit you","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"himself this evening, and relate some more.","book":"Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God"} {"text":"There was once a poor Prince, who had a kingdom. His kingdom was very small, but","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"still quite large enough to marry upon; and he wished to marry.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"It was certainly rather cool of him to say to the Emperor's daughter, \"Will you","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"have me?\" But so he did; for his name was renowned far and wide; and there were","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"a hundred princesses who would have answered, \"Yes!\" and \"Thank you kindly.\" We","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"shall see what this princess said.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Listen!","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"It happened that where the Prince's father lay buried, there grew a rose tree--","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"a most beautiful rose tree, which blossomed only once in every five years, and","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"even then bore only one flower, but that was a rose! It smelt so sweet that all","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"cares and sorrows were forgotten by him who inhaled its fragrance.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"And furthermore, the Prince had a nightingale, who could sing in such a manner","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"that it seemed as though all sweet melodies dwelt in her little throat. So the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Princess was to have the rose, and the nightingale; and they were accordingly","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"put into large silver caskets, and sent to her.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"The Emperor had them brought into a large hall, where the Princess was playing","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"at \"Visiting,\" with the ladies of the court; and when she saw the caskets with","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"the presents, she clapped her hands for joy.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat!\" said she; but the rose tree, with its","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"beautiful rose came to view.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Oh, how prettily it is made!\" said all the court ladies.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"It is more than pretty,\" said the Emperor, \"it is charming!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"But the Princess touched it, and was almost ready to cry.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Fie, papa!\" said she. \"It is not made at all, it is natural!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Let us see what is in the other casket, before we get into a bad humor,\" said","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"the Emperor. So the nightingale came forth and sang so delightfully that at","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"first no one could say anything ill-humored of her.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Superbe! Charmant!\" exclaimed the ladies; for they all used to chatter French,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"each one worse than her neighbor.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Empress,\" said an old knight. \"Oh yes! These are the same tones, the same","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"execution.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Yes! yes!\" said the Emperor, and he wept like a child at the remembrance.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"I will still hope that it is not a real bird,\" said the Princess.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Yes, it is a real bird,\" said those who had brought it. \"Well then let the bird","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"fly,\" said the Princess; and she positively refused to see the Prince.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black;","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Good day to my lord, the Emperor!\" said he. \"Can I have employment at the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"palace?\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Why, yes,\" said the Emperor. \"I want some one to take care of the pigs, for we","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"have a great many of them.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"So the Prince was appointed \"Imperial Swineherd.\" He had a dirty little room","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"close by the pigsty; and there he sat the whole day, and worked. By the evening","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"he had made a pretty little kitchen-pot. Little bells were hung all round it;","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"and when the pot was boiling, these bells tinkled in the most charming manner,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"and played the old melody,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Ach! du lieber Augustin,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Alles ist weg, weg, weg!\"*","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"* \"Ah! dear Augustine!","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"All is gone, gone, gone!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"But what was still more curious, whoever held his finger in the smoke of the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"kitchen-pot, immediately smelt all the dishes that were cooking on every hearth","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"in the city--this, you see, was something quite different from the rose.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Now the Princess happened to walk that way; and when she heard the tune, she","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"stood quite still, and seemed pleased; for she could play \"Lieber Augustine\"; it","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"was the only piece she knew; and she played it with one finger.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Why there is my piece,\" said the Princess. \"That swineherd must certainly have","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"been well educated! Go in and ask him the price of the instrument.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"So one of the court-ladies must run in; however, she drew on wooden slippers","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"first.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"What will you take for the kitchen-pot?\" said the lady.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"I will have ten kisses from the Princess,\" said the swineherd.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Yes, indeed!\" said the lady.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"I cannot sell it for less,\" rejoined the swineherd.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"He is an impudent fellow!\" said the Princess, and she walked on; but when she","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"had gone a little way, the bells tinkled so prettily","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Ach! du lieber Augustin,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Alles ist weg, weg, weg!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Stay,\" said the Princess. \"Ask him if he will have ten kisses from the ladies","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"of my court.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"No, thank you!\" said the swineherd. \"Ten kisses from the Princess, or I keep","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"the kitchen-pot myself.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"That must not be, either!\" said the Princess. \"But do you all stand before me","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"that no one may see us.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"And the court-ladies placed themselves in front of her, and spread out their","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"dresses--the swineherd got ten kisses, and the Princess--the kitchen-pot.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"That was delightful! The pot was boiling the whole evening, and the whole of","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"the following day. They knew perfectly well what was cooking at every fire","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"throughout the city, from the chamberlain's to the cobbler's; the court-ladies","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"danced and clapped their hands.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"We know who has soup, and who has pancakes for dinner to-day, who has cutlets,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"and who has eggs. How interesting!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Yes, but keep my secret, for I am an Emperor's daughter.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"The swineherd--that is to say--the Prince, for no one knew that he was other","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"than an ill-favored swineherd, let not a day pass without working at something;","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"he at last constructed a rattle, which, when it was swung round, played all","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"the waltzes and jig tunes, which have ever been heard since the creation of the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"world.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Ah, that is superbe!\" said the Princess when she passed by. \"I have never heard","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"prettier compositions! Go in and ask him the price of the instrument; but mind,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"he shall have no more kisses!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"He will have a hundred kisses from the Princess!\" said the lady who had been to","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"ask.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"I think he is not in his right senses!\" said the Princess, and walked on, but","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"when she had gone a little way, she stopped again. \"One must encourage art,\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"said she, \"I am the Emperor's daughter. Tell him he shall, as on yesterday, have","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"ten kisses from me, and may take the rest from the ladies of the court.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Oh--but we should not like that at all!\" said they. \"What are you muttering?\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"asked the Princess. \"If I can kiss him, surely you can. Remember that you owe","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"everything to me.\" So the ladies were obliged to go to him again.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"A hundred kisses from the Princess,\" said he, \"or else let everyone keep his","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"own!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Stand round!\" said she; and all the ladies stood round her whilst the kissing","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"was going on.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"What can be the reason for such a crowd close by the pigsty?\" said the Emperor,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"who happened just then to step out on the balcony; he rubbed his eyes, and","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"put on his spectacles. \"They are the ladies of the court; I must go down and","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"see what they are about!\" So he pulled up his slippers at the heel, for he had","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"trodden them down.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"As soon as he had got into the court-yard, he moved very softly, and the ladies","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"were so much engrossed with counting the kisses, that all might go on fairly,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"that they did not perceive the Emperor. He rose on his tiptoes.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"What is all this?\" said he, when he saw what was going on, and he boxed the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Princess's ears with his slipper, just as the swineherd was taking the eighty-","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"sixth kiss.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"March out!\" said the Emperor, for he was very angry; and both Princess and","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"swineherd were thrust out of the city.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"down.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Alas! Unhappy creature that I am!\" said the Princess. \"If I had but married the","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"handsome young Prince! Ah! how unfortunate I am!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"And the swineherd went behind a tree, washed the black and brown color from his","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"face, threw off his dirty clothes, and stepped forth in his princely robes; he","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"looked so noble that the Princess could not help bowing before him.","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"I am come to despise thee,\" said he. \"Thou would'st not have an honorable","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Prince! Thou could'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"ready to kiss the swineherd for the sake of a trumpery plaything. Thou art","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"rightly served.\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"He then went back to his own little kingdom, and shut the door of his palace in","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"her face. Now she might well sing,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"\"Ach! du lieber Augustin,","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Alles ist weg, weg, weg!\"","book":"The swineherd"} {"text":"Very often, after a violent thunder-storm, a field of buckwheat appears","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"blackened and singed, as if a flame of fir had passed over it. The country","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"people say that this appearance is caused by lightning; but I will tell you","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"what th sparrow says, and the sparrow heard it from an old willow-tree which","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"grew near a field of buckwheat, and is ther still. It is a large venerable tree,","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"though a little crippled by age. The trunk has been split, and out of the crevic","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"grass and brambles grow. The tree bends for-ward slightly, and the branches hang","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"quite down to the ground jus like green hair","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"Corn grows in the surrounding fields, not only rye and barley, but oats,– pretty","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"oats that, when ripe, look like a number of little golden canary-birds sitting","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"on a bough. The corn has a smiling look and the heaviest and richest ears bend","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"their heads low as if in pious humility.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"Once there was also a field of buckwheat, and this field was exactly opposite","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"to old willow-tree. The buckwheat did not bend like the other grain, but erected","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"its head proudly and stiffly on the stem.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"I am as valuable as any other corn,\" said he, \"and I am much handsomer; my","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"flowers are as beautiful as the bloom of the apple blossom, and it is a pleasure","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"to look at us. Do you know of anything prettier than we are, you old willow-","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"tree?\"","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"And the willow-tree nodded his head, as if he would say, \"Indeed I do.\" But the","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"buckwheat spread itself out with pride, and said, \"Stupid tree; he is so old","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"that grass grows out of his body.\"","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"There arose a very terrible storm. All the field-flowers folded their leaves","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"together, or bowed their little heads, while the storm passed over them, but the","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"buckwheat stood erect in its pride.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"Bend your head as we do,\" said the flowers.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"I have no occasion to do so,\" replied the buckwheat.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"Bend your head as we do,\" cried the ears of corn; \"the angel of the storm is","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"coming; his wings spread from the sky above to the earth beneath. He will strike","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"you down before you can cry for mercy.\"","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"But I will not bend my head,\" said the buckwheat.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"Close your flowers and bend your leaves,\" said the old willow-tree. \"Do not","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"look at the lightning when the cloud bursts; even men cannot do that. In a flash","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"of lightning heaven opens, and we can look in; but the sight will strike even","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"human beings blind. What then must happen to us, who only grow out of the earth,","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"and are so inferior to them, if we venture to do so?\"","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"\"Inferior, indeed!\" said the buckwheat. \"Now I intend to have a peep into","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"heaven.\" Proudly and boldly he looked up, while the lightning flashed across the","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"sky as if the whole world were in flames.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"When the dreadful storm had passed, the flowers and the corn raised their","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"drooping heads in the pure still air, refreshed by the rain, but the buckwheat","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"lay like a weed in the field, burnt to blackness by the lightning.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"The branches of the old willow-tree rustled in the wind, and large water-drops","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"fell from his green leaves as if the old willow were weeping. Then the sparrows","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"asked why he was weeping, when all around him seemed so cheerful. \"See,\" they","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"said, \"how the sun shines, and the clouds float in the blue sky. Do you not","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"smell the sweet perfume from flower and bush? Wherefore do you weep, old willow-","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"tree?\"","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"Then the willow told them of the haughty pride of the buckwheat, and of the","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"punishment which followed in consequence. This is the story told me by the","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"sparrows one evening when I begged them to relate some tale to me.","book":"The buckwheat"} {"text":"Whenever a good child dies, an angel of God comes down from heaven, takes the","book":"The angel"} {"text":"dead child in his arms, spread out his great white wings, and flies with him","book":"The angel"} {"text":"over all the places which the child had loved during his life. Then h gathers","book":"The angel"} {"text":"a large handful of flowers, which he carries up to the Almighty, that they may","book":"The angel"} {"text":"bloom more brightly i heaven than they do on earth. And the Almighty presses","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the flowers to His heart, but He kisses the flower tha pleases Him best, and it","book":"The angel"} {"text":"receives a voice, and is able to join the song of the chorus of bliss.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"These words were spoken by an angel of God, as he carried a dead child up to","book":"The angel"} {"text":"heaven, and the child listened as if in a dream. Then they passed over well-","book":"The angel"} {"text":"known spots, where the little one had often played, and through beautiful","book":"The angel"} {"text":"gardens full of lovely flowers.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"Which of these shall we take with us to heaven to be transplanted there?\" asked","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the angel.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"Close by grew a slender, beautiful, rose-bush, but some wicked hand had broken","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the stem, and the half-opened rosebuds hung faded and withered on the trailing","book":"The angel"} {"text":"branches.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"Poor rose-bush!\" said the child, \"let us take it with us to heaven, that it may","book":"The angel"} {"text":"bloom above in God's garden.\"","book":"The angel"} {"text":"The angel took up the rose-bush; then he kissed the child, and the little one","book":"The angel"} {"text":"half opened his eyes. The angel gathered also some beautiful flowers, as well as","book":"The angel"} {"text":"a few humble buttercups and heart's-ease.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"Now we have flowers enough,\" said the child; but the angel only nodded, he did","book":"The angel"} {"text":"not fly upward to heaven. It was night, and quite still in the great town. Here","book":"The angel"} {"text":"they remained, and the angel hovered over a small, narrow street, in which lay","book":"The angel"} {"text":"a large heap of straw, ashes, and sweepings from the houses of people who had","book":"The angel"} {"text":"removed. There lay fragments of plates, pieces of plaster, rags, old hats, and","book":"The angel"} {"text":"other rubbish not pleasant to see.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"Amidst all this confusion, the angel pointed to the pieces of a broken flower-","book":"The angel"} {"text":"pot, and to a lump of earth which had fallen out of it. The earth had been kept","book":"The angel"} {"text":"from falling to pieces by the roots of a withered field-flower, which had been","book":"The angel"} {"text":"thrown amongst the rubbish.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"We will take this with us,\" said the angel, \"I will tell you why as we fly","book":"The angel"} {"text":"along.\"","book":"The angel"} {"text":"And as they flew the angel related the history.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"Down in that narrow lane, in a low cellar, lived a poor sick boy; he had been","book":"The angel"} {"text":"afflicted from his childhood, and even in his best days he could just manage to","book":"The angel"} {"text":"walk up and down the room on crutches once or twice, but no more. During some","book":"The angel"} {"text":"days in summer, the sunbeams would lie on the floor of the cellar for about","book":"The angel"} {"text":"half an hour. In this spot the poor sick boy would sit warming himself in the","book":"The angel"} {"text":"sunshine, and watching the red blood through his delicate fingers as he held","book":"The angel"} {"text":"them before his face. Then he would say he had been out, yet he knew nothing","book":"The angel"} {"text":"of the green forest in its spring verdure, till a neighbor's son brought him a","book":"The angel"} {"text":"green bough from a beech-tree. This he would place over his head, and fancy that","book":"The angel"} {"text":"he was in the beech-wood while the sun shone, and the birds carolled gayly. One","book":"The angel"} {"text":"spring day the neighbor's boy brought him some field-flowers, and among them was","book":"The angel"} {"text":"one to which the root still adhered. This he carefully planted in a flower-pot,","book":"The angel"} {"text":"and placed in a window-seat near his bed. And the flower had been planted by a","book":"The angel"} {"text":"fortunate hand, for it grew, put forth fresh shoots, and blossomed every year.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"It became a splendid flower-garden to the sick boy, and his little treasure upon","book":"The angel"} {"text":"earth. He watered it, and cherished it, and took care it should have the benefit","book":"The angel"} {"text":"of every sunbeam that found its way into the cellar, from the earliest morning","book":"The angel"} {"text":"ray to the evening sunset. The flower entwined itself even in his dreams– for","book":"The angel"} {"text":"him it bloomed, for him spread its perfume. And it gladdened his eyes, and to","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the flower he turned, even in death, when the Lord called him. He has been one","book":"The angel"} {"text":"year with God. During that time the flower has stood in the window, withered","book":"The angel"} {"text":"and forgotten, till at length cast out among the sweepings into the street, on","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the day of the lodgers' removal. And this poor flower, withered and faded as it","book":"The angel"} {"text":"is, we have added to our nosegay, because it gave more real joy than the most","book":"The angel"} {"text":"beautiful flower in the garden of a queen.\"","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"But how do you know all this?\" asked the child whom the angel was carrying to","book":"The angel"} {"text":"heaven.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"\"I know it,\" said the angel, \"because I myself was the poor sick boy who walked","book":"The angel"} {"text":"upon crutches, and I know my own flower well.\"","book":"The angel"} {"text":"Then the child opened his eyes and looked into the glorious happy face of the","book":"The angel"} {"text":"angel, and at the same moment they found themselves in that heavenly home where","book":"The angel"} {"text":"all is happiness and joy. And God pressed the dead child to His heart, and","book":"The angel"} {"text":"wings were given him so that he could fly with the angel, hand in hand. Then","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the Almighty pressed all the flowers to His heart; but He kissed the withered","book":"The angel"} {"text":"field-flower, and it received a voice. Then it joined in the song of the angels,","book":"The angel"} {"text":"who surrounded the throne, some near, and others in a distant circle, but all","book":"The angel"} {"text":"equally happy. They all joined in the chorus of praise, both great and small,–","book":"The angel"} {"text":"the good, happy child, and the poor field-flower, that once lay withered and","book":"The angel"} {"text":"cast away on a heap of rubbish in a narrow, dark street.","book":"The angel"} {"text":"In China, you know, the emperor is a Chinese, and all those about him are","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Chinamen also. The story I am going t tell you happened a great many years","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"ago, so it is well to hear it now before it is forgotten. The emperor's palac","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"was the most beautiful in the world. It was built entirely of porcelain, and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"very costly, but so delicate and brittle tha whoever touched it was obliged","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"to be careful. In the garden could be seen the most singular flowers, with","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"prett silver bells tied to them, which tinkled so that every one who passed","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"could not help noticing the flowers. Indeed everything in the emperor's garden","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"was remarkable, and it extended so far that the gardener himself did not kno","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"where it ended. Those who travelled beyond its limits knew that there was a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"noble forest, with lofty trees, slopin down to the deep blue sea, and the great","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"ships sailed under the shadow of its branches. In one of these trees live a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nightingale, who sang so beautifully that even the poor fishermen, who had so","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"many other things to do, woul stop and listen. Sometimes, when they went at","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"night to spread their nets, they would hear her sing, and say, \"Oh, i not that","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"beautiful?\" But when they returned to their fishing, they forgot the bird until","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the next night. Then they woul hear it again, and exclaim \"Oh, how beautiful is","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the nightingale's song!","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Travellers from every country in the world came to the city of the emperor,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"which they admired very much, as well as the palace and gardens; but when they","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"heard the nightingale, they all declared it to be the best of all.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"And the travellers, on their return home, related what they had seen; and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"learned men wrote books, containing descriptions of the town, the palace, and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the gardens; but they did not forget the nightingale, which was really the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"greatest wonder. And those who could write poetry composed beautiful verses","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"about the nightingale, who lived in a forest near the deep sea.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The books travelled all over the world, and some of them came into the hands","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"of the emperor; and he sat in his golden chair, and, as he read, he nodded his","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"approval every moment, for it pleased him to find such a beautiful description","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"of his city, his palace, and his gardens. But when he came to the words, \"the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nightingale is the most beautiful of all,\" he exclaimed:","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"What is this? I know nothing of any nightingale. Is there such a bird in my","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"empire? and even in my garden? I have never heard of it. Something, it appears,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"may be learnt from books.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Then he called one of his lords-in-waiting, who was so high-bred, that when any","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"in an inferior rank to himself spoke to him, or asked him a question, he would","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"answer, \"Pooh,\" which means nothing.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"There is a very wonderful bird mentioned here, called a nightingale,\" said the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"emperor; \"they say it is the best thing in my large kingdom. Why have I not been","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"told of it?\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"I have never heard the name,\" replied the cavalier; \"she has not been presented","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"at court.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"It is my pleasure that she shall appear this evening.\" said the emperor; \"the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"whole world knows what I possess better than I do myself.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"I have never heard of her,\" said the cavalier; \"yet I will endeavor to find","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"her.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But where was the nightingale to be found? The nobleman went up stairs and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"down, through halls and passages; yet none of those whom he met had heard of the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"bird. So he returned to the emperor, and said that it must be a fable, invented","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"by those who had written the book. \"Your imperial majesty,\" said he, \"cannot","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"believe everything contained in books; sometimes they are only fiction, or what","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"is called the black art.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"But the book in which I have read this account,\" said the emperor, \"was sent to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"me by the great and mighty emperor of Japan, and therefore it cannot contain a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"falsehood. I will hear the nightingale, she must be here this evening; she has","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"my highest favor; and if she does not come, the whole court shall be trampled","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"upon after supper is ended.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Tsing-pe!\" cried the lord-in-waiting, and again he ran up and down stairs,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"through all the halls and corridors; and half the court ran with him, for they","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"did not like the idea of being trampled upon. There was a great inquiry about","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"this wonderful nightingale, whom all the world knew, but who was unknown to the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"court.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"At last they met with a poor little girl in the kitchen, who said, \"Oh, yes,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"I know the nightingale quite well; indeed, she can sing. Every evening I have","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"permission to take home to my poor sick mother the scraps from the table; she","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"lives down by the sea-shore, and as I come back I feel tired, and I sit down in","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the wood to rest, and listen to the nightingale's song. Then the tears come into","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"my eyes, and it is just as if my mother kissed me.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Little maiden,\" said the lord-in-waiting, \"I will obtain for you constant","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"employment in the kitchen, and you shall have permission to see the emperor","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"dine, if you will lead us to the nightingale; for she is invited for this","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"evening to the palace.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"So she went into the wood where the nightingale sang, and half the court","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"followed her. As they went along, a cow began lowing.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" said a young courtier, \"now we have found her; what wonderful power for","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"such a small creature; I have certainly heard it before.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"No, that is only a cow lowing,\" said the little girl; \"we are a long way from","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the place yet.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Then some frogs began to croak in the marsh.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Beautiful,\" said the young courtier again. \"Now I hear it, tinkling like little","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"church bells.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"No, those are frogs,\" said the little maiden; \"but I think we shall soon hear","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"her now:\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"And presently the nightingale began to sing.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Hark, hark! there she is,\" said the girl, \"and there she sits,\" she added,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"pointing to a little gray bird who was perched on a bough.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Is it possible?\" said the lord-in-waiting, \"I never imagined it would be a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"little, plain, simple thing like that. She has certainly changed color at seeing","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"so many grand people around her.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Little nightingale,\" cried the girl, raising her voice, \"our most gracious","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"emperor wishes you to sing before him.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"With the greatest pleasure,\" said the nightingale, and began to sing most","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"delightfully.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"It sounds like tiny glass bells,\" said the lord-in-waiting, \"and see how her","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"little throat works. It is surprising that we have never heard this before; she","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"will be a great success at court.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Shall I sing once more before the emperor?\" asked the nightingale, who thought","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"he was present.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"My excellent little nightingale,\" said the courtier, \"I have the great pleasure","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"of inviting you to a court festival this evening, where you will gain imperial","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"favor by your charming song.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"My song sounds best in the green wood,\" said the bird; but still she came","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"willingly when she heard the emperor's wish.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The palace was elegantly decorated for the occasion. The walls and floors of","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"porcelain glittered in the light of a thousand lamps. Beautiful flowers, round","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"which little bells were tied, stood in the corridors: what with the running to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and fro and the draught, these bells tinkled so loudly that no one could speak","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"to be heard.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"In the centre of the great hall, a golden perch had been fixed for the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nightingale to sit on. The whole court was present, and the little kitchen-maid","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"had received permission to stand by the door. She was not installed as a real","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"court cook. All were in full dress, and every eye was turned to the little gray","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"bird when the emperor nodded to her to begin.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The nightingale sang so sweetly that the tears came into the emperor's eyes, and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"then rolled down his cheeks, as her song became still more touching and went to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"every one's heart. The emperor was so delighted that he declared the nightingale","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"should have his gold slipper to wear round her neck, but she declined the honor","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"with thanks: she had been sufficiently rewarded already.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"I have seen tears in an emperor's eyes,\" she said, \"that is my richest reward.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"An emperor's tears have wonderful power, and are quite sufficient honor for me;\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and then she sang again more enchantingly than ever.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"That singing is a lovely gift;\" said the ladies of the court to each other;","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and then they took water in their mouths to make them utter the gurgling","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"sounds of the nightingale when they spoke to any one, so thay they might fancy","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"themselves nightingales. And the footmen and chambermaids also expressed their","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"satisfaction, which is saying a great deal, for they are very difficult to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"please. In fact the nightingale's visit was most successful.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"She was now to remain at court, to have her own cage, with liberty to go out","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"twice a day, and once during the night. Twelve servants were appointed to attend","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"her on these occasions, who each held her by a silken string fastened to her","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"leg. There was certainly not much pleasure in this kind of flying.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The whole city spoke of the wonderful bird, and when two people met, one said","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"nightin,\" and the other said \"gale,\" and they understood what was meant, for","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nothing else was talked of. Eleven peddlers' children were named after her, but","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"not of them could sing a note.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"One day the emperor received a large packet on which was written \"The","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Nightingale.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Here is no doubt a new book about our celebrated bird,\" said the emperor. But","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"instead of a book, it was a work of art contained in a casket, an artificial","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nightingale made to look like a living one, and covered all over with diamonds,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"rubies, and sapphires. As soon as the artificial bird was wound up, it could","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"sing like the real one, and could move its tail up and down, which sparkled with","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"silver and gold. Round its neck hung a piece of ribbon, on which was written","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"The Emperor of China's nightingale is poor compared with that of the Emperor of","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Japan's.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"This is very beautiful,\" exclaimed all who saw it, and he who had brought the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"artificial bird received the title of \"Imperial nightingale-bringer-in-chief.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Now they must sing together,\" said the court, \"and what a duet it will be.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But they did not get on well, for the real nightingale sang in its own natural","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"way, but the artificial bird sang only waltzes. \"That is not a fault,\" said the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"music-master, \"it is quite perfect to my taste,\" so then it had to sing alone,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and was as successful as the real bird; besides, it was so much prettier to look","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"at, for it sparkled like bracelets and breast-pins.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Thirty three times did it sing the same tunes without being tired; the people","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"would gladly have heard it again, but the emperor said the living nightingale","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"ought to sing something. But where was she? No one had noticed her when she flew","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"out at the open window, back to her own green woods.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"What strange conduct,\" said the emperor, when her flight had been discovered;","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and all the courtiers blamed her, and said she was a very ungrateful creature.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"But we have the best bird after all,\" said one, and then they would have the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"bird sing again, although it was the thirty-fourth time they had listened to the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"same piece, and even then they had not learnt it, for it was rather difficult.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But the music-master praised the bird in the highest degree, and even asserted","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"that it was better than a real nightingale, not only in its dress and the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"beautiful diamonds, but also in its musical power.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"For you must perceive, my chief lord and emperor, that with a real nightingale","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"we can never tell what is going to be sung, but with this bird everything is","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"settled. It can be opened and explained, so that people may understand how the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"waltzes are formed, and why one note follows upon another.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"This is exactly what we think,\" they all replied, and then the music-master","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"received permission to exhibit the bird to the people on the following Sunday,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and the emperor commanded that they should be present to hear it sing. When","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"they heard it they were like people intoxicated; however it must have been with","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"drinking tea, which is quite a Chinese custom. They all said \"Oh!\" and held","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"up their forefingers and nodded, but a poor fisherman, who had heard the real","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"nightingale, said, \"it sounds prettily enough, and the melodies are all alike;","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"yet there seems something wanting, I cannot exactly tell what.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"And after this the real nightingale was banished from the empire.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The artificial bird was placed on a silk cushion close to the emperor's bed.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The presents of gold and precious stones which had been received with it were","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"round the bird, and it was now advanced to the title of \"Little Imperial Toilet","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Singer,\" and to the rank of No. 1 on the left hand; for the emperor considered","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the left side, on which the heart lies, as the most noble, and the heart of an","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"emperor is in the same place as that of other people. The music-master wrote a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"work, in twenty-five volumes, about the artificial bird, which was very learned","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"and very long, and full of the most difficult Chinese words; yet all the people","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"said they had read it, and understood it, for fear of being thought stupid and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"having their bodies trampled upon.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"So a year passed, and the emperor, the court, and all the other Chinese knew","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"every little turn in the artificial bird's song; and for that same reason it","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"pleased them better. They could sing with the bird, which they often did. The","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"street-boys sang, \"Zi-zi-zi, cluck, cluck, cluck,\" and the emperor himself could","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"sing it also. It was really most amusing.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"One evening, when the artificial bird was singing its best, and the emperor lay","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"in bed listening to it, something inside the bird sounded \"whizz.\" Then a spring","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"cracked. \"Whir-r-r-r\" went all the wheels, running round, and then the music","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"stopped.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The emperor immediately sprang out of bed, and called for his physician; but","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"what could he do? Then they sent for a watchmaker; and, after a great deal of","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"talking and examination, the bird was put into something like order; but he said","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"that it must be used very carefully, as the barrels were worn, and it would be","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"impossible to put in new ones without injuring the music. Now there was great","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"sorrow, as the bird could only be allowed to play once a year; and even that was","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"dangerous for the works inside it. Then the music-master made a little speech,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"full of hard words, and declared that the bird was as good as ever; and, of","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"course no one contradicted him.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Five years passed, and then a real grief came upon the land. The Chinese really","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"were fond of their emperor, and he now lay so ill that he was not expected to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"live. Already a new emperor had been chosen and the people who stood in the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"street asked the lord-in-waiting how the old emperor was.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But he only said, \"Pooh!\" and shook his head.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Cold and pale lay the emperor in his royal bed; the whole court thought he was","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"dead, and every one ran away to pay homage to his successor. The chamberlains","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"went out to have a talk on the matter, and the ladies'-maids invited company to","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"take coffee. Cloth had been laid down on the halls and passages, so that not a","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"footstep should be heard, and all was silent and still. But the emperor was not","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"yet dead, although he lay white and stiff on his gorgeous bed, with the long","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"velvet curtains and heavy gold tassels. A window stood open, and the moon shone","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"in upon the emperor and the artificial bird.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The poor emperor, finding he could scarcely breathe with a strange weight on his","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"chest, opened his eyes, and saw Death sitting there. He had put on the emperor's","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"golden crown, and held in one hand his sword of state, and in the other his","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"beautiful banner. All around the bed and peeping through the long velvet","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"curtains, were a number of strange heads, some very ugly, and others lovely and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"gentle-looking. These were the emperor's good and bad deeds, which stared him in","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"the face now Death sat at his heart.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Do you remember this?\" - \"Do you recollect that?\" they asked one after another,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"thus bringing to his remembrance circumstances that made the perspiration stand","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"on his brow.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"I know nothing about it,\" said the emperor. \"Music! music!\" he cried; \"the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"large Chinese drum! that I may not hear what they say.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But they still went on, and Death nodded like a Chinaman to all they said.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Music! music!\" shouted the emperor. \"You little precious golden bird, sing,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"pray sing! I have given you gold and costly presents; I have even hung my golden","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"slipper round your neck. Sing! sing!\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"But the bird remained silent. There was no one to wind it up, and therefore it","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"could not sing a note. Death continued to stare at the emperor with his cold,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"hollow eyes, and the room was fearfully still.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"Suddenly there came through the open window the sound of sweet music. Outside,","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"on the bough of a tree, sat the living nightingale. She had heard of the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"emperor's illness, and was therefore come to sing to him of hope and trust. And","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"as she sung, the shadows grew paler and paler; the blood in the emperor's veins","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"flowed more rapidly, and gave life to his weak limbs; and even Death himself","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"listened, and said, \"Go on, little nightingale, go on.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Then will you give me the beautiful golden sword and that rich banner? and will","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"you give me the emperor's crown?\" said the bird.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"So Death gave up each of these treasures for a song; and the nightingale","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"continued her singing. She sung of the quiet churchyard, where the white roses","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"grow, where the elder-tree wafts its perfume on the breeze, and the fresh, sweet","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"grass is moistened by the mourners' tears. Then Death longed to go and see his","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"garden, and floated out through the window in the form of a cold, white mist.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Thanks, thanks, you heavenly little bird. I know you well. I banished you from","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"my kingdom once, and yet you have charmed away the evil faces from my bed, and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"banished Death from my heart, with your sweet song. How can I reward you?\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"You have already rewarded me,\" said the nightingale. \"I shall never forget that","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"I drew tears from your eyes the first time I sang to you. These are the jewels","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"that rejoice a singer's heart. But now sleep, and grow strong and well again. I","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"will sing to you again.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"And as she sung, the emperor fell into a sweet sleep; and how mild and","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"refreshing that slumber was!","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"When he awoke, strengthened and restored, the sun shone brightly through the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"window; but not one of his servants had returned– they all believed he was dead;","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"only the nightingale still sat beside him, and sang.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"You must always remain with me,\" said the emperor. \"You shall sing only when it","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"pleases you; and I will break the artificial bird into a thousand pieces.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"No; do not do that,\" replied the nightingale; \"the bird did very well as long","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"as it could. Keep it here still. I cannot live in the palace, and build my nest;","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"but let me come when I like. I will sit on a bough outside your window, in the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"evening, and sing to you, so that you may be happy, and have thoughts full of","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"joy. I will sing to you of those who are happy, and those who suffer; of the","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"good and the evil, who are hidden around you. The little singing bird flies far","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"from you and your court to the home of the fisherman and the peasant's cot. I","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"love your heart better than your crown; and yet something holy lingers round","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"that also. I will come, I will sing to you; but you must promise me one thing.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"Everything,\" said the emperor, who, having dressed himself in his imperial","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"robes, stood with the hand that held the heavy golden sword pressed to his","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"heart.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"\"I only ask one thing,\" she replied; \"let no one know that you have a little","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"bird who tells you everything. It will be best to conceal it.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"So saying, the nightingale flew away.","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"The servants now came in to look after the dead emperor; when, lo! there he","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"stood, and, to their astonishment, said, \"Good morning.\"","book":"The Nightingale"} {"text":"A whipping top and a little ball lay together in a box, among other toys, and","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"the top said to the ball, \"Shall we be married, as we live in the same box?\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"But the ball, which wore a dress of morocco leather, and thought as much of","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"herself as any other young lady, would not even condescend to reply.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"The next day came the little boy to whom the playthings belonged, and he painted","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"the top red and yellow, and drove a brass-headed nail into the middle, so that","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"while the top was spinning round it looked splendid.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Look at me,\" said the top to the ball. \"What do you say now? Shall we be","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"engaged to each other? We should suit so well; you spring, and I dance. No one","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"could be happier than we should be.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Indeed! do you think so? Perhaps you do not know that my father and mother were","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"morocco slippers, and that I have a Spanish cork in my body.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Yes; but I am made of mahogany,\" said the top. \"The major himself turned me. He","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"has a turning lathe of his own, and it is a great amusement to him.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Can I believe it?\" asked the ball.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"May I never be whipped again,\" said the top, \"if I am not telling you the","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"truth.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"You certainly know how to speak for yourself very well,\" said the ball; \"but","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"I cannot accept your proposal. I am almost engaged to a swallow. Every time I","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"fly up in the air, he puts his head out of the nest, and says, 'Will you?' and I","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"have said, 'Yes,' to myself silently, and that is as good as being half engaged;","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"but I will promise never to forget you.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Much good that will be to me,\" said the top; and they spoke to each other no","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"more.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"Next day the ball was taken out by the boy. The top saw it flying high in the","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"air, like a bird, till it would go quite out of sight. Each time it came back,","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"as it touched the earth, it gave a higher leap than before, either because it","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"longed to fly upwards, or from having a Spanish cork in its body. But the ninth","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"time it rose in the air, it remained away, and did not return. The boy searched","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"everywhere for it, but he searched in vain, for it could not be found; it was","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"gone.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"I know very well where she is,\" sighed the top; \"she is in the swallow's nest,","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"and has married the swallow.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"The more the top thought of this, the more he longed for the ball. His love","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"increased the more, just because he could not get her; and that she should","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"have been won by another, was the worst of all. The top still twirled about and","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"hummed, but he continued to think of the ball; and the more he thought of her,","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"the more beautiful she seemed to his fancy.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"Thus several years passed by, and his love became quite old. The top, also, was","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"no longer young; but there came a day when he looked handsomer than ever; for he","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"was gilded all over. He was now a golden top, and whirled and danced about till","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"he hummed quite loud, and was something worth looking at; but one day he leaped","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"too high, and then he, also, was gone. They searched everywhere, even in the","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"cellar, but he was nowhere to be found. Where could he be? He had jumped into","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"the dust-bin, where all sorts of rubbish were lying: cabbage-stalks, dust, and","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"rain-droppings that had fallen down from the gutter under the roof.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Now I am in a nice place,\" said he; \"my gilding will soon be washed off here.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"Oh dear, what a set of rabble I have got amongst!\" And then he glanced at a","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"curious round thing like an old apple, which lay near a long, leafless cabbage-","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"stalk. It was, however, not an apple, but an old ball, which had lain for years","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"in the gutter, and was soaked through with water.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Thank goodness, here comes one of my own class, with whom I can talk,\" said the","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"ball, examining the gilded top. \"I am made of morocco,\" she said. \"I was sewn","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"together by a young lady, and I have a Spanish cork in my body; but no one would","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"think it, to look at me now. I was once engaged to a swallow; but I fell in","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"here from the gutter under the roof, and I have lain here more than five years,","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"and have been thoroughly drenched. Believe me, it is a long time for a young","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"maiden.\"","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"The top said nothing, but he thought of his old love; and the more she said, the","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"more clear it became to him that this was the same ball.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"The servant then came to clean out the dust-bin.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" she exclaimed, \"here is a gilt top.\" So the top was brought again to","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"notice and honor, but nothing more was heard of the little ball. He spoke not","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"a word about his old love; for that soon died away. When the beloved object has","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"lain for five years in a gutter, and has been drenched through, no one cares to","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"know her again on meeting her in a dust-bin.","book":"The sweathearts (Top and Ball)"} {"text":"It was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"oats, and the haystacks piled up i the meadows looked beautiful. The stork","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language which he","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"forests, in the mids of which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"walk about in the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasan old farm-house close","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"leaves, s high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"upright. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thic wood. In this snug retreat","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to ge tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out of","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. Th other ducks liked much better","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"burdoc leaf, to have a gossip with her","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"creature that lifted its head and cried, \"Peep, peep.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Quack, quack,\" said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"eyes.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"How large the world is,\" said the young ducks, when they found how much more","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Do you imagine this is the whole world?\" asked the mother; \"Wait till you have","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson's field, but I have","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"never ventured to such a distance. Are you all out?\" she continued, rising; \"No,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"I am quite tired of it;\" and she seated herself again on the nest.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Well, how are you getting on?\" asked an old duck, who paid her a visit.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"One egg is not hatched yet,\" said the duck, \"it will not break. But just look","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"at all the others, are they not the prettiest little ducklings you ever saw?","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"They are the image of their father, who is so unkind, he never comes to see.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Let me see the egg that will not break,\" said the duck; \"I have no doubt it","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"is a turkey's egg. I was persuaded to hatch some once, and after all my care","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and trouble with the young ones, they were afraid of the water. I quacked and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"clucked, but all to no purpose. I could not get them to venture in. Let me look","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"at the egg. Yes, that is a turkey's egg; take my advice, leave it where it is","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and teach the other children to swim.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"I think I will sit on it a little while longer,\" said the duck; \"as I have sat","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"so long already, a few days will be nothing.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Please yourself,\" said the old duck, and she went away.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth crying, \"Peep, peep.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"It was very large and ugly. The duck stared at it and exclaimed, \"It is very","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"large and not at all like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water. It must go in, if I","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"have to push it myself.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"On the next day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and jumped in with a splash. \"Quack, quack,\" cried she, and one after another","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the little ducklings jumped in. The water closed over their heads, but they came","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"up again in an instant, and swam about quite prettily with their legs paddling","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"under them as easily as possible, and the ugly duckling was also in the water","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"swimming with them.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" said the mother, \"that is not a turkey; how well he uses his legs, and how","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"upright he holds himself! He is my own child, and he is not so very ugly after","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"all if you look at him properly. Quack, quack! come with me now, I will take you","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"into grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard, but you must keep close","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to me or you may be trodden upon; and, above all, beware of the cat.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"When they reached the farmyard, there was a great disturbance, two families were","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"fighting for an eel's head, which, after all, was carried off by the cat.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"See, children, that is the way of the world,\" said the mother duck, whetting","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"her beak, for she would have liked the eel's head herself. \"Come, now, use your","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"legs, and let me see how well you can behave. You must bow your heads prettily","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to that old duck yonder; she is the highest born of them all, and has Spanish","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"blood, therefore, she is well off. Don't you see she has a red flag tied to her","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"leg, which is something very grand, and a great honor for a duck; it shows that","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"every one is anxious not to lose her, as she can be recognized both by man and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"beast. Come, now, don't turn your toes, a well-bred duckling spreads his feet","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this way; now bend your neck,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and say 'quack.'\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"The ducklings did as they were bid, but the other duck stared, and said, \"Look,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"here comes another brood, as if there were not enough of us already! and what a","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"queer looking object one of them is; we don't want him here,\" and then one flew","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"out and bit him in the neck.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Let him alone,\" said the mother; \"he is not doing any harm.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Yes, but he is so big and ugly,\" said the spiteful duck \"and therefore he must","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"be turned out.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"The others are very pretty children,\" said the old duck, with the rag on her","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"leg, \"all but that one; I wish his mother could improve him a little.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"That is impossible, your grace,\" replied the mother; \"he is not pretty; but he","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"has a very good disposition, and swims as well or even better than the others.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"I think he will grow up pretty, and perhaps be smaller; he has remained too","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"long in the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;\" and then","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"she stroked his neck and smoothed the feathers, saying, \"It is a drake, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"therefore not of so much consequence. I think he will grow up strong, and able","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to take care of himself.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"The other ducklings are graceful enough,\" said the old duck. \"Now make yourself","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"at home, and if you can find an eel's head, you can bring it to me.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"And so they made themselves comfortable.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"But the poor duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the poultry. \"He is too big,\" they all said, and the turkey cock, who had been","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"born into the world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor, puffed","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"himself out like a vessel in full sail, and flew at the duckling, and became","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"quite red in the head with passion, so that the poor little thing did not know","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the whole farmyard.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"So it went on from day to day till it got worse and worse. The poor duckling was","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"would say, \"Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you,\" and his mother","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"said she wished he had never been born. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"over the palings. \"They are afraid of me because I am ugly,\" he said. So he","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on a large moor,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"inhabited by wild ducks. Here he remained the whole night, feeling very tired","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and sorrowful.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"In the morning, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they stared at their new","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"comrade. \"What sort of a duck are you?\" they all said, coming round him. He","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"question.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"You are exceedingly ugly,\" said the wild ducks, \"but that will not matter if","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"you do not want to marry one of our family.\" Poor thing! he had no thoughts of","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"marriage; all he wanted was permission to lie among the rushes, and drink some","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"of the water on the moor.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"After he had been on the moor two days, there came two wild geese, or rather","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"goslings, for they had not been out of the egg long, and were very saucy.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Listen, friend,\" said one of them to the duckling, \"you are so ugly, that","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"we like you very well. Will you go with us, and become a bird of passage? Not","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"far from here is another moor, in which there are some pretty wild geese, all","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"unmarried. It is a chance for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"are.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Pop, pop,\" sounded in the air, and the two wild geese fell dead among the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"rushes, and the water was tinged with blood. \"Pop, pop,\" echoed far and wide","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"in the distance, and whole flocks of wild geese rose up from the rushes. The","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"sound continued from every direction, for the sportsmen surrounded the moor,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and some were even seated on branches of trees, overlooking the rushes. The blue","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"smoke from the guns rose like clouds over the dark trees, and as it floated away","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"across the water, a number of sporting dogs bounded in among the rushes, which","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"bent beneath them wherever they went. How they terrified the poor duckling! He","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"turned away his head to hide it under his wing, and at the same moment a large","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"terrible dog passed quite near him. His jaws were open, his tongue hung from his","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"mouth, and his eyes glared fearfully. He thrust his nose close to the duckling,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"showing his sharp teeth, and then, \"splash, splash,\" he went into the water","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"without touching him.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" sighed the duckling, \"how thankful I am for being so ugly; even a dog will","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"not bite me.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"And so he lay quite still, while the shot rattled through the rushes, and gun","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"after gun was fired over him.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"It was late in the day before all became quiet, but even then the poor young","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"thing did not dare to move. He waited quietly for several hours, and then, after","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"looking carefully around him, hastened away from the moor as fast as he could.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"He ran over field and meadow till a storm arose, and he could hardly struggle","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"against it.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Towards evening, he reached a poor little cottage that seemed ready to fall, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"only remained standing because it could not decide on which side to fall first.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"The storm continued so violent, that the duckling could go no farther; he sat","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"down by the cottage, and then he noticed that the door was not quite closed in","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"consequence of one of the hinges having given way. There was therefore a narrow","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"opening near the bottom large enough for him to slip through, which he did very","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"quietly, and got a shelter for the night.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"A woman, a tom cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. The tom cat, whom the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"mistress called, \"My little son,\" was a great favorite; he could raise his back,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and purr, and could even throw out sparks from his fur if it were stroked the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"wrong way. The hen had very short legs, so she was called \"Chickie short legs.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"She laid good eggs, and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"In the morning, the strange visitor was discovered, and the tom cat began to","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"purr, and the hen to cluck.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"What is that noise about?\" said the old woman, looking round the room, but","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"her sight was not very good; therefore, when she saw the duckling she thought","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"it must be a fat duck, that had strayed from home. \"Oh what a prize!\" she","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"exclaimed, \"I hope it is not a drake, for then I shall have some duck's eggs. I","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"must wait and see.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"So the duckling was allowed to remain on trial for three weeks, but there were","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"no eggs. Now the tom cat was the master of the house, and the hen was mistress,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and they always said, \"We and the world,\" for they believed themselves to be","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"half the world, and the better half too. The duckling thought that others might","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"hold a different opinion on the subject, but the hen would not listen to such","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"doubts.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Can you lay eggs?\" she asked.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"No.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Then have the goodness to hold your tongue.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Can you raise your back, or purr, or throw out sparks?\" said the tom cat.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"No.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Then you have no right to express an opinion when sensible people are","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"speaking.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"So the duckling sat in a corner, feeling very low spirited, till the sunshine","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and the fresh air came into the room through the open door, and then he began","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to feel such a great longing for a swim on the water, that he could not help","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"telling the hen.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"What an absurd idea,\" said the hen. \"You have nothing else to do, therefore you","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"have foolish fancies. If you could purr or lay eggs, they would pass away.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"But it is so delightful to swim about on the water,\" said the duckling, \"and so","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"refreshing to feel it close over your head, while you dive down to the bottom.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Delightful, indeed!\" said the hen, \"why you must be crazy! Ask the cat, he","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"is the cleverest animal I know, ask him how he would like to swim about on the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"water, or to dive under it, for I will not speak of my own opinion; ask our","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"mistress, the old woman– there is no one in the world more clever than she is.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Do you think she would like to swim, or to let the water close over her head?\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"You don't understand me,\" said the duckling.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"We don't understand you? Who can understand you, I wonder? Do you consider","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"yourself more clever than the cat, or the old woman? I will say nothing of","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"myself. Don't imagine such nonsense, child, and thank your good fortune that you","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"have been received here. Are you not in a warm room, and in society from which","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"you may learn something. But you are a chatterer, and your company is not very","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"agreeable. Believe me, I speak only for your own good. I may tell you unpleasant","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"truths, but that is a proof of my friendship. I advise you, therefore, to lay","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"eggs, and learn to purr as quickly as possible.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"I believe I must go out into the world again,\" said the duckling.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"Yes, do,\" said the hen.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Autumn came, and the leaves in the forest turned to orange and gold. Then, as","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"winter approached, the wind caught them as they fell and whirled them in the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"cold air. The clouds, heavy with hail and snow-flakes, hung low in the sky, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the raven stood on the ferns crying, \"Croak, croak.\" It made one shiver with","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"cold to look at him. All this was very sad for the poor little duckling.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"One evening, just as the sun set amid radiant clouds, there came a large flock","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"of beautiful birds out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen any like them","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"before. They were swans, and they curved their graceful necks, while their soft","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"plumage shown with dazzling whiteness. They uttered a singular cry, as they","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"spread their glorious wings and flew away from those cold regions to warmer","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"countries across the sea. As they mounted higher and higher in the air, the ugly","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"little duckling felt quite a strange sensation as he watched them. He whirled","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"himself in the water like a wheel, stretched out his neck towards them, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"uttered a cry so strange that it frightened himself. Could he ever forget those","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"beautiful, happy birds; and when at last they were out of his sight, he dived","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"under the water, and rose again almost beside himself with excitement. He knew","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"not the names of these birds, nor where they had flown, but he felt towards","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"them as he had never felt for any other bird in the world. He was not envious","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"of these beautiful creatures, but wished to be as lovely as they. Poor ugly","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"creature, how gladly he would have lived even with the ducks had they only given","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"him encouragement.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"The winter grew colder and colder; he was obliged to swim about on the water to","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"keep it from freezing, but every night the space on which he swam became smaller","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and smaller. At length it froze so hard that the ice in the water crackled as","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"he moved, and the duckling had to paddle with his legs as well as he could, to","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"keep the space from closing up. He became exhausted at last, and lay still and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"helpless, frozen fast in the ice.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Early in the morning, a peasant, who was passing by, saw what had happened. He","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"broke the ice in pieces with his wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"his wife. The warmth revived the poor little creature.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"But when the children wanted to play with him, the duckling thought they would","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"do him some harm; so he started up in terror, fluttered into the milk-pan,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and splashed the milk about the room. Then the woman clapped her hands, which","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"frightened him still more. He flew first into the butter-cask, then into the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"meal-tub, and out again. What a condition he was in! The woman screamed, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"struck at him with the tongs; the children laughed and screamed, and tumbled","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"over each other, in their efforts to catch him; but luckily he escaped. The door","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"stood open; the poor creature could just manage to slip out among the bushes,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and lie down quite exhausted in the newly fallen snow.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"It would be very sad, were I to relate all the misery and privations which the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"poor little duckling endured during the hard winter; but when it had passed, he","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"found himself lying one morning in a moor, amongst the rushes. He felt the warm","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"sun shining, and heard the lark singing, and saw that all around was beautiful","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"spring.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Then the young bird felt that his wings were strong, as he flapped them against","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"his sides, and rose high into the air. They bore him onwards, until he found","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"himself in a large garden, before he well knew how it had happened. The apple-","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. Everything looked","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"beautiful, in the freshness of early spring. From a thicket close by came three","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"smooth water. The duckling remembered the lovely birds, and felt more strangely","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"unhappy than ever.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"I will fly to those royal birds,\" he exclaimed, \"and they will kill me, because","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"I am so ugly, and dare to approach them; but it does not matter: better be","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"killed by them than pecked by the ducks, beaten by the hens, pushed about by","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the maiden who feeds the poultry, or starved with hunger in the winter.\" Then","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"he flew to the water, and swam towards the beautiful swans. The moment they","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"espied the stranger, they rushed to meet him with outstretched wings. \"Kill me,\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"said the poor bird; and he bent his head down to the surface of the water, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"awaited death. But what did he see in the clear stream below? His own image; no","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to look at, but a graceful and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"beautiful swan.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"To be born in a duck's nest, in a farmyard, is of no consequence to a bird, if","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"it is hatched from a swan's egg.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"He now felt glad at having suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"to enjoy so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him; for the great","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck with their beaks, as a","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"welcome.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Into the garden presently came some little children, and threw bread and cake","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"into the water.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"\"See,\" cried the youngest, \"there is a new one;\" and the rest were delighted,","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"and ran to their father and mother, dancing and clapping their hands, and","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"shouting joyously, \"There is another swan come; a new one has arrived.\" Then","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"they threw more bread and cake into the water, and said, \"The new one is the","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"most beautiful of all; he is so young and pretty.\" And the old swans bowed their","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"heads before him.","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"not know what to do, he was so happy, and yet not at all proud. He had been","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"persecuted and despised for his ugliness, and now he heard them say he was","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"the most beautiful of all the birds. Even the elder-tree bent down its bows","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"into the water before him, and the sun shone warm and bright. Then he rustled","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, from the depths","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"of his heart, \"I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"duckling.\"","book":"The ugly duckling"} {"text":"Far down in the forest, where the warm sun and the fresh air made a sweet","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"resting-place, grew a pretty little fir-tree; and yet it was not happy, it","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"wished so much to be tall like its companions– the pines and firs which grew","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"around it. The sun shone, and the soft air fluttered its leaves, and the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"little peasant children passed by, prattling merrily, but the fir-tree heeded","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"them not. Sometimes the children would bring a large basket of raspberries or","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"strawberries, wreathed on a straw, and seat themselves near the fir-tree, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"say, \"Is it not a pretty little tree?\" which made it feel more unhappy than","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"before.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"And yet all this while the tree grew a notch or joint taller every year; for by","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the number of joints in the stem of a fir-tree we can discover its age. Still,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"as it grew, it complained.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Oh! how I wish I were as tall as the other trees, then I would spread out my","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"branches on every side, and my top would over-look the wide world. I should have","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the birds building their nests on my boughs, and when the wind blew, I should","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"bow with stately dignity like my tall companions.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The tree was so discontented, that it took no pleasure in the warm sunshine, the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"birds, or the rosy clouds that floated over it morning and evening.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Sometimes, in winter, when the snow lay white and glittering on the ground, a","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"hare would come springing along, and jump right over the little tree; and then","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"how mortified it would feel! Two winters passed, and when the third arrived,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the tree had grown so tall that the hare was obliged to run round it. Yet it","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"remained unsatisfied, and would exclaim, \"Oh, if I could but keep on growing","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tall and old! There is nothing else worth caring for in the world!\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"In the autumn, as usual, the wood-cutters came and cut down several of the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tallest trees, and the young fir-tree, which was now grown to its full height,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"shuddered as the noble trees fell to the earth with a crash. After the branches","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"were lopped off, the trunks looked so slender and bare, that they could scarcely","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"be recognized. Then they were placed upon wagons, and drawn by horses out of the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"forest.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Where were they going? What would become of them?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The young fir-tree wished very much to know; so in the spring, when the swallows","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and the storks came, it asked, \"Do you know where those trees were taken? Did","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"you meet them?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The swallows knew nothing, but the stork, after a little reflection, nodded his","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"head, and said, \"Yes, I think I do. I met several new ships when I flew from","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Egypt, and they had fine masts that smelt like fir. I think these must have been","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the trees; I assure you they were stately, very stately.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Oh, how I wish I were tall enough to go on the sea,\" said the fir-tree. \"What","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"is the sea, and what does it look like?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"It would take too much time to explain,\" said the stork, flying quickly away.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Rejoice in thy youth,\" said the sunbeam; \"rejoice in thy fresh growth, and the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"young life that is in thee.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"And the wind kissed the tree, and the dew watered it with tears; but the fir-","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree regarded them not.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Christmas-time drew near, and many young trees were cut down, some even smaller","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and younger than the fir-tree who enjoyed neither rest nor peace with longing","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"to leave its forest home. These young trees, which were chosen for their beauty,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"kept their branches, and were also laid on wagons and drawn by horses out of the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"forest.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Where are they going?\" asked the fir-tree. \"They are not taller than I am:","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"indeed, one is much less; and why are the branches not cut off? Where are they","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"going?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"We know, we know,\" sang the sparrows; \"we have looked in at the windows of","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the houses in the town, and we know what is done with them. They are dressed","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"up in the most splendid manner. We have seen them standing in the middle of a","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"warm room, and adorned with all sorts of beautiful things,– honey cakes, gilded","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"apples, playthings, and many hundreds of wax tapers.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"And then,\" asked the fir-tree, trembling through all its branches, \"and then","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"what happens?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"We did not see any more,\" said the sparrows; \"but this was enough for us.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"I wonder whether anything so brilliant will ever happen to me,\" thought the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"fir-tree. \"It would be much better than crossing the sea. I long for it almost","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"with pain. Oh! when will Christmas be here? I am now as tall and well grown as","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"those which were taken away last year. Oh! that I were now laid on the wagon,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"or standing in the warm room, with all that brightness and splendor around me!","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Something better and more beautiful is to come after, or the trees would not be","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"so decked out. Yes, what follows will be grander and more splendid. What can it","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"be? I am weary with longing. I scarcely know how I feel.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Rejoice with us,\" said the air and the sunlight. \"Enjoy thine own bright life","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"in the fresh air.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"But the tree would not rejoice, though it grew taller every day; and, winter","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and summer, its dark-green foliage might be seen in the forest, while passers","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"by would say, \"What a beautiful tree!\" A short time before Christmas, the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"discontented fir-tree was the first to fall. As the axe cut through the stem,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and divided the pith, the tree fell with a groan to the earth, conscious of pain","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and faintness, and forgetting all its anticipations of happiness, in sorrow at","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"leaving its home in the forest. It knew that it should never again see its dear","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"old companions, the trees, nor the little bushes and many-colored flowers that","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"had grown by its side; perhaps not even the birds. Neither was the journey at","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"all pleasant.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The tree first recovered itself while being unpacked in the courtyard of a","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"house, with several other trees; and it heard a man say, \"We only want one, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"this is the prettiest.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Then came two servants in grand livery, and carried the fir-tree into a large","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and beautiful apartment. On the walls hung pictures, and near the great stove","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"stood great china vases, with lions on the lids. There were rocking chairs,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"silken sofas, large tables, covered with pictures, books, and playthings, worth","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"a great deal of money,– at least, the children said so. Then the fir-tree was","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"placed in a large tub, full of sand; but green baize hung all around it, so","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"that no one could see it was a tub, and it stood on a very handsome carpet. How","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the fir-tree trembled! \"What was going to happen to him now?\" Some young ladies","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"came, and the servants helped them to adorn the tree. On one branch they hung","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"little bags cut out of colored paper, and each bag was filled with sweetmeats;","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"from other branches hung gilded apples and walnuts, as if they had grown there;","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and above, and all round, were hundreds of red, blue, and white tapers, which","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"were fastened on the branches. Dolls, exactly like real babies, were placed","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"under the green leaves,– the tree had never seen such things before,– and at","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the very top was fastened a glittering star, made of tinsel. Oh, it was very","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"beautiful!","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"This evening,\" they all exclaimed, \"how bright it will be!\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Oh, that the evening were come,\" thought the tree, \"and the tapers lighted!","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"then I shall know what else is going to happen. Will the trees of the forest","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"come to see me? I wonder if the sparrows will peep in at the windows as they","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"fly? shall I grow faster here, and keep on all these ornaments summer and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"winter?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"But guessing was of very little use; it made his bark ache, and this pain is as","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"bad for a slender fir-tree, as headache is for us.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"At last the tapers were lighted, and then what a glistening blaze of light the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree presented! It trembled so with joy in all its branches, that one of the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"candles fell among the green leaves and burnt some of them.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Help! help!\" exclaimed the young ladies, but there was no danger, for they","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"quickly extinguished the fire.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"After this, the tree tried not to tremble at all, though the fire frightened","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"him; he was so anxious not to hurt any of the beautiful ornaments, even while","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"their brilliancy dazzled him. And now the folding doors were thrown open, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"a troop of children rushed in as if they intended to upset the tree; they were","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"followed more silently by their elders. For a moment the little ones stood","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"silent with astonishment, and then they shouted for joy, till the room rang, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"they danced merrily round the tree, while one present after another was taken","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"from it.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"What are they doing? What will happen next?\" thought the fir. At last the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"candles burnt down to the branches and were put out. Then the children received","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"permission to plunder the tree. Oh, how they rushed upon it, till the branches","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"cracked, and had it not been fastened with the glistening star to the ceiling,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"it must have been thrown down.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The children then danced about with their pretty toys, and no one noticed the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree, except the children's maid who came and peeped among the branches to see","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"if an apple or a fig had been forgotten.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"A story, a story,\" cried the children, pulling a little fat man towards the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree. \"Now we shall be in the green shade,\" said the man, as he seated himself","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"under it, \"and the tree will have the pleasure of hearing also, but I shall only","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"relate one story; what shall it be? Ivede-Avede, or Humpty Dumpty, who fell down","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"stairs, but soon got up again, and at last married a princess.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Ivede-Avede,\" cried some. \"Humpty Dumpty,\" cried others, and there was a fine","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"shouting and crying out. But the fir-tree remained quite still, and thought to","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"himself, \"Shall I have anything to do with all this?\" but he had already amused","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"them as much as they wished.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Then the old man told them the story of Humpty Dumpty, how he fell down stairs,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and was raised up again, and married a princess. And the children clapped their","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"hands and cried, \"Tell another, tell another,\" for they wanted to hear the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"story of \"Ivede-Avede;\" but they only had \"Humpty Dumpty.\" After this the fir-","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree became quite silent and thoughtful; never had the birds in the forest told","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"such tales as \"Humpty Dumpty,\" who fell down stairs, and yet married a princess.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Ah! yes, so it happens in the world,\" thought the fir-tree; he believed it","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"all, because it was related by such a nice man. \"Ah! well,\" he thought, \"who","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"knows? perhaps I may fall down too, and marry a princess;\" and he looked forward","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"joyfully to the next evening, expecting to be again decked out with lights and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"playthings, gold and fruit.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"To-morrow I will not tremble,\" thought he; \"I will enjoy all my splendor, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"I shall hear the story of Humpty Dumpty again, and perhaps Ivede-Avede.\" And the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tree remained quiet and thoughtful all night.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"In the morning the servants and the housemaid came in.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Now,\" thought the fir, \"all my splendor is going to begin again.\" But they","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"dragged him out of the room and up stairs to the garret, and threw him on the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"floor, in a dark corner, where no daylight shone, and there they left him. \"What","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"does this mean?\" thought the tree, \"what am I to do here? I can hear nothing in","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"a place like this,\" and he had time enough to think, for days and nights passed","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and no one came near him, and when at last somebody did come, it was only to put","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"away large boxes in a corner. So the tree was completely hidden from sight as if","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"it had never existed.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"It is winter now,\" thought the tree, \"the ground is hard and covered with snow,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"so that people cannot plant me. I shall be sheltered here, I dare say, until","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"spring comes. How thoughtful and kind everybody is to me! Still I wish this","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"place were not so dark, as well as lonely, with not even a little hare to look","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"at. How pleasant it was out in the forest while the snow lay on the ground, when","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the hare would run by, yes, and jump over me too, although I did not like it","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"then. Oh! it is terrible lonely here.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Squeak, squeak,\" said a little mouse, creeping cautiously towards the tree;","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"then came another; and they both sniffed at the fir-tree and crept between the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"branches.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Oh, it is very cold,\" said the little mouse, \"or else we should be so","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"comfortable here, shouldn't we, you old fir-tree?\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"I am not old,\" said the fir-tree, \"there are many who are older than I am.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Where do you come from? and what do you know?\" asked the mice, who were full","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"of curiosity. \"Have you seen the most beautiful places in the world, and can you","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"tell us all about them? and have you been in the storeroom, where cheeses lie on","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the shelf, and hams hang from the ceiling? One can run about on tallow candles","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"there, and go in thin and come out fat.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"I know nothing of that place,\" said the fir-tree, \"but I know the wood where","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the sun shines and the birds sing.\" And then the tree told the little mice all","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"about its youth. They had never heard such an account in their lives; and after","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"they had listened to it attentively, they said, \"What a number of things you","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"have seen? you must have been very happy.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Happy!\" exclaimed the fir-tree, and then as he reflected upon what he had been","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"telling them, he said, \"Ah, yes! after all those were happy days.\" But when he","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"went on and related all about Christmas-eve, and how he had been dressed up with","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"cakes and lights, the mice said,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"How happy you must have been, you old fir-tree.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"I am not old at all,\" replied the tree, \"I only came from the forest this","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"winter, I am now checked in my growth.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"What splendid stories you can relate,\" said the little mice. And the next","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"night four other mice came with them to hear what the tree had to tell. The more","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"he talked the more he remembered, and then he thought to himself, \"Those were","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"happy days, but they may come again. Humpty Dumpty fell down stairs, and yet","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"he married the princess; perhaps I may marry a princess too.\" And the fir-tree","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"thought of the pretty little birch-tree that grew in the forest, which was to","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"him a real beautiful princess.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Who is Humpty Dumpty?\" asked the little mice. And then the tree related the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"whole story; he could remember every single word, and the little mice was so","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"delighted with it, that they were ready to jump to the top of the tree. The next","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"night a great many more mice made their appearance, and on Sunday two rats came","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"with them; but they said, it was not a pretty story at all, and the little mice","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"were very sorry, for it made them also think less of it.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Do you know only one story?\" asked the rats.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Only one,\" replied the fir-tree; \"I heard it on the happiest evening of my","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"life; but I did not know I was so happy at the time.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"We think it is a very miserable story,\" said the rats. \"Don't you know any","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"story about bacon, or tallow in the storeroom.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"No,\" replied the tree.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Many thanks to you then,\" replied the rats, and they marched off.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The little mice also kept away after this, and the tree sighed, and said, \"It","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"was very pleasant when the merry little mice sat round me and listened while I","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"talked. Now that is all passed too. However, I shall consider myself happy when","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"some one comes to take me out of this place.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"But would this ever happen? Yes; one morning people came to clear out the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"garret, the boxes were packed away, and the tree was pulled out of the corner,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and thrown roughly on the garret floor; then the servant dragged it out upon the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"staircase where the daylight shone.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Now life is beginning again,\" said the tree, rejoicing in the sunshine and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"fresh air. Then it was carried down stairs and taken into the courtyard so","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"quickly, that it forgot to think of itself, and could only look about, there","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"was so much to be seen. The court was close to a garden, where everything looked","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"blooming. Fresh and fragrant roses hung over the little palings. The linden-","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"trees were in blossom; while the swallows flew here and there, crying, \"Twit,","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"twit, twit, my mate is coming,\"– but it was not the fir-tree they meant.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Now I shall live,\" cried the tree, joyfully spreading out its branches; but","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"alas! they were all withered and yellow, and it lay in a corner amongst weeds","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"and nettles. The star of gold paper still stuck in the top of the tree and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"glittered in the sunshine.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"In the same courtyard two of the merry children were playing who had danced","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"round the tree at Christmas, and had been so happy. The youngest saw the gilded","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"star, and ran and pulled it off the tree.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Look what is sticking to the ugly old fir-tree,\" said the child, treading on","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"the branches till they crackled under his boots.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"And the tree saw all the fresh bright flowers in the garden, and then looked at","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"itself, and wished it had remained in the dark corner of the garret. It thought","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"of its fresh youth in the forest, of the merry Christmas evening, and of the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"little mice who had listened to the story of \"Humpty Dumpty.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"\"Past! past!\" said the old tree; \"Oh, had I but enjoyed myself while I could","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"have done so! but now it is too late.\"","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"Then a lad came and chopped the tree into small pieces, till a large bundle lay","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"in a heap on the ground. The pieces were placed in a fire under the copper, and","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"they quickly blazed up brightly, while the tree sighed so deeply that each sigh","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"was like a pistol-shot. Then the children, who were at play, came and seated","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"themselves in front of the fire, and looked at it and cried, \"Pop, pop.\" But at","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"each \"pop,\" which was a deep sigh, the tree was thinking of a summer day in the","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"forest; and of Christmas evening, and of \"Humpty Dumpty,\" the only story it had","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"ever heard or knew how to relate, till at last it was consumed.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"The boys still played in the garden, and the youngest wore the golden star on","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"his breast, with which the tree had been adorned during the happiest evening of","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"its existence. Now all was past; the tree's life was past, and the story also,–","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"for all stories must come to an end at last.","book":"The fir tree"} {"text":"First Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Now then, let us begin. When we are at the end of the story, we shall know more","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"than we know now: but to begin.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of all sprites. One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was reflected","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness. In this mirror the most","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach, and the best persons were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"turned into frights, or appeared to stand on their heads; their faces were so","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"distorted that they were not to be recognised; and if anyone had a mole, you","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"might be sure that it would be magnified and spread over both nose and mouth.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That's glorious fun!\" said the sprite. If a good thought passed through a man's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"mind, then a grin was seen in the mirror, and the sprite laughed heartily at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his clever discovery. All the little sprites who went to his school – for he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"kept a sprite school – told each other that a miracle had happened; and that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"now only, as they thought, it would be possible to see how the world really","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"looked. They ran about with the mirror; and at last there was not a land or a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"person who was not represented distorted in the mirror. So then they thought","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they would fly up to the sky, and have a joke there. The higher they flew with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the mirror, the more terribly it grinned: they could hardly hold it fast. Higher","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and higher still they flew, nearer and nearer to the stars, when suddenly the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"mirror shook so terribly with grinning, that it flew out of their hands and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"fell to the earth, where it was dashed in a hundred million and more pieces. And","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"now it worked much more evil than before; for some of these pieces were hardly","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"so large as a grain of sand, and they flew about in the wide world, and when","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they got into people's eyes, there they stayed; and then people saw everything","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"perverted, or only had an eye for that which was evil. This happened because","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the very smallest bit had the same power which the whole mirror had possessed.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Some persons even got a splinter in their heart, and then it made one shudder,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for their heart became like a lump of ice. Some of the broken pieces were so","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"large that they were used for windowpanes, through which one could not see","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"one's friends. Other pieces were put in spectacles; and that was a sad affair","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"when people put on their glasses to see well and rightly. Then the wicked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sprite laughed till he almost choked, for all this tickled his fancy. The fine","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"splinters still flew about in the air: and now we shall hear what happened next.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Second Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"A Little Boy and a Little Girl","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In a large town, where there are so many houses, and so many people, that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there is no roof left for everybody to have a little garden; and where, on this","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"account, most persons are obliged to content themselves with flowers in pots;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there lived two little children, who had a garden somewhat larger than a flower-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"pot. They were not brother and sister; but they cared for each other as much as","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"if they were. Their parents lived exactly opposite. They inhabited two garrets;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and where the roof of the one house joined that of the other, and the gutter ran","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"along the extreme end of it, there was to each house a small window: one needed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"only to step over the gutter to get from one window to the other.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The children's parents had large wooden boxes there, in which vegetables for","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the kitchen were planted, and little rosetrees besides: there was a rose in each","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"box, and they grew splendidly. They now thought of placing the boxes across the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"gutter, so that they nearly reached from one window to the other, and looked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"just like two walls of flowers. The tendrils of the peas hung down over the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"boxes; and the rose-trees shot up long branches, twined round the windows, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"then bent towards each other: it was almost like a triumphant arch of foliage","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and flowers. The boxes were very high, and the children knew that they must not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"creep over them; so they often obtained permission to get out of the windows to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"each other, and to sit on their little stools among the roses, where they could","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"play delight fully. In winter there was an end of this pleasure. The windows","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were often frozen over; but then they heated copper farthings on the stove, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"laid the hot farthing on the windowpane, and then they had a capital peep-hole,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"quite nicely rounded; and out of each peeped a gentle friendly eye – it was the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little boy and the little girl who were looking out. His name was Kay, hers was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda. In summer, with one jump, they could get to each other; but in winter","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they were obliged first to go down the long stairs, and then up the long stairs","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"again: and out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"It is the white bees that are swarming,\" said Kay's old grandmother.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Do the white bees choose a queen?\" asked the little boy; for he knew that the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"honey-bees always have one.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said the grandmother, \"she flies where the swarm hangs in the thickest","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"clusters. She is the largest of all; and she can never remain quietly on the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"earth, but goes up again into the black clouds. Many a winter's night she flies","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"through the streets of the town, and peeps in at the windows; and they then","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"freeze in so wondrous a manner that they look like flowers.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes, I have seen it,\" said both the children; and so they knew that it was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"true.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Can the Snow Queen come in?\" said the little girl.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Only let her come in!\" said the little boy. \"Then I'd put her on the stove, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she'd melt.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And then his grandmother patted his head and told him other stories.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In the evening, when little Kay was at home, and half undressed, he climbed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"up on the chair by the window, and peeped out of the little hole. A few snow-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flakes were falling, and one, the largest of all, remained lying on the edge of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a flower-pot.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The flake of snow grew larger and larger; and at last it was like a young lady,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"dressed in the finest white gauze, made of a million little flakes like stars.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She was so beautiful and delicate, but she was of ice, of dazzling, sparkling","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ice; yet she lived; her eyes gazed fixedly, like two stars; but there was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"neither quiet nor repose in them. She nodded towards the window, and beckoned","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"with her hand. The little boy was frightened, and jumped down from the chair; it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"seemed to him as if, at the same moment, a large bird flew past the window.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The next day it was a sharp frost – and then the spring came; the sun shone, the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"green leaves appeared, the swallows built their nests, the windows were opened,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and the little children again sat in their pretty garden, high up on the leads","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"at the top of the house.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty. The little girl had learned a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hymn, in which there was something about roses; and then she thought of her own","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flowers; and she sang the verse to the little boy, who then sang it with her:","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet, And angels descend there the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"children to greet.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And the children held each other by the hand, kissed the roses, looked up at the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"clear sunshine, and spoke as though they really saw angels there. What lovely","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"summer-days those were! How delightful to be out in the air, near the fresh","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"rose-bushes, that seem as if they would never finish blossoming!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay and Gerda looked at the picture-book full of beasts and of birds; and it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was then – the clock in the church-tower was just striking five – that Kay said,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh! I feel such a sharp pain in my heart; and now something has got into my","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"eye!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The little girl put her arms around his neck. He winked his eves; now there was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"nothing to be seen.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I think it is out now,\" said he; but it was not. It was just one of those","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"pieces of glass from the magic mirror that had got into his eye; and poor Kay","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"had got another piece right in his heart. It will soon become like ice. It did","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not hurt any longer, but there it was.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"What are you crying for?\" asked he. \"You look so ugly! There's nothing the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"matter with me. Ah,\" said he at once, \"that rose is cankered! And look, this one","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"is quite crooked! After all, these roses are very ugly! They are just like the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"box they are planted in!\" And then he gave the box a good kick with his foot,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and pulled both the roses up.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"What are you doing?\" cried the little girl; and as he perceived her fright, he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"pulled up another rose, got in at the window, and hastened off from dear little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Afterwards, when she brought her picture-book, he asked, \"What horrid beasts","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"have you there?\" And if his grandmother told them stories, he always interrupted","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"her; besides, if he could manage it, he would get behind her, put on her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"spectacles, and imitate her way of speaking; he copied all her ways, and then","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"everybody laughed at him. He was soon able to imitate the gait and manner of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"everyone in the street. Everything that was peculiar and displeasing in them –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that Kay knew how to imitate: and at such times all the people said, \"The boy","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"is certainly very clever!\" But it was the glass he had got in his eye; the glass","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that was sticking in his heart, which made him tease even little Gerda, whose","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"whole soul was devoted to him.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"His games now were quite different to what they had formerly been, they were so","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"very knowing. One winter's day, when the flakes of snow were flying about, he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"spread the skirts of his blue coat, and caught the snow as it fell.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Look through this glass, Gerda,\" said he. And every flake seemed larger, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"appeared like a magnificent flower, or beautiful star; it was splendid to look","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"at!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Look, how clever!\" said Kay. \"That's much more interesting than real flowers!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They are as exact as possible; there i not a fault in them, if they did not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"melt!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"It was not long after this, that Kay came one day with large gloves on, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his little sledge at his back, and bawled right into Gerda's ears, \"I have","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"permission to go out into the square where the others are playing\"; and off he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was in a moment.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"There, in the market-place, some of the boldest of the boys used to tie their","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sledges to the carts as they passed by, and so they were pulled along, and got","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a good ride. It was so capital! Just as they were in the very height of their","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"amusement, a large sledge passed by: it was painted quite white, and there was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"someone in it wrapped up in a rough white mantle of fur, with a rough white fur","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"cap on his head. The sledge drove round the square twice, and Kay tied on his","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sledge as quickly as he could, and off he drove with it. On they went quicker","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and quicker into the next street; and the person who drove turned round to Kay,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and nodded to him in a friendly manner, just as if they knew each other. Every","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"time he was going to untie his sledge, the person nodded to him, and then Kay","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sat quiet; and so on they went till they came outside the gates of the town.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Then the snow began to fall so thickly that the little boy could not see an","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"arm's length before him, but still on he went: when suddenly he let go the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"string he held in his hand in order to get loose from the sledge, but it was of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"no use; still the little vehicle rushed on with the quickness of the wind. He","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"then cried as loud as he could, but no one beard him; the snow drifted and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sledge flew on, and sometimes it gave a jerk as though they were driving over","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hedges and ditches. He was quite frightened, and he tried to repeat the Lord's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Prayer; but all he could do, he was only able to remember the multiplication","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"table.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The snow-flakes grew larger and larger, till at last they looked just like great","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"white fowls. Suddenly they flew on one side; the large sledge stopped, and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"person who drove rose up. It was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow. She was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"tall and of slender figure, and of a dazzling whiteness. It was the Snow Queen.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"We have travelled fast,\" said she; \"but it is freezingly cold. Come under my","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bearskin.\" And she put him in the sledge beside her, wrapped the fur round him,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and he felt as though he were sinking in a snow-wreath.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Are you still cold?\" asked she; and then she kissed his forehead. Ah! it was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"colder than ice; it penetrated to his very heart, which was already almost a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"frozen lump; it seemed to him as if he were about to die – but a moment more and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it was quite congenial to him, and he did not remark the cold that was around","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"him.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"My sledge! Do not forget my sledge!\" It was the first thing he thought of. It","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was there tied to one of the white chickens, who flew along with it on his back","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"behind the large sledge. The Snow Queen kissed Kay once more, and then he forgot","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little Gerda, grandmother, and all whom he had left at his home.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Now you will have no more kisses,\" said she, \"or else I should kiss you to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"death!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay looked at her. She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was perfect, he did not fear her at all, and told her that he could calculate","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in his head and with fractions, even; that he knew the number of square miles","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there were in the different countries, and how many inhabitants they contained;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and she smiled while he spoke. It then seemed to him as if what he knew was not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"enough, and he looked upwards in the large huge empty space above him, and on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she flew with him; flew high over,the black clouds, while the storm moaned and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"whistled as though it were singing some old tune. On they flew over woods and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"lakes, over seas, and many lands; and beneath them the chilling storm rushed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"fast, the wolves howled, the snow crackled; above them flew large screaming","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"crows, but higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that Kay gazed during the long long winter's night; while by day he slept at the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"feet of the Snow Queen.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Third Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Of the Flower-Garden At the Old Woman's Who Understood Witchcraft","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But what became of little Gerda when Kay did not return? Where could he be?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Nobody knew; nobody could give any intelligence. All the boys knew was, that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they had seen him tie his sledge to another large and splendid one, which drove","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"down the street and out of the town. Nobody knew where he was; many sad tears","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were shed, and little Gerda wept long and bitterly; at last she said he must be","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"dead; that he had been drowned in the river which flowed close to the town. Oh!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"those were very long and dismal winter evenings!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"At last spring came, with its warm sunshine.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Kay is dead and gone!\" said little Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That I don't believe,\" said the Sunshine.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Kay is dead and gone!\" said she to the Swallows.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That I don't believe,\" said they: and at last little Gerda did not think so any","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"longer either.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I'll put on my red shoes,\" said she, one morning; \"Kay has never seen them, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"then I'll go down to the river and ask there.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"It was quite early; she kissed her old grandmother, who was still asleep, put on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"her red shoes, and went alone to the river.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Is it true that you have taken my little playfellow? I will make you a present","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of my red shoes, if you will give him back to me.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And, as it seemed to her, the blue waves nodded in a strange manner; then she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"took off her red shoes, the most precious things she possessed, and threw them","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"both into the river. But they fell close to the bank, and the little waves","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bore them immediately to land; it was as if the stream would not take what was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"dearest to her; for in reality it had not got little, Kay; but Gerda thought","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that she had not thrown the shoes out far enough, so she clambered into a boat","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"which lay among the rushes, went to the farthest end, and threw out the shoes.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But the boat was not fastened, and the motion which she occasioned, made it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"drift from the shore. She observed this, and hastened to get back; but before","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she could do so, the boat was more than a yard from the land, and was gliding","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"quickly onward.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Little Gerda was very frightened, and began to cry; but no one heard her except","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the sparrows, and they could not carry her to land; but they flew along the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bank, and sang as if to comfort her, \"Here we are! Here we are!\" The boat","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"drifted with the stream, little Gerda sat quite still without shoes, for they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were swimming behind the boat, but she could not reach them, because the boat","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"went much faster than they did.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The banks on both sides were beautiful; lovely flowers, venerable trees, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"slopes with sheep and cows, but not a human being was to be seen.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay,\" said she; and then she grew","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"less sad. She rose, and looked for many hours at the beautiful green banks.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Presently she sailed by a large cherry-orchard, where was a little cottage with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"curious red and blue windows; it was thatched, and before it two wooden soldiers","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"stood sentry, and presented arms when anyone went past.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda called to them, for she thought they were alive; but they, of course, did","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not answer. She came close to them, for the stream drifted the boat quite near","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the land.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda called still louder, and an old woman then came out of the cottage,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"leaning upon a crooked stick. She had a large broad-brimmed hat on, painted with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the most splendid flowers.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Poor little child!\" said the old woman. \"How did you get upon the large rapid","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"river, to be driven about so in the wide world!\" And then the old woman went","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"into the water, caught hold of the boat with her crooked stick, drew it to the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bank, and lifted little Gerda out.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda was so glad to be on dry land again; but she was rather afraid of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"strange old woman.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"But come and tell me who you are, and how you came here,\" said she.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda told her all; and the old woman shook her head and said, \"A-hem! a-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hem!\" and when Gerda had told her everything, and asked her if she had not seen","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little Kay, the woman answered that he had not passed there, but he no doubt","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"would come; and she told her not to be cast down, but taste her cherries, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"look at her flowers, which were finer than any in a picture-book, each of which","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"could tell a whole story. She then took Gerda by the hand, led her into the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little cottage, and locked the door.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The windows were very high up; the glass was red, blue, and green, and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sunlight shone through quite wondrously in all sorts of colors. On the table","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"stood the most exquisite cherries, and Gerda ate as many as she chose, for she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"had permission to do so. While she was eating, the old woman combed her hair","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"with a golden comb, and her hair curled and shone with a lovely golden color","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"around that sweet little face, which was so round and so like a rose.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I have often longed for such a dear little girl,\" said the old woman. \"Now","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"you shall see how well we agree together\"; and while she combed little Gerda's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hair, the child forgot her foster-brother Kay more and more, for the old woman","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"understood magic; but she was no evil being, she only practised witchcraft","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a little for her own private amusement, and now she wanted very much to keep","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little Gerda. She therefore went out in the garden, stretched out.her crooked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"stick towards the rose-bushes, which, beautifully as they were blowing, all sank","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"into the earth and no one could tell where they had stood. The old woman feared","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that if Gerda should see the roses, she would then think of her own, would","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"remember little Kay, and run away from her.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She now led Gerda into the flower-garden. Oh, what odour and what loveliness was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there! Every flower that one could think of, and of every season, stood there","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in fullest bloom; no picture-book could be gayer or more beautiful. Gerda jumped","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for joy, and played till the sun set behind the tall cherry-tree; she then had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a pretty bed, with a red silken coverlet filled with blue violets. She fell","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"asleep, and had as pleasant dreams as ever a queen on her wedding-day.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The next morning she went to play with the flowers in the warm sunshine, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"thus passed away a day. Gerda knew every flower; and, numerous as they were,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it still seemed to Gerda that one was wanting, though she did not know which.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"One day while she was looking at the hat of the old woman painted with flowers,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the most beautiful of them all seemed to her to be a rose. The old woman had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"forgotten to take it from her hat when she made the others vanish in the earth.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But so it is when one's thoughts are not collected. \"What!\" said Gerda. \"Are","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there no roses here?\" and she ran about amongst the flowerbeds, and looked, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"looked, but there was not one to be found. She then sat down and wept; but her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hot tears fell just where a rose-bush had sunk; and when her warm tears watered","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the ground, the tree shot up suddenly as fresh and blooming as when it had been","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"swallowed up. Gerda kissed the roses, thought of her own dear roses at home, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"with them of little Kay.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh, how long I have stayed!\" said the little girl. \"I intended to look for Kay!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Don't you know where he is?\" she asked of the roses. \"Do you think he is dead","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and gone?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Dead he certainly is not,\" said the Roses. \"We have been in the earth where all","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the dead are, but Kay was not there.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Many thanks!\" said little Gerda; and she went to the other flowers, looked into","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"their cups, and asked, \"Don't you know where little Kay is?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But every flower stood in the sunshine, and dreamed its own fairy tale or its","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"own story: and they all told her very many things, but not one knew anything of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Well, what did the Tiger-Lily say?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Hearest thou not the drum? Bum! Bum! Those are the only two tones. Always bum!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Bum! Hark to the plaintive song of the old woman, to the call of the priests!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Hindoo woman in her long robe stands upon the funeral pile; the flames rise","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"around her and her dead husband, but the Hindoo woman thinks on the living one","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in the surrounding circle; on him whose eyes burn hotter than the flames – on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"him, the fire of whose eyes pierces her heart more than the flames which soon","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"will burn her body to ashes. Can the heart's flame die in the flame of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"funeral pile?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I don't understand that at all,\" said little Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That is my story,\" said the Lily.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"What did the Convolvulus say?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Projecting over a narrow mountain-path there hangs an old feudal castle. Thick","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"evergreens grow on the dilapidated walls, and around the altar, where a lovely","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"maiden is standing: she bends over the railing and looks out upon the rose. No","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"fresher rose hangs on the branches than she; no appleblossom carried away by the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"wind is more buoyant! How her silken robe is rustling! Is he not yet come?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Is it Kay that you mean?\" asked little Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I am speaking about my story – about my dream,\" answered the Convolvulus.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"What did the Snowdrops say?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Between the trees a long board is hanging – it is a swing. Two little girls","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"are sitting in it, and swing themselves backwards and forwards; their frocks are","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"as white as snow, and long green silk ribands flutter from their bonnets. Their","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"brother, who is older than they are, stands up in the swing; he twines his arms","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"round the cords to hold himself fast, for in one hand he has a little cup, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in the other a clay-pipe. He is blowing soap-bubbles. The swing moves, and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bubbles float in charming changing colors: the last is still hanging to the end","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of the pipe, and rocks in the breeze. The swing moves. The little black dog, as","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"light as a soap-bubble, jumps up on his hind legs to try to get into the swing.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"It moves, the dog falls down, barks, and is angry. They tease him; the bubble","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bursts! A swing, a bursting bubble – such is my song!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"What you relate may be very pretty, but you tell it in so melancholy a manner,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and do not mention Kay.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"What do the Hyacinths say?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"There were once upon a time three sisters, quite transparent, and very","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"beautiful. The robe of the one was red, that of the second blue, and that of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the third white. They danced hand in hand beside the calm lake in the clear","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"moonshine. They were not elfin maidens, but mortal children. A sweet fragrance","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was smelt, and the maidens vanished in the wood; the fragrance grew stronger –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"three coffins, and in them three lovely maidens, glided out of the forest and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"across the lake: the shining glow-worms flew around like little floating lights.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Do the dancing maidens sleep, or are they dead? The odour of the flowers says","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they are corpses; the evening bell tolls for the dead!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"You make me quite sad,\" said little Gerda. \"I cannot help thinking of the dead","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"maidens. Oh! is little Kay really dead? The Roses have been in the earth, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they say no.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Ding, dong!\" sounded the Hyacinth bells. \"We do not toll for little Kay; we do","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not know him. That is our way of singing, the only one we have.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda went to the Ranunculuses, that looked forth from among the shining","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"green leaves.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"You are a little bright sun!\" said Gerda. \"Tell me if you know where I can find","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"my playfellow.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And the Ranunculus shone brightly, and looked again at Gerda. What song could","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Ranunculus sing? It was one that said nothing about Kay either.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"In a small court the bright sun was shining in the first days of spring. The","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"beams glided down the white walls of a neighbor's house, and close by the fresh","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"yellow flowers were growing, shining like gold in the warm sun-rays. An old","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"grandmother was sitting in the air; her grand-daughter, the poor and lovely","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"servant just come for a short visit. She knows her grandmother. There was gold,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"pure virgin gold in that blessed kiss. There, that is my little story,\" said the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Ranunculus.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"My poor old grandmother!\" sighed Gerda. \"Yes, she is longing for me, no doubt:","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she is sorrowing for me, as she did for little Kay. But I will soon come home,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and then I will bring Kay with me. It is of no use asking the flowers; they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"only know their own old rhymes, and can tell me nothing.\" And she tucked up her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"frock, to enable her to run quicker; but the Narcissus gave her a knock on the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"leg, just as she was going to jump over it. So she stood still, looked at the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"long yellow flower, and asked, \"You perhaps know something?\" and she bent down","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to the Narcissus. And what did it say?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I can see myself – I can see myself I Oh, how odorous I am! Up in the little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"garret there stands, half-dressed, a little Dancer. She stands now on one leg,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"now on both; she despises the whole world; yet she lives only in imagination.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She pours water out of the teapot over a piece of stuff which she holds in her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hand; it is the bodice; cleanliness is a fine thing. The white dress is hanging","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on the hook; it was washed in the teapot, and dried on the roof. She puts it on,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ties a saffron-colored kerchief round her neck, and then the gown looks whiter.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"I can see myself – I can see myself!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That's nothing to me,\" said little Gerda. \"That does not concern me.\" And then","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"off she ran to the further end of the garden.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The gate was locked, but she shook the rusted bolt till it was loosened, and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"gate opened; and little Gerda ran off barefooted into the wide world. She looked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"round her thrice, but no one followed her. At last she could run no longer;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she sat down on a large stone, and when she looked about her, she saw that the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"summer had passed; it was late in the autumn, but that one could not remark","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in the beautiful garden, where there was always sunshine, and where there were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flowers the whole year round.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Dear me, how long I have staid!\" said Gerda. \"Autumn is come. I must not rest","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"any longer.\" And she got up to go further.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Oh, how tender and wearied her little feet were! All around it looked so cold","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and raw: the long willow-leaves were quite yellow, and the fog dripped from them","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"like water; one leaf fell after the other: the sloes only stood full of fruit,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"which set one's teeth on edge. Oh, how dark and comfortless it was in the dreary","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"world!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Fourth Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Prince and Princess","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda was obliged to rest herself again, when, exactly opposite to her, a large","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Raven came hopping over the white snow. He had long been looking at Gerda and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"shaking his head; and now he said, \"Caw! Caw!\" Good day! Good day! He could not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"say it better; but he felt a sympathy for the little girl, and asked her where","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she was going all alone. The word \"alone\" Gerda understood quite well, and felt","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"how much was expressed by it; so she told the Raven her whole history, and asked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"if he had not seen Kay.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Raven nodded very gravely, and said, \"It may be – it may be!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"What, do you really think so?\" cried the little girl; and she nearly squeezed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Raven to death, so much did she kiss him.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Gently, gently,\" said the Raven. \"I think I know; I think that it may be little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay. But now he has forgotten you for the Princess.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Does he live with a Princess?\" asked Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes – listen,\" said the Raven; \"but it will be difficult for me to speak your","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"language. If you understand the Raven language I can tell you better.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"No, I have not learnt it,\" said Gerda; \"but my grandmother understands it, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she can speak gibberish too. I wish I had learnt it.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"No matter,\" said the Raven; \"I will tell you as well as I can; however, it will","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"be bad enough.\" And then he told all he knew.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In the kingdom where we now are there lives a Princess, who is extraordinarily","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"clever; for she has read all the newspapers in the whole world, and has","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"forgotten them again – so clever is she. She was lately, it is said, sitting","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on her throne – which is not very amusing after all – when she began humming an","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"old tune, and it was just, 'Oh, why should I not be married?' 'That song is not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"without its meaning,' said she, and so then she was determined to marry; but she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"would have a husband who knew how to give an answer when he was spoken to – not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"one who looked only as if he were a great personage, for that is so tiresome.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She then had all the ladies of the court drummed together; and when they heard","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"her intention, all were very pleased, and said, 'We are very glad to hear it;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it is the very thing we were thinking of.' You may believe every word I say,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"said the Raven; for I have a tame sweetheart that hops about in the palace quite","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"free, and it was she who told me all this.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The newspapers appeared forthwith with a border of hearts and the initials of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Princess; and therein you might read that every good-looking young man was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"at liberty to come to the palace and speak to the Princess; and he who spoke in","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"such wise as showed he felt himself at home there, that one the Princess would","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"choose for her husband.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes, Yes,\" said the Raven, \"you may believe it; it is as true as I am sitting","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"here. People came in crowds; there was a crush and a hurry, but no one was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"successful either on the first or second day. They could all talk well enough","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"when they were out in the street; but as soon as they came inside the palace","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"gates, and saw the guard richly dressed in silver, and the lackeys in gold on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the staircase, and the large illuminated saloons, then they were abashed; and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"when they stood before the throne on which the Princess was sitting, all they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"could do was to repeat the last word they had uttered, and to hear it again did","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not interest her very much. It was just as if the people within were under a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"charm, and had fallen into a trance till they came out again into the street;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for then – oh, then – they could chatter enough. There was a whole row of them","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"standing from the town-gates to the palace. I was there myself to look,\" said","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Raven. \"They grew hungry and thirsty; but from the palace they got nothing","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"whatever, not even a glass of water. Some of the cleverest, it is true, had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"taken bread and butter with them: but none shared it with his neighbor, for each","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"thought, 'Let him look hungry, and then the Princess won't have him'.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"But Kay – little Kay,\" said Gerda, \"when did he come? Was he among the number?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Patience, patience; we are just come to him. It was on the third day when a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little personage without horse or equipage, came marching right boldly up to the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"palace; his eyes shone like yours, he had beautiful long hair, but his clothes","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were very shabby.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That was Kay,\" cried Gerda, with a voice of delight. \"Oh, now I've found him!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and she clapped her hands for joy.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"He had a little knapsack at his back,\" said the Raven.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"No, that was certainly his sledge,\" said Gerda; \"for when he went away he took","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his sledge with him.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That may be,\" said the Raven; \"I did not examine him so minutely; but I know","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"from my tame sweetheart, that when he came into the court-yard of the palace,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and saw the body-guard in silver, the lackeys on the staircase, he was not the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"least abashed; he nodded, and said to them, 'It must be very tiresome to stand","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on the stairs; for my part, I shall go in.' The saloons were gleaming with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"lustres – privy councillors and excellencies were walking about barefooted,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and wore gold keys; it was enough to make any one feel uncomfortable. His boots","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"creaked, too, so loudly, but still he was not at all afraid.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That's Kay for certain,\" said Gerda. \"I know he had on new boots; I have heard","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"them creaking in grandmama's room.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes, they creaked,\" said the Raven. \"And on he went boldly up to the Princess,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"who was sitting on a pearl as large as a spinning-wheel. All the ladies of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"court, with their attendants and attendants' attendants, and all the cavaliers,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"with their gentlemen and gentlemen's gentlemen, stood round; and the nearer they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"stood to the door, the prouder they looked. It was hardly possible to look at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the gentleman's gentleman, so very haughtily did he stand in the doorway.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"It must have been terrible,\" said little Gerda. \"And did Kay get the Princess?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Were I not a Raven, I should have taken the Princess myself, although I am","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"promised. It is said he spoke as well as I speak when I talk Raven language;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"this I learned from my tame sweetheart. He was bold and nicely behaved; he had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not come to woo the Princess, but only to hear her wisdom. She pleased him, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"he pleased her.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Yes, yes; for certain that was Kay,\" said Gerda. \"He was so clever; he could","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"reckon fractions in his head. Oh, won't you take me to the palace?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"That is very easily said,\" answered the Raven. \"But how are we to manage it?","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"I'll speak to my tame sweetheart about it: she must advise us; for so much","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"I must tell you, such a little girl as you are will never get permission to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"enter.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh, yes I shall,\" said Gerda; \"when Kay hears that I am here, he will come out","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"directly to fetch me.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Wait for me here on these steps,\" said the Raven.He moved his head backwards","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and forwards and flew away.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The evening was closing in when the Raven returned. \"Caw –caw!\" said he.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"She sends you her compliments; and here is a roll for you. She took it out","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of the kitchen, where there is bread enough. You are hungry, no doubt. It is","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not possible for you to enter the palace, for you are barefooted: the guards","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in silver, and the lackeys in gold, would not allow it; but do not cry, you","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"shall come in still. My sweetheart knows a little back stair that leads to the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bedchamber, and she knows where she can get the key of it.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And they went into the garden in the large avenue, where one leaf was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"falling after the other; and when the lights in the palace had all gradually","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"disappeared, the Raven led little Gerda to the back door, which stood half open.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Oh, how Gerda's heart beat with anxiety and longing! It was just as if she had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"been about to do something wrong; and yet she only wanted to know if little Kay","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was there. Yes, he must be there. She called to mind his intelligent eyes, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his long hair, so vividly, she could quite see him as he used to laugh when they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were sitting under the roses at home. \"He will, no doubt, be glad to see you –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to hear what a long way you have come for his sake; to know how unhappy all at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"home were when he did not come back.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Oh, what a fright and a joy it was!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They were now on the stairs. A single lamp was burning there; and on the floor","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"stood the tame Raven, turning her head on every side and looking at Gerda, who","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bowed as her grandmother had taught her to do.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"My intended has told me so much good of you, my dear young lady,\" said the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"tame Raven. \"Your tale is very affecting. If you will take the lamp, I will go","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"before. We will go straight on, for we shall meet no one.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I think there is somebody just behind us,\" said Gerda; and something rushed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"past: it was like shadowy figures on the wall; horses with flowing manes and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"thin legs, huntsmen, ladies and gentlemen on horseback.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"They are only dreams,\" said the Raven. \"They come to fetch the thoughts of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"high personages to the chase; 'tis well, for now you can observe them in bed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"all the better. But let me find, when you enjoy honor and distinction, that you","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"possess a grateful heart.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Tut! That's not worth talking about,\" said the Raven of the woods.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They now entered the first saloon, which was of rose-colored satin, with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"artificial flowers on the wall. Here the dreams were rushing past, but they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hastened by so quickly that Gerda could not see the high personages. One hall","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was more magnificent than the other; one might indeed well be abashed; and at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"last they came into the bedchamber. The ceiling of the room resembled a large","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"palm-tree with leaves of glass, of costly glass; and in the middle, from a thick","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"golden stem, hung two beds, each of which resembled a lily. One was white, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in this lay the Princess; the other was red, and it was here that Gerda was to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"look for little Kay. She bent back one of the red leaves, and saw a brown neck.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Oh! that was Kay! She called him quite loud by name, held the lamp towards him –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the dreams rushed back again into the chamber – he awoke, turned his head, and –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it was not little Kay!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Prince was only like him about the neck; but he was young and handsome. And","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"out of the white lily leaves the Princess peeped, too, and asked what was the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"matter. Then little Gerda cried, and told her her whole history, and all that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Ravens had done for her.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Poor little thing!\" said the Prince and the Princess. They praised the Ravens","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"very much, and told them they were not at all angry with them, but they were not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to do so again. However, they should have a reward. \"Will you fly about here at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"liberty,\" asked the Princess; \"or would you like to have a fixed appointment as","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"court ravens, with all the broken bits from the kitchen?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And both the Ravens nodded, and begged for a fixed appointment; for they thought","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of their old age, and said, \"It is a good thing to have a provision for our old","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"days.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And the Prince got up and let Gerda sleep in his bed, and more than this he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"could not do. She folded her little hands and thought, \"How good men and animals","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"are!\" and she then fell asleep and slept soundly. All the dreams flew in again,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and they now looked like the angels; they drew a little sledge, in which little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay sat and nodded his head; but the whole was only a dream, and therefore it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"all vanished as soon as she awoke.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The next day she was dressed from head to foot in silk and velvet. They offered","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to let her stay at the palace, and lead a happy life; but she begged to have a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little carriage with a horse in front, and for a small pair of shoes; then, she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"said, she would again go forth in the wide world and look for Kay.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Shoes and a muff were given her; she was, too, dressed very nicely; and when","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she was about to set off, a new carriage stopped before the door. It was of pure","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"gold, and the arms of the Prince and Princess shone like a star upon it; the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"coachman, the footmen, and the outriders, for outriders were there, too, all","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"wore golden crowns. The Prince and the Princess assisted her into the carriage","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"themselves, and wished her all success. The Raven of the woods, who was now","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"married, accompanied her for the first three miles. He sat beside Gerda, for","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"he could not bear riding backwards; the other Raven stood in the doorway,and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flapped her wings; she could not accompany Gerda, because she suffered from","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"headache since she had had a fixed appointment and ate so much. The carriage was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"lined inside with sugar-plums, and in the seats were fruits and gingerbread.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Farewell! Farewell!\" cried Prince and Princess; and Gerda wept, and the Raven","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"wept. Thus passed the first miles; and then the Raven bade her farewell, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"this was the most painful separation of all. He flew into a tree, and beat his","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"black wings as long as he could see the carriage, that shone from afar like a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sunbeam.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Fifth Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Little Robber Maiden","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They drove through the dark wood; but the carriage shone like a torch, and it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"dazzled the eyes of the robbers, so that they could not bear to look at it.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"'Tis gold! 'Tis gold!\" they cried; and they rushed forward, seized the horses,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"knocked down the little postilion, the coachman, and the servants, and pulled","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little Gerda out of the carriage.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"How plump, how beautiful she is! She must have been fed on nut-kernels,\" said","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the old female robber, who had a long, scrubby beard, and bushy eyebrows that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hung down over her eyes. \"She is as good as a fatted lamb! How nice she will","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"be!\" And then she drew out a knife, the blade of which shone so that it was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"quite dreadful to behold.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh!\" cried the woman at the same moment. She had been bitten in the ear by her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"own little daughter, who hung at her back; and who was so wild and unmanageable,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that it was quite amusing to see her. \"You naughty child!\" said the mother: and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"now she had not time to kill Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"She shall play with me,\" said the little robber child. \"She shall give me her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"muff, and her pretty frock; she shall sleep in my bed!\" And then she gave her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"mother another bite, so that she jumped, and ran round with the pain; and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Robbers laughed, and said, \"Look, how she is dancing with the little one!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I will go into the carriage,\" said the little robber maiden; and she would have","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"her will, for she was very spoiled and very headstrong. She and Gerda got in;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and then away they drove over the stumps of felled trees, deeper and deeper into","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the woods. The little robber maiden was as tall as Gerda, but stronger, broader-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"shouldered, and of dark complexion; her eyes were quite black; they looked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"almost melancholy. She embraced little Gerda, and said, \"They shall not kill you","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"as long as I am not displeased with you. You are, doubtless, a Princess?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"No,\" said little Gerda; who then related all that had happened to her, and how","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"much she cared about little Kay.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The little robber maiden looked at her with a serious air, nodded her head","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"slightly, and said, \"They shall not kill you, even if I am angry with you: then","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"I will do it myself\"; and she dried Gerda's eyes, and put both her hands in the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"handsome muff, which was so soft and warm.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"At length the carriage stopped. They were in the midst of the court-yard of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a robber's castle. It was full of cracks from top to bottom; and out of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"openings magpies and rooks were flying; and the great bull-dogs, each of which","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"looked as if he could swallow a man, jumped up, but they did not bark, for that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was forbidden.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In the midst of the large, old, smoking hall burnt a great fire on the stone","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"floor. The smoke disappeared under the stones, and had to seek its own egress.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In an immense caldron soup was boiling; and rabbits and hares were being roasted","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on a spit.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"You shall sleep with me to-night, with all my animals,\" said the little robber","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"maiden. They had something to eat and drink; and then went into a corner, where","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"straw and carpets were lying. Beside them, on laths and perches, sat nearly a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hundred pigeons, all asleep, seemingly; but yet they moved a little when the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"robber maiden came. \"They are all mine,\" said she, at the same time seizing one","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that was next to her by the legs and shaking it so that its wings fluttered.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Kiss it,\" cried the little girl, and flung the pigeon in Gerda's face. \"Up","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"there is the rabble of the wood,\" continued she, pointing to several laths which","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were fastened before a hole high up in the wall; \"that's the rabble; they would","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"all fly away immediately, if they were not well fastened in. And here is my dear","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"old Bac\"; and she laid hold of the horns of a reindeer, that had a bright copper","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ring round its neck, and was tethered to the spot. \"We are obliged to lock this","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"fellow in too, or he would make his escape. Every evening I tickle his neck with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"my sharp knife; he is so frightened at it!\" and the little girl drew forth a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"long knife, from a crack in the wall, and let it glide over the Reindeer's neck.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The poor animal kicked; the girl laughed, and pulled Gerda into bed with her.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Do you intend to keep your knife while you sleep?\" asked Gerda; looking at it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"rather fearfully.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I always sleep with the knife,\" said the little robber maiden. \"There is no","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"knowing what may happen. But tell me now, once more, all about little Kay; and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"why you have started off in the wide world alone.\" And Gerda related all, from","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the very beginning: the Wood-pigeons cooed above in their cage, and the others","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"slept. The little robber maiden wound her arm round Gerda's neck, held the knife","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"in the other hand, and snored so loud that everybody could hear her; but Gerda","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"could not close her eyes, for she did not know whether she was to live or die.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The robbers sat round the fire, sang and drank; and the old female robber jumped","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"about so, that it was quite dreadful for Gerda to see her.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Then the Wood-pigeons said, \"Coo! Cool We have seen little Kay! A white hen","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"carries his sledge; he himself sat in the carriage of the Snow Queen, who passed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"here, down just over the wood, as we lay in our nest. She blew upon us young","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ones; and all died except we two. Coo! Coo!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"What is that you say up there?\" cried little Gerda. \"Where did the Snow Queen","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"go to? Do you know anything about it?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"She is no doubt gone to Lapland; for there is always snow and ice there. Only","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ask the Reindeer, who is tethered there.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Ice and snow is there! There it is, glorious and beautiful!\" said the Reindeer.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"One can spring about in the large shining valleys! The Snow Queen has her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"summer-tent there; but her fixed abode is high up towards the North Pole, on the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Island called Spitzbergen.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh, Kay! Poor little Kay!\" sighed Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Do you choose to be quiet?\" said the robber maiden. \"If you don't, I shall make","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"you.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"In the morning Gerda told her all that the Wood-pigeons had said; and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"little maiden looked very serious, but she nodded her head, and said, \"That's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"no matter-that's no matter. Do you know where Lapland lies!\" she asked of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Reindeer.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Who should know better than I?\" said the animal; and his eyes rolled in his","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"head. \"I was born and bred there – there I leapt about on the fields of snow.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Listen,\" said the robber maiden to Gerda. \"You see that the men are gone; but","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"my mother is still here, and will remain. However, towards morning she takes","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a draught out of the large flask, and then she sleeps a little: then I will do","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"something for you.\" She now jumped out of bed, flew to her mother; with her arms","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"round her neck, and pulling her by the beard, said, \"Good morrow, my own sweet","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"nanny-goat of a mother.\" And her mother took hold of her nose, and pinched it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"till it was red and blue; but this was all done out of pure love.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"When the mother had taken a sup at her flask, and was having a nap, the little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"robber maiden went to the Reindeer, and said, \"I should very much like to give","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"you still many a tickling with the sharp knife, for then you are so amusing;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"however, I will untether you, and help you out, so that you may go back to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Lapland. But you must make good use of your legs; and take this little girl for","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"me to the palace of the Snow Queen, where her playfellow is. You have heard, I","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"suppose, all she said; for she spoke loud enough, and you were listening.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Reindeer gave a bound for joy. The robber maiden lifted up little Gerda, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"took the precaution to bind her fast on the Reindeer's back; she even gave her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a small cushion to sit on. \"Here are your worsted leggins, for it will be cold;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"but the muff I shall keep for myself, for it is so very pretty. But I do not","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"wish you to be cold. Here is a pair of lined gloves of my mother's; they just","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"reach up to your elbow. On with them! Now you look about the hands just like my","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ugly old mother!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda wept for joy.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I can't bear to see you fretting,\" said the little robber maiden. \"This is","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"just the time when you ought to look pleased. Here are two loaves and a ham","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for you, so that you won't starve.\" The bread and the meat were fastened to","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Reindeer's back; the little maiden opened the door, called in all the dogs,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and then with her knife cut the rope that fastened the animal, and said to him,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Now, off with you; but take good care of the little girl!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda stretched out her hands with the large wadded gloves towards the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"robber maiden, and said, \"Farewell!\" and the Reindeer flew on over bush and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bramble through the great wood, over moor and heath, as fast as he could go.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Ddsa! Ddsa!\" was heard in the sky. It was just as if somebody was sneezing.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"These are my old northern-lights,\" said the Reindeer, \"look how they gleam!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And on he now sped still quicker – day and night on he went: the loaves were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"consumed, and the ham too; and now they were in Lapland.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Sixth Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Suddenly they stopped before a little house, which looked very miserable.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The roof reached to the ground; and the door was so low, that the family were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"obliged to creep upon their stomachs when they went in or out. Nobody was at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"home except an old Lapland woman, who was dressing fish by the light of an oil","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"lamp. And the Reindeer told her the whole of Gerda's history, but first of all","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his own; for that seemed to him of much greater importance. Gerda was so chilled","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that she could not speak.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Poor thing,\" said the Lapland woman, \"you have far to run still. You have more","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"than a hundred miles to go before you get to Finland; there the Snow Queen has","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"her country-house, and burns blue lights every evening. I will give you a few","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"words from me, which I will write on a dried haberdine, for paper I have none;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"this you can take with you to the Finland woman, and she will be able to give","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"you more information than I can.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"When Gerda had warmed herself, and had eaten and drunk, the Lapland woman wrote","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a few words on a dried haberdine, begged Gerda to take care of them, put her","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on the Reindeer, bound her fast, and away sprang the animal. \"Ddsa! Ddsa!\" was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"again heard in the air; the most charming blue lights burned the whole night in","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the sky, and at last they came to Finland. They knocked at the chimney of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Finland woman; for as to a door, she had none.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"There was such a heat inside that the Finland woman herself went about almost","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"naked. She was diminutive and dirty. She immediately loosened little Gerda's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"clothes, pulled off her thick gloves and boots; for otherwise the heat would","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"have been too great – and after laying a piece of ice on the Reindeer's head,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"read what was written on the fish-skin. She read it three times: she then knew","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it by heart; so she put the fish into the cupboard – for it might very well be","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"eaten, and she never threw anything away.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Then the Reindeer related his own story first, and afterwards that of little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda; and the Finland woman winked her eyes, but said nothing.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"You are so clever,\" said the Reindeer; \"you can, I know, twist all the winds","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of the world together in a knot. If the seaman loosens one knot, then he has a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"good wind; if a second, then it blows pretty stiffly; if he undoes the third and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"fourth, then it rages so that the forests are upturned. Will you give the little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"maiden a potion, that she may possess the strength of twelve men, and vanquish","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Snow Queen?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"The strength of twelve men!\" said the Finland woman. \"Much good that would be!\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Then she went to a cupboard, and drew out a large skin rolled up. When she had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"unrolled it, strange characters were to be seen written thereon; and the Finland","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"woman read at such a rate that the perspiration trickled down her forehead.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But the Reindeer begged so hard for little Gerda, and Gerda looked so","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"imploringly with tearful eyes at the Finland woman, that she winked, and drew","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Reindeer aside into a corner, where they whispered together, while the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"animal got some fresh ice put on his head.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"'Tis true, little Kay is at the Snow Queen's, and finds everything there quite","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to his taste; and he thinks it the very best place in the world; but the reason","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of that is, he has a splinter of glass in his eye, and in his heart. These must","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"be got out first; otherwise he will never go back to mankind, and the Snow Queen","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"will retain her power over him.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"But can you give little Gerda nothing to take which will endue her with power","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"over the whole?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I can give her no more power than what she has already.\" - \"Don't you see how","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"great it is? Don't you see how men and animals are forced to serve her; how well","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she gets through the world barefooted? She must not hear of her power from us;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that power lies in her heart, because she is a sweet and innocent child! If she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"cannot get to the Snow Queen by herself, and rid little Kay of the glass, we","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"cannot help her. Two miles hence the garden of the Snow Queen begins; thither","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"you may carry the little girl. Set her down by the large bush with red berries,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"standing in the snow; don't stay talking, but hasten back as fast as possible.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And now the Finland woman placed little Gerda on the Reindeer's back, and off he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"ran with all imaginable speed.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh! I have not got my boots! I have not brought my gloves!\" cried little Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She remarked she was without them from the cutting frost; but the Reindeer dared","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"not stand still; on he ran till he came to the great bush with the red berries,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and there he set Gerda down, kissed her mouth, while large bright tears flowed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"from the animal's eyes, and then back he went as fast as possible. There stood","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"poor Gerda now, without shoes or gloves, in the very middle of dreadful icy","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Finland.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"She ran on as fast as she could. There then came a whole regiment of snow-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flakes, but they did not fall from above, and they were quite bright and shining","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"from the Aurora Borealis. The flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"came the larger they grew. Gerda well remembered how large and strange the snow-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"flakes appeared when she once saw them through a magnifying-glass; but now they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"were large and terrific in another manner – they were all alive. They were the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"outposts of the Snow Queen. They had the most wondrous shapes; some looked like","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"large ugly porcupines; others like snakes knotted together, with their heads","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sticking out; and others, again, like small fat bears, with the hair standing on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"end: all were of dazzling whiteness – all were living snow-flakes.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Little Gerda repeated the Lord's Prayer. The cold was so intense that she could","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"see her own breath, which came like smoke out of her mouth. It grew thicker and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"thicker, and took the form of little angels, that grew more and more when they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"touched the earth. All had helms on their heads, and lances and shields in their","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"hands; they increased in numbers; and when Gerda had finished the Lord's Prayer,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she was surrounded by a whole legion. They thrust at the horrid snow-flakes with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"their spears, so that they flew into a thousand pieces; and little Gerda walked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on bravely and in security. The angels patted her hands and feet; and then she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"felt the cold less, and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But now we shall see how Kay fared. He never thought of Gerda, and least of all","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that she was standing before the palace.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Seventh Story","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"What Took Place in the Palace of the Snow Queen, and what Happened Afterward","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The walls of the palace were of driving snow, and the windows and doors of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"cutting winds. There were more than a hundred halls there, according as the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"snow was driven by the winds. The largest was many miles in extent; all were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"lighted up by the powerful Aurora Borealis, and all were so large, so empty,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"so icy cold, and so resplendent! Mirth never reigned there; there was never","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"even a little bear-ball, with the storm for music, while the polar bears went","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"on their hindlegs and showed off their steps. Never a little tea-party of white","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"young lady foxes; vast, cold, and empty were the halls of the Snow Queen. The","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"northern-lights shone with such precision that one could tell exactly when","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they were at their highest or lowest degree of brightness. In the middle of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"empty, endless hall of snow, was a frozen lake; it was cracked in a thousand","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"pieces, but each piece was so like the other, that it seemed the work of a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"cunning artificer. In the middle of this lake sat the Snow Queen when she was at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"home; and then she said she was sitting in the Mirror of Understanding, and that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"this was the only one and the best thing in the world.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Little Kay was quite blue, yes nearly black with cold; but he did not observe","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"it, for she had kissed away all feeling of cold from his body, and his heart was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"a lump of ice. He was dragging along some pointed flat pieces of ice, which he","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"laid together in all possible ways, for he wanted to make something with them;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"just as we have little flat pieces of wood to make geometrical figures with,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"called the Chinese Puzzle. Kay made all sorts of figures, the most complicated,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for it was an ice-puzzle for the understanding. In his eyes the figures were","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"extraordinarily beautiful, and of the utmost importance; for the bit of glass","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"which was in his eye caused this. He found whole figures which represented a","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"written word; but he never could manage to represent just the word he wanted –","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"that word was \"eternity\"; and the Snow Queen had said, \"If you can discover that","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"figure, you shall be your own master, and I will make you a present of the whole","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"world and a pair of new skates.\" But he could not find it out.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"I am going now to warm lands,\" said the Snow Queen. \"I must have a look down","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"into the black caldrons.\" It was the volcanoes Vesuvius and Etna that she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"meant. \"I will just give them a coating of white, for that is as it ought to be;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"besides, it is good for the oranges and the grapes.\" And then away she flew, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay sat quite alone in the empty halls of ice that were miles long, and looked","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"at the blocks of ice, and thought and thought till his skull was almost cracked.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"There he sat quite benumbed and motionless; one would have imagined he was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"frozen to death.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Suddenly little Gerda stepped through the great portal into the palace. The","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"gate was formed of cutting winds; but Gerda repeated her evening prayer, and the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"winds were laid as though they slept; and the little maiden entered the vast,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"empty, cold halls. There she beheld Kay: she recognised him, flew to embrace","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"him, and cried out, her arms firmly holding him the while, \"Kay, sweet little","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Kay! Have I then found you at last?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But he sat quite still, benumbed and cold. Then little Gerda shed burning tears;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and they fell on his bosom, they penetrated to his heart, they thawed the lumps","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"of ice, and consumed the splinters of the looking-glass; he looked at her, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"she sang the hymn:","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And angels descend there the children to greet.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Hereupon Kay burst into tears; he wept so much that the splinter rolled out of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"his eye, and he recognised her, and shouted, \"Gerda, sweet little Gerda! Where","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"have you been so long? And where have I been?\" He looked round him. \"How cold it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"is here!\" said he. \"How empty and cold!\" And he held fast by Gerda, who laughed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and wept for joy. It was so beautiful, that even the blocks of ice danced about","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"for joy; and when they were tired and laid themselves down, they formed exactly","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the letters which the Snow Queen had told him to find out; so now he was his","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"own master, and he would have the whole world and a pair of new skates into the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"bargain.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda kissed his cheeks, and they grew quite blooming; she kissed his eyes, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they shone like her own; she kissed his hands and feet, and he was again well","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and merry. The Snow Queen might come back as soon as she liked; there stood his","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"discharge written in resplendent masses of ice.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They took each other by the hand, and wandered forth out of the large hall; they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"talked of their old grandmother, and of the roses upon the roof; and wherever","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"they went, the winds ceased raging, and the sun burst forth. And when they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"reached the bush with the red berries, they found the Reindeer waiting for them.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"He had brought another, a young one, with him, whose udder was filled with milk,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"which he gave to the little ones, and kissed their lips. They then carried Kay","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and Gerda – first to the Finland woman, where they warmed themselves in the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"warm room, and learned what they were to do on their journey home; and they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"went to the Lapland woman, who made some new clothes for them and repaired their","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"sledges.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"The Reindeer and the young hind leaped along beside them, and accompanied them","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to the boundary of the country. Here the first vegetation peeped forth; here Kay","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and Gerda took leave of the Lapland woman. \"Farewell! Farewell!\" they all said.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And the first green buds appeared, the first little birds began to chirrup;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and out of the wood came, riding on a magnificent horse, which Gerda knew (it","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"was one of the leaders in the golden carriage), a young damsel with a bright-","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"red cap on her head, and armed with pistols. It was the little robber maiden,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"who, tired of being at home, had determined to make a journey to the north;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"and afterwards in another direction, if that did not please her. She recognised","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Gerda immediately, and Gerda knew her too. It was a joyful meeting.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"You are a fine fellow for tramping about,\" said she to little Kay; \"I should","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"like to know, faith, if you deserve that one should run from one end of the","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"world to the other for your sake?\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"But Gerda patted her cheeks, and inquired for the Prince and Princess.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"They are gone abroad,\" said the other.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"But the Raven?\" asked little Gerda.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"Oh! The Raven is dead,\" she answered. \"His tame sweetheart is a widow, and","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"wears a bit of black worsted round her leg; she laments most piteously, but it's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"all mere talk and stuff! Now tell me what you've been doing and how you managed","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"to catch him.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Gerda and Kay both told their story.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And \"Schnipp-schnapp-schnurre-basselurre,\" said the robber maiden; and she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"took the hands of each, and promised that if she should some day pass through","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the town where they lived, she would come and visit them; and then away she","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"rode. Kay and Gerda took each other's hand: it was lovely spring weather, with","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"abundance of flowers and of verdure. The church-bells rang, and the children","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"recognised the high towers, and the large town; it was that in which they dwelt.","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"They entered and hastened up to their grandmother's room, where everything was","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"standing as formerly. The clock said \"tick! tack!\" and the finger moved round;","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"but as they entered, they remarked that they were now grown up. The roses on","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the leads hung blooming in at the open window; there stood the little children's","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"chairs, and Kay and Gerda sat down on them, holding each other by the hand; they","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"both had forgotten the cold empty splendor of the Snow Queen, as though it had","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"been a dream. The grandmother sat in the bright sunshine, and read aloud from","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the Bible: \"Unless ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"heaven.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And Kay and Gerda looked in each other's eyes, and all at once they understood","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"the old hymn:","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"\"The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet,","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"And angels descend there the children to greet.\"","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"There sat the two grown-up persons; grown-up, and yet children; children at","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"least in heart; and it was summer-time; summer, glorious summer!","book":"The snow queen"} {"text":"Once upon a time there was a little boy who had taken cold. He had gone out and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"got his feet wet; though nobody could imagine how it had happened, for it was","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"quite dry weather. So his mother undressed him, put him to bed, and had the tea-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"pot brought in, to make him a good cup of Elderflower tea. Just at that moment","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the merry old man came in who lived up a-top of the house all alone; for he had","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"neither wife nor children – but he liked children very much, and knew so many","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"fairy tales, that it was quite delightful.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Now drink your tea,\" said the boy's mother; \"then, perhaps, you may hear a","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"fairy tale.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"If I had but something new to tell,\" said the old man. \"But how did the child","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"get his feet wet?\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"That is the very thing that nobody can make out,\" said his mother.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Am I to hear a fairy tale?\" asked the little boy.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Yes, if you can tell me exactly – for I must know that first – how deep the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"gutter is in the little street opposite, that you pass through in going to","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"school.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Just up to the middle of my boot,\" said the child; \"but then I must go into the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"deep hole.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Ali, ah! That's where the wet feet came from,\" said the old man. \"I ought now","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"to tell you a story; but I don't know any more.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"You can make one in a moment,\" said the little boy. \"My mother says that all","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"you look at can be turned into a fairy tale: and that you can find a story in","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"everything.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Yes, but such tales and stories are good for nothing. The right sort come of","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"themselves; they tap at my forehead and say, 'Here we are.'\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Won't there be a tap soon?\" asked the little boy. And his mother laughed, put","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot, and poured boiling water upon them.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Do tell me something! Pray do!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Yes, if a fairy tale would come of its own accord; but they are proud and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"haughty, and come only when they choose. Stop!\" said he, all on a sudden. \"I","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"have it! Pay attention! There is one in the tea-pot!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"And the little boy looked at the tea-pot. The cover rose more and more; and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the Elder-flowers came forth so fresh and white, and shot up long branches. Out","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"of the spout even did they spread themselves on all sides, and grew larger and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"larger; it was a splendid Elderbush, a whole tree; and it reached into the very","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"bed, and pushed the curtains aside. How it bloomed! And what an odour! In the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"middle of the bush sat a friendly-looking old woman in a most strange dress. It","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"was quite green, like the leaves of the elder, and was trimmed with large white","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Elder-flowers; so that at first one could not tell whether it was a stuff, or a","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"natural green and real flowers.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"What's that woman's name?\" asked the little boy.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"The Greeks and Romans,\" said the old man, \"called her a Dryad; but that we","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"do not understand. The people who live in the New Booths* have a much better","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"name for her; they call her 'old Granny' – and she it is to whom you are to pay","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"attention. Now listen, and look at the beautiful Elderbush.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"* A row of buildings for seamen in Copenhagen.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Just such another large blooming Elder Tree stands near the New Booths. It grew","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"there in the corner of a little miserable court-yard; and under it sat, of an","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"afternoon, in the most splendid sunshine, two old people; an old, old seaman,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and his old, old wife. They had great-grand-children, and were soon to celebrate","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage; but they could not exactly recollect","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the date: and old Granny sat in the tree, and looked as pleased as now. 'I know","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the date,' said she; but those below did not hear her, for they were talking","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"about old times.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'Yes, can't you remember when we were very little,' said the old seaman, 'and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"ran and played about? It was the very same court-yard where we now are, and we","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"stuck slips in the ground, and made a garden.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'I remember it well,' said the old woman; 'I remember it quite well. We watered","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the slips, and one of them was an Elderbush. It took root, put forth green","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"shoots, and grew up to be the large tree under which we old folks are now","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"sitting.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'To be sure,' said he. 'And there in the corner stood a waterpail, where I used","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"to swim my boats.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'True; but first we went to school to learn somewhat,' said she; 'and then we","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"were confirmed. We both cried; but in the afternoon we went up the Round Tower,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and looked down on Copenhagen, and far, far away over the water; then we went","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"to Friedericksberg, where the King and the Queen were sailing about in their","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"splendid barges.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'But I had a different sort of sailing to that, later; and that, too, for many a","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"year; a long way off, on great voyages.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'Yes, many a time have I wept for your sake,' said she. 'I thought you were","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"dead and gone, and lying down in the deep waters. Many a night have I got up to","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"see if the wind had not changed: and changed it had, sure enough; but you never","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"came. I remember so well one day, when the rain was pouring down in torrents,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the scavengers were before the house where I was in service, and I had come up","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"with the dust, and remained standing at the door – it was dreadful weather –","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"when just as I was there, the postman came and gave me a letter. It was from","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"you! What a tour that letter had made! I opened it instantly and read: I laughed","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and wept. I was so happy. In it I read that you were in warm lands where the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"coffee-tree grows. What a blessed land that must be! You related so much, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"I saw it all the while the rain was pouring down, and I standing there with the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"dust-box. At the same moment came someone who embraced me.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'Yes; but you gave him a good box on his ear that made it tingle!'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'But I did not know it was you. You arrived as soon as your letter, and you were","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"so handsome – that you still are – and had a long yellow silk handkerchief round","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"your neck, and a bran new hat on; oh, you were so dashing! Good heavens! What","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"weather it was, and what a state the street was in!'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'And then we married,' said he. 'Don't you remember? And then we had our first","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"little boy, and then Mary, and Nicholas, and Peter, and Christian.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'Yes, and how they all grew up to be honest people, and were beloved by","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"everybody.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'And their children also have children,' said the old sailor; 'yes, those are","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"our grand-children, full of strength and vigor. It was, methinks about this","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"season that we had our wedding.'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'Yes, this very day is the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage,' said old","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Granny, sticking her head between the two old people; who thought it was their","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"neighbor who nodded to them. They looked at each other and held one another by","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the hand. Soon after came their children, and their grand-children; for they","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"knew well enough that it was the day of the fiftieth anniversary, and had come","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"with their gratulations that very morning; but the old people had forgotten it,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"although they were able to remember all that had happened many years ago. And","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the Elderbush sent forth a strong odour in the sun, that was just about to set,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and shone right in the old people's faces. They both looked so rosy-cheeked;","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and the youngest of the grandchildren danced around them, and called out quite","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"delighted, that there was to be something very splendid that evening – they","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"were all to have hot potatoes. And old Nanny nodded in the bush, and shouted","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"'hurrah!' with the rest.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"But that is no fairy tale,\" said the little boy, who was listening to the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"story.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"The thing is, you must understand it,\" said the narrator; \"let us ask old","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Nanny.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"That was no fairy tale, 'tis true,\" said old Nanny; \"but now it's coming. The","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"most wonderful fairy tales grow out of that which is reality; were that not the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"case, you know, my magnificent Elderbush could not have grown out of the tea-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"pot.\" And then she took the little boy out of bed, laid him on her bosom, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the branches of the Elder Tree, full of flowers, closed around her. They sat in","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"an aerial dwelling, and it flew with them through the air. Oh, it was wondrous","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"beautiful! Old Nanny had grown all of a sudden a young and pretty maiden; but","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"her robe was still the same green stuff with white flowers, which she had worn","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"before. On her bosom she had a real Elderflower, and in her yellow waving hair","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"a wreath of the flowers; her eyes were so large and blue that it was a pleasure","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"to look at them; she kissed the boy, and now they were of the same age and felt","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"alike.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Hand in hand they went out of the bower, and they were standing in the beautiful","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"garden of their home. Near the green lawn papa's walking-stick was tied, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"for the little ones it seemed to be endowed with life; for as soon as they got","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"astride it, the round polished knob was turned into a magnificent neighing head,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"a long black mane fluttered in the breeze, and four slender yet strong legs shot","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"out. The animal was strong and handsome, and away they went at full gallop round","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the lawn. \"Huzza! Now we are riding miles off,\" said the boy. \"We are riding","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"away to the castle where we were last year!\" And on they rode round the grass-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"plot; and the little maiden, who, we know, was no one else but old Nanny, kept","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"on crying out, \"Now we are in the country! Don't you see the farm-house yonder?","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"And there is an Elder Tree standing beside it; and the cock is scraping away","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the earth for the hens, look, how he struts! And now we are close to the church.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"It lies high upon the hill, between the large oak-trees, one of which is half","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"decayed. And now we are by the smithy, where the fire is blazing, and where the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"half-naked men are banging with their hammers till the sparks fly about. Away!","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"away! To the beautiful country-seat!\" And all that the little maiden, who sat","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"behind on the stick, spoke of, flew by in reality. The boy saw it all, and yet","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"they were only going round the grass-plot. Then they played in a side avenue,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and marked out a little garden on the earth; and they took Elder-blossoms from","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"their hair, planted them, and they grew just like those the old people planted","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"when they were children, as related before. They went hand in hand, as the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"old people had done when they were children; but not to the Round Tower, or to","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Friedericksberg; no, the little damsel wound her arms round the boy, and then","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"they flew far away through all Denmark. And spring came, and summer; and then it","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"was autumn, and then winter; and a thousand pictures were reflected in the eye","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and in the heart of the boy; and the little girl always sang to him, \"This you","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"will never forget.\" And during their whole flight the Elder Tree smelt so sweet","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and odorous; he remarked the roses and the fresh beeches, but the Elder Tree","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"had a more wondrous fragrance, for its flowers hung on the breast of the little","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"maiden; and there, too, did he often lay his head during the flight.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"It is lovely here in spring!\" said the young maiden. And they stood in a beech-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"wood that had just put on its first green, where the woodroof* at their feet","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"sent forth its fragrance, and the pale-red anemony looked so pretty among the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"verdure. \"Oh, would it were always spring in the sweetly-smelling Danish beech-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"forests!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"* Asperula odorata.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"It is lovely here in summer!\" said she. And she flew past old castles of by-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"gone days of chivalry, where the red walls and the embattled gables were","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"mirrored in the canal, where the swans were swimming, and peered up into the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"old cool avenues. In the fields the corn was waving like the sea; in the ditches","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"red and yellow flowers were growing; while wild-drone flowers, and blooming","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"convolvuluses were creeping in the hedges; and towards evening the moon rose","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"round and large, and the haycocks in the meadows smelt so sweetly. \"This one","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"never forgets!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"It is lovely here in autumn!\" said the little maiden. And suddenly the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"atmosphere grew as blue again as before; the forest grew red, and green, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"yellow-colored. The dogs came leaping along, and whole flocks of wild-fowl","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"flew over the cairn, where blackberry-bushes were hanging round the old stones.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"The sea was dark blue, covered with ships full of white sails; and in the barn","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"old women, maidens, and children were sitting picking hops into a large cask;","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the young sang songs, but the old told fairy tales of mountain-sprites and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"soothsayers. Nothing could be more charming. \"It is delightful here in winter!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"said the little maiden. And all the trees were covered with hoar-frost; they","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"looked like white corals; the snow crackled under foot, as if one had new boots","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"on; and one falling star after the other was seen in the sky. The Christmas-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"tree was lighted in the room; presents were there, and good-humor reigned. In","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the country the violin sounded in the room of the peasant; the newly-baked cakes","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"were attacked; even the poorest child said, \"It is really delightful here in","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"winter!\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Yes, it was delightful; and the little maiden showed the boy everything; and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the Elder Tree still was fragrant, and the red flag, with the white cross, was","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"still waving: the flag under which the old seaman in the New Booths had sailed.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"And the boy grew up to be a lad, and was to go forth in the wide world-far,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"far away to warm lands, where the coffee-tree grows; but at his departure the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"little maiden took an Elder-blossom from her bosom, and gave it him to keep;","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"and it was placed between the leaves of his Prayer-Book; and when in foreign","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"lands he opened the book, it was always at the place where the keepsake-flower","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"lay; and the more he looked at it, the fresher it became; he felt as it were,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the fragrance of the Danish groves; and from among the leaves of the flowers he","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"could distinctly see the little maiden, peeping forth with her bright blue eyes","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"– and then she whispered, \"It is delightful here in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Winter\"; and a hundred visions glided before his mind.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"Thus passed many years, and he was now an old man, and sat with his old wife","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"under the blooming tree. They held each other by the hand, as the old grand-","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"father and grand-mother yonder in the New Booths did, and they talked exactly","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"like them of old times, and of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"The little maiden, with the blue eyes, and with Elderblossoms in her hair,","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"sat in the tree, nodded to both of them, and said, \"To-day is the fiftieth","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"anniversary!\" And then she took two flowers out of her hair, and kissed them.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"First, they shone like silver, then like gold; and when they laid them on the","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"heads of the old people, each flower became a golden crown. So there they both","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"sat, like a king and a queen, under the fragrant tree, that looked exactly","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"like an elder: the old man told his wife the story of \"Old Nanny,\" as it had","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"been told him when a boy. And it seemed to both of them it contained much that","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"resembled their own history; and those parts that were like it pleased them","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"best.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"Thus it is,\" said the little maiden in the tree, \"some call me 'Old Nanny,'","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"others a 'Dryad,' but, in reality, my name is 'Remembrance'; 'tis I who sit in","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the tree that grows and grows! I can remember; I can tell things! Let me see if","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"you have my flower still?\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"And the old man opened his Prayer-Book. There lay the Elder-blossom, as fresh as","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"if it had been placed there but a short time before; and Remembrance nodded, and","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"the old people, decked with crowns of gold, sat in the flush of the evening sun.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"They closed their eyes, and – and –! Yes, that's the end of the story!","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"The little boy lay in his bed; he did not know if he had dreamed or not, or if","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"he had been listening while someone told him the story. The tea-pot was standing","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"on the table, but no Elder Tree was growing out of it! And the old man, who had","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"been talking, was just on the point of going out at the door, and he did go.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"How splendid that was!\" said the little boy. \"Mother, I have been to warm","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"countries.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"So I should think,\" said his mother. \"When one has drunk two good cupfuls","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"of Elder-flower tea, 'tis likely enough one goes into warm climates\"; and she","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"tucked him up nicely, least he should take cold. \"You have had a good sleep","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"while I have been sitting here, and arguing with him whether it was a story or a","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"fairy tale.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"And where is old Nanny?\" asked the little boy.","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"\"In the tea-pot,\" said his mother; \"and there she may remain.\"","book":"The elderbush"} {"text":"A few large lizards were running nimbly about in the clefts of an old tree; they","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"could understand one another very well, for they spoke the lizard language.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"What a buzzing and a rumbling there is in the elfin hill,\" said one of the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"lizards; \"I have not been able to close my eyes for two nights on account of","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the noise; I might just as well have had the toothache, for that always keeps me","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"awake.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"There is something going on within there,\" said the other lizard; \"they propped","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"up the top of the hill with four red posts, till cock-crow this morning, so that","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"it is thoroughly aired, and the elfin girls have learnt new dances; there is","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"something.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"I spoke about it to an earth-worm of my acquaintance,\" said a third lizard;","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"the earth-worm had just come from the elfin hill, where he has been groping","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"about in the earth day and night. He has heard a great deal; although he cannot","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"see, poor miserable creature, yet he understands very well how to wriggle and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"lurk about. They expect friends in the elfin hill, grand company, too; but who","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"they are the earth-worm would not say, or, perhaps, he really did not know. All","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the will-o'-the-wisps are ordered to be there to hold a torch dance, as it is","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"called. The silver and gold which is plentiful in the hill will be polished and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"placed out in the moonlight.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Who can the strangers be?\" asked the lizards; \"what can the matter be? Hark,","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"what a buzzing and humming there is!\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Just at this moment the elfin hill opened, and an old elfin maiden, hollow","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"behind, came tripping out; she was the old elf king's housekeeper, and a distant","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"relative of the family; therefore she wore an amber heart on the middle of her","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"forehead. Her feet moved very fast, \"trip, trip;\" good gracious, how she could","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"trip right down to the sea to the night-raven.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"You are invited to the elf hill for this evening,\" said she; \"but will you do","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"me a great favor and undertake the invitations? you ought to do something, for","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"you have no housekeeping to attend to as I have. We are going to have some very","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"grand people, conjurors, who have always something to say; and therefore the old","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"elf king wishes to make a great display.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Who is to be invited?\" asked the raven.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"All the world may come to the great ball, even human beings, if they can only","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"talk in their sleep, or do something after our fashion. But for the feast the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"company must be carefully selected; we can only admit persons of high rank; I","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"have had a dispute myself with the elf king, as he thought we could not admit","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"ghosts. The merman and his daughter must be invited first, although it may not","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"be agreeable to them to remain so long on dry land, but they shall have a wet","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"stone to sit on, or perhaps something better; so I think they will not refuse","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"this time. We must have all the old demons of the first class, with tails, and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the hobgoblins and imps; and then I think we ought not to leave out the death-","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"horse, or the grave-pig, or even the church dwarf, although they do belong to","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the clergy, and are not reckoned among our people; but that is merely their","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"office, they are nearly related to us, and visit us very frequently.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Croak,\" said the night-raven as he flew away with the invitations.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"The elfin maidens we're already dancing on the elf hill, and they danced in","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"shawls woven from moonshine and mist, which look very pretty to those who like","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"such things. The large hall within the elf hill was splendidly decorated; the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"floor had been washed with moonshine, and the walls had been rubbed with magic","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"ointment, so that they glowed like tulip-leaves in the light. In the kitchen","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"were frogs roasting on the spit, and dishes preparing of snail skins, with","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"children's fingers in them, salad of mushroom seed, hemlock, noses and marrow","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"of mice, beer from the marsh woman's brewery, and sparkling salt-petre wine","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"from the grave cellars. These were all substantial food. Rusty nails and church-","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"window glass formed the dessert. The old elf king had his gold crown polished","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"up with powdered slate-pencil; it was like that used by the first form, and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"very difficult for an elf king to obtain. In the bedrooms, curtains were hung up","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"and fastened with the slime of snails; there was, indeed, a buzzing and humming","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"everywhere.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Now we must fumigate the place with burnt horse-hair and pig's bristles, and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"then I think I shall have done my part,\" said the elf man-servant.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Father, dear,\" said the youngest daughter, \"may I now hear who our high-born","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"visitors are?\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Well, I suppose I must tell you now,\" he replied; \"two of my daughters must","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"prepare themselves to be married, for the marriages certainly will take place.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"The old goblin from Norway, who lives in the ancient Dovre mountains, and who","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"possesses many castles built of rock and freestone, besides a gold mine, which","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"is better than all, so it is thought, is coming with his two sons, who are","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"both seeking a wife. The old goblin is a true-hearted, honest, old Norwegian","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"graybeard; cheerful and straightforward. I knew him formerly, when we used to","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"drink together to our good fellowship: he came here once to fetch his wife, she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"is dead now. She was the daughter of the king of the chalk-hills at Moen. They","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"say he took his wife from chalk; I shall be delighted to see him again. It is","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"said that the boys are ill-bred, forward lads, but perhaps that is not quite","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"correct, and they will become better as they grow older. Let me see that you","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"know how to teach them good manners.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"And when are they coming?\" asked the daughter.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"That depends upon wind and weather,\" said the elf king; \"they travel","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"economically. They will come when there is the chance of a ship. I wanted them","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"to come over to Sweden, but the old man was not inclined to take my advice. He","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"does not go forward with the times, and that I do not like.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Two will-o'-the-wisps came jumping in, one quicker than the other, so of course,","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"one arrived first. \"They are coming! they are coming!\" he cried.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Give me my crown,\" said the elf king, \"and let me stand in the moonshine.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"The daughters drew on their shawls and bowed down to the ground. There stood the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"old goblin from the Dovre mountains, with his crown of hardened ice and polished","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"fir-cones. Besides this, he wore a bear-skin, and great, warm boots, while his","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"sons went with their throats bare and wore no braces, for they were strong men.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Is that a hill?\" said the youngest of the boys, pointing to the elf hill, \"we","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"should call it a hole in Norway.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Boys,\" said the old man, \"a hole goes in, and a hill stands out; have you no","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"eyes in your heads?\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Another thing they wondered at was, that they were able without trouble to","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"understand the language.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Take care,\" said the old man, \"or people will think you have not been well","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"brought up.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Then they entered the elfin hill, where the select and grand company were","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"assembled, and so quickly had they appeared that they seemed to have been blown","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"together. But for each guest the neatest and pleasantest arrangement had been","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"made. The sea folks sat at table in great water-tubs, and they said it was just","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"like being at home. All behaved themselves properly excepting the two young","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"northern goblins; they put their legs on the table and thought they were all","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"right.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Feet off the table-cloth!\" said the old goblin. They obeyed, but not","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"immediately. Then they tickled the ladies who waited at table, with the fir-","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"cones, which they carried in their pockets. They took off their boots, that","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"they might be more at ease, and gave them to the ladies to hold. But their","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"father, the old goblin, was very different; he talked pleasantly about the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"stately Norwegian rocks, and told fine tales of the waterfalls which dashed over","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"them with a clattering noise like thunder or the sound of an organ, spreading","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"their white foam on every side. He told of the salmon that leaps in the rushing","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"waters, while the water-god plays on his golden harp. He spoke of the bright","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"winter nights, when the sledge bells are ringing, and the boys run with burning","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"torches across the smooth ice, which is so transparent that they can see the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"fishes dart forward beneath their feet. He described everything so clearly, that","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"those who listened could see it all; they could see the saw-mills going, the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"men-servants and the maidens singing songs, and dancing a rattling dance,– when","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"all at once the old goblin gave the old elfin maiden a kiss, such a tremendous","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"kiss, and yet they were almost strangers to each other.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Then the elfin girls had to dance, first in the usual way, and then with","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"stamping feet, which they performed very well; then followed the artistic and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"solo dance. Dear me, how they did throw their legs about! No one could tell","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"where the dance begun, or where it ended, nor indeed which were legs and which","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"were arms, for they were all flying about together, like the shavings in a saw-","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"pit! And then they spun round so quickly that the death-horse and the grave-pig","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"became sick and giddy, and were obliged to leave the table.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Stop!\" cried the old goblin,\" is that the only house-keeping they can perform?","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Can they do anything more than dance and throw about their legs, and make a","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"whirlwind?\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"You shall soon see what they can do,\" said the elf king. And then he called his","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"youngest daughter to him. She was slender and fair as moonlight, and the most","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"graceful of all the sisters. She took a white chip in her mouth, and vanished","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"instantly; this was her accomplishment. But the old goblin said he should not","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"like his wife to have such an accomplishment, and thought his boys would have","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the same objection. Another daughter could make a figure like herself follow","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"her, as if she had a shadow, which none of the goblin folk ever had. The third","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"was of quite a different sort; she had learnt in the brew-house of the moor","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"witch how to lard elfin puddings with glow-worms.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"She will make a good housewife,\" said the old goblin, and then saluted her with","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"his eyes instead of drinking her health; for he did not drink much.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Now came the fourth daughter, with a large harp to play upon; and when she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"struck the first chord, every one lifted up the left leg (for the goblins are","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"left-legged), and at the second chord they found they must all do just what she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"wanted.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"That is a dangerous woman,\" said the old goblin; and the two sons walked out of","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the hill; they had had enough of it. \"And what can the next daughter do?\" asked","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"the old goblin.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"I have learnt everything that is Norwegian,\" said she; \"and I will never marry,","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"unless I can go to Norway.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Then her youngest sister whispered to the old goblin, \"That is only because she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"has heard, in a Norwegian song, that when the world shall decay, the cliffs of","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Norway will remain standing like monuments; and she wants to get there, that she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"may be safe; for she is so afraid of sinking.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Ho! ho!\" said the old goblin, \"is that what she means? Well, what can the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"seventh and last do?\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"The sixth comes before the seventh,\" said the elf king, for he could reckon;","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"but the sixth would not come forward.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"I can only tell people the truth,\" said she. \"No one cares for me, nor troubles","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"himself about me; and I have enough to do to sew my grave clothes.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"So the seventh and last came; and what could she do? Why, she could tell","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"stories, as many as you liked, on any subject.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"Here are my five fingers,\" said the old goblin; \"now tell me a story for each","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"of them.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"So she took him by the wrist, and he laughed till he nearly choked; and when she","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"came to the fourth finger, there was a gold ring on it, as if it knew there was","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"to be a betrothal. Then the old goblin said, \"Hold fast what you have: this hand","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"is yours; for I will have you for a wife myself.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Then the elfin girl said that the stories about the ring-finger and little Peter","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Playman had not yet been told.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"We will hear them in the winter,\" said the old goblin, \"and also about the fir","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"and the birch-trees, and the ghost stories, and of the tingling frost. You shall","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"tell your tales, for no one over there can do it so well; and we will sit in the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"stone rooms, where the pine logs are burning, and drink mead out of the golden","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"drinking-horn of the old Norwegian kings. The water-god has given me two; and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"when we sit there, Nix comes to pay us a visit, and will sing you all the songs","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"of the mountain shepherdesses. How merry we shall be! The salmon will be leaping","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"in the waterfalls, and dashing against the stone walls, but he will not be able","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"to come in. It is indeed very pleasant to live in old Norway. But where are the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"lads?\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Where indeed were they? Why, running about the fields, and blowing out the will-","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"o'-the-wisps, who so good-naturedly came and brought their torches.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"What tricks have you been playing?\" said the old goblin. \"I have taken a mother","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"for you, and now you may take one of your aunts.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"But the youngsters said they would rather make a speech and drink to their good","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"fellowship; they had no wish to marry. Then they made speeches and drank toasts,","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"and tipped their glasses, to show that they were empty. Then they took off","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"their coats, and lay down on the table to sleep; for they made themselves quite","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"at home. But the old goblin danced about the room with his young bride, and","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"exchanged boots with her, which is more fashionable than exchanging rings.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"The cock is crowing,\" said the old elfin maiden who acted as housekeeper; \"now","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"we must close the shutters, that the sun may not scorch us.\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"Then the hill closed up. But the lizards continued to run up and down the","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"riven tree; and one said to the other, \"Oh, how much I was pleased with the old","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"goblin!\"","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"\"The boys pleased me better,\" said the earth-worm. But then the poor miserable","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"creature could not see.","book":"The elfin hill"} {"text":"There was once a little girl who was very pretty and delicate, but in summer she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"was forced to run about with bare feet, she was so poor, and in winter wear very","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"large wooden shoes, which made her little insteps quite red, and that looked so","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"dangerous!","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"In the middle of the village lived old Dame Shoemaker; she sat and sewed","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"together, as well as she could, a little pair of shoes out of old red strips of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"cloth; they were very clumsy, but it was a kind thought. They were meant for the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"little girl. The little girl was called Karen.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"On the very day her mother was buried, Karen received the red shoes, and wore","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"them for the first time. They were certainly not intended for mourning, but she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"had no others, and with stockingless feet she followed the poor straw coffin in","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"them.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Suddenly a large old carriage drove up, and a large old lady sat in it: she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"looked at the little girl, felt compassion for her, and then said to the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"clergyman:","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Here, give me the little girl. I will adopt her!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And Karen believed all this happened on account of the red shoes, but the old","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"lady thought they were horrible, and they were burnt. But Karen herself was","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"cleanly and nicely dressed; she must learn to read and sew; and people said she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"was a nice little thing, but the looking-glass said: \"Thou art more than nice,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"thou art beautiful!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Now the queen once travelled through the land, and she had her little daughter","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"with her. And this little daughter was a princess, and people streamed to the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"castle, and Karen was there also, and the little princess stood in her fine","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"white dress, in a window, and let herself be stared at; she had neither a train","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"nor a golden crown, but splendid red morocco shoes. They were certainly far","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"handsomer than those Dame Shoemaker had made for little Karen. Nothing in the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"world can be compared with red shoes.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Now Karen was old enough to be confirmed; she had new clothes and was to have","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"new shoes also. The rich shoemaker in the city took the measure of her little","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"foot. This took place at his house, in his room; where stood large glass-cases,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"filled with elegant shoes and brilliant boots. All this looked charming, but","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the old lady could not see well, and so had no pleasure in them. In the midst of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the shoes stood a pair of red ones, just like those the princess had worn. How","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"beautiful they were! The shoemaker said also they had been made for the child of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"a count, but had not fitted.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"That must be patent leather!\" said the old lady. \"They shine so!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Yes, they shine!\" said Karen, and they fitted, and were bought, but the old","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"lady knew nothing about their being red, else she would never have allowed Karen","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"to have gone in red shoes to be confirmed. Yet such was the case.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Everybody looked at her feet; and when she stepped through the chancel door on","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the church pavement, it seemed to her as if the old figures on the tombs, those","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"portraits of old preachers and preachers' wives, with stiff ruffs, and long","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"black dresses, fixed their eyes on her red shoes. And she thought only of them","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"as the clergyman laid his hand upon her head, and spoke of the holy baptism, of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the covenant with God, and how she should be now a matured Christian; and the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"organ pealed so solemnly; the sweet children's voices sang, and the old music-","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"directors sang, but Karen only thought of her red shoes.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"In the afternoon, the old lady heard from everyone that the shoes had been red,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"and she said that it was very wrong of Karen, that it was not at all becoming,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"and that in future Karen should only go in black shoes to church, even when she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"should be older.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"The next Sunday there was the sacrament, and Karen looked at the black shoes,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"looked at the red ones--looked at them again, and put on the red shoes.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"The sun shone gloriously; Karen and the old lady walked along the path through","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the corn; it was rather dusty there.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"At the church door stood an old soldier with a crutch, and with a wonderfully","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"long beard, which was more red than white, and he bowed to the ground, and asked","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the old lady whether he might dust her shoes. And Karen stretched out her little","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"foot.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"See, what beautiful dancing shoes!\" said the soldier. \"Sit firm when you","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"dance\"; and he put his hand out towards the soles.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And the old lady gave the old soldier alms, and went into the church with Karen.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And all the people in the church looked at Karen's red shoes, and all the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"pictures, and as Karen knelt before the altar, and raised the cup to her lips,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"she only thought of the red shoes, and they seemed to swim in it; and she forgot","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"to sing her psalm, and she forgot to pray, \"Our Father in Heaven!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Now all the people went out of church, and the old lady got into her carriage.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Karen raised her foot to get in after her, when the old soldier said,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Look, what beautiful dancing shoes!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And Karen could not help dancing a step or two, and when she began her feet","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"continued to dance; it was just as though the shoes had power over them. She","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"danced round the church corner, she could not leave off; the coachman was","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"obliged to run after and catch hold of her, and he lifted her in the carriage,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"but her feet continued to dance so that she trod on the old lady dreadfully. At","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"length she took the shoes off, and then her legs had peace.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"The shoes were placed in a closet at home, but Karen could not avoid looking at","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"them.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Now the old lady was sick, and it was said she could not recover. She must","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"be nursed and waited upon, and there was no one whose duty it was so much as","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Karen's. But there was a great ball in the city, to which Karen was invited. She","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"looked at the old lady, who could not recover, she looked at the red shoes, and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"she thought there could be no sin in it; she put on the red shoes, she might do","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"that also, she thought. But then she went to the ball and began to dance.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"When she wanted to dance to the right, the shoes would dance to the left, and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"when she wanted to dance up the room, the shoes danced back again, down the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"steps, into the street, and out of the city gate. She danced, and was forced to","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"dance straight out into the gloomy wood.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Then it was suddenly light up among the trees, and she fancied it must be the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"moon, for there was a face; but it was the old soldier with the red beard; he","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"sat there, nodded his head, and said, \"Look, what beautiful dancing shoes!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Then she was terrified, and wanted to fling off the red shoes, but they clung","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"fast; and she pulled down her stockings, but the shoes seemed to have grown to","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"her feet. And she danced, and must dance, over fields and meadows, in rain and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"sunshine, by night and day; but at night it was the most fearful.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"She danced over the churchyard, but the dead did not dance--they had something","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"better to do than to dance. She wished to seat herself on a poor man's grave,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"where the bitter tansy grew; but for her there was neither peace nor rest; and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"when she danced towards the open church door, she saw an angel standing there.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"He wore long, white garments; he had wings which reached from his shoulders","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"to the earth; his countenance was severe and grave; and in his hand he held a","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"sword, broad and glittering.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Dance shalt thou!\" said he. \"Dance in thy red shoes till thou art pale and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"cold! Till thy skin shrivels up and thou art a skeleton! Dance shalt thou from","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"door to door, and where proud, vain children dwell, thou shalt knock, that they","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"may hear thee and tremble! Dance shalt thou--!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Mercy!\" cried Karen. But she did not hear the angel's reply, for the shoes","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"carried her through the gate into the fields, across roads and bridges, and she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"must keep ever dancing.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"One morning she danced past a door which she well knew. Within sounded a psalm;","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"a coffin, decked with flowers, was borne forth. Then she knew that the old lady","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"was dead, and felt that she was abandoned by all, and condemned by the angel of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"God.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"She danced, and she was forced to dance through the gloomy night. The shoes","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"carried her over stack and stone; she was torn till she bled; she danced","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"over the heath till she came to a little house. Here, she knew, dwelt the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"executioner; and she tapped with her fingers at the window, and said, \"Come out!","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"Come out! I cannot come in, for I am forced to dance!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And the executioner said, \"Thou dost not know who I am, I fancy? I strike bad","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"people's heads off; and I hear that my axe rings!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Don't strike my head off!\" said Karen. \"Then I can't repent of my sins! But","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"strike off my feet in the red shoes!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And then she confessed her entire sin, and the executioner struck off her feet","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"with the red shoes, but the shoes danced away with the little feet across the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"field into the deep wood.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And he carved out little wooden feet for her, and crutches, taught her the psalm","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"criminals always sing; and she kissed the hand which had wielded the axe, and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"went over the heath.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"Now I have suffered enough for the red shoes!\" said she. \"Now I will go","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"into the church that people may see me!\" And she hastened towards the church","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"door: but when she was near it, the red shoes danced before her, and she was","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"terrified, and turned round. The whole week she was unhappy, and wept many","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"bitter tears; but when Sunday returned, she said, \"Well, now I have suffered and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"struggled enough! I really believe I am as good as many a one who sits in the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"church, and holds her head so high!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And away she went boldly; but she had not got farther than the churchyard gate","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"before she saw the red shoes dancing before her; and she was frightened, and","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"turned back, and repented of her sin from her heart.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And she went to the parsonage, and begged that they would take her into service;","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"she would be very industrious, she said, and would do everything she could; she","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"did not care about the wages, only she wished to have a home, and be with good","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"people. And the clergyman's wife was sorry for her and took her into service;","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"and she was industrious and thoughtful. She sat still and listened when the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"clergyman read the Bible in the evenings. All the children thought a great deal","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"of her; but when they spoke of dress, and grandeur, and beauty, she shook her","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"head.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"The following Sunday, when the family was going to church, they asked her","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"whether she would not go with them; but she glanced sorrowfully, with tears in","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"her eyes, at her crutches. The family went to hear the word of God; but she went","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"alone into her little chamber; there was only room for a bed and chair to stand","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"in it; and here she sat down with her Prayer-Book; and whilst she read with a","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"pious mind, the wind bore the strains of the organ towards her, and she raised","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"her tearful countenance, and said, \"O God, help me!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And the sun shone so clearly, and straight before her stood the angel of God in","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"white garments, the same she had seen that night at the church door; but he no","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"longer carried the sharp sword, but in its stead a splendid green spray, full of","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"roses. And he touched the ceiling with the spray, and the ceiling rose so high,","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"and where he had touched it there gleamed a golden star. And he touched the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"walls, and they widened out, and she saw the organ which was playing; she saw","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the old pictures of the preachers and the preachers' wives. The congregation sat","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"in cushioned seats, and sang out of their Prayer-Books. For the church itself","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"had come to the poor girl in her narrow chamber, or else she had come into the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"church. She sat in the pew with the clergyman's family, and when they had ended","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"the psalm and looked up, they nodded and said, \"It is right that thou art come!\"","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"\"It was through mercy!\" she said.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"And the organ pealed, and the children's voices in the choir sounded so sweet","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"and soft! The clear sunshine streamed so warmly through the window into the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"pew where Karen sat! Her heart was so full of sunshine, peace, and joy, that it","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"broke. Her soul flew on the sunshine to God, and there no one asked after the","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"red shoes.","book":"The red shoes"} {"text":"The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and whoever else would","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"come, to see the grand sight. And there the three famous jumpers were met","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"together in the room.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"Yes, I'll give my daughter to him who jumps highest,\" said the King, \"for it","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.\"","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"The Flea stepped out first. He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"directions, for he had young ladies' blood in his veins, and was accustomed to","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"consort only with human beings; and that was of great consequence.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. This person,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"moreover, maintained that he belonged to a very old family in the land of Egypt,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"and that he was highly esteemed there. He had just come from the field, he said,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"cards with the figures turned inwards. There were doors and windows in the","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"house, cut in the body of the Queen of Hearts.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"I sing so,\" he said, \"that sixteen native crickets who have chirped from their","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"youth up, and have never yet had a card house of their own, would become thinner","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"than they are with envy if they were to hear me.\"","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Both of them, the Flea and the Grasshopper, took care to announce who they were,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"and that they considered themselves entitled to marry a Princess.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"The Skipjack said nothing, but it was said of him that he thought all the more;","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"and directly the Yard Dog had smelt at him he was ready to assert that the","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Skipjack was of good family, and formed from the breastbone of an undoubted","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"goose. The old councillor, who had received three medals for holding his tongue,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"declared that the Skipjack possessed the gift of prophecy; one could tell by his","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"bones whether there would be a severe winter or a mild one; and that's more than","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"one can always tell from the breastbone of the man who writes the almanac.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"I shall not say anything more,\" said the old King. \"I only go on quietly, and","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"always think the best.\"","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Now they were to take their jump. The Flea sprang so high that no one could see","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"him; and then they asserted that he had not jumped at all. That was very mean.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"The Grasshopper only sprang half as high, but he sprang straight into the King's","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"face, and the King declared that was horribly rude. The Skipjack stood a long","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"I only hope he's not become unwell,\" said the Yard Dog, and then he smelt at","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"him again.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"Tap!\" he sprang with a little crooked jump just into the lap of the Princess,","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"who sat on a low golden stool.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Then the King said, \"The highest leap was taken by him who jumped up to my","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"daughter; for therein lies the point; but it requires head to achieve that, and","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"the Skipjack has shown that he has a head.\"","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"And so he had the Princess.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"\"I jumped highest, after all,\" said the Flea. \"But it's all the same. Let her","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"have the goose-bone with its lump of wax and bit of stick. I jumped to the","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"highest; but in this world a body is required if one wishes to be seen.\"","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"And the Flea went into foreign military service, where it is said he was killed.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"The Grasshopper seated himself out in the ditch, and thought and considered","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"how things happened in the world. And he too said, \"Body is required! body","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"is required!\" And then he sang his own melancholy song, and from that we have","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"gathered this story, which they say is not true, though it's in print.","book":"The jumper"} {"text":"Have you ever seen an old wooden cupboard quite black with age, and ornamented","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"with carved foliage and curious figures? Well, just such a cupboard stood in a","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"parlor, and had been left to the family as a legacy by the great-grandmother.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"It was covered from top to bottom with carved roses and tulips; the most curious","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"scrolls were drawn upon it, and out of them peeped little stags' heads, with","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"antlers. In the middle of the cupboard door was the carved figure of a man most","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"ridiculous to look at. He grinned at you, for no one could call it laughing. He","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"had goat's legs, little horns on his head, and a long beard; the children in the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"room always called him, \"Major general-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"legs.\" It was certainly a very difficult name to pronounce, and there are very","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"few who ever receive such a title, but then it seemed wonderful how he came","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"to be carved at all; yet there he was, always looking at the table under the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"looking-glass, where stood a very pretty little shepherdess made of china. Her","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"shoes were gilt, and her dress had a red rose or an ornament. She wore a hat,","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"and carried a crook, that were both gilded, and looked very bright and pretty.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Close by her side stood a little chimney-sweep, as black as coal, and also made","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"of china. He was, however, quite as clean and neat as any other china figure; he","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"only represented a black chimney-sweep, and the china workers might just as well","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"have made him a prince, had they felt inclined to do so.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"He stood holding his ladder quite handily, and his face was as fair and rosy as","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"a girl's; indeed, that was rather a mistake, it should have had some black marks","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"on it. He and the shepherdess had been placed close together, side by side;","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"and, being so placed, they became engaged to each other, for they were very well","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"suited, being both made of the same sort of china, and being equally fragile.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Close to them stood another figure, three times as large as they were, and","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"also made of china. He was an old Chinaman, who could nod his head, and used","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"to pretend that he was the grandfather of the shepherdess, although he could","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"not prove it. He however assumed authority over her, and therefore when \"Major-","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"general-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-legs\" asked for the little","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"shepherdess to be his wife, he nodded his head to show that he consented.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"You will have a husband,\" said the old Chinaman to her, \"who I really believe","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"is made of mahogany. He will make you a lady of Major-general-field-sergeant-","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"commander Billy-goat's-legs. He has the whole cupboard full of silver plate,","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"which he keeps locked up in secret drawers.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I won't go into the dark cupboard,\" said the little shepherdess. \"I have heard","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"that he has eleven china wives there already.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"Then you shall be the twelfth,\" said the old Chinaman. \"To-night as soon as","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"you hear a rattling in the old cupboard, you shall be married, as true as I am a","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Chinaman;\" and then he nodded his head and fell asleep.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Then the little shepherdess cried, and looked at her sweetheart, the china","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"chimney-sweep.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I must entreat you,\" said she, \"to go out with me into the wide world, for we","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"cannot stay here.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I will do whatever you wish,\" said the little chimney-sweep; \"let us go","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"immediately: I think I shall be able to maintain you with my profession.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"If we were but safely down from the table!\" said she; \"I shall not be happy","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"till we are really out in the world.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Then he comforted her, and showed her how to place her little foot on the carved","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"edge and gilt-leaf ornaments of the table. He brought his little ladder to help","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"her, and so they contrived to reach the floor. But when they looked at the old","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"cupboard, they saw it was all in an uproar. The carved stags pushed out their","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"heads, raised their antlers, and twisted their necks. The major-general sprung","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"up in the air; and cried out to the old Chinaman, \"They are running away! they","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"are running away!\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"The two were rather frightened at this, so they jumped into the drawer of the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"window-seat.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Here were three or four packs of cards not quite complete, and a doll's theatre,","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"which had been built up very neatly. A comedy was being performed in it, and","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"all the queens of diamonds, clubs, and hearts, and spades, sat in the first row","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"fanning themselves with tulips, and behind them stood all the knaves, showing","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"that they had heads above and below as playing cards generally have. The play","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"was about two lovers, who were not allowed to marry, and the shepherdess wept","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"because it was so like her own story.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I cannot bear it,\" said she, \"I must get out of the drawer;\" but when they","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"reached the floor, and cast their eyes on the table, there was the old Chinaman","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"awake and shaking his whole body, till all at once down he came on the floor,","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"plump.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"The old Chinaman is coming,\" cried the little shepherdess in a fright, and down","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"she fell on one knee.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I have thought of something,\" said the chimney-sweep; \"let us get into the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"great pot-pourri jar which stands in the corner; there we can lie on rose-leaves","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"and lavender, and throw salt in his eyes if he comes near us.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"No, that will never do,\" said she, \"because I know that the Chinaman and the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"pot-pourri jar were lovers once, and there always remains behind a feeling of","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"good-will between those who have been so intimate as that. No, there is nothing","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"left for us but to go out into the wide world.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"Have you really courage enough to go out into the wide world with me?\" said","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"the chimney-sweep; \"have you thought how large it is, and that we can never come","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"back here again?\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"Yes, I have,\" she replied.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"When the chimney-sweep saw that she was quite firm, he said, \"My way is through","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"the stove and up the chimney. Have you courage to creep with me through the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"fire-box, and the iron pipe? When we get to the chimney I shall know how to","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"manage very well. We shall soon climb too high for any one to reach us, and we","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"shall come through a hole in the top out into the wide world.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"So he led her to the door of the stove.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"It looks very dark,\" said she; still she went in with him through the stove and","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"through the pipe, where it was as dark as pitch.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"Now we are in the chimney,\" said he; \"and look, there is a beautiful star","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"shining above it.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"It was a real star shining down upon them as if it would show them the way.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"So they clambered, and crept on, and a frightful steep place it was; but the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"chimney-sweep helped her and supported her, till they got higher and higher.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"He showed her the best places on which to set her little china foot, so at last","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"they reached the top of the chimney, and sat themselves down, for they were very","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"tired, as may be supposed.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"The sky, with all its stars, was over their heads, and below were the roofs of","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"the town. They could see for a very long distance out into the wide world, and","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"the poor little shepherdess leaned her head on her chimney-sweep's shoulder, and","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"wept till she washed the gilt off her sash; the world was so different to what","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"she expected.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"This is too much,\" she said; \"I cannot bear it, the world is too large. Oh, I","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"wish I were safe back on the table again, under the looking glass; I shall never","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"be happy till I am safe back again. Now I have followed you out into the wide","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"world, you will take me back, if you love me.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Then the chimney-sweep tried to reason with her, and spoke of the old Chinaman,","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"and of the Major-general-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's legs; but she","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"sobbed so bitterly, and kissed her little chimney-sweep till he was obliged to","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"do all she asked, foolish as it was.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"And so, with a great deal of trouble, they climbed down the chimney, and then","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"crept through the pipe and stove, which were certainly not very pleasant places.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Then they stood in the dark fire-box, and listened behind the door, to hear what","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"was going on in the room. As it was all quiet, they peeped out. Alas! there lay","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"the old Chinaman on the floor; he had fallen down from the table as he attempted","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"to run after them, and was broken into three pieces; his back had separated","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"entirely, and his head had rolled into a corner of the room. The major-general","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"stood in his old place, and appeared lost in thought.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"This is terrible,\" said the little shepherdess. \"My poor old grandfather is","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"broken to pieces, and it is our fault. I shall never live after this;\" and she","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"wrung her little hands.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"He can be riveted,\" said the chimney-sweep; \"he can be riveted. Do not be so","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"hasty. If they cement his back, and put a good rivet in it, he will be as good","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"as new, and be able to say as many disagreeable things to us as ever.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"Do you think so?\" said she; and then they climbed up to the table, and stood in","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"their old places.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"As we have done no good,\" said the chimney-sweep, \"we might as well have","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"remained here, instead of taking so much trouble.\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"I wish grandfather was riveted,\" said the shepherdess. \"Will it cost much, I","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"wonder?\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"And she had her wish. The family had the Chinaman's back mended, and a strong","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"rivet put through his neck; he looked as good as new, but he could no longer nod","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"his head.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"\"You have become proud since your fall broke you to pieces,\" said Major-general-","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-legs. \"You have no reason to give yourself","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"such airs. Am I to have her or not?\"","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"The chimney-sweep and the little shepherdess looked piteously at the old","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"Chinaman, for they were afraid he might nod; but he was not able: besides, it","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"was so tiresome to be always telling strangers he had a rivet in the back of","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"his neck. And so the little china people remained together, and were glad of the","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"grandfather's rivet, and continued to love each other till they were broken to","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"pieces.","book":"The shepherdess and the sweep"} {"text":"In Denmark there stands an old castle named Kronenburg, close by the Sound","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"of Elsinore, where large ships, both English, Russian, and Prussian, pass","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"by hundreds every day. And they salute the old castle with cannons, \"Boom,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"boom,\" which is as if they said, \"Good-day.\" And the cannons of the old castle","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"answer \"Boom,\" which means \"Many thanks.\" In winter no ships sail by, for the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"whole Sound is covered with ice as far as the Swedish coast, and has quite the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"appearance of a high-road. The Danish and the Swedish flags wave, and Danes and","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Swedes say, \"Good-day,\" and \"Thank you\" to each other, not with cannons, but","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"with a friendly shake of the hand; and they exchange white bread and biscuits","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"with each other, because foreign articles taste the best. But the most beautiful","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"sight of all is the old castle of Kronenburg, where Holger Danske sits in the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"deep, dark cellar, into which no one goes. He is clad in iron and steel, and","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"rests his head on his strong arm; his long beard hangs down upon the marble","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"table, into which it has become firmly rooted; he sleeps and dreams, but in","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"his dreams he sees everything that happens in Denmark. On each Christmas-eve an","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"angel comes to him and tells him that all he has dreamed is true, and that he","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"may go to sleep again in peace, as Denmark is not yet in any real danger; but","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"should danger ever come, then Holger Danske will rouse himself, and the table","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"will burst asunder as he draws out his beard. Then he will come forth in his","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"strength, and strike a blow that shall sound in all the countries of the world.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"An old grandfather sat and told his little grandson all this about Holger","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Danske, and the boy knew that what his grandfather told him must be true. As","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the old man related this story, he was carving an image in wood to represent","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Holger Danske, to be fastened to the prow of a ship; for the old grandfather","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"was a carver in wood, that is, one who carved figures for the heads of ships,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"according to the names given to them. And now he had carved Holger Danske, who","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"stood there erect and proud, with his long beard, holding in one hand his broad","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"battle-axe, while with the other he leaned on the Danish arms.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"The old grandfather told the little boy a great deal about Danish men and women","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"who had distinguished themselves in olden times, so that he fancied he knew as","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"much even as Holger Danske himself, who, after all, could only dream; and when","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the little fellow went to bed, he thought so much about it that he actually","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"pressed his chin against the counterpane, and imagined that he had a long beard","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"which had become rooted to it.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"But the old grandfather remained sitting at his work and carving away at the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"last part of it, which was the Danish arms. And when he had finished he looked","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"at the whole figure, and thought of all he had heard and read, and what he had","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"that evening related to his little grandson. Then he nodded his head, wiped his","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"spectacles and put them on, and said, \"Ah, yes; Holger Danske will not appear","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"in my lifetime, but the boy who is in bed there may very likely live to see","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"him when the event really comes to pass.\" And the old grandfather nodded again;","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"and the more he looked at Holger Danske, the more satisfied he felt that he had","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"carved a good image of him. It seemed to glow with the color of life; the armor","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"glittered like iron and steel. The hearts in the Danish arms grew more and more","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"red; while the lions, with gold crowns on their heads, were leaping up.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"That is the most beautiful coat of arms in the world,\" said the old man. \"The","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"lions represent strength; and the hearts, gentleness and love.\" And as he gazed","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"on the uppermost lion, he thought of King Canute, who chained great England to","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Denmark's throne; and he looked at the second lion, and thought of Waldemar,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"who untied Denmark and conquered the Vandals. The third lion reminded him of","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Margaret, who united Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. But when he gazed at the red","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"hearts, their colors glowed more deeply, even as flames, and his memory followed","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"each in turn.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"The first led him to a dark, narrow prison, in which sat a prisoner, a beautiful","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"woman, daughter of Christian the Fourth, Eleanor Ulfeld, and the flame became","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"a rose on her bosom, and its blossoms were not more pure than the heart of this","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"noblest and best of all Danish women.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"Ah, yes; that is indeed a noble heart in the Danish arms,\" said the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"grandfather.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"And his spirit followed the second flame, which carried him out to sea, where","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"cannons roared and the ships lay shrouded in smoke, and the flaming heart","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"attached itself to the breast of Hvitfeldt in the form of the ribbon of an","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"order, as he blew himself and his ship into the air in order to save the fleet.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"And the third flame led him to Greenland's wretched huts, where the preacher,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Hans Egede, ruled with love in every word and action. The flame was as a star on","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"his breast, and added another heart to the Danish arms.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"And as the old grandfather's spirit followed the next hovering flame, he knew","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"whither it would lead him. In a peasant woman's humble room stood Frederick","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the Sixth, writing his name with chalk on the beam. The flame trembled on his","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"breast and in his heart, and it was in the peasant's room that his heart became","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"one for the Danish arms. The old grandfather wiped his eyes, for he had known","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"King Frederick, with his silvery locks and his honest blue eyes, and had lived","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"for him, and he folded his hands and remained for some time silent. Then his","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"daughter came to him and said it was getting late, that he ought to rest for a","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"while, and that the supper was on the table.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"What you have been carving is very beautiful, grandfather,\" said she. \"Holger","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Danske and the old coat of arms; it seems to me as if I have seen the face","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"somewhere.\"","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"No, that is impossible,\" replied the old grandfather; \"but I have seen it, and","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"I have tried to carve it in wood, as I have retained it in my memory. It was a","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"long time ago, while the English fleet lay in the roads, on the second of April,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"when we showed that we were true, ancient Danes. I was on board the Denmark,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"in Steene Bille's squadron; I had a man by my side whom even the cannon balls","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"seemed to fear. He sung old songs in a merry voice, and fired and fought as if","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"he were something more than a man. I still remember his face, but from whence","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"he came, or whither he went, I know not; no one knows. I have often thought it","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"might have been Holger Danske himself, who had swam down to us from Kronenburg","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"to help us in the hour of danger. That was my idea, and there stands his","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"likeness.\"","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"The wooden figure threw a gigantic shadow on the wall, and even on part of","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the ceiling; it seemed as if the real Holger Danske stood behind it, for the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"shadow moved; but this was no doubt caused by the flame of the lamp not burning","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"steadily. Then the daughter-in-law kissed the old grandfather, and led him to a","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"large arm-chair by the table; and she, and her husband, who was the son of the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"old man and the father of the little boy who lay in bed, sat down to supper with","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"him. And the old grandfather talked of the Danish lions and the Danish hearts,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"emblems of strength and gentleness, and explained quite clearly that there is","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"another strength than that which lies in a sword, and he pointed to a shelf","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"where lay a number of old books, and amongst them a collection of Holberg's","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"plays, which are much read and are so clever and amusing that it is easy to","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"fancy we have known the people of those days, who are described in them.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"He knew how to fight also,\" said the old man; \"for he lashed the follies and","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"prejudices of people during his whole life.\" Then the grandfather nodded to a","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"place above the looking-glass, where hung an almanac, with a representation of","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the Round Tower upon it, and said \"Tycho Brahe was another of those who used a","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"sword, but not one to cut into the flesh and bone, but to make the way of the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"stars of heaven clear, and plain to be understood. And then he whose father","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"belonged to my calling,– yes, he, the son of the old image-carver, he whom we","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"ourselves have seen, with his silvery locks and his broad shoulders, whose name","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"is known in all lands;– yes, he was a sculptor, while I am only a carver. Holger","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Danske can appear in marble, so that people in all countries of the world may","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"hear of the strength of Denmark. Now let us drink the health of Bertel.\"","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"But the little boy in bed saw plainly the old castle of Kronenburg, and the","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Sound of Elsinore, and Holger Danske, far down in the cellar, with his beard","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"rooted to the table, and dreaming of everything that was passing above him. And","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Holger Danske did dream of the little humble room in which the image-carver sat;","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"he heard all that had been said, and he nodded in his dream, saying,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"\"Ah, yes, remember me, you Danish people, keep me in your memory, I will come to","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"you in the hour of need.\"","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"The bright morning light shone over Kronenburg, and the wind brought the sound","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"of the hunting-horn across from the neighboring shores. The ships sailed by","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"and saluted the castle with the boom of the cannon, and Kronenburg returned","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"the salute, \"Boom, boom.\" But the roaring cannons did not awake Holger Danske,","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"for they meant only \"Good morning,\" and \"Thank you.\" They must fire in another","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"fashion before he awakes; but wake he will, for there is energy yet in Holger","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"Danske.","book":"Holger Danske"} {"text":"In the narrow streets of a large town people often heard in the evening, when","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the sun was setting, and his last rays gave a golden tint to the chimney-pots,","book":"The bell"} {"text":"a strange noise which resembled the sound of a church bell; it only lasted an","book":"The bell"} {"text":"instant, for it was lost in the continual roar of traffic and hum of voices","book":"The bell"} {"text":"which rose from the town. \"The evening bell is ringing,\" people used to say;","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"the sun is setting!\"","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Those who walked outside the town, where the houses were less crowded and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"interspersed by gardens and little fields, saw the evening sky much better, and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"heard the sound of the bell much more clearly. It seemed as though the sound","book":"The bell"} {"text":"came from a church, deep in the calm, fragrant wood, and thither people looked","book":"The bell"} {"text":"with devout feelings.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"A considerable time elapsed: one said to the other, \"I really wonder if there is","book":"The bell"} {"text":"a church out in the wood. The bell has indeed a strange sweet sound! Shall we go","book":"The bell"} {"text":"there and see what the cause of it is?\" The rich drove, the poor walked, but the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"way seemed to them extraordinarily long, and when they arrived at a number of","book":"The bell"} {"text":"willow trees on the border of the wood they sat down, looked up into the great","book":"The bell"} {"text":"branches and thought they were now really in the wood. A confectioner from the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"town also came out and put up a stall there; then came another confectioner who","book":"The bell"} {"text":"hung a bell over his stall, which was covered with pitch to protect it from the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"rain, but the clapper was wanting. When people came home they used to say that","book":"The bell"} {"text":"it had been very romantic, and that really means something else than merely","book":"The bell"} {"text":"taking tea. Three persons declared that they had gone as far as the end of the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"wood; they had always heard the strange sound, but there it seemed to them as if","book":"The bell"} {"text":"it came from the town. One of them wrote verses about the bell, and said that it","book":"The bell"} {"text":"was like the voice of a mother speaking to an intelligent and beloved child; no","book":"The bell"} {"text":"tune, he said, was sweeter than the sound of the bell.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"The emperor of the country heard of it, and declared that he who would really","book":"The bell"} {"text":"find out where the sound came from should receive the title of \"Bellringer to","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the World,\" even if there was no bell at all.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Now many went out into the wood for the sake of this splendid berth; but only","book":"The bell"} {"text":"one of them came back with some sort of explanation. None of them had gone","book":"The bell"} {"text":"far enough, nor had he, and yet he said that the sound of the bell came from a","book":"The bell"} {"text":"large owl in a hollow tree. It was a wisdom owl, which continually knocked its","book":"The bell"} {"text":"head against the tree, but he was unable to say with certainty whether its head","book":"The bell"} {"text":"or the hollow trunk of the tree was the cause of the noise. He was appointed","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"Bellringer to the World,\" and wrote every year a short dissertation on the owl,","book":"The bell"} {"text":"but by this means people did not become any wiser than they had been before.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"It was just confirmation-day. The clergyman had delivered a beautiful and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"touching sermon, the candidates were deeply moved by it; it was indeed a very","book":"The bell"} {"text":"important day for them; they were all at once transformed from mere children","book":"The bell"} {"text":"to grown-up people; the childish soul was to fly over, as it were, into a","book":"The bell"} {"text":"more reasonable being. The sun shone most brightly; and the sound of the great","book":"The bell"} {"text":"unknown bell was heard more distinctly than ever. They had a mind to go thither,","book":"The bell"} {"text":"all except three. One of them wished to go home and try on her ball dress, for","book":"The bell"} {"text":"this very dress and the ball were the cause of her being confirmed this time,","book":"The bell"} {"text":"otherwise she would not have been allowed to go. The second, a poor boy, had","book":"The bell"} {"text":"borrowed a coat and a pair of boots from the son of his landlord to be confirmed","book":"The bell"} {"text":"in, and he had to return them at a certain time. The third said that he never","book":"The bell"} {"text":"went into strange places if his parents were not with him; he had always been a","book":"The bell"} {"text":"good child, and wished to remain so, even after being confirmed, and they ought","book":"The bell"} {"text":"not to tease him for this; they, however, did it all the same.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"These three, therefore did not go; the others went on. The sun was shining, the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"birds were singing, and the confirmed children sang too, holding each other by","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the hand, for they had no position yet, and they were all equal in the eyes of","book":"The bell"} {"text":"God.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Two of the smallest soon became tired and returned to the town; two little girls","book":"The bell"} {"text":"sat down and made garlands of flowers, they, therefore, did not go on. When the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"others arrived at the willow trees, where the confectioner had put up his stall,","book":"The bell"} {"text":"they said: \"Now we are out here; the bell does not in reality exist– it is only","book":"The bell"} {"text":"something that people imagine!\"","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Then suddenly the sound of the bell was heard so beautifully and solemnly from","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the wood that four or five made up their minds to go still further on. The wood","book":"The bell"} {"text":"was very thickly grown. It was difficult to advance: wood lilies and anemones","book":"The bell"} {"text":"grew almost too high; flowering convolvuli and brambles were hanging like","book":"The bell"} {"text":"garlands from tree to tree; while the nightingales were singing and the sunbeams","book":"The bell"} {"text":"played. That was very beautiful! But the way was unfit for the girls; they would","book":"The bell"} {"text":"have torn their dresses. Large rocks, covered with moss of various hues, were","book":"The bell"} {"text":"lying about; the fresh spring water rippled forth with a peculiar sound.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"I don't think that can be the bell,\" said one of the confirmed children, and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"then he lay down and listened. \"We must try to find out if it is!\" And there he","book":"The bell"} {"text":"remained, and let the others walk on.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"They came to a hut built of the bark of trees and branches; a large crab-apple","book":"The bell"} {"text":"tree spread its branches over it, as if it intended to pour all its fruit on the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"roof, upon which roses were blooming; the long boughs covered the gable, where","book":"The bell"} {"text":"a little bell was hanging. Was this the one they had heard? All agreed that it","book":"The bell"} {"text":"must be so, except one who said that the bell was too small and too thin to be","book":"The bell"} {"text":"heard at such a distance, and that it had quite a different sound to that which","book":"The bell"} {"text":"had so touched men's hearts. He who spoke was a king's son, and therefore the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"others said that such a one always wishes to be cleverer than other people.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Therefore they let him go alone; and as he walked on, the solitude of the wood","book":"The bell"} {"text":"produced a feeling of reverence in his breast; but still he heard the little","book":"The bell"} {"text":"bell about which the others rejoiced, and sometimes, when the wind blew in that","book":"The bell"} {"text":"direction, he could hear the sounds from the confectioner's stall, where the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"others were singing at tea. But the deep sounds of the bell were much stronger;","book":"The bell"} {"text":"soon it seemed to him as if an organ played an accompaniment– the sound came","book":"The bell"} {"text":"from the left, from the side where the heart is.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Now something rustled among the bushes, and a little boy stood before the king's","book":"The bell"} {"text":"son, in wooden shoes and such a short jacket that the sleeves did not reach to","book":"The bell"} {"text":"his wrists. They knew each other: the boy was the one who had not been able to","book":"The bell"} {"text":"go with them because he had to take the coat and boots back to his landlord's","book":"The bell"} {"text":"son. That he had done, and had started again in his wooden shoes and old","book":"The bell"} {"text":"clothes, for the sound of the bell was too enticing– he felt he must go on.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"We might go together,\" said the king's son. But the poor boy with the wooden","book":"The bell"} {"text":"shoes was quite ashamed; he pulled at the short sleeves of his jacket, and said","book":"The bell"} {"text":"that he was afraid he could not walk so fast; besides, he was of opinion that","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the bell ought to be sought at the right, for there was all that was grand and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"magnificent.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"Then we shall not meet,\" said the king's son, nodding to the poor boy, who","book":"The bell"} {"text":"went into the deepest part of the wood, where the thorns tore his shabby clothes","book":"The bell"} {"text":"and scratched his hands, face, and feet until they bled. The king's son also","book":"The bell"} {"text":"received several good scratches, but the sun was shining on his way, and it is","book":"The bell"} {"text":"he whom we will now follow, for he was a quick fellow.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"I will and must find the bell,\" he said, \"if I have to go to the end of the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"world.\"","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Ugly monkeys sat high in the branches and clenched their teeth. \"Shall we beat","book":"The bell"} {"text":"him?\" they said. \"Shall we thrash him? He is a king's son!\"","book":"The bell"} {"text":"But he walked on undaunted, deeper and deeper into the wood, where the most","book":"The bell"} {"text":"wonderful flowers were growing; there were standing white star lilies with","book":"The bell"} {"text":"blood-red stamens, sky-blue tulips shining when the wind moved them; apple-","book":"The bell"} {"text":"trees covered with apples like large glittering soap bubbles: only think how","book":"The bell"} {"text":"resplendent these trees were in the sunshine! All around were beautiful green","book":"The bell"} {"text":"meadows, where hart and hind played in the grass. There grew magnificent oaks","book":"The bell"} {"text":"and beech-trees; and if the bark was split of any of them, long blades of grass","book":"The bell"} {"text":"grew out of the clefts; there were also large smooth lakes in the wood, on which","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the swans were swimming about and flapping their wings. The king's son often","book":"The bell"} {"text":"stood still and listened; sometimes he thought that the sound of the bell rose","book":"The bell"} {"text":"up to him out of one of these deep lakes, but soon he found that this was a","book":"The bell"} {"text":"mistake, and that the bell was ringing still farther in the wood.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Then the sun set, the clouds were as red as fire; it became quiet in the wood;","book":"The bell"} {"text":"he sank down on his knees, sang an evening hymn and said: \"I shall never find","book":"The bell"} {"text":"what I am looking for! Now the sun is setting, and the night, the dark night, is","book":"The bell"} {"text":"approaching. Yet I may perhaps see the round sun once more before he disappears","book":"The bell"} {"text":"beneath the horizon. I will climb up these rocks, they are as high as the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"highest trees!\"","book":"The bell"} {"text":"And then, taking hold of the creepers and roots, he climbed up on the wet","book":"The bell"} {"text":"stones, where water-snakes were wriggling and the toads, as it were, barked at","book":"The bell"} {"text":"him: he reached the top before the sun, seen from such a height, had quite set.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"\"Oh, what a splendour!\" The sea, the great majestic sea, which was rolling its","book":"The bell"} {"text":"long waves against the shore, stretched out before him, and the sun was standing","book":"The bell"} {"text":"like a large bright altar and there where sea and heaven met– all melted","book":"The bell"} {"text":"together in the most glowing colours; the wood was singing, and his heart too.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"The whole of nature was one large holy church, in which the trees and hovering","book":"The bell"} {"text":"clouds formed the pillars, the flowers and grass the woven velvet carpet, and","book":"The bell"} {"text":"heaven itself was the great cupola; up there the flame colour vanished as soon","book":"The bell"} {"text":"as the sun disappeared, but millions of stars were lighted; diamond lamps were","book":"The bell"} {"text":"shining, and the king's son stretched his arms out towards heaven, towards the","book":"The bell"} {"text":"sea, and towards the wood. Then suddenly the poor boy with the short-sleeved","book":"The bell"} {"text":"jacket and the wooden shoes appeared; he had arrived just as quickly on the road","book":"The bell"} {"text":"he had chosen. And they ran towards each other and took one another's hand, in","book":"The bell"} {"text":"the great cathedral of nature and poesy, and above them sounded the invisible","book":"The bell"} {"text":"holy bell; happy spirits surrounded them, singing hallelujahs and rejoicing.","book":"The bell"} {"text":"Grandmother is very old, her face is wrinkled, and her hair is quite white; but","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"her eyes are like two stars, and they have a mild, gentle expression in them","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"when they look at you, which does you good. She wears a dress of heavy, rich","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"silk, with large flowers worked on it; and it rustles when she moves. And then","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"she can tell the most wonderful stories. Grandmother knows a great deal, for she","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"was alive before father and mother– that's quite certain. She has a hymn-book","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"with large silver clasps, in which she often reads; and in the book, between the","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"leaves, lies a rose, quite flat and dry; it is not so pretty as the roses which","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"are standing in the glass, and yet she smiles at it most pleasantly, and tears","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"even come into her eyes. \"I wonder why grandmother looks at the withered flower","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"in the old book that way? Do you know?\" Why, when grandmother's tears fall upon","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the rose, and she is looking at it, the rose revives, and fills the room with","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"its fragrance; the walls vanish as in a mist, and all around her is the glorious","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"green wood, where in summer the sunlight streams through thick foliage; and","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"grandmother, why she is young again, a charming maiden, fresh as a rose, with","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"round, rosy cheeks, fair, bright ringlets, and a figure pretty and graceful;","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"but the eyes, those mild, saintly eyes, are the same,– they have been left to","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"grandmother. At her side sits a young man, tall and strong; he gives her a rose","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"and she smiles. Grandmother cannot smile like that now. Yes, she is smiling at","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the memory of that day, and many thoughts and recollections of the past; but","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the handsome young man is gone, and the rose has withered in the old book, and","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"grandmother is sitting there, again an old woman, looking down upon the withered","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"rose in the book.","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"Grandmother is dead now. She had been sitting in her arm-chair, telling us a","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"long, beautiful tale; and when it was finished, she said she was tired, and","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"leaned her head back to sleep awhile. We could hear her gentle breathing as she","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"slept; gradually it became quieter and calmer, and on her countenance beamed","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"happiness and peace. It was as if lighted up with a ray of sunshine. She smiled","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"once more, and then people said she was dead. She was laid in a black coffin,","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"looking mild and beautiful in the white folds of the shrouded linen, though","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"her eyes were closed; but every wrinkle had vanished, her hair looked white and","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"silvery, and around her mouth lingered a sweet smile. We did not feel at all","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"afraid to look at the corpse of her who had been such a dear, good grandmother.","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"The hymn-book, in which the rose still lay, was placed under her head, for so","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"she had wished it; and then they buried grandmother.","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"On the grave, close by the churchyard wall, they planted a rose-tree; it was","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"soon full of roses, and the nightingale sat among the flowers, and sang over","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the grave. From the organ in the church sounded the music and the words of the","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"beautiful psalms, which were written in the old book under the head of the dead","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"one.","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"The moon shone down upon the grave, but the dead was not there; every child","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"could go safely, even at night, and pluck a rose from the tree by the churchyard","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"wall. The dead know more than we do who are living. They know what a terror","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"would come upon us if such a strange thing were to happen, as the appearance","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"of a dead person among us. They are better off than we are; the dead return no","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"more. The earth has been heaped on the coffin, and it is earth only that lies","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"within it. The leaves of the hymn-book are dust; and the rose, with all its","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"recollections, has crumbled to dust also. But over the grave fresh roses bloom,","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the nightingale sings, and the organ sounds and there still lives a remembrance","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"of old grandmother, with the loving, gentle eyes that always looked young. Eyes","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"can never die. Ours will once again behold dear grandmother, young and beautiful","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"as when, for the first time, she kissed the fresh, red rose, that is now dust in","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"the grave.","book":"Grandmother"} {"text":"There was once a darning-needle who thought herself so fine that she fancied she","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"must be fit for embroidery. \"Hold me tight,\" she would say to the fingers, when","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"they took her up, \"don't let me fall; if you do I shall never be found again, I","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"am so very fine.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"That is your opinion, is it?\" said the fingers, as they seized her round the","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"body.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"See, I am coming with a train,\" said the darning-needle, drawing a long thread","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"after her; but there was no knot in the thread.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"The fingers then placed the point of the needle against the cook's slipper.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"There was a crack in the upper leather, which had to be sewn together.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"What coarse work!\" said the darning-needle, \"I shall never get through. I shall","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"break!– I am breaking!\" and sure enough she broke. \"Did I not say so?\" said the","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"darning-needle, \"I know I am too fine for such work as that.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"This needle is quite useless for sewing now,\" said the fingers; but they still","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"held it fast, and the cook dropped some sealing-wax on the needle, and fastened","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"her handkerchief with it in front.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"So now I am a breast-pin,\" said the darning-needle; \"I knew very well I should","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"come to honor some day: merit is sure to rise;\" and she laughed, quietly to","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"herself, for of course no one ever saw a darning-needle laugh. And there she","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"sat as proudly as if she were in a state coach, and looked all around her. \"May","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"I be allowed to ask if you are made of gold?\" she inquired of her neighbor,","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"a pin; \"you have a very pretty appearance, and a curious head, although you","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"are rather small. You must take pains to grow, for it is not every one who has","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"sealing-wax dropped upon him;\" and as she spoke, the darning-needle drew herself","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"up so proudly that she fell out of the handkerchief right into the sink, which","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"the cook was cleaning. \"Now I am going on a journey,\" said the needle, as she","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"floated away with the dirty water, \"I do hope I shall not be lost.\" But she","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"really was lost in a gutter. \"I am too fine for this world,\" said the darning-","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"needle, as she lay in the gutter; \"but I know who I am, and that is always some","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"comfort.\" So the darning-needle kept up her proud behavior, and did not lose her","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"good humor. Then there floated over her all sorts of things,– chips and straws,","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"and pieces of old newspaper. \"See how they sail,\" said the darning-needle; \"they","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"do not know what is under them. I am here, and here I shall stick. See, there","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"goes a chip, thinking of nothing in the world but himself– only a chip. There's","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"a straw going by now; how he turns and twists about! Don't be thinking too much","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"of yourself, or you may chance to run against a stone. There swims a piece of","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"newspaper; what is written upon it has been forgotten long ago, and yet it gives","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"itself airs. I sit here patiently and quietly. I know who I am, so I shall not","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"move.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"One day something lying close to the darning-needle glittered so splendidly","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"that she thought it was a diamond; yet it was only a piece of broken bottle. The","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"darning-needle spoke to it, because it sparkled, and represented herself as a","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"breast-pin. \"I suppose you are really a diamond?\" she said.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"Why yes, something of the kind,\" he replied; and so each believed the other to","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"be very valuable, and then they began to talk about the world, and the conceited","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"people in it.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"I have been in a lady's work-box,\" said the darning-needle, \"and this lady was","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"the cook. She had on each hand five fingers, and anything so conceited as these","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"five fingers I have never seen; and yet they were only employed to take me out","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"of the box and to put me back again.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"Were they not high-born?\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"High-born!\" said the darning-needle, \"no indeed, but so haughty. They were five","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"brothers, all born fingers; they kept very proudly together, though they were","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"of different lengths. The one who stood first in the rank was named the thumb,","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"he was short and thick, and had only one joint in his back, and could therefore","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"make but one bow; but he said that if he were cut off from a man's hand, that","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"man would be unfit for a soldier. Sweet-tooth, his neighbor, dipped himself","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"into sweet or sour, pointed to the sun and moon, and formed the letters when","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"the fingers wrote. Longman, the middle finger, looked over the heads of all the","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"others. Gold-band, the next finger, wore a golden circle round his waist. And","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"little Playman did nothing at all, and seemed proud of it. They were boasters,","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"and boasters they will remain; and therefore I left them.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"And now we sit here and glitter,\" said the piece of broken bottle.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"At the same moment more water streamed into the gutter, so that it overflowed,","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"and the piece of bottle was carried away.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"So he is promoted,\" said the darning-needle, \"while I remain here; I am too","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"fine, but that is my pride, and what do I care?\" And so she sat there in her","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"pride, and had many such thoughts as these,– \"I could almost fancy that I came","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"from a sunbeam, I am so fine. It seems as if the sunbeams were always looking","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"for me under the water. Ah! I am so fine that even my mother cannot find me.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"Had I still my old eye, which was broken off, I believe I should weep; but no, I","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"would not do that, it is not genteel to cry.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"One day a couple of street boys were paddling in the gutter, for they sometimes","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"found old nails, farthings, and other treasures. It was dirty work, but they","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"took great pleasure in it. \"Hallo!\" cried one, as he pricked himself with the","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"darning-needle, \"here's a fellow for you.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"I am not a fellow, I am a young lady,\" said the darning-needle; but no one","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"heard her.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"The sealing-wax had come off, and she was quite black; but black makes a person","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"look slender, so she thought herself even finer than before.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"Here comes an egg-shell sailing along,\" said one of the boys; so they stuck the","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"darning-needle into the egg-shell.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"\"White walls, and I am black myself,\" said the darning-needle, \"that looks well;","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"now I can be seen, but I hope I shall not be sea-sick, or I shall break again.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"She was not sea-sick, and she did not break. \"It is a good thing against sea-","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"sickness to have a steel stomach, and not to forget one's own importance. Now my","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"sea-sickness has past: delicate people can bear a great deal.\"","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"Crack went the egg-shell, as a waggon passed over it. \"Good heavens, how it","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"crushes!\" said the darning-needle. \"I shall be sick now. I am breaking!\" but she","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"did not break, though the waggon went over her as she lay at full length; and","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"there let her lie.","book":"The darning-needle"} {"text":"It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the snow was falling fast. In the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"with bare head and naked feet, roamed through the streets. It is true she had","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"on a pair of slippers when she left home, but they were not of much use. They","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"were very large, so large, indeed, that they had belonged to her mother, and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the poor little creature had lost them in running across the street to avoid","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"two carriages that were rolling along at a terrible rate. One of the slippers","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it, saying","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"that he could use it as a cradle, when he had children of his own. So the little","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"cold. In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"in her hands. No one had bought anything of her the whole day, nor had any one","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"given here even a penny. Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along; poor","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"little child, she looked the picture of misery. The snowflakes fell on her long,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"fair hair, which hung in curls on her shoulders, but she regarded them not.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"Lights were shining from every window, and there was a savory smell of roast","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"goose, for it was New-year's eve– yes, she remembered that. In a corner, between","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"two houses, one of which projected beyond the other, she sank down and huddled","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"herself together. She had drawn her little feet under her, but she could not","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"keep off the cold; and she dared not go home, for she had sold no matches, and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"could not take home even a penny of money. Her father would certainly beat her;","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"cover them, through which the wind howled, although the largest holes had been","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"stopped up with straw and rags. Her little hands were almost frozen with the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"cold. Ah! perhaps a burning match might be some good, if she could draw it from","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the bundle and strike it against the wall, just to warm her fingers. She drew","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"one out-\"scratch!\" how it sputtered as it burnt! It gave a warm, bright light,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"like a little candle, as she held her hand over it. It was really a wonderful","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"light. It seemed to the little girl that she was sitting by a large iron stove,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"with polished brass feet and a brass ornament. How the fire burned! and seemed","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"so beautifully warm that the child stretched out her feet as if to warm them,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"when, lo! the flame of the match went out, the stove vanished, and she had only","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the remains of the half-burnt match in her hand.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"She rubbed another match on the wall. It burst into a flame, and where its light","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"fell upon the wall it became as transparent as a veil, and she could see into","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the room. The table was covered with a snowy white table-cloth, on which stood","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"a splendid dinner service, and a steaming roast goose, stuffed with apples and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"dried plums. And what was still more wonderful, the goose jumped down from the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"dish and waddled across the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast, to the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"little girl. Then the match went out, and there remained nothing but the thick,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"damp, cold wall before her.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"She lighted another match, and then she found herself sitting under a beautiful","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"Christmas-tree. It was larger and more beautifully decorated than the one which","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"she had seen through the glass door at the rich merchant's. Thousands of tapers","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"were burning upon the green branches, and colored pictures, like those she had","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"seen in the show-windows, looked down upon it all. The little one stretched out","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"her hand towards them, and the match went out.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"The Christmas lights rose higher and higher, till they looked to her like the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"stars in the sky. Then she saw a star fall, leaving behind it a bright streak of","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"fire. \"Some one is dying,\" thought the little girl, for her old grandmother, the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"only one who had ever loved her, and who was now dead, had told her that when a","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"star falls, a soul was going up to God.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"She again rubbed a match on the wall, and the light shone round her; in the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"brightness stood her old grandmother, clear and shining, yet mild and loving in","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"her appearance. \"Grandmother,\" cried the little one, \"O take me with you; I know","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"you will go away when the match burns out; you will vanish like the warm stove,","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"the roast goose, and the large, glorious Christmas-tree.\" And she made haste to","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"light the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother there.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day, and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful. She took the little","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"smiling mouth, leaning against the wall; she had been frozen to death on the","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"last evening of the year; and the New-year's sun rose and shone upon a little","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"corpse! The child still sat, in the stiffness of death, holding the matches in","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"her hand, one bundle of which was burnt. \"She tried to warm herself,\" said some.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"entered with her grandmother, on New-year's day.","book":"The little match-seller"} {"text":"Near the grass-covered rampart which encircles Copenhagen lies a great red","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"house. Balsams and other flowers greet us from the long rows of windows in the","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"house, whose interior is sufficiently poverty-stricken; and poor and old are the","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"people who inhabit it. The building is the Warton Almshouse.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"Look! at the window there leans an old maid. She plucks the withered leaf from","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"the balsam, and looks at the grass-covered rampart, on which many children","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"are playing. What is the old maid thinking of? A whole life drama is unfolding","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"itself before her inward gaze.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"The poor little children, how happy they are– how merrily they play and romp","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"together! What red cheeks and what angels' eyes! but they have no shoes nor","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"stockings. They dance on the green rampart, just on the place where, according","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"to the old story, the ground always sank in, and where a sportive, frolicsome","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"child had been lured by means of flowers, toys and sweetmeats into an open","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"grave ready dug for it, and which was afterwards closed over the child; and","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"from that moment, the old story says, the ground gave way no longer, the mound","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"remained firm and fast, and was quickly covered with the green turf. The little","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"people who now play on that spot know nothing of the old tale, else would they","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"fancy they heard a child crying deep below the earth, and the dewdrops on each","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"blade of grass would be to them tears of woe. Nor do they know anything of the","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"Danish King who here, in the face of the coming foe, took an oath before all","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"his trembling courtiers that he would hold out with the citizens of his capital,","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"and die here in his nest; they know nothing of the men who have fought here, or","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"of the women who from here have drenched with boiling water the enemy, clad in","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"white, and 'biding in the snow to surprise the city.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"No! the poor little ones are playing with light, childish spirits.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"Play on, play on, thou little maiden! Soon the years will come– yes, those","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"glorious years. The priestly hands have been laid on the candidates for","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"confirmation; hand in hand they walk on the green rampart. Thou hast a white","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"frock on; it has cost thy mother much labor, and yet it is only cut down for","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"thee out of an old larger dress! You will also wear a red shawl; and what if","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"it hang too far down? People will only see how large, how very large it is. You","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"are thinking of your dress, and of the Giver of all good– so glorious is it to","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"wander on the green rampart! And the years roll by; they have no lack of dark","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"days, but you have your cheerful young spirit, and you have gained a friend– you","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"know not how. You met, oh, how often! You walk together on the rampart in the","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"fresh spring, on the high days and holidays, when all the world come out to walk","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"upon the ramparts, and all the bells of the church steeples seem to be singing","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"a song of praise for the coming spring. Scarcely have the violets come forth,","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"but there on the rampart, just opposite the beautiful Castle of Rosenberg, there","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"is a tree bright with the first green buds. Every year this tree sends forth","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"fresh green shoots. Alas! It is not so with the human heart! Dark mists, more","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"in number than those that cover the northern skies, cloud the human heart. Poor","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"child! thy friend's bridal chamber is a black coffin, and thou becomest an old","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"maid. From the almshouse window, behind the balsams, thou shalt look on the","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"merry children at play, and shalt see thine own history renewed.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"And that is the life drama that passes before the old maid while she looks out","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"upon the rampart, the green, sunny rampart, where the children, with their red","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"cheeks and bare shoeless feet, are rejoicing merrily, like the other free little","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"birds.","book":"By the almshouse window"} {"text":"It is autumn. We stand on the ramparts, and look out over the sea. We look at","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"the numerous ships, and at the Swedish coast on the opposite side of the sound,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"rising far above the surface of the waters which mirror the glow of the evening","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"sky. Behind us the wood is sharply defined; mighty trees surround us, and the","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"yellow leaves flutter down from the branches. Below, at the foot of the wall,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"stands a gloomy looking building enclosed in palisades. The space between is","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"dark and narrow, but still more dismal must it be behind the iron gratings in","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"the wall which cover the narrow loopholes or windows, for in these dungeons the","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"most depraved of the criminals are confined.","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"A ray of the setting sun shoots into the bare cells of one of the captives,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"for God's sun shines upon the evil and the good. The hardened criminal casts an","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"impatient look at the bright ray. Then a little bird flies towards the grating,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"for birds twitter to the just as well as to the unjust. He only cries, \"Tweet,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"tweet,\" and then perches himself near the grating, flutters his wings, pecks a","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"feather from one of them, puffs himself out, and sets his feathers on end round","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"his breast and throat. The bad, chained man looks at him, and a more gentle","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"expression comes into his hard face. In his breast there rises a thought which","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"he himself cannot rightly analyze, but the thought has some connection with the","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"sunbeam, with the bird, and with the scent of violets, which grow luxuriantly in","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"spring at the foot of the wall. Then there comes the sound of the hunter's horn,","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"merry and full. The little bird starts, and flies away, the sunbeam gradually","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"vanishes, and again there is darkness in the room and in the heart of that bad","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"man. Still the sun has shone into that heart, and the twittering of the bird has","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"touched it.","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"Sound on, ye glorious strains of the hunter's horn; continue your stirring","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"tones, for the evening is mild, and the surface of the sea, heaving slowly and","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"calmly, is smooth as a mirror.","book":"A picture from the ramparts"} {"text":"Did you ever hear the story of the old street lamp? It is not remarkably","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"interesting, but for once in a way you may as well listen to it. It was a most","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"respectable old lamp, which had seen many, many years of service, and now was to","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"retire with a pension. It was this evening at its post for the last time, giving","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"light to the street. His feelings were something like those of an old dancer","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"at the theatre, who is dancing for the last time, and knows that on the morrow","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"she will be in her garret, alone and forgotten. The lamp had very great anxiety","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"about the next day, for he knew that he had to appear for the first time at the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"town hall, to be inspected by the mayor and the council, who were to decide if","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"he were fit for further service or not;– whether the lamp was good enough to be","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"used to light the inhabitants of one of the suburbs, or in the country, at some","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"factory; and if not, it would be sent at once to an iron foundry, to be melted","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"down. In this latter case it might be turned into anything, and he wondered very","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"much whether he would then be able to remember that he had once been a street","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"lamp, and it troubled him exceedingly. Whatever might happen, one thing seemed","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"certain, that he would be separated from the watchman and his wife, whose family","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"he looked upon as his own. The lamp had first been hung up on that very evening","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"that the watchman, then a robust young man, had entered upon the duties of his","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"office. Ah, well, it was a very long time since one became a lamp and the other","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"a watchman. His wife had a little pride in those days; she seldom condescended","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to glance at the lamp, excepting when she passed by in the evening, never in the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"daytime. But in later years, when all these,– the watchman, the wife, and the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"lamp– had grown old, she had attended to it, cleaned it, and supplied it with","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"oil. The old people were thoroughly honest, they had never cheated the lamp of a","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"single drop of the oil provided for it.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"This was the lamp's last night in the street, and to-morrow he must go to","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the town-hall,– two very dark things to think of. No wonder he did not burn","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"brightly. Many other thoughts also passed through his mind. How many persons","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"he had lighted on their way, and how much he had seen; as much, very likely, as","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the mayor and corporation themselves! None of these thoughts were uttered aloud,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"however; for he was a good, honorable old lamp, who would not willingly do","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"harm to any one, especially to those in authority. As many things were recalled","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to his mind, the light would flash up with sudden brightness; he had, at such","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"moments, a conviction that he would be remembered. \"There was a handsome young","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"man once,\" thought he; \"it is certainly a long while ago, but I remember he had","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"a little note, written on pink paper with a gold edge; the writing was elegant,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"evidently a lady's hand: twice he read it through, and kissed it, and then","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"looked up at me, with eyes that said quite plainly, 'I am the happiest of men!'","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"Only he and I know what was written on this his first letter from his lady-","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"love. Ah, yes, and there was another pair of eyes that I remember,– it is really","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"wonderful how the thoughts jump from one thing to another! A funeral passed","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"through the street; a young and beautiful woman lay on a bier, decked with","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"garlands of flowers, and attended by torches, which quite overpowered my light.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"All along the street stood the people from the houses, in crowds, ready to join","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the procession. But when the torches had passed from before me, and I could look","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"round, I saw one person alone, standing, leaning against my post, and weeping.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"Never shall I forget the sorrowful eyes that looked up at me.\" These and similar","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"reflections occupied the old street lamp, on this the last time that his light","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"would shine. The sentry, when he is relieved from his post, knows at least who","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"will succeed him, and may whisper a few words to him, but the lamp did not know","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"his successor, or he could have given him a few hints respecting rain, or mist,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"and could have informed him how far the moon's rays would rest on the pavement,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"and from which side the wind generally blew, and so on.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"On the bridge over the canal stood three persons, who wished to recommend","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"themselves to the lamp, for they thought he could give the office to whomsoever","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"he chose. The first was a herring's head, which could emit light in the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"darkness. He remarked that it would be a great saving of oil if they placed him","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"on the lamp-post. Number two was a piece of rotten wood, which also shines in","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the dark. He considered himself descended from an old stem, once the pride of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the forest. The third was a glow-worm, and how he found his way there the lamp","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"could not imagine, yet there he was, and could really give light as well as the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"others. But the rotten wood and the herring's head declared most solemnly, by","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"all they held sacred, that the glow-worm only gave light at certain times, and","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"must not be allowed to compete with themselves. The old lamp assured them that","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"not one of them could give sufficient light to fill the position of a street","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"lamp; but they would believe nothing he said. And when they discovered that he","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"had not the power of naming his successor, they said they were very glad to hear","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"it, for the lamp was too old and worn-out to make a proper choice.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"At this moment the wind came rushing round the corner of the street, and through","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the air-holes of the old lamp. \"What is this I hear?\" said he; \"that you are","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"going away to-morrow? Is this evening the last time we shall meet? Then I","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"must present you with a farewell gift. I will blow into your brain, so that in","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"future you shall not only be able to remember all that you have seen or heard","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"in the past, but your light within shall be so bright, that you shall be able to","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"understand all that is said or done in your presence.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"Oh, that is really a very, very great gift,\" said the old lamp; \"I thank you","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"most heartily. I only hope I shall not be melted down.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"That is not likely to happen yet,\" said the wind; \"and I will also blow a","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"memory into you, so that should you receive other similar presents your old age","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"will pass very pleasantly.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"That is if I am not melted down,\" said the lamp. \"But should I in that case","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"still retain my memory?\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"Do be reasonable, old lamp,\" said the wind, puffing away.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"At this moment the moon burst forth from the clouds. \"What will you give the old","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"lamp?\" asked the wind.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"I can give nothing,\" she replied; \"I am on the wane, and no lamps have ever","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"given me light while I have frequently shone upon them.\" And with these words","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the moon hid herself again behind the clouds, that she might be saved from","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"further importunities. Just then a drop fell upon the lamp, from the roof of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the house, but the drop explained that he was a gift from those gray clouds, and","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"perhaps the best of all gifts. \"I shall penetrate you so thoroughly,\" he said,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"that you will have the power of becoming rusty, and, if you wish it, to crumble","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"into dust in one night.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"But this seemed to the lamp a very shabby present, and the wind thought so too.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"Does no one give any more? Will no one give any more?\" shouted the breath of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the wind, as loud as it could. Then a bright falling star came down, leaving a","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"broad, luminous streak behind it.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"What was that?\" cried the herring's head. \"Did not a star fall? I really","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"believe it went into the lamp. Certainly, when such high-born personages try for","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the office, we may as well say 'Good-night,' and go home.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"And so they did, all three, while the old lamp threw a wonderfully strong light","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"all around him.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"This is a glorious gift,\" said he; \"the bright stars have always been a joy","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to me, and have always shone more brilliantly than I ever could shine, though I","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"have tried with my whole might; and now they have noticed me, a poor old lamp,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"and have sent me a gift that will enable me to see clearly everything that I","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"remember, as if it still stood before me, and to be seen by all those who love","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"me. And herein lies the truest pleasure, for joy which we cannot share with","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"others is only half enjoyed.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"That sentiment does you honor,\" said the wind; \"but for this purpose wax lights","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"will be necessary. If these are not lighted in you, your particular faculties","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"will not benefit others in the least. The stars have not thought of this; they","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"suppose that you and every other light must be a wax taper: but I must go down","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"now.\" So he laid himself to rest.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"Wax tapers, indeed!\" said the lamp, \"I have never yet had these, nor is it","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"likely I ever shall. If I could only be sure of not being melted down!\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"The next day. Well, perhaps we had better pass over the next day. The evening","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"had come, and the lamp was resting in a grandfather's chair, and guess where!","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"Why, at the old watchman's house. He had begged, as a favor, that the mayor","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"and corporation would allow him to keep the street lamp, in consideration of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"his long and faithful service, as he had himself hung it up and lit it on the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"day he first commenced his duties, four-and-twenty years ago. He looked upon","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"it almost as his own child; he had no children, so the lamp was given to him.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"There it lay in the great arm-chair near to the warm stove. It seemed almost","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"as if it had grown larger, for it appeared quite to fill the chair. The old","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"people sat at their supper, casting friendly glances at the old lamp, whom they","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"would willingly have admitted to a place at the table. It is quite true that","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"they dwelt in a cellar, two yards deep in the earth, and they had to cross a","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"stone passage to get to their room, but within it was warm and comfortable and","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"strips of list had been nailed round the door. The bed and the little window","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"had curtains, and everything looked clean and neat. On the window seat stood","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"two curious flower-pots which a sailor, named Christian, had brought over from","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the East or West Indies. They were of clay, and in the form of two elephants,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"with open backs; they were hollow and filled with earth, and through the open","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"space flowers bloomed. In one grew some very fine chives or leeks; this was","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"the kitchen garden. The other elephant, which contained a beautiful geranium,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"they called their flower garden. On the wall hung a large colored print,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"representing the congress of Vienna, and all the kings and emperors at once.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"A clock, with heavy weights, hung on the wall and went \"tick, tick,\" steadily","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"enough; yet it was always rather too fast, which, however, the old people said","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"was better than being too slow. They were now eating their supper, while the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"old street lamp, as we have heard, lay in the grandfather's arm-chair near the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"stove. It seemed to the lamp as if the whole world had turned round; but after","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"a while the old watchman looked at the lamp, and spoke of what they had both","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"gone through together,– in rain and in fog; during the short bright nights of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"summer, or in the long winter nights, through the drifting snow-storms, when he","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"longed to be at home in the cellar. Then the lamp felt it was all right again.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"He saw everything that had happened quite clearly, as if it were passing before","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"him. Surely the wind had given him an excellent gift. The old people were very","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"active and industrious, they were never idle for even a single hour. On Sunday","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"afternoons they would bring out some books, generally a book of travels which","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"they were very fond of. The old man would read aloud about Africa, with its","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"great forests and the wild elephants, while his wife would listen attentively,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"stealing a glance now and then at the clay elephants, which served as flower-","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"pots.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"I can almost imagine I am seeing it all,\" she said; and then how the lamp","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"wished for a wax taper to be lighted in him, for then the old woman would have","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"seen the smallest detail as clearly as he did himself. The lofty trees, with","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"their thickly entwined branches, the naked negroes on horseback, and whole herds","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"of elephants treading down bamboo thickets with their broad, heavy feet.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"What is the use of all my capabilities,\" sighed the old lamp, \"when I cannot","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"obtain any wax lights; they have only oil and tallow here, and these will not","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"do.\" One day a great heap of wax-candle ends found their way into the cellar.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"The larger pieces were burnt, and the smaller ones the old woman kept for waxing","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"her thread. So there were now candles enough, but it never occurred to any one","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to put a little piece in the lamp.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"\"Here I am now with my rare powers,\" thought the lamp, \"I have faculties within","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"me, but I cannot share them; they do not know that I could cover these white","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"walls with beautiful tapestry, or change them into noble forests, or, indeed,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to anything else they might wish for.\" The lamp, however, was always kept clean","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"and shining in a corner where it attracted all eyes. Strangers looked upon it","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"as lumber, but the old people did not care for that; they loved the lamp. One","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"day– it was the watchman's birthday– the old woman approached the lamp, smiling","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to herself, and said, \"I will have an illumination to-day in honor of my old","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"man.\" And the lamp rattled in his metal frame, for he thought, \"Now at last","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"I shall have a light within me,\" but after all no wax light was placed in the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"lamp, but oil as usual. The lamp burned through the whole evening, and began to","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"perceive too clearly that the gift of the stars would remain a hidden treasure","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"all his life. Then he had a dream; for, to one with his faculties, dreaming was","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"no difficulty. It appeared to him that the old people were dead, and that he","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"had been taken to the iron foundry to be melted down. It caused him quite as","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"much anxiety as on the day when he had been called upon to appear before the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"mayor and the council at the town-hall. But though he had been endowed with the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"power of falling into decay from rust when he pleased, he did not make use of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"it. He was therefore put into the melting-furnace and changed into as elegant","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"an iron candlestick as you could wish to see, one intended to hold a wax taper.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"The candlestick was in the form of an angel holding a nosegay, in the centre of","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"which the wax taper was to be placed. It was to stand on a green writing table,","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"in a very pleasant room; many books were scattered about, and splendid paintings","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"hung on the walls. The owner of the room was a poet, and a man of intellect;","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"everything he thought or wrote was pictured around him. Nature showed herself","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to him sometimes in the dark forests, at others in cheerful meadows where the","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"storks were strutting about, or on the deck of a ship sailing across the foaming","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"sea with the clear, blue sky above, or at night the glittering stars. \"What","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"powers I possess!\" said the lamp, awaking from his dream; \"I could almost wish","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"to be melted down; but no, that must not be while the old people live. They","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"love me for myself alone, they keep me bright, and supply me with oil. I am as","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"well off as the picture of the congress, in which they take so much pleasure.\"","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"And from that time he felt at rest in himself, and not more so than such an","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"honorable old lamp really deserved to be.","book":"The old street lamp"} {"text":"One would have thought that something important was going on in the duck-","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"pond, but it was nothing after all. All the ducks lying quietly on the water","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"or standing on their heads in it– for they could do that– at once swarm to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the sides; the traces of their feet were seen in the wet earth, and their","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"cackling was heard far and wide. The water, which a few moments before had","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"been as clear and smooth as a mirror, became very troubled. Before, every tree,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"every neighbouring bush, the old farmhouse with the holes in the roof and the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"swallows' nest, and especially the great rose-bush full of flowers, had been","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"reflected in it. The rose-bush covered the wall and hung out over the water, in","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"which everything was seen as if in a picture, except that it all stood on its","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"head; but when the water was troubled everything got mixed up, and the picture","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"was gone. Two feathers which the fluttering ducks had lost floated up and down;","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"suddenly they took a rush as if the wind were coming, but as it did not come","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"they had to lie still, and the water once more became quiet and smooth. The","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"roses were again reflected; they were very beautiful, but they did not know it,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"for no one had told them. The sun shone among the delicate leaves; everything","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"breathed forth the loveliest fragrance, and all felt as we do when we are filled","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with joy at the thought of our happiness.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"How beautiful existence is!\" said each rose. \"The only thing that I wish for is","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"to be able to kiss the sun, because it is so warm and bright. I should also like","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"to kiss those roses down in the water, which are so much like us, and the pretty","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"little birds down in the nest. There are some up above too; they put out their","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"heads and pipe softly; they have no feathers like their father and mother. We","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"have good neighbours, both below and above. How beautiful existence is!\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"The young ones above and below– those below were really only shadows in the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"water– were sparrows; their parents were sparrows too, and had taken possession","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"of the empty swallows' nest of last year, and now lived in it as if it were","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"their own property.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Are those the duck's children swimming here?\" asked the young sparrows when","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"they saw the feathers on the water.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"If you must ask questions, ask sensible ones,\" said their mother. \"Don't you","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"see that they are feathers, such as I wear and you will wear too? But ours","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"are finer. Still, I should like to have them up in the nest, for they keep","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"one warm. I am very curious to know what the ducks were so startled about; not","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"about us, certainly, although I did say 'peep' to you pretty loudly. The thick-","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"headed roses ought to know why, but they know nothing at all; they only look at","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"themselves and smell. I am heartily tired of such neighbours.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Listen to the dear little birds up there,\" said the roses; \"they begin to want","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"to sing too, but are not able to manage it yet. But it will soon come. What a","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"pleasure that must be! It is fine to have such cheerful neighbours.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Suddenly two horses came galloping up to be watered. A peasant boy rode on one,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"and he had taken off all his clothes except his large broad black hat. The boy","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"whistled like a bird, and rode into the pond where it was deepest, and as he","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"passed the rose-bush he plucked a rose and stuck it in his hat. Now he looked","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"dressed, and rode on. The other roses looked after their sister, and asked each","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"other, \"Where can she be going to?\" But none of them knew.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"I should like to go out into the world for once,\" said one; \"but here at home","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"among our green leaves it is beautiful too. The whole day long the sun shines","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"bright and warm, and in the night the sky shines more beautifully still; we can","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"see that through all the little holes in it.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"They meant the stars, but they knew no better.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"We make it lively about the house,\" said the sparrow-mother; \"and people say","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"that a swallows' nest brings luck; so they are glad of us. But such neighbours","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"as ours! A rose-bush on the wall like that causes damp. I daresay it will be","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"taken away; then we shall, perhaps, have some corn growing here. The roses are","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"good for nothing but to be looked at and to be smelt, or at most to be stuck in","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"a hat. Every year, as I have been told by my mother, they fall off. The farmer's","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"wife preserves them and strews salt among them; then they get a French name","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"which I neither can pronounce nor care to, and are put into the fire to make","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"a nice smell. You see, that's their life; they exist only for the eye and the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"nose. Now you know.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"In the evening, when the gnats were playing about in the warm air and in the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"red clouds, the nightingale came and sang to the roses that the beautiful was","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"like sunshine to the world, and that the beautiful lived for ever. The roses","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"thought that the nightingale was singing about itself, and that one might easily","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"have believed; they had no idea that the song was about them. But they were","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"very pleased with it, and wondered whether all the little sparrows could become","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"nightingales.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"I understand the song of that bird very well,\" said the young sparrows. \"There","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"was only one word that was not clear to me. What does 'the beautiful' mean?\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Nothing at all,\" answered their mother; \"that's only something external. Up at","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the Hall, where the pigeons have their own house, and corn and peas are strewn","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"before them every day– I have dined with them myself, and that you shall do in","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"time, too; for tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you who you are– up","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"at the Hall they have two birds with green necks and a crest upon their heads;","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"they can spread out their tails like a great wheel, and these are so bright with","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"various colours that it makes one's eyes ache. These birds are called peacocks,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"and that is 'the beautiful.' If they were only plucked a little they would look","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"no better than the rest of us. I would have plucked them already if they had not","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"been so big.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"I'll pluck them,\" piped the young sparrow, who had no feathers yet.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"In the farmhouse lived a young married couple; they loved each other dearly,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"were industrious and active, and everything in their home looked very nice. On","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Sundays the young wife came down early, plucked a handful of the most beautiful","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"roses, and put them into a glass of water, which she placed upon the cupboard.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Now I see that it is Sunday,\" said the husband, kissing his little wife. They","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"sat down, read their hymn-book, and held each other by the hand, while the sun","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"shone down upon the fresh roses and upon them.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"This sight is really too tedious,\" said the sparrow-mother, who could see into","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the room from her nest; and she flew away.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"The same thing happened on the following Sunday, for every Sunday fresh roses","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"were put into the glass; but the rose-bush bloomed as beautifully as ever. The","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"young sparrows now had feathers, and wanted very much to fly with their mother;","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"but she would not allow it, and so they had to stay at home. In one of her","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"flights, however it may have happened, she was caught, before she was aware of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"it, in a horse-hair net which some boys had attached to a tree. The horse-hair","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"was drawn tightly round her leg– as tightly as if the latter were to be cut off;","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"she was in great pain and terror. The boys came running up and seized her, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"in no gentle way either.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"It's only a sparrow,\" they said; they did not, however, let her go, but took","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"her home with them, and every time she cried they hit her on the beak.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"In the farmhouse was an old man who understood making soap into cakes and balls,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"both for shaving and washing. He was a merry old man, always wandering about. On","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"seeing the sparrow which the boys had brought, and which they said they did not","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"want, he asked, \"Shall we make it look very pretty?\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"At these words an icy shudder ran through the sparrow-mother.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Out of his box, in which were the most beautiful colours, the old man took a","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"quantity of shining leaf-gold, while the boys had to go and fetch some white of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"egg, with which the sparrow was to be smeared all over; the gold was stuck on","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"to this, and the sparrow-mother was now gilded all over. But she, trembling in","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"every limb, did not think of the adornment. Then the soap-man tore off a small","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"piece from the red lining of his old jacket, and cutting it so as to make it","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"look like a cock's comb, he stuck it to the bird's head.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Now you will see the gold-jacket fly,\" said the old man, letting the sparrow","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"go, which flew away in deadly fear, with the sun shining upon her. How she","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"glittered! All the sparrows, and even a crow– and an old boy he was too– were","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"startled at the sight; but still they flew after her to learn what kind of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"strange bird she was.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Driven by fear and horror, she flew homeward; she was almost sinking fainting to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the earth, while the flock of pursuing birds increased, some even attempting to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"peck at her.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Look at her! Look at her!\" they all cried.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Look at her! Look at her\" cried her little ones, as she approached the nest.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"That is certainly a young peacock, for it glitters in all colours; it makes","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"one's eyes ache, as mother told us. Peep! that's 'the beautiful'.\" And then they","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"pecked at the bird with their little beaks so that it was impossible for her to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"get into the nest; she was so exhausted that she couldn't even say \"Peep!\" much","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"less \"I am your own mother!\" The other birds, too, now fell upon the sparrow and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"plucked off feather after feather until she fell bleeding into the rose-bush.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Poor creature!\" said all the roses; \"only be still, and we will hide you. Lean","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"your little head against us.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"The sparrow spread out her wings once more, then drew them closely to her, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"lay dead near the neighbouring family, the beautiful fresh roses.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" sounded from the nest. \"Where can mother be so long? It's more than I","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"can understand. It cannot be a trick of hers, and mean that we are now to take","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"care of ourselves. She has left us the house as an inheritance; but to which of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"us is it to belong when we have families of our own?\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Yes, it won't do for you to stay with me when I increase my household with a","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"wife and children,\" said the smallest.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"I daresay I shall have more wives and children than you,\" said the second.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"But I am the eldest!\" exclaimed the third. Then they all got excited; they hit","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"out with their wings, pecked with their beaks, and flop! one after another was","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"thrown out of the nest. There they lay with their anger, holding their heads","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"on one side and blinking the eye that was turned upwards. That was their way of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"looking foolish.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"They could fly a little; by practice they learned to improve, and at last they","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"agreed upon a sign by which to recognise each other if they should meet in the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"world later on. It was to be one \"Peep!\" and three scratches on the ground with","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the left foot.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"The young one who had remained behind in the nest made himself as broad as","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"he could, for he was the proprietor. But this greatness did not last long. In","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the night the red flames burst through the window and seized the roof, the dry","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"straw blazed up high, and the whole house, together with the young sparrow, was","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"burned. The two others, who wanted to marry, thus saved their lives by a stroke","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"of luck.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"When the sun rose again and everything looked as refreshed as if it had had","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"a quiet sleep, there only remained of the farmhouse a few black charred beams","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"leaning against the chimney, which was now its own master. Thick smoke still","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"rose from the ruins, but the rose-bush stood yonder, fresh, blooming, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"untouched, every flower and every twig being reflected in the clear water.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"How beautifully the roses bloom before the ruined house,\" exclaimed a passer-","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"by. \"A pleasanter picture cannot be imagined. I must have that.\" And the man","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"took out of his portfolio a little book with white leaves: he was a painter, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with his pencil he drew the smoking house, the charred beams and the overhanging","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"chimney, which bent more and more; in the foreground he put the large, blooming","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"rose-bush, which presented a charming view. For its sake alone the whole picture","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"had been drawn.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Later in the day the two sparrows who had been born there came by. \"Where is","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the house?\" they asked. \"Where is the nest? Peep! All is burned and our strong","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"brother too. That's what he has now for keeping the nest. The roses got off very","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"well; there they still stand with their red cheeks. They certainly do not mourn","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"at their neighbours' misfortunes. I don't want to talk to them, and it looks","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"miserable here– that's my opinion.\" And away they went.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"On a beautiful sunny autumn day– one could almost have believed it was still","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the middle of summer– there hopped about in the dry clean-swept courtyard before","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the principal entrance of the Hall a number of black, white, and gaily-coloured","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"pigeons, all shining in the sunlight. The pigeon-mothers said to their young","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"ones: \"Stand in groups, stand in groups! for that looks much better.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"What kind of creatures are those little grey ones that run about behind us?\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"asked an old pigeon, with red and green in her eyes. \"Little grey ones! Little","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"grey ones!\" she cried.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"They are sparrows, and good creatures. We have always had the reputation of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"being pious, so we will allow them to pick up the corn with us; they don't","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"interrupt our talk, and they scrape so prettily when they bow.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Indeed they were continually making three foot-scrapings with the left foot and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"also said \"Peep!\" By this means they recognised each other, for they were the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"sparrows from the nest on the burned house.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Here is excellent fare!\" said the sparrow. The pigeons strutted round one","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"another, puffed out their chests mightily, and had their own private views and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"opinions.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Do you see that pouter pigeon?\" said one to the other. \"Do you see how she","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"swallows the peas? She eats too many, and the best ones too. Curoo! Curoo! How","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"she lifts her crest, the ugly, spiteful creature! Curoo! Curoo!\" And the eyes of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"all sparkled with malice. \"Stand in groups! Stand in groups! Little grey ones,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"little grey ones! Curoo, curoo, curoo!\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"So their chatter ran on, and so it will run on for thousands of years. The","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"sparrows ate lustily; they listened attentively, and even stood in the ranks","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with the others, but it did not suit them at all. They were full, and so they","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"left the pigeons, exchanging opinions about them, slipped in under the garden","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"palings, and when they found the door leading into the house open, one of them,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"who was more than full, and therefore felt brave, hopped on to the threshold.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" said he; \"I may venture that.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" said the other; \"so may I, and something more too!\" and he hopped into","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the room. No one was there; the third sparrow, seeing this, flew still farther","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"into the room, exclaiming, \"All or nothing! It is a curious man's nest all the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"same; and what have they put up here? What is it?\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Close to the sparrows the roses were blooming; they were reflected in the water,","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"and the charred beams leaned against the overhanging chimney. \"Do tell me what","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"this is. How comes this in a room at the Hall?\" And all three sparrows wanted to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"fly over the roses and the chimney, but flew against a flat wall. It was all a","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"picture, a great splendid picture, which the artist had painted from a sketch.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" said the sparrows, \"it's nothing. It only looks like something. Peep!","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"that is 'the beautiful.' Do you understand it? I don't.\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"And they flew away, for some people came into the room.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Days and years went by. The pigeons had often cooed, not to say growled– the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"spiteful creatures; the sparrows had been frozen in winter and had lived merrily","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"in summer: they were all betrothed, or married, or whatever you like to call it.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"They had little ones, and of course each one thought his own the handsomest and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"cleverest; one flew this way, another that, and when they met they recognised","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"each other by their \"Peep!\" and the three scrapes with the left foot. The eldest","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"had remained an old maid and had no nest nor young ones. It was her pet idea to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"see a great city, so she flew to Copenhagen.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"There was a large house painted in many gay colours standing close to the castle","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"and the canal, upon which latter were to be seen many ships laden with apples","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"and pottery. The windows of the house were broader at the bottom than at the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"top, and when the sparrows looked through them, every room appeared to them","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"like a tulip with the brightest colours and shades. But in the middle of the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"tulip stood white men, made of marble; a few were of plaster; still, looked at","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with sparrows' eyes, that comes to the same thing. Up on the roof stood a metal","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"chariot drawn by metal horses, and the goddess of Victory, also of metal, was","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"driving. It was Thorwaldsen's Museum.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"How it shines! how it shines!\" said the maiden sparrow. \"I suppose that is 'the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"beautiful.' Peep! But here it is larger than a peacock.\" She still remembered","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"what in her childhood's days her mother had looked upon as the greatest among","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the beautiful. She flew down into the courtyard: there everything was extremely","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"fine. Palms and branches were painted on the walls, and in the middle of the","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"court stood a great blooming rose-tree spreading out its fresh boughs, covered","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with roses, over a grave. Thither flew the maiden sparrow, for she saw several","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"of her own kind there. A \"peep\" and three foot-scrapings– in this way she had","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"often greeted throughout the year, and no one here had responded, for those who","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"are once parted do not meet every day; and so this greeting had become a habit","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with her. But to-day two old sparrows and a young one answered with a \"peep\" and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the thrice-repeated scrape with the left foot.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Ah! Good-day! good-day!\" They were two old ones from the nest and a little one","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"of the family. \"Do we meet here? It's a grand place, but there's not much to","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"eat. This is 'the beautiful.' Peep!\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Many people came out of the side rooms where the beautiful marble statues","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"stood and approached the grave where lay the great master who had created these","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"works of art. All stood with enraptured faces round Thorwaldsen's grave, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"a few picked up the fallen rose-leaves and preserved them. They had come from","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"afar: one from mighty England, others from Germany and France. The fairest of","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the ladies plucked one of the roses and hid it in her bosom. Then the sparrows","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"thought that the roses reigned here, and that the house had been built for their","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"sake. That appeared to them to be really too much, but since all the people","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"showed their love for the roses, they did not wish to be behindhand. \"Peep!\"","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"they said sweeping the ground with their tails, and blinking with one eye at","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the roses, they had not looked at them long before they were convinced that they","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"were their old neighbours. And so they really were. The painter who had drawn","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the rose-bush near the ruined house, had afterwards obtained permission to dig","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"it up, and had given it to the architect, for finer roses had never been seen.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"The architect had planted it upon Thorwaldsen's grave, where it bloomed as an","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"emblem of 'the beautiful' and yielded fragrant red rose-leaves to be carried as","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"mementoes to distant lands.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"\"Have you obtained an appointment here in the city?\" asked the sparrows. The","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"roses nodded; they recognized their grey neighbours and were pleased to see them","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"again. \"How glorious it is to live and to bloom, to see old friends again, and","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"happy faces every day. It is as if every day were a festival.\" - \"Peep!\" said","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the sparrows. \"Yes, they are really our old neighbours; we remember their origin","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"near the pond. Peep! how they have got on. Yes, some succeed while they are","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"asleep. Ah! there's a faded leaf; I can see that quite plainly.\" And they pecked","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"at it till it fell off. But the tree stood there fresher and greener than ever;","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"the roses bloomed in the sunshine on Thorwaldsen's grave and became associated","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"with his immortal name.","book":"The neighbouring families"} {"text":"Yes, they called him Little Tuk, but it was not his real name; he had called","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"himself so before he could speak plainly, and he meant it for Charles. It was","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"all very well for those who knew him, but not for strangers.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"Little Tuk was left at home to take care of his little sister, Gustava, who was","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"much younger than himself, and he had to learn his lessons at the same time, and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the two things could not very well be performed together. The poor boy sat there","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"with his sister on his lap, and sung to her all the songs he knew, and now and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"then he looked into his geography lesson that lay open before him. By the next","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"morning he had to learn by heart all the towns in Zealand, and all that could be","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"described of them.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"His mother came home at last, and took little Gustava in her arms. Then Tuk","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"ran to the window, and read so eagerly that he nearly read his eyes out; for it","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"had become darker and darker every minute, and his mother had no money to buy a","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"light.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"There goes the old washerwoman up the lane,\" said the mother, as she looked out","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"of the window; \"the poor woman can hardly drag herself along, and now she had to","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"drag a pail of water from the well. Be a good boy, Tuk, and run across and help","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the old woman, won't you?\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"So Tuk ran across quickly, and helped her, but when he came back into the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"room it was quite dark, and there was not a word said about a light, so he","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"was obliged to go to bed on his little truckle bedstead, and there he lay and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"thought of his geography lesson, and of Zealand, and of all the master had told","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"him. He ought really to have read it over again, but he could not for want of","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"light. So he put the geography book under his pillow, for he had heard that","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"this was a great help towards learning a lesson, but not always to be depended","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"upon. He still lay thinking and thinking, when all at once it seemed as if some","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"one kissed him on his eyes and mouth. He slept and yet he did not sleep; and it","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"appeared as if the old washerwoman looked at him with kind eyes and said, \"It","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"would be a great pity if you did not know your lesson to-morrow morning; you","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"helped me, and now I will help you, and Providence will always keep those who","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"help themselves;\" and at the same time the book under Tuk's pillow began to move","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"about. \"Cluck, cluck, cluck,\" cried a hen as she crept towards him. \"I am a hen","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"from Kjoge,\" and then she told him how many inhabitants the town contained, and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"about a battle that had been fought there, which really was not worth speaking","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"of.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"Crack, crack,\" down fell something. It was a wooden bird, the parrot which is","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"used as a target as Prastoe. He said there were as many inhabitants in that town","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"as he had nails in his body. He was very proud, and said, \"Thorwaldsen lived","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"close to me, and here I am now, quite comfortable.\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"But now little Tuk was no longer in bed; all in a moment he found himself on","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"horseback. Gallop, gallop, away he went, seated in front of a richly-attired","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"knight, with a waving plume, who held him on the saddle, and so they rode","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"through the wood by the old town of Wordingburg, which was very large and busy.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"The king's castle was surrounded by lofty towers, and radiant light streamed","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"from all the windows. Within there were songs and dancing; King Waldemar and the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"young gayly-dressed ladies of the court were dancing together. Morning dawned,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"and as the sun rose, the whole city and the king's castle sank suddenly down","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"together. One tower after another fell, till at last only one remained standing","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"on the hill where the castle had formerly been.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"The town now appeared small and poor, and the school-boys read in their books,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"which they carried under their arms, that it contained two thousand inhabitants;","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"but this was a mere boast, for it did not contain so many.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"And again little Tuk lay in his bed, scarcely knowing whether he was dreaming or","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"not, for some one stood by him.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"Tuk! little Tuk!\" said a voice. It was a very little person who spoke. He was","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"dressed as a sailor, and looked small enough to be a middy, but he was not one.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"I bring you many greetings from Corsor. It is a rising town, full of life. It","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"has steamships and mail-coaches. In times past they used to call it ugly, but","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"that is no longer true. I lie on the sea-shore,\" said Corsor; \"I have high-","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"roads and pleasure-gardens; I have given birth to a poet who was witty and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"entertaining, which they are not all. I once wanted to fit out a ship to sail","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"round the world, but I did not accomplish it, though most likely I might have","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"done so. But I am fragrant with perfume, for close to my gates most lovely roses","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"bloom.\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"Then before the eyes of little Tuk appeared a confusion of colors, red and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"green; but it cleared off, and he could distinguish a cliff close to the bay,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the slopes of which were quite overgrown with verdure, and on its summit stood a","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"fine old church with pointed towers. Springs of water flowed out of the cliff in","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"thick waterspouts, so that there was a continual splashing. Close by sat an old","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"king with a golden crown on his white head. This was King Hroar of the Springs","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"and near the springs stood the town of Roeskilde, as it is called. Then all the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"kings and queens of Denmark went up the ascent to the old church, hand in hand,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"with golden crowns on their heads, while the organ played and the fountains sent","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"forth jets of water.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"Little Tuk saw and heard it all. \"Don't forget the names of these towns,\" said","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"King Hroar.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"All at once everything vanished; but where! It seemed to him like turning over","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the leaves of a book. And now there stood before him an old peasant woman, who","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"had come from Soroe where the grass grows in the market-place. She had a green","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"linen apron thrown over her head and shoulders, and it was quite wet, as if it","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"had been raining heavily. \"Yes, that it has,\" said she, and then, just as she","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"was going to tell him a great many pretty stories from Holberg's comedies, and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"about Waldemar and Absalom, she suddenly shrunk up together, and wagged her","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"head as if she were a frog about to spring. \"Croak,\" she cried; \"it is always","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"wet, and as quiet as death in Soroe.\" Then little Tuk saw she was changed into","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"a frog. \"Croak,\" and again she was an old woman. \"One must dress according to","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the weather,\" said she. \"It is wet, and my town is just like a bottle. By the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"cork we must go in, and by the cork we must come out again. In olden times I","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"had beautiful fish, and now I have fresh, rosy-cheeked boys in the bottom of the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"bottle, and they learn wisdom, Hebrew and Greek.\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"Croak.\" How it sounded like the cry of the frogs on the moor, or like the","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"creaking of great boots when some one is marching,– always the same tone, so","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"monotonous and wearing, that little Tuk at length fell fast asleep, and then","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"the sound could not annoy him. But even in this sleep came a dream or something","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"like it. His little sister Gustava, with her blue eyes, and fair curly hair, had","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"grown up a beautiful maiden all at once, and without having wings she could fly.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"And they flew together over Zealand, over green forests and blue lakes.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"Hark, so you hear the cock crow, little Tuk. 'Cock-a-doodle-doo.' The fowls are","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"flying out of Kjoge. You shall have a large farm-yard. You shall never suffer","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"hunger or want. The bird of good omen shall be yours, and you shall become a","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"rich and happy man; your house shall rise up like King Waldemar's towers, and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"shall be richly adorned with marble statues, like those at Prastoe. Understand","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"me well; your name shall travel with fame round the world like the ship that was","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"to sail from Corsor, and at Roeskilde,– Don't forget the names of the towns, as","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"King Hroar said,– you shall speak well and clearly little Tuk, and when at last","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"you lie in your grave you shall sleep peacefully, as–\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"\"As if I lay in Soroe,\" said little Tuk awaking. It was bright daylight, and","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"he could not remember his dream, but that was not necessary, for we are not to","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"know what will happen to us in the future. Then he sprang out of bed quickly,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"and read over his lesson in the book, and knew it all at once quite correctly.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"The old washerwoman put her head in at the door, and nodded to him quite kindly,","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"and said, \"Many thanks, you good child, for your help yesterday. I hope all your","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"beautiful dreams will come true.\"","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"Little Tuk did not at all know what he had dreamt, but One above did.","book":"Little Tuk"} {"text":"In very hot climates, where the heat of the sun has great power, people are","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"usually as brown as mahogany; and in the hottest countries they are negroes,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"with black skins. A learned man once travelled into one of these warm climates,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"from the cold regions of the north, and thought he would roam about as he did","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"at home; but he soon had to change his opinion. He found that, like all sensible","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"people, he must remain in the house during the whole day, with every window and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"door closed, so that it looked as if all in the house were asleep or absent.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"The houses of the narrow street in which he lived were so lofty that the sun","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shone upon them from morning till evening, and it became quite unbearable. This","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"learned man from the cold regions was young as well as clever; but it seemed","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to him as if he were sitting in an oven, and he became quite exhausted and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"weak, and grew so thin that his shadow shrivelled up, and became much smaller","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"than it had been at home. The sun took away even what was left of it, and he","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"saw nothing of it till the evening, after sunset. It was really a pleasure, as","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"soon as the lights were brought into the room, to see the shadow stretch itself","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"against the wall, even to the ceiling, so tall was it; and it really wanted a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"good stretch to recover its strength. The learned man would sometimes go out","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"into the balcony to stretch himself also; and as soon as the stars came forth","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"in the clear, beautiful sky, he felt revived. People at this hour began to make","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"their appearance in all the balconies in the street; for in warm climates every","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"window has a balcony, in which they can breathe the fresh evening air, which is","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"very necessary, even to those who are used to a heat that makes them as brown","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"as mahogany; so that the street presented a very lively appearance. Here were","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shoemakers, and tailors, and all sorts of people sitting. In the street beneath,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"they brought out tables and chairs, lighted candles by hundreds, talked and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"sang, and were very merry. There were people walking, carriages driving, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"mules trotting along, with their bells on the harness, \"tingle, tingle,\" as they","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"went. Then the dead were carried to the grave with the sound of solemn music,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and the tolling of the church bells. It was indeed a scene of varied life in the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"street. One house only, which was just opposite to the one in which the foreign","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"learned man lived, formed a contrast to all this, for it was quite still; and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"yet somebody dwelt there, for flowers stood in the balcony, blooming beautifully","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"in the hot sun; and this could not have been unless they had been watered","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"carefully. Therefore some one must be in the house to do this. The doors leading","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to the balcony were half opened in the evening; and although in the front room","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"all was dark, music could be heard from the interior of the house. The foreign","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"learned man considered this music very delightful; but perhaps he fancied it;","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"for everything in these warm countries pleased him, excepting the heat of the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"sun. The foreign landlord said he did not know who had taken the opposite house–","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"nobody was to be seen there; and as to the music, he thought it seemed very","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"tedious, to him most uncommonly so.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"It is just as if some one was practising a piece that he could not manage; it","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"is always the same piece. He thinks, I suppose, that he will be able to manage","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"it at last; but I do not think so, however long he may play it.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"Once the foreigner woke in the night. He slept with the door open which led to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the balcony; the wind had raised the curtain before it, and there appeared a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"wonderful brightness over all in the balcony of the opposite house. The flowers","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"seemed like flames of the most gorgeous colors, and among the flowers stood","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a beautiful slender maiden. It was to him as if light streamed from her, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"dazzled his eyes; but then he had only just opened them, as he awoke from his","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"sleep. With one spring he was out of bed, and crept softly behind the curtain.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"But she was gone– the brightness had disappeared; the flowers no longer appeared","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"like flames, although still as beautiful as ever. The door stood ajar, and from","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"an inner room sounded music so sweet and so lovely, that it produced the most","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"enchanting thoughts, and acted on the senses with magic power. Who could live","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"there? Where was the real entrance? for, both in the street and in the lane at","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the side, the whole ground floor was a continuation of shops; and people could","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"not always be passing through them.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"One evening the foreigner sat in the balcony. A light was burning in his own","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"room, just behind him. It was quite natural, therefore, that his shadow should","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"fall on the wall of the opposite house; so that, as he sat amongst the flowers","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"on his balcony, when he moved, his shadow moved also.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I think my shadow is the only living thing to be seen opposite,\" said the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"learned man; \"see how pleasantly it sits among the flowers. The door is only","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"ajar; the shadow ought to be clever enough to step in and look about him, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"then to come back and tell me what he has seen. You could make yourself useful","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"in this way,\" said he, jokingly; \"be so good as to step in now, will you?\" and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"then he nodded to the shadow, and the shadow nodded in return. \"Now go, but","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"don't stay away altogether.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"Then the foreigner stood up, and the shadow on the opposite balcony stood","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"up also; the foreigner turned round, the shadow turned; and if any one had","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"observed, they might have seen it go straight into the half-opened door of","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the opposite balcony, as the learned man re-entered his own room, and let the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"curtain fall. The next morning he went out to take his coffee and read the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"newspapers.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"How is this?\" he exclaimed, as he stood in the sunshine. \"I have lost my","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow. So it really did go away yesterday evening, and it has not returned.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"This is very annoying.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"And it certainly did vex him, not so much because the shadow was gone, but","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"because he knew there was a story of a man without a shadow. All the people at","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"home, in his country, knew this story; and when he returned, and related his own","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"adventures, they would say it was only an imitation; and he had no desire for","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"such things to be said of him. So he decided not to speak of it at all, which","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"was a very sensible determination.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"In the evening he went out again on his balcony, taking care to place the light","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"behind him; for he knew that a shadow always wants his master for a screen;","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"but he could not entice him out. He made himself little, and he made himself","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"tall; but there was no shadow, and no shadow came. He said, \"Hem, a-hem;\" but","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"it was all useless. That was very vexatious; but in warm countries everything","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"grows very quickly; and, after a week had passed, he saw, to his great joy,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"that a new shadow was growing from his feet, when he walked in the sunshine; so","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"that the root must have remained. After three weeks, he had quite a respectable","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow, which, during his return journey to northern lands, continued to grow,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and became at last so large that he might very well have spared half of it.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"When this learned man arrived at home, he wrote books about the true, the good,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and the beautiful, which are to be found in this world; and so days and years","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"passed– many, many years.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"One evening, as he sat in his study, a very gentle tap was heard at the door.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Come in,\" said he; but no one came. He opened the door, and there stood before","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"him a man so remarkably thin that he felt seriously troubled at his appearance.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"He was, however, very well dressed, and looked like a gentleman. \"To whom have I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the honor of speaking?\" said he.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Ah, I hoped you would recognize me,\" said the elegant stranger; \"I have gained","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"so much that I have a body of flesh, and clothes to wear. You never expected to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"see me in such a condition. Do you not recognize your old shadow? Ah, you never","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"expected that I should return to you again. All has been prosperous with me","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"since I was with you last; I have become rich in every way, and, were I inclined","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to purchase my freedom from service, I could easily do so.\" And as he spoke he","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"rattled between his fingers a number of costly trinkets which hung to a thick","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"gold watch-chain he wore round his neck. Diamond rings sparkled on his fingers,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and it was all real.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I cannot recover from my astonishment,\" said the learned man. \"What does all","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"this mean?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Something rather unusual,\" said the shadow; \"but you are yourself an uncommon","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"man, and you know very well that I have followed in your footsteps ever since","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"your childhood. As soon as you found that I have travelled enough to be trusted","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"alone, I went my own way, and I am now in the most brilliant circumstances. But","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I felt a kind of longing to see you once more before you die, and I wanted to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"see this place again, for there is always a clinging to the land of one's birth.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I know that you have now another shadow; do I owe you anything? If so, have the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"goodness to say what it is.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"No! Is it really you?\" said the learned man. \"Well, this is most remarkable; I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"never supposed it possible that a man's old shadow could become a human being.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Just tell me what I owe you,\" said the shadow, \"for I do not like to be in debt","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to any man.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"How can you talk in that manner?\" said the learned man. \"What question of debt","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"can there be between us? You are as free as any one. I rejoice exceedingly to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"hear of your good fortune. Sit down, old friend, and tell me a little of how it","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"happened, and what you saw in the house opposite to me while we were in those","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"hot climates.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Yes, I will tell you all about it,\" said the shadow, sitting down; \"but then","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"you must promise me never to tell in this city, wherever you may meet me, that","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I have been your shadow. I am thinking of being married, for I have more than","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"sufficient to support a family.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Make yourself quite easy,\" said the learned man; \"I will tell no one who you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"really are. Here is my hand,– I promise, and a word is sufficient between man","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and man.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Between man and a shadow,\" said the shadow; for he could not help saying so.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"It was really most remarkable how very much he had become a man in appearance.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"He was dressed in a suit of the very finest black cloth, polished boots, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"an opera crush hat, which could be folded together so that nothing could be","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"seen but the crown and the rim, besides the trinkets, the gold chain, and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"diamond rings already spoken of. The shadow was, in fact, very well dressed,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and this made a man of him. \"Now I will relate to you what you wish to know,\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"said the shadow, placing his foot with the polished leather boot as firmly as","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"possible on the arm of the new shadow of the learned man, which lay at his feet","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"like a poodle dog. This was done, it might be from pride, or perhaps that the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"new shadow might cling to him, but the prostrate shadow remained quite quiet","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and at rest, in order that it might listen, for it wanted to know how a shadow","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"could be sent away by its master, and become a man itself. \"Do you know,\" said","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the shadow, \"that in the house opposite to you lived the most glorious creature","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"in the world? It was poetry. I remained there three weeks, and it was more like","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"three thousand years, for I read all that has ever been written in poetry or","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"prose; and I may say, in truth, that I saw and learnt everything.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Poetry!\" exclaimed the learned man. \"Yes, she lives as a hermit in great","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"cities. Poetry! Well, I saw her once for a very short moment, while sleep","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"weighed down my eyelids. She flashed upon me from the balcony like the radiant","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"aurora borealis, surrounded with flowers like flames of fire. Tell me, you were","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"on the balcony that evening; you went through the door, and what did you see?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I found myself in an ante-room,\" said the shadow. \"You still sat opposite to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"me, looking into the room. There was no light, or at least it seemed in partial","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"darkness, for the door of a whole suite of rooms stood open, and they were","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"brilliantly lighted. The blaze of light would have killed me, had I approached","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"too near the maiden myself, but I was cautious, and took time, which is what","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"every one ought to do.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"And what didst thou see?\" asked the learned man.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I saw everything, as you shall hear. But– it really is not pride on my part, as","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a free man and possessing the knowledge that I do, besides my position, not to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"speak of my wealth– I wish you would say you to me instead of thou.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I beg your pardon,\" said the learned man; \"it is an old habit, which it is","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"difficult to break. You are quite right; I will try to think of it. But now tell","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"me everything that you saw.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Everything,\" said the shadow; \"for I saw and know everything.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"What was the appearance of the inner rooms?\" asked the scholar. \"Was it there","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"like a cool grove, or like a holy temple? Were the chambers like a starry sky","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"seen from the top of a high mountain?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"It was all that you describe,\" said the shadow; \"but I did not go quite in– I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"remained in the twilight of the ante-room– but I was in a very good position,– I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"could see and hear all that was going on in the court of poetry.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"But what did you see? Did the gods of ancient times pass through the rooms? Did","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"old heroes fight their battles over again? Were there lovely children at play,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"who related their dreams?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I tell you I have been there, and therefore you may be sure that I saw","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"everything that was to be seen. If you had gone there, you would not have","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"remained a human being, whereas I became one; and at the same moment I became","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"aware of my inner being, my inborn affinity to the nature of poetry. It is true","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I did not think much about it while I was with you, but you will remember that","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I was always much larger at sunrise and sunset, and in the moonlight even more","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"visible than yourself, but I did not then understand my inner existence. In the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"ante-room it was revealed to me. I became a man; I came out in full maturity.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"But you had left the warm countries. As a man, I felt ashamed to go about","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"without boots or clothes, and that exterior finish by which man is known. So I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"went my own way; I can tell you, for you will not put it in a book. I hid myself","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"under the cloak of a cake woman, but she little thought who she concealed.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"It was not till evening that I ventured out. I ran about the streets in the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"moonlight. I drew myself up to my full height upon the walls, which tickled my","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"back very pleasantly. I ran here and there, looked through the highest windows","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"into the rooms, and over the roofs. I looked in, and saw what nobody else could","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"see, or indeed ought to see; in fact, it is a bad world, and I would not care to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"be a man, but that men are of some importance. I saw the most miserable things","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"going on between husbands and wives, parents and children,– sweet, incomparable","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"children. I have seen what no human being has the power of knowing, although","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"they would all be very glad to know– the evil conduct of their neighbors. Had","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I written a newspaper, how eagerly it would have been read! Instead of which,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I wrote directly to the persons themselves, and great alarm arose in all the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"town I visited. They had so much fear of me, and yet how dearly they loved me.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"The professor made me a professor. The tailor gave me new clothes; I am well","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"provided for in that way. The overseer of the mint struck coins for me. The","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"women declared that I was handsome, and so I became the man you now see me. And","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"now I must say adieu. Here is my card. I live on the sunny side of the street,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and always stay at home in rainy weather.\" And the shadow departed.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"This is all very remarkable,\" said the learned man.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"Years passed, days and years went by, and the shadow came again. \"How are you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"going on now?\" he asked.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Ah!\" said the learned man; \"I am writing about the true, the beautiful, and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"good; but no one cares to hear anything about it. I am quite in despair, for I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"take it to heart very much.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"That is what I never do,\" said the shadow; \"I am growing quite fat and stout,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"which every one ought to be. You do not understand the world; you will make","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"yourself ill about it; you ought to travel; I am going on a journey in the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"summer, will you go with me? I should like a travelling companion; will you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"travel with me as my shadow? It would give me great pleasure, and I will pay all","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"expenses.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Are you going to travel far?\" asked the learned man.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"That is a matter of opinion,\" replied the shadow. \"At all events, a journey","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"will do you good, and if you will be my shadow, then all your journey shall be","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"paid.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"It appears to me very absurd,\" said the learned man.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"But it is the way of the world,\" replied the shadow, \"and always will be.\" Then","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"he went away.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"Everything went wrong with the learned man. Sorrow and trouble pursued him, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"what he said about the good, the beautiful, and the true, was of as much value","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to most people as a nutmeg would be to a cow. At length he fell ill. \"You really","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"look like a shadow,\" people said to him, and then a cold shudder would pass over","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"him, for he had his own thoughts on the subject.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"You really ought to go to some watering-place,\" said the shadow on his next","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"visit. \"There is no other chance for you. I will take you with me, for the sake","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"of old acquaintance. I will pay the expenses of your journey, and you shall","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"write a description of it to amuse us by the way. I should like to go to a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"watering-place; my beard does not grow as it ought, which is from weakness, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"I must have a beard. Now do be sensible and accept my proposal; we shall travel","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"as intimate friends.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"And at last they started together. The shadow was master now, and the master","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"became the shadow. They drove together, and rode and walked in company with","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"each other, side by side, or one in front and the other behind, according to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the position of the sun. The shadow always knew when to take the place of honor,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"but the learned man took no notice of it, for he had a good heart, and was","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"exceedingly mild and friendly.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"One day the master said to the shadow, \"We have grown up together from our","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"childhood, and now that we have become travelling companions, shall we not drink","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to our good fellowship, and say thee and thou to each other?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"What you say is very straightforward and kindly meant,\" said the shadow, who","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"was now really master. \"I will be equally kind and straightforward. You are","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a learned man, and know how wonderful human nature is. There are some men who","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"cannot endure the smell of brown paper; it makes them ill. Others will feel a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shuddering sensation to their very marrow, if a nail is scratched on a pane of","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"glass. I myself have a similar kind of feeling when I hear any one say thou to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"me. I feel crushed by it, as I used to feel in my former position with you. You","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"will perceive that this is a matter of feeling, not pride. I cannot allow you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to say thou to me; I will gladly say it to you, and therefore your wish will be","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"half fulfilled.\" Then the shadow addressed his former master as thou.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"It is going rather too far,\" said the latter, \"that I am to say you when I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"speak to him, and he is to say thou to me.\" However, he was obliged to submit.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"They arrived at length at the baths, where there were many strangers, and among","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"them a beautiful princess, whose real disease consisted in being too sharp-","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"sighted, which made every one very uneasy. She saw at once that the new comer","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"was very different to every one else. \"They say he is here to make his beard","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"grow,\" she thought; \"but I know the real cause, he is unable to cast a shadow.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"Then she became very curious on the matter, and one day, while on the promenade,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"she entered into conversation with the strange gentleman. Being a princess,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"she was not obliged to stand upon much ceremony, so she said to him without","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"hesitation, \"Your illness consists in not being able to cast a shadow.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Your royal highness must be on the high road to recovery from your illness,\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"said he. \"I know your complaint arose from being too sharp-sighted, and in this","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"case it has entirely failed. I happen to have a most unusual shadow. Have you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"not seen a person who is always at my side? Persons often give their servants","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"finer cloth for their liveries than for their own clothes, and so I have dressed","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"out my shadow like a man; nay, you may observe that I have even given him a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow of his own; it is rather expensive, but I like to have things about me","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"that are peculiar.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"How is this?\" thought the princess; \"am I really cured? This must be the best","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"watering-place in existence. Water in our times has certainly wonderful power.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"But I will not leave this place yet, just as it begins to be amusing. This","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"foreign prince– for he must be a prince– pleases me above all things. I only","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"hope his beard won't grow, or he will leave at once.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"In the evening, the princess and the shadow danced together in the large","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"assembly rooms. She was light, but he was lighter still; she had never seen such","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a dancer before. She told him from what country she had come, and found he knew","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"it and had been there, but not while she was at home. He had looked into the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"windows of her father's palace, both the upper and the lower windows; he had","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"seen many things, and could therefore answer the princess, and make allusions","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"which quite astonished her. She thought he must be the cleverest man in all the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"world, and felt the greatest respect for his knowledge. When she danced with","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"him again she fell in love with him, which the shadow quickly discovered, for","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"she had with her eyes looked him through and through. They danced once more,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and she was nearly telling him, but she had some discretion; she thought of her","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"country, her kingdom, and the number of people over whom she would one day have","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to rule. \"He is a clever man,\" she thought to herself, \"which is a good thing,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and he dances admirably, which is also good. But has he well-grounded knowledge?","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"that is an important question, and I must try him.\" Then she asked him a most","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"difficult question, she herself could not have answered it, and the shadow made","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a most unaccountable grimace.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"You cannot answer that,\" said the princess.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I learnt something about it in my childhood,\" he replied; \"and believe that","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"even my very shadow, standing over there by the door, could answer it.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Your shadow,\" said the princess; \"indeed that would be very remarkable.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I do not say so positively,\" observed the shadow; \"but I am inclined to believe","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"that he can do so. He has followed me for so many years, and has heard so much","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"from me, that I think it is very likely. But your royal highness must allow me","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"to observe, that he is very proud of being considered a man, and to put him in a","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"good humor, so that he may answer correctly, he must be treated as a man.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I shall be very pleased to do so,\" said the princess. So she walked up to the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"learned man, who stood in the doorway, and spoke to him of the sun, and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"moon, of the green forests, and of people near home and far off; and the learned","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"man conversed with her pleasantly and sensibly.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"What a wonderful man he must be, to have such a clever shadow!\" thought she.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"If I were to choose him it would be a real blessing to my country and my","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"subjects, and I will do it.\" So the princess and the shadow were soon engaged to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"each other, but no one was to be told a word about it, till she returned to her","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"kingdom.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"No one shall know,\" said the shadow; \"not even my own shadow;\" and he had very","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"particular reasons for saying so.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"After a time, the princess returned to the land over which she reigned, and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow accompanied her.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Listen my friend,\" said the shadow to the learned man; \"now that I am as","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"fortunate and as powerful as any man can be, I will do something unusually good","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"for you. You shall live in my palace, drive with me in the royal carriage, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"have a hundred thousand dollars a year; but you must allow every one to call you","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a shadow, and never venture to say that you have been a man. And once a year,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"when I sit in my balcony in the sunshine, you must lie at my feet as becomes","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"a shadow to do; for I must tell you I am going to marry the princess, and our","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"wedding will take place this evening.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Now, really, this is too ridiculous,\" said the learned man. \"I cannot, and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"will not, submit to such folly. It would be cheating the whole country, and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"princess also. I will disclose everything, and say that I am the man, and that","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"you are only a shadow dressed up in men's clothes.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"No one would believe you,\" said the shadow; \"be reasonable, now, or I will call","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the guards.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I will go straight to the princess,\" said the learned man.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"But I shall be there first,\" replied the shadow, \"and you will be sent to","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"prison.\" And so it turned out, for the guards readily obeyed him, as they knew","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"he was going to marry the king's daughter.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"You tremble,\" said the princess, when the shadow appeared before her. \"Has","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"anything happened? You must not be ill to-day, for this evening our wedding will","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"take place.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"I have gone through the most terrible affair that could possibly happen,\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"said the shadow; \"only imagine, my shadow has gone mad; I suppose such a poor,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shallow brain, could not bear much; he fancies that he has become a real man,","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"and that I am his shadow.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"How very terrible,\" cried the princess; \"is he locked up?\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Oh yes, certainly; for I fear he will never recover.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Poor shadow!\" said the princess; \"it is very unfortunate for him; it would","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"really be a good deed to free him from his frail existence; and, indeed, when I","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"think how often people take the part of the lower class against the higher, in","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"these days, it would be policy to put him out of the way quietly.\"","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"It is certainly rather hard upon him, for he was a faithful servant,\" said the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow; and he pretended to sigh.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"\"Yours is a noble character,\" said the princess, and bowed herself before him.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"In the evening the whole town was illuminated, and cannons fired \"boom,\" and","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"the soldiers presented arms. It was indeed a grand wedding. The princess and the","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"shadow stepped out on the balcony to show themselves, and to receive one cheer","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"more. But the learned man heard nothing of all these festivities, for he had","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"already been executed.","book":"The shadow"} {"text":"A very old house stood once in a street with several that were quite new","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and clean. The date of its erection had been carved on one of the beams, and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"surrounded by scrolls formed of tulips and hop-tendrils; by this date it could","book":"The old house"} {"text":"be seen that the old house was nearly three hundred years old. Verses too","book":"The old house"} {"text":"were written over the windows in old-fashioned letters, and grotesque faces,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"curiously carved, grinned at you from under the cornices. One story projected a","book":"The old house"} {"text":"long way over the other, and under the roof ran a leaden gutter, with a dragon's","book":"The old house"} {"text":"head at the end. The rain was intended to pour out at the dragon's mouth, but","book":"The old house"} {"text":"it ran out of his body instead, for there was a hole in the gutter. The other","book":"The old house"} {"text":"houses in the street were new and well built, with large window panes and smooth","book":"The old house"} {"text":"walls. Any one could see they had nothing to do with the old house. Perhaps they","book":"The old house"} {"text":"thought, \"How long will that heap of rubbish remain here to be a disgrace to","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the whole street. The parapet projects so far forward that no one can see out of","book":"The old house"} {"text":"our windows what is going on in that direction. The stairs are as broad as the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"staircase of a castle, and as steep as if they led to a church-tower. The iron","book":"The old house"} {"text":"railing looks like the gate of a cemetery, and there are brass knobs upon it. It","book":"The old house"} {"text":"is really too ridiculous.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Opposite to the old house were more nice new houses, which had just the same","book":"The old house"} {"text":"opinion as their neighbors.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"At the window of one of them sat a little boy with fresh rosy cheeks, and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"clear sparkling eyes, who was very fond of the old house, in sunshine or in","book":"The old house"} {"text":"moonlight. He would sit and look at the wall from which the plaster had in","book":"The old house"} {"text":"some places fallen off, and fancy all sorts of scenes which had been in former","book":"The old house"} {"text":"times. How the street must have looked when the houses had all gable roofs, open","book":"The old house"} {"text":"staircases, and gutters with dragons at the spout. He could even see soldiers","book":"The old house"} {"text":"walking about with halberds. Certainly it was a very good house to look at for","book":"The old house"} {"text":"amusement.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"An old man lived in it, who wore knee-breeches, a coat with large brass buttons,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and a wig, which any one could see was a real wig. Every morning an old man came","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to clean the rooms, and to wait upon him, otherwise the old man in the knee-","book":"The old house"} {"text":"breeches would have been quite alone in the house. Sometimes he came to one of","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the windows and looked out; then the little boy nodded to him, and the old man","book":"The old house"} {"text":"nodded back again, till they became acquainted, and were friends, although they","book":"The old house"} {"text":"had never spoken to each other; but that was of no consequence.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"The little boy one day heard his parents say, \"The old man opposite is very well","book":"The old house"} {"text":"off, but is terribly lonely.\" The next Sunday morning the little boy wrapped","book":"The old house"} {"text":"something in a piece of paper and took it to the door of the old house, and said","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to the attendant who waited upon the old man, \"Will you please give this from","book":"The old house"} {"text":"me to the gentleman who lives here; I have two tin soldiers, and this is one of","book":"The old house"} {"text":"them, and he shall have it, because I know he is terribly lonely.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"And the old attendant nodded and looked very pleased, and then he carried the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"tin soldier into the house.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Afterwards he was sent over to ask the little boy if he would not like to pay","book":"The old house"} {"text":"a visit himself. His parents gave him permission, and so it was that he gained","book":"The old house"} {"text":"admission to the old house.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"The brassy knobs on the railings shone more brightly than ever, as if they had","book":"The old house"} {"text":"been polished on account of his visit; and on the door were carved trumpeters","book":"The old house"} {"text":"standing in tulips, and it seemed as if they were blowing with all their might,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"their cheeks were so puffed out. \"Tanta-ra-ra, the little boy is coming; Tanta-","book":"The old house"} {"text":"ra-ra, the little boy is coming.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Then the door opened. All round the hall hung old portraits of knights in armor,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and ladies in silk gowns; and the armor rattled, and the silk dresses rustled.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Then came a staircase which went up a long way, and then came down a little way","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and led to a balcony, which was in a very ruinous state. There were large holes","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and long cracks, out of which grew grass and leaves, indeed the whole balcony,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the courtyard, and the walls were so overgrown with green that they looked like","book":"The old house"} {"text":"a garden. In the balcony stood flower-pots, on which were heads having asses'","book":"The old house"} {"text":"ears, but the flowers in them grew just as they pleased. In one pot pinks were","book":"The old house"} {"text":"growing all over the sides, at least the green leaves were shooting forth stalk","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and stem, and saying as plainly as they could speak, \"The air has fanned me, the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"sun has kissed me, and I am promised a little flower for next Sunday- really for","book":"The old house"} {"text":"next Sunday.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Then they entered a room in which the walls were covered with leather, and the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"leather had golden flowers stamped upon it.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Gilding will fade in damp weather,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"To endure, there is nothing like leather,\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"said the walls. Chairs handsomely carved, with elbows on each side, and with","book":"The old house"} {"text":"very high backs, stood in the room, and as they creaked they seemed to say, \"Sit","book":"The old house"} {"text":"down. Oh dear, how I am creaking. I shall certainly have the gout like the old","book":"The old house"} {"text":"cupboard. Gout in my back, ugh.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"And then the little boy entered the room where the old man sat.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Thank you for the tin soldier my little friend,\" said the old man, \"and thank","book":"The old house"} {"text":"you also for coming to see me.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Thanks, thanks,\" or \"Creak, creak,\" said all the furniture.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"There was so much that the pieces of furniture stood in each other's way to get","book":"The old house"} {"text":"a sight of the little boy.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"On the wall near the centre of the room hung the picture of a beautiful lady,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"young and gay, dressed in the fashion of the olden times, with powdered hair,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and a full, stiff skirt. She said neither \"thanks\" nor \"creak,\" but she looked","book":"The old house"} {"text":"down upon the little boy with her mild eyes; and then he said to the old man,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Where did you get that picture?\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"From the shop opposite,\" he replied. \"Many portraits hang there that none","book":"The old house"} {"text":"seem to trouble themselves about. The persons they represent have been dead and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"buried long since. But I knew this lady many years ago, and she has been dead","book":"The old house"} {"text":"nearly half a century.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Under a glass beneath the picture hung a nosegay of withered flowers, which were","book":"The old house"} {"text":"no doubt half a century old too, at least they appeared so.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"And the pendulum of the old clock went to and fro, and the hands turned round;","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and as time passed on, everything in the room grew older, but no one seemed to","book":"The old house"} {"text":"notice it.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"They say at home,\" said the little boy, \"that you are very lonely.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Oh,\" replied the old man, \"I have pleasant thoughts of all that has passed,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"recalled by memory; and now you are come to visit me, and that is very","book":"The old house"} {"text":"pleasant.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Then he took from the book-case, a book full of pictures representing long","book":"The old house"} {"text":"processions of wonderful coaches, such as are never seen at the present","book":"The old house"} {"text":"time. Soldiers like the knave of clubs, and citizens with waving banners. The","book":"The old house"} {"text":"tailors had a flag with a pair of scissors supported by two lions, and on the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"shoemakers' flag there were not boots, but an eagle with two heads, for the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"shoemakers must have everything arranged so that they can say, \"This is a pair.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"What a picture-book it was; and then the old man went into another room to fetch","book":"The old house"} {"text":"apples and nuts. It was very pleasant, certainly, to be in that old house.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"I cannot endure it,\" said the tin soldier, who stood on a shelf, \"it is so","book":"The old house"} {"text":"lonely and dull here. I have been accustomed to live in a family, and I cannot","book":"The old house"} {"text":"get used to this life. I cannot bear it. The whole day is long enough, but the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"evening is longer. It is not here like it was in your house opposite, when your","book":"The old house"} {"text":"father and mother talked so cheerfully together, while you and all the dear","book":"The old house"} {"text":"children made such a delightful noise. No, it is all lonely in the old man's","book":"The old house"} {"text":"house. Do you think he gets any kisses? Do you think he ever has friendly looks,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"or a Christmas tree? He will have nothing now but the grave. Oh, I cannot bear","book":"The old house"} {"text":"it.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"You must not look only on the sorrowful side,\" said the little boy; \"I think","book":"The old house"} {"text":"everything in this house is beautiful, and all the old pleasant thoughts come","book":"The old house"} {"text":"back here to pay visits.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Ah, but I never see any, and I don't know them,\" said the tin soldier, \"and I","book":"The old house"} {"text":"cannot bear it.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"You must bear it,\" said the little boy. Then the old man came back with a","book":"The old house"} {"text":"pleasant face; and brought with him beautiful preserved fruits, as well as","book":"The old house"} {"text":"apples and nuts; and the little boy thought no more of the tin soldier. How","book":"The old house"} {"text":"happy and delighted the little boy was; and after he returned home, and while","book":"The old house"} {"text":"days and weeks passed, a great deal of nodding took place from one house to the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"other, and then the little boy went to pay another visit. The carved trumpeters","book":"The old house"} {"text":"blew \"Tanta-ra-ra. There is the little boy. Tanta-ra-ra.\" The swords and armor","book":"The old house"} {"text":"on the old knight's pictures rattled. The silk dresses rustled, the leather","book":"The old house"} {"text":"repeated its rhyme, and the old chairs had the gout in their backs, and cried,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Creak;\" it was all exactly like the first time; for in that house, one day and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"one hour were just like another. \"I cannot bear it any longer,\" said the tin","book":"The old house"} {"text":"soldier; \"I have wept tears of tin, it is so melancholy here. Let me go to the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"wars, and lose an arm or a leg, that would be some change; I cannot bear it.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Now I know what it is to have visits from one's old recollections, and all they","book":"The old house"} {"text":"bring with them. I have had visits from mine, and you may believe me it is not","book":"The old house"} {"text":"altogether pleasant. I was very nearly jumping from the shelf. I saw you all","book":"The old house"} {"text":"in your house opposite, as if you were really present. It was Sunday morning,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and you children stood round the table, singing the hymn that you sing every","book":"The old house"} {"text":"morning. You were standing quietly, with your hands folded, and your father","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and mother. You were standing quietly, with your hands folded, and your father","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and mother were looking just as serious, when the door opened, and your little","book":"The old house"} {"text":"sister Maria, who is not two years old, was brought into the room. You know","book":"The old house"} {"text":"she always dances when she hears music and singing of any sort; so she began","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to dance immediately, although she ought not to have done so, but she could not","book":"The old house"} {"text":"get into the right time because the tune was so slow; so she stood first on one","book":"The old house"} {"text":"leg and then on the other, and bent her head very low, but it would not suit","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the music. You all stood looking very grave, although it was very difficult to","book":"The old house"} {"text":"do so, but I laughed so to myself that I fell down from the table, and got a","book":"The old house"} {"text":"bruise, which is there still; I know it was not right to laugh. So all this,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and everything else that I have seen, keeps running in my head, and these must","book":"The old house"} {"text":"be the old recollections that bring so many thoughts with them. Tell me whether","book":"The old house"} {"text":"you still sing on Sundays, and tell me about your little sister Maria, and how","book":"The old house"} {"text":"my old comrade is, the other tin soldier. Ah, really he must be very happy; I","book":"The old house"} {"text":"cannot endure this life.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"You are given away,\" said the little boy; \"you must stay. Don't you see that?\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Then the old man came in, with a box containing many curious things to show him.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Rouge-pots, scent-boxes, and old cards, so large and so richly gilded, that none","book":"The old house"} {"text":"are ever seen like them in these days. And there were smaller boxes to look at,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and the piano was opened, and inside the lid were painted landscapes. But when","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the old man played, the piano sounded quite out of tune. Then he looked at the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"picture he had bought at the broker's, and his eyes sparkled brightly as he","book":"The old house"} {"text":"nodded at it, and said, \"Ah, she could sing that tune.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"I will go to the wars! I will go to the wars!\" cried the tin soldier as loud as","book":"The old house"} {"text":"he could, and threw himself down on the floor. Where could he have fallen? The","book":"The old house"} {"text":"old man searched, and the little boy searched, but he was gone, and could not","book":"The old house"} {"text":"be found. \"I shall find him again,\" said the old man, but he did not find him.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"The boards of the floor were open and full of holes. The tin soldier had fallen","book":"The old house"} {"text":"through a crack between the boards, and lay there now in an open grave. The day","book":"The old house"} {"text":"went by, and the little boy returned home; the week passed, and many more weeks.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"It was winter, and the windows were quite frozen, so the little boy was obliged","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to breathe on the panes, and rub a hole to peep through at the old house. Snow","book":"The old house"} {"text":"drifts were lying in all the scrolls and on the inscriptions, and the steps","book":"The old house"} {"text":"were covered with snow as if no one were at home. And indeed nobody was home,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"for the old man was dead. In the evening, a hearse stopped at the door, and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the old man in his coffin was placed in it. He was to be taken to the country","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to be buried there in his own grave; so they carried him away; no one followed","book":"The old house"} {"text":"him, for all his friends were dead; and the little boy kissed his hand to the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"coffin as the hearse moved away with it. A few days after, there was an auction","book":"The old house"} {"text":"at the old house, and from his window the little boy saw the people carrying","book":"The old house"} {"text":"away the pictures of old knights and ladies, the flower-pots with the long ears,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the old chairs, and the cup-boards. Some were taken one way, some another. Her","book":"The old house"} {"text":"portrait, which had been bought at the picture dealer's, went back again to his","book":"The old house"} {"text":"shop, and there it remained, for no one seemed to know her, or to care for the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"old picture. In the spring; they began to pull the house itself down; people","book":"The old house"} {"text":"called it complete rubbish. From the street could be seen the room in which the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"walls were covered with leather, ragged and torn, and the green in the balcony","book":"The old house"} {"text":"hung straggling over the beams; they pulled it down quickly, for it looked ready","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to fall, and at last it was cleared away altogether. \"What a good riddance,\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"said the neighbors' houses. Very shortly, a fine new house was built farther","book":"The old house"} {"text":"back from the road; it had lofty windows and smooth walls, but in front, on the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"spot where the old house really stood, a little garden was planted, and wild","book":"The old house"} {"text":"vines grew up over the neighboring walls; in front of the garden were large iron","book":"The old house"} {"text":"railings and a great gate, which looked very stately. People used to stop and","book":"The old house"} {"text":"peep through the railings. The sparrows assembled in dozens upon the wild vines,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and chattered all together as loud as they could, but not about the old house;","book":"The old house"} {"text":"none of them could remember it, for many years had passed by, so many indeed,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"that the little boy was now a man, and a really good man too, and his parents","book":"The old house"} {"text":"were very proud of him. He was just married, and had come, with his young wife,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"to reside in the new house with the garden in front of it, and now he stood","book":"The old house"} {"text":"there by her side while she planted a field flower that she thought very pretty.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"She was planting it herself with her little hands, and pressing down the earth","book":"The old house"} {"text":"with her fingers. \"Oh dear, what was that?\" she exclaimed, as something pricked","book":"The old house"} {"text":"her. Out of the soft earth something was sticking up. It was– only think!– it","book":"The old house"} {"text":"was really the tin soldier, the very same which had been lost up in the old","book":"The old house"} {"text":"man's room, and had been hidden among old wood and rubbish for a long time, till","book":"The old house"} {"text":"it sunk into the earth, where it must have been for many years. And the young","book":"The old house"} {"text":"wife wiped the soldier, first with a green leaf, and then with her fine pocket-","book":"The old house"} {"text":"handkerchief, that smelt of such beautiful perfume. And the tin soldier felt as","book":"The old house"} {"text":"if he was recovering from a fainting fit. \"Let me see him,\" said the young man,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and then he smiled and shook his head, and said, \"It can scarcely be the same,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"but it reminds me of something that happened to one of my tin soldiers when I","book":"The old house"} {"text":"was a little boy.\" And then he told his wife about the old house and the old","book":"The old house"} {"text":"man, and of the tin soldier which he had sent across, because he thought the","book":"The old house"} {"text":"old man was lonely; and he related the story so clearly that tears came into","book":"The old house"} {"text":"the eyes of the young wife for the old house and the old man. \"It is very likely","book":"The old house"} {"text":"that this is really the same soldier,\" said she, \"and I will take care of him,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"and always remember what you have told me; but some day you must show me the old","book":"The old house"} {"text":"man's grave.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"I don't know where it is,\" he replied; \"no one knows. All his friends are dead;","book":"The old house"} {"text":"no one took care of him, and I was only a little boy.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Oh, how dreadfully lonely he must have been,\" said she.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Yes, terribly lonely,\" cried the tin soldier; \"still it is delightful not to be","book":"The old house"} {"text":"forgotten.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Delightful indeed,\" cried a voice quite near to them; no one but the tin","book":"The old house"} {"text":"soldier saw that it came from a rag of the leather which hung in tatters; it had","book":"The old house"} {"text":"lost all its gilding, and looked like wet earth, but it had an opinion, and it","book":"The old house"} {"text":"spoke it thus:–","book":"The old house"} {"text":"\"Gilding will fade in damp weather,","book":"The old house"} {"text":"To endure, there is nothing like leather.\"","book":"The old house"} {"text":"But the tin soldier did not believe any such thing.","book":"The old house"} {"text":"Of course you know what is meant by a magnifying glass– one of those round","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"spectacle-glasses that make everything look a hundred times bigger than it is?","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"When any one takes one of these and holds it to his eye, and looks at a drop of","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"water from the pond yonder, he sees above a thousand wonderful creatures that","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"are otherwise never discerned in the water. But there they are, and it is no","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"delusion. It almost looks like a great plateful of spiders jumping about in a","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"crowd. And how fierce they are! They tear off each other's legs, and arms and","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"bodies, before and behind; and yet they are merry and joyful in their way.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"Now, there once was an old man whom all the people called Kribble-Krabble, for","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"that was his name. He always wanted the best of everything, and when he could","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"not manage it otherwise, he did it by magic.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"There he sat one day, and held his magnifying-glass to his eye, and looked at","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"a drop of water that had been taken out of a puddle by the ditch. But what a","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"kribbling and krabbling was there! All the thousands of little creatures hopped","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"and sprang and tugged at one another, and ate each other up.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"That is horrible!\" said old Kribble-Krabble. \"Can one not persuade them to","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"live in peace and quietness, so that each one may mind his own business?\" And he","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"thought it over and over, but it would not do, and so he had recourse to magic.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"I must give them color, that they may be seen more plainly,\" said he; and he","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"poured something like a little drop of red wine into the drop of water, but it","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"was witches' blood from the lobes of the ear, the finest kind, at ninepence a","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"drop. And now the wonderful little creatures were pink all over. It looked like","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"a whole town of naked wild men.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"What have you there?\" asked another old magician, who had no name– and that was","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"the best thing about him.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"Yes, if you can guess what it is,\" said Kribble-Krabble, \"I'll make you a","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"present of it.\" But it is not so easy to find out if one does not know.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"And the magician who had no name looked through the magnifying-glass. It looked","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"really like a great town reflected there, in which all the people were running","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"about without clothes. It was terrible! But it was still more terrible to see","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"how one beat and pushed the other, and bit and hacked, and tugged and mauled","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"him. Those at the top were being pulled down, and those at the bottom were","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"struggling upwards. \"Look! look! his leg is longer than mine! Bah! Away with it!","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"There is one who has a little bruise. It hurts him, but it shall hurt him still","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"more.\" And they hacked away at him, and they pulled at him, and ate him up,","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"because of the little bruise. And there was one sitting as still as any little","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"maiden, and wishing only for peace and quietness. But now she had to come out,","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"and they tugged at her, and pulled her about, and ate her up.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"That's funny!\" said the magician.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"Yes; but what do you think it is?\" said Kribble-Krabble. \"Can you find that","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"out?\"","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"Why, one can see that easily enough,\" said the other. \"That's Paris, or some","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"other great city, for they're all alike. It's a great city!\"","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"\"It's a drop of puddle water!\" said Kribble-Krabble.","book":"The drop of water"} {"text":"The largest green leaf in this country is certainly the burdock-leaf. If you","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"hold it in front of you, it is large enough for an apron; and if you hold it","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"over your head, it is almost as good as an umbrella, it is so wonderfully large.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"A burdock never grows alone; where it grows, there are many more, and it is","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"a splendid sight; and all this splendor is good for snails. The great white","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"snails, which grand people in olden times used to have made into fricassees; and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"when they had eaten them, they would say, \"O, what a delicious dish!\" for these","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"people really thought them good; and these snails lived on burdock-leaves, and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"for them the burdock was planted.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"There was once an old estate where no one now lived to require snails; indeed,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"the owners had all died out, but the burdock still flourished; it grew over all","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"the beds and walks of the garden– its growth had no check– till it became at","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"last quite a forest of burdocks. Here and there stood an apple or a plum-tree;","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"but for this, nobody would have thought the place had ever been a garden. It was","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"burdock from one end to the other; and here lived the last two surviving snails.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"They knew not themselves how old they were; but they could remember the time","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"when there were a great many more of them, and that they were descended from a","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"family which came from foreign lands, and that the whole forest had been planted","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"for them and theirs. They had never been away from the garden; but they knew","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"that another place once existed in the world, called the Duke's Palace Castle,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"in which some of their relations had been boiled till they became black, and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"were then laid on a silver dish; but what was done afterwards they did not know.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"Besides, they could not imagine exactly how it felt to be boiled and placed on a","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"silver dish; but no doubt it was something very fine and highly genteel. Neither","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"the cockchafer, nor the toad, nor the earth-worm, whom they questioned about it,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"would give them the least information; for none of their relations had ever been","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"cooked or served on a silver dish.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"The old white snails were the most aristocratic race in the world,– they knew","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"that. The forest had been planted for them, and the nobleman's castle had been","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"built entirely that they might be cooked and laid on silver dishes.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"They lived quite retired and very happily; and as they had no children of their","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"own, they had adopted a little common snail, which they brought up as their own","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"child. The little one would not grow, for he was only a common snail; but the","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"old people, particularly the mother-snail, declared that she could easily see","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"how he grew; and when the father said he could not perceive it, she begged him","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"to feel the little snail's shell, and he did so, and found that the mother was","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"right.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"One day it rained very fast.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"Listen, what a drumming there is on the burdock-leaves; turn, turn, turn; turn,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"turn, turn,\" said the father-snail.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"There come the drops,\" said the mother; \"they are trickling down the stalks. We","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"shall have it very wet here presently. I am very glad we have such good houses,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"and that the little one has one of his own. There has been really more done for","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"us than for any other creature; it is quite plain that we are the most noble","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"people in the world. We have houses from our birth, and the burdock forest has","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"been planted for us. I should very much like to know how far it extends, and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"what lies beyond it.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"There can be nothing better than we have here,\" said the father-snail; \"I wish","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"for nothing more.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"Yes, but I do,\" said the mother; \"I should like to be taken to the palace, and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"boiled, and laid upon a silver dish, as was done to all our ancestors; and you","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"may be sure it must be something very uncommon.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"The nobleman's castle, perhaps, has fallen to decay,\" said the snail-father,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"or the burdock wood may have grown out. You need not be in a hurry; you are","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"always so impatient, and the youngster is getting just the same. He has been","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"three days creeping to the top of that stalk. I feel quite giddy when I look at","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"him.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"You must not scold him,\" said the mother-snail; \"he creeps so very carefully.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"He will be the joy of our home; and we old folks have nothing else to live for.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"But have you ever thought where we are to get a wife for him? Do you think that","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"farther out in the wood there may be others of our race?\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"There may be black snails, no doubt,\" said the old snail; \"black snails without","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"houses; but they are so vulgar and conceited too. But we can give the ants a","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"commission; they run here and there, as if they all had so much business to get","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"through. They, most likely, will know of a wife for our youngster.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"I certainly know a most beautiful bride,\" said one of the ants; \"but I fear it","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"would not do, for she is a queen.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"That does not matter,\" said the old snail; \"has she a house?\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"She has a palace,\" replied the ant,– \"a most beautiful ant-palace with seven","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"hundred passages.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"Thank-you,\" said the mother-snail; \"but our boy shall not go to live in an ant-","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"hill. If you know of nothing better, we will give the commission to the white","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"gnats; they fly about in rain and sunshine; they know the burdock wood from one","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"end to the other.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"We have a wife for him,\" said the gnats; \"a hundred man-steps from here there","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"is a little snail with a house, sitting on a gooseberry-bush; she is quite","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"alone, and old enough to be married. It is only a hundred man-steps from here.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"\"Then let her come to him,\" said the old people. \"He has the whole burdock","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"forest; she has only a bush.\"","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"So they brought the little lady-snail. She took eight days to perform the","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"journey; but that was just as it ought to be; for it showed her to be one of the","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"right breeding.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"And then they had a wedding. Six glow-worms gave as much light as they could;","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"but in other respects it was all very quiet; for the old snails could not bear","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"festivities or a crowd. But a beautiful speech was made by the mother-snail.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"The father could not speak; he was too much overcome. Then they gave the whole","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"burdock forest to the young snails as an inheritance, and repeated what they had","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"so often said, that it was the finest place in the world, and that if they led","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"upright and honorable lives, and their family increased, they and their children","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"might some day be taken to the nobleman's palace, to be boiled black, and laid","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"on a silver dish.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"And when they had finished speaking, the old couple crept into their houses, and","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"came out no more; for they slept. The young snail pair now ruled in the forest,","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"and had a numerous progeny. But as the young ones were never boiled or laid in","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"silver dishes, they concluded that the castle had fallen into decay, and that","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"all the people in the world were dead; and as nobody contradicted them, they","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"thought they must be right. And the rain fell upon the burdock-leaves, to play","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"the drum for them, and the sun shone to paint colors on the burdock forest for","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"them, and they were very happy; the whole family were entirely and perfectly","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"happy.","book":"The happy family"} {"text":"A mother sat by her little child; she was very sad, for she feared it would","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"die. It was quite pale, and its little eyes were closed, and sometimes it drew a","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"heavy deep breath, almost like a sigh; and then the mother gazed more sadly than","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"ever on the poor little creature.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Some one knocked at the door, and a poor old man walked in. He was wrapped in","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"something that looked like a great horse-cloth; and he required it truly to keep","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"him warm, for it was cold winter; the country everywhere lay covered with snow","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and ice, and the wind blew so sharply that it cut one's face.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"The little child had dozed off to sleep for a moment, and the mother, seeing","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"that the old man shivered with the cold, rose and placed a small mug of beer on","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the stove to warm for him. The old man sat and rocked the cradle; and the mother","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"seated herself on a chair near him, and looked at her sick child who still","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"breathed heavily, and took hold of its little hand.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"You think I shall keep him, do you not?\" she said. \"Our all-merciful God will","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"surely not take him away from me.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"The old man, who was indeed Death himself, nodded his head in a peculiar manner,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"which might have signified either Yes, or No; and the mother cast down her eyes,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"while the tears rolled down her cheeks. Then her head became heavy, for she had","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"not closed her eyes for three days and nights, and she slept, but only for a","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"moment. Shivering with cold, she started up and looked round the room. The old","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"man was gone, and her child– it was gone too!– the old man had taken it with","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"him. In the corner of the room the old clock began to strike; \"whirr\" went the","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"chains, the heavy weight sank to the ground, and the clock stopped; and the poor","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"mother rushed out of the house calling for her child.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Out in the snow sat a woman in long black garments, and she said to the mother,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Death has been with you in your room. I saw him hastening away with your little","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"child; he strides faster than the wind, and never brings back what he has taken","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"away.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Only tell me which way he has gone,\" said the mother; \"tell me the way, I will","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"find him.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I know the way,\" said the woman in the black garments; \"but before I tell you,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"you must sing to me all the songs that you have sung to your child; I love these","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"songs, I have heard them before. I am Night, and I saw your tears flow as you","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"sang.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I will sing them all to you,\" said the mother; \"but do not detain me now. I","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"must overtake him, and find my child.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"But Night sat silent and still. Then the mother wept and sang, and wrung her","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"hands. And there were many songs, and yet even more tears; till at length Night","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"said, \"Go to the right, into the dark forest of fir-trees; for I saw Death take","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"that road with your little child.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Within the wood the mother came to cross roads, and she knew not which to take.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Just by stood a thorn-bush; it had neither leaf nor flower, for it was the cold","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"winter time, and icicles hung on the branches.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Have you not seen Death go by, with my little child?\" she asked.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" replied the thorn-bush; \"but I will not tell you which way he has taken","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"until you have warmed me in your bosom. I am freezing to death here, and turning","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"to ice.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Then she pressed the bramble to her bosom quite close, so that it might be","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"thawed, and the thorns pierced her flesh, and great drops of blood flowed; but","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the bramble shot forth fresh green leaves, and they became flowers on the cold","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"winter's night, so warm is the heart of a sorrowing mother. Then the bramble-","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"bush told her the path she must take.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"She came at length to a great lake, on which there was neither ship nor boat to","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"be seen. The lake was not frozen sufficiently for her to pass over on the ice,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"nor was it open enough for her to wade through; and yet she must cross it, if","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"she wished to find her child. Then she laid herself down to drink up the water","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"of the lake, which was of course impossible for any human being to do; but the","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"bereaved mother thought that perhaps a miracle might take place to help her.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"You will never succeed in this,\" said the lake; \"let us make an agreement","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"together which will be better. I love to collect pearls, and your eyes are","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the purest I have ever seen. If you will weep those eyes away in tears into my","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"waters, then I will take you to the large hothouse where Death dwells and rears","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"flowers and trees, every one of which is a human life.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Oh, what would I not give to reach my child!\" said the weeping mother; and","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"as she still continued to weep, her eyes fell into the depths of the lake, and","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"became two costly pearls. Then the lake lifted her up, and wafted her across to","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the opposite shore as if she were on a swing, where stood a wonderful building","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"many miles in length. No one could tell whether it was a mountain covered with","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"forests and full of caves, or whether it had been built. But the poor mother","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"could not see, for she had wept her eyes into the lake.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Where shall I find Death, who went away with my little child?\" she asked.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"He has not arrived here yet,\" said an old gray-haired woman, who was walking","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"about, and watering Death's hothouse. \"How have you found your way here? and who","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"helped you?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"God has helped me,\" she replied. \"He is merciful; will you not be merciful too?","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Where shall I find my little child?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I did not know the child,\" said the old woman; \"and you are blind. Many flowers","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and trees have faded to-night, and Death will soon come to transplant them.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"You know already that every human being has a life-tree or a life-flower, just","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"as may be ordained for him. They look like other plants; but they have hearts","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"that beat. Children's hearts also beat: from that you may perhaps be able to","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"recognize your child. But what will you give me, if I tell you what more you","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"will have to do?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I have nothing to give,\" said the afflicted mother; \"but I would go to the ends","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"of the earth for you.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I can give you nothing to do for me there,\" said the old woman; \"but you can","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"give me your long black hair. You know yourself that it is beautiful, and it","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"pleases me. You can take my white hair in exchange, which will be something in","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"return.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Do you ask nothing more than that?\" said she. \"I will give it to you with","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"pleasure.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"And she gave up her beautiful hair, and received in return the white locks of","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the old woman. Then they went into Death's vast hothouse, where flowers and","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"trees grew together in wonderful profusion. Blooming hyacinths, under glass","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"bells, and peonies, like strong trees. There grew water-plants, some quite","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"fresh, and others looking sickly, which had water-snakes twining round them,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and black crabs clinging to their stems. There stood noble palm-trees, oaks, and","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"plantains, and beneath them bloomed thyme and parsley. Each tree and flower had","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"a name; each represented a human life, and belonged to men still living, some","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"in China, others in Greenland, and in all parts of the world. Some large trees","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"had been planted in little pots, so that they were cramped for room, and seemed","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"about to burst the pot to pieces; while many weak little flowers were growing","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"in rich soil, with moss all around them, carefully tended and cared for. The","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"sorrowing mother bent over the little plants, and heard the human heart beating","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"in each, and recognized the beatings of her child's heart among millions of","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"others.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"That is it,\" she cried, stretching out her hand towards a little crocus-flower","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"which hung down its sickly head.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Do not touch the flower,\" exclaimed the old woman; \"but place yourself here;","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and when Death comes– I expect him every minute– do not let him pull up that","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"plant, but threaten him that if he does you will serve the other flowers in the","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"same manner. This will make him afraid; for he must account to God for each of","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"them. None can be uprooted, unless he receives permission to do so.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"There rushed through the hothouse a chill of icy coldness, and the blind mother","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"felt that Death had arrived.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"How did you find your way hither?\" asked he; \"how could you come here faster","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"than I have?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I am a mother,\" she answered.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"And Death stretched out his hand towards the delicate little flower; but she","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"held her hands tightly round it, and held it fast at same time, with the most","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"anxious care, lest she should touch one of the leaves. Then Death breathed upon","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"her hands, and she felt his breath colder than the icy wind, and her hands sank","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"down powerless.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"You cannot prevail against me,\" said Death.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"But a God of mercy can,\" said she.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I only do His will,\" replied Death. \"I am his gardener. I take all His flowers","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and trees, and transplant them into the gardens of Paradise in an unknown land.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"How they flourish there, and what that garden resembles, I may not tell you.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Give me back my child,\" said the mother, weeping and imploring; and she seized","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"two beautiful flowers in her hands, and cried to Death, \"I will tear up all your","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"flowers, for I am in despair.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Do not touch them,\" said Death. \"You say you are unhappy; and would you make","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"another mother as unhappy as yourself?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Another mother!\" cried the poor woman, setting the flowers free from her hands.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"There are your eyes,\" said Death. \"I fished them up out of the lake for you.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"They were shining brightly; but I knew not they were yours. Take them back– they","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"are clearer now than before– and then look into the deep well which is close by","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"here. I will tell you the names of the two flowers which you wished to pull up;","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"and you will see the whole future of the human beings they represent, and what","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"you were about to frustrate and destroy.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Then she looked into the well; and it was a glorious sight to behold how one of","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"them became a blessing to the world, and how much happiness and joy it spread","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"around. But she saw that the life of the other was full of care and poverty,","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"misery and woe.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Both are the will of God,\" said Death.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"Which is the unhappy flower, and which is the blessed one?\" she said.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"That I may not tell you,\" said Death; \"but thus far you may learn, that one of","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the two flowers represents your own child. It was the fate of your child that","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"you saw,– the future of your own child.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Then the mother screamed aloud with terror, \"Which of them belongs to my child?","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Tell me that. Deliver the unhappy child. Release it from so much misery. Rather","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"take it away. Take it to the kingdom of God. Forget my tears and my entreaties;","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"forget all that I have said or done.\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"\"I do not understand you,\" said Death. \"Will you have your child back? or shall","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"I carry him away to a place that you do not know?\"","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Then the mother wrung her hands, fell on her knees, and prayed to God, \"Grant","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"not my prayers, when they are contrary to Thy will, which at all times must be","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"the best. Oh, hear them not;\" and her head sank on her bosom.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"Then Death carried away her child to the unknown land.","book":"The story of a mother"} {"text":"There was once a fine gentleman who possessed among other things a boot-jack and","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"a hair-brush; but he had also the finest shirt-collar in the world, and of this","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"collar we are about to hear a story. The collar had become so old that he began","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"to think about getting married; and one day he happened to find himself in the","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"same washing-tub as a garter.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Upon my word,\" said the shirt-collar, \"I have never seen anything so slim and","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"delicate, so neat and soft before. May I venture to ask your name?\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I shall not tell you,\" replied the garter.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Where do you reside when you are at home?\" asked the shirt-collar.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"But the garter was naturally shy, and did not know how to answer such a","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"question.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I presume you are a girdle,\" said the shirt-collar, \"a sort of under girdle. I","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"see that you are useful, as well as ornamental, my little lady.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"You must not speak to me,\" said the garter; \"I do not think I have given you","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"any encouragement to do so.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Oh, when any one is as beautiful as you are,\" said the shirt-collar, \"is not","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"that encouragement enough?\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Get away; don't come so near me,\" said the garter, \"you appear to me quite like","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"a man.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I am a fine gentleman certainly,\" said the shirt-collar, \"I possess a boot-jack","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"and a hair-brush.\" This was not true, for these things belonged to his master;","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"but he was a boaster.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Don't come so near me,\" said the garter; \"I am not accustomed to it.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Affectation!\" said the shirt-collar. Then they were taken out of the wash-tub,","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"starched, and hung over a chair in the sunshine, and then laid on the ironing-","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"board. And now came the glowing iron.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Mistress widow,\" said the shirt-collar, \"little mistress widow, I feel quite","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"warm. I am changing, I am losing all my creases. You are burning a hole in me.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"Ugh! I propose to you.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"You old rag,\" said the flat-iron, driving proudly over the collar, for","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"she fancied herself a steam-engine, which rolls over the railway and draws","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"carriages.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"You old rag!\" said she.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"The edges of the shirt-collar were a little frayed, so the scissors were brought","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"to cut them smooth.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Oh!\" exclaimed the shirt-collar, \"what a first-rate dancer you would make; you","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"can stretch out your leg so well. I never saw anything so charming; I am sure no","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"human being could do the same.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I should think not,\" replied the scissors.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"You ought to be a countess,\" said the shirt collar; \"but all I possess consists","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"of a fine gentleman, a boot-jack, and a comb. I wish I had an estate for your","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"sake.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"What! Is he going to propose to me?\" said the scissors, and she became so angry","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"that she cut too sharply into the shirt collar, and it was obliged to be thrown","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"by as useless.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I shall be obliged to propose to the hair-brush,\" thought the shirt collar; so","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"he remarked one day, \"It is wonderful what beautiful hair you have, my little","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"lady. Have you never thought of being engaged?\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"You might know I should think of it,\" answered the hair brush; \"I am engaged to","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"the boot-jack.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"Engaged!\" cried the shirt collar, \"now there is no one left to propose to;\" and","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"then he pretended to despise all love-making.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"A long time passed, and the shirt collar was taken in a bag to the paper-mill.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"Here was a large company of rags, the fine ones lying by themselves, separated","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"from the coarser, as it ought to be. They had all many things to relate,","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"especially the shirt collar, who was a terrible boaster.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"\"I have had an immense number of love affairs,\" said the shirt collar, \"no one","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"left me any peace. It is true I was a very fine gentleman; quite stuck up. I","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"had a boot-jack and a brush that I never used. You should have seen me then,","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"when I was turned down. I shall never forget my first love; she was a girdle,","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"so charming, and fine, and soft, and she threw herself into a washing tub for","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"my sake. There was a widow too, who was warmly in love with me, but I left her","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"alone, and she became quite black. The next was a first-rate dancer; she gave","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"me the wound from which I still suffer, she was so passionate. Even my own","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"hair-brush was in love with me, and lost all her hair through neglected love.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"Yes, I have had great experience of this kind, but my greatest grief was for","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"the garter, the girdle I meant to say, that jumped into the wash-tub. I have a","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"great deal on my conscience, and it is really time I should be turned into white","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"paper.\"","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"And the shirt collar came to this at last. All the rags were made into white","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"paper, and the shirt collar became the very identical piece of paper which we","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"now see, and on which this story is printed. It happened as a punishment to him,","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"for having boasted so shockingly of things which were not true. And this is a","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"warning to us, to be careful how we act, for we may some day find ourselves in","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"the rag-bag, to be turned into white paper, on which our whole history may be","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"written, even its most secret actions. And it would not be pleasant to have to","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"run about the world in the form of a piece of paper, telling everything we have","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"done, like the boasting shirt collar.","book":"The shirt-collar"} {"text":"The flax was in full bloom; it had pretty little blue flowers as delicate as","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the wings of a moth, or even more so. The sun shone, and the showers watered it;","book":"The flax"} {"text":"and this was just as good for the flax as it is for little children to be washed","book":"The flax"} {"text":"and then kissed by their mother. They look much prettier for it, and so did the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"flax.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"People say that I look exceedingly well,\" said the flax, \"and that I am so","book":"The flax"} {"text":"fine and long that I shall make a beautiful piece of linen. How fortunate I am;","book":"The flax"} {"text":"it makes me so happy, it is such a pleasant thing to know that something can","book":"The flax"} {"text":"be made of me. How the sunshine cheers me, and how sweet and refreshing is the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"rain; my happiness overpowers me, no one in the world can feel happier than I","book":"The flax"} {"text":"am.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Ah, yes, no doubt,\" said the fern, \"but you do not know the world yet as well","book":"The flax"} {"text":"as I do, for my sticks are knotty;\" and then it sung quite mournfully–","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Snip, snap, snurre,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Basse lurre:","book":"The flax"} {"text":"The song is ended.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"No, it is not ended,\" said the flax. \"To-morrow the sun will shine, or the rain","book":"The flax"} {"text":"descend. I feel that I am growing. I feel that I am in full blossom. I am the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"happiest of all creatures.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Well, one day some people came, who took hold of the flax, and pulled it up by","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the roots; this was painful; then it was laid in water as if they intended to","book":"The flax"} {"text":"drown it; and, after that, placed near a fire as if it were to be roasted; all","book":"The flax"} {"text":"this was very shocking.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"We cannot expect to be happy always,\" said the flax; \"by experiencing evil as","book":"The flax"} {"text":"well as good, we become wise.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"And certainly there was plenty of evil in store for the flax. It was steeped,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"and roasted, and broken, and combed; indeed, it scarcely knew what was done to","book":"The flax"} {"text":"it. At last it was put on the spinning wheel. \"Whirr, whirr,\" went the wheel so","book":"The flax"} {"text":"quickly that the flax could not collect its thoughts.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Well, I have been very happy,\" he thought in the midst of his pain, \"and must","book":"The flax"} {"text":"be contented with the past;\" and contented he remained till he was put on the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"loom, and became a beautiful piece of white linen. All the flax, even to the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"last stalk, was used in making this one piece.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Well, this is quite wonderful; I could not have believed that I should be so","book":"The flax"} {"text":"favored by fortune. The fern was not wrong with its song of","book":"The flax"} {"text":"'Snip, snap, snurre,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Basse lurre.'","book":"The flax"} {"text":"But the song is not ended yet, I am sure; it is only just beginning. How","book":"The flax"} {"text":"wonderful it is, that after all I have suffered, I am made something of at last;","book":"The flax"} {"text":"I am the luckiest person in the world– so strong and fine; and how white, and","book":"The flax"} {"text":"what a length! This is something different to being a mere plant and bearing","book":"The flax"} {"text":"flowers. Then I had no attention, nor any water unless it rained; now, I am","book":"The flax"} {"text":"watched and taken care of. Every morning the maid turns me over, and I have a","book":"The flax"} {"text":"shower-bath from the watering-pot every evening. Yes, and the clergyman's wife","book":"The flax"} {"text":"noticed me, and said I was the best piece of linen in the whole parish. I cannot","book":"The flax"} {"text":"be happier than I am now.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"After some time, the linen was taken into the house, placed under the scissors,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"and cut and torn into pieces, and then pricked with needles. This certainly was","book":"The flax"} {"text":"not pleasant; but at last it was made into twelve garments of that kind which","book":"The flax"} {"text":"people do not like to name, and yet everybody should wear one.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"See, now, then,\" said the flax; \"I have become something of importance. This","book":"The flax"} {"text":"was my destiny; it is quite a blessing. Now I shall be of some use in the world,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"as everyone ought to be; it is the only way to be happy. I am now divided into","book":"The flax"} {"text":"twelve pieces, and yet we are all one and the same in the whole dozen. It is","book":"The flax"} {"text":"most extraordinary good fortune.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Years passed away, and at last the linen was so worn it could scarcely hold","book":"The flax"} {"text":"together.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"It must end very soon,\" said the pieces to each other; \"we would gladly have","book":"The flax"} {"text":"held together a little longer, but it is useless to expect impossibilities.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"And at length they fell into rags and tatters, and thought it was all over","book":"The flax"} {"text":"with them, for they were torn to shreds, and steeped in water, and made into","book":"The flax"} {"text":"a pulp, and dried, and they knew not what besides, till all at once they found","book":"The flax"} {"text":"themselves beautiful white paper.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Well, now, this is a surprise; a glorious surprise too,\" said the paper. \"I","book":"The flax"} {"text":"am now finer than ever, and I shall be written upon, and who can tell what fine","book":"The flax"} {"text":"things I may have written upon me. This is wonderful luck!\" And sure enough","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the most beautiful stories and poetry were written upon it, and only once was","book":"The flax"} {"text":"there a blot, which was very fortunate. Then people heard the stories and poetry","book":"The flax"} {"text":"read, and it made them wiser and better; for all that was written had a good and","book":"The flax"} {"text":"sensible meaning, and a great blessing was contained in the words on this paper.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"I never imagined anything like this,\" said the paper, \"when I was only a little","book":"The flax"} {"text":"blue flower, growing in the fields. How could I fancy that I should ever be the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"means of bringing knowledge and joy to man? I cannot understand it myself, and","book":"The flax"} {"text":"yet it is really so. Heaven knows that I have done nothing myself, but what I","book":"The flax"} {"text":"was obliged to do with my weak powers for my own preservation; and yet I have","book":"The flax"} {"text":"been promoted from one joy and honor to another. Each time I think that the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"song is ended; and then something higher and better begins for me. I suppose now","book":"The flax"} {"text":"I shall be sent on my travels about the world, so that people may read me. It","book":"The flax"} {"text":"cannot be otherwise; indeed, it is more than probable; for I have more splendid","book":"The flax"} {"text":"thoughts written upon me, than I had pretty flowers in olden times. I am happier","book":"The flax"} {"text":"than ever.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"But the paper did not go on its travels; it was sent to the printer, and all","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the words written upon it were set up in type, to make a book, or rather, many","book":"The flax"} {"text":"hundreds of books; for so many more persons could derive pleasure and profit","book":"The flax"} {"text":"from a printed book, than from the written paper; and if the paper had been sent","book":"The flax"} {"text":"around the world, it would have been worn out before it had got half through its","book":"The flax"} {"text":"journey.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"This is certainly the wisest plan,\" said the written paper; \"I really did","book":"The flax"} {"text":"not think of that. I shall remain at home, and be held in honor, like some old","book":"The flax"} {"text":"grandfather, as I really am to all these new books. They will do some good. I","book":"The flax"} {"text":"could not have wandered about as they do. Yet he who wrote all this has looked","book":"The flax"} {"text":"at me, as every word flowed from his pen upon my surface. I am the most honored","book":"The flax"} {"text":"of all.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Then the paper was tied in a bundle with other papers, and thrown into a tub","book":"The flax"} {"text":"that stood in the washhouse. \"After work, it is well to rest,\" said the paper,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"and a very good opportunity to collect one's thoughts. Now I am able, for","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the first time, to think of my real condition; and to know one's self is true","book":"The flax"} {"text":"progress. What will be done with me now, I wonder? No doubt I shall still go","book":"The flax"} {"text":"forward. I have always progressed hitherto, as I know quite well.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Now it happened one day that all the paper in the tub was taken out, and laid","book":"The flax"} {"text":"on the hearth to be burnt. People said it could not be sold at the shop, to","book":"The flax"} {"text":"wrap up butter and sugar, because it had been written upon. The children in the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"house stood round the stove; for they wanted to see the paper burn, because it","book":"The flax"} {"text":"flamed up so prettily, and afterwards, among the ashes, so many red sparks could","book":"The flax"} {"text":"be seen running one after the other, here and there, as quick as the wind. They","book":"The flax"} {"text":"called it seeing the children come out of school, and the last spark was the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"schoolmaster. They often thought the last spark had come; and one would cry,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"There goes the schoolmaster;\" but the next moment another spark would appear,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"shining so beautifully. How they would like to know where the sparks all went","book":"The flax"} {"text":"to! Perhaps we shall find out some day, but we don't know now.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"The whole bundle of paper had been placed on the fire, and was soon alight.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Ugh,\" cried the paper, as it burst into a bright flame; \"ugh.\" It was certainly","book":"The flax"} {"text":"not very pleasant to be burning; but when the whole was wrapped in flames, the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"flames mounted up into the air, higher than the flax had ever been able to raise","book":"The flax"} {"text":"its little blue flower, and they glistened as the white linen never could have","book":"The flax"} {"text":"glistened. All the written letters became quite red in a moment, and all the","book":"The flax"} {"text":"words and thoughts turned to fire.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Now I am mounting straight up to the sun,\" said a voice in the flames; and it","book":"The flax"} {"text":"was as if a thousand voices echoed the words; and the flames darted up through","book":"The flax"} {"text":"the chimney, and went out at the top. Then a number of tiny beings, as many","book":"The flax"} {"text":"in number as the flowers on the flax had been, and invisible to mortal eyes,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"floated above them. They were even lighter and more delicate than the flowers","book":"The flax"} {"text":"from which they were born; and as the flames were extinguished, and nothing","book":"The flax"} {"text":"remained of the paper but black ashes, these little beings danced upon it; and","book":"The flax"} {"text":"whenever they touched it, bright red sparks appeared. \"The children are all out","book":"The flax"} {"text":"of school, and the schoolmaster was the last of all,\" said the children. It was","book":"The flax"} {"text":"good fun, and they sang over the dead ashes,–","book":"The flax"} {"text":"\"Snip, snap, snurre,","book":"The flax"} {"text":"Basse lure:","book":"The flax"} {"text":"The song is ended.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"But the little invisible beings said, \"The song is never ended; the most","book":"The flax"} {"text":"beautiful is yet to come.\"","book":"The flax"} {"text":"But the children could neither hear nor understand this, nor should they; for","book":"The flax"} {"text":"children must not know everything.","book":"The flax"} {"text":"In the Garden of Paradise, beneath the Tree of Knowledge, bloomed a rose bush.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"Here, in the first rose, a bird was born. His flight was like the flashing of","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"light, his plumage was beauteous, and his song ravishing. But when Eve plucked","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when she and Adam were","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"driven from Paradise, there fell from the flaming sword of the cherub a spark","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"into the nest of the bird, which blazed up forthwith. The bird perished in the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"flames; but from the red egg in the nest there fluttered aloft a new one– the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"one solitary Phoenix bird. The fable tells that he dwells in Arabia, and that","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"every hundred years, he burns himself to death in his nest; but each time a new","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"Phoenix, the only one in the world, rises up from the red egg.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"The bird flutters round us, swift as light, beauteous in color, charming in","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"song. When a mother sits by her infant's cradle, he stands on the pillow, and,","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"with his wings, forms a glory around the infant's head. He flies through the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"chamber of content, and brings sunshine into it, and the violets on the humble","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"table smell doubly sweet.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"But the Phoenix is not the bird of Arabia alone. He wings his way in the glimmer","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"of the Northern Lights over the plains of Lapland, and hops among the yellow","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"flowers in the short Greenland summer. Beneath the copper mountains of Fablun,","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"and England's coal mines, he flies, in the shape of a dusty moth, over the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"hymnbook that rests on the knees of the pious miner. On a lotus leaf he floats","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"down the sacred waters of the Ganges, and the eye of the Hindoo maid gleams","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"bright when she beholds him.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"The Phoenix bird, dost thou not know him? The Bird of Paradise, the holy swan","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"of song! On the car of Thespis he sat in the guise of a chattering raven, and","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"flapped his black wings, smeared with the lees of wine; over the sounding harp","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"of Iceland swept the swan's red beak; on Shakspeare's shoulder he sat in the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"guise of Odin's raven, and whispered in the poet's ear \"Immortality!\" and at the","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"minstrels' feast he fluttered through the halls of the Wartburg.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"The Phoenix bird, dost thou not know him? He sang to thee the Marseillaise,","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"and thou kissedst the pen that fell from his wing; he came in the radiance of","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"Paradise, and perchance thou didst turn away from him towards the sparrow who","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"sat with tinsel on his wings.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"The Bird of Paradise– renewed each century– born in flame, ending in flame! Thy","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"picture, in a golden frame, hangs in the halls of the rich, but thou thyself","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"often fliest around, lonely and disregarded, a myth– \"The Phoenix of Arabia.\"","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"In Paradise, when thou wert born in the first rose, beneath the Tree of","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"Knowledge, thou receivedst a kiss, and thy right name was given thee– thy name,","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"Poetry.","book":"The Phoenix bird"} {"text":"It was in the month of May. The wind was still cold, but spring had come, said","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"the trees and the bushes, the fields and the meadows. Everywhere flowers were","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"budding into blossom; even the hedges were alive with them. Here spring spoke","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"about herself; it spoke from a little apple tree, from which hung a single","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"branch so fresh and blooming, and fairly weighed down by a glorious mass of rosy","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"buds just ready to open.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"Now this branch knew how lovely it was, for that knowledge lies in the leaf as","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"well as in the flesh, so it wasn't a bit surprised when one day a grand carriage","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"stopped in the road beside it, and the young Countess in the carriage said that","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"this apple branch was the most beautiful she had ever seen-it was spring itself","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"in its loveliest form. So she broke off the apple branch and carried it in her","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"own dainty hand, shading it from the sun with her silk parasol, as they drove","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"on to her castle, in which there were lofty halls and beautifully decorated","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"rooms. Fleecy-white curtains fluttered at its open windows, and there were many","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"shining, transparent vases full of beautiful flowers. In one of these vases,","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"which looked as if it were carved of new-fallen snow, she placed the apple","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"branch, among fresh green beech leaves-a lovely sight indeed.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"And so it happened that the apple branch grew proud, and that's quite human.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"All sorts of people passed through the rooms, and according to their rank","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"expressed their admiration in different ways; some said too much, some said too","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"little, and some said nothing at all. And the apple branch began to realize that","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"there were differences in people as well as in plants.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Some are used for nourishment, some are for ornament, and some you could very","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"well do without,\" thought the apple branch.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"From its position at the open window the apple branch could look down over the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"gardens and meadows below, and consider the differences among the flowers and","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"plants beneath. Some were rich, some were poor, and some were very poor.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Miserable, rejected plants,\" said the apple branch. \"There is a difference","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"indeed! It's quite proper and just that distinctions should be made. Yet how","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"unhappy they must feel, if indeed a creature like that is capable of feeling","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"anything, as I and my equals do; but it must be that way, otherwise everybody","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"would be treated as though they were just alike.\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"And the apple branch looked down with especial pity on one kind of flower that","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"grew everywhere in meadows and ditches. They were much too common ever to be","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"gathered into bouquets; they could be found between the paving stones; they","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"shot up like the rankest and most worthless of weeds. They were dandelions, but","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"people have given them the ugly name, \"the devil's milk pails.\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Poor wretched outcasts,\" said the apple branch. \"I suppose you can't help being","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"as common as you are, and having such a vulgar name! It's the same with plants","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"as with men-there must be a difference.\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"A difference?\" repeated the sunbeam, as it kissed the apple branch; but it","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"kissed the golden \"devil's milk pails,\" too. And all the other sunbeams did the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"same, kissing all the flowers equally, poor as well as rich.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"The apple branch had never thought about our Lord's infinite love for everything","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"that lives and moves in Him, had never thought how much that it is good and","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"beautiful can lie hidden but still not be forgotten; and that, too, was human.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"But the sunbeam, the ray of light, knew better. \"You don't see very clearly; you","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"are not very farsighted. Who are these outcast flowers that you pity so much?\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Those devil's milk pails down there,\" replied the apple branch. \"Nobody ever","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"ties them up in bouquets; they're trodden under foot, because there are too","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"many of them. And when they go to seed they fly about along the road like little","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"bits of wool and hang on people's clothes. They're just weeds! I suppose there","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"must be weeds too, but I'm certainly happy and grateful that I'm not like one of","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"them!\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"Now a whole flock of children ran out into the meadow to play. The youngest of","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"them was so tiny that he had to be carried by the others. When they set him down","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"in the grass among the golden blossoms, he laughed and gurgled with joy, kicked","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"his little legs, rolled over and over, and plucked only the yellow dandelions.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"These he kissed in innocent delight.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"The bigger children broke off the flowers of the dandelions and joined the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"hollow stalks link by link into chains. First they would make one for a","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"necklace, then a longer one to hang across the shoulders and around the waist,","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"and finally one to go around their heads; it was a beautiful wreath of splendid","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"green links and chains.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"But the biggest of the children carefully gathered the stalks that had gone to","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"seed, those loose, aerial, woolly blossoms, those wonderfully perfect balls of","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"dainty white plumes, and held them to their lips, trying to blow away all the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"white feathers with one breath. Granny had told them that whoever could do that","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"would receive new clothes before the year was out. The poor, despised dandelion","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"was considered quite a prophet on such occasions.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Now do you see?\" asked the sunbeam. \"Do you see its beauty and power?\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Oh, it's all right-for children,\" replied the apple branch.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"Now an old woman came into the meadow. She stooped and dug up the roots of the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"dandelion with a blunt knife that had lost its handle. Some of the roots she","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"would roast instead of coffee berries, others she would sell to the apothecary","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"to be used as drugs.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Beauty is something higher than this,\" said the apple branch. \"Only the chosen","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"few can really be allowed into the kingdom of the beautiful; there's as much","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"difference between plants as between men.\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"Then the sunbeam spoke of the infinite love of the Creator for all His","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"creatures, for everything that has life, and of the equal distribution of all","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"things in time and eternity.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"That's just your opinion,\" replied the apple branch.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"Now some people came into the room, and among them was the young Countess who","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"had placed the apple branch in the transparent vase. She was carrying a flower-","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"or whatever it was-that was protected by three or four large leaves around","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"it like a cap, so that no breath of air or gust of wind could injure it. She","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"carried it more carefully and tenderly than she had the apple branch when she","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"had brought it to the castle. Very gently she removed the leaves, and then the","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"apple branch could see what she carried. It was a delicate, feathery crown of","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"starry seeds borne by the despised dandelion!","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"This was what she had plucked so carefully and carried so tenderly, so that no","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"single one of the loose, dainty, feathered arrows that rounded out its downy","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"form should be blown away. There it was, whole and perfect. With delight she","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"admired the beautiful form, the airy lightness, the marvelous mechanism of a","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"thing that was destined so soon to be scattered by the wind.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"\"Look how wonderfully beautiful our Lord made this!\" she cried. \"I'll paint it,","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"together with the apple branch. Everybody thinks it is so extremely beautiful,","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"but this poor flower is lovely, too; it has received as much from our Lord in","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"another way. They are very different, yet both are children in the kingdom of","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"the beautiful!\"","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"The sunbeam kissed the poor dandelion, and then kissed the blooming apple","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"branch, whose petals seemed to blush a deeper red.","book":"There is a difference"} {"text":"There lived once a great queen, in whose garden were found at all seasons the","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"most splendid flowers, and from every land in the world. She specially loved","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"roses, and therefore she possessed the most beautiful varieties of this flower,","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"from the wild hedge-rose, with its apple-scented leaves, to the splendid","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"Provence rose. They grew near the shelter of the walls, wound themselves round","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"columns and window-frames, crept along passages and over the ceilings of the","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"halls. They were of every fragrance and color.","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"But care and sorrow dwelt within these halls; the queen lay upon a sick bed,","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"and the doctors declared that she must die. \"There is still one thing that could","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"save her,\" said one of the wisest among them. \"Bring her the loveliest rose","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"in the world; one which exhibits the purest and brightest love, and if it is","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"brought to her before her eyes close, she will not die.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"Then from all parts came those who brought roses that bloomed in every garden,","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"but they were not the right sort. The flower must be one from the garden of","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"love; but which of the roses there showed forth the highest and purest love? The","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"poets sang of this rose, the loveliest in the world, and each named one which","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"he considered worthy of that title; and intelligence of what was required was","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"sent far and wide to every heart that beat with love; to every class, age, and","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"condition.","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"No one has yet named the flower,\" said the wise man. \"No one has pointed out","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"the spot where it blooms in all its splendor. It is not a rose from the coffin","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"of Romeo and Juliet, or from the grave of Walburg, though these roses will live","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"in everlasting song. It is not one of the roses which sprouted forth from the","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"blood-stained fame of Winkelreid. The blood which flows from the breast of a","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"hero who dies for his country is sacred, and his memory is sweet, and no rose","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"can be redder than the blood which flows from his veins. Neither is it the magic","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"flower of Science, to obtain which wondrous flower a man devotes many an hour of","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"his fresh young life in sleepless nights, in a lonely chamber.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"I know where it blooms,\" said a happy mother, who came with her lovely child to","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"the bedside of the queen. \"I know where the loveliest rose in the world is. It","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"is seen on the blooming cheeks of my sweet child, when it expresses the pure and","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"holy love of infancy; when refreshed by sleep it opens its eyes, and smiles upon","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"me with childlike affection.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"This is a lovely rose,\" said the wise man; \"but there is one still more","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"lovely.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"Yes, one far more lovely,\" said one of the women. \"I have seen it, and a","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"loftier and purer rose does not bloom. But it was white, like the leaves of a","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"blush-rose. I saw it on the cheeks of the queen. She had taken off her golden","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"crown, and through the long, dreary night, she carried her sick child in her","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"arms. She wept over it, kissed it, and prayed for it as only a mother can pray","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"in that hour of her anguish.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"Holy and wonderful in its might is the white rose of grief, but it is not the","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"one we seek.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"No; the loveliest rose in the world I saw at the Lord's table,\" said the good","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"old bishop. \"I saw it shine as if an angel's face had appeared. A young maiden","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"knelt at the altar, and renewed the vows made at her baptism; and there were","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"white roses and red roses on the blushing cheeks of that young girl. She looked","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"up to heaven with all the purity and love of her young spirit, in all the","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"expression of the highest and purest love.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"May she be blessed!\" said the wise man: \"but no one has yet named the loveliest","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"rose in the world.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"Then there came into the room a child– the queen's little son. Tears stood in","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"his eyes, and glistened on his cheeks; he carried a great book and the binding","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"was of velvet, with silver clasps. \"Mother,\" cried the little boy; \"only hear","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"what I have read.\" And the child seated himself by the bedside, and read from","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"the book of Him who suffered death on the cross to save all men, even who","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"are yet unborn. He read, \"Greater love hath no man than this,\" and as he read","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"a roseate hue spread over the cheeks of the queen, and her eyes became so","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"enlightened and clear, that she saw from the leaves of the book a lovely rose","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"spring forth, a type of Him who shed His blood on the cross.","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"\"I see it,\" she said. \"He who beholds this, the loveliest rose on earth, shall","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"never die.\"","book":"The loveliest rose in the world"} {"text":"Yes, in a thousand years people will fly on the wings of steam through the air,","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"over the ocean! The young inhabitants of America will become visitors of old","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Europe. They will come over to see the monuments and the great cities, which","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"will then be in ruins, just as we in our time make pilgrimages to the tottering","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"splendors of Southern Asia.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"In a thousand years they will come!","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"The Thames, the Danube, and the Rhine still roll their course, Mont Blanc stands","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"firm with its snow-capped summit, and the Northern Lights gleam over the land","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"of the North; but generation after generation has become dust, whole rows of","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"the mighty of the moment are forgotten, like those who already slumber under the","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"hill on which the rich trader, whose ground it is, has built a bench, on which","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"he can sit and look out across his waving corn fields.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"\"To Europe!\" cry the young sons of America; \"to the land of our ancestors, the","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"glorious land of monuments and fancy– to Europe!\"","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"The ship of the air comes. It is crowded with passengers, for the transit is","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"quicker than by sea. The electro-magnetic wire under the ocean has already","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"telegraphed the number of the aerial caravan. Europe is in sight. It is the","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"coast of Ireland that they see, but the passengers are still asleep; they will","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"not be called till they are exactly over England. There they will first step on","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"European shore, in the land of Shakespeare, as the educated call it; in the land","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"of politics, the land of machines, as it is called by others.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Here they stay a whole day. That is all the time the busy race can devote to the","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"whole of England and Scotland.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Then the journey is continued through the tunnel under the English Channel, to","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"France, the land of Charlemagne and Napoleon. Moliere is named, the learned men","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"talk of the classic school of remote antiquity. There is rejoicing and shouting","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"for the names of heroes, poets, and men of science, whom our time does not","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"know, but who will be born after our time in Paris, the centre of Europe, and","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"elsewhere.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"The air steamboat flies over the country whence Columbus went forth, where","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Cortez was born, and where Calderon sang dramas in sounding verse. Beautiful","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"black-eyed women live still in the blooming valleys, and the oldest songs speak","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"of the Cid and the Alhambra.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Then through the air, over the sea, to Italy, where once lay old, everlasting","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Rome. It has vanished! The Campagna lies desert. A single ruined wall is shown","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"as the remains of St. Peter's, but there is a doubt if this ruin be genuine.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Next to Greece, to sleep a night in the grand hotel at the top of Mount Olympus,","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"to say that they have been there; and the journey is continued to the Bosphorus,","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"to rest there a few hours, and see the place where Byzantium lay; and where the","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"legend tells that the harem stood in the time of the Turks, poor fishermen are","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"now spreading their nets.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Over the remains of mighty cities on the broad Danube, cities which we in our","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"time know not, the travellers pass; but here and there, on the rich sites of","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"those that time shall bring forth, the caravan sometimes descends, and departs","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"thence again.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Down below lies Germany, that was once covered with a close net of railway","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"and canals, the region where Luther spoke, where Goethe sang, and Mozart once","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"held the sceptre of harmony. Great names shine there, in science and in art,","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"names that are unknown to us. One day devoted to seeing Germany, and one for","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"the North, the country of Oersted and Linnaeus, and for Norway, the land of","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"the old heroes and the young Normans. Iceland is visited on the journey home.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"The geysers burn no more, Hecla is an extinct volcano, but the rocky island is","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"still fixed in the midst of the foaming sea, a continual monument of legend and","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"poetry.","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"\"There is really a great deal to be seen in Europe,\" says the young American,","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"\"and we have seen it in a week, according to the directions of the great","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"traveller\" (and here he mentions the name of one of his contemporaries) \"in his","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"celebrated work, 'How to See All Europe in a Week.'\"","book":"In a thousand years"} {"text":"Between the Baltic and the North Sea there lies an old swan's nest, wherein","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"swans are born and have been born that shall never die.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"In olden times a flock of swans flew over the Alps to the green plains around","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"Milan, where it was delightful to dwell. This flight of swans men called the","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"Lombards. Another flock, with shining plumage and honest eyes, soared southward","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"to Byzantium; the swans established themselves there close by the Emperor's","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"throne, and spread their wings over him as shields to protect him. They received","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"the name of Varangians.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"On the coast of France there sounded a cry of fear, for the blood-stained swans","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"that came from the North with fire under their wings; and the people prayed,","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"\"Heaven deliver us from the wild Northmen.\"","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"On the fresh sward of England stood the Danish swan by the open seashore, with","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"the crown of three kingdoms on his head; and he stretched out his golden sceptre","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"over the land.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"The heathens on the Pomerian coast bent the knee, and the Danish swans came with","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"the banner of the Cross and with the drawn sword.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"\"That was in the very old times,\" you say.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"In later days two mighty swans have been seen to fly from the nest.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"A light shone far through the air, far over the lands of the earth; the swan,","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"with the strong beating of his wings, scattered the twilight mists, and the","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"starry sky was seen, and it was as if it came nearer to the earth. That was the","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"swan Tycho Brahe.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"\"Yes, then,\" you say; \"but in our own days?\" We have seen swan after swan soar","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"by in glorious flight. One let his pinions glide over the strings of the golden","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"harp, and it resounded through the North. Norway's mountains seemed to rise","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"higher in the sunlight of former days; there was a rustling among the pine trees","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"and the birches; the gods of the North, the heroes, and the noble women, showed","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"themselves in the dark forest depths.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"We have seen a swan beat with his wings upon the marble crag, so that it burst,","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"and the forms of beauty imprisoned in the stone stepped out to the sunny day,","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"and men in the lands round about lifted up their heads to behold these mighty","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"forms.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"We have seen a third swan spinning the thread of thought that is fastened from","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"country to country round the world, so that the word may fly with lightning","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"speed from land to land.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"And our Lord loves the old swan's nest between the Baltic and the North Sea.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"And when the mighty birds come soaring through the air to destroy it, even the","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"callow young stand round in a circle on the margin of the nest, and though their","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"breasts may be struck so that their blood flows, they bear it, and strike with","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"their wings and their claws.","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"Centuries will pass by, swans will fly forth from the nest, men will see them","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"and hear them in the world, before it shall be said in spirit and in truth,","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"\"This is the last swan, the last song from the swan's nest.\"","book":"The swan's nest"} {"text":"In a house, with a large courtyard, in a provincial town, at that time of the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"year in which people say the evenings are growing longer, a family circle were","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"gathered together at their old home. A lamp burned on the table, although the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"weather was mild and warm, and the long curtains hung down before the open","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"windows, and without the moon shone brightly in the dark-blue sky. But they","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"were not talking of the moon, but of a large, old stone that lay below in the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"courtyard not very far from the kitchen door. The maids often laid the clean","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"copper saucepans and kitchen vessels on this stone, that they might dry in the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"sun, and the children were fond of playing on it. It was, in fact, an old grave-","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"stone.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" said the master of the house, \"I believe the stone came from the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"graveyard of the old church of the convent which was pulled down, and the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"pulpit, the monuments, and the grave-stones sold. My father bought the latter;","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"most of them were cut in two and used for paving-stones, but that one stone was","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"preserved whole, and laid in the courtyard.\"","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"Any one can see that it is a grave-stone,\" said the eldest of the children;","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"the representation of an hour-glass and part of the figure of an angel can","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"still be traced, but the inscription beneath is quite worn out, excepting the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"name 'Preben,' and a large 'S' close by it, and a little farther down the name","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"of 'Martha' can be easily read. But nothing more, and even that cannot be seen","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"unless it has been raining, or when we have washed the stone.\"","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"Dear me! how singular. Why that must be the grave-stone of Preben Schwane and","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"his wife.\" The old man who said this looked old enough to be the grandfather of","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"all present in the room. \"Yes,\" he continued, \"these people were among the last","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"who were buried in the churchyard of the old convent. They were a very worthy","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"old couple, I can remember them well in the days of my boyhood. Every one knew","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"them, and they were esteemed by all. They were the oldest residents in the town,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and people said they possessed a ton of gold, yet they were always very plainly","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"dressed, in the coarsest stuff, but with linen of the purest whiteness. Preben","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and Martha were a fine old couple, and when they both sat on the bench, at the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"top of the steep stone steps, in front of their house, with the branches of the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"linden-tree waving above them, and nodded in a gentle, friendly way to passers","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"by, it really made one feel quite happy. They were very good to the poor; they","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"fed them and clothed them, and in their benevolence there was judgment as well","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"as true Christianity. The old woman died first; that day is still quite vividly","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"before my eyes. I was a little boy, and had accompanied my father to the old","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"man's house. Martha had fallen into the sleep of death just as we arrived there.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"The corpse lay in a bedroom, near to the one in which we sat, and the old man","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"was in great distress and weeping like a child. He spoke to my father, and to","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"a few neighbors who were there, of how lonely he should feel now she was gone,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and how good and true she, his dead wife, had been during the number of years","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"that they had passed through life together, and how they had become acquainted,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and learnt to love each other. I was, as I have said, a boy, and only stood by","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and listened to what the others said; but it filled me with a strange emotion","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"to listen to the old man, and to watch how the color rose in his cheeks as he","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"spoke of the days of their courtship, of how beautiful she was, and how many","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"little tricks he had been guilty of, that he might meet her. And then he talked","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"of his wedding-day; and his eyes brightened, and he seemed to be carried back,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"by his words, to that joyful time. And yet there she was, lying in the next","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"room, dead– an old woman, and he was an old man, speaking of the days of hope,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"long passed away. Ah, well, so it is; then I was but a child, and now I am old,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"as old as Preben Schwane then was. Time passes away, and all things changed.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"I can remember quite well the day on which she was buried, and how Old Preben","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"walked close behind the coffin. A few years before this time the old couple had","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"had their grave-stone prepared, with an inscription and their names, but not","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"the date. In the evening the stone was taken to the churchyard, and laid on the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"grave. A year later it was taken up, that Old Preben might be laid by the side","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"of his wife. They did not leave behind them wealth, they left behind them far","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"less than people had believed they possessed; what there was went to families","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"distantly related to them, of whom, till then, no one had ever heard. The old","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"house, with its balcony of wickerwork, and the bench at the top of the high","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"steps, under the lime-tree, was considered, by the road-inspectors, too old and","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"rotten to be left standing. Afterwards, when the same fate befell the convent","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"church, and the graveyard was destroyed, the grave-stone of Preben and Martha,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"like everything else, was sold to whoever would buy it. And so it happened","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"that this stone was not cut in two as many others had been, but now lies in","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"the courtyard below, a scouring block for the maids, and a playground for the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"children. The paved street now passes over the resting place of Old Preben and","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"his wife; no one thinks of them any more now.\"","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"And the old man who had spoken of all this shook his head mournfully, and said,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"Forgotten! Ah, yes, everything will be forgotten!\"","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"And then the conversation turned on other matters. But the youngest child in the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"room, a boy, with large, earnest eyes, mounted upon a chair behind the window","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"curtains, and looked out into the yard, where the moon was pouring a flood of","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"light on the old gravestone,– the stone that had always appeared to him so dull","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"and flat, but which lay there now like a great leaf out of a book of history.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"All that the boy had heard of Old Preben and his wife seemed clearly defined on","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"the stone, and as he gazed on it, and glanced at the clear, bright moon shining","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"in the pure air, it was as if the light of God's countenance beamed over His","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"beautiful world.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"\"Forgotten! Everything will be forgotten!\" still echoed through the room, and in","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"the same moment an invisible spirit whispered to the heart of the boy, \"Preserve","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"carefully the seed that has been entrusted to thee, that it may grow and thrive.","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"Guard it well. Through thee, my child, shall the obliterated inscription on the","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"old, weather-beaten grave-stone go forth to future generations in clear, golden","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"characters. The old pair shall again wander through the streets arm-in-arm,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"or sit with their fresh, healthy cheeks on the bench under the lime-tree, and","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"smile and nod at rich and poor. The seed of this hour shall ripen in the course","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"of years into a beautiful poem. The beautiful and the good are never forgotten,","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"they live always in story or in song.\"","book":"The old grave-stone"} {"text":"It was near the end of January, and a terrible fall of snow was pelting down,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and whirling through the streets and lanes; the windows were plastered with","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"snow on the outside, snow fell in masses from the roofs. Every one seemed in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"a great hurry; they ran, they flew, fell into each other's arms, holding fast","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"for a moment as long as they could stand safely. Coaches and horses looked as","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"if they had been frosted with sugar. The footmen stood with their backs against","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the carriages, so as to turn their faces from the wind. The foot passengers","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"kept within the shelter of the carriages, which could only move slowly on in the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"deep snow. At last the storm abated, and a narrow path was swept clean in front","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of the houses; when two persons met in this path they stood still, for neither","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"liked to take the first step on one side into the deep snow to let the other","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"pass him. There they stood silent and motionless, till at last, as if by tacit","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"consent, they each sacrificed a leg and buried it in the deep snow.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Towards evening, the weather became calm. The sky, cleared from the snow,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"looked more lofty and transparent, while the stars shone with new brightness and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"purity. The frozen snow crackled under foot, and was quite firm enough to bear","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the sparrows, who hopped upon it in the morning dawn. They searched for food in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the path which had been swept, but there was very little for them, and they were","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"terribly cold.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Tweet, tweet,\" said one to another; \"they call this a new year, but I think it","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"is worse than the last. We might just as well have kept the old year; I'm quite","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"unhappy, and I have a right to be so.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Yes, you have; and yet the people ran about and fired off guns, to usher in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the new year,\" said a little shivering sparrow. \"They threw things against","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the doors, and were quite beside themselves with joy, because the old year had","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"disappeared. I was glad too, for I expected we should have some warm days, but","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"my hopes have come to nothing. It freezes harder than ever; I think mankind have","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"made a mistake in reckoning time.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"That they have,\" said a third, an old sparrow with a white poll; \"they have","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"something they call a calendar; it's an invention of their own, and everything","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"must be arranged according to it, but it won't do. When spring comes, then the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"year begins. It is the voice of nature, and I reckon by that.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"But when will spring come?\" asked the others.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"It will come when the stork returns, but he is very uncertain, and here in the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"town no one knows anything about it. In the country they have more knowledge;","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"shall we fly away there and wait? we shall be nearer to spring then, certainly.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"That may be all very well,\" said another sparrow, who had been hopping about","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"for a long time, chirping, but not saying anything of consequence, \"but I have","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"found a few comforts here in town which, I'm afraid, I should miss out in the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"country. Here in this neighborhood, there lives a family of people who have been","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"so sensible as to place three or four flower-pots against the wall in the court-","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"yard, so that the openings are all turned inward, and the bottom of each points","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"outward. In the latter a hole has been cut large enough for me to fly in and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"out. I and my husband have built a nest in one of these pots, and all our young","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"ones, who have now flown away, were brought up there. The people who live there","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of course made the whole arrangement that they might have the pleasure of seeing","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"us, or they would not have done it. It pleased them also to strew bread-crumbs","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"for us, and so we have food, and may consider ourselves provided for. So I think","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"my husband and I will stay where we are; although we are not very happy, but we","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"shall stay.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"And we will fly into the country,\" said the others, \"to see if spring is","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"coming.\" And away they flew.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"In the country it was really winter, a few degrees colder than in the town.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The sharp winds blew over the snow-covered fields. The farmer, wrapped in warm","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"clothing, sat in his sleigh, and beat his arms across his chest to keep off","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the cold. The whip lay on his lap. The horses ran till they smoked. The snow","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"crackled, the sparrows hopped about in the wheel-ruts, and shivered, crying,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Tweet, tweet; when will spring come? It is very long in coming.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Very long indeed,\" sounded over the field, from the nearest snow-covered","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"hill. It might have been the echo which people heard, or perhaps the words of","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"that wonderful old man, who sat high on a heap of snow, regardless of wind or","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"weather. He was all in white; he had on a peasant's coarse white coat of frieze.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"He had long white hair, a pale face, and large clear blue eyes.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Who is that old man?\" asked the sparrows.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"I know who he is,\" said an old raven, who sat on the fence, and was","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"condescending enough to acknowledge that we are all equal in the sight of","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Heaven, even as little birds, and therefore he talked with the sparrows, and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"gave them the information they wanted. \"I know who the old man is,\" he said. \"It","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"is Winter, the old man of last year; he is not dead yet, as the calendar says,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"but acts as guardian to little Prince Spring who is coming. Winter rules here","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"still. Ugh! the cold makes you shiver, little ones, does it not?\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"There! Did I not tell you so?\" said the smallest of the sparrows. \"The calendar","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"is only an invention of man, and is not arranged according to nature. They","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"should leave these things to us; we are created so much more clever than they","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"are.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"One week passed, and then another. The forest looked dark, the hard-frozen lake","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"lay like a sheet of lead. The mountains had disappeared, for over the land hung","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"damp, icy mists. Large black crows flew about in silence; it was as if nature","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"slept. At length a sunbeam glided over the lake, and it shone like burnished","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"silver. But the snow on the fields and the hills did not glitter as before. The","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"white form of Winter sat there still, with his un-wandering gaze fixed on the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"south. He did not perceive that the snowy carpet seemed to sink as it were into","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the earth; that here and there a little green patch of grass appeared, and that","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"these patches were covered with sparrows.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Tee-wit, tee-wit; is spring coming at last?\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Spring! How the cry resounded over field and meadow, and through the dark-brown","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"woods, where the fresh green moss still gleamed on the trunks of the trees, and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"from the south came the two first storks flying through the air, and on the back","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of each sat a lovely little child, a boy and a girl. They greeted the earth with","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"a kiss, and wherever they placed their feet white flowers sprung up from beneath","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the snow. Hand in hand they approached the old ice-man, Winter, embraced him and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"clung to his breast; and as they did so, in a moment all three were enveloped in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"a thick, damp mist, dark and heavy, that closed over them like a veil. The wind","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"arose with mighty rustling tone, and cleared away the mist. Then the sun shone","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"out warmly. Winter had vanished away, and the beautiful children of Spring sat","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"on the throne of the year.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"This is really a new year,\" cried all the sparrows, \"now we shall get our","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"rights, and have some return for what we suffered in winter.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Wherever the two children wandered, green buds burst forth on bush and tree,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the grass grew higher, and the corn-fields became lovely in delicate green.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The little maiden strewed flowers in her path. She held her apron before her:","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"it was full of flowers; it was as if they sprung into life there, for the more","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"she scattered around her, the more flowers did her apron contain. Eagerly she","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"showered snowy blossoms over apple and peach-trees, so that they stood in full","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"beauty before even their green leaves had burst from the bud.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Then the boy and the girl clapped their hands, and troops of birds came flying","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"by, no one knew from whence, and they all twittered and chirped, singing \"Spring","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"has come!\" How beautiful everything was!","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Many an old dame came forth from her door into the sunshine, and shuffled about","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"with great delight, glancing at the golden flowers which glittered everywhere in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the fields, as they used to do in her young days. The world grew young again to","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"her, as she said, \"It is a blessed time out here to-day.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The forest already wore its dress of dark-green buds. The thyme blossomed in","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"fresh fragrance. Primroses and anemones sprung forth, and violets bloomed in the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"shade, while every blade of grass was full of strength and sap. Who could resist","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"sitting down on such a beautiful carpet? and then the young children of Spring","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"seated themselves, holding each other's hands, and sang, and laughed, and grew.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"A gentle rain fell upon them from the sky, but they did not notice it, for","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the rain-drops were their own tears of joy. They kissed each other, and were","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"betrothed; and in the same moment the buds of the trees unfolded, and when the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"sun rose, the forest was green.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Hand in hand the two wandered beneath the fresh pendant canopy of foliage, while","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the sun's rays gleamed through the opening of the shade, in changing and varied","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"colors. The delicate young leaves filled the air with refreshing odor. Merrily","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"rippled the clear brooks and rivulets between the green, velvety rushes, and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"over the many-colored pebbles beneath. All nature spoke of abundance and plenty.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The cuckoo sang, and the lark carolled, for it was now beautiful spring. The","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"careful willows had, however, covered their blossoms with woolly gloves; and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"this carefulness is rather tedious.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Days and weeks went by, and the heat increased. Warm air waved the corn as it","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"grew golden in the sun. The white northern lily spread its large green leaves","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"over the glossy mirror of the woodland lake, and the fishes sought the shadows","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"beneath them. In a sheltered part of the wood, the sun shone upon the walls","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of a farm-house, brightening the blooming roses, and ripening the black juicy","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"berries, which hung on the loaded cherry-trees, with his hot beams. Here sat the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"lovely wife of Summer, the same whom we have seen as a child and a bride; her","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"eyes were fixed on dark gathering clouds, which in wavy outlines of black and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"indigo were piling themselves up like mountains, higher and higher. They came","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"from every side, always increasing like a rising, rolling sea. Then they swooped","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"towards the forest, where every sound had been silenced as if by magic, every","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"breath hushed, every bird mute. All nature stood still in grave suspense. But","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"in the lanes and the highways, passengers on foot or in carriages were hurrying","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"to find a place of shelter. Then came a flash of light, as if the sun had rushed","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"forth from the sky, flaming, burning, all-devouring, and darkness returned amid","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"a rolling crash of thunder. The rain poured down in streams,– now there was","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"darkness, then blinding light,– now thrilling silence, then deafening din. The","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"young brown reeds on the moor waved to and fro in feathery billows; the forest","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"boughs were hidden in a watery mist, and still light and darkness followed each","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"other, still came the silence after the roar, while the corn and the blades of","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"grass lay beaten down and swamped, so that it seemed impossible they could ever","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"raise themselves again. But after a while the rain began to fall gently, the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"sun's rays pierced the clouds, and the water-drops glittered like pearls on leaf","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and stem. The birds sang, the fishes leaped up to the surface of the water, the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"gnats danced in the sunshine, and yonder, on a rock by the heaving salt sea,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"sat Summer himself, a strong man with sturdy limbs and long, dripping hair.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Strengthened by the cool bath, he sat in the warm sunshine, while all around him","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"renewed nature bloomed strong, luxuriant, and beautiful: it was summer, warm,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"lovely summer.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Sweet and pleasant was the fragrance wafted from the clover-field, where the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"bees swarmed round the ruined tower, the bramble twined itself over the old","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"altar, which, washed by the rain, glittered in the sunshine; and thither flew","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the queen bee with her swarm, and prepared wax and honey. But Summer and his","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"bosom-wife saw it with different eyes, to them the altar-table was covered with","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the offerings of nature.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The evening sky shone like gold, no church dome could ever gleam so brightly,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and between the golden evening and the blushing morning there was moonlight. It","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"was indeed summer.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And days and weeks passed, the bright scythes of the reapers glittered in the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"corn-fields, the branches of the apple-trees bent low, heavy with the red and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"golden fruit. The hop, hanging in clusters, filled the air with sweet fragrance,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and beneath the hazel-bushes, where the nuts hung in great bunches, rested a man","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and a woman– Summer and his grave consort.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"See,\" she exclaimed, \"what wealth, what blessings surround us. Everything is","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"home-like and good, and yet, I know not why, I long for rest and peace; I can","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"scarcely express what I feel. They are already ploughing the fields again; more","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and more the people wish for gain. See, the storks are flocking together, and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"following the plough at a short distance. They are the birds from Egypt, who","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"carried us through the air. Do you remember how we came as children to this land","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of the north; we brought with us flowers and bright sunshine, and green to the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"forests, but the wind has been rough with them, and they are now become dark","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and brown, like the trees of the south, but they do not, like them, bear golden","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"fruit.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Do you wish to see golden fruit?\" said the man, \"then rejoice,\" and he lifted","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"his arm. The leaves of the forest put on colors of red and gold, and bright","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"tints covered the woodlands. The rose-bushes gleamed with scarlet hips, and the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"branches of the elder-trees hung down with the weight of the full, dark berries.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The wild chestnuts fell ripe from their dark, green shells, and in the forests","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the violets bloomed for the second time.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"But the queen of the year became more and more silent and pale. \"It blows cold,\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"she said, \"and night brings the damp mist; I long for the land of my childhood.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Then she saw the storks fly away every one, and she stretched out her hands","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"towards them. She looked at the empty nests; in one of them grew a long-stalked","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"corn flower, in another the yellow mustard seed, as if the nest had been placed","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"there only for its comfort and protection, and the sparrows were flying round","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"them all.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Tweet, where has the master of the nest gone?\" cried one, \"I suppose he could","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"not bear it when the wind blew, and therefore he has left this country. I wish","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"him a pleasant journey.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The forest leaves became more and more yellow, leaf after leaf fell, and the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"stormy winds of Autumn howled. The year was now far advanced, and upon the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"fallen, yellow leaves, lay the queen of the year, looking up with mild eyes","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"at a gleaming star, and her husband stood by her. A gust of wind swept through","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the foliage, and the leaves fell in a shower. The summer queen was gone, but a","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"butterfly, the last of the year, flew through the cold air.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Damp fogs came, icy winds blew, and the long, dark nights of winter approached.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The ruler of the year appeared with hair white as snow, but he knew it not; he","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"thought snow-flakes falling from the sky covered his head, as they decked the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"green fields with a thin, white covering of snow.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And then the church bells rang out for Christmas time.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"The bells are ringing for the new-born year,\" said the ruler, \"soon will a","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"new ruler and his bride be born, and. I shall go to rest with my wife in yonder","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"light-giving star.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"In the fresh, green fir-wood, where the snow lay all around, stood the angel of","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Christmas, and consecrated the young trees that were to adorn his feast.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"May there be joy in the rooms, and under the green boughs,\" said the old ruler","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of the year. In a few weeks he had become a very old man, with hair as white as","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"snow. \"My resting-time draws near; the young pair of the year will soon claim my","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"crown and sceptre.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"But the night is still thine,\" said the angel of Christmas, \"for power, but","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"not for rest. Let the snow lie warmly upon the tender seed. Learn to endure the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"thought that another is worshipped whilst thou art still lord. Learn to endure","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"being forgotten while yet thou livest. The hour of thy freedom will come when","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Spring appears.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"And when will Spring come?\" asked Winter.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"It will come when the stork returns.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And with white locks and snowy beard, cold, bent, and hoary, but strong as","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"the wintry storm, and firm as the ice, old Winter sat on the snowdrift-covered","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"hill, looking towards the south, where Winter had sat before, and gazed. The","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"ice glittered, the snow crackled, the skaters skimmed over the polished surface","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"of the lakes; ravens and crows formed a pleasing contrast to the white ground,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and not a breath of wind stirred, and in the still air old Winter clenched his","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"fists, and the ice lay fathoms deep between the lands.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Then came the sparrows again out of the town, and asked, \"Who is that old man?\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The raven sat there still, or it might be his son, which is the same thing, and","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"he said to them,– \"It is Winter, the old man of the former year; he is not dead,","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"as the calendar says, but he is guardian to the spring, which is coming.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"When will Spring come?\" asked the sparrows, \"for we shall have better times","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"then, and a better rule. The old times are worth nothing.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And in quiet thought old Winter looked at the leafless forest, where the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"graceful form and bends of each tree and branch could be seen; and while Winter","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"slept, icy mists came from the clouds, and the ruler dreamt of his youthful days","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"and of his manhood, and in the morning dawn the whole forest glittered with hoar","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"frost, which the sun shook from the branches,– and this was the summer dream of","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"Winter.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"When will Spring come?\" asked the sparrows.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"Spring!\" Again the echo sounded from the hills on which the snow lay. The","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"sunshine became warmer, the snow melted, and the birds twittered, \"Spring is","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"coming!\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And high in the air flew the first stork, and the second followed; a lovely","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"child sat on the back of each, and they sank down on the open field, kissed the","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"earth, and kissed the quiet old man; and, as the mist from the mountain top, he","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"vanished away and disappeared.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"And the story of the year was finished.","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"\"This is all very fine, no doubt,\" said the sparrows, \"and it is very beautiful;","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"but it is not according to the calendar, therefore, it must be all wrong.\"","book":"The story of the year"} {"text":"The most solemn of all the days of our life is the day we die. It is judgment","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"day, the great sacred day of transfiguration. Have you really seriously given a","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"fleeting thought to that grave and mighty last hour we shall spend on earth?","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"There was once a man, a stanch upholder of truth, as he was called, to whom the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"word of his God was law, a zealous servant of his zealous God. With a stern but","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"heavenly look, the Angel of Death stood at his bedside.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"The hour has come; you shall follow me!\" said Death, and touched the man's","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"feet with ice-cold fingers, and his feet became like ice. Then Death touched his","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"forehead, and lastly his heart, and when it burst, the soul was free to follow","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"the Angel of Death.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"But during those brief seconds while the icy touch shivered through feet and","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"head and heart, there passed through the mind of the dying man, like great ocean","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"waves, the recollection of all he had wrought and felt throughout his life.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"So does one terrified glance into a whirlpool reveal in thought as swift as","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"lightning the whole unfathomable depth of it; so with one fleeting glance at the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"countless stars of heaven can one conceive the infinite multitude of worlds and","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"spheres in the great universe.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"In such a moment the terrified sinner shrinks into himself and has nothing to","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"cling to, and he feels himself shrinking further into infinite emptiness. And at","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"such times the devout soul bows its head to the Almighty and yields itself up to","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"Him in childlike trust, praying, \"Thy will be done with me!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"But this dying man had not the mind of a child, nor was he a terrified sinner;","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"his thoughts were of self-praise. He knew that he had abided by religious","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"traditions. Millions, he knew, would have to face judgment. But he believed","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"most confidently that his path would lead straight heavenward, and that mercy,","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"promised to all men, would open the gates to him.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"And the soul followed the Angel of Death, casting only one wistful glance back","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"at the bed where, in its white shroud, lay the lifeless image of clay, still","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"bearing the print of the soul's individuality.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"Now they hovered through the air, now glided along the ground. Were they passing","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"through a vast, decorated hall, or perchance a forest? It was hard to tell.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"Nature appeared formally set out for show, as in the stately, artificial, old","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"French gardens, and through its strange, carefully arranged scenes there passed","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"many men and women, all clad as if for a masquerade.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Such is human life!\" spoke the Angel of Death.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"It seemed as if the figures tried to disguise themselves; those who flaunted the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"glories of velvet and gold were not always the noblest and the richest, neither","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"were all those who wore the garb of poverty the most wretched and vulgar. A","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"strange masquerade indeed! And most strange of all was to see how each one","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"carefully concealed under his clothing something he would not have the others","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"discover. Each was determined to learn his neighbor' secret, and they tore at","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"one another until here and there the heads of different animals were bared. One","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"was that of a grinning ape, another the head of a goat, still others a clammy","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"snake and a feeble fish.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"In all was some token of the animal which is fast rooted in human nature, and","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"which here was struggling and jumping to burst forth. And however closely a","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"person might hold his garment over it to hide it, the others would never rest","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"until they had torn aside the veil, and all kept crying out, \"Look here! See! It","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"is he! It is she! and everyone mockingly laid bare his fellow's shame.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Then what was the animal in me?\" inquired the soul.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"The Angel of Death silently pointed to a haughty form around whose head spread","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"a bright glory of rays, with shining colors, but in whose heart could be seen","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"lurking, half hidden, the feet of a peacock.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"The spreading glory above was merely the speckled tail of the peacock.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"As they passed on, huge birds shrieked horribly at them from the boughs of","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"trees. In voices harsh but clear, intelligible, and human, they cried, \"You who","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"walk with Death, do you remember me?\" All the evil thoughts and lusts that had","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"lurked within the man from birth to death now called after him in forbidding","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"tones, \"Do you remember me?\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"For a moment the soul shuddered, for it recognized the voices; it could not deny","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"knowledge of the evil thoughts and desires that were now rising as witnesses","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"against it.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"In our flesh, in our evil nature, nothing good lives!\" said the soul. \"But, at","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"least with me, thoughts never turned into action; the world has not seen their","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"evil fruit!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"The soul rushed on to escape the ugly screams, but the huge black birds swept","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"in circles, screaming out their vicious words louder and louder, as though they","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"wished to be heard to the ends of the world. The soul fled like a hunted stag,","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"and at every step stumbled against sharp flint stones, painfully cutting his","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"feet on them. \"How came these sharp stones here? They seem like mere withered","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"leaves lying on the ground.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Each stone is some careless word you have spoken, which wounded your neighbor's","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"heart far more deeply than these sharp flints that now hurt your feet.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"I never thought of that!\" cried the soul.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Judge not, that ye be not judged!\" rang through the air.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"In a moment the soul recovered from its self-abasement. \"We have all sinned. But","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"I have kept the Law and the Gospel. I have done what I could do; I am not like","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"the others.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"And then he stood at the gates of heaven itself, and the Angel who guarded the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"entrance asked, \"Who are you? Tell me your faith, and show it to me in your","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"works.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"I have faithfully kept all the Commandments,\" replied the soul proudly. \"I have","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"humbled myself in the eyes of the world. I have hated and persecuted evil and","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"those who practice it, and I would do so still, with fire and sword, had I yet","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"the power.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Then you are a follower of Mohammed?\" said the Angel.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"I? Never!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\" 'He who strikes with the sword shall perish by the sword,' thus spoke the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"Son. His religion you do not have. Are you then perchance one of the children of","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"Israel, who with Moses said: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth?' \"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"I am a Christian.\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"I see it neither in your faith nor in your actions! The teaching of Christ is","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"forgiveness, love, and mercy!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Mercy!\" The echo of this rang through infinite space, the gates of heaven","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"opened, and the soul hovered toward the realms of eternal bliss.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"But the flood of light that streamed forth from within was so dazzling, so","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"penetrating, that the soul shrank back as from a double-edged sword. And the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"sound of music was so soft and touching that no mortal tongue could describe it.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"The soul trembled and prostrated itself lower and lower, and the celestial light","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"cut through it until it felt, as it had never felt before, the weight of its own","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"pride and cruelty and sin.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Whatever good I have done in the world, I did because I could not do otherwise;","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"but the evil that I did-that was of myself!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"And more and more the soul was dazzled and overwhelmed by the pure light of","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"heaven; it seemed falling into a bottomless abyss-the abyss of its own nakedness","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"and unworthiness. Shrunk into itself, humbled, cast out, unfit for the Kingdom","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"of Heaven, trembling at the thought of the just and holy God, hardly dared it to","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"gasp, \"Mercy!\"","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"And the Angel of Mercy came to him-the mercy he had not expected; and in the","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"infinite space of heaven, God's everlasting love filled the soul.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"Holy, loving, glorious forever shalt thou be, O erring human spirit!\" sang","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"the chorus of angels. And as this soul did, so shall we all, on our last day","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"on earth, humbly tremble in the glorious sight of the Kingdom of Heaven. But","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"the infinite love and mercy of our Heavenly Father will carry us through other","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"spheres, so that, purified and strengthened, we may ascend into God's eternal","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"light.","book":"On judgment day"} {"text":"\"That was a terrible affair!\" said a hen, and in a quarter of the town, too,","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"where it had not taken place. \"That was a terrible affair in a hen-roost. I","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"cannot sleep alone to-night. It is a good thing that many of us sit on the roost","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"together.\" And then she told a story that made the feathers on the other hens","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"bristle up, and the cock's comb fall. There was no doubt about it.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"But we will begin at the beginning, and that is to be found in a hen-roost in","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"another part of the town. The sun was setting, and the fowls were flying on to","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"their roost; one hen, with white feathers and short legs, used to lay her eggs","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"according to the regulations, and was, as a hen, respectable in every way. As","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"she was flying upon the roost, she plucked herself with her beak, and a little","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"feather came out.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"There it goes,\" she said; \"the more I pluck, the more beautiful do I get.\" She","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"said this merrily, for she was the best of the hens, and, moreover, as had been","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"said, very respectable. With that she went to sleep.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"It was dark all around, and hen sat close to hen, but the one who sat nearest","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"to her merry neighbour did not sleep. She had heard and yet not heard, as we are","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"often obliged to do in this world, in order to live at peace; but she could not","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"keep it from her neighbour on the other side any longer. \"Did you hear what was","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"said? I mention no names, but there is a hen here who intends to pluck herself","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"in order to look well. If I were a cock, I should despise her.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"Just over the fowls sat the owl, with father owl and the little owls. The family","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"has sharp ears, and they all heard every word that their neighbour had said.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"They rolled their eyes, and mother owl, beating her wings, said: \"Don't listen","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"to her! But I suppose you heard what was said? I heard it with my own ears, and","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"one has to hear a great deal before they fall off. There is one among the fowls","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"who has so far forgotten what is becoming to a hen that she plucks out all her","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"feathers and lets the cock see it.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Prenez garde aux enfants!\" said father owl; \"children should not hear such","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"things.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"But I must tell our neighbour owl about it; she is such an estimable owl to","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"talk to.\" And with that she flew away.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Too-whoo! Too-whoo!\" they both hooted into the neighbour's dove-cot to the","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"doves inside. \"Have you heard? Have you heard? Too-whoo! There is a hen who has","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"plucked out all her feathers for the sake of the cock; she will freeze to death,","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"if she is not frozen already. Too-whoo!\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Where? where?\" cooed the doves.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"In the neighbour's yard. I have as good as seen it myself. It is almost","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"unbecoming to tell the story, but there is no doubt about it.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Believe every word of what we tell you,\" said the doves, and cooed down into","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"their poultry-yard. \"There is a hen– nay, some say that there are two– who have","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"plucked out all their feathers, in order not to look like the others, and to","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"attract the attention of the cock. It is a dangerous game, for one can easily","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"catch cold and die from fever, and both of these are dead already.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Wake up! wake up!\" crowed the cock, and flew upon his board. Sleep was still in","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"his eyes, but yet he crowed out: \"Three hens have died of their unfortunate love","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"for a cock. They had plucked out all their feathers. It is a horrible story: I","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"will not keep it to myself, but let it go farther.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Let it go farther,\" shrieked the bats, and the hens clucked and the cocks","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"crowed, \"Let it go farther! Let it go farther!\" In this way the story travelled","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"from poultry-yard to poultry-yard, and at last came back to the place from which","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"it had really started.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"\"Five hens,\" it now ran, \"have plucked out all their feathers to show which of","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"them had grown leanest for love of the cock, and then they all pecked at each","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"other till the blood ran down and they fell down dead, to the derision and shame","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"of their family, and to the great loss of their owner.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"The hen who had lost the loose little feather naturally did not recognise her","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"own story, and being a respectable hen, said: \"I despise those fowls; but there","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"are more of that kind. Such things ought not to be concealed, and I will do my","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"best to get the story into the papers, so that it becomes known throughout the","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"land; the hens have richly deserved it, and their family too.\"","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"It got into the papers, it was printed; and there is no doubt about it, one","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"little feather may easily grow into five hens.","book":"There is no doubt about it"} {"text":"From my father I received the best inheritance, namely a \"good temper.\" - \"And","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"who was my father?\" That has nothing to do with the good temper; but I will","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"say he was lively, good-looking round, and fat; he was both in appearance and","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"character a complete contradiction to his profession. \"And pray what was his","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"profession and his standing in respectable society?\" Well, perhaps, if in the","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"beginning of a book these were written and printed, many, when they read it,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"would lay the book down and say, \"It seems to me a very miserable title, I","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"don't like things of this sort.\" And yet my father was not a skin-dresser nor","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"an executioner; on the contrary, his employment placed him at the head of the","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"grandest people of the town, and it was his place by right. He had to precede","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"the bishop, and even the princes of the blood; he always went first,– he was a","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"hearse driver! There, now, the truth is out. And I will own, that when people","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"saw my father perched up in front of the omnibus of death, dressed in his long,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"wide, black cloak, and his black-edged, three-cornered hat on his head, and then","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"glanced at his round, jocund face, round as the sun, they could not think much","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"of sorrow or the grave. That face said, \"It is nothing, it will all end better","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"than people think.\" So I have inherited from him, not only my good temper, but","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a habit of going often to the churchyard, which is good, when done in a proper","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"humor; and then also I take in the Intelligencer, just as he used to do.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"I am not very young, I have neither wife nor children, nor a library, but, as I","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"said, I read the Intelligencer, which is enough for me; it is to me a delightful","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"paper, and so it was to my father. It is of great use, for it contains all that","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a man requires to know; the names of the preachers at the church, and the new","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"books which are published; where houses, servants, clothes, and provisions may","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"be obtained. And then what a number of subscriptions to charities, and what","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"innocent verses! Persons seeking interviews and engagements, all so plainly","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"and naturally stated. Certainly, a man who takes in the Intelligencer may","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"live merrily and be buried contentedly, and by the end of his life will have","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"such a capital stock of paper that he can lie on a soft bed of it, unless he","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"prefers wood shavings for his resting-place. The newspaper and the churchyard","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"were always exciting objects to me. My walks to the latter were like bathing-","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"places to my good humor. Every one can read the newspaper for himself, but come","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"with me to the churchyard while the sun shines and the trees are green, and let","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"us wander among the graves. Each of them is like a closed book, with the back","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"uppermost, on which we can read the title of what the book contains, but nothing","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"more. I had a great deal of information from my father, and I have noticed a","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"great deal myself. I keep it in my diary, in which I write for my own use and","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"pleasure a history of all who lie here, and a few more beside.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Now we are in the churchyard. Here, behind the white iron railings, once a rose-","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"tree grew; it is gone now, but a little bit of evergreen, from a neighboring","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"grave, stretches out its green tendrils, and makes some appearance; there rests","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a very unhappy man, and yet while he lived he might be said to occupy a very","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"good position. He had enough to live upon, and something to spare; but owing","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"to his refined tastes the least thing in the world annoyed him. If he went to a","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"theatre of an evening, instead of enjoying himself he would be quite annoyed if","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"the machinist had put too strong a light into one side of the moon, or if the","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"representations of the sky hung over the scenes when they ought to have hung","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"behind them; or if a palm-tree was introduced into a scene representing the","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Zoological Gardens of Berlin, or a cactus in a view of Tyrol, or a beech-tree in","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"the north of Norway. As if these things were of any consequence! Why did he not","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"leave them alone? Who would trouble themselves about such trifles? especially","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"at a comedy, where every one is expected to be amused. Then sometimes the public","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"applauded too much, or too little, to please him. \"They are like wet wood,\" he","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"would say, looking round to see what sort of people were present, \"this evening;","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"nothing fires them.\" Then he would vex and fret himself because they did not","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"laugh at the right time, or because they laughed in the wrong places; and so he","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"fretted and worried himself till at last the unhappy man fretted himself into","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"the grave.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Here rests a happy man, that is to say, a man of high birth and position, which","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"was very lucky for him, otherwise he would have been scarcely worth notice. It","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"is beautiful to observe how wisely nature orders these things. He walked about","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"in a coat embroidered all over, and in the drawing-rooms of society looked just","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"like one of those rich pearl-embroidered bell-pulls, which are only made for","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"show; and behind them always hangs a good thick cord for use. This man also had","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a stout, useful substitute behind him, who did duty for him, and performed all","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"his dirty work. And there are still, even now, these serviceable cords behind","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"other embroidered bell-ropes. It is all so wisely arranged, that a man may well","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"be in a good humor.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Here rests,– ah, it makes one feel mournful to think of him!– but here rests","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a man who, during sixty-seven years, was never remembered to have said a","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"good thing; he lived only in the hope of having a good idea. At last he felt","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"convinced, in his own mind, that he really had one, and was so delighted that he","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"positively died of joy at the thought of having at last caught an idea. Nobody","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"got anything by it; indeed, no one even heard what the good thing was. Now I","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"can imagine that this same idea may prevent him from resting quietly in his","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"grave; for suppose that to produce a good effect, it is necessary to bring out","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"his new idea at breakfast, and that he can only make his appearance on earth at","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"midnight, as ghosts are believed generally to do; why then this good idea would","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"not suit the hour, and the man would have to carry it down again with him into","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"the grave– that must be a troubled grave.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"The woman who lies here was so remarkably stingy, that during her life she would","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"get up in the night and mew, that her neighbors might think she kept a cat. What","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"a miser she was!","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Here rests a young lady, of a good family, who would always make her voice heard","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"in society, and when she sang \"Mi manca la voce,\" it was the only true thing she","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"ever said in her life.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Here lies a maiden of another description. She was engaged to be married,– but,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"her story is one of every-day life; we will leave her to rest in the grave.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"Here rests a widow, who, with music in her tongue, carried gall in her heart.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"She used to go round among the families near, and search out their faults, upon","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"which she preyed with all the envy and malice of her nature. This is a family","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"grave. The members of this family held so firmly together in their opinions,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"that they would believe in no other. If the newspapers, or even the whole world,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"said of a certain subject, \"It is so-and-so;\" and a little schoolboy declared","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"he had learned quite differently, they would take his assertion as the only true","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"one, because he belonged to the family. And it is well known that if the yard-","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"cock belonging to this family happened to crow at midnight, they would declare","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"it was morning, although the watchman and all the clocks in the town were","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"proclaiming the hour of twelve at night.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"The great poet Goethe concludes his Faust with the words, \"may be continued;\"","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"so might our wanderings in the churchyard be continued. I come here often, and","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"if any of my friends, or those who are not my friends, are too much for me, I go","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"out and choose a plot of ground in which to bury him or her. Then I bury them,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"as it were; there they lie, dead and powerless, till they come back new and","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"better characters. Their lives and their deeds, looked at after my own fashion,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"I write down in my diary, as every one ought to do. Then, if any of our friends","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"act absurdly, no one need to be vexed about it. Let them bury the offenders","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"out of sight, and keep their good temper. They can also read the Intelligencer,","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"which is a paper written by the people, with their hands guided. When the time","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"comes for the history of my life, to be bound by the grave, then they will write","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"upon it as my epitaph–","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"\"The man with a cheerful temper.\"","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"And this is my story.","book":"A cheerful temper"} {"text":"The story we have for you here is really divided into two parts. The first part","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"could be omitted, but it gives us some preliminary information which is useful.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"We were staying at a manor house in the country, and it happened that the owner","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"was absent for a day or so. Meanwhile a lady with a pug dog arrived from the","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"next town; come, she explained, to dispose of the shares in her tannery. She","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"had her certificates with her, and we advised her to seal them in an envelope","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"and to write on it the address of the proprietor of the estate, \"General War","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"Commissary, Knight,\" etc.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"She listened to us, took up the pen, then hesitated, and begged us to repeat","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"the address slowly. We complied and she wrote, but in the middle of the \"General","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"War--\" she stopped, sighed, and said, \"I'm only a woman!\" While she wrote, she","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"had placed her Puggie on the floor, and he was growling, for the dog had come","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"with her for pleasure and health's sake, and a visitor shouldn't be placed on","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"the floor. He was characterized outwardly by a snub nose and a fleshy back.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"\"He doesn't bite,\" said the woman. \"He hasn't any teeth. He's like one of the","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"family, faithful and grouchy; but the latter is the fault of my grandchildren","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"for teasing him. They play wedding, and want to make him the bridesmaid, and","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"that's too strenuous for the poor old fellow.\"","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"Then she delivered her certificates and took Puggie up in her arms. And that's","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"the first part of the story, which could have been omitted.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"Puggie died! That's the second part.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"About a week later we arrived in the town and put up at the inn. Our windows","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"looked out into the tannery yard, which was divided into two parts by a wooden","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"fence; in one section were hides and skin caps, raw and tanned. Here was all","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"the equipment for carrying on a tanning business, and it belonged to the widow.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"Puggie had died that morning and was to be buried in this section of the yard.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"The widow's grandchildren (that is, the tanner's widow's, for Puggie had never","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"married) covered the grave-a grave so beautiful it must have been quite pleasant","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"to lie there.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"The grave was bordered with broken flowerpots and strewn over with sand; at its","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"head they had stuck up a small beer bottle with the neck upward, and that wasn't","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"at all symbolic.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"The children danced around the grave, and then the oldest of the boys, a","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"practical youngster of seven, proposed that there should be an exhibition of","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"Puggie's grave for everybody living in the street. The price of admission would","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"be one trouser button; that was something every boy would be sure to have and","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"which he also could give to the little girls. This suggestion was adopted by","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"acclamation.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"And all the children from the street, and even from the little lane behind,","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"came, and each gave a button. Many were seen that afternoon going about with one","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"suspender, but then they had seen Puggie's grave, and that sight was worth it.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"But outside the tannery yard, close to the entrance, stood a ragged little","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"girl, very beautiful, with the prettiest curly hair, and eyes so clear and blue","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"that it was a pleasure to look into them. She didn't say a word, nor did she","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"cry, but every time the gate was opened she looked into the yard as long as she","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"could. She had no button, as she knew very well, so she had to stand sorrowfully","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"outside, until all the others had seen the grave and everyone had left. Then she","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"sat down, put her little brown hands before her eyes, and burst into tears, for","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"she alone hadn't seen Puggie's grave. It was a heartache as great as any grown-","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"up can experience.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"We saw this from above-and seen from above, this, like many of our own and","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"others' griefs could, made us smile! That's the story, and anyone who doesn't","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"understand it can go and buy a share in the widow's tannery.","book":"Heartache"} {"text":"It was over a hundred years ago.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"By the great lake behind the wood there stood an old mansion. Round about it","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"circled a deep ditch, with bulrushes, reeds, and grasses growing in it. Close by","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the bridge, near the entrance gate, an old willow tree bent over the reeds.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"From the narrow lane came the sound of horns and the trampling of horses,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and therefore the little girl who tended the geese hastened to drive her","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"charges away from the bridge before the hunting party came galloping up. They","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"approached with such speed that she was obliged to climb up onto one of the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"high cornerstones of the bridge, to avoid being run down. She was still little","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"more than a child, pretty and slender, with a gentle expression in her face and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"lovely bright eyes. But the baron took no note of this; as he galloped past her,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"he reversed the whip in his hand, and in rough play gave her such a blow in the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"chest with the butt end that she fell backward into the ditch.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Everything in its proper place!\" he cried. \"Into the mud with you!\" And he","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"laughed loudly, for this was intended to be funny, and the rest of the company","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"joined in his mirth. They shouted and clamored, while the hunting dogs barked","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"even more loudly than before. It was indeed: \"Rich birds come rushing.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"But goodness knows how rich he was. The poor goose girl, in falling, managed to","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"seize one of the drooping branches of the willow tree and hang from it over the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"muddy water. As soon as the company and the dogs had disappeared through the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"castle gate, she tried to climb up again, but the branch broke off at the top,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and she would have fallen into the reeds if, at that moment, a strong hand had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"not caught her from above. It was a peddler who from a little distance away had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"seen what had happened and had hurried up to give aid.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Everything in its proper place,\" he said, mocking the baron, and pulled her up","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"to the dry ground. He put the tree branch back to the place from which it had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"broken, but \"everything in its place\" cannot always be managed, and so he thrust","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"it into the soft ground. \"Grow if you can, until you can furnish a good flute","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"for them up yonder,\" he said. It would have given him great pleasure to see the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"baron and his companions well thrashed.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"And then the peddler made his way to the mansion, but did not go into the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"main hall; he was much too humble for that! He went instead to the servants'","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"quarters, and the men and maids looked over his stock of goods and bargained","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"with him. From above, where the guests were at table, was heard a sound of","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"roaring and screaming that was intended for song; that was the best they could","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"do! There was loud laughter, mingled with the barking and yapping of dogs, for","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"there was riotous feasting up there. Wine and strong old ale foamed in jugs and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"glasses, and the dogs ate with their masters, and some of them, after having","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"their snouts wiped with their ears, were kissed by them.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"The peddler was told to come upstairs with his wares, but it was only to make","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"fun of him. The wine had mounted into their heads and the sense had flown out.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"They insisted that the peddler drink with them, but, so that he would have to","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"drink quickly, they poured his beer into a stocking. This was considered a great","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"joke and caused more gales of laughter. And then entire farms, complete with","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"oxen and peasants, were staked on a single card, and lost and won.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Everything in its proper place,\" said the peddler thankfully when he had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"finally escaped from what he called \"the Sodom and Gomorrah up there.\" - \"The","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"open road is my proper place,\" he said. \"I didn't feel at all happy up there.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"And the little goose girl nodded kindly to him as he walked by the pasture gate.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Days passed and weeks passed; and the willow branch that the peddler had thrust","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"into the ground beside the water ditch remained fresh and green and even put","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"forth new shoots. The little goose girl saw that it must have taken root, and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"she was very happy about it; this was her tree, she thought.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Yes, the tree flourished, but everything else at the mansion went to seed, what","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"with feasting and gambling. For these two are like wheels, upon which no man can","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"stand securely.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Scarcely six years had passed before the baron left the mansion, a beggar, with","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"bag and stick in hand; and the mansion itself was bought by a rich merchant. And","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the purchaser was the very peddler who had once been mocked at in the great hall","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and forced to drink beer from a stocking! Honesty and industry are good winds to","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"speed a vessel, and now the peddler was the master of the mansion. But from that","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"moment card-playing was not permitted there any more.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"That is bad reading,\" he said. \"When the Devil saw a Bible for the first time,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"he wanted something to counteract it, and so he invented card playing.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"The new owner took himself a wife, and who do you suppose she was but the pretty","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"little goose girl, who had always been so faithful and good! In her new clothes","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"she looked as beautiful and fine as if she had been of high birth. How did all","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"this happen? Well, that is too long a story to tell you in these busy times, but","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"it really did happen, and the most important part of the story is still to come.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"It was pleasant and cheerful to live in the old mansion. The mother managed the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"household affairs, and the father superintended the estate, and blessings seemed","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"to rain down on the home. For where there is rectitude prosperity is sure to","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"follow. The old house was cleaned and repainted; ditches were cleared, and new","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"fruit trees were planted. The floors were as polished as a draughtboard, and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"everything wore a bright cheerful look.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"In the large hall the lady sat in the winter evenings, with all her maids","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"spinning woolen and linen yarn, and every Sunday evening there was a reading","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"from the Bible by the Councilor of Justice himself. In his old age the peddler","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"had achieved this title. There were children, and as they grew up they received","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the best possible education, although all were not equally gifted - just as it","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"is in all families.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"But the willow branch outside had grown to be a big splendid tree, which stood","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"free and undisturbed. \"That is our family tree,\" the old people said. And they","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"explained to all the children, even those who were not very bright, that the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"tree was to be honored and respected.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"So a hundred years rolled by.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Now it was our own time. The lake had grown into a marsh, and the old mansion","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"had almost disappeared. A long narrow pool of water near the remains of a stone","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"wall was all that was left of the deep ditch; yet here still stood a magnificent","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"old willow tree with drooping branches. It was the family tree, and it showed","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"how beautiful a tree may be if left to itself. To be sure, the main trunk was","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"split from root to crown, and storms had given it a little twist, but it still","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"stood firmly. From every cleft and crack into which the winds had carried soil,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"grasses and flowers had sprung forth, especially near the top, where the great","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"branches separated. There a sort of a small hanging garden had been formed","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of wild raspberries and chickweed, and even a little serviceberry tree had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"taken root and stood slender and graceful in the midst of the old tree, which","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"reflected itself in the dark water when the wind had driven all the duckweed","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"into a corner of the pool. A narrow path, which led across the fields, passed","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"close by the old tree.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"High on the hill near the forest, with a splendid view in every direction, stood","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the new mansion, large and magnificent, the glass of its windows so clear and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"transparent that there seemed to be no panes there at all. The stately flight","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of steps that led up to the entrance looked like a bower covered with roses","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and broad-leaved plants. The lawn was as freshly and vividly green as if each","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"separate blade of grass were washed mornings and evenings. In the great hall","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"hung valuable pictures; there were silken chairs and sofas so airy and graceful","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"that they seemed almost ready to walk on their own legs; there were tables with","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"polished marble tops, and books bound in rich morocco and gold. Yes, they were","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"really wealthy people who lived here; they were people of position; here lived","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the baron and his family.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Everything here fitted with everything else. The motto of the house was still","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Everything in its proper place.\" So all the pictures that at one time had hung","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"with honor and glory in the former mansion were now relegated to the passage","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"that led to the servants' hall, for they were considered nothing but old junk;","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"especially two old portraits, one of a man in a pink coat and a wig, the other","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of a lady with powdered, high-dressed hair and a rose held in her hand, and each","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"surrounded by a large wreath of willow branches. These two old pictures were","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"marred by many holes, for the baron's children were fond of using the two old","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"people as targets for their cross bows. They were the portraits of the Councilor","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of Justice and his lady, from whom the whole family descended.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"But they didn't really belong to our family,\" said one of the young barons. \"He","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"was a peddler, and she was a goose girl! They weren't like Papa and Mamma!\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"The pictures were judged to be worthless junk, and as the motto was \"Everything","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"in its proper place,\" Great-grandmother and Great-grandfather were hung in the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"passage that led to the servants' hall.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Now, the son of the village pastor was the tutor at the mansion. One day he","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"was out walking with his pupils, the young barons and their older sister, who","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"had just been confirmed. They followed the path toward the old willow, and as","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"they strolled along, the young girl gathered some field flowers and bound them","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"together - \"Everything in its proper place\" - and the flowers became a beautiful","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"bouquet. At the same time she heard every word that was spoken, for she liked to","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"listen to the clergyman's son talk of the power of nature and the great men and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"women of history. She had a good, sweet temper, with true nobility of soul and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"mind, and a heart that appreciated all that God had created.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"They stopped at the old willow tree, where the youngster boy insisted on having","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"a flute made for him, as had been cut for him from other willow branches before;","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and the pastor's son therefore broke off a branch.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Oh, don't,\" cried the young baroness, but it was already too late. \"That is our","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"famous old tree,\" she explained, \"and I love it dearly. They laugh at me at home","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"for it, but I don't care. There's an old tale attached to this tree.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Then she told them all the story about the tree, about the old mansion, and the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"peddler and the goose girl who had met for the first time on this very spot and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"had afterward founded the noble family to which these young people belonged.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"They didn't want to be knighted, the grand old people!\" she said. \"They kept","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"their motto, 'Everything in its proper place,' and so they thought it would be","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"out of place for them to buy a title. It was their son - my grandfather - who","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"was made a baron. They say he was very learned, a great favorite with princes","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and princesses, and was present at all their festivals. The others at home love","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"him the best, but I don't know - there seems to be something about that first","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"pair that draws my heart to them. How comfortable and patriarchal it must have","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"been in the old mansion then, with the mistress sitting at her spinning wheel","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"among all her maids, and the old master reading aloud from the Bible!\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"They must have been wonderful people, sensible people,\" said the pastor's son.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Then the conversation turned naturally toward noblemen and commoners. The young","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"man hardly seemed to belong to the lower classes, so well did he understand and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"speak of the purpose and meaning of nobility.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"It is good fortune,\" he said, \"to belong to a family that has distinguished","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"itself. In your own blood there is then, so to speak, a spur that urges you on","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"to make progress in everything that is good. It's gratifying to bear the name","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of a family that is a card of admission to the highest circles. Nobility means","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"something great and noble; it is a gold coin that has been stamped to show its","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"worth. It is a modern belief, and many poets, of course, agree with it, that","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"all of nobility must be bad and stupid, and that the lower you go among poor","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"people, the more wisdom and virtue do you find. But that isn't my opinion, for I","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"think it's entirely foolish, entirely false. There are many beautiful and kindly","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"traits found in the upper classes. I could give you many examples; here's one my","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"mother told me once.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"She was visiting a noble family in town, where I think my grandmother had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"nursed the lady of the house. The old nobleman and my mother were together in","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"his apartments when he noticed an old woman come limping into the courtyard on","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"crutches. She used to come there every Sunday, to receive a little gift.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\" 'Ah! There is the poor old lady!' said the nobleman. 'Walking is so hard","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"for her!' And before my mother understood what he meant, the seventy-year-old","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"excellency was out of the room and down the stairs, carrying his gift to the old","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"woman, to spare her the difficult walk.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"\"Now that was only a little thing, but like the widow's mite it has a sound","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"that echoes to the depths of the human heart. Those are the things that poets","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"ought to sing about, especially in these times, for it does good; it soothes","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and reconciles mankind. But when a person, just because he is of noble birth and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"has a pedigree, stands on his hind legs and neighs in the street like an Arabian","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"horse, and, when a commoner has been in the rooms, sneers, 'Something out of the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"street has been in here!' - that is nobility in decay and just a mask - a mask","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"such as Thespis created. People are glad to see one like that satirized.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"That was the way the pastor's son spoke. It was a rather long speech, but while","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"talking he had finished carving the flute.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"That night there was a great party at the mansion, with many guests from about","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the neighborhood and from the capital. The main hall was full of people; some","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of the ladies were dressed tastefully, while others showed no taste at all.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"The clergymen of the neighborhood remained gathered respectfully in a corner,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"looking as if they were conducting a burial service there. But it was a party of","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"pleasure; only the pleasure hadn't begun yet.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"There was to be a great concert, so the little baron brought in his new willow","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"flute. But neither he nor his father could get a note from it, so they decided","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"it was worthless. There were chamber music and song, both of the sort that","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"pleases the performers most - yet quite charming.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Suddenly a certain cavalier - his father's son and nothing else - spoke to the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"tutor. \"Are you a musician?\" he demanded. \"You play the flute and make it, too!","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"That's genius! That should command, and receive, the place of honor! Heaven","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"knows, I try to follow the times. You have to do that, you know. Come, you will","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"enchant us all with the little instrument, won't you?\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Then he handed the tutor the flute made from the old willow down by the pool","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and announced loudly that the tutor was about to favor them with a solo on that","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"instrument.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Now, it was easy to tell that they only wanted to make fun of him, so the tutor","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"refused, though he could really play well. But they crowded around him and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"insisted so strongly that at last he put the flute to his lips.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"That was a strange flute! A tone was heard, as sustained as the whistle of a","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"steam engine, yes, and much stronger; it echoed over the courtyard, garden, and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"wood, and miles away into the country. And with that note there came a rushing","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"wind that seemed to roar, \"Everything in its proper place!\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"And then Papa flew, as if carried by the wind, straight out of the great hall","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and into the shepherd's cottage, while the shepherd was blown - not into the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"main hall, for there he could not come - no, up into the servants' room, among","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the haughty lackeys strutting in their silk stockings. The proud servants were","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"almost paralyzed at the very thought that such a common person would dare to sit","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"at table with them!","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"But in the great hall the young baroness flew to the upper end of the table,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"where she was worthy to sit; the pastor's son found himself next to her, and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"there they both sat as if they were a newly married couple. A gentle old count","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"of one of the most ancient families in the country remained unmoved in his","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"honorable place, for the flute was just, as everyone ought to be. But the witty","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"cavalier who was nothing more than the son of his father, and who had caused","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"the flute playing, flew head over heels into the poultry house - and he was not","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"alone.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"For a whole mile around the countryside the sound of the flute could be heard,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"and remarkable things happened. The family of a rich merchant, driving along","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"in their coach and four, was blown completely out of the carriage and could not","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"even find a place on the back of it. Two wealthy peasants who in our times had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"grown too high for their own cornfields were tumbled back into the ditch.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"Yes, that was indeed a dangerous flute. But luckily it burst after that first","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"note, and that was a fortunate thing for everybody, for then it was put back","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"into the owner's pocket. \"Everything in its proper place.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"The next day no one spoke of what had happened; and that is where we get the","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"expression, \"To pocket the flute.\" Everything was back in its former state,","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"except for the two old portraits of the merchant and the goose girl. They had","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"been blown up onto the wall of the drawing room; and when one of the well-known","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"experts said they had been painted by an old master, they were left there, and","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"carefully restored. Nobody knew before that they were worth anything, and how","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"could they have known? Now they hung in the place of honor. \"Everything in its","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"proper place.\"","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"And it will come to that. Eternity is long - even longer than this story.","book":"Everything in its proper place"} {"text":"There was once a regular student, who lived in a garret, and had no possessions.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"And there was also a regular huckster, to whom the house belonged, and who","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"occupied the ground floor. A goblin lived with the huckster, because at","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"Christmas he always had a large dish full of jam, with a great piece of butter","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"in the middle. The huckster could afford this; and therefore the goblin remained","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"with the huckster, which was very cunning of him.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"One evening the student came into the shop through the back door to buy candles","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and cheese for himself, he had no one to send, and therefore he came himself; he","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"obtained what he wished, and then the huckster and his wife nodded good evening","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to him, and she was a woman who could do more than merely nod, for she had","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"usually plenty to say for herself. The student nodded in return as he turned to","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"leave, then suddenly stopped, and began reading the piece of paper in which the","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"cheese was wrapped. It was a leaf torn out of an old book, a book that ought not","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to have been torn up, for it was full of poetry.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"Yonder lies some more of the same sort,\" said the huckster: \"I gave an old","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"woman a few coffee berries for it; you shall have the rest for sixpence, if you","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"will.\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"Indeed I will,\" said the student; \"give me the book instead of the cheese; I","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"can eat my bread and butter without cheese. It would be a sin to tear up a book","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"like this. You are a clever man; and a practical man; but you understand no more","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"about poetry than that cask yonder.\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"This was a very rude speech, especially against the cask; but the huckster and","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"the student both laughed, for it was only said in fun. But the goblin felt very","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"angry that any man should venture to say such things to a huckster who was a","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"householder and sold the best butter. As soon as it was night, and the shop","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"closed, and every one in bed except the student, the goblin stepped softly into","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"the bedroom where the huckster's wife slept, and took away her tongue, which of","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"course, she did not then want. Whatever object in the room he placed his tongue","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"upon immediately received voice and speech, and was able to express its thoughts","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and feelings as readily as the lady herself could do. It could only be used by","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"one object at a time, which was a good thing, as a number speaking at once would","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"have caused great confusion. The goblin laid the tongue upon the cask, in which","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"lay a quantity of old newspapers.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"Is it really true,\" he asked, \"that you do not know what poetry is?\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"Of course I know,\" replied the cask: \"poetry is something that always stand in","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"the corner of a newspaper, and is sometimes cut out; and I may venture to affirm","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"that I have more of it in me than the student has, and I am only a poor tub of","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"the huckster's.\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"Then the goblin placed the tongue on the coffee mill; and how it did go to","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"be sure! Then he put it on the butter tub and the cash box, and they all","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"expressed the same opinion as the waste-paper tub; and a majority must always be","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"respected.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"Now I shall go and tell the student,\" said the goblin; and with these words","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"he went quietly up the back stairs to the garret where the student lived. He","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"had a candle burning still, and the goblin peeped through the keyhole and saw","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"that he was reading in the torn book, which he had brought out of the shop.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"But how light the room was! From the book shot forth a ray of light which grew","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"broad and full, like the stem of a tree, from which bright rays spread upward","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and over the student's head. Each leaf was fresh, and each flower was like a","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"beautiful female head; some with dark and sparkling eyes, and others with eyes","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"that were wonderfully blue and clear. The fruit gleamed like stars, and the room","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"was filled with sounds of beautiful music. The little goblin had never imagined,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"much less seen or heard of, any sight so glorious as this. He stood still","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"on tiptoe, peeping in, till the light went out in the garret. The student no","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"doubt had blown out his candle and gone to bed; but the little goblin remained","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"standing there nevertheless, and listening to the music which still sounded on,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"soft and beautiful, a sweet cradle-song for the student, who had lain down to","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"rest.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"\"This is a wonderful place,\" said the goblin; \"I never expected such a thing. I","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"should like to stay here with the student;\" and the little man thought it over,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"for he was a sensible little spirit. At last he sighed, \"but the student has","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"no jam!\" So he went down stairs again into the huckster's shop, and it was a","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"good thing he got back when he did, for the cask had almost worn out the lady's","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"tongue; he had given a description of all that he contained on one side, and was","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"just about to turn himself over to the other side to describe what was there,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"when the goblin entered and restored the tongue to the lady. But from that time","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"forward, the whole shop, from the cash box down to the pinewood logs, formed","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"their opinions from that of the cask; and they all had such confidence in him,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and treated him with so much respect, that when the huckster read the criticisms","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"on theatricals and art of an evening, they fancied it must all come from the","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"cask.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"But after what he had seen, the goblin could no longer sit and listen quietly","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to the wisdom and understanding down stairs; so, as soon as the evening light","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"glimmered in the garret, he took courage, for it seemed to him as if the rays","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"of light were strong cables, drawing him up, and obliging him to go and peep","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"through the keyhole; and, while there, a feeling of vastness came over him such","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"as we experience by the ever-moving sea, when the storm breaks forth; and it","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"brought tears into his eyes. He did not himself know why he wept, yet a kind of","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"pleasant feeling mingled with his tears. \"How wonderfully glorious it would be","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to sit with the student under such a tree;\" but that was out of the question, he","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"must be content to look through the keyhole, and be thankful for even that.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"There he stood on the old landing, with the autumn wind blowing down upon him","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"through the trap-door. It was very cold; but the little creature did not really","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"feel it, till the light in the garret went out, and the tones of music died","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"away. Then how he shivered, and crept down stairs again to his warm corner,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"where it felt home-like and comfortable. And when Christmas came again, and","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"brought the dish of jam and the great lump of butter, he liked the huckster best","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"of all.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"Soon after, in the middle of the night, the goblin was awoke by a terrible noise","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and knocking against the window shutters and the house doors, and by the sound","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"of the watchman's horn; for a great fire had broken out, and the whole street","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"appeared full of flames. Was it in their house, or a neighbor's? No one could","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"tell, for terror had seized upon all. The huckster's wife was so bewildered that","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"she took her gold ear-rings out of her ears and put them in her pocket, that","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"she might save something at least. The huckster ran to get his business papers,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"and the servant resolved to save her blue silk mantle, which she had managed","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to buy. Each wished to keep the best things they had. The goblin had the same","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"wish; for, with one spring, he was up stairs and in the student's room, whom","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"he found standing by the open window, and looking quite calmly at the fire,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"which was raging at the house of a neighbor opposite. The goblin caught up the","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"wonderful book which lay on the table, and popped it into his red cap, which he","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"held tightly with both hands. The greatest treasure in the house was saved; and","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"he ran away with it to the roof, and seated himself on the chimney. The flames","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"of the burning house opposite illuminated him as he sat, both hands pressed","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"tightly over his cap, in which the treasure lay; and then he found out what","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"feelings really reigned in his heart, and knew exactly which way they tended.","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"And yet, when the fire was extinguished, and the goblin again began to reflect,","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"he hesitated, and said at last, \"I must divide myself between the two; I cannot","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"quite give up the huckster, because of the jam.\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"And this is a representation of human nature. We are like the goblin; we all go","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"to visit the huckster \"because of the jam.\"","book":"The goblin and the huckster"} {"text":"The country around the town of Kjöge is very bare. The town itself lies by the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"seashore, which is always beautiful, although it might be more beautiful than","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"it is, because all around are flat fields, and a forest a long way off. But one","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"always finds something beautiful in the spot that is one's own home, something","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"for which one longs, even when one is in the most wonderful spot in the world.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And we must admit that the outer edge of Kjöge, where small, humble gardens","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"line the little stream that flows into the sea, could be very pretty in the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"summertime. This was the opinion of the two small children, Knud and Johanne,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"who were playing there, crawling under the gooseberry bushes to reach each","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"other.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"In one of the gardens there stood an elder tree, in the other an old willow, and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"under the latter the children were especially fond of playing. Although the tree","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"stood close beside the stream and they might easily have fallen into the water,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"they were allowed to play there, for the eye of God watches over little ones.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Otherwise they would be very badly off indeed. Besides, these two were careful","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"about the water; in fact, the boy was so afraid of it that in the summer he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"could not be lured into the sea, where the other children were fond of splashing","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"about. As a result, he had to bear the teasing of the others as best he could.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"But once Johanne, the little girl, dreamed she was out in a boat, and Knud waded","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"out to join her, with the water rising until it closed over his head. And from","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the moment little Knud heard of this dream he could no longer bear to be called","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"a coward. He might really go into the water now, he said, since Johanne had","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"dreamed it. He never carried that idea into practice, but for all that the dream","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"remained his great pride.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Their poor parents often came together, while Knud and Johanne played in the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"gardens or on the highroad, where a long row of willows had been planted along","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the ditch. These trees with their polled tops certainly did not look very","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"beautiful, but they were there for use rather than for ornament. The old willow","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"tree in the garden was much lovelier, which was why the children took most","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"delight in sitting under it.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"In Kjöge itself was a great market place, and at fair time this plaza was gay","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"with whole streets of tents, filled with silk ribbons, boots, and everything","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"a person might desire. There were great crowds then, and generally the weather","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was rainy. One could easily smell the odor of peasants' clothes, but this could","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"not destroy the fragrance that streamed from a booth full of honey cakes. And","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"best of all, the man who kept this particular booth came every year during fair","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"time to lodge in the house of little Knud's parents. Consequently, every now and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"then there was a present of a bit of honey cake, and of course Johanne always","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"received her share.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"But the best thing of all was that this gingerbread dealer knew all sorts of","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"charming stories and could even tell tales about his own gingerbread cakes. One","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"evening he told a story about them which made such a deep impression on the two","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"children that they never forgot it. For that reason perhaps we should hear it,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"too, especially since it is not very long.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"On the shop counter,\" he said, \"there once lay two gingerbread cakes. One","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was in the shape of a man with a hat on, the other of a maiden with no bonnet","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"but with a blot of yellow on top of her head. Both their faces were on the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"upper side, for that was the side that was supposed to be looked at, and not","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the other. Indeed, most people have one side from which they should be viewed.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"On his left side the man wore a bitter almond for a heart; but the maiden, on","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the other hand, was honey cake all through. They were placed on the counter as","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"samples, so they remained there for a long time, until at last they fell in love","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"with each other. But neither told the other, which they should have done if they","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"had expected anything to come of it.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\" 'He is a man, so he must speak first,' thought the maiden. But she was quite","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"contented, for she knew in her heart that her love was returned. His thoughts","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"were far more extravagant, which is just like a man. He dreamed that he was a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"street urchin, and that he had four pennies all his own, and that he bought the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"maiden and ate her up.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"So they lay on the counter for days and weeks, and grew dry, but the thoughts","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"of the maiden remained still gentle and womanly.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\" 'It's enough for me that I have lived on the same table with him, ' thought","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the maiden, and then she broke in two.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\" 'If only she had known of my love she would have held together a little","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"longer,' thought he.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"So that's the story, and here they are, both of them,\" said the baker. \"They're","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"remarkable for their strange history and for their silent love, which never came","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to anything. And now they're both for you!\" With that he gave Johanne the man,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"who was still in one piece, and Knud got the broken maiden; but the children","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"had been so touched by the story that they couldn't be so bold as to eat up the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"lovers.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Next day they took them out to the Kjöge churchyard, where, winter and summer,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"lovely ivy covers the church wall like a rich carpet. They stood the two cake","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"figures up among the green leaves in the bright sunshine and told a group of","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"other children the story of the silent love that was useless; that is to say,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the love was, for the story was charming, they all found.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"But when they looked again at the gingerbread couple they found that a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"mischievous big boy had eaten up the broken maiden. The children cried about","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that and later - probably so that the poor lover might not be left alone in the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"world - they ate him up, too. But they never forgot the story. The two children","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"were always together by the elder tree or under the willow, and little Johanne","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"sang the most beautiful songs in a voice as clear as a silver bell. Knud had not","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"a note of music in him, but at least he knew the words of the songs, and that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was something. But the people of Kjöge, even the wife of the hardware merchant,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"stopped and listened when Johanne sang. \"She has a very sweet voice, that little","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"girl,\" she said.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Those were glorious days; but glorious days do not last forever, and finally","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the neighbors separated. Johanne's mother died, and her father planned to marry","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"again in Copenhagen, where he had been promised a position as messenger, a job","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"supposed to be very profitable. While the neighbors parted with regrets, the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"children wept bitterly, but the parents promised to write to each other at least","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"once a year.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And Knud was made apprentice to a shoemaker, for such a big boy was too old to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"run around wild any longer; and, furthermore, he was confirmed.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Oh, how he would have liked to see little Johanne in Copenhagen on that day of","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"celebration! But he didn't go; and he had never been there, although Kjöge is","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"only five Danish miles away. On a clear day Knud could see the distant towers","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"of the city across the bay, and on the day of his confirmation he could even see","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the golden cross on the tower of the Church of Our Lady glitter in the sun.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Ah, how often his thoughts turned toward Johanne! And did she remember him?","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes! At Christmastime a letter came from her father to Knud's parents, saying","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that they were doing very well in Copenhagen, and Johanne could look forward","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to a brilliant career on the strength of her lovely voice. She already had a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"position in the opera house and was already earning a little money, out of which","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"she sent her dear neighbors of Kjöge a dollar for a merry Christmas Eve. Johanne","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"herself added a postscript, asking them to drink to her health, and in the same","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"postscript was also written, \"Friendly greetings to Knud!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"They all wept; but this was all very pleasant, for they were tears of joy that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"they shed. Knud's thoughts had been with Johanne every day, and now he knew that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"she also thought of him. The nearer came the end of his apprenticeship, the more","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"clearly did he realize that he was in love with Johanne and that she must be his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"little wife.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"When he thought of this a smile brightened his face, and he drew the thread","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"faster than before and pressed his foot against the knee strap. He didn't even","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"pay any attention when he ran the awl deep into one of his fingers. He was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"determined that he would not play the silent lover, like the two gingerbread","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"cakes. The story had taught him a lesson.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Now he was a journeyman, and his knapsack was packed ready for his trip. At","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"last, for the first time in his life, he was to go to Copenhagen, where a master","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was already expecting him. How surprised and happy Johanne would be to see him!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"She was just seventeen now, and he nineteen.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He wanted to buy a gold ring for her before he left Kjöge, but then decided he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"could get a much nicer one in Copenhagen. And so he took leave of his parents,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and on a rainy, windy day in autumn set forth on foot from the town of his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"birth. The damp leaves were dropping from the trees, and he was wet to the skin","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"when he arrived at his new master's home in the big city of Copenhagen. The","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"following Sunday he would pay a visit to Johanne's father!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"So, on Sunday he put on the new journeyman's clothes, and the new hat from Kjöge","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that became him very well, for till then he had only worn a cap. He easily found","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the house he was seeking, and mounted flight after flight of stairs until he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"became almost dizzy. It seemed terrible to him for people to live piled up on","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"top of each other in this intricate city.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Everything in the parlor looked prosperous, and Johanne's father received him in","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"kindly friendship. Knud was a stranger to the new wife, but she too shook hands","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"with him and gave him a cup of coffee.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"Johanne will be glad to see you,\" said the father. \"You've grown into a nice-","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"looking young man. Yes, wait till you see her. There is a girl who rejoices my","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"heart, and please God she will rejoice it still more. She has her own room now","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and pays us rent regularly for it!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Then he knocked quite politely at his daughter's door, as if he were a stranger,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and they went in.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Oh, how pretty it was! he was certain there wasn't such a lovely room in","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"all Kjöge; the Queen herself could not be more charmingly lodged. There were","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"carpets, and window curtains that hung quite to the floor, and flowers and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"pictures, and a velvet chair, and even a mirror as large as a door and so clear","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"there was a danger of walking into it.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"A glance showed all this to Knud, and yet he could look at nothing but Johanne.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"She was a full-grown maiden now, quite different from Knud's memories of her,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and much more beautiful. There wasn't a girl in Kjöge like her. How graceful","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"she was, and with what a strange, unsure gaze she looked at Knud! But that was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"only for a moment, and then she rushed toward him as if it kiss him. she did not","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"actually do so, but she very nearly did.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes, she was really happy to see her childhood friend again! There were tears","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"in Johanne's eyes; she had so much to say, and so many questions to ask about","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"everything, from Knud's parents to the elder tree and the willow, which she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"called Elder Mother and Willow Father just as if they had been human beings; and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"indeed they might be called so, just as much as the gingerbread cakes. She spoke","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"of them too, and their silent love, and how they had lain on the shop counter","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and broken in two - and at this she laughed heartily, while the blood rushed","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to Knud's cheeks and his heart beat faster and faster. No, she had not grown","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"haughty at all.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And Knud noticed quite well that it was because of her that her parents invited","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him to spend the evening. With her won hands she poured out the tea and gave him","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"a cup; and afterward she read aloud to them from a book, and it seemed to Knud","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that what she read was all about himself and his love, for it matched with his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"thoughts. Then she sang a simple little song, but her singing made it a real","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"story that seemed to be the outpouring of her very heart.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes, Knud knew she cared for him. He could not keep tears of joy from rolling","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"down his cheeks, nor could he speak a single word - he seemed struck dumb. But","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"she pressed his hand and murmured, \"You have a good heart, Knud. Stay always the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"way you are now!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"That was a magnificent evening; it was impossible to sleep afterward, and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"accordingly Knud did not sleep.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"When he had left, Johanne's father had said, \"Now, don't forget us altogether.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Don't let the whole winter go by before you come to us again!\" Knud felt that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"gave him permission to repeat the call the following Sunday, and determined to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"do so.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"But every evening after work - and the working hours lasted until candlelight","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"there - Knud went out into the town. He returned to the street in which Johanne","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"lived, and looked up at her window. It was almost always lighted, and one","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"evening he could even see the shadow of her face quite plainly on the curtain.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"That was an evening he would never forget. His master's wife did not like his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"gallivanting abroad every evening,\" as she put it, and shook her head ruefully","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"over him; but the master only smiled.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"He's just a young fellow,\" he said.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"On Sunday we shall see each other,\" Knud thought, \"and I shall tell her how she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"is always in my thoughts and that she must be my little wife. I know I'm only","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"a poor journeyman shoemaker, but I can become a master, and I'll work and save","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"- yes, I'll tell her that! No good comes from a silent love; I've learned that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"much from the gingerbread!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Sunday came at last, and Knud set out, but to his great disappointment they","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"had to tell him they were all invited out that evening. But as he left Johanne","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"pressed his hand and said, \"Have you ever been to the theater? You must go there","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"sometime. I shall be singing on Wednesday, and if you have time that evening","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"I'll send you a ticket. My father knows where you are living.\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"How kind it was of her! And at noon on Wednesday he received a sealed envelope.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"There were no words inside, but the ticket was there, and that evening Knud","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"went to the theater for the first time in his life. And what did he see? He saw","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Johanne, looking more charming and beautiful than he ever could have believed","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"possible! To be sure, she was married to a stranger, but that was just in the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"play; it was only make-believe, as Knud understood very well. If it had been","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"true, he thought, she would never have had the heart to send him a ticket so","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that he could go and see it. And everybody shouted and applauded, and Knud cried","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"out, \"Hurrah!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Even the King was there, smiling at Johanne, and he seemed to delight in her","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"loveliness. How small Knud felt then! Still he loved her dearly, and felt that","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"she loved him, too; but he knew it was up to the man to speak the first word,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"as the gingerbread maiden in the story had taught him. Indeed, there was a great","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"deal of truth in that story.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"So, as soon as Sunday came, he went to see her again, feeling as solemn as if he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"were going into a church. Johanne was at home alone; it could not have happened","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"more fortunately.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"I'm glad you came,\" she said. \"I almost sent Father after you, but I felt in my","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"heart that you would be here this evening. I have to tell you that I am leaving","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"for France on Friday; I must study there if I am to become a great artiste!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"At those words it seemed to Knud as if the whole room were whirling round and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"round with him. He felt as if his heart would break; there were no tears in his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"eyes, but Johanne could not fail to see how stricken he was .","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"You honest, faithful soul!\" she said.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And her tenderness loosened his tongue. He told her how much he loved her and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"begged her to become his little wife. Then he saw Johanne turn pale as she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"dropped his hand and said seriously and sadly, \"Dear Knud, don't make us both","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"unhappy. I shall always be a loving sister to you, one in whom you may trust,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"but I shall never be anything more.\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Gently she placed her soft hand on his hot forehead. \"God gives us the strength","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"for much,\" she said, \"if only we try to do our best.\" At that moment her","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"stepmother entered the room, and Johanne said, \"Knud is quite heartbroken","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"because I'm going away! Come, be a man,\" and she laid her hand on his shoulder;","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"it seemed as if they had been talking only of her journey. \"You're a child,\" she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"laughed, \"but now you must be good and reasonable, as you used to be under the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"willow tree when we were both children!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Knud felt as if the whole world were out of joint, and his thoughts were like a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"loose thread fluttering in the wind. He remained for tea, though he hardly knew","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"if they had asked him to; and they were kind and gentle, and Johanne poured out","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"his tea and sang to him. Her voice did not have its old tone, but still it was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"wonderfully beautiful and nearly broke his heart. And then they parted. Knud","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"could not bear to offer his hand, but she took it and said, \"Surely you'll shake","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"hands with your sister at parting, old playmate!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"She smiled through the tears that were in her own eyes, and repeated the word","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"brother.\" Yes, that was supposed to be a great consolation! Such was their","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"parting.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"She sailed for France, and Knud wandered about the muddy streets of Copenhagen.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"His comrades in the workshop asked why he was so gloomy and urged him to join","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"them and amuse himself, for he was still a young fellow.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"So they took him to a dance hall. He saw many pretty girls there, but there was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"not one to compare with Johanne; here, where he had hoped to forget her, she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was more vivid than ever before the eyes of his soul. \"God gives us the strength","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"for much,\" she had said, \"if only we try to do our best.\" Then a devotion came","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to his mind, and he folded his hands quietly. The violins played, and the girls","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"danced gaily, and suddenly it seemed to him that he should never have brought","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Johanne into a place like this - for she was there with him, in his heart.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Knud ran out and wandered aimlessly through the streets. He passed by the house","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"where she had lived; it was dark there - everywhere were darkness and emptiness","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and loneliness. The world went in its way, and Knud went his.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Winter set in, and the waters froze over; it was as if everything were preparing","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"itself for burial. But when spring returned, and the first steamer was to start,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"an intense longing seized him to go away, far into the world, anywhere - but not","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"too close to France. So he packed his knapsack and wandered deep into Germany,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"from town to town, finding rest and peace nowhere. It was not until he came to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the glorious old city of Nuremberg that he could quiet his restless spirit, and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"there he decided to stay.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Nuremberg is a strange old city, looking as if it had been cut out of an old-","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"fashioned picture book. The streets seem to wander along just as they please.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The houses did not like to stand in regular rows. Gables with little towers,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"arabesques, and pillars lean out over the walks, and from the queer peaked roofs","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"water-spouts, shaped like dragons or long, slim dogs, push out far over the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"streets.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"There in the Nuremberg market place stood Knud, his knapsack, on his back. He","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was beside one of the old fountains, where splendid bronze figures, scriptural","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and historical, rose up between the gushing jets of water. A pretty little","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"servant girl was just filling her pails, and she gave Knud a refreshing drink;","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and as her hand was full of roses she gave him one of them, too, and he accepted","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that as a good sign.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"From the church near by came the strains of an organ; they rang as familiar to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him as the tones of the organ at home in Kjöge church, and he entered the great","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"cathedral. The sunlight streamed in through the high stained-glass windows and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"down between the lofty, slender pillars. His spirit found rest.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And Knud found a good master in Nuremberg, and he lived in his house, and there","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"learned to speak German.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The old moat around the town of Nuremberg has been converted into little","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"kitchen gardens, but the high walls with their heavy towers are standing yet.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The ropemaker twists his cords on a wooden gallery along the inside of the town","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"wall, where elderbushes grow out of the cracks and clefts, spreading their green","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"branches over the small, lowly houses below. In one of these houses Knud lived","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"with his master; and over the little garret window where he slept the elder tree","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"waved its branches.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Here he lived for a summer and winter. But when spring returned he could bear it","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"no longer, for the elder was blooming and the fragrance of its blossoms carried","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him back to home and the garden at Kjöge. So Knud left that master and found","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"another farther in town, over whose house no elderbush blossomed.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"His new workshop was close to one of the old stone bridges, by an ever-foaming,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"low water mill. The stream roared past it, hemmed in by the houses, whose","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"decayed old balconies looked about to topple into the water. No elder grew here","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"- there was not even a little green plant in a flowerpot - but just opposite","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"stood a grand old willow tree that seemed to cling fast to the house, as if","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"it feared being carried away by the stream. It stretched its branches out over","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the river, just as the willow at Kjöge spread its arms across the stream by the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"gardens of home.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes, Knud had gone from the Elder Mother to the Willow Father. This tree had","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"something, especially on moonlit evenings, that went straight to his heart, and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"that something was not of the moonlight but of the old willow tree itself.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He could not remain there. Why not? Ask the willow tree; ask the blossoming","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"elder! And so he bade farewell to his kind master and to Nuremberg and traveled","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"on further.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"To no one did he speak of Johanne, but hid his sorrow in his innermost heart;","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and he thought of the deep meaning of the old story of the gingerbread. Now he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"understood why the man had a bitter almond for a heart - he himself had felt","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the bitterness of it. And Johanne, who was always so gentle and smiling, she was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"only like the honey cake.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The strap of Knud's knapsack seemed so tight across his chest that he could","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"scarcely breathe, but even when he loosened it he was not relieved. He saw only","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"half the world around him; the other half he carried within him. That's how it","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Not until he was in sight of the high mountains did the world appear freer to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him; now his thoughts were turned outward again, and the tears came into his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"eyes.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The Alps seemed to him like the folded wings of the earth; what if they were","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to unfold themselves and display their varied pictures of black woods, foaming","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"waters, clouds, and great masses of snow! On the last day, he thought, the world","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"will lift up its mighty wings and mount upward to God, to burst like a soap","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"bubble before the glance of the Highest.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" he sighed, \"that that last day were here now!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Silently he wandered through a country that seemed to him like an orchard","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"covered with soft turf. From the wooden balconies of the houses girls, busy with","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"their lacemaking, nodded down at him. The summits of the mountains glowed in the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"red evening sun; and when he saw the blue lakes gleaming through the dark trees,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"he thought of the seacoast near Kjöge, and there was a sadness in his heart -","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"but it was pain no longer.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"There where the Rhine rolls onward like a great wave, and then bursts into snow-","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"white, gleaming, cloudlike masses, as if clouds were being created there, with","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the rainbow fluttering like a loose band above them - it was there that he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"thought of the mill at Kjöge, with its rushing, foaming stream.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He would have been glad to have remained in the quiet Rhenish town, but here","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"also there were too many elder trees and too many willows, so he traveled on,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"over the mighty, towering mountains, through shattered walls of rock, and on","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"roads that clung to the mountainsides like the nests of swallows. The waters","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"foamed in the depths, the clouds themselves were below him, and he strode on","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"in the warm summer sun over shiny thistles, Alpine roses and snow. Thus he said","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"farewell to the lands of the North and journeyed on under the shade of blooming","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"chestnut trees, and through vineyards and fields of maize. Now the mountains","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"were a wall between him and all his memories; that was how he wished it to be.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"At last he reached that great, glorious city called Milan, and here he found a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"German master who gave him work. The master an his wife, in whose workshop he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"labored now, were a pious old couple. And they became quite fond of the quiet","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"journeyman, who said little but worked all the harder and led a devout Christian","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"life. And to Knud also it seemed that God had lifted the heavy burden from his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"heart.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"His favorite relaxation was to climb from time to time to the mighty marble","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"church, which seemed to him to have been built of the snow of his native","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Northland, formed into images, pointed towers, and decorated open halls; from","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"every corner and every niche the white statues smiled down upon him. Above him","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was the blue sky; below him were the city and the wide-spreading green plains","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"of Lombardy, and toward the north the high mountains capped with perpetual snow.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Then he thought of the church at Kjöge, with its red ivy-colored walls, but he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"did not long to go there again. Here, beyond the mountains, he would be buried.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He had lived there a year, and three years had passed since he had left his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"home, when one day his master took him into the city - not to the circus with","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"its daring riders; no, to the great opera, where was an auditorium well worth","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"seeing. There were seven tiers of boxes, and from each beautiful silken curtains","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"hung, while from the ground to the dizzy heights of the roof there sat the most","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"elegant ladies, with corsages in their hands as if they were at a ball, and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"gentlemen in full dress, many of them with decorations of gold and silver. It","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was as bright there as in the noonday sunshine, and the music rolled gloriously","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and beautifully; everything was much more splendid than in the theater at","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Copenhagen, but then Johanne had been in Copenhagen, and here - -","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes! It was like magic - Johanne was here also! The Curtain rose, and she","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"appeared, clad in silk and gold, with a gold crown upon her head. She sang as","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"none but an angel could sing, and came far forward to the front of the stage,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and smiled as only Johanne could smile, and looked straight down at Knud! The","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"poor boy seized his master's arm and called out aloud, \"Johanne!\" The loud music","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"sounded above everything, but no one heard but the master, who nodded his head.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" he said, \"her name is Johanne!\" Then he drew forth his program and showed","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Knud her name - for the full name was printed there.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"No, it was not a dream! The great audience applauded and threw wreaths and","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"flowers to Johanne, and every time she went away they called her back on stage,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"so that she was always going and coming.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"In the street outside afterward the people crowded about her carriage and drew","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"it away in triumph. Knud was in the first row and shouted as joyfully as any;","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and when the carriage halted before her brightly lighted house he was standing","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"close beside the door. It opened, and she stepped out; the light fell upon","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"her beloved face, and she smiled, thanked them graciously, and appeared deeply","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"touched. Knud looked straight into her eyes, and she into his, but she never","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"knew him. A gentleman with a decoration glittering on his breast gave her his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"arm - people said they were betrothed.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Then Knud went home and packed his knapsack. He had decided to return to his own","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"home, to the elder and willow trees - ah, beneath the willow tree!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The old couple begged him to remain, but no words could change his mind. It","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was in vain that they pointed out to him that winter was coming and the snow","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"had already fallen in the mountains. He replied that he could march, with his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"knapsack on his back, and supported by his cane, in the wake of a slow-moving","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"carriage, for which a path would have to be cleared.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"So Knud left for the mountains and climbed up them and down them. His strength","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"grew less, but still he saw no village or house; always he plodded onward toward","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the North. High above him the stars gleamed; his feet stumbled, and his head","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"grew dizzy with the heights. Stars seemed to shine deep in the valley, too, as","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"if there were another sky below him. He felt ill. More and more stars became","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"visible below him; they glowed brighter and brighter and moved to and fro. Then","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"he realized it was the lights of a little town that were shining down there.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"When he was sure of that, he put forth the last of his strength and finally","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"reached the shelter of a humble inn.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He remained there that night and the whole of the next day, for his body was in","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"desperate need of rest and refreshment. The ice was beginning to thaw, and there","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"was rain in the valley. But on the second morning a man with a hand organ came","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"to the inn and played a Danish melody - and now Knud could not remain.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"He resumed his journey northward, tramping on for many days, hurrying as though","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"he were trying to reach home before all were dead there. But to no man did","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"he speak of his longing, for no one would have believed in the sorrow of his","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"spirit, the deepest a human heart can feel. Such grief is not for the world,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"for it is not amusing; nor is it for friends. And this man had no friends; a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"stranger, he wandered through strange lands toward his home in the North. He had","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"received only one letter from home, and it was now years since his parents had","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"written. \"You are not really Danish as we here at home. We love our country, but","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"you love only a strange country.\" Thus his parents had written him - yes, they","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"thought they knew him!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Now it was evening. He was tramping along the public highway. The frost had","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"settled down, and the country had become flatter, with fields and meadows on","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"all sides. And near the road there grew a great willow tree! The whole outlook","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"reminded Knud strongly of home; it looked so Danish, and with a deep sigh he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"sat down under the tree. He was very tired, his head began to nod, and his eyes","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"closed in slumber, but still he seemed to see the tree stretching its arms above","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him, and in his wandering fancy the tree seemed to be a mighty old man - the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Willow Father himself - carrying his tired son in his arms back to his Danish","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"home, to the bare, bleak shore of Kjöge and the garden of his childhood.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Yes, he dreamed that this was the willow tree of Kjöge that had traveled out","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"into the world in search of him, and at last had found him, and had carried him","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"back into the little garden beside the stream. And there stood Johanne, in all","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"her splendor, with the golden crown on her head, just as he had seen her last,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"and she called out \"Welcome!\" to him.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"And before him stood two remarkable figures, looking much more human than he","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"remembered them from his childhood. They had changed too, but they were still","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the two gingerbread cakes, the man and the maiden, that turned their right sides","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"toward him, and looked very handsome.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"We thank you!\" both said to Knud. \"You have loosened our tongues and taught","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"us that thoughts should be spoken freely or nothing will come of them. And now","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"something has come of them - we are betrothed!\"","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Then they walked hand in hand through the street s of Kjöge, and looked very","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"respectable even on the wrong side; no one could have found any fault with them.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"On they went, straight toward Kjöge Church, and Knud and Johanne followed them","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"- they, too, walked hand in hand. The church stood there as it had always stood,","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"with the beautiful green ivy growing on its red walls, and the great door of the","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"church swung open, and the organ pealed, and the gingerbread couple walked up","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"the aisle.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"Our master first,\" said the cake pair, and made room for Johanne and Knud to","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"kneel before the altar. And she bent her head over him, and the tears fell from","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"her eyes, but they were icy cold, for it was the ice around her heart that was","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"melting, softened by his strong love.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"The tears fell upon his burning cheeks, and then he awoke - and he was sitting","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"under the old willow tree in a foreign land on that cold winter evening; an icy","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"hail from the could s was beating on his face.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"\"That was the most wonderful hour of my life!\" he cried. \"And it was just a","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"dream. Oh, God, let me dream again!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Then he closed his eyes once more and dreamed again.","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"Toward morning there was a great snowstorm, and the wind blew it in drifts over","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"him, and when the villagers came forth to go to church they found a journeyman","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"sitting by the roadside. He was dead - frozen to death beneath the willow tree!","book":"Under the willow tree"} {"text":"There were five peas in one pod; the peas were green and the pod was green, and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"so they believed that the whole world was green-and that was absolutely right!","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"The pod grew and the peas grew; they adjusted themselves to their surroundings,","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"sitting straight in a row. The sun shone outside and warmed the pod; the rain","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"made it clear and clean. It was nice and cozy inside, bright in the daytime and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"dark at night, just as it should be; and the peas became larger, and more and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"more thoughtful, as they sat there, for surely there was something they must do.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Shall I always remain sitting here?\" said one. \"If only I don't become hard","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"from sitting so long. It seems to me there must be something outside; I have a","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"feeling about it.\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"And weeks went by; the peas became yellow, and the pod became yellow. \"The whole","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"world's becoming yellow,\" they said, and that they had a right to say.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"Then they felt a jerk at the pod. It was torn off, came into human hands, and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"then was put down into the pocket of a jacket, along with other full pods.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Now it will soon be opened up!\" they said, and they waited for that.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Now I'd like to know which of us will get the farthest,\" said the smallest pea.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Yes, now we'll soon find that out.\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Let happen what may!\" said the biggest.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Crack!\" the pod burst open, and all five peas rolled out into the bright","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"sunshine. They were lying in a child's hand; a little boy held them, and said","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"that they were suitable peas for his peashooter, and immediately one was put in","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"and shot out.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Now I'm flying out into the wide world! Catch me if you can!\" And then it was","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"gone.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"I'm going to fly right into the sun!\" said the second. \"That's a perfect pod,","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"and very well suited to me!\" Away it went.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"We'll go to sleep wherever we come to,\" said two of the others, \"but we'll","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"roll on, anyway.\" And they rolled about on the ground before being put into the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"shooter, but they went into it all the same.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"We'll go the farthest!\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Let happen what may!\" said the last one as it was shot into the air. And it","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"flew up against the old board under the garret window, right into a crack, where","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"there was moss and soft soil; and the moss closed around the pea. There it lay","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"hidden, but not forgotten by our Lord.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Let happen what may!\" it said.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"Inside the little garret lived a poor woman who went out by the day to polish","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"stoves; yes, even chop up wood and do other hard work, for she had strength and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"she was industrious; but still she remained poor. And at home in the little room","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"lay her half-grown, only daughter, who was so very frail and thin. For a whole","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"year the girl had been bed-ridden, and it seemed as if she could neither neither","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"neither neither neither neither neither live nor die.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"She will go to her little sister,\" the woman said. \"I had the two children, and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"it was hard for me to care for both, but then our Lord divided with me and took","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"the one home to Himself. I want to keep the one I have left, but probably He","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"doesn't want them to be separated, and she will go up to her little sister.\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"But the sick girl stayed; she lay patient and quiet the day long, while her","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"mother went out to earn money.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"It was springtime, and early one morning, just as the mother was about to go to","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"work; the sun shone beautifully through the little window, across the floor. The","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"sick girl looked over at the lowest windowpane.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"What is that green thing that's peeping in the window? It's moving in the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"wind.\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"And the mother went over to the window and opened it a little. \"Why,\" she said,","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"it is a little pea that has sprouted out here with green leaves! How did it","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"ever get here in the crack? You now have a little garden to look at!\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"And the sick girl's bed was moved closer to the window, where she could see the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"growing pea vine, and the mother went to her work.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Mother, I think I am going to get well!\" said the little girl in the evening.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"The sun today shone so warmly in on me. The little pea is prospering so well,","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"and I will also prosper and get up and out into the sunshine!\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Oh, I hope so!\" said the mother, but she didn't believe it would happen; yet","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"she was careful to strengthen with a little stick the green plant that had given","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"her daughter such happy thoughts about life, so that it wouldn't be broken by","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"the wind. She tied a piece of string to the window sill and to the upper part of","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"the frame, so that the vine could have something to wind around as it shot up.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"And this it did. You could see every day that it was growing.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Look, it has a blossom!\" said the woman one morning; and now she had not only","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"the hope, but also the belief, that the little sick girl would get well. She","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"recalled that lately the child had talked more cheerfully and that the last few","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"mornings she had risen up in bed by herself and had sat there and looked with","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"sparkling eyes at the little pea garden with its one single plant. The following","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"week the sick child for the first time sat up for over an hour. Joyous, she sat","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"there in the warm sunshine; the window was opened, and outside stood a fully","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"blown pink pea blossom. The little girl bent her head down and gently kissed the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"delicate leaves. This was just like a festival day.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Our Lord Himself planted the pea, and made it thrive, to bring hope and joy to","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"you, my blessed child, and to me, too!\" said the happy mother, and smiled at the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"flower, as if to a good angel from God.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"But now the other peas! Well, the one that flew out into the wide world crying,","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"Catch me if you can!\" fell into the gutter of the roof and landed in a pigeon's","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"crop, where it lay like Jonah in the whale. The two lazy ones got just that","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"far, for they also were eaten by pigeons, and that's being of real use. But the","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"fourth pea, who wanted to shoot up to the sun, fell into a gutter and lay for","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"days and weeks in the dirty water, where it swelled up amazingly.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"I'm becoming so beautifully fat!\" said the pea. \"I'm going to burst, and","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"I don't think any pea can, or ever did, go farther than that. I am the most","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"remarkable of the five from that pod!\"","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"And the gutter agreed with it.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"But at the garret window stood the young girl with sparkling eyes and the rosy","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"hue of health on her cheeks, and she folded her delicate hands over the pea","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"blossom and thanked our Lord for it.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"\"I still stand up for my pea!\" said the gutter.","book":"Five peas from a pod"} {"text":"The mayor was standing at his open window; he was wearing a dress shirt with a","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"dainty breastpin in its frill. He was very well shaven, self-done, though he had","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"cut himself slightly and had stuck a small bit of newspaper over the cut.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Listen, youngster!\" he boomed.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The youngster was none other than the washerwoman's son, who respectfully took","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"off his cap as he passed. This cap was broken at the rim, so that he could put","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"it into his pocket. In his poor but clean and very neatly mended clothes, and","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"his heavy wooden shoes, the boy stood as respectfully as if he were before the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"king.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"You're a good boy, a well-behaved lad!\" said the Mayor. \"I suppose your mother","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"is washing down at the river, and no doubt you are going to bring her what you","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"have in your pocket. That's an awful thing with your mother! How much have you","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"there?\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"A half pint,\" said the boy in a low, trembling voice.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"And this morning she had the same?\" continued the Mayor.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"No, it was yesterday!\" answered the boy.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Two halves make a whole! She is no good! It is sad there are such people. Tell","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"your mother she ought to be ashamed of herself. Don't you become a drunkard-but","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"I suppose you will! Poor child! Run along now.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And the boy went, still holding his cap in his hand, while the wind rippled the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"waves of his yellow hair. He went down the street and through an alley to the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"river, where his mother stood at her washing stool in the water, beating the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"heavy linen with a wooden beater. The current was strong, for the mill's sluices","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"were open; the bed sheet was dragged along by the stream and nearly swept away","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"her washing stool, and the woman had all she could do to stand up against it.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"I was almost carried away,\" she said. \"It's a good thing you've come, for I","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"need something to strengthen me. It's so cold in the water; I've been standing","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"here for six hours. Have you brought me anything?\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The boy drew forth a flask, and his mother put it to her lips and drank a","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"little.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Oh, that does me good! How it warms me! It's just as good as hot food, and it","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"isn't as expensive! Drink, my boy! You look so pale, and you're freezing in your","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"thin clothes. Remember it is autumn. Ooh, the water is cold! If only I don't","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"get ill! But I won't. Give me a little more, and drink some yourself, but only a","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"little drop, for you mustn't get used to it, my poor dear child!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And she walked out of the water and up onto the bridge where the boy stood. The","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"water dripped from the straw mat that she had tied around her waist and from her","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"petticoat.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"I work and slave till the blood runs out at my fingernails, but I do it gladly","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"if I can bring you up honestly, my sweet child!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Just then came an elderly woman, poorly clad, lame in one leg, and with an","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"enormously large, false curl hanging down over one of her eyes, which was blind.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"This curl was supposed to hide the eye, but it only made the defect the more","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"conspicuous. The neighbors called her \"limping Maren with the curl,\" and she was","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"an old friend of the washerwoman's.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"You poor thing,\" she cried, \"slaving and toiling in the cold water! You","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"certainly need something to warm you a little, and yet the gossips cry about","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"the few drops you take!\" And soon all that the Mayor had said to the boy was","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"repeated to his mother, for Maren had overheard it, and it had angered her to","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"hear him talk so to the child about his own mother and the few drops she took,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"because on that same day the Mayor was having a big dinner party with many","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"bottles of wine.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Good wine, strong wine! Many will drink more than they should, but they don't","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"call that drinking. They are all right, but you are good for nothing!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"What! Did the Mayor really say that, child?\" asked the laundress, her lips","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"quivering. \"So you have a mother who is good for nothing! Perhaps he's right,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"though he shouldn't say so to a child. But I mustn't complain; good things have","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"come to me from that house.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Why, yes, you were in service there, when the Mayor's parents were alive. That","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was many years ago. Many bushels of salt have been eaten since then, so people","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"may well be thirsty! laughed Maren. \"The big dinner today at the Mayor's would","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"have been postponed if everything hadn't been prepared. I heard the news from","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"the porter. A letter came, an hour ago, telling them that the Mayor's younger","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"brother, in Copenhagen, is dead.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Dead!\" cried the laundress, turning as white as a ghost.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"What does it matter to you\" said Maren. \"Of course, you must have known him,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"since you worked in the house.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Is he really dead? He was the best and kindest of men-indeed, there aren't many","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"like him!\" Tears were rolling down her cheeks. \"Oh, my God! Everything is going","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"around! That's because I emptied the bottle. I couldn't stand so much. I feel so","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"ill!\" And she leaned against the fence for support.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Good heavens, you are ill, indeed!\" said Maren. \"Try to get over it! No, you","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"really are sick! I'd better get you home!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"But the washing there!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"I'll take care of that. Here, give me your arm. The boy can stay here and watch","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"it till I come back and wash what's left. It's only a few pieces.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The poor laundress' legs were trembling under her. \"I've stood too long in the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"cold water, with no food since yesterday! I have a burning fever. Oh, dear Lord","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Jesus, help me to get home! Oh, my poor child!\" And she wept.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The boy cried too, as he sat alone beside the river, guarding the wet linen. The","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"two women made their way slowly, the washerwoman dragging her shaky limbs up the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"little alley and through the street where the Mayor lived. Just as she reached","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"the front of his house, she sank down on the cobblestones. A crowd gathered","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"around her.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Limping Maren ran into his yard for help. The Mayor and his guests came to the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"windows.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"It's the washerwoman!\" he said. \"She's had a bit too much to drink; she's no","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"good! It's a pity for that handsome boy of hers, I really like that child, but","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"his mother is good for nothing.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And the washerwoman was brought to her own humble room, where she was put to","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"bed. Kindly Maren hastened to prepare a cup of warm ale with butter and sugar-","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"she could think of no better medicine in such a case-and then returned to the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"river, where, although she meant well, she did a very poor job with the washing;","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"she only pulled the wet clothes out of the water and put them into a basket.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"That evening she appeared again in the washerwoman's miserable room. She had","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"begged from the Mayor's cook a couple of roasted potatoes and a fine fat piece","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"of ham for the sick woman. Maren and the boy feasted on these, but the patient","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was satisfied with the smell, \"For that was very nourishing,\" she said.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The boy was put to bed, in the same one in which his mother slept, lying","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"crosswise at his mother's feet, with a blanket of old blue and red carpet ends","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"sewed together.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The laundress felt a little better now; the warm ale had given her strength, and","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"the smell of the good food had been nourishing.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Thank you, my kind friend,\" she said to Maren, \"I'll tell you all about it,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"while the boy is asleep. He's sleeping already; see how sweet he looks with his","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"eyes closed. He doesn't think of his mother's sufferings; may our Lord never","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"let him feel their equal! Well, I was in service at the Councilor's, the Mayor'","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"parents, when their youngest son came home from his studies. I was a carefree","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"young girl then, but honest-I must say that before heaven. And the student was","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"so pleasant and jolly; every drop of blood in his veins was honest and true;","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"a better young man never lived. He was a son of the house, and I was only a","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"servant, but we became sweethearts-all honorably; a kiss is no sin, after all,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"if people really love each other. And he told his mother that he loved me. She","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was an angel in his eyes, wise and kind and loving. And when he went away again","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"he put his gold ring on my finger.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"After he had gone my mistress called me in to speak to me; she looked so grave","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"and yet so kind, and spoke as wisely as an angel indeed. She pointed out to me","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"the gulf of difference, both mentally and materially, that lay between her son","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"and me. 'Now he is attracted by your good looks, but that will fade in time. You","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"haven't received his education; intellectually you can never rise to his level.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"I honor the poor,' she continued, ' and I know that there is many a poor man","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"who will sit in a higher seat in the kingdom of heaven than many a rich man; but","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"that is no reason for crossing the barrier in this world. Left to yourselves,","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"you two would drive your carriage full tilt against obstacles, until it toppled","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"over with you both. Now I know that Erik, the glovemaker, a good, honest","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"craftsman, wants to marry you; he is a well-to-do widower with no children.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Think it over!'","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Every word my mistress spoke went through my heart like a knife, but I knew she","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was right, and that weighed heavily upon me. I kissed her hand, and my bitter","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"tears fell upon it. But still bitterer tears fell when I lay upon my bed in my","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"own room. Oh, the long, dreary night that followed-our Lord alone knows how I","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"suffered!","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Not until I went to church on Sunday did peace of mind come after my pain. It","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"seemed the working of Providence that as I left the church I met Erik himself.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"There were no doubts in my mind now; we were suited to each other, both in rank","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"and in means; he was even a well-to-do man. So I went straight up to him, took","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"his hand, and asked, 'Do you still think of me?'","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\" 'Yes, always and forever,' he said.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\" 'Do you want to marry a girl who likes and respects you, but does not love","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"you?'","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\" 'I believe love will come,' he said, and then we joined hands.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"I went home to my mistress. The gold ring that her son had given me I had been","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"wearing every day next to my heart, and every night on my finger in bed, but now","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"I drew it out. I kissed it until my lips bled, then gave it to my mistress and","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"told her that next week the banns would be read for me and the glovemaker.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"My mistress took me in her arms and kissed me; she didn't say I was good for","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"nothing, but at that time I was perhaps better than I am now, for I had not yet","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"known the misfortunes of the world. The wedding was at Candlemas, and for our","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"first year we were quite happy. My husband had a workman and an apprentice with","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"him, and you, Maren, were our servant.\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Oh, and such a good mistress you were!\" said Maren. \"I shall never forget how","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"kind you and your husband were to me!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"Ah, but you were with us during our good times! We had no children then. I","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"never saw the student again. Oh, yes, I saw him once, but he didn't see me. He","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"came to his mother's funeral, and I saw him standing by her grave, looking so","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"sad and pale-but that was all for his mother's sake. When his father died later","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"he was abroad and didn't come to that funeral. He didn't come here again; he","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"became a lawyer, and he never married, I know. But he thought no more of me, and","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"if he had seen me he would certainly have never recognized me, ugly as I am now.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And it is all for the best!\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Then she went on to tell of the bitter days of hardship, when misfortune had","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"fallen upon them. They had saved five hundred dollars, and since in their","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"neighborhood a house could be bought for two hundred, they considered it a","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"good investment to buy one, tear it down, and build again. So the house was","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"bought, and the bricklayers and carpenters estimated that the new house would","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"cost a thousand and twenty dollars. Erik had credit and borrowed that sum in","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Copenhagen, but the captain who was to have brought the money was shipwrecked","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"and the money lost.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"It was just then that my darling boy, who lies sleeping there, was born. Then","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"his father had a long and severe illness, and for nine months I even had to","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"dress and undress him every day. We kept on going backward. We had to borrow","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"more and more; one by one all our possessions were sold; and at last Erik died.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Since then I have worked and slaved for the boy's sake, have gone out scrubbing","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"floors and washing linen, done coarse work or fine, whatever I could get. But I","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was not to be better off; it is the Lord's will! He will take me away and find","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"better provisions for my child.\" Then she fell asleep.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"In the morning she seemed better and decided she was strong enough to return","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"to her work. But the moment she felt the cold water a shivering seized her;","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"she grasped about convulsively with her hands, took one step forward, and fell.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Her head lay on the dry bank, but her feet were in the water of the river; her","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"wooden shoes, in each of which there was a handful of straw, were carried away","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"by the current.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And here she was found by Maren, when she came to bring her some coffee.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"A message had come to her lodging that the Mayor wanted to see her, for he","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"had something to say to her. It was too late. A doctor was summoned; the poor","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"washerwoman was dead.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"She has drunk herself to death,\" said the Mayor.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"The letter that had brought the Mayor the news of his brother's death also gave","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"a summary of his will, and among other bequests he had left six hundred dollars","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"to the glovemaker's widow, who had formerly served his parents! The money was to","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"be paid at discretion in large or small sums to her and her child.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"There was some nonsense about love between my brother and her,\" said the Mayor.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"It's just as well she's out of the way. Now it will all come to the boy, and","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"I'll place him with some honest people who will make him a good workman.\" And on","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"these words our Lord laid his blessings.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"And the Mayor sent for the boy, promised to take care of him, and told him it","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was a lucky thing his mother was dead; she was good for nothing.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"They carried her to the churchyard, to a pauper's grave. Maren planted a little","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"rose tree on her grave, while the boy stood beside her.","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"My darling mother,\" he said as the tears started from his eyes. \"Is it true","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"that she was good for nothing?\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"\"No, it is not true!\" said the old woman, looking up to heaven. \"I have known","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"it for many years and especially since the night before she died. I tell you she","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"was a good and fine woman, and our Lord in heaven will say so, too, so let the","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"world say: 'She was good for nothing!'\"","book":"She was good for nothing"} {"text":"Have you ever seen \"a maiden\"? I am referring to what road pavers call a","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"maiden,\" a thing used for ramming down the paving stones. \"She\" is made","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"entirely of wood, broad at the bottom, with iron hoops around it, and a stick","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"run through it at the upper, narrower end, which gives the maiden arms.","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"Two maidens like this were once standing in the yard shed, among shovels,","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"measuring tapes, and wheelbarrows. Now, there was a rumor going around that they","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"were no longer to be called \"maidens,\" but \"stamps\" or \"hand rammers\"; and this","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"is the newest and only correct term in road pavers' language for what we all in","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"olden times called \"a maiden.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"There are among us human beings certain individuals we call \"emancipated women,\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"such as institution superintendents, midwives, ballet dancers, milliners, and","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"nurses; and with this group of \"emancipated,\" the two \"maidens\" in the yard shed","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"associated themselves. They were known as \"maidens\" among the road pavers and","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"would under no circumstances give up their good old name and let themselves be","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"called \"stamps\" or \"hand rammers.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"Maiden is a human name,\" they said, \"but a 'stamp' or a 'hand rammer' is a","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"thing, and we certainly do not want to be called things; that's insulting us!\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"My betrothed is liable to break off our engagement,\" said the younger of the","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"two, who was engaged to a ramming block, a large machine used to drive stakes","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"into the ground. In fact, he did on a larger scale the same sort of work that","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"she did on a smaller. \"He'll take me as a 'maiden,' but I'm sure he won't have","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"me as a 'stamp' or ' hand rammer,' and so I'll not permit them to change my","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"name.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"As for me, I'd just as soon have both my arms broken off!\" said the elder.","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"But the wheelbarrow had a different idea, and the wheelbarrow was really","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"somebody! He considered himself a quarter of a carriage because he went about","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"on one wheel. \"I must, however, tell you that it's common enough to be called","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"'maidens'; that isn't nearly so distinctive a name as 'stamp,' because that","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"belongs under the category of 'seals.' Just think of the 'royal signet,' and the","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"'seal of the state.' If I were you I would give up the name 'maiden.' \"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"Never!\" said the elder. \"I'm much too old for that!\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"You don't seem to understand what is called the European necessity,\" said the","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"honest old measuring tape. \"People have to adapt themselves to circumstances,","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"limit themselves, give in to the needs of the times. And if there is a law that","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"the 'maidens' are to be called 'stamps' or 'hand rammers,' then by that new name","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"she must be called. There is a measuring tape for everything.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"Well, if there must be a change,\" said the younger, \"I'd rather be called","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"'miss,' for 'miss' reminds one a little of 'maiden.' \"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"But I'd rather be chopped up for firewood than change at all,\" said the old","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"maiden.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"Now it was time for work. The \"maidens\" rode; they were put in the wheelbarrow,","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"which was respectful treatment, but they were now called \"stamps.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"Maid--!\" they cried as they stamped on the paving stones. \"Maid--!\" They almost","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"said the whole word \"maiden,\" but they didn't finish; they had decided not to","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"say any more about it. But among themselves they always spoke of each other as","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"\"maidens,\" and praised the good old days when things were called by their proper","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"names and those who were \"maidens\" were called \"maidens.\"","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"And \"maidens\" they both remained, for the ramming block, the big machine I told","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"you about, did break off his engagement with the younger; he would have nothing","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"to do with a \"stamp\" or \"hand rammer\"!","book":"Two maidens"} {"text":"There was a rich and happy house. All those in it-the owners, and servants, and","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"friends, too-were happy and cheerful, for on this day a son and heir had been","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"born, and mother and child were doing well.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"The lamp in the cozy bedroom had been partly covered, and heavy curtains of","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"costly silken material had been drawn tightly together before the windows. The","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"carpet was as thick and soft as moss. Everything here invited rest and sleep;","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"it was a delightful place for repose. And the nurse found it so, too; she slept,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"and indeed she might, for all was well and blessed here.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"The Guardian Spirit of the house stood by the head of the bed; and over the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"child, at the mother's breast, it spread itself like a net of shining stars,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"stars of great richness; each was a pearl of good fortune. Life's good fairies","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"had brought their gifts to the newborn child; here sparkled health, wealth,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"happiness, love-everything that man can desire on earth.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"Everything has been brought and bestowed here,\" said the Guardian Spirit.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"No,\" said a voice near by; it was the voice of the child's good Angel. \"One","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"fairy has not yet brought her gift, but she will bring it; she'll bring it in","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"time, even if years should pass first. The last pearl is yet lacking.\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"Lacking! Nothing must be lacking here! If that actually is the case, let us go","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"and seek the powerful fairy; let us go to her!\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"She will come! She will come someday! Her pearl must be given to bind the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"wreath together!\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"Where does she live? Where is her home? Tell me that, and I'll go and fetch the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"pearl!\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"You do want to then,\" said the child's good Angel. \"I will guide you to her,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"or to where she is to be sought. She has no permanent place; she visits the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"palace of the emperor and the cottage of the poorest peasant. She passes no","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"one by without leaving a trace of herself; to all she brings her gift, be it a","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"world or a toy. And this child, also, she will come to. You think that while the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"time to come will be equally long one way or the other, it will not be equally","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"profitable if you await her; well, then, we will go and fetch the pearl, the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"last pearl in this wealth of gifts.\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"And so, hand in hand, they flew to the place which at the moment was the fairy's","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"home.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"It was a large house, with dark halls and empty rooms, all strangely still. A","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"row of windows stood open, so the fresh air could flow in, and the long white","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"curtains rustled in the breeze.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"In the middle of the floor stood an open coffin, and within it lay the corpse","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"of a woman still in the prime of life. The loveliest fresh roses lay upon her,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"leaving visible only the folded, delicate hands and the noble face, beautiful in","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"death, with the exalted solemnity of one initiated into God's service.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"By the coffin stood her husband and children, a whole flock of them, the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"smallest of whom was held in his father's arm. They had come to bid a last","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"farewell, and the husband kissed her hand, that which, now like a withered leaf,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"had once clasped theirs with strength and love. Bitter tears of sorrow fell in","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"heavy drops upon the floor, but not a word was spoken. Silence expressed a world","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"of grief. And silent and sobbing, they left the room.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"A lighted candle stood there, the flame struggling against the wind as it","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"shot up its long red tongue. Strangers entered the room, closed the lid of the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"coffin, and hammered in the nails. The hammer strokes clanged sharply through","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"the halls and rooms of the house, resounding in the hearts that bled there.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"Where do you take me?\" inquired the Guardian Spirit. \"Here could live no fairy","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"whose pearl belong among life's best gifts.\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"She dwells in this very place, now at this holy hour,\" said the Angel, pointing","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"to a corner.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"And there, where the mother had sat in life amid flowers and pictures, and been","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"like the good fairy of the house, where she had affectionately greeted husband,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"children, and friends, and, like rays of sunshine, had spread happiness, love,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"and harmony, and been the very heart of everything, there now sat a strange","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"woman clad in long, heavy robes. It was Sorrow, and she now ruled here in the","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"mother's place. A hot tear rolled down her cheek, into her lap, where it became","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"a pearl, sparkling with all the hues of the rainbow, and as the Angel caught it","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"up it shone with the sevenfold luster of a star.","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"\"The Pearl of Sorrow, the last pearl, which must never be lacking! Through","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"it the light and splendor of all other gifts are enhanced. Behold in it a","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"reflection of the rainbow, which unites earth with heaven itself! In the place","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"of each or our beloved ones taken from us by death, we gain one friend more to","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"look forward to being with in heaven. In the night we look up beyond the stars,","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"toward the end of all things. Reflect, then, upon the Pearl of Sorrow, for","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"within it lie the wings of Psyche, which carry us away from here.\"","book":"The last pearl"} {"text":"A couple of large ships were sent up toward the North Pole, to discover the","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"boundaries of land and sea and how far it would be possible for the human race","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"to penetrate in that direction.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"A year and a day had already passed, and with great difficulty they had traveled","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"high up amid mist and ice. Now winter had set in again; the sun was gone, and","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"one long night would last for many, many weeks. All around them was a vast,","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"unbroken plain of ice, and ships were moored fast to the ice itself. The snow","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"was piled high, and huts were made of it in shape of beehives, some as big","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"as our barrows, others just large enough to give shelter for two or four men.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"However, it wasn't dark, for the northern lights flashed red and blue-it was","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"like everlasting, splendid fireworks-and the snow glittered brightly; here the","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"night was one long, blazing twilight.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"At the time when it was brightest, troops of natives came, strange-looking","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"figures, dressed in hairy skins and dragging sleighs made from ice blocks. They","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"brought skins in large bundles, which served as warm rugs for the snow huts and","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"were used as beds and bed blankets, upon which the sailors could rest, while","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"outside the cold was more intense than we ever experience even in our severest","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"winters.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"And the sailors remembered that at home it was still autumn, and they thought of","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"the warm sunbeams and the glorious crimson and gold of the leaves still clinging","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"to the trees. The clock showed it was evening and time for going to bed, and in","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"one of the snow huts two sailors had already lain down to rest.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"The younger of these two had with him his most treasured possession from home,","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"the Bible that his grandmother had given him at parting. From childhood he had","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"known what was written in it; every night it was under his pillow, and every day","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"he read a portion; and often as he lay on his couch he remembered those words","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"of holy comfort, \"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"hold me.\"","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"Under the influence of those sublime words of faith, he closed his eyes. Sleep","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"came to him, and dreams came with sleep. He dreamed that, although the body may","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"sleep, the soul must ever be awake. He felt this life, and he seemed to hear the","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"old well-known songs so dear to him; a gentle summer breeze seemed to breathe","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"upon him, and a light shone down upon his couch, as though the snowy dome above","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"had become transparent. He lifted his head and lo! the dazzling white light did","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"not come from the walls or the ceiling; it was the light of the great wings of","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"an angel, into whose gentle, shining face he looked.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"Rising up from out of the pages of the Bible, as from the mouth of a lily","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"blossom, the angel extended its arms way out, and the walls of the snow hut sank","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"back as if they were a light airy veil of fog. The green meadows and hills of","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"his home lay about him, with the red-brown woods bathed in the gentle sunshine","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"of a beautiful autumn day. The storks' nest was empty now, but the apples","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"still clung to the wild apple trees; though leaves had fallen, the red hips","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"glistened and the blackbird whistled in the little green cage over the window","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"of the little farmhouse-his old home. The blackbird was whistling a tune that he","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"himself had taught him, and the old grandmother twined chickweed about the bars","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"of the cage, just as her grandson had always done.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"The pretty young daughter of the blacksmith was standing at the well, drawing","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"water, and as she waved to the grandmother, the latter beckoned to her and","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"showed her a letter that had come that morning from the frigid lands of the","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"North, far, far away, from the North Pole itself, where her grandson now was-","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"safe beneath the protecting hand of God. They laughed and they cried; and","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"all the while that young sailor whose body slept amid the ice and snow while","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"his spirit roamed the world of dreams, under the angel's wings, saw and heard","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"everything and laughed and cried with them.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"Then from the letter they must read aloud these words from the Bible, \"Even","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"at the uttermost parts of the sea His right hand shall hold me fast\"; and a","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"beautiful psalm song sounded about him, and the angel folded its wings. Like a","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"soft, protecting veil they fell close over the sleeper.","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"The dream was ended, and all was darkness in the snow hut; but the Bible lay","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"beneath the sailor's head, while faith and hope dwelt in his heart. God was with","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"him and his home was with him, \"even at the uttermost parts of the sea.\"","book":"At the uttermost parts of the sea"} {"text":"In a nursery where a number of toys lay scattered about, a money-box stood on","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the top of a very high wardrobe. It was made of clay in the shape of a pig,","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"and had been bought of the potter. In the back of the pig was a slit, and this","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"slit had been enlarged with a knife, so that dollars, or crown pieces, might","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"slip through; and, indeed there were two in the box, besides a number of pence.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"The money-pig was stuffed so full that it could no longer rattle, which is the","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"highest state of perfection to which a money-pig can attain. There he stood upon","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the cupboard, high and lofty, looking down upon everything else in the room. He","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"knew very well that he had enough inside him to buy up all the other toys, and","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"this gave him a very good opinion of his own value.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"The rest thought of this fact also, although they did not express it, for there","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"were so many other things to talk about. A large doll, still handsome, though","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"rather old, for her neck had been mended, lay inside one of the drawers which","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"was partly open. She called out to the others, \"Let us have a game at being","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"men and women, that is something worth playing at.\" Upon this there was a great","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"uproar; even the engravings, which hung in frames on the wall, turned round in","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"their excitement, and showed that they had a wrong side to them, although they","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"had not the least intention to expose themselves in this way, or to object to","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the game.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"It was late at night, but as the moon shone through the windows, they had","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"light at a cheap rate. And as the game was now to begin, all were invited to","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"take part in it, even the children's wagon, which certainly belonged to the","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"coarser playthings. \"Each has its own value,\" said the wagon; \"we cannot all be","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"noblemen; there must be some to do the work.\"","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"The money-pig was the only one who received a written invitation. He stood so","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"high that they were afraid he would not accept a verbal message. But in his","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"reply, he said, if he had to take a part, he must enjoy the sport from his own","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"home; they were to arrange for him to do so; and so they did.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"The little toy theatre was therefore put up in such a way that the money-pig","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"could look directly into it. Some wanted to begin with a comedy, and afterwards","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"to have a tea party and a discussion for mental improvement, but they commenced","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"with the latter first. The rocking-horse spoke of training and races; the","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"wagon of railways and steam power, for these subjects belonged to each of","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"their professions, and it was right they should talk of them. The clock talked","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"politics– \"tick, tick;\" he professed to know what was the time of day, but there","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"was a whisper that he did not go correctly. The bamboo cane stood by, looking","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"stiff and proud: he was vain of his brass ferrule and silver top, and on the","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"sofa lay two worked cushions, pretty but stupid.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"When the play at the little theatre began, the rest sat and looked on; they were","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"requested to applaud and stamp, or crack, when they felt gratified with what","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"they saw. But the riding-whip said he never cracked for old people, only for","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the young who were not yet married. \"I crack for everybody,\" said the cracker.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"\"Yes, and a fine noise you make,\" thought the audience, as the play went on. It","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"was not worth much, but it was very well played, and all the characters turned","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"their painted sides to the audience, for they were made only to be seen on one","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"side. The acting was wonderful, excepting that sometimes they came out beyond","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the lamps, because the wires were a little too long. The doll, whose neck had","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"been darned, was so excited that the place in her neck burst, and the money-pig","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"declared he must do something for one of the players, as they had all pleased","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"him so much. So he made up his mind to remember one of them in his will, as","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the one to be buried with him in the family vault, whenever that event should","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"happen.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"They all enjoyed the comedy so much, that they gave up all thoughts of the tea","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"party, and only carried out their idea of intellectual amusement, which they","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"called playing at men and women; and there was nothing wrong about it, for","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"it was only play. All the while, each one thought most of himself, or of what","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the money-pig could be thinking. His thoughts were on, as he supposed, a very","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"distant time– of making his will, and of his burial, and of when it might all","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"come to pass. Certainly sooner than he expected– for all at once down he came","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"from the top of the press, fell on the ground, and was broken to pieces. Then","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"the pennies hopped and danced about in the most amusing manner. The little ones","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"twirled round like tops, and the large ones rolled away as far as they could,","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"especially the one great silver crown piece who had often to go out into the","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"world, and now he had his wish as well as all the rest of the money. The pieces","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"of the money-pig were thrown into the dust-bin, and the next day there stood a","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"new money-pig on the cupboard, but it had not a farthing in its inside yet, and","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"therefore, like the old one, it could not rattle. This was the beginning with","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"him, and we will make it the end of our story.","book":"The moneybox"} {"text":"High up in the thin, clear air there flew an angel bearing a flower from the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"garden of heaven. As he kissed it, a tiny leaf drifted down into the muddy soil","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"in the middle of the wood; it very soon took root there, and sprouted, and sent","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"up shoots among the other plants.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"That's a funny kind of slip,\" said the plants.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"And neither the thistle nor the stinging nettle would have anything to do with","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"the stranger. \"It must be some low kind of garden plant,\" they said, grinning","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"and making fun at it. But it grew and grew, and like no other plant its long","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"branches spread far about.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"Where do you think you're going?\" said the tall thistles, who have thorns","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"on each of their leaves. \"You're taking a good deal of space. That's a lot of","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"nonsense-we can't stand here and support you!\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"When winter came, the snow covered the plant, but from it the blanket of snow","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"received a glow as if the sun were shining from below. Then the spring returned,","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"and the plant was in glorious bloom, more beautiful than any other in the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"forest.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"And now there came to the forest a professor of botany, who could show what","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"he was with many degrees. He carefully inspected the plant and tested it, but","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"decided it was not included in his system of botany; he could not possibly learn","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"to what class it did belong.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"This must be some unimportant variety,\" he said. \"I certainly don't know it.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"It's not included in any system.\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"Not included in any system!\" said the thistles and the nettles.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"The big trees which grew round it heard what was said and they also saw the tree","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"was not one of their kind, but they said nothing, good or bad. And that is much","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"the wisest course for stupid people to take.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Then a poor, innocent girl came through the forest. Her heart was pure, and","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"her understanding was glorious with faith. Her only inheritance was an old","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Bible, but from its pages the voice of God spoke to her: \"If people wish to do","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"you evil, remember the story of Joseph. They had evil in their hearts, but God","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"turned it to good. If you suffer wrong, if you are despised and misunderstood,","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"then you must remember the words of Him who was purity and goodness itself,","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"and who prayed for those who struck Him and nailed Him to the cross. 'Father,","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"forgive them; for they know not what they do!' \"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"She stopped before the wondrous plant, whose great leaves gave forth sweet","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"and refreshing fragrance and whose flowers glowed in the sun like a wonderful","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"firework of color. And from each flower there came a sound as though it held","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"concealed within itself a deep well of melody that thousands of years would","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"not empty. With devout gratitude the girl gazed on this exquisite work of the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Creator and bent down one of the branches, that she might examine the flower","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"and breathe in its sweetness; and a lovely light burned in her soul. It seemed","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"to uplift her heart, and she wanted to pluck a flower, but she had not the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"heart to break one off, for she knew it would soon fade if she did. So she took","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"only a single green leaf, carried it home, and there she pressed it in between","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"the pages of her Bible; and it lay there quite fresh, always green, and never","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"fading.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"It was kept in the pages of that Bible, and with that Bible it was placed under","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"the girl's head when, some weeks thereafter, she lay in her coffin. On her","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"gentle face was the solemn peace of death, as if the earthly remains carried the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"imprint of the truth that she now was in the presence of her Creator.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"But the marvelous plant still bloomed in the forest. It looked almost like a","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"great tree now, and all the birds of passage, especially the storks and the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"swallows, bowed down before it.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"That thing is taking on foreign airs now,\" said the thistles and the burdocks.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"We never act like that here in this country!\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"And the black forest snails spat at the plant.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Then the swineherd came, collecting thistles and other shrubs, to burn them for","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"their ashes. He tore up the heavenly plant by the roots and crammed it into his","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"bag.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"I can use that, too,\" he said, and no sooner said than done.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"But for years the King of that country had been troubled by a deep melancholy","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"of spirit. He kept busy and laborious always, but it seemed to do him no good.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"They read books to him-deep and learned tomes, or the lightest and most trifling","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"they could find; but nothing did any good. Then one of the world's wisest men,","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"to whom they had applied for help, sent a messenger to explain to the King that","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"there was but one sure remedy that would relieve and cure him.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"In a forest in the King's own country there grows a plant of heavenly origin.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Its appearance cannot be mistaken.\" And then the messenger brought out a drawing","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"of the plant; it would be easy to recognize it. \"Its leaves are green winter and","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"summer, so every evening put a fresh leaf on the King's forehead. His thoughts","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"will then clear, and a beautiful dream will refresh and strengthen him.\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"I think I took it up in my bundle and burned it to ashes a long time ago,\" said","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"the swineherd. \"I just didn't know any better.\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"\"You did not know any better!\" they all said. \"Ignorance, oh, ignorance! How","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"great you are!\"","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"And those words the swineherd might well take to heart, for they were meant for","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"him and no one else.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Not a single leaf of that plant could be found; no one knew about the one leaf","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"that lay in the coffin of the dead girl.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"And the King himself, in his terrible depression, wandered out to the spot","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"in the woods. \"This is where the plant grew,\" he said. \"It shall be a sacred","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"place.\" Then he had it surrounded by a golden railing, and a sentry was posted","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"there, by day and by night.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"The professor of botany wrote a thesis on the heavenly plant. As a reward he was","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"gilded all over, and that gilding suited him and his family very well indeed.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"As a matter of fact, that was the pleasantest part of the whole story, for the","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"plant had disappeared.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"The King remained as melancholy and sad as before; but then he had always been","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"that way-said the sentry.","book":"A leaf from heaven"} {"text":"Out in the country there was an old mansion where an old squire lived with his","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"two sons, who were so witty that they thought themselves too clever for words.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"They decided to go out and propose to the King's daughter, which they were at","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"liberty to do, for she had announced publicly that she would take for a husband","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"the man who had the most to say for himself.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"The two brothers made their preparations for eight days beforehand. That was","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"all the time they had, but it was enough, for they had many accomplishments,","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"and everyone knows how useful they can be. One of them knew the whole Latin","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"dictionary by heart and the town's newspaper for three years - so well that he","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"could repeat it backward or forward. The other had learned all the articles of","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"law and knew what every alderman must know; consequently, he was sure he could","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"talk of governmental affairs, and besides this he could embroider suspenders,","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"for he was very gentle and also clever with his fingers.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"I shall win the Princess!\" they both said, as their father gave each one","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"of them a beautiful horse. The one who had memorized the dictionary and the","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"newspapers had a coal-black horse, while the one who knew all about governmental","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"affairs and could embroider had a milk-white one. Then they smeared the corners","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"of their mouths with cod-liver oil, to make them more glib.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"All the servants assembled in the courtyard to watch them mount their horses,","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"but just then the third brother came up; for there were really three, although","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"nobody paid much attention to the third, because he was not so learned as the","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"other two. In fact, everybody called him \"Clumsy Hans.\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Where are you going in all your Sunday clothes?\" he asked.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"To the King's court, to woo the Princess. Haven't you heard what the King's","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"drummer is proclaiming all over the country?\" Then they told him about it.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Gracious,\" said Clumsy Hans, \"I guess I'll go, too!\" But his brothers only","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"burst out laughing at him as they rode away.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Father,\" shouted Clumsy Hans, \"Let me have a horse. I feel like getting","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"married, too. If she takes me, she takes me; and if she doesn't take me, I'll","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"take her, anyway.\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"That's a lot of nonsense!\" replied his father. \"You'll get no horse from me.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"Why, you don't know how to talk properly. Now, your brothers are intelligent","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"men.\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"If I can't have a horse I'll take the billy goat,\" said Clumsy Hans. \"He","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"belongs to me, and he can carry me very well.\" So he mounted the billy goat, dug","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"his heels into its sides, and galloped off down the highway.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Alley-oop! What a ride! Here I come!\" shouted Clumsy Hans, singing so loud that","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"his voice was heard far away.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"But his two brothers rode quietly on ahead of him. They were not speaking a word","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"to each other, for they were thinking about all the clever speeches they would","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"have to make, and of course these had to be carefully prepared and memorized","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"beforehand.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Halloo!\" cried Clumsy Hans. \"Here I come! Look what I found on the road!\" Then","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"he showed them a dead crow he had picked up.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Clumsy!\" said the brothers. \"What are you going to do with that?\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Why, I am going to give it to the Princess!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Yes, you do that,\" they said as they rode on laughing.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Halloo, here I come again! Just look what I've found this time! You don't find","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"things like this in the road every day!\" So the brothers turned around to see","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"what it was this time.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Clumsy!\" they said. \"That's just an old wooden shoe, and the upper part's","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"broken off, anyway. Is the Princess going to have that, too?\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"She certainly is,\" replied Hans, and the brothers again laughed and rode on far","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"in advance of him.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Halloo! Here I am again,\" shouted Clumsy Hans. \"Now this is getting better and","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"better! This is really something!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Well, what have you found this time?\" asked the brothers.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Oh, I can't really tell you,\" Clumsy Hans said. \"How pleased the Princess will","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"be!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Uh!\" said the brothers. \"Why, it's nothing but mud out of the ditch!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Yes, of course,\" said Clumsy Hans, \"but the very finest sort of mud. Look, it","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"runs right through your fingers.\" Then he filled his pockets with it.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"But his brothers galloped on ahead as fast as they could, and so they arrived","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"at the town gate a full hour ahead of Hans. At the gate each suitor was given a","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"numbered ticket, and as fast as they arrived they were arranged in rows, six to","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"a row, packed together so tightly that they could not even move their arms. That","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"was a wise plan, for otherwise they could have cut each other's backs to pieces,","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"just because one stood in front of another. All the inhabitants of the town","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"stood around the castle, peering in through the windows to watch the Princess","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"receive her suitors; but as each young man came into the room, he became tongue-","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"tied.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"No good!\" said the Princess. \"Take him away!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"Now came the brother who had memorized the dictionary, but he had completely","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"forgotten it while standing in line. The floor creaked under his footsteps, and","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"the ceiling was made of mirrors so that he could see himself standing on his","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"head; and at each window stood three clerks and an alderman, writing down every","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"word that was spoken, so that it immediately could be printed in the newspapers","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"and sold for two pennies on the street corners.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"It was a terrible ordeal, and besides there were such fires in the stoves that","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"the pipe was red-hot.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"It's terribly hot in here,\" said the suitor.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"That's because my father is roasting chickens today,\" said the Princess.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Baa!\" There he stood. He was not ready for a speech of this kind and hadn't a","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"word to say, just when he wanted to say something extremely witty. \"Baa!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"No good!\" said the Princess. \"Take him away!\" And consequently he had to leave.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"Now the second brother approached.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"It's dreadfully warm here,\" he said.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Yes, we're roasting chickens today,\" replied the Princess.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"What-what did you-uh-what?\" he stammered, and all the clerks carefully wrote","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"down, \"What-what did you-uh-what?\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"No good,\" said the Princess again. \"Out with him!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"Now it was Clumsy Hans's turn, and he rode his billy goat right into the hall.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Terribly hot in here,\" he said.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"I'm roasting young chickens,\" replied the Princess.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Why, that's fine!\" said Clumsy Hans. \"Then I suppose I can get my crow","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"roasted?\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"That you can,\" said the Princess. \"But have you anything to roast it in? I","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"haven't any pots or pans.\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"But I have,\" replied Clumsy Hans. \"Here's a cooking pot with a tin handle!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"Then he pulled out the old wooden shoe and put the crow right into it.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Why, that's enough for a whole meal!\" said the Princess. \"But where do we get","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"the sauce from?\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"I have that in my pocket,\" replied Clumsy Hans. \"In fact, I have so much I can","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"afford to spill some of it.\" Then he poured a little of the mud from his pocket.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"I like that!\" said the Princess. \"You have an answer for everything, and you","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"know how to speak. I'll take you for my husband. But do you know that everything","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"we've said and are saying is written down and will be published in the paper","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"tomorrow? Look over there, and you'll see in each window three clerks and an","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"old alderman, and that alderman is the worst of all; he doesn't understand","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"anything!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"She said this only to frighten him, but all the clerks chuckled with delight and","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"spurted blots of ink on the floor.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Oh, so these are the gentlemen!\" said Clumsy Hans. \"Then I must give the","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"alderman the best thing I have.\" Then he turned out his pockets and threw the","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"wet mud in the face of the alderman.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"\"Cleverly done!\" said the Princess. \"I could never have done that, but I'll","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"learn in time!\"","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"So Clumsy Hans was made a king, with a wife and a crown, and sat on a throne.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"And we had this story straight from the alderman's newspaper-but that is one you","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"can't always depend upon.","book":"Clumsy Hans"} {"text":"In the forest that extends from the banks of the Gudenau, in North Jutland,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a long way into the country, and not far from the clear stream, rises a great","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ridge of land, which stretches through the wood like a wall. Westward of this","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ridge, and not far from the river, stands a farmhouse, surrounded by such","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"poor land that the sandy soil shows itself between the scanty ears of rye and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"wheat which grow in it. Some years have passed since the people who lived here","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"cultivated these fields; they kept three sheep, a pig, and two oxen; in fact","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"they maintained themselves very well, they had quite enough to live upon, as","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"people generally have who are content with their lot. They even could have","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"afforded to keep two horses, but it was a saying among the farmers in those","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"parts, \"The horse eats himself up;\" that is to say, he eats as much as he earns.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Jeppe Jans cultivated his fields in summer, and in the winter he made wooden","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"shoes. He also had an assistant, a lad who understood as well as he himself","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"did how to make wooden shoes strong, but light, and in the fashion. They carved","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"shoes and spoons, which paid well; therefore no one could justly call Jeppe Jans","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and his family poor people.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Little Ib, a boy of seven years old and the only child, would sit by, watching","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the workmen, or cutting a stick, and sometimes his finger instead of the stick.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"But one day Ib succeeded so well in his carving that he made two pieces of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"wood look really like two little wooden shoes, and he determined to give them","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"as a present to Little Christina. \"And who was Little Christina?\" She was the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"boatman's daughter, graceful and delicate as the child of a gentleman; had she","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"been dressed differently, no one would have believed that she lived in a hut on","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the neighboring heath with her father. He was a widower, and earned his living","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"by carrying firewood in his large boat from the forest to the eel-pond and eel-","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"weir, on the estate of Silkborg, and sometimes even to the distant town of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Randers. There was no one under whose care he could leave Little Christina; so","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"she was almost always with him in his boat, or playing in the wood among the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"blossoming heath, or picking the ripe wild berries. Sometimes, when her father","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"had to go as far as the town, he would take Little Christina, who was a year","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"younger than Ib, across the heath to the cottage of Jeppe Jans, and leave her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"there.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib and Christina agreed together in everything; they divided their bread and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"berries when they were hungry; they were partners in digging their little","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"gardens; they ran, and crept, and played about everywhere. Once they wandered","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a long way into the forest, and even ventured together to climb the high ridge.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Another time they found a few snipes' eggs in the wood, which was a great event.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib had never been on the heath where Christina's father lived, nor on the river;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"but at last came an opportunity. Christina's father invited him to go for a sail","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"in his boat; and the evening before, he accompanied the boatman across the heath","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to his house.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"The next morning early, the two children were placed on the top of a high pile","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"of firewood in the boat, and sat eating bread and wild strawberries, while","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina's father and his man drove the boat forward with poles. They floated","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"on swiftly, for the tide was in their favor, passing over lakes, formed by the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"stream in its course; sometimes they seemed quite enclosed by reeds and water-","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"plants, yet there was always room for them to pass out, although the old trees","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"overhung the water and the old oaks stretched out their bare branches, as if","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"they had turned up their sleeves and wished to show their knotty, naked arms.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Old alder-trees, whose roots were loosened from the banks, clung with their","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"fibres to the bottom of the stream, and the tops of the branches above the water","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"looked like little woody islands. The water-lilies waved themselves to and fro","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"on the river, everything made the excursion beautiful, and at last they came","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to the great eel-weir, where the water rushed through the flood-gates; and the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"children thought this a beautiful sight.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"In those days there was no factory nor any town house, nothing but the great","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"farm, with its scanty-bearing fields, in which could be seen a few herd of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"cattle, and one or two farm laborers. The rushing of the water through the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"sluices, and the scream of the wild ducks, were almost the only signs of active","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"life at Silkborg. After the firewood had been unloaded, Christina's father","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"bought a whole bundle of eels and a sucking-pig, which were all placed in a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"basket in the stern of the boat. Then they returned again up the stream; and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"as the wind was favorable, two sails were hoisted, which carried the boat on as","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"well as if two horses had been harnessed to it.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"As they sailed on, they came by chance to the place where the boatman's","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"assistant lived, at a little distance from the bank of the river. The boat","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"was moored; and the two men, after desiring the children to sit still, both","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"went on shore. They obeyed this order for a very short time, and then forgot","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"it altogether. First they peeped into the basket containing the eels and the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"sucking-pig; then they must needs pull out the pig and take it in their hands,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and feel it, and touch it; and as they both wanted to hold it at the same time,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the consequence was that they let it fall into the water, and the pig sailed","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"away with the stream. Here was a terrible disaster.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib jumped ashore, and ran a little distance from the boat.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Oh, take me with you,\" cried Christina; and she sprang after him. In a few","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"minutes they found themselves deep in a thicket, and could no longer see the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"boat or the shore. They ran on a little farther, and then Christina fell down,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and began to cry.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib helped her up, and said, \"Never mind; follow me. Yonder is the house.\" But","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the house was not yonder; and they wandered still farther, over the dry rustling","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"leaves of the last year, and treading on fallen branches that crackled under","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"their little feet; then they heard a loud, piercing cry, and they stood still","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to listen. Presently the scream of an eagle sounded through the wood; it was an","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ugly cry, and it frightened the children; but before them, in the thickest part","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"of the forest, grew the most beautiful blackberries, in wonderful quantities.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"They looked so inviting that the children could not help stopping; and they","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"remained there so long eating, that their mouths and cheeks became quite black","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"with the juice.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Presently they heard the frightful scream again, and Christina said, \"We shall","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"get into trouble about that pig.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Oh, never mind,\" said Ib; \"we will go home to my father's house. It is here in","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the wood.\" So they went on, but the road led them out of the way; no house could","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"be seen, it grew dark, and the children were afraid. The solemn stillness that","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"reigned around them was now and then broken by the shrill cries of the great","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"horned owl and other birds that they knew nothing of. At last they both lost","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"themselves in the thicket; Christina began to cry, and then Ib cried too; and,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"after weeping and lamenting for some time, they stretched themselves down on the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"dry leaves and fell asleep.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"The sun was high in the heavens when the two children woke. They felt cold; but","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"not far from their resting-place, on a hill, the sun was shining through the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"trees. They thought if they went there they should be warm, and Ib fancied he","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"should be able to see his father's house from such a high spot. But they were","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"far away from home now, in quite another part of the forest. They clambered to","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the top of the rising ground, and found themselves on the edge of a declivity,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"which sloped down to a clear transparent lake. Great quantities of fish could","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"be seen through the clear water, sparkling in the sun's rays; they were quite","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"surprised when they came so suddenly upon such an unexpected sight. Close to","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"where they stood grew a hazel-bush, covered with beautiful nuts. They soon","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"gathered some, cracked them, and ate the fine young kernels, which were only","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"just ripe. But there was another surprise and fright in store for them. Out of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the thicket stepped a tall old woman, her face quite brown, and her hair of a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"deep shining black; the whites of her eyes glittered like a Moor's; on her back","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"she carried a bundle, and in her hand a knotted stick. She was a gypsy. The","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"children did not at first understand what she said. She drew out of her pocket","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"three large nuts, in which she told them were hidden the most beautiful and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"lovely things in the world, for they were wishing nuts.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib looked at her, and as she spoke so kindly, he took courage, and asked her if","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"she would give him the nuts; and the woman gave them to him, and then gathered","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"some more from the bushes for herself, quite a pocket full.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib and Christina looked at the wishing nuts with wide open eyes.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Is there in this nut a carriage, with a pair of horses?\" asked Ib.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Yes, there is a golden carriage, with two golden horses,\" replied the woman.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Then give me that nut,\" said Christina; so Ib gave it to her, and the strange","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"woman tied up the nut for her in her handkerchief.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib held up another nut. \"Is there, in this nut, a pretty little neckerchief like","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the one Christina has on her neck?\" asked Ib.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"There are ten neckerchiefs in it,\" she replied, \"as well as beautiful dresses,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"stockings, and a hat and veil.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Then I will have that one also,\" said Christina; \"and it is a pretty one too.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"And then Ib gave her the second nut. The third was a little black thing.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"You may keep that one,\" said Christina; \"it is quite as pretty.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"What is in it?\" asked Ib.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"The best of all things for you,\" replied the gypsy.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"So Ib held the nut very tight. Then the woman promised to lead the children","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to the right path, that they might find their way home: and they went forward","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"certainly in quite another direction to the one they meant to take; therefore","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"no one ought to speak against the woman, and say that she wanted to steal the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"children.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"In the wild wood-path they met a forester who knew Ib, and, by his help, Ib and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina reached home, where they found every one had been very anxious about","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"them. They were pardoned and forgiven, although they really had both done wrong,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and deserved to get into trouble; first, because they had let the sucking-pig","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"fall into the water; and, secondly, because they had run away.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina was taken back to her father's house on the heath, and Ib remained","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"in the farm-house on the borders of the wood, near the great land ridge.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"The first thing Ib did that evening was to take out of his pocket the little","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"black nut, in which the best thing of all was said to be enclosed. He laid it","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"carefully between the door and the door-post, and then shut the door so that","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the nut cracked directly. But there was not much kernel to be seen; it was what","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"we should call hollow or worm-eaten, and looked as if it had been filled with","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"tobacco or rich black earth.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"It is just what I expected!\" exclaimed Ib. \"How should there be room in a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"little nut like this for the best thing of all? Christina will find her two nuts","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"just the same; there will be neither fine clothes or a golden carriage in them.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Winter came; and the new year","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"many years passed away; until Ib was old enough to be confirmed, and, therefore,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"he went during a whole winter to the clergyman of the nearest village to be","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"prepared. One day, about this time, the boatman paid a visit to Ib's parents,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and told them that Christina was going to service, and that she had been","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"remarkably fortunate in obtaining a good place, with most respectable people.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Only think,\" he said, \"She is going to the rich innkeeper's, at the hotel","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"in Herning, many miles west from here. She is to assist the landlady in the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"housekeeping; and, if afterwards she behaves well and remains to be confirmed,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the people will treat her as their own daughter.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"So Ib and Christina took leave of each other. People already called them \"the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"betrothed,\" and at parting the girl showed Ib the two nuts, which she had taken","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"care of ever since the time that they lost themselves in the wood; and she told","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"him also that the little wooden shoes he once carved for her when he was a boy,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and gave her as a present, had been carefully kept in a drawer ever since. And","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"so they parted.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"After Ib's confirmation, he remained at home with his mother, for he had become","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a clever shoemaker, and in summer managed the farm for her quite alone. His","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"father had been dead some time, and his mother kept no farm servants.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Sometimes, but very seldom, he heard of Christina, through a postillion or eel-","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"seller who was passing. But she was well off with the rich innkeeper; and after","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"being confirmed she wrote a letter to her father, in which was a kind message","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to Ib and his mother. In this letter, she mentioned that her master and mistress","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"had made her a present of a beautiful new dress, and some nice under-clothes.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"This was, of course, pleasant news.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"One day, in the following spring, there came a knock at the door of the house","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"where Ib's old mother lived; and when they opened it, lo and behold, in stepped","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the boatman and Christina. She had come to pay them a visit, and to spend the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"day. A carriage had to come from the Herning hotel to the next village, and she","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"had taken the opportunity to see her friends once more. She looked as elegant as","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a real lady, and wore a pretty dress, beautifully made on purpose for her. There","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"she stood, in full dress, while Ib wore only his working clothes. He could not","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"utter a word; he could only seize her hand and hold it fast in his own, but he","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"felt too happy and glad to open his lips. Christina, however, was quite at her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ease; she talked and talked, and kissed him in the most friendly manner.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Even afterwards, when they were left alone, and she asked, \"Did you know me","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"again, Ib?\" he still stood holding her hand, and said at last, \"You are become","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"quite a grand lady, Christina, and I am only a rough working man; but I have","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"often thought of you and of old times.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Then they wandered up the great ridge, and looked across the stream to the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"heath, where the little hills were covered with the flowering broom. Ib said","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"nothing; but before the time came for them to part, it became quite clear to","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"him that Christina must be his wife: had they not even in childhood been called","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the betrothed? To him it seemed as if they were really engaged to each other,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"although not a word had been spoken on the subject.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"They had only a few more hours to remain together, for Christina was obliged","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to return that evening to the neighboring village, to be ready for the carriage","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"which was to start the next morning early for Herning. Ib and her father","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"accompanied her to the village. It was a fine moonlight evening; and when they","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"arrived, Ib stood holding Christina's hand in his, as if he could not let her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"go. His eyes brightened, and the words he uttered came with hesitation from his","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"lips, but from the deepest recesses of his heart: \"Christina, if you have not","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"become too grand, and if you can be contented to live in my mother's house as my","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"wife, we will be married some day. But we can wait for a while.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Oh yes,\" she replied; \"Let us wait a little longer, Ib. I can trust you, for I","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"believe that I do love you. But let me think it over.\" Then he kissed her lips;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and so they parted.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"On the way home, Ib told the boatman that he and Christina were as good as","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"engaged to each other; and the boatman found out that he had always expected it","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"would be so, and went home with Ib that evening, and remained the night in the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"farmhouse; but nothing further was said of the engagement.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"During the next year, two letters passed between Ib and Christina. They were","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"signed, \"Faithful till death;\" but at the end of that time, one day the boatman","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"came over to see Ib, with a kind greeting from Christina. He had something else","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to say, which made him hesitate in a strange manner. At last it came out that","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina, who had grown a very pretty girl, was more lucky than ever. She was","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"courted and admired by every one; but her master's son, who had been home on a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"visit, was so much pleased with Christina that he wished to marry her. He had","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a very good situation in an office at Copenhagen, and as she had also taken a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"liking for him, his parents were not unwilling to consent. But Christina, in","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"her heart, often thought of Ib, and knew how much he thought of her; so she felt","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"inclined to refuse this good fortune, added the boatman.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"At first Ib said not a word, but he became as white as the wall, and shook his","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"head gently, and then he spoke,– \"Christina must not refuse this good fortune.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Then will you write a few words to her?\" said the boatman.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib sat down to write, but he could not get on at all. The words were not what he","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"wished to say, so he tore up the page. The following morning, however, a letter","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"lay ready to be sent to Christina, and the following is what he wrote:–","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"The letter written by you to your father I have read, and see from it that you","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"are prosperous in everything, and that still better fortune is in store for you.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ask your own heart, Christina, and think over carefully what awaits you if you","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"take me for your husband, for I possess very little in the world. Do not think","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"of me or of my position; think only of your own welfare. You are bound to me by","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"no promises; and if in your heart you have given me one, I release you from it.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"May every blessing and happiness be poured out upon you, Christina. Heaven will","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"give me the heart's consolation.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ever your sincere friend,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"This letter was sent, and Christina received it in due time.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"In the course of the following November, her banns were published in the church","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"on the heath, and also in Copenhagen, where the bridegroom lived. She was taken","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to Copenhagen under the protection of her future mother-in-law, because the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"bridegroom could not spare time from his numerous occupations for a journey","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"so far into Jutland. On the journey, Christina met her father at one of the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"villages through which they passed, and here he took leave of her. Very little","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"was said about the matter to Ib, and he did not refer to it; his mother,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"however, noticed that he had grown very silent and pensive. Thinking as he did","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"of old times, no wonder the three nuts came into his mind which the gypsy woman","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"had given him when a child, and of the two which he had given to Christina.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"These wishing nuts, after all, had proved true fortune-tellers. One had","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"contained a gilded carriage and noble horses, and the other beautiful clothes;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"all of these Christina would now have in her new home at Copenhagen. Her part","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"had come true. And for him the nut had contained only black earth. The gypsy","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"woman had said it was the best for him. Perhaps it was, and this also would be","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"fulfilled. He understood the gypsy woman's meaning now. The black earth– the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"dark grave– was the best thing for him now.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Again years passed away; not many, but they seemed long years to Ib. The","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"old innkeeper and his wife died one after the other; and the whole of their","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"property, many thousand dollars, was inherited by their son. Christina could","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"have the golden carriage now, and plenty of fine clothes.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"During the two long years which followed, no letter came from Christina to her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"father; and when at last her father received one from her, it did not speak of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"prosperity or happiness. Poor Christina! Neither she nor her husband understood","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"how to economize or save, and the riches brought no blessing with them, because","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"they had not asked for it.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Years passed; and for many summers the heath was covered with bloom; in winter","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the snow rested upon it, and the rough winds blew across the ridge under which","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"stood Ib's sheltered home. One spring day the sun shone brightly, and he was","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"guiding the plough across his field. The ploughshare struck against something","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"which he fancied was a firestone, and then he saw glittering in the earth a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"splinter of shining metal which the plough had cut from something which gleamed","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"brightly in the furrow. He searched, and found a large golden armlet of superior","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"workmanship, and it was evident that the plough had disturbed a Hun's grave.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"He searched further, and found more valuable treasures, which Ib showed to the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"clergyman, who explained their value to him. Then he went to the magistrate, who","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"informed the president of the museum of the discovery, and advised Ib to take","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the treasures himself to the president.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"You have found in the earth the best thing you could find,\" said the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"magistrate.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"The best thing,\" thought Ib; \"the very best thing for me,– and found in","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the earth! Well, if it really is so, then the gypsy woman was right in her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"prophecy.\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"So Ib went in the ferry-boat from Aarhus to Copenhagen. To him who had only","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"sailed once or twice on the river near his own home, this seemed like a voyage","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"on the ocean; and at length he arrived at Copenhagen.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"The value of the gold he had found was paid to him; it was a large sum– six","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"hundred dollars. Then Ib of the heath went out, and wandered about in the great","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"city.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"On the evening before the day he had settled to return with the captain of the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"passage-boat, Ib lost himself in the streets, and took quite a different turning","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"to the one he wished to follow. He wandered on till he found himself in a poor","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"street of the suburb called Christian's Haven. Not a creature could be seen.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"At last a very little girl came out of one of the wretched-looking houses,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and Ib asked her to tell him the way to the street he wanted; she looked up","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"timidly at him, and began to cry bitterly. He asked her what was the matter;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"but what she said he could not understand. So he went along the street with her;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"and as they passed under a lamp, the light fell on the little girl's face. A","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"strange sensation came over Ib, as he caught sight of it. The living, breathing","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"embodiment of Little Christina stood before him, just as he remembered her in","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"the days of her childhood.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"He followed the child to the wretched house, and ascended the narrow, crazy","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"staircase which led to a little garret in the roof. The air in the room was","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"heavy and stifling, no light was burning, and from one corner came sounds of","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"moaning and sighing. It was the mother of the child who lay there on a miserable","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"bed. With the help of a match, Ib struck a light, and approached her.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"Can I be of any service to you?\" he asked. \"This little girl brought me up","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"here; but I am a stranger in this city. Are there no neighbors or any one whom","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"I can call?\" Then he raised the head of the sick woman, and smoothed her pillow.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"He started as he did so.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"It was Christina of the heath!","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"No one had mentioned her name to Ib for years; it would have disturbed his","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"peace of mind, especially as the reports respecting her were not good. The","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"wealth which her husband had inherited from his parents had made him proud and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"arrogant. He had given up his certain appointment, and travelled for six months","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"in foreign lands, and, on his return, had lived in great style, and got into","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"terrible debt. For a time he had trembled on the high pedestal on which he had","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"placed himself, till at last he toppled over, and ruin came. His numerous merry","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"companions, and the visitors at his table, said it served him right, for he had","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"kept house like a madman. One morning his corpse was found in the canal.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"The cold hand of death had already touched the heart of Christina. Her youngest","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"child, looked for in the midst of prosperity, had sunk into the grave when only","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"a few weeks old; and at last Christina herself became sick unto death, and lay,","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"forsaken and dying, in a miserable room, amid poverty she might have borne in","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"her younger days, but which was now more painful to her from the luxuries to","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"which she had lately been accustomed. It was her eldest child, also a Little","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina, whom Ib had followed to her home, where she suffered hunger and","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"poverty with her mother.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"\"It makes me unhappy to think that I shall die, and leave this poor child,\"","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"sighed she. \"Oh, what will become of her?\" She could say no more.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Then Ib brought out another match, and lighted a piece of candle which he found","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"in the room, and it threw a glimmering light over the wretched dwelling.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib looked at the little girl, and thought of Christina in her young days. For","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"her sake, could he not love this child, who was a stranger to him? As he thus","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"reflected, the dying woman opened her eyes, and gazed at him. Did she recognize","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"him? He never knew; for not another word escaped her lips.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"––––––––","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"In the forest by the river Gudenau, not far from the heath, and beneath the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ridge of land, stood the little farm, newly painted and whitewashed. The air","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"was heavy and dark; there were no blossoms on the heath; the autumn winds","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"whirled the yellow leaves towards the boatman's hut, in which strangers dwelt;","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"but the little farm stood safely sheltered beneath the tall trees and the high","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"ridge. The turf blazed brightly on the hearth, and within was sunlight, the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"sparkling light from the sunny eyes of a child; the birdlike tones from the","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"rosy lips ringing like the song of a lark in spring. All was life and joy.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Little Christina sat on Ib's knee. Ib was to her both father and mother; her","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"own parents had vanished from her memory, as a dream-picture vanishes alike","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"from childhood and age. Ib's house was well and prettily furnished; for he was a","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"prosperous man now, while the mother of the little girl rested in the churchyard","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"at Copenhagen, where she had died in poverty.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Ib had money now– money which had come to him out of the black earth; and he had","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"Christina for his own, after all.","book":"Ib and little Christina"} {"text":"There is an old fairy tale: \"The Thorny Road of Honor was trodden by a marksman","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"named Bryde, to whom came great honor and dignity, but not until after manifold","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"adversities and peril of life.\" More than one of us had heard that tale in","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"childhood, and perhaps read it in later years, and thought of his own unsung","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"\"thorny road\" and \"manifold adversities.\" Romance and reality are very nearly","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"alike, but romance has its harmonious ending here on earth, while reality more","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"often delays it and leads us to time and eternity.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"The history of the world is a magic lantern, showing us picture slides against","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"the dark backgrounds of the ages, of how the benefactors of mankind, the martyrs","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"of progress, have trodden their Thorny Roads of Honor.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"From all times, from all lands, these pictures of splendor come to us; each","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"picture lasts a moment only, yet it is a whole lifetime of struggles and","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"triumphs. Let us glance at a few in the ranks of the marytrs (NB= martyrs),","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"those ranks which will never be filled until earth itself shall pass a way.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"We see a crowded theater! The Clouds of Aristophanes is sending forth to the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"audience a river of mirth and mockery; the stage of Athens is ridiculing, in","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"both body and mind, her most remarkable man, who was the shield and defense","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"of the people against the Thirty Tyrants. Socrates, who in the heat of battle","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"rescued Alcibiades and Xenophon, whose spirit soared above the deities of the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"ancient world, is here in person. He has risen from the spectators' bench and","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"has stepped forward, so that the mocking Athenians may decide whether he and the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"stage caricature resemble each other. There he stands erect before them, and in","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"high spirit he is high above them.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"You green, juicy, poisonous hemlock, be you, and not the olive tree, the shadowy","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"symbol of this Athens!","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Seven cities claimed to be the birthplace of Homer-that is, after he was","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"dead. But look at him in his lifetime! Through these same cities he wanders,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"reciting his verses for a pittance. Care for the morrow turns his hair gray. He,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"mightiest of seers, is blind and alone; and the sharp thorns tear the mantle of","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"the king of poesy.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"His songs yet live, and in them alone live still the gods and heroes of olden","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"times.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Picture after picture leaps forth from the morning land and the evening land,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"far separated by time and space, yet all with the same thorny path, where the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"thistle never bears blossoms till it adorns the grave.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Under the palm trees walk swaying camels, laden with indigo and other precious","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"gifts, sent by the ruler of the land to him whose songs are the people's delight","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"and the country's pride. He whom spite and slander drove into exile is found","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"again, for the caravan draws near the little town where he has taken refuge. But","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"a poor corpse is being carried out of the gate, and the caravan is stopped. The","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"dead is the very man they seek, Firdausi; ended is his Thorny Road of Honor.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"There sits an African Negro, with blunt features, thick lips, and black kinky","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"hair, begging on the marble steps of the palace in Portugal's capital; he is","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"the faithful slave of Camöens. If it were not for him and the coppers that he","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"begs, his master, the singer of The Lusiad, would have starved to death. Now an","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"expensive monument rises over the grave of Camöens.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Still another picture. Behind iron bars a man appears, ghostly white, with a","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"long and matted beard. \"I have made an invention!\" he cries. \"The greatest in","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"centuries; and for more than twenty years they have kept me caged up here!\"","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"\"Who is he?\"","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"\"A lunatic,\" replies the keeper. \"What crazy ideas a man may get! He thinks","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"people could move along by steam power!\" It is Salomon de Caus, inventor of the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"steam engine. His prophetic words have not been clear enough for a Richelieu,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"and he dies imprisoned in a madhouse.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Here stands Columbus, whom once street boys pursued and mocked at, because he","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"would discover a new world. He has discovered it! The bells of jubilation ring","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"at his triumphant return; but soon the bells of envy sound more loudly still.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"The world discoverer, who raised the American land of gold from the ocean and","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"gave it to his king, is rewarded with chains of iron. He asks that they be laid","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"in his coffin, to show the world how a man is valued in his own age.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Picture rushes after picture, for rich is the Thorny Road of Honor.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Here in dismal gloom sits he who measured the heights of the moon mountains,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"who forced his way out among the planets and stars of space-mighty Galileo, who","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"could see and hear the earth itself turning beneath him. Blind and deaf he sits","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"now in his old age, suffering wracking pain and neglect, hardly able to lift his","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"foot-that foot which once, when the words of truth were blotted out, he stamped","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"on the earth in mental agony, crying out, \"Yet it moves!\"","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Here stands a woman with the heart of a child, with inspiration and faith. She","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"bears her banner before the fighting army and brings victory and freedom to her","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"motherland. There is shouting-and the fire burns high; Joan of Arc, the witch,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"is burned at the stake. Yes, the coming age will spit upon the white lily;","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Voltaire, wit's own satyr, will sing of La Pucelle.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"At the Viborg-Thing the nobles of Denmark are burning the king's laws; they","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"burst into flames that light up both age and lawmaker and send a flash of glory","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"into a dark dungeon tower. There he sits, gray-haired, bent, digging at the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"stone table with his fingers. Once he ruled over three kingdoms, the popular","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"leader, friend of townfolk and peasant alike, Christian II- he of the hard will","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"in a hard age. Enemies wrote his story. Twenty-seven long years of prison, let","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"us remember, when we think of his blood guilt.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"There sails a ship from Denmark, and a man stands beside the tall mast; for the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"last time he looks upon Hveen, Tycho Brahe, who lifted Denmark's name to the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"stars themselves and was repaid with scorn and mockery, is setting forth to a","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"foreign land. \"Heaven is everywhere; what more do I want?\" Those are his words","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"as he sails away, our most famous man, sure in foreign lands of being honored","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"and free.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"\"Yes, free! Ah, if only free from the intolerable pains of this body!\" sighs a","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"voice to us from across the centuries. What a picture! Griffenfeld, the Danish","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Prometheus, chained to Munkholm's rocky isle.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Now we are in America, beside a large river. A great crowd has gathered there,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"for it is said that a ship is to sail against wind and tide, to be itself a","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"power against the elements. Robert Fulton is the name of the man who thinks he","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"can do this strange thing. The ship begins its trip, but suddenly it stops. The","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"crowd laughs, whistles, and mocks; his own father mocks with them. \"Conceit!","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Madness! He has got what was coming to him! Put the crackbrain under lock and","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"key!\" Then a small nail rattles loose-for a moment it had stopped the machinery-","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"the engines turn the paddle wheels again and cut through the opposition of the","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"waves-the ship moves!","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"The weaver shuttle of steam turns hours into minutes between all the lands of","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"the world.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Mankind, can you realize the happiness of that moment of assurance when the soul","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"understands its mission? That moment, when the sorest wounds from the Thorny","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Road of Honor, even if caused by one's own fault, are healed and forgotten in","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"spiritual health and strength and freedom. When all discords melt into harmony,","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"and men perceive a revelation of God's grace, granted to one alone, and by him","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"made known to all!","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Then the Thorny Road of Honor shines like a path of glory around the earth.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Happy is he who is chosen to be a pilgrim on that road and, through no merit of","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"his own, is made one of the master builders of the bridge between God and man.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"The Genius of History wings his mighty way down through the ages and gives us","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"comfort and good cheer and thoughtful peace of mind by showing us, in brilliant","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"pictures against nightdark backgrounds, the Thorny Road of Honor-not a path that","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"ends, like a fairy tale, in gladness and triumph here on earth, but one that","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"leads onward and upward, far into time and eternity.","book":"The thorny road of honor"} {"text":"Among the other children in the charity school was a little Jewish girl, clever","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"and good-in fact, the brightest of them all. But there was one class she could","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"not attend, the one where religion was taught, for she was in a Christian","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"school.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"During the hour of this class, she had her geography book before her to study,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"or did her arithmetic, but the lessons were quickly learned, and then, though","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the book might still be open before her, she did not read from it; she listened.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"And the teacher soon noticed that she listened more intently than any of the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"rest.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"Study your book,\" said the teacher, gently yet earnestly. But she looked back","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"at him with her black, eager eyes, and when he put his questions to her as","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"well as the rest he found she knew more than all the others. She had listened,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"understood, and kept his words.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Her father was a poor but honest man, and when he first brought her to the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"school he had given instructions that she should not be taught the Christian","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"faith. But to send her from the room during the Scripture lesson might have","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"given offense and raised various thoughts in the minds of the other children in","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the class, and so she remained. But this could not go on any longer.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"So the teacher went to her father and explained that he must either take his","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"daughter away from the school or consent to her becoming a Christian.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"I cannot bear to see those burning eyes, that sincere yearning thirst of the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"soul, so to speak, after the words of the Gospel,\" he said.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Then her father burst into tears. \"I know very little myself of our own faith,\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"he replied, \"but her mother was a daughter of Israel, strong and steadfast","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"in her faith, and on her deathbed I promised her that our child should never","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"receive Christian baptism. That promise I must keep, for to me it is like a pact","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"with God.\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"So the little Jewish girl was taken away from the Christian school.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Years had passed.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"In a humble household, in one of the smallest provincial towns of Jutland there","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"was a maidservant, a poor girl of the Jewish faith; this was Sarah. Her hair was","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"as black as ebony, and her eyes were dark yet full of brilliant light, such eyes","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"as you see among the daughters of the East. And the expression in the face of","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the grown-up girl was still that of the child who sat on the schoolroom bench,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"listening with eager and wistful eyes.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Every Sunday the sound of the organ and the singing of the congregation sounded","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"from the church, and the tones floated across the street and into the house","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"where the Jewish girl attended diligently and faithfully to her work. \"Remember","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the Sabbath day, to keep it holy,\" was her law; but her Sabbath was a day of","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"labor to Christians, and only in her heart could she keep it holy. And that she","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"believed was not enough.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"But then the thought came to her soul, \"What do days and hours matter in the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"sight of God?\" and on the Sunday of the Christians she had her own undisturbed","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"hour of devotion. Then if the sound of the organ and the singing came across","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"to her as she stood behind the sink in the kitchen, even this became a quiet","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"and consecrated spot. Then she would read the treasure and property of her own","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"people, the Old Testament, and that alone; for she kept deep in her heart what","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"her father had told the teacher and herself when she was taken from the school-","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the promise he had made to her dying mother, \"that Sarah should not be baptized,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"nor forsake the faith of her fathers.\" The New Testament was, and would forever","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"remain, a sealed book to her; and yet she knew much of it, for it shone through","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the memories of her childhood.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"One evening she was sitting in a corner of the living room while her master read","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"aloud. She allowed herself to listen, for this was not the Gospel; no, he was","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"reading from an old storybook, so she could remain. The master read to them of","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"a Hungarian knight who was taken captive by a Turkish pasha and yoked with oxen","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"to the plow. He was driven with lashes of the whip and suffered pain and thirst","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"almost beyond endurance.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"But at home his wife sold her jewels and mortgaged their castle and lands, while","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"friends contributed large sums to help raise the almost unbelievable amount","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"of money that was demanded as ransom. This finally was collected, and he was","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"delivered from slavery and disgrace. Sick and suffering, he returned home.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"But soon there resounded over the countryside the summons to a crusade against","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the foe of Christianity. The sick man heard the call and could have neither","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"peace nor rest any longer; they had to lift him on his war horse. Then the blood","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"rushed again to his cheeks, his strength seemed to return, and he rode forth to","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"victory. The very pasha who had made him suffer pain and humiliation yoked to","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the plow became his captive. He was taken home to the castle dungeon, but before","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"he had been there an hour the knight came to him and asked his prisoner, \"What","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"do you think now awaits you?\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"I know,\" replied the Turk. \"Retribution.\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"Yes, the retribution of a Christian,\" said the knight. \"The teachings of Christ","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"tell us to forgive our enemies and love our fellow men. God is love! Go in peace","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"to your home and loved ones, and be gentle and good to all who suffer.\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Then the prisoner burst into tears. \"How could I have believed such a thing","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"possible?\" he cried. \"I was certain I would have to suffer shame and torture,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"hence I took poison, and within a few hours I shall die. There is no remedy.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"But before I die, teach me the faith which is so full of such love and mercy; it","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"is great and divine! In that faith let me die; let me die a Christian!\" And his","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"request was granted him.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"That was the legend, the story that was read to them. All listened to it with","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"close attention, but it sank deepest into the heart of her who sat in the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"corner, the servantmaid, Sarah, the Jewess. Large tears stood in her sparkling","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"coal-black eyes while she sat there, as years ago on the school bench, and felt","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the greatness of the Gospel. The tears rolled down her cheeks.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"Let not my child become a Christian!\" Her mother's dying words rang through her","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"soul with those of the law, \"Honor thy father and thy mother!\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"Still I have not been baptized! They call me 'the Jewess'; the boys of the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"neighborhood mocked me last Sunday as I stood outside the church door and","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"looked in at the burning altar lights and the singing congregation. Ever since","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"my school days, up to this very hour, the power of Christianity, which is like","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"a sunbeam, and which, no matter how much I close my eyes, penetrates into my","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"heart. But, my mother, I will not bring you sorrow in your grave! I will not","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"betray the promise my father made to you; I will not read the Christian's Bible!","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Have I not the God of my fathers? On Him let me rest my head!\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"And the years rolled by.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"The husband died, and the wife was left in difficult circumstances. The servant","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"girl had to be dismissed, but Sarah would not leave the widow. She became her","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"help in time of trouble and kept the little household together; she worked late","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"every night, and by the labor of her own hands got bread for the house. There","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"were no close relatives to help a family where the widow grew weaker each day,","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"lingering for months on a sickbed. Gentle and good Sarah watched and nursed and","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"labored and was the blessing of the poverty-stricken home.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"There is the Bible,\" said the sick woman one evening. \"Read a little to me; the","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"evening is so long, and I sadly need to hear the word of God.\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"Sarah bowed her head, picked up the Bible and folded her hands around it, opened","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"it, and read aloud to the sick woman. Often the tears came into her eyes, but","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"they shone more clearly, and the darkness lifted from her soul. \"Mother, your","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"child shall not receive the baptism of the Christians, shall not be named in","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"their communion. You have wished it, and I shall honor your wish. In this we are","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"united here on earth, but above this is-is a greater union in God. He leads and","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"guides us beyond Death. 'I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"upon the dry ground.' Oh, I understand now! I do not know myself how I came to","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"it! Through Him it was-in Him-Christ!\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"And she trembled as she spoke the holy name; a baptism of fire streamed","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"through her, stronger than her feeble frame could bear, and she sank down, more","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"exhausted even than the sick woman whom she nursed.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"\"Poor Sarah!\" people said. \"She is worn out with labor and nursing!\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"They took her to the charity hospital, and there she died, and thence she was","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"carried to her grave. It was not to the graveyard of the Christians-that was not","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the place for a Jewish girl; no, outside by the wall they dug a grave for her.","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"But God's sun, which shines upon the graves of the Christians, shines as well","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"upon that of the Jewish girl; and the hymns which are sung beside the Christian","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"graves sound also beside her grave outside the wall. And out there, too, reaches","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the promise: \"There is resurrection in Christ, in Him, the Saviour, who said to","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"His Disciples, 'John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"the Holy Ghost!'\"","book":"The Jewish girl"} {"text":"The railroad in Denmark still extends only from Copenhagen to Korsör; it is a","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"string of pearls. Europe has a wealth of these pearls; its most costly are named","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Paris, London, Vienna, Naples. And yet many a man will point out as his favorite","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"pearl not one of these great cities but rather some little country town that is","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"still the home of homes to him, the home of those dearest to him. Yes, often it","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"is not a town at all, but a single homestead, a little house, hidden among green","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"hedges, a place hardly visible as the train speeds by.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"How many pearls are there on the line from Copenhagen to Korsör? We will","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"consider just six, which most people must notice; old memories and poetry itself","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"give a luster to these pearls, so that they shine in our thoughts.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Near the hill where stands the palace of Frederick VI, the home of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Oehlenschläger's childhood, one of these pearls glistens, sheltered by","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Söndermarken's woody ground. It used to be called \"The Cottage of Philemon and","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Baucis.\" Here lived Rahbek and his wife, Camma; here, under their hospitable","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"roof, assembled many of the generation's finest intellects from busy Copenhagen;","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"it was the festival home of the intellectual. Now, don't say, \"Ah, what a","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"change!\" No, it is still the home of the intellect, a conservatory for sick","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"plants, for buds which do not have the strength to unfold their true beauty of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"color and form or show the blossoming and fruit-bearing which is hidden within","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"them. The insane asylum, surrounded by human love, is truly a spot of holiness,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"a hospital for the sick plants that shall someday be transplanted to bloom in","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the paradise of God. The weakest minds are assembled now here, where once the","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"strongest and keenest met to exchange thoughts and ideas, but still the flame of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"generosity mounts heavenward from \"The Cottage of Philemon and Baucis.\"","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Ancient Roskilde, the burial town of Kings, by Hroar's Spring, now lies before","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"us. The slender towers of the church lift up above the low town and mirror","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"themselves in Issefiord. Only one grave shall we seek here; it is not that of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the mighty Queen Margrethe; no within the white-walled churchyard which we speed","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"close by is the grave, and over it lays a small, plain stone. The master of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the organ, the reviver of the old Danish romances, rests here. We recall, \"The","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"clear waves rolled\" and \"There dwelt a king in Leire.\" Roskilde, burial place","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"of kings-in your pearl we see the insignificant gravestone whereon is cut a lyre","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and the name Weyse.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Now we reach Sigersted, near the town of Ringsted. The bed of the river is low","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"here; yellow corn waves over the spot where Hagbarth's boat lay at anchor, not","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"far from Signe's maiden bower. Who does not know the legend of Hagbarth, who","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"was hanged on the oak tree while the bower of Signe burst into flames? Who can","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"forget that legend of immortal love?","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Beautiful Sorö, encircled by woods!\" Your quiet old cloistered town peeps out","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"through its mossy trees; the keen eyes of youth from the academy can look across","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the lake toward the world's highway and hear the roar of the locomotive's dragon","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"as it speeds through the woods. Sorö, pearl of poetry, you are guarding the dust","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"of Holberg! Your palace of learning stands beside the deep woodland lake like","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"a great white swan, and near by, like the bright starflower of the woods, there","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"gleams a tiny cottage, whence pious hymns echo throughout the land; words are","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"spoken within, and the peasant listens and learns of Denmark's bygone days. As","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the song of the bird is to the greenwood, so is Ingemann to Sorö.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"On to the town of Slagelse! What is mirrored here in this pearl's luster? Gone","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"forever is the cloister of Antoorskov (NB: Antvorskov); vanished are the rich","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"halls of the castle, even the last remaining wing; yet one relic of olden times","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"still lingers here, the wooden cross on the hill. It has been repaired again and","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"again, for it marks the spot where, legend tells us, Saint Anders, holy priest","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"of Slagelse, awoke, after having been brought there from Jerusalem in a single","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"night.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Korsör, birthplace of Baggesen, master of words and wit! The ruined old ramparts","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"of the fallen fortress are now the last visible witness of your childhood","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"home; their lengthening sunset shadows point to the spot where stood the house","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"in which you were born. From these hills you looked toward Sprogö and sang in","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"undying verse.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Nowhere have roses so red a hue","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"And nowhere are feathers so light and so blue,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Nowhere the thorns so daintily grown,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"As those to childhood innocence known.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Humorous, charming singer! We shall weave for thee a garland of woodbine","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and fling it into the lake, so that the current may bear it to the coast of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Kielerfiord, where your ashes rest. The tide shall bring you a greeting from the","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"new generation, a greeting from your birthplace Korsör - where I drop my string","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"of pearls.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"That's quite right! A string of pearls does stretch from Copenhagen to Korsör,\"","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"said Grandmother when she had heard this read aloud. \"It's a string of pearls","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"for me now, as it was more than forty years ago. We had no railroad then; we","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"spent days on a trip that can now be made in as many hours. That was in 1815,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and I was twenty-one; that is a charming age! Although to be up in the sixties,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"that is also a wonderful age! In my young days it was a much rarer event than","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"it is now to come to Copenhagen, which we considered the town of all towns! My","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"parents hadn't visited it for twenty years, but at last they were going, and I","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"was going with them. We had talked about that journey for years before, and now","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"it was actually coming true; it seemed as though a new life were beginning for","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"me, and really in a way a new life did begin for me.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"There was such a bustle of sewing and packing; and when at last we were ready","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"to start, such a crowd of friends came to bid us farewell! It was a long journey","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"we had ahead of us. Shortly before noon we drove out of Odense in my parents'","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Holstein carriage, and our friends waved to us from the windows all the way down","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the street, till we passed through St. Jörgen's Gate. The weather was beautiful;","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the birds sang, and everything was joyful; we forgot what a long and tiresome","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"road it was to Nyborg. We reached it toward evening; but the little sailing","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"vessel had to wait for the mail, which didn't arrive until night. Then we got","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"on board, and as far as we could see the wide, smooth waters lay before us. We","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"lay down and went to sleep in our clothes. When I awoke and came on deck next","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"morning, I could see nothing at all; a heavy fog covered everything. When I","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"heard the cocks crowing, I knew it must be sunrise; bells were ringing, but I","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"didn't know where; then the mist lifted, and we found we were still lying very","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"close to Nyborg. Later in the day a wind came up, but it was against us; we","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"tacked back and forth, and at last were lucky enough to reach Korsör by a little","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"past eleven that night, having spent twenty-two hours to go sixteen miles!","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"It was good to get ashore, but it was dark; the lamps were weak, and it all","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"seemed very strange to me, who had never been in any other town but Odense.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\" 'Look!' said my father. 'Baggesen was born there! And Birckner lived in that","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"house!' When I heard that, somehow the dark old town with its narrow little","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"streets seemed to grow larger and brighter. And we were so glad to feel solid","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"earth under our feet! There was no sleep for me that night, for I was so excited","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"over all that I had seen and heard since I had left home the day before.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Next morning we had to leave early; there was a terrible road ahead of us, with","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"great bumps and holes as far as Slagelse, and not much better from there on,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and we wanted to get to the Crab Inn early, so that on the same day we could","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"reach Sorö and visit the Möllers' Emil, as we called him then; yes, he was your","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"grandfather, my late husband, the dean. He was a student at Sorö then, and had","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"just passed his second examination.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"That afternoon we reached the Crab Inn, which was a gallant place at that","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"time, the very best inn on the whole trip, with the prettiest country around it.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Yes, but you must all admit that it still is. Madame Plambek was an industrious","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"hostess, and everything in her house was as smoothly scoured as a larding board.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"On the wall they had, framed under glass, Baggesen's letter to her; it was","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"indeed worth seeing, and I greatly enjoyed looking at it. Then he went to Sorö","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and found Emil there. You can imagine how glad we were to see him, and he to","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"see us. He was so thoughtful and charming; he took us to see the church, and the","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"graves of Absalon and Holberg; he inspected the old monkish inscriptions with","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"us, and sailed with us across the lake to Parnasset. It was the most wonderful","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"evening I remember! I was thinking that to become a poet one had only to come to","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Sorö and meditate among those lovely, peaceful scenes. By moonlight we followed","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the 'Philosopher's Walk,' as it's called, the wonderful and lonely little path","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"beside the lake that joins the highway near the Crab Inn. Emil stayed for supper","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"with us, and my father and my mother declared he had grown so sensible and","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"looked so well. It was almost Whitsuntide, and he promised that in a few days","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"he would be in Copenhagen to join us and his family. Ah, those few hours in Sorö","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"and at the Crab Inn I count among the choicest pearls of my life!","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Next morning we again started very early, for we had a long trip to Roskilde,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"where we wanted to see the church and Father wanted to visit an old school","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"friend that evening. We spent that night in Roskilde and reached Copenhagen by","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"noon the next day. So we had spent about three days on a journey that can now be","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"made in three hours-Korsör to Copenhagen. The pearls on that way have not grown","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"more costly-that could never be-but the string is new and wonderful.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"I stayed with my parents in Copenhagen for three weeks. Emil was with us for","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"eighteen whole days, and when we returned to Fünen he went with us as far as","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Korsör. There, before we parted, we were betrothed. So it is no wonder I should","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"call the road from Copenhagen to Korsör a string of pearls.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Afterwards, when Emil received his post at Assens, we were married. We often","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"talked about that journey to Copenhagen, and intended doing it again, but then","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"your mother came along, and after her came her brothers and sisters, and with","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"all of them there was so much to do and take care of! Then your grandfather was","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"promoted and made a dean; yes, everything was happiness and joy, but we never","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"got to Copenhagen again. No, I have never been there since, though we often","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"thought and talked about it. Now I'm much too old to travel by rail, but still","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"I'm right glad there is a railway; it's a real blessing, because it brings you","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"young ones to me more quickly!","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Nowadays Odense is hardly farther from Copenhagen than in my youth it was from","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Nyborg; you can speed to Italy in the time it took us to reach Copenhagen! Yes,","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"that is certainly something! It doesn't matter that I just sit here always; let","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"the others travel, so long as they sometimes travel to me.","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"And you needn't laugh at me, you young people, for sitting so still here, day","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"after day! I have really a wonderful journey ahead of me; I shall soon have to","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"travel at a speed far greater than the railway's. For when our Lord calls me","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"I shall go to join your grandfather; and when you have completed your work on","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"this dear earth, you too will join us; and then, if we talk over the days of","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"our mortal life, believe me, dear children, I shall say then as I do now, 'From","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"Copenhagen to Korsör is a perfect string of pearls!' \"","book":"A string of pearls"} {"text":"\"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!\" rings out from the Bell Deep in the Odense River. And","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"what sort of river is that? Why, every child in Odense Town knows it well.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"It flows around the foot of the gardens, from the locks to the water mill,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"under the wooden bridges. Yellow water lilies grow in the river, and brown,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"featherlike reeds, and the black, velvety bulrushes, so high and so thick.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Decayed old willow trees, bent and gnarled, hang far over the water beside the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"monks' marsh and the pale meadows; but a little above are the many gardens,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"each very different from the next. Some have beautiful flowers and arbors as","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"clean and neat as dolls' houses, while some have only cabbages, and in others no","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"attempts at formal gardens can be seen at all, only great elder trees stretching","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"out and overhanging the running water, which in places is deeper that an oar can","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"measure.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"The deepest part is right opposite the old nunnery. It is called the Bell Deep,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"and it is there that the Merman lives. By day, when the sun shines through the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"water, he sleeps, but on clear, starry, or moonlit nights he comes forth. He is","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"very old; Grandmother has heard of him from her grandmother, she says; and he","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"lives a lonely life, with hardly anyone to speak to except the big old church","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"bell. It used to hang up in the steeple of the church, but now no trace is","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"left either of the steeple or of the church itself, which used to be called St.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Alban's.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!\" rang the Bell when it hung in the steeple. But one","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"evening, just as the sun was setting and the Bell was in full swing, it tore","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"loose and flew through the air, its shining metal glowing in the red beams of","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"the sunset. \"Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Now I'm going to bed!\" sang the Bell, and it","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"flew into the deepest spot of the Odense River, which is why that spot is now","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"called the Bell Deep. But it found neither sleep nor rest there, for it still","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"rings and clangs down at the Merman's; often it can be heard up above, through","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"the water, and many people say that it rings to foretell the death of someone-","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"but that is not the reason; no, it really rings to talk to the Merman, who then","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"is no longer alone.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"And what stories does the Bell tell? It is so very old; it was cast before","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Grandmother's grandmother was born, yet it was scarcely more than a child","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"compared with the Merman. He is a quiet, odd-looking old fellow, with pants of","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"eelskin, a scaly coat decorated with yellow water lilies, bulrushes in his hair,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"and duckweeds in his beard. He isn't exactly handsome to look at.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"It would take years and days to repeat everything the Bell has said; it tells","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"the same stories again and again, in great detail, sometimes lengthening them,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"sometimes shortening them, according to its mood. It tells of the olden times,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"those hard and gloomy times.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Up to the tower of St. Alban's Church, where the Bell hung, there once ascended","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"a monk, young and handsome, but deeply thoughtful. He gazed through the loophole","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"out over the Odense River. In those days its bed was broad, and the marsh was a","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"lake. He looked across it, and over the green rampart called \"The Nun's Hill,\"","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"to the cloister beyond, where a light shone from a nun's cell. He had known her","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"well, and he recalled that, and his heart beat rapidly at the thought.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!\" Yes, such are the stories the Bell tells.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"One day the Bishop's silly manservant came up to the tower; and when I, the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Bell, cast as I am from hard and heavy metal, swung to and fro and rang I almost","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"crushed his head, for he sat down right under me and played with two sticks,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"exactly as if they formed a musical instrument. He sang to them, 'Here I may","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"dare to sing aloud what elsewhere I dare not whisper-sing of all that is hidden","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"behind locks and bolts. It is cold and damp there. The rats eat people up alive!","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"No one knows of this; no one hears of it; even now, for the Bell is ringing so","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"loudly, Ding-dong! Ding-dong!'","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"Then there was a king called Knud. He bowed low before bishops and monks, but","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"when he unjustly oppressed the people of Vendelbo with heavy taxes and hard","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"words, they armed themselves with weapons and drove him away as if he had been a","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"wild beast. He sought refuge in this church and bolted fast the gate and doors.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"I have heard tell how the furious mob surrounded the sacred building, until the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"crows and ravens, and even the jackdaws, became alarmed by the tumult. They flew","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"up in and out of the tower and peered down on the multitude below; they gazed in","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"at the church windows and shrieked out what they saw.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"King Knud knelt and prayed before the altar while his brothers, Erik and","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Benedict, stood guarding him with drawn swords. But the King's servant, the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"false Blake, betrayed his master, and when those outside knew where he could be","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"hit, one of them hurled a stone in through the windows, and the King lay dead!","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Then there were shouts and screams from the angry mob, and cries, too, from the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"flocks of terrified birds, and I joined them all. I rang and sang, 'Ding-dong!","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Ding-dong!'","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"The Church Bell hangs high and can see far around; it is visited by the birds","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"and understands their language. The Wind whispers to it through the wickets and","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"loopholes and every little crack, and the Wind knows all things. He hears it","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"from the Air, for the Air surrounds all living creatures, even enters the lungs","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"of humans, and hears every word and sigh. Yes, the Air knows all, the Wind tells","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"all, and the Church Bell understands all and peals it forth to the whole world,","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"'Ding-dong! Ding-dong!'","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"\"But all this became too much for me to hear and know; I was no longer able to","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"ring it all out. I became so tired and so heavy that at last the beam from which","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"I hung broke, and so I flew through the glowing air down to the deepest spot","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"of the river, where the Merman lives in solitude and loneliness. And year in","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"and year out, I tell him all I have seen and all I have heard. Ding-dong! Ding-","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"dong!\"","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Thus it sounds from the Bell Deep in the Odense River-at least, so my","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"grandmother has told me.","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"But our schoolmaster says there's no bell ringing down there, for there couldn't","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"be; and there's no Merman down there, for there aren't any Mermen. And when","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"all the church bells are ringing loudly, he says it's not the bells, but that","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"it is really the air that makes the sound! And my grandmother told me that the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Bell said the same thing; so, since they both agree on it, it must be true. The","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"air knows everything. It is around us and in us; it tells of our thoughts and","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"our actions, and it voices them longer and farther than the Bell down in the","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Odense River hollow where the Merman lives; it voices them into the great vault","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"of heaven itself, so far, far away, forever and ever, until the bells of heaven","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"ring out, \"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!\"","book":"The bell deep"} {"text":"Close to the corner of a street, among other abodes of poverty, stood an","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"exceedingly tall, narrow house, which had been so knocked about by time that","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it seemed out of joint in every direction. This house was inhabited by poor","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"people, but the deepest poverty was apparent in the garret lodging in the gable.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"In front of the little window, an old bent bird-cage hung in the sunshine,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"which had not even a proper water-glass, but instead of it the broken neck of a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bottle, turned upside down, and a cork stuck in to make it hold the water with","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"which it was filled. An old maid stood at the window; she had hung chickweed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"over the cage, and the little linnet which it contained hopped from perch to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"perch and sang and twittered merrily.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"Yes, it's all very well for you to sing,\" said the bottle neck: that is, he","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"did not really speak the words as we do, for the neck of a bottle cannot speak;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"but he thought them to himself in his own mind, just as people sometimes talk","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"quietly to themselves. \"Yes, you may sing very well, you have all your limbs","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"uninjured; you should feel what it is like to lose your body, and only have a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"neck and a mouth left, with a cork stuck in it, as I have: you wouldn't sing","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"then, I know. After all, it is just as well that there are some who can be","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"happy. I have no reason to sing, nor could I sing now if I were ever so happy;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"but when I was a whole bottle, and they rubbed me with a cork, didn't I sing","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"then? I used to be called a complete lark. I remember when I went out to a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"picnic with the furrier's family, on the day his daughter was betrothed,– it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"seems as if it only happened yesterday. I have gone through a great deal in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"my time, when I come to recollect: I have been in the fire and in the water, I","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"have been deep in the earth, and have mounted higher in the air than most other","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"people, and now I am swinging here, outside a bird-cage, in the air and the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"sunshine. Oh, indeed, it would be worth while to hear my history; but I do not","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"speak it aloud, for a good reason– because I cannot.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Then the bottle neck related his history, which was really rather remarkable;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"he, in fact, related it to himself, or, at least, thought it in his own mind.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The little bird sang his own song merrily; in the street below there was driving","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and running to and fro, every one thought of his own affairs, or perhaps of","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"nothing at all; but the bottle neck thought deeply.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"He thought of the blazing furnace in the factory, where he had been blown into","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"life; he remembered how hot it felt when he was placed in the heated oven, the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"home from which he sprang, and that he had a strong inclination to leap out","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"again directly; but after a while it became cooler, and he found himself very","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"comfortable. He had been placed in a row, with a whole regiment of his brothers","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and sisters all brought out of the same furnace; some of them had certainly","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"been blown into champagne bottles, and others into beer bottles, which made","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"a little difference between them. In the world it often happens that a beer","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bottle may contain the most precious wine, and a champagne bottle be filled with","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"blacking, but even in decay it may always be seen whether a man has been well","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"born. Nobility remains noble, as a champagne bottle remains the same, even with","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"blacking in its interior.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"When the bottles were packed our bottle was packed amongst them; it little","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"expected then to finish its career as a bottle neck, or to be used as a water-","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"glass to a bird's-cage, which is, after all, a place of honor, for it is to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"be of some use in the world. The bottle did not behold the light of day again,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"until it was unpacked with the rest in the wine merchant's cellar, and, for the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"first time, rinsed with water, which caused some very curious sensations. There","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it lay empty, and without a cork, and it had a peculiar feeling, as if it wanted","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"something it knew not what. At last it was filled with rich and costly wine, a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"cork was placed in it, and sealed down. Then it was labelled \"first quality,\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"as if it had carried off the first prize at an examination; besides, the wine","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and the bottle were both good, and while we are young is the time for poetry.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"There were sounds of song within the bottle, of things it could not understand,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"of green sunny mountains, where the vines grow and where the merry vine-dressers","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"laugh, sing, and are merry. \"Ah, how beautiful is life.\" All these tones of joy","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and song in the bottle were like the working of a young poet's brain, who often","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"knows not the meaning of the tones which are sounding within him.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"One morning the bottle found a purchaser in the furrier's apprentice, who was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"told to bring one of the best bottles of wine. It was placed in the provision","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"basket with ham and cheese and sausages. The sweetest fresh butter and the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"finest bread were put into the basket by the furrier's daughter herself, for","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"she packed it. She was young and pretty; her brown eyes laughed, and a smile","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"lingered round her mouth as sweet as that in her eyes. She had delicate hands,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"beautifully white, and her neck was whiter still. It could easily be seen that","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"she was a very lovely girl, and as yet she was not engaged.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The provision basket lay in the lap of the young girl as the family drove out to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the forest, and the neck of the bottle peeped out from between the folds of the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"white napkin. There was the red wax on the cork, and the bottle looked straight","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"at the young girl's face, and also at the face of the young sailor who sat near","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"her. He was a young friend, the son of a portrait painter. He had lately passed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"his examination with honor, as mate, and the next morning he was to sail in his","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"ship to a distant coast. There had been a great deal of talk on this subject","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"while the basket was being packed, and during this conversation the eyes and the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"mouth of the furrier's daughter did not wear a very joyful expression.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The young people wandered away into the green wood, and talked together. What","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"did they talk about? The bottle could not say, for he was in the provision","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"basket. It remained there a long time; but when at last it was brought forth it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"appeared as if something pleasant had happened, for every one was laughing; the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"furrier's daughter laughed too, but she said very little, and her cheeks were","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"like two roses.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Then her father took the bottle and the cork-screw into his hands. What a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"strange sensation it was to have the cork drawn for the first time! The bottle","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"could never after that forget the performance of that moment; indeed there was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"quite a convulsion within him as the cork flew out, and a gurgling sound as the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"wine was poured forth into the glasses.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"Long life to the betrothed,\" cried the papa, and every glass was emptied to the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"dregs, while the young sailor kissed his beautiful bride.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"Happiness and blessing to you both,\" said the old people-father and mother,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and the young man filled the glasses again. \"Safe return, and a wedding this day","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"next year,\" he cried; and when the glasses were empty he took the bottle, raised","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it on high, and said, \"Thou hast been present here on the happiest day of my","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"life; thou shalt never be used by others!\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"So saying, he hurled it high in the air. The furrier's daughter thought she","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"should never see it again, but she was mistaken. It fell among the rushes on the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"borders of a little woodland lake. The bottle neck remembered well how long it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"lay there unseen. \"I gave them wine, and they gave me muddy water,\" he had said","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"to himself, \"but I suppose it was all well meant.\" He could no longer see the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"betrothed couple, nor the cheerful old people; but for a long time he could hear","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"them rejoicing and singing. At length there came by two peasant boys, who peeped","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"in among the reeds and spied out the bottle. Then they took it up and carried it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"home with them, so that once more it was provided for.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"At home in their wooden cottage these boys had an elder brother, a sailor, who","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"was about to start on a long voyage. He had been there the day before to say","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"farewell, and his mother was now very busy packing up various things for him to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"take with him on his voyage. In the evening his father was going to carry the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"parcel to the town to see his son once more, and take him a farewell greeting","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"from his mother. A small bottle had already been filled with herb tea, mixed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"with brandy, and wrapped in a parcel; but when the boys came in they brought","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"with them a larger and stronger bottle, which they had found. This bottle would","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"hold so much more than the little one, and they all said the brandy would be","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"so good for complaints of the stomach, especially as it was mixed with medical","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"herbs. The liquid which they now poured into the bottle was not like the red","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"wine with which it had once been filled; these were bitter drops, but they are","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"of great use sometimes– for the stomach. The new large bottle was to go, not","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the little one: so the bottle once more started on its travels. It was taken","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"on board (for Peter Jensen was one of the crew) the very same ship in which the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"young mate was to sail. But the mate did not see the bottle: indeed, if he had","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"he would not have known it, or supposed it was the one out of which they had","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"drunk to the felicity of the betrothed and to the prospect of a marriage on his","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"own happy return.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Certainly the bottle no longer poured forth wine, but it contained something","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"quite as good; and so it happened that whenever Peter Jensen brought it out,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"his messmates gave it the name of \"the apothecary,\" for it contained the best","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"medicine to cure the stomach, and he gave it out quite willingly as long as a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"drop remained. Those were happy days, and the bottle would sing when rubbed with","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"a cork, and it was called a great lark, \"Peter Jensen's lark.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Long days and months rolled by, during which the bottle stood empty in a corner,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"when a storm arose– whether on the passage out or home it could not tell, for","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it had never been ashore. It was a terrible storm, great waves arose, darkly","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"heaving and tossing the vessel to and fro. The main mast was split asunder, the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"ship sprang a leak, and the pumps became useless, while all around was black as","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"night. At the last moment, when the ship was sinking, the young mate wrote on a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"piece of paper, \"We are going down: God's will be done.\" Then he wrote the name","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"of his betrothed, his own name, and that of the ship. Then he put the leaf in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"an empty bottle that happened to be at hand, corked it down tightly, and threw","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it into the foaming sea. He knew not that it was the very same bottle from which","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the goblet of joy and hope had once been filled for him, and now it was tossing","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"on the waves with his last greeting, and a message from the dead.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The ship sank, and the crew sank with her; but the bottle flew on like a bird,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"for it bore within it a loving letter from a loving heart. And as the sun rose","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and set, the bottle felt as at the time of its first existence, when in the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"heated glowing stove it had a longing to fly away. It outlived the storms and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the calm, it struck against no rocks, was not devoured by sharks, but drifted on","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"for more than a year, sometimes towards the north, sometimes towards the south,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"just as the current carried it. It was in all other ways its own master, but","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"even of that one may get tired.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The written leaf, the last farewell of the bridegroom to his bride, would only","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bring sorrow when once it reached her hands; but where were those hands, so","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"soft and delicate, which had once spread the table-cloth on the fresh grass in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the green wood, on the day of her betrothal? Ah, yes! where was the furrier's","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"daughter? and where was the land which might lie nearest to her home? The bottle","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"knew not, it travelled onward and onward, and at last all this wandering about","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"became wearisome; at all events it was not its usual occupation. But it had to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"travel, till at length it reached land– a foreign country. Not a word spoken in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"this country could the bottle understand; it was a language it had never before","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"heard, and it is a great loss not to be able to understand a language.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The bottle was fished out of the water, and examined on all sides. The little","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"letter contained within it was discovered, taken out, and turned and twisted","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"in every direction; but the people could not understand what was written upon","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it. They could be quite sure that the bottle had been thrown overboard from","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"a vessel, and that something about it was written on this paper: but what was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"written? that was the question,– so the paper was put back into the bottle, and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"then both were put away in a large cupboard of one of the great houses of the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"town.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Whenever any strangers arrived, the paper was taken out and turned over and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"over, so that the address, which was only written in pencil, became almost","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"illegible, and at last no one could distinguish any letters on it at all. For","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"a whole year the bottle remained standing in the cupboard, and then it was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"taken up to the loft, where it soon became covered with dust and cobwebs. Ah!","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"how often then it thought of those better days– of the times when in the fresh,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"green wood, it had poured forth rich wine; or, while rocked by the swelling","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"waves, it had carried in its bosom a secret, a letter, a last parting sigh.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"For full twenty years it stood in the loft, and it might have stayed there","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"longer but that the house was going to be rebuilt. The bottle was discovered","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"when the roof was taken off; they talked about it, but the bottle did not","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"understand what they said– a language is not to be learnt by living in a loft,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"even for twenty years. \"If I had been down stairs in the room,\" thought the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bottle, \"I might have learnt it.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"It was now washed and rinsed, which process was really quite necessary, and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"afterwards it looked clean and transparent, and felt young again in its old age;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"but the paper which it had carried so faithfully was destroyed in the washing.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"They filled the bottle with seeds, though it scarcely knew what had been placed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"in it. Then they corked it down tightly, and carefully wrapped it up. There not","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"even the light of a torch or lantern could reach it, much less the brightness of","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the sun or moon. \"And yet,\" thought the bottle, \"men go on a journey that they","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"may see as much as possible, and I can see nothing.\" However, it did something","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"quite as important; it travelled to the place of its destination, and was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"unpacked.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"What trouble they have taken with that bottle over yonder!\" said one, \"and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"very likely it is broken after all.\" But the bottle was not broken, and, better","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"still, it understood every word that was said: this language it had heard at","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the furnaces and at the wine merchant's; in the forest and on the ship,– it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"was the only good old language it could understand. It had returned home, and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the language was as a welcome greeting. For very joy, it felt ready to jump","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"out of people's hands, and scarcely noticed that its cork had been drawn, and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"its contents emptied out, till it found itself carried to a cellar, to be left","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"there and forgotten. \"There's no place like home, even if it's a cellar.\" It","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"never occurred to him to think that he might lie there for years, he felt so","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"comfortable. For many long years he remained in the cellar, till at last some","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"people came to carry away the bottles, and ours amongst the number.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Out in the garden there was a great festival. Brilliant lamps hung in festoons","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"from tree to tree; and paper lanterns, through which the light shone till they","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"looked like transparent tulips. It was a beautiful evening, and the weather mild","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and clear. The stars twinkled; and the new moon, in the form of a crescent, was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"surrounded by the shadowy disc of the whole moon, and looked like a gray globe","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"with a golden rim: it was a beautiful sight for those who had good eyes.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The illumination extended even to the most retired of the garden walks, at least","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"not so retired that any one need lose himself there. In the borders were placed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bottles, each containing a light, and among them the bottle with which we are","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"acquainted, and whose fate it was, one day, to be only a bottle neck, and to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"serve as a water-glass to a bird's-cage. Everything here appeared lovely to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"our bottle, for it was again in the green wood, amid joy and feasting; again it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"heard music and song, and the noise and murmur of a crowd, especially in that","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"part of the garden where the lamps blazed, and the paper lanterns displayed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"their brilliant colors. It stood in a distant walk certainly, but a place","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"pleasant for contemplation; and it carried a light; and was at once useful and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"ornamental. In such an hour it is easy to forget that one has spent twenty years","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"in a loft, and a good thing it is to be able to do so.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Close before the bottle passed a single pair, like the bridal pair– the mate","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and the furrier's daughter– who had so long ago wandered in the wood. It seemed","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"to the bottle as if he were living that time over again. Not only the guests","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"but other people were walking in the garden, who were allowed to witness the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"splendor and the festivities. Among the latter came an old maid, who seemed to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"be quite alone in the world. She was thinking, like the bottle, of the green","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"wood, and of a young betrothed pair, who were closely connected with herself;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"she was thinking of that hour, the happiest of her life, in which she had taken","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"part, when she had herself been one of that betrothed pair; such hours are never","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"to be forgotten, let a maiden be as old as she may. But she did not recognize","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the bottle, neither did the bottle notice the old maid. And so we often pass","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"each other in the world when we meet, as did these two, even while together in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the same town.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The bottle was taken from the garden, and again sent to a wine merchant, where","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it was once more filled with wine, and sold to an aeronaut, who was to make","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"an ascent in his balloon on the following Sunday. A great crowd assembled to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"witness the sight; military music had been engaged, and many other preparations","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"made. The bottle saw it all from the basket in which he lay close to a live","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"rabbit. The rabbit was quite excited because he knew that he was to be taken","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"up, and let down again in a parachute. The bottle, however, knew nothing of the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"up,\" or the \"down;\" he saw only that the balloon was swelling larger and larger","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"till it could swell no more, and began to rise and be restless. Then the ropes","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"which held it were cut through, and the aerial ship rose in the air with the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"aeronaut and the basket containing the bottle and the rabbit, while the music","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"sounded and all the people shouted \"Hurrah.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"This is a wonderful journey up into the air,\" thought the bottle; \"it is a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"new way of sailing, and here, at least, there is no fear of striking against","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"anything.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Thousands of people gazed at the balloon, and the old maid who was in the garden","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"saw it also; for she stood at the open window of the garret, by which hung the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"cage containing the linnet, who then had no water-glass, but was obliged to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"be contented with an old cup. In the window-sill stood a myrtle in a pot, and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"this had been pushed a little on one side, that it might not fall out; for the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"old maid was leaning out of the window, that she might see. And she did see","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"distinctly the aeronaut in the balloon, and how he let down the rabbit in the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"parachute, and then drank to the health of all the spectators in the wine from","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the bottle. After doing this, he hurled it high into the air. How little she","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"thought that this was the very same bottle which her friend had thrown aloft in","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"her honor, on that happy day of rejoicing, in the green wood, in her youthful","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"days.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"The bottle had no time to think, when raised so suddenly; and before it was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"aware, it reached the highest point it had ever attained in its life. Steeples","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and roofs lay far, far beneath it, and the people looked as tiny as possible.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"Then it began to descend much more rapidly than the rabbit had done, made","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"somersaults in the air, and felt itself quite young and unfettered, although","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"it was half full of wine. But this did not last long. What a journey it was!","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"All the people could see the bottle; for the sun shone upon it. The balloon was","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"already far away, and very soon the bottle was far away also; for it fell upon a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"roof, and broke in pieces. But the pieces had got such an impetus in them, that","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"they could not stop themselves. They went jumping and rolling about, till at","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"last they fell into the court-yard, and were broken into still smaller pieces;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"only the neck of the bottle managed to keep whole, and it was broken off as","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"clean as if it had been cut with a diamond.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"That would make a capital bird's glass,\" said one of the cellar-men; but none","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"of them had either a bird or a cage, and it was not to be expected they would","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"provide one just because they had found a bottle neck that could be used as a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"glass. But the old maid who lived in the garret had a bird, and it really might","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"be useful to her; so the bottle neck was provided with a cork, and taken up to","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"her; and, as it often happens in life, the part that had been uppermost was now","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"turned downwards, and it was filled with fresh water. Then they hung it in the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"cage of the little bird, who sang and twittered more merrily than ever.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"Ah, you have good reason to sing,\" said the bottle neck, which was looked upon","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"as something very remarkable, because it had been in a balloon; nothing further","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"was known of its history. As it hung there in the bird's-cage, it could hear the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"noise and murmur of the people in the street below, as well as the conversation","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"of the old maid in the room within. An old friend had just come to visit her,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and they talked, not about the bottle neck, but of the myrtle in the window.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"No, you must not spend a dollar for your daughter's bridal bouquet,\" said","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"the old maid; \"you shall have a beautiful little bunch for a nosegay, full of","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"blossoms. Do you see how splendidly the tree has grown? It has been raised from","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"only a little sprig of myrtle that you gave me on the day after my betrothal,","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"and from which I was to make my own bridal bouquet when a year had passed: but","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"that day never came; the eyes were closed which were to have been my light and","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"joy through life. In the depths of the sea my beloved sleeps sweetly; the myrtle","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"has become an old tree, and I am a still older woman. Before the sprig you gave","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"me faded, I took a spray, and planted it in the earth; and now, as you see, it","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"has become a large tree, and a bunch of the blossoms shall at last appear at a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"wedding festival, in the bouquet of your daughter.\"","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"There were tears in the eyes of the old maid, as she spoke of the beloved of","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"her youth, and of their betrothal in the wood. Many thoughts came into her mind;","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"but the thought never came, that quite close to her, in that very window, was a","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"remembrance of those olden times,– the neck of the bottle which had, as it were","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"shouted for joy when the cork flew out with a bang on the betrothal day. But the","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"bottle neck did not recognize the old maid; he had not been listening to what","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"she had related, perhaps because he was thinking so much about her.","book":"The bottle neck"} {"text":"\"We had such an excellent dinner yesterday,\" said an old mouse of the female","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sex to another who had not been present at the feast. \"I sat number twenty-one","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"below the mouse-king, which was not a bad place. Shall I tell you what we had?","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"Everything was first rate. Mouldy bread, tallow candle, and sausage. And then,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"when we had finished that course, the same came on all over again; it was as","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"good as two feasts. We were very sociable, and there was as much joking and fun","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"as if we had been all of one family circle. Nothing was left but the sausage","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"skewers, and this formed a subject of conversation, till at last it turned to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the proverb, 'Soup from sausage skins;' or, as the people in the neighboring","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"country call it, 'Soup from a sausage skewer.' Every one had heard the proverb,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"but no one had ever tasted the soup, much less prepared it. A capital toast","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was drunk to the inventor of the soup, and some one said he ought to be made a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"relieving officer to the poor. Was not that witty? Then the old mouse-king rose","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and promised that the young lady-mouse who should learn how best to prepare this","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"much-admired and savory soup should be his queen, and a year and a day should be","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"allowed for the purpose.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"That was not at all a bad proposal,\" said the other mouse; \"but how is the soup","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"made?\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Ah, that is more than I can tell you. All the young lady mice were asking the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"same question. They wished very much to be queen, but they did not want to take","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the trouble of going out into the world to learn how to make soup, which was","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"absolutely necessary to be done first. But it is not every one who would care","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to leave her family, or her happy corner by the fire-side at home, even to be","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"made queen. It is not always easy to find bacon and cheese-rind in foreign lands","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"every day, and it is not pleasant to have to endure hunger, and be perhaps,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"after all, eaten up alive by the cat.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"Most probably some such thoughts as these discouraged the majority from going","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"out into the world to collect the required information. Only four mice gave","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"notice that they were ready to set out on the journey. They were young and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"lively, but poor. Each of them wished to visit one of the four divisions of the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"world, so that it might be seen which was the most favored by fortune. Every one","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"took a sausage skewer as a traveller's staff, and to remind them of the object","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of their journey. They left home early in May, and none of them returned till","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the first of May in the following year, and then only three of them. Nothing","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was seen or heard of the fourth, although the day of decision was close at hand.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Ah, yes, there is always some trouble mixed up with the greatest pleasure,\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"said the mouse-king; but he gave orders that all the mice within a circle of","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"many miles should be invited at once. They were to assemble in the kitchen, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the three travelled mice were to stand in a row before them, while a sausage","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"skewer, covered with crape, was to be stuck up instead of the missing mouse. No","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"one dared to express an opinion until the king spoke, and desired one of them to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"go on with her story. And now we shall hear what she said.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"What the first little mouse saw and heard on her travels","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"When I first went out into the world,\" said the little mouse, \"I fancied, as so","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"many of my age do, that I already knew everything, but it was not so. It takes","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"years to acquire great knowledge. I went at once to sea in a ship bound for","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the north. I had been told that the ship's cook must know how to prepare every","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"dish at sea, and it is easy enough to do that with plenty of sides of bacon,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and large tubs of salt meat and mouldy flour. There I found plenty of delicate","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"food, but no opportunity for learning how to make soup from a sausage skewer.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"We sailed on for many days and nights; the ship rocked fearfully, and we did not","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"escape without a wetting. As soon as we arrived at the port to which the ship","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was bound, I left it, and went on shore at a place far towards the north. It","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"is a wonderful thing to leave your own little corner at home, to hide yourself","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"in a ship where there are sure to be some nice snug corners for shelter, then","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"suddenly to find yourself thousands of miles away in a foreign land. I saw large","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"pathless forests of pine and birch trees, which smelt so strong that I sneezed","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and thought of sausage. There were great lakes also which looked as black as","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ink at a distance, but were quite clear when I came close to them. Large swans","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"were floating upon them, and I thought at first they were only foam, they lay","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"so still; but when I saw them walk and fly, I knew what they were directly. They","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"belong to the goose species, one can see that by their walk. No one can attempt","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to disguise family descent. I kept with my own kind, and associated with the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"forest and field mice, who, however, knew very little, especially about what I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"wanted to know, and which had actually made me travel abroad. The idea that soup","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"could be made from a sausage skewer was to them such an out-of-the-way, unlikely","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"thought, that it was repeated from one to another through the whole forest.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"They declared that the problem would never be solved, that the thing was an","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"impossibility. How little I thought that in this place, on the very first night,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I should be initiated into the manner of its preparation.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"It was the height of summer, which the mice told me was the reason that the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"forest smelt so strong, and that the herbs were so fragrant, and the lakes","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"with the white swimming swans so dark, and yet so clear. On the margin of the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"wood, near to three or four houses, a pole, as large as the mainmast of a ship,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"had been erected, and from the summit hung wreaths of flowers and fluttering","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ribbons; it was the Maypole. Lads and lasses danced round the pole, and tried","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to outdo the violins of the musicians with their singing. They were as merry","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"as ever at sunset and in the moonlight, but I took no part in the merry-making.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"What has a little mouse to do with a Maypole dance? I sat in the soft moss, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"held my sausage skewer tight. The moon threw its beams particularly on one spot","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"where stood a tree covered with exceedingly fine moss. I may almost venture to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"say that it was as fine and soft as the fur of the mouse-king, but it was green,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"which is a color very agreeable to the eye. All at once I saw the most charming","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"little people marching towards me. They did not reach higher than my knee;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"they looked like human beings, but were better proportioned, and they called","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"themselves elves. Their clothes were very delicate and fine, for they were","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"made of the leaves of flowers, trimmed with the wings of flies and gnats, which","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"had not a bad effect. By their manner, it appeared as if they were seeking for","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"something. I knew not what, till at last one of them espied me and came towards","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"me, and the foremost pointed to my sausage skewer, and said, 'There, that is","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"just what we want; see, it is pointed at the top; is it not capital?' and the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"longer he looked at my pilgrim's staff, the more delighted he became. 'I will","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"lend it to you,' said I, 'but not to keep.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"'Oh no, we won't keep it!' they all cried; and then they seized the skewer,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"which I gave up to them, and danced with it to the spot where the delicate","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"moss grew, and set it up in the middle of the green. They wanted a maypole, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the one they now had seemed cut out on purpose for them. Then they decorated","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"it so beautifully that it was quite dazzling to look at. Little spiders spun","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"golden threads around it, and then it was hung with fluttering veils and flags","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"so delicately white that they glittered like snow in the moonshine. After that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"they took colors from the butterfly's wing, and sprinkled them over the white","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"drapery, which gleamed as if covered with flowers and diamonds, so that I could","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"not recognize my sausage skewer at all. Such a maypole had never been seen in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"all the world as this. Then came a great company of real elves. Nothing could","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"be finer than their clothes, and they invited me to be present at the feast;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"but I was to keep at a certain distance, because I was too large for them. Then","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"commenced such music that it sounded like a thousand glass bells, and was so","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"full and strong that I thought it must be the song of the swans. I fancied also","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"that I heard the voices of the cuckoo and the black-bird, and it seemed at last","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"as if the whole forest sent forth glorious melodies– the voices of children,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the tinkling of bells, and the songs of the birds; and all this wonderful melody","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"came from the elfin maypole. My sausage peg was a complete peal of bells. I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"could scarcely believe that so much could have been produced from it, till I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"remembered into what hands it had fallen. I was so much affected that I wept","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"tears such as a little mouse can weep, but they were tears of joy. The night","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was far too short for me; there are no long nights there in summer, as we often","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"have in this part of the world. When the morning dawned, and the gentle breeze","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"rippled the glassy mirror of the forest lake, all the delicate veils and flags","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"fluttered away into thin air; the waving garlands of the spider's web, the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"hanging bridges and galleries, or whatever else they may be called, vanished","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"away as if they had never been. Six elves brought me back my sausage skewer,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and at the same time asked me to make any request, which they would grant if in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"their power; so I begged them, if they could, to tell me how to make soup from a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sausage skewer.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"'How do we make it?' said the chief of the elves with a smile. 'Why you have","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"just seen it; you scarcely knew your sausage skewer again, I am sure.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"They think themselves very wise, thought I to myself. Then I told them all","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"about it, and why I had travelled so far, and also what promise had been made","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"at home to the one who should discover the method of preparing this soup. 'What","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"use will it be,' I asked, 'to the mouse-king or to our whole mighty kingdom that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I have seen all these beautiful things? I cannot shake the sausage peg and say,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"Look, here is the skewer, and now the soup will come. That would only produce a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"dish to be served when people were keeping a fast.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Then the elf dipped his finger into the cup of a violet, and said to me, 'Look","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"here, I will anoint your pilgrim's staff, so that when you return to your own","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"home and enter the king's castle, you have only to touch the king with your","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"staff, and violets will spring forth and cover the whole of it, even in the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"coldest winter time; so I think I have given you really something to carry home,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and a little more than something.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"But before the little mouse explained what this something more was, she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"stretched her staff out to the king, and as it touched him the most beautiful","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"bunch of violets sprang forth and filled the place with perfume. The smell was","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"so powerful that the mouse-king ordered the mice who stood nearest the chimney","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to thrust their tails into the fire, that there might be a smell of burning,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"for the perfume of the violets was overpowering, and not the sort of scent that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"every one liked.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"But what was the something more of which you spoke just now?\" asked the mouse-","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"king.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Why,\" answered the little mouse, \"I think it is what they call 'effect;'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and thereupon she turned the staff round, and behold not a single flower was","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to be seen upon it! She now only held the naked skewer, and lifted it up as a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"conductor lifts his baton at a concert. \"Violets, the elf told me,\" continued","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the mouse, \"are for the sight, the smell, and the touch; so we have only now to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"produce the effect of hearing and tasting;\" and then, as the little mouse beat","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"time with her staff, there came sounds of music, not such music as was heard","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"in the forest, at the elfin feast, but such as is often heard in the kitchen–","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the sounds of boiling and roasting. It came quite suddenly, like wind rushing","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"through the chimneys, and seemed as if every pot and kettle were boiling over.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"The fire-shovel clattered down on the brass fender; and then, quite as suddenly,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"all was still,– nothing could be heard but the light, vapory song of the tea-","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"kettle, which was quite wonderful to hear, for no one could rightly distinguish","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"whether the kettle was just beginning to boil or going to stop. And the little","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"pot steamed, and the great pot simmered, but without any regard for each; indeed","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"there seemed no sense in the pots at all. And as the little mouse waved her","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"baton still more wildly, the pots foamed and threw up bubbles, and boiled over;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"while again the wind roared and whistled through the chimney, and at last there","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was such a terrible hubbub, that the little mouse let her stick fall.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"That is a strange sort of soup,\" said the mouse-king; \"shall we not now hear","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"about the preparation?\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"That is all,\" answered the little mouse, with a bow.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"That all!\" said the mouse-king; \"then we shall be glad to hear what information","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the next may have to give us.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"What the second mouse had to tell","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"I was born in the library, at a castle,\" said the second mouse. \"Very few","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"members of our family ever had the good fortune to get into the dining-room,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"much less the store-room. On my journey, and here to-day, are the only times I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"have ever seen a kitchen. We were often obliged to suffer hunger in the library,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"but then we gained a great deal of knowledge. The rumor reached us of the royal","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"prize offered to those who should be able to make soup from a sausage skewer.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"Then my old grandmother sought out a manuscript which, however, she could not","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"read, but had heard it read, and in it was written, 'Those who are poets can","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"make soup of sausage skewers.' She then asked me if I was a poet. I felt myself","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"quite innocent of any such pretensions. Then she said I must go out and make","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"myself a poet. I asked again what I should be required to do, for it seemed","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to me quite as difficult as to find out how to make soup of a sausage skewer.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"My grandmother had heard a great deal of reading in her day, and she told me","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"three principal qualifications were necessary– understanding, imagination, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"feeling. 'If you can manage to acquire these three, you will be a poet, and the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sausage-skewer soup will be quite easy to you.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"So I went forth into the world, and turned my steps towards the west, that I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"might become a poet. Understanding is the most important matter in everything.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I knew that, for the two other qualifications are not thought much of; so I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"went first to seek for understanding. Where was I to find it? 'Go to the ant","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and learn wisdom,' said the great Jewish king. I knew that from living in a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"library. So I went straight on till I came to the first great ant-hill, and then","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I set myself to watch, that I might become wise. The ants are a very respectable","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"people, they are wisdom itself. All they do is like the working of a sum in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"arithmetic, which comes right. 'To work and to lay eggs,' say they, 'and to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"provide for posterity, is to live out your time properly;' and that they truly","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"do. They are divided into the clean and the dirty ants, their rank is pointed","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"out by a number, and the ant-queen is number ONE; and her opinion is the only","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"correct one on everything; she seems to have the whole wisdom of the world in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"her, which was just the important matter I wished to acquire. She said a great","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"deal which was no doubt very clever; yet to me it sounded like nonsense. She","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"said the ant-hill was the loftiest thing in the world, and yet close to the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"mound stood a tall tree, which no one could deny was loftier, much loftier, but","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"no mention was made of the tree. One evening an ant lost herself on this tree;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"she had crept up the stem, not nearly to the top, but higher than any ant had","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ever ventured; and when at last she returned home she said that she had found","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"something in her travels much higher than the ant-hill. The rest of the ants","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"considered this an insult to the whole community; so she was condemned to wear","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"a muzzle and to live in perpetual solitude. A short time afterwards another","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ant got on the tree, and made the same journey and the same discovery, but she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"spoke of it cautiously and indefinitely, and as she was one of the superior ants","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and very much respected, they believed her, and when she died they erected an","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"eggshell as a monument to her memory, for they cultivated a great respect for","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"science. I saw,\" said the little mouse, \"that the ants were always running to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and fro with her burdens on their backs. Once I saw one of them drop her load;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"she gave herself a great deal of trouble in trying to raise it again, but she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"could not succeed. Then two others came up and tried with all their strength","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to help her, till they nearly dropped their own burdens in doing so; then they","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"were obliged to stop for a moment in their help, for every one must think of","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"himself first. And the ant-queen remarked that their conduct that day showed","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"that they possessed kind hearts and good understanding. 'These two qualities,'","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"she continued, 'place us ants in the highest degree above all other reasonable","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"beings. Understanding must therefore be seen among us in the most prominent","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"manner, and my wisdom is greater than all.' And so saying she raised herself","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"on her two hind legs, that no one else might be mistaken for her. I could not","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"therefore make an error, so I ate her up. We are to go to the ants to learn","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"wisdom, and I had got the queen.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"I now turned and went nearer to the lofty tree already mentioned, which was","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"an oak. It had a tall trunk with a wide-spreading top, and was very old. I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"knew that a living being dwelt here, a dryad as she is called, who is born with","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the tree and dies with it. I had heard this in the library, and here was just","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"such a tree, and in it an oak-maiden. She uttered a terrible scream when she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"caught sight of me so near to her; like many women, she was very much afraid","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of mice. And she had more real cause for fear than they have, for I might have","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"gnawed through the tree on which her life depended. I spoke to her in a kind","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and friendly manner, and begged her to take courage. At last she took me up in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"her delicate hand, and then I told her what had brought me out into the world,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and she promised me that perhaps on that very evening she should be able to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"obtain for me one of the two treasures for which I was seeking. She told me","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"that Phantaesus was her very dear friend, that he was as beautiful as the god of","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"love, that he remained often for many hours with her under the leafy boughs of","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the tree which then rustled and waved more than ever over them both. He called","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"her his dryad, she said, and the tree his tree; for the grand old oak, with its","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"gnarled trunk, was just to his taste. The root, spreading deep into the earth,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the top rising high in the fresh air, knew the value of the drifted snow, the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"keen wind, and the warm sunshine, as it ought to be known. 'Yes,' continued","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the dryad, 'the birds sing up above in the branches, and talk to each other","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"about the beautiful fields they have visited in foreign lands; and on one of","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the withered boughs a stork has built his nest,– it is beautifully arranged,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and besides it is pleasant to hear a little about the land of the pyramids. All","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"this pleases Phantaesus, but it is not enough for him; I am obliged to relate to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"him of my life in the woods; and to go back to my childhood, when I was little,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and the tree so small and delicate that a stinging-nettle could overshadow it,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and I have to tell everything that has happened since then till now that the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"tree is so large and strong. Sit you down now under the green bindwood and pay","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"attention, when Phantaesus comes I will find an opportunity to lay hold of his","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"wing and to pull out one of the little feathers. That feather you shall have; a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"better was never given to any poet, it will be quite enough for you.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"And when Phantaesus came the feather was plucked, and,\" said the little mouse,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"I seized and put it in water, and kept it there till it was quite soft. It","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was very heavy and indigestible, but I managed to nibble it up at last. It is","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"not so easy to nibble one's self into a poet, there are so many things to get","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"through. Now, however, I had two of them, understanding and imagination; and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"through these I knew that the third was to be found in the library. A great man","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"has said and written that there are novels whose sole and only use appeared to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"be that they might relieve mankind of overflowing tears– a kind of sponge, in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"fact, for sucking up feelings and emotions. I remembered a few of these books,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"they had always appeared tempting to the appetite; they had been much read, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"were so greasy, that they must have absorbed no end of emotions in themselves.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I retraced my steps to the library, and literally devoured a whole novel, that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"is, properly speaking, the interior or soft part of it; the crust, or binding,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I left. When I had digested not only this, but a second, I felt a stirring","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"within me; then I ate a small piece of a third romance, and felt myself a poet.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I said it to myself, and told others the same. I had head-ache and back-ache,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and I cannot tell what aches besides. I thought over all the stories that may","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"be said to be connected with sausage pegs, and all that has ever been written","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"about skewers, and sticks, and staves, and splinters came to my thoughts; the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ant-queen must have had a wonderfully clear understanding. I remembered the man","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"who placed a white stick in his mouth by which he could make himself and the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"stick invisible. I thought of sticks as hobby-horses, staves of music or rhyme,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of breaking a stick over a man's back, and heaven knows how many more phrases","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of the same sort relating to sticks, staves, and skewers. All my thoughts rein","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"on skewers, sticks of wood, and staves; and as I am, at last, a poet, and I","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"have worked terribly hard to make myself one, I can of course make poetry on","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"anything. I shall therefore be able to wait upon you every day in the week with","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"a poetical history of a skewer. And that is my soup.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"In that case,\" said the mouse-king, \"we will hear what the third mouse has to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"say.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Squeak, squeak,\" cried a little mouse at the kitchen door; it was the fourth,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and not the third, of the four who were contending for the prize, one whom the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"rest supposed to be dead. She shot in like an arrow, and overturned the sausage","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"peg that had been covered with crape. She had been running day and night. She","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"had watched an opportunity to get into a goods train, and had travelled by the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"railway; and yet she had arrived almost too late. She pressed forward, looking","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"very much ruffled. She had lost her sausage skewer, but not her voice; for she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"began to speak at once as if they only waited for her, and would hear her only,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and as if nothing else in the world was of the least consequence. She spoke out","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"so clearly and plainly, and she had come in so suddenly, that no one had time to","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"stop her or to say a word while she was speaking. And now let us hear what she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"said.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"What the fourth mouse, who spoke before the third, had to tell","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"I started off at once to the largest town,\" said she, \"but the name of it has","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"escaped me. I have a very bad memory for names. I was carried from the railway,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"with some forfeited goods, to the jail, and on arriving I made my escape, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"ran into the house of the turnkey. The turnkey was speaking of his prisoners,","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"especially of one who had uttered thoughtless words. These words had given rise","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to other words, and at length they were written down and registered: 'The whole","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"affair is like making soup of sausage skewers,' said he, 'but the soup may cost","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"him his neck.'\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Now this raised in me an interest for the prisoner,\" continued the little","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"mouse, \"and I watched my opportunity, and slipped into his apartment, for there","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"is a mouse-hole to be found behind every closed door. The prisoner looked pale;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"he had a great beard and large, sparkling eyes. There was a lamp burning, but","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the walls were so black that they only looked the blacker for it. The prisoner","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"scratched pictures and verses with white chalk on the black walls, but I did","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"not read the verses. I think he found his confinement wearisome, so that I was a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"welcome guest. He enticed me with bread-crumbs, with whistling, and with gentle","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"words, and seemed so friendly towards me, that by degrees I gained confidence","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"in him, and we became friends; he divided his bread and water with me, gave","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"me cheese and sausage, and I really began to love him. Altogether, I must own","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"that it was a very pleasant intimacy. He let me run about on his hand, and on","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"his arm, and into his sleeve; and I even crept into his beard, and he called","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"me his little friend. I forgot what I had come out into the world for; forgot","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"my sausage skewer which I had laid in a crack in the floor– it is lying there","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"still. I wished to stay with him always where I was, for I knew that if I went","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"away the poor prisoner would have no one to be his friend, which is a sad thing.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I stayed, but he did not. He spoke to me so mournfully for the last time, gave","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"me double as much bread and cheese as usual, and kissed his hand to me. Then he","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"went away, and never came back. I know nothing more of his history.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"The jailer took possession of me now. He said something about soup from a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sausage skewer, but I could not trust him. He took me in his hand certainly, but","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"it was to place me in a cage like a tread-mill. Oh how dreadful it was! I had","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"to run round and round without getting any farther in advance, and only to make","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"everybody laugh. The jailer's grand-daughter was a charming little thing. She","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"had curly hair like the brightest gold, merry eyes, and such a smiling mouth.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"'You poor little mouse,' said she, one day as she peeped into my cage, 'I will","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"set you free.' She then drew forth the iron fastening, and I sprang out on the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"window-sill, and from thence to the roof. Free! free! that was all I could think","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of; not of the object of my journey. It grew dark, and as night was coming on","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I found a lodging in an old tower, where dwelt a watchman and an owl. I had no","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"confidence in either of them, least of all in the owl, which is like a cat, and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"has a great failing, for she eats mice. One may however be mistaken sometimes;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"and so was I, for this was a respectable and well-educated old owl, who knew","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"more than the watchman, and even as much as I did myself. The young owls made","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"a great fuss about everything, but the only rough words she would say to them","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"were, 'You had better go and make some soup from sausage skewers.' She was very","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"indulgent and loving to her children. Her conduct gave me such confidence in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"her, that from the crack where I sat I called out 'squeak.' This confidence","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of mine pleased her so much that she assured me she would take me under her","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"own protection, and that not a creature should do me harm. The fact was, she","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"wickedly meant to keep me in reserve for her own eating in winter, when food","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"would be scarce. Yet she was a very clever lady-owl; she explained to me that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the watchman could only hoot with the horn that hung loose at his side; and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"then she said he is so terribly proud of it, that he imagines himself an owl in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the tower;– wants to do great things, but only succeeds in small; all soup on a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sausage skewer. Then I begged the owl to give me the recipe for this soup. 'Soup","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"from a sausage skewer,' said she, 'is only a proverb amongst mankind, and may be","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"understood in many ways. Each believes his own way the best, and after all, the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"proverb signifies nothing.' 'Nothing!' I exclaimed. I was quite struck. Truth is","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"not always agreeable, but truth is above everything else, as the old owl said.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"I thought over all this, and saw quite plainly that if truth was really so far","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"above everything else, it must be much more valuable than soup from a sausage","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"skewer. So I hastened to get away, that I might be home in time, and bring what","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"was highest and best, and above everything– namely, the truth. The mice are","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"an enlightened people, and the mouse-king is above them all. He is therefore","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"capable of making me queen for the sake of truth.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Your truth is a falsehood,\" said the mouse who had not yet spoken; \"I can","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"prepare the soup, and I mean to do so.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"How it was prepared","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"I did not travel,\" said the third mouse; \"I stayed in this country: that was","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the right way. One gains nothing by travelling– everything can be acquired","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"here quite as easily; so I stayed at home. I have not obtained what I know from","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"supernatural beings. I have neither swallowed it, nor learnt it from conversing","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"with owls. I have got it all from my reflections and thoughts. Will you now set","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"the kettle on the fire– so? Now pour the water in– quite full– up to the brim;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"place it on the fire; make up a good blaze; keep it burning, that the water may","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"boil; it must boil over and over. There, now I throw in the skewer. Will the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"mouse-king be pleased now to dip his tail into the boiling water, and stir it","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"round with the tail. The longer the king stirs it, the stronger the soup will","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"become. Nothing more is necessary, only to stir it.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"Can no one else do this?\" asked the king.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the mouse; \"only in the tail of the mouse-king is this power","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"contained.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"And the water boiled and bubbled, as the mouse-king stood close beside the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"kettle. It seemed rather a dangerous performance; but he turned round, and put","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"out his tail, as mice do in a dairy, when they wish to skim the cream from a pan","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"of milk with their tails and afterwards lick it off. But the mouse-king's tail","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"had only just touched the hot steam, when he sprang away from the chimney in a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"great hurry, exclaiming, \"Oh, certainly, by all means, you must be my queen; and","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"we will let the soup question rest till our golden wedding, fifty years hence;","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"so that the poor in my kingdom, who are then to have plenty of food, will have","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"something to look forward to for a long time, with great joy.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"And very soon the wedding took place. But many of the mice, as they were","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"returning home, said that the soup could not be properly called \"soup from a","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"sausage skewer,\" but \"soup from a mouse's tail.\" They acknowledged also that","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"some of the stories were very well told; but that the whole could have been","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"managed differently. \"I should have told it so– and so– and so.\" These were the","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"critics who are always so clever afterwards.","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"When this story was circulated all over the world, the opinions upon it were","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"divided; but the story remained the same. And, after all, the best way in","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"everything you undertake, great as well as small, is to expect no thanks for","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"anything you may do, even when it refers to \"soup from a sausage skewer.\"","book":"Soup from a sausage skewer"} {"text":"There is a street in Copenhagen with a very strange name. It is called \"Hysken\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"street. Where the name came from, and what it means is very uncertain. It is","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"said to be German, but that is unjust to the Germans, for it would then be","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"called \"Hauschen,\" not \"Hysken.\" - \"Hauschen,\" means a little house; and for","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"many years it consisted only of a few small houses, which were scarcely larger","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"than the wooden booths we see in the market-places at fair time. They were","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"perhaps a little higher, and had windows; but the panes consisted of horn or","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"bladder-skins, for glass was then too dear to have glazed windows in every","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"house. This was a long time ago, so long indeed that our grandfathers, and even","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"great-grandfathers, would speak of those days as \"olden times;\" indeed, many","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"centuries have passed since then.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The rich merchants in Bremen and Lubeck, who carried on trade in Copenhagen,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"did not reside in the town themselves, but sent their clerks, who dwelt in the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"wooden booths in the Hauschen street, and sold beer and spices. The German beer","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was very good, and there were many sorts– from Bremen, Prussia, and Brunswick–","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and quantities of all sorts of spices, saffron, aniseed, ginger, and especially","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"pepper; indeed, pepper was almost the chief article sold here; so it happened at","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"last that the German clerks in Denmark got their nickname of \"pepper gentry.\" It","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"had been made a condition with these clerks that they should not marry; so that","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"those who lived to be old had to take care of themselves, to attend to their own","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"comforts, and even to light their own fires, when they had any to light. Many","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of them were very aged; lonely old boys, with strange thoughts and eccentric","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"habits. From this, all unmarried men, who have attained a certain age, are","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"called, in Denmark, \"pepper gentry;\" and this must be remembered by all those","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"who wish to understand the story. These \"pepper gentlemen,\" or, as they are","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"called in England, \"old bachelors,\" are often made a butt of ridicule; they are","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"told to put on their nightcaps, draw them over their eyes, and go to sleep. The","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"boys in Denmark make a song of it, thus:–","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Poor old bachelor, cut your wood,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Such a nightcap was never seen;","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Who would think it was ever clean?","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Go to sleep, it will do you good.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"So they sing about the \"pepper gentleman;\" so do they make sport of the poor old","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"bachelor and his nightcap, and all because they really know nothing of either.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"It is a cap that no one need wish for, or laugh at. And why not? Well, we shall","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"hear in the story.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"In olden times, Hauschen Street was not paved, and passengers would stumble","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"out of one hole into another, as they generally do in unfrequented highways;","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and the street was so narrow, and the booths leaning against each other were","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"so close together, that in the summer time a sail would be stretched across","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the street from one booth to another opposite. At these times the odor of the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"pepper, saffron, and ginger became more powerful than ever. Behind the counter,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"as a rule, there were no young men. The clerks were almost all old boys; but","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"they did not dress as we are accustomed to see old men represented, wearing","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"wigs, nightcaps, and knee-breeches, and with coat and waistcoat buttoned up to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the chin. We have seen the portraits of our great-grandfathers dressed in this","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"way; but the \"pepper gentlemen\" had no money to spare to have their portraits","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"taken, though one of them would have made a very interesting picture for us","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"now, if taken as he appeared standing behind his counter, or going to church,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"or on holidays. On these occasions, they wore high-crowned, broad-brimmed","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"hats, and sometimes a younger clerk would stick a feather in his. The woollen","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"shirt was concealed by a broad, linen collar; the close jacket was buttoned","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"up to the chin, and the cloak hung loosely over it; the trousers were tucked","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"into the broad, tipped shoes, for the clerks wore no stockings. They generally","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"stuck a table-knife and spoon in their girdles, as well as a larger knife, as a","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"protection to themselves; and such a weapon was often very necessary.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"After this fashion was Anthony dressed on holidays and festivals, excepting","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"that, instead of a high-crowned hat, he wore a kind of bonnet, and under it","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a knitted cap, a regular nightcap, to which he was so accustomed that it was","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"always on his head; he had two, nightcaps I mean, not heads. Anthony was one of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the oldest of the clerks, and just the subject for a painter. He was as thin as","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a lath, wrinkled round the mouth and eyes, had long, bony fingers, bushy, gray","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"eyebrows, and over his left eye hung a thick tuft of hair, which did not look","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"handsome, but made his appearance very remarkable. People knew that he came","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"from Bremen; it was not exactly his home, although his master resided there. His","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"ancestors were from Thuringia, and had lived in the town of Eisenach, close by","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Wartburg. Old Anthony seldom spoke of this place, but he thought of it all the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"more.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The old clerks of Hauschen Street very seldom met together; each one remained in","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his own booth, which was closed early enough in the evening, and then it looked","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"dark and dismal out in the street. Only a faint glimmer of light struggled","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"through the horn panes in the little window on the roof, while within sat the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"old clerk, generally on his bed, singing his evening hymn in a low voice; or","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he would be moving about in his booth till late in the night, busily employed","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in many things. It certainly was not a very lively existence. To be a stranger","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in a strange land is a bitter lot; no one notices you unless you happen to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"stand in their way. Often, when it was dark night outside, with rain or snow","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"falling, the place looked quite deserted and gloomy. There were no lamps in the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"street, excepting a very small one, which hung at one end of the street, before","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a picture of the Virgin, which had been painted on the wall. The dashing of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the water against the bulwarks of a neighboring castle could plainly be heard.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Such evenings are long and dreary, unless people can find something to do; and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"so Anthony found it. There were not always things to be packed or unpacked,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"nor paper bags to be made, nor the scales to be polished. So Anthony invented","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"employment; he mended his clothes and patched his boots, and when he at last","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"went to bed,– his nightcap, which he had worn from habit, still remained on his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"head; he had only to pull it down a little farther over his forehead. Very soon,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"however, it would be pushed up again to see if the light was properly put out;","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he would touch it, press the wick together, and at last pull his nightcap over","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his eyes and lie down again on the other side. But often there would arise in","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his mind a doubt as to whether every coal had been quite put out in the little","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"fire-pan in the shop below. If even a tiny spark had remained it might set fire","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"to something, and cause great damage. Then he would rise from his bed, creep","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"down the ladder– for it could scarcely be called a flight of stairs– and when","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he reached the fire-pan not a spark could be seen; so he had just to go back","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"again to bed. But often, when he had got half way back, he would fancy the iron","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"shutters of the door were not properly fastened, and his thin legs would carry","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"him down again. And when at last he crept into bed, he would be so cold that","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his teeth chattered in his head. He would draw the coverlet closer round him,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"pull his nightcap over his eyes, and try to turn his thoughts from trade, and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"from the labors of the day, to olden times. But this was scarcely an agreeable","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"entertainment; for thoughts of olden memories raise the curtains from the past,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and sometimes pierce the heart with painful recollections till the agony brings","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"tears to the waking eyes. And so it was with Anthony; often the scalding tears,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"like pearly drops, would fall from his eyes to the coverlet and roll on the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"floor with a sound as if one of his heartstrings had broken. Sometimes, with","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a lurid flame, memory would light up a picture of life which had never faded","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"from his heart. If he dried his eyes with his nightcap, then the tear and the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"picture would be crushed; but the source of the tears remained and welled up","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"again in his heart. The pictures did not follow one another in order, as the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"circumstances they represented had occurred; very often the most painful would","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"come together, and when those came which were most full of joy, they had always","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the deepest shadow thrown upon them.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The beech woods of Denmark are acknowledged by every one to be very beautiful,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"but more beautiful still in the eyes of old Anthony were the beech woods in the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"neighborhood of Wartburg. More grand and venerable to him seemed the old oaks","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"around the proud baronial castle, where the creeping plants hung over the stony","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"summits of the rocks; sweeter was the perfume there of the apple-blossom than","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in all the land of Denmark. How vividly were represented to him, in a glittering","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"tear that rolled down his cheek, two children at play– a boy and a girl. The","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"boy had rosy cheeks, golden ringlets, and clear, blue eyes; he was the son of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Anthony, a rich merchant; it was himself. The little girl had brown eyes and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"black hair, and was clever and courageous; she was the mayor's daughter, Molly.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The children were playing with an apple; they shook the apple, and heard the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"pips rattling in it. Then they cut it in two, and each of them took half. They","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"also divided the pips and ate all but one, which the little girl proposed should","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"be placed in the ground.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"You will see what will come out,\" she said; \"something you don't expect. A","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"whole apple-tree will come out, but not directly.\" Then they got a flower-pot,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"filled it with earth, and were soon both very busy and eager about it. The boy","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"made a hole in the earth with his finger, and the little girl placed the pip in","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the hole, and then they both covered it over with earth.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Now you must not take it out to-morrow to see if it has taken root,\" said","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Molly; \"no one ever should do that. I did so with my flowers, but only twice;","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"I wanted to see if they were growing. I didn't know any better then, and the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"flowers all died.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Little Anthony kept the flower-pot, and every morning during the whole winter","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he looked at it, but there was nothing to be seen but black earth. At last,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"however, the spring came, and the sun shone warm again, and then two little","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"green leaves sprouted forth in the pot.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"They are Molly and me,\" said the boy. \"How wonderful they are, and so","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"beautiful!\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Very soon a third leaf made its appearance.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Who does that stand for?\" thought he, and then came another and another. Day","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"after day, and week after week, till the plant became quite a tree. And all this","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"about the two children was mirrored to old Anthony in a single tear, which could","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"soon be wiped away and disappear, but might come again from its source in the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"heart of the old man.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"In the neighborhood of Eisenach stretches a ridge of stony mountains, one of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"which has a rounded outline, and shows itself above the rest without tree, bush,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"or grass on its barren summits. It is called the \"Venus Mountain,\" and the story","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"goes that the \"Lady Venus,\" one of the heathen goddesses, keeps house there. She","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"is also called \"Lady Halle,\" as every child round Eisenach well knows. She it","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was who enticed the noble knight, Tannhauser, the minstrel, from the circle of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"singers at Wartburg into her mountain.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Little Molly and Anthony often stood by this mountain, and one day Molly","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"said, \"Do you dare to knock and say, 'Lady Halle, Lady Halle, open the door:","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Tannhauser is here!'\" But Anthony did not dare. Molly, however, did, though she","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"only said the words, \"Lady Halle, Lady Halle,\" loudly and distinctly; the rest","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"she muttered so much under her breath that Anthony felt certain she had really","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"said nothing; and yet she looked quite bold and saucy, just as she did sometimes","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"when she was in the garden with a number of other little girls; they would all","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"stand round him together, and want to kiss him, because he did not like to be","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"kissed, and pushed them away. Then Molly was the only one who dared to resist","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"him. \"I may kiss him,\" she would say proudly, as she threw her arms round his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"neck; she was vain of her power over Anthony, for he would submit quietly and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"think nothing of it. Molly was very charming, but rather bold; and how she did","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"tease!","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"They said Lady Halle was beautiful, but her beauty was that of a tempting fiend.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Saint Elizabeth, the tutelar saint of the land, the pious princess of Thuringia,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"whose good deeds have been immortalized in so many places through stories and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"legends, had greater beauty and more real grace. Her picture hung in the chapel,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"surrounded by silver lamps; but it did not in the least resemble Molly.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The apple-tree, which the two children had planted, grew year after year, till","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"it became so large that it had to be transplanted into the garden, where the dew","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"fell and the sun shone warmly. And there it increased in strength so much as to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"be able to withstand the cold of winter; and after passing through the severe","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"weather, it seemed to put forth its blossoms in spring for very joy that the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"cold season had gone. In autumn it produced two apples, one for Molly and one","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"for Anthony; it could not well do less. The tree after this grew very rapidly,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and Molly grew with the tree. She was as fresh as an apple-blossom, but Anthony","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was not to behold this flower for long. All things change; Molly's father left","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his old home, and Molly went with him far away. In our time, it would be only a","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"journey of a few hours, but then it took more than a day and a night to travel","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"so far eastward from Eisenbach to a town still called Weimar, on the borders of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Thuringia. And Molly and Anthony both wept, but these tears all flowed together","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"into one tear which had the rosy shimmer of joy. Molly had told him that she","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"loved him– loved him more than all the splendors of Weimar.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"One, two, three years went by, and during the whole time he received only two","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"letters. One came by the carrier, and the other a traveller brought. The way","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was very long and difficult, with many turnings and windings through towns and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"villages. How often had Anthony and Molly heard the story of Tristan and Isolda,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and Anthony had thought the story applied to him, although Tristan means born","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in sorrow, which Anthony certainly was not; nor was it likely he would ever","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"say of Molly as Tristan said of Isolda, \"She has forgotten me.\" But in truth,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Isolda had not forgotten him, her faithful friend; and when both were laid in","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"their graves, one, on each side of the church, the linden-trees that grew by","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"each grave spread over the roof, and, bending towards each other, mingled their","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"blossoms together. Anthony thought it a very beautiful but mournful story; yet","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he never feared anything so sad would happen to him and Molly, as he passed the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"spot, whistling the air of a song, composed by the minstrel Walter, called the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Willow bird,\" beginning–","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Under the linden-trees,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Out on the heath.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"One stanza pleased him exceedingly–","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Through the forest, and in the vale,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Sweetly warbles the nightingale.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"This song was often in his mouth, and he sung or whistled it on a moonlight","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"night, when he rode on horseback along the deep, hollow way, on his road to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Weimar, to visit Molly. He wished to arrive unexpectedly, and so indeed he did.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"He was received with a hearty welcome, and introduced to plenty of grand and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"pleasant company, where overflowing winecups were passed about. A pretty room","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and a good bed were provided for him, and yet his reception was not what he","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"had expected and dreamed it would be. He could not comprehend his own feelings","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"nor the feelings of others; but it is easily understood how a person can be","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"admitted into a house or a family without becoming one of them. We converse","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in company with those we meet, as we converse with our fellow-travellers in a","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"stage-coach, on a journey; we know nothing of them, and perhaps all the while we","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"are incommoding one another, and each is wishing himself or his neighbor away.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Something of this kind Anthony felt when Molly talked to him of old times.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"I am a straightforward girl,\" she said, \"and I will tell you myself how it is.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"There have been great changes since we were children together; everything is","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"different, both inwardly and outwardly. We cannot control our wills, nor the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"feelings of our hearts, by the force of custom. Anthony, I would not, for the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"world, make an enemy of you when I am far away. Believe me, I entertain for you","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the kindest wishes in my heart; but to feel for you what I now know can be felt","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"for another man, can never be. You must try and reconcile yourself to this.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Farewell, Anthony.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Anthony also said, \"Farewell.\" Not a tear came into his eye; he felt he was no","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"longer Molly's friend. Hot iron and cold iron alike take the skin from our lips,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and we feel the same sensation if we kiss either; and Anthony's kiss was now","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the kiss of hatred, as it had once been the kiss of love. Within four-and-twenty","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"hours Anthony was back again to Eisenach, though the horse that he rode was","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"entirely ruined.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"What matters it?\" said he; \"I am ruined also. I will destroy everything that","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"can remind me of her, or of Lady Halle, or Lady Venus, the heathen woman. I","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"will break down the apple-tree, and tear it up by the roots; never more shall it","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"blossom or bear fruit.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The apple-tree was not broken down; for Anthony himself was struck with a fever,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"which caused him to break down, and confined him to his bed. But something","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"occurred to raise him up again. What was it? A medicine was offered to him,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"which he was obliged to take: a bitter remedy, at which the sick body and the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"oppressed spirit alike shuddered. Anthony's father lost all his property, and,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"from being known as one of the richest merchants, he became very poor. Dark","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"days, heavy trials, with poverty at the door, came rolling into the house upon","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"them like the waves of the sea. Sorrow and suffering deprived Anthony's father","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of his strength, so that he had something else to think of besides nursing his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"love-sorrows and his anger against Molly. He had to take his father's place, to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"give orders, to act with energy, to help, and, at last, to go out into the world","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and earn his bread. Anthony went to Bremen, and there he learnt what poverty and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"hard living really were. These things often harden the character, but sometimes","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"soften the heart, even too much.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"How different the world, and the people in it, appeared to Anthony now, to what","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he had thought in his childhood! What to him were the minstrel's songs? An echo","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of the past, sounds long vanished. At times he would think in this way; yet","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"again and again the songs would sound in his soul, and his heart become gentle","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and pious.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"God's will is the best,\" he would then say. \"It was well that I was not allowed","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"to keep my power over Molly's heart, and that she did not remain true to me. How","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"I should have felt it now, when fortune has deserted me! She left me before she","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"knew of the change in my circumstances, or had a thought of what was before me.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"That is a merciful providence for me. All has happened for the best. She could","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"not help it, and yet I have been so bitter, and in such enmity against her.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Years passed by: Anthony's father died, and strangers lived in the old house.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"He had seen it once again since then. His rich master sent him journeys on","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"business, and on one occasion his way led him to his native town of Eisenach.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The old Wartburg castle stood unchanged on the rock where the monk and the nun","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"were hewn out of the stone. The great oaks formed an outline to the scene which","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he so well remembered in his childhood. The Venus mountain stood out gray and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"bare, overshadowing the valley beneath. He would have been glad to call out","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"Lady Halle, Lady Halle, unlock the mountain. I would fain remain here always","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in my native soil.\" That was a sinful thought, and he offered a prayer to drive","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"it away. Then a little bird in the thicket sang out clearly, and old Anthony","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"thought of the minstrel's song. How much came back to his remembrance as he","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"looked through the tears once more on his native town! The old house was still","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"standing as in olden times, but the garden had been greatly altered; a pathway","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"led through a portion of the ground, and outside the garden, and beyond the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"path, stood the old apple-tree, which he had not broken down, although he talked","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of doing so in his trouble. The sun still threw its rays upon the tree, and the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"refreshing dew fell upon it as of old; and it was so overloaded with fruit that","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the branches bent towards the earth with the weight. \"That flourishes still,\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"said he, as he gazed. One of the branches of the tree had, however, been broken:","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"mischievous hands must have done this in passing, for the tree now stood in a","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"public thoroughfare. \"The blossoms are often plucked,\" said Anthony; \"the fruit","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"is stolen and the branches broken without a thankful thought of their profusion","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and beauty. It might be said of a tree, as it has been said of some men– it was","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"not predicted at his cradle that he should come to this. How brightly began the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"history of this tree, and what is it now? Forsaken and forgotten, in a garden","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"by a hedge in a field, and close to a public road. There it stands, unsheltered,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"plundered, and broken. It certainly has not yet withered; but in the course of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"years the number of blossoms from time to time will grow less, and at last it","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was cease altogether to bear fruit; and then its history will be over.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Such were Anthony's thoughts as he stood under the tree, and during many a long","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"night as he lay in his lonely chamber in the wooden house in Hauschen Street,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Copenhagen, in the foreign land to which the rich merchant of Bremen, his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"employer, had sent him on condition that he should never marry. \"Marry! ha, ha!\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and he laughed bitterly to himself at the thought.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Winter one year set in early, and it was freezing hard. Without, a snowstorm","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"made every one remain at home who could do so. Thus it happened that Anthony's","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"neighbors, who lived opposite to him, did not notice that his house remained","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"unopened for two days, and that he had not showed himself during that time,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"for who would go out in such weather unless he were obliged to do so. They were","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"gray, gloomy days, and in the house whose windows were not glass, twilight and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"dark nights reigned in turns. During these two days old Anthony had not left","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his bed, he had not the strength to do so. The bitter weather had for some time","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"affected his limbs. There lay the old bachelor, forsaken by all, and unable to","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"help himself. He could scarcely reach the water jug that he had placed by his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"bed, and the last drop was gone. It was not fever, nor sickness, but old age,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"that had laid him low. In the little corner, where his bed lay, he was over-","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"shadowed as it were by perpetual night. A little spider, which he could however","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"not see, busily and cheerfully spun its web above him, so that there should be","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a kind of little banner waving over the old man, when his eyes closed. The time","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"passed slowly and painfully. He had no tears to shed, and he felt no pain; no","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"thought of Molly came into his mind. He felt as if the world was now nothing","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"to him, as if he were lying beyond it, with no one to think of him. Now and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"then he felt slight sensations of hunger and thirst; but no one came to him, no","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"one tended him. He thought of all those who had once suffered from starvation,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of Saint Elizabeth, who once wandered on the earth, the saint of his home and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his childhood, the noble Duchess of Thuringia, that highly esteemed lady who","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"visited the poorest villages, bringing hope and relief to the sick inmates.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The recollection of her pious deeds was as light to the soul of poor Anthony.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"He thought of her as she went about speaking words of comfort, binding up the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"wounds of the afflicted and feeding the hungry, although often blamed for it","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"by her stern husband. He remembered a story told of her, that on one occasion,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"when she was carrying a basket full of wine and provisions, her husband, who had","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"watched her footsteps, stepped forward and asked her angrily what she carried","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"in her basket, whereupon, with fear and trembling, she answered, \"Roses, which","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"I have plucked from the garden.\" Then he tore away the cloth which covered the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"basket, and what could equal the surprise of the pious woman, to find that by","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a miracle, everything in her basket– the wine, the bread– had all been changed","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"into roses.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"In this way the memory of the kind lady dwelt in the calm mind of Anthony. She","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"was as a living reality in his little dwelling in the Danish land. He uncovered","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"his face that he might look into her gentle eyes, while everything around him","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"changed from its look of poverty and want, to a bright rose tint. The fragrance","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"of roses spread through the room, mingled with the sweet smell of apples. He saw","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"the branches of an apple-tree spreading above him. It was the tree which he and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Molly had planted together. The fragrant leaves of the tree fell upon him and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"cooled his burning brow; upon his parched lips they seemed like refreshing bread","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and wine; and as they rested on his breast, a peaceful calm stole over him, and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he felt inclined to sleep. \"I shall sleep now,\" he whispered to himself. \"Sleep","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"will do me good. In the morning I shall be upon my feet again, strong and well.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Glorious! wonderful! That apple-tree, planted in love, now appears before me in","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"heavenly beauty.\" And he slept.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The following day, the third day during which his house had been closed, the","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"snow-storm ceased. Then his opposite neighbor stepped over to the house in which","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"old Anthony lived, for he had not yet showed himself. There he lay stretched","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"on his bed, dead, with his old nightcap tightly clasped in his two hands. The","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"nightcap, however, was not placed on his head in his coffin; he had a clean","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"white one on then. Where now were the tears he had shed? What had become of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"those wonderful pearls? They were in the nightcap still. Such tears as these","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"cannot be washed out, even when the nightcap is forgotten. The old thoughts and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"dreams of a bachelor's nightcap still remain. Never wish for such a nightcap.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"It would make your forehead hot, cause your pulse to beat with agitation, and","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"conjure up dreams which would appear realities.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"The first who wore old Anthony's cap felt the truth of this, though it was half","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"a century afterwards. That man was the mayor himself, who had already made a","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"comfortable home for his wife and eleven children, by his industry. The moment","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"he put the cap on he dreamed of unfortunate love, of bankruptcy, and of dark","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"days. \"Hallo! how the nightcap burns!\" he exclaimed, as he tore it from his","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"bead. Then a pearl rolled out, and then another, and another, and they glittered","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"and sounded as they fell. \"What can this be? Is it paralysis, or something","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"dazzling my eyes?\" They were the tears which old Anthony had shed half a century","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"before.","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"To every one who afterwards put this cap on his head, came visions and dreams","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"which agitated him not a little. His own history was changed into that of","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"Anthony till it became quite a story, and many stories might be made by others,","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"so we will leave them to relate their own. We have told the first; and our last","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"word is, don't wish for a \"bachelor's nightcap.\"","book":"The old bachelor's nightcap"} {"text":"\"I mean to be somebody, and do something useful in the world,\" said the eldest","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"of five brothers. \"I don't care how humble my position is, so that I can only","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"do some good, which will be something. I intend to be a brickmaker; bricks are","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"always wanted, and I shall be really doing something.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"Your 'something' is not enough for me,\" said the second brother; \"what you talk","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"of doing is nothing at all, it is journeyman's work, or might even be done by","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a machine. No! I should prefer to be a builder at once, there is something real","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"in that. A man gains a position, he becomes a citizen, has his own sign, his","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"own house of call for his workmen: so I shall be a builder. If all goes well,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"in time I shall become a master, and have my own journeymen, and my wife will be","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"treated as a master's wife. This is what I call something.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"I call it all nothing,\" said the third; \"not in reality any position. There","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"are many in a town far above a master builder in position. You may be an","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"upright man, but even as a master you will only be ranked among common men. I","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"know better what to do than that. I will be an architect, which will place me","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"among those who possess riches and intellect, and who speculate in art. I shall","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"certainly have to rise by my own endeavors from a bricklayer's laborer, or as","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a carpenter's apprentice– a lad wearing a paper cap, although I now wear a silk","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"hat. I shall have to fetch beer and spirits for the journeymen, and they will","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"call me 'thou,' which will be an insult. I shall endure it, however, for I shall","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"look upon it all as a mere representation, a masquerade, a mummery, which to-","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"morrow, that is, when I myself as a journeyman, shall have served my time, will","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"vanish, and I shall go my way, and all that has passed will be nothing to me.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Then I shall enter the academy, and get instructed in drawing, and be called an","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"architect. I may even attain to rank, and have something placed before or after","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"my name, and I shall build as others have done before me. By this there will be","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"always 'something' to make me remembered, and is not that worth living for?\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"Not in my opinion,\" said the fourth; \"I will never follow the lead of others,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"and only imitate what they have done. I will be a genius, and become greater","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"than all of you together. I will create a new style of building, and introduce a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"plan for erecting houses suitable to the climate, with material easily obtained","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"in the country, and thus suit national feeling and the developments of the age,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"besides building a storey for my own genius.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"But supposing the climate and the material are not good for much,\" said","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the fifth brother, \"that would be very unfortunate for you, and have an","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"influence over your experiments. Nationality may assert itself until it becomes","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"affectation, and the developments of a century may run wild, as youth often","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"does. I see clearly that none of you will ever really be anything worth notice,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"however you may now fancy it. But do as you like, I shall not imitate you. I","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"mean to keep clear of all these things, and criticize what you do. In every","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"action something imperfect may be discovered, something not right, which I shall","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"make it my business to find out and expose; that will be something, I fancy.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And he kept his word, and became a critic.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"People said of this fifth brother, \"There is something very precise about him;","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"he has a good head-piece, but he does nothing.\" And on that very account they","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"thought he must be something.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Now, you see, this is a little history which will never end; as long as the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"world exists, there will always be men like these five brothers. And what became","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"of them? Were they each nothing or something? You shall hear; it is quite a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"history.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"The eldest brother, he who fabricated bricks, soon discovered that each brick,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"when finished, brought him in a small coin, if only a copper one; and many","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"copper pieces, if placed one upon another, can be changed into a shining","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"shilling; and at whatever door a person knocks, who has a number of these in his","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"hands, whether it be the baker's, the butcher's, or the tailor's, the door flies","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"open, and he can get all he wants. So you see the value of bricks. Some of the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"bricks, however, crumbled to pieces, or were broken, but the elder brother found","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a use for even these.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"On the high bank of earth, which formed a dyke on the sea-coast, a poor woman","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"named Margaret wished to build herself a house, so all the imperfect bricks were","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"given to her, and a few whole ones with them; for the eldest brother was a kind-","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"hearted man, although he never achieved anything higher than making bricks. The","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"poor woman built herself a little house– it was small and narrow, and the window","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"was quite crooked, the door too low, and the straw roof might have been better","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"thatched. But still it was a shelter, and from within you could look far over","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the sea, which dashed wildly against the sea-wall on which the little house was","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"built. The salt waves sprinkled their white foam over it, but it stood firm, and","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"remained long after he who had given the bricks to build it was dead and buried.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"The second brother of course knew better how to build than poor Margaret, for","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"he served an apprenticeship to learn it. When his time was up, he packed up his","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"knapsack, and went on his travels, singing the journeyman's song,–","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"While young, I can wander without a care,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And build new houses everywhere;","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Fair and bright are my dreams of home,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Always thought of wherever I roam.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Hurrah for a workman's life of glee!","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"There's a loved one at home who thinks of me;","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Home and friends I can ne'er forget,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And I mean to be a master yet.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And that is what he did. On his return home, he became a master builder,– built","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"one house after another in the town, till they formed quite a street, which,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"when finished, became really an ornament to the town. These houses built a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"house for him in return, which was to be his own. But how can houses build a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"house? If the houses were asked, they could not answer; but the people would","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"understand, and say, \"Certainly the street built his house for him.\" It was not","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"very large, and the floor was of lime; but when he danced with his bride on the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"lime-covered floor, it was to him white and shining, and from every stone in the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"wall flowers seemed to spring forth and decorate the room as with the richest","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"tapestry. It was really a pretty house, and in it were a happy pair. The flag of","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the corporation fluttered before it, and the journeymen and apprentices shouted","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"Hurrah.\" He had gained his position, he had made himself something, and at last","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"he died, which was \"something\" too.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Now we come to the architect, the third brother, who had been first a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"carpenter's apprentice, had worn a cap, and served as an errand boy, but","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"afterwards went to the academy, and risen to be an architect, a high and noble","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"gentleman. Ah yes, the houses of the new street, which the brother who was","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a master builder erected, may have built his house for him, but the street","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"received its name from the architect, and the handsomest house in the street","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"became his property. That was something, and he was \"something,\" for he had a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"list of titles before and after his name. His children were called \"wellborn,\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"and when he died, his widow was treated as a lady of position, and that was","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"something.\" His name remained always written at the corner of the street, and","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"lived in every one's mouth as its name. Yes, this also was \"something.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And what about the genius of the family– the fourth brother– who wanted to","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"invent something new and original? He tried to build a lofty storey himself,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"but it fell to pieces, and he fell with it and broke his neck. However, he had a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"splendid funeral, with the city flags and music in the procession; flowers were","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"strewn on the pavement, and three orations were spoken over his grave, each one","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"longer than the other. He would have liked this very much during his life, as","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"well as the poems about him in the papers, for he liked nothing so well as to","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"be talked of. A monument was also erected over his grave. It was only another","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"storey over him, but that was \"something,\" Now he was dead, like the three other","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"brothers.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"The youngest– the critic– outlived them all, which was quite right for him.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"It gave him the opportunity of having the last word, which to him was of great","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"importance. People always said he had a good head-piece. At last his hour came,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"and he died, and arrived at the gates of heaven. Souls always enter these gates","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"in pairs; so he found himself standing and waiting for admission with another;","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"and who should it be but old dame Margaret, from the house on the dyke! \"It is","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"evidently for the sake of contrast that I and this wretched soul should arrive","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"here exactly at the same time,\" said the critic. \"Pray who are you, my good","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"woman?\" said he; \"do you want to get in here too?\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"And the old woman curtsied as well as she could; she thought it must be St.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Peter himself who spoke to her. \"I am a poor old woman,\" she said, \"without my","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"family. I am old Margaret, that lived in the house on the dyke.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"Well, and what have you done– what great deed have you performed down below?\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"I have done nothing at all in the world that could give me a claim to have","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"these doors open for me,\" she said. \"It would be only through mercy that I can","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"be allowed to slip in through the gate.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"In what manner did you leave the world?\" he asked, just for the sake of saying","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"something; for it made him feel very weary to stand there and wait.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"How I left the world?\" she replied; \"why, I can scarcely tell you. During","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the last years of my life I was sick and miserable, and I was unable to bear","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"creeping out of bed suddenly into the frost and cold. Last winter was a hard","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"winter, but I have got over it all now. There were a few mild days, as your","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"honor, no doubt, knows. The ice lay thickly on the lake, as far one could see.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"The people came from the town, and walked upon it, and they say there were","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"dancing and skating upon it, I believe, and a great feasting. The sound of","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"beautiful music came into my poor little room where I lay. Towards evening,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"when the moon rose beautifully, though not yet in her full splendor, I glanced","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"from my bed over the wide sea; and there, just where the sea and sky met, rose","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a curious white cloud. I lay looking at the cloud till I observed a little","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"black spot in the middle of it, which gradually grew larger and larger, and","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"then I knew what it meant– I am old and experienced; and although this token","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"is not often seen, I knew it, and a shuddering seized me. Twice in my life had","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"I seen this same thing, and I knew that there would be an awful storm, with","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"a spring tide, which would overwhelm the poor people who were now out on the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"ice, drinking, dancing, and making merry. Young and old, the whole city, were","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"there; who was to warn them, if no one noticed the sign, or knew what it meant","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"as I did? I was so alarmed, that I felt more strength and life than I had done","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"for some time. I got out of bed, and reached the window; I could not crawl any","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"farther from weakness and exhaustion; but I managed to open the window. I saw","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the people outside running and jumping about on the ice; I saw the beautiful","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"flags waving in the wind; I heard the boys shouting, 'Hurrah!' and the lads","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"and lasses singing, and everything full of merriment and joy. But there was the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"white cloud with the black spot hanging over them. I cried out as loudly as I","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"could, but no one heard me; I was too far off from the people. Soon would the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"storm burst, the ice break, and all who were on it be irretrievably lost. They","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"could not hear me, and to go to them was quite out of my power. Oh, if I could","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"only get them safe on land! Then came the thought, as if from heaven, that I","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"would rather set fire to my bed, and let the house be burnt down, than that","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"so many people should perish miserably. I got a light, and in a few moments","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the red flames leaped up as a beacon to them. I escaped fortunately as far as","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the threshold of the door; but there I fell down and remained: I could go no","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"farther. The flames rushed out towards me, flickered on the window, and rose","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"high above the roof. The people on the ice became aware of the fire, and ran","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"as fast as possible to help a poor sick woman, who, as they thought, was being","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"burnt to death. There was not one who did not run. I heard them coming, and","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"I also at the same time was conscious of a rush of air and a sound like the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"roar of heavy artillery. The spring flood was lifting the ice covering, which","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"brake into a thousand pieces. But the people had reached the sea-wall, where","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"the sparks were flying round. I had saved them all; but I suppose I could not","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"survive the cold and fright; so I came up here to the gates of paradise. I am","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"told they are open to poor creatures such as I am, and I have now no house left","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"on earth; but I do not think that will give me a claim to be admitted here.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Then the gates were opened, and an angel led the old woman in. She had dropped","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"one little straw out of her straw bed, when she set it on fire to save the lives","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"of so many. It had been changed into the purest gold– into gold that constantly","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"grew and expanded into flowers and fruit of immortal beauty.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"See,\" said the angel, pointing to the wonderful straw, \"this is what the poor","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"woman has brought. What dost thou bring? I know thou hast accomplished nothing,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"not even made a single brick. Even if thou couldst return, and at least produce","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"so much, very likely, when made, the brick would be useless, unless done with a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"good will, which is always something. But thou canst not return to earth, and I","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"can do nothing for thee.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"Then the poor soul, the old mother who had lived in the house on the dyke,","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"pleaded for him. She said, \"His brother made all the stone and bricks, and sent","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"them to me to build my poor little dwelling, which was a great deal to do for a","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"poor woman like me. Could not all these bricks and pieces be as a wall of stone","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"to prevail for him? It is an act of mercy; he is wanting it now; and here is the","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"very fountain of mercy.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"Then,\" said the angel, \"thy brother, he who has been looked upon as the meanest","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"of you all, he whose honest deeds to thee appeared so humble,– it is he who","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"has sent you this heavenly gift. Thou shalt not be turned away. Thou shalt have","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"permission to stand without the gate and reflect, and repent of thy life on","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"earth; but thou shalt not be admitted here until thou hast performed one good","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"deed of repentance, which will indeed for thee be something.\"","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"\"I could have expressed that better,\" thought the critic; but he did not say it","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"aloud, which for him was something, after all.","book":"\"Something\""} {"text":"In the forest, high up on the steep shore, and not far from the open seacoast,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"stood a very old oak-tree. It was just three hundred and sixty-five years old,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"but that long time was to the tree as the same number of days might be to us;","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"we wake by day and sleep by night, and then we have our dreams. It is different","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"with the tree; it is obliged to keep awake through three seasons of the year,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and does not get any sleep till winter comes. Winter is its time for rest; its","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"night after the long day of spring, summer, and autumn. On many a warm summer,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the Ephemera, the flies that exist for only a day, had fluttered about the old","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"oak, enjoyed life and felt happy and if, for a moment, one of the tiny creatures","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"rested on one of his large fresh leaves, the tree would always say, \"Poor little","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"creature! your whole life consists only of a single day. How very short. It must","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"be quite melancholy.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Melancholy! what do you mean?\" the little creature would always reply.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Everything around me is so wonderfully bright and warm, and beautiful, that it","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"makes me joyous.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"But only for one day, and then it is all over.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Over!\" repeated the fly; \"what is the meaning of all over? Are you all over","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"too?\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"No; I shall very likely live for thousands of your days, and my day is whole","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"seasons long; indeed it is so long that you could never reckon it out.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"No? then I don't understand you. You may have thousands of my days, but I have","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"thousands of moments in which I can be merry and happy. Does all the beauty of","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the world cease when you die?\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"No,\" replied the tree; \"it will certainly last much longer,– infinitely longer","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"than I can even think of.\" - \"Well, then,\" said the little fly, \"we have the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"same time to live; only we reckon differently.\" And the little creature danced","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and floated in the air, rejoicing in her delicate wings of gauze and velvet,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"rejoicing in the balmy breezes, laden with the fragrance of clover-fields and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"wild roses, elder-blossoms and honeysuckle, from the garden hedges, wild thyme,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"primroses, and mint, and the scent of all these was so strong that the perfume","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"almost intoxicated the little fly. The long and beautiful day had been so full","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"of joy and sweet delights, that when the sun sank low it felt tired of all its","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"happiness and enjoyment. Its wings could sustain it no longer, and gently and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"slowly it glided down upon the soft waving blades of grass, nodded its little","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"head as well as it could nod, and slept peacefully and sweetly. The fly was","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"dead.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Poor little Ephemera!\" said the oak; \"what a terribly short life!\" And so,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"on every summer day the dance was repeated, the same questions asked, and the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"same answers given. The same thing was continued through many generations of","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Ephemera; all of them felt equally merry and equally happy.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"The oak remained awake through the morning of spring, the noon of summer, and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the evening of autumn; its time of rest, its night drew nigh– winter was coming.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Already the storms were singing, \"Good-night, good-night.\" Here fell a leaf and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"there fell a leaf. \"We will rock you and lull you. Go to sleep, go to sleep. We","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"will sing you to sleep, and shake you to sleep, and it will do your old twigs","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"good; they will even crackle with pleasure. Sleep sweetly, sleep sweetly, it","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"is your three-hundred-and-sixty-fifth night. Correctly speaking, you are but a","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"youngster in the world. Sleep sweetly, the clouds will drop snow upon you, which","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"will be quite a cover-lid, warm and sheltering to your feet. Sweet sleep to","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"you, and pleasant dreams.\" And there stood the oak, stripped of all its leaves,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"left to rest during the whole of a long winter, and to dream many dreams of","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"events that had happened in its life, as in the dreams of men. The great tree","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"had once been small; indeed, in its cradle it had been an acorn. According to","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"human computation, it was now in the fourth century of its existence. It was","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the largest and best tree in the forest. Its summit towered above all the other","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"trees, and could be seen far out at sea, so that it served as a landmark to","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the sailors. It had no idea how many eyes looked eagerly for it. In its topmost","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"branches the wood-pigeon built her nest, and the cuckoo carried out his usual","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"vocal performances, and his well-known notes echoed amid the boughs; and in","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"autumn, when the leaves looked like beaten copper plates, the birds of passage","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"would come and rest upon the branches before taking their flight across the sea.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"But now it was winter, the tree stood leafless, so that every one could see how","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"crooked and bent were the branches that sprang forth from the trunk. Crows and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"rooks came by turns and sat on them, and talked of the hard times which were","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"beginning, and how difficult it was in winter to obtain food.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"It was just about holy Christmas time that the tree dreamed a dream. The tree","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"had, doubtless, a kind of feeling that the festive time had arrived, and in","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"his dream fancied he heard the bells ringing from all the churches round, and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"yet it seemed to him to be a beautiful summer's day, mild and warm. His mighty","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"summits was crowned with spreading fresh green foliage; the sunbeams played","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"among the leaves and branches, and the air was full of fragrance from herb and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"blossom; painted butterflies chased each other; the summer flies danced around","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"him, as if the world had been created merely for them to dance and be merry","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"in. All that had happened to the tree during every year of his life seemed to","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"pass before him, as in a festive procession. He saw the knights of olden times","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and noble ladies ride by through the wood on their gallant steeds, with plumes","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"waving in their hats, and falcons on their wrists. The hunting horn sounded,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and the dogs barked. He saw hostile warriors, in colored dresses and glittering","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"armor, with spear and halberd, pitching their tents, and anon striking them.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"The watchfires again blazed, and men sang and slept under the hospitable shelter","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"of the tree. He saw lovers meet in quiet happiness near him in the moonshine,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and carve the initials of their names in the grayish-green bark on his trunk.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Once, but long years had intervened since then, guitars and Eolian harps had","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"been hung on his boughs by merry travellers; now they seemed to hang there","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"again, and he could hear their marvellous tones. The wood-pigeons cooed as if","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"to explain the feelings of the tree, and the cuckoo called out to tell him how","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"many summer days he had yet to live. Then it seemed as if new life was thrilling","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"through every fibre of root and stem and leaf, rising even to the highest","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"branches. The tree felt itself stretching and spreading out, while through the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"root beneath the earth ran the warm vigor of life. As he grew higher and still","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"higher, with increased strength, his topmost boughs became broader and fuller;","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and in proportion to his growth, so was his self-satisfaction increased, and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"with it arose a joyous longing to grow higher and higher, to reach even to the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"warm, bright sun itself. Already had his topmost branches pierced the clouds,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"which floated beneath them like troops of birds of passage, or large white","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"swans; every leaf seemed gifted with sight, as if it possessed eyes to see.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"The stars became visible in broad daylight, large and sparkling, like clear and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"gentle eyes. They recalled to the memory the well-known look in the eyes of a","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"child, or in the eyes of lovers who had once met beneath the branches of the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"old oak. These were wonderful and happy moments for the old tree, full of peace","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and joy; and yet, amidst all this happiness, the tree felt a yearning, longing","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"desire that all the other trees, bushes, herbs, and flowers beneath him, might","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"be able also to rise higher, as he had done, and to see all this splendor,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and experience the same happiness. The grand, majestic oak could not be quite","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"happy in the midst of his enjoyment, while all the rest, both great and small,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"were not with him. And this feeling of yearning trembled through every branch,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"through every leaf, as warmly and fervently as if they had been the fibres of","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"a human heart. The summit of the tree waved to and fro, and bent downwards as","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"if in his silent longing he sought for something. Then there came to him the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"fragrance of thyme, followed by the more powerful scent of honeysuckle and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"violets; and he fancied he heard the note of the cuckoo. At length his longing","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"was satisfied. Up through the clouds came the green summits of the forest trees,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and beneath him, the oak saw them rising, and growing higher and higher. Bush","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and herb shot upward, and some even tore themselves up by the roots to rise","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"more quickly. The birch-tree was the quickest of all. Like a lightning flash","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the slender stem shot upwards in a zigzag line, the branches spreading around","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"it like green gauze and banners. Every native of the wood, even to the brown and","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"feathery rushes, grew with the rest, while the birds ascended with the melody of","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"song. On a blade of grass, that fluttered in the air like a long, green ribbon,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"sat a grasshopper, cleaning his wings with his legs. May beetles hummed, the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"bees murmured, the birds sang, each in his own way; the air was filled with the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"sounds of song and gladness.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"But where is the little blue flower that grows by the water?\" asked the oak,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"and the purple bell-flower, and the daisy?\" You see the oak wanted to have them","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"all with him.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Here we are, we are here,\" sounded in voice and song.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"But the beautiful thyme of last summer, where is that? and the lilies-of-","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"the-valley, which last year covered the earth with their bloom? and the wild","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"apple-tree with its lovely blossoms, and all the glory of the wood, which has","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"flourished year after year? even what may have but now sprouted forth could be","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"with us here.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"We are here, we are here,\" sounded voices higher in the air, as if they had","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"flown there beforehand.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Why this is beautiful, too beautiful to be believed,\" said the oak in a joyful","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"tone. \"I have them all here, both great and small; not one has been forgotten.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Can such happiness be imagined?\" It seemed almost impossible.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"In heaven with the Eternal God, it can be imagined, and it is possible,\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"sounded the reply through the air.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"And the old tree, as it still grew upwards and onwards, felt that his roots were","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"loosening themselves from the earth.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"It is right so, it is best,\" said the tree, \"no fetters hold me now. I can fly","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"up to the very highest point in light and glory. And all I love are with me,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"both small and great. All– all are here.\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Such was the dream of the old oak: and while he dreamed, a mighty storm came","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"rushing over land and sea, at the holy Christmas time. The sea rolled in great","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"billows towards the shore. There was a cracking and crushing heard in the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"tree. The root was torn from the ground just at the moment when in his dream","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"he fancied it was being loosened from the earth. He fell– his three hundred","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"and sixty-five years were passed as the single day of the Ephemera. On the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"morning of Christmas-day, when the sun rose, the storm had ceased. From all the","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"churches sounded the festive bells, and from every hearth, even of the smallest","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"hut, rose the smoke into the blue sky, like the smoke from the festive thank-","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"offerings on the Druids' altars. The sea gradually became calm, and on board a","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"great ship that had withstood the tempest during the night, all the flags were","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"displayed, as a token of joy and festivity. \"The tree is down! The old oak,– our","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"landmark on the coast!\" exclaimed the sailors. \"It must have fallen in the storm","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"of last night. Who can replace it? Alas! no one.\" This was a funeral oration","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"over the old tree; short, but well-meant. There it lay stretched on the snow-","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"covered shore, and over it sounded the notes of a song from the ship– a song","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"of Christmas joy, and of the redemption of the soul of man, and of eternal life","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"through Christ's atoning blood.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"\"Sing aloud on the happy morn,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"All is fulfilled, for Christ is born;","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"With songs of joy let us loudly sing,","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"'Hallelujahs to Christ our King.'\"","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Thus sounded the old Christmas carol, and every one on board the ship felt his","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"thoughts elevated, through the song and the prayer, even as the old tree had","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"felt lifted up in its last, its beautiful dream on that Christmas morn.","book":"The last dream of the old oak"} {"text":"Once there was a man who had written some new rhymes for the A-B-C Book - two","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"lines for each letter, just as in the old A-B-C Book. He believed the old rhymes","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"were too antiquated, that something new was needed, and he thought well indeed","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"of his own rhymes.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"His new A-B-C Book was still only in handwriting, and already it had been placed","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"beside the old printed one in the great bookcase where there stood many books,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"both of knowledge and for amusement. But the old A-B-C Book didn't want to be a","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"neighbor to the new one, and therefore had sprung down from the shelf and at the","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"same time had given the new one a push, so that it, as well as the old one, now","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"lay on the floor, with all its loose leaves scattered about.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The old A-B-C Book lay open at the first page - and that is the most important","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"page, for there all the letters, large and small, are displayed. That one page","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"contains on it the essence of all the books that ever were written; it contains","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"the alphabet, that wonderful army of signs which rules the world; truly a","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"marvelous power they have! Everything depends on the order in which they are","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"commanded to stand; they have the power to give life or to kill, to gladden","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"and to sadden. Separately they mean nothing, but marshaled and ranked in word","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"formations, what can they not accomplish! Yes, when God put them into man's","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"thoughts, human strength became inferior to that which lay in the alphabet, and","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"we yielded with a deep bow.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"There, then, they lay now, facing upward, and the Cock which was pictured at the","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"big A of the alphabet gleamed with feathers of red, blue, and green. Proudly he","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"puffed himself up and ruffled his plumage, for he knew how important the letters","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"were and that he was the only living thing among them.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"When he found the old A-B-C Book had fallen open on the floor, he flapped his","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"wings, flew out, and perched himself on a corner of the bookcase. There he","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"preened himself with his beak and crowed loudly and long. Every single book in","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"the case, all of which would stand day and night, as if in a trance when nobody","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"was reading them, was roused by his trumpet call. Then the Cock spoke out loudly","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"and clearly about the way the worthy old A-B-C Book had been insulted.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Everything has to be new and different nowadays,\" he said. \"Everything has","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"to be advanced. Children are so wise that they can read before they have even","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"learned the alphabet. 'They should have something new!' said the man who wrote","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"those new verses sprawling there on the floor. I know them all by heart; he","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"admires them so much that I have heard him read them aloud more than ten times","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"over. No, I prefer my own, the good old rhymes with Xanthus for X, and with the","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"pictures that belong to them! I'll fight for them and crow for them! Every book","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"in the case here knows them very well. Now I'll read aloud these new rhymes.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"I'll try to read them patiently, and I know we'll all agree they're worthless.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"A - Adam","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Had Adam obeyed, he'd not have had to leave","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Garden where first dwelt he and Eve.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"B - Bank; Bee","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Bank is a place where you put your money;","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Bee is an insect that gathers honey.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now that verse I find profoundly insipid!\" said the Cock. \"But I'll read on.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"C - Columbus","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Columbus sailed the ocean to the distant shore,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"And then the earth became twice as big as before.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"D - Denmark","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"About the kingdom of Denmark, there's a saying which goes","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"God's hand protects it, as every Dane knows.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"That many people will consider beautiful,\" said the Cock. \"But I don't. I see","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"nothing beautiful about it. But I'll go on.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"E - Elephant","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Elephant has a heavy step,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Though young in heart and full of pep.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"F - Face","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Moon above feels at its best","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"When an eclipse gives its Face a rest.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"G - Goat","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"It is easier to sail a boat","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Than to teach manners to a Goat!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"H - Hurrah","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Hurrah is a word we often hear;","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"How often does the deed merit such cheer?","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"How will a child understand that!\" said the Cock. \"I suppose they'll put on the","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"title page, 'A-B-C Book for Big People and Little People'; but the big people","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"have something else to do besides read the rhymes in A-B-C Books, and the little","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"people won't be able to understand them. There is a limit to everything. But to","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"continue:","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"J - Job","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"We have a Job to do on earth","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Till earth becomes our final berth.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now, that's crude!\" said the Cock.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"K - Kitten","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"When Kittens grow up we call them cats","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"And hope they'll catch our mice and rats.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"L - Lion","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The savage Lion has much more sense","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Than the arty critic's stinging offense!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"How are you going to explain that one to children?\" said the Cock.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"M - Morning Sun","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The golden Morning sun arose,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"But not because of the cock's crows.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now he's getting personal!\" said the Cock. \"But then I'm in excellent company.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"I'm in company with the sun. Let's go on.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"N - Negro","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Black is a Negro, black as Night,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"And we cannot wash him white!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"O - Olive Leaf","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The best of leaves - you know its name?","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The dove's Olive leaf - of Bible fame.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"P - Peace","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"That Peace may ever reign, far and near,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Is indeed a hope we all hold dear.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Q - Queen; Quack","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"A Queen is a lady of royal position.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"A Quack is a fake and not a physician.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"R - Round","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"One may be Round and well extended,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"But that doesn't mean one is well descended!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"S - Swine","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Be not a braggart; be honest and true,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Though many Swine in the forest belong to you!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Will you permit me to crow!\" said the Cock. \"It tries your strength, reading so","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"much; I must catch my breath.\" And then he crowed, shrill as a trumpet of brass,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"and it was a great pleasure to listen to - for the Cock. \"I'll go on.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"T - Teakettle; Tea Urn","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The Teakettle in the kitchen will always belong,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"And yet to the Tea urn it gives its song.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"U - Universe","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Our Universe will always be,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Through ages to eternity.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now that is meant to be deep!\" said the Cock. \"It's so deep I can't get to the","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"bottom of it!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"W - Washerwoman","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"A Washerwoman will wash and scrub","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Until there's nothing left but the tub!","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now, it's certainly impossible that he can have found anything new for X.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"X - Xantippe","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"In the sea of marriage are rocks of strife,","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"As Socrates found with Xantippe, his wife.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"He would have to take Xantippe! Xanthus is much better.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Y - Ygdrasil","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Under Ygdrasil tree the gods sat every day;","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"But the tree is dead and the gods have gone away.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"Now we are almost through,\" said the Cock. \"That's a relief. I'll continue on.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Z - Zephyr","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Zephyr, in Danish, is a west wind so cold","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"It penetrates fur and skin, we're told.","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"\"That's that. But that's not the end of it. Now it will be printed and then","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"it will be read. It will be offered in place of the noble old rhymes in my","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"book. What says this assembly - learned and not so learned, single volumes and","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"collected works? What says the alphabet? I have spoken; now let the others act.\"","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"The books stood still, and the bookcase stood still; but the Cock flew back to","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"his place at the capital A in the old A-B-C Book and looked proudly around. \"I","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"have spoken well, and I have crowed well. The new A-B-C Book can't do anything","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"like that. It will certainly die; in fact, it's dead already, for it has no","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"Cock!\"","book":"The A-B-C book"} {"text":"A prize, or rather two prizes, a great one and a small one, had been awarded","book":"The races"} {"text":"for the greatest swiftness in running,– not in a single race, but for the whole","book":"The races"} {"text":"year.","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"I obtained the first prize,\" said the hare. \"Justice must still be carried out,","book":"The races"} {"text":"even when one has relations and good friends among the prize committee; but that","book":"The races"} {"text":"the snail should have received the second prize, I consider almost an insult to","book":"The races"} {"text":"myself\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the fence-rail, who had been a witness at the distribution of","book":"The races"} {"text":"prizes; \"there should be some consideration for industry and perseverance. I","book":"The races"} {"text":"have heard many respectable people say so, and I can quite understand it. The","book":"The races"} {"text":"snail certainly took half a year to get over the threshold of the door; but he","book":"The races"} {"text":"injured himself, and broke his collar-bone by the haste he made. He gave himself","book":"The races"} {"text":"up entirely to the race, and ran with his house on his back, which was all, of","book":"The races"} {"text":"course, very praiseworthy; and therefore he obtained the second prize.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"I think I ought to have had some consideration too,\" said the swallow. \"I","book":"The races"} {"text":"should imagine no one can be swifter in soaring and flight than I am; and how","book":"The races"} {"text":"far I have been! far, far away.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"Yes, that is your misfortune,\" said the fence-rail; \"you are so fickle, so","book":"The races"} {"text":"unsettled; you must always be travelling about into foreign lands when the","book":"The races"} {"text":"cold commences here. You have no love of fatherland in you. There can be no","book":"The races"} {"text":"consideration for you.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"But now, if I have been lying the whole winter in the moor,\" said the swallow,","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"and suppose I slept the whole time, would that be taken into account?\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"Bring a certificate from the old moor-hen,\" said he, \"that you have slept away","book":"The races"} {"text":"half your time in fatherland; then you will be treated with some consideration.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"I deserved the first prize, and not the second,\" said the snail. \"I know so","book":"The races"} {"text":"much, at least, that the hare only ran from cowardice, and because he thought","book":"The races"} {"text":"there was danger in delay. I, on the other hand, made running the business of my","book":"The races"} {"text":"life, and have become a cripple in the service. If any one had a first prize, it","book":"The races"} {"text":"ought to have been myself. But I do not understand chattering and boasting; on","book":"The races"} {"text":"the contrary, I despise it.\" And the snail spat at them with contempt.","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"I am able to affirm with word of oath, that each prize– at least, those for","book":"The races"} {"text":"which I voted– was given with just and proper consideration,\" said the old","book":"The races"} {"text":"boundary post in the wood, who was a member of the committee of judges. \"I","book":"The races"} {"text":"always act with due order, consideration, and calculation. Seven times have I","book":"The races"} {"text":"already had the honor to be present at the distribution of the prizes, and to","book":"The races"} {"text":"vote; but to-day is the first time I have been able to carry out my will. I","book":"The races"} {"text":"always reckon the first prize by going through the alphabet from the beginning,","book":"The races"} {"text":"and the second by going through from the end. Be so kind as to give me your","book":"The races"} {"text":"attention, and I will explain to you how I reckon from the beginning. The eighth","book":"The races"} {"text":"letter from A is H, and there we have H for hare; therefore I awarded to the","book":"The races"} {"text":"hare the first prize. The eighth letter from the end of the alphabet is S, and","book":"The races"} {"text":"therefore the snail received the second prize. Next year, the letter I will have","book":"The races"} {"text":"its turn for the first prize, and the letter R for the second.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"I should really have voted for myself,\" said the mule, \"if I had not been one","book":"The races"} {"text":"of the judges on the committee. Not only the rapidity with which advance is","book":"The races"} {"text":"made, but every other quality should have due consideration; as, for instance,","book":"The races"} {"text":"how much weight a candidate is able to draw; but I have not brought this quality","book":"The races"} {"text":"forward now, nor the sagacity of the hare in his flight, nor the cunning with","book":"The races"} {"text":"which he suddenly springs aside and doubles, to lead people on a false track,","book":"The races"} {"text":"thinking he has concealed himself. No; there is something else on which more","book":"The races"} {"text":"stress should be laid, and which ought not be left unnoticed. I mean that which","book":"The races"} {"text":"mankind call the beautiful. It is on the beautiful that I particularly fix my","book":"The races"} {"text":"eyes. I observed the well-grown ears of the hare; it is a pleasure to me to","book":"The races"} {"text":"observe how long they are. It seemed as if I saw myself again in the days of my","book":"The races"} {"text":"childhood; and so I voted for the hare.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"Buz,\" said the fly; \"there, I'm not going to make a long speech; but I wish to","book":"The races"} {"text":"say something about hares. I have really overtaken more than one hare, when I","book":"The races"} {"text":"have been seated on the engine in front of a railway train. I often do so. One","book":"The races"} {"text":"can then so easily judge of one's own swiftness. Not long ago, I crushed the","book":"The races"} {"text":"hind legs of a young hare. He had been running a long time before the engine; he","book":"The races"} {"text":"had no idea that I was travelling there. At last he had to stop in his career,","book":"The races"} {"text":"and the engine ran over his hind legs, and crushed them; for I set upon it. I","book":"The races"} {"text":"left him lying there, and rode on farther. I call that conquering him; but I do","book":"The races"} {"text":"not want the prize.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"It really seems to me,\" thought the wild rose, though she did not express her","book":"The races"} {"text":"opinion aloud– it is not in her nature to do so,– though it would have been","book":"The races"} {"text":"quite as well if she had; \"it certainly seems to me that the sunbeam ought to","book":"The races"} {"text":"have had the honor of receiving the first prize. The sunbeam flies in a few","book":"The races"} {"text":"minutes along the immeasurable path from the sun to us. It arrives in such","book":"The races"} {"text":"strength, that all nature awakes to loveliness and beauty; we roses blush and","book":"The races"} {"text":"exhale fragrance in its presence. Our worshipful judges don't appear to have","book":"The races"} {"text":"noticed this at all. Were I the sunbeam, I would give each one of them a sun","book":"The races"} {"text":"stroke; but that would only make them mad, and they are mad enough already.","book":"The races"} {"text":"I only hope,\" continued the rose, \"that peace may reign in the wood. It is","book":"The races"} {"text":"glorious to bloom, to be fragrant, and to live; to live in story and in song.","book":"The races"} {"text":"The sunbeam will outlive us all.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"What is the first prize?\" asked the earthworm, who had overslept the time, and","book":"The races"} {"text":"only now came up.","book":"The races"} {"text":"\"It contains a free admission to a cabbage-garden,\" replied the mule. \"I","book":"The races"} {"text":"proposed that as one of the prizes. The hare most decidedly must have it; and","book":"The races"} {"text":"I, as an active and thoughtful member of the committee, took especial care","book":"The races"} {"text":"that the prize should be one of advantage to him; so now he is provided for.","book":"The races"} {"text":"The snail can now sit on the fence, and lick up moss and sunshine. He has also","book":"The races"} {"text":"been appointed one of the first judges of swiftness in racing. It is worth","book":"The races"} {"text":"much to know that one of the numbers is a man of talent in the thing men call a","book":"The races"} {"text":"'committee.' I must say I expect much in the future; we have already made such a","book":"The races"} {"text":"good beginning.\"","book":"The races"} {"text":"You know the story of Holger Danske, so we won't repeat it, but will ask you if","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"you remember how \"Holger Danske conquered the great land of India, eastward at","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the end of the world, to the tree called 'the Tree of the Sun,' \" as Christen","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Pedersen says. Do you know Christen Pedersen? It makes no difference if you","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"don't.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Holger Danske gave Prester John his power and rule over India. Have you heard","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"about Prester John? Yes? Well, it makes no difference if you haven't, because","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"he doesn't come into our story. You are going to hear about the Tree of the Sun","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"in India, eastward at the end of the world,\" as people believed it to be then,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"for they hadn't studied their geography the way we have - but that makes no","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"difference, either!","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"The Tree of the Sun was a magnificent tree, such as we have never seen and most","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"likely never will see. Its crown stretched out for miles around; it was really","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"an entire wood, for each of its smallest branches formed, in turn, a whole","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"tree. Palms, beech pines, plane trees, yes, and many other kinds of trees grew","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"here, trees that are to be found all over the world; they sprang forth, as small","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"branches, from the great branches, and these, with their knots and windings,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"were like hills and valleys, carpeted with soft, velvety green, and covered with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thousands of flowers. Each branch was like a great blooming meadow or the most","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"beautiful garden. The blessed Sun shone down upon it, for, remember, it was the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Tree of the Sun.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Here the birds from all over the world gathered together, birds from the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"primeval forests of America, the rose gardens of Damascus, or the wild woods","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of Africa, where the elephant and the lion imagine that they alone reign. Polar","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"birds came here, and the stork and swallow naturally did, too. But the birds","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"were not the only living creatures here; the stag, the squirrel, the antelope,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and hundreds of other beautiful and light-footed animals were at home in this","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"place. The crown of the tree was a spreading, fragrant garden, and in the very","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"center of it, where the great branches rose up into a green hill, there stood","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"a castle of crystal, with a view toward every country in the world. Each tower","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"rose up in the form of a lily, and one could ascend through the stem, for inside","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there were winding stairs. One could step out onto the leaves - these were the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"balconies; and up in the cup of the flower was a beautiful, brilliant round","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"hall, with no roof above it, only the blue sky, with either the sun or the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"stars.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Down below, in the wide halls of the castle, there was just as much splendor,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"though of a different sort. Here the whole world was reflected on the walls.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"One could see everything that happened, so there was no need to read newspapers;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there were no newspapers here, anyway. Everything could be seen in living","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"pictures, if one wanted to or was able to see it all; for too much is too much,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"even for the wisest man. And the wisest of all men lived here.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"His name is too difficult for you to pronounce, and it makes no difference,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"anyway. He knew everything that a man on earth can know or hope to know; he knew","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"every invention that had been made or was yet to be made; but he knew nothing","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"more than that, for everything in the world has its limits. Wise old King","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Solomon was only half as wise as this man, and yet he was very wise indeed, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"governed the forces of nature and ruled over mighty spirits; even Death itself","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was forced to report every morning with a list of those who were to die during","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the day. But King Solomon himself had to die, too, and this was the thought that","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"often occupied the mind of the learned, mighty ruler of the castle on the Tree","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of the Sun. However high he might rise above men in wisdom, he also must die","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"someday. He knew that he and his children, too, must fade like the leaves of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the forest and become dust. He could see the human race fade away like leaves on","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the trees and new men come forth to take their places. But the leaves that fell","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"never lived again; they became dust about other plants.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"What happened to man when the Angel of Death came to him? What could Death be?","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"The body became decayed. And the soul? Yes, what was the soul? What became of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"it? Where did it go? \"To the life eternal,\" the comforting voice of religion","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"said. But what was the transition? Where did one dwell, and how? \"In heaven","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"above,\" said the pious people; \"it is there we go.\" - \"Above?\" repeated the Wise","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Man, and gazed up at the moon and stars. \"Up there?\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"From the earthly globe he saw that \"above\" and \"below\" could be one and the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"same, depending upon where one stood on the revolving earth. And if he ascended","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"as high as the earth's loftiest mountains rear their peaks, there in the air","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"that we below call clear and transparent - \"the pure heaven\" - would be a black","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"darkness, spread over all like a cloth, and the sun would have a coppery glow","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"without giving forth rays, and our earth would lie wrapped in an orange mist.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"How narrow were the limits of the mortal eye, and how little could be seen","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"by the eye of the soul! Even the wisest knew little of that which is the most","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"important of all to us.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"In the most secret chamber of that castle lay earth's greatest treasure - the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Book of Truth. Page after page, the Wise Man had read it through. Every man may","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"read in this book, but only parts of it; to many and eye the letters seem to","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"fade, so that the words cannot even be spelled; on some pages the writing is","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"so pale that they seem like blank leaves. But the wiser a man becomes, the more","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"he can read; and the wisest men read the most. The Wise Man knew how to unite","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the sunlight and the starlight with the light of reason and the hidden powers","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of his soul, and under this dazzling light many things stood out clearly on the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"pages before him. But in the chapter of the book entitled \"Life After Death\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there was not so much as one single letter to see. That grieved him. Could he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"not somewhere on earth obtain a light by which everything written in the Book of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Truth would become clear to him?","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Like wise King Solomon, he understood the language of the animals and could","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"interpret their talk and their songs. But that made him none the wiser. He had","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"learned the powers of plants and metals, powers that could be used for the cure","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of diseases or for delaying death, but none that could destroy death. In all","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"created things that he could reach he sought the light that would shine upon the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"certainty of eternal life, but he did not find it. Blank leaves still appeared","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"in the Book of Truth before him. Christianity gave him words of promise of an","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"eternal life in the Bible, but he wanted to read it in his book; and there he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"could see nothing about it.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"The Wise Man had five children, four sons, educated as well as the sons of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the wisest of fathers should be, and a daughter, lovely, gentle, and clever,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"but blind. Yet this affliction was no deprivation to her, for her father and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"brothers were mortal eyes to her, and her own keen perception gave her clear","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"mental vision.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"The sons had never ventured farther from the castle than the extent of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"branches of the tree, nor had the sister ever left the home. They were happy","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"children in the home of their childhood - the beautiful, fragrant Tree of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Sun. Like all children, they were happy to have stories told them, and their","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"father told them many things that other children would never have understood,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"but these children were as clever as most of our old people are. He explained","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to them the pictures of life that they saw on the castle walls - the labors of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"men and the march of events in all the lands of the earth. Often the sons wished","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"that they could go into the world and take part in the great deeds of other men,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and then their father explained to them that it was hard and wearisome out in","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the world, that the world was not as they saw it from their beautiful home.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"He told them of the good, the true, and the beautiful, and explained that these","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"three clung together in the world, and that under the pressure they endured they","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"hardened into a precious stone, purer than the water of a diamond - a splendid","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"jewel of value to God Himself, whose brightness outshone all things; this was","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"called the \"Stone of the Wise Man.\" He told them that, just as man could gain","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"knowledge of the existence of God by seeking it, so was it within the power","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of man to gain proof that such a jewel as the \"Stone of the Wise Man\" existed.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"This explanation would have been beyond the understanding of other children, but","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"these children could grasp it, and in time other children, too, will learn to","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"understand its meaning.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"They asked their father about the true, the beautiful, and the good, and he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"told them many things - how when God made man from the dust of the earth, He","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"gave to His work five kisses, fiery kisses, heart kisses, which we now call","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the five senses. Through these, that which is the true, the beautiful, and the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"good is seen, felt, and understood; through them, it is valued, protected, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"augmented. Five senses have been given, physically and mentally, inwardly and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"outwardly, to body and soul.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"By day and by night the children thought deeply about all these things. Then the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"eldest of the brothers had a wonderful dream; and, strangely enough, the second","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"brother had the same dream, and the third did, too, and the fourth - all of them","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"dreamed exactly the same thing. They dreamed that each went out into the world","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and found the \"Stone of the Wise Man,\" which gleamed like a radiant light on","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"his forehead when, in the morning dawn, he rode his swift horse back over the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"velvety green meadows of home to the castle of his father. Then the jewel threw","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"such a divine light and brilliance upon the pages of the book that everything","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"written there on the life beyond the grave was illuminated. But the sister","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"dreamed nothing about venturing out into the world, for it had never entered her","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"mind. Her world was her father's castle.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"I shall ride out into the wide world,\" said the eldest brother. \"I must find","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"what life is like there, and mix with people. I shall do only what is good and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"true, and with these I shall protect the beautiful. Many things shall change for","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the better when I am there.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Yes, his thoughts were bold and big, as our thoughts always are at home, before","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"we have gone out into the world and have met with wind and rain, thorns and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thistles.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Now in all of these brothers the five senses were highly developed, both","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"inwardly and outwardly; but in each of them one sense had reached a keenness","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"surpassing the other four. In the case of the eldest, this outstanding sense","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was Sight. This was to be of special benefit to him. He had eyes for all times,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"he said, and eyes for all nations, eyes that could look into the very depths of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the earth, where treasures lie hidden, or into the depths of people's hearts, as","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"though only a clear pane of glass were before them; in other words, he saw more","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"than we could in the cheek that blushes or turns pale, in the eye that cries or","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"laughs.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Stags and antelopes escorted him to the western boundaries of his home, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there the wild swans received him and led him on into the northwest. And now","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"he was far out into the world, far from the land of his father, which extended","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"eastward to the ends of the earth.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"How widely his eyes opened in amazement! There were many things to be seen","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"here; and things appear very different when a man look at them with his own eyes","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"instead of merely in a picture, as he had done in his father's house, however","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"good the picture may be, and those in his father's house were unusually good.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"At first he nearly lost his eyes in astonishment at all the rubbish, all the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"carnival-like decorations that were supposed to represent the beautiful; but he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"did not quite lose, them, and soon found full use for them. He wished to work","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thoroughly and honestly to understand the beautiful, the true, and the good. But","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"how were these represented in the world? He saw that often the praise which by","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"right belonged to the beautiful, was given to the ugly; that the good was often","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"overlooked, and mediocrity was applauded when it should have been hissed. People","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"looked at the dress and not at the wearer, asked for a name instead of a value,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and were guided more by reputation than by worth. It was the same everywhere.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"I must attack these things,\" he thought, and he did so.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But while he was seeking the truth there came the Devil, who is the father","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of all lies. Gladly would he have plucked out the eyes of this seer, but that","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"would have been too blunt, for the Devil works in a more cunning way. He let","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"him continue to seek and see the true and the good; but while the young man","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was doing so, the Devil blew a mote into his eye, into both eyes, one mote","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"after another; this, of course, would harm even the clearest sight. Then the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"fiend blew upon the motes until they became beams, and the eyes were destroyed.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"There the Seer stood like a blind man in the great world and had no faith in","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"it, for he had lost his good opinion of it and of himself. And when a man loses","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"confidence in the world and himself, it is all over with him.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"All over!\" sang the wild swans, flying across the sea toward the east. \"All","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"over!\" repeated the swallows, also flying eastward toward the Tree of the Sun.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"It was not good news that they were carrying to the young man's home.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"The Seer must have done badly,\" said the second brother, \"but the Hearer may","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"have better luck. \" For in this son the sense of hearing was developed to a very","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"high degree; so keen was it that he could hear the very grass grow.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"He lovingly bade farewell and rode away from home, full of sound abilities and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"good intentions. The swallows followed him, and he followed the swans, until he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was far from his home, far out in the wide world.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Then he discovered that one may have too much of a good things. For his hearing","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was too fine. Not only could he hear the grass grow, but he could hear every","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"man's heart beat, whether in sorrow or in joy. To him the whole world was like","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the great workshop of a clockmaker, with all the clocks going \"Tick, tock,\" and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"all the tower clocks striking \"Ding, dong.\" The noise was unbearable. For a long","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"time his ears held out, but at last all the noise, the shrieking, became too","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"much for one man. Then \"street boys,\" of some sixty years of age - for years","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"alone don't make men - raised a tumult, at which the Hearer would have laughed,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"except for the slanderous talk that followed and echoed through every house and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"street; it was heard even in the country lanes. Falsehood pushed itself forward","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and pretended to be the master; bells on the fools' caps jangled and insisted","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"they were church bells, until the noise became too much for the Hearer and he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thrust his fingers into his ears. But still he could hear false singing and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"evil sounds, gossip and idle words, scandal and slander, groaning and moaning,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"on all sides - none of it worth listening to. Heaven help us! It was impossible","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to endure; it was all too mad! He thrust his fingers deeper and deeper into his","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"ears, until at last his eardrums burst. Now he heard nothing at all; he could","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"not hear the true, the beautiful, and the good; his hearing was to have been the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"bridge by which he would have crossed to it. He became morose and suspicious,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"at last trusting no one, not even himself, and that was most unfortunate. He","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"would not be able to discover and bring home the divine jewel, and so he gave","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"up; he even gave himself up, and that was the worst of all. The birds that flew","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"eastward brought the tidings of this also to the father's castle in the Tree of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the Sun; no letters arrived there, for there was no mail service.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Now I'll try,\" said the third brother. \"I have a sharp nose.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"It wasn't a very good practice for him to boast like that, but that was his way,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and we must take him as he was. He had a happy disposition and was a poet, a","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"great poet; he could sing many things that he could not speak, and ideas came to","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"him far more quickly than they did to others.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"I can smell a rat!\" he said. And it was his highly developed sense of smell","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to which he attributed his great range of knowledge about the realm of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"beautiful.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Every fragrant spot in the realm of the beautiful has its denizens,\" he said.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Some like the smell of apple blossoms; some like the smell of a stable. One man","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"is at home in the atmosphere of the tavern, among the smoking tallow candles,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"where the smell of spirits mingles with the fumes of cheap tobacco. Another","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"prefers to be near the heavy scent of jessamine, or to scent himself with strong","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"oil of cloves. Some seek the fresh sea breezes, while others climb the highest","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"mountain to look down on the bustling little life beneath.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Yes, thus he spoke. It seemed to him as if he had already been out in the wide","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"world and known people from close association with them. But this conviction","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"arose from within himself; it was the poet within him, the gift heaven had","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"bestowed on him in his cradle.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"He bade farewell to his ancestral home in the Tree of the Sun and went on foot","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"through the pleasant countryside. When he arrived at the boundaries of his home,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"he mounted an ostrich, which runs faster than a horse, and when he later met the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"wild swans, he swung himself onto the strongest of them, for he loved variety.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Away he flew across the sea to distant lands of great forests, deep lakes,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"towering mountains, and proud cities. And wherever he appeared it seemed as if","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"sunlight traveled with him across the countryside, for every flower and bush","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"gave forth a new fragrance, conscious that near by was a friend and protector","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"who understood them and knew their value. Then the crippled rosebush stretched","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"out its branches, opened its leaves, and gave bloom to the most beautiful roses;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"even the black, slimy wood snail saw its beauty.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"I will put my mark on the flower,\" said the snail. \"Now I have spit on it, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there is nothing more I can do for it.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Thus the beautiful always fares in this world! \" said the Poet.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Then he sang a song about it in his own way, but nobody listened. So he gave a","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"drummer two pennies and peacock's feather, and then arranged the song for the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"drum, and had it drummed throughout the town, in all the streets and lanes. When","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the people heard it they said that they understood it - it was very profound!","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And so the Poet sang other songs about the beautiful, the good, and the true,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and people listened to them among the smoking tavern candles, listened in","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the fresh meadows, in the forests, and on the high seas. It seemed as if this","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"brother was going to have better luck than the other two.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But that angered the Devil, and so he promptly set to work with all the incense","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"powder and smoke to be found, the very strongest, which can stifle anyone, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"which he can prepare artfully enough to even confuse an angel - and surely,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"therefore, a poor poet! The Devil knows how to take hold of a man like that! He","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"surrounded the Poet so completely with incense that the poor man lost his head,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"forgot his mission, his home, everything - even himself; he then vanished in","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"smoke.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"When the little birds heard about this they were sad, and for three days they","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"didn't sing. The black wood snail became blacker still, not from grief but from","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"envy.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"They should have burned incense for me,\" he said, \"for it was I who gave him","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the idea for the most famous of his songs, the drum song about the way of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"world. It was I who spat at the rose! I can bring witnesses to prove that!\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But no news of this reached the Poet's home in India, for all the little birds","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"were mourning and silent for three days; and when their time of mourning was","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"over, their grief had been so profound that they had forgotten for whom they","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"wept. That's the way it goes.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Now I'll have to go into the world, and stay away like the others,\" said the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"fourth brother.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"He had as good a humor as the third, though he was no poet, which was a fine","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"reason for him to have a good humor. Those two had filled the castle with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"gaiety, and now the last of that gaiety was leaving. Men have always considered","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"sight and hearing the two most important senses, those that it is most desirable","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to strengthen and sharpen; the other three senses are generally looked upon","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"as subordinate. But that was not the belief of this son, for he had especially","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"cultivated his taste in every way possible, and taste is very powerful indeed.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"It governs what goes into the mouth and into the mind; hence this brother tasted","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"everything there was in pots and pans, in bottles and barrels, explaining that","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"this was the uncouth side of his function. To him every man was a vessel with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"something cooking within, and every country was an enormous kitchen, a kitchen","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of the mind - this he considered fine indeed, and he wanted to go out into the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"world and taste of it.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Perhaps I'll have better luck than my brothers. I shall be on my way - but how","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"shall I travel? Are balloons invented yet?\" he asked his father,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"who knew about all inventions that had been made or would be in the future. But","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"men had not yet invented balloons, or steamships, or railways. \"Then I'll go by","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"balloon,\" he said. \"My father knows how they're made and steered, and that I can","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"learn. They aren't invented yet, so people will think it's some spirit of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"air. When I have finished with the balloon I'll burn it, and for that you must","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"give me some pieces of another invention to come - matches.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"When he had received what he wanted, he flew away. The birds flew much farther","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"along with him than they had with his brothers. They were curious to know how","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the flight would come out, for they thought it was some new kind of bird. More","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and more came sweeping up until the air was black with birds; they came on like","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the cloud of locusts over the land of Egypt. And so now he, the last brother,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was out in the wide world.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"The East Wind is a good friend and helper to me,\" he said.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"You mean the East Wind and the West Wind!\" said the winds. \"You couldn't have","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"flown northwest if we both hadn't helped you.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But he didn't hear what the wind said, and that makes no difference. The birds","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"tired of flying along with the balloon. Too much had been made of that thing,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"said a pair of them. It had become conceited! \"It isn't worth flying with; it's","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"nothing!\" And then they withdrew; they all withdrew, for indeed too much had","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"been made of nothing.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"The balloon descended over one of the greatest cities, and the aeronaut landed","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"on the highest point, the church steeple. The balloon rose into the air again,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"which it shouldn't have done; we don't know where it went, but that doesn't","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"matter, for it was not yet invented. There the young man sat on the church","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"steeple, the birds no longer hovering around him; he had grown as tired of them","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"as they had of him.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"All the chimneys of the town smoked fragrantly.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Those are altars erected in your honor,\" said the Wind, which thought it ought","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to say something pleasant.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"He sat up there boldly and gazed down at the people in the streets. One person","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was prancing along, proud of his purse; another was proud of the key that hung","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"at his girdle, though he had nothing for it to unlock; one was proud of his","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"moth-eaten coat, another of his worm-eaten body.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Vanity!\" he said. \"I must go down, dip my fingers into that pot, and taste","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"it. But I'll sit here a little longer, for the wind is blowing very pleasantly","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"against my back; I'll take a little rest. 'It is good to sleep long in the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"mornings, when one has much to do,' the lazy man says. Laziness is the root of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"all evil, but there is no evil in our family. I'll stay here as long as the wind","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"blows, for it feels good.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"So he sat there; but since he was sitting on the weathercock of the steeple,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"which turned round and round with him, he had the false idea that the same wind","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was still blowing, so he remained seated there; he might as well stay a long","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"while and have a good taste.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Back in India, in the castle of the Tree of the Sun, it had become empty and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"quiet after the brothers, one after another, had gone away.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Things are going badly with them,\" said the father. \"Never will they bring home","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the gleaming jewel; it is not for me. They are all dead and gone!\" And then he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"bent over the Book of Truth and gazed at the page that should have told him of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"life after death, but there was nothing for him to see or learn from it.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Now his blind daughter was his sole joy and consolation; she clung to him with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"deep affection, and for the sake of his happiness and peace of mind she wished","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the precious jewel might be discovered and brought home. With sorrow and longing","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"she thought of her brothers. Where were they? Where could they be living? With","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"all her heart she wished she might dream of them, but, strangely enough, not","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"even in her dreams could she reach them.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"At last one night she dreamed that their voices sounded across to her, calling","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to her from out in the wide world, and she could not hold back, but traveled","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"far, far away; and yet she seemed still to be in her father's house. She never","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"met her brothers. but in her dream she felt a sort of fire burning in her hand","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"that did not pain her - it was the shining jewel she was bringing to her father.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"When she awoke she thought for a moment that she still held the stone in her","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"hand, but it was the knob of her distaff that she was grasping. Through that","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"long night she had spun incessantly, and on the distaff was a thread finer than","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the finest spider's web; human eyes could not distinguish the separate threads","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"in it, so fine were they. She had moistened it with her tears, and it was as","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"strong as a rope. She arose; her decision was made - the dream must become a","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"reality.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"It was still night, and her father was sleeping. She pressed a kiss on his hand,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and then, taking her distaff, fastened the end of the thread to her father's","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"castle. But for this, in her blindness she would never have been able to find","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"her way home; she must hold fast to that thread and trust neither to herself nor","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to others. From the Tree of the Sun she broke off four leaves; these she would","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"entrust to the winds to bring to her brothers as letters of greeting in case she","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"should not meet them out there in the wide world.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"How could she fare, that poor blind child? She could hold fast to her invisible","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thread. She possessed one gift that all the others lacked - sensibility - and by","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"virtue of this she seemed to have eyes in the very tips of her fingers and ears","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"in her heart.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Then she went forth quietly into the noisy, whirling, strange world, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"wherever she went the sky became so bright with sunshine that she could feel","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the warm rays; and the rainbow spread itself through the blue air where there","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"had been dark clouds. She heard the birds sing, and smelled the scent of orange","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"groves and apple orchards so strongly that she seemed to taste the fruit. Soft","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"tones and delightful sounds reached her ears, but with them came howlings and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"roarings; manifold thoughts and opinions strangely contradicted each other. The","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"echoes of human thoughts and feelings penetrated into the depths of her heart.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"One chorus sounded mournfully,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Our earthly life is filled with mist and rain;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And in the dark of night we cry with pain!","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But then she heard a brighter strain,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Our earthly life is like a rosebush, so bright;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"It is filled with sunshine and true delight!","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And if one chorus sounded bitterly,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Each person thinks of himself alone;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"This truth to us is often shown.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"from the other side came the answer,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Throughout our life a Fairy of Love","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Guides our steps from heaven above.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"She could hear the words,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"There's pettiness here, far and wide;","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Everything has its wrong side.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But then she heard,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"So much good is done here","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"That never reaches man's ear.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And if sometimes the mocking words sounded to her,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Make fun of everything, laugh in jest,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Laugh along with all the rest!","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"a stronger voice came from the Blind Girl's heart,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Trust in God and thyself; pray then","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"His will be done forever; amen.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Whenever the Blind Girl entered the circle of humanity and appeared among","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"people, young or old, knowledge of the true, the good, and the beautiful was","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"radiant in their hearts. Wherever she went, whether she entered the studio of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the artist, or the hall decorated for the feast, or the crowded factory with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"its whirring wheels, it seemed as though a sunbeam were entering, as though","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the string of a lute sounded, or a flower exhaled its perfume, or a refreshing","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"dewdrop fell upon a withering leaf.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"But the Devil could not put up with this. With more cunning than that of ten","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"thousand men, he devised a way to bring about his purpose. From the marsh he","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"collected little bubbles of stagnant water, and muttered over them a sevenfold","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"echo of untrue words, to give them strength. Then he blended bought heroic poems","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and lying epitaphs, as many as he could find, boiled them in the tears of envy,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"colored them with grease paint he had scraped from the faded cheeks of an old","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"lady, and from all this he fashioned a maiden, with the appearance and carriage","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"of the Blind Girl, the blessed angel of sensibility. Then the Devil's plot","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"was consummated, for the world knew not which of the two was the true one, and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"indeed how could the world know?","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Trust in God and thyself; pray then","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"His will be done, forever; amen.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"sang the Blind Girl in complete faith. Then she entrusted to the winds the four","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"green leaves from the Tree of the Sun as letters of greeting to her brothers,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and she was quite sure that they would reach their destinations and the jewel","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"be found, the jewel that dims all the glories of the world. From the forehead of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"humanity it would gleam even to the house of her father.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Even to the house of my father,\" she repeated. \"Yes, the place of the jewel","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"is on this earth, and I shall bring with me more than the promise of it. I can","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"feel its glow; in my closed hand it swells larger and larger. Every grain of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"truth, however fine it was, which the wind whirled toward me, I caught up and","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"treasured; I let penetrate into it the fragrance of the beautiful, of which","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"there is so much in the world, even for the blind. To the first I added the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"sound of the beating heart, doing good. I bring only dust with me, but still it","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"is the dust of the jewel we sought, and it is in ample quantity. I have my whole","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"hand full of it!\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Then she stretched forth her hand toward her father. She was home. She had","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"traveled there with the swiftness of thoughts in flight, having never let go of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the invisible thread leading to home.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"With the fury of a hurricane, the evil powers swept over the Tree of the Sun,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"and their wind blasts rushed through the open doorway, into the sanctuary of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Book of Truth.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"It will be blown away by the wind!\" cried the father, and he seized the hand","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"she had opened.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"\"Never!\" she replied with calm assurance. \"It cannot be blown away; I can feel","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the rays warming my very soul.\"","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And the father became aware of a dazzling flame, right where the shining dust","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"poured from her hand onto the Book of Truth, that would grant the certainty of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"an everlasting life. Now on the white page there glowed one shining word - one","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"word only -","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"BELIEVE","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"And once more the four brothers were with their father and sister. When the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"green leaf had fallen upon the bosom of each, a great longing for home had taken","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"hold of them and led them back; the birds of passage had followed them, as had","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the stag, the antelope, and all the wild creatures of the forest, for all wished","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"to share in their joys - and why shouldn't they when they could?","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"We have often seen how a column of dust whirls around where a sunbeam","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"bursts through a crack in a door into a dusty room. But this was not common,","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"insignificant dust; even the colors of the rainbow are lifeless compared with","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"the beauty that showed itself here. From the page of the book, from the glowing","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"word Believe, arose each grain of truth, decked with the loveliness of the","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"beautiful and the good, flaming more","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"brightly than the mighty pillar of fire that led Moses and the children of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Israel to the land of Canaan. And from the word Believe arose the bridge of","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"Hope, extending to the eternal love in the realm of the Infinite.","book":"The stone of the wise man"} {"text":"When the wind sweeps over the grass, the blades of grass ripple like the water","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"of a lake; and when it sweeps over the cornfield, the ears of corn curl into","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"waves like those on a lake; this is the dance of the Wind. But listen to him","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"tell the story; he sings it out; and how different his song among the trees of","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the forest is from his shriek through the cracks, crannies, and crevices of old","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"walls. Watch him chase the white, fleecy clouds across the sky like a flock of","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"sheep; notice how he howls through the open gate, as if he were the watchman","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"blowing his horn. Strangely he whistles through the chimney until the fire on","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the hearth beneath blazes up, and it is pleasant and comfortable to sit in the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"chamber warmed by its glow and listen to stories. Let only the Wind himself","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"be the storyteller! He knows more wonderful tales than all the rest of us put","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"together. Hear now how he tells the story: \"Whew, whew, whew! On, on, on!\" That","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"is the theme of his song.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Near the Great Belt there stands an old mansion with thick red walls,\" says","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the Wind. \"I know every stone of those walls; I knew them in the olden days","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"when they were part of Marsk Stig's castle on the promontory. They were torn","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"down from there, but then they were built up again to form a new wall and a","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"new mansion; this was Borreby Mansion, which stands to this day. I have seen","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and known all the noble men and women of many different families who have lived","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"there. Now I shall tell you of Valdemar Daae and his daughters.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"He was a very proud man, for he was of royal blood. He knew more than how to","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"hunt the stag or empty the jug. 'Everything will come out right,' he used to","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"say.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"His highborn wife walked daintily in her golden-cloth garment over floors of","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"polished mosaic. Magnificent tapestries and costly, beautifully carved furniture","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"surrounded her; she had brought both silver and gold into the house; there","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"was German beer in the cellar; proud black horses neighed in the stables; ah,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Borreby Mansion was then the home of wealth. And there were children; three fair","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"daughters - I can still remember their names - Ide, Johanne, and Anna Dorothea.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"These were rich folk, noble folk, born and reared in luxury. Whew, whew, whew!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"On, on, on!\" sang the Wind, and then continued his tale.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Here I never saw, as in other old houses, the noble mistress turning the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"spinning wheel among her maidens in the great hall. She played upon the lute","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and sang, though not always the old Danish songs but songs in foreign languages.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"There were life and gaiety here; guests of distinction came from far and near;","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the sounds of music and the clinking of glasses were so loud that even I could","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"not drown them. There was pride here, with boasting and bragging, and talk of","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"domination, but not the blessings of our Lord!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Then there was one May-day even,\" said the Wind, \"when I came upon it from the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"west. I had seen ships wrecked on the coast of West Jutland, had hunted over the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"heath and the green-wooded shore to Fünen, and now I came over the Great Belt,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"blowing and roaring. I lay down for a rest on the coast of Zeeland, quite near","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Borreby Mansion, where the beautiful forest of oaks still grew. The young lads","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"of the neighborhood came out to the forest to collect the biggest and driest","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"branches and twigs they could find; they carried them into the town, laid them","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"in piles, set fire to them, then the young men and girls sang as they danced","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"around them.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"I lay still,\" said the Wind, \"but then gently I just touched one of the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"branches that had been brought by the handsomest lad of them all, and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"immediately his pile of wood blazed up the highest. That meant he became the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"leader among them, with the privilege of choosing first one of the young girls","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to be his own May lamb. There was a joy, a merriment, such as I had never found","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"in the rich Borreby Mansion.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Then there came driving toward the mansion, in a gilded carriage drawn by six","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"horses, the noble lady herself with her three daughters - so young and so fair","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"- three sweet blossoms, a rose, a lily, and a pale hyacinth. Their mother was","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"like a proud, splendid tulip; no word of greeting did she have for the peasants,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"who stopped their game and bowed and scraped to her; stiff as a tulip she held","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"herself. Yes, rose, lily, and pale hyacinth, I saw all three; whose May lambs","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"would they become one day, I wondered. Surely their young men would be proud","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"knights, perhaps even princes! Whew, whew, whew! On, on, on!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"So the carriage rattled past, and the peasants returned to their dance. Summer","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"was being celebrated from one town to another, in Borreby, Tjaereby, and all the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"towns around.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"But when I rose up that same night, the highborn lady had laid herself down,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"never to rise again. That had come to her which comes to all men; that is","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"nothing new. Grave and thoughtful stood Valdemar Daae; he seemed to be saying,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"'The proudest tree may be bowed, but not broken.' The daughters wept, and all","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"eyes in the mansion had to be dried. Lady Daae had passed on - and I then passed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"on! Whew, whew, whew!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"I came again, as I often came across Fünen and the waters of the Belt, and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"rested near Borreby in the shelter of the beautiful oak forest. Here ospreys,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"wood pigeons, blue ravens, and even the black storks build their nests; it was","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the spring of the year, and some had eggs while others had even young ones.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"How they flew! How they cried! The sound of the ax could be heard, stroke after","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"stroke; the trees were to be felled. Valdemar Daae had decided to build a ship,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"a great warship with three decks, which the king would surely buy, and for this","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the trees must fall and the birds lose their homes. The hawk flew away in terror","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"as his nest was destroyed, the osprey and all the other birds flew around in","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"terrified anger, screaming of their wrath and agony; I could understand them","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"well enough. The crows and jackdaws shrieked in scorn, 'Caw, caw! From the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"nests!'","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"And in the middle of the forest, with the workmen, stood Valdemar Daae and his","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"three daughters, and they all laughed at the wild protests of the birds - all","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"but the youngest, Anna Dorothea. She was a tenderhearted child, and when an old","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"half-dead tree, on whose bare branches a black stork had built his nest, was to","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"be cut down, it saddened her so to see the helpless young ones thrusting their","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"heads out in the terror that she begged with tears in her eyes that this one","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"tree be spared. So the tree with the black stork's nest was left standing.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"There was much hammering and sawing as the three-deck ship was being built.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"The master shipbuilder was a fine-looking young fellow, though of lowly birth,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"his eyes sparkling with life and his brow thoughtful. Valdemar Daae liked to","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"hear him talk, and so did little Ide, his eldest daughter, who was now fifteen","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"years old. And while he built the ship for her father, he built many a castle in","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the air besides, and saw himself and little Ide sitting there as man and wife.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"That might actually have come to pass if the castle had been of walled stone,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"with ramparts and moat, forest and gardens. But with all his skill, the builder","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"was only a common bird, and what business did a sparrow have among a flock of","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"cranes? Whew, whew, whew! I flew away and he flew away, and little Ide forgot","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"it, as forget she must.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"In the stable the beautiful black horses neighed. They were worth looking at,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and they were looked at. The admiral was sent by the king himself to inspect the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"new warship and to discuss buying it. He was loud in admiration for the splendid","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"horses. I heard him well,\" said the Wind. \"I followed the gentlemen through","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the open stable door and scattered about their feet wisps of straw, yellow as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"gold. Gold! That was what Valdemar Daae wanted, and the admiral wanted the black","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"horses he admired so greatly, but all their discussion came to nothing. The","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"horses weren't bought, and neither was the ship! It was left on the shore with","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"planks over it, a Noah's ark that was never to float on water. Whew, whew, whew!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"It was a pity!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"In the winter, when the fields were covered with snow and ice floes choked the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Belt,\" said the Wind, \"flocks of black ravens and crows came and perched on the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"lifeless, solitary ship as it stood on the shore. The frantic old birds and the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"homeless young ones screamed hoarse tales about the oak forest that had been","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"ravished and the many wonderful nests that had been destroyed, all for the sake","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"of this great piece of useless lumber, the proud vessel that was never to sail","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the seas. And I tossed and whirled the snow about until it lay thickly over the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"ship; I made it listen to my voice and taught it all that a storm has to say; I","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"certainly did my part in teaching it all a ship should know of life. Whew, whew,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"whew! On, on, on!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"And winter passed away, winter and summer passed, as they always pass, as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"I pass, as the snow melts, as the leaf drifts downward, as the apple blossom","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"fades, away, away, away! And as people pass away!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"But the daughters were still young. Little Ide was still as blooming a rose","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"as when the shipbuilder had seen her. Often I caught hold of her long brown","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"hair when she stood thoughtfully beside the apple tree in the garden, and she","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"didn't notice that I shook petals down on her hair, loosening it, as she gazed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"at the crimson sunset and the streak of golden sky through the dark bushes and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"trees. Her sister Johanne was still like a lily, bright and slender, straight","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and tall, as stiff upon her stalk as her mother had been. She loved to linger","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"in the great hall where the portraits of their ancestors hung; the ladies were","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"painted wearing velvets and silk, with tiny, pearl-embroidered hats set on their","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"braids; they were beautiful ladies, indeed; the men were shown in steel armor,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"or in stiff white ruffs and rich mantles lined with squirrel fur, their swords","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"belted to their sides, not around their waists. Johanne often wondered how her","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"own portrait would look on those same walls, and what her husband would look","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"like. Yes, she thought about that, and talked about it to herself. I heard it as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"I whipped through the long gallery into the hall and whirled around again.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Anna Dorothea, the pale hyacinth, was still a very quiet child of fourteen,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"with large, thoughtful blue eyes, and the smile of childhood still lingering on","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"her lips. Even if I could have I would never have blown that smile away. I met","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"her in the garden, in the narrow lane, or in the fields, gathering herbs and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"flowers for her father to use in the wondrous potions and mixtures he used to","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"prepare.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Valdemar Daae, though haughty and conceited, was also a man of skill and great","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"knowledge. People knew that and spoke about it. Fire burned in summer as well as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"winter in the fireplace in his study; his chamber door was always locked; night","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and day he worked, yet he seldom spoke of his labors. He knew that the secrets","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"of nature must be wooed secretly, and he was seeking the best secret of all -","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"how to produce pure red gold!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"The smoke therefore rose out of the chimney continuously, and the fire crackled","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"as it burned. I was there!\" sang the Wind. \"I whistled up the chimney. 'Stop it!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Stop it!' I sang through the chimney. 'It will all end in smoke, dust, embers,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and ashes! You will burn yourself up! Whew, whew! Stop it!' But Valdemar Daae","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"did not stop.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Those superb horses in the stable - what became of them? And the fine old gold","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and silver in cupboards and chests, the cattle in the meadows, the mansion and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"all its riches? Yes, they were all melted down in the gold-making crucible,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and yet no gold came of it. Barn and granary, cellar and pantry, all were empty","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"now; the house sheltered fewer folk and more mice. One windowpane was broken,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"another cracked,\" said the Wind, \"and now I had no need to go around to the door","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to get in. The chimney still smoked, to be sure, not for cooking dinner, but for","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"cooking the red gold.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"I blew through the courtyard gates, like the watchman blowing his horn, but","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"there was no watchman here,\" said the Wind. \"I whirled the weathercock round","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and round, and it creaked like the snoring of the watchman, but there was no","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"watchman; only rats and mice were there; poverty loaded the table and stuffed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"wardrobe and larder; the doors sagged from their hinges; there were chinks and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"cracks in plenty, so that I could go in and out at will.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"In the smoke and ashes, beset by sorrow and sleepless nights, Valdemar's hair","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and beard turned gray, his skin grew coarse and yellowish; his eyes still looked","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"greedily for gold - the long hoped-for gold!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"I blew ashes and smoke into his face and beard. I whistled through the broken","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"panes and open cracks and blew into the daughters' chest of drawers, where they","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"kept their clothes, which now were faded and threadbare from constant use, but","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"which had to last them. The poor dears never had such a song as this sung at","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"their cradles; but none, save I, sang any song at all in the great hall now. The","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"life of abundance had turned into one of poverty,\" said the Wind. \"I snowed them","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"in, and it is said that snow puts one in a good humor. They had no firewood, for","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the forest was destroyed. There came a sharp frost, and while I sprang through","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"holes and passages and over walls and roofs to keep myself warm, the highborn","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"daughters huddled in bed against the cold, and their father crept beneath a","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"covering of rude skins. Nothing to eat, nothing to burn!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"It was a hard lesson they had to learn!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Whew, whew, whew! But Valdemar Daae couldn't learn. 'After winter comes the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"spring,' he said, 'and after troubles come the good times; we have only to wait,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"wait! Now the mansion is mortgaged! Now it is high time indeed - and so we shall","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"have gold! By Easter!' And then I saw him watching a spider at work, and heard","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"him mutter, 'Good, industrious little weaver, you teach me to persevere! Your","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"web may be broken, but you only begin it again; again it may be torn asunder,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"but all undismayed you return again and again to your work, and you are rewarded","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"at last!'","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Then Easter morning came, and the bells rang and the sun shone in the heavens.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"He had awakened in a feverish heat; he had boiled and seethed and distilled and","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"compounded. I heard him sigh like a lost soul and I heard him pray; I felt that","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"he was holding his breath. The lamp had gone out, but he did not notice it. I","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"blew on the coals until a flame shone on his chalk-white face and lighted up","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"those staring eyes. But then those eyes became larger and larger - until they","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"seemed about to burst.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Behold the alchemistic glass! I glittered, glowing, pure and heavy; he lifted","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"it with faltering hand; he cried with stumbling tongue, 'Gold! Gold!' He","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"staggered, dizzy, and I could have blown him down as he stood,\" said the Wind,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"but I only blew on the live coals, then followed him through the door to where","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"his daughters sat, shivering. Ashes sprinkled his beard, clung to his dress,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and lay in his matted hair. He stood erect and lifted high his treasure in its","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"fragile glass. 'I've found it! I've won!' he cried. 'Gold!' The glass flashed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"in the sunbeams as he held it high - and then, lo! his hand trembled so that the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"alchemistic glass fell to the floor and shivered into a thousand fragments! His","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"last bubble had burst! Whew, whew, whew! On, on, on! And I went on, away from","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the alchemist's home.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Toward the end of that year, during the short days when the mist flings wet","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"drops on the red berries and leafless branches, I came back in happy spirits,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"swept the heavens clean, and broke off the dead branches; that is not very","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"hard work, to be sure, but it has to be done. And at the same time there was a","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"different sort of sweeping and cleaning out at Borreby Mansion. Valdemar Daae's","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"old enemy, Ove Ramel, of Basnaes, was there with the mortgage on the mansion","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and all its contents. I drummed on the broken panes, beat against the ruined","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"doors, and whistled through the cracks and chinks; Master Ove shouldn't find it","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"pleasant to stay there. Ide and Anna Dorothea wept quietly; Johanne stood pale","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and stately and bit her thumb till it bled; but all that did no good.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Ove Ramel generously offered to allow Mr. Daae to remain at the mansion during","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"his lifetime, but he got no thanks for the gesture. I listened, and noticed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"how the homeless old nobleman held his head more proudly than ever. I rushed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"against the mansion and the old lime trees, so that the thickest branch broke","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"off - and it wasn't a rotten one, either. There it lay at the gate, like a broom","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"for sweeping out - and there was sweeping out there, you may be sure! But I had","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"expected it.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Oh, that was a day of bitterness - a sorrowful day! But with a stiff neck and a","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"stout back the proud man bore his burden bravely.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"They had nothing left except the clothes they wore, and the new alchemistic","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"glass, filled with the brittle treasure that had promised so much - the fool's","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"gold scraped up from the floor; this Valdemar Daae hid in his breast. He took","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"his cane in his hand, and with his three daughters the once rich nobleman walked","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"out of Borreby Mansion. I blew cold upon his flaming cheeks and stroked his gray","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"beard and long white hair to and fro as I sang, as loudly as I could, \"Whew,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"whew, whew! This was the end of his glory!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Ide and Anne Dorothea walked on each side of him, but as Johanne crossed the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"threshold she turned back. Perhaps, as he gazed so wistfully at the red stones","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"that had once made up Marsk Stig's castle, she remembered the old ballad about","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Marsk Stig's daughters:","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"The elder took the younger by the hand,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"And forth they went to a distant land.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Was she thinking of this song? Here were three daughters, and their father was","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"with them. They turned off from the highway, where they had used to drive in","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"their carriage, and made their way to Smidstrup Field, to a little shack of mud","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"they had rented for ten marks a year. These bare walls and empty chambers were","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"their new 'mansion.' Crows and jackdaws circled above their heads, screaming, as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"if in mockery, 'Turned out of the nest! Caw, Caw!' just as they had screamed in","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Borreby Wood when the oaks were being cut down. Mr Daae and his daughters must","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"have understood the cries; they were not pleasant to listen to, so I did my best","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to drown them out by blowing about their ears.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Thus they passed into the shack of mud on Smidstrup Field, and I passed away","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"over field and moor, through bare hedges and leafless woods, away over open","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"waters, to other lands - whew, whew! On, on! Year after year!\"","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"What happened to Valdemar Daae; what happened to his daughters? The Wind will","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"tell us:","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"The last time I went to see them I found only Anna Dorothea, the pale hyacinth.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"She was then old and bent; it was half a hundred years later. She had lived the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"longest; she knew the whole story.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Across the heath, near the town of Viborg, there stood the dean's beautiful new","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"house, with red stones and pointed gables and chimneys always smoking busily.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"The gentle lady and her beautiful daughters sat on the balcony and looked out","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"over the hanging buckthorn in the garden, out to the brown heath; what did they","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"look at there? They looked at the stork's nest on that dilapidated cottage out","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"there. Houseleek and moss made up most of the roof, if one could call it a roof;","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the stork's nest covered the greater part of it, and that alone was in good","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"condition, for the stork kept it that way.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"It was a house to look at but not to touch,\" said the Wind. \"I had to pass by","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"it very gently. The hut was left there only for the sake of the stork's nest,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"for it was a certainly no credit to the heath. The dean didn't want to drive","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the stork away, so the poor old woman who had lived in the hut had permission","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to stay there and shelter herself as well as he could. For that she owed thanks","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to the queer Egyptian bird; or was it because, so many years ago, she had","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"pleaded for the nest of his wild black brother in Borreby Wood? Then she, the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"poor woman, was a happy child, a delicate, pale hyacinth in the garden of her","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"ancestral home. She remembered it now; Anna Dorothea forgot nothing.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\" 'Oh!' she sighed - yes, humans can sigh almost like the Wind himself does","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"among the reeds and rushes. 'Oh! - there were no bells to ring at your funeral,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Valdemar Daae! No groups of poor schoolboys sang psalms when Borreby's former","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"master was laid to rest! Oh, but everything comes to an end - misery as well as","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"happiness! It grieved my father worst of all that my sister Ide should become","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the wife of a peasant, a miserable peasant whom he could have punished by making","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"him ride a hard plank. But he is at peace in the grave now, and you are with","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"him, Ide! Oh, yes, ah, me - I am still here. I am old and poor. Deliver me, kind","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Christ!'\"","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"Such was the prayer of Anna Dorothea in the miserable mud hut that was allowed","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"to stand only for the sake of the stork.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"The boldest and most resolute of the three sisters I carried off myself,\" said","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"the Wind. \"She cut her clothes like a man's, disguised herself as a poor lad,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"and went into service as a sailor. She was sparing of speech, cross-looking,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"but quick at her work, although she couldn't climb the mast. So one night I blew","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"her overboard, before anyone found out she was a woman; and I think that was the","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"right thing to do.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"It was another Easter morning, bright as that morning when Valdemar Daae","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"thought he had found the gold. Among those tumbledown walls beneath the stork's","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"nest I could hear a faint voice chanting a psalm. It was Anna Dorothea's last","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"hymn.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"There was no window with glass, only a hole in the wall; but the sun set itself","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"there like a lump of gold, and as she gazed on its glory her heart broke and her","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"eyes grew fixed. The stork had given her shelter to the day of her death. I sang","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"at her funeral,\" said the Wind, \"as I had sung at her father's; I know where his","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"grave is, and her grave, but no one else knows.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"Now there are new times, changed times. The old highway is lost in the fields,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"old cemeteries have been made into new roads, and soon the steam engine,","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"with its row of cars, will come to rush over the forgotten graves of unknown","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"ancestors. Whew, whew, whew! On, on!","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"\"And that's the story of Valdemar Daae and his daughters; tell it better, you","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"people, if you think you can,\" said the Wind, then veered around.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"He was gone.","book":"The wind tells about Valdemar Daae and his daughters"} {"text":"There was once a girl who trod on a loaf to avoid soiling her shoes, and the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"misfortunes that happened to her in consequence are well known.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Her name was Inge; she was a poor child, but proud and presuming, and with a bad","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and cruel disposition. When quite a little child she would delight in catching","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"flies, and tearing off their wings, so as to make creeping things of them. When","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"older, she would take cockchafers and beetles, and stick pins through them.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Then she pushed a green leaf, or a little scrap of paper towards their feet, and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"when the poor creatures would seize it and hold it fast, and turn over and over","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"in their struggles to get free from the pin, she would say, \"The cockchafer is","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"reading; see how he turns over the leaf.\" She grew worse instead of better with","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"years, and, unfortunately, she was pretty, which caused her to be excused, when","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"she should have been sharply reproved.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"Your headstrong will requires severity to conquer it,\" her mother often said to","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"her. \"As a little child you used to trample on my apron, but one day I fear you","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"will trample on my heart.\" And, alas! this fear was realized.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Inge was taken to the house of some rich people, who lived at a distance, and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"who treated her as their own child, and dressed her so fine that her pride and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"arrogance increased.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"When she had been there about a year, her patroness said to her, \"You ought to","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"go, for once, and see your parents, Inge.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"So Inge started to go and visit her parents; but she only wanted to show herself","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"in her native place, that the people might see how fine she was. She reached","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"the entrance of the village, and saw the young laboring men and maidens standing","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"together chatting, and her own mother amongst them. Inge's mother was sitting on","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"a stone to rest, with a fagot of sticks lying before her, which she had picked","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"up in the wood. Then Inge turned back; she who was so finely dressed she felt","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"ashamed of her mother, a poorly clad woman, who picked up wood in the forest.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"She did not turn back out of pity for her mother's poverty, but from pride.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Another half-year went by, and her mistress said, \"you ought to go home again,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and visit your parents, Inge, and I will give you a large wheaten loaf to take","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to them, they will be glad to see you, I am sure.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"So Inge put on her best clothes, and her new shoes, drew her dress up around","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"her, and set out, stepping very carefully, that she might be clean and neat","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"about the feet, and there was nothing wrong in doing so. But when she came","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to the place where the footpath led across the moor, she found small pools of","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"water, and a great deal of mud, so she threw the loaf into the mud, and trod","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"upon it, that she might pass without wetting her feet. But as she stood with","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"one foot on the loaf and the other lifted up to step forward, the loaf began to","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"sink under her, lower and lower, till she disappeared altogether, and only a few","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"bubbles on the surface of the muddy pool remained to show where she had sunk.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"And this is the story.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"But where did Inge go? She sank into the ground, and went down to the Marsh","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Woman, who is always brewing there.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"The Marsh Woman is related to the elf maidens, who are well-known, for songs","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"are sung and pictures painted about them. But of the Marsh Woman nothing is","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"known, excepting that when a mist arises from the meadows, in summer time, it is","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"because she is brewing beneath them. To the Marsh Woman's brewery Inge sunk down","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to a place which no one can endure for long. A heap of mud is a palace compared","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"with the Marsh Woman's brewery; and as Inge fell she shuddered in every limb,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and soon became cold and stiff as marble. Her foot was still fastened to the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"loaf, which bowed her down as a golden ear of corn bends the stem.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"An evil spirit soon took possession of Inge, and carried her to a still worse","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"place, in which she saw crowds of unhappy people, waiting in a state of agony","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"for the gates of mercy to be opened to them, and in every heart was a miserable","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and eternal feeling of unrest. It would take too much time to describe the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"various tortures these people suffered, but Inge's punishment consisted in","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"standing there as a statue, with her foot fastened to the loaf. She could move","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"her eyes about, and see all the misery around her, but she could not turn her","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"head; and when she saw the people looking at her she thought they were admiring","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"her pretty face and fine clothes, for she was still vain and proud. But she had","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"forgotten how soiled her clothes had become while in the Marsh Woman's brewery,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and that they were covered with mud; a snake had also fastened itself in her","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hair, and hung down her back, while from each fold in her dress a great toad","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"peeped out and croaked like an asthmatic poodle. Worse than all was the terrible","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hunger that tormented her, and she could not stoop to break off a piece of the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"loaf on which she stood. No; her back was too stiff, and her whole body like","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"a pillar of stone. And then came creeping over her face and eyes flies without","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"wings; she winked and blinked, but they could not fly away, for their wings had","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"been pulled off; this, added to the hunger she felt, was horrible torture.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"If this lasts much longer,\" she said, \"I shall not be able to bear it.\" But it","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"did last, and she had to bear it, without being able to help herself.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"A tear, followed by many scalding tears, fell upon her head, and rolled over","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"her face and neck, down to the loaf on which she stood. Who could be weeping","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"for Inge? She had a mother in the world still, and the tears of sorrow which","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"a mother sheds for her child will always find their way to the child's heart,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"but they often increase the torment instead of being a relief. And Inge could","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hear all that was said about her in the world she had left, and every one seemed","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"cruel to her. The sin she had committed in treading on the loaf was known on","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"earth, for she had been seen by the cowherd from the hill, when she was crossing","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"the marsh and had disappeared.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"When her mother wept and exclaimed, \"Ah, Inge! what grief thou hast caused thy","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"mother\" she would say, \"Oh that I had never been born! My mother's tears are","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"useless now.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"And then the words of the kind people who had adopted her came to her ears,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"when they said, \"Inge was a sinful girl, who did not value the gifts of God, but","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"trampled them under her feet.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" thought Inge, \"they should have punished me, and driven all my naughty","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"tempers out of me.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"A song was made about \"The girl who trod on a loaf to keep her shoes from being","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"soiled,\" and this song was sung everywhere. The story of her sin was also told","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to the little children, and they called her \"wicked Inge,\" and said she was so","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"naughty that she ought to be punished. Inge heard all this, and her heart became","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hardened and full of bitterness.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"But one day, while hunger and grief were gnawing in her hollow frame, she heard","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"a little, innocent child, while listening to the tale of the vain, haughty Inge,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"burst into tears and exclaim, \"But will she never come up again?\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"And she heard the reply, \"No, she will never come up again.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"But if she were to say she was sorry, and ask pardon, and promise never to do","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"so again?\" asked the little one.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"Yes, then she might come; but she will not beg pardon,\" was the answer.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"Oh, I wish she would!\" said the child, who was quite unhappy about it. \"I","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"should be so glad. I would give up my doll and all my playthings, if she could","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"only come here again. Poor Inge! it is so dreadful for her.\"","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"These pitying words penetrated to Inge's inmost heart, and seemed to do her","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"good. It was the first time any one had said, \"Poor Inge!\" without saying","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"something about her faults. A little innocent child was weeping, and praying for","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"mercy for her. It made her feel quite strange, and she would gladly have wept","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"herself, and it added to her torment to find she could not do so. And while she","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"thus suffered in a place where nothing changed, years passed away on earth, and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"she heard her name less frequently mentioned. But one day a sigh reached her","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"ear, and the words, \"Inge! Inge! what a grief thou hast been to me! I said it","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"would be so.\" It was the last sigh of her dying mother.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"After this, Inge heard her kind mistress say, \"Ah, poor Inge! shall I ever see","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"thee again? Perhaps I may, for we know not what may happen in the future.\" But","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Inge knew right well that her mistress would never come to that dreadful place.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Time passed– a long bitter time– then Inge heard her name pronounced once more,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and saw what seemed two bright stars shining above her. They were two gentle","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"eyes closing on earth. Many years had passed since the little girl had lamented","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"and wept about \"poor Inge.\" That child was now an old woman, whom God was taking","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to Himself. In the last hour of existence the events of a whole life often","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"appear before us; and this hour the old woman remembered how, when a child,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"she had shed tears over the story of Inge, and she prayed for her now. As the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"eyes of the old woman closed to earth, the eyes of the soul opened upon the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hidden things of eternity, and then she, in whose last thoughts Inge had been","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"so vividly present, saw how deeply the poor girl had sunk. She burst into tears","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"at the sight, and in heaven, as she had done when a little child on earth, she","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"wept and prayed for poor Inge. Her tears and her prayers echoed through the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"dark void that surrounded the tormented captive soul, and the unexpected mercy","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"was obtained for it through an angel's tears. As in thought Inge seemed to act","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"over again every sin she had committed on earth, she trembled, and tears she had","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"never yet been able to weep rushed to her eyes. It seemed impossible that the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"gates of mercy could ever be opened to her; but while she acknowledged this in","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"deep penitence, a beam of radiant light shot suddenly into the depths upon her.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"More powerful than the sunbeam that dissolves the man of snow which the children","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"have raised, more quickly than the snowflake melts and becomes a drop of water","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"on the warm lips of a child, was the stony form of Inge changed, and as a little","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"bird she soared, with the speed of lightning, upward to the world of mortals. A","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"bird that felt timid and shy to all things around it, that seemed to shrink with","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"shame from meeting any living creature, and hurriedly sought to conceal itself","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"in a dark corner of an old ruined wall; there it sat cowering and unable to","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"utter a sound, for it was voiceless. Yet how quickly the little bird discovered","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"the beauty of everything around it. The sweet, fresh air; the soft radiance of","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"the moon, as its light spread over the earth; the fragrance which exhaled from","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"bush and tree, made it feel happy as it sat there clothed in its fresh, bright","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"plumage. All creation seemed to speak of beneficence and love. The bird wanted","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"to give utterance to thoughts that stirred in his breast, as the cuckoo and the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"nightingale in the spring, but it could not. Yet in heaven can be heard the song","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"of praise, even from a worm; and the notes trembling in the breast of the bird","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"were as audible to Heaven even as the psalms of David before they had fashioned","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"themselves into words and song.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"Christmas-time drew near, and a peasant who dwelt close by the old wall stuck","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"up a pole with some ears of corn fastened to the top, that the birds of heaven","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"might have feast, and rejoice in the happy, blessed time. And on Christmas","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"morning the sun arose and shone upon the ears of corn, which were quickly","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"surrounded by a number of twittering birds. Then, from a hole in the wall,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"gushed forth in song the swelling thoughts of the bird as he issued from his","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"hiding place to perform his first good deed on earth,– and in heaven it was well","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"known who that bird was.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"The winter was very hard; the ponds were covered with ice, and there was very","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"little food for either the beasts of the field or the birds of the air. Our","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"little bird flew away into the public roads, and found here and there, in the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"ruts of the sledges, a grain of corn, and at the halting places some crumbs. Of","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"these he ate only a few, but he called around him the other birds and the hungry","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"sparrows, that they too might have food. He flew into the towns, and looked","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"about, and wherever a kind hand had strewed bread on the window-sill for the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"birds, he only ate a single crumb himself, and gave all the rest to the rest of","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"the other birds. In the course of the winter the bird had in this way collected","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"many crumbs and given them to other birds, till they equalled the weight of the","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"loaf on which Inge had trod to keep her shoes clean; and when the last bread-","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"crumb had been found and given, the gray wings of the bird became white, and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"spread themselves out for flight.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"See, yonder is a sea-gull!\" cried the children, when they saw the white bird,","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"as it dived into the sea, and rose again into the clear sunlight, white and","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"glittering. But no one could tell whither it went then although some declared it","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"flew straight to the sun.","book":"The girl who trod on the loaf"} {"text":"\"In the world it's always going up and down; and now I can't go up any higher!\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"So said Ole the tower-keeper. \"Most people have to try both the ups and the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"downs; and, rightly considered, we all get to be watchmen at last, and look down","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"upon life from a height.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Such was the speech of Ole, my friend, the old tower-keeper, a strange,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"talkative old fellow, who seemed to speak out everything that came into his","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"head, and who for all that had many a serious thought deep in his heart. Yes, he","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was the child of respectable people, and there were even some who said that he","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was the son of a privy councillor, or that he might have been. He had studied,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"too, and had been assistant teacher and deputy clerk; but of what service was","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"all that to him? In those days he lived in the clerk's house, and was to have","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"everything in the house– to be at free quarters, as the saying is; but he was","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"still, so to speak, a fine young gentleman. He wanted to have his boots cleaned","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"with patent blacking, and the clerk could only afford ordinary grease; and upon","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that point they split. One spoke of stinginess, the other of vanity, and the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"blacking became the black cause of enmity between them, and at last they parted.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"This is what he demanded of the world in general, namely, patent blacking, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"he got nothing but grease. Accordingly, he at last drew back from all men, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"became a hermit; but the church tower is the only place in a great city where","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"hermitage, office and bread can be found together. So he betook himself up","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"thither, and smoked his pipe as he made his solitary rounds. He looked upward","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and downward, and had his own thoughts, and told in his own way of what he","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"read in books and in himself. I often lent him books– good books; and you may","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"know by the company he keeps. He loved neither the English governess novels nor","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the French ones, which he called a mixture of empty wind and raisin-stalks: he","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"wanted biographies, and descriptions of the wonders of, the world. I visited","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"him at least once a year, generally directly after New Year's day, and then","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"he always spoke of this and that which the change of the year had put into his","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"head.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I will tell the story of three of these visits, and will reproduce his own words","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"whenever I can remember them.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"First Visit","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Among the books which I had lately lent Ole, was one which had greatly rejoiced","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and occupied him. It was a geological book, containing an account of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"boulders.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"Yes, they're rare old fellows, those boulders!\" he said; \"and to think that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"we should pass them without noticing them! And over the street pavement, the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"paving stones, those fragments of the oldest remains of antiquity, one walks","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"without ever thinking about them. I have done the very thing myself. But now I","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"look respectfully at every paving-stone. Many thanks for the book! It has filled","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"me with thought, and has made me long to read more on the subject. The romance","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of the earth is, after all, the most wonderful of all romances. It's a pity one","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"can't read the first volume of it, because it is written in a language that we","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"don't understand. One must read in the different strata, in the pebble-stones,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"for each separate period. Yes, it is a romance, a very wonderful romance, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"we all have our place in it. We grope and ferret about, and yet remain where we","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"are; but the ball keeps turning, without emptying the ocean over us; the clod on","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"which we move about, holds, and does not let us through. And then it's a story","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that has been acting for thousands upon thousands of years and is still going","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"on. My best thanks for the book about the boulders. Those are fellows indeed!","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"They could tell us something worth hearing, if they only knew how to talk. It's","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"really a pleasure now and then to become a mere nothing, especially when a man","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"is as highly placed as I am. And then to think that we all, even with patent","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"lacquer, are nothing more than insects of a moment on that ant-hill the earth,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"though we may be insects with stars and garters, places and offices! One feels","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"quite a novice beside these venerable million-year-old boulders. On last New","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Year's eve I was reading the book, and had lost myself in it so completely, that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I forgot my usual New Year's diversion, namely, the wild hunt to Amack. Ah, you","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"don't know what that is!\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"The journey of the witches on broomsticks is well enough known– that journey is","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"taken on St. John's eve, to the Brocken; but we have a wild journey, also which","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"is national and modern, and that is the journey to Amack on the night of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"New Year. All indifferent poets and poetesses, musicians, newspaper writers, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"artistic notabilities,– I mean those who are no good,– ride in the New Year's","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"night through the air to Amack. They sit backwards on their painting brushes or","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"quill pens, for steel pens won't bear them– they're too stiff. As I told you,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I see that every New Year's night, and could mention the majority of the riders","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"by name, but I should not like to draw their enmity upon myself, for they don't","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"like people to talk about their ride to Amack on quill pens. I've a kind of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"niece, who is a fishwife, and who, as she tells me, supplies three respectable","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"newspapers with the terms of abuse and vituperation they use, and she has","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"herself been at Amack as an invited guest; but she was carried out thither,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"for she does not own a quill pen, nor can she ride. She has told me all about","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"it. Half of what she said is not true, but the other half gives us information","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"enough. When she was out there, the festivities began with a song; each of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"guests had written his own song, and each one sang his own song, for he thought","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that the best, and it was all one, all the same melody. Then those came marching","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"up, in little bands, who are only busy with their mouths. There were ringing","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"bells that rang alternately; and then came the little drummers that beat their","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"tattoo in the family circle; and acquaintance was made with those who write","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"without putting their names, which here means as much as using grease instead","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of patent blacking; and then there was the beadle with his boy, and the boy","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was worst off, for in general he gets no notice taken of him; then, too, there","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was the good street sweeper with his cart, who turns over the dust-bin, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"calls it 'good, very good, remarkably good.' And in the midst of the pleasure","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that was afforded by the mere meeting of these folks, there shot up out of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"great dirt-heap at Amack a stem, a tree, an immense flower, a great mushroom, a","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"perfect roof, which formed a sort of warehouse for the worthy company, for in it","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"hung everything they had given to the world during the Old Year. Out of the tree","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"poured sparks like flames of fire; these were the ideas and thoughts, borrowed","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"from others, which they had used, and which now got free and rushed away like","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"so many fireworks. They played at 'the stick burns,' and the young poets played","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"at 'heart-burns,' and the witlings played off their jests, and the jests rolled","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"away with a thundering sound, as if empty pots were being shattered against","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"doors. 'It was very amusing!' my niece said; in fact, she said many things that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"were very malicious but very amusing, but I won't mention them, for a man must","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"be good-natured, and not a carping critic. But you will easily perceive that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"when a man once knows the rights of the journey to Amack, as I know them, it's","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"quite natural that on the New Year's night one should look out to see the wild","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"chase go by. If in the New Year I miss certain persons who used to be there, I","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"am sure to notice others who are new arrivals; but this year I omitted taking my","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"look at the guests, I bowled away on the boulders, rolled back through millions","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of years, and saw the stones break loose high up in the north, saw them drifting","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"about on icebergs, long before Noah's ark was constructed, saw them sink down to","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the bottom of the sea, and re-appear with a sand-bank, with that one that peered","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"forth from the flood and said, 'This shall be Zealand!' I saw them become the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"dwelling-place of birds that are unknown to us, and then become the seat of wild","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"chiefs of whom we know nothing, until with their axes they cut their Runic signs","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"into a few of these stones, which then came into the calendar of time. But as","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"for me, I had gone quite beyond all lapse of time, and had become a cipher and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a nothing. Then three or four beautiful falling stars came down, which cleared","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the air, and gave my thoughts another direction. You know what a falling star","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"is, do you not? The learned men are not at all clear about it. I have my own","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"ideas about shooting stars, as the common people in many parts call them, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"my idea is this: How often are silent thanksgivings offered up for one who has","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"done a good and noble action! The thanks are often speechless, but they are not","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"lost for all that. I think these thanks are caught up, and the sunbeams bring","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the silent, hidden thankfulness over the head of the benefactor; and if it be","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a whole people that has been expressing its gratitude through a long lapse of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"time, the thankfulness appears as a nosegay of flowers, and at length falls in","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the form of a shooting star over the good man's grave. I am always very much","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"pleased when I see a shooting star, especially in the New Year's night, and then","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"find out for whom the gift of gratitude was intended. Lately a gleaming star","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"fell in the southwest, as a tribute of thanksgiving to many– many! 'For whom","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was that star intended?' thought I. It fell, no doubt, on the hill by the Bay of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Plensberg, where the Danebrog waves over the graves of Schleppegrell, Lasloes,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and their comrades. One star also fell in the midst of the land, fell upon Soro,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a flower on the grave of Holberg, the thanks of the year from a great many –","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"thanks for his charming plays!\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"It is a great and pleasant thought to know that a shooting star falls upon our","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"graves. On mine certainly none will fall– no sunbeam brings thanks to me, for","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"here there is nothing worthy of thanks. I shall not get the patent lacquer,\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"said Ole, \"for my fate on earth is only grease, after all.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Second Visit","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"It was New Year's day, and I went up on the tower. Ole spoke of the toasts that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"were drunk on the transition from the Old Year into the New– from one grave into","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the other, as he said. And he told me a story about the glasses, and this story","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"had a very deep meaning. It was this:","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"When on the New Year's night the clock strikes twelve, the people at the table","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"rise up with full glasses in their hands, and drain these glasses, and drink","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"success to the New Year. They begin the year with the glass in their hands;","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that is a good beginning for drunkards. They begin the New Year by going to","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"bed, and that's a good beginning for drones. Sleep is sure to play a great","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"part in the New Year, and the glass likewise. Do you know what dwells in the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"glass?\" asked Ole. \"I will tell you. There dwell in the glass, first, health,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and then pleasure, then the most complete sensual delight; and misfortune and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the bitterest woe dwell in the glass also. Now, suppose we count the glasses– of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"course I count the different degrees in the glasses for different people.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"You see, the first glass, that's the glass of health, and in that the herb of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"health is found growing. Put it up on the beam in the ceiling, and at the end of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the year you may be sitting in the arbor of health.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"If you take the second glass– from this a little bird soars upward, twittering","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"in guileless cheerfulness, so that a man may listen to his song, and perhaps","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"join in 'Fair is life! no downcast looks! Take courage, and march onward!'\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"Out of the third glass rises a little winged urchin, who cannot certainly be","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"called an angel child, for there is goblin blood in his veins, and he has the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"spirit of a goblin– not wishing to hurt or harm you, indeed, but very ready to","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"play off tricks upon you. He'll sit at your ear and whisper merry thoughts to","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"you; he'll creep into your heart and warm you, so that you grow very merry, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"become a wit, so far as the wits of the others can judge.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"In the fourth glass is neither herb, bird, nor urchin. In that glass is the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"pause drawn by reason, and one may never go beyond that sign.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"Take the fifth glass, and you will weep at yourself, you will feel such a deep","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"emotion; or it will affect you in a different way. Out of the glass there will","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"spring with a bang Prince Carnival, nine times and extravagantly merry. He'll","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"draw you away with him; you'll forget your dignity, if you have any, and you'll","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"forget more than you should or ought to forget. All is dance, song and sound:","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the masks will carry you away with them, and the daughters of vanity, clad in","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"silk and satin, will come with loose hair and alluring charms; but tear yourself","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"away if you can!\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"The sixth glass! Yes, in that glass sits a demon, in the form of a little, well","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"dressed, attractive and very fascinating man, who thoroughly understands you,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"agrees with you in everything, and becomes quite a second self to you. He has","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a lantern with him, to give you light as he accompanies you home. There is an","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"old legend about a saint who was allowed to choose one of the seven deadly sins,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and who accordingly chose drunkenness, which appeared to him the least, but","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"which led him to commit all the other six. The man's blood is mingled with that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of the demon. It is the sixth glass, and with that the germ of all evil shoots","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"up within us; and each one grows up with a strength like that of the grains","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of mustard-seed, and shoots up into a tree, and spreads over the whole world:","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and most people have no choice but to go into the oven, to be re-cast in a new","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"form.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"That's the history of the glasses,\" said the tower-keeper Ole, \"and it can be","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"told with lacquer or only with grease; but I give it you with both!\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Third Visit","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"On this occasion I chose the general \"moving-day\" for my visit to Ole, for on","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"that day it is anything but agreeable down in the streets in the town; for they","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"are full of sweepings, shreds, and remnants of all sorts, to say nothing of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the cast-off rubbish in which one has to wade about. But this time I happened","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"to see two children playing in this wilderness of sweepings. They were playing","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"at \"going to bed,\" for the occasion seemed especially favorable for this","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"sport. They crept under the straw, and drew an old bit of ragged curtain over","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"themselves by way of coverlet. \"It was splendid!\" they said; but it was a little","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"too strong for me, and besides, I was obliged to mount up on my visit to Ole.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"It's moving-day to day,\" he said; \"streets and houses are like a dust-bin–","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a large dust-bin; but I'm content with a cartload. I may get something good","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"out of that, and I really did get something good out of it once. Shortly after","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Christmas I was going up the street; it was rough weather, wet and dirty– the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"right kind of weather to catch cold in. The dustman was there with his cart,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"which was full, and looked like a sample of streets on moving-day. At the back","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of the cart stood a fir tree, quite green still, and with tinsel on its twigs;","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"it had been used on Christmas eve, and now it was thrown out into the street,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and the dustman had stood it up at the back of his cart. It was droll to look","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"at, or you may say it was mournful– all depends on what you think of when you","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"see it; and I thought about it, and thought this and that of many things that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"were in the cart: or I might have done so, and that comes to the same thing.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"There was an old lady's glove, too: I wonder what that was thinking of? Shall","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I tell you? The glove was lying there, pointing with its little finger at the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"tree. 'I'm sorry for the tree,' it thought; 'and I was also at the feast, where","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the chandeliers glittered. My life was, so to speak, a ball night– a pressure","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of the hand, and I burst! My memory keeps dwelling upon that, and I have really","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"nothing else to live for!' This is what the glove thought, or what it might","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"have thought. 'That's a stupid affair with yonder fir tree,' said the potsherds.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"You see, potsherds think everything is stupid. 'When one is in the dust-cart,'","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"they said, 'one ought not to give one's self airs and wear tinsel. I know that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I have been useful in the world– far more useful than such a green stick.' This","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"was a view that might be taken, and I don't think it quite a peculiar one; but","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"for all that, the fir tree looked very well: it was like a little poetry in","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the dust-heap; and truly there is dust enough in the streets on moving-day. The","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"way is difficult and troublesome then, and I feel obliged to run away out of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the confusion; or, if I am on the tower, I stay there and look down, and it is","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"amusing enough.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"There are the good people below, playing at 'changing houses.' They toil and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"tug away with their goods and chattels, and the household goblin sits in an old","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"tub and moves with them. All the little griefs of the lodging and the family,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and the real cares and sorrows, move with them out of the old dwelling into","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the new; and what gain is there for them or for us in the whole affair? Yes,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"there was written long ago the good old maxim: 'Think on the great moving-day","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of death!' That is a serious thought. I hope it is not disagreeable to you that","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I should have touched upon it? Death is the most certain messenger, after all,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"in spite of his various occupations. Yes, Death is the omnibus conductor, and he","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"is the passport writer, and he countersigns our service-book, and he is director","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of the savings bank of life. Do you understand me? All the deeds of our life,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the great and the little alike, we put into this savings bank; and when Death","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"calls with his omnibus, and we have to step in, and drive with him into the land","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"of eternity, then on the frontier he gives us our service-book as a pass. As","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a provision for the journey, he takes this or that good deed we have done, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"lets it accompany us; and this may be very pleasant or very terrific. Nobody has","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"ever escaped the omnibus journey. There is certainly a talk about one who was","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"not allowed to go– they call him the Wandering Jew: he has to ride behind the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"omnibus. If he had been allowed to get in, he would have escaped the clutches of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the poets.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"Just cast your mind's eye into that great omnibus. The society is mixed,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"for king and beggar, genius and idiot, sit side by side. They must go without","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"their property and money; they have only the service-book and the gift out of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the savings bank with them. But which of our deeds is selected and given to","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"us? Perhaps quite a little one, one that we have forgotten, but which has been","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"recorded– small as a pea, but the pea can send out a blooming shoot. The poor","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"bumpkin who sat on a low stool in the corner, and was jeered at and flouted,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"will perhaps have his worn-out stool given him as a provision; and the stool may","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"become a litter in the land of eternity, and rise up then as a throne, gleaming","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"like gold and blooming as an arbor. He who always lounged about, and drank the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"spiced draught of pleasure, that he might forget the wild things he had done","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"here, will have his barrel given to him on the journey, and will have to drink","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"from it as they go on; and the drink is bright and clear, so that the thoughts","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"remain pure, and all good and noble feelings are awakened, and he sees and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"feels what in life he could not or would not see; and then he has within him the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"punishment, the gnawing worm, which will not die through time incalculable. If","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"on the glasses there stood written 'oblivion,' on the barrel 'remembrance' is","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"inscribed.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"When I read a good book, an historical work, I always think at last of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"poetry of what I am reading, and of the omnibus of death, and wonder, which of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the hero's deeds Death took out of the savings bank for him, and what provisions","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"he got on the journey into eternity. There was once a French king– I have","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"forgotten his name, for the names of good people are sometimes forgotten, even","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"by me, but it will come back some day;– there was a king who, during a famine,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"became the benefactor of his people; and the people raised up to his memory","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"a monument of snow, with the inscription, 'Quicker than this melts didst thou","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"bring help!' I fancy that Death, looking back upon the monument, gave him a","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"single snow-flake as provision, a snow-flake that never melts, and this flake","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"floated over his royal head, like a white butterfly, into the land of eternity.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Thus, too, there was Louis XI. I have remembered his name, for one remembers","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"what is bad– a trait of him often comes into my thoughts, and I wish one could","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"say the story is not true. He had his lord high constable executed, and he could","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"execute him, right or wrong; but he had the innocent children of the constable,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"one seven and the other eight years old, placed under the scaffold so that the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"warm blood of their father spurted over them, and then he had them sent to the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Bastille, and shut up in iron cages, where not even a coverlet was given them","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"to protect them from the cold. And King Louis sent the executioner to them every","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"week, and had a tooth pulled out of the head of each, that they might not be too","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"comfortable; and the elder of the boys said, 'My mother would die of grief if","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"she knew that my younger brother had to suffer so cruelly; therefore pull out","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"two of my teeth, and spare him.' The tears came into the hangman's eyes, but","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"the king's will was stronger than the tears; and every week two little teeth","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"were brought to him on a silver plate; he had demanded them, and he had them.","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"I fancy that Death took these two teeth out of the savings bank of life, and","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"gave them to Louis XI, to carry with him on the great journey into the land of","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"immortality; they fly before him like two flames of fire; they shine and burn,","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"and they bite him, the innocent children's teeth.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"\"Yes, that's a serious journey, the omnibus ride on the great moving-day! And","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"when is it to be undertaken? That's just the serious part of it. Any day, any","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"hour, any minute, the omnibus may draw up. Which of our deeds will Death take","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"out of the savings bank, and give to us as provision? Let us think of the","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"moving-day that is not marked in the calendar.\"","book":"Ole the tower-keeper"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth's complexion was like peaches and cream; her eyes were bright, her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"teeth shiny white; she was young, gay, and beautiful to look upon; her steps","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"were light and her mind was even lighter. What would come of all this? \"That","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"awful brat,\" people said about her baby; and indeed he wasn't pretty, so he was","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"left with the ditchdigger's wife.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth went into service in the Count's castle. There she sat in a","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"magnificent room, dressed in silk and velvet; not a breath of wind was allowed","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to blow on her nor anyone to speak a harsh word to her. She was nurse to the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Count's child, who was as beloved as a prince, beautiful as an angel. How she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"loved him!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Her own child was provided for in the ditchdigger's house, where his wife's","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"temper boiled over more often than her pot. Sometimes the child was left alone","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"all day long, and cried; but what nobody hears doesn't bother anyone! He cried","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"himself to sleep, and in sleep there is neither hunger nor thirst; sleep is such","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"a good invention!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Ill weeds grow fast,\" says the proverb, and Anne Lisbeth's boy did indeed shoot","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"up rapidly. It was as if he had taken root in the ditchdigger's household; his","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"mother had paid for his upbringing and considered herself well rid of him. She","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was a city lady now, was well provided for, and whenever she went out she was","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"beautifully dressed; but she never went to see her son at the ditchdigger's;","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"that was too far from the city, and there was no reason for her to go there,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"anyway; the boy was theirs, and now, they decided, it was time for him to earn","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"his keep; so he found work tending Mads Jensen's red cow.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"The watchdog at Blegdam Manor sits proudly on top of its house in the sunshine,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"barking at passers-by, but in rainy weather it lies, warm and dry, inside its","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"kennel. Anne Lisbeth's boy sat at the edge of a ditch in the sunshine, whittling","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"sticks or watching three blossoming strawberry plants; he hoped they would","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"soon turn into berries - that was his happiest thought - but the berries never","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ripened. Through sunshine or showers he sat there; he was often soaked to the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"skin, but the cold wind soon dried his clothes on his body. Whenever he went to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the farmyard he received only kicks and cuffs and was called \"stupid and ugly\";","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"he was used to that - nobody loved him.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"How did Anne Lisbeth's boy get along? How could he under such circumstances? It","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was his fate never to be loved.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"At last he was literally pushed off the earth and sent to sea in a wretched","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"little sailing vessel. Here he took the helm while the skipper drank - a","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"frostbitten, shabby-looking little boy, and always hungry! One would think he","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"never had enough to eat, and that really was the case.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"It was late in the autumn, wet, raw, stormy weather, with a wind that cut","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"through the warmest clothing, especially out at sea. A miserable little vessel","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"with one sail drove on before the wind; it had a crew of two men, or rather a","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"man and a half - the skipper and his boy. All day the light had been no brighter","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"than twilight; now it grew still darker and it was bitterly cold. The skipper","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"brought forth a bottle and a glass and took a swallow to warm himself up; the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"top of the glass was whole, but its foot had been broken off, so instead it had","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"a little piece of wood, painted blue, to stand on. A drink is a great comfort,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and two are even better. The boy was at the helm, holding it with rough, tarred","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"hands, a wretched, shrinking form with unkempt hair; it was the ditchdigger's","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"boy, registered in the parish records as the son of Anne Lisbeth.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"The wind drove the ship hard before it; the sail bellied out before the power","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"of the wind; it was rough and wet everywhere, and it might soon be even worse.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Stop! What was that? What crashed? What sprang up? What grasped the little","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"vessel? The boat whirled around. Was it a waterspout or a tidal wave? The boy","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"at the helm screamed, \"Lord Jesus, save us!\" The vessel had struck on a great","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"rock, and it sank like a waterlogged old shoe in a duckpond; sank with \"man","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and mouse,\" as the saying goes; there were mice on board, but only a man and a","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"half - the skipper and the ditchdigger's boy. No one saw it, save the screaming","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"gulls above and the darting fishes beneath, and these hardly saw it clearly, for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"they fled in terror when the water poured into the doomed vessel. There it lay,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"scarcely a fathom below the water, and the two were drowned and forgotten. Only","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the glass was left, for the blue wooden block kept it afloat, and it drifted","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"onto the shore. Where and when? That is of no consequence. That old broken glass","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"had been useful, and had been loved, too, in a way; which Anne Lisbeth's son had","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"never been. However, in the kingdom of heaven no soul shall ever have cause to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"sigh, \"Never loved!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth meanwhile had been living for several years in a large town; she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was addressed as \"madam\" and always held herself very proudly when she spoke of","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"olden times, of the times when she rode in a carriage and talked with countesses","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and baronesses. And she talked of her foster child, that sweetest of little","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"angels, and how he had loved her and she had loved him, how they had kissed and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"caressed each other, for he was her pride and joy. Now he was tall, fourteen","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"years old, a bright, beautiful boy. She hadn't seen him since the time she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"carried him in her arms; for many years she had not been at the Count's castle,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"which was a long journey away.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"But I must find a way to get there someday,\" said Anne Lisbeth. \"I must see my","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"sweet young count again. He must be missing me, and loving me as he did when his","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"angelic little arms clung around my neck and he said, 'Ann-Lis,' as sweet as a","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"violin. Ah, yes, I must make short work of it and see him again!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"So she made the long trip, partly on foot and partly by wagon. The castle was as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"magnificent and the gardens as lovely as ever, but the servants were all new to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her, and not one of them knew Anne Lisbeth or what she had once meant there. But","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the Countess would tell them, she thought, and her own boy; how she longed for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"him!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Now Anne Lisbeth was finally here, but they kept her waiting a long time. At","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"last, just before the household went to dinner, she was called in. The Countess","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"spoke to her very courteously and promised that after dinner she should see her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"beloved boy. So she had to wait for another summons.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"How tall, thin, and lanky he had grown, but he still had his beautiful eyes and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"angelic mouth; and he looked straight at her without a word. Certainly he had no","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"recollection of her. He turned to go, but she caught his hand and pressed it to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her lips. \"All right,\" he said, \"that's enough,\" and then he left the room.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"The ungrateful young nobleman, whom she had loved above all on earth and had","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"made the pride of her life!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"So Anne Lisbeth left the castle and made her way homeward along the highway.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"She was very sorrowful; he had been so cold and strange to her, without a word","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"or thought for her, he whom she had once carried in her arms night and day and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"always had carried in her heart.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Then a huge black raven flew down and alighted on the road just in front of her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and croaked again and again. \"Oh, what bird of ill omen are you?\" she said.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"As she passed the ditchdigger's house, his wife was standing in the doorway, and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"they spoke to one another.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"How robust you look!\" said the ditchdigger's wife. \"You are plump and stout!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Everything must be going well with you.\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Pretty well,\" replied Anne Lisbeth.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"The boat went down with them,\" said the ditchdigger's wife. \"Skipper Lars and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"your boy were both drowned. So that ends that. But I hoped that the boy would","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"have lived to help me out from time to time with a little money; he hasn't cost","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"you anything for a long while, you know, Anne Lisbeth.\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Drowned, are they?\" repeated Anne Lisbeth, and then said nothing more on that","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"subject.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth was heartsick because the young count wouldn't speak to her, she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"who loved him so and had taken that long trip to see him; the journey had also","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"been expensive. The pleasure it had brought her was little indeed. But she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"didn't say a word about it; she wouldn't lighten her mind by talking about it","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to the ditchdigger's wife, who might think she was no longer welcome at the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Count's castle. While they were talking, the raven again flew screaming over her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"head. \"That ugly black thing!\" said Anne Lisbeth. \"That's the second time it's","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"frightened me today!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"She had brought some coffee beans and chicory with her; it would be a kindness","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to the ditchdigger's wife to give these to her and share a cup with her. While","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the old woman went to make the coffee Anne Lisbeth sat down and soon fell","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"asleep.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Strangely enough, she dreamed of one whom she had never seen in her dreams","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"before - her own child, who in that very house had hungered and wept, who had","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"been kicked about in heat and cold, and who now lay deep below the sea, the good","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Lord only knew where. She dreamed that even as she sat there waiting for the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"coffee and smelling the fragrance drifting in to her from the kitchen, a shining","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"little angel, beautiful as the young count, stood in the doorway and spoke to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"The end of the world is come,\" said the little angel. \"Hold fast to me, for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"you are still my mother! You have an angel in paradise. Hold fast to me!\" Then","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"he took hold of her, and at that very moment there came a tremendous crash,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"as though the whole world were bursting into pieces, and as the angel rose in","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the air, holding her tightly by her sleeves, she felt herself lifted from the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ground. But then something heavy clung to her feet and dragged her down; it","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was as if a hundred other women were holding tightly to her, screaming, \"If you","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"are to be saved, we must be saved, too! Hold fast! Hold fast!\" And then they","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"all clung to her. The weight was too heavy; ritsch, ratsch! - her sleeves were","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"split, and she fell down in terror - and awoke.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Her head was so dizzy she nearly fell off the chair where she was sitting. She","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"could not understand her dream clearly, but she felt it foretold evil for her.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"They had their coffee and talked for a while. Then Anne Lisbeth walked on to the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"nearest village, where she was to meet the carrier and drive home with him that","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"evening. But when she got there, the carrier told her he couldn't start until","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the following evening. She thought it over - what it would cost her to stay","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"there, the length of the distance home, and realized that if she went along the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"seashore instead of by road, it would be nearly two miles shorter; it was clear","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"weather and the moon was at the full. And so Anne Lisbeth decided to go at once;","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"she could be home the next day.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"The sun had set, the vesper bells were still ringing - no, it was not the bells,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"but Peter Oxe's frogs croaking in their pond. Soon they, too, were silent,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and then all was still; no bird raised its voice, for all were at rest; and it","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"seemed the owl was not at home. The hush of death settled over forest and shore.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"She could hear her own footsteps in the sand. No wave disturbed the sea, the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"deep waters were at peace; everywhere was silence, silence among the living and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the dead.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth walked on, not thinking of anything in particular, as we say.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Yet, though she was not conscious of it, her thoughts were busy within her, as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"they always are within all of us. They lie asleep inside us, thoughts that have","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"already shaped themselves into action and thoughts that have never yet stirred","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"- there they lie still, and someday they will come forth. It is written: \"The","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"labor of righteousness is peace\"; and again it is written: \"The wages of sin are","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"death!\" Much has been said and written that one does not know - or, as it was","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"with Anne Lisbeth, does not remember - but such things can appear before one's","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"subconscious self, can come to mind, though one is unaware of it.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"The germs of vices and virtues are alive deep in our hearts - in yours and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"mine; they lurk like tiny invisible seeds. There comes a ray of sunshine or","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the touch of an evil hand; you turn to the right or to the left, and the little","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"seed quivers into life, puts forth shoots, and pours its life throughout all the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"veins. Walking in a daydream, one may be unconscious of many painful thoughts,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"but they have their being within us all the same; thus Anne Lisbeth walked as if","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"in a daydream, but her thoughts lived within her.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"From Candlemas to Candlemas the heart has much written upon it, even the record","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"of the whole year. Many sins are forgotten, sins in word or thought, sins","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"against God or our neighbor or our own conscience; we think not of them, nor did","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth. She had broken no laws of the land; she knew that she was popular,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"esteemed, even respected.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Now, as she walked along the shore, suddenly something made her start and stand","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"still! What was it? Only an old man's hat. Where could that have been washed","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"overboard? She drew closer and looked down at it.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Oh! What was that lying over there? She became very frightened, and yet it","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was nothing but a heap of tangled seaweed, but to her fancy it had seemed for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"a moment the body of a man. As she continued on her way she remembered many","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"stories she had heard as a child about the old superstitious belief in the \"sea","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ghost\" - the ghost of a drowned body that lay still unburied, washed by the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"tides on the wild seashore. The lifeless body itself could harm no one, but the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"sea ghost\" would follow a solitary wanderer, clinging fast to him and demanding","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to be carried to the churchyard and buried in consecrated ground. \"Hold on!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Hold on!\" it would cry; and as Anne Lisbeth thought of these words, all at once","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"there came back to her most vividly her dream - how the mothers had clung to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her, screaming, \"Hold fast! Hold on!\" how the world had split beneath her, how","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her sleeves had been torn apart and she had fallen from the grasp of her child,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"who had tried to hold her up in the hour of doom. Her child, her own flesh and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"blood, whom she had never loved and scarcely ever thought of, was now lying at","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the bottom of the sea; any day his body might be washed ashore, and his ghost","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"might follow her, wailing, \"Hold on! Hold on! Bury me in Christian earth!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Panic-stricken by this horrible thought, she ran faster and faster. Terror","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"touched her heart with a cold, clammy finger; she was ready to faint. And as she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"looked upon the sea, the air grew thicker and thicker, a heavy mist fell over","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the scene, veiling tree and bush in strange disguises. She turned to seek for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the moon behind her - and it was only a pale disk without rays. Then something","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"heavy seemed to drag at her limbs; \"Hold on! Hold on!\" she thought. And when","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"she again turned toward the moon its white face seemed close beside her, and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the mist hung like a shroud over her shoulders. \"Hold on! Bury me in Christian","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"earth!\" - she could almost hear those words. And then she did hear a sound, so","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"hollow, so hoarse - not the voices of the frogs in the pond nor the tones of the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"raven, for neither was near by, but clearly she heard the dreadful words, \"Bury","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"me! Bury me!\" Yes! It was, it must be, the ghost of her own child, who could","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"find no rest for his soul until his body was carried to the churchyard and laid","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"in a Christian grave.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"To the churchyard she would hurry; that very hour she would dig the grave; and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"as she turned toward the church her burden seemed to grow lighter, until it","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"disappeared altogether. As soon as she felt that, she started back to follow the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"short cut to her home, but once more her limbs sank beneath her, and again the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"terrible words rang in her ears, \"Hold on!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Hold on!\" It sounded like the croaking of a frog and like a wailing bird.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Bury me! Bury me!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Cold and clammy was the mist, but still colder and clammier were her hands","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and face under the touch of fear! A heavy weight again clung to her and seemed","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to drag her down; her heart quaked with thoughts and feelings that had never","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"stirred within her before this moment.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"In our Northern countries a single spring night is often enough to dress the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"beech wood, and in the morning sunlight it appears in its young, bright foliage.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"In one second the seed of sin within us may be lifted to the light and unfolded","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"into thoughts, words, and deeds; and thus it is when conscience is awakened.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"And our Lord awakens it when we lest expect it; when there is no way to excuse","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ourselves, the deed stands open to view, bearing witness against us; thoughts","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"spring into words, and words ring clearly throughout the world. Then we are","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"horrified to find what we have carried within us, that we have not overcome the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"evil we have sown in thoughtlessness and pride. The heart hides within itself","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"all vices and virtues, and they grow even in the shallowest ground.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth, overwhelmed with the realization of her sin, sank to the ground","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and crept along for some distance. \"Bury me! \"Bury me!\" still rang in her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ears, and gladly would she have buried herself, if the grave could have brought","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"eternal forgetfulness. It was her hour of awakening, and she was full of anguish","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and horror; superstition made her blood run hot and cold. Many things of which","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"she had feared to speak came into her mind. There passed before her, silently as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"a shadowy cloud in the clear moonlight, a vision she had heard of before. It was","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"a glowing chariot of fire, drawn by four snorting horses, with fire blazing from","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"their eyes and nostrils; and nostrils; and inside sat a wicked nobleman who more","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"than a century ago had ruled here. Every midnight, he rode into his courtyard","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and right out again. He was not pale, like other ghosts; no, his face was as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"black as burnt coal. As he passed Anne Lisbeth he nodded and beckoned to her,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Hold on! Hold on! You may ride in a count's carriage once more and forget your","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"child.\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"She pulled herself together and hastened to the churchyard, but the black","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"crosses and the black ravens mingled before her eyes; the ravens screamed as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"they had done that morning, but now she could understand what they were saying.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"I am Mother Raven! I am Mother Raven!\" said each of them, and Anne Lisbeth knew","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the name fitted herself well; maybe she would be changed into a huge black bird","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"like these, and have to cry as they cried, if she did not dig the grave.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Then she flung herself on the ground and began frantically digging with her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"hands in the hard earth; she dug till the blood ran from her fingers.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Bury me! Bury me!\" Still she heard those words, and every moment she dreaded to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"hear the cock crow and see the first streak of dawn in the east. For if her task","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"were not completed before daylight she knew she would be lost.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"And the cock did crow, and the light appeared in the east - and the grave was","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"only half dug, and behold! an icy hand slid over her head and face, down to her","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"heart. A voice seemed to sigh, \"Only half the grave!\" and a shadowy form drifted","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"past her and down to the bottom of the ocean. Yes, it was indeed the \"sea","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"ghost,\" and Anne Lisbeth fell fainting to the earth, exhausted and overpowered,","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and her senses left her.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"When she came to, it was bright daylight, and two men were lifting her up. She","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"was lying, not in the churchyard, but down on the seashore, where she had been","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"digging a deep hole in the sand, and had cut her fingers on a broken glass, the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"stem of which was stuck in a wooden block painted blue.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth was ill; her conscience had spoken loudly to her that night, and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"superstitious terror had mingled its voice with the voice of conscience. She","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"had no power to distinguish between them; she was now convinced that she had","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"but half a soul, while the other half had been borne away by her child, away to","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the bottom of the ocean; and never could she hope for the mercy of God until she","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"again possessed the half soul that was imprisoned in those deep waters.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Anne Lisbeth went home, but she was no longer the same. Her thoughts were like","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"tangled yarn; there was only one thread that she could clearly grasp; just","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"one idea possessed her, that she must carry the \"sea ghost\" to the churchyard","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"and there dig a grave for it. Many a night they missed her from her home and","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"always found her down by the shore, waiting for the \"sea ghost.\" So a whole year","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"passed, and then one night she disappeared and this time was sought in vain. All","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"of the following day was spent in searching for her.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Toward evening, when the parish clerk entered the church to ring the bell for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"vespers, he found Anne Lisbeth lying before the altar. She had been here ever","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"since dawn; her strength was nearly gone, but her eyes were bright and a faint","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"rosy hue lighted her face; the last sunbeams shone down upon her, streamed over","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"the altar, and glowed on the bright silver clasps of the Bible, open at this","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"text from the Prophet Joel; \"Rend your heart and not your garments, and turn","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"unto the Lord your God.\" This was just by chance, said people, as so many things","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"happen by chance.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"In Anne Lisbeth's face, as the setting sun shone upon it, were peace and grace.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"Now she was so happy, she said. Now she had won back her soul! During the past","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"night the spirit of her own child had been with her, and had said, \"You dug but","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"half a grave for me, but now for a year and a day you have entombed me in your","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"own heart, and that is the only proper resting place a mother can provide for","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"her child!\" And then he had returned to her lost half soul and guided her to the","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"church!","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"\"Now I am in God's house!\" she said. \"And only there can one be happy!\"","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"When the sun had set, the soul of Anne Lisbeth had gone way up from this earth","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"to where there are no fears nor the troubles that we have here, even such as","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"those of Anne Lisbeth.","book":"Anne Lisbeth"} {"text":"There was a large party for children at the house of the merchant; rich people's","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"children and important people's children were all there. Their host, the","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"merchant, was a learned man; his father had insisted that he have a college","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"education. You see, his father had been only a cattle dealer, but he had always","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"been honest and thrifty. This business had brought him a fortune, and his son,","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"the merchant, had later managed to increase this fortune. Clever as he was, he","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"also had a kind heart, but there was less talk about his heart than about his","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"money. His house was always full of guests; some who had \"blue blood,\" as it is","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"called, and some who had mind; some who had both, and some who had neither. But","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"this time it was a children's party, with children's prattle; and children say","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"what they mean. Among the guests was a pretty little girl, most absurdly proud","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"that her father was a groom of the bedchamber. The servants had taught her this","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"arrogance, not her parents; they were much too sensible.","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"\"I'm a child of the chamber,\" she said. She might as well have been a child","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"of the cellar, for no one can help his birth. Then she explained to the other","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"children that she had \"birth,\" and insisted that anyone who didn't have \"birth\"","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"from the beginning couldn't in any way get it; it did no good to study or be","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"ever so industrious if you didn't have \"birth.\" And as for people whose names","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"ended with \"sen,\" she declared, \"They'll never amount to anything. You must","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"put your arms out at the side and keep them, these 'sen' people, at a distance,","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"like this!\" And with this she stretched her delicate little arms with the elbows","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"turned out to show what she meant-and the little arms were very pretty. Sweet","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"child!","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"But the little daughter of the merchant was very angry, for her father's name","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"was Madsen, and of course she knew that ended with \"sen,\" so she answered, as","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"proudly as she could: \"My father can buy a hundred dollars' worth of sugar candy","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"and just throw it away; can your father afford to do that?\"","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"\"Yes, but my father,\" said the little daughter of a writer, \"can put your father","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"and her father and everybody else's father into a newspaper! My mother says","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"everybody is afraid of him because he owns the paper!\" And then she strutted as","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"though she were a real little princess who knows how to strut!","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"Meanwhile a poor boy stood right outside the half-open door, peeping through the","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"crack. This youngster was so humble that he wasn't even allowed into the room;","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"he had been helping the cook by turning the spit, and now he had permission","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"to peep through the door at the beautifully dressed children who were enjoying","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"themselves inside, and that meant a lot to him.","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"\"Wish I were one of them,\" he thought, and then he heard what they said, and","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"that was enough to make him very sad. His parents had not saved a penny; they","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"couldn't afford to buy a newspaper, much less write for one. Worst of all, his","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"father's name, and hence his own, ended with \"sen.\" He could never amount to","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"anything in this world! That was sad, indeed. But still it seemed to him he had","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"been \"born.\" Yes, just like everybody else-it couldn't possibly be otherwise.","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"So much for that evening.","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"Many years had passed, and in that time children grow up. Now there stood in","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"the city a handsome house, full of beautiful treasures, and everybody wanted to","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"see it, even people who lived outside the city came to see it. And which of the","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"children we have told you about owned this house? Yes, that's very easy for you","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"to guess. No, it's not so very easy after all! That house belonged to the poor","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"little boy! He had amounted to something, in spite of the \"sen\" at the end of","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"his name-Thorvaldsen!","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"And the three other children-the children of blue blood, money, and intellectual","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"pride? Well, one had nothing to reproach the other with. They were all equal","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"as children, and they turned into charming and pleasant people, for they were","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"really good at heart; what they had thought and said that evening had just been","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"children's prattle.","book":"Children's prattle"} {"text":"It was a very sad day, and every heart in the house felt the deepest grief; for","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the youngest child, a boy of four years old, the joy and hope of his parents,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"was dead. Two daughters, the elder of whom was going to be confirmed, still","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"remained: they were both good, charming girls; but the lost child always seems","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the dearest; and when it is youngest, and a son, it makes the trial still","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"more heavy. The sisters mourned as young hearts can mourn, and were especially","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"grieved at the sight of their parents' sorrow. The father's heart was bowed","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"down, but the mother sunk completely under the deep grief. Day and night she","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"had attended to the sick child, nursing and carrying it in her bosom, as a part","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"of herself. She could not realize the fact that the child was dead, and must","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"be laid in a coffin to rest in the ground. She thought God could not take her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"darling little one from her; and when it did happen notwithstanding her hopes","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"and her belief, and there could be no more doubt on the subject, she said in her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"feverish agony, \"God does not know it. He has hard-hearted ministering spirits","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"on earth, who do according to their own will, and heed not a mother's prayers.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"Thus in her great grief she fell away from her faith in God, and dark thoughts","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"arose in her mind respecting death and a future state. She tried to believe that","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"man was but dust, and that with his life all existence ended. But these doubts","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"were no support to her, nothing on which she could rest, and she sunk into","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the fathomless depths of despair. In her darkest hours she ceased to weep, and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"thought not of the young daughters who were still left to her. The tears of her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"husband fell on her forehead, but she took no notice of him; her thoughts were","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"with her dead child; her whole existence seemed wrapped up in the remembrances","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"of the little one and of every innocent word it had uttered.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"The day of the little child's funeral came. For nights previously the mother","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"had not slept, but in the morning twilight of this day she sunk from weariness","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"into a deep sleep; in the mean time the coffin was carried into a distant room,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"and there nailed down, that she might not hear the blows of the hammer. When","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"she awoke, and wanted to see her child, the husband, with tears, said, \"We have","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"closed the coffin; it was necessary to do so.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"When God is so hard to me, how can I expect men to be better?\" she said with","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"groans and tears.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"The coffin was carried to the grave, and the disconsolate mother sat with her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"young daughters. She looked at them, but she saw them not; for her thoughts","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"were far away from the domestic hearth. She gave herself up to her grief, and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"it tossed her to and fro, as the sea tosses a ship without compass or rudder.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"So the day of the funeral passed away, and similar days followed, of dark,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"wearisome pain. With tearful eyes and mournful glances, the sorrowing daughters","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"and the afflicted husband looked upon her who would not hear their words of","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"comfort; and, indeed, what comforting words could they speak, when they were","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"themselves so full of grief? It seemed as if she would never again know sleep,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"and yet it would have been her best friend, one who would have strengthened her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"body and poured peace into her soul. They at last persuaded her to lie down, and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"then she would lie as still as if she slept.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"One night, when her husband listened, as he often did, to her breathing, he","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"quite believed that she had at length found rest and relief in sleep. He folded","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"his arms and prayed, and soon sunk himself into healthful sleep; therefore he","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"did not notice that his wife arose, threw on her clothes, and glided silently","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"from the house, to go where her thoughts constantly lingered– to the grave of","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"her child. She passed through the garden, to a path across a field that led to","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the churchyard. No one saw her as she walked, nor did she see any one; for her","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"eyes were fixed upon the one object of her wanderings. It was a lovely starlight","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"night in the beginning of September, and the air was mild and still. She entered","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the churchyard, and stood by the little grave, which looked like a large nosegay","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"of fragrant flowers. She sat down, and bent her head low over the grave, as","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"if she could see her child through the earth that covered him– her little boy,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"whose smile was so vividly before her, and the gentle expression of whose eyes,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"even on his sick-bed, she could not forget. How full of meaning that glance","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"had been, as she leaned over him, holding in hers the pale hand which he had no","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"longer strength to raise! As she had sat by his little cot, so now she sat by","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"his grave; and here she could weep freely, and her tears fell upon it.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Thou wouldst gladly go down and be with thy child,\" said a voice quite close to","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"her,– a voice that sounded so deep and clear, that it went to her heart.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"She looked up, and by her side stood a man wrapped in a black cloak, with a","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"hood closely drawn over his face; but her keen glance could distinguish the face","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"under the hood. It was stern, yet awakened confidence, and the eyes beamed with","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"youthful radiance.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Down to my child,\" she repeated; and tones of despair and entreaty sounded in","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the words.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Darest thou to follow me?\" asked the form. \"I am Death.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"She bowed her head in token of assent. Then suddenly it appeared as if all","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the stars were shining with the radiance of the full moon on the many-colored","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"flowers that decked the grave. The earth that covered it was drawn back like a","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"floating drapery. She sunk down, and the spectre covered her with a black cloak;","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"night closed around her, the night of death. She sank deeper than the spade of","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the sexton could penetrate, till the churchyard became a roof above her. Then","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the cloak was removed, and she found herself in a large hall, of wide-spreading","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"dimensions, in which there was a subdued light, like twilight, reigning, and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"in a moment her child appeared before her, smiling, and more beautiful than","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"ever; with a silent cry she pressed him to her heart. A glorious strain of music","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"sounded– now distant, now near. Never had she listened to such tones as these;","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"they came from beyond a large dark curtain which separated the regions of death","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"from the land of eternity.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"My sweet, darling mother,\" she heard the child say. It was the well-known,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"beloved voice; and kiss followed kiss, in boundless delight. Then the child","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"pointed to the dark curtain. \"There is nothing so beautiful on earth as it is","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"here. Mother, do you not see them all? Oh, it is happiness indeed.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"But the mother saw nothing of what the child pointed out, only the dark curtain.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"She looked with earthly eyes, and could not see as the child saw,– he whom God","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"has called to be with Himself. She could hear the sounds of music, but she heard","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"not the words, the Word in which she was to trust.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"I can fly now, mother,\" said the child; \"I can fly with other happy children","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"into the presence of the Almighty. I would fain fly away now; but if you weep","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"for me as you are weeping now, you may never see me again. And yet I would go","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"so gladly. May I not fly away? And you will come to me soon, will you not, dear","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"mother?\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Oh, stay, stay!\" implored the mother; \"only one moment more; only once more,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"that I may look upon thee, and kiss thee, and press thee to my heart.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"Then she kissed and fondled her child. Suddenly her name was called from above;","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"what could it mean? her name uttered in a plaintive voice.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Hearest thou?\" said the child. \"It is my father who calls thee.\" And in a few","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"moments deep sighs were heard, as of children weeping. \"They are my sisters,\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"said the child. \"Mother, surely you have not forgotten them.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"And then she remembered those she left behind, and a great terror came over","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"her. She looked around her at the dark night. Dim forms flitted by. She seemed","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"to recognize some of them, as they floated through the regions of death towards","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"the dark curtain, where they vanished. Would her husband and her daughters flit","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"past? No; their sighs and lamentations still sounded from above; and she had","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"nearly forgotten them, for the sake of him who was dead.","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"\"Mother, now the bells of heaven are ringing,\" said the child; \"mother, the sun","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"is going to rise.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"An overpowering light streamed in upon her, the child had vanished, and she","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"was being borne upwards. All around her became cold; she lifted her head, and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"saw that she was lying in the churchyard, on the grave of her child. The Lord,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"in a dream, had been a guide to her feet and a light to her spirit. She bowed","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"her knees, and prayed for forgiveness. She had wished to keep back a soul from","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"its immortal flight; she had forgotten her duties towards the living who were","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"left her. And when she had offered this prayer, her heart felt lighter. The sun","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"burst forth, over her head a little bird carolled his song, and the church-bells","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"sounded for the early service. Everything around her seemed holy, and her heart","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"was chastened. She acknowledged the goodness of God, she acknowledged the duties","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"she had to perform, and eagerly she returned home. She bent over her husband,","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"who still slept; her warm, devoted kiss awakened him, and words of heartfelt","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"love fell from the lips of both. Now she was gentle and strong as a wife can","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"be; and from her lips came the words of faith: \"Whatever He doeth is right and","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"best.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"Then her husband asked, \"From whence hast thou all at once derived such strength","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"and comforting faith?\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"And as she kissed him and her children, she said, \"It came from God, through my","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"child in the grave.\"","book":"The child in the grave"} {"text":"In a poet's study, somebody made a remark as he looked at the inkstand that","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"was standing on the table: \"It's strange what can come out of that inkstand! I","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"wonder what the next thing will be. Yes, it's strange!\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"That it is!\" said the Inkstand. \"It's unbelievable, that's what I have always","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"said.\" The Inkstand was speaking to the Pen and to everything else on the","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"table that could hear it. \"It's really amazing what comes out of me! Almost","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"incredible! I actually don't know myself what will come next when that person","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"starts to dip into me. One drop from me is enough for half a piece of paper,","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"and what may not be on it then? I am something quite remarkable. All the works","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"of this poet come from me. These living characters, whom people think they","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"recognize, these deep emotions, that gay humor, the charming descriptions of","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"nature - I don't understand those myself, because I don't know anything about","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"nature - all of that is in me. From me have come out, and still come out, that","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"host of lovely maidens and brave knights on snorting steeds. The fact is, I","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"assure you, I don't know anything about them myself.\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"You are right about that,\" said the Pen. \"You have very few ideas, and don't","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"bother about thinking much at all. If you did take the trouble to think, you","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"would understand that nothing comes out of you except a liquid. You just supply","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"me with the means of putting down on paper what I have in me; that's what I","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"write with. It's the pen that does the writing. Nobody doubts that, and most","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"people know as much about poetry as an old inkstand!\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"You haven't had much experience,\" retorted the Inkstand. \"You've hardly been","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"in service a week, and already you're half worn out. Do you imagine you're the","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"poet? Why, you're only a servant; I have had a great many like you before you","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"came, some from the goose family and some of English make. I'm familiar with","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"both quill pens and steel pens. Yes, I've had a great many in my service, and","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"I'll have many more when the man who goes through the motions for me comes to","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"write down what he gets from me. I'd be much interested in knowing what will be","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"the next thing he gets from me.\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"Inkpot!\" cried the Pen.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"Late that evening the Poet came home. He had been at a concert, had heard a","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"splendid violinist, and was quite thrilled with his marvelous performance. From","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"his instrument he had drawn a golden river of melody. Sometimes it had sounded","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"like the gentle murmur of rippling water drops, wonderful pearl-like tones,","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"sometimes like a chorus of twittering birds, sometimes like a tempest tearing","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"through mighty forests of pine. The Poet had fancied he heard his own heart","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"weep, but in tones as sweet as the gentle voice of a woman. It seemed as if the","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"music came not only from the strings of the violin, but from its sounding board,","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"its pegs, its very bridge. It was amazing! The selection had been extremely","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"difficult, but it had seemed as if the bow were wandering over the strings","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"merely in play. The performance was so easy that an ignorant listener might have","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"thought he could do it himself. The violin seemed to sound, and the bow to play,","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"of their own accord, and one forgot the master who directed them, giving them","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"life and soul. Yes, the master was forgotten, but the Poet remembered him. He","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"repeated his name and wrote down his thoughts.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"How foolish it would be for the violin and bow to boast of their achievements!","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"And yet we human beings often do so. Poets, artists, scientists, generals - we","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"are all proud of ourselves, and yet we're only instruments in the hands of our","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"Lord! To Him alone be the glory! We have nothing to be arrogant about.\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"Yes, that is what the Poet wrote down, and he titled his essay, \"The Master and","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"the Instruments.\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"That ought to hold you, madam,\" said the Pen, when the two were alone again.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"Did you hear him read aloud what I had written?\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"Yes, I heard what I gave you to write,\" said the Inkstand. \"It was meant for","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"you and your conceit. It's strange that you can't tell when anyone is making fun","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"of you. I gave you a pretty sharp cut there; surely I must know my own satire!\"","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"Inkpot!\" said the Pen.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"\"Scribble-stick!\" said the Inkstand.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"They were both satisfied with their answers, and it is a great comfort to feel","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"that one has made a witty reply - one sleeps better afterward. So they both went","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"to sleep.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"But the Poet didn't sleep. His thoughts rushed forth like the violin's tones,","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"falling like pearls, sweeping on like a storm through the forest. He understood","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"the sentiments of his own heart; he caught a ray of the light from the","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"everlasting Master.","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"To him alone be the glory!","book":"Pen and inkstand"} {"text":"There were two cocks– one on the dung-hill, the other on the roof. They were","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"both arrogant, but which of the two rendered most service? Tell us your opinion–","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"we'll keep to ours just the same though.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"The poultry yard was divided by some planks from another yard in which there","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"was a dung-hill, and on the dung-hill lay and grew a large cucumber which was","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"conscious of being a hot-bed plant.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"One is born to that,\" said the cucumber to itself. \"Not all can be born","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"cucumbers; there must be other things, too. The hens, the ducks, and all the","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"animals in the next yard are creatures too. Now I have a great opinion of","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"the yard cock on the plank; he is certainly of much more importance than the","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"weather-cock who is placed so high and can't even creak, much less crow. The","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"latter has neither hens nor chicks, and only thinks of himself and perspires","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"verdigris. No, the yard cock is really a cock! His step is a dance! His crowing","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"is music, and wherever he goes one knows what a trumpeter is like! If he would","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"only come in here! Even if he ate me up stump, stalk, and all, and I had to","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"dissolve in his body, it would be a happy death,\" said the cucumber.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"In the night there was a terrible storm. The hens, chicks, and even the cock","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"sought shelter; the wind tore down the planks between the two yards with a","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"crash; the tiles came tumbling down, but the weather-cock sat firm. He did not","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"even turn round, for he could not; and yet he was young and freshly cast, but","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"prudent and sedate. He had been born old, and did not at all resemble the birds","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"flying in the air– the sparrows, and the swallows; no, he despised them, these","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"mean little piping birds, these common whistlers. He admitted that the pigeons,","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"large and white and shining like mother-of-pearl, looked like a kind of weather-","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"cock; but they were fat and stupid, and all their thoughts and endeavours were","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"directed to filling themselves with food, and besides, they were tiresome things","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"to converse with. The birds of passage had also paid the weather-cock a visit","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"and told him of foreign countries, of airy caravans and robber stories that","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"made one's hair stand on end. All this was new and interesting; that is, for","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"the first time, but afterwards, as the weather-cock found out, they repeated","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"themselves and always told the same stories, and that's very tedious, and there","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"was no one with whom one could associate, for one and all were stale and small-","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"minded.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"The world is no good!\" he said. \"Everything in it is so stupid.\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"The weather-cock was puffed up, and that quality would have made him interesting","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"in the eyes of the cucumber if it had known it, but it had eyes only for the","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"yard cock, who was now in the yard with it.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"The wind had blown the planks, but the storm was over.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"What do you think of that crowing?\" said the yard cock to the hens and","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"chickens. \"It was a little rough– it wanted elegance.\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"And the hens and chickens came up on the dung-hill, and the cock strutted about","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"like a lord.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"Garden plant!\" he said to the cucumber, and in that one word his deep learning","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"showed itself, and it forgot that he was pecking at her and eating it up.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"A happy death!\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"The hens and the chickens came, for where one runs the others run too; they","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"clucked, and chirped, and looked at the cock, and were proud that he was of","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"their kind.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"Cock-a-doodle-doo!\" he crowed, \"the chickens will grow up into great hens at","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"once, if I cry it out in the poultry-yard of the world!\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"And hens and chicks clucked and chirped!","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"And the cock announced a great piece of news.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"A cock can lay an egg! And do you know what's in that egg? A basilisk. No one","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"can stand the sight of such a thing; people know that, and now you know it too–","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"you know what is in me, and what a champion of all cocks I am!\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"With that the yard cock flapped his wings, made his comb swell up, and crowed","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"again; and they all shuddered, the hens and the little chicks– but they were","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"very proud that one of their number was such a champion of all cocks. They","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"clucked and chirped till the weather-cock heard; he heard it; but he did not","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"stir.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"Everything is very stupid,\" the weather-cock said to himself. \"The yard cock","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"lays no eggs, and I am too lazy to do so; if I liked, I could lay a wind-egg.","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"But the world is not worth even a wind-egg. Everything is so stupid! I don't","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"want to sit here any longer.\"","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"With that the weather-cock broke off; but he did not kill the yard cock,","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"although the hens said that had been his intention. And what is the moral?","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"\"Better to crow than to be puffed up and break off!","book":"The farm-yard cock and the weather-cock"} {"text":"Alfred the sculptor - yes, you know him, don't you? We all know him; he was","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"awarded the gold medal, traveled to Italy, and came home again. He was young","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"then; in fact, he is still young, though he is ten years older than he was at","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"that time.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"After he returned home, he visited one of the little provincial towns on the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"island of Zealand. The whole village knew who the stranger was, and in his","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"honor one of the richest families gave a party. Everyone of any importance or","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"owning any property was invited. It was quite an event, and all the village","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"knew about it without its being announced by the town crier. Apprentice boys","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"and the children of poor people, and even some of their parents, stood outside","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"the house, looking at the lighted windows with their drawn curtains; and the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"watchman could imagine that he was giving the party, there were so many people","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"in his street. There was an air of festivity everywhere, and inside the house,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"too, for Mr. Alfred the sculptor was there.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"He talked and told stories, and everybody listened to him with pleasure and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"enthusiasm, but none more so than the elderly widow of a state official. As","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"far as Mr. Alfred was concerned, she was like a blank sheet of gray blotting","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"paper, absorbing everything that was said and demanding more. She was highly","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"susceptible and unbelievably ignorant-a sort of female Kaspar Hauser.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"I should love to see Rome!\" she said. \"It must be a wonderful city, with all","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"the many strangers continually arriving there. Now, do tell us what Rome is","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"like. How does the city look when you come in by the gate?\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"It is not easy to describe it,\" said the young sculptor. \"There's a great open","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"place, and in the middle of it there is an obelisk that is four thousand years","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"old.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"An organist!\" cried the lady, who had never heard the word \"obelisk.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Some of the guests could hardly keep from laughing, among them the sculptor,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"but the smile that rose to his lips quickly faded away, for he saw, close by","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"the lady, a pair of dark-blue eyes; they belonged to the daughter of the lady","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"who had been talking, and anyone with such a daughter could not really be silly!","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"The mother was like a fountain of questions, and the daughter, who listened","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"silently, might pass for the naiad of the fountain. How beautiful she was! She","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"was something for a sculptor to look at, but not to speak with, for indeed she","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"talked but very little.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Has the Pope a large family?\" asked the lady.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And the young man answered considerately, as if the question had been put","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"differently, \"No, he doesn't come of a very great family.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"That's not what I mean,\" said the lady. \"I mean, does he have a wife and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"children?\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"The Pope isn't allowed to marry,\" he replied.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"I don't approve of that,\" said the lady.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"She might well have talked and questioned him more intelligently, but if she","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"hadn't said and asked what she did, would her daughter have leaned so gracefully","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"on her shoulder, looking straight before her with an almost melancholy smile on","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"her lips?","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And Mr. Alfred told them of the glorious colors of Italy, the purple of the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"mountains, the blue of the Mediterranean, the blue of the southern skies, a","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"beauty that could only be surpassed in the North by the deep-blue eyes of a","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"maiden. This he said with peculiar meaning, but she who should have understood","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"it looked quite unconscious, and that, too, was charming!","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Ah, Italy!\" sighed some of the guests.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Traveling!\" sighed others.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Charming, charming!\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Well,\" said the widow, \"if I win fifty thousand dollars in the lottery, we'll","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"travel! My daughter and I. You Mr. Alfred, must be our guide. We'll all three","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"go, with just one or two good friends with us.\" Then she smiled in such a","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"friendly manner at the company that each of them could imagine he was the person","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"who would accompany them to Italy. \"Yes, we'll go to Italy! But not to the parts","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"where the robbers are; we'll stay in Rome and only travel by the great highways","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"where we'll be safe.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And the daughter sighed very gently. And how much may lie in one little sigh or","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"be read into it! The young man read a great deal into it. Those two blue eyes,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"bright that evening in his honor, must conceal treasures of heart and mind rarer","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"than all the glories of Rome! When he left the party, he had lost his heart-lost","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"it completely-to the young lady.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Now, the widow's house was where Mr. Alfred the sculptor could most frequently","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"be found. It was understood that his calls were not for the lady herself, though","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"he and she did all the talking; he really came for the sake of the daughter.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"They called her Kala. Her real name was Karen Malene, but the two names had been","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"contracted into the single name Kala. She was extremely, but some people said","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"she was rather dull and probably slept late in the mornings.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"She has been accustomed to that since childhood,\" said her mother. \"She is","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"as beautiful as Venus, and a beauty always tires easily. She does sleep rather","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"late, but that's what makes her eyes so bright.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"What a power there was in these clear eyes, these deep blue eyes! \"Still waters","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"run deep.\" The young man felt the truth of that proverb, and his heart sank into","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"the depths. He spoke of his adventures, and Mamma always asked the same naïve","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"and pertinent questions she had asked at their first meeting.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"It was a delight to hear Mr. Alfred speak. He told them of Naples, of trips to","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Mount Vesuvius, and showed them colored prints of some of the eruptions. The","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"widow had never heard of such things before, much less taken time to think about","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"them.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Mercy save us!\" she said. \"So that's a burning mountain! But isn't it dangerous","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"for the people who live there?\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Entire cities have been destroyed,\" he answered. \"For example, Pompeii and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Herculaneum.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Oh, the poor people! And you saw all that yourself?\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Well, no, I didn't see any of the eruptions shown in these pictures, but I'll","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"show you a drawing I made of an eruption I did see.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"He laid a pencil sketch on the table, and when Mamma, who had been studying","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"the highly colored prints, glanced at the black-and-white drawing, she cried in","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"amazement, \"When you saw it did it throw up white fire?\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"For a moment Alfred's respect for Kala's mamma nearly vanished; but then,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"dazzled by the light from Kala, he decided it was natural for the old lady to","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"have no eye for color. After all, it didn't matter, for Kala's mamma had the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"most wonderful thing of all-she had Kala herself.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And Alfred and Kala were engaged, which was inevitable, and the engagement was","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"announced in the town newspaper. Mamma brought thirty copies of the paper, so","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"she could cut out the announcement and send it to her friends. The betrothed","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"couple were happy, and the mamma-in-law-to-be was happy, too; she said it seemed","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"like being related to Thorvaldsen himself.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"At any rate, you are his successor,\" she told Alfred.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And it seemed to Alfred that Mamma had this time really said something clever.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Kala said nothing, but her eyes sparkled; her every gesture was graceful. Yes,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"she was beautiful; that cannot be repeated too often.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Alfred made busts of Kala and his future mamma-in-law; they sat for him and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"watched how he molded and smoothed the soft clay between his fingers.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"I suppose it's only for us that you do this common work,\" said Mamma-in-law-to-","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"be, \"and don't have your servant do all that dabbing together.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"No, I have to mold the clay myself,\" he explained.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Oh, yes, you're always so exceedingly polite,\" said Mamma, while Kala silently","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"pressed his hand, still soiled by the clay.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Then he unfolded to both of them the loveliness of nature in creation,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"explaining how the living stood higher in the scale than the dead, how the plant","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"was above the mineral, the animal above the plant, and man above the animal,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"how mind and beauty are united in outward form, and how it was the task of the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"sculptor to seize that beauty and imprison it in his works.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Kala sat silent and nodded approval of the thought, while Mamma-in-law","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"confessed, \"It's hard to follow all that. But my thoughts manage to hobble","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"slowly along after you; they whirl around, but I try to hold them fast.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And the power of Kala's beauty held Alfred fast, seizing him and mastering","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"him and filling his whole soul. There was beauty in Kala's every feature;","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"it sparkled in her eyes, lurked in the corners of her mouth and even in each","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"movement of her fingers. The sculptor saw this; he spoke only of her, thought","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"only of her, until the two became one. Thus it might be said that she also spoke","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"often, for he was always talking of her, and they two were one.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Such was the betrothal; and now came the wedding day, with bridesmaids and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"presents, all duly mentioned in the wedding speech.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Mamma-in-law had set up a bust of Thorvaldsen, attired in a dressing gown,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"at one end of the table, for it was her whim that he was to be a guest. There","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"were songs and toasts, for it was a gay wedding and they were a handsome pair.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Pygmalion gets his Galatea,\" one of the songs said.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"That is something from mythology!\" said Mamma-in-law.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Next day the young couple left for Copenhagen, where they were to live. Mamma-","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"in-law went with them, \"to give them a helping hand,\" she explained-which meant","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"to take charge of the house. Kala was to live in a doll's house. Everything was","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"so bright, new, and fine. There the three of them sat, and as for Alfred, to use","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"a proverb that describes his circumstances, he sat like the bishop in the goose","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"yard.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"The magic of form had fascinated him. He had regarded the case and had no","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"interest in learning what the case contained, and that is unfortunate, very","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"unfortunate, in married life! If the case breaks and the gilding rubs off, the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"purchaser may repent of his bargain. It is very embarrassing to discover in","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"a large party that one's suspender buttons are coming off and that one has no","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"belt to fall back on; but it is still worse to realize at a great party that","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"one's wife and mother-in-law are talking nonsense and that one cannot think of a","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"clever piece of wit to cover up the stupidity of it.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"The young couple often sat hand in hand, he speaking and she letting drop a word","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"now and then-with always the same melody, like a clock striking the same two or","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"three notes constantly. It was really a mental relief when one of her friends,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Sophie, came to visit them.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Sophie wasn't pretty. To be sure, she was not deformed; Kala always said she was","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"a little crooked, but no one but a female friend would have noticed that. She","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"was a very levelheaded girl and had no idea that she might ever become dangerous","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"here. Her visits brought a fresh breath of air into the doll's house, air that","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"they all agreed was certainly needed there. But they felt they needed more","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"airing, so they came out into the air, and Mamma-in-law and the young couple","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"traveled to Italy.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Thank heaven we are back in our own home again!\" said both mother and daughter","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"when they and Alfred returned home a year later.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Traveling is no fun,\" said Mamma-in-law. \"On the contrary, it's very tiring;","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"pardon me for saying so. I found the time dragged, even though I had my children","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"with me; and it is expensive, very expensive, to travel. All those galleries you","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"have to see, and all the things you have to look at! You must do it for self-","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"protection, because when you get back people are sure to ask you about them; and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"then they're sure to tell you that you've missed the most worth-while things. I","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"got so tired at last of those everlasting Madonnas; I thought I would turn into","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"a Madonna myself!\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"And the food one gets!\" said Kala.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Yes,\" agreed Mamma. \"Not even a dish of honest meat soup! It is awful the way","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"they cook!\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"And Kala had become tired from traveling; she was always tired; that was the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"trouble. Sophie came to live with them, and her presence was a real help.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Mamma-in-law had to admit that Sophie understood both housekeeping and art,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"though you would hardly have expected a knowledge of the last from a person","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"of her modest background. Moreover, she was honest and loyal; she showed that","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"clearly when Kala lay sick, fading away.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"If the case is everything, that case should be strong, or it is all over. And it","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"was all over with the case-Kala died.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"She was so beautiful,\" said Mamma. \"She was very different from the antiques,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"because they're all so damaged. Kala was completely perfect, just as a beauty","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"should be.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Alfred wept and the Mother wept, and both went into mourning. The black dresses","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"became Mamma very well, so she wore her mourning the longer. Moreover, she","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"soon experienced another grief, when she saw Alfred marry again. And he married","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"Sophie, who had no looks at all!","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"He has gone from one extreme to the other!\" said Mamma-in-law. \"Gone from the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"most beautiful to the ugliest! How could he forget his first wife! Men have no","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"constancy. Now, my husband was entirely different, and he died before I did.\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"Pygmalion got his Galatea,\" said Alfred. \"Yes, that's what the wedding song","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"said. I really fell in love with a beautiful statue, which came to life in my","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"arms, but the soul mate that heaven sends down to us, one of its angels who","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"can comfort and sympathize with and uplift us, I have not found or won till","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"now. You came to me, Sophie, not in the glory of superficial beauty - but fair","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"enough, prettier than was necessary. The most important thing is still the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"most important. You came to teach a sculptor that his work is only clay and","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"dust, only the outward form in a fabric that passes away, and that we must","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"seek the spirit within. Poor Kala! Ours was but a wayfarer's life. In the next","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"world, where we shall come together through sympathy, we shall probably be half","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"strangers to each other.","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"\"That was not spoken kindly,\" said Sophie, \" not like a true Christian. In the","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"next world, where there is no marriage, but where, as you say, souls find each","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"other through sympathy, where everything beautiful is developed and elevated,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"her soul may attain such completeness that it may resound far more melodiously","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"than mine. Then you will again utter the first exciting cry of your love,","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"'Beautiful, beautiful!'\"","book":"\"Beautiful\""} {"text":"This is a story of the sand dunes of Jutland, but it doesn't begin there; no, it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"begins far away to the south, in Spain. The ocean is the highway between the two","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"countries. So now let your thoughts journey to Spain!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It is warm there, and it is beautiful. The fiery red pomegranate blossoms grow","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"among the dark laurels; a refreshing wind from the mountains breathes over the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"orange gardens and the graceful Moorish palaces with golden cupolas and colored","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"walls. Children walk in procession through the streets, carrying torches and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"waving banners, while high above them stars sparkle in the clear arching vault","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of heaven. Song and castanets can be heard; young men and girls dance under the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"blossoming acacias, while the beggar lies on a carved marble block, quenches","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his thirst with a juicy watermelon, and dozes his life away. It is all like a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beautiful dream; give yourself up to it. Yes, as did the young married couple,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to whom had been granted all the choicest of earthly blessings - health, beauty,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"good nature, riches, and honor.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"We are as happy as anyone could ever be!\" they said, with full conviction in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"their hearts. Yet they had one step higher to go to attain complete happiness,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and that would be reached when God would give them a child, a son in their own","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"image, body and soul. That blessed child would be welcomed with jubilance, cared","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for with the utmost love and tenderness, and be surrounded by all the luxuries","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that riches and an influential family can provide.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Meanwhile the days glided past, each like a holiday.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Life is a precious gift of love, almost too great to understand,\" said the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wife. \"And just to think that this fullness of bliss shall still increase and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"grow, in another life, throughout eternity. I can hardly conceive of it!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"And it certainly also shows the arrogance of people,\" said her husband. \"It","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"really shows a terrible conceit when people persuade themselves to think they'll","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"live forever - become as God! Were these not the words of the serpent, the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"master of lies?\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"You surely don't doubt that there is a life after this, do you?\" asked his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"young wife, and it was as if a shadow passed through their sunlit thoughts for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the first time.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Faith promises it, I know, and the priests tell us it is so,\" said the young","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"man. \"But, happy as I am now, I feel and know that it is only pride, an arrogant","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"thought that demands another life after this - an extension of this happiness.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Haven't we been granted enough in this life, so that we could and should be","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"satisfied?\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Yes, that has been given us,\" said the young wife, \"but how many thousands find","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"this life a heavy trail! How many have been thrown into this world only to find","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"poverty, shame, sickness, and misfortune! No, if there were no afterlife, the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"blessings on this earth would be too unequally divided - our God would not be a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"God of justice!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"The beggar down on the street has pleasures just as dear to him as the king","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"enjoys in his splendid palace,\" said the young man. \"And what about the poor","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beast of burden that is beaten and starved and works itself to death? Doesn't","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it sense the bitterness of its miserable life? Why shouldn't it too demand an","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"afterlife, and call it unfair that it wasn't granted the advantages of a higher","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"creation?\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Christ told us, 'In my Father's house are many mansions,' \" answered the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"young wife. \"The Kingdom of Heaven is as infinite as God's love. The animal","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"is His creation too, and I don't believe that any single life will be lost,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but that each will be granted the greatest share of happiness it is capable of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"receiving.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"But this world is good enough for me now,\" said the young man, as he slipped","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his arm around his lovely, amiable wife and smoked a cigarette on the open","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"balcony, where the cool air was heavy with the fragrance of orange blossoms","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and carnations. Songs and the clicking of castanets came from the street, while","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the stars glittered high above, and two eyes full of love - his wife's eyes -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gazed on him with the expression of eternal love. \"A moment like this,\" he said,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"makes being born well worth while - just to experience such a moment - and then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"vanish,\" he said smiling, while his wife shook her finger reprovingly. And the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"cloud soon passed; they were much too happy.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Everything that happened seemed only to add to their happiness and well-being.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"A change came, but it was only a change of place, not a change that diminished","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"their happiness and enjoyment of life. The young man was appointed by the King","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to be ambassador to the court of imperial Russia, a post of great honor, such","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as his birth and ability well fitted him to occupy. He had a great fortune of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his own, and his young wife's wealth was equal to his, for she was the daughter","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of the richest and most respected merchant. And since one of her father's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"largest and finest ships would sail this year to Stockholm, it was arranged that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the dear children, the daughter and the son-in-law, would travel on it to St.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Petersburg. Everything was royally fitted out for the voyage, with soft carpets","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"underfoot and silken splendor everywhere.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"There is an old heroic ballad familiar to all Danes, called \"The King of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"England's Son.\" He also goes to sea in a splendid ship, with its anchor inlaid","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with pure gold and every rope woven of silk. The ship of the Spanish merchant","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"might have reminded one of this vessel, for the magnificence was similar, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the farewell thoughts were very much the same:","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"God grant that we meet with joy again!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The parting was brief, for a fair wind blew briskly off the Spanish coast. They","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hoped to reach their destination in a few weeks. But as soon as they were well","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"out at sea the wind died down to rest. The ocean grew smooth, and the waters","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"reflected the glittering light of the stars of heaven. There were festive","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"evenings in their richly appointed cabin.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"At last they wished the wind would rise again, to speed them on their voyage.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But every wind that arose came from the wrong direction. Weeks went by; two","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"whole months passed, in fact, before the wind blew in their favor, from the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"southwest.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They were somewhere between Scotland and Jutland, when the west wind burst","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"forth, just as in the old ballad, \"The King of England's Son\":","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"While the sky was dark and the wind blew,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And there was neither port nor land in view,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They cast their anchor, but to no avail;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They were blown to Denmark by a west wind gale.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"This occurred a long time ago. King Christian VII, still a young man, then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sat on the throne of Denmark. Much has happened since then; there have been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"many changes and innovations. Lakes and swamps have become green meadows,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"while heaths have been plowed into useful land. And in the shelter of the West","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jutlander's house there now grow apple trees and roses, but you must seek these","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"out, for they hide from the sharp west wind.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Still, it is easy to imagine yourself back in times more remote than even the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"reign of Christian VII, for now, as then, the brown heath of Jutland stretches","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for miles with its barrows, its mirages, its winding, rough, sandy roads. To the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"west, where broad streams of water flow into the fiords, there are marshes and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"meadows, encircled by the high sand hills which rise up toward the sea like an","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Alpine chain with jagged summits, broken only by high banks of clay. From these","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the waves eat off giant mouthfuls year after year, so that the edges and summits","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"topple down as though shaken by an earthquake. That's how it looks today, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that's how it looked many years ago, when the happy couple sailed past it in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"their splendid ship.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was a bright, sunshiny Sunday in late September; the peals of the church","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bells extended to one another all along the Nissum Fiord. The churches there are","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"like immense stones, each like a piece of rock mountain; the North Sea itself","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"might wash over them, and they would still stand firm. Most of them have no","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"towers, their bells hanging out in the open air between two wooden beams.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The services had ended, and the congregation emerged from the House of God into","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the churchyard where then, as now, there grew neither tree nor shrub. No plants,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"flowers, or wreaths adorned the graves; only rough hillocks showed where the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dead had been buried, while sharp grass, beaten flat by the wind, covered the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"whole cemetery. Here and there a single grave still has a tombstone, perhaps a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"moldering log, cut in the shape of a coffin. These are pieces of driftwood from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the forests of West Jutland. The wild sea provides the shore dwellers with many","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hewn planks, cast upon the coast. But the wind and salt sea spray soon wear away","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"these monuments.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One of these blocks had been placed on the grave of child, to which a young","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"woman came from the church. She stopped and gazed down at the rotted wood;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"shortly her husband joined her. They spoke no word; presently he took her hand,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and together they walked away from the grave, on over the brown heath and over","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the moor toward the sand dunes. For a long time they walked in silence.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"That was a good sermon today,\" said the man. \"If we didn't have our Lord we","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"would have nothing.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" replied his wife, \"He sends us happiness and sorrow. He has a right to.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Our little boy would have been five years old tomorrow if we had been allowed to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"keep him.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"It does no good to grieve,\" said the man. \"He is much better off there than","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"here; he is where we pray to go.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They said no more, but passed on silently toward their home among the sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dunes. Suddenly, from one of these, where there was no grass to hold the sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"down, it looked as if a column of heavy smoke were rising; it was really a gust","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of wind boring into the bank and whirling the fine particles of sand into the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"air. A second gust followed, so strong that the strings of fish hung on the line","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rattled against the walls of the house; but it lasted for only a moment; then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all was quiet again, and the sun shone warmly.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The man and his wife went into their house, quickly changed from their Sunday","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"clothes, and then hurried across the dunes, which looked like enormous waves of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand suddenly frozen in motion. The sea reed and the bluish green of the sharp","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dune grass alone relieved the monotony of the white sand. A couple of neighbors","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"appeared, and all helped in pulling the boats higher up on the sandy shore,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"while the wind steadily strengthened and blew bitingly cold. When they returned","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"across the dunes the waves were lifting their whitecaps; sand and sharp pebbles","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"were beating into their faces, and the wind cut off the top ridges of some of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the dunes, breaking them into sand showers.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Evening came, and a swelling sound filled the air; there was a howling and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wailing like a host of despairing spirits, and even though the fisherman's hut","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lay near the shore, the noise of the wind drowned the roar of the sea. The sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"drifted against the windowpanes, and every now and then there came a violent","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gust of wind that seemed to shake the house to its very foundation. It was a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dark evening; the moon would not rise until nearly midnight.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The air cleared a little, but the storm was now raging with all its fury over","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the deep, black ocean. The fisherman and his wife had long since gone to bed,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but in such weather it was impossible to close an eye.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Suddenly there was a tap at the window; the door was pushed open, and someone","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"said, \"A large ship is stranded on the outer reef!\" In a moment the man and his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wife were out of bed and dressing themselves hurriedly.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The moon was up now, and it would have been light enough to see had it not been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for the flying sand which forced eyes to squint. Only with great difficulty,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"waiting for each lull and creeping a little farther between gusts, could they","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"make their way across the sand dunes. And now, like swan's-down in the air,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"salty white foam flew in from the sea, as it hurled its waves against the coast","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in boiling fury.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Only a long-experienced eye could have distinguished the ship way out there;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it was a splendid two-master. At that very instant it was lifted over the reef,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"three or four cable's lengths off the usual channel; it drove on toward land,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"struck against the second reef, and there stuck fast.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was impossible to send any help, for the sea was far too tumultuous; waves","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"broke over the entire vessel. They imagined hearing screams of terror, the cries","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of death agony; they could see the aimless rushing to and fro on board; it was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all hopeless, helpless. Now a wave like a thundering avalanche crashed down","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on the bowsprit, and then it disappeared. The stern rose high above the water,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and two people could be seen leaping from it into the sea; they disappeared -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a moment more - and a tremendous wave thundering toward the dunes flung a body","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on the shore. It was a woman, and surely she was dead! A couple of women who","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"quickly gathered around her believed she showed signs of life, and carried her","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"over the dunes to the fisherman's cottage. How beautiful and dainty she was! -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"no doubt a lady of rank.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They laid her in the fisherman's humble bed; there was no linen to wrap her in,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"only a woolen blanket; but at least this was warm and comfortable. She breathed,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but she was in a high fever. She had no idea where she was or what had happened;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"perhaps this was just as well, for all that was dear to her now lay at the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bottom of the ocean; they had met the same fate as those sung of in the ballad","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"about \"The King of England's Son\":","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"A sorrowful sight it was to all;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The ship was broken into pieces small!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Many bits of the wreck were driven ashore, but the lady alone survived of all","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the voyagers. Still the wind howled and wailed along the coast.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"For a few minutes she seemed to rest, but then came screams of pain and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fear. Her beautiful eyes opened, and she spoke a few words, but no one could","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"understand her. At last, after hours of suffering and struggles, there nestled","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in her arms a tiny, newborn child.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"That child was to have rested under silken curtains in a beautiful home, was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to have been welcomed to a life full of this world's riches; but our Lord had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"willed that he should be born in this humble hut; and not so much as one kiss","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was he to receive from the lips of his mother!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The fisherman's wife placed the baby against its mother's heart, a heart that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beat no longer - she was dead. And the child who was to have been brought up in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"luxury and pleasure had been hurled headlong into life, tossed by the sea among","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the sand dunes, there to experience the lot of a poor man, and weary and dark","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"days.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And always the old song comes to our mind:","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"On the King's son's cheek there was a tear","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Pray, Christ, I reach Bovbjerg; then I shan't fear!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"If only I had come to Herr Bugge's Strand;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Then no knight nor squire of any band","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Would have dared against me lift a hand.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The ship had been wrecked a little to the south of the Nissum Fiord, on the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"very shore that Herr Bugge had once called his own. The hard, cruel times of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"ballad, when the dwellers on the western coast treated castaways so inhumanly,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had long passed. The shipwrecked were now treated with love and kindness, as","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they are in our own time. The dying mother and the unfortunate child would have","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"been treated with the utmost care and tenderness, wherever the storm had driven","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"them; but nowhere could they have received more sincere kindness than in the hut","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of that poor fisherwoman who, only yesterday, had stood with a sorrowful heart","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beside the grave of her child who, if God had allowed him to live, would today","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"have completed his fifth year.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"No one knew the identity of the dead woman or from where she had come. The","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"broken fragments of the wrecked ship brought no explanation.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"No letter or news of the daughter and son-in-law was ever received at the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rich merchant's house in Spain. They could not have reached their destination,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"considering the violent storms that had raged for the last few weeks. For","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"months they waited, before admitting to themselves the sad truth: \"All lost! All","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"perished!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But in the hut of the fisherman near the sand dunes of Hunsby there was now a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"tiny infant.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Where God provides food for two there is sure to be enough for a third; and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"near the sea there is always at least a plate of fish for hungry mouths. They","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"christened the little one Jörgen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Surely he must be a Jewish child,\" people said; \"his skin is so dark.\" -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"He may just as easily be Italian or Spanish,\" said the clergyman. To the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fisherman's wife all three races seemed very much the same, but it was a great","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"comfort to her to know that at least the child was really a baptized Christian.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The boy thrived, his noble blood sustaining warmth and gaining strength from the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"poor fare, as he grew in that humble hut; the Danish language, as spoken in West","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jutland, became his own language. The pomegranate seed from Spain had become a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sea-grass plant on Jutland's western coast, and in this home, so foreign to his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"inheritance, he took root for the rest of his life. He was to experience hunger","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and cold, a poor man's wants and troubles, but also he was to know a poor man's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"pleasures.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"For everyone childhood has its high lights, and the memories of these sparkle","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"throughout one's whole life. What a full share of play and pleasure he had!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"All the miles of shore were strewn with playthings for him; it was a mosaic","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of pebbles, red as coral, yellow as amber, or white and round as birds' eggs,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all bright with colors, and smooth and polished by the sea. Even the dried-out","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"skeleton of a fish, the water plants, dried by the wind, or the shiny, white","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seaweed, long and narrow like strings fluttering among the rocks, were a delight","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to eye and heart. The boy was a wide-awake child, full of ability. How he could","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"remember all the old stories or songs he had ever heard! And how clever he was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with his fingers! He could make sailing ships out of stones and shells or draw","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"pictures that were quite an ornament to the room. He could \"carve his thoughts","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"out of a stick,\" as his foster mother said, when he was still only a little boy,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and his voice was so sweet and caught the strain of a melody so quickly! That","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little heart was attuned to many fine harmonies which might have rung throughout","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the world if he had been placed in a less narrow home than the fisherman's hut","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"near the North Sea.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One day a box of rare flower bulbs drifted ashore after a shipwreck. Some were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"taken out and made into soup, with the idea that they might be good to eat;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"others were just left to rot in the sand and never fulfilled their destiny,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"never unfolded the glorious beauty of form and color that lay hidden within","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"them. Would such be the case with Jörgen? Life was soon over for the flower","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bulbs, but he still had many years to live and struggle.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It never occurred either to him or his foster parents that their lives were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lonely and monotonous; days went by, and there was plenty to do and hear and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"see. The ocean itself was a great book of lessons; every day it seemed to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"turn over a new page, storm or calm. A shipwreck was an exciting event. The","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"visit to the church was a festive event. Twice a year the fisherman's hut had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a visitor, and a very welcome one. This was the eel seller from Fjaltring, up","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"near Bovbjerg, who was the brother of Jörgen's foster mother. He came with a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"red wagon full of eels; it was shut up like a box, and had blue and white tulips","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"painted on it. It was drawn by two black oxen, and Jörgen was permitted to drive","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"them.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The eel man had a good head on him. He was a jolly guest; he always brought a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little keg of schnapps, and everyone had a drink of it, sometimes from a coffee","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"cup, if there were not enough glasses. Even Jörgen, little as he was, had a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"thimbleful; that was so he could digest the fat eels, said the eel man. Then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he would tell them his old story, and whenever he heard people laugh at it, he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"always repeated it at once, to the very same people, as all talkative folks do.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And as Jörgen used phrases from this story throughout his youth and later in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"life, we had better listen to it.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"The eels played out in the river, and Mother Eel said to her daughters, when","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they had begged for permission to explore a little way up the stream, 'Don't go","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"too far! The wicked man with his spear will come and catch you all!' But they","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"did go too far, and of the eight of them only three returned to their mother and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wailed out their story, 'We had only gone a little distance beyond the door when","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the ugly man with the spear came and stabbed our five sisters to death!'","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'They'll come back,' said the eel mother.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'No,' said the daughters. 'For he skinned them and cut them into bits and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fried them.'","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'They'll surely come back,' said the eel mother.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'Yes, but he ate them!'","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'Still they'll come back,' said the eel mother.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'But he drank schnapps afterwards!' said the daughters.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\" 'Oh, my! Oh my!' howled the eel mother. 'Then they'll never return! For","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"schnapps drowns eels!'","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"And for that very reason people should always take a little schnapps after","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"eating them,\" finished the eel spearer.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And this story ran like a thread of gold tinsel - his most humorous recollection","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"- through the web of Jörgen's life. He too wanted to go past the threshold, \"a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little way up the river,\" or rather out into the wide world in a ship; but his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"foster mother objected, just as Mother Eel had objected, \"There are so many","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wicked men with spears.\" He longed to go a little past the sand dunes into the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"heath. And at last he did for four pleasant days, the brightest of his whole","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"childhood; and he saw all of Jutland's happy, homelike beauty and sunshine. He","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"went to a party; it was a funeral party.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"A wealthy relative of the fisherman had died; his farm was far inland, \"to the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"east, a bit northerly,\" as the saying goes. Jörgen's foster parents had to go,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and they took him with them. They passed from the dunes over heath and swamp","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to the green pastures where the Skjaerum River hollows out its bed - that brook","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"full of eels, where lived Mother Eel and her daughters whom the wicked people","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"speared and cut in pieces. And hadn't men often acted just as cruelly toward","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"their fellow men? The good knight, Sir Bugge, whose name lives in the old song,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was murdered by wicked men; and, though he himself was called \"good,\" he is","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"said to have come very close to slaying the architect who built his castle, with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"its tower and thick walls, on the slope where the brook Skjaerum falls into the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Nissum Fiord, just where Jörgen now stood with his foster parents. The ramparts","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and the red crumbling fragments of the walls could still be seen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was here that Sir Bugge, after the architect had left, ordered one of his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"men to follow him. \"Say to him, 'Master, the tower leans to one side.' And if","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he turns and looks to find out, you must slay him and take from him the money","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"I have paid him; but if he turns not, let him depart in peace.\" The man obeyed,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but the architect did not turn; rather did he answer clearly and boldly. \"The","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"tower does not lean, for I have built it well; but one day a man shall come","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"from the West in a blue cloak, and he shall make it lean.\" And a hundred years","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"later this came to pass, for the North Sea broke in and the tower collapsed; but","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Predbjörn Gyldenstjerne, who owned the castle at that time, built a new mansion","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on the slope higher up; this is still standing, and is called Nörre Vosborg.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen and his foster parents had to pass this place, so now he saw this and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"other spots that he had heard stories about in the long winter evenings. He saw","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the castle, with its double moats choked with trees and bushes, and its rampart","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"overhung with bracken. But the loveliest sight to him were the tall lime trees","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that reached right up to the roof and filled the air with fragrance. In the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"northwest corner of the garden stood a large bush bearing flowers as white as","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"snow - they seemed strange to him among the green leaves of summer. It was an","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"elderbush, the first he had seen blooming; that bush and the lime trees were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"stored safely away throughout the years in a corner of his mind, a bit of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fragrance and beauty of Denmark, \"kept to delight the old man.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The journey continued and became still more pleasant; for outside Nörre Vosborg,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"where they had found the flowering elderbush, they met other people who were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"also going to the funeral, and drove on with them. Of course, all three of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"them had to sit on a little wooden chest with iron trimmings at the rear of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the carriage, but they decided even that was better than walking. The carriage","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rolled away over the rough hillocks of the heath, and the oxen that drew it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"stopped to graze whenever a patch of fresh grass appeared among the heather.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The sun shone warmly, and they saw the strange sight of rising smoke in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"distance, as transparent as though beams of light were rolling and dancing over","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the heath. \"That is Loki driving his flock,\" people said, and that was enough","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"explanation for Jörgen. He felt as though he were driving right into fairyland -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and yet everything was real! And how still it all was about them!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The heath spread out before them, a wide, rich carpet, with the heather in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"blossom. Mingled with the dark green juniper and fresh oak shoots, it studded","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the ground as if with bouquets. This was an inviting place to throw oneself","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"down, if it were not for the many poisonous snakes people said were there. And","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"people spoke too of the wolves that used to be found there so often that the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"district was known as Ulvborg Herred. The old man who was driving the wagon told","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"them how, in his father's day, the horses often had fierce battles with wild","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beasts since exterminated, and how one morning he found a horse trampling on a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wolf he had slain, while his own legs were quite bare of flesh which had been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gnawed off in the struggle.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The wagon rolled too quickly over the rough heath and through the deep sand.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They reached the house of mourning, where they found many strangers inside and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"outside; many wagons stood side by side, with their horses or oxen turned out to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seek meager pasture; from the back of the house great sand dunes, like those at","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"home near the sea, extended far and wide. How could they be here? It was twelve","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"miles into the country, yet they were as tall and large as those by the shore.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The wind had lifted them up and blown them here; they too had a history.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Psalms were sung, and a few of the older people wept, but aside from this,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"everything was very pleasant, Jörgen thought. There was plenty to eat and drink;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the finest fat eels, with schnapps afterwards \"to settle the eels,\" as the eel","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seller had said. And his words were certainly carried out at this gathering.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen went in and out of the house, and by the third day he was as thoroughly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"at home there as in the fisherman's hut among his own sand dunes, where he had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"spent all his life. But the heath here was far more beautiful, with its myriads","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of brilliant blossoms and luscious sweet bilberries, growing so thickly that if","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"one stepped on them, the ground became stained with their red juice. Here lay an","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"old viking grave, and near it lay another. When the mysterious columns of mist","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"curled upward through the calm air, they said, \"The heath is on fire.\" It shone","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"brightest toward evening.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But the fourth day came at last and brought the end of the wake; it was time to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"return from the inland sand dunes to the coastal sand dunes.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Ours are the real ones after all,\" said the father. \"These have no strength.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Then they talked about the sand dunes, and how they came to be here, and this","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was very interesting. The peasants found a corpse on the shore and buried it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in the churchyard; then the sand began to fly about, and the sea broke in with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"violence. A wise man of the parish advised that the grave be opened, for if the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"stranger were found sucking his thumb, they could then be sure that he whom they","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had buried was a merman, and that the sea would not rest till it had fetched him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"back. So they opened the grave, and sure enough, the dead man lay with his thumb","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"between his lips. He was quickly laid on a cart drawn by two oxen, and as though","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"stung by hornets they rushed with him over heath and moor to the sea. That","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"stopped the shower of flying sand, but the dunes that it formed are still there.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"That was what Jörgen learned and carried away with him from the happiest days of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his childhood - those four days at the funeral party.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"How wonderful it was, he thought, to go out into the world and see new places","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and new people! And he was to go still farther away. Before he had finished his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fourteenth year - he was still a child - he did actually go out to look at he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"world, through the eyes of a cabin boy. Now he had to endure bad weather, rough","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seas, and evil men; scanty fare, cold nights, the rope's end, and blows from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a hard fist - yes, such were his experiences. There was something in his noble","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Spanish blood that continually boiled over and brought hot words to his lips. He","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"soon learned it was wisest to restrain them, but in doing so, he felt somewhat","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as the eel must feel when it is skinned, cut up, and tossed into the frying pan.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"I shall return again!\" said a voice within him.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Now the ship touched at the Spanish coast, the home of Jörgen's parents, in fact","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"at the very town where they used to live in splendor and happiness. But he knew","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"nothing of his homeland or his relatives, and even less did his family know of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"him. The shabby cabin boy was not even permitted to go ashore while the others","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"went; but on the last day it happened that some provisions had been bought, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen was told to carry them on board.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"There stood Jörgen in his wretched clothes that looked as if they had been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"washed in a ditch and dried in a chimney; this was the first time that he,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the dweller of the sand dunes, had ever seen a great city. How tall the houses","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"were, how narrow the streets, swarming with human beings constantly rushing to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and fro, a regular whirlpool of townspeople and farmers, monks and soldiers -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a clamor, a screaming, a jangling of bells from asses and mules, a clanging of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bigger bells from the churches - song and musical instruments - knocking and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hammering, for every tradesman seemed to have his shop either on his threshold","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"or on the sidewalk. And all the while the hot sun burned down, and the air was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"heavy. It was as if one had entered a bake oven full of beetles, cockchafers,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bees, and flies, all humming and buzzing with all their might; Jörgen hardly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"knew if he were walking or standing still.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Suddenly he saw before him the mighty portals of a cathedral, with lights","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"streaming out through the twilight of the colonnades, and the fragrance of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"incense saluting him. Even the poorest beggar in rags could venture to climb","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"those stairs and enter. The sailor who had taken Jörgen ashore went into the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"church; Jörgen followed, and soon he stood in the sanctuary. Colored pictures","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"glowed out from golden backgrounds; amid flowers and candles at the altar he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beheld the Blessed Virgin holding the Holy Child; priests in their vestments","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"were chanting, while pretty choirboys swung silver censers. What magnificence","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he saw there! All this glory and beauty, streaming into Jörgen's soul, nearly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"overpowered him. The church and the faith of his fathers surrounded him and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"awakened a chord in his soul, causing tears to come to his eyes.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"From the cathedral they proceeded to the market. A heavy load of provisions","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was piled upon him. It was a long way back, and when he grew tired he wanted to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rest in front of a large and splendid palace decorated with statues and marble","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"pillars, with broad steps. But as he rested his burden against the wall a porter","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dressed in gold lace bustled out, waving a silver-headed cane, and drove him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"away - him, the grandson of that house! But no one knew it, himself least of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And so he returned to the ship and accepted, as before, his share of cuffs,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"broken slumbers, and hard work. Such was his first experience in life! \"It is","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth,\" they say: \"Yes, if he makes up","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for it in old age.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"When the term of his signing on was ended, and the ship was anchored in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Ringkjöbing Fiord, he went home to the Hunsby sand dunes. But his foster mother","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was dead - she had died during his voyage.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"A hard winter followed, with snowstorms raging over sea and land. It was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"difficult to get from one place to another. How differently are things divided","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in this life. Here were icy cold and driving snowstorms, while in Spain the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sun burned too fiercely. And yet one clear frosty day, while Jörgen watched","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the swans flying from the ocean across the Nissum Fiord toward Nörre Vosborg,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he felt that here, in the northern land, he could breathe more freely. And","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Denmark had its beauty of summer too; he imagined he could see the heath with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"its flowers and ripe, juicy berries, while the lime trees and elderbush of Nörre","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Vosborg stood blooming before him. He must go back there again.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was toward spring, and the fishing began. Jörgen helped, for he had grown","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"during the last year; he was quick and alert at his work, and there was no lack","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of spirit in him. He could swim and tread water, turn over and tumble in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"water. The often warned him to beware of the mackerel shoals, which, it is said,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seize the best swimmer, drag him down into the water, and eat him - that would","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"be the end of him. But that never happened to Jörgen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Among his neighbors on the sand dunes was boy named Morten. He and Jörgen had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"become good friends, and now they shipped out together on a vessel bound for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Norway. Afterwards, they went to Holland together. They had never quarreled,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but when one is hot-blooded by nature, one can easily start something; and that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen did one day, over nothing. They were sitting together, behind the cabin","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"door, eating off the same clay dish, when Jörgen, who held his pocket knife in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his hand, raised it toward Morten with a threatening gesture, his cheeks deadly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"pale and his eyes blazing with fury. But Morten only said, \"So you're the sort","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"who uses a knife!\" At those words Jörgen's hand was lowered; he said no word,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but finished his dinner and went off to work Morten and said, \"Hit me in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"face! I deserve it. There's something in me that's always boiling over.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Oh, forget it,\" said Morten, and they became better friends than ever.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"When they had returned home to the sand dunes, and people heard the story of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"this quarrel, they said that Jörgen was like a pot that easily boiled over, but","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that he was an honest pot, anyway.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"But he's no Jutlander. No one can call him a Jutland pot,\" was Morten's witty","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"answer.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They were both young and healthy, well built, and with strong limbs. Jörgen was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the more active.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Up in Norway the peasants go into the mountains and take their cattle there to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"find pasture. On the western coast of Jutland, the fisherman build huts among","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the sand dunes. They build them with planks from shipwrecks, and cover them","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"over with heath and turf; here the fishermen live and sleep during the early","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"spring. Each fisherman has a girl as a servant - she is called his aesepige;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"she supplies the bait for the hooks, must be ready on the wharf with warm ale","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to refresh him, and cooks his food when he returns to his hut, tired and hungry.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The girls carry the fish up from the boat, cut it up, and, in short, have plenty","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to do.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen, his foster father, a few other fishermen, and their girls had a hut","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"together; Morten lived in the next hut.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One of the girls, named Elsa, had known Jörgen ever since they were both little","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"children; they were quite fond of each other and always happy to be together.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They were much alike in disposition, but quite different in appearance, for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen was very dark-complexioned, while her skin was white, her hair as yellow","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as flax, and her eyes as blue as the sea on a sunny day.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One day Elsa and Jörgen were walking together, and Jörgen was holding her hand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in a warm, fervent grasp, when she said to him, \"Jörgen, I want to unburden my","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"heart to you. Let me be your aesepige, instead of Morten's. I know he has hired","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"me, but you're like a brother to me, and Morten - he and I are sweethearts. But","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"now, don't go and tell everybody else about it!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen felt as if the sand dunes were whirling beneath him. He didn't say a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"word; he only nodded - and that was the same as saying, \"Yes.\" This was all that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was necessary to make him feel a bitter hatred in his heart for Morten. The more","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he thought about it, the clearer he realized that Morten had robbed him of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"only creature he loved. Never before had he understood his own feelings toward","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Elsa, and now all hope of winning her for himself was gone.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"When the fishermen are returning home over a fairly rough sea, it is interesting","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to see how the boats pass over the sand reefs. One man stands upright while the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rest watch him, sitting with their oars ready to use the moment he signals that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a great wave is coming which will lift the boat over the reef. It comes, and the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"vessel is tossed up so that its very keel can be seen from the shore; in another","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"moment the entire boat vanishes from sight and neither boat, men, nor mast","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"can be seen - you might imagine the ocean has swallowed everything up; another","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"moment, and the boat reappears, crawling up the wave like a mighty sea monster,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"its oars moving like the creature's legs. The second and third reefs are crossed","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in the same way, and then the fisherman spring into shallow water and drag their","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"boat ashore. Every wave helps them, until finally they have it beyond the reach","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of the breakers. But the slightest mistake in the signal when passing those","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"reefs, the delay of a moment, and they would be shipwrecked.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"It would soon be all over with me and Morten too, if that happened,\" came into","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen's mind out at sea. They were approaching the outer reef when his foster","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"father suddenly became seriously ill; the fever had seized him. Jörgen jumped","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"up and stood in the bow. \"Father, let me take your place!\" he said; and his eyes","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"moved from Morten to the sea, and from the sea back to Morten, as the oars swung","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on with the steady strokes, and the great wave rolled toward them. Then suddenly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his look fell on the pale face of his foster father, and he could not obey his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wicked impulse. The boat crossed the reefs in safety, and in safety they came","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"ashore. But that evil thought still lurked in Jörgen's heart and roused every","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little fiber of bitterness that he remembered from his childhood days; but he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"could not weave the fibers together, so he dismissed it all from his mind.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He felt that Morten had robbed him, and that was reason enough to hate him. Some","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of the fishermen noticed the change in Jörgen, but Morten himself saw nothing;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he was just the same as ever, ready to help and eager to talk - in fact, a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little too much of the latter.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen's foster father took to his bed; it became his death bed, for a week","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"later he was dead. Jörgen was his heir, now master of the cottage behind the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand dunes. It was a poor enough hut, but still it was something; and Morten","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"didn't have so much.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"I suppose you won't go to sea again, Jörgen,\" said one of the old fishermen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"You'll always stay with us now.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But that was by no means Jörgen's thought; on the contrary, he thought about","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"seeing some more of the world. The eel seller up at Fjaltring had a cousin up","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"at Old Skagen, also a fisherman, but wealthy, and a shipowner too; they said he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was a kindly old man with whom it would be very pleasant to take service. Old","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Skagen lies way up at the northern part of Jutland, as far away from the Hunsby","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand dunes as one can go; that part of the idea pleased Jörgen best; he had no","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"intention of attending the wedding of Elsa and Morten, which was to take place","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in a couple of weeks.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was foolish for Jörgen to go away, said the old fisherman; now that he had a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"house of his own Elsa would very likely prefer him to Morten. Jörgen's reply was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"so abrupt that it wasn't easy to make out his meaning. The old man brought Elsa","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to him; she didn't say much, but she did say: \"You have a house; that must be","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"considered.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And Jörgen did consider many things. The ocean has its heavy waves, but the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"waves of the human heart are even heavier; many thoughts, strong and weak,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"passed through Jörgen's heart and head before he asked Elsa, \"Suppose Morten had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a house as good as mine; which of us would you rather have?\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"But Morten doesn't have one, and never will have one.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"But suppose he did have one.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Why then I'd take Morten, of course; for that's the way I feel about him! But","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"one must have something to live on.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"All night Jörgen thought over this answer. There was something within him, he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"found, something he himself couldn't figure out; it was stronger even than his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"love for Elsa.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He went to Morten, and what he said and did had been well considered; he offered","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to sell his house to him on the lowest possible terms, explaining that it would","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"please him better to go to sea again. When Elsa heard about it, she thanked him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with a kiss, for she really did love Morten better.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen was going to leave early next morning. Late the evening before, he had a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sudden desire to go to see Morten once more. On his way among the sand dunes he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"met the old fisherman, who greatly disapproved of his leaving, and who declared","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Morten must carry a charm sewn up in his pocket to make the young girls fall","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in love with him. Jörgen brushed aside such talk and bade him farewell. Then he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"proceeded to Morten's hut where he heard loud voices; evidently Morten was not","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"alone. For a moment Jörgen stood irresolute; least of all did he want to meet","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Elsa there, and now that he thought it over, he would prefer not having Morten","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"thank him all over again. So he turned back without entering.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Next morning, before daylight, he tied up his bundle, gathered his provisions,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and started through the sand dunes to the shore. It was easier walking by the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sea than along the heavy, sandy road, and besides it was shorter, for he was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"going first to Fjaltring, near Bovbjerg, where lived the eel seller, whom he had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"promised to visit.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The ocean was smooth and blue, and as he walked he crushed under his feet the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"shells and pebbles, the playthings of his childhood. As he was walking his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"nose began to bleed, and a couple of large drops fell on his sleeve; it seemed","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a trivial enough matter, but a trivial matter can sometimes be of importance.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He soon stopped the bleeding, wiped his sleeve, and walked on. It seemed as if","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"this had cleared both his heart and head. When he found sea kale growing in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand, he broke off a branch and stuck it in his hat, determined to be joyful","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and happy; wasn't he going out into the world \"a little way up the river,\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as the young eels had so longed to do? \"But beware of wicked people, who will","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"spear you, skin you, cut you in pieces, and lay you in dishes!\" he repeated","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to himself. \"I'll slip through the world whole-skinned. Courage is a strong","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"weapon.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The sun was already high when he reached the narrow inlet between the North Sea","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and the Nissum Fiord; then he looked back and made out in the distance two men","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on horseback with others following them, all riding at great speed. This did not","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"concern him.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The ferry boat was on the opposite side of the bay, but Jörgen shouted till","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it came across for him. He sprang on board, but before the ferry was halfway","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"across, the men who had followed him on horseback arrived on the shore, and with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"threatening gestures called for him to return in the name of the law. Jörgen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"couldn't imagine what it meant, but thought it would be best to return; so he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"took the oar himself, and rowed back. In an instant the men had leaped into","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the boat and before he was aware of it, they had bound his hands together with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a rope. \"It's well you're caught!\" they said. \"Your crime will cost you your","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"life!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He was accused of nothing less than murder! Morten had been found stabbed in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"neck with a knife; late, the evening before, one of the fishermen had met Jörgen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on his way to Morten's house, and it was remembered that it wasn't the first","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"time Jörgen had threatened Morten with a knife; there seemed no doubt that he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was the murderer.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Now the question was where to confine him. Ringkjöbing was the proper place, but","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it was a long way off, and the wind was against them. In less than half an hour","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they had crossed Skjaerum Fiord, and now they were only a quarter of a mile from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Nörre Vosborg, which was a strong mansion with moats and ramparts. One of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"men in the boat was the brother of the keeper of this mansion; he suggested that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they might get permission to confine Jörgen, for the time being, in the dungeon","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"where Long Margrethe, the gypsy, had been imprisoned until her execution.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"No one listened to Jörgen's denials, and those few drops of blood on his shirt","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"were silent witnesses against him. Conscious of his innocence and of the fact","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that there was no chance of his being cleared, he calmly resigned himself to his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fate.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They landed near the old rampart, where the castle of Sir Bugge had stood - it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was the very same spot that Jörgen's feet had trodden years before when he had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gone with his foster parents to the funeral party, where he had spent those","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"four happy days on the heath. By the very same path they now led him up to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Nörre Vosborg; and here, as then, the elderbush was in full bloom, and the tall","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lime trees wafted their fragrance to him - he might have imagined it was only","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"yesterday that he had been here last.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Under the grand staircase in the western wing of the building a passage leads","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"into a low-roofed vaulted cell; it was from here that Long Margrethe was led to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"her execution. She had confessed to having devoured the hearts of five children","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and believed that, could she have eaten two more, she would have been able to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"make herself invisible and fly away. In the cell was a tiny, narrow airhole in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the wall; but the lime trees outside sent none of their refreshing fragrance","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"within; all was cold, damp, and moldy. There was only a rough bench in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"cell; but a good conscience makes an easy pillow, so Jörgen could really lie","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"comfortably.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The thick wooden door was closed and the iron bolts were shot, but superstition","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"can creep through the keyhole of a mansion as well as a fisherman's hut; and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as Jörgen lay in the silence and darkness he could not help thinking of Long","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Margrethe and her horrible crimes. Her last thoughts had filled that narrow","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dungeon the night before her execution. Nor could he help remembering the black","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"arts that had been practiced by the owner of this mansion, Herr Swanwedel, when","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he lived there many years ago, and how the watchdog that guarded the bridge had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"every morning been found hung in his chains across the railing. Such thoughts","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"came to Jörgen's mind and made him shiver; but a sunbeam, a refreshing thought","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"from without, also came to his mind, the remembrance of the blossoming elder and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lime trees.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He was not left here long, but was removed to Ringkjöbing; but there his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"imprisonment was none the less rigorous. For Jörgen's times were not like ours;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they were hard times for poor men; peasant farms and peasant settlements were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"still being converted into new knights' estates. The coachman or valet of a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"nobleman was often appointed village judge, with power to condemn the peasant","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to a severe flogging or the loss of all his property, for some trifling offense.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And thus, in Jutland, far from \"The King's Copenhagen,\" and the wise and just","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rulers of state, the law took its course with little regard for justice. Jörgen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"could expect that his case would be delayed.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"His wretched cell was bitterly cold; when would this misery end? Innocent, he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had been thrown into misfortune and sorrow; that was his lot! He had plenty of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"time to think over the hard dealing that this world had given him, and to wonder","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"why this fate had been allotted him. Still, all would correct itself in that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"second life\" which assuredly awaits us. In the poor fisherman's cottage that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"faith had taken firm root in his soul; the light that, even amid the sunshine","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and plenty of Spain, could not pierce the darkness of his father's mind was sent","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to him to comfort him in poverty and distress, a sign of the mercy of God, which","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"never disappoints.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Now the spring storms settled in. The roaring of the North Sea can be heard for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"miles inland, and when the tempests abate there is a thundering as of hundreds","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of heavy wagons rolling over a hard tunneled road. In his dungeon Jörgen heard","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"this sound, and it was a relief to him; no old melodies could so move him as the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"music of the rolling ocean - the boundless ocean that had carried him throughout","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the world with the speed of winds - the ocean over which men pass, carrying","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"their own house with them like the snails carry theirs, always standing on their","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"own native ground, even in foreign lands. How he listened to that deep thunder!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"How his thoughts surged into a turmoil within him! Free, free! How wonderful","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to be free - even if with a patched shirt and shoes without soles! Sometimes","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his soul burned with indignant anger, and he pounded the wall with his clenched","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fist.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Weeks, months, a whole year passed, and then the gypsy Niels Tyv, the horse","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dealer, as he was called, was picked up, and then better times came; it was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"established that Jörgen was innocent.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The evening before Jörgen's departure - the night of the murder - Morten and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Niels Tyv had met at a little tavern north of Ringkjöbing Fiord. A couple of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"glasses were emptied, not enough to get drunk on, but enough to loosen Morten's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"tongue; he began to boast of having bought a house and of getting married, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"when Niels asked from where he was getting the money, Morten proudly slapped his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hand to his pocket.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"The money's here, right where it ought to be,\" he said. This boast cost him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his life, for when he rose to go Niels followed him, and stabbed him in the back","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with a knife - all for the sake of money that was not in his pocket at all.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"There was a great deal of talk about the affair, but for us it is enough to know","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that Jörgen was released. But what compensation did he receive for the long,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"weary days he spent in the cold and loneliness, and for being despised by his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fellowman? Why, he was told it was lucky for him he was innocent; now he could","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"go. To be sure, the mayor gave him ten marks for traveling expenses, and several","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"citizens of Ringkjöbing offered him beer and good food, for there are a few kind","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hearts in the world; not all men \"spear, skin, and devour\" their fellows.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But the best thing of all was that a merchant from Skagen named Brönne - the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"same man with whom Jörgen had intended to take service before his imprisonment -","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had come to Ringkjöbing on business at just that time and heard the whole story.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He was kindhearted and sympathized with Jörgen's sufferings; now he would do him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a little kindness and prove to him that there are some good people in the world.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Out of prison, not only to freedom, but to a paradise of love and kindness! But","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it is no man's fate to drain a cup of unmixed bitterness. If even man could not","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"endure to offer such to his fellow man, how could the all-loving God?","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Let the past be dead and buried,\" said Merchant Brönne. \"We'll draw a heavy","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"black line over the last year and burn the calendar, and in two days we'll","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"be off together for Skagen - happy, friendly, peaceful Skagen! People call it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the out-of-the -way corner of the country; it's a blessed chimney corner, with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"windows opening out to the whole wide world!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"What a journey! To breathe the fresh air again; to emerge from the cold damp","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"prison air into the warm sunshine! The heath was gay with blooming heather; the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"shepherd boy perched on a warrior's grave mound, shrilling his flute made from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sheep bones; Fata Morgana, the beautiful mirage of the desert, flaunted her","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hanging gardens and floating woods, and the wonderful transparent phenomenon","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"called \"Loki driving his flock\" could be seen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They traveled up toward the Lime Fiord, toward Skagen, through the land of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Vends, whence the men with the long beards - which had earned them the name of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Lombards - had emigrated when, in the days of the famine under King Snio, it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was decreed that all the children and old people should be put to death. But","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Gambaruk, a noble woman of great wealth, had proposed instead that all the young","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"should leave the country.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen was learned enough to know all this, and although he had never seen the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"land of the Lombards beyond the Alps, he could easily picture it to himself, for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had he not in his boyhood seen the south, Spain? He could remember clearly the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"piled heaps of fruit, the scarlet pomegranate blossoms, the noise and din and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"ringing of bells in that great beehive of a city. But he still loved best the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"land of his home, and Jörgen's home was Denmark.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"At last they reached \"Vendilskaga,\" as Skagen is called in the old Norse and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Icelandic sagas. Even then old Skagen, with its Easter and Westertown, stretched","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for miles with sand dunes and farmland as far as the lighthouse near Grenen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Houses and farms were strewn among the shifting sand dunes - it is a wild land","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"where the wind plays constantly in the loose sand, and where the screams of sea","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gulls, sea swallows, and wild swans cut sharply through the eardrum.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"A few miles southwest of Grenen is High or Old Skagen; here Merchant Brönne","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lived, and here Jörgen would now live. The house was tarred; each of the little","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"outhouses had an inverted boat for a roof, and driftwood joined together formed","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the pigsty. There was no inclosure, for there was nothing to inclose; but on","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"ropes, strung in long rows one above another, hung countless fishes drying in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the wind. The whole shore was strewn with dead herring; in fact, the nets could","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hardly be thrown into the sea before they would be filled with them. Great loads","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of herring were caught and taken inland. They were so plentiful that many were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"often thrown back into the sea or left to rot on the sand.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The merchant's wife and daughter, and even the servants, rushed out in delight","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to greet the father when they arrived home. There was such handshaking, so much","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"noise, so much to talk about! And the daughter had such a sweet face and lovely","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"eyes!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The house was cozy and roomy inside; the table was set with plates of fish,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"flounder fit for a king, and wine from Skagen's own vineyard, the great ocean,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"from which the grapes drifted ashore already pressed, both in barrels and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bottles.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"When mother and daughter had heard who Jörgen was, and learned how cruelly he,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"an innocent man, had been treated, they looked upon him with kindness, and the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beautiful Miss Clara's bright eyes sparkled more warmly than before.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen found a blessed home in Old Skagen; it did his heart good; it had","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"suffered so much cruelty, even the bitterness of love, which either softens or","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hardens the heart. But Jörgen was still young, his heart still soft, and there","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was a vacant place in it. For that reason it was perhaps just as well that in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"three weeks Clara was to sail for Christiansand, in Norway, to spend the winter","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with an aunt.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The Sunday before her departure, all were to go together to Holy Communion.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The church was large and stately, built by the Dutch and Scotch many centuries","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"before, and quite a distance from where the town is now situated. The church was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"somewhat dilapidated now, and the way through the deep sand made hard walking,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but people did not mind these difficulties to get to the house of God, to sing","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"psalms, and to hear the sermon. The sand was piled up outside the wall around","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the cemetery, but the graves had still been kept free of it.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was the largest church north of the Lime Fiord. The Virgin Mary, with a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"golden crown on her head and the infant Saviour in her arms, was painted in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"bright colors above the altar; the holy Apostles were ranged around the choir,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and high on the wall there hung portraits of Skagen's old burgomasters and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"councilmen, with their insignia of office. The pulpit was carved. The sun shone","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"brightly into the church, lighting up the polished brass chandelier and the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"little vessel that hung down from the roof. Jörgen was overwhelmed by the same","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"pure, childlike feeling of devotion that had thrilled his soul when, a boy, he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had stood in the rich Spanish cathedral. But here the feeling was different, for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in this place he felt that he was one of the congregation.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"After the sermon came the Communion, and when Jörgen knelt with the others to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"receive the consecrated bread and wine, he found that he was kneeling next to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Miss Clara. But his thoughts were so raised to God and the Holy Sacrament that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"not until they rose did he realize that she had been his neighbor. Then he saw","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the salt tears rolling down her cheeks.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Two days later she sailed for Norway, and Jörgen went out to help on the farm","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and with the fishing; there were more fish to be caught there in those days than","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"there are now. Shoals of mackerel shone brightly in the darkness of the night,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"thus betraying the course they were following. The sea robins snarled, and the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"crabs gave pitiful cries when they were caught; fish are not as voiceless as","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"people say. Jörgen was more quiet than they; he kept his secret - and yet some","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"day it would perhaps burst forth.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Every Sunday when he sat in church and his eyes rested on the picture of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Virgin Mother, they also paused a moment on the spot where Miss Clara had knelt","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beside him, and he thought of her and her kindness to him.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The autumn brought its rain and sleet. The water rose up in the town of Skagen,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for the sand could not absorb it all; people had to wade through it, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sometimes even sail through the streets in boats. Snowstorms and sandstorms","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"followed; ship after ship was wrecked on those fatal reefs; the sand whirled","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"about and buried the houses until the occupants had to creep out through the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"chimneys. But that was not an unusual occurrence there. Indoors were comfort","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and warmth; the blazing and crackling fires were fed with peat or with dried","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"wood from the wrecks, and Merchant Brönne read aloud from an old chronicle. He","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"read about Prince Hamlet of Denmark and of how he landed from England and fought","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"a great battle near Bovbjerg; his grave was at Ramme, only a few miles from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the eel seller's home, where the heath was like an immense cemetery, studded","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"with hundreds of viking grave mounds. Merchant Brönne had visited Hamlet's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"grave. There was more talk of the olden days and of their English and Scottish","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"neighbors, and then Jörgen sang the old ballad about \"The King of England's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Son,\" about the stately ship, and how it was decked out:","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The blessed words of our dear Lord","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Were written in gold on panels aboard.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"On the prow, in colors rare,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The King's son clasped his maiden fair.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen sang this verse with especial sincerity, while his eyes, luminous and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"black from his birth, sparkled with more fire than ever.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Thus the evenings passed pleasantly, with song and reading; all were happy in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that house, even the very animals. The tin shelves gleamed with clean plates;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hams and sausages hung under the ceiling, and they had winter supplies in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"abundance. Many rich farmhouses like this are still to be found in West Jutland,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"abundant as this one in good comfort, good cheer, good sense, and good humor,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and like the tent of an Arab for hospitality.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen had never spent so happy a time, at least since the four days of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"funeral, when he was a child. And still Miss Clara was absent; but she was never","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"absent from their thoughts or conversation. In April a vessel was to be sent out","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to Norway to bring her home, and Jörgen was to go with it.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He had become so joyous and hearty, Mother Brönne said that it was a pleasure to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"look at him.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"And so it is to look at you!\" said the old merchant. \"Jörgen has put new life","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in our winter evenings, and in Mother too. Why, you have grown younger this","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"year! You were once the prettiest girl in Viborg, and that's saying a lot, for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"I've always considered the girls of Viborg to be the prettiest.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen said nothing in reply, but he couldn't help thinking of one Skagen girl,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the one he was to bring home.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One morning Merchant Brönne went out to the lighthouse, which stands quite some","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"distance from old Skagen, but not far from Grenen. The signal lights had been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"extinguished for quite some time, for the sun was already high when he climbed","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the tower. Four miles from the extreme point of land the sand reefs stretched","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"under water. Many ships could be seen that day, and among them, with the help","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of his telescope, he believed he could distinguish the Karen Brönne; that was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the name of his vessel. Yes, there she was, sailing home with Clara and Jörgen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on board! Clara sat on the deck and saw the sand dunes slowly appear in the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"distance. If the wind held, they would be home in an hour. So near were they to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"home and its happiness, so near to death and its terrors.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Suddenly a plank gave way in the ship, and the water poured in! They tried to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"plug the leak; the pumps worked furiously; the sails came down, and the distress","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"flag was hoisted. They were still four miles out at sea, and the fishing boats","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that they could see were too far off. The wind carried them landward; the tide","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was in their favor; but they were not strong enough. When the ship began to","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sink, Jörgen threw his right arm about Clara.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"What a look she gave him as, crying on the holy name of our Lord, he leaped with","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"her into the ocean! She shrieked in terror, but she knew he would never let go","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"his hold.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"On the prow, in colors rare,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The King's son clasped his maiden fair.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen acted out the old words in this moment of terror and peril; how fortunate","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"that he was an excellent swimmer! He made his way with his feet and one free","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hand, the other clasped tightly around the girl. Now he floated; now he trod","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"water with his feet, using every trick he knew to husband his strength so that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it might last till he reached shore. When he heard the girl sigh, and felt a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"shuddering thrill pass through her body, he only held her closer. Now a wave","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rolled over them, but the current still carried them on; the water was so","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"deep and clear that for a moment he fancied he saw shoals of mackerel flashing","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beneath them - or was it Leviathan, waiting to devour them? Shadows of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"clouds swept over the water, to be followed by dazzling sunshine; flocks of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"birds flew screaming overhead while wild ducks, heavily and sleepily drifting","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on the surface of the water, started into the air in panic at the sight of the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"swimmer. Jörgen felt his strength going fast when he was only a few cables'","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lengths from shore. But help was coming - a boat was drawing near! Just then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he distinctly saw a white figure in the water. A wave lifted him up; the figure","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"came nearer; he felt a stunning shock, and everything became dark around him.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"There on the sand reef lay the wreck of a ship with the sea partly covering","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it; the white figurehead leaned against an anchor, and only the sharp iron edge","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"projected above the water. Driven on by the fatal force of the current, Jörgen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"had struck against this figurehead; in a daze he sank with his burden, but the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"next wave lifted him and the young girl.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The fisherman got them both into his boat; blood was streaming over Jörgen's","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"face, and he looked as if he were dead; but he still held the girl so tightly","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they had to tear her from his arm. They placed Clara, pale and lifeless, in","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the boat and rowed toward Grenen. All methods of restoring her were tried, but","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in vain - she was dead. For some time Jörgen must have been carrying a corpse,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"struggling and wrestling for the life of one who was already dead.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Jörgen still breathed, and they carried him to the nearest cottage in the sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"dunes. A sort of army surgeon - he was also a smith and a trader - who happened","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to be on the spot bound up his wound, and the next day a physician was sent for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"from Hjörring.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But his brain was affected; he lay raving and uttering wild cries until the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"third day, when he fell into a sort of trance. It seemed his life hung by a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"thread, and for this thread to give way, the doctor said, was the best wish they","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"could have for him. \"Let us pray for our Lord to take him; he will never be a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"man again.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But life did not leave him; the thread did not break, though memory and all","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"other faculties of the mind were injured. It was horrible! Only a living body","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was left, a body that soon regained health and strength.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen remained in Merchant Brönne's home. \"He lost his mind trying to save our","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"child,\" said the old man. \"He is now our son!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Crazy\": that was what they called Jörgen now, but it was hardly the right word;","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he was like a musical instrument with loosened strings that have lost the power","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of sound. Very rarely, and only for a few moments, would the old power seem","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"to return; then they would give old melodies, or a few chords would be played.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Sometimes pictures of the past would seem to rise before his mind, but then","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they would fade away into the mist, and once more he would sit with a blank,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"motionless, thoughtless face. We can only hope that he did not suffer. His dark","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"eyes had lost their brightness and looked like black clouded glass.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Poor crazy Jörgen,\" people said. And this was he who before he was born, was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"destined to have such a rich, earthly fortune and such happiness that it would","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"be arrogance, terrible vanity, even to wish for or believe in an afterlife. Were","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all the fine qualities of his soul wasted? Only cruel days, anguish, and broken","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"hopes had been his lot. He was like a precious root which is torn from its rich","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"soil and flung out to rot in the sand. Could this really be the destiny of a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"soul created in the image of God - a mere game, battered by the chances of this","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"world? No! The God of love will compensate him in another life for all that he","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lost and suffered in this. \"The Lord is loving unto every man, and his mercy","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"is over all His works.\" The pious old wife of Merchant Brönne repeated these","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"words from the Psalms of David in faith and comfort, and she prayed that our","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Lord would soon end Jörgen's life of sorrow and take him to enjoy \"God's gift of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"grace,\" the life everlasting.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Clara lay buried in the churchyard, where the sand drifted over the walls,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"but Jörgen did not seem to know this. It never penetrated the narrow world","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of his thoughts, which lived only in fragments from the past. Every Sunday","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he accompanied the family to church, and sat quietly with a blank face. Once,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"during the psalm singing, he sighed deeply, and his eyes took on life. He was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"gazing at the altar, at the very spot where, over a year ago, he had knelt","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"beside his dead friend; his face turned white, his lips murmured her name, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the tears rolled down his cheeks.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"They gently led him from the church, but he told them that he was well, and that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he had no recollection of what had happened. Poor soul, tried indeed, but not","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rejected by our Lord! For who dares doubt that God, our Creator, is all-wise and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all-loving? Our heart and our mind give us this truth, and the Bible confirms","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"it. \"His mercy is over all His works.\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"In Spain, where gilded Moorish cupolas are fanned by the warm breezes amid","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"laurels and orange trees, and where song and castanets are heard, a childless","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"old man, the rich merchant, sat in his beautiful palace, sadly watching a","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"procession of pretty children passing through the street with torches and waving","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"banners. How much of his wealth would he not give to have such children himself!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"He thought of his daughter and her child who perhaps had never seen the light of","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"this world, hence would never attain the glory of paradise. \"Poor child!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Yes, \"Poor child!\" indeed- a child still, though past thirty years old; for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen had lived thus for many years in Old Skagen.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The flying sand had drifted over the graves in the churchyard up to the very","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"walls of the church; here among those who had gone before them, among relatives","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and friends, the dead were still being buried. Merchant Brönne and his wife now","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"rested here under the white sand, among their children.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"It was early in the year, the time of storms; the sand curled up like smoke from","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the sand dunes; the ocean tossed huge waves; large flocks of birds, like storm","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"clouds, flew screaming overhead, and ship after ship was wrecked on those fatal","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"reefs that stretched along the coast from Skagen to the Hunsby sand dunes.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"One afternoon, as Jörgen sat alone in his room. A sudden light broke in his","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"mind; it was the same restless feeling that had often in his younger years","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"driven him out over the sand dunes or the heath.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"Home! Home!\" he said. No one heard him. He left the house, and sand and pebbles","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"whirled around him and beat into his face. He went toward the church, where the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand lay drifted up against the wall and half covered the windows. The church","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"door was unlocked and easy to open; Jörgen went in.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The wind raged and howled over the town of Skagen; such a hurricane had not been","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"known within the memory of man. It was awful weather! But Jörgen was sheltered","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"within the house of God, and while black night reigned outside, within him","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"everything grew bright - bright with the light of the immortal soul. He felt","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"as if the heavy stone in his head had burst with a clang! He imagined that the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"organ was playing, but it was only the storm and the roaring of the ocean that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"he heard. As he sat down in one of the pews he thought the candles were being","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lighted, one by one, until there was a blaze of light such as he had only seen","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"in the land of the Spaniards. Then all the portraits of the old councilors and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"burgomasters came to life; they stepped down from the walls where they had hung","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"for so many years, and seated themselves in the choir. Then the gates and doors","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of the church swung open, and all the dead entered, festively dressed, as was","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"customary in the olden days; sweet music was played as they walked in and seated","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"themselves in the pews. The psalm singing swelled like the rolling of the ocean.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Jörgen's old foster parents from the Hunsby sand dunes were there, and the good","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Merchant Brönne and his wife, and beside them, next to Jörgen, sat their gentle,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"loving daughter. She gave her hand to Jörgen, and together they went up to the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"altar where they had knelt once before, and the pastor joined their hands and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"consecrated them to a life of love. Then the sound of the trumpet burst forth,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"marvelously like the voice of child, full of longing and expectation; it swelled","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"into the sound of an organ, full of rich, glorious tones, blessed to hear and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"yet mighty enough to burst the tombstones on the graves.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The ship hanging in the choir sank downward, in front of them, and grew vast and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"splendid with silken sails and golden masts, with anchors of red gold and ropes","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"of silken twine, like the ship in the old ballad. The bridal couple stepped","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"on board, and all the congregation followed; there were room and enjoyment for","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"all. Then the arches and walls of the church blossomed like the elder and the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"fragrant lime trees; joyfully they waved their green branches, and bowed, and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"parted. The ship was lifted up and sailed with them through the ocean, through","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the air. Every candle in the church became a tiny star; the winds sang a hymn,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"and all joined in:","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"\"In love, to glory! No life shall be lost! Supreme happiness forever!","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"Hallelujah!\"","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"And these were Jörgen's last words in this mortal world, for the thread that","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"held the immortal spirit snapped; only a lifeless corpse lay in the dark church,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"while the storm howled and covered it with drifting sand.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The next morning was Sunday, and the pastor and congregation set out for church.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"The road, buried in sand, was almost impassable. When they reached the church","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they found an enormous sand heap completely covering the door. Then the pastor","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"prayed briefly and said that as God had now closed the door to this His house,","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"they must go forth and raise Him a new one elsewhere. So they sang a psalm and","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"returned home.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"In vain Jörgen was sought throughout the town of Skagen and the sand dunes; it","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"was supposed that the rolling waves of sand had buried him beneath them.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"But his body was entombed in a vast sarcophagus, in the very church itself.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"During the storm our Lord cast earth over his coffin; the great heaps of sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lay above and around it, and they cover it to this day. The drifting sand","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"lies piled above those mighty arches; thorns and wild roses now twine over the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"church, where the visitor struggles on toward its tower still showing above the","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"sand. His tombstone may be seen for miles; no king ever had a more magnificent","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"one. And no one will ever disturb the repose of the dead, for none until now has","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"ever known his resting place; for this story was sung to me by the storm among","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"the sand dunes.","book":"A story from the sand dunes"} {"text":"On one of the Danish islands, where old Thingstones, the seats of justice of our","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"forefathers, still stand in the cornfields, and huge trees rise in the forests","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"of beech, there lies a little town whose low houses are covered with red tiles.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"In one of these houses strange things were brewing over the glowing coals on","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the open hearth; there was a boiling going on in glasses, and a mixing and","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"distilling, while herbs were being cut up and pounded in mortars. An elderly man","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"looked after it all.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"\"One must only do the right thing,\" he said; \"yes, the right– the correct thing.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"One must find out the truth concerning every created particle, and keep to","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"that.\"","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"In the room with the good housewife sat her two sons; they were still small,","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"but had great thoughts. Their mother, too, had always spoken to them of right","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"and justice, and exhorted them to keep to the truth, which she said was the","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"countenance of the Lord in this world.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"The elder of the boys looked roguish and enterprising. He took a delight in","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"reading of the forces of nature, of the sun and the moon; no fairy tale pleased","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"him so much. Oh, how beautiful it must be, he thought, to go on voyages of","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"discovery, or to find out how to imitate the wings of birds and then to be able","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"to fly! Yes, to find that out was the right thing. Father was right, and mother","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"was right– truth holds the world together.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"The younger brother was quieter, and buried himself entirely in his books. When","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"he read about Jacob dressing himself in sheep-skins to personify Esau, and so to","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"usurp his brother's birthright, he would clench his little fist in anger against","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the deceiver; when he read of tyrants and of the injustice and wickedness of the","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"world, tears would come into his eyes, and he was quite filled with the thought","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"of the justice and truth which must and would triumph.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"One evening he was lying in bed, but the curtains were not yet drawn close, and","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the light streamed in upon him; he had taken his book into bed with him, for","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"he wanted to finish reading the story of Solon. His thoughts lifted and carried","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"him away a wonderful distance; it seemed to him as if the bed had become a ship","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"flying along under full sail. Was he dreaming, or what was happening? It glided","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"over the rolling waves and across the ocean of time, and to him came the voice","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"of Solon; spoken in a strange tongue, yet intelligible to him, he heard the","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"Danish motto: \"By law the land is ruled.\"","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"The genius of the human race stood in the humble room, bent down over the bed","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"and imprinted a kiss on the boy's forehead: \"Be thou strong in fame and strong","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"in the battle of life! With truth in thy heart fly toward the land of truth!\"","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"The elder brother was not yet in bed; he was standing at the window looking out","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"at the mist which rose from the meadows. They were not elves dancing out there,","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"as their old nurse had told him; he knew better– they were vapours which were","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"warmer than the air, and that is why they rose. A shooting star lit up the sky,","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"and the boy's thoughts passed in a second from the vapours of the earth up to","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the shining meteor. The stars gleamed in the heavens, and it seemed as if long","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"golden threads hung down from them to the earth.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"\"Fly with me,\" sang a voice, which the boy heard in his heart. And the mighty","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"genius of mankind, swifter than a bird and than an arrow– swifter than anything","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"of earthly origin– carried him out into space, where the heavenly bodies are","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"bound together by the rays that pass from star to star. Our earth revolved in","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the thin air, and the cities upon it seemed to lie close to each other. Through","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"the spheres echoed the words:","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"\"What is near, what is far, when thou art lifted by the mighty genius of mind?\"","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"And again the boy stood by the window, gazing out, whilst his younger brother","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"lay in bed. Their mother called them by their names: \"Anders Sandoe\" and \"Hans","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"Christian.\"","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"Denmark and the whole world knows them– the two brothers Oersted.","book":"Two brothers"} {"text":"You surely remember Ole, the tower watchman. I have told you about two visits I","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"paid him, and now I'll tell you of a third, although it won't be the last one.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"I have gone up to see him generally on New Year's Day, but this time it was","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"Moving Day, when everything down in the city streets is very unpleasant, for","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"they are littered with heaps of rubbish and crockery and all kinds of sweepings,","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"not to mention musty old straw that you have to trample about in. Well, there","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"I was, and in the middle of this rubbish from attic and dustbin I saw a couple","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"of children playing going to bed; they thought it looked so inviting there for","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"that game. Yes, they snuggled down in the straw and drew a ragged old scrap of a","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"curtain over them for a quilt. \"That was wonderful!\" they said. It was too much","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"for me, so I hurried off to see Ole.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"It's Moving Day,\" he said. \"Streets and alleys are dustbins, dustbins in the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"grand style; but one cartload is enough for me. I can always find something","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"to pick out of it, and I did that, soon after Christmas. I was walking down","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the street, a damp, raw, and dirty street, and just the right kind of weather","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"for catching cold. The rubbish man had drawn up his cart there; it was loaded","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"and looked like a sample of Copenhagen streets on Moving Day. In the back of","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the cart was a fir tree still quite green and with tinsel still hanging on its","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"twigs. It had been the centerpiece of a Christmas display, but now it was thrown","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"out into the street and the rubbish man had stuck it up behind on his pile; a","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"sight to laugh at or weep at - yes, you might even go so far as that - it all","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"depends on your turn of mind. And I thought about it, and so did some of the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"odds and ends in the cart. At least they may have thought, which is just about","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the same. Here was a worn lady's glove; what was it thinking about? Shall I tell","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"you? It lay there pointing its little finger straight at the fir tree. 'That fir","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"tree touches me,' it thought. 'I have been to a party, too, among the lighted","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"chandeliers. My life was just a night at a ball. A squeeze of the hand, and I","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"burst; that's all I remember, so now I have nothing more to live for.' That's","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the way the glove thought, or it may have thought like that. 'That's a tasteless","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"thing for that fir tree to do!' said the potsherds. But you see, broken crockery","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"finds everything tasteless. 'When you come to the rubbish cart,' they said,","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"'it's time to give up your fine airs and your tinsel. As for ourselves, we've","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"been of some use in the world - far more use than an old green stick like that!'","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"You see, that was another point of view on the same subject, and many people","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"have it. But still the fir tree looked pretty well, and it was a bit of poetry","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"on the rubbish heap; there are many like that to be found in the streets on","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"Moving Day. But the streets down there were crowded and tiresome, and I longed","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"to get back up to my tower and stay there; so here I sit and look down on them","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"from above, and that's very amusing.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Down below the good people are changing houses; they work hard packing up and","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"then go off with their movables, and the house goblin sits on the tail of the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"cart and moves with them. Household quarrels, family arguments, sorrows, and","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"cares move from the old to the new houses, and so what do they and we get out","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"of it all? Yes, that was told us already long ago, in the good old verse in the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"newspaper columns:","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"Remember Death's great Moving Day!","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"It is a serious thought, but I hope it is not disagreeable to you to hear about","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"it. Death is the most faithful administrator after all, in spite of his many","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"petty duties. Have you ever thought about them?","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Death is a bus conductor; he is a passport writer; he signs his name to","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"our references; and he is the director of life's great savings bank. Do you","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"understand that? All our earthly deeds, great and small, are deposited in that","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"savings bank. Then, when Death comes with his Moving Day bus, and we have to","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"get in to be driven to eternity, he gives us our references on the frontier as","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"a passport. For our expense money on the journey he draws from the savings bank","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"one of our deeds, whichever of them most distinctly characterizes our conduct;","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"this may be very pleasant to us, or it may be very horrible!","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Nobody has ever escaped that omnibus journey. They tell stories, indeed, of one","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"man who was not allowed to enter - they call him the Wandering Jew; he still has","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"to run along behind it. If he had managed to get in, he would have escaped the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"treatment he received from the poets.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Let's take an imaginary look into that big Moving Day omnibus. What a mixed","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"group! Side by side sit kings and beggars, the genius and the idiot. On they","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"must go, without goods or wealth, with only their references and their expense","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"money from life's savings bank. But of each man's deeds, which one has been","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"found and given to him? Perhaps only a very small one, no bigger than a pea, yet","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"a great blooming vine may grow from it.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"The poor beggar, who sat on a low stool in the corner, and received blows","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"and hard words, perhaps is given the battered stool to take, as a token and as","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"expense money. That stool will become the cart to bear him into eternity, and","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"there it will grow into a throne, gleaming with gold and blooming like an arbor.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"He who was always drinking from the bubbling cup of pleasure, and thus","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"forgetting the wrong things he had done here, receives a wooden keg as his lot.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"On the journey he has to drink from it; and that pure and cleansing drink will","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"clear his thoughts and awaken his better and nobler nature, so that he sees and","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"feels what before he could not or would not see. Thus he bears within himself","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"his own punishment, the gnawing worm that never dies. If on his wineglass was","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"inscribed Forgetfulness, the inscription on the keg is Memory.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Whenever I read a good historical book, I cannot help picturing to myself the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"person of whom I am reading at the final moment of all, when he begins to enter","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"Death's omnibus. I cannot help wondering which of his deeds Death has given him","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"from the savings bank, and what sort of expense money he will take with him to","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"eternity.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Once upon a time there was a French king - his name I have forgotten, for","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the names of good people can sometimes be forgotten by you and me, but it will","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"surely come to light again, because in the time of famine this king became","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the savior of his people. In his honor they raised a monument of snow, with","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the inscription, 'More quickly than this melts did you help us!' I think,","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"remembering that monument, that Death must have given him one single snowflake","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"that would never melt but flew like a white butterfly above his royal head, on","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"into the land of eternity.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"Then there was Louis XI - yes, I remember his name; one always remembers what","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"is wicked - a sample of his doings often comes to mind; I wish I could say the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"story is untrue.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"He had his lord high chancelor beheaded, and that he had a right to do,","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"justly or unjustly; but on the same scaffold he set up the chancelor's innocent","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"children, the one eight and the other seven, so that they would be spattered","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"with their father's warm blood. Then they were taken to the Bastille and set","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"in an iron cage, without even a blanket to cover them. Every eighth day the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"King sent the executioner to them, to pull a tooth from each of them, so that","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"they might suffer even more. The elder said, 'My mother would die of sorrow if","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"she knew how my little brother suffered. Pray, pull out two of my teeth, and","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"spare him! There were tears in the hangman's eyes when he heard this, but the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"king's will was stronger than the tears. Every eighth day a silver dish, with","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"two children's teeth on it, was brought to the king; as he had demanded them, so","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"he had them. And I think it was two teeth that Death drew out of life's savings","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"bank for Louis XI to take with him on his journey to the great land of eternity.","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"They flew before him like two fireflies; they glowed and burned and stung him,","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"the teeth of those innocent children. \"Yes, a serious drive it is, that bus","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"drive on the great Moving Day. And when does our turn come?\"","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"\"That's why it's so very serious; any day, any hour, any minute the bus may come","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"for us. Which of our deeds will Death draw from the savings bank and give us","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"for the journey? Yes, think that over! That Moving Day will not be found on the","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"calendar!\"","book":"Moving day"} {"text":"There was once a butterfly who wished for a bride, and, as may be supposed,","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"he wanted to choose a very pretty one from among the flowers. He glanced, with","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"a very critical eye, at all the flower-beds, and found that the flowers were","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"seated quietly and demurely on their stalks, just as maidens should sit before","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"they are engaged; but there was a great number of them, and it appeared as if","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"his search would become very wearisome. The butterfly did not like to take too","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"much trouble, so he flew off on a visit to the daisies. The French call this","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"flower \"Marguerite,\" and they say that the little daisy can prophesy. Lovers","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"pluck off the leaves, and as they pluck each leaf, they ask a question about","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"their lovers; thus: \"Does he or she love me?– Ardently? Distractedly? Very","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"much? A little? Not at all?\" and so on. Every one speaks these words in his own","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"language. The butterfly came also to Marguerite to inquire, but he did not pluck","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"off her leaves; he pressed a kiss on each of them, for he thought there was","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"always more to be done by kindness.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Darling Marguerite daisy,\" he said to her, \"you are the wisest woman of all","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"the flowers. Pray tell me which of the flowers I shall choose for my wife. Which","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"will be my bride? When I know, I will fly directly to her, and propose.\"","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"But Marguerite did not answer him; she was offended that he should call her a","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"woman when she was only a girl; and there is a great difference. He asked her a","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"second time, and then a third; but she remained dumb, and answered not a word.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"Then he would wait no longer, but flew away, to commence his wooing at once. It","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"was in the early spring, when the crocus and the snowdrop were in full bloom.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"They are very pretty,\" thought the butterfly; \"charming little lasses; but they","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"are rather formal.\"","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"Then, as the young lads often do, he looked out for the elder girls. He next","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"flew to the anemones; these were rather sour to his taste. The violet, a little","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"too sentimental. The lime-blossoms, too small, and besides, there was such a","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"large family of them. The apple-blossoms, though they looked like roses, bloomed","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"to-day, but might fall off to-morrow, with the first wind that blew; and he","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"thought that a marriage with one of them might last too short a time. The pea-","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"blossom pleased him most of all; she was white and red, graceful and slender,","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"and belonged to those domestic maidens who have a pretty appearance, and can yet","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"be useful in the kitchen. He was just about to make her an offer, when, close by","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"the maiden, he saw a pod, with a withered flower hanging at the end.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Who is that?\" he asked.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"That is my sister,\" replied the pea-blossom.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Oh, indeed; and you will be like her some day,\" said he; and he flew away","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"directly, for he felt quite shocked.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"A honeysuckle hung forth from the hedge, in full bloom; but there were so many","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"girls like her, with long faces and sallow complexions. No; he did not like her.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"But which one did he like?","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"Spring went by, and summer drew towards its close; autumn came; but he had not","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"decided. The flowers now appeared in their most gorgeous robes, but all in vain;","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"they had not the fresh, fragrant air of youth. For the heart asks for fragrance,","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"even when it is no longer young; and there is very little of that to be found","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"in the dahlias or the dry chrysanthemums; therefore the butterfly turned to the","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"mint on the ground. You know, this plant has no blossom; but it is sweetness all","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"over,– full of fragrance from head to foot, with the scent of a flower in every","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"leaf.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"I will take her,\" said the butterfly; and he made her an offer. But the mint","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"stood silent and stiff, as she listened to him. At last she said,–","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Friendship, if you please; nothing more. I am old, and you are old, but we","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"may live for each other just the same; as to marrying– no; don't let us appear","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"ridiculous at our age.\"","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"And so it happened that the butterfly got no wife at all. He had been too long","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"choosing, which is always a bad plan. And the butterfly became what is called an","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"old bachelor.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"It was late in the autumn, with rainy and cloudy weather. The cold wind blew","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"over the bowed backs of the willows, so that they creaked again. It was not","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"the weather for flying about in summer clothes; but fortunately the butterfly","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"was not out in it. He had got a shelter by chance. It was in a room heated by a","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"stove, and as warm as summer. He could exist here, he said, well enough.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"But it is not enough merely to exist,\" said he, \"I need freedom, sunshine, and","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"a little flower for a companion.\"","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"Then he flew against the window-pane, and was seen and admired by those in the","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"room, who caught him, and stuck him on a pin, in a box of curiosities. They","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"could not do more for him.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Now I am perched on a stalk, like the flowers,\" said the butterfly. \"It is not","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"very pleasant, certainly; I should imagine it is something like being married;","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"for here I am stuck fast.\" And with this thought he consoled himself a little.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"That seems very poor consolation,\" said one of the plants in the room, that","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"grew in a pot.","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"\"Ah,\" thought the butterfly, \"one can't very well trust these plants in pots;","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"they have too much to do with mankind.\"","book":"The butterfly"} {"text":"The Emperor's horse was shod with gold - a golden shoe on each of its feet.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And why was he getting golden shoes?","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"He was a magnificent-looking animal, with slender legs, intelligent eyes, and a","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"mane that hung down his neck like a soft veil of silk. He had carried his master","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"through the smoke and flame of battle and heard the bullets sing and whistle","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"around him; he had kicked and bitten those about him and done his share of the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"fighting whenever the enemy advanced; he had leaped, carrying his master on his","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"back, over the enemy's fallen horse and had saved the Emperor's red gold crown,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"saved the life of the Emperor, which was much more valuable than the red gold;","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"and that's why the Emperor's horse had golden shoes, a golden shoe on each of","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"his feet.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And the Beetle came creeping out.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"First the big ones,\" he said, \"and then the little ones; but size isn't the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"only thing that does it.\" Then he stretched out his thin legs.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"And what do you want?\" demanded the Blacksmith.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Golden shoes,\" replied the Beetle.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Why, you must be crazy!\" said the Blacksmith. \"Do you want golden shoes, too?\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Golden shoes,\" said the Beetle. \"I'm just as good as that great creature that","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"is waited on, currycombed, and brushed, and served with food and drink. Don't I","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"belong to the imperial stable, too?\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"But why does the horse have golden shoes?\" asked the Blacksmith. \"Don't you","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"understand that?\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Understand? I understand that it is a personal insult to me,\" said the Beetle.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"It's just done to annoy me, so I'm going out into the world.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Get out of here!\" said the Blacksmith.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"What a rude person!\" said the Beetle as he left the stable. He flew a little","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"way and presently found himself in a beautiful flower garden, all fragrant with","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"roses and lavender.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Isn't it lovely here?\" asked one of the little Ladybirds that were flying","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"about, with black spots on their red shieldlike wings. \"How sweet it smells here","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"and how beautiful it is!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I'm used to much better things,\" said the Beetle. \"Do you call this beautiful?","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Why, there isn't so much as a manure pile here!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Then he went on and got into the shadow of a large Gillyflower. A Caterpillar","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"was crawling along on it.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"How beautiful the world is!\" said the Caterpillar. \"The sun is so warm, and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"everything is so pleasant! And when my time comes and I must die, as people call","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"it, I'll wake up again, and I'll be a butterfly!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"What conceit!\" said the Beetle. \"You fly about like a butterfly, indeed!","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I'm from the stable of the Emperor, and no one there, not even the Emperor's","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"favorite horse - who wears my castoff golden shoes - has any idea like that!","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Get wings! Fly! Why, I can fly already!\" and then the Beetle flew away. \"I don't","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"really want to be annoyed, and yet I am annoyed.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Soon afterward he settled on a large lawn. Here he lay quietly for a while, and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"then he fell asleep.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"My goodness! The rain came down in buckets! The noise woke up the Beetle, and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"he wanted to get down into the earth at once, but he couldn't. He tumbled over;","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"sometimes he was swimming on his stomach, sometimes on his back, and it was out","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"of the question to try to fly; would he ever escape from there with his life? So","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"he just lay where he was and remained lying there.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"When the rain had let up a little, and the Beetle had blinked the water from his","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"eyes, he saw something gleaming white. It was linen that had been put out there","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"to bleach; he managed to make his way to it and creep into a fold of the damp","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"cloth. Certainly this place wasn't as comfortable as the warm stable, but there","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"was nothing better, and so he stayed there for a whole day and a whole night,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"while the rain stayed, too. The next morning he crept out, very much annoyed","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"with the weather.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Two frogs were sitting on the linen, their bright eyes shining with pleasure.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"What wonderful weather this is!\" one of them said. \"How refreshing! And this","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"linen holds the water together so perfectly! My hind legs are tickling as if I","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"were going to swim.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I'd like to know,\" said the other Frog, \"whether the swallow, who flies so far","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"in her many trips to foreign countries, ever finds a better climate than ours.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Such a storm, and such a downpour! You really might think you were lying in a","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"wet ditch. Anybody that doesn't enjoy this weather certainly doesn't love his","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"native country!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Have you ever been in the Emperor's stable?\" asked the Beetle. \"The dampness","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"there is both warm and refreshing. That's what I am used to; that's the climate","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"for me; but one can't take it along on a journey. Isn't there a nice hotbed here","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"in the garden, where persons of rank, like me, can find a place to live and make","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"himself at home?\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"But the Frogs either didn't or wouldn't understand him.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I never ask a question twice,\" said the Beetle, after he had already asked","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"three times without getting any answer.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"He went on a little farther and bumped against a piece of broken pottery.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"It certainly shouldn't have been lying there, but since it was it gave good","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"shelter. Several families of Earwigs lived here, and they didn't need very much","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"room; but they liked company. The females were full of the most devoted mother","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"love, and so each one considered her own child the most beautiful and clever of","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"all.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Our son has become engaged!\" said one mother. \"The sweet, innocent baby! His","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"greatest ambition is to creep someday into a clergyman's ear! He's such a lovely","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"boy. And being engaged will keep him out of mischief. What joy for a mother!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Our son,\" said another mother, \"had hardly crept from the egg before he got","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"into mischief. He's so full of life and spirits he'll run his horns off! What","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"joy that is for a mother! Isn't that true, Mr. Beetle?\" for she had recognized","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"the stranger by his shape.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"You're both quite right,\" said the Beetle; so they invited him to walk in -","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"that is, to come as far as he could under the broken flowerpot.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Now you ought to see my little earwig!\" observed a third mother, and a fourth.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"They're such lovely children, and so amusing! They never behave badly, except","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"when they have a stomach-ache, but that happens pretty often at their age.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Then each mother spoke of her own youngster, and the youngsters joined in the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"conversation, and used the little forks in their tails to pull the Beetle's","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"mustache.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"The little scamps, they're always up to something!\" said the mothers, beaming","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"with maternal love. But the Beetle was bored by all this, and so he asked how","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"far it was to the nearest hotbed.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Oh, that's way out in the world, on the other side of the ditch,\" said an","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Earwig. \"I hope none of my children ever goes that far - it would be the death","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"of me.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Just the same I'll try to go that far,\" said the Beetle, and then he went off","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"without taking any formal leave, for that's considered the politest thing to do.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And by the ditch he met several of his kind - all Beetles.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"We live here,\" they said. \"And we're very cozy here, too. May we invite you to","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"step down into this rich soil? The journey must have tired you out.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Indeed it has,\" said the Beetle. \"I've been lying on linen out in the rain, and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"cleanliness tires me very much. I also have rheumatism in my wing joints, from","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"standing in a draft under a broken flowerpot. It's really very relaxing to be","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"among one's own kind again.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Perhaps you come from the hotbed?\" asked the oldest of them.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Oh, I come from a much higher place,\" said the Beetle. \"I come from the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Emperor's stable, where I was born with golden shoes on! I'm traveling on","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"a secret mission. You mustn't ask me any questions, for I won't tell you","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"anything.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And so the Beetle stepped down into the rich soil. There sat three young lady","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Beetles, and they tittered because they didn't know what to say.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"They are not engaged yet,\" said their mother, and then the young lady Beetles","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"tittered again, this time from embarrassment.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I have never seen greater beauties even in the Emperor's stables!\" said the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"traveling Beetle.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Now don't you spoil my daughters,\" said the mother, \"and please don't speak","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"to them unless you have serious intentions. But of course your intentions are","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"honorable, and so I give you my blessing!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Hurrah!\" cried all the other Beetles at once, and so the Beetle was engaged.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"First the engagement, then the wedding; there was nothing to wait for.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The following day passed pleasantly, and the next was fair enough, but by the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"third day it was time to think of food for the wife and perhaps for children.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I've let them put something over on me,\" he said, \"and now the only thing to do","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"is put something over on them in return.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And that he did. Away he went, away all day, and away all night, while his wife","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"was left a widow.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The other Beetles said that they had taken nothing more than a complete tramp","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"into the family and now his wife was left a burden on their hands.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Well, then, she shall be unmarried again,\" said her mother, \"and sit here among","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"my unmarried daughters. Shame on that disgusting rascal who deserted her!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Meanwhile the Beetle had been traveling on, and had sailed across the ditch on","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"a cabbage leaf. That morning two persons came by, and when they saw the Beetle","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"they picked him up, turned him over and over, and both looked very learned -","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"especially one of them, a boy.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Allah sees the black beetle in the black stone and in the black mountain,\" he","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"said. \"Isn't that in the Koran?\" Then he translated the Beetle's name into Latin","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"and discoursed upon its nature and family history. The older scholar was opposed","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"to carrying him home, saying they had just as good a specimen there. This, the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Beetle thought, was a very rude thing to say, consequently he suddenly flew","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"out of the speaker's hand. As his wings were dry now, he flew a considerable","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"distance and reached a greenhouse, where he found a sash of the glass roof","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"partly open, so, with the greatest of ease, he slipped in and buried himself in","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"the manure.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"It's very comfortable here,\" he remarked.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Soon he feel asleep and dreamed that the Emperor's horse had fallen down and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"that Mr. Beetle had been given its golden shoes, with the promise that he should","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"have two more.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"It was all very charming. And when the Beetle woke up he crept out and looked","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"around him. What splendor there was in the greenhouse! Great palm trees were","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"growing high, and the sun made them look transparent. And beneath them what a","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"riot of green, and blooming flowers, red as fire, yellow as amber, or white as","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"freshly fallen snow!","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"What magnificent plants! How delicious they'll taste when they're nice and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"decayed!\" said the Beetle. \"This is a splendid larder! I am sure some of my","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"relatives live here; I'll just see if I can find anyone fit to associate with.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I'm proud, and I'm proud of being that way.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"So he thought of the dream he had had about the dying horse and the golden shoes","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"he had won. But suddenly a hand seized the Beetle and squeezed him and turned","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"him over and over.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The gardener's little son and his playmate had come to the greenhouse and,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"seeing the Beetle, had decided to have some fun with him. First he was wrapped","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"in a vine leaf and then shoved down into a warm trousers pocket. He squirmed and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"wriggled, but he got a good squeezing from the boy's hand. The boy went rapidly","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"toward the great lake at the bottom of the garden. Here they put the Beetle in","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"an old broken wooden shoe, with the top part missing. A little stick was placed","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"upright for a mast, and to this the Beetle was bound with a woolen thread. Now","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"he was a skipper and had to sail away.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The lake was very large, and to the Beetle it seemed a vast ocean; he was so","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"amazed at its size that he fell over on his back and kicked out with all his","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"legs.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The wooden shoe sailed away. The current bore it along, but whenever it went","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"too far from shore one of the boys would roll up his trousers, go in after it,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"and bring it back. However, just as it sailed merrily out to sea again, the boys","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"were called away, and quite sharply, too, so that they ran away from the lake,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"leaving the wooden shoe to its fate. It drifted away from the shore, farther and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"farther out; it was a terrible situation for the Beetle; he couldn't fly, for he","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"was bound tightly to the mast.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Then a Fly paid him a visit.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"What beautiful weather we're having!\" said the Fly. \"I'll rest here; I can take","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"a sun bath here. You're certainly having a nice time of it!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"You don't know what you're talking about,\" replied the Beetle. \"Can't you see","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I'm tied up?\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"I'm not a prisoner,\" said the Fly, and promptly flew away.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Well, now I guess I know the world,\" the Beetle said. \"And it's a mean place.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I'm the only honest person in it. First, they won't give me my golden shoes,","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"then I have to lie on wet linen and stand in a draft, and as a climax they hitch","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"a wife to me. Then, when I made a quick move out into the world, and found out","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"how people live, and how I ought to live, one of these human puppies comes and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"ties me up and leaves me to the mercy of the wild ocean, while the Emperor's","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"horse prances about proudly in golden shoes. That's what annoys me more than","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"anything else! But you mustn't expect sympathy in this world! My career has been","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"very interesting, but what's the good of that, if nobody knows about it? The","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"world doesn't deserve to know about it, for it should have given me golden shoes","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"when the Emperor's horse was shod and I stretched out my feet to be shod, too.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"If they'd given me golden shoes I'd have been an honor to the stable. Now the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"stable has lost me, and the world has lost me! It's all over!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"But it wasn't all over yet. Some young girls came rowing up in a boat.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"There's an old wooden shoe sailing along over there!\" said one of them.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"And there's a little animal tied fast in it!\" said another.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Their boat came quite close to the wooden shoe, and they fished him out of the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"water. One of the girls took out a tiny pair of scissors and cut the woolen","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"thread without hurting the Beetle; and when she stepped on shore she placed him","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"down on the grass.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Crawl, crawl, fly, fly away if you can!\" she said. \"Freedom is a precious","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"thing!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"And the Beetle flew straight through the open window of a large building, and","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"there he sank down, tired and exhausted, in the long, fine, soft mane of the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Emperor's favorite horse, which was standing in the stable where he and the","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"Beetle lived. He clung fast to the mane and sat there a little while until he","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"had collected himself.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Here I am sitting on the Emperor's favorite horse! Yes, sitting on him as his","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"rider! But what am I saying? Oh, yes, now it's clear to me; yes, it's a good","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"idea and quite right. Why did the horse get golden shoes, the blacksmith asked","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"me. Now I know the answer. They were given to the horse on my account!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"That put the Beetle in good spirits again.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Traveling broadens the mind,\" he said.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The sun's rays streamed in on him and shone very brightly.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"On the whole, the world isn't so bad, after all!\" said the Beetle. \"But you","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"must know how to take it!\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"The world was wonderful, because the Emperor's favorite horse had golden shoes","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"and because the Beetle was its rider.","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"\"Now I am going down to the other beetles and tell them about all the pleasures","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I have enjoyed on my trip abroad, and I am going to say that now I'm going to","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"stay at home until the horse has worn out his golden shoes.\"","book":"The beetle"} {"text":"I will tell you a story that was told me when I was a little boy. Every time I","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"thought of this story, it seemed to me more and more charming; for it is with","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"stories as it is with many people– they become better as they grow older.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"I have no doubt that you have been in the country, and seen a very old","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"farmhouse, with a thatched roof, and mosses and small plants growing wild upon","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"it. There is a stork's nest on the ridge of the gable, for we cannot do without","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the stork. The walls of the house are sloping, and the windows are low, and only","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"one of the latter is made to open. The baking-oven sticks out of the wall like","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"a great knob. An elder-tree hangs over the palings; and beneath its branches, at","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the foot of the paling, is a pool of water, in which a few ducks are disporting","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"themselves. There is a yard-dog too, who barks at all corners. Just such a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"farmhouse as this stood in a country lane; and in it dwelt an old couple, a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"peasant and his wife. Small as their possessions were, they had one article they","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"could not do without, and that was a horse, which contrived to live upon the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"grass which it found by the side of the high road. The old peasant rode into","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the town upon this horse, and his neighbors often borrowed it of him, and paid","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"for the loan of it by rendering some service to the old couple. After a time","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"they thought it would be as well to sell the horse, or exchange it for something","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"which might be more useful to them. But what might this something be?","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"You'll know best, old man,\" said the wife. \"It is fair-day to-day; so ride into","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"town, and get rid of the horse for money, or make a good exchange; whichever you","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"do will be right to me, so ride to the fair.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"And she fastened his neckerchief for him; for she could do that better than","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"he could, and she could also tie it very prettily in a double bow. She also","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"smoothed his hat round and round with the palm of her hand, and gave him a kiss.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Then he rode away upon the horse that was to be sold or bartered for something","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"else. Yes, the old man knew what he was about. The sun shone with great heat,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"and not a cloud was to be seen in the sky. The road was very dusty; for a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"number of people, all going to the fair, were driving, riding, or walking upon","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"it. There was no shelter anywhere from the hot sunshine. Among the rest a man","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"came trudging along, and driving a cow to the fair. The cow was as beautiful a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"creature as any cow could be.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"She gives good milk, I am certain,\" said the peasant to himself. \"That would","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"be a very good exchange: the cow for the horse. Hallo there! you with the cow,\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"he said. \"I tell you what; I dare say a horse is of more value than a cow; but","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"I don't care for that,– a cow will be more useful to me; so, if you like, we'll","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"exchange.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"To be sure I will,\" said the man.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Accordingly the exchange was made; and as the matter was settled, the peasant","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"might have turned back; for he had done the business he came to do. But, having","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"made up his mind to go to the fair, he determined to do so, if only to have","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"a look at it; so on he went to the town with his cow. Leading the animal, he","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"strode on sturdily, and, after a short time, overtook a man who was driving a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"sheep. It was a good fat sheep, with a fine fleece on its back.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"I should like to have that fellow,\" said the peasant to himself. \"There is","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"plenty of grass for him by our palings, and in the winter we could keep him in","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the room with us. Perhaps it would be more profitable to have a sheep than a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"cow. Shall I exchange?\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"The man with the sheep was quite ready, and the bargain was quickly made. And","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"then our peasant continued his way on the high-road with his sheep. Soon after","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"this, he overtook another man, who had come into the road from a field, and was","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"carrying a large goose under his arm.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"What a heavy creature you have there!\" said the peasant; \"it has plenty of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"feathers and plenty of fat, and would look well tied to a string, or paddling","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"in the water at our place. That would be very useful to my old woman; she could","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"make all sorts of profits out of it. How often she has said, 'If now we only had","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"a goose!' Now here is an opportunity, and, if possible, I will get it for her.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Shall we exchange? I will give you my sheep for your goose, and thanks into the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"bargain.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"The other had not the least objection, and accordingly the exchange was made,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"and our peasant became possessor of the goose. By this time he had arrived very","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"near the town. The crowd on the high road had been gradually increasing, and","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"there was quite a rush of men and cattle. The cattle walked on the path and by","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the palings, and at the turnpike-gate they even walked into the toll-keeper's","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"potato-field, where one fowl was strutting about with a string tied to its leg,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"for fear it should take fright at the crowd, and run away and get lost. The","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"tail-feathers of the fowl were very short, and it winked with both its eyes,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"and looked very cunning, as it said \"Cluck, cluck.\" What were the thoughts of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the fowl as it said this I cannot tell you; but directly our good man saw it,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"he thought, \"Why that's the finest fowl I ever saw in my life; it's finer than","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"our parson's brood hen, upon my word. I should like to have that fowl. Fowls can","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"always pick up a few grains that lie about, and almost keep themselves. I think","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"it would be a good exchange if I could get it for my goose. Shall we exchange?\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"he asked the toll-keeper.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Exchange,\" repeated the man; \"well, it would not be a bad thing.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"And so they made an exchange,– the toll-keeper at the turnpike-gate kept the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"goose, and the peasant carried off the fowl. Now he had really done a great","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"deal of business on his way to the fair, and he was hot and tired. He wanted","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"something to eat, and a glass of ale to refresh himself; so he turned his steps","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"to an inn. He was just about to enter when the ostler came out, and they met at","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the door. The ostler was carrying a sack. \"What have you in that sack?\" asked","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the peasant.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Rotten apples,\" answered the ostler; \"a whole sackful of them. They will do to","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"feed the pigs with.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Why that will be terrible waste,\" he replied; \"I should like to take them home","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"to my old woman. Last year the old apple-tree by the grass-plot only bore one","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"apple, and we kept it in the cupboard till it was quite withered and rotten. It","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"was always property, my old woman said; and here she would see a great deal of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"property– a whole sackful; I should like to show them to her.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"What will you give me for the sackful?\" asked the ostler.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"What will I give? Well, I will give you my fowl in exchange.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"So he gave up the fowl, and received the apples, which he carried into the inn","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"parlor. He leaned the sack carefully against the stove, and then went to the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"table. But the stove was hot, and he had not thought of that. Many guests were","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"present– horse dealers, cattle drovers, and two Englishmen. The Englishmen were","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"so rich that their pockets quite bulged out and seemed ready to burst; and they","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"could bet too, as you shall hear. \"Hiss-s-s, hiss-s-s.\" What could that be by","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the stove? The apples were beginning to roast. \"What is that?\" asked one.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Why, do you know\"– said our peasant. And then he told them the whole story of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the horse, which he had exchanged for a cow, and all the rest of it, down to the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"apples.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Well, your old woman will give it you well when you get home,\" said one of the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Englishmen. \"Won't there be a noise?\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"What! Give me what?\" said the peasant. \"Why, she will kiss me, and say, 'what","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"the old man does is always right.'\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Let us lay a wager on it,\" said the Englishmen. \"We'll wager you a ton of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"coined gold, a hundred pounds to the hundred-weight.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"No; a bushel will be enough,\" replied the peasant. \"I can only set a bushel of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"apples against it, and I'll throw myself and my old woman into the bargain; that","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"will pile up the measure, I fancy.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Done! taken!\" and so the bet was made.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Then the landlord's coach came to the door, and the two Englishmen and the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"peasant got in, and away they drove, and soon arrived and stopped at the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"peasant's hut. \"Good evening, old woman.\" - \"Good evening, old man.\" - \"I've","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"made the exchange.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Ah, well, you understand what you're about,\" said the woman. Then she embraced","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"him, and paid no attention to the strangers, nor did she notice the sack.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"I got a cow in exchange for the horse.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Thank Heaven,\" said she. \"Now we shall have plenty of milk, and butter, and","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"cheese on the table. That was a capital exchange.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Yes, but I changed the cow for a sheep.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Ah, better still!\" cried the wife. \"You always think of everything; we have","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"just enough pasture for a sheep. Ewe's milk and cheese, woollen jackets and","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"stockings! The cow could not give all these, and her hair only falls off. How","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"you think of everything!\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"But I changed away the sheep for a goose.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Then we shall have roast goose to eat this year. You dear old man, you are","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"always thinking of something to please me. This is delightful. We can let the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"goose walk about with a string tied to her leg, so she will be fatter still","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"before we roast her.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"But I gave away the goose for a fowl.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"A fowl! Well, that was a good exchange,\" replied the woman. \"The fowl will lay","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"eggs and hatch them, and we shall have chickens; we shall soon have a poultry-","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"yard. Oh, this is just what I was wishing for.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Yes, but I exchanged the fowl for a sack of shrivelled apples.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"What! I really must give you a kiss for that!\" exclaimed the wife. \"My dear,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"good husband, now I'll tell you something. Do you know, almost as soon as","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"you left me this morning, I began to think of what I could give you nice for","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"supper this evening, and then I thought of fried eggs and bacon, with sweet","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"herbs; I had eggs and bacon, but I wanted the herbs; so I went over to the","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"schoolmaster's: I knew they had plenty of herbs, but the schoolmistress is very","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"mean, although she can smile so sweetly. I begged her to lend me a handful of","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"herbs. 'Lend!' she exclaimed, 'I have nothing to lend; nothing at all grows in","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"our garden, not even a shrivelled apple; I could not even lend you a shrivelled","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"apple, my dear woman.' But now I can lend her ten, or a whole sackful, which","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"I'm very glad of; it makes me laugh to think about it;\" and then she gave him a","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"hearty kiss.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"Well, I like all this,\" said both the Englishmen; \"always going down the hill,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"and yet always merry; it's worth the money to see it.\" So they paid a hundred-","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"weight of gold to the peasant, who, whatever he did, was not scolded but kissed.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"Yes, it always pays best when the wife sees and maintains that her husband knows","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"best, and whatever he does is right.","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"That is a story which I heard when I was a child; and now you have heard it too,","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"and know that \"What the old man does is always right.\"","book":"What the old man does is always right"} {"text":"\"It is so delightfully cold,\" said the Snow Man, \"that it makes my whole body","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life into one. How that great red","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"thing up there is staring at me!\" He meant the sun, who was just setting. \"It","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"shall not make me wink. I shall manage to keep the pieces.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"He had two triangular pieces of tile in his head, instead of eyes; his mouth was","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"made of an old broken rake, and was, of course, furnished with teeth.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"He had been brought into existence amidst the joyous shouts of boys, the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"jingling of sleigh-bells, and the slashing of whips.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"The sun went down, and the full moon rose, large, round, and clear, shining in","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the deep blue.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"There it comes again, from the other side,\" said the Snow Man, who supposed","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the sun was showing himself once more. \"Ah, I have cured him of staring, though;","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"now he may hang up there, and shine, that I may see myself. If I only knew how","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"to manage to move away from this place,– I should so like to move. If I could,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"I would slide along yonder on the ice, as I have seen the boys do; but I don't","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"understand how; I don't even know how to run.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Away, away,\" barked the old yard-dog. He was quite hoarse, and could not","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"pronounce \"Bow wow\" properly. He had once been an indoor dog, and lay by the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"fire, and he had been hoarse ever since. \"The sun will make you run some day. I","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"saw him, last winter, make your predecessor run, and his predecessor before him.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"Away, away, they all have to go.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"I don't understand you, comrade,\" said the Snow Man. \"Is that thing up yonder","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"to teach me to run? I saw it running itself a little while ago, and now it has","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"come creeping up from the other side.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"You know nothing at all,\" replied the yard-dog; \"but then, you've only lately","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"been patched up. What you see yonder is the moon, and the one before it was the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"sun. It will come again to-morrow, and most likely teach you to run down into","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the ditch by the well; for I think the weather is going to change. I can feel","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"such pricks and stabs in my left leg; I am sure there is going to be a change.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"I don't understand him,\" said the Snow Man to himself; \"but I have a feeling","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"that he is talking of something very disagreeable. The one who stared so just","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"now, and whom he calls the sun, is not my friend; I can feel that too.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Away, away,\" barked the yard-dog, and then he turned round three times, and","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"crept into his kennel to sleep.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"There was really a change in the weather. Towards morning, a thick fog covered","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the whole country round, and a keen wind arose, so that the cold seemed to","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"freeze one's bones; but when the sun rose, the sight was splendid. Trees","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"and bushes were covered with hoar frost, and looked like a forest of white","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"coral; while on every twig glittered frozen dew-drops. The many delicate forms","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"concealed in summer by luxuriant foliage, were now clearly defined, and looked","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"like glittering lace-work. From every twig glistened a white radiance. The","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"birch, waving in the wind, looked full of life, like trees in summer; and its","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"appearance was wondrously beautiful. And where the sun shone, how everything","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"glittered and sparkled, as if diamond dust had been strewn about; while the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"snowy carpet of the earth appeared as if covered with diamonds, from which","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"countless lights gleamed, whiter than even the snow itself.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"This is really beautiful,\" said a young girl, who had come into the garden with","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"a young man; and they both stood still near the Snow Man, and contemplated the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"glittering scene. \"Summer cannot show a more beautiful sight,\" she exclaimed,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"while her eyes sparkled.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"And we can't have such a fellow as this in the summer time,\" replied the young","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"man, pointing to the Snow Man; \"he is capital.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"The girl laughed, and nodded at the Snow Man, and then tripped away over the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"snow with her friend. The snow creaked and crackled beneath her feet, as if she","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"had been treading on starch.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Who are these two?\" asked the Snow Man of the yard-dog. \"You have been here","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"longer than I have; do you know them?\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Of course I know them,\" replied the yard-dog; \"she has stroked my back many","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"times, and he has given me a bone of meat. I never bite those two.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"But what are they?\" asked the Snow Man.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"They are lovers,\" he replied; \"they will go and live in the same kennel by-and-","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"by, and gnaw at the same bone. Away, away!\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Are they the same kind of beings as you and I?\" asked the Snow Man.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Well, they belong to the same master,\" retorted the yard-dog. \"Certainly people","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"who were only born yesterday know very little. I can see that in you. I have age","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"and experience. I know every one here in the house, and I know there was once a","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"time when I did not lie out here in the cold, fastened to a chain. Away, away!\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"The cold is delightful,\" said the Snow Man; \"but do tell me tell me; only you","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"must not clank your chain so; for it jars all through me when you do that.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Away, away!\" barked the yard-dog; \"I'll tell you; they said I was a pretty","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"little fellow once; then I used to lie in a velvet-covered chair, up at the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"master's house, and sit in the mistress's lap. They used to kiss my nose, and","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"wipe my paws with an embroidered handkerchief, and I was called 'Ami, dear Ami,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"sweet Ami.' But after a while I grew too big for them, and they sent me away to","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the housekeeper's room; so I came to live on the lower story. You can look into","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the room from where you stand, and see where I was master once; for I was indeed","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"master to the housekeeper. It was certainly a smaller room than those up stairs;","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"but I was more comfortable; for I was not being continually taken hold of and","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"pulled about by the children as I had been. I received quite as good food, or","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"even better. I had my own cushion, and there was a stove– it is the finest thing","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"in the world at this season of the year. I used to go under the stove, and lie","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"down quite beneath it. Ah, I still dream of that stove. Away, away!\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Does a stove look beautiful?\" asked the Snow Man, \"is it at all like me?\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"It is just the reverse of you,\" said the dog; \"it's as black as a crow, and has","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"a long neck and a brass knob; it eats firewood, so that fire spurts out of its","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"mouth. We should keep on one side, or under it, to be comfortable. You can see","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"it through the window, from where you stand.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"Then the Snow Man looked, and saw a bright polished thing with a brazen knob,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"and fire gleaming from the lower part of it. The Snow Man felt quite a strange","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"sensation come over him; it was very odd, he knew not what it meant, and he","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"could not account for it. But there are people who are not men of snow, who","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"understand what it is.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"And why did you leave her?\" asked the Snow Man, for it seemed to him that","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the stove must be of the female sex. \"How could you give up such a comfortable","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"place?\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"I was obliged,\" replied the yard-dog. \"They turned me out of doors, and chained","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"me up here. I had bitten the youngest of my master's sons in the leg, because he","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"kicked away the bone I was gnawing. 'Bone for bone,' I thought; but they were so","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"angry, and from that time I have been fastened with a chain, and lost my bone.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"Don't you hear how hoarse I am. Away, away! I can't talk any more like other","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"dogs. Away, away, that is the end of it all.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"But the Snow Man was no longer listening. He was looking into the housekeeper's","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"room on the lower storey; where the stove stood on its four iron legs, looking","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"about the same size as the Snow Man himself.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"What a strange crackling I feel within me,\" he said. \"Shall I ever get in","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"there? It is an innocent wish, and innocent wishes are sure to be fulfilled. I","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"must go in there and lean against her, even if I have to break the window.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"You must never go in there,\" said the yard-dog, \"for if you approach the stove,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"you'll melt away, away.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"I might as well go,\" said the Snow Man, \"for I think I am breaking up as it","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"is.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"During the whole day the Snow Man stood looking in through the window, and in","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"the twilight hour the room became still more inviting, for from the stove came","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"a gentle glow, not like the sun or the moon; no, only the bright light which","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"gleams from a stove when it has been well fed. When the door of the stove was","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"opened, the flames darted out of its mouth; this is customary with all stoves.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"The light of the flames fell directly on the face and breast of the Snow Man","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"with a ruddy gleam.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"I can endure it no longer,\" said he; \"how beautiful it looks when it stretches","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"out its tongue?\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"The night was long, but did not appear so to the Snow Man, who stood there","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"enjoying his own reflections, and crackling with the cold.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"In the morning, the window-panes of the housekeeper's room were covered with","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"ice. They were the most beautiful ice-flowers any Snow Man could desire, but","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"they concealed the stove. These window-panes would not thaw, and he could see","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"nothing of the stove, which he pictured to himself, as if it had been a lovely","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"human being. The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him; it was just the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"kind of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy. But he did not enjoy","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"it; how, indeed, could he enjoy anything when he was \"stove sick?\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"That is terrible disease for a Snow Man,\" said the yard-dog; \"I have suffered","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"from it myself, but I got over it. Away, away,\" he barked and then he added,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"the weather is going to change.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"And the weather did change; it began to thaw.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"As the warmth increased, the Snow Man decreased. He said nothing and made no","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"complaint, which is a sure sign.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"One morning he broke, and sunk down altogether; and, behold, where he had stood,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"something like a broomstick remained sticking up in the ground. It was the pole","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"round which the boys had built him up.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Ah, now I understand why he had such a great longing for the stove,\" said the","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"yard-dog. \"Why, there's the shovel that is used for cleaning out the stove,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"fastened to the pole.\" The Snow Man had a stove scraper in his body; that was","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"what moved him so. \"But it's all over now. Away, away.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"And soon the winter passed.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Away, away,\" barked the hoarse yard-dog. But the girls in the house sang,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"\"Come from your fragrant home, green thyme;","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"Stretch your soft branches, willow-tree;","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"The months are bringing the sweet spring-time,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"When the lark in the sky sings joyfully.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"Come gentle sun, while the cuckoo sings,","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"And I'll mock his note in my wanderings.\"","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"And nobody thought any more of the Snow Man.","book":"The snowman"} {"text":"A duck arrived from Portugal. Some people said she came from Spain, but that","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"doesn't really matter. She was called the Portuguese; she laid eggs, and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"was killed and dressed and cooked; that's the story of her life. But all the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"ducklings that were hatched from her eggs were also called Portuguese, and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"there's some distinction in that. At last there was only one left of her whole","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"family in the duck yard - a yard to which the hens also had access, and where","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"the cock strutted about with endless arrogance.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"His loud crowing annoys me,\" said the Portuguese Duck. \"But there's no denying","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"he's a handsome bird, even if he isn't a drake. Of course, he should moderate","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"his voice, but that's an art that comes from higher education, such as the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"little songbirds over in our neighbours lime trees have. How sweetly they sing;","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"There's something so touching over their melodies; I call it Portugal. If I only","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"had a little songbird like that I'd be a kind and good mother to him, for that's","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"in my blood - my Portuguese blood!\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"While she was speaking, suddenly a little songbird fell head over heels from the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"roof into the yard. The cat had been chasing him, but the bird escaped with a","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"broken wing and fell down into the duck yard.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"That's just like the cat, that monster!\" said the Portuguese Duck. \"I remember","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"his tricks from when I had ducklings of my own. That such a creature should be","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"permitted to live and roam about on the roofs! I'm sure such things could not","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"happen in Portugal!\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"She pitied the little Songbird, and even the other ducks who weren't Portuguese","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"felt pity for him, too.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Poor little fellow,\" they said, and then one after another came up to look at","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"him. \"Of course, we can't sing,\" they said, \"but we have an inner understanding","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"of song, or something like that. We can feel it, even if we don't talk about","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"it.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Then I will talk about it,\" said the Portuguese. \"And I'll do something for","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"this little fellow; it's only my duty.\" And then she stepped into the water","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"trough and thrashed her wings about the water so vigorously that the little","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Songbird was almost drowned by the shower he got, but he knew the Duck meant","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"well. \"There, that's a good deed,\" she said. \"The others may observe it and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"profit by my example.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" said the little Bird; one of his wings was broken, and he was finding","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"it difficult to shake himself, but he quite understood that the bath was meant","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"kindly. \"You're very kindhearted, madam,\" he said, hoping she wouldn't give him","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"another shower.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"I never thought much about my heart,\" said the Portuguese. \"But I know this","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"much - I love all my fellow creatures except the cat; nobody could expect me to","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"love him, for he ate up two of my ducklings. Now make yourself at home, for you","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"can be quite comfortable here. I myself am a foreigner, as you can tell from my","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"bearing and my feather dress. My drake is a native of this country; he doesn't","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"have my blood, but still I'm not proud. If anyone in this yard can understand","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"you, I may safely say it is I.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Her beak is full of portulaca,\" said a common little Duck, who was considered","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"very witty. All the other common ducks decided the word portulaca was very","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"funny, for it sounded like Portugal. They poked each other and said, \"Quack!\" He","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"was really so witty! And now all the other ducks began to pay attention to the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"little Songbird.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"The Portuguese certainly has a great command of language,\" they said. \"For","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"our part, we haven't room in our beaks for such big words, but we have just as","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"much sympathy, anyway. Even if we don't actually do anything for you, at least","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"we will go about quietly with you; and that we think is the nicest thing we can","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"do.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"You have a lovely voice,\" said one of the older Ducks. \"It must be a great","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"satisfaction to you to give so many as much pleasure as you do. I don't really","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"understand singing, so I keep my beak shut; that's better than chattering","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"nonsense to you the way the others do.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Don't bother him,\" said the Portuguese. \"He needs rest and care. My little","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Songbird, do you want me to give you another shower bath?\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Oh, no, please let me stay dry!\" he begged.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"The water cure is the only that does me any good when I'm sick,\" said the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Portuguese. \"But amusement helps, too. The neighboring hens will soon be coming","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"to visit us; there are two Chinese hens among them. They wear breeches, are well","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"educated, and have been imported, so they stand higher than the others in my","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"esteem.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"And the hens came, and the Cock came with them; today he was polite enough not","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"to be rude.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"You're a true songbird,\" he said, \"and you do all you possibly can with such","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"a small voice as yours. But you should have a little steam power, so everyone","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"would hear that you are a male.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The two Chinese were enraptured at the appearance of the Songbird. He was still","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"very much rumpled up after his bath, so he looked to them like a little China","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"chicken.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"He's charming!\" they cried, and then engaged themselves in conversation with","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"him; they talked in whispers and with a p-sound, in elegant Chinese. \"We belong","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"to your race.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"The Ducks, even the Portuguese one, are swimming birds, as you must have","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"noticed. You don't know us yet; not very many people take the trouble to know","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"us - not even any of the hens, though we were born to occupy a higher perch than","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"most of the others. But that doesn't bother us; we go our way quietly among the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"others, whose ideals are quite different from ours. We look only at the bright","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"side of things, and mention only what's good, though it's sometimes difficult to","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"find something like that when there isn't anything. Besides us two and the Cock,","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"there is no one in the whole hen yard who is talented. And honesty does not","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"exist among the inhabitants of this duck yard.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"We warn you, little Songbird, don't trust that one over there with the short","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"feathers in her tail - she's tricky. The spotted one there, with the crooked","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"stripes on her wings, is always looking for an argument and won't let anybody","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"have the last word, though she's always in the wrong. The fat Duck over there","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"never has a good thing to say about anybody, and that is contrary to our nature;","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"if we haven't something good to say, we keep our beaks shut. The Portuguese is","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"the only one who has a little education and whom one can associate with, but","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"she's hot-tempered and talks too much about Portugal.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"How those two Chinese are always whispering!\" said one of the Ducks. \"They","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"annoy me; I have never spoken to them.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Now the Drake came up; and he thought the little Songbird was a sparrow.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Well, I don't see any difference,\" he said. \"It's all the same, anyway. He's","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"just a plaything, and if you have one, why, you have one.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Don't pay any attention to what he says,\" the Portuguese whispered. \"He is a","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"very respectable businessman, and with him business always comes first. But now","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"I'm going to lie down for a rest. You owe that to yourself, so you'll be nice","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"and fat when the time comes to be embalmed with apples and plums.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"And then she lay down in the sun and blinked one eye; she lay so comfortably and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"felt so well, and so she slept very comfortably.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The little Songbird busied himself with his broken wing, but finally he too lay","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"down, pressed close beside his patroness; the sun was bright and warm; it was a","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"good place to be.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The neighbor's hens scurried about, scratching up the earth, for, to tell the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"truth, they had come visiting solely for the sake of getting something to eat.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The Chinese were the first to leave the duck yard, and the other hens soon","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"followed them.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The witty little Duck was talking about the Portuguese and said the old lady was","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"on the brink of \"Duckdom's dotage.\" At this the other Ducks chuckled. \"Duckdom's","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"dotage!\" they cackled. \"That's unusually witty!\" Then they repeated the other","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"joke about portulaca - that was very amusing to them - and then they lay down.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"They had been sleeping for some time when suddenly some food was thrown in for","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"them. It landed with such a thump that the whole flock started up from sleep and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"flapped their wings. The Portuguese woke up, too, and rolled over on the other","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"side, squeezing the little Songbird very hard as she did so.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Peep!\" he said. \"You stepped so hard on me, madam.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Well, why do you lie in the way?\" she said. \"You mustn't be so touchy. I have","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"nerves, too, but I have never yet said, 'Peep!' \"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Please don't be angry,\" said the little Bird. \"The 'Peep' slipped off my beak","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"before I knew it.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The Portuguese didn't listen to him, but began gobbling as fast as she could,","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"until she had made a good meal. When she had finished, she lay down again, and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"the little Bird came up and tried to please her by singing:","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Tillee-lilly-lee,","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Of your heart with glee","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"I shall sing with love","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"When I fly above!","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"I need to rest after my meal,\" said the Portuguese. \"While you're here you must","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"follow the house rules. I want to take a nap now.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"The little Songbird was quite bewildered, for he had only tried to please her.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"When she awoke later he stood before her with a grain of corn he had found and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"laid it in front of her; but as she hadn't slept well she was in a very bad","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"humor.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"You can give that to a chicken!\" she said. \"And don't stand and hang over me!\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Why are you angry with me?\" he asked. \"What have I done?\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Done?\" said the Portuguese. \"Your manner of expression isn't very refined; I","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"must call your attention to that.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Yesterday it was all sunshine here,\" said the little Bird. \"But today it's dark","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"and cloudy. It makes me very sad.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"You don't know much about weather, I guess,\" said the Portuguese. \"The day","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"isn't over yet. Don't just stand there looking stupid.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"But you're looking at me just as those two wicked eyes did when I fell into the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"yard!\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Impudent!\" said the Portuguese. \"Comparing me with the cat - a beast of prey!","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"There's not a drop of wicked blood in me! I've stood up for you, and I'll have","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"to teach you good manners.\" And with that she bit off the Songbird's head, and","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"he lay there dead.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Now what does this mean?\" she said. \"Couldn't he even stand that? Then he","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"certainly wasn't intended for this world. I know I've been like a mother to him,","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"because I have such a good heart.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"And then the neighbor's Cock stuck his head into the yard and crowed like a","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"steam engine.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Your crowing will kill me!\" she cried. \"It's all your fault! He's lost his","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"head, and I've nearly lost mine.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"There isn't much left of him,\" said the Cock.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"You speak of him with respect,\" said the Portuguese, \"because he had a voice","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"and a fine education. He was tender and soft, and that's as good in animals as","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"in so-called human beings.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"And all the Ducks gathered around the little dead Songbird. Ducks have strong","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"passions, whether they feel envy or pity, and since there was no one here to","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"envy, they all felt pity, and so did even the two Chinese hens.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"We'll never find such a songbird again; he was almost a Chinese,\" and they both","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"wept with a great clucking noise. All the other chickens clucked, too, but the","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Ducks walked around with the reddest eyes.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"We have hearts,\" they said. \"Nobody can deny that.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Hearts!\" said the Portuguese. \"Yes, that we have; they're almost as tender as","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"in Portugal.\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"Let us now think about getting something in our stomachs,\" said the Drake.","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"\"That's the most important thing. If one of our playthings is broken, why, we","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"have plenty more of them!\"","book":"In the duck yard"} {"text":"Let us visit Switzerland. Let us take a look at that magnificent land of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountains, where the forests creep up the sides of the steep rocky walls; let us","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"climb to the dazzling snow-fields above, and descend again to the green valleys","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"below, where the rivers and streams rush along as if afraid they will be too","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"late to reach the ocean and disappear. The burning rays of the sun shine in the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"deep dales and also on the heavy masses of snow above, so that the ice blocks","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which have been piling for years melt and turn to thundering avalanches or","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heaped-up glaciers.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Two such glaciers lie in the broad ravines under the Schreckhorn and the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Wetterhorn, near the little mountain town of Grindelwald. They are strange to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"look at, and for that reason, in summertime many travelers come here from all","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"parts of the world. They cross the lofty, snow-capped hills, and they come","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"through the deep valleys; then they have to climb for several hours, and as they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ascend, the valleys seem to become deeper and deeper, until they look as if they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"are being viewed from a balloon. Often the clouds hang around the towering peaks","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like thick curtains of smoke, while down in the valley dotted with brown wooden","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"houses, a ray of the sun may be shining brightly, throwing into sharp relief a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"brilliant patch of green, until it seems transparent. The water foams and roars,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and rushes along below, but up above the water murmurs and tinkles; it looks as","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"if silver ribbons were streaming down over the rocks.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"On both sides of the ascending road are wooden houses. Each house has its little","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"potato garden, and this is a real necessity; for within those doors are many","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hungry mouths - there are many children, and children are often wasteful with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"food. From all the cottages they swarm out and besiege travelers, whether these","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"be on foot or in carriages. All the children are little merchants; they offer","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for sale charming toy wooden houses, replicas of those that are built here in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the mountains.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Some twenty years ago there often stood here, but always somewhat apart from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"other children, a little boy who was also eager to do some business. He would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stand there with an earnest, grave expression, holding his chip-box tightly with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"both hands, as if afraid of losing it; but it was this seriousness, and the fact","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that he was so small, that caused him to be noticed and called forward, so that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he often sold more than all the others - he didn't exactly know why himself.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"His grandfather lived high up on the mountain, where he carved out the neat,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pretty little houses. In a room up there he had an old chest full of all sorts","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of carved things - nutcrackers, knives, forks, boxes with cleverly carved","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"scrollwork, and leaping chamois - everything that would please a child's eye.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But little Rudy, as he was called, gazed with greater interest and longing at","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the old gun that hung under the beams of the roof. \"He shall have it some day,\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his grandfather had said, \"but not until he's big and strong enough to use it.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Small as the boy was, he took care of the goats. If knowing how to climb","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"along with the goats meant that he was a good goatherd, then Rudy certainly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was an excellent goatherd; he could even go higher than the goats, for he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"loved to search for birds' nests high up in the tops of the trees. He was bold","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and daring. No one ever saw him smile, except when he stood near the roaring","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"waterfall or heard the rolling of an avalanche.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He never played with the other children; in fact, he never went near them except","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"when his grandfather sent him down to sell the things he had carved. And Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"didn't care much for that; he would much rather climb about in the mountains or","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sit home with his grandfather and hear him tell stories of ancient times and of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the people at nearby Meiringen, where he was born. This race, he said, had not","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"always lived there; they were wanderers from other lands; they had come from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"far North, where their people still lived, and were called \"Swedes.\" This was a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"good deal for Rudy to learn, but he learned still more from other teachers - the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"animals that lived in the house. There was a big dog, Ajola, which had belonged","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to Rudy's father, and there was a tomcat. Rudy had much to thank the tomcat for","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"- the Cat had taught him to climb.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Come on out on the roof with me!\" the Cat had said one day, very distinctly and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"intelligibly, too. For to a little child who can hardly speak, the language of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hens and ducks, cats and dogs, is almost as easily understood as that of fathers","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and mothers. But you must be very young indeed then; those are the days when","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Grandpa's stick neighs and turns into a horse, with head, legs, and tail.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Some children keep these thoughts longer than others, and people say that these","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"are exceedingly backward, and remain children too long. But people say so much!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Come on out on the roof with me, little Rudy!\" was one of the first things the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Cat said, and Rudy could understand him.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"It's all imagination to think you'll fall; you won't fall unless you're afraid!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Come on! Put one of your paws here, and another there, and then feel your way","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with your forepaws. Use your eyes and be very active in your limbs. If there's a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hole, jump over it the way I do.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And that's what little Rudy did. Very often he sat on the sloping roof of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"house with the Cat, and often in the tops of the trees, and even high up among","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the towering rocks, where the Cat never went.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Higher! Higher!\" the trees and bushes said. \"Can't you see how we climb - how","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"high we go, and how tightly we hold on, even on the narrowest ledge of rock?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And often Rudy reached the top of the hill even before the sun; there he took","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his morning draught of fresh, strengthening mountain air, that drink which only","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Our Lord can prepare, and which human beings call the early fragrance from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountain herbs and the wild thyme and mint in the valley. Everything that is","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heavy in the air is absorbed by the overhanging clouds and carried by the winds","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over the pine woods, while the essence of fragrance becomes light and fresh air","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"- and this was Rudy's morning draught.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Sunbeams, daughters of the sun who bring his blessings with them, kissed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his cheeks. Dizziness stood nearby watching, but dared not approach him. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"swallows from his grandfather's house below (there were at least seven nests)","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"flew up toward him and the goats, singing, \"We and you, and you and we!\" They","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"brought greetings from his home, even from the two hens, who were the only birds","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in the house; however, Rudy had never been very intimate with them.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Young as he was he had traveled, and quite a good deal for such a little fellow.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He was born in Canton Valais, and brought from there over the hills. He had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"recently traveled on foot to the near-by Staubbach, that seems to flutter like","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a silver veil before the snow-clad, glittering white Jungfrau. And he had been","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to the great glaciers near Grindelwald, but there was a sad story connected","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with that trip; his mother had met her death there, and it was there, as his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"grandfather used to say, that \"little Rudy had lost all his childish happiness.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When he was less than a year old he laughed more than he cried, as his mother","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had written; but from the time he fell into the crevasse his whole nature had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"changed. His grandfather didn't talk about this very much, but it was known all","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over the mountain.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy's father had been a coach driver, and the big dog that now shared the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"boy's home had always gone with him on his journeys over the Simplon down to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Lake Geneva. Rudy's relatives on his father's side lived in the Rhone valley,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in Canton Valais, where his uncle was a celebrated chamois hunter and a famous","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Alpine guide. Rudy was only a year old when he lost his father, and his mother","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"decided to return with the child to her own family in the Berner Oberland. Her","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"father lived a few hours' journey from Grindelwald; he was a wood carver, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his trade enabled him to live comfortably.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"With her infant in her arms she set out toward home in June, accompanied by two","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chamois hunters, over the Gemmi toward Grindelwald. They had made the greater","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"part of the journey, had climbed the highest ridges to the snow fields and could","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"already see her native valley with the familiar scattered cottages; they now","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had only to cross the upper part of one great glacier. They newly fallen snow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"concealed a crevasse, not deep enough to reach the abyss below where the water","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushed along, but deeper than a man's height.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As she was carrying her child the young woman suddenly slipped, sank down,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and instantly disappeared. Not a shriek or groan was heard, only the wailing","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of a little child. It was over an hour before her two companions could obtain","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ropes and poles from the nearest house to pull her out; and after tremendous","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"labor they brought from the crevasse what they thought were two dead bodies.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Every means of restoring life was tried, and at last they managed to save the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"child, but not the mother. Thus the old grandfather received in his house,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"not a daughter, but a daughter's son, the little one who laughed more than he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"cried. But a change seemed to have come over him since his terrible experience","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in the glacier crevasse - that cold, strange ice world, where the Swiss peasant","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"believes the souls of the damned are imprisoned till doomsday.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The glacier lies like a rushing stream, frozen and pressed into blocks of green","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"crystal, one huge mass of ice balanced on another; the swelling stream of ice","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and snow tears along in the depths beneath, while within it yawn deep hollows,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"immense crevasses. It is a wondrous palace of crystal, and in its dwells the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Ice Maiden, queen of the glaciers. She, the slayer, the crusher, is half the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mighty ruler of the rivers, half a child of the air. Thus it is that she can","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"soar to the loftiest haunts of the chamois, to the towering summits of the snow-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"covered hills, where the boldest mountaineer has to cut footrests for himself in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the ice; she sails on a light pine twig over the foaming river below, and leaps","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lightly from one rock to another, with her long, snow-white hair fluttering","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"about her, and her blue-green robe glistening like the water in the deep Swiss","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lakes.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"To crush! To hold fast! That is my power!\" she says. \"And yet a beautiful boy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was snatched from me - one whom I had kissed, but not yet kissed to death! He","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"is again among human beings - he tends his goats on the mountain peaks; he is","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"always climbing higher and still higher, far, far from other humans, but never","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from me! He is mine! I will fetch him!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"So she commanded Dizziness to undertake the mission; it was in the summertime","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and too hot for the Ice Maiden in the valley where the green mint grew; so","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Dizziness mounted and dived. Now Dizziness has a flock of sisters - first one","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"came, then three of them - and the Ice Maiden selected the strongest of those","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"who wield their power indoors and out. They perch on the banisters of steep","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"staircases and the guard rails of lofty towers; they run like squirrels along","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the mountain ridges and, leaping away from them, tread the air as a swimmer","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"treads water, luring a victim onward to the abyss beneath.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Dizziness and the Ice Maiden both reach out for mankind, as the polypus reaches","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"after whatever comes near it. The mission of Dizziness was to seize Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Seize him, you say!\" said Dizziness. \"I can't do it. That wretched Cat has","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"taught him its skill. That human child has a power within himself that keeps me","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"away. I can't touch the little fellow when he hangs from branches out over the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"abyss, or I'd be glad to tickle his feet and send him flying down through the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"air. I can't do it!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"We can seize him!\" said the Ice Maiden. \"Either you or I! I will! I will!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"No! No!\" A whisper, a song, broke upon the air like the echo of church bells","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pealing; it was the harmonious tones of a chorus of other spirits of Nature,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the mild, soft, and loving daughters of the rays of the sun. Every evening","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"they encircle the mountain peaks and spread their rosy wings, which, as the sun","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sinks, become redder and redder until the lofty Alps seem blazing. Mountaineers","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"call this the Alpine glow. When the sun has set, they retire into the white snow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on the peaks and sleep there until they appear again at sunrise. Greatly do they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"love flowers and butterflies and mankind, and they had taken a great fancy to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You shall not catch him! You shall not have him!\" they sang.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I have caught greater and stronger ones than he!\" said the Ice Maiden.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then the daughters of the sun sang of the traveler whose cap was torn from his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"head by the whirlwind, and carried away in stormy flight. The wind had power to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"take his cap, but not the man himself. \"You can seize him, but you cannot hold","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"him, you children of strength. The human race is stronger and more divine even","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"than we are; they alone can mount higher than our mother the sun. They know the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"magic words that can compel the wind and waves to obey and serve them. Once the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heavy, dragging weight of the body is loosened, it soars upward.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Thus sounded the glorious bell-like chorus.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And every morning the sun's rays shone on the sleeping child through the one","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tiny window of the old man's house. The daughters of the sun kissed the boy;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"they tried to thaw, to wipe out the ice kiss given him by the queen of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glaciers when, in his dead mother's arms, he lay in the deep ice crevasse from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which he had only been rescued as if by a miracle.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW HOME","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Now Rudy was eight years old. His uncle, who lived in the Rhone valley on the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"other side of the mountain, wanted to take the boy, so that he could have a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"better education and be taught to take care of himself. The grandfather thought","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"this would be better for the boy, so agreed to part with him.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As the time for Rudy's departure drew near, there were many others besides","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Grandfather to take leave of. First there was Ajola, the old dog.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Your father was the coachman, and I was the coachman's dog,\" said Ajola. \"We","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"often traveled back and forth, and I know both dogs and men on the other side","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of the mountains. I never had the habit of speaking very much, but now that we","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"have so little time to talk to each other, I'll say a little more than I usually","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"do, and tell you a story that I've been thinking about for a long time. I can't","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"understand it, and you can't either, but that doesn't matter. I have learned","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"this: the good things of this world aren't dealt out equally either to dogs","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"or to men; not everyone is born to lie in someone's lap or to drink milk. I've","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"never been accustomed to such luxury. But I've often seen a puppy dog traveling","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"inside a post carriage, taking up a human being's seat, while the lady to whom","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he belonged, or rather who belonged to him, carried a bottle of milk from which","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"she fed him. She also offered him sweet candy, but he wouldn't bother to eat it;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he just sniffed at it, so she ate it herself. I was running in the mud beside","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the carriage, about as hungry as a dog could be, but I had only my own bitter","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thoughts to chew on. Things weren't quite as they ought to be, but then there is","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"much that is not! I hope you get to ride inside carriages, and ride softly, but","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"you can't make all that happen by yourself. I never could either by barking or","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"yawning.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"That was Ajola's lecture, and Rudy threw his arms around the dog's neck and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"kissed his wet nose. Then he took the Cat in his arms, but he struggled to be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"free, and cried, \"You're getting much too strong for me, but I won't use my","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"claws against you. Climb away over the mountains - I've taught you how to climb.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Never think about falling, but hold tightly; don't be afraid, and you'll be safe","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"enough.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then the Cat ran off, for he didn't want Rudy to see how sorry he was.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The hens were hopping about the floor. One of them had lost its tail, for a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"traveler, who thought himself a sportsman, had shot it off, mistaking the poor","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hen for a game bird.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Rudy is going over the mountains,\" said one of the hens.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"He's in a hurry,\" said the other, \"and I don't like farewells.\" So they both","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hopped away.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And the goats also said their farewells. \"Maeh! Maeh!\" they bleated; it sounded","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so sad.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Just at that time there happened to be two experienced guides about to cross the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountains; they planned to descend the other side of the Gemmi, and Rudy would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"go with them on foot. It was a hard trip for such a little fellow, but he had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"considerable strength, and was untiring and courageous.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The swallows accompanied him a little way, and sang to him, \"We and you, and you","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and we.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The travelers' route led across the foaming Lütschine, which falls in many","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"small rivulets from the dark clefts of the Grindelwald glaciers. Fallen tree","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"trunks made bridges, and pieces of rock served here as steppingstones. Soon they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had passed the alder thicket, and began to climb the mountain near where the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glaciers had loosened themselves from the cliff. They went around the glacier","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and over the blocks of ice.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy crept and walked. His eyes sparkled with joy as he firmly placed his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"iron-tipped mountain shoes; it seemed as if he wished to leave behind him an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"impression of each footstep. The patches of black earth, tossed onto the glacier","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"by the mountain torrents, gave it a burned look, but still the blue-green,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glassy ice shone through. They had to circle the little pools that seemed damned","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"up by detached masses of ice. On this route they approached a huge stone which","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was balanced on the edge of an ice crevasse. Suddenly the rock lost its balance","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and toppled into the crevasse; the echo of its thunderous fall resounded faintly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from the deep abyss of the glacier, far, far below.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Upward, always upward, they climbed; the glacier stretched up like a solid","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stream of masses of ice piled in wild confusion, wedged between bare and rugged","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rocks. For a moment Rudy remembered what had been told him, how he had lain","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in his mother's arms, buried in one of these terrible crevasses. But he soon","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"threw off such gloomy thoughts, and considered the tale as only one of the many","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stories he had heard. Occasionally, when the guides thought the way was too","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"difficult for a such a little boy, they held out their hands to help him; but he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"didn't tire, and he crossed the glacier as sure-footedly as a chamois itself.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"From time to time they reached rocky ground; they walked between mossless","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stones, and sometimes between low pine trees or out on the green pastures -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"always changing, always new. About them towered the lofty, snow- capped peaks,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which every child in the country knows by name - the Jungfrau, the Eiger, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the Mönch.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy had never before been up so high, had never before walked on the wide ocean","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of snow with its frozen billows of ice, from which the wind occasionally swept","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little clouds of powdery snow as it sweeps the whitecaps from the waves of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sea. Glacier stretched beside glacier, almost as if they were holding hands; and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"each is a crystal palace of the Ice Maiden, whose joy and in whose power it is","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to seize and imprison her victims.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The sun shone warmly, and the snow dazzled the eye as if it were covered","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with the flashing sparks of pale blue diamonds. Countless insects, especially","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"butterflies and bees, lay dead in heaps on the snow; they had winged their way","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"too high, or perhaps the wind had carried them up to the cold regions that to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them meant death. Around the Wetterhorn there hung a threatening cloud, like","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a large mass of very fine dark wool; it sank, bulging with what was concealed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"within - a foehn, the Alpine south wind that foretells a storm, fearfully","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"violent in its power when it should break loose.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"This whole journey - the stops for the nights high up in the mountains, the wild","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"route, the deep crevasses where the water, during countless ages of time, had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"cut through the solid stone - made an unforgettable impression on little Rudy's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mind.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"A deserted stone hut, beyond the snowfields, gave them shelter and comfort","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for the night. Here they found charcoal and pine branches, and a fire was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"soon kindled. Sleeping quarters were arranged as well as possible, and the men","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"settled near the blazing fire; they smoked their tobacco and drank some of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"warm, spiced beverage they had prepared - and they didn't forget to give Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"some.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The talk turned to the mysterious creatures who haunt the high Alps: the huge,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"strange snakes in the deep lakes - the night riders - the spectral host that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"carry sleepers through the air to the wonderful, floating city of Venice -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the wild herdsman, who drives his black sheep over the green pastures: these","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had never been seen, although men had heard the sound of their bells and the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"frightful noise of the phantom herd.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy listened to these superstitious tales with intense interest, but with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"no fear, for that he had never known; yet while he listened he imagined he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"could hear the roar of that wild, spectral herd. Yes! It became more and more","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"distinct, until the men heard it too. They stopped their talking and listened to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it, and then they told Rudy that he must not fall asleep.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It was a foehn that had risen - that violent tempest which whirls down from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountains into the valley below, and in its fury snaps large trees like reeds,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and tosses the wooden houses from one bank of a river to the other, as easily as","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"we would move chessmen.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"After an hour they told Rudy the wind had died down and he might go to sleep","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"safely; and, weary from his long walk, he followed their instructions and slept.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Early next morning, they set off again. That day the sun shone for Rudy on new","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountains, new glaciers, and new snowfields. They had entered Canton Valais,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on the other side of the ridge of mountains visible from Grindelwald; but they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"still had a long way to go to his new home.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"More mountain clefts, pastures, woods, and new paths unfolded themselves; then","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy saw other houses and other people. But what kind of human beings were","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"these? They were misshapen, with frightful, disgusting, fat, yellowish faces,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the hideous flesh of their necks hanging down like bags. They were the cretins-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"miserable, diseased wretches, who dragged themselves along and stared with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stupid, dead eyes at the strangers who crossed their path; the women were even","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"more disgusting than the men. Were these the sort of people who lived in his new","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"home?","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE UNCLE","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When Rudy arrived in his uncle's house he thanked God to see people such as he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was accustomed to. There was only one cretin, a poor imbecile boy, one of those","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"unfortunate beings who, in their poverty, which amounts to utter destitution,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"always travel about in Canton Valais, visiting different families in turn and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"staying a month or two in each house. Poor Saperli happened to be living in the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"house of Rudy's uncle when the boy arrived.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"This uncle was a bold hunter, and a cooper by trade, while his wife was a lively","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little person, with a face somewhat like a bird's, eyes like an eagle's, and a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"long, skinny, fuzz-covered neck.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Everything was strange and new to Rudy - dress, customs, employment, even the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"language, though his young ear would soon learn to understand that. A comparison","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"between his grandfather's little home and his uncle's domicile greatly favored","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the latter. The room they lived in was larger; the walls were decorated with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chamois heads and brightly polished guns; a painting of the Virgin Mary hung","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over the door, with fresh Alpine roses and a constantly burning lamp before it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As you have learned, his uncle was one of the most famous chamois hunters of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"canton, and also the most experienced and best guide.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy became the pet of the house, but there was another pet too - a blind, lazy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"old dog, of not much use any more. But he had been useful once, and his value","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in former years was remembered, so he now lived as one of the family, with every","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"comfort. Rudy patted him, but the dog didn't like strangers and still considered","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy one. But the boy did not long remain so, for soon he won his way into","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"everyone's heart.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Things are not so bad here in Canton Valais,\" said his uncle. \"We have plenty","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of chamois; they don't die off as fast as the wild goats. Things are much better","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"now than in the old days, however much we praise the olden times. A hole has","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"been burst in the bag, so now we have a little fresh air in our cramped valley.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When you do away with out-of-date things you always get something better,\" he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"said.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When the uncle became really talkative, he would tell the boy about his own and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his father's childhood. \"In those days Valais was,\" he called it, \"just a closed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bag full of too many sick people - miserable cretins. But the French soldiers","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"came, and they made excellent doctors - they soon killed the disease, and the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"patients too. They knew how to strike - yes, to strike in many different ways;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"even their girls knew how to strike!\" Then he winked at his wife, who was French","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"by birth, and laughed. \"The French knew how to split solid stones if they wanted","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to. It was they who cut out of solid rock the road over the Simplon Pass - yes,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and made such a road that I could tell a three-year-old child to go to Italy!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"You just have to keep on the highway, and there you are!\" Then the uncle sang a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"French song, and ended by shouting \"hurrah!\" for Napoleon Bonaparte.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It was the first time Rudy had ever heard of France or of Lyons, that great city","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on the Rhone which his uncle had visited.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"In a few years Rudy would become an expert chamois hunter, for he showed quite","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a flair for it, said the uncle. He taught the boy to hold, load, and fire a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"gun; in the hunting season he took him up into the hills and made him drink warm","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chamois blood to ward off hunter's giddiness; he taught him to know the times","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"when, on different slopes of the mountains, avalanches were likely to fall,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in the morning or evening, whenever the sun's rays had the greatest effect. He","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"taught him to observe the movements of the chamois and copy their leaps, so that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he might light firmly on his feet. He told him that if there was no footing in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the rock crevices, he must support himself by the pressure of his elbows, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the muscles, of his thighs and calves; if necessary even the neck could be used.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The chamois is cunning and places sentinels on guard, so the hunter must","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"be still more cunning, and scent them out. Sometimes he could cheat them by","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"arranging his hat and coat on his alpine staff, so that the chamois would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mistake the dummy for the man. The uncle played this trick one day when he was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"out hunting with Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It was a narrow mountain path - indeed, scarcely a path at all; it was nothing","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"more than a slight ledge close to the yawning abyss. The snow there was half","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thawed, and the rock crumbled away under the pressure of a boot; so that uncle","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lay down at full length and inched his way forward. Every fragment of rock that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"crumbled off fell, knocking and bouncing from one side of the wall to the other,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"until it came to rest in the depths far below. Rudy stood on the edge of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"last point of solid rock, about a hundred paces behind his uncle, and from there","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he suddenly saw, wheeling through the air and hovering just above his uncle, an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"enormous vulture, which, with one stroke of its tremendous wings, could easily","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"have hurled the creeping form into the abyss beneath, and there feed on his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"carcass.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The uncle had eyes for nothing but the chamois, which had appeared with its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"young kid on the other side of the crevasse. But Rudy kept watching the bird,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with his hand on his gun to fire the instant it became necessary, for he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"understood its intention. Suddenly the chamois leaped upward; the uncle fired,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and the animal was hit by the deadly bullet; but the kid escaped as skillfully","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"as if it had had a lifelong experience of danger and flight. The huge bird,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"frightened by the report, wheeled off in another direction; and the uncle was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"saved from a danger of which he knew nothing until Rudy told him about it later.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As they were making their way homeward in high good humor, the uncle humming","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"an air he remembered from his childhood; they heard a strange noise very close","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to them. They looked all around, and then upward; and there, on the slope of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the mountain high above, the heavy snow covering was lifted up and heaving as","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a stretched linen sheet heaves when the wind creeps under it. Then the great","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mass cracked like a marble slab, broke, and changed into a foaming cataract,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushing down on them with a rumbling noise like distant thunder. An avalanche","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was coming, not directly toward Rudy and his uncle, but close to them - much too","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"close!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Hang on, Rudy!\" he cried. \"Hang on with all your might!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy threw his arms around the trunk of a near-by tree, while his uncle climbed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"higher and clung to the branches of the tree. The avalanche roared past a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little distance away, but the gale of wind that swept behind it, the tail of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a hurricane, snapped trees and bushes all around them as if they had been dry","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushes, and hurled them about in wild confusion. Rudy was flung to the ground,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for the trunk of his tree looked as if it had been sawed in two, and the upper","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"part was tossed a great distance. And there, among the shattered branches, Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"found his poor uncle, with a fractured skull! His hands were still warm, but his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"face was unrecognizable. Rudy turned pale and trembled, for this was the first","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"real shock of his life, the first terror he had ever experienced.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Late that evening he brought the fatal news to his home - his home, which was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"now to be the home of grief. The wife stood like a statue, uttering no word,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"shedding no tear; it was not until the corpse was brought home that her sorrow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"found utterance. The poor cretin crept into his bed, and was not seen throughout","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the whole next day. But the following evening he came to Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Write a letter for me please!\" he said. \"Saperli can't write. Saperli can only","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"take letter to post office.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"A letter for you?\" Rudy asked. \"To whom?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"To our Lord Christ!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"What do you mean?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And the half-wit, as he was called, looked at Rudy with a touching expression,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"clasped his hands, and said solemnly and reverently, \"Jesus Christ! Saperli","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"would send Him a letter to pray Him that Saperli lie dead, and not the master of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the house here.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And Rudy pressed his hand. \"That letter wouldn't reach up there. That letter","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wouldn't restore him to us.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He found it very difficult to convince Saperli how impossible his request was.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Now you must be the support of the house,\" said his aunt. And Rudy became just","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"BABETTE","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Who is the best hunter in Canton Valais?\" The chamois knew well. \"Beware of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy!\" they might have said to each other. And, \"Who is the handsomest hunter?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"- \"Oh, it's Rudy!\" the girls said. But they didn't add, \"Beware of Rudy!\" And","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"their serious mothers didn't say so either, for he bowed as politely to them as","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to the young girls.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He was so brave and happy; his cheeks were so brown, his teeth so white, his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dark eyes so sparkling! He was a handsome fellow, just twenty years old. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"most icy water never seemed too cold for him to go swimming; in fact, he was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like a fish in water. He could outclimb anyone else; he could cling as tightly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"as a snail to the cliffs. There were steel muscles and sinews in him; that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was clear whenever he jumped. He had learned how to leap, first from the Cat,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and later from the chamois. Rudy was considered the best mountain guide, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he could have made a great deal of money in that vocation. His uncle had also","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"taught him the trade of a cooper, but he had no inclination for that. He was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"interested in nothing but chamois hunting; that was his greatest pleasure, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it also brought in good money. Everybody said Rudy would be an excellent match,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"if only he didn't set his sights too high. He was the kind of graceful dancer","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that the girls dreamed about; and more than one carried him in her thoughts","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"while she was awake.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"He kissed me while we were dancing!\" the schoolmaster's daughter, Annette, told","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her dearest friend; but she shouldn't have told it, even to her dearest friend.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Such secrets are seldom kept; they ooze out, like sand from a bag that has holes","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in it. Consequently, however well behaved and good Rudy was, the rumor soon","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"spread about that he kissed his dancing partners. And yet he had never kissed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the one he really wanted to kiss.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Watch him!\" said an old hunter. \"He has kissed Annette. He has begun with A,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and he's going to kiss his way through the whole alphabet!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"A kiss in the dance was all the gossips so far could find to bring against Rudy;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but he certainly had kissed Annette, and yet she wasn't the real flower of his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heart.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Down at Bex, among the great walnut trees near a small rushing mountain stream,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there lived a rich miller. His home was a large house, three stories high, with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"small turrets; it was made of wood, and covered with tin plates, which shone","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"both in sunshine and moonlight. On the highest turret was a weather vane, a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"shining arrow piercing an apple - an allusion to Wilhelm Tell's famous arrow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"shot. The mill was prominent and prosperous looking and allowed itself to be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sketched and written about, but the miller's daughter did not permit herself to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"be described in painting or writing, at least so Rudy would have said. Yet her","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"image was engraved on his heart; her eyes sparkled in it so that it was quite on","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fire. This fire had, like most fires, begun suddenly. The strangest part of it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was that the miller's daughter, the lovely Babette, had no suspicion of it, for","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"she and Rudy had never spoken so much as two words to each other.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The miller was rich, and because of his wealth Babette was rather high to hope","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for. \"But nothing is so high,\" Rudy told himself, \"that one may not reach it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"You must climb on, and if you have confidence you won't fall.\" This was how he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had been taught as a child.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Now it so happened that Rudy had some business in Bex. It was quite a journey,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for in those days there was no railroad. From the Rhone glaciers, at the very","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"foot of the Simplon, the broad valley of Canton Valais stretches among many and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"often-shifting mountain peaks, with its mighty Rhone River, whose rising waters","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"often overflow its banks, covering fields and roads, destroying everything.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Between the towns of Sion and St. Maurice the valley bends sharply like an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"elbow, and below St. Maurice it narrows until there is room only for the bed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of the river and the narrow carriage road. Canton Valais ends here, and an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"old tower stands on the side of the mountain like the guardian of the canton,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"commanding a view across the stone bridge to the customhouse on the other","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"side, where Canton Vaud commences. And the closest of the near-by towns is Bex.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Fruitfulness and abundance increase here with every step forward; one enters,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so to speak, a grove of chestnut and walnut trees. Here and there cypresses and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pomegranates peep out; it is as warm here as if one were in Italy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy reached Bex, and after finishing his business he took a walk about town;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but he saw no one belonging to the mill, not even Babette. And that wasn't what","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he wanted.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Evening came on; the air was heavy with the fragrance of the wild thyme and the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"blossoming lime trees; a shining veil of skyblue seemed to lie over the wooded","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"green hills; and a stillness was everywhere. It was not the stillness of sleep","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"or of death - no, it was as if nature were holding here breath, as of posing,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for her image to be photographed on the blue surface of the heavens above.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Here and there among the trees in the green field stood poles that carried the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"telegraph wires through the silent valley. Against one of them there leaned an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"object, so motionless that it might have been the dead trunk of a tree; it was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy, standing there as still as the world around him at that moment. He wasn't","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sleeping, nor was he dead; but just as great events of the world, or matters","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of the highest importance to individuals often are transmitted through the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"telegraph wires without those wires betraying them by the slightest movement","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"or the faintest sound, so there passed through Rudy's mind the one, mighty,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"overwhelming thought that now constantly occupied him - the thought of his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"life's happiness. His eyes were fixed on a single point before him - a light","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that glimmered through the foliage from the parlor of the miller's house, where","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette lived. Rudy stood as still as if he were taking aim at a chamois; but","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"at that moment he was like the chamois itself, which could stand as if chiseled","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from rock, and in the next instant, if only a stone rolled past, would spring","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"into life and leave the hunter far behind. And so it was with Rudy, for a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thought passed through his mind.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Never give up!\" he said. \"Visit the mill; say good evening to the miller, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"good day to Babette. You won't fall unless you're afraid of falling. If I'm","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"going to be Babette's husband, she'll have to see me sooner or later!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then Rudy laughed, and in good spirits, he went to the mill. He knew what he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wanted; he wanted Babette!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The river with its yellowish-white water was rolling along, overhung with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"willows and lime trees. Rudy went along the path, and, as the old nursery rhyme","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"says,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Found to the miller's house his way;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But no one was at home","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Except a pussycat at play!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The cat, which was standing on the steps, arched its back and mewed, but Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was not inclined to pay my attention to it. He knocked at the door, but no one","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heard him; no one opened the door. \"Meow!\" said the cat. If Rudy had still been","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a little boy, he would have understood the cat's language, and known that it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"said, \"No one is home!\" But now he had to go over to the mill to find out; and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there he was told that the miller had gone on a long journey to Interlaken -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Inter Lacus, among the lakes,\" as the highly learned schoolmaster, Annette's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"father, had explained the name. There was going to be a great shooting match","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"held there, to begin the next morning and last for eight days. The Swiss from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"all the German cantons were assembling there, and the miller and Babette had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"gone too.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Poor Rudy\" we may well say. It wasn't a lucky time for him to have come to Bex.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He could only go home again, which he did, taking the road over St. Maurice and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Sion to his own valley, his own mountains. But he wasn't disheartened. The next","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"morning when the sun rose he was in good spirits, for they had never been really","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"depressed.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Babette is in Interlaken, a good many days' journey from here,\" he said to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"himself. \"It's a long way if you follow the highway, but not so far if you","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"cut across the mountain, and that's the best way for a chamois hunter. I've","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"traveled that route before; over there is my first home, where I lived with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"my grandfather when I was a little boy. And there are shooting matches at","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Interlaken; I'll show I'm the best one there, and I'll be with Babette there","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"too, after I've made her acquaintance.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"With his musket and gamebag, and his light knapsack packed with his Sunday best,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy went up the mountain; it was the shortest way, though still fairly long.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But the shooting matches would only begin that day, and were to last more than","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a week. During all that time, he had been told, the miller and Babette would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"be staying with their relatives at Interlaken. So Rudy crossed the Gemmi; he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"planned to descend near Grindelwald.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Happily and in good health he walked along, enjoying the fresh, pure,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"invigorating mountain air. The valley sank below him; the horizon widened,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"showing here one snow-capped summit, there another, until the whole of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bright shining Alpine range was visible. Rudy well knew every snow-covered","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountain peak. He was now approaching the Schreckhorn, which pointed its white,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"powdered stone finger high toward the blue vault above.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"At last he had crossed the highest mountain ridge. Now the pasture lands sloped","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down to the valley that was his old home. The air was light, and his thoughts","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"were light; mountain and valley were blooming with flowers and foliage, and his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heart was blooming with the bright dreams of youth. He felt as if old age and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"death would never approach him; life, power, and enjoyment would be before him","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"always. Free as a bird, light as a bird, was Rudy; and as the swallows flew past","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"him they sang as in the days of his childhood, \"We and you, and you and we!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Everything was light and happy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Down below lay the green-velvet meadows, dotted with brown wooden houses; and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the river Lütschine murmured and rolled along. He could see the glacier, with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"its edges like green glass bordering the dirty snow, and looking down into the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"deep crevasses, he saw both the upper and lower glacier. The pealing of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"church bells came to his ears, as if they were welcoming him to his old home.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"His heart beat faster, and so many old memories filled his mind that for a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"moment he almost forgot Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He was again passing along the same road where, as a little boy, he had stood","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with the other children to sell the carved wooden toy houses. His grandfather's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"house still stood over above the pine trees, but strangers lived there now.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As in the olden days, the children came running to sell their wares. One of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them offered him an Alpine rose, and Rudy took it as a good omen, thinking of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette. Soon he came to the bridge where the two Lütschines unite; here the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"foliage was heavier and the walnut trees gave grateful shade. Then he could","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"make out waving flags, the white cross on the red ground - the standard of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Switzerland as of Denmark - and before him lay Interlaken.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"To Rudy it certainly seemed like a wonderful town - a Swiss town in its Sunday","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dress. Unlike other market towns, it was not a heap of heavy stone buildings,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stiff, cold, foreign looking. No, it looked as if the wooden chalets from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hills above had moved down into the green valley below, with its clear stream","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushing swiftly as an arrow, and had ranged themselves in rows, somewhat","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"unevenly, to be sure, to form a street. And most beautiful of all, the streets,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which had been built since Rudy had last been there as a child, seemed to be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"made up of all the prettiest wooden houses his Grandfather had carved and that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had filled the cupboard at home. They seemed to have transplanted themselves","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down here and to have grown very much in size, as the old chestnut trees had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"done.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Every house was a so-called hotel, with carved wooden grillwork around the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"windows and balconies, and with projecting roofs; they were very meat and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dainty. Between each house and the wide, hard-surfaced highway was a flower","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"garden. Near these houses, though on only one side of the road, there stood","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"other houses; if they had formed a double row they would have cut off from view","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the fresh green meadows where cattle grazed, their bells jingling as in the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"high Alpine pastures. The valley was surrounded by high mountains, with a little","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"break on one side that revealed the glittering, snow-white Jungfrau, in form the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"most beautiful of all the Swiss mountains.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"What a multitude of gayly dressed ladies and gentlemen from foreign countries!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"What crowds of country people from the near-by cantons! The marksmen carried","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the number of their posts in a garland round their hats. There were shouting and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"racket and music of all kinds, from singing to hand organs and wind instruments.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The houses and bridges were decorated with flags and verses. Banners waved, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"shot after shot was being fired; to Rudy's ears that was the best music. In all","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"this excitement he almost forgot Babette, though it was for her sake alone that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he had gone there.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The marksmen were crowding around the targets. Rudy quickly joined them, and he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was the best shot of them all, for he always made a bull's-eye.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Who's that strange fellow, that very young marksman?\" people asked. \"He speaks","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the French of Canton Valais; but he can also express himself fluently in our","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"German,\" said some.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"He is supposed to have lived in the valley, near Grindelwald, when he was a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"child,\" someone explained.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The lad was full of life; his eyes sparkled; his aim and his arm were steady,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so his shots were always perfect. Good luck brings courage, and Rudy always had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"courage. Soon a whole circle of admirers was around him; they showed him their","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"esteem and honored him. Babette had almost disappeared from his thoughts. But","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"suddenly a heavy hand was laid on his shoulder, and a deep voice spoke to him in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"French.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You're from Canton Valais?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy turned and saw a fat man with a jolly face. It was the rich miller from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Bex, his broad body hiding the slender, lovely Babette; however, she soon came","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"forward, her dark eyes sparkling brightly. The rich miller was very proud that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it was a marksman from his own canton who proved to be the best shot, and was so","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"much admired and praised. Rudy was truly the child of good fortune; that which","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he had traveled so far to find, but had nearly forgotten since his arrival, now","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sought him out.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When in a far land one meets people from his own part of the country, it is easy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to make friends, and people speak as if they were well acquainted. Rudy was the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"foremost at the shooting matches, as the miller was foremost at Bex, because of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his money and his fine mill. So, though they had never met before, the two men","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"shook hands warmly. Babette, too, gave the young man her hand frankly, and he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pressed it and gazed at her in such a way that it made her blush.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The miller spoke of the long trip they had made and of the many large towns they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had seen; it had been quite a journey, for they had traveled partly by railroad","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and partly by post.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I came the shorter way,\" said Rudy. \"I came over the mountains. There's no road","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so high that you can't try it.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But you can also break your neck,\" said the miller. \"And you look as if you","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"probably will break your neck some day; you're so daring.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"One never falls so long as one doesn't think of it,\" said Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The miller's relatives at Interlaken, with whom he and Babette were staying,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"invited Rudy to visit them, since he came from the same canton as their kinfolk.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It was a wonderful invitation for Rudy. Luck was running with him, as it always","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"does with those who are self-reliant and remember that \"Our Lord gives nuts to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"us, but He does not crack them for us!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And Rudy sat with the miller's relatives, almost like one of the family. They","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"drank a toast in honor of the best marksman; Babette clinked glasses with Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"too, and he in return thanked them for the toast.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"In the evening the whole party walked on the lovely avenue, past the gay-looking","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hotels under the walnut trees, and there was such a large crowd that Rudy had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to give Babette his arm. He explained to her how happy he was to have met people","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from Canton Vaud, for Vaud and Valais were good neighbors. He expressed himself","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so cordially about this that Babette could not keep from squeezing his hand.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As they walked there, they seemed almost like old friends, and she was such a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lively, pretty little person. Rudy was greatly amused at her remarks about the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"absurd affectations in the dress of some of the foreign ladies, and the airs","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"they put on; but she really didn't mean to make fun of them, because there must","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"be some nice people among them - yes, some sweet and lovely people, she was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sure, for her godmother was a very superior English lady. Eighteen years before,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"when Babette was christened, that lady had lived in Bex, and had given Babette","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the valuable brooch she was wearing. Her godmother had written her twice, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"this year they were to have met her here at Interlaken, where she was bringing","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her daughters; they were old maids, almost thirty, said Babette - she herself","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was just eighteen.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Her pretty little mouth was not still for an instant, and everything she said","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"appeared to Rudy to be of the greatest importance, and he in turn told her all","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he had to tell, how he had been to Bex, and how well he knew the mill, and how","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"often he had seen her, though, of course, she had never noticed him. He told","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her he had been too disappointed for words when he found she and her father were","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"far away; but still it wasn't far enough to keep him from climbing the wall that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"made the road so long.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Yes, he said all this, and a great deal more, too. He told her how fond he was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of her, and how it was for her sake, and not because of the shooting matches,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that he had come to Interlaken.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette became very silent now; all this that he confided to her was almost too","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"much to listen to.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As they walked on, the sun set behind the mighty peaks, and the Jungfrau","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stood in all her glory, encircled by the dark green woods of the surrounding","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mountains. The big crowd stopped to gaze at it; even Rudy and Babette enjoyed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the magnificent scene.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Nowhere is it more beautiful than it is here!\" said Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Nowhere!\" agreed Rudy, with his eyes fixed on Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Tomorrow I must leave,\" he said a little later.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Come and visit us at Bex,\" Babette whispered. \"My father will be very pleased!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ON THE WAY HOME","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Oh, what a load Rudy had to carry the next day, when he started his return home","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over the mountains! He had two handsome guns, three silver cups, and a silver","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"coffeepot - this last would be useful when he set up his own home. But these","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"valuable prizes were not the heaviest burden he had to bear; a still weightier","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"load he had to carry - or did it carry him? - across the high mountains.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The weather was dismal, gloomy, and rainy; the clouds hung like a mourning veil","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over the mountain summits, and shrouded the shining peaks. The last stroke of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the axe had resounded from the woods, and down the side of the mountain rolled","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the great tree trunks. From the vast heights above they looked like matchsticks,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but were nevertheless as big as masts of ships. The Lütschine River murmured its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"monotonous song; the wind whistled, and the clouds sailed swiftly by.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Suddenly there appeared next to Rudy a young girl; he had not noticed her until","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"she was quite near him. She also was planning to cross the mountain. Her eyes","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had a peculiar power that compelled one to look into them; they were so clear","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and deep - bottomless.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Do you have a sweetheart?\" asked Rudy, whose thoughts were filled with love.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I have none,\" she laughed, but it seemed as if she were not speaking the truth.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Let us not take the long way around; let us keep to the left - it is shorter.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes, and easier to fall into some crevasse,\" said Rudy. \"You ought to know the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"route better if you're going to be the guide.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I know the way very well,\" she said, \"and I have my thoughts collected. Your","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thoughts are down there in the valley; but up here you should think of the Ice","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Maiden. People say she is not friendly to the human race.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I'm not a bit afraid of her,\" said Rudy. \"She couldn't keep me when I was a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"child, and she won't catch me now that I'm a grown-up man.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Now it became very dark. First rain fell, then snow, and its whiteness was quite","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"blinding.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Give me your hand, and I shall help you climb,\" said the girl, touching him","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with her icy fingers.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You help me?\" said Rudy. \"I don't yet need a woman's help in climbing!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then he walked on away from her quickly. The falling snow thickened about him","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like a curtain, the wind moaned, and behind him he could hear the girl laughing","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and singing. It sounded very strange. Surely it must be a specter in the service","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of the Ice Maiden; Rudy had heard of these things when, as a little boy, he had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"spent that night on the mountain, during his trip across the mountains.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The snow no longer fell so thickly, and the clouds lay far below him. He looked","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"back, but there was no one to be seen; he could only hear laughing and jeering","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that did not seem to come from a human being.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When at last he reached the highest part of the mountain, where the path led","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down into the Rhone valley, he saw in the clear blue heaven, toward Chamonix,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"two glittering stars. They shone brightly; and he thought of Babette, of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"himself, and of his good fortune. And these thoughts made him warm.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE VISIT TO THE MILL","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"What grand prizes you have brought home,\" said his old foster mother. And her","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"strange, birdlike eyes sparkled, as she twisted her thin, wrinkled neck even","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"more strangely and faster than usual. \"You carry good luck with you, Rudy. I","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"must kiss you, my dear boy!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy allowed himself to be kissed, but one could read in his face that he did","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"not enjoy this affectionate greeting.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"How handsome you are, Rudy!\" said the old woman.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Oh, stop your flattery,\" Rudy laughed; but still the compliment pleased him.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I repeat it,\" said the old woman. \" And fortune smiles on you.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes, I think you're right there,\" he said, thinking of Babette. Never before","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had he longed so for the deep valley.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"They must have come home by now,\" he told himself. \"It's more than two days","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"past the day they intended to return. I must go to Bex!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"So to Bex he went, and the miller and his daughter were home. He was received","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in friendly fashion, and many messages of remembrance were given him from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"family at Interlaken. Babette spoke very little; she had become quite silent,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but her eyes spoke, and that was enough for Rudy. The miller, who usually had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"plenty to say, and was accustomed to making jokes and having them laughed at,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for he was \"the rich miller,\" seemed to prefer listening to Rudy's adventures","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"- hearing him tell of the hardships and risks that the chamois hunters had to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"undergo on the mountain heights, how they had to crawl along the treacherous","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"snowy cornices on the edges of cliffs, attached to the rocks only by the force","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of wind and weather, and cross the frail bridges cast by the snowstorms over","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"deep ravines.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy looked very handsome, and his eyes flashed as he described the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"life of a hunter, the cunning of the chamois and the wonderful leaps they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"made, the powerful foehn, and the rolling avalanche. He noticed that every","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"new description held the miller's interest more and more, and that he was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"particularly fascinated by the youth's account of the vulture and the great","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"royal eagle.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Not far from there, in Canton Valais, there was an eagle's nest, built cleverly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"under a projecting platform of rock, in the face of a cliff; and in it there was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"an eaglet, but it was impossible to get at it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"A few days before an Englishman had offered Rudy a whole handful of gold if he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"would bring him the eaglet alive.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But there is a limit to everything,\" said Rudy. \"You can't get at that eaglet","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"up there; it would be madness to try.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"As the wine flowed freely, and the conversation flowed just as freely, Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thought the evening was much too short, although it was past midnight when he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"left the miller's house after this, his first visit.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"For a little while the lights shone through the windows, and through the green","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"branches of the trees, while out from the open skylight on the roof crept the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Parlor Cat, and along the drainpipe the Kitchen Cat came to meet her.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Is there any news at the mill?\" said the Parlor Cat. \"There's some secret love-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"making in this house! The father doesn't know anything about it yet. Rudy and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette have been stepping on each other's paws under the table all evening.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"They trod on me twice, but I didn't mew; that would have aroused suspicion.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Well, I would have mewed,\" said the Kitchen Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"What would go in the kitchen wouldn't do in the parlor,\" said the Parlor Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I certainly would like to know what the miller will say when he hears about","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"this engagement.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Yes, what would the miller say? That Rudy also was most anxious to know; and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he couldn't make himself wait very long. Before many days had passed, when the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"omnibus crossed the bridge between Cantons Valais and Vaud, Rudy sat in it, with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his usual self- confidence and happy thoughts of the favorable answer he would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hear that evening.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And later that evening, when the omnibus was driving back along the same road,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy was sitting in it again, going home, while the Parlor Cat was running over","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to the mill with the news.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Look here, you kitchen fellow, the miller knows everything now. The affair has","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"come to a fine end. Rudy came here towards evening, and he and Babette found a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"great deal to whisper about, as they stood in the hallway outside the miller's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"room. I lay at their feet, but they had neither eyes nor thoughts for me.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'I'll go straight to your father,' said Rudy. 'My proposal is perfectly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"honorable.'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'Do you want me to go with you?' said Babette, 'to give you courage?'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'I have enough courage,' said Rudy, 'but if you're with me he'll have to be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"friendly, whether he likes it or not.'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"So they went in. Rudy stepped hard on my tail - he's awfully clumsy. I mewed,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but neither he nor Babette had any ears for me. They opened the door, and went","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in together, and I too. I jumped up on the back of a chair, for I didn't know if","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy would kick me. But it was the miller who kicked - and what a kick! Out of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the door and back up to the mountains and the chamois! Rudy could take care of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them, but not of our little Babette!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But what was said?\" asked the Kitchen Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Said? Oh, they said everything that people say when they're wooing! 'I love","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her, and she loves me; and if there's milk in the can for one, there's milk in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the can for two.'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'But she's much above you,' said the miller. 'She sits on heaps of grain,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"golden grain - as you know. You can't reach up to her!'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'There's nothing so high that one can't reach it, if one has the will to do","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it!' said Rudy, for he is a determined fellow.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'But you said a little while ago that you couldn't reach the eaglet in its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"nest! Babette is still higher than that.'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'I'll take them both,' said Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'Yes,' said the miller. 'I'll give her to you when you bring me the eaglet","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"alive!\"' Then he laughed until the tears stood in his eyes. 'But now, thank you","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for your visit, Rudy. Come again tomorrow; then you'll find nobody home! Good-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"by, Rudy!'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Then Babette said farewell too, as meekly as a little kitten that can't see its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mother.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'A promise is a promise, and a man's a man!' said Rudy. 'Don't cry, Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"I'll bring the eaglet.'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'I hope you break your neck!' said the miller. 'And then we'll be spared","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"your visits here!' That's what I call kicking him out! Now Rudy's gone, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette just sits and cries; but the miller sings German songs he learned in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his travels. I'm not going to worry myself about the matter; it wouldn't do any","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"good.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" But it would look better if you pretended,\" said the Kitchen Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE EAGLE'S NEST","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"From the mountain path there sounded lively yodeling that meant good humor and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"gay courage. The yodeler was Rudy; he was going to see his friend Vesinand.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You must help me,\" he said. \"We'll take Ragli with us. I have to capture the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"eaglet up there on the top of the cliff!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Better try to capture the moon first. That would be about as easy a job,\" said","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Vesinand. \"I see you're in good spirits.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes; I'm thinking about marrying. But now, seriously, you must know how things","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stand with me.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And soon Vesinand and Ragli knew what Rudy wanted.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You're a daring fellow,\" they said. \"But you won't make it. You'll break your","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"neck.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"One doesn't fall, so long as one doesn't think of it!\" said Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"They set out about midnight, with poles, ladders and ropes. The road led through","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"brushwood and over loose stones, up, always up, up through the dark night. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"water roared below, and the water trickled down from above; damp clouds swept","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heavily along. At last the hunters reached the edge of the precipice, where it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was even darker, for the rock walls almost met, and the sky could only be seen","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"through the narrow opening above. Close by was a deep abyss, with the hoarsely","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"roaring water far beneath them.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"All three sat quite still. They had to await daybreak, for when the parent","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"eagle flew out, they would have to shoot it if they were to have any hopes of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"capturing the young one. Rudy was as still as if he were a part of the rock","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on which he was sitting. He held his gun ready; his eyes were fixed steadily","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on the highest part of the cleft, where the eagle's nest was hidden under the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"projecting rock. The three hunters had a long time to wait.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But at last they suddenly heard high above them a crashing, whirring sound, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the air was darkened by a huge object. Two guns took aim at the enormous eagle","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the moment it left the nest. A shot blazed out; for an instant the outspread","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wings fluttered, and then the bird slowly began to sink. It seemed that with its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tremendous size and wingspread it would fill the whole chasm, and in its fall","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"drag the hunters down with it. The eagle disappeared in the abyss below; the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hunters could hear the crashing of trees and bushes, crush by the fall of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bird.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And now the men began to get busy. Three of the longest ladders were tied","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tightly together. They were supposed to reach the last stepping place on the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"margin of the abyss, but they did not reach far enough; and the perpendicular","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rock side was smooth as a brick wall on up to where the nest was hidden under","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the highest projecting rock overhang. After some discussion they agreed that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the only thing to do was to tie two more ladders together, let them down into","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the chasm from above, and attach these to the three already raised. With immense","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"difficulty they dragged the two ladders up, binding them with ropes to the top;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"they were then let out over the rock and hung there swaying in the air over the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bottomless abyss. Rudy was already seated on the lowest rung. It was an icy-cold","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"morning, and the mist was rising heavily from the dark chasm below. Rudy was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like a fly sitting on some bit of a straw that a bird, while building its nest,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"might have dropped on the edge of a tall factory chimney; but the insect could","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fly if the straw gave way, while Rudy could only break his neck. The wind howled","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"about him, while far below in the abyss the gushing water roared out from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"melting glacier - the palace of the Ice Maiden.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He then made the ladder swing to and fro, like the spider swings its body when","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it wants to catch anything in its slender thread; and when he, for the fourth","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"time touched the top of the ladders set up from below, he got a good hold on","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them, and bound them together with sure and skillful hands, though they swayed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"as if they hung on worn-out hinges.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The five long ladders, which now reached the nest, seemed like a swaying reed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"knocking against the perpendicular cliff. And now the most dangerous part of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the job was to be done, for he had to climb as a cat climbs. But Rudy could do","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that, for a cat had taught him. He never noticed the presence of Dizziness, who","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"floated in the air behind him, and stretched forth her embracing arms toward","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"him. At last he reached the last step of the highest ladder, and then he found","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that he was still not high enough even to see into the nest. He would have","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to use his hands to raise himself up to it; he tried the lowest part of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thick, interwoven branches, forming the base of the nest, to learn if it was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sufficiently strong; then having secured a firm hold on a heavy, strong branch;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he swung himself up from the ladder, until his head and chest were level with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the nest. Then there swept over him a horrible stench of carrion, for putrefied","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lambs, chamois, and birds littered the nest.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Dizziness, who had little power over him, blew the poisonous odor into his face","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to make him faint; while down below, on the dank, foaming waters of the yawning","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ravine, sat the Ice Maiden herself, with her long pale-green hair, staring at","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"him with eyes as deadly as two gun barrels. \"Now I will catch you!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"In a corner of the nest Rudy could see the eaglet sitting - a big powerful bird,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"even though it could not yet fly. Staring straight at it, Rudy somehow held on","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with one hand, while with the other he cast a noose around the bird. Thus it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was captured alive; its legs were held by the tightened cord, and Rudy flung the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"noose over his shoulder, so that the bird hung a good distance below him. Then","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he held on to a rope, flung out to help him, until his toes at last touched the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"highest rung of the ladder.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Hold tightly; don't be afraid of falling and you won't fall!\" That was his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"early training, and Rudy acted on it. He held tightly, climbed down, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"believing he couldn't fall, he didn't fall.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then there arose loud and joyous yodeling. He stood safely on the firm rocky","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ledge, with his eaglet.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"WHAT NEWS THE PARLOR CAT HAD TO TELL","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Here's what you asked for!\" said Rudy, as he entered the miller's house at","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Bex, and placed a large basket on the floor. When he took the lid off two yellow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"eyes surrounded by dark rings glared out, eyes so flashing, so fierce, that they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"looked as though they would burn or blast anything they saw. The neck was red","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and downy; the short strong beak opened to bite.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"The eaglet!\" cried the miller. Babette screamed and sprang back, but could not","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tear her eyes from Rudy and the eaglet.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Nothing frightens you!\" said the miller to Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"And you always keep your word,\" said Rudy. \"Everyone has his principles.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But how did it happen that you didn't break your neck?\" asked the miller.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Because I held tightly,\" said Rudy. \"And so I'm doing now - holding tightly to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Better wait till you get her!\" laughed the miller; and Babette knew that was a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"good sign.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Let's take the eaglet out of the basket; it's horrible to see its eyes glaring.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"How did you manage to capture it?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And Rudy had to describe his adventure. As he talked the miller's eyes opened","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wider and wider.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"With your courage and good luck you could take care of three wives!\" said the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"miller.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Thank you! Thank you!\" cried Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But you won't get Babette just yet!\" said the miller, slapping the young hunter","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"good-humoredly on the shoulder.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Do you know the latest news at the mill?\" said the Parlor Cat to the Kitchen","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Cat. \"Rudy has brought us the eaglet, and takes Babette in exchange. They","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"have actually kissed each other, and her father saw it! That's as good as an","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"engagement! The old man didn't make any fuss at all; he kept his claws pulled","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in, took his afternoon nap, and left the two of them to sit and spoon. They have","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"so much to tell each other that they won't have finished until Christmas!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And they hadn't finished by Christmas, either. The wind shook down the yellow","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"leaves; the snow drifted up in the valleys as well as on the high mountains; the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Ice Maiden sat in her stately palace, which grew larger during the winter. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"cliffs were covered with sleet, and icicles, big and heavy as elephants, hung","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down. Where in summer the mountain streams poured down, there were now enormous","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"masses of icy tapestry; fantastic garlands of crystal ice hung over the snow-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"covered pine trees. Over the deepest valleys the Ice Maiden rode the howling","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wind. The carpet of snow spread down as far as Bex, so she could go there and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"see Rudy in the house where he spent so much time with Babette. The wedding","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was to take place the following summer; and their ears often tingled, for their","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"friends often talked about it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then everything was sunny, and the most beautiful Alpine rose bloomed. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lovely, laughing Babette was as charming as the early spring itself - the spring","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which makes all the birds sing of the summertime and weddings.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"How those two do sit and drool over each other!\" said the Parlor Cat. \"I'm","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tired of their mewing now!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE ICE MAIDEN","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Spring has unfolded her fresh green garlands of walnut and chestnut trees which","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"burst into bloom, especially in the country extending from the bridge at St.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Maurice to Lake Geneva and along the banks of the Rhone. With wild speed the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"river rushes from its sources beneath the green glaciers - the Ice Palace, home","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of the Ice Maiden, from where she allows herself to be carried on the biting","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wind up to the highest fields of snow, there to recline on their drifting masses","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in the warm sunshine. Here she sat and gazed down into the deep valleys below","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"where she could see human beings busily bustling about, like ants on a sunlit","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stone.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\" 'Mental giants,' the children of the sun call you,\" said the Ice Maiden. \"You","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"are only vermin! One rolling snowball, and your houses and villages are crushed,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wiped out!\" Then she raised her proud head still higher, and stared with death-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"threatening eyes about and below her. Then from the valley there arose a strange","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sound; it was the blasting of rocks - the labors of men - the building of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"roadbeds and tunnels for the coming of the railroad.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"They work like moles,\" she said, \"digging passages in the rocks, and therefore","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"are heard these sounds like the reports of guns. If I move my palaces, the noise","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"is stronger than the roar of thunder itself.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then up from the valley there arose thick smoke - moving forward like a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fluttering veil, a waving plume - from the locomotive which on the new railway","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was drawing a train, carriage linked to carriage, looking like a winding","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"serpent. It shot past with the speed of an arrow.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"They think they're the masters down there, these 'mental giants!'\" said the Ice","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Maiden. \"But the powers of nature are still the real rulers!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And she laughed and sang, and it made the valley tremble.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"It's an avalanche!\" the people down there said.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But the children of the sun sang still more loudly of the power of mankind's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thought. It commands all, it yokes the wide ocean, levels mountains, fills","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"valleys; the power of thought makes mankind lord over the powers of nature.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"At that moment a party of climbers crossed the snow field where the Ice Maiden","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sat; they had roped themselves together, to form one large body on the slippery","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ice, near the deep abyss.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Vermin! she said. \"You the lords of the powers of nature!\" And she turned from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them and gazed scornfully into the deep valley, where the railway train was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushing along.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"There they sit, those thoughts! But they are in the power of nature's force.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"I see every one of them! One sits alone like a king, others sit in a group, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"half of them are asleep! And when the steam dragon stops, they climb out and go","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"their way. Then the thoughts go out into the world!\" And she laughed.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"There's another avalanche!\" said the people in the valley.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"It won't reach us!\" said two who sat together in the train - \"two minds with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but a single thought,\" as we say. They were Rudy and Babette, and the miller was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"going with them.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Like baggage,\" he said. \"I'm along with them as sort of extra baggage!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"There sit those two!\" said the Ice Maiden. \"Many a chamois have I crushed,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"millions of Alpine flowers have I snapped and broken, leaving no root behind - I","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"destroy them all! Thoughts! 'Mental giants,' indeed!\" Again she laughed.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"That's another avalanche!\" said those down in the valley.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE GODMOTHER","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"At Montreux, one of the near-by towns which, with Clarens, Bernex, and Crin,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"encircle the northeast shore of Lake Geneva, lived Babette's godmother, the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"highborn English lady, with her daughters and a young relative. They had been","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there only a short while, but the miller had already visited them, announced","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette's engagement, and told them about Rudy and the visit to Interlaken and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the young eagle - in short, the whole story. It had pleased them greatly, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"they felt very kindly toward Rudy and Babette, and even the miller himself. They","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"insisted upon all three of them coming to Montreux, and that's why they went.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette wanted to see her godmother, and her godmother wanted to see her.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"At the little village of Villeneuve, at the end of Lake Geneva, lay the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"steamboat which, in a voyage of half an hour, went from there to Bernex, a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little below Montreux. That coast has often been celebrated by poets in song","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and story. There, under the walnut trees, beside the deep, blue-green lake Byron","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sat, and wrote his melodious verses about the prisoner in the dark, mountain","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Castle of Chillon. There, where Clarens is reflected amid weeping willows in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the clear water, Rousseau wandered, dreaming of his Héloïse. The Rhone River","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glides beneath the lofty, snow-capped hills of Savoy, and near its mouth here","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there is a small island, so tiny that from the shore it looks as if it were a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ship floating in the water. It is just a patch of rocky ground, which a century","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"before a lady had walled around and covered with earth, where three acacia trees","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"were planted, which now overshadowed the whole island. Babette was enchanted","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with this little spot; to her it was the loveliest place to be seen on the whole","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"trip. She said they ought to land there - they must land there - it would be so","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"charming under those beautiful trees. But the steamer passed by and did not stop","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"until it reached Vernex.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The little party passed up among the white sunlit walls that surrounded the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"vineyards before the little mountain town of Montreux, where the peasants'","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"cottages are shaded by fig trees, and laurels and cypresses grow in the gardens.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Halfway up the mountain was the hotel where the godmother lived.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The meeting was very cordial. The godmother was a stout, pleasant-looking woman,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with a smiling, round face. As a child she must certainly have resembled one of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Raphael's cherubs; it was still an angel's head, but older, with silver-white","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"hair. The daughters were tall and slender, well-dressed and elegant looking. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"young cousin with them, who had enough golden hair and golden whiskers for three","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"gentlemen, was dressed in white from head to foot, and promptly began to pay","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"devoted attention to little Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Beautifully bound books and music and drawings were on the large table. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"balcony door was open, and from the balcony there was a lovely view of the calm","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lake, so bright and clear that the villages, woods, and snow-peaks of Savoy were","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"reflected in it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy, who was generally so lively and gay, found himself very ill at ease. He","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"moved about as if he were walking on peas over a slippery floor. How slowly the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"time passed - it was like being in a treadmill! And now they had to go out for","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a walk! And that was just as tiresome. Rudy had to take two steps forward and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"one back to keep abreast of the others. They went down to Chillon, the gloomy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"old castle on the island, to look at dungeons and instruments of torture, rusty","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chains hanging from rocky walls, stone benches for those condemned to death,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"trap doors through which the doomed were hurled down onto iron spikes amid the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"surge. They called it a pleasure to look at these things! It was a dreadful","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"place of execution, elevated by Byron's verse into the world of poetry - but","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to Rudy still only a place of execution. He leaned out of one of the great","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"windows and gazed down into the blue-green water, and over to the lonely little","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"island with the three acacias. How he longed to be there, free from the whole","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chattering party!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But Babette was very happy. She had had a wonderful time, she said later; and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the cousin she thought was perfect!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes, perfectly flippant!\" said Rudy; and that was the first time he had ever","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"said anything to her that did not please her.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The Englishman had given her a little book as s souvenir of Chillon; it was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Byron's poem, The Prisoner of Chillon, translated into French so that she could","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"read it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"The book may be all right,\" said Rudy, \"but the finely combed fellow who gave","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it to you didn't make a hit with me.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"He looks like a flour sack without any flour!\" said the miller, laughing at his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"own wit.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy laughed too, and said that he was exactly right.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE COUSIN","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When Rudy went to visit the mill a couple of days later, he found the young","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Englishman there. Babette had just set a plate of boiled trout before him, which","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"she herself had decorated with parsley, to make it look appetizing, no doubt.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy thought that was entirely unnecessary. What did he want there? What was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his business? To be served and pampered by Babette? Rudy was jealous, and that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pleased Babette. It amused her to see revealed all the feelings of his heart -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the weak as well as the strong.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Love was still an amusement to her, and she played with Rudy's heart; but it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"must be said that he was still the center of all her thoughts, the dearest and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"most cherished in the world. Still, the gloomier he looked the more merrily she","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"laughed at him with her eyes. She would even have kissed the blond Englishman","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with the golden whiskers if it would have made Rudy rush out in a fury; for it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"would have shown her how much he loved her.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"This was not the fair nor the wise thing for little Babette to do, but she was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"only nineteen. She had no intention of being unkind to Rudy; still less did she","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"think how her conduct would appear to the young Englishman, or how light and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"improper it was for the miller's modest, newly betrothed daughter.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Where the road from Bex passes beneath the snow-clad peaks, which in the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"language of the country are called diablerets, the mill stood, near a rushing,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"grayish-white mountain stream that looked as if it were covered with soapsuds.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It wasn't that stream that turned the mill wheel, but a smaller one which came","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tumbling down the rocks on the other side of river. It ran through a reservoir","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dammed up by stones in the road beneath, and forced itself up with violence","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and speed into an enclosed wooden basin, formed by a wide dam across the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushing river, where it turned the large mill wheel. When the water had piled","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"up behind the dam it overflowed, and made the path so wet and slippery that it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was difficult for anyone who wanted to take this short cut to the mill to do so","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"without falling into the water. However, the young Englishman thought he would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"try it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Dressed in white like a mill worker, he was climbing the path one evening,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"following the light that shone from Babette's window. He had never learned to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"climb, and so almost went head first into the stream, but escaped with wet arms","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and spattered trousers. Soaking wet and covered with mud, he arrived beneath","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette's window, climbed the old linden tree, and there began to make a noise","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like an owl, which was the only bird he could even try to imitate. Babette","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"heard it and peeped out through the thin curtains, but when she saw the man in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"white, and realized who he was, her little heart pounded with fright, but also","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"with anger. Quickly she put out her light, made sure the window was securely","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fastened, and then left him to his hooting and howling.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"How terrible it would be, she thought, if Rudy were now at the mill! But Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wasn't at the mill - no, it was much worse - he was standing right under the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tree. Loud words were spoken - angry words - they might come to blows, or even","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"murder!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette hurried to open her window, and called down to Rudy to go away, adding","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that she couldn't let him stay there.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You won't let me stay here!\" he cried. \"Then this is an appointment! You're","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"expecting some good friend - someone you'd rather see than me! Shame on you,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You are very nasty!\" said Babette, and started to cry. \"I hate you! Go away! Go","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"away!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I haven't deserved anything like this,\" said Rudy as he went away, his cheeks","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"burning, his heart on fire.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette threw herself on her bed and cried. \"And you can think that of me, Rudy,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of me who loves you so!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"She was angry, very angry, and that was good for her; for otherwise she would","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"have been deeply hurt. As it was, she could fall asleep and enjoy youth's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"refreshing slumber.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"EVIL POWERS","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy left Bex, and started homeward, following the mountain path, with its cold","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fresh air, and where the snow is deep and the Ice Maiden reigns. The trees with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"their thick foliage were so far below him that they looked like potato tops;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the pines and bushes became smaller; the Alpine roses were blanketed with snow,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"which lay in isolated patches like linen put out to be bleached. A single blue","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"gentian stood in his path, and he crushed it with the butt of his gun. Higher","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"up two chamois became visible, and Rudy's eyes sparkled as his thoughts turned","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"into another course, but he wasn't near enough for a good shot. Still higher he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"climbed, to where only a few blades of grass grew between the rocks. The chamois","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"passed calmly over the snow fields as Rudy pressed on.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The thick mists enshrouded him, and suddenly he found himself on the brink of a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"steep rock precipice. Then the rain began to fall in torrents. He felt a burning","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thirst; his head was hot, and his limbs were cold. He reached for his hunting","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"flask, but found it was empty; he had not given it a thought when he rushed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"away, up the mountain. He had never been sick in his life, but now he suddenly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"felt that he was ill. He felt exhausted, and wanted only to lie down and sleep;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but the rain was streaming down around him. He tried to pull himself out of it,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"but every object seemed to dance strangely before his eyes.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Suddenly he became aware of something he had never before seen in that place -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a small, newly built hut leaning against the rock; and in the doorway stood a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"young girl. First he thought she was the schoolmaster's daughter, Annette, whom","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he had once kissed while dancing with her; but she wasn't Annette. But he was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sure he had seen her before, perhaps near Grindelwald the evening he went home","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from the Interlaken shooting matches.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"How did you get here?\" he asked.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I'm home,\" she said. \"Watching my flocks.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Your flocks! Where do they find grass? There's nothing here but snow and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rocks!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You know a lot about it!\" she said and laughed. \"A little way down behind here","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"is a very nice pasture, where my goats go. I take good care of them, and never","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lose one. What's mine is mine!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You're very brave,\" said Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"And so are you,\" she answered.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"If you have any milk, please give me some; I have a terrible thirst.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I have something much better than milk,\" she replied, \"and you may have some.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Yesterday some travelers came here with guides, and left half a flask of wine","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"behind them, such wine as you have never tasted. They won't come back for it,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and I don't drink it, so you may have it.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"She brought the wine, poured some into a wooden goblet, and gave it to Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"That's fine!\" he said. \"I have never tasted a wine so warming and reviving!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"His eyes sparkled with life; a glowing thrill of happiness swept over him, as if","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"every sorrow and vexation had vanished from his mind; a carefree feeling awoke","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in him.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"But surely you are Annette, the schoolmaster's daughter!\" he exclaimed. \"Give","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"me a kiss!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes, but first give me that pretty ring you're wearing on your finger!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"My engagement ring?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Yes, just that ring,\" said the girl, then refilling the goblet, she held it to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his lips, and he drank again. A feeling of joy seemed to flow through his blood.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The whole world was his, he seemed to think, so why torture himself! Everything","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"is created for our pleasure and enjoyment. The stream of life is the stream of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"happiness; let yourself be carried away on it - that is joy. He looked at the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"young girl. She was Annette, and yet not Annette; but still less was she the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"magical phantom, as he had called the one he had met near Grindelwald. This girl","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"on the mountain was fresh as newly fallen snow, as blooming as an Alpine rose,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"as lively as a young lamb; yet still she was formed from Adam's rib, a human","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"being like Rudy himself.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He flung his arms about her and gazed into her marvelously clear eyes. It was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"only for a second, but how can that second be expressed or described in words?","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Was it the life of the soul or the life of death that took possessions of his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"being? Was he carried up high, or did he sink down into the deep and deathly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"icy crevasse, deeper, always deeper? He beheld the ice walls shining like blue-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"green glass; bottomless crevasses yawned about him; the waters dripped, sounding","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"like the chimes of bells, and were as clear as a pearl glowing with pale blue","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"flames. Then the Ice Maiden kissed him - a kiss that sent an icy shiver through","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"his whole body. He gave a cry of pain, tore himself away from her, stumbled,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and fell; all went dark before his eyes, but he opened them again. The powers of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"evil had played their game.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The Alpine girl was gone, and the sheltering hut was gone; water streamed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down on the bare rocks, and snow lay everywhere. Rudy was shivering with cold,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"soaked through to the skin, and his ring was gone - the engagement ring Babette","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had given him. His gun lay on the snow beside him, but when he took it up and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tried to fire it as a signal, it missed fire. Damp clouds filled the chasm like","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thick masses of snow. Dizziness sat there, glaring at her helpless prey, while","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there rang through the deep crevasse beneath her a sound as if a mass of rock","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had fallen, and was crushing and carrying away everything that obstructed its","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"course.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Back at the miller's Babette sat and wept. It was six days since Rudy had been","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there - Rudy, who had been in the wrong, and should ask her pardon, for she","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"loved him with all her heart.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"AT THE MILLER'S HOUSE","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"It's lot of nonsense with those people!\" said the Parlor Cat to the Kitchen","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Cat. \"It's all off now between Babette and Rudy. She just sits and cries, and he","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"doesn't think about her any more.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I don't like that,\" said the Kitchen Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I don't either,\" said the Parlor Cat. \"But I'm not going to mourn about it.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette can take golden whiskers for her sweetheart. He hasn't been here since","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the night he tried to climb onto the roof!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The powers of evil carry out their purposes around us and within us. Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"understood this, and thought about it. What was it that had gone on about him","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and inside him up there on the mountain? Was it sin or just a feverish dream?","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"He had never known illness or fever before. While he blamed Babette, he also","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"searched his own heart. He remembered the wild tornado, the hot whirlwind","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"that had broken loose in there. Could he confess everything to Babette - every","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thought which in that hour of temptation almost brought about his action? He had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lost her ring, and by that very loss she had won him back. Would she be able to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"confess to him? When his thoughts turned to her, so many memories crowded his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mind that he felt that his heart was breaking. He saw her as a laughing, happy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"child, full of life; the many loving words she had addressed to him from the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fullness of her heart gladdened his soul like a ray of light, and soon there was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"only sunshine there for Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"However, she would have to confess to him, and he would see that she did so.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"So he went to the mill, and there was a confession; it began with a kiss, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ended with Rudy's being the sinner. His great fault was that he could have","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"doubted for one moment Babette's faithfulness - that was very wicked of him!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Such distrust, such violence, might bring misery to both of them. Yes, that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was very true! Babette preached him a little sermon, which pleased her greatly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and which was very becoming to her. But Rudy was right about one thing - the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"godmother's nephew was a babbler. She'd burn the book he had given her, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wouldn't keep the slightest thing that would remind her of him.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Now that's all over with,\" said the Parlor Cat. \"Rudy's back again, and they've","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"made up; and they say that's the greatest of happiness.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Last night,\" said the Kitchen Cat, \"I heard the rats saying that their greatest","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"happiness was to eat candle grease and have plenty of tainted bacon. Which of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them should we believe, the lovers or the rats?\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Neither of them,\" said the Parlor Cat. \"That's always the safest.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy's and Babette's greatest happiness was drawing near, the most beautiful","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"day, as they call it, was coming - their wedding day!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But the wedding was not to take place in the church at Bex, nor in the miller's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"house; the godmother had asked that the party be held at her house, and that the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"ceremony be performed in the pretty little church at Montreux. And the miller","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was very insistent that they should agree to this arrangement, for he alone knew","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"what the godmother intended giving the young couple - her wedding gift would be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"well worth such a small concession to her wishes. The day was agreed upon. They","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"would go to Villeneuve the evening before, then proceed to Montreux by boat the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"next morning, so that the godmother's daughters would have time to dress the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bride.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I suppose there'll be a second ceremony in this house,\" said the Parlor Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Or else I know I wouldn't give a mew for the whole business.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"There's going to be a feast here, too,\" said the Kitchen Cat. \"The ducks have","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"been killed, the pigeons plucked, and a whole deer is hanging on the wall. My","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"mouth waters when I look at all the food. Tomorrow they start their journey.\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Yes, tomorrow! That evening Rudy and Babette sat in the miller's house for the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"last time as an engaged couple. Outside, the evening glow was on the Alps; the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"vesper bells were chiming; and the daughters of the sun sang, \"That which is","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"best shall come to pass!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"VISIONS IN THE NIGHT","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The sun had gone down, and the clouds lay low in the valley of the Rhone between","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the tall mountains; the wind blew from the south, an African wind; it suddenly","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"sprang up over the high summits like a foehn, which swept the clouds away;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and when the wind had fallen everything for a moment was perfectly still. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"scattered clouds hung in fantastic shapes between the wooded hills skirting the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"rushing Rhone; they hung in the shapes of sea monsters of the prehistoric world,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of eagles hovering in the air, of frogs leaping in a marsh; they settled down on","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the swift river and seemed to sail on it, yet they were floating in the air. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"current swept along an uprooted pine tree, with the water making circles around","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"it. It was Dizziness and some of her sisters dancing in circles on the foaming","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"stream. The moon lighted up the snow-covered mountain peaks, the dark woods,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and the strange white clouds - those visions of the night that seemed to be the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"powers of nature. The mountain peasant saw them through his window; they sailed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"past in great numbers before the Ice Maiden, who had come from her glacier","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"palace. She was sitting on a frail boat, the uprooted pine, as the waters from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the glacier carried her down the river to the open lake.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"The wedding guests are coming!\" was sung and murmured in the air and in the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"water.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"There were visions outside and visions inside. And Babette had a very strange","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dream.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It seemed to her that she had been married to Rudy for many years. He had gone","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chamois hunting, leaving her at home; and the young Englishman with the golden","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"whiskers was sitting beside her. His eyes were passionate, his words seemed to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"have a magic power in them. He held out his hand to her, and she was obliged to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"follow him; they walked away from her home, always downward. And Babette felt a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"weight in her heart that became heavier every moment. She was committing a sin","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"against Rudy - a sin against God Himself. And suddenly she found herself alone;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her dress had been torn to pieces by thorns, and her hair had turned gray. In","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"deep grief she looked upward, and saw Rudy on the edge of a mountainous ridge.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"She stretched up her arms to him, but dared neither pray nor call out to him;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and neither would have been of any avail, for she soon discovered it was not","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy, but only his cap and shooting jacket hanging on an alpenstock, as hunters","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"often place them to deceive the chamois. In miserable grief Babette cried, \"Oh,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"if I had only died on my wedding day - the happiest day of my life! Oh, Lord, my","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"God, that would have been a blessing! That would have been the best thing that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"could have happened for me and Rudy. No one knows his future!\" Then in godless","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"despair she hurled herself down into the deep chasm. A thread seemed to break,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and the echo of sorrowful tones was heard.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette awoke; the dream was ended, and although partly forgotten she knew it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had been a frightful one, and that she had dreamed about the young Englishman","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"whom she had not seen or thought of for several months. She wondered if he still","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was at Montreux, and if she would see him at the wedding. A faint shadow passed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over Babette's pretty mouth, her brows knitted; but soon there came a smile,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and the sparkle returned to her eye. The sun was shining brightly outside, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tomorrow was her and Rudy's wedding day!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"When she came down he was already in the parlor, and soon they set off for","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Villeneuve. They were both so happy, and so was the miller. He laughed and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"joked, and was in excellent humor, for he was a kind father and an honest soul.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Now we are the masters of the house,\" said the Parlor Cat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"THE CONCLUSION","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"It was not yet evening when the three happy people reached Villeneuve, and sat","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"down to dinner. The miller settled himself in a comfortable armchair with his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pipe, and had a little nap. They young bridal couple went out of the town arm","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in arm, along the highway, under the wooded hills by the side of the deep blue","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"green lake. The clear water reflected the gray walls and heavy towers of gloomy-","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"looking Chillon. The little island with its three acacias seemed quite close,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"looking like a bouquet lying on the lake.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"How lovely it must be over there!\" said Babette, who again felt a great desire","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"to go to the island; and her desire could be satisfied at once, for a boat was","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"lying near the bank, and it was easy to undo the rope securing it. There was no","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"one around of whom they could ask permission, so they got into the boat anyway.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy knew how to use the oars. Like the fins of a fish, the oars divided the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"water, so pliant and yet so powerful, with a back for carrying and a mouth","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"for swallowing - gentle, smiling, calmness itself, yet terrible and mighty in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"destruction. Foamy wake stretched out behind the boat, and in a few minutes they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"arrived at the little island, where they landed. There was just room for the two","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of them to dance.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Rudy whirled Babette around two or three times. Then they sat on the little","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"bench under the drooping acacia, and held each other's hands and looked deep","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"into each other's eyes, while the last rays of the setting sun streamed about","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"them. The pine forests on the mountains took on a purplish-red tint like that","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"of blooming heather, and where the trees stopped and the bare rocks began, they","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glowed as if the mountain itself were transparent. The clouds in the sky glowed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"a brilliant crimson; the whole lake was like a fresh, blushing rose petal. As","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the shades of evening gathered, the snow-capped mountains of Savoy turned a","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"dark blue, but the highest summits still shone like red lava and for a moment","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"reflected their light on the mountains before the vast masses were lost in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"darkness. It was the Alpine glow, and Rudy and Babette thought they had never","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"before seen so magnificent a sight. The snow-covered Dent du Midi glistened like","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the disk of the full moon when it rises above the horizon.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Oh, what beauty! What happiness!\" both of them said.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Earth can give me no more,\" said Rudy. \"An evening like this is like a whole","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"life. How often have I realized my good fortune, as I realize it now, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"thought that if everything ended for me at once now I have still had a happy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"life! What a blessed world this is! One day passes, and a new one, even more","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"beautiful than the other, begins. Our Lord is infinitely good, Babette!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I'm so happy!\" she said.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Earth can give me no more,\" exclaimed Rudy. Then the vesper bells sounded from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the Savoy mountains and the mountains of Switzerland. The dark-blue Jura stood","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"up in golden splendor in the west.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"God give you all that is brightest and best!\" exclaimed Babette.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"He will,\" said Rudy. \"Tomorrow I shall have that wish. Tomorrow you'll be","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"wholly mine - my own lovely, little wife!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"The boat!\" Babette suddenly cried.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"For the boat that was to take them back had broken loose and was drifting away","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from the island.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"I'll get it!\" said Rudy, and he stripped off his coat and boots, plunged into","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the lake, and swam with vigorous strokes after the boat.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"The clear blue-green water from the mountain glacier was icy and deep. Rudy","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"looked down into the depths; he took only a single glance, and yet, he thought","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he saw a gold ring trembling, glittering, wavering there! He thought of his lost","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"engagement ring, and the ring became larger and spread out into a glittering","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"circle, within which appeared the clear glacier. Endless deep chasms yawned","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"about it, and the dropping water tinkled like the sound of bells and glowed with","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"pale blue flames. In a second he beheld what will take us many long words to","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"describe!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Young hunters and young girls, men and women who had once fallen into the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glacier's crevasses, stood there as in life, with open eyes and smiling lips,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"while far below them arose from buried villages the chimes of church bells. The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"congregation knelt beneath the church roofs; icicles made the organ pipes, and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the mountain torrents furnished the music. And the Ice Maiden sat on the clear,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"transparent ground. She stretched herself up toward Rudy and kissed his feet,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"and there shot through his limbs a deadly chill like an electric shock - ice and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"fire, one could not be distinguished from the other in that brief touch.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Mine! Mine!\" sounded around him and within him. \"I kissed you when you were","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"little - kissed you on the mouth! Now I kiss you on your toes and your heels -","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"now you belong to me!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And he disappeared in the clear blue water.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"All was still. The church bells had ceased their ringing; their last tones had","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"died away with the glow on the red clouds above.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"You are mine!\" sounded from the depths below. \"You are mine!\" resounded from","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"beyond the heights - from infinity itself!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"How wonderful to pass from love to love, from earth to heaven!","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"A thread seemed to break, and sorrowful tones echoed around. The icy kiss of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"death had conquered what was mortal; the prelude to the drama of life had ended","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"before the play itself had begun. And discord had resolved itself into harmony.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Do you call this a sad story?","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Poor Babette! For her it was the hour of anguish. The boat drifted farther and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"farther away. No one on the mainland knew that the bridal couple had crossed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"over to the little island. Evening came on, the clouds gathered, and darkness","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"settled down. Alone, despairing and crying, she stood there. A storm broke","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"out; lightning flashed over the Jura mountains and over the peaks of Savoy and","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Switzerland; from all sides came flash after flash, while one peal of thunder","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"followed the other for minutes at a time. One instant the lightning was so","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"vivid that the surroundings were bright as day - every single vine stem was as","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"distinct as at high noon - and in the next instant everything was plunged back","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"into the blackest darkness. The lightning formed circles and zigzagged, then","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"darted into the lake; and the increasing noise of the rolling thunder echoed","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"from the surrounding mountains. On the mainland the boats had been drawn far up","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the beach, while all living things sought shelter. And now the rain poured down","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"in torrents.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Where can Rudy and Babette be in this terrible storm?\" said the miller.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Babette sat with folded hands, her head in her lap, utterly worn out by grief,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"tears, and screams for help.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"In the deep water,\" she said to herself, \"far down there as if under a glacier,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"he lies!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then she thought of what Rudy had told her about his mother's death, and of his","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"escape, how he was lifted up out of the cleft of the glacier almost dead. \"The","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Ice Maiden has him again!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Then there came a flash of lightning as dazzling as the rays of the sun on white","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"snow. Babette jumped up; at that moment the lake rose like a shining glacier;","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"there stood the Ice Maiden, majestic, bluish, pale, glittering, with Rudy's","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"corpse at her feet.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Mine!\" she said, and again everything was darkness and torrential rain.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Horrible!\" groaned Babette. \"Ah, why should he die when our day of happiness","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"was so near? Dear God, make me understand; shed light into my heart! I cannot","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"understand the ways of your almighty power and wisdom!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"And God enlightened her heart. A memory - a ray of mercy - her dream of the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"night before - all rushed vividly through her mind. She remembered the words she","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"had spoken, the wish for the best for herself and Rudy.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"\"Pity me! Was it the seed of sin in my heart? Was my dream, a glimpse into the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"future, whose course had to be violently changed to save me from guilt? How","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"miserable I am!\"","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"In the pitch-black night she sat weeping. And now in the deep stillnes around","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"her she seemed to hear the last words he had spoken here, \"Earth can give me no","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"more.\" They had been spoken in the fullest of joy; they echoed in the depths of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"great sorrow.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"A few years have passed since that night. The lake smiles; its shores are","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"smiling; the vines yield luscious grapes; steamboats with waving pennants","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"glide swiftly by; pleasure boats with their two sails unfurled skim like white","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"butterflies over the mirrored water; the railway beyond Chillon is open now,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"leading far into the valley of the Rhone. At every station strangers get out,","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"studying in their little red guidebooks what sights they should see. They visit","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"Chillon, see the little island with the three acacias, and read in their books","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"about a bridal couple who in 1856 rowed over to it one evening - how not until","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the next morning could the bride's despairing cries be heard on the mainland.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"But the guidebooks tell nothing about Babette's quiet life in her father's house","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"- not at the mill, for strangers live there now - in the pretty house near the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"railway station, where many an evening she gazes from her window beyond the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"chestnut trees to the snowy mountains over which Rudy had loved to range. In","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the evening hours she can see the Alpine glow - up there where the daughters of","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"the sun settle down, and sing again their song about the traveler whose coat the","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"whirlwind snatched off, taking it, but not the man himself.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"There is a rosy glow upon the mountain's snow fields; there is a rosy tint in","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"every heart in which lives the thought, \"God wills what is best for us!\" But it","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"is not always revealed to us as it was revealed to Babette in her dream.","book":"The ice maiden"} {"text":"In the fresh morning dawn, in the rosy air gleams a great Star, the brightest","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Star of the morning. His rays tremble on the white wall, as if he wished to","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"write down on it what he can tell, what he has seen there and elsewhere during","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"thousands of years in our rolling world. Let us hear one of his stories.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"A short time ago\"– the Star's \"short time ago\" is called among men \"centuries","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"ago\"– \"my rays followed a young artist. It was in the city of the Popes, in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the world-city, Rome. Much has been changed there in the course of time, but","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the changes have not come so quickly as the change from youth to old age.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Then already the palace of the Caesars was a ruin, as it is now; fig trees and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"laurels grew among the fallen marble columns, and in the desolate bathing-halls,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"where the gilding still clings to the wall; the Coliseum was a gigantic ruin;","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the church bells sounded, the incense sent up its fragrant cloud, and through","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the streets marched processions with flaming tapers and glowing canopies. Holy","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Church was there, and art was held as a high and holy thing. In Rome lived the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"greatest painter in the world, Raphael; there also dwelt the first of sculptors,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Michael Angelo. Even the Pope paid homage to these two, and honored them with a","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"visit. Art was recognized and honored, and was rewarded also. But, for all that,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"everything great and splendid was not seen and known.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"In a narrow lane stood an old house. Once it had been a temple; a young","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"sculptor now dwelt there. He was young and quite unknown. He certainly had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"friends, young artists, like himself, young in spirit, young in hopes and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"thoughts; they told him he was rich in talent, and an artist, but that he","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"was foolish for having no faith in his own power; for he always broke what he","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"had fashioned out of clay, and never completed anything; and a work must be","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"completed if it is to be seen and to bring money.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\" 'You are a dreamer,' they went on to say to him, 'and that's your misfortune.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"But the reason of this is, that you have never lived, you have never tasted","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"life, you have never enjoyed it in great wholesome draughts, as it ought to be","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"enjoyed. In youth one must mingle one's own personality with life, that they may","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"become one. Look at the great master Raphael, whom the Pope honors and the world","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"admires. He's no despiser of wine and bread.'","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"'And he even appreciates the baker's daughter, the pretty Fornarina,' added","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Angelo, one of the merriest of the young friends.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Yes, they said a good many things of the kind, according to their age and their","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"reason. They wanted to draw the young artist out with them into the merry wild","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"life, the mad life as it might also be called; and at certain times he felt","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"an inclination for it. He had warm blood, a strong imagination, and could take","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"part in the merry chat, and laugh aloud with the rest; but what they called","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"'Raphael's merry life' disappeared before him like a vapor when he saw the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"divine radiance that beamed forth from the pictures of the great master; and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"when he stood in the Vatican, before the forms of beauty which the masters","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"had hewn out of marble thousands of years since, his breast swelled, and he","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"felt within himself something high, something holy, something elevating, great","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and good, and he wished that he could produce similar forms from the blocks","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of marble. He wished to make a picture of that which was within him, stirring","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"upward from his heart to the realms of the Infinite; but how, and in what form?","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The soft clay was fashioned under his fingers into forms of beauty, but the next","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"day he broke what he had fashioned, according to his wont.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"One day he walked past one of those rich palaces of which Rome has many to","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"show. He stopped before the great open portal, and beheld a garden surrounded","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"by cloistered walks. The garden bloomed with a goodly show of the fairest roses.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Great white lilies with green juicy leaves shot upward from the marble basin","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in which the clear water was splashing; and a form glided past, the daughter","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of the princely house, graceful, delicate, and wonderfully fair. Such a form of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"female loveliness he had never before beheld– yet stay: he had seen it, painted","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"by Raphael, painted as a Psyche, in one of the Roman palaces. Yes, there it had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"been painted; but here it passed by him in living reality.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The remembrance lived in his thoughts, in his heart. He went home to his humble","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"room, and modelled a Psyche of clay. It was the rich young Roman girl, the noble","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"maiden; and for the first time he looked at his work with satisfaction. It had a","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"meaning for him, for it was she. And the friends who saw his work shouted aloud","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"for joy; they declared that this work was a manifestation of his artistic power,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of which they had long been aware, and that now the world should be made aware","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of it too.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The clay figure was lifelike and beautiful, but it had not the whiteness or the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"durability of marble. So they declared that the Psyche must henceforth live in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"marble. He already possessed a costly block of that stone. It had been lying","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"for years, the property of his parents, in the courtyard. Fragments of glass,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"climbing weeds, and remains of artichokes had gathered about it and sullied its","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"purity; but under the surface the block was as white as the mountain snow; and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"from this block the Psyche was to arise.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Now, it happened one morning– the bright Star tells nothing about this, but","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"we know it occurred– that a noble Roman company came into the narrow lane.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The carriage stopped at the top of the lane, and the company proceeded on foot","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"towards the house, to inspect the young sculptor's work, for they had heard him","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"spoken of by chance. And who were these distinguished guests? Poor young man! or","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"fortunate young man he might be called. The noble young lady stood in the room","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and smiled radiantly when her father said to her, \"It is your living image.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"That smile could not be copied, any more than the look could be reproduced, the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"wonderful look which she cast upon the young artist. It was a fiery look, that","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"seemed at once to elevate and to crush him.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"The Psyche must be executed in marble,\" said the wealthy patrician. And those","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"were words of life for the dead clay and the heavy block of marble, and words","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of life likewise for the deeply-moved artist. \"When the work is finished I will","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"purchase it,\" continued the rich noble.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"A new era seemed to have arisen in the poor studio. Life and cheerfulness","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"gleamed there, and busy industry plied its work. The beaming Morning Star beheld","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"how the work progressed. The clay itself seemed inspired since she had been","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"there, and moulded itself, in heightened beauty, to a likeness of the well-known","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"features.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Now I know what life is,\" cried the artist rejoicingly; \"it is Love! It is the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"lofty abandonment of self for the dawning of the beautiful in the soul! What my","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"friends call life and enjoyment is a passing shadow; it is like bubbles among","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"seething dregs, not the pure heavenly wine that consecrates us to life.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The marble block was reared in its place. The chisel struck great fragments from","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"it; the measurements were taken, points and lines were made, the mechanical part","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"was executed, till gradually the stone assumed a human female form, a shape of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"beauty, and became converted into the Psyche, fair and glorious– a divine being","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in human shape. The heavy stone appeared as a gliding, dancing, airy Psyche,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"with the heavenly innocent smile– the smile that had mirrored itself in the soul","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of the young artist.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The Star of the roseate dawn beheld and understood what was stirring within the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"young man, and could read the meaning of the changing color of his cheek, of the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"light that flashed from his eye, as he stood busily working, reproducing what","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"had been put into his soul from above.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Thou art a master like those masters among the ancient Greeks,\" exclaimed his","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"delighted friends; \"soon shall the whole world admire thy Psyche.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"My Psyche!\" he repeated. \"Yes, mine. She must be mine. I, too, am an artist,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"like those great men who are gone. Providence has granted me the boon, and has","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"made me the equal of that lady of noble birth.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And he knelt down and breathed a prayer of thankfulnesss to Heaven, and then he","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"forgot Heaven for her sake– for the sake of her picture in stone– for her Psyche","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"which stood there as if formed of snow, blushing in the morning dawn.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"He was to see her in reality, the living, graceful Psyche, whose words sounded","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"like music in his ears. He could now carry the news into the rich palace that","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the marble Psyche was finished. He betook himself thither, strode through the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"open courtyard where the waters ran splashing from the dolphin's jaws into the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"marble basins, where the snowy lilies and the fresh roses bloomed in abundance.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"He stepped into the great lofty hall, whose walls and ceilings shone with","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"gilding and bright colors and heraldic devices. Gayly-dressed serving-men,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"adorned with trappings like sleigh horses, walked to and fro, and some reclined","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"at their ease upon the carved oak seats, as if they were the masters of the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"house. He told them what had brought him to the palace, and was conducted up","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the shining marble staircase, covered with soft carpets and adorned with many a","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"statue. Then he went on through richly-furnished chambers, over mosaic floors,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"amid gorgeous pictures. All this pomp and luxury seemed to weary him; but soon","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"he felt relieved, for the princely old master of the house received him most","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"graciously,, almost heartily; and when he took his leave he was requested to","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"step into the Signora's apartment, for she, too, wished to see him. The servants","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"led him through more luxurious halls and chambers into her room, where she","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"appeared the chief and leading ornament.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"She spoke to him. No hymn of supplication, no holy chant, could melt his soul","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"like the sound of her voice. He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. No","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"rose was softer, but a fire thrilled through him from this rose– a feeling","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of power came upon him, and words poured from his tongue– he knew not what","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"he said. Does the crater of the volcano know that the glowing lava is pouring","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"from it? He confessed what he felt for her. She stood before him astonished,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"offended, proud, with contempt in her face, an expression of disgust, as if she","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"had suddenly touched a cold unclean reptile. Her cheeks reddened, her lips grew","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"white, and her eyes flashed fire, though they were dark as the blackness of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"night.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Madman!\" she cried, \"away! begone!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And she turned her back upon him. Her beautiful face wore an expression like","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"that of the stony countenance with the snaky locks.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Like a stricken, fainting man, he tottered down the staircase and out into the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"street. Like a man walking in his sleep, he found his way back to his dwelling.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Then he woke up to madness and agony, and seized his hammer, swung it high in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the air, and rushed forward to shatter the beautiful marble image. But, in his","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"pain, he had not noticed that his friend Angelo stood beside him; and Angelo","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"held back his arm with a strong grasp, crying,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Are you mad? What are you about?\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"They struggled together. Angelo was the stronger; and, with a deep sigh of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"exhaustion, the young artist threw himself into a chair.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"What has happened?\" asked Angelo. \"Command yourself. Speak!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"But what could he say? How could he explain? And as Angelo could make no sense","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of his friend's incoherent words, he forbore to question him further, and merely","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"said,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Your blood grows thick from your eternal dreaming. Be a man, as all others","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"are, and don't go on living in ideals, for that is what drives men crazy. A","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"jovial feast will make you sleep quietly and happily. Believe me, the time will","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"come when you will be old, and your sinews will shrink, and then, on some fine","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"sunshiny day, when everything is laughing and rejoicing, you will lie there a","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"faded plant, that will grow no more. I do not live in dreams, but in reality.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Come with me. Be a man!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And he drew the artist away with him. At this moment he was able to do so, for","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"a fire ran in the blood of the young sculptor; a change had taken place in his","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"soul; he felt a longing to tear from the old, the accustomed– to forget, if","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"possible, his own individuality; and therefore it was that he followed Angelo.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"In an out-of-the-way suburb of Rome lay a tavern much visited by artists. It","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"was built on the ruins of some ancient baths. The great yellow citrons hung","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"down among the dark shining leaves, and covered a part of the old reddish-yellow","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"walls. The tavern consisted of a vaulted chamber, almost like a cavern, in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the ruins. A lamp burned there before the picture of the Madonna. A great fire","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"gleamed on the hearth, and roasting and boiling was going on there; without,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"under the citron trees and laurels, stood a few covered tables.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The two artists were received by their friends with shouts of welcome. Little","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"was eaten, but much was drunk, and the spirits of the company rose. Songs were","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"sung and ditties were played on the guitar; presently the Salterello sounded,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and the merry dance began. Two young Roman girls, who sat as models to the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"artists, took part in the dance and in the festivity. Two charming Bacchantes","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"were they; certainly not Psyches– not delicate, beautiful roses, but fresh,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"hearty, glowing carnations.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"How hot it was on that day! Even after sundown it was hot. There was fire in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the blood, fire in every glance, fire everywhere. The air gleamed with gold and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"roses, and life seemed like gold and roses.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"At last you have joined us, for once,\" said his friends. \"Now let yourself be","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"carried by the waves within and around you.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Never yet have I felt so well, so merry!\" cried the young artist. \"You are","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"right– you are all of you right. I was a fool– a dreamer. Man belongs to","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"reality, and not to fancy.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"With songs and with sounding guitars the young people returned that evening from","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the tavern, through the narrow streets; the two glowing carnations, daughters of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the Campagna, went with them.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"In Angelo's room, among a litter of colored sketches (studies) and glowing","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"pictures, the voices sounded mellower, but not less merrily. On the ground","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"lay many a sketch that resembled the daughters of the Campagna, in their","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"fresh, hearty comeliness, but the two originals were far handsomer than their","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"portraits. All the burners of the six-armed lamp flared and flamed; and the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"human flamed up from within, and appeared in the glare as if it were divine.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Apollo! Jupiter! I feel myself raised to our heaven– to your glory! I feel as","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"if the blossom of life were unfolding itself in my veins at this moment!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Yes, the blossom unfolded itself, and then burst and fell, and an evil vapor","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"arose from it, blinding the sight, leading astray the fancy; the firework of the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"senses went out, and it became dark.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"He was again in his own room. There he sat down on his bed and collected his","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"thoughts.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Fie on thee!\" these were the words that sounded out of his mouth from the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"depths of his heart. \"Wretched man, go, begone!\" And a deep painful sigh burst","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"from his bosom.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Away! begone!\" These, her words, the words of the living Psyche, echoed","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"through his heart, escaped from his lips. He buried his head in the pillows, his","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"thoughts grew confused, and he fell asleep.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"In the morning dawn he started up, and collected his thoughts anew. What had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"happened? Had all the past been a dream? The visit to her, the feast at the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"tavern, the evening with the purple carnations of the Campagna? No, it was all","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"real– a reality he had never before experienced.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"In the purple air gleamed the bright Star, and its beams fell upon him and upon","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the marble Psyche. He trembled as he looked at that picture of immortality, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"his glance seemed impure to him. He threw the cloth over the statue, and then","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"touched it once more to unveil the form– but he was not able to look again at","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"his own work.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Gloomy, quiet, absorbed in his own thoughts, he sat there through the long day;","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"he heard nothing of what was going on around him, and no man guessed what was","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"passing in this human soul.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And days and weeks went by, but the nights passed more slowly than the days. The","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"flashing Star beheld him one morning as he rose, pale and trembling with fever,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"from his sad couch; then he stepped towards the statue, threw back the covering,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"took one long, sorrowful gaze at his work, and then, almost sinking beneath the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"burden, he dragged the statue out into the garden. In that place was an old dry","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"well, now nothing but a hole. Into this he cast the Psyche, threw earth in above","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"her, and covered up the spot with twigs and nettles.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Away! begone!\" Such was the short epitaph he spoke.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The Star beheld all this from the pink morning sky, and its beam trembled upon","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"two great tears upon the pale feverish cheeks of the young man; and soon it was","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"said that he was sick unto death, and he lay stretched upon a bed of pain.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The convent Brother Ignatius visited him as a physician and a friend, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"brought him words of comfort, of religion, and spoke to him of the peace and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"happiness of the church, of the sinfulness of man, of rest and mercy to be found","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in heaven.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And the words fell like warm sunbeams upon a teeming soil. The soil smoked and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"sent up clouds of mist, fantastic pictures, pictures in which there was reality;","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and from these floating islands he looked across at human life. He found it","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"vanity and delusion– and vanity and delusion it had been to him. They told him","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"that art was a sorcerer, betraying us to vanity and to earthly lusts; that we","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"are false to ourselves, unfaithful to our friends, unfaithful towards Heaven;","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and that the serpent was always repeating within us, \"Eat, and thou shalt become","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"as God.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And it appeared to him as if now, for the first time, he knew himself, and had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"found the way that leads to truth and to peace. In the church was the light and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the brightness of God– in the monk's cell he should find the rest through which","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the tree of human life might grow on into eternity.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Brother Ignatius strengthened his longings, and the determination became firm","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"within him. A child of the world became a servant of the church– the young","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"artist renounced the world, and retired into the cloister.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The brothers came forward affectionately to welcome him, and his inauguration","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"was as a Sunday feast. Heaven seemed to him to dwell in the sunshine of the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"church, and to beam upon him from the holy pictures and from the cross. And","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"when, in the evening, at the sunset hour, he stood in his little cell, and,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"opening the window, looked out upon old Rome, upon the desolated temples, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the great dead Coliseum– when he saw all this in its spring garb, when the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"acacias bloomed, and the ivy was fresh, and roses burst forth everywhere, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the citron and orange were in the height of their beauty, and the palm trees","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"waved their branches– then he felt a deeper emotion than had ever yet thrilled","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"through him. The quiet open Campagna spread itself forth towards the blue snow-","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"covered mountains, which seemed to be painted in the air; all the outlines","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"melting into each other, breathing peace and beauty, floating, dreaming– and all","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"appearing like a dream!","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Yes, this world was a dream, and the dream lasts for hours, and may return for","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"hours; but convent life is a life of years– long years, and many years.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"From within comes much that renders men sinful and impure. He fully realized the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"truth of this. What flames arose up in him at times! What a source of evil, of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"that which we would not, welled up continually! He mortified his body, but the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"evil came from within.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"One day, after the lapse of many years, he met Angelo, who recognized him.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Man!\" exclaimed Angelo. \"Yes, it is thou! Art thou happy now? Thou hast sinned","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"against God, and cast away His boon from thee– hast neglected thy mission in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"this world! Read the parable of the intrusted talent! The MASTER, who spoke that","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"parable, spoke the truth! What hast thou gained? What hast thou found? Dost thou","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"not fashion for thyself a religion and a dreamy life after thine own idea, as","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"almost all do? Suppose all this is a dream, a fair delusion!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"Get thee away from me, Satan!\" said the monk; and he quitted Angelo.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"There is a devil, a personal devil! This day I have seen him!\" said the monk","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"to himself. \"Once I extended a finger to him, and he took my whole hand. But","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"now,\" he sighed, \"the evil is within me, and it is in yonder man; but it does","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"not bow him down; he goes abroad with head erect, and enjoys his comfort; and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"I grasped at comfort in the consolations of religion. If it were nothing but","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"a consolation? Supposing everything here were, like the world I have quitted,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"only a beautiful fancy, a delusion like the beauty of the evening clouds, like","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the misty blue of the distant hills!– when you approach them, they are very","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"different! O eternity! Thou actest like the great calm ocean, that beckons us,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and fills us with expectation– and when we embark upon thee, we sink, disappear,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and cease to be. Delusion! away with it! begone!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And tearless, but sunk in bitter reflection, he sat upon his hard couch, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"then knelt down– before whom? Before the stone cross fastened to the wall? No,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"it was only habit that made him take this position.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The more deeply he looked into his own heart, the blacker did the darkness seem.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"–\"Nothing within, nothing without– this life squanderied and cast away!\" And","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"this thought rolled and grew like a snowball, until it seemed to crush him.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"I can confide my griefs to none. I may speak to none of the gnawing worm","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"within. My secret is my prisoner; if I let the captive escape, I shall be his!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And the godlike power that dwelt within him suffered and strove.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"O Lord, my Lord!\" he cried, in his despair, \"be merciful and grant me faith. I","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"threw away the gift thou hadst vouchsafed to me, I left my mission unfulfilled.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"I lacked strength, and strength thou didst not give me. Immortality– the Psyche","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in my breast– away with it!– it shall be buried like that Psyche, the best gleam","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of my life; never will it arise out of its grave!\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The Star glowed in the roseate air, the Star that shall surely be extinguished","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and pass away while the soul still lives on; its trembling beam fell upon the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"white wall, but it wrote nothing there upon being made perfect in God, nothing","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"of the hope of mercy, of the reliance on the divine love that thrills through","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the heart of the believer.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"The Psyche within can never die. Shall it live in consciousness? Can the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"incomprehensible happen? Yes, yes. My being is incomprehensible. Thou art","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"unfathomable, O Lord. Thy whole world is incomprehensible– a wonder-work of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"power, of glory and of love.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"His eyes gleamed, and then closed in death. The tolling of the church bell was","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the last sound that echoed above him, above the dead man; and they buried him,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"covering him with earth that had been brought from Jerusalem, and in which was","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"mingled the dust of many of the pious dead.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"When years had gone by his skeleton was dug up, as the skeletons of the monks","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"who had died before him had been; it was clad in a brown frock, a rosary was put","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"into the bony hand, and the form was placed among the ranks of other skeletons","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in the cloisters of the convent. And the sun shone without, while within the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"censers were waved and the Mass was celebrated.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And years rolled by.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The bones fell asunder and became mingled with others. Skulls were piled up","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"till they formed an outer wall around the church; and there lay also his head","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in the burning sun, for many dead were there, and no one knew their names, and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"his name was forgotten also. And see, something was moving in the sunshine, in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the sightless cavernous eyes! What might that be? A sparkling lizard moved about","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"in the skull, gliding in and out through the sightless holes. The lizard now","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"represented all the life left in that head, in which once great thoughts, bright","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"dreams, the love of art and of the glorious, had arisen, whence hot tears had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"rolled down, where hope and immortality had had their being. The lizard sprang","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"away and disappeared, and the skull itself crumbled to pieces and became dust","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"among dust.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Centuries passed away. The bright Star gleamed unaltered, radiant and large, as","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"it had gleamed for thousands of years, and the air glowed red with tints fresh","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"as roses, crimson like blood.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"There, where once had stood the narrow lane containing the ruins of the temple,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"a nunnery was now built. A grave was being dug in the convent garden for a","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"young nun who had died, and was to be laid in the earth this morning. The spade","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"struck against a hard substance; it was a stone, that shone dazzling white. A","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"block of marble soon appeared, a rounded shoulder was laid bare; and now the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"spade was plied with a more careful hand, and presently a female head was seen,","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"and butterflies' wings. Out of the grave in which the young nun was to be laid","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"they lifted, in the rosy morning, a wonderful statue of a Psyche carved in white","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"marble.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"\"How beautiful, how perfect it is!\" cried the spectators. \"A relic of the best","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"period of art.\"","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"And who could the sculptor have been? No one knew; no one remembered him, except","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the bright star that had gleamed for thousands of years. The star had seen the","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"course of that life on earth, and knew of the man's trials, of his weakness– in","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"fact, that he had been but human. The man's life had passed away, his dust had","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"been scattered abroad as dust is destined to be; but the result of his noblest","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"striving, the glorious work that gave token of the divine element within him–","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the Psyche that never dies, that lives beyond posterity– the brightness even of","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"this earthly Psyche remained here after him, and was seen and acknowledged and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"appreciated.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"The bright Morning Star in the roseate air threw its glancing ray downward upon","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"the Psyche, and upon the radiant countenances of the admiring spectators, who","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"here beheld the image of the soul portrayed in marble.","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"What is earthly will pass away and be forgotten, and the Star in the vast","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"firmament knows it. What is heavenly will shine brightly through posterity; and","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"when the ages of posterity are past, the Psyche– the soul– will still live on!","book":"The psyche"} {"text":"Around the garden ran a hedge of hazelnut bushes, and beyond it lay fields and","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"meadows with cows and sheep; but in the middle of the garden stood a blooming","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"Rosebush, and under it sat a Snail, who had a lot inside his shell - namely,","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"himself.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"Wait till my time comes,\" it said. \"I'll do a great deal more than grow roses;","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"more than bear nuts; or give milk, like cows and the sheep!\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"I expect a great deal from you,\" said the Rosebush. \"May I dare ask when this","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"is going to happen?\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"I'll take my time,\" said the Snail. \"You're always in such a hurry! That does","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"not arouse expectations!\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"Next year the Snail lay in almost the same spot, in the sunshine beneath the","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"Rose Tree, which was budding and bearing roses as fresh and as new as ever. And","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"the Snail crept halfway out of its shell, stretched out its horns and drew them","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"back in again.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"Everything looks just as it did last year. No progress at all; the Rose Tree","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"sticks to its roses, and that's as far as it gets.\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"The summer passed; the autumn came. The Rose Tree still bore buds and roses","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"till the snow fell. The weather became raw and wet, and the Rose Tree bent down","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"toward the ground. The Snail crept into the ground.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"Then a new year began, and the roses came out again, and the Snail did, too.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"You're an old Rosebush now,\" the Snail said. \"You must hurry up and die,","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"because you've given the world all that's in you. Whether it has meant anything","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"is a question that I haven't had time to think about, but this much is clear","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"enough - you've done nothing at all for your inner development, or you would","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"certainly have produced something else. How can you answer that? You'll soon be","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"nothing but a stick. Can you understand what I'm saying?\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"You frighten me!\" said the Rosebush. \"I never thought about that at all.\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"No, you have never taken the trouble to think of anything. Have you ever","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"considered yourself, why you bloomed, and how it happens, why just in that way","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"and in no other?\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the Rosebush. \"I was just happy to blossom because I couldn't do","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"anything else. The sun was warm and the air so refreshing. I drank of the clear","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"dew and the strong rain; I breathed, I lived. A power rose in me from out of","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"the earth; a strength came down from up above; I felt an increasing happiness,","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"always new, always great, so I had to blossom over and over again. That was my","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"life; I couldn't do anything else.\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"You have led a very easy life,\" said the Snail.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"Certainly. Everything was given to me,\" said the Rosebush. \"But still more was","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"granted to you. You're one of those with a deep, thoughtful nature, one of those","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"highly gifted minds that will astonish the world.\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"I've no intention of doing anything of the sort!\" said the Snail. \"The world","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"means nothing to me. What do I have to do with the world? I have enough to do","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"with myself and within myself.\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"But shouldn't all of us on earth give the best we have to others and offer","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"whatever is in our power? Yes, I've only been able to give roses. But you? You","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"who are so richly gifted - what have you given to the world? What do you intend","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"to give?\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"What have I given? What do I intend to give? I spit at the world. It's no good!","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"It has nothing to do with me. Keep giving your roses; that's all you can do! Let","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"the hazel bush bear nuts, let the cows and sheep give milk. They each have their","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"public; but I have mine inside myself. I retire within myself, and there I shall","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"stay. The world means nothing to me.\" And so the Snail withdrew into his house","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"and closed up the entrance behind him.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"\"That's so sad,\" said the Rose Tree. \"I can't creep into myself, no matter","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"how much I want to; I must go on bearing roses. Their petals fall off and are","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"blown away by the wind, although once I saw one of the roses laid in a mother's","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"hymnbook, and one of my own roses was placed on the breast of a lovely young","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"girl, and another was kissed by a child in the first happiness of life. It did","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"me good; it was a true blessing. Those are my recollections - my life!\"","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"So the Rose Tree bloomed on in innocence, and the Snail loafed in his house -","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"the world meant nothing to him.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"And years rolled by.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"The Snail had turned to earth in the earth, and the Rose Tree had turned to","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"earth in the earth. Even the rose of memory in the hymnbook was withered, but","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"in the garden new rosebushes bloomed, and new snails crept into their houses and","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"spat at the world, for it meant nothing to them.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"Shall we read this story all over again? It'll never be different.","book":"The snail and the rosebush"} {"text":"There was once a shilling, which came forth from the mint springing and","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"shouting, \"Hurrah! now I am going out into the wide world.\" And truly it did go","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"out into the wide world. The children held it with warm hands, the miser with","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"a cold and convulsive grasp, and the old people turned it about, goodness knows","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"how many times, while the young people soon allowed it to roll away from them.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"The shilling was made of silver, it contained very little copper, and considered","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"itself quite out in the world when it had been circulated for a year in the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"country in which it had been coined. One day, it really did go out into the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"world, for it belonged to a gentleman who was about to travel in foreign lands.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"This gentleman was not aware that the shilling lay at the bottom of his purse","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"when he started, till he one day found it between his fingers. \"Why,\" cried he,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"\"here is a shilling from home; well, it must go on its travels with me now!\"","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and the shilling jumped and rattled for joy, when it was put back again into the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"purse.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"Here it lay among a number of foreign companions, who were always coming","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and going, one taking the place of another, but the shilling from home was","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"always put back, and had to remain in the purse, which was certainly a mark of","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"distinction. Many weeks passed, during which the shilling had travelled a long","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"distance in the purse, without in the least knowing where he was. He had found","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"out that the other coins were French and Italian; and one coin said they were","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"in this town, and another said they were in that, but the shilling was unable","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"to make out or imagine what they meant. A man certainly cannot see much of the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"world if he is tied up in a bag, and this was really the shilling's fate. But","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"one day, as he was lying in the purse, he noticed that it was not quite closed,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and so he slipped near to the opening to have a little peep into society. He","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"certainly had not the least idea of what would follow, but he was curious, and","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"curiosity often brings its own punishment. In his eagerness, he came so near","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"the edge of the purse that he slipped out into the pocket of the trousers; and","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"when, in the evening, the purse was taken out, the shilling was left behind in","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"the corner to which it had fallen. As the clothes were being carried into the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"hall, the shilling fell out on the floor, unheard and unnoticed by any one. The","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"next morning the clothes were taken back to the room, the gentleman put them on,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and started on his journey again; but the shilling remained behind on the floor.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"After a time it was found, and being considered a good coin, was placed with","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"three other coins. \"Ah,\" thought the shilling, \"this is pleasant; I shall now","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"see the world, become acquainted with other people, and learn other customs.\"","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"\"Do you call that a shilling?\" said some one the next moment. \"That is not a","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"genuine coin of the country,– it is false; it is good for nothing.\"","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"Now begins the story as it was afterwards related by the shilling himself.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"\"'False! good for nothing!' said he. That remark went through and through me","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"like a dagger. I knew that I had a true ring, and that mine was a genuine stamp.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"These people must at all events be wrong, or they could not mean me. But yes, I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"was the one they called 'false, and good for nothing.'","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"'Then I must pay it away in the dark,' said the man who had received me. So I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"was to be got rid of in the darkness, and be again insulted in broad daylight.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"'False! good for nothing!' Oh, I must contrive to get lost, thought I. And I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"trembled between the fingers of the people every time they tried to pass me","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"off slyly as a coin of the country. Ah! unhappy shilling that I was! Of what","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"use were my silver, my stamp, and my real value here, where all these qualities","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"were worthless. In the eyes of the world, a man is valued just according to the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"opinion formed of him. It must be a shocking thing to have a guilty conscience,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and to be sneaking about on account of wicked deeds. As for me, innocent as I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"was, I could not help shuddering before their eyes whenever they brought me out,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"for I knew I should be thrown back again up the table as a false pretender. At","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"length I was paid away to a poor old woman, who received me as wages for a hard","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"day's work. But she could not again get rid of me; no one would take me. I was","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"to the woman a most unlucky shilling. 'I am positively obliged to pass this","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"shilling to somebody,' said she; 'I cannot, with the best intentions, lay by a","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"bad shilling. The rich baker shall have it,– he can bear the loss better than I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"can. But, after all, it is not a right thing to do.'","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"'Ah!' sighed I to myself, 'am I also to be a burden on the conscience of this","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"poor woman? Am I then in my old days so completely changed?' The woman offered","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"me to the rich baker, but he knew the current money too well, and as soon as","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"he received me he threw me almost in the woman's face. She could get no bread","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"for me, and I felt quite grieved to the heart that I should be cause of so much","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"trouble to another, and be treated as a cast-off coin. I who, in my young days,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"felt so joyful in the certainty of my own value, and knew so well that I bore","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"a genuine stamp. I was as sorrowful now as a poor shilling can be when nobody","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"will have him. The woman took me home again with her, and looking at me very","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"earnestly, she said, 'No, I will not try to deceive any one with thee again. I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"will bore a hole through thee, that everyone may know that thou art a false and","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"worthless thing; and yet, why should I do that? Very likely thou art a lucky","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"shilling. A thought has just struck me that it is so, and I believe it. Yes,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"I will make a hole in the shilling,' said she, 'and run a string through it,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and then give it to my neighbor's little one to hang round her neck, as a lucky","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"shilling.' So she drilled a hole through me.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"It is really not at all pleasant to have a hole bored through one, but we can","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"submit to a great deal when it is done with a good intention. A string was drawn","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"through the hole, and I became a kind of medal. They hung me round the neck of","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"a little child, and the child laughed at me and kissed me, and I rested for one","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"whole night on the warm, innocent breast of a child.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"In the morning the child's mother took me between her fingers, and had certain","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"thoughts about me, which I very soon found out. First, she looked for a pair of","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"scissors, and cut the string.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"'Lucky shilling!' said she, 'certainly this is what I mean to try.' Then she","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"laid me in vinegar till I became quite green, and after that she filled up the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"hole with cement, rubbed me a little to brighten me up, and went out in the","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"twilight hour to the lottery collector, to buy herself a ticket, with a shilling","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"that should bring luck. How everything seemed to cause me trouble. The lottery","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"collector pressed me so hard that I thought I should crack. I had been called","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"false, I had been thrown away,– that I knew; and there were many shillings and","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"coins with inscriptions and stamps of all kinds lying about. I well knew how","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"proud they were, so I avoided them from very shame. With the collector were","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"several men who seemed to have a great deal to do, so I fell unnoticed into a","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"chest, among several other coins.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"Whether the lottery ticket gained a prize, I know not; but this I know, that","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"in a very few days after, I was recognized as a bad shilling, and laid aside.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"Everything that happened seemed always to add to my sorrow. Even if a man has a","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"good character, it is of no use for him to deny what is said of him, for he is","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"not considered an impartial judge of himself.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"A year passed, and in this way I had been changed from hand to hand; always","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"abused, always looked at with displeasure, and trusted by no one; but I trusted","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"in myself, and had no confidence in the world. Yes, that was a very dark time.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"At length one day I was passed to a traveller, a foreigner, the very same who","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"had brought me away from home; and he was simple and true-hearted enough to","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"take me for current coin. But would he also attempt to pass me? and should I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"again hear the outcry, 'False! good-for-nothing!' The traveller examined me","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"attentively, 'I took thee for good coin,' said he; then suddenly a smile spread","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"all over his face. I have never seen such a smile on any other face as on his.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"'Now this is singular,' said he, 'it is a coin from my own country; a good,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"true, shilling from home. Some one has bored a hole through it, and people have","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"no doubt called it false. How curious that it should come into my hands. I will","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"take it home with me to my own house.'","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"Joy thrilled through me when I heard this. I had been once more called a good,","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"honest shilling, and I was to go back to my own home, where each and all would","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"recognize me, and know that I was made of good silver, and bore a true, genuine","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"stamp. I should have been glad in my joy to throw out sparks of fire, but it has","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"never at any time been my nature to sparkle. Steel can do so, but not silver. I","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"was wrapped up in fine, white paper, that I might not mix with the other coins","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"and be lost; and on special occasions, when people from my own country happened","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"to be present, I was brought forward and spoken of very kindly. They said I was","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"very interesting, and it was really quite worth while to notice that those who","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"are interesting have often not a single word to say for themselves.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"At length I reached home. All my cares were at an end. Joy again overwhelmed me;","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"for was I not good silver, and had I not a genuine stamp? I had no more insults","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"or disappointments to endure; although, indeed, there was a hole through me, as","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"if I were false; but suspicions are nothing when a man is really true, and every","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"one should persevere in acting honestly, for an will be made right in time. That","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"is my firm belief,\" said the shilling.","book":"The silver shilling"} {"text":"In the city of Florence, not far from the Piazza del Granduca, runs a little","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"street called Porta Rosa. In this street, just in front of the market-place","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"where vegetables are sold, stands a pig, made of brass and curiously formed. The","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"bright color has been changed by age to dark green; but clear, fresh water pours","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"from the snout, which shines as if it had been polished, and so indeed it has,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"for hundreds of poor people and children seize it in their hands as they place","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"their mouths close to the mouth of the animal, to drink. It is quite a picture","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"to see a half-naked boy clasping the well-formed creature by the head, as he","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"presses his rosy lips against its jaws.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Every one who visits Florence can very quickly find the place; he has only to","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"ask the first beggar he meets for the Metal Pig, and he will be told where it","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"is.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"It was late on a winter evening; the mountains were covered with snow, but the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"moon shone brightly, and moonlight in Italy is like a dull winter's day in the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"north; indeed it is better, for clear air seems to raise us above the earth,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"while in the north a cold, gray, leaden sky appears to press us down to earth,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"even as the cold damp earth shall one day press on us in the grave. In the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"garden of the grand duke's palace, under the roof of one of the wings, where a","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"thousand roses bloom in winter, a little ragged boy had been sitting the whole","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"day long; a boy, who might serve as a type of Italy, lovely and smiling, and yet","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"still suffering. He was hungry and thirsty, yet no one gave him anything; and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"when it became dark, and they were about to close the gardens, the porter turned","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him out. He stood a long time musing on the bridge which crosses the Arno, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"looking at the glittering stars, reflected in the water which flowed between him","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and the elegant marble bridge Della Trinita.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"He then walked away towards the Metal Pig, half knelt down, clasped it with his","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"arms, and then put his mouth to the shining snout and drank deep draughts of the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"fresh water. Close by, lay a few salad-leaves and two chestnuts, which were to","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"serve for his supper. No one was in the street but himself; it belonged only to","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him, so he boldly seated himself on the pig's back, leaned forward so that his","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"curly head could rest on the head of the animal, and, before he was aware, he","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"fell asleep.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"It was midnight. The Metal Pig raised himself gently, and the boy heard him","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"say quite distinctly, \"Hold tight, little boy, for I am going to run;\" and away","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he started for a most wonderful ride. First, they arrived at the Piazza del","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Granduca, and the metal horse which bears the duke's statue, neighed aloud. The","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"painted coats-of-arms on the old council-house shone like transparent pictures,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and Michael Angelo's David tossed his sling; it was as if everything had life.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The metallic groups of figures, among which were Perseus and the Rape of the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Sabines, looked like living persons, and cries of terror sounded from them all","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"across the noble square.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"By the Palazzo degli Uffizi, in the arcade, where the nobility assemble for the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"carnival, the Metal Pig stopped.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Hold fast,\" said the animal; \"hold fast, for I am going up stairs.\" The little","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"boy said not a word; he was half pleased and half afraid.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"They entered a long gallery, where the boy had been before. The walls were","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"resplendent with paintings; here stood statues and busts, all in a clear light","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"as if it were day. But the grandest appeared when the door of a side room","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"opened; the little boy could remember what beautiful things he had seen there,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"but to-night everything shone in its brightest colors.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Here stood the figure of a beautiful woman, as beautifully sculptured as","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"possible by one of the great masters. Her graceful limbs appeared to move;","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"dolphins sprang at her feet, and immortality shone from her eyes. The world","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"called her the Venus de Medici. By her side were statues, in which the spirit of","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"life breathed in stone; figures of men, one of whom whetted his sword, and was","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"named the Grinder; wrestling gladiators formed another group, the sword had been","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"sharpened for them, and they strove for the goddess of beauty.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The boy was dazzled by so much glitter; for the walls were gleaming with bright","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"colors, all appeared living reality.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"As they passed from hall to hall, beauty everywhere showed itself; and as the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Metal Pig went step by step from one picture to the other, the little boy could","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"see it all plainly. One glory eclipsed another; yet there was one picture that","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"fixed itself on the little boy's memory, more especially because of the happy","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"children it represented, for these the little boy had seen in daylight.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Many pass this picture by with indifference, and yet it contains a treasure of","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"poetic feeling; it represents Christ descending into Hades. They are not the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"lost whom the spectator sees, but the heathen of olden times. The Florentine,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Angiolo Bronzino, painted this picture; most beautiful is the expression on","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the face of the two children, who appear to have full confidence that they","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"shall reach heaven at last. They are embracing each other, and one little one","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stretches out his hand towards another who stands below him, and points to","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"himself, as if he were saying, \"I am going to heaven.\" The older people stand as","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"if uncertain, yet hopeful, and they bow in humble adoration to the Lord Jesus.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"On this picture the boy's eyes rested longer than on any other: the Metal Pig","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stood still before it. A low sigh was heard. Did it come from the picture or","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"from the animal? The boy raised his hands towards the smiling children, and then","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the Pig ran off with him through the open vestibule.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Thank you, thank you, you beautiful animal,\" said the little boy, caressing the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Metal Pig as it ran down the steps.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Thanks to yourself also,\" replied the Metal Pig; \"I have helped you and you","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"have helped me, for it is only when I have an innocent child on my back that","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"I receive the power to run. Yes; as you see, I can even venture under the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"rays of the lamp, in front of the picture of the Madonna, but I may not enter","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the church; still from without, and while you are upon my back, I may look","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"in through the open door. Do not get down yet, for if you do, then I shall be","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"lifeless, as you have seen me in the Porta Rosa.\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"I will stay with you, my dear creature,\" said the little boy. So then they went","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"on at a rapid pace through the streets of Florence, till they came to the square","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"before the church of Santa Croce.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The folding-doors flew open, and light streamed from the altar through the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"church into the deserted square.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"A wonderful blaze of light streamed from one of the monuments in the left-side","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"aisle, and a thousand moving stars seemed to form a glory round it; even the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"coat-of-arms on the tomb-stone shone, and a red ladder on a blue field gleamed","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"like fire. It was the grave of Galileo. The monument is unadorned, but the red","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"ladder is an emblem of art, signifying that the way to glory leads up a shining","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"ladder, on which the prophets of mind rise to heaven, like Elias of old.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"In the right aisle of the church every statue on the richly carved sarcophagi","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"seemed endowed with life. Here stood Michael Angelo; there Dante, with the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"laurel wreath round his brow; Alfieri and Machiavelli; for here side by side","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"rest the great men– the pride of Italy. The church itself is very beautiful,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"even more beautiful than the marble cathedral at Florence, though not so large.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"It seemed as if the carved vestments stirred, and as if the marble figures they","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"covered raised their heads higher, to gaze upon the brightly colored glowing","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"altar where the white-robed boys swung the golden censers, amid music and song,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"while the strong fragrance of incense filled the church, and streamed forth into","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the square.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The boy stretched forth his hands towards the light, and at the same moment the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Metal Pig started again so rapidly that he was obliged to cling tightly to him.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The wind whistled in his ears, he heard the church door creak on its hinges","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"as it closed, and it seemed to him as if he had lost his senses– then a cold","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"shudder passed over him, and he awoke.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"It was morning; the Metal Pig stood in its old place on the Porta Rosa, and the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"boy found he had slipped nearly off its back.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Fear and trembling came upon him as he thought of his mother; she had sent","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him out the day before to get some money, he had not done so, and now he was","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"hungry and thirsty. Once more he clasped the neck of his metal horse, kissed","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"its nose, and nodded farewell to it. Then he wandered away into one of the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"narrowest streets, where there was scarcely room for a loaded donkey to pass.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"A great iron-bound door stood ajar; he passed through, and climbed up a brick","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"staircase, with dirty walls and a rope for a balustrade, till he came to an open","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"gallery hung with rags. From here a flight of steps led down to a court, where","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"from a well water was drawn up by iron rollers to the different stories of the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"house, and where the water-buckets hung side by side. Sometimes the roller and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the bucket danced in the air, splashing the water all over the court. Another","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"broken-down staircase led from the gallery, and two Russian sailors running","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"down it almost upset the poor boy. They were coming from their nightly carousal.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"A woman not very young, with an unpleasant face and a quantity of black hair,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"followed them. \"What have you brought home?\" she asked, when she saw the boy.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Don't be angry,\" he pleaded; \"I received nothing, I have nothing at all;\" and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he seized his mother's dress and would have kissed it. Then they went into a","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"little room. I need not describe it, but only say that there stood in it an","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"earthen pot with handles, made for holding fire, which in Italy is called a","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"marito. This pot she took in her lap, warmed her fingers, and pushed the boy","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"with her elbow. \"Certainly you must have some money,\" she said.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The boy began to cry, and then she struck him with her foot till he cried out","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"louder. \"Will you be quiet? or I'll break your screaming head;\" and she swung","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"about the fire-pot which she held in her hand, while the boy crouched to the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"earth and screamed. Then a neighbor came in, and she had also a marito under her","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"arm. \"Felicita,\" she said, \"what are you doing to the child?\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"The child is mine,\" she answered; \"I can murder him if I like, and you too,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Giannina.\" And then she swung about the fire-pot. The other woman lifted up","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"hers to defend herself, and the two pots clashed together so violently that they","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"were dashed to pieces, and fire and ashes flew about the room. The boy rushed","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"out at the sight, sped across the courtyard, and fled from the house. The poor","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"child ran till he was quite out of breath; at last he stopped at the church, the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"doors of which were opened to him the night before, and went in. Here everything","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"was bright, and the boy knelt down by the first tomb on his right, the grave of","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Michael Angelo, and sobbed as if his heart would break. People came and went,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"mass was performed, but no one noticed the boy, excepting an elderly citizen,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"who stood still and looked at him for a moment, and then went away like the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"rest.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Hunger and thirst overpowered the child, and he became quite faint and ill.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"At last he crept into a corner behind the marble monuments, and went to sleep.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Towards evening he was awakened by a pull at his sleeve; he started up, and the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"same old citizen stood before him.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Are you ill? where do you live? have you been here all day?\" were some of the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"questions asked by the old man. After hearing his answers, the old man took him","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"home to a small house close by, in a back street. They entered a glovemaker's","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"shop, where a woman sat sewing busily. A little white poodle, so closely shaven","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"that his pink skin could plainly be seen, frisked about the room, and gambolled","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"upon the boy.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Innocent souls are soon intimate,\" said the woman, as she caressed both the boy","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and the dog. These good people gave the child food and drink, and said he should","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stay with them all night, and that the next day the old man, who was called","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Giuseppe, would go and speak to his mother. A little homely bed was prepared for","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him, but to him who had so often slept on the hard stones it was a royal couch,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and he slept sweetly and dreamed of the splendid pictures and of the Metal Pig.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Giuseppe went out the next morning, and the poor child was not glad to see him","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"go, for he knew that the old man was gone to his mother, and that, perhaps,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he would have to go back. He wept at the thought, and then he played with the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"little, lively dog, and kissed it, while the old woman looked kindly at him to","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"encourage him.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"And what news did Giuseppe bring back? At first the boy could not hear, for he","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"talked a great deal to his wife, and she nodded and stroked the boy's cheek.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Then she said, \"He is a good lad, he shall stay with us, he may become a clever","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"glovemaker, like you. Look what delicate fingers he has got; Madonna intended","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him for a glovemaker.\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"So the boy stayed with them, and the woman herself taught him to sew; and he","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"ate well, and slept well, and became very merry. But at last he began to tease","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Bellissima, as the little dog was called. This made the woman angry, and she","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"scolded him and threatened him, which made him very unhappy, and he went and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"sat in his own room full of sad thoughts. This chamber looked upon the street,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"in which hung skins to dry, and there were thick iron bars across his window.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"That night he lay awake, thinking of the Metal Pig; indeed, it was always in","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"his thoughts. Suddenly he fancied he heard feet outside going pit-a-pat. He","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"sprung out of bed and went to the window. Could it be the Metal Pig? But there","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"was nothing to be seen; whatever he had heard had passed already. Next morning,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"their neighbor, the artist, passed by, carrying a paint-box and a large roll of","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"canvas.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Help the gentleman to carry his box of colors,\" said the woman to the boy; and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he obeyed instantly, took the box, and followed the painter. They walked on till","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"they reached the picture gallery, and mounted the same staircase up which he had","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"ridden that night on the Metal Pig. He remembered all the statues and pictures,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the beautiful marble Venus, and again he looked at the Madonna with the Saviour","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and St. John.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"They stopped before the picture by Bronzino, in which Christ is represented as","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"standing in the lower world, with the children smiling before Him, in the sweet","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"expectation of entering heaven; and the poor boy smiled, too, for here was his","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"heaven.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"You may go home now,\" said the painter, while the boy stood watching him, till","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he had set up his easel.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"May I see you paint?\" asked the boy; \"may I see you put the picture on this","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"white canvas?\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"I am not going to paint yet,\" replied the artist; then he brought out a piece","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"of chalk. His hand moved quickly, and his eye measured the great picture; and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"though nothing appeared but a faint line, the figure of the Saviour was as","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"clearly visible as in the colored picture.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Why don't you go?\" said the painter. Then the boy wandered home silently, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"seated himself on the table, and learned to sew gloves.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"But all day long his thoughts were in the picture gallery; and so he pricked his","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"fingers and was awkward. But he did not tease Bellissima. When evening came, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the house door stood open, he slipped out. It was a bright, beautiful, starlight","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"evening, but rather cold. Away he went through the already-deserted streets,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and soon came to the Metal Pig; he stooped down and kissed its shining nose,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"and then seated himself on its back. \"You happy creature,\" he said; \"how I have","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"longed for you! we must take a ride to-night.\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"But the Metal Pig lay motionless, while the fresh stream gushed forth from its","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"mouth. The little boy still sat astride on its back, when he felt something","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"pulling at his clothes. He looked down, and there was Bellissima, little smooth-","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"shaven Bellissima, barking as if she would have said, \"Here I am too; why are","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"you sitting there?\" A fiery dragon could not have frightened the little boy","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"so much as did the little dog in this place. \"Bellissima in the street, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"not dressed!\" as the old lady called it; \"what would be the end of this?\" The","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"dog never went out in winter, unless she was attired in a little lambskin coat","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"which had been made for her; it was fastened round the little dog's neck and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"body with red ribbons, and was decorated with rosettes and little bells. The dog","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"looked almost like a little kid when she was allowed to go out in winter, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"trot after her mistress. And now here she was in the cold, and not dressed. Oh,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"how would it end? All his fancies were quickly put to flight; yet he kissed the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Metal Pig once more, and then took Bellissima in his arms. The poor little thing","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"trembled so with cold, that the boy ran homeward as fast as he could.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"What are you running away with there?\" asked two of the police whom he met, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"at whom the dog barked. \"Where have you stolen that pretty dog?\" they asked; and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"they took it away from him.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Oh, I have not stolen it; do give it to me back again,\" cried the boy,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"despairingly.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"If you have not stolen it, you may say at home that they can send to the watch-","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"house for the dog.\" Then they told him where the watch-house was, and went away","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"with Bellissima.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Here was a dreadful trouble. The boy did not know whether he had better jump","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"into the Arno, or go home and confess everything. They would certainly kill him,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"he thought. \"Well, I would gladly be killed,\" he reasoned; \"for then I shall","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"die, and go to heaven:\" and so he went home, almost hoping for death.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The door was locked, and he could not reach the knocker. No one was in the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"street; so he took up a stone, and with it made a tremendous noise at the door.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Who is there?\" asked somebody from within.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"It is I,\" said he. \"Bellissima is gone. Open the door, and then kill me.\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Then indeed there was a great panic. Madame was so very fond of Bellissima. She","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"immediately looked at the wall where the dog's dress usually hung; and there was","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the little lambskin.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"Bellissima in the watch-house!\" she cried. \"You bad boy! how did you entice","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"her out? Poor little delicate thing, with those rough policemen! and she'll be","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"frozen with cold.\"","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Giuseppe went off at once, while his wife lamented, and the boy wept. Several","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"of the neighbors came in, and amongst them the painter. He took the boy between","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"his knees, and questioned him; and, in broken sentences, he soon heard the whole","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"story, and also about the Metal Pig, and the wonderful ride to the picture-","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"gallery, which was certainly rather incomprehensible. The painter, however,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"consoled the little fellow, and tried to soften the lady's anger; but she would","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"not be pacified till her husband returned with Bellissima, who had been with the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"police. Then there was great rejoicing, and the painter caressed the boy, and","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"gave him a number of pictures.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Oh, what beautiful pictures these were!– figures with funny heads; and, above","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"all, the Metal Pig was there too. Oh, nothing could be more delightful. By means","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"of a few strokes, it was made to appear on the paper; and even the house that","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stood behind it had been sketched in.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Oh, if he could only draw and paint! He who could do this could conjure all the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"world before him.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The first leisure moment during the next day, the boy got a pencil, and on the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"back of one of the other drawings he attempted to copy the drawing of the Metal","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Pig, and he succeeded. Certainly it was rather crooked, rather up and down, one","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"leg thick, and another thin; still it was like the copy, and he was overjoyed","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"at what he had done. The pencil would not go quite as it ought,– he had found","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"that out; but the next day he tried again. A second pig was drawn by the side of","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the first, and this looked a hundred times better; and the third attempt was so","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"good, that everybody might know what it was meant to represent.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"And now the glovemaking went on but slowly. The orders given by the shops in","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the town were not finished quickly; for the Metal Pig had taught the boy that","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"all objects may be drawn upon paper; and Florence is a picture-book in itself","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"for any one who chooses to turn over its pages. On the Piazza della Trinità","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stands a slender pillar, and upon it is the goddess of Justice, blindfolded,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"with her scales in her hand. She was soon represented on paper, and it was the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"glovemaker's boy who placed her there. His collection of pictures increased;","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"but as yet they were only copies of lifeless objects, when one day Bellissima","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"came gambolling before him: \"Stand still,\" cried he, \"and I will draw you","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"beautifully, to put amongst my collection.\" But Bellissima would not stand","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"still, so she must be bound fast in one position. He tied her head and tail;","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"but she barked and jumped, and so pulled and tightened the string, that she was","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"nearly strangled; and just then her mistress walked in.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"\"You wicked boy! the poor little creature!\" was all she could utter. She pushed","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the boy from her, thrust him away with her foot, called him a most ungrateful,","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"good-for-nothing, wicked boy, and forbade him to enter the house again. Then she","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"wept, and kissed her little half-strangled Bellissima.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"At this moment the painter entered the room.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"In the year 1834 there was an exhibition in the Academy of Arts at Florence.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"Two pictures, placed side by side, attracted a large number of spectators. The","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"smaller of the two represented a little boy sitting at a table, drawing; before","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"him was a little white poodle, curiously shaven; but as the animal would not","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"stand still, it had been fastened with a string to its head and tail, to keep","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"it in one position. The truthfulness and life in this picture interested every","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"one. The painter was said to be a young Florentine, who had been found in the","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"streets, when a child, by an old glovemaker, who had brought him up. The boy had","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"taught himself to draw: it was also said that a young artist, now famous, had","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"discovered talent in the child just as he was about to be sent away for having","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"tied up madame's favorite little dog, and using it as a model.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"The glovemaker's boy had also become a great painter, as the picture proved;","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"but the larger picture by its side was a still greater proof of his talent. It","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"represented a handsome boy, clothed in rags, lying asleep, and leaning against","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"the Metal Pig in the street of the Porta Rosa. All the spectators knew the spot","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"well. The child's arms were round the neck of the Pig, and he was in a deep","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"sleep. The lamp before the picture of the Madonna threw a strong, effective","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"light on the pale, delicate face of the child. It was a beautiful picture. A","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"large gilt frame surrounded it, and on one corner of the frame a laurel wreath","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"had been hung; but a black band, twined unseen among the green leaves, and a","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"streamer of crape, hung down from it; for within the last few days the young","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"artist had– died.","book":"The metal pig"} {"text":"We've recently made a little journey, and already we want to make a longer","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"one. Where? To Sparta, or Mycenae, or Delphi? There are hundreds of places","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"whose names make the heart pound with the love of travel. On horseback we climb","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"mountain paths, through shrubs and brush. A single traveler looks like a whole","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"caravan. He rides in front with his guide; a pack horse carries luggage, tent,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and provisions; a couple of soldiers guard the rear for his protection. No inn","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"with soft beds awaits him at the end of a tiring day's journey; often the tent","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"is his roof in nature's great wilderness, and the guide cooks him his supper-","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a pilau of rice, fowl, and curry. Thousands of gnats swarm around the little","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"tent. It is a miserable night, and tomorrow the route will head across swollen","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"streams. Sit tight on your horse lest you are washed away!","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"What reward is there for these hardships? The greatest! The richest! Nature","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"reveals herself here in all her glory; every spot is history; eye and mind","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"alike are delighted. The poet can sing of it, the painter portray it in splendid","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"pictures; but neither can reproduce the air of reality that sinks deep into the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"soul of the spectator, and remains there.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"The lonely herdsman up on the hills could, perhaps, by the simple story of an","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"event in his life, open your eyes, and with a few words let you behold the land","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"of the Hellenes better than any travel book could do. Let him speak, then! About","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a custom, a beautiful, peculiar custom. The shepherd in the mountains will tell","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"about it. He calls it the bond of friendship, and relates:","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Our house was built of clay, but the doorposts were fluted marble pillars found","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"on the spot where the house was built. The roof almost reached the ground. Now","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"it was black-brown and ugly; but when it was new it was covered with blooming","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"oleander and fresh laurel branches fetched from beyond the mountains. The walks","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"around our house were narrow. Walls of rock rose steeply up, bare and black in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"color. On top of them, clouds often hung like white living beings. I never heard","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a bird sing here, and never did the men dance here to the sound of the bagpipe;","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"but the place was sacred from olden times. Its very name reminded of that, for","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"it was called Delphi. The dark, solemn mountains were all covered with snow. The","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"brightest, which gleamed in the red evening sun the longest, was Parnassus. The","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"brook close by our house rushed down from it, and was also sacred, long ago. Now","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the donkey makes it muddy with its feet, but the current rolls on and becomes","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"clear again.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"How well I remember every spot and its deep sacred solitude!","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"In the middle of the hut a fire was lit, and when the hot ashes lay high and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"glowing, the bread was baked in it. If the snow was piled up high round our hut","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and almost covered it, then my mother seemed to be her brightest. She would hold","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"my head between her hands, kiss my forehead, and sing the songs she never sang","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"at other times, for our masters, the Turks, did not like them. And she sang: \"On","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the summit of Olympus, in the fir tree forest lived an old stag; its eyes were","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"heavy with tears. It wept red, yes, and even green and light-blue tears. Then","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a roebuck came by and said, 'What ails you, that you cry so, that you weep red,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"green, yes, even light-blue, tears?' The stag replied, 'The Turk has entered our","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"city. He has fierce dogs for the hunt, a goodly pack.' I will drive them away","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"across the islands,' said the young roebuck. 'I will drive them away across the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"islands into the deep sea!' But before evening the roebuck was slain, and before","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"nightfall the stag was hunted and killed.\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"When my mother sang this her eyes became moist, and a tear hung on the long","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"lashes. But she concealed it, and turned our black bread in the ashes. Then I","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"would clench my fists and say, \"We'll kill the Turks!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"But she repeated the words of the song, \" 'I will drive them across the islands","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"into the deep sea!' But before evening the roebuck was slain, and before","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"nightfall the stag was hunted and killed.\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"For several days and nights we had been alone in our hut, and then my father","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"came home. I knew he would bring me sea shells from the Gulf of Lepanto, or","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"maybe even a sharp gleaming knife. But this time he brought us a child, a naked","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"little girl whom he had carried under his sheepskin coat. She was wrapped in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a fur, but when this was taken off and she lay in my mother's lap all that she","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"possessed was three silver coins fastened in her dark hair. And father explained","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"to us that the Turks had killed her parents, and told us so much about it that","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I dreamed about it all night. Father himself had been wounded, and my mother","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"dressed his arm. His wound was deep, and the thick sheepskin was stiff with","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"blood.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"The little girl was to be my sister! She was so beautiful, with clear, shining","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"eyes; even my mother's eyes were not gentler than hers. Yes, Anastasia, as they","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"called her, was to be my sister, for her father was united to mine, united in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"accordance with an old custom we still keep. They had sworn brotherhood in their","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"youth, and had chosen the most beautiful and virtuous girl in the whole country","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"to consecrate their bond of friendship. I had often heard of the queer and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"beautiful custom.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"So now the little girl was my sister. She sat in my lap; I brought her flowers","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and feathers of the field birds. We drank together of the waters of Parnassus","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and slept head to head beneath the laurel roof of the hut, while many a winter","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"my mother sang of the red, the green, and the light-blue tears. But still I","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"didn't understand it was my own countrymen whose thousandfold sorrows were","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"reflected in those tears.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"One day, three Frankish men came, dressed differently than we were. They had","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"their tents and beds packed on horses; and more than twenty Turks, armed with","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"swords and muskets, accompanied them, for they were friends of the pasha,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and carried letters from him. They only came to view our mountains, to climb","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Parnassus through snow and clouds, and to see the strange, steep black rocks","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"surrounding our hut. There was no room for them inside our home, nor could","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"they stand the smoke rolling along the ceiling and out at the low door; so they","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"pitched their tents in the narrow clearing outside our house, roasted lambs and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"birds, and drank strong, sweet wine, which the Turks did not dare to drink.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"When they left, I went with them for some distance, and my little sister hung in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a goatskin on my back. One of the Frankish gentlemen had me stand before a rock,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and sketched me and her, so lifelike as we stood there, so that we looked like","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"one being-I had never thought of it before, but Anastasia and I were really one","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"person. She was always sitting in my lap or hanging on my back in the goatskin,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and when I dreamed she appeared in my dreams.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Two nights later other men came to our hut, armed with knives and muskets.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"They were Albanians, brave men, said my mother. They stayed only a short while,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"wrapping tobacco in strips of paper and smoking it. My sister Anastasia sat on","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the knees of one of them, and when he was gone she had only two silver coins in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"her hair instead of three. The oldest of the men talked about which route they","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"should take; he was not sure.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"If I spit upward,\" he said, \"it will fall in my face; if I spit downward, it","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"will fall in my beard!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"But they had to make a choice, so they went, and my father followed them. And","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"soon afterwards we heard the sound of shots! The firing increased; then soldiers","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"rushed into our hut and took my mother, myself, and Anastasia prisoners. The","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"robbers, they said, had stayed with us, and my father had gone with them;","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"therefore we had to be taken away. Soon I saw the robbers' corpses, and I saw","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"my father's corpse too, and I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke we were in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"prison, but the cell was no worse than the room in our hut. And they gave me","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"onions to eat and musty wine poured from a tarred sack, but ours at home was no","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"better.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I don't know how long we were held prisoners, but many days and nights went","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"by. It was our holy Eastertime when we were released. I carried Anastasia on my","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"back, for my mother was ill and could only walk slowly, and it was a long way","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"down to the sea, to the Gulf of Lepanto. We entered a church magnificent with","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"pictures on a golden background. They were pictures of angels, oh, so beautiful!","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"but I thought our little Anastasia was just as beautiful. In the center of the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"floor was a coffin filled with roses. \"The Lord Christ is symbolized there as a","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"beautiful rose,\" said my mother; and then the priest chanted, \"Christ is risen!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Everybody kissed each other. All the people had lighted tapers in their hands; I","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"received one, and so did little Anastasia. The bagpipes played, men danced hand","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"in hand from the church, and the women outside were roasting the Easter lamb. We","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"were invited to share it, and when I sat by the fire a boy older than I put his","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"arms around my neck, kissed me, and cried, \"Christ is risen!\" Thus we met for","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the first time, Aphtanides and I.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"My mother could make fishing nets, which gave her a good income here in the bay,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"so for a long time we lived beside the sea-the beautiful sea that tasted like","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"tears, and whose colors reminded me of the song of the weeping stag, for its","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"waters were sometimes red, sometimes green, and then again light-blue.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Aphtanides knew how to guide a boat, and I often sat in it with Anastasia while","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"it glided through the water, like a cloud over the sky. Then, as the sun set","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and the mountains turned a deeper and deeper blue, one range seemed to rise","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"behind the other, and behind all of them was Parnassus, covered with snow. Its","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"summit gleamed in the evening rays like glowing iron, and it seemed as though","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the light shone from within it; for long after the sun had set the mountaintop","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"still glittered in the clear, blue shimmering air. The white sea birds touched","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the water's surface with their wings, and indeed everything here was as calm as","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"among the black rocks at Delphi.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I was lying on my back in the boat while Anastasia leaned against my chest, and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the stars above shone more brightly than our church lamps. They were the same","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"stars, and they were in exactly the same position above me, as when I had sat","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"outside our hut at Delphi, and at last I imagined I was still there. Then there","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"was a splash in the water, and the boat rocked violently! I cried out loud, for","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Anastasia had fallen overboard, but just as quickly Aphtanides had leaped in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"after her, and soon he lifted her up to me. We undressed her, wrung the water","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"out of her clothes; and then dressed her again. Aphtanides did the same for","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"himself. We remained on the water until their clothes were dry; and no one knew","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"about our fright over the little adopted sister in whose life Aphtanides also","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"now had a part.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Then it was summer! The sun blazed so fiercely that the leaves on the trees","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"withered. I thought of our cool mountains and their fresh-water streams, and my","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"mother longed for them too; so one evening we journeyed home. How quiet it was","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and how peaceful! We walked on through the high thyme, still fragrant though","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the sun had dried its leaves. Not a shepherd did we meet; not a single hut did","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"we pass. Everything was quiet and deserted; only a shooting star told us that","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"in heaven there still was life. I do not know if the clear blue air glowed with","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"its own light, or if the rays came from the stars, but we could plainly make","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"out the outlines of the mountains. My mother lit a fire and roasted the onions","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"she had brought with her; then my sister and I slept among the thyme, with no","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"fear of the wolf or the jackal, not to mention fear of the ugly, fire-breathing","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"smidraki, for my mother sat beside us, and this I believed was enough.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"When we reached our old home we found the hut a heap of ruins, and had to build","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"a new one. A couple of women helped my mother, and in a few days the walls were","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"raised and covered with a new roof of oleander. My mother braided many bottle","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"holsters of bark and skins; I tended the priests' little flock, and Anastasia","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and the little tortoises were my playmates.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"One day we had a visit from our dear Aphtanides, who said how much he had longed","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"to see us; he stayed with us for two whole days.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"A month later he came again, to tell us he was taking a ship for Corfu and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Patras but had to bid us good-by first; he had brought our mother a large fish.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"He talked a great deal, not only about the fishermen out in the Gulf of Lepanto,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"but also of the kings and heroes who had once ruled Greece, just as the Turks","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"rule it now.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I have seen a bud on a rosebush develop through the days and weeks into a full,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"blooming flower before I was even aware how large, beautiful, and blushing it","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"had become; and now I saw the same thing in Anastasia. She was now a beautiful,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"fullgrown girl, and I was a strong youth. I myself had taken from the wolves","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"that fell before my musket the skins that covered my mother's and Anastasia's","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"beds. Years had passed.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Then one evening Aphtanides returned, strong, brown, and slender as a reed.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"He kissed us all, and had many stories to tell of the great ocean, the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"fortifications of Malta, and the strange tombs of Egypt. It all sounded","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"wonderful, like a priestly legend, and I looked at him with a kind of awe.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"How much you know!\" I said. \"How well you can tell about it!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"But after all, you once told me about the most wonderful thing,\" he said. \"You","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"told me something that has never been out of my thoughts-the grand old custom","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"of the bond of friendship, a custom I want very much to follow. Brother, let us","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"go to church, as your and Anastasia's fathers did before us. Your sister is the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"most beautiful and innocent of girls; she shall consecrate us! No nation has","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"such beautiful old customs as we Greeks.\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Anastasia blushed like a fresh rose, and my mother kissed Aphtanides.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"An hour's walk from our house, where loose earth lies on the rocks, and a few","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"scattered trees give shade, stood the little church, a silver lamp hanging","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"before its altar.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I wore my best clothes. The white fustanella fell in rich folds over my hips,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the red jacket fitted tight and snug, the tassel on my fez was silver, and in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"my girdle gleamed my knife and pistols. Aphtanides wore the blue costume of the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Greek sailors; on his chest hung a silver medallion with a figure of the Virgin","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Mary, and his scarf was as costly as those worn by rich men. Everyone could see","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"that we two were going to some ceremony.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"We entered the little empty church, where the evening sunlight, streaming","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"through the door, gleamed on the burning lamp and the colored pictures on the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"golden background. We knelt on the altar steps, and Anastasia stood before","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"us. A long white garment hung loosely and lightly over her graceful figure; on","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"her white neck and bosom a chain of old and new coins formed a large collar.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Her black hair was fastened in a single knot and held together by a small cap","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"fashioned of gold and silver coins that had been found in the old temples. No","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Greek girl had more beautiful ornaments than she. Her face beamed, and her eyes","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"were bright as two stars.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"The three of us prayed silently, and then she asked us, \"Will you be friends in","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"life and in death?\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" we replied.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"Will each of you, whatever may happen, remember: my brother is a part of me!","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"My secrets are his secrets; my happiness is his happiness! Self-sacrifice,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"patience, every virtue in me, belongs to him as well as to me!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Then she placed our hands together and kissed each of us on the forehead, and","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"again we prayed silently. Then the priest came through the door behind the altar","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and blessed the three of us; the singing voices of other holy men sounded from","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"behind the altar screen. The bond of eternal friendship was completed. When we","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"arose I saw that my mother standing by the church door was weeping tenderly.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"How cheerful it was now in our little hut by the springs of Delphi! The evening","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"before his departure Aphtanides sat with me on the mountainside, his arm around","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"my waist, mine around his neck. We spoke of the suffering of Greece, and of the","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"men the country could trust. Every thought of our souls was clear to each of","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"us, and I took his hand. \"One thing more you must know, one thing that till this","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"moment only God and I have known! My whole soul is filled with a love-a love","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"stronger than the love I feel for my mother and for you!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"And whom do you love?\" asked Aphtanides, his face and neck turning red.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"I love Anastasia,\" I said-and then his hand trembled in mine, and he turned","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"pale as a corpse. I saw it and understood, and I also believe my hand trembled.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"I bent toward him, kissed his brow, and whispered, \"I have never told her this.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Maybe she doesn't love me. Consider this, brother. I've seen her daily; she has","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"grown up by my side, grown into my soul!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"And she shall be yours!\" he said. \"Yours! I cannot lie to you, nor will I. I","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"love her too, but tomorrow I go. In a year we shall meet again, and then you","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"will be married, won't you? I have some money of my own; it is yours. You must,","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"and shall, take it!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Silently we wandered across the mountain. It was late in the evening when we","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"stood at my mother's door. She was not there, but as we entered Anastasia held","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"the lamp up, gazing at Aphtanides with a sad and beautiful look. \"Tomorrow","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"you're leaving us,\" she said. \"How it saddens me!\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"\"Saddens you?\" he said, and I thought that in his voice there was a grief as","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"great as my own. I couldn't speak, but he took her hand and said, \"Our brother","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"there loves you; is he dear to you? His silence is the best proof of his love.\"","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Anastasia trembled and burst into tears. Then I could see no one but her, think","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"of no one but her; I threw my arms around her and said, \"Yes, I love you!\" She","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"pressed her lips to mine, and her arms slipped around my neck; the lamp had","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"fallen to the ground, and all about us was dark-dark as in the heart of poor","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"dear Aphtenides.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"Before daybreak he got up, kissed us all good-by, and departed. He had given my","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"mother all his money for us. Anastasia was my betrothed, and a few days later","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"she became my wife.","book":"The bond of friendship"} {"text":"All the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale for the rose in","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"the silent starlight night. The winged songster serenades the fragrant flowers.","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"Not far from Smyrna, where the merchant drives his loaded camels, proudly","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"arching their long necks as they journey beneath the lofty pines over holy","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"ground, I saw a hedge of roses. The turtle-dove flew among the branches of the","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"tall trees, and as the sunbeams fell upon her wings, they glistened as if they","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"were mother-of-pearl. On the rose-bush grew a flower, more beautiful than them","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"all, and to her the nightingale sung of his woes; but the rose remained silent,","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"not even a dewdrop lay like a tear of sympathy on her leaves. At last she bowed","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"her head over a heap of stones, and said, \"Here rests the greatest singer in the","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"world; over his tomb will I spread my fragrance, and on it I will let my leaves","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"fall when the storm scatters them. He who sung of Troy became earth, and from","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"that earth I have sprung. I, a rose from the grave of Homer, am too lofty to","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"bloom for a nightingale.\" Then the nightingale sung himself to death. A camel-","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"driver came by, with his loaded camels and his black slaves; his little son","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of the great","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind.","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"The evening came, and the rose wrapped her leaves more closely round her, and","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"dreamed: and this was her dream.","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"It was a fair sunshiny day; a crowd of strangers drew near who had undertaken","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. Among the strangers was a minstrel from the","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"north, the home of the clouds and the brilliant lights of the aurora borealis.","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"He plucked the rose and placed it in a book, and carried it away into a distant","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"part of the world, his fatherland. The rose faded with grief, and lay between","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"the leaves of the book, which he opened in his own home, saying, \"Here is a rose","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"from the grave of Homer.\"","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"Then the flower awoke from her dream, and trembled in the wind. A drop of dew","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"fell from the leaves upon the singer's grave. The sun rose, and the flower","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"bloomed more beautiful than ever. The day was hot, and she was still in her own","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"warm Asia. Then footsteps approached, strangers, such as the rose had seen in","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"her dream, came by, and among them was a poet from the north; he plucked the","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"rose, pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the home of","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"the clouds and the northern lights. Like a mummy, the flower now rests in his","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"\"Iliad,\" and, as in her dream, she hears him say, as he opens the book, \"Here is","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"a rose from the grave of Homer.\"","book":"A rose from Homer's grave"} {"text":"In the garden all the apple-trees were in blossom. They had hastened to bring","book":"A story"} {"text":"forth flowers before they got green leaves, and in the yard all the ducklings","book":"A story"} {"text":"walked up and down, and the cat too: it basked in the sun and licked the","book":"A story"} {"text":"sunshine from its own paws. And when one looked at the fields, how beautifully","book":"A story"} {"text":"the corn stood and how green it shone, without comparison! and there was a","book":"A story"} {"text":"twittering and a fluttering of all the little birds, as if the day were a","book":"A story"} {"text":"great festival; and so it was, for it was Sunday. All the bells were ringing,","book":"A story"} {"text":"and all the people went to church, looking cheerful, and dressed in their best","book":"A story"} {"text":"clothes. There was a look of cheerfulness on everything. The day was so warm","book":"A story"} {"text":"and beautiful that one might well have said: \"God's kindness to us men is beyond","book":"A story"} {"text":"all limits.\" But inside the church the pastor stood in the pulpit, and spoke","book":"A story"} {"text":"very loudly and angrily. He said that all men were wicked, and God would punish","book":"A story"} {"text":"them for their sins, and that the wicked, when they died, would be cast into","book":"A story"} {"text":"hell, to burn for ever and ever. He spoke very excitedly, saying that their evil","book":"A story"} {"text":"propensities would not be destroyed, nor would the fire be extinguished, and","book":"A story"} {"text":"they should never find rest. That was terrible to hear, and he said it in such","book":"A story"} {"text":"a tone of conviction; he described hell to them as a miserable hole where all","book":"A story"} {"text":"the refuse of the world gathers. There was no air beside the hot burning sulphur","book":"A story"} {"text":"flame, and there was no ground under their feet; they, the wicked ones, sank","book":"A story"} {"text":"deeper and deeper, while eternal silence surrounded them! It was dreadful to","book":"A story"} {"text":"hear all that, for the preacher spoke from his heart, and all the people in the","book":"A story"} {"text":"church were terrified. Meanwhile, the birds sang merrily outside, and the sun","book":"A story"} {"text":"was shining so beautifully warm, it seemed as though every little flower said:","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"God, Thy kindness towards us all is without limits.\" Indeed, outside it was not","book":"A story"} {"text":"at all like the pastor's sermon.","book":"A story"} {"text":"The same evening, upon going to bed, the pastor noticed his wife sitting there","book":"A story"} {"text":"quiet and pensive.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"What is the matter with you?\" he asked her.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Well, the matter with me is,\" she said, \"that I cannot collect my thoughts, and","book":"A story"} {"text":"am unable to grasp the meaning of what you said to-day in church– that there are","book":"A story"} {"text":"so many wicked people, and that they should burn eternally. Alas! eternally– how","book":"A story"} {"text":"long! I am only a woman and a sinner before God, but I should not have the heart","book":"A story"} {"text":"to let even the worst sinner burn for ever, and how could our Lord to do so, who","book":"A story"} {"text":"is so infinitely good, and who knows how the wickedness comes from without and","book":"A story"} {"text":"within? No, I am unable to imagine that, although you say so.\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"*","book":"A story"} {"text":"It was autumn; the trees dropped their leaves, the earnest and severe pastor","book":"A story"} {"text":"sat at the bedside of a dying person. A pious, faithful soul closed her eyes for","book":"A story"} {"text":"ever; she was the pastor's wife.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"If any one shall find rest in the grave and mercy before our Lord you shall","book":"A story"} {"text":"certainly do so,\" said the pastor. He folded her hands and read a psalm over the","book":"A story"} {"text":"dead woman.","book":"A story"} {"text":"She was buried; two large tears rolled over the cheeks of the earnest man, and","book":"A story"} {"text":"in the parsonage it was empty and still, for its sun had set for ever. She had","book":"A story"} {"text":"gone home.","book":"A story"} {"text":"It was night. A cold wind swept over the pastor's head; he opened his eyes,","book":"A story"} {"text":"and it seemed to him as if the moon was shining into his room. It was not so,","book":"A story"} {"text":"however; there was a being standing before his bed, and looking like the ghost","book":"A story"} {"text":"of his deceased wife. She fixed her eyes upon him with such a kind and sad","book":"A story"} {"text":"expression, just as if she wished to say something to him. The pastor raised","book":"A story"} {"text":"himself in bed and stretched his arms towards her, saying, \"Not even you can","book":"A story"} {"text":"find eternal rest! You suffer, you best and most pious woman?\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"The dead woman nodded her head as if to say \"Yes,\" and put her hand on her","book":"A story"} {"text":"breast.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"And can I not obtain rest in the grave for you?\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" was the answer.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"And how?\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Give me one hair– only one single hair– from the head of the sinner for whom","book":"A story"} {"text":"the fire shall never be extinguished, of the sinner whom God will condemn to","book":"A story"} {"text":"eternal punishment in hell.\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Yes, one ought to be able to redeem you so easily, you pure, pious woman,\" he","book":"A story"} {"text":"said.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Follow me,\" said the dead woman. \"It is thus granted to us. By my side you will","book":"A story"} {"text":"be able to fly wherever your thoughts wish to go. Invisible to men, we shall","book":"A story"} {"text":"penetrate into their most secret chambers; but with sure hand you must find out","book":"A story"} {"text":"him who is destined to eternal torture, and before the cock crows he must be","book":"A story"} {"text":"found!\" As quickly as if carried by the winged thoughts they were in the great","book":"A story"} {"text":"city, and from the walls the names of the deadly sins shone in flaming letters:","book":"A story"} {"text":"pride, avarice, drunkenness, wantonness– in short, the whole seven-coloured bow","book":"A story"} {"text":"of sin.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Yes, therein, as I believed, as I knew it,\" said the pastor, \"are living","book":"A story"} {"text":"those who are abandoned to the eternal fire.\" And they were standing before","book":"A story"} {"text":"the magnificently illuminated gate; the broad steps were adorned with carpets","book":"A story"} {"text":"and flowers, and dance music was sounding through the festive halls. A footman","book":"A story"} {"text":"dressed in silk and velvet stood with a large silver-mounted rod near the","book":"A story"} {"text":"entrance.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Our ball can compare favourably with the king's,\" he said, and turned","book":"A story"} {"text":"with contempt towards the gazing crowd in the street. What he thought was","book":"A story"} {"text":"sufficiently expressed in his features and movements: \"Miserable beggars, who","book":"A story"} {"text":"are looking in, you are nothing in comparison to me.\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Pride,\" said the dead woman; \"do you see him?\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"The footman?\" asked the pastor. \"He is but a poor fool, and not doomed to be","book":"A story"} {"text":"tortured eternally by fire!\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Only a fool!\" It sounded through the whole house of pride: they were all fools","book":"A story"} {"text":"there.","book":"A story"} {"text":"Then they flew within the four naked walls of the miser. Lean as a skeleton,","book":"A story"} {"text":"trembling with cold, and hunger, the old man was clinging with all his thoughts","book":"A story"} {"text":"to his money. They saw him jump up feverishly from his miserable couch and take","book":"A story"} {"text":"a loose stone out of the wall; there lay gold coins in an old stocking. They saw","book":"A story"} {"text":"him anxiously feeling over an old ragged coat in which pieces of gold were sewn,","book":"A story"} {"text":"and his clammy fingers trembled.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"He is ill! That is madness– a joyless madness– besieged by fear and dreadful","book":"A story"} {"text":"dreams!\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"They quickly went away and came before the beds of the criminals; these","book":"A story"} {"text":"unfortunate people slept side by side, in long rows. Like a ferocious animal,","book":"A story"} {"text":"one of them rose out of his sleep and uttered a horrible cry, and gave his","book":"A story"} {"text":"comrade a violent dig in the ribs with his pointed elbow, and this one turned","book":"A story"} {"text":"round in his sleep:","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Be quiet, monster– sleep! This happens every night!\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Every night!\" repeated the other. \"Yes, every night he comes and tortures me!","book":"A story"} {"text":"In my violence I have done this and that. I was born with an evil mind, which","book":"A story"} {"text":"has brought me hither for the second time; but if I have done wrong I suffer","book":"A story"} {"text":"punishment for it. One thing, however, I have not yet confessed. When I came out","book":"A story"} {"text":"a little while ago, and passed by the yard of my former master, evil thoughts","book":"A story"} {"text":"rose within me when I remembered this and that. I struck a match a little bit","book":"A story"} {"text":"on the wall; probably it came a little too close to the thatched roof. All burnt","book":"A story"} {"text":"down– a great heat rose, such as sometimes overcomes me. I myself helped to","book":"A story"} {"text":"rescue cattle and things, nothing alive burnt, except a flight of pigeons, which","book":"A story"} {"text":"flew into the fire, and the yard dog, of which I had not thought; one could hear","book":"A story"} {"text":"him howl out of the fire, and this howling I still hear when I wish to sleep;","book":"A story"} {"text":"and when I have fallen asleep, the great rough dog comes and places himself upon","book":"A story"} {"text":"me, and howls, presses, and tortures me. Now listen to what I tell you! You can","book":"A story"} {"text":"snore; you are snoring the whole night, and I hardly a quarter of an hour!\" And","book":"A story"} {"text":"the blood rose to the head of the excited criminal; he threw himself upon his","book":"A story"} {"text":"comrade, and beat him with his clenced fist in the face.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Wicked Matz has become mad again!\" they said amongst themselves. The other","book":"A story"} {"text":"criminals seized him, wrestled with him, and bent him double, so that his head","book":"A story"} {"text":"rested between his knees, and they tied him, so that the blood almost came out","book":"A story"} {"text":"of his eyes and out of all his pores.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"You are killing the unfortunate man,\" said the pastor, and as he stretched","book":"A story"} {"text":"out his hand to protect him who already suffered too much, the scene changed.","book":"A story"} {"text":"They flew through rich halls and wretched hovels; wantonness and envy, all the","book":"A story"} {"text":"deadly sins, passed before them. An angel of justice read their crimes and their","book":"A story"} {"text":"defence; the latter was not a brilliant one, but it was read before God, Who","book":"A story"} {"text":"reads the heart, Who knows everything, the wickedness that comes from within and","book":"A story"} {"text":"from without, Who is mercy and love personified. The pastor's hand trembled; he","book":"A story"} {"text":"dared not stretch it out, he did not venture to pull a hair out of the sinner's","book":"A story"} {"text":"head. And tears gushed from his eyes like a stream of mercy and love, the","book":"A story"} {"text":"cooling waters of which extinguished the eternal fire of hell.","book":"A story"} {"text":"Just then the cock crowed.","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"Father of all mercy, grant Thou to her the peace that I was unable to procure","book":"A story"} {"text":"for her!\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"\"I have it now!\" said the dead woman. \"It was your hard words, your despair","book":"A story"} {"text":"of mankind, your gloomy belief in God and His creation, which drove me to you.","book":"A story"} {"text":"Learn to know mankind! Even in the wicked one lives a part of God– and this","book":"A story"} {"text":"extinguishes and conquers the flame of hell!\"","book":"A story"} {"text":"*","book":"A story"} {"text":"The pastor felt a kiss on his lips; a gleam of light surrounded him– God's","book":"A story"} {"text":"bright sun shone into the room, and his wife, alive, sweet and full of love,","book":"A story"} {"text":"awoke him from a dream which God had sent him!","book":"A story"} {"text":"On the highroad in the forest there stood a lonely farmhouse; the road passed","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"right through its courtyard.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"All the windows were open to the warm sun; within the house there was bustling","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"life, but out in the yard, under an arbor of blooming lilacs, there rested an","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"open coffin. The dead man had been carried to it, and this morning he was to be","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"buried. There was no one to stand by the coffin and look down in sorrow at the","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"dead, no one to shed a tear over him.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"A white cloth covered his face, and under his head lay a great thick book, its","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"leaves formed of whole sheets of gray paper. And between each leaf there lay","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"withered flowers, kept close and hidden, so that the book was really a complete","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"herbarium, gathered in many different places. His request had been that the book","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"be buried with him, for each flower had formed a chapter of his life.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"\"Who is the dead man?\" we asked; and the answer was:","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"\"The old student of Upsala. They say he was once a brilliant man who knew","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"foreign languages and could sing and write songs, too. But it was also said","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"that something went wrong with him, and he wasted his thoughts and himself in","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"drinking. Finally, when his health was gone he came out here to the country,","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"where some kindly person paid his board and lodging. He was as gentle as a","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"child, but when his dark moods came on him he became as strong as a giant and","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"ran about the forest like a hunted beast. But if we could manage to get him","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"home and persuade him to open the book with the withered flowers, he would sit","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"quietly all day long, looking at one flower after another, and often the tears","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"rolled down his cheeks. God only knows what thoughts those flowers brought back","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"to him. But he begged that the book be laid in the coffin with him, so there it","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"is. In a little while we'll nail the lid down, and then he will have his sweet","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"rest in the grave.\"","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"We lifted up the cloth; there was a peaceful look on the face of the dead man; a","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"ray of sunshine flickered across it. A swallow darted swiftly into the arbor and","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"wheeled rapidly, twittering above the dead man's head.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Surely we all know that strange feeling when we take out old letters of our","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"youth and read them. All the hopes and sorrows of our life seem to rise up","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"before us again. How many of those whom we then knew and were on intimate terms","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"with are dead to us now! Yet they are still alive, although for a long time they","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"have not been in our thoughts - those whom we once thought we should cling to","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"forever, and share their joys and sorrows.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"The faded oak leaf in that silent book is the memento of a friend, the school","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"friend who was to remain a friend for life. He himself had fastened that leaf","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"in the student's cap in the green forest long ago, when that lifelong bond","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"of friendship was made. Where is that friend now? The leaf is kept; the bond-","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"broken.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Here is a foreign hothouse plant, far too tender for the gardens of the North;","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"its fresh odor seems to cling to it still. The daughter of a noble house gave it","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"to him out of her own garden.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Here is a water lily that he himself plucked, and watered with his bitter tears,","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"a water lily of sweet waters. And what do the leaves of this nettle tell us?","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"What were his thoughts when he plucked it and laid it away?","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Here are lilies of the valley from the dark solitudes of the forest, honeysuckle","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"from the taproom flowerpot, and here the sharp, bare grass blade.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Gently the blooming lilac bends its fresh and fragrant clusters over the dead","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"man's head; the swallow darts by again - \"Quivit! Quivit!\" Now the men come with","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"nails and hammer; the lid is laid over the dead, who rests his head silently on","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"the silent book.","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"Hidden - forgotten!","book":"The silent book"} {"text":"It was winter-time; the air was cold, the wind was sharp, but within the closed","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"doors it was warm and comfortable, and within the closed door lay the flower; it","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"lay in the bulb under the snow-covered earth.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"One day rain fell. The drops penetrated through the snowy covering down into the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"earth, and touched the flower-bulb, and talked of the bright world above. Soon","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the Sunbeam pierced its way through the snow to the root, and within the root","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"there was a stirring.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"Come in,\" said the flower.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"I cannot,\" said the Sunbeam. \"I am not strong enough to unlock the door! When","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the summer comes I shall be strong!\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"When will it be summer?\" asked the Flower, and she repeated this question each","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"time a new sunbeam made its way down to her. But the summer was yet far distant.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"The snow still lay upon the ground, and there was a coat of ice on the water","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"every night.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"What a long time it takes! what a long time it takes!\" said the Flower. \"I","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"feel a stirring and striving within me; I must stretch myself, I must unlock","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the door, I must get out, and must nod a good morning to the summer, and what a","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"happy time that will be!\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"And the Flower stirred and stretched itself within the thin rind which the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"water had softened from without, and the snow and the earth had warmed, and","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the Sunbeam had knocked at; and it shot forth under the snow with a greenish-","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"white blossom on a green stalk, with narrow thick leaves, which seemed to want","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"to protect it. The snow was cold, but was pierced by the Sunbeam, therefore it","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"was easy to get through it, and now the Sunbeam came with greater strength than","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"before.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"Welcome, welcome!\" sang and sounded every ray, and the Flower lifted itself up","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"over the snow into the brighter world. The Sunbeams caressed and kissed it, so","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"that it opened altogether, white as snow, and ornamented with green stripes. It","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"bent its head in joy and humility.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"Beautiful Flower!\" said the Sunbeams, \"how graceful and delicate you are! You","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"are the first, you are the only one! You are our love! You are the bell that","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"rings out for summer, beautiful summer, over country and town. All the snow will","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"melt; the cold winds will be driven away; we shall rule; all will become green,","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"and then you will have companions, syringas, laburnums, and roses; but you are","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the first, so graceful, so delicate!\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"That was a great pleasure. It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding, as","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"if rays of light were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"There it stood, so delicate and so easily broken, and yet so strong in its young","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"beauty; it stood there in its white dress with the green stripes, and made a","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"summer. But there was a long time yet to the summer-time. Clouds hid the sun,","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"and bleak winds were blowing.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"You have come too early,\" said Wind and Weather. \"We have still the power, and","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"you shall feel it, and give it up to us. You should have stayed quietly at home","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"and not have run out to make a display of yourself. Your time is not come yet!\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"It was a cutting cold! The days which now come brought not a single sunbeam.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"It was weather that might break such a little Flower in two with cold. But the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"Flower had more strength than she herself knew of. She was strong in joy and","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"in faith in the summer, which would be sure to come, which had been announced","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"by her deep longing and confirmed by the warm sunlight; and so she remained","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"standing in confidence in the snow in her white garment, bending her head even","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"while the snow-flakes fell thick and heavy, and the icy winds swept over her.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"You'll break!\" they said, \"and fade, and fade! What did you want out here? Why","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"did you let yourself be tempted? The Sunbeam only made game of you. Now you have","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"what you deserve, you summer gauk.\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"Summer gauk!\" she repeated in the cold morning hour.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"\"O summer gauk!\" cried some children rejoicingly; \"yonder stands one– how","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"beautiful, how beautiful! The first one, the only one!\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"These words did the Flower so much good, they seemed to her like warm sunbeams.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"In her joy the Flower did not even feel when it was broken off. It lay in","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"a child's hand, and was kissed by a child's mouth, and carried into a warm","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"room, and looked on by gentle eyes, and put into water. How strengthening, how","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"invigorating! The Flower thought she had suddenly come upon the summer.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"The daughter of the house, a beautiful little girl, was confirmed, and she","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"had a friend who was confirmed, too. He was studying for an examination for an","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"appointment. \"He shall be my summer gauk,\" she said; and she took the delicate","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"Flower and laid it in a piece of scented paper, on which verses were written,","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"beginning with summer gauk and ending with summer gauk. \"My friend, be a winter","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"gauk.\" She had twitted him with the summer. Yes, all this was in the verses, and","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the paper was folded up like a letter, and the Flower was folded in the letter,","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"too. It was dark around her, dark as in those days when she lay hidden in the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"bulb. The Flower went forth on her journey, and lay in the post-bag, and was","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"pressed and crushed, which was not at all pleasant; but that soon came to an","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"end.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"The journey was over; the letter was opened, and read by the dear friend. How","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"pleased he was! He kissed the letter, and it was laid, with its enclosure of","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"verses, in a box, in which there were many beautiful verses, but all of them","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"without flowers; she was the first, the only one, as the Sunbeams had called","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"her; and it was a pleasant thing to think of that.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"She had time enough, moreover, to think about it; she thought of it while the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"summer passed away, and the long winter went by, and the summer came again,","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"before she appeared once more. But now the young man was not pleased at all.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"He took hold of the letter very roughly, and threw the verses away, so that the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"Flower fell on the ground. Flat and faded she certainly was, but why should she","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"be thrown on the ground? Still, it was better to be here than in the fire, where","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the verses and the paper were being burnt to ashes. What had happened? What","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"happens so often:– the Flower had made a gauk of him, that was a jest; the girl","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"had made a fool of him, that was no jest, she had, during the summer, chosen","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"another friend.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"Next morning the sun shone in upon the little flattened Snowdrop, that looked","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"as if it had been painted upon the floor. The servant girl, who was sweeping","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"out the room, picked it up, and laid it in one of the books which were upon","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"the table, in the belief that it must have fallen out while the room was being","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"arranged. Again the flower lay among verses– printed verses– and they are better","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"than written ones– at least, more money has been spent upon them.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"And after this years went by. The book stood upon the book-shelf, and then it","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"was taken up and somebody read out of it. It was a good book; verses and songs","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"by the old Danish poet, Ambrosius Stub, which are well worth reading. The man","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"who was now reading the book turned over a page. \"Why, there's a flower!\" he","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"said; \"a snowdrop, a summer gauk, a poet gauk! That flower must have been put","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"in there with a meaning! Poor Ambrosius Stub! he was a summer fool too, a poet","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"fool; he came too early, before his time, and therefore he had to taste the","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"sharp winds, and wander about as a guest from one noble landed proprietor to","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"another, like a flower in a glass of water, a flower in rhymed verses! Summer","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"fool, winter fool, fun and folly– but the first, the only, the fresh young","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"Danish poet of those days. Yes, thou shalt remain as a token in the book, thou","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"little snowdrop: thou hast been put there with a meaning.\"","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"And so the Snowdrop was put back into the book, and felt equally honored and","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"pleased to know that it was a token in the glorious book of songs, and that","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"he who was the first to sing and to write had been also a snowdrop, had been a","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"summer gauk, and had been looked upon in the winter-time as a fool. The Flower","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"understood this, in her way, as we interpret everything in our way.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"That is the story of the Snowdrop.","book":"The snowdrop"} {"text":"There was a proud Teapot, proud of being made of porcelain, proud of its long","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"spout and its broad handle. It had something in front of it and behind it; the","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"spout was in front, and the handle behind, and that was what it talked about.","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"But it didn't mention its lid, for it was cracked and it was riveted and full of","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"defects, and we don't talk about our defects - other people do that. The cups,","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"the cream pitcher, the sugar bowl - in fact, the whole tea service - thought","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"much more about the defects in the lid and talked more about it than about the","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"sound handle and the distinguished spout. The Teapot knew this.","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"\"I know them,\" it told itself. \"And I also know my imperfections, and I realize","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"that in that very knowledge is my humility and my modesty. We all have many","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"defects, but then we also have virtues. The cups have a handle, the sugar","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"bowl has a lid, but of course I have both, and one thing more, one thing they","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"can never have; I have a spout, and that makes me the queen of the tea table.","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"The sugar bowl and the cream pitcher are permitted to be serving maids of","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"delicacies, but I am the one who gives forth, the adviser. I spread blessings","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"abroad among thirsty mankind. Inside of me the Chinese leaves give flavor to","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"boiling, tasteless water.\"","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"This was the way the Teapot talked in its fresh young life. It stood on the","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"table that was prepared for tea and it was lifted up by the most delicate hand.","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"But that most delicate hand was very awkward. The Teapot was dropped; the spout","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"broke off, and the handle broke off; the lid is not worth talking about; enough","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"has been said about that. The Teapot lay in a faint on the floor, while the","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"boiling water ran out of it. It was a great shock it got, but the worst thing of","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"all was that the others laughed at it - and not at the awkward hand.","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"\"I'll never be able to forget that!\" said the Teapot, when later on it talked","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"to itself about its past life. \"They called me an invalid, and stood me in a","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"corner, and the next day gave me to a woman who was begging for food. I fell","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"into poverty, and was speechless both outside and inside, but as I stood there","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"my better life began. One is one thing and then becomes quite another. They put","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"earth in me, and for a Teapot that's the same as being buried, but in that earth","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"they planted a flower bulb. Who put it there and gave it to me, I don't know;","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"but it was planted there, a substitution for the Chinese leaves and the boiling","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"water, the broken handle and spout. And the bulb lay in the earth, inside of me,","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"and it became my heart, my living heart, a thing I never had before. There was","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"life in me; there were power and might; my pulse beat. The bulb put out sprouts;","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"thoughts and feeling sprang up and burst forth into flower. I saw it, I bore it,","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"and I forgot myself in its beauty. It is a blessing to forget oneself in others!","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"\"It didn't thank me, it didn't even think of me - everybody admired it and","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"praised it. It made me very happy; how much more happy it must have made it!","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"\"One day I heard them say it deserved a better pot. They broke me in two - that","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"really hurt - and the flower was put into a better pot; then they threw me out","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"into the yard, where I lie as an old potsherd. But I have my memory; that I can","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"never lose!\"","book":"The teapot"} {"text":"It is wintertime, and the earth is covered with a layer of snow, as smooth as","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"if it were marble cut from a mountain. The sky is high and clear, and the wind","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"as sharp as an elfin-forged sword; the trees stand like white coral, or resemble","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"blooming almond branches, and the air is as fresh as it is in the high Alps. The","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"night is beautiful with streaming northern lights and countless twinkling stars.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"Storms are coming; the clouds rise and scatter swan feathers; the snowflakes","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"drift down, covering the hollow lane, the houses, the open fields, and the quiet","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"streets. But we are sitting in a cozy room, before a glowing fire, and tales of","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"olden days are being told. We hear a legend.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"\"By the open sea there lay a viking's grave, and on it at midnight sat the ghost","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"of that buried hero. He had been a king, the golden crown encircling his brow.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"His hair fluttered in the wind, and he was clad in iron and steel. He bowed his","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"head sorrowfully and sighed in deep grief, like an unblessed spirit.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"\"Then a ship came near. The men cast anchor and went on land. Among them was a","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"scald, and he stepped forth toward the kingly form and asked, 'Why do you grieve","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"and suffer?'","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"\"Thereupon the dead man answered, 'No man has sung of my deeds; they are dead","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"and gone. Song has never carried them over the lands and into the hearts of men;","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"therefore I have no rest, no peace.'","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"\"And he told of his work and his mighty deeds; the men of his time had known","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"them, but not sung of them, for then there were no scalds.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"\"Then the old scald plucked the strings of his harp and sang of the hero - of","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"his daring as a youth, his strength in manhood, and his great and noble deeds.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"At that the dead one's face brightened, like the edge of a cloud touched with","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"moonlight; happy and blessed, the form arose in beams of glory and vanished","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"like a trail of the northern lights. Only the green mound of turf with the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"stone devoid of runes remained to be seen; but over it, at the last sound of","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the chords, and as if it had come from the harp itself, there flew a tiny bird.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"It was a most beautiful songbird, with the tuneful melodies of the thrush, the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"throbbing melodies of the human heart, songs of home, as the bird of passage","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"hears them. The bird flew over hill, over valley, and over forest and meadow. It","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"was the Bird of Folklore, which never dies.\"","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"We hear the song; we hear it now here in our room, in the winter evening, while","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the white bees swarm outside and the tempest tightens its strong grip. The Bird","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"sings not only heroic songs; it sings soft, sweet love songs, rich and many;","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"it sings of faithfulness in the North; it gives us fairy tales in melodies and","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"words; it has proverbs and a language in song, and thereby, as if runes were","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"laid on a dead man's tongue, it can speak to us of ancient times, and thus we","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"know the homeland of the Bird of Folklore.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"In ancient heathen days, in the times of the vikings, its nest was in the harp","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"of the bard. In the days of knighthood, when iron fists held the scales of","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"justice, and only might was right, when the peasant and the dog were of equal","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"value, where then did the Bird find shelter? Brutality and narrow-mindedness","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"alike had no thought for it. But over the balcony of the castle, where the lady","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"sat before her parchment and wrote down the old records in song and story; in","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the humble green-turf hut, where the wandering peddler sat on the bench beside","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the good woman, telling her tales - there, above them, fluttered and flew,","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"twittered and sang, the Bird that never dies so long as earth is green under the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"foot of man - the Bird of Folklore.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"Now it sings for us in here. Outside are the snowstorm and the night. The Bird","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"lays runes on our tongue; we know again our homeland, as God speaks to us in","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"our mother tongue in the melodies of the Bird of Folklore, and the old memories","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"rise within us; faded colors are bright again; song and tale give the joy of a","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"blessed drink, lifting mind and soul until the evening seems like a Christmas","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"festivity. The snow is drifting, and the ice is crackling; the storm reigns; it","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"has great power; it is the lord, but not our Lord!","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"It is wintertime, the wind still as sharp as an elfin-forged sword; the snow","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"is drifting - it has been drifting, it seems to us, for days and weeks - and","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"it lies like a monstrous snow mountain over the big town; it is like a weighty","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"dream in the winter night. All beneath it is hidden and seemingly nonexistent;","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"only the golden cross on the church, the symbol of faith, rises above the snow","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"grave and glitters against the blue sky in the clear sunshine.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"And away over the snow-covered town fly the birds of heaven, the large and the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"small; they chirp and they sing, each in its own tongue.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"First is the flock of sparrows; they chirp about all the little things in street","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"and lane, in nest and house; they know tales of the kitchen and the parlor. \"We","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"know that buried town,\" they say. \"Every living soul there has cheep, cheep,","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"cheep!\"","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"Then the black ravens and crows fly over the white snow. \"Dig! Dig!\" they","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"scream. \"There's still something to get down there, something for the belly -","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"that's the most important thing. That's the opinion of most people down below","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"there, and that opinion is caw, caw, caw!\"","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"The wild swans come with whizzing wings and sing of the greatness and glory that","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"still live in the thoughts and hearts of the men in the snow-covered slumber","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"of the town. It is not the sleep of death, for evidence of life comes forth; we","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"hear it in tones of music; they swell and sound as if they are coming from the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"church organ, they are gripping as a strain from an elfin mound, as Ossianic","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"songs, as the winged rush of the Valkyries. What harmony! It speaks to our","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"inmost heart, uplifts our thoughts; we hear the Bird of Folklore! And now the","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"warm breath of God breathes down from above; the snow mountain breaks open, and","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the sun shines in through it. The spring is coming, and the birds are coming, a","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"new generation, with the same familiar tones. Hearken to the drama of the year -","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"the mighty snowstorm - the weighty dream of a winter night! All fetters shall be","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"broken here, and everything shall rise again at the beautiful song of the Bird","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"of Folklore - the Bird that never dies.","book":"The bird of folklore"} {"text":"There was a man who once knew many stories, but they had slipped away from him–","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"so he said. The Story that used to visit him of its own accord no longer came","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and knocked at his door. And why did it come no longer? It is true enough that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"for days and years the man had not thought of it, had not expected it to come","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and knock; and if he had expected it, it would certainly not have come; for","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"without there was war, and within was the care and sorrow that war brings with","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The stork and the swallows came back from their long journey, for they","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"thought of no danger; and, behold, when they arrived, the nest was burnt, the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"habitations of men were burnt, the hedges were all in disorder, and everything","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"seemed gone, and the enemy's horses were stamping in the old graves. Those were","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"hard, gloomy times, but they came to an end.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And now they were past and gone– so people said; yet no Story came and knocked","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"at the door, or gave any tidings of its presence.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I suppose it must be dead, or gone away with many other things,\" said the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"But the story never dies. And more than a whole year went by, and he longed– oh,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"so very much!– for the Story.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I wonder if the Story will ever come back again and knock?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And he remembered it so well in all the various forms in which it had come to","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"him, sometimes young and charming, like spring itself, sometimes as a beautiful","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"maiden, with a wreath of thyme in her hair, and a beechen branch in her hand,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and with eyes that gleamed like deep woodland lakes in the bright sunshine.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Sometimes it had come to him in the guise of a peddler, and had opened its box","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and let silver ribbon come fluttering out, with verses and inscriptions of old","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"remembrances.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"But it was most charming of all when it came as an old grandmother, with silvery","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"hair, and such large, sensible eyes. She knew so well how to tell about the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"oldest times, long before the princesses spun with the golden spindles, and the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"dragons lay outside the castles, guarding them. She told with such an air of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"truth, that black spots danced before the eyes of all who heard her, and the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"floor became black with human blood; terrible to see and to hear, and yet so","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"entertaining, because such a long time had passed since it all happened.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Will it ever knock at my door again?\" said the man, and he gazed at the door,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"so that black spots came before his eyes and upon the floor; he did not know if","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it was blood, or mourning crape from the dark heavy days.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And as he sat thus, the thought came upon him whether the Story might not have","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"hidden itself, like the princess in the old tale. And he would now go in search","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of it; if he found it, it would beam in new splendor, lovelier than ever.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Who knows? Perhaps it has hidden itself in the straw that balances on the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"margin of the well. Carefully, carefully! Perhaps it lies hidden in a certain","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"flower– that flower in one of the great books on the book-shelf.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And the man went and opened one of the newest books, to gain information on this","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"point; but there was no flower to be found. There he read about Holger Danske;","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and the man read that the tale had been invented and put together by a monk","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"in France, that it was a romance, 'translated into Danish and printed in that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"language;' that Holger Danske had never really lived, and consequently could","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"never come again, as we have sung, and have been so glad to believe. And William","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Tell was treated just like Holger Danske. These were all only myths– nothing on","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"which we could depend; and yet it is all written in a very learned book.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Well, I shall believe what I believe!\" said the man. \"There grows no plantain","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"where no foot has trod.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And he closed the book and put it back in its place, and went to the fresh","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"flowers at the window. Perhaps the Story might have hidden itself in the red","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"tulips, with the golden yellow edges, or in the fresh rose, or in the beaming","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"camellia. The sunshine lay among the flowers, but no Story.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"The flowers which had been here in the dark troublous time had been much","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"more beautiful; but they had been cut off, one after another, to be woven into","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"wreaths and placed in coffins, and the flag had waved over them! Perhaps the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Story had been buried with the flowers; but then the flowers would have known","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of it, and the coffin would have heard it, and every little blade of grass that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"shot forth would have told of it. The Story never dies.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Perhaps it has been here once, and has knocked; but who had eyes or ears for","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it in those times? People looked darkly, gloomily, and almost angrily at the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"sunshine of spring, at the twittering birds, and all the cheerful green; the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"tongue could not even bear the old merry, popular songs, and they were laid in","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the coffin with so much that our heart held dear. The Story may have knocked","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"without obtaining a hearing; there was none to bid it welcome, and so it may","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"have gone away.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"I will go forth and seek it. Out in the country! out in the wood! and on the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"open sea beach!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Out in the country lies an old manor house, with red walls, pointed gables, and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a red flag that floats on the tower. The nightingale sings among the finely-","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"fringed beech-leaves, looking at the blooming apple trees of the garden, and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"thinking that they bear roses. Here the bees are mightily busy in the summer-","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"time, and hover round their queen with their humming song. The autumn has much","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"to tell of the wild chase, of the leaves of the trees, and of the races of men","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"that are passing away together. The wild swans sing at Christmas-time on the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"open water, while in the old hall the guests by the fireside gladly listen to","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"songs and to old legends.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Down into the old part of the garden, where the great avenue of wild chestnut","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"trees lures the wanderer to tread its shades, went the man who was in search","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of the Story; for here the wind had once murmured something to him of 'Waldemar","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Daa and his Daughters.' The Dryad in the tree, who was the Story-mother herself,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"had here told him the 'Dream of the Old Oak Tree.' Here, in the time of the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"ancestral mother, had stood clipped hedges, but now only ferns and stinging","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"nettles grew there, hiding the scattered fragments of old sculptured figures;","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the moss is growing in their eyes, but they can see as well as ever, which was","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"more than the man could do who was in search of the Story, for he could not find","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"that. Where could it be?","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The crows flew past him by hundreds across the old trees, and screamed, \"Krah!","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"da!– Krah! da!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And he went out of the garden and over the grass-plot of the yard, into the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"alder grove; there stood a little six-sided house, with a poultry-yard and a","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"duck-yard. In the middle of the room sat the old woman who had the management","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of the whole, and who knew accurately about every egg that was laid, and about","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"every chicken that could creep out of an egg. But she was not the Story of which","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the man was in search; that she could attest with a Christian certificate of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"baptism and of vaccination that lay in her drawer.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Without, not far from the house, is a hill covered with red-thorn and broom.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Here lies an old grave-stone, which was brought here many years ago from the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"churchyard of the provincial town, a remembrance of one of the most honored","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"councillors of the place; his wife and his five daughters, all with folded hands","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and stiff ruffs, stand round him. One could look at them so long, that it had","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"an effect upon the thoughts, and these reacted upon the stones, as if they were","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"telling of old times; at least it had been so with the man who was in search of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the Story.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"As he came nearer, he noticed a living butterfly sitting on the forehead of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the sculptured councillor. The butterfly flapped its wings, and flew a little","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"bit farther, and then returned fatigued to sit upon the grave-stone, as if to","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"point out what grew there. Four-leaved shamrocks grew there; there were seven","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"specimens close to each other. When fortune comes, it comes in a heap. He","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"plucked the shamrocks and put them in his pocket.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Fortune is as good as red gold, but a new charming story would be better","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"still,\" thought the man; but he could not find it here.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And the sun went down, round and large; the meadow was covered with vapor. The","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"moor-woman was at her brewing.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"It was evening. He stood alone in his room, and looked out upon the sea, over","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the meadow, over moor and coast. The moon shone bright, a mist was over the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"meadow, making it look like a great lake; and, indeed, it was once so, as the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"legend tells– and in the moonlight the eye realizes these myths.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Then the man thought of what he had been reading in the town, that William Tell","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and Holger Danske never really lived, but yet live in popular story, like the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"lake yonder, a living evidence for such myths. Yes, Holger Danske will return","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"again!","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"As he stood thus and thought, something beat quite strongly against the window.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Was it a bird, a bat or an owl? Those are not let in, even when they knock. The","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"window flew open of itself, and an old woman looked in at the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"What's your pleasure?\" said he. \"Who are you? You're looking in at the first","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"floor window. Are you standing on a ladder?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"You have a four-leaved shamrock in your pocket,\" she replied. \"Indeed, you have","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"seven, and one of them is a six-leaved one.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Who are you?\" asked the man again.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"The Moor-woman,\" she replied. \"The Moor-woman who brews. I was at it. The bung","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"was in the cask, but one of the little moor-imps pulled it out in his mischief,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and flung it up into the yard, where it beat against the window; and now the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"beer's running out of the cask, and that won't do good to anybody.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Pray tell me some more!\" said the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, wait a little,\" answered the Moor-woman. \"I've something else to do just","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"now.\" And she was gone.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The man was going to shut the window, when the woman already stood before him","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"again.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Now it's done,\" she said; \"but I shall have half the beer to brew over again","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"to-morrow, if the weather is suitable. Well, what have you to ask me? I've come","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"back, for I always keep my word, and you have seven four-leaved shamrocks in","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"your pocket, and one of them is a six-leaved one. That inspires respect, for","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"that's an order that grows beside the sandy way; but that every one does not","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"find. What have you to ask me? Don't stand there like a ridiculous oaf, for I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"must go back again directly to my bung and my cask.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And the man asked about the Story, and inquired if the Moor-woman had met it in","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"her journeyings.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"By the big brewing-vat!\" exclaimed the woman, \"haven't you got stories","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"enough? I really believe that most people have enough of them. Here are other","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"things to take notice of, other things to examine. Even the children have gone","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"beyond that. Give the little boy a cigar, and the little girl a new crinoline;","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"they like that much better. To listen to stories! No, indeed, there are more","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"important things to be done here, and other things to notice!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"What do you mean by that?\" asked the man, \"and what do you know of the world?","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"You don't see anything but frogs and Will-o'-the-Wisps!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, beware of the Will-o'-the-Wisps,\" said the Moor-woman, \"for they're out–","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"they're let loose– that's what we must talk about! Come to me in the moor, where","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"my presence is necessary, and I will tell you all about it; but you must make","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"haste, and come while your seven four-leaved shamrocks, for which one has six","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"leaves, are still fresh, and the moon stands high!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And the Moor-woman was gone.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"It struck twelve in the town, and before the last stroke had died away, the man","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"was out in the yard, out in the garden, and stood in the meadow. The mist had","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"vanished, and the Moor-woman stopped her brewing.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"You've been a long time coming!\" said the Moor-woman. \"Witches get forward","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"faster than men, and I'm glad that I belong to the witch folk!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"What have you to say to me now?\" asked the man. \"Is it anything about the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Story?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Can you never get beyond asking about that?\" retorted the woman.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Can you tell me anything about the poetry of the future?\" resumed the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Don't get on your stilts,\" said the crone, \"and I'll answer you. You think of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"nothing but poetry, and only ask about that Story, as if she were the lady of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the whole troop. She's the oldest of us all, but she takes precedence of the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"youngest. I know her well. I've been young, too, and she's no chicken now. I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"was once quite a pretty elf-maiden, and have danced in my time with the others","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"in the moonlight, and have heard the nightingale, and have gone into the forest","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and met the Story-maiden, who was always to be found out there, running about.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Sometimes she took up her night's lodging in a half-blown tulip, or in a field","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"flower; sometimes she would slip into the church, and wrap herself in the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"mourning crape that hung down from the candles on the altar.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"You are capitally well-informed,\" said the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I ought at least to know as much as you,\" answered the Moor-woman. \"Stories and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"poetry– yes, they're like two yards of the same piece of stuff; they can go and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"lie down where they like, and one can brew all their prattle, and have it all","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the better and cheaper. You shall have it from me for nothing. I have a whole","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"cupboard-full of poetry in bottles. It makes essences; and that's the best of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it– bitter and sweet herbs. I have everything that people want of poetry, in","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"bottles, so that I can put a little on my handkerchief, on holidays, to smell.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Why, these are wonderful things that you're telling!\" said the man. \"You have","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"poetry in bottles?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"More than you can require,\" said the woman. \"I suppose you know the history of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'the Girl who Trod on the Loaf, so that she might not soil her shoes'? That has","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"been written, and printed too.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I told that story myself,\" said the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, then you must know it; and you must know also that the girl sank into","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the earth directly, to the Moor-woman, just as Old Bogey's grandmother was","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"paying her morning visit to inspect the brewery. She saw the girl gliding down,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and asked to have her as a remembrance of her visit, and got her too; while I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"received a present that's of no use to me– a travelling druggist's shop– a whole","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"cupboard-full of poetry in bottles. Grandmother told me where the cupboard was","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"to be placed, and there it's standing still. Just look! You've your seven four-","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"leaved shamrocks in your pocket, one of which is a six-leaved one, and so you","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"will be able to see it.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And really in the midst of the moor lay something like a great knotted block","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of alder, and that was the old grandmother's cupboard. The Moor-woman said that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"this was always open to her and to every one in the land, if they only knew","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"where the cupboard stood. It could be opened either at the front or at the back,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and at every side and corner– a perfect work of art, and yet only an old alder","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"stump in appearance. The poets of all lands, and especially those of our own","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"country, had been arranged here; the spirit of them had been extracted, refined,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"criticised and renovated, and then stored up in bottles. With what may be called","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"great aptitude, if it was not genius the grandmother had taken as it were the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"flavor of this and of that poet, and had added a little devilry, and then corked","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"up the bottles for use during all future times.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Pray let me see,\" said the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, but there are more important things to hear,\" replied the Moor-woman.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"But now we are at the cupboard!\" said the man. And he looked in. \"Here are","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"bottles of all sizes. What is in this one? and what in that one yonder?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Here is what they call may-balm,\" replied the woman. \"I have not tried it","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"myself. But I have not yet told you the 'more important' thing you were to hear.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The Will-O'-The-Wisp's In The Town! That's of much more consequence than poetry","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and stories. I ought, indeed, to hold my tongue; but there must be a necessity–","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a fate– a something that sticks in my throat, and that wants to come out. Take","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"care, you mortals!\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I don't understand a word of all this!\" cried the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Be kind enough to seat yourself on that cupboard,\" she retorted, \"but take care","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"you don't fall through and break the bottles– you know what's inside of them.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"I must tell of the great event. It occurred no longer ago than the day before","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"yesterday. It did not happen earlier. It has now three hundred and sixty-three","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"days to run about. I suppose you know how many days there are in a year?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And this is what the Moor-woman told:","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"There was a great commotion yesterday out here in the marsh! There was a","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"christening feast! A little Will-o'-the-Wisp was born here– in fact, twelve of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"them were born all together; and they have permission, if they choose to use","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it, to go abroad among men, and to move about and command among them, just as if","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"they were born mortals. That was a great event in the marsh, and accordingly all","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the Will-o'-the-Wisps, male and female, went dancing like little lights across","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the moor. There are some of them of the dog species, but those are not worth","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"mentioning. I sat there on the cupboard, and had all the twelve little new-born","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Will-o'-the-Wisps upon my lap. They shone like glow-worms; they already began","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"to hop, and increased in size every moment, so that before a quarter of an hour","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"had elapsed, each of them looked just as large as his father or his uncle. Now,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it's an old-established regulation and favor, that when the moon stands just","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"as it did yesterday, and the wind blows just as it blew then, it is allowed and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"accorded to all Will-o'-the-Wisps– that is, to all those who are born at that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"minute of time– to become mortals, and individually to exert their power for the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"space of one year.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The Will-o'-the-Wisp may run about in the country and through the world, if","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it is not afraid of falling into the sea, or of being blown out by a heavy","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"storm. It can enter into a person and speak for him, and make all the movements","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"it pleases. The Will-o'-the-Wisp may take whatever form he likes, of man or","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"woman, and can act in their spirit and in their disguise in such a way that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"he can effect whatever he wishes to do. But he must manage, in the course of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the year, to lead three hundred and sixty-five people into a bad way, and in a","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"grand style, too. To lead them away from the right and the truth; and then he","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"reaches the highest point. Such a Will-o'-the-Wisp can attain to the honor of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"being a runner before the devil's state coach; and then he'll wear clothes of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"fiery yellow, and breathe forth flames out of his throat. That's enough to make","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a simple Will-o'-the-Wisp smack his lips. But there's some danger in this, and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a great deal of work for a Will-o'-the-Wisp who aspires to play so distinguished","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a part. If the eyes of the man are opened to what he is, and if the man can then","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"blow him away, it's all over with him, and he must come back into the marsh; or","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"if, before the year is up, the Will-o'-the-Wisp is seized with a longing to see","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"his family, and so returns to it and gives the matter up, it is over with him","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"likewise, and he can no longer burn clear, and soon becomes extinguished, and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"cannot be lit up again; and when the year has elapsed, and he has not led three","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"hundred and sixty-five people away from the truth and from all that is grand and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"noble, he is condemned to be imprisoned in decayed wood, and to lie glimmering","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"there, without being able to move; and that's the most terrible punishment that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"can be inflicted on a lively Will-o'-the-Wisp.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Now, all this I know, and all this I told to the twelve little Will-o'-the-Wisps","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"whom I had on my lap, and who seemed quite crazy with joy.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"I told them that the safest and most convenient course was to give up the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"honor, and do nothing at all; but the little flames would not agree to this, and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"already fancied themselves clad in fiery yellow clothes, breathing flames from","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"their throats.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'Stay with us,' said some of the older ones.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'Carry on your sport with mortals,' said the others.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'The mortals are drying up our meadows; they've taken to draining. What will our","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"successors do?'","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'We want to flame; we will flame– flame!' cried the new-born Will-o'the-Wisps.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And thus the affair was settled.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"And now a ball was given, a minute long; it could not well be shorter. The","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"little elf-maidens whirled round three times with the rest, that they might not","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"appear proud, but they preferred dancing with one another.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'And now the sponsors' gifts were presented, and presents were thrown them.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"These presents flew like pebbles across the sea-water. Each of the elf-maidens","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"gave a little piece of her veil.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"'Take that,' they said, 'and then you'll know the higher dance, the most","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"difficult turns and twists– that is to say, if you should find them necessary.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"You'll know the proper deportment, and then you can show yourself in the very","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"pick of society.'","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The night raven taught each of the young Will-o'-the-Wisps to say, 'Goo-goo-","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"good,' and to say it in the right place; and that's a great gift which brings","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"its own reward.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"The owl and the stork– but they said it was not worth mentioning, and so we","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"won't mention it.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"King Waldemar's wild chase was just then rushing over the moor, and when the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"great lords heard of the festivities that were going on, they sent a couple","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"of handsome dogs, which hunt on the spoor of the wind, as a present; and these","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"might carry two or three of the Will-o'-the-Wisps. A couple of old Alpas,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"spirits who occupy themselves with Alp-pressing, were also at the feast; and","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"from these the young Will-o'-the-Wisps learned the art of slipping through","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"every key-hole, as if the door stood open before them. These Alpas offered to","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"carry the youngsters to the town, with which they were well acquainted. They","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"usually rode through the atmosphere on their own back hair, which is fastened","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"into a knot, for they love a hard seat; but now they sat sideways on the wild","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"hunting dogs, took the young Will-o'-the-Wisps in their laps, who wanted to go","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"into the town to mislead and entice mortals, and, whisk! away they were. Now,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"this is what happened last night. To-day the Will-o'-the-Wisps are in the town,","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"and have taken the matter in hand– but where and how? Ah, can you tell me that?","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Still, I've a lightning conductor in my great toe, and that will always tell me","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"something.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Why, this is a complete story,\" exclaimed the man.","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, but it is only the beginning,\" replied the woman. \"Can you tell me how","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the Will-o'-the-Wisps deport themselves, and how they behave? and in what shapes","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"they have aforetime appeared and led people into crooked paths?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I believe,\" replied the man, \"that one could tell quite a romance about the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"Will-o'-the-Wisps, in twelve parts; or, better still, one might make quite a","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"popular play of them.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"You might write that,\" said the woman, \"but it's best let alone.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, that's better and more agreeable,\" the man replied, \"for then we shall","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"escape from the newspapers, and not be tied up by them, which is just as","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"uncomfortable as for a Will-o'-the-Wisp to lie in decaying wood, to have to","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"gleam, and not to be able to stir.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"I don't care about it either way,\" cried the woman. \"Let the rest write, those","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"who can, and those who cannot likewise. I'll grant you an old bung from my cask","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"that will open the cupboard where poetry's kept in bottles, and you may take","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"from that whatever may be wanting. But you, my good man, seem to have blotted","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"your hands sufficiently with ink, and to have come to that age of satiety that","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"you need not be running about every year for stories, especially as there are","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"much more important things to be done. You must have understood what is going","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"on?\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"The Will-o'-the-Wisp is in town,\" said the man. \"I've heard it, and I have","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"understood it. But what do you think I ought to do? I should be thrashed if I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"were to go to the people and say, 'Look, yonder goes a Will-o'-the-Wisp in his","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"best clothes!'\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"They also go in undress,\" replied the woman. \"The Will-o'-the-Wisp can assume","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"all kinds of forms, and appear in every place. He goes into the church, but not","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"for the sake of the service; and perhaps he may enter into one or other of the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"priests. He speaks in the Parliament, not for the benefit of the country, but","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"only for himself. He's an artist with the color-pot as well as in the theatre;","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"but when he gets all the power into his own hands, then the pot's empty! I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"chatter and chatter, but it must come out, what's sticking in my throat, to the","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"disadvantage of my own family. But I must now be the woman that will save a good","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"many people. It is not done with my good will, or for the sake of a medal. I do","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the most insane things I possibly can, and then I tell a poet about it, and thus","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"the whole town gets to know of it directly.\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"\"The town will not take that to heart,\" observed the man; \"that will not disturb","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"a single person; for they will all think I'm only telling them a story if I","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"say, 'The Will-o'-the-Wisp is in the town, says the Moor-woman. Take care of","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"yourselves!'\"","book":"The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in town, says the Moor-woman"} {"text":"A windmill stood upon the hill, proud to look at, and it was proud too.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"\"I am not proud at all,\" it said, \"but I am very much enlightened without","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"and within. I have sun and moon for my outward use, and for inward use too;","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"and into the bargain I have stearine candles, train oil and lamps, and tallow","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"candles. I may well say that I'm enlightened. I'm a thinking being, and so well","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"constructed that it's quite delightful. I have a good windpipe in my chest,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"and I have four wings that are placed outside my head, just beneath my hat.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"The birds have only two wings, and are obliged to carry them on their backs. I","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"am a Dutchman by birth, that may be seen by my figure– a flying Dutchman. They","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"are considered supernatural beings, I know, and yet I am quite natural. I have","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"a gallery round my chest, and house-room beneath it; that's where my thoughts","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"dwell. My strongest thought, who rules and reigns, is called by others 'The Man","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"in the Mill.' He knows what he wants, and is lord over the meal and the bran;","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"but he has his companion, too, and she calls herself 'Mother.' She is the very","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"heart of me. She does not run about stupidly and awkwardly, for she knows what","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"she wants, she knows what she can do, she's as soft as a zephyr and as strong","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"as a storm; she knows how to begin a thing carefully, and to have her own way.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"She is my soft temper, and the father is my hard one. They are two, and yet","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"one; they each call the other 'My half.' These two have some little boys, young","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"thoughts, that can grow. The little ones keep everything in order. When, lately,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"in my wisdom, I let the father and the boys examine my throat and the hole","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"in my chest, to see what was going on there,– for something in me was out of","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"order, and it's well to examine one's self,– the little ones made a tremendous","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"noise. The youngest jumped up into my hat, and shouted so there that it tickled","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"me. The little thoughts may grow– I know that very well; and out in the world","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"thoughts come too, and not only of my kind, for as far as I can see, I cannot","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"discern anything like myself; but the wingless houses, whose throats make no","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"noise, have thoughts too, and these come to my thoughts, and make love to them,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"as it is called. It's wonderful enough– yes, there are many wonderful things.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"Something has come over me, or into me,– something has changed in the mill-work.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"It seems as if the one half, the father, had altered, and had received a better","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"temper and a more affectionate helpmate– so young and good, and yet the same,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"only more gentle and good through the course of time. What was bitter has passed","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"away, and the whole is much more comfortable.\" - \"The days go on, and the days","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"come nearer and nearer to clearness and to joy; and then a day will come when","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"it will be over with me; but not over altogether. I must be pulled down that I","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"may be built up again; I shall cease, but yet shall live on. To become quite a","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"different being, and yet remain the same! That's difficult for me to understand,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"however enlightened I may be with sun, moon, stearine, train oil, and tallow.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"My old wood-work and my old brick-work will rise again from the dust!\" - \"I will","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"hope that I may keep my old thoughts, the father in the mill, and the mother,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"great ones and little ones– the family; for I call them all, great and little,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"the company of thoughts, because I must, and cannot refrain from it.\" - \"And I","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"must also remain 'myself,' with my throat in my chest, my wings on my head, the","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"gallery round my body; else I should not know myself, nor could the others know","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"me, and say, 'There's the mill on the hill, proud to look at, and yet not proud","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"at all.'\"","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"That is what the mill said. Indeed, it said much more, but that is the most","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"important part.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"And the days came, and the days went, and yesterday was the last day.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"Then the mill caught fire. The flames rose up high, and beat out and in, and bit","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"at the beams and planks, and ate them up. The mill fell, and nothing remained of","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"it but a heap of ashes. The smoke drove across the scene of the conflagration,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"and the wind carried it away.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"Whatever had been alive in the mill remained, and what had been gained by it has","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"nothing to do with this story. The miller's family– one soul, many thoughts, and","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"yet only one– built a new, a splendid mill, which answered its purpose. It was","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"quite like the old one, and people said, \"Why, yonder is the mill on the hill,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"proud to look at!\" But this mill was better arranged, more according to the time","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"than the last, so that progress might be made. The old beams had become worm-","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"eaten and spongy– they lay in dust and ashes. The body of the mill did not rise","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"out of the dust as they had believed it would do. They had taken it literally,","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"and all things are not to be taken literally.","book":"The windmill"} {"text":"There was once an old mansion with a moat and drawbridge. The drawbridge was","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"more often up than down; not all visitors are good or welcome. Under the eaves","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"were loopholes to shoot out through, and for throwing boiling water, yes, even","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"molten lead, down on the enemy if he approached too closely. Indoors were high","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"rafted ceilings, and this was good because of the space it provided for the","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"large amount of smoke that rolled up from the hearth fires, where huge, damp","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"logs burned. On the walls hung pictures of men in armor and proud ladies in","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"heavy robes; the grandest of all the ladies was living here. She was named Mette","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Mogens, and she was the lady of the manor.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"One evening robbers came; they killed three of her guards; along with the","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"watchdog, and they bound Lady Mette with the dog chain in the kennel and then","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"seated themselves in the great hall and drank the wine and all the good beer","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"from her cellar.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Lady Mette stood chained like a dog and yet could not even bark at them.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Then the robbers' servant boy came to her; he had very quietly stolen away from","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"them, knowing this must not be noticed, for if it were they would put him to","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"death.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"Lady Mette Mogens,\" said the boy, \"can you remember when my father rode the","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"wooden horse in your husband's time? You prayed for him then, but it wasn't","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"possible for you to help further toward freeing him; he was made to sit astride","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"the block until he became a cripple. But you sneaked down to him, as I have","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"done now, and you laid a little stone under each of his feet, to give him some","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"relief. No one saw it, or perhaps they pretended not to see it, for you were","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"the gracious young mistress of the manor. This my father has told me, and this I","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"have kept secret but not forgotten. Now I will free you, Lady Mette Mogens!\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"And then the two of them took horses from the stable and rode, through rain and","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"wind, to get the help of friends.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"This was being well repaid for that small service to the old man,\" said Mette","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Mogens.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"Kept secret but not forgotten,\" said the boy.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"The robbers were hanged.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"There stood an old house; it still stands there, in fact - not the home of Lady","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Mette Mogens, but that of another noble family.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"It is in our own time. The sun is shining on the gilded spires on the turrets;","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"little wooded isles lie like bouquets on the lake, and around them swim wild","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"swans. There are roses growing in the garden, but the lady of the house herself","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"is the loveliest rose, bright with happiness, the happiness of good deeds, not","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"done outwardly before the wide world, but within the hearts of people - and","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"there kept secret but not forgotten.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Now she goes from the mansion to a little peasant cottage in the field. In it","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"there lives a poor, paralyzed girl. A window in the little room faces the north,","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"where the sun does not enter, and where her only view is a patch of meadow","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"that is shut off by the high earth around a ditch. But today there is sunshine","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"inside; God's warm, wonderful sun is there. It comes from the south through a","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"new window where before there had been just a wall.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"The paralyzed girl sits in the warm sunshine and looks out on wood and stream;","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"her world has become so wide and so beautiful, and all at a single word from the","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"kindly lady of the manor.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"That word was so easy, the deed so small,\" she says, \"and the happiness it gave","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"me was so unspeakably great and blessed.\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"And that is why she does so many good deeds and remembers all those in the","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"poor homes about her and in the rich homes, too, where there also are afflicted","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"people. Her deeds are done in secret, and kept secret, but they are not","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"forgotten by our Lord.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"There was an old house in the middle of the great, busy city. In it were halls","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"and chambers, but we won't enter them; we'll remain in the kitchen. And here it","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"is snug and bright; it is clean and neat. The copper utensils shine; the table","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"is polished, and the sink is as spotless as a freshly scrubbed larding board.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"All this has been done by the maid-of-all-work, who has still found time to put","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"on her own best dress, as if she were going to church. She has a bow on her cap,","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"a black bow, which signifies mourning. Yet she has no one of her own to mourn,","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"neither father nor mother, neither family nor lover. She is a poor, serving","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"maid. Once she was engaged to a poor young man, and they loved each other","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"dearly. One day he came to her.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"We two have nothing,\" he said, \"and the rich widow across the way has expressed","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"a warm interest in me. She wants to make me well to do, but you are in my heart.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"What would you advise me to do?\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"That which you think will be best for your happiness,\" said the girl. \"Be kind","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"and devoted to her; but remember that from the moment we part, we two must never","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"see each other again.\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"A couple of years went by. Then she met him, her former friend and sweetheart,","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"on the street. He looked ill and miserable. Then she could not keep from asking","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"him, \"How are you getting on?\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"\"Prosperously and well in every way,\" he said. \"My wife is brave and good, but","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"you are still in my heart. I have fought hard, and it will soon be over. Now we","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"will not see each other again before we are with the Lord!\"","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"A week has since passed. This morning it said in the newspaper that he has","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"passed on; therefore the maid wears mourning. Her sweetheart has left a wife and","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"three stepchildren, it said in the paper; that rings badly, and yet the metal is","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"pure.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"The black bow tells of mourning; the girl's face tells of it still more; in her","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"heart it is kept secret but will never be forgotten.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"Yes, as you see, there are three stories, three leaves on one stalk. Would you","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"like to have more such clover leaves? There are many in the book of the heart,","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"kept secret but not forgotten.","book":"Kept secret but not forgotten"} {"text":"The General lived in the grand first floor, and the porter lived in the cellar.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"There was a great distance between the two families– the whole of the ground","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"floor, and the difference in rank; but they lived in the same house, and both","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had a view of the street, and of the courtyard. In the courtyard was a grass-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"plot, on which grew a blooming acacia tree (when it was in bloom), and under","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"this tree sat occasionally the finely-dressed nurse, with the still more finely-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dressed child of the General– little Emily. Before them danced about barefoot","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the little son of the porter, with his great brown eyes and dark hair; and the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"little girl smiled at him, and stretched out her hands towards him; and when","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the General saw that from the window, he would nod his head and cry, \"Charming!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's lady (who was so young that she might very well have been her","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"husband's daughter from an early marriage) never came to the window that looked","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"upon the courtyard. She had given orders, though, that the boy might play his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"antics to amuse her child, but must never touch it. The nurse punctually obeyed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the gracious lady's orders.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The sun shone in upon the people in the grand first floor, and upon the people","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in the cellar; the acacia tree was covered with blossoms, and they fell off, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"next year new ones came. The tree bloomed, and the porter's little son bloomed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"too, and looked like a fresh tulip.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's little daughter became delicate and pale, like the leaf of the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"acacia blossom. She seldom came down to the tree now, for she took the air in","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a carriage. She drove out with her mamma, and then she would always nod at the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"porter's George; yes, she used even to kiss her hand to him, till her mamma said","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she was too old to do that now.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"One morning George was sent up to carry the General the letters and newspapers","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"that had been delivered at the porter's room in the morning. As he was running","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"up stairs, just as he passed the door of the sand-box, he heard a faint piping.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He thought it was some young chicken that had strayed there, and was raising","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"cries of distress; but it was the General's little daughter, decked out in lace","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and finery.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Don't tell papa and mamma,\" she whimpered; \"they would be angry.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"What's the matter, little missie?\" asked George.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"It's all on fire!\" she answered. \"It's burning with a bright flame!\" George","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"hurried up stairs to the General's apartments; he opened the door of the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"nursery. The window curtain was almost entirely burnt, and the wooden curtain-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pole was one mass of flame. George sprang upon a chair he brought in haste, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pulled down the burning articles; he then alarmed the people. But for him, the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"house would have been burned down.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General and his lady cross-questioned little Emily.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I only took just one lucifer-match,\" she said, \"and it was burning directly,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and the curtain was burning too. I spat at it, to put it out; I spat at it as","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"much as ever I could, but I could not put it out; so I ran away and hid myself,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"for papa and mamma would be angry.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I spat!\" cried the General's lady; \"what an expression! Did you ever hear your","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"papa and mamma talk about spitting? You must have got that from down stairs!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And George had a penny given him. But this penny did not go to the baker's shop,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"but into the savings-box; and soon there were so many pennies in the savings-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"box that he could buy a paint-box and color the drawings he made, and he had a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"great number of drawings. They seemed to shoot out of his pencil and out of his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"fingers' ends. His first colored pictures he presented to Emily.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Charming!\" said the General, and even the General's lady acknowledged that it","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"was easy to see what the boy had meant to draw. \"He has genius.\" Those were the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"words that were carried down into the cellar.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General and his gracious lady were grand people. They had two coats of arms","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"on their carriage, a coat of arms for each of them, and the gracious lady had","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had this coat of arms embroidered on both sides of every bit of linen she had,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and even on her nightcap and her dressing-bag. One of the coats of arms, the one","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"that belonged to her, was a very dear one; it had been bought for hard cash by","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her father, for he had not been born with it, nor had she; she had come into the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"world too early, seven years before the coat of arms, and most people remembered","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"this circumstance, but the family did not remember it. A man might well have a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"bee in his bonnet, when he had such a coat of arms to carry as that, let alone","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"having to carry two; and the General's wife had a bee in hers when she drove to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the court ball, as stiff and as proud as you please.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General was old and gray, but he had a good seat on horseback, and he knew","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"it, and he rode out every day, with a groom behind him at a proper distance.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"When he came to a party, he looked somehow as if he were riding into the room","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"upon his high horse; and he had orders, too, such a number that no one would","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"have believed it; but that was not his fault. As a young man he had taken part","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in the great autumn reviews which were held in those days. He had an anecdote","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"that he told about those days, the only one he knew. A subaltern under his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"orders had cut off one of the princes, and taken him prisoner, and the Prince","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had been obliged to ride through the town with a little band of captured","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"soldiers, himself a prisoner behind the General. This was an ever-memorable","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"event, and was always told over and over again every year by the General, who,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"moreover, always repeated the remarkable words he had used when he returned his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"sword to the Prince; those words were, \"Only my subaltern could have taken your","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Highness prisoner; I could never have done it!\" And the Prince had replied,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"You are incomparable.\" In a real war the General had never taken part. When","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"war came into the country, he had gone on a diplomatic career to foreign courts.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He spoke the French language so fluently that he had almost forgotten his own;","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"he could dance well, he could ride well, and orders grew on his coat in an","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"astounding way. The sentries presented arms to him, one of the most beautiful","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"girls presented arms to him, and became the General's lady, and in time they had","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a pretty, charming child, that seemed as if it had dropped from heaven, it was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"so pretty; and the porter's son danced before it in the courtyard, as soon as","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"it could understand it, and gave her all his colored pictures, and little Emily","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"looked at them, and was pleased, and tore them to pieces. She was pretty and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"delicate indeed.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"My little Roseleaf!\" cried the General's lady, \"thou art born to wed a prince.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The prince was already at the door, but they knew nothing of it; people don't","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"see far beyond the threshold.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"The day before yesterday our boy divided his bread and butter with her!\" said","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the porter's wife. There was neither cheese nor meat upon it, but she liked it","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"as well as if it had been roast beef. There would have been a fine noise if the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General and his wife had seen the feast, but they did not see it.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George had divided his bread and butter with little Emily, and he would have","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"divided his heart with her, if it would have pleased her. He was a good boy,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"brisk and clever, and he went to the night school in the Academy now, to learn","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"to draw properly. Little Emily was getting on with her education too, for she","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"spoke French with her \"bonne,\" and had a dancing master.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"George will be confirmed at Easter,\" said the porter's wife; for George had got","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"so far as this.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"It would be the best thing, now, to make an apprentice of him,\" said his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"father. \"It must be to some good calling– and then he would be out of the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"house.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He would have to sleep out of the house,\" said George's mother. \"It is not easy","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"to find a master who has room for him at night, and we shall have to provide him","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"with clothes too. The little bit of eating that he wants can be managed for him,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"for he's quite happy with a few boiled potatoes; and he gets taught for nothing.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Let the boy go his own way. You will say that he will be our joy some day, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the Professor says so too.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The confirmation suit was ready. The mother had worked it herself; but the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"tailor who did repairs had cut them out, and a capital cutter-out he was.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"If he had had a better position, and been able to keep a workshop and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"journeymen,\" the porter's wife said, \"he might have been a court tailor.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The clothes were ready, and the candidate for confirmation was ready. On his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"confirmation day, George received a great pinchbeck watch from his godfather,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the old iron monger's shopman, the richest of his godfathers. The watch was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"an old and tried servant. It always went too fast, but that is better than to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"be lagging behind. That was a costly present. And from the General's apartment","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"there arrived a hymn-book bound in morocco, sent by the little lady to whom","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George had given pictures. At the beginning of the book his name was written,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and her name, as \"his gracious patroness.\" These words had been written at the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dictation of the General's lady, and the General had read the inscription, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pronounced it \"Charming!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"That is really a great attention from a family of such position,\" said the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"porter's wife; and George was sent up stairs to show himself in his confirmation","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"clothes, with the hymn-book in his hand.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's lady was sitting very much wrapped up, and had the bad headache","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she always had when time hung heavy upon her hands. She looked at George very","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pleasantly, and wished him all prosperity, and that he might never have her","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"headache. The General was walking about in his dressing-gown. He had a cap","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"with a long tassel on his head, and Russian boots with red tops on his feet.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He walked three times up and down the room, absorbed in his own thoughts and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"recollections, and then stopped and said:","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"So little George is a confirmed Christian now. Be a good man, and honor those","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in authority over you. Some day, when you are an old man, you can say that the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General gave you this precept.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"That was a longer speech than the General was accustomed to make, and then he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"went back to his ruminations, and looked very aristocratic. But of all that","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George heard and saw up there, little Miss Emily remained most clear in his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"thoughts. How graceful she was, how gentle, and fluttering, and pretty she","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"looked. If she were to be drawn, it ought to be on a soap-bubble. About her","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dress, about her yellow curled hair, there was a fragrance as of a fresh-blown","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"rose; and to think that he had once divided his bread and butter with her, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"that she had eaten it with enormous appetite, and nodded to him at every second","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"mouthful! Did she remember anything about it? Yes, certainly, for she had given","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"him the beautiful hymn-book in remembrance of this; and when the first new moon","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in the first new year after this event came round, he took a piece of bread, a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"penny, and his hymn-book, and went out into the open air, and opened the book","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"to see what psalm he should turn up. It was a psalm of praise and thanksgiving.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Then he opened the book again to see what would turn up for little Emily. He","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"took great pains not to open the book in the place where the funeral hymns were,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and yet he got one that referred to the grave and death. But then he thought","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"this was not a thing in which one must believe; for all that he was startled","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"when soon afterwards the pretty little girl had to lie in bed, and the doctor's","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"carriage stopped at the gate every day.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"They will not keep her with them,\" said the porter's wife. \"The good God knows","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"whom He will summon to Himself.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"But they kept her after all; and George drew pictures and sent them to her. He","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"drew the Czar's palace; the old Kremlin at Moscow, just as it stood, with towers","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and cupolas; and these cupolas looked like gigantic green and gold cucumbers,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"at least in George's drawing. Little Emily was highly pleased, and consequently,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"when a week had elapsed, George sent her a few more pictures, all with buildings","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in them; for, you see, she could imagine all sorts of things inside the windows","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and doors.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He drew a Chinese house, with bells hanging from every one of sixteen stories.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He drew two Grecian temples with slender marble pillars, and with steps all","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"round them. He drew a Norwegian church. It was easy to see that this church had","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"been built entirely of wood, hewn out and wonderfully put together; every story","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"looked as if it had rockers, like a cradle. But the most beautiful of all was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the castle, drawn on one of the leaves, and which he called \"Emily's Castle.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"This was the kind of place in which she must live. That is what George had","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"thought, and consequently he had put into this building whatever he thought most","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"beautiful in all the others. It had carved wood-work, like the Norwegian church;","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"marble pillars, like the Grecian temple; bells in every story; and was crowned","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"with cupolas, green and gilded, like those of the Kremlin of the Czar. It was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a real child's castle, and under every window was written what the hall or the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"room inside was intended to be; for instance: \"Here Emily sleeps;\" - \"Here Emily","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dances;\" - \"Here Emily plays at receiving visitors.\" It was a real pleasure to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"look at the castle, and right well was the castle looked at accordingly.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Charming!\" said the General.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"But the old Count– for there was an old Count there, who was still grander than","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the General, and had a castle of his own– said nothing at all; he heard that it","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had been designed and drawn by the porter's little son. Not that he was so very","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"little, either, for he had already been confirmed. The old Count looked at the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pictures, and had his own thoughts as he did so.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"One day, when it was very gloomy, gray, wet weather, the brightest of days","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dawned for George; for the Professor at the Academy called him into his room.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Listen to me, my friend,\" said the Professor; \"I want to speak to you. The","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Lord has been good to you in giving you abilities, and He has also been good","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in placing you among kind people. The old Count at the corner yonder has been","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"speaking to me about you. I have also seen your sketches; but we will not say","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"any more about those, for there is a good deal to correct in them. But from this","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"time forward you may come twice a-week to my drawing-class, and then you will","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"soon learn how to do them better. I think there's more of the architect than of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the painter in you. You will have time to think that over; but go across to the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"old Count this very day, and thank God for having sent you such a friend.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"It was a great house– the house of the old Count at the corner. Round the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"windows elephants and dromedaries were carved, all from the old times; but the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"old Count loved the new time best, and what it brought, whether it came from the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"first floor, or from the cellar, or from the attic.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I think,\" said, the porter's wife, \"the grander people are, the fewer airs","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"do they give themselves. How kind and straightforward the old count is! and he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"talks exactly like you and me. Now, the General and his lady can't do that. And","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George was fairly wild with delight yesterday at the good reception he met with","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"at the Count's, and so am I to-day, after speaking to the great man. Wasn't it a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"good thing that we didn't bind George apprentice to a handicraftsman? for he has","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"abilities of his own.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"But they must be helped on by others,\" said the father.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"That help he has got now,\" rejoined the mother; \"for the Count spoke out quite","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"clearly and distinctly.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"But I fancy it began with the General,\" said the father, \"and we must thank","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"them too.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Let us do so with all my heart,\" cried the mother, \"though I fancy we have not","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"much to thank them for. I will thank the good God; and I will thank Him, too,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"for letting little Emily get well.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Emily was getting on bravely, and George got on bravely too. In the course of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the year he won the little silver prize medal of the Academy, and afterwards he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"gained the great one too.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"It would have been better, after all, if he had been apprenticed to a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"handicraftsman,\" said the porter's wife, weeping; \"for then we could have kept","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"him with us. What is he to do in Rome? I shall never get a sight of him again,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"not even if he comes back; but that he won't do, the dear boy.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"It is fortune and fame for him,\" said the father.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Yes, thank you, my friend,\" said the mother; \"you are saying what you do not","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"mean. You are just as sorrowful as I am.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And it was all true about the sorrow and the journey. But everybody said it was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a great piece of good fortune for the young fellow. And he had to take leave,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and of the General too. The General's lady did not show herself, for she had","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her bad headache. On this occasion the General told his only anecdote, about","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"what he had said to the Prince, and how the Prince had said to him, \"You are","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"incomparable.\" And he held out a languid hand to George.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Emily gave George her hand too, and looked almost sorry; and George was the most","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"sorry of all.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Time goes by when one has something to do; and it goes by, too, when one has","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"nothing to do. The time is equally long, but not equally useful. It was useful","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"to George, and did not seem long at all, except when he happened to be thinking","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of his home. How might the good folks be getting on, up stairs and down stairs?","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Yes, there was writing about that, and many things can be put into a letter–","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"bright sunshine and dark, heavy days. Both of these were in the letter which","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"brought the news that his father was dead, and that his mother was alone now.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"She wrote that Emily had come down to see her, and had been to her like an angel","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of comfort; and concerning herself, she added that she had been allowed to keep","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her situation as porteress.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's lady kept a diary, and in this diary was recorded every ball","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she attended and every visit she received. The diary was illustrated by the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"insertion of the visiting cards of the diplomatic circle and of the most noble","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"families; and the General's lady was proud of it. The diary kept growing through","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a long time, and amid many severe headaches, and through a long course of half-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"nights, that is to say, of court balls. Emily had now been to a court ball for","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the first time. Her mother had worn a bright red dress, with black lace, in the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Spanish style; the daughter had been attired in white, fair and delicate; green","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"silk ribbons fluttered like flag-leaves among her yellow locks, and on her head","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she wore a wreath of water-lillies. Her eyes were so blue and clear, her mouth","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"was so delicate and red, she looked like a little water spirit, as beautiful as","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"such a spirit can be imagined. The Princes danced with her, one after another of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"course; and the General's lady had not a headache for a week afterwards.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"But the first ball was not the last, and Emily could not stand it; it was a good","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"thing, therefore, that summer brought with it rest, and exercise in the open","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"air. The family had been invited by the old Count to visit him at him castle.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"That was a castle with a garden which was worth seeing. Part of this garden was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"laid out quite in the style of the old days, with stiff green hedges; you walked","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"as if between green walls with peep-holes in them. Box trees and yew trees","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"stood there trimmed into the form of stars and pyramids, and water sprang from","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"fountains in large grottoes lined with shells. All around stood figures of the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"most beautiful stone– that could be seen in their clothes as well as in their","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"faces; every flower-bed had a different shape, and represented a fish, or a coat","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of arms, or a monogram. That was the French part of the garden; and from this","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"part the visitor came into what appeared like the green, fresh forest, where the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"trees might grow as they chose, and accordingly they were great and glorious.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The grass was green, and beautiful to walk on, and it was regularly cut, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"rolled, and swept, and tended. That was the English part of the garden.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Old time and new time,\" said the Count, \"here they run well into one another.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"In two years the building itself will put on a proper appearance, there will","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"be a complete metamorphosis in beauty and improvement. I shall show you the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"drawings, and I shall show you the architect, for he is to dine here to-day.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Charming!\" said the General.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"'Tis like Paradise here,\" said the General's lady, \"and yonder you have a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"knight's castle!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"That's my poultry-house,\" observed the Count. \"The pigeons live in the tower,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the turkeys in the first floor, but old Elsie rules in the ground floor. She","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"has apartments on all sides of her. The sitting hens have their own room, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the hens with chickens have theirs; and the ducks have their own particular door","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"leading to the water.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Charming!\" repeated the General.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And all sailed forth to see these wonderful things. Old Elsie stood in the room","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"on the ground floor, and by her side stood Architect George. He and Emily now","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"met for the first time after several years, and they met in the poultry-house.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Yes, there he stood, and was handsome enough to be looked at. His face was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"frank and energetic; he had black shining hair, and a smile about his mouth,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"which said, \"I have a brownie that sits in my ear, and knows every one of you,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"inside and out.\" Old Elsie had pulled off her wooden shoes, and stood there","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in her stockings, to do honor to the noble guests. The hens clucked, and the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"cocks crowed, and the ducks waddled to and fro, and said, \"Quack, quack!\" But","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the fair, pale girl, the friend of his childhood, the daughter of the General,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"stood there with a rosy blush on her usually pale cheeks, and her eyes opened","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"wide, and her mouth seemed to speak without uttering a word, and the greeting he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"received from her was the most beautiful greeting a young man can desire from a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"young lady, if they are not related, or have not danced many times together, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she and the architect had never danced together.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The Count shook hands with him, and introduced him.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He is not altogether a stranger, our young friend George.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's lady bowed to him, and the General's daughter was very nearly","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"giving him her hand; but she did not give it to him.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Our little Master George!\" said the General. \"Old friends! Charming!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"You have become quite an Italian,\" said the General's lady, \"and I presume you","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"speak the language like a native?\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"My wife sings the language, but she does not speak it,\" observed the General.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"At dinner, George sat at the right hand of Emily, whom the General had taken","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"down, while the Count led in the General's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Mr. George talked and told of his travels; and he could talk well, and was the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"life and soul of the table, though the old Count could have been it too. Emily","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"sat silent, but she listened, and her eyes gleamed, but she said nothing.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"In the verandah, among the flowers, she and George stood together; the rose-","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"bushes concealed them. And George was speaking again, for he took the lead now.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Many thanks for the kind consideration you showed my old mother,\" he said. \"I","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"know that you went down to her on the night when my father died, and you stayed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"with her till his eyes were closed. My heartiest thanks!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He took Emily's hand and kissed it– he might do so on such an occasion. She","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"blushed deeply, but pressed his hand, and looked at him with her dear blue eyes.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Your mother was a dear soul!\" she said. \"How fond she was of her son! And she","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"let me read all your letters, so that I almost believe I know you. How kind you","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"were to me when I was little girl! You used to give me pictures.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Which you tore in two,\" said George.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"No, I have still your drawing of the castle.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I must build the castle in reality now,\" said George; and he became quite warm","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"at his own words.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General and the General's lady talked to each other in their room about","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the porter's son– how he knew how to behave, and to express himself with the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"greatest propriety.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He might be a tutor,\" said the General.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Intellect!\" said the General's lady; but she did not say anything more.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"During the beautiful summer-time Mr. George several times visited the Count at","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"his castle; and he was missed when he did not come.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"How much the good God has given you that he has not given to us poor mortals,\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"said Emily to him. \"Are you sure you are very grateful for it?\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"It flattered George that the lovely young girl should look up to him, and he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"thought then that Emily had unusually good abilities. And the General felt more","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and more convinced that George was no cellar-child.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"His mother was a very good woman,\" he observed. \"It is only right I should do","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her that justice now she is in her grave.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The summer passed away, and the winter came; again there was talk about Mr.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George. He was highly respected, and was received in the first circles. The","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General had met him at a court ball.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And now there was a ball to be given in the General's house for Emily, and could","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Mr. George be invited to it?","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He whom the King invites can be invited by the General also,\" said the General,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and drew himself up till he stood quite an inch higher than before.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Mr. George was invited, and he came; princes and counts came, and they danced,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"one better than the other. But Emily could only dance one dance– the first; for","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she made a false step– nothing of consequence; but her foot hurt her, so that","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"she had to be careful, and leave off dancing, and look at the others. So she sat","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and looked on, and the architect stood by her side.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I suppose you are giving her the whole history of St. Peter's,\" said the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General, as he passed by; and smiled, like the personification of patronage.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"With the same patronizing smile he received Mr. George a few days afterwards.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The young man came, no doubt, to return thanks for the invitation to the ball.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"What else could it be? But indeed there was something else, something very","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"astonishing and startling. He spoke words of sheer lunacy, so that the General","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"could hardly believe his own ears. It was \"the height of rhodomontade,\" an","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"offer, quite an inconceivable offer– Mr. George came to ask the hand of Emily in","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"marriage!","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Man!\" cried the General, and his brain seemed to be boiling. \"I don't","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"understand you at all. What is it you say? What is it you want? I don't know","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"you. Sir! Man! What possesses you to break into my house? And am I to stand","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"here and listen to you?\" He stepped backwards into his bed-room, locked the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"door behind him, and left Mr. George standing alone. George stood still for a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"few minutes, and then turned round and left the room. Emily was standing in the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"corridor.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"My father has answered?\" she said, and her voice trembled.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George pressed her hand.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He has escaped me,\" he replied; \"but a better time will come.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"There were tears in Emily's eyes, but in the young man's eyes shone courage","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and confidence; and the sun shone through the window, and cast his beams on the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pair, and gave them his blessing.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General sat in his room, bursting hot. Yes, he was still boiling, until he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"boiled over in the exclamation, \"Lunacy! porter! madness!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Not an hour was over before the General's lady knew it out of the General's own","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"mouth. She called Emily, and remained alone with her.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"You poor child,\" she said; \"to insult you so! to insult us so! There are tears","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"in your eyes, too, but they become you well. You look beautiful in tears. You","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"look as I looked on my wedding-day. Weep on, my sweet Emily.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Yes, that I must,\" said Emily, \"if you and my father do not say 'yes.' \"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Child!\" screamed the General's lady; \"you are ill! You are talking wildly, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"I shall have a most terrible headache! Oh, what a misfortune is coming upon our","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"house! Don't make your mother die, Emily, or you will have no mother.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And the eyes of the General's lady were wet, for she could not bear to think of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her own death.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"In the newspapers there was an announcement. \"Mr. George has been elected","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Professor of the Fifth Class, number Eight.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"It's a pity that his parents are dead and cannot read it,\" said the new porter","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"people, who now lived in the cellar under the General's apartments. They knew","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"that the Professor had been born and grown up within their four walls.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Now he'll get a salary,\" said the man.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Yes, that's not much for a poor child,\" said the woman.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Eighteen dollars a year,\" said the man. \"Why, it's a good deal of money.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"No, I mean the honor of it,\" replied the wife. \"Do you think he cares for the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"money? Those few dollars he can earn a hundred times over, and most likely he'll","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"get a rich wife into the bargain. If we had children of our own, husband, our","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"child should be an architect and a professor too.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George was spoken well of in the cellar, and he was spoken well of in the first","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"floor. The old Count took upon himself to do that.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The pictures he had drawn in his childhood gave occasion for it. But how did","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the conversation come to turn on these pictures? Why, they had been talking of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Russia and of Moscow, and thus mention was made of the Kremlin, which little","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"George had once drawn for Miss Emily. He had drawn many pictures, but the Count","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"especially remembered one, \"Emily's Castle,\" where she was to sleep, and to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dance, and to play at receiving guests.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"The Professor was a true man,\" said the Count, \"and would be a privy councillor","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"before he died, it was not at all unlikely; and he might build a real castle for","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the young lady before that time came: why not?\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"That was a strange jest,\" remarked the General's lady, when the Count had gone","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"away. The General shook his head thoughtfully, and went out for a ride, with his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"groom behind him at a proper distance, and he sat more stiffly than ever on his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"high horse.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"It was Emily's birthday. Flowers, books, letters, and visiting cards came","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"pouring in. The General's lady kissed her on the mouth, and the General kissed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"her on the forehead; they were affectionate parents, and they and Emily had to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"receive grand visitors, two of the Princes. They talked of balls and theatres,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of diplomatic missions, of the government of empires and nations; and then","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"they spoke of talent, native talent; and so the discourse turned upon the young","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"architect.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He is building up an immortality for himself,\" said one, \"and he will certainly","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"build his way into one of our first families.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"One of our first families!\" repeated the General and afterwards the General's","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"lady; \"what is meant by one of our first families?\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I know for whom it was intended,\" said the General's lady, \"but I shall not say","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"it. I don't think it. Heaven disposes, but I shall be astonished.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I am astonished also!\" said the General. \"I haven't an idea in my head!\" And he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"fell into a reverie, waiting for ideas.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"There is a power, a nameless power, in the possession of favor from above, the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"favor of Providence, and this favor little George had. But we are forgetting the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"birthday.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Emily's room was fragrant with flowers, sent by male and female friends; on","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the table lay beautiful presents for greeting and remembrance, but none could","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"come from George– none could come from him; but it was not necessary, for the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"whole house was full of remembrances of him. Even out of the ash-bin the blossom","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of memory peeped forth, for Emily had sat whimpering there on the day when","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the window-curtain caught fire, and George arrived in the character of fire","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"engine. A glance out of the window, and the acacia tree reminded of the days of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"childhood. Flowers and leaves had fallen, but there stood the tree covered with","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"hoar frost, looking like a single huge branch of coral, and the moon shone clear","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and large among the twigs, unchanged in its changings, as it was when George","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"divided his bread and butter with little Emily.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Out of a box the girl took the drawings of the Czar's palace and of her own","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"castle– remembrances of George. The drawings were looked at, and many thoughts","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"came. She remembered the day when, unobserved by her father and mother, she","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had gone down to the porter's wife who lay dying. Once again she seemed to sit","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"beside her, holding the dying woman's hand in hers, hearing the dying woman's","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"last words: \"Blessing George!\" The mother was thinking of her son, and now Emily","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"gave her own interpretation to those words. Yes, George was certainly with her","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"on her birthday.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"It happened that the next day was another birthday in that house, the General's","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"birthday. He had been born the day after his daughter, but before her of course–","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"many years before her. Many presents arrived, and among them came a saddle","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"of exquisite workmanship, a comfortable and costly saddle– one of the Princes","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had just such another. Now, from whom might this saddle come? The General was","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"delighted. There was a little note with the saddle. Now if the words on the note","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had been \"many thanks for yesterday's reception,\" we might easily have guessed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"from whom it came. But the words were \"From somebody whom the General does not","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"know.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Whom in the world do I not know?\" exclaimed the General. \"I know everybody;\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"and his thoughts wandered all through society, for he knew everybody there.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"That saddle comes from my wife!\" he said at last. \"She is teasing me–","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"charming!\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"But she was not teasing him; those times were past.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Again there was a feast, but it was not in the General's house, it was a fancy","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"ball at the Prince's, and masks were allowed too.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General went as Rubens, in a Spanish costume, with a little ruff round his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"neck, a sword by his side, and a stately manner. The General's lady was Madame","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Rubens, in black velvet made high round the neck, exceedingly warm, and with","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"a mill-stone round her neck in the shape of a great ruff– accurately dressed","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"after a Dutch picture in the possession of the General, in which the hands were","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"especially admired. They were just like the hands of the General's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Emily was Psyche. In white crape and lace she was like a floating swan. She did","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"not want wings at all. She only wore them as emblematic of Psyche.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Brightness, splendor, light and flowers, wealth and taste appeared at the ball;","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"there was so much to see, that the beautiful hands of Madame Rubens made no","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"sensation at all.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"A black domino, with an acacia blossom in his cap, danced with Psyche.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Who is that?\" asked the General's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"His Royal Highness,\" replied the General. \"I am quite sure of it. I knew him","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"directly by the pressure of his hand.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General's lady doubted it.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General Rubens had no doubts about it. He went up to the black domino and wrote","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the royal letters in the mask's hand. These were denied, but the mask gave him a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"hint.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The words that came with the saddle: \"One whom you do not know, General.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"But I do know you,\" said the General. \"It was you who sent me the saddle.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The domino raised his hand, and disappeared among the other guests.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Who is that black domino with whom you were dancing, Emily?\" asked the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I did not ask his name,\" she replied, \"because you knew it. It is the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Professor. Your protege is here, Count!\" she continued, turning to that","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"nobleman, who stood close by. \"A black domino with acacia blossoms in his cap.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Very likely, my dear lady,\" replied the Count. \"But one of the Princes wears","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"just the same costume.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I knew the pressure of the hand,\" said the General. \"The saddle came from the","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Prince. I am so certain of it that I could invite that domino to dinner.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Do so. If it be the Prince he will certainly come,\" replied the Count.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"And if it is the other he will not come,\" said the General, and approached","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the black domino, who was just speaking with the King. The General gave a very","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"respectful invitation \"that they might make each other's acquaintance,\" and he","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"smiled in his certainty concerning the person he was inviting. He spoke loud and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"distinctly.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The domino raised his mask, and it was George. \"Do you repeat your invitation,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"General?\" he asked.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The General certainly seemed to grow an inch taller, assumed a more stately","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"demeanor, and took two steps backward and one step forward, as if he were","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"dancing a minuet, and then came as much gravity and expression into the face of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the General as the General could contrive to infuse into it; but he replied,","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I never retract my words! You are invited, Professor!\" and he bowed with a","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"glance at the King, who must have heard the whole dialogue.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Now, there was a company to dinner at the General's, but only the old Count and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"his protege were invited.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"I have my foot under his table,\" thought George. \"That's laying the foundation","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"stone.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And the foundation stone was really laid, with great ceremony, at the house of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the General and of the General's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The man had come, and had spoken quite like a person in good society, and","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"had made himself very agreeable, so that the General had often to repeat his","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Charming!\" The General talked of this dinner, talked of it even to a court","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"lady; and this lady, one of the most intellectual persons about the court, asked","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"to be invited to meet the Professor the next time he should come. So he had to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"be invited again; and he was invited, and came, and was charming again; he could","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"even play chess.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"He's not out of the cellar,\" said the General; \"he's quite a distinguished","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"person. There are many distinguished persons of that kind, and it's no fault of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"his.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The Professor, who was received in the King's palace, might very well be","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"received by the General; but that he could ever belong to the house was out of","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"the question, only the whole town was talking of it.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"He grew and grew. The dew of favor fell from above, so no one was surprised","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"after all that he should become a Privy Councillor, and Emily a Privy","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"Councillor's lady.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"\"Life is either a tragedy or a comedy,\" said the General. \"In tragedies they","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"die, in comedies they marry one another.\"","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"In this case they married. And they had three clever boys– but not all at once.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"The sweet children rode on their hobby-horses through all the rooms when they","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"came to see the grandparents. And the General also rode on his stick; he rode","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"behind them in the character of groom to the little Privy Councillors.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"And the General's lady sat on her sofa and smiled at them, even when she had her","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"severest headache.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"So far did George get, and much further; else it had not been worth while to","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"tell the story of the porter's son.","book":"The porter's son"} {"text":"You ought to have known Aunty; she was so lovely. And yet, to be more specific,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"she wasn't lovely in the usual sense of the word, but she was sweet and charming","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and funny in her own way - just the type to gossip about when one is in the mood","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"to gossip and be facetious over someone. She should have been put in a play,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"just because she herself simply lived for the theater and everything that goes","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"on in it. She was so very respectable, even if Agent Nob, whom Aunty called","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Snob, said she was stage-struck.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"The theater is my schoolroom,\" she said, \"my fountain of knowledge. There I","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"have brushed up on my old Biblical history. Take Moses, for instance, or Joseph","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and His Brethren - they're operas now. It is from the theater that I've gained","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"my knowledge of world history, geography, and human nature. I've learned about","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Parisian life from French farces - it's naughty, but very interesting. How I","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"have cried over The Riquebourg Family - to think that the husband had to drink","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"himself to death just so his wife could get her young sweetheart! Ah, yes,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"many's the tear I've shed in the fifty years I've been going to the theater!\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty knew every play, every piece of scenery, every actor who came on or ever","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"had come on. She really only lived during the nine months of the theatrical","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"season. A summer without a summer stock company was enough to age her, while","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"an evening at the theater that lasted till past midnight prolonged her life.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"She didn't say, as people did, \"Now we will have spring; the stork has come!\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"or, \"There's an item in the paper about the early strawberries!\" Instead, she","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"announced the coming of autumn, \"Have you seen that the box office is open?","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"They'll begin the performances soon!\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"She reckoned the value of a house and its location by its distance from the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"theater. She was heartbroken to have to leave the narrow alley behind the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"theater and move to a wide street a little farther away, and live in a house","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"where there were no neighbors opposite her.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"At home my window must be my box at the theater. You can't sit by yourself","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"without ever seeing people. But where I live now, it seems as if I've moved way","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"out into the country. If I want to see people, I have to go into the kitchen","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and climb up onto the sink. That's the only way I can see my neighbors. Now, in","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"that old alley of mine I could look right into the linen dealer's, and then I","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"was only three steps from the theater; now I am three thousand steps away - a","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"guardsman's steps, at that!\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty might sometimes be ill, but however badly she happened to feel, she never","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"missed the theater. One evening her doctor ordered her to put her feet in sour-","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"dough poultices; she did as he told her, but rode off to the theater and sat","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"there with her feet in sour dough. If she had died there it would have pleased","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"her. Thorvaldsen died in the theater; and she called that \"a blessed death.\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"She could not imagine heaven if there were no theater there; indeed, it was","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"never promised to us, but it surely was conceivable that the many great actors","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and actresses who had gone on before would want to continue their work.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty had her own private wire from the theater to her room; and the \"telegram\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"came every Sunday for coffee. Her private wire was Mr. Sivertsen, of the stage-","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"setting department. It was he who gave the signal for the raising and lowering","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"of the curtain, the setting or striking of the scenery.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"From him she received a brief, expressive report of each of the plays.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Shakespeare's Tempest he called \"detestable stuff - there's so much to set up!","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Why, it begins with water down to the first side drop!\" That is to say, the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"rolling billows extended far forward on the stage. On the other hand, if a play","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"could go through five acts in one and the same set, he said it was sensible and","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"well written; it was a play of rest that could play itself, without all that","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"setting up to do.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"In the earlier days, Aunty recalled, meaning some thirty-odd years back, when","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"she and Mr. Sivertsen were indeed much younger, he was then already in the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"mechanical department, and, as she called him, her \"benefactor.\" At that time","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"it was customary at the town's big and only theater to admit spectators into","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the cockloft; every stage carpenter had one or two places to dispose of. It was","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"often filled to capacity, and with a very select company; it was said the wives","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"of generals and councilmen had been there, because it was so interesting to","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"look down behind the scenes and see how the performers stood and moved when the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"curtain was down.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty had been there several times, to tragedies and ballets, for the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"productions requiring the largest casts were the most interesting to watch from","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the loft. You sat up there in almost complete darkness, and most people brought","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"their suppers with them. But once three apples and a package of sandwiches","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"filled with sausage fell straight down into the prison where Ugolino was about","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"to die of hunger! The sausage produced a tremendous effect. The audience laughed","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and cheered, and the sausage was one of the main reasons why the management","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"decided to forbid admission to the cockloft.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"But still I've been there thirty-seven times,\" said Aunty. \"And for that I","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"shall always be grateful to Mr. Sivertsen.\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"On the last evening that the cockloft was open to the public, they were","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"giving The Judgment of Solomon. Aunty could remember it so well, for from her","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"benefactor, Mr. Sivertsen, she had obtained a ticket for Agent Nob. Not that he","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"deserved it, for he always made fun of the theater and teased her about it, but","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"still she had got him a seat in the cockloft. He wanted to look at the goings-on","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"in the theater upside down. \"Those were his very words, and just like him,\" said","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"And so he saw The Judgment of Solomon from above, and fell asleep. One would","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"surely have thought that he had come from a big dinner and had drunk many","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"toasts. He slept until after the theater was locked up and had to spend the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"whole dark night up in the loft. He had a story to tell of his waking up, but","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty didn't believe a word of it. The Judgment of Solomon was played out, the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"lights were out, and all the people were out, above and below; but then began","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the epilogue, the real comedy, the best thing of all, according to the agent.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Then life came into the properties, and it wasn't The Judgment of Solomon","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"that was given now; no, it was Judgment Day at the Theater. All this Agent Nob","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"impudently tried to cram into Aunty; that was her thanks for getting him into","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the cockloft.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"The story the agent told was amusing enough to hear, but there were mockery and","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"spite behind it.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"It was very dark up there,\" said the agent, \"but then the witchery began, the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"great spectacle, Judgment Day at the Theater. Ticket takers were at the doors,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and every spectator had to show his spiritual testimonial, to decide whether","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"he could enter free or handcuffed, and with or without a muzzle. Fine society","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"people, who came too late, after the performance had begun, and young fellows","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"who wasted their time were hitched outside. There they were muzzled, and had","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"felt soles put under their shoes, to walk in on in time for the beginning of the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"next scene. And then they began Judgment Day at the Theater.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"Purely wickedness,\" said Aunty, \"which our Lord knows nothing about!\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Had the scene painter wanted to get into heaven he would have had to climb up","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"some stairs he had painted himself but which were too steep for anybody to use.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"That, of course, was because of his sin against perspective. The stage carpenter","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"who had placed the plants and buildings in lands where they didn't belong had to","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"move them into their proper places before cockcrowing time, if he expected to go","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"to heaven. Mr. Nob would have to watch his own chances of getting there! And to","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"hear what he said about the actors, both in comedy and tragedy, or in song and","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"dance - why, it was shameful of Mr. Nob! Mr. Nob! He never deserved his place in","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the cockloft! Aunty didn't believe a word of what he said. He had written it all","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"out, he said - the snob! - and would have it printed, but not until he was dead","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and buried, since he had no wish to be skinned alive.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Only once had Aunty known terror and anguish in her own temple of happiness,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"the theater. It was one of those gray winter days when we have only two hours","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"of foggy daylight; it was cold and snowing, but Aunty was bound for the theater.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"They were giving Hermann von Unna, besides a little opera and a grand ballet,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"with prologue and epilogue - it would last well into the night. Aunty had to be","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"there; her lodger had lent her a pair of sleigh boots, shaggy both outside and","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"inside, that reached all the way up her legs.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty arrived at the theater and was seated in a box; the boots felt warm,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"so she kept them on. Suddenly there arose the cry of \"Fire!\" as smoke rolled","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"from one of the wings and down from the cockloft! There was a fearful panic,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"and people stormed out. Aunty was sitting farthest from the door - \"second","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"tier, left - hand side; from there the decorations look best,\" she said. \"They","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"always arrange them so they will look the prettiest from the King's side of the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"house.\" Now she wanted to get out of there, but the excited people in front of","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"her thoughtlessly slammed and jammed the door shut. There was Aunty, with no","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"way out and no way in, for the partitions between the boxes were too high. She","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"called for help, but nobody heard her. When she looked over at the tier beneath,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"she saw it was empty; the balustrade was low; and the drop wasn't very far. Her","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"fright made her feel young and active, so she prepared to jump. She got one foot","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"on the seat and the other over the railing; there she sat astride, well draped","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"in her flowered skirt, with one long leg dangling below, a leg in a huge sleigh","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"boot. That was a sight to see! And it was seen, when finally her cries were","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"heard; and then she was easily rescued, for the fire didn't amount to much.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"That was the most memorable evening of her life, she said, and she was glad she","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"hadn't seen herself, for she would have died of shame!","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Her benefactor in the mechanical department, Mr. Sivertsen, came to see her","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"regularly every Sunday. But it was a long time between Sundays. So in later","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"years, in the middle of the week, a small child would come to her for the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"\"leavings\"; that is, to get her supper from the remains of Aunty's dinner.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"This little child was a member of the ballet who really needed the food. She","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"played the roles of a page or a fairy, but her hardest part was the hind legs","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"of the lion in Mozart's Magic Flute. She eventually grew up to become the front","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"legs, but for this she was paid only three marks, while as the hind legs she had","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"received one rix-dollar. She had had to creep about as the hind legs, stooping,","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"panting for fresh air. This was very interesting to know, thought Aunty.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"Aunty deserved to have lived as long as the theater itself, but she couldn't","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"hold out that long; nor did she die in the theater, but quietly and decently","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"in her own bed. Her dying words were full of significance; she asked, \"What are","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"they playing tomorrow?\"","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"She must have left about five hundred rix-dollars; we came to that conclusion","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"from the yearly rental, which amounted to twenty rix-dollars. The money was left","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"by Aunty as a legacy for some deserving old spinster who had no family. It was","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"to be used for a seat in the second tier, left side, every Saturday, for that","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"was when they gave the best plays. There was only one condition imposed on the","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"legatee. As she sat in the theater every Saturday, she was to think of Aunty","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"lying in her grave.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"This was Aunty's religion.","book":"Aunty"} {"text":"The well was deep, and therefore the rope had to be a long one; it was heavy","book":"The toad"} {"text":"work turning the handle when any one had to raise a bucketful of water over","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the edge of the well. Though the water was clear, the sun never looked down far","book":"The toad"} {"text":"enough into the well to mirror itself in the waters; but as far as its beams","book":"The toad"} {"text":"could reach, green things grew forth between the stones in the sides of the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"well.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Down below dwelt a family of the Toad race. They had, in fact, come head-over-","book":"The toad"} {"text":"heels down the well, in the person of the old Mother-Toad, who was still alive.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The green Frogs, who had been established there a long time, and swam about in","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the water, called them \"well-guests.\" But the new-comers seemed determined to","book":"The toad"} {"text":"stay where they were, for they found it very agreeable living \"in a dry place,\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"as they called the wet stones.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The Mother-Frog had once been a traveller. She happened to be in the water-","book":"The toad"} {"text":"bucket when it was drawn up, but the light became too strong for her, and she","book":"The toad"} {"text":"got a pain in her eyes. Fortunately she scrambled out of the bucket; but she","book":"The toad"} {"text":"fell into the water with a terrible flop, and had to lie sick for three days","book":"The toad"} {"text":"with pains in her back. She certainly had not much to tell of the things up","book":"The toad"} {"text":"above, but she knew this, and all the Frogs knew it, that the well was not all","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the world. The Mother-Toad might have told this and that, if she had chosen, but","book":"The toad"} {"text":"she never answered when they asked her anything, and so they left off asking.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"She's thick, and fat and ugly,\" said the young green Frogs; \"and her children","book":"The toad"} {"text":"will be just as ugly as she is.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"That may be,\" retorted the mother-Toad, \"but one of them has a jewel in his","book":"The toad"} {"text":"head, or else I have the jewel.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The young frogs listened and stared; and as these words did not please them,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"they made grimaces and dived down under the water. But the little Toads kicked","book":"The toad"} {"text":"up their hind legs from mere pride, for each of them thought that he must have","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the jewel; and then they sat and held their heads quite still. But at length","book":"The toad"} {"text":"they asked what it was that made them so proud, and what kind of a thing a jewel","book":"The toad"} {"text":"might be.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Oh, it is such a splendid and precious thing, that I cannot describe it,\" said","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the Mother-Toad. \"It's something which one carries about for one's own pleasure,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"and that makes other people angry. But don't ask me any questions, for I shan't","book":"The toad"} {"text":"answer you.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Well, I haven't got the jewel,\" said the smallest of the Toads; she was as","book":"The toad"} {"text":"ugly as a toad can be. \"Why should I have such a precious thing? And if it makes","book":"The toad"} {"text":"others angry, it can't give me any pleasure. No, I only wish I could get to the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"edge of the well, and look out; it must be beautiful up there.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"You'd better stay where you are,\" said the old Mother-Toad, \"for you know","book":"The toad"} {"text":"everything here, and you can tell what you have. Take care of the bucket, for it","book":"The toad"} {"text":"will crush you to death; and even if you get into it safely, you may fall out.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"And it's not every one who falls so cleverly as I did, and gets away with whole","book":"The toad"} {"text":"legs and whole bones.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Quack!\" said the little Toad; and that's just as if one of us were to say,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Aha!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"She had an immense desire to get to the edge of the well, and to look over;","book":"The toad"} {"text":"she felt such a longing for the green, up there; and the next morning, when it","book":"The toad"} {"text":"chanced that the bucket was being drawn up, filled with water, and stopped for","book":"The toad"} {"text":"a moment just in front of the stone on which the Toad sat, the little creature's","book":"The toad"} {"text":"heart moved within it, and our Toad jumped into the filled bucket, which","book":"The toad"} {"text":"presently was drawn to the top, and emptied out.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Ugh, you beast!\" said the farm laborer who emptied the bucket, when he saw the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"toad. \"You're the ugliest thing I've seen for one while.\" And he made a kick","book":"The toad"} {"text":"with his wooden shoe at the toad, which just escaped being crushed by managing","book":"The toad"} {"text":"to scramble into the nettles which grew high by the well's brink. Here she saw","book":"The toad"} {"text":"stem by stem, but she looked up also; the sun shone through the leaves, which","book":"The toad"} {"text":"were quite transparent; and she felt as a person would feel who steps suddenly","book":"The toad"} {"text":"into a great forest, where the sun looks in between the branches and leaves.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"It's much nicer here than down in the well! I should like to stay here my whole","book":"The toad"} {"text":"life long!\" said the little Toad. So she lay there for an hour, yes, for two","book":"The toad"} {"text":"hours. \"I wonder what is to be found up here? As I have come so far, I must try","book":"The toad"} {"text":"to go still farther.\" And so she crawled on as fast as she could crawl, and got","book":"The toad"} {"text":"out upon the highway, where the sun shone upon her, and the dust powdered her","book":"The toad"} {"text":"all over as she marched across the way.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"I've got to a dry place now, and no mistake,\" said the Toad. \"It's almost too","book":"The toad"} {"text":"much of a good thing here; it tickles one so.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"She came to the ditch; and forget-me-nots were growing there, and meadow-sweet;","book":"The toad"} {"text":"and a very little way off was a hedge of whitethorn, and elder bushes grew","book":"The toad"} {"text":"there, too, and bindweed with white flowers. Gay colors were to be seen here,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"and a butterfly, too, was flitting by. The Toad thought it was a flower which","book":"The toad"} {"text":"had broken loose that it might look about better in the world, which was quite a","book":"The toad"} {"text":"natural thing to do.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"If one could only make such a journey as that!\" said the Toad. \"Croak! how","book":"The toad"} {"text":"capital that would be.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Eight days and eight nights she stayed by the well, and experienced no want of","book":"The toad"} {"text":"provisions. On the ninth day she thought, \"Forward! onward!\" But what could she","book":"The toad"} {"text":"find more charming and beautiful? Perhaps a little toad or a few green frogs.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"During the last night there had been a sound borne on the breeze, as if there","book":"The toad"} {"text":"were cousins in the neighborhood.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"It's a glorious thing to live! glorious to get out of the well, and to lie","book":"The toad"} {"text":"among the stinging-nettles, and to crawl along the dusty road. But onward,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"onward! that we may find frogs or a little toad. We can't do without that;","book":"The toad"} {"text":"nature alone is not enough for one.\" And so she went forward on her journey.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"She came out into the open field, to a great pond, round about which grew reeds;","book":"The toad"} {"text":"and she walked into it.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"It will be too damp for you here,\" said the Frogs; \"but you are very welcome!","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Are you a he or a she? But it doesn't matter; you are equally welcome.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"And she was invited to the concert in the evening– the family concert; great","book":"The toad"} {"text":"enthusiasm and thin voices; we know the sort of thing. No refreshments were","book":"The toad"} {"text":"given, only there was plenty to drink, for the whole pond was free.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Now I shall resume my journey,\" said the little Toad; for she always felt a","book":"The toad"} {"text":"longing for something better.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"She saw the stars shining, so large and so bright, and she saw the moon","book":"The toad"} {"text":"gleaming; and then she saw the sun rise, and mount higher and higher.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Perhaps after all, I am still in a well, only in a larger well. I must get","book":"The toad"} {"text":"higher yet; I feel a great restlessness and longing.\" And when the moon became","book":"The toad"} {"text":"round and full, the poor creature thought, \"I wonder if that is the bucket which","book":"The toad"} {"text":"will be let down, and into which I must step to get higher up? Or is the sun","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the great bucket? How great it is! how bright it is! It can take up all. I must","book":"The toad"} {"text":"look out, that I may not miss the opportunity. Oh, how it seems to shine in my","book":"The toad"} {"text":"head! I don't think the jewel can shine brighter. But I haven't the jewel; not","book":"The toad"} {"text":"that I cry about that– no, I must go higher up, into splendor and joy! I feel so","book":"The toad"} {"text":"confident, and yet I am afraid. It's a difficult step to take, and yet it must","book":"The toad"} {"text":"be taken. Onward, therefore, straight onward!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"She took a few steps, such as a crawling animal may take, and soon found herself","book":"The toad"} {"text":"on a road beside which people dwelt; but there were flower gardens as well as","book":"The toad"} {"text":"kitchen gardens. And she sat down to rest by a kitchen garden.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"What a number of different creatures there are that I never knew! and how","book":"The toad"} {"text":"beautiful and great the world is! But one must look round in it, and not stay in","book":"The toad"} {"text":"one spot.\" And then she hopped into the kitchen garden. \"How green it is here!","book":"The toad"} {"text":"how beautiful it is here!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"I know that,\" said the Caterpillar, on the leaf, \"my leaf is the largest here.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"It hides half the world from me, but I don't care for the world.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Cluck, cluck!\" And some fowls came. They tripped about in the cabbage garden.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The Fowl who marched at the head of them had a long sight, and she spied the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Caterpillar on the green leaf, and pecked at it, so that the Caterpillar fell on","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the ground, where it twisted and writhed. The Fowl looked at it first with one","book":"The toad"} {"text":"eye and then with the other, for she did not know what the end of this writhing","book":"The toad"} {"text":"would be.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"It doesn't do that with a good will,\" thought the Fowl, and lifted up her head","book":"The toad"} {"text":"to peck at the Caterpillar. The Toad was so horrified at this, that she came","book":"The toad"} {"text":"crawling straight up towards the Fowl.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Aha, it has allies,\" quoth the Fowl. \"Just look at the crawling thing!\" And","book":"The toad"} {"text":"then the Fowl turned away. \"I don't care for the little green morsel; it would","book":"The toad"} {"text":"only tickle my throat.\" The other fowls took the same view of it, and they all","book":"The toad"} {"text":"turned away together.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"I writhed myself free,\" said the Caterpillar. \"What a good thing it is when one","book":"The toad"} {"text":"has presence of mind! But the hardest thing remains to be done, and that is to","book":"The toad"} {"text":"get on my leaf again. Where is it?\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"And the little Toad came up and expressed her sympathy. She was glad that in her","book":"The toad"} {"text":"ugliness she had frightened the fowls.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"What do you mean by that?\" cried the Caterpillar. \"I wriggled myself free","book":"The toad"} {"text":"from the Fowl. You are very disagreeable to look at. Cannot I be left in peace","book":"The toad"} {"text":"on my own property? Now I smell cabbage; now I am near my leaf. Nothing is so","book":"The toad"} {"text":"beautiful as property. But I must go higher up.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Yes, higher up,\" said the little Toad; \"higher-up! She feels just as I do; but","book":"The toad"} {"text":"she's not in a good humor to-day. That's because of the fright. We all want to","book":"The toad"} {"text":"go higher up.\" And she looked up as high as ever she could.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The stork sat in his nest on the roof of the farm-house. He clapped with his","book":"The toad"} {"text":"beak, and the Mother-stork clapped with hers.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"How high up they live!\" thought the Toad. \"If one could only get as high as","book":"The toad"} {"text":"that!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"In the farm-house lived two young students; the one was a poet and the other a","book":"The toad"} {"text":"scientific searcher into the secrets of nature. The one sang and wrote joyously","book":"The toad"} {"text":"of everything that God had created, and how it was mirrored in his heart. He","book":"The toad"} {"text":"sang it out clearly, sweetly, richly, in well-sounding verses; while the other","book":"The toad"} {"text":"investigated created matter itself, and even cut it open where need was. He","book":"The toad"} {"text":"looked upon God's creation as a great sum in arithmetic– subtracted, multiplied,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"and tried to know it within and without, and to talk with understanding","book":"The toad"} {"text":"concerning it; and that was a very sensible thing; and he spoke joyously and","book":"The toad"} {"text":"cleverly of it. They were good, joyful men, those two,","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"There sits a good specimen of a toad,\" said the naturalist. \"I must have that","book":"The toad"} {"text":"fellow in a bottle of spirits.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"You have two of them already,\" replied the poet. \"Let the thing sit there and","book":"The toad"} {"text":"enjoy its life.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"But it's so wonderfully ugly,\" persisted the first.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Yes, if we could find the jewel in its head,\" said the poet, \"I too should be","book":"The toad"} {"text":"for cutting it open.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"A jewel!\" cried the naturalist. \"You seem to know a great deal about natural","book":"The toad"} {"text":"history.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"But is there not something beautiful in the popular belief that just as the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"toad is the ugliest of animals, it should often carry the most precious jewel","book":"The toad"} {"text":"in its head? Is it not just the same thing with men? What a jewel that was that","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Aesop had, and still more, Socrates!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The Toad did not hear any more, nor did she understand half of what she had","book":"The toad"} {"text":"heard. The two friends walked on, and thus she escaped the fate of being bottled","book":"The toad"} {"text":"up in spirits.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Those two also were speaking of the jewel,\" said the Toad to herself. \"What","book":"The toad"} {"text":"a good thing that I have not got it! I might have been in a very disagreeable","book":"The toad"} {"text":"position.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Now there was a clapping on the roof of the farm-house. Father-Stork was making","book":"The toad"} {"text":"a speech to his family, and his family was glancing down at the two young men in","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the kitchen garden.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Man is the most conceited creature!\" said the Stork. \"Listen how their jaws are","book":"The toad"} {"text":"wagging; and for all that they can't clap properly. They boast of their gifts","book":"The toad"} {"text":"of eloquence and their language! Yes, a fine language truly! Why, it changes in","book":"The toad"} {"text":"every day's journey we make. One of them doesn't understand another. Now, we can","book":"The toad"} {"text":"speak our language over the whole earth– up in the North and in Egypt. And then","book":"The toad"} {"text":"men are not able to fly, moreover. They rush along by means of an invention they","book":"The toad"} {"text":"call 'railway;' but they often break their necks over it. It makes my beak turn","book":"The toad"} {"text":"cold when I think of it. The world could get on without men. We could do without","book":"The toad"} {"text":"them very well, so long as we only keep frogs and earth-worms.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"That was a powerful speech,\" thought the little Toad. \"What a great man that","book":"The toad"} {"text":"is yonder! and how high he sits! Higher than ever I saw any one sit yet; and how","book":"The toad"} {"text":"he can swim!\" she cried, as the Stork soared away through the air with outspread","book":"The toad"} {"text":"pinions.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"And the Mother-Stork began talking in the nest, and told about Egypt and the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"waters of the Nile, and the incomparable mud that was to be found in that","book":"The toad"} {"text":"strange land; and all this sounded new and very charming to the little Toad.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"I must go to Egypt!\" said she. \"If the Stork or one of his young ones would","book":"The toad"} {"text":"only take me! I would oblige him in return. Yes, I shall get to Egypt, for I","book":"The toad"} {"text":"feel so happy! All the longing and all the pleasure that I feel is much better","book":"The toad"} {"text":"than having a jewel in one's head.\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"And it was just she who had the jewel. That jewel was the continual striving and","book":"The toad"} {"text":"desire to go upward– ever upward. It gleamed in her head, gleamed in joy, beamed","book":"The toad"} {"text":"brightly in her longing.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Then, suddenly, up came the Stork. He had seen the Toad in the grass, and","book":"The toad"} {"text":"stooped down and seized the little creature anything but gently. The Stork's","book":"The toad"} {"text":"beak pinched her, and the wind whistled; it was not exactly agreeable, but she","book":"The toad"} {"text":"was going upward– upward towards Egypt– and she knew it; and that was why her","book":"The toad"} {"text":"eyes gleamed, and a spark seemed to fly out of them.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"\"Quunk!– ah!\"","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The body was dead– the Toad was killed! But the spark that had shot forth from","book":"The toad"} {"text":"her eyes; what became of that?","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The sunbeam took it up; the sunbeam carried the jewel from the head of the toad.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Whither?","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Ask not the naturalist; rather ask the poet. He will tell it thee under the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"guise of a fairy tale; and the Caterpillar on the cabbage, and the Stork","book":"The toad"} {"text":"family belong to the story. Think! the Caterpillar is changed, and turns into","book":"The toad"} {"text":"a beautiful butterfly; the Stork family flies over mountains and seas, to the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"distant Africa, and yet finds the shortest way home to the same country– to the","book":"The toad"} {"text":"same roof. Nay, that is almost too improbable; and yet it is true. You may ask","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the naturalist, he will confess it is so; and you know it yourself, for you have","book":"The toad"} {"text":"seen it.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"But the jewel in the head of the toad?","book":"The toad"} {"text":"Seek it in the sun; see it there if you can.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"The brightness is too dazzling there. We have not yet such eyes as can see into","book":"The toad"} {"text":"the glories which God has created, but we shall receive them by-and-by; and that","book":"The toad"} {"text":"will be the most beautiful story of all, and we shall all have our share in it.","book":"The toad"} {"text":"A rose tree drooped in the window. Not so long ago it was green and blooming,","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"but now it looked sickly - something was wrong with it. A regiment of invaders","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"were eating it up; and, by the way, it was a very decent and respectable","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"regiment, dressed in green uniforms. I spoke to one of the invaders; he was only","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"three days old but already a grandfather. Do you know what he said? Well, what","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"he said is all true - he spoke of himself and the rest of the invaders. Listen!","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"\"We're the strangest regiment of creatures in the world! Our young ones are born","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"in the summertime, for the weather is pleasant then. We're engaged and have the","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"wedding at once. When it gets cold we lay our eggs, and the little ones are snug","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"and warm. The ant, that wisest of creatures (we have a great deal of respect for","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"him!), studies us and appreciates us. He doesn't eat us up all at once; instead,","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"he takes our eggs and lays them out on the ground floor of his and his family's","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"anthill - stores layer after layer of them, all labeled and numbered, side by","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"side, so that every day a new one may creep out of the egg. Then he keeps us in","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"a stable, pinches our hind legs, and milks us, and then we die. It is really a","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"great pleasure. The ants have the prettiest name for us - `little milch cow!'","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"\"All creatures who have the common sense that the ant has call us that; it's","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"only humans who don't, and that is an insult great enough to embitter all our","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"lives. Couldn't you write us a protest against it? Couldn't you put those people","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"in their right place? They look at us so stupidly, look at us with jealous","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"eyes, just because we eat rose leaves, while they eat everything that's created,","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"everything that is green or grows. Oh, they give us the most despicable, the","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"most distasteful name: I won't even repeat it! Ugh! It turns my stomach; no,","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"I won't repeat it - at least not when I'm wearing my uniform, and I am always","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"wearing my uniform!","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"\"I was born on a rose leaf. My whole regiment and I live off the rose tree; but","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"then it lives again in us, who are of a higher order of beings. Humans detest","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"us! They come and kill us with soapsuds - that's a horrible drink! I seem to","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"smell it even now; it's dreadful to be washed when you're born not to be washed.","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"Man, you who look at us with your stupid soapsud eyes, consider what our place","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"in nature is; consider our artistic way of laying eggs and breeding children!","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"We have been blessed to accomplish and multiply! We are born on the roses and","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"we die in the roses - our whole life is a lovely poem. Don't call us by that","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"name which you yourself think most despicable and ugly - the name I can't bear","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"to speak or to repeat! Instead, call us the ants' milch cows, the rose-tree","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"regiment, the little green ones!\"","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"And I, the man, stood looking at the tree and at the little green ones - whose","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"name I'll not mention, for I shouldn't like to hurt the feelings of a citizen of","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"the rose tree, a large family with eggs and youngsters. And the soapsuds I was","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"going to wash them in, for I had come with soap and water and evil intentions -","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"I'll blow it to foam and use it for soap bubbles instead. Look at the splendor!","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"Perhaps there's a fairy tale in each. And the bubble grows so large with radiant","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"colors, looking as if there were a silver pearl lying inside it!","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"The bubble swayed, and drifted to the door, and burst; but the door sprung wide","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"open, and there was Mother Fairy Tale herself! Yes, now she will tell you better","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"than I can about - I won't say the name - the little green ones.","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"\"Tree lice!\" said Mother Fairy Tale. \"You should call things by their right","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"names; if you do not always dare to do so, you should at least be able to do it","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"in a fairy tale!\"","book":"The little green ones"} {"text":"You know the Goblin, but do you know the Woman-the Gardener's wife? She was very","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"well read and knew poems by heart; yes, and she could write them, too, easily,","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"except that the rhymes-\"clinchings,\" as she called them-gave her a little","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"trouble. She had the gift of writing and the gift of speech; she could very well","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"have been a parson or at least a parson's wife.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"The earth is beautiful in her Sunday gown,\" she said, and this thought she had","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"expanded and set down in poetic form, with \"clinchings,\" making a poem that was","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"so long and lovely.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"The Assistant Schoolmaster, Mr. Kisserup (not that his name matters at all), was","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"her nephew, and on a visit to the Gardener's he heard the poem. It did him good,","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"he said, a lot of good. \"You have soul, Madam,\" he said.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Stuff and nonsense!\" said the Gardener. \"Don't be putting such ideas in her","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"head! Soul! A wife should be a body, a good, plain, decent body, and watch the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"pot, to keep the porridge from burning.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"I can take the burnt taste out of the porridge with a bit of charcoal,\" said","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"the Woman. \"And I can take the burnt taste out of you with a little kiss. You","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"pretend you don't think of anything but cabbage and potatoes, but you love the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"flowers, too.\" Then she kissed him. \"Flowers are the soul!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Mind your pot!\" he said, as he went off to the garden. That was his pot, and he","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"minded it.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"But the Assistant Schoolmaster stayed on, talking to the woman. Her lovely","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"words, \"Earth is beautiful,\" he made a whole sermon of, which was his habit.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Earth is beautiful, and it shall be subject unto you! was said, and we became","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"lords of the earth. One person rules with the mind, one with the body; one comes","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"into the world like an exclamation mark of astonishment, another like a dash","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"that denotes faltering thought, so that we pause and ask, why is he here? One","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"man becomes a bishop, another just a poor assistant schoolmaster, but everything","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"is for the best. Earth is beautiful and always in her Sunday gown. That was a","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"thought-provoking poem, Madam, full of feeling and geography!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"You have soul, Mr. Kisserup,\" said the Woman, \"a great deal of soul, I assure","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"you. After talking with you, one clearly understands oneself.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"And so they talked on, equally well and beautifully. But out in the kitchen","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"somebody else was talking, and that was the Goblin, the little gray-dressed","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Goblin with the red cap-you know the fellow. The Goblin was sitting in the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"kitchen, acting as pot watcher. He was talking, but nobody heard him except the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"big black Pussycat-\"Cream Thief,\" the Woman called him.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"The Goblin was mad at her because he had learned she didn't believe in his","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"existence. Of course, she had never seen him, but with all her reading she","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"ought to have realized he did exist and have paid him a little attention. On","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Christmas Eve she never thought of setting out so much as a spoonful of porridge","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"for him, though all his ancestors had received that, and even from women who had","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"no learning at all. Their porridge used to be so swimming with cream and butter","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"that it made the Cat's mouth water to hear about it.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"She calls me just a notion!\" said the Goblin. \"And that's more than I can","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"understand. In fact, she simply denies me! I've listened to her saying so","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"before, and again just now in there, where she's driveling to that boy whipper,","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"that Assistant Schoolmaster. I say with Pop, 'Mind the pot!' That she doesn't","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"do, so now I am going to make it boil over!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"And the Goblin blew on the fire till it burned and blazed up. \"Surre-rurre-rup!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"And the pot boiled over.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"And now I'm going to pick holes in Pop's socks,\" said the Goblin. \"I'll unravel","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"a large piece, both in toe and heel, so she'll have something to darn; that","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"is, if she is not too busy writing poetry. Madam Poetess, please darn Pop's","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"stocking!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"The Cat sneezed; he had caught a cold, though he always wore a fur coat.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"I've opened the door to the larder,\" said the Goblin. \"There's boiled cream in","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"there as thick as paste. If you won't have a lick I will.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"If I am going to get all the blame and the whipping for it, anyway,\" said the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Cat, \"I'll lick my share of the cream.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"First a lick, then a kick!\" said the Goblin. \"But now I'm off to the Assistant","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Schoolmaster's room, where I'll hang his suspenders on the mirror, put his socks","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"into the water pitcher, and make him think the punch was too strong and has","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"his brain in a whirl. Last night I sat on the woodpile by the kennel. I have a","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"lot of fun teasing the watchdog; I let my legs dangle in front of him. The dog","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"couldn't reach them, no matter how hard he jumped; that made him mad, he barked","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"and barked, and I dingled and dangled; we made a lot of noise! The Assistant","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Schoolmaster woke up and jumped out of bed three times, but he couldn't see","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"me,though he was wearing his spectacles. He always sleeps with his spectacles","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"on.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Say mew when you hear the Woman coming,\" said the Cat. \"I'm a little deaf. I","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"don't feel well today.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"You have the licking sickness,\" said the Goblin. \"Lick away; lick your sickness","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"away. But be sure to wipe your whiskers, so the cream won't show on it. I'm off","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"to do a little eavesdropping.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"So the Goblin stood behind the door, and the door stood ajar. There was nobody","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"in the parlor except the Woman and the Assistant Schoolmaster. They were","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"discussing things which, as the Assistant Schoolmaster so nobly observed, ought","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"to rank in every household above pots and pans-the Gifts of the Soul.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Mr. Kisserup,\" said the Woman, \"since we are discussing this subject, I'll show","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"you something along that line which I've never yet shown to a living soul-least","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"of all a man. They're my smaller poems; however, some of them are rather long.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"I have called them 'Clinchings by a Danneqvinde.' You see, I am very fond of old","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Danish words!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"Yes, we should hold onto them,\" said the Assistant Schoolmaster. \"We should","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"root the German out of our language.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"That I am doing, too!\" said the Woman. \"You'll never hear me speak of Kleiner","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"or Butterteig;no, I call them fatty cakes and paste leaves.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Then she took a writing book, in a light green cover, with two blotches of ink","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"on it, from her drawer.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"There is much in this book that is serious,\" she said. \"My mind tends toward","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"the melancholy. Here is my 'The Sign in the Night,' 'My Evening Red,' and 'When","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"I Got Klemmensen'-my husband; that one you may skip over, though it has thought","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"and feeling. 'The Housewife's Duties' is the best one-sorrowful, like all the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"rest; that's my best style. Only one piece is comical; it contains some lively","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"thoughts-one must indulge in them occasionally-thoughts about-now, you mustn't","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"laugh at me-thoughts about being a poetess! Up to now it has been a secret","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"between me and my drawer; now you know it, too, Mr. Kisserup. I love poetry; it","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"haunts me; it jeers, advises, and commands. That's what I mean by my title, 'The","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Little Goblin.' You know the old peasants' superstitions about the Goblin who","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"is always playing tricks in the house. I myself am the house, and my poetical","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"feelings are the Goblin, the spirit that possesses me. I have written about his","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"power and strength in 'The Little Goblin'; but you must promise with your hands","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"and lips never to give away my secret, either to my husband or to anyone else.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Read it loud, so that I can tell if you understand the meaning.\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"And the Assistant Schoolmaster read, and the Woman listened, and so did the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"little Goblin. He was eavesdropping, you'll remember, and he came just in time","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"to hear the title 'The Little Goblin.'","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"That's about me!\" he said. \"What could she have been written about me? Oh, I'll","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"pinch her! I'll chip her eggs, and pinch her chickens, and chase the fat off her","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"fatted calf! Just watch me do it!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"And then he listened with pursed lips and long ears; but when he heard of the","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Goblin's power and glory, and his rule over the woman (she meant poetry, you","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"know, but the Goblin took the name literally), the little fellow began grinnning","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"more and more. His eyes brightened with delight; then the corners of his mouth","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"set sternly in lines of dignity; he drew himself up on his toes a whole inch","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"higher than usual; he was greatly pleased with what was written about the Little","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Goblin.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"I've done her wrong! The Woman has soul and fine breeding! How, I have done her","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"wrong! She has put me into her 'Clinchings,' and they'll be printed and read.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"Now I won't allow the Cat to drink her cream; I'll do that myself! One drinks","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"less than two, so that'll be a saving; and that I shall do, and pay honor and","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"respect to the Woman!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"\"He's a man all right, that Goblin,\" said the old Cat. \"Just one sweet mew from","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"the Woman, a mew about himself, and he immediately changes his mind! She is a","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"sly one, the Woman!\"","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"But the Woman wasn't sly; it was just that the Goblin was a man.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"If you can't understand this story, ask somebody to explain it to you; but don't","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"ask the Goblin or the Woman, either.","book":"The goblin and the woman"} {"text":"It is unbelievable all that children know nowadays; one can scarcely say what","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"they don't know. They no longer believe the old story that the stork brought","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"them to father and mother out of the well or the millpond when they were little,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and yet it is really true.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"But how did the little ones get down into the millpond or the well? Ah, not","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"everyone knows that, but there are some who do. Have you ever gazed at the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"sky on a clear, starry night and watched the many shooting stars? It is as if","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"the stars fall from and disappear into nowhere. Even the most learned persons","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"can't explain what they don't know themselves; but one can explain this when","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"he knows it. It is like a little Christmas-tree candle that falls from heaven","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and is blown out. It is a soul spark from our Lord that flies toward the earth,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and when it reaches our thick, heavy air, it loses its brilliancy, becoming","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"something that our eyes cannot see, something much finer than air itself; it","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"is a little child from heaven, a little angel, but without wings, for it is to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"become a human child.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Softly it glides through the air, and the wind carries it into a flower, which","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"may be an orchid, a dandelion, a rose, or a cowslip, and there it lies and rests","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"itself. And so light and airy is it that a fly can carry it off, as, of course,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"a bee can, when they alternately come to seek the sweetness of the flower. If","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"the little air child lies in their way, they do not brush it aside. That they","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"wouldn't have the heart to do! They take it and lay it under the leaf of a water","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"lily in the sunshine, and from there it crawls and creeps into the water, where","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"it sleeps and grows until it is large enough for the stork to see and bring to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"a human family that has been longing for a sweet little child. But whether it","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"becomes sweet or not depends on whether it has drunk pure clean water or has","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"swallowed mud and duckweed the wrong way; that makes one so filthy!","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"The stork, always without preference, takes the first one he sees. One goes to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"kind and loving parents in a fine home; another comes to unpleasant people in","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"such misery that it would have been much better for it to have remained in the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"millpond.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"The little ones can never remember afterward what they dreamed while they","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"were lying under the water-lily leaf, listening to the frogs in the evening","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"singing, \"Coax! Coax! Coax!\" In human language that means, \"Now you go to sleep","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and dream!\" Nor can they remember the flower where they first lay, nor how it","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"smelled; and yet there is always something inside them, even when they are grown","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"people, which makes them say, \"I like this flower the best.\" That's because it","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"is the one in which they were placed when they were air children.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"The stork lives to be a very old bird, and he always has interest in the little","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"ones he has brought and watches how they get along in the world and how they","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"behave themselves. Of course, he can't do much for them or change anything in","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"their lives, for he has his own family to look after, but at least he never lets","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"them get out of his thoughts.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"I know a very worthy, honest old stork who has had a great deal of experience,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and has brought many little ones out of the water, and knows their stories - in","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"which there is always a little mud and duckweed from the millpond. I begged him","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"to tell me the story of one of them, and he said I should have three instead of","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"one, and all from the Pietersens' house.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"The Pietersens were an extremely nice family; the father was one of the thirty-","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"two members of the town council, and that was an honor; he was completely","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"wrapped up in his work with the thirty-two councilmen. When the stork brought a","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"little fellow to this home he was named Peiter; the next year the stork brought","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"another, and they named him Peter, and when the third one came they called","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"him Peer - for all three names - Peiter, Peter, and Peer - are parts of the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"name Pietersen. So there were three brothers here - three shooting stars - and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"each had been cradled in a flower, then laid under the water-lily leaf in the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"millpond, and brought from there by the stork to the Pietersen family, whose","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"house is on the corner, as you surely know.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"They grew in body and mind, and wanted to become something more than the thirty-","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"two councilmen were. Peiter had decided he wanted to be a robber; he had just","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"seen the play Fra Diavolo, and that had convinced him that a robber's life was","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"the most delightful in the world. Peter wanted to be a trash collector. And","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Peer, who was such a sweet and good boy, round and plump, whose only fault was","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"biting his nails, wanted to be \"Papa.\" That was what each of them said he was","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"going to be in life, whenever anybody asked them about it.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Then they went to school. One was at the head of the class, and one at the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"foot, and one in the middle, but in spite of that they could be equally good and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"clever, and they were, said their very clearsighted parents. The three went to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"children's parties; they smoked when nobody was watching. They gained knowledge","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and made acquaintances.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"From the time he was quite small, Peiter was quarrelsome, just the way a robber","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"ought to be. He was a very naughty boy, but his mother said that came from worms","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"- naughty children always have worms - or from mud in the stomach. And one day","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"his mother's new silk dress suffered from his obstinacy and naughtiness.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"\"Don't push the tea table, my good little lamb,\" she had said. \"You might tip","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"over the cream pitcher, and then I'd get spots on my new silk dress.\"","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"And so the \"good little lamb\" firmly took up the cream pitcher and firmly poured","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"all the cream right into Mamma's lap. Mamma couldn't help saying, \"Oh, lamb,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"lamb, that was careless of you, lamb!\" But she had to admit that the child had a","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"will of his own. A will means character, and that's very promising to a mother.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"He might, of course, have become a robber, but he didn't, in the actual sense","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"of the word; he only came to look like one, with his slouch hat, bare throat,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and long, lank hair. He was supposed to be an artist, but he only got as far as","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"the clothes. He looked like a hollyhock, and all the people he made drawings of","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"looked like hollyhocks, so lanky were they. He was very fond of hollyhocks, and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"the stork said he had lain in that flower when he was an air child.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Peter must have lain in a buttercup. He looked buttery around the corners of","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"his mouth, and his skin was so yellow that one would think that if his cheek","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"were cut, butter would ooze out. He should have been a butter dealer, and could","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"have been his own signboard; but on the inside he was a trash collector with a","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"rattle. He was a musician of the Pietersen family - \"musical enough for all of","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"them,\" the neighbors said. He composed seventeen new polkas in one week, and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"then put them all together and made an opera out of them, with a trumpet and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"rattle accompaniment. Ugh! How delightful that was!","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Peer was white and red, small and quite ordinary; he had lain in a daisy.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"He never hit back when the other boys beat him up; he said he was the most","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"sensible, and the most sensible always gives way first.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"He was a collector, first of slate pencils, and later of letter seals. Then","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"he got a little cabinet of curiosities of natural history, in which were the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"skeleton of a stickleback, three blind baby rats preserved in alcohol, and","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"a stuffed mole. Peer had a keen appreciation of science and an eye for the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"beauties of nature, and that was a comfort to his parents and to him, too.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"He preferred wandering in the woods to going to school, preferred nature to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"education.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Both his brothers were engaged to be married, but he could think of nothing but","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"completing his collection of water-bird eggs. He knew much more about animals","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"than he did about human beings; he even thought we could never reach the heights","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"of the animals in the feeling we consider the loftiest of all - love. He saw","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"that when the female nightingale was setting on the nest, Papa Nightingale would","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"perch on a branch close by and sing to his little wife all night, \"Kluk-kluk!","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Zi-Zi! Lo-lo-li!\" Peer knew he could never do that or even think of doing such","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"a thing. When Mamma Stork had her babies in the nest, Father Stork stood guard","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"on the edge of the roof all night, on one leg. Peer couldn't have stood that way","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"for an hour!","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Then one day when he examined a spider's web, and saw what was in it, he gave","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"up completely any idea of marriage. Mr. Spider weaves his web for catching","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"thoughtless flies, old and young, fat and lean; he lives only to weave and to","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"support his family. But Madam Spider lives only for him. Out of sheer love she","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"eats him up; she eats his heart, his head, his stomach, until only his long thin","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"legs are left in the web where he used to sit, anxious for the welfare of his","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"family. Now that's the real truth, right out of the natural-history book! When","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Peer saw all this he grew very thoughtful; to be so dearly loved by a wife that","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"she eats one up out of violent love? No! No human being could love like that,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and would it be desirable, anyway?","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"Peer resolved never to marry, or even to give or take a kiss, for that might","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"seem the first step toward marriage. But he did receive a kiss, anyway, the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"same kiss we all get someday, the great kiss of Death. When we have lived long","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"enough, Death is given the order, \"kiss him away,\" and so away the human goes.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"A ray of sunshine comes straight from our Lord, so bright that it almost blinds","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"one. Then the soul that came from heaven as a shooting star goes back like a","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"shooting star, but this time not to sleep in a flower or dream beneath the leaf","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"of the water lily; it has more important things than that to do. It enters the","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"great land of eternity; but what that is like and what it looks like there, no","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"one can say. No one has looked into it, not even the stork, though he sees far","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"and knows much.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"The stork knew nothing more of Peer, whereas he could have told me lots more","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"about Peiter and Peter. But I had heard enough of them, and I suppose you have,","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"too, so I thanked him and bade him good-by for this time. But now he demands","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"three frogs and a little snake as payment for this simple little story - you","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"see, he takes his pay in food. Will you pay him? I can't; I have neither frogs","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"nor snakes.","book":"Peiter, Peter, and Peer"} {"text":"\"Such lovely roses!\" said the Sunshine. \"And each bud will soon burst in bloom","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"and be equally beautiful. These are my children. It is I who have kissed them to","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"life.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"They are my children,\" said the Dew. \"It is I who have nourished them with my","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"tears.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"I should think I am their mother,\" the Rose Bush said. \"You and Sunshine are","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"only their godmothers, who have made them presents in keeping with your means","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"and your good will.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"My lovely Rose children!\" they exclaimed, all three. They wished each flower to","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"have the greatest happiness. But only one could be the happiest, and one must be","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"the least happy. But which of them?","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"I'll find out,\" said the Wind. \"I roam far and wide. I find my way into the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"tiniest crevices. I know everything, inside and out.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Each rose in bloom heard his words, and each growing bud understood them.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Just then a sad devoted mother, in deep mourning, walked through the garden.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"She picked one of the roses; it was only half-blown but fresh and full. To her","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it seemed the loveliest of them all, and she took it to her quiet, silent room,","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"where only a few days past her cheerful and lively young daughter had merrily","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"tripped to and fro. Now she lay in the black coffin, as lifeless as a sleeping","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"marble figure. The mother kissed her departed daughter. Then she kissed the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"half-blown rose, and laid it on the young girl's breast, as if by its freshness,","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"and by the fond kiss of a mother, her beloved child's heart might again begin to","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"beat.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"The rose seemed to expand. Every petal trembled with joy. \"What a lovely way has","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"been set for me to go,\" it said. \"Like a human child, I am given a mother's kiss","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"and her blessing as I go to the blessed land unknown, dreaming upon the breast","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of Death's pale angel.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"Surely I am the happiest of all my sisters.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"In the garden where the Rose Bush grew, walked an old woman whose business","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it was to weed the flower beds. She also looked at the beautiful bush, with","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"especial interest in the largest full-blown rose. One more fall of dew, one more","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"warm day, and its petals would shatter. When the old woman saw this she said","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"that the rose had lived long enough for beauty, and that now she intended to put","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it to practical use. Then she picked it, wrapped it in old newspaper, and took","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it home, where she put it with other faded roses and those blue boys they call","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"lavender, in a potpouri, embalmed in salt. Mind you, embalmed - an honor granted","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"only to roses and kings.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"I will be the most highly honored,\" the rose declared, as the old weed puller","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"took her. \"I am the happiest one, for I am to be embalmed.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Then two young men came strolling through the garden. One was a painter; the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"other was a poet. Each plucked a rose most fair to see. The painter put upon","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"canvas a likeness of the rose in bloom, a picture so perfect and so lovely that","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"the rose itself supposed it must be looking into a mirror.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"In this way,\" said the painter, \"it shall live on, for generations upon","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"generations, while countless other roses fade and die.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"Ah!\" said the rose, \"after all, it is I who have been most highly favored. I","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"had the best luck of all.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"But the poet looked at his rose, and wrote a poem about it to express the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"mystery of love. Yes, his book was a complete picture of love. It was a piece of","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"immortal verse.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"This book has made me immortal,\" the rose said. \"I am the most fortunate one.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"In the midst of these splendid roses was one whom the others hid almost","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"completely. By accident, and perhaps by good fortune, it had a slight defect. It","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"sat slightly askew on its stem, and the leaves on one side of it did not match","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"those on the other. Moreover, in the very heart of the flower grew a crippled","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"leaf, small and green.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Such things happen, even to roses.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"Poor child,\" said the Wind, and kissed its cheek. The rose took this kiss for","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"one of welcome and tribute. It had a feeling that it was made differently from","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"the other roses, and that the green leaf growing in the heart of it was a mark","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of distinction. A butterfly fluttered down and kissed its petals. It was a","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"suitor, but the rose let him fly away. Then a tremendously big grasshopper came,","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"seated himself on a rose near-by, and rubbed his shins. Strangely enough, among","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"grasshoppers this is a token of affection.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"The rose on which he perched did not understand it that way, but the one with","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"the green crippled leaf did, for the big grasshopper looked at her with eyes","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"that clearly meant, \"I love you so much I could eat you.\" Surely this is as far","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"as love can go, when one becomes part of another. But the rose was not taken","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"in, and flatly refused to become one with this jumping fop. Then, in the starlit","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"night a nightingale sang.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"He is singing just for me,\" said the rose with the blemish, or with the mark","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of distinction as she considered it. \"Why am I so honored, above all my sisters?","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Why was I given this peculiarity - which makes me the luckiest one?\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Next to appear in the garden were two gentlemen, smoking their cigars. They","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"spoke about roses and about tobacco. Roses, they say, are not supposed to","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"stand tobacco smoke; it fades them and turns them green. This was to be tested,","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"but the gentlemen would not take it upon themselves to try it out on the more","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"perfect roses.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"They tried it on the one with the defect.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"Ah ha! a new honor,\" the rose said. \"I am lucky indeed - the luckiest of all.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"And she turned green with conceit and tobacco smoke.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"One rose, little more than a bud but perhaps the loveliest one on the bush, was","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"chosen by the gardener for the place of honor in an artistically tied bouquet.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"It was taken to the proud young heir of the household, and rode beside him","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"in his coach. Among other fragrant flowers and beautiful green leaves it sat","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"in all its glory, sharing in the splendor of the festivities. Gentlemen and","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"ladies, superbly dressed, sat there in the light of a thousand lamps as the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"music played. The theater was so brilliantly illuminated that it seemed a sea","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of light. Through it swept a storm of applause as a young dancer came upon the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"stage. One bouquet after another showered down, in a rain of flowers at her","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"feet.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"There fell the bouquet in which the lovely rose was set like a precious stone.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"The happiness it felt was complete, beyond any description. It felt all the","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"honor and splendor around it, and as it touched the floor it fell to dancing","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"too. The rose jumped for joy. It bounded across the stage at such a rate that","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it broke from its stem. The flower never came into the hands of the dancer.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"It rolled rapidly into the wings, where a stage hand picked it up. He saw","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"how lovely and fragrant the rose was, but it had no stem. He pocketed it, and","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"when he got home he put it in a wine glass filled with water. There the flower","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"lay throughout the night, and early next morning it was placed beside his","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"grandmother. Feeble and old, she sat in her easy chair and gazed at the lovely","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"stemless rose that delighted her with its fragrance.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"You did not come to the fine table of a lady of fashion,\" she said.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"You came to a poor old woman. But to me you are like a whole rosebush. How","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"lovely you are.\" Happy as a child, she gazed at the flower, and perhaps recalled","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"the days of her own blooming youth that now had faded away.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"The window pane was cracked,\" said the Wind. \"I got in without any trouble. I","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"saw the old woman's eyes as bright as youth itself, and I saw the stemless but","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"beautiful rose in the wine glass. Oh, it was the happiest of them all! I knew","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"it! I could tell!\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"Every rose on that bush in the garden had its own story. Each rose was convinced","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"that it was the happiest one, and it is faith that makes us happy. But the last","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"rose knew indeed that it was the happiest.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"I have outlasted them all,\" it said. \"I am the last rose, the only one left, my","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"mother's most cherished child!\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"And I am the mother of them all,\" the Rose Bush said.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"No, I am,\" said the Sunshine.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"And I,\" said the Dew.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"Each had a share in it,\" the Wind at last decided, \"and each shall have a part","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of it.\" And then the Wind swept its leaves out over the hedge where the dew had","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"fallen, and where the sun was shining.","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"\"I have my share too,\" said the Wind. \"I have the story of all the roses, and I","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"shall spread it throughout the wide world. Tell me then, which was the happiest","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"of them all? Yes, that you must tell, for I have said enough.\"","book":"Which was the happiest?"} {"text":"On board a steamer I once met an elderly man, with such a merry face that,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"if it was really an index of his mind, he must have been the happiest fellow","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"in creation; and indeed he considered himself so, for I heard it from his","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"own mouth. He was a Dane, the owner of a travelling theatre. He had all his","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"company with him in a large box, for he was the proprietor of a puppet-show.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"His inborn cheerfulness, he said, had been tested by a member of the Polytechnic","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"Institution, and the experiment had made him completely happy. I did not at","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"first understand all this, but afterwards he explained the whole story to me;","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and here it is:–","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"\"I was giving a representation,\" he said, \"in the hall of the posting-house in","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the little town of Slagelse; there was a splendid audience, entirely juvenile","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"excepting two respectable matrons. All at once, a person in black, of student-","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"like appearance, entered the room, and sat down; he laughed aloud at the","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"telling points, and applauded quite at the proper time. This was a very unusual","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"spectator for me, and I felt anxious to know who he was. I heard that he was","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"a member of the Polytechnic Institution in Copenhagen, who had been sent out","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"to lecture to the people in the provinces. Punctually at eight o'clock my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"performance closed, for children must go early to bed, and a manager must also","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"consult the convenience of the public.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"At nine o'clock the lecturer commenced his lecture and his experiments, and","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"then I formed a part of his audience. It was wonderful both to hear and to see.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"The greater part of it was beyond my comprehension, but it led me to think that","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"if we men can acquire so much, we must surely be intended to last longer than","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the little span which extends only to the time when we are hidden away under","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the earth. His experiments were quite miracles on a small scale, and yet the","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"explanations flowed as naturally as water from his lips. At the time of Moses","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and the prophets, such a man would have been placed among the sages of the land;","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"in the middle ages they would have burnt him at the stake.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"All night long I could not sleep; and the next evening when I gave another","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"performance and the lecturer was present, I was in one of my best moods.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"I once heard of an actor, who, when he had to act the part of a lover, always","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"thought of one particular lady in the audience; he only played for her, and","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"forgot all the rest of the house, and now the Polytechnic lecturer was my she,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"my only auditor, for whom alone I played.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"When the performance was over, and the puppets removed behind the curtain,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the Polytechnic lecturer invited me into his room to take a glass of wine. He","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"talked of my comedies, and I of his science, and I believe we were both equally","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"pleased. But I had the best of it, for there was much in what he did that he","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"could not always explain to me. For instance, why a piece of iron which is","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"rubbed on a cylinder, should become magnetic. How does this happen? The magnetic","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"sparks come to it,– but how? It is the same with people in the world; they are","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"rubbed about on this spherical globe till the electric spark comes upon them,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and then we have a Napoleon, or a Luther, or some one of the kind.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"'The whole world is but a series of miracles,' said the lecturer, 'but we","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"are so accustomed to them that we call them everyday matters.' And he went","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"on explaining things to me till my skull seemed lifted from my brain, and I","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"declared that were I not such an old fellow, I would at once become a member of","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the Polytechnic Institution, that I might learn to look at the bright side of","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"everything, although I was one of the happiest of men.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"'One of the happiest!' said the lecturer, as if the idea pleased him; 'are you","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"really happy?'","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"'Yes,' I replied; 'for I am welcomed in every town, when I arrive with my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"company; but I certainly have one wish which sometimes weighs upon my cheerful","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"temper like a mountain of lead. I should like to become the manager of a real","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"theatre, and the director of a real troupe of men and women.'","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"'I understand,' he said; 'you would like to have life breathed into your","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"puppets, so that they might be living actors, and you their director. And would","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"you then be quite happy?'","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"I said I believed so. But he did not; and we talked it over in all manner of","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"ways, yet could not agree on the subject. However, the wine was excellent,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and we clanked our glasses together as we drank. There must have been magic in","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"it, or I should most certainly become tipsy; but that did not happen, for my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"mind seemed quite clear; and, indeed, a kind of sunshine filled the room, and","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"beamed from the eyes of the Polytechnic lecturer. It made me think of the old","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"stories when the gods, in their immortal youth, wandered upon this earth, and","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"paid visits to mankind. I said so to him, and he smiled; and I could have sworn","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"that he was one of these ancient deities in disguise, or, at all events, that he","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"belonged to the race of the gods. The result seemed to prove I was right in my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"suspicions; for it was arranged that my highest wish should be granted, that my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"puppets were to be gifted with life, and that I was to be the manager of a real","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"company. We drank to my success, and clanked our glasses. Then he packed all my","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"dolls into the box, and fastened it on my back, and I felt as if I were spinning","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"round in a circle, and presently found myself lying on the floor. I remember","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"that quite well. And then the whole company sprang from the box. The spirit had","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"come upon us all; the puppets had become distinguished actors– at least, so they","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"said themselves– and I was their director.","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"When all was ready for the first representation, the whole company requested","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"permission to speak to me before appearing in public. The dancing lady said the","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"house could not be supported unless she stood on one leg; for she was a great","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"genius, and begged to be treated as such. The lady who acted the part of the","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"queen expected to be treated as a queen off the stage, as well as on it, or else","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"she said she should get out of practice. The man whose duty it was to deliver","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"a letter gave himself as many airs as he who took the part of first lover in","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the piece; he declared that the inferior parts were as important as the great","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"ones, and deserving equal consideration, as parts of an artistic whole. The","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"hero of the piece would only play in a part containing points likely to bring","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"down the applause of the house. The 'prima donna' would only act when the lights","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"were red, for she declared that a blue light did not suit her complexion. It","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"was like a company of flies in a bottle, and I was in the bottle with them; for","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"I was their director. My breath was taken away, my head whirled, and I was as","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"miserable as a man could be. It was quite a novel, strange set of beings among","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"whom I now found myself. I only wished I had them all in my box again, and that","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"I had never been their director. So I told them roundly that, after all, they","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"were nothing but puppets; and then they killed me. After a while I found myself","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"lying on my bed in my room; but how I got there, or how I got away at all from","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the Polytechnic professor, he may perhaps know, I don't. The moon shone upon","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the floor, the box lay open, and the dolls were all scattered about in great","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"confusion; but I was not idle. I jumped off the bed, and into the box they all","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"had to go, some on their heads, some on their feet. Then I shut down the lid,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and seated myself upon the box. 'Now you'll have to stay,' said I, 'and I shall","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"be cautious how I wish you flesh and blood again.'","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"I felt quite light, my cheerfulness had returned, and I was the happiest of","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"mortals. The Polytechnic professor had fully cured me. I was as happy as a king,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"and went to sleep on the box. Next morning– correctly speaking, it was noon,","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"for I slept remarkably late that day– I found myself still sitting there, in","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"happy consciousness that my former wish had been a foolish one. I inquired for","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"the Polytechnic professor; but he had disappeared like the Greek and Roman gods;","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"from that time I have been the happiest man in the world. I am a happy director;","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"for none of my company ever grumble, nor the public either, for I always make","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"them merry. I can arrange my pieces just as I please. I choose out of every","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"comedy what I like best, and no one is offended. Plays that are neglected now-","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"a-days by the great public were ran after thirty years ago, and listened to","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"till the tears ran down the cheeks of the audience. These are the pieces I bring","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"forward. I place them before the little ones, who cry over them as papa and","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"mamma used to cry thirty years ago. But I make them shorter, for the youngsters","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"don't like long speeches; and if they have anything mournful, they like it to be","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"over quickly.\"","book":"The puppet-show man"} {"text":"The days of the week once wanted to be free to get together and have a party.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"But each of the seven days was so occupied, the year around, that they had no","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"time to spare. They wanted a whole extra day; but then they had that every four","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"years, the intercalary day that comes in February for the purpose of keeping","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"order in chronology.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"On the intercalary day they would get together for a party, and, as February","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"is the month of carnivals, they would come in costumes of each one's taste and","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"choice; they would eat well, drink well, make speeches, and be complimentary and","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"disagreeable to one another in unrestrained comradeship. While the vikings of","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"olden times used to throw their gnawed-off bones at each other's heads during","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"mealtime, the days of the week intended to throw jokes and sarcastic witticisms","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"such as might be in keeping with the innocent carnival spirit.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"So when it was intercalary day, they assembled.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Sunday, foreman of the days of the week, appeared in a black silk cloak; pious","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"people thought he was dressed for church in a minister's gown, but the worldly","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"minded saw that he was attired in a domino for merriment and that the flashing","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"carnation he wore in his buttonhole was a little red theater lantern on which it","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"said, \"All sold our; see now that you enjoy yourselves!\"","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Monday, a young fellow related to Sunday, and very fond of pleasures, came next.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"He left his workshop, he said, whenever he heard the music of the parade of the","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"guard.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"\"I must go out and listen to Offenbach's music; it doesn't go to my head or","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"to my heart; it tickles my leg muscles; I must dance, have a few drinks, get a","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"black eye, sleep it off, and then the next day go to work. I am the new part of","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"the week!\"","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Tuesday is Tyr's day, the day of strength.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"\"Yes, that I am,\" said Tuesday. \"I take a firm grip on my work; I fasten","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Mercury's wings onto the merchant's boots, see that the wheels in the factory","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"are oiled and turning, that the tailor sits at his table, and that the street","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"paver is by his paving stones; each attends to his business, for I keep my eye","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"on all. Accordingly, I am here in a police uniform and call myself Tuesday, a","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"well-used day! If this is a bad joke, then you others try to think of a better","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"one!\"","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"\"Then I come,\" said Wednesday. \"I'm in the middle of the week. The Germans call","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"me Herr Mittwoch. I stand like a journeyman in a store and like a flower in the","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"midst of the other esteemed days of the week! If we all march up in order, then","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"I have three days before me and three days behind; they are like an honor guard,","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"so I should think that I am the most prominent day in the week!\"","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Thursday appeared dressed as a coppersmith, with a hammer and a copper kettle,","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"as a symbol of his noble descent.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"\"I am of the highest birth,\" he said, \"paganish, godlike! In the Northern","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"countries I am named after Thor, and in the Southern countries after Jupiter,","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"who both knew how to thunder and lighten, and that has remained in the family!\"","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"And then he beat his copper kettle, thereby proving his high birth.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Friday was dressed as a young girl, and called herself Freia, also Venus for a","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"change, depending upon the language of the country in which she appeared. She","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"was of a quiet, cheerful character, she said, but today she felt gay and free,","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"for this was intercalary day, which, according to an old custom, gives a woman","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"the right to dare propose to a man and not have to wait for him to propose to","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"her.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Saturday appeared as an old housekeeper with a broom and other cleaning","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"articles. Her favorite dish was beer soup, though at this festive occasion she","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"did not request that it be served for everyone, only that she get it, and she","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"got it.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"And so the days of the week had their party.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Here they are in print, all seven of them, ready for use as tableaux at family","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"parties. There you can make them as funny as you wish; we give them here as a","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"joke on February, the only month with an extra day.","book":"The days of the week"} {"text":"Outside the paper mill, masses of rags lay piled in high stacks; they had been","book":"The rags"} {"text":"gathered from far and wide. Every rag had a tale to tell, and told it, too; but","book":"The rags"} {"text":"we can't listen to all of them. Some of the rags were native; others came from","book":"The rags"} {"text":"foreign countries.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"Now here lay a Danish rag beside a rag from Norway; one was decidedly Danish,","book":"The rags"} {"text":"the other decidedly Norse, and that was the amusing part about the two, as any","book":"The rags"} {"text":"good Dane or Norwegian could tell you. They could understand each other well","book":"The rags"} {"text":"enough, though the two languages were as different, according to the Norwegian,","book":"The rags"} {"text":"as French and Hebrew. \"We go to the hills for our language, and there get","book":"The rags"} {"text":"it pure and firsthand, while the Dane cooks up some sort of a suckling-sweet","book":"The rags"} {"text":"lingo!\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"So the rags talked - and a rag is a rag in every land the world over; they are","book":"The rags"} {"text":"considered of no value except in the rag heap.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"\"I am Norse!\" said the Norwegian. \"And when I've said I'm Norse I guess I've","book":"The rags"} {"text":"said enough. I'm firm of fiber, like the ancient granite rocks of old Norway.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"The land up there has a constitution, like the free United States. It makes","book":"The rags"} {"text":"my fibers tingle to think what I am and to sound out my thoughts in words of","book":"The rags"} {"text":"granite!\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"\"But we have literature,\" said the Danish rag. \"Do you understand what that is?\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"\"Understand?\" repeated the Norwegian. \"Lowland creature! Shall I give him a","book":"The rags"} {"text":"shove uphill and show him a northern light, rag that he is? When the sun of","book":"The rags"} {"text":"Norway has thawed the ice, then Danish fruit barges come up to us with butter","book":"The rags"} {"text":"and cheese - an eatable cargo, I grant you - but by way of ballast they bring","book":"The rags"} {"text":"Danish literature, too! We don't need the stuff. You don't need stale beer where","book":"The rags"} {"text":"fresh springs spout, and up there is a natural well that has never been tapped","book":"The rags"} {"text":"or been made known to Europeans by the cackling of newspapers, jobbers, and","book":"The rags"} {"text":"traveling authors in foreign countries. I speak freely from the bottom of my","book":"The rags"} {"text":"lungs, and the Dane must get used to a free voice. And so he will someday, when","book":"The rags"} {"text":"as a fellow Scandinavian he wants to cling to our proud mountain country, the","book":"The rags"} {"text":"summit of the world!\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"\"Now a Danish rag could never talk like that - never!\" said the Dane. \"It's","book":"The rags"} {"text":"not in our nature. I know myself, and all the other rags are like me. We're too","book":"The rags"} {"text":"good-natured, too unassuming; we think too little of ourselves. Not that we gain","book":"The rags"} {"text":"much by our modesty, but I like it; I think it's quite charming. Incidentally,","book":"The rags"} {"text":"I'm perfectly aware of my own good values, I assure you, but I don't talk","book":"The rags"} {"text":"about them; nobody can ever accuse me of that. I'm soft and easy going; bear","book":"The rags"} {"text":"everything patiently, envy nobody, and speak good of everybody - though there","book":"The rags"} {"text":"isn't much good to be said of most other people, but that's their business. I","book":"The rags"} {"text":"can afford to smile at them; I know I'm so gifted.\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"\"Don't speak to me in that lowland, pasteboard language - it makes me sick!\"","book":"The rags"} {"text":"said the Norwegian, as he caught a puff of wind and fluttered away from his own","book":"The rags"} {"text":"heap to another.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"They both became paper; and, as it turned out, the Norwegian rag became a sheet","book":"The rags"} {"text":"on which a Norwegian wrote a love letter to a Danish girl, while the Danish rag","book":"The rags"} {"text":"became the manuscript for a Danish poem praising Norway's beauty and strength.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"So something good may come even of rags when they have once come out of the","book":"The rags"} {"text":"rag heap and the change has been made into truth and beauty; they keep up","book":"The rags"} {"text":"understanding relations between us, and in that there is a blessing.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"That is the story. It's rather amusing and offends no one - but the rags.","book":"The rags"} {"text":"Now there came a comet with its shiny nucleus and its menacing tail. People from","book":"The comet"} {"text":"the great castles and people from the poor huts gazed at it. So did the crowd","book":"The comet"} {"text":"in the street, and so did the man who went his solitary way across the pathless","book":"The comet"} {"text":"heath. Everyone had his own thoughts. \"Come and look at the omen from heaven.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Come out and see this marvelous sight,\" they cried, and everyone hastened to","book":"The comet"} {"text":"look.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"But a little boy and his mother still stayed inside their room. The tallow","book":"The comet"} {"text":"candle was burning and the mother thought she saw a bit of wood-shaving in the","book":"The comet"} {"text":"light. The tallow formed a jagged edge around the candle, and then it curled.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The mother believed these were signs that her son would soon die. The wood-","book":"The comet"} {"text":"shaving was circling toward him. This was an old superstition, but she believed","book":"The comet"} {"text":"it. The little boy lived many more years on earth. Indeed he lived to see the","book":"The comet"} {"text":"comet return sixty years later.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The boy did not see the wood-shaving in the candle-light, and his thoughts were","book":"The comet"} {"text":"not about the comet which then, for the first time in his life, shone brightly","book":"The comet"} {"text":"in the sky. He sat quietly with an earthenware bowl before him. The bowl was","book":"The comet"} {"text":"filled with soapy water, into which he dipped the head of a clay pipe. Then he","book":"The comet"} {"text":"put the pipe stem in his mouth, and blew soap bubbles, large and small. They","book":"The comet"} {"text":"quivered and spun in beautiful colors. They changed from yellow to red, and from","book":"The comet"} {"text":"red to purple or blue and then they turned bright green, like leaves when the","book":"The comet"} {"text":"sun shines through them.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The boy's mother said, \"May God grant you many more years on earth - as many","book":"The comet"} {"text":"years as the bubbles you are blowing.\"","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"So many, so many!\" he cried. \"I can never blow all the soapy water into","book":"The comet"} {"text":"bubbles. There goes one year, there goes another one; see how they fly!\" he","book":"The comet"} {"text":"exclaimed, as bubbles came loose from his pipe and floated away. A few of them","book":"The comet"} {"text":"blew into his eye, where they burned, and smarted, and made his tears flow. In","book":"The comet"} {"text":"every bubble he saw a picture of the future, glimmering and glistening.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"This is the time to look at the comet,\" cried their neighbors. \"Come outdoors.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Don't sit in your room.\"","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The mother took her boy by the hand. He had to put aside his clay pipe, and stop","book":"The comet"} {"text":"playing with the soap bubbles, because there was a comet to see.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The boy saw the bright ball of fire, with its shining tail. Some said it was","book":"The comet"} {"text":"three yards long, while others insisted it was several million yards long - such","book":"The comet"} {"text":"a difference.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Most of the people who said these things were dead and buried when the comet","book":"The comet"} {"text":"came again. But the little boy, toward whom the wood-shaving had circled, and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"of whom his mother thought, \"He will soon die,\" still lived on, though he had","book":"The comet"} {"text":"grown old and his hair was white. \"White hairs are the flowers of age,\" the","book":"The comet"} {"text":"saying goes, and he had many such flowers. He was an old schoolmaster. The","book":"The comet"} {"text":"school children thought him very wise and learned, because he knew history, and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"geography, and all there is to be known about the heavens and the stars.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"Everything comes again,\" he said. \"If you will pay attention to people and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"events, you will learn that they always come back. There may be a hundred","book":"The comet"} {"text":"years between, or many hundreds of years, but once again we shall see the same","book":"The comet"} {"text":"character, in another coat and in another country.\" And the schoolmaster then","book":"The comet"} {"text":"told them about William Tell, who was forced to shoot an apple from his son's","book":"The comet"} {"text":"head, but before he shot the arrow he hid another one in his shirt, to shoot","book":"The comet"} {"text":"into the heart of the wicked Gessler. This happened in Switzerland. But many","book":"The comet"} {"text":"years before, the same thing happened in Denmark to Palnatoke. He too was forced","book":"The comet"} {"text":"to shoot an apple from his son's head, and he too hid an arrow in his shirt to","book":"The comet"} {"text":"avenge the cruelty. And more than a thousand years before that, the same story","book":"The comet"} {"text":"was written in Egypt. It happened before and will happen again, just as sure as","book":"The comet"} {"text":"the comet returns. \"Off it flies into space, and is gone for years, but still it","book":"The comet"} {"text":"comes back.\" He spoke of the comet that was expected, the same comet he had seen","book":"The comet"} {"text":"as a boy.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The schoolmaster knew what went on in the skies, and he thought much about it","book":"The comet"} {"text":"too, but he did not neglect history and geography. His garden was laid out in","book":"The comet"} {"text":"the shape of a map of Denmark. In it grew herbs and flowers which flourished in","book":"The comet"} {"text":"different parts of the land.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"Fetch me peas,\" he said, and they went to the garden bed that represented","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Laaland. \"Fetch me buckwheat,\" he said, and they fetched it from Langeland.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Lovely blue gentian was planted in Skagen, and the shining Christthorn in","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Silkeborg. Towns and cities were marked with small statues. Here was the dragon","book":"The comet"} {"text":"and St. Knud, who stood for Odense. Absalon with the bishop's staff stood for","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Sorö. The little boat with oars marked the site of Aarhus. In the schoolmaster's","book":"The comet"} {"text":"garden you could learn the geography of Denmark, but first you had to be","book":"The comet"} {"text":"instructed by him and that was a pleasure.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Now that the comet was expected again, he told about it, and he told what people","book":"The comet"} {"text":"had said in the old days when it last was seen. They had said that a comet year","book":"The comet"} {"text":"was a good year for wine, and that water could be mixed with this wine without","book":"The comet"} {"text":"being detected. Therefore the wine merchants thought well of a comet year.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"For fourteen days and fourteen nights the sky was clouded over. They could not","book":"The comet"} {"text":"see the comet, and yet it was there. The old schoolmaster sat in his little","book":"The comet"} {"text":"chamber next to the schoolroom. The old Bornholm clock of his grandfather's time","book":"The comet"} {"text":"stood in the corner, though its heavy lead weights moved neither up nor down,","book":"The comet"} {"text":"nor did its pendulum ever swing. The little cuckoo, that used to come out to","book":"The comet"} {"text":"call the passing hours, had long ago stopped doing his duty. The clock neither","book":"The comet"} {"text":"struck nor ticked. The clock was decidedly out of order.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"But the old clavichord at which he sat had been made in his parents' time, and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"it still had a tune or two left in it. The strings could still play. Tremulous","book":"The comet"} {"text":"though they were, they could play for him the melodies of a whole lifetime. As","book":"The comet"} {"text":"the old man heard them, he remembered many things, both pleasant and sad, that","book":"The comet"} {"text":"had happened in the long years which had gone by since he was a little boy and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"saw the comet. Now that the comet had come again, he remembered what his mother","book":"The comet"} {"text":"had said about the wood-shaving circling toward him. He remembered the fine soap","book":"The comet"} {"text":"bubbles he had blown, one for every year of his life he had said as he looked","book":"The comet"} {"text":"at them glistening and gleaming in wonderful colors. He saw in them all his","book":"The comet"} {"text":"pleasures and sorrow - everything, both the good and the bad. He saw the child","book":"The comet"} {"text":"at his play, and the youth with his fancies. His whole life, iridescent and","book":"The comet"} {"text":"bright, floated before his eyes. And in that splendor he saw his future too, in","book":"The comet"} {"text":"bubbles of time to come.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"First the old man heard from the strings of the clavichord the melodies of times","book":"The comet"} {"text":"past, and saw the bubbles of years gone by, colored with memories. He heard his","book":"The comet"} {"text":"grandmother's knitting song:","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"Surely no Amazon","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The first stockings knit.\"","book":"The comet"} {"text":"And then the strings played the songs his old nurse used to sing for him:","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"There were so many dangers","book":"The comet"} {"text":"In this world to pass through","book":"The comet"} {"text":"For people who were young","book":"The comet"} {"text":"And only little knew.\"","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Now the melodies of his first ball were playing, for the minuet and molinasky -","book":"The comet"} {"text":"soft melancholy tunes that brought tears to the old man's eyes. A roaring war-","book":"The comet"} {"text":"march, then a psalm, then happy tunes. The years whirled past as if they were","book":"The comet"} {"text":"those bubbles he blew when he was a little boy.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"His eyes were turned towards the window. A cloud billowed across the sky, and as","book":"The comet"} {"text":"it passed he saw the comet with its shining nucleus and its shining, misty veil.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"It seemed to him as though it were only yesterday evening when he had last seen","book":"The comet"} {"text":"that comet, yet a whole busy lifetime lay between that evening and this. Then he","book":"The comet"} {"text":"was a child, looking through bubbles into the future; now those bright bubbles","book":"The comet"} {"text":"were all behind him. Once more he had a child's outlook and a child's faith. His","book":"The comet"} {"text":"eyes sparkled, and his hands struck the keys. There was the sound of a breaking","book":"The comet"} {"text":"string.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"Come out and see,\" cried his neighbors. \"The comet is here, and the sky is","book":"The comet"} {"text":"clear. Come out and look!\"","book":"The comet"} {"text":"The old schoolmaster did not answer. He had gone where he could see more","book":"The comet"} {"text":"clearly. His soul was on a journey far greater than the comet's, and the realm","book":"The comet"} {"text":"to which it went was far more spacious than that in which the comet moved.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"Again the comet was seen from the high castle and from the lowly hut. The crowd","book":"The comet"} {"text":"in the street gazed up at it, and so did the man who went his solitary way","book":"The comet"} {"text":"across the pathless heath. But the schoolmaster's soul was seen by God, and by","book":"The comet"} {"text":"those dear ones who had gone before him, and whom he longed to see.","book":"The comet"} {"text":"\"I'll tell you a story,\" said the wind. \"Kindly remember,\" said the Rain, \"that","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"it's my turn to talk. You've been howling around the corner at the top of your","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"voice quite long enough.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"Is that the thanks I get for all of the favors I've done you?\" the Wind","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"blustered. \"Many an umbrella I've turned inside out, or even blown to tatters,","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"when people tried to avoid you.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"Be silent! It is I who shall speak,\" said the Sunshine, who spoke with such","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"brilliance and warmth that the weary Wind fell flat on his back, and the Rain","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"shook him and tried to rouse him, crying: \"We won't stand for it. This Madam","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"Sunshine is forever interrupting us. Don't lets listen to her. What she says is","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"not worth hearing.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"And the Sunshine began: \"A beautiful swan flew over the rolling, tossing waves","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"of the ocean. Each of its feathers shone like gold. One feather drifted down","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"above a great merchant ship that sailed the sea with all its canvas spread. The","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"feather came to rest upon the curly hair of a young overseer who looked after","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"the goods aboard that ship - supercargo they called him. The bird of fortune's","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"feather touched his forehead, became a quill pen in his hand, and brought him","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"such luck that he soon became a merchant, a man of wealth, a man so rich that","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"he could wear spurs of gold and change a golden dish into a nobleman's shield. I","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"know - I have shone on it,\" said the Sunshine.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"The swan flew far away, over a green meadow where a little shepherd boy, not","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"more than seven years old, lay in the shade of an old tree, the only tree in","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"that meadow. As the swan flew past it, she brushed one leaf from the tree. This","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"leaf fell into the boy's hands, where it turned into three leaves, ten leaves -","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"yes, it turned into all the leaves of a book. In this book he read of the many","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"wonderful things that are in nature, about his native language, about faith, and","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"about knowledge. Before he went to sleep he laid the book under his pillow to","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"keep from forgetting what he had learned during the day. The wonderful book led","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"him first to school, and then far into the fields of learning. I have seen his","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"name where they carve the names of great scholars,\" the Sunshine said.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"The swan flew over the forest, where it was lonely and quiet. She came to","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"rest on a deep blue lake, where the water lilies grow, where wild apple trees","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"flourish along the shore, and where the cuckoo and wild pigeon make their nests.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"A poor woman was in the forest, gathering fallen branches. She carried them","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"on her back, and held a baby in her arms. She saw the golden swan, that bird of","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"fortune, rise from the rush-covered shore. What was this glittering thing the","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"swan had left? It was a golden egg, still warm. She put it in her bosom, and the","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"warmth stayed in it. Truly there was life in that egg. Yes, she heard a tapping","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"inside the shell, but it was so faint that she mistook it for the sound of her","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"own heartbeat.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"When she came home to her own poor cottage, she took the egg out to look at it.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"'Tick,' it said, 'tick,' as if it had been a costly gold watch. But it was no","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"watch. It was an egg, just about to hatch. The shell cracked open, and a dear","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"little baby swan looked out. It was fully feathered, all in gold, and around","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"its neck were four gold rings. As the poor woman had four boys - three at home","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"and the baby she had carried in her arms - she knew that one of the rings was","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"meant for each of her sons. As soon as she realized this, the little golden bird","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"flew away. She kissed all of the rings, and she made each son kiss one of them,","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"touch it against his heart, and wear it on his finger. I saw all this,\" said the","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"Sunshine, \"and I saw what came of it.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"As one of the boys played in the bed of a stream, he picked up a handful of","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"clay. He turned it, and twisted it, and he shaped it in his fingers until he","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"had made a statue of Jason. Like Jason, the young sculptor had found the golden","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"fleece he sought.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"The second boy ran across the meadow, where there were flowers of every hue.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"He gathered a handful, and squeezed them so tightly that the colored juices","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"wet his ring and splashed in his eye. They stuck to his fingers and colored his","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"thoughts. The days went by, and the years went past, until people in the big","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"city came to speak of him as 'the great painter.'","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"The third boy clenched his ring in his teeth so tightly that it echoed the song","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"that lay deep in his heart. The things he thought and the things he felt were","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"turned to music. The rose like singing swans, and like swans they plunged down","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"as deep as the depths of the sea, 'the deep Sea of Thoughts.' He became a great","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"musician, a great composer of whom every land has the right to say: 'He belongs","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"to me.'","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"The fourth boy - the baby - was an outcast. They said he had the pip, and that","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"like a sick little chicken he should be dosed with butter and pepper. They gave","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"him pepper enough with his butter, but I gave him warmth and the kiss of the","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"sun,\" said the Sunshine. \"He got ten kisses for one that the other children","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"received. He was a poet, who met with a blow and a kiss, all his life long. But","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"he had something that no one could take from him. He had the ring of fame from","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"the golden swan of fortune. There were golden wings to his thoughts. Up they","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"flew and away they went, like golden butterflies, which are the symbol of things","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"immortal.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"What an extremely long story,\" said the Wind.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"And so awfully dull,\" the Rain agreed. \"Fan me, if you please, so I may revive","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"a little.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"The Wind blew again, and the Sunshine said: \"The swan of fortune flew over","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"the deep gulf, where fishermen spread their nets. The poorest of the fishermen","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"thought of getting married, and marry he did. And to him the swan brought a lump","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"of amber. Amber has the power to draw things to it, and it drew the hearts to","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"the fisherman's home. Amber makes the most wonderful incense, and there came","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"a fragrant air as from a church, like a balmy breeze from God's nature. So the","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"fisherman and his bride were happy and thankful in their quiet home. They were","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"content with what little they had, and their life became a complete sunshine","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"story.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"I think,\" said the Wind, \"that these stories should stop. The Sunshine has","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"talked long enough, and I am very bored.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"\"So am I,\" said the Rain.","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"And what do we others who knew this story say?","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"We say: \"Now it's out.\"","book":"Sunshine stories"} {"text":"Chicken Grethe was the only human tenant of the fine new house that was built","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"for the hens and ducks on the estate. It was built where the old baronial castle","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"had stood with its tower, crow's-perch gable, moat, and drawbridge. Close by","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was a complete wilderness of trees and bushes. This had been the garden, running","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"down to a big lake which was now a marsh. Rooks, crows, and jackdaws - a whole","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"horde of screeching, cawing birds, hovered over the trees. The flock did not","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"seem to diminish but rather to increase when one fired among them. They could be","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"heard even inside the poultry house where Chicken Grethe sat with the ducklings","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"waddling about her wooden shoes. She knew each chicken and every duck from the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"moment it hatched. She took pride in her chickens and her ducks, and in the fine","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"house that had been built for them.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Her little room was clean and tidy. Her mistress, who owned the chicken house,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"insisted upon neatness, for she frequently brought distinguished visitors to see","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"the barracks of her hens and ducks,\" as she called the place.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"She had a rocking chair, and a wardrobe, and even a chest of drawers, on which","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"stood a highly polished brass plate with the name \"Grubbe\" engraved on it. This","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was the name of the old noble family that had lived there in the days when the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"castle was standing. The brass plate had been found while they were digging the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"ground and the parish clerk said that it had no value except as a relic. The","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"clerk knew all about the place and the old days, for he was a scholar and his","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"table drawer was filled with manuscripts. He knew much about the old days, but","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"perhaps the oldest crow knew more and jabbered it out in his own language, but","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"that was crow-talk, which the clerk did not understand, learned though he was.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Toward the end of hot summer day, the mist would rise over the marsh until it","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"looked as if there were a lake beyond the old trees where the rooks, crows, and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"jackdaws lived. This was how it had looked when old Sir Grubbe had lived there,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"and the castle with its massive red walls was still standing. In those days","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the dog's chain used to reach clear across the gateway. By way of the tower one","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"came to the stone-flagged passage that led to the living quarters. The windows","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"were narrow and the panes quite small, even in the great hall where they used","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"to dance. But, in the days of the last Grubbes, there had been no dancing for","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"as far back as a man could remember, though an old kettledrum that had been","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"used in the orchestra still remained in the hall. And there was also a curiously","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"carved cupboard in which the rare flower bulbs were stored, for Lady Grubbe took","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"pleasure in planting and in cultivating flowers and trees. Her husband preferred","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"to hunt wild boars and wolves, and his little daughter, Marie, always rode with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"him. When she was no more than five years old, she sat proudly on horseback and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"gazed fearlessly about with her great dark eyes. She delighted in cracking her","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"whip among the hounds, though her father would rather have seen her lash out","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"among the peasant boys who came to stare at the gentry.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The peasant who lived in a clay hut near the castle had a son named Sören, who","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was of the same age as the well-born little lady. He knew how to climb trees,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"and he had to bring bird nests down to her. The birds screamed as loud as they","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"could scream, and one of the largest of them struck him so hard right above","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"his eye that blood ran down, and they thought at first that he had lost and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"eye, but it had not been injured. Marie Grubbe called him \"her Sören,\" a sign","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"of high favor which once served to protect even his father, poor Jon. When he","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"had done something wrong one day, Jon was condemned to ride the wooden horse.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"This contrivance stood in the yard, with four poles for legs, and for its back","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a single small rail which Jon had to straddle. Lest he ride it too comfortably,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"heavy bricks were tied to his feet. He made such agonized faces that little","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Sören wept and went down on his knees to beg. Marie to have his father released.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"She instantly commanded that his father should be taken down. When she was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not obeyed, Marie stamped her small feet on the flagstones and tugged at her","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"father's coat sleeve until she tore it. She would have her way, and she got it.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Sören's father was released.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Lady Grubbe came to her, stroked her hair, and looked at her daughter with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"mild, approving eyes. But Marie did not understand why. She would go with the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"hounds, not with her mother, who went down through the garden to the lake, where","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the water lilies bloomed, and where the bulrushes swayed among the reeds. \"How","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"charming,\" Lady Grubbe would say, as she admired this fresh, abundant growth. A","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"then very rare tree, which she herself had planted, grew in her garden. A blood","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"beech it was called, a sort of dark Moor among the other trees, so dark brown","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"were its leaves. It needed plenty of sunlight, for in constant shade its leaves","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"would turn green like those of other trees, and thus lose their distinction.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"In her tall chestnut trees, in the shrubbery, and even the grass were many bird","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"nests. The birds seemed to understand that they were safe here, where no one","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"dared fire a gun.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"But little Marie came here with Sören who, as we know, could climb, and she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"sent him to bring her down both the eggs and the downy little birds. The parent","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"birds fluttered about in terror and anguish. Large and small - lapwings from","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the lawns, rooks, crows, and jackdaws, from the tall trees - they screamed and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"shrieked just as their progeny shriek today.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Children, what are you doing?\" the gentlewoman cried. \"What a wicked thing to","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"do.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Sören looked ashamed and even the high-born young girl looked a little","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"embarrassed, but then she said in an abrupt and sulky way: \"My father lets me do","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"this.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Away, away!\" the black birds shrieked, and away they flew, but they came back","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the next day because they lived there.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"But the quiet gentlewoman did not live there much longer. The Lord called her","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"away, and with Him she was more at home than ever she was in this house. The","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"church bells solemnly tolled as her body was carried to the church, and poor","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"men's eyes grew dim, for she had shown them kindness. And now that she was gone","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"no one looked after her plants, so the garden went to rack and ruin.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Sir Grubbe is a hard man,\" people would say, \"but young as she is his daughter","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"can handle him.\" He would laugh and let her have her will. She was twelve years","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"old now, tall and well built. She looked right through people with her great","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"dark eyes, rode her horse like a man, and shot her gun like an experienced","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"hunter.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"It came to pass that great men visited that district. They were as great as","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"great can be - the young King with his half-brother and crony, Lord Ulrick","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Frederick Gyldenlöve. They came to hunt wild boar, and they planned to stay","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"overnight at Sir Grubbe's castle.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"At the table, when Gyldenlöve sat beside Marie, he took her about the neck and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"gave her a kiss, just as if they had been related. But she gave him a slap in","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the face, and told him she could not stand him. This caused great laughter, as","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"if it were a most pleasing sight.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"And maybe it was, because five years later, when Marie was seventeen, Gyldenlöve","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"sent a messenger with a letter asking for her hand in marriage. That was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"something!","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"He is the highest and most gallant lord in the land,\" said Sir Grubbe. \"You","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"cannot refuse him.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"I don't like him much,\" Marie Grubbe said, but she did not turn down the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"highest lord in the land, who sat next to the King.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Her silver, woolens, and linens were sent by ship to Copenhagen. Marie made the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"trip overland in ten days, but the ship with the dowry met with contrary winds,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"or no wind at all. It took four months to reach Copenhagen, and when it did get","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"there Lady Gyldenlöve had gone.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"I'd sooner lie on sacks than in his silken bed,\" she said. \"I'd sooner walk","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"barefoot than ride in a carriage with him.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Late on an evening in November, two women came riding into the town of Aarhus.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"They were Lady Gyldenlöve and her maid. They came from Veile, where they had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"arrived by ship from Copenhagen. They rode up to Sir Grubbe's town house. He was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not at all pleased to see Marie. He gave her harsh words, but he did give her a","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"bedroom. She got her beer broth for breakfast, but no good words to go with it.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Her father's bad temper had turned against her, and she was not used to it. Her","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"own temper was by no means mild. As one is spoken to, so one answers, and answer","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"she did. Of her husband she spoke with bitterness and hatred. She declared that","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"she could not live with him; she was too honorable and virtuous for that.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"In this fashion a year went by, most unpleasantly. Bitter words passed between","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"father and daughter. That should not be. Bitter words bear bitter fruit. What","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"would be the outcome?","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"One day her father said, \"We cannot live under the same roof. You must move to","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"our old castle. I would rather you bit off your tongue than spoke lies.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"So they parted. With her maid, she went to the old estate where she was born and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"bred, and where her mother, that pious gentlewoman, lay in the churchyard vault.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"An old cowherd lived in the castle, and that was all. Cobwebs, heavy and black","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"with dirt, draped every room. The garden was not taken care of. Wild hops and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"other climbing vines wove a tangled web between trees and shrubbery. Hemlock and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"nettles grew tall and rank. The blood beech had been outgrown, and in the deep","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"shade its leaves had turned as green as those of ordinary trees. Its glory was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"gone.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Rooks, crows, and jackdaws flew in enormous flocks above the tall chestnuts.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"They shrieked and cawed as if they had great news to tell each other. Here she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was again, the girl who ordered their eggs and babies to be stolen from their","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"nests. The real thief, the one who had actually stolen them, was now climbing","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a leafless tree. He clung to the tall ship's mast, and got his share of lashes","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"with a rope's end if he didn't behave himself.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"All this was told in our own time by the parish clerk. He had pieced it together","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"from books and letters, and it lay with many another manuscript hidden away","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"in his table drawer. \"Up and down is the way the world goes,\" said he. \"It's a","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"curious story to hear.\" We want to hear how it went with Marie Grubbe, but we","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"shall not lose track of Chicken Grethe who sat there in her fine hen house, in","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"our own day. Marie Grubbe sat in this place in her day, but not so contentedly","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"as old Chicken Grethe.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Winter went by. Spring and summer passed, and again came the stormy autumn with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"its cold and wet fog. It was a dull and dreary life there on the old estate.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Marie Grubbe would snatch up her gun and go out on the heath to shoot hares or","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"foxes, and whatever birds she could find. More than once on these excursions she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"encountered a nobleman, Sir Palle Dyre from Nörrebaek with his gun and his dogs.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"He was a big man, who enjoyed boasting of his strength when he talked with her.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"He might have been a match for the departed Mr. Brockenhus of Egeskov, at Fyen,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"whom people still remember as a man of might. Like him, Palle Dyre had fastened","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a hunting horn to an iron chain over his gateway. When he came home he would","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"catch hold of the chain, lift himself and his horse clear off the ground, and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"sound the horn.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"You must come to my castle and see that, Lady Marie,\" he said, \"for we have","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"fine fresh air at Nörrebaek.\" We have no record of when she went to Nörrebaek,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"but on the candlesticks at Nörrebaek church it is inscribed that they were","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"given by Palle Dyre and Marie Grubbe of Nörrebaek Castle. Body and strength had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Palle Dyre. He could drink like a sponge. He was like a cask that could never be","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"filled. He snored enough for a whole pig pen, and he looked red and bloated.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"A cunning swine and a nagging fool he is,\" said Lady Palle Dyre, the daughter","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"of Grubbe. She soon grew weary of the life there, which did not improve matters.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"At dinner time one day, the food got cold on the table. Palle Dyre was off fox-","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"hunting, and Lady Dyre could not be found. Palle Dyre came home at midnight.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Lady Dyre came home neither by midnight nor by morning. She turned her back upon","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Nörrebaek, and rode away without a word of farewell. The weather was cloudy and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"wet. The wind was sharp, and the flock of black birds that croaked over her head","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"were not as homeless as she.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"First she rode south, almost to Germany. She turned a couple of gold rings with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"precious stones into ready money. She went east and she went west, with no fixed","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"goal. She was angry with everybody and even with the good Lord himself, so sick","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was her mind. And soon her body was sick too. She could scarcely drag her feet","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"along. The lapwing flew up from its tuft of grass when she stumbled upon it","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"and fell. The bird screamed, as it always does, \"You thief, you thief!\" Yet she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"had never stolen her neighbors' goods, except for the birds' eggs and nestlings","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"taken from the clumps of grass and the tall trees when she was a little girl.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"She thought of that now.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"From where she lay, she could see the sand dunes along the beach. Fishermen","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"lived there, but she was too ill to crawl so far. The great white sea gulls came","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"screaming over her as the rooks, crows, and jackdaws screamed above the trees","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"at home. The birds flew nearer and nearer, until at last she thought they were","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"black birds. But then everything went black before her eyes.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"When she opened her eyes again she was being carried in the arms of a tall,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"strapping fellow. She looked straight into his bearded face, and saw that he had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a scar over one eye that appeared to divide the eyebrow in two. Sick as she was,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"he carried her to his ship, where he was abused by the shipmaster for bringing","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"such a burden.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The ship set sail next day. Marie Grubbe sailed with it - she was not put","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"ashore. Didn't she ever come back? Yes, but when and how?","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The parish clerk could tell about this too. It was not a tale which he had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"pieced together. He had the whole strange story from a reliable book which we","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"can get and read for ourselves.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The Danish author, Ludvig Holberg, who has written so many books worth reading","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"and so many gay comedies by which we get to know his time and its people,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"mentions Marie Grubbe in his letters, which tell how and in what part of the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"world he found her. This is well worth hearing, but we shall not lose track of","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Chicken Grethe, who sits so happy and comfortable in her imposing chicken house.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The ship sailed off with Marie Grubbe. That was where we left off. Year upon","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"year went by.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The plague was raging in Copenhagen. That was in the year of 1711. The Queen","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"of Denmark went to her German home. The King left his capital, and every one","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"who could made haste to leave. The students, even those who had free board and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"lodging, scurried out of the city. One of them, the last student left at what","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"they called Borch's College, near the students' headquarters, made ready to go.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"At two o'clock in the morning he started out, with his knapsack stuffed with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"more books and manuscripts than clothes. A raw, dank mist hung over the city.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Not a soul was to be seen in the street through which he passed. All around him","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the gates and doors were marked with the crosses which showed that there people","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"lay ill or had died of the plague. Even in broad and winding Meatmonger's street","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"- as the street leading from the round tower to the King's palace was called","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"then - there was not a man to be seen. Suddenly a large hearse came rumbling by.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The driver cracked his whip to urge his horses into a gallop, for the wagon was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"crammed with to urge his horses into a gallop, for the wagon was crammed with","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"corpses. The young student covered his face with his hands, and breathed the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"fumes of strong spirits which he carried in a brass- boxed sponge.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"From a grog shop in one of the streets came the sound of songs and forced","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"laughter. Men were drinking the night away in an effort to forget that Death","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"stood at their door, beckoning to them to come with him and join the other dead","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"men in the hearse. The student hurried on to Castle Bridge, where two small","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"boats were moored. One of them was just about to cast off and quit the plague-","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"ridden city.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"If the Lord spares out lives and the wind serves us, we shall sail to Grönsund,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"on Falster,\" the captain said, and he asked the name of this student who wanted","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"to go with them.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Ludvig Holberg,\" the student said, and at that time it sounded like any other","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"name. Now it resounds as one of Denmark's proudest names, but he was then only a","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"young student, and unknown.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The boat slipped past the castle, and before daybreak they came to the open sea.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"A light breeze sprang up and the sails filled. The student sat down with the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"wind in his face, and fell asleep. And that wasn't exactly an advisable thing to","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"do! On the third morning the boat was already at Falster.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Do you know of anyone in this place with whom I can live cheaply?\" Holberg","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"asked the captain.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"I believe you had best go to the ferry man's wife at Borrehouse,\" he said. \"If","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"you want to be polite, call her Mother Sören Sörensen Möller, but she may turn","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"angry if you show her too much politeness. Her husband is under arrest for some","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"crime or other, and she runs the ferry herself. What fists she has!\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The student shouldered his knapsack and went to the ferry house. The door was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not locked, so he lifted the latch and entered a brick-floored room in which","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a large folding bed with a big furred cover was the most noticeable piece of","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"furniture. A white hen, with her chickens around her, was tied to the bedstead.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"She had upset her drinking dish, and water ran across the floor. No one was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"there or in the next room, except a little child who lay in a cradle.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"The ferry boat came back with only one person on board - whether man or woman","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was hard to say. This person was wrapped in a great cloak, with a hood that","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"covered the head.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"When the boat was docked, it was a woman who entered the room. She had an","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"impressive air as she straightened up and looked at him. Two proud eyes were set","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"under her dark brows. It was Mother Sören, the ferry man's wife, though rooks,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"crows, and jackdaws could scream out another name by which we would know her","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"better.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Glum she looked, and little enough she cared for talk, but it was settled that","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the student would stay and board with her for an undetermined time, until things","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"went well again in Copenhagen.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Now and then some honest fellows from the neighboring town dropped in at","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the ferry house. Among them were Frank, the cutler, and Sivert, the customs","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"collector, who came to drink a mug of ale and to chat with the student. He was","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a thoughtful young man who knew what's what, as they said. He read Latin and","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Greek, and was well posted in many fields of knowledge.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"The less one knows, the lighter his burden,\" said Mother Sören.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"One day when Holberg watched her wash clothes in strong lye, and chop up knotty","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"stumps for firewood, he told her:","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"You work too hard.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"That's my business,\" she said.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Have you had to toil and slave this way ever since you were a child?\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Read the answer in my hands,\" she said, and showed him her two hands, small but","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"strong and hard, with broken nails. \"You know how to read. Read them.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"At Christmas time there was a heavy snowfall. The cold made itself at home,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"and the winds blew as bitterly as if they were dashing acid in people's faces.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Mother Sören didn't care. She flung on her cloak, drew up the hood, and went","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"about her business. When the house grew dark early in the afternoon, she would","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"throw pine knots on the fire and sit by it to darn her stockings, for she had no","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"one to do it for her. As evening came on she talked with the student more than","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"she usually did. she spoke of her husband:","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"By accident he killed a captain from Dragor, and for this they put him in","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"chains and sentenced him to three years of hard labor on the King's Island. He","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"is only an ordinary sailor, so the law must take its course, you know.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"The law applies to the upper classes too,\" Holberg said.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Do you believe that?\" Mother Sören stared into the fire, and then went on. \"Do","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"you know the story of Kay Lykke, who ordered one of his churches torn down? When","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Mads, the pastor, thundered from the pulpit against this, he had Mads clapped in","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"irons and thrown in prison. Then he appointed himself Judge, found Mads guilty,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"condemned him, and had his head struck off. That was no accident, yet Kay Lykke","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"was never punished.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"He was within his right, according to the custom of his time,\" Holberg said.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"We have come a long way since then.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Try to make fools believe you.\" Mother Sören got up and went into the next room","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"where Toesen, her little child, lay in the cradle. When she had tidied and aired","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the cradle, she made the student's bed. He had the big furred cover, for though","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"he was born in Norway he felt the cold more than she did.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"New Year's Day dawned clear and sunny. It was so cold that the snowdrifts were","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"hard enough for one to walk across them. The bells in the village were ringing","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"for church, as student Holberg wrapped himself in his heavy cloak to set off for","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"town. Rooks flew screeching over Börrehouse, and so did the crows and jackdaws.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"They made such a racket that you could scarcely hear the bells. Mother Sören","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"stood outside, filling a brass kettle with snow, to melt over the fire for","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"drinking water. She gazed up at the dark swarm of birds and thought her own","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"thoughts.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Student Holberg went to church and on his way back he passed the house of","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Sivert, the customs collector. Sivert invited him in to warm himself from","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"a bowl of mulled ale, sweetened with syrup and ginger. They started to talk","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"about Mother Sören, but the customs collector knew little about her. Indeed,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"there were few who did. \"She is not a native of Falster,\" he said, \"and she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"has probably seen better days. Her husband is a common sailor, with a violent","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"temper. He killed a captain on Dragör, and, though he used to beat his wife, she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"always sticks up for him.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"I would never stand for that,\" said the customs collector's wife. \"I too come","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"of better stock. My father wove stockings for the King.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"So naturally you married one of the King's officers,\" Holberg said, with a bow","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"to her husband.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Twelfth Night came, and Mother Sören lighted for Holberg a candle of the Three","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Kings - that is, three small tallow candles - which she herself had prepared.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"A candle for each man!\" said Holberg.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Each man?\" she exclaimed, and looked at him hard.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Each of the wise men from the east,\" Holberg said.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Oh, that's how you meant it,\" she said, and sat in silence for a while. But on","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"that evening of the Three Kings, he learned a great deal about her that he had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not known.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"You are fond of the man you are wedded to,\" Holberg said, \"yet people tell me","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"he daily mistreated you.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"That concerns no one but me,\" Mother Sören declared. \"The blows would have","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"done me good had they fallen when I was a child. Now they probably fall for my","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"sins. I only know the good he has done me.\" She stood up straight. \"When I lay","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"ill and weak among the sand dunes, and no one would come near me except perhaps","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the rooks, the crows, and the jackdaws, who came to pick at me, he carried me","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"in his arms, and got hard words for bringing such a find on board his ship. I do","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not come of sickly stock, so I recovered. All of us have our faults, and Sören","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"has his. One must not judge the horse by his halter. With him I have led a more","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"pleasant life than I did with him whom they called the highest and most gallant","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"one of all the King's men. I have been married to Governor Gyldenlöve, half-","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"brother to the King. Afterward I took Palle Dyre. Good or bad, each has his own","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"way, and I have mine. That was a long story, and now you know it.\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Mother Sören went out of the room.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"So this was Marie Grubbe, so strangely does the ball of fortune turn. She did","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"not live to see many more feasts of the Three Kings. Holberg wrote that she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"died in June, 1716, but he did not write, for he did not know, that when Mother","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Sören, as they called her, lay dead in Borrehouse, a flock of large black birds","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"flew over the roof in silence. They did not scream, and it was as if they knew","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"that at funerals one must be quiet. As soon as she was in her grave, the birds","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"departed, but on that same evening the birds were seen in enormous numbers over","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"her old estate in Jutland. Rooks, crows, and jackdaws, screamed to each other as","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"if they had much to tell. Perhaps they croaked of him who robbed them of their","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"eggs and young ones when he was a boy - the peasant boy who received an iron","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"garter on the King's Island - and also of the high-born young lady who died a","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"ferry woman at Grönsund.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Bra! Bra!\" they croaked. And \"Bra, Bra!\" the whole tribe croaked when the old","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"castle was torn down. \"And this they cry still, though there is nothing left to","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"croak about,\" said the parish clerk, when he told the story. \"The family died","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"out, the castle was torn down, and where it stood the new hen house now stands,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"with its gilded weathercock on the roof, and Chicken Grethe inside. There she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"sits, well satisfied with her cosy residence, for if she had not come here she","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"would have gone to the workhouse!\" - The pigeons cooed above her, the turkeys","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"clucked, and the ducks quacked around her. \"No one knew her,\" they said. \"She","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"had no relatives. By an act of charity she came here, and children she had","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"none!\"","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Nevertheless, she had ancestors, though she did not know of them, nor did the","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"parish clerk, for all the manuscripts he had in his table drawer. But one of","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the old crows knew, and he told about it. From its mother and its grandmother,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"it had heard tell of Chicken Grethe's mother and grandmother, whom we know too.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"We know how, as a child, she rode over the drawbridge and looked about proudly,","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"as if the whole world and all the bird nests in it belonged to her. We also saw","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"her on the sand dunes, and last at the ferry house. Her granddaughter, last of","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"her line, had come home again where the old castle had stood, and where the wild","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"birds croaked. But she sat among her tame fowls, known by them and on friendly","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"terms with them.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Chicken Grethe had nothing more to wish for. She was happy to die and old enough","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"to die.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"\"Grave, grave!\" the crows croaked.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"And Chicken Grethe was buried in a good grave. No one knows where it lies except","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"the old crow, if he isn't dead too.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Now we know the story of the old castle, and of all Chicken Grethe's family.","book":"Chicken Grethe's family"} {"text":"Adjoining the rich estate was a lovely and beautifully kept garden of rare","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"trees and flowers. Guests at the estate enjoyed this fine garden and praised it.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"People from the countryside all round about and townspeople as well would come","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"every Sunday and holiday to ask if they might see the garden. Even whole schools","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"made excursions to it.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Just outside the fence that separated the garden from a country lane, there","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"grew a very large thistle. It was so unusually big with such vigorous, full-","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"foliaged branches rising from the root that it well deserved to be called a","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"thistle bush. No one paid any attention to her except one old donkey that pulled","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the dairymaid's cart. He would stretch his old neck toward the thistle and say,","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"You're a beauty. I'd like to eat you!\" But his tether was not long enough to","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"let him reach the thistle and eat her.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"There was a big party at the manor house. Among the guests were fine","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"aristocratic relations from the capital - charming young girls, and among them","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"was a young lady who had come from a foreign land, all the way from Scotland.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Her family was old, and noble, and rich in lands and gold. She was a bride well","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"worth winning, thought more than one young man, and their mothers thought so","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"too.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"The young people amused themselves on the lawn, where they played croquet. As","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"they strolled about in the garden, each young lady plucked a flower and put in","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"a young man's buttonhole. The young lady from Scotland looked all around her for","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"a flower. But none of them suited her until she happened to look over the fence","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"and saw the big, flourishing thistle bush, full of deep purple, healthy-looking","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"flowers. When she saw them she smiled, and asked the young heir of the household","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"to pick one of them for her.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"That is Scotland's flower,\" she said. \"It blooms on my country's coat of arms.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"That's the flower for me.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"He plucked the best flower of the thistle, and pricked his finger in the process","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"as much as if he had torn the blossom from the thorniest rose bush.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"When she put it in his buttonhole, he considered it a great honor. Every other","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"young man would gladly have given his lovely garden flower for any blossom from","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the slender fingers of the girl from Scotland. If the heir of the household felt","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"himself highly honored, how much more so the thistle! She felt as full as if the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"sunshine and dew went through her.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"I must be more important than I thought,\" she said to herself. \"I really belong","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"inside, not outside the fence. One gets misplaced in the world, but I now have","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"one of my offspring not only over the fence but actually in a buttonhole!\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"To every one of her buds that bloomed, the thistle bush told what had happened.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Not many days went by before she heard important news. She heard it not from","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"passers-by, nor from the chirping of little birds, but from the air itself,","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"which collects sounds and carries them far and wide - from the shadiest walks of","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the garden and from the furthest rooms of the manor, where doors stood ajar and","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"windows were left open. She heard that the young man who got the thistle flower","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"from the slender fingers of the girl from Scotland, now had won her heart and","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"hand. They made a fine couple, and it was a good match.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"I brought that about,\" the thistle believed, thinking of how her flower had","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"been chosen for the gentleman's buttonhole. Each new bud that opened was told of","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"this wonderful happening.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Undoubtedly I shall now be transplanted into the garden,\" thought the thistle.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Perhaps they will even pinch me into a flowerpot, which is the highest honor of","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"all.\" She thought about this so long that at length she said with full and firm","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"conviction, \"I am to be planted in a flowerpot.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Every little thistle bud which opened was promised that it too would be put","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"in a pot, perhaps even in a buttonhole, which was the highest it could hope to","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"go. But not one of them reached a flowerpot, much less a buttonhole. They lived","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"upon light and air. By day they drank sunshine, by night they drank dew, and","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"were visited by bees and wasps who came in search of a dowry - the honey of the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"flower. And they took away the honey, but left the flowers behind.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Such a gang of robbers!\" said the thistle bush. \"I'd like to stick a thorn","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"through them, but I can't.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Her flowers faded and fell away, but new ones came in their place. \"You have","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"come as if you were called for,\" the thistle bush told them. \"I expect to cross","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the fence any minute now.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"A couple of innocent daisies and some tall, narrow-leaved canary grass listened","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"with deepest admiration, and believed everything that they heard. The old","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"donkey, who had to pull the milk cart, looked longingly at the blooming thistle","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"bush and reached out for it, but his tether was too short.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"The thistle thought so hard and so long about the Scotch thistle, whom she","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"considered akin to her, that she began to believe that she herself had come","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"from Scotland and that it was her own ancestors who had grown on the Scottish","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"arms. This was toplofty thinking, but then tall thistles are apt to think tall","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"thought.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Sometimes one is of more illustrious ancestry than he ventures to suppose,\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"said a nettle which grew near-by. It had a notion that it could be transformed","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"into fine muslin if properly handled.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Summer went by, and fall went by, and the leaves fell from the trees. The","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"flowers were more colorful, but less fragrant. On the other side of the fence","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the gardener's boy sang:","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Up the hill and down the hill,","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"That's the way the world goes still.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"And the young fir trees in the woods began to look forward to Christmas, though","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Christmas was a long time off.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Here I still stay,\" said the thistle. \"It is as if nobody thinks of me any","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"more, yet it was I who made the match. They were engaged, and now they have been","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"married. That was eight days ago. But I haven't progressed a single step - how","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"can I?\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Several weeks went by. The thistle had one last, lonely flower. Large and","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"full, it grew low, near the root. The cold wind blew over it, its color faded,","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"its splendor departed. Only the thistle-shaped cup remained, as large as an","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"artichoke blossom, and as silvery as a sunflower.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"The young couple, who now were man and wife, came down the garden walk along the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"fence. The bride looked over the fence, and said, \"Why, there still stands the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"big thistle, but it hasn't a flower left.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Yes, there's the ghost of one - the very last one.\" Her husband pointed to the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"silvery shell of the flower - a flower itself.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"Isn't it lovely!\" she said. \"We must have one just like that carved around the","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"frame of our picture.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"Once again the young man had to climb the fence, and pluck the silvery shell","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"of the thistle flower. It pricked his fingers well, because he had called it a","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"ghost. Then it was brought into the garden, to the mansion, and to the parlor.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"There hung a large painting - \"The Newly Married Couple!\" In the groom's","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"buttonhole a thistle was painted. They spoke of that thistle flower, and they","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"spoke of this thistle shell, this last silvered, shining flower of the thistle","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"which they had brought in with them, and which was to be copied in the carving","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"of the frame. The air carried their words about, far and wide.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"What strange things can happen to one,\" said the thistle. \"My oldest child was","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"put in a buttonhole, and my youngest in a picture frame. I wonder where I shall","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"go.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"The old donkey by the roadside looked long and lovingly at the thistle. \"Come","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"to me, my sweet,\" he said. \"I cannot come to you because my tether is not long","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"enough.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"But the thistle did not answer. She grew more and more thoughtful, and she","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"thought on right up to Christmas time, when this flower came of all her","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"thinking:","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"When one's children are safe inside, a mother may be content to stand outside","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"the fence.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"That's a most honorable thought,\" said the sunbeam. \"You too shall also have a","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"good place.\"","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"In a flowerpot or in a frame?\" the thistle asked.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"\"In a fairy tale,\" said the sunbeam. And here it is.","book":"What happened to the thistle"} {"text":"There was once a young man who was studying to be a poet. He wanted to become","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"one by Easter, and to marry, and to live by poetry. To write poems, he knew,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"only consists in being able to invent something; but he could not invent","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"anything. He had been born too late– everything had been taken up before he came","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"into the world, and everything had been written and told about.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Happy people who were born a thousand years ago!\" said he. \"It was an easy","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"matter for them to become immortal. Happy even was he who was born a hundred","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"years ago, for then there was still something about which a poem could be","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"written. Now the world is written out, and what can I write poetry about?\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"Then he studied till he became ill and wretched, the wretched man! No doctor","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"could help him, but perhaps the wise woman could. She lived in the little house","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"by the wayside, where the gate is that she opened for those who rode and drove.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"But she could do more than unlock the gate. She was wiser than the doctor who","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"drives in his own carriage and pays tax for his rank.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"I must go to her,\" said the young man.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"The house in which she dwelt was small and neat, but dreary to behold, for there","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"were no flowers near it– no trees. By the door stood a bee-hive, which was very","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"useful. There was also a little potato-field, very useful, and an earth bank,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"with sloe bushes upon it, which had done blossoming, and now bore fruit, sloes,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"that draw one's mouth together if one tastes them before the frost has touched","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"them.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"That's a true picture of our poetryless time, that I see before me now,\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"thought the young man; and that was at least a thought, a grain of gold that he","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"found by the door of the wise woman.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Write that down!\" said she. \"Even crumbs are bread. I know why you come hither.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"You cannot invent anything, and yet you want to be a poet by Easter.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Everything has been written down,\" said he. \"Our time is not the old time.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"No,\" said the woman. \"In the old time wise women were burnt, and poets went","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"about with empty stomachs, and very much out at elbows. The present time is","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"good, it is the best of times; but you have not the right way of looking at it.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"Your ear is not sharpened to hear, and I fancy you do not say the Lord's Prayer","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"in the evening. There is plenty here to write poems about, and to tell of, for","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"any one who knows the way. You can read it in the fruits of the earth, you can","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"draw it from the flowing and the standing water; but you must understand how–","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"you must understand how to catch a sunbeam. Now just you try my spectacles on,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"and put my ear-trumpet to your ear, and then pray to God, and leave off thinking","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"of yourself\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"The last was a very difficult thing to do– more than a wise woman ought to ask.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"He received the spectacles and the ear-trumpet, and was posted in the middle of","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"the potato-field. She put a great potato into his hand. Sounds came from within","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"it; there came a song with words, the history of the potato, an every-day story","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"in ten parts, an interesting story. And ten lines were enough to tell it in.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"And what did the potato sing?","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"She sang of herself and of her family, of the arrival of the potato in","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"Europe, of the misrepresentation to which she had been exposed before she was","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"acknowledged, as she is now, to be a greater treasure than a lump of gold.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"We were distributed, by the King's command, from the council-houses through the","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"various towns, and proclamation was made of our great value; but no one believed","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"in it, or even understood how to plant us. One man dug a hole in the earth and","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"threw in his whole bushel of potatoes; another put one potato here and another","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"there in the ground, and expected that each was to come up a perfect tree,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"from which he might shake down potatoes. And they certainly grew, and produced","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"flowers and green watery fruit, but it all withered away. Nobody thought of what","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"was in the ground– the blessing– the potato. Yes, we have endured and suffered,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"that is to say, our forefathers have; they and we, it is all one. \"What a story","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"it was!","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Well, and that will do,\" said the woman. \"Now look at the sloe bush.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"We have also some near relations in the home of the potatoes, but higher","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"towards the north than they grew,\" said the Sloes. \"There were Northmen, from","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"Norway, who steered westward through mist and storm to an unknown land, where,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"behind ice and snow, they found plants and green meadows, and bushes with blue-","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"black grapes– sloe bushes. The grapes were ripened by the frost just as we are.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"And they called the land 'Wine-land,' that is, 'Groenland,' or 'Sloeland.' \"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"That is quite a romantic story,\" said the young man.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Yes, certainly. But now come with me,\" said the wise woman, and she led him to","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"the bee-hive. He looked into it. What life and labor! There were bees standing","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"in all the passages, waving their wings, so that a wholesome draught of air","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"might blow through the great manufactory; that was their business. Then there","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"came in bees from without, who had been born with little baskets on their feet;","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"they brought flower-dust, which was poured out, sorted, and manufactured into","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"honey and wax. They flew in and out. The queen-bee wanted to fly out, but then","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"all the other bees must have gone with her. It was not yet the time for that,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"but still she wanted to fly out; so the others bit off her majesty's wings, and","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"she had to stay where she was.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Now get upon the earth bank,\" said the wise woman. \"Come and look out over the","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"highway, where you can see the people.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"What a crowd it is!\" said the young man. \"One story after another. It whirls","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"and whirls! It's quite a confusion before my eyes. I shall go out at the back.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"No, go straight forward,\" said the woman. \"Go straight into the crowd of","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"people; look at them in the right way. Have an ear to hear and the right heart","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"to feel, and you will soon invent something. But, before you go away, you must","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"give me my spectacles and my ear-trumpet again.\" And so saying, she took both","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"from him.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Now I do not see the smallest thing,\" said the young man, \"and now I don't hear","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"anything more.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Why, then, you can't be a poet by Easter,\" said the wise woman.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"But, by what time can I be one?\" asked he.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"Neither by Easter nor by Whitsuntide! You will not learn how to invent","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"anything.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"What must I do to earn my bread by poetry?\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"You can do that before Shrove Tuesday. Hunt the poets! Kill their writings and","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"thus you will kill them. Don't be put out of countenance. Strike at them boldly,","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"and you'll have carnival cake, on which you can support yourself and your wife","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"too.\"","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"\"What one can invent!\" cried the young man. And so he hit out boldly at every","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"second poet, because he could not be a poet himself.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"We have it from the wise woman. She knows What One Can Invent.","book":"What one can invent"} {"text":"A Story Told For My Young American Friends","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"I'll tell you a story about luck. All of us know what it is to be lucky. Some","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"know good luck day in, day out; others only now and then in their lucky seasons;","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"and there are some people who know it only once in a lifetime. But luck comes at","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"some time or other to us all.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"Now I needn't tell you what everyone knows, that it's God who puts little","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"children in their mother's lap; maybe in a nobleman's castle, maybe in a","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"workingman's home, or maybe in the open field where the cold wind blows. What","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"you may not know, though it's just as true, is that when God leaves the child he","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"always leaves it a lucky piece. He doesn't put this where the child is born, but","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"tucks it away in some odd corner of the earth where we least expect it. Yes, you","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"can rest assured that it always turns up, sooner or later, and that is nice to","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"know.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"This lucky piece may turn out to be an apple. That was the case with one man, a","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"scholar called Newton. The apple fell into his lap, and his luck came with it.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"If you don't know the story, get someone to tell it to you. I've a different","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"story to tell, about a pear.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"Once there was a man born poor, bred poor, and married without a penny. By the","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"way, he was a turner by trade, but as he made nothing except umbrella handles","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"and umbrella rings, he earned only enough money to live from hand to mouth.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"\"I'll never find my luck,\" he used to say.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"Now this is a Gospel true story. It really happened. I could name the man's","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"county and his town, but that isn't important. Wild service berries, with their","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"red, sour fruit, grew around his house and garden as if they were the richest","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"ornament. However, in the garden was also a pear tree. It had never borne fruit;","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"yet the man's luck lay hidden in the tree, in the shape of a pear not yet to be","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"seen.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"One night the wind blew in a terrible gale. In the next town men said that the","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"great mail coach was lifted from one side of the road to the other as easily","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"as a rag, so it was not to be wondered at that a large branch was torn from the","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"pear tree. The branch was brought into the workshop and, just as a joke, the","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"turner made from it wooden pears, big, little, and middle-sized.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"\"For once my tree has borne pears,\" he smiled, and gave them to his children for","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"playthings.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"Among the necessities of life are umbrellas, especially in lands where it rains","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"a lot. But the turner's family had only one umbrella between them. When the wind","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"blew hard, their umbrella would blow inside out. Sometimes it would break, and","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"luckily the man knew how to mend it. However, with the button and loop that held","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"the umbrella closed, things went from bad to worse. The button would always fly","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"off just as they thought they had the umbrella neatly folded.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"One day it popped off, and the turner hunted for it everywhere. In a crack of","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"the floor he came across one of the smallest pears he had given his children for","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"a toy.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"\"If I can't find the button,\" he said, \"I'll make this do.\" He fitted a string","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"through it, and the little pear buttoned up the umbrella to perfection. It was","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"the best umbrella fastener that ever was seen.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"The next time the turner sent umbrella handles and umbrella rings to the city,","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"he added several of the small wooden pears. They were fitted to a few new","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"umbrellas, and put with a thousand others on a ship bound for America. Americans","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"catch on very quickly. They saw that the little pears held better than the other","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"umbrella buttons, and the merchant gave orders that all the umbrellas sent to","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"him henceforth should be fastened with little wooden pears.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"There was work for you - thousands of pears to be made for all the umbrellas","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"that went to America. The turner turned them out wholesale, until the whole pear","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"tree was used up making little wooden pears. They brought pennies that grew into","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"dollars. There was no end to the money he made.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"\"My luck was in that pear tree all along,\" the man said. Soon he had a great","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"factory with plenty of workmen to help him. Now that he always had time for joke","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"he would say, \"Good luck may lie in a pin.\"","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"And I who tell this story say so too, for it's a true proverb in Denmark that","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"if you put a white pin in your mouth you'll be invisible. But it must be the","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"right sort of pin, a lucky piece from God's own hand. I have one of them, and","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"whenever I come to America, that new world so far away and yet so near me, I'll","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"always carry that pin. Already my words have gone there. The ocean rolls toward","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"America, and the wind blows that way. Any day I can be where my stories are","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"read, and perhaps see the glitter of ringing gold - the gold that is best of","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"all, which shines in children's eyes, or rings from their lips and the lips of","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"their grown-ups. I and in all my friends' homes, even though they don't see me.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"I have the white pin in my mouth.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"And luck may lie in a pin.","book":"Luck may lie in a pin"} {"text":"What did the whole family say? Well listen first to what little Marie said.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"It was little Marie's birthday, the most wonderful of all days, she imagined.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"All her little boy friends and girl friends came to play with her, and she wore","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"her prettiest dress, the one Grandmother, who was now with God, had sewn for","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"her before she went up into the bright, beautiful heaven. The table in little","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Marie's room was loaded with presents; there was the prettiest little kitchen,","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"with everything that belongs to a kitchen, and a doll that could close its eyes","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"and say \"Ouch!\" when you pinched its stomach; yes, and there was also a picture","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"book, with the most wonderful stories, to be read when one could read! But to","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"have many birthdays was more wonderful than all the stories in the book.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"\"Yes, it's wonderful to be alive,\" said little Marie. And her godfather added","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"that it was the most beautiful of all fairy tales.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"In the next room were both her brothers; they were big boys, one of them nine","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"years old, the other eleven. They thought it was wonderful to be alive, too;","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"that is, to live in their own way, not to be a baby like Marie, but to be real","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"smart schoolboys, to get A's on their report cards, to have friendly fights","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"with their comrades, to go skating in the winter and bicycling in the summer,","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"to read about the days of knighthood, with its castles, its drawbridges, and","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"its dungeons, and to hear about new discoveries in Central Africa. On the latter","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"subject, however, one of the boys felt very sad in that he feared everything","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"might be discovered before he grew up, and then there would be no adventure left","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"for him. But Godfather said, \"Life itself is the most wonderful adventure, and","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"you have a part in it yourself.\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"These children lived on the first floor of the house; in the flat above them","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"lived another branch of the family, also with children, but these all had long","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"since been shaken from their mother's apron strings, so big were they; one son","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"was seventeen, and another twenty, but the third one was very old, said little","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Marie; he was twenty-five, and engaged to be married. They were all very well","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"off, had nice parents, good clothes, and were well educated, and they knew what","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"they wanted. \"Look forward,\" they said. \"Away with all the old fences! Let's","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"have an open view into the wide world! That's the greatest thing we know of!","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Godfather is right - life is the most wonderful fairy tale!\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Father and Mother, both older people - naturally, they would have to be older","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"than the children - said, with smiling lips and smiling eyes and hearts, \"How","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"young these young people are! Things usually don't happen in this world just","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"as they expect them to, yet life goes on. Life is a strange and wonderful","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"adventure.\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"On the next floor - a little closer to heaven, as we say when people live in","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"an attic - lived Godfather. He was old, and yet so young in mind, always in","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"a good humor, and he certainly could tell stories, many and long ones. He had","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"traveled the world over, and his room was filled with pretty tokens from every","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"country. Pictures were hung from ceiling to floor, and some of the windowpanes","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"were of red or yellow glass; if one looked through them, the whole world lay","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"in sunshine, however gray the weather might be outside. Green plants grew in a","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"large glass case, and in an enclosure therein swam goldfish; they looked at one","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"as if they knew many things they didn't care to talk about. There was always a","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"sweet fragrance of flowers, even in the wintertime. And then a great fire blazed","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"in the fireplace; it was such a pleasure to sit and look into it and hear how it","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"crackled and spat.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"\"It refreshes old memories to me, \" said Godfather. And to little Marie there","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"seemed to appear many pictures in the fire.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"But in the big bookcase close by stood real books; one of these Godfather often","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"read, and this he called the Book of Books; it was the Bible. In it was pictured","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"the history of the world and the history of all mankind, of the creation, the","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"flood, the kings, and the King of Kings.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"\"All that has happened and all that will happen is written in this book,\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"said Godfather; \"so infinitely much in one single book! Just think of it! Yes,","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"everything that a human being has to pray for is entered there, and said in a","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"few words in the prayer 'Our Father'! It is the drop of mercy! It is the pearl","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"of comfort from God. It is laid as a gift on the baby's cradle, laid on the","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"child's heart. Little child, keep it safely; don't ever lose it, however big","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"you may grow, and you will never be left alone on life's changeful way; it will","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"shine within you and you will never be lost!\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Godfather's eyes radiated joy. Once, in his youth, they had wept, \"and this","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"was also good,\" he said. \"That was a time of trial, when everything looked dark","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"and gray. Now I have sunshine within me and around me. The older one grows,","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"the clearer one sees, in both prosperity and misfortune, that our Lord always","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"is with us and that life is the most beautiful of all fairy tales, and this He","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"alone can give us - and so it will be into eternity.\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"\"Yes, it is wonderful to be alive!\" said little Marie.","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"So said also the small and the big boys, as well as Father and Mother and the","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"whole family - but first of all, Godfather, who had had so much experience and","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"was the oldest of them all. He knew all stories, all the fairy tales. And it","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"was right from the bottom of his heart that he said, \"Life is the most wonderful","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"fairy tale of all!\"","book":"What the whole family said"} {"text":"Great-Grandfather was so lovable, wise and good. All of us looked up to Great-","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Grandfather. As far back as I can remember, he was really called \"Father's","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Father,\" and \"Mother's Father\" as well, but when my Brother Frederick's little","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"son came along he was promoted, and got the title of \"Great-Grandfather.\" He","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"could not expect to go any higher than that.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"He was very fond of us all, but he did not appear to be fond of our times. \"Old","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"times were the good times,\" he used to say. \"Quiet and genuine they were. In","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"these days there's too much hurrying and turning everything upside down. The","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"young folk lay down the law, and even speak about the Kings as if they are their","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"equals. Any ne'er-do-well can sop a rag in dirty water and wring it out over the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"head of an honorable man.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Great-Grandfather would get angry and red in the face when he talked of such","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"things, but soon he would smile his kindly, sympathetic smile, and say, \"Oh,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"well! I may be a bit wrong. I belong to the old days, and I can't quite get a","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"foothold in the new. May God guide us and show us the right way to go.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"When Great-Grandfather got started on the old days, it seemed to me as if they","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"came back. I would imagine myself riding along in a gilded coach, with footmen","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"in fine livery. I saw the guilds move their signs and march in procession with","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"their banners aloft, preceded by music. And I attended the merry Christmas","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"festivities, where people in fancy dress played games of forfeit.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"True enough, in the old days dreadfully cruel and horrible things used to be","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"done. There was torture, rack and wheel, and bloodshed, but even these horrible","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"things had an excitement about them that fascinated me. But I also thought of","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"many pleasant things. I used to imagine how things were when the Danish nobility","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"freed the peasants, and when the Danish Crown Prince abolished slave trading.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"It was marvelous to hear Great-Grandfather talk of all these things, and to hear","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"him tell of the days of his youth. But I think the times even earlier than that","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"were the very best times of all - so mighty and glorious.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"They were barbarous times,\" Brother Frederick said. \"Thank heaven we are well","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"rid of them.\" He used to say this right out to Great-Grandfather. This was most","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"improper, I know, but just the same I always had great respect for Frederick.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"He was my oldest brother, and he used to say he was old enough to be my father","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"- but then he was always saying the oddest things. He had graduated with the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"highest honors, and was so quick and clever in his work at Father's office that","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Father meant to make him a partner before long. Of us all, he was the one with","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"whom Great-Grandfather talked most, but they always began to argue, for they","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"did not get along well together. They did not understand each other, those two,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and the family said they never would, but even as young as I was, I soon felt","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"that they were indispensable to each other. Great-Grandfather would listen with","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the brightest look in his eyes while Frederick spoke of or read aloud about","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"scientific progress, and new discoveries in the laws of nature, and about all","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the other marvels of our times.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"The human race gets cleverer, but it doesn't get better,\" Great-Grandfather","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"would say. \"People invent the most terrible and harmful weapons with which to","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"kill and injure each other.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"Then the war will be over that much sooner,\" Frederick would tell him. \"No need","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"now for us to wait seven years for the blessings of peace. The world is full-","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"blooded, and it needs to be bled now and then. That is a necessity.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"One day Frederick told him of something that actually happened in a small","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"country and in our own times. The mayor's clock - the large one on the town hall","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"- kept time for the whole town and for everyone who lived there. The clock did","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"not run very well, but that didn't matter nor did it keep anyone from looking to","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"it for the time. But by and by railroads were built in that country, and in all","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"countries railroads run by the clock. One must therefore be sure of the time,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and know it exactly, or there will be collisions. At the railroad station they","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"had a clock that was absolutely reliable, and exactly in accord with the sun.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"But as the mayor's was not, everyone went by the railroad clock.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"I laughed, and thought the story a funny one, but Great-Grandfather did not","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"laugh. He became very serious.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"There is a profound meaning in what you have told me,\" he declared, \"and I","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"understood the thought that prompted you to tell me the story. There's a moral","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"in the clockwork. It reminds me of another clock - my parents' simple, old-","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"fashioned Bornholm clock, with lead weights. It measured out the time of their","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"lives and of my childhood. Perhaps it didn't run any too well, but it ran","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"just the same. We would look at the hour hand and believe in it, with never","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"a thought about the works inside. In those days the machinery of government","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"was like that old clock. Everybody believed in it and only looked at the hour","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"hand. Now government machinery is like a clock in a glass case, so that one can","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"look directly into the works and see the wheels turning and whizzing around.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Sometimes we become quite frightened over this spring or that wheel, and then","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"I wonder how it is possible for all these complicated parts to tell the right","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"time. I have lost my childish belief in the rightness of the old clock. That is","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the weakness of this age.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Great-Grandfather would talk on until he became quite angry. He and Frederick","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"could not agree, yet they could not bear to be separated - \"just like old times","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and new.\" Both of them felt this - and so did our whole family - when Frederick","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"was to set out on his journey to far-away America. It was on business for the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Company, so the journey had to be made. To Great-Grandfather, it was a sad","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"parting, and it seemed a long, long journey - all the way across a great ocean,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and to the other side of the globe.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"You shall get a letter from me every fortnight,\" Frederick promised. \"And","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"faster than any letter can go, you shall hear from me by telegraph. The days","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"will be like hours, and the hours like minutes.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"By telegraph we received Frederick's greeting to us from England, just as he","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"boarded the steamship. Sooner than any letter could reach us, even though the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"swift sailing clouds had been our postman, came greetings from America, where","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Frederick had landed only a few hours before.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"What a glorious and divine inspiration has been granted our age,\" said Great-","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Grandfather. \"It is a true blessing to the human race.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"And it was in our country,\" I said, \"that the natural principle underlying the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"telegraph was first understood and stated. Frederick told me so.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"Yes,\" Great-Grandfather said, and he kissed me. \"Yes, and I once looked into","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the kindly eyes that were the first to see and understand this marvelous law of","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"nature - his were the eyes of a child, like yours - and I have shaken his hand.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Then he kissed me again.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"More than a month had gone by, when a letter came from Frederick with the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"news that he was engaged to a beautiful and lovable young lady. He was sure","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"that everyone in our family would be delighted with her, and he sent us her","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"photograph. We looked at it first with our bare eyes, and then with a magnifying","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"glass, for the advantage of photographs is not only that they stand close","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"inspection through the strongest glass, but that then you see the full likeness","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"even better. No painter has ever been able to do that, even in the greatest of","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the ages past.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"If only this discovery had been made earlier, then we could have seen the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"world's greatest and most illustrious men, face to face. How gentle and good","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"this young girl looks,\" Great-Grandfather said, and stared through the glass.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"\"Now I know her face, and I shall recognize her the moment she comes in the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"door.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"But that very nearly failed to happen. Fortunately, at home we did not hear of","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"the danger until it had passed.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"After a safe and pleasant trip, the young couple reached England. From there,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"they were to come by steamship to Copenhagen. When they came in sight of the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Danish coast- the white sand dunes along the western shore of Jutland - a heavy","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"sea arose and dashed the ship against the shore. The enormous waves threatened","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"to break the grounded ship in pieces.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"No lifeboat could reach them. Night fell, but out of the darkness burst a","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"brightly flashing rocket from the shore. It shot far out over the grounded","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"ship, and brought a line to those on board. Once this connection between ship","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and shore was made fast, a rescue buoy was carefully drawn through the rough,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"tumultuous sea, to the shore. In it was a lovely young woman, safe and sound,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"and marvelously happy when she and her young husband again stood together on the","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"shore. Every soul on board was saved before the break of day.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Here in Copenhagen we were sound asleep, dreaming neither of grief nor of","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"danger. When we were gathered at the breakfast table, we heard a rumor that an","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"English steamship had been wrecked on the west coast. We grew heartsick with","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"anxiety, but within an hour we received a telegram from those who were dear to","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"us. Frederick and his young bride were saved - they would soon be with us.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Everyone cried, and I cried too. Great-Grandfather cried and clasped his hands.","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"I am sure he gave thanks for the age in which we live, for that very day he gave","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"two hundred dollars toward raising a monument to Hans Christian Oersted. When","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Frederick came home with his bride, and heard of it, he said, \"That was right,","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Great-Grandfather. Now let me read to you what Oersted wrote, a great many years","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"ago, about the old times and the new.\"","book":"Great-Grandfather"} {"text":"Whosoever could do the most incredible thing was to have the King's daughter and","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"half of his kingdom.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The young men, yes, and the old ones too, bent their heads, their muscles,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and their hearts upon winning. To do what they thought was the most incredible","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"thing, two ate themselves to death, and one died of overdrinking. Even the boys","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"in the street practiced spitting on their own backs, which they supposed was the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"most incredible thing anyone could do.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"On a certain day there was to be an exhibition of things most incredible and","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"everyone showed his best work. Judges were appointed, ranging from children","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"of three to old men of ninety. It was a grand exposition of things out of the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"ordinary, but everybody promptly agreed that most incredible of all was a great","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"hall clock - an extraordinary contraption, outside and in.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"When the clock struck, out came lifelike figures to tell the hour. There were","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"twelve separate performances of these moving figures, with speaking and singing.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"People said that nothing so incredible had ever before been seen.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The clock struck one, and there stood Moses on the mountain, writing in the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"tablets of the law the first great commandment: \"There is only one true God.\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The clock struck two, and there were Adam and Eve, just as they first met in","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the Garden of Eden. Were ever two people so lucky! They didn't own so much as","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"a clothes-closet, and they didn't need one. At the stroke of three the three","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Holy Kings appeared. One was as black as a coal, but he couldn't help that.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The sun had blackened him. These kings brought incense and precious gifts. When","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the stroke of four sounded, the seasons advanced in their order. Spring carried","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"a budding bough of beech, on which a cuckoo sang. Summer had for her sign a","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"grasshopper on a ripening ear of wheat. Autumn had only an empty stork's nest,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"for the birds had flown away. Winter's tame crow perched on the corner of the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"stove, and told old tales of bygone days. At five o'clock there was a procession","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"of the five senses. Sight was represented by a man who made spectacles. Hearing","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"was a noisy coppersmith. Smell was a flower girl with violets for sale. Taste","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"came dressed as a cook. Feeling was a mourner, with crape down to his heels. As","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the clock struck six, there sat a gambler, throwing dice for the highest cast of","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"all, and they fell with the sixes up. Then came the seven days of the week, or","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"they might be the seven deadly sins. People could not be sure which they were,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"for they were not easy to distinguish. Next came a choir of monks, to sing the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"eight o'clock evensong. At the stroke of nine, the nine muses appeared. One","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"was an astronomer, one kept the books of history, and the others were connected","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"with the theater. Ten o'clock struck, and Moses came forth again, this time with","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the tables in which were written all ten of God's commandments. When the clock","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"struck again, boys and girls danced out. They played and sang this song:","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"All the way to heaven","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The clock struck eleven.\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"And eleven it struck. Then came the stroke of twelve. Out marched the night","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"watchman, wearing his cap and carrying his morning star - which is a truncheon","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"tipped with spikes. He sang the old watch song:","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"'Twas at the midnight hour","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Our Savior He was born-\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and as he sang the roses about him unfolded into the heads of angels, with","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"rainbow-tinted wings.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"It was good to hear. It was charming to see. The whole thing was a work of","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"extraordinary craftsmanship, and everyone agreed that it was the most incredible","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"thing. The artist who had made it was young, generous, and sincere, a true","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"friend, and a great help to his poor father and mother. He was altogether worthy","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"of the Princess and of half the kingdom.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"On the day that they were to proclaim who had won, the whole town was bedecked","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and be-draped. The Princess sat on her throne. It had been newly stuffed with","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"horsehair for the occasion, but it was still far from comfortable or pleasant.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The judges winked knowingly at the man they had chosen, who stood there so happy","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and proud. His fortune was made, for had he not done the most incredible thing!","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"No!\" a tall, bony, powerful fellow bawled out. \"Leave it to me, I am the man","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"to do the most incredible thing,\" and then he swung his ax at the craftsman's","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"clock. Crack, crash, smash! There lay the whole thing. Here rolled the wheels,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and there flew the hairsprings. It was wrecked and ruined. \"I did that,\" said","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the lout. \"My work beat his, and bowled you over, all in one stroke. I have done","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the most incredible thing.\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"To destroy such a work of art!\" said the judges. \"Why it's the most incredible","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"thing we've ever seen.\" And the people said so too. So he was awarded the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Princess and half the kingdom, because a law is a law, even if it happens to be","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"a most incredible one.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"They blew trumpets from the ramparts and the city towers, and they announced,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"The wedding will now take place.\" The Princess was not especially happy about","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"it, but she looked pretty and she wore her most expensive clothes. The church","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"was at its best by candle-light, late in the evening. The ladies of the court","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"sang in processions, and escorted the bride. The lords sung, and accompanied the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"groom. From the way he strutted and swaggered along, you'd think that nothing","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"could ever bowl him over.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Then the singing stopped. It was so still that you could have heard a pin fall","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"in the street. But it was not quiet for long. Crash! crash! the great church","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"doors flew open, and boom! boom! all the works of the clock came marching down","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"the church aisle and halted between the bride and the groom.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Dead men cannot walk the earth. That's true, but a work of art does not die. Its","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"shape may be shattered, but the spirit of art cannot be broken. The spirit of","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"art jested, and that was no joke.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":". To all appearances it stood there as if it were whole, and had never been","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"wrecked. The clock struck one hour right after another, from one to twelve,","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"and all the figures poured forth. First Moses came, shining as if bright flames","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"issued from his forehead. He cast the heavy stone tablets of the law at the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"bridegroom's feet, and tied them to the church floor. \"I cannot lift them","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"again,\" said Moses, \"for you have broken my arms. Stand where you are!\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Then came Adam and Eve, the three Wise Men of the East, and the four Seasons.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"Each told him the disagreeable truth. \"Shame on you!\" But he was not ashamed.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"All the figures of all the hours marched out of the clock, and they grew","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"wondrous big. There was scarcely room for the living people. And at the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"stroke of twelve out strode the watchman, with his cap and his many-spiked","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"morning star. There was a strange commotion. The watchman went straight to the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"bridegroom, and smote him on the forehead with his morning star.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"Lie where you are,\" said the watchman. \"A blow for a blow. We have taken out","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"vengeance and the master's too, so now we will vanish.\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"And vanish they did, every cogwheel and figure. But the candles of the church","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"flared up like flowers of fire, and the gilded stars under the roof cast down","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"long clear shafts of light, and the organ sounded though no man had touched it.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"The people all said that they had lived to see the most incredible thing.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"\"Now,\" the Princess commanded, \"summon the right man, the craftsman who made the","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"work of art. He shall be my husband and my lord.\"","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"He stood beside her in the church. All the people were in his train. Everyone","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"was happy for him, everyone blessed him, and there was no one who was envious.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"And that was the most incredible thing.","book":"The most incredible thing"} {"text":"There was once a big wax candle who had the highest opinion of his merits.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"I,\" he said, \"am made of the purest wax, cast in the best mold. I burn more","book":"The candles"} {"text":"brilliantly than any other candle, and I outlast them all. I belong in the high","book":"The candles"} {"text":"chandelier or the silver candlestick.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"What a delightful life you must lead,\" the tallow candle admitted. \"I am only","book":"The candles"} {"text":"tallow. Just a tallow dip. But it's a comfort to think how much better off I am","book":"The candles"} {"text":"than the taper. He's only dipped twice, while I am dipped eight times to make a","book":"The candles"} {"text":"thick and respectable candle of me. I'm satisfied. To be sure it would be better","book":"The candles"} {"text":"to be born of wax than of tallow, and a lucky thing to be shaped in a mold, but","book":"The candles"} {"text":"one isn't asked how he wants to be born. Your place is in the big rooms with","book":"The candles"} {"text":"glass chandeliers. Mine is in the kitchen. But kitchen is a good place too. All","book":"The candles"} {"text":"the food in the house comes from there.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"There are more important things in the world than food,\" the wax candle","book":"The candles"} {"text":"boasted. \"There's the glitter of good society in which I shine. Why, I and all","book":"The candles"} {"text":"my family are invited to a ball that's being given here this very evening.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"No sooner had he said this than all the wax candles were sent for. But the","book":"The candles"} {"text":"tallow candle was not left behind. The mistress of the house took it in her own","book":"The candles"} {"text":"hand and carried it to the kitchen, where a poor boy waited with his basket full","book":"The candles"} {"text":"of potatoes and a few apples that she had given him.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\" And here's a candle for you too, my little friend,\" she told him. \"Your mother","book":"The candles"} {"text":"can use it to work by when she sits up late at night.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"The lady's small daughter stood close beside her mother, and when she heard the","book":"The candles"} {"text":"magic words \"late at night,\" she forgot to be shy. \" I'm going to stay up late","book":"The candles"} {"text":"tonight too!\" she exclaimed. \" We are to have a ball this evening, and I'm to","book":"The candles"} {"text":"wear my big red ribbon.\" No candle ever could shine like the eyes of a child.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Happiness is a blessed thing to see,\" the tallow candle thought to himself. \"I","book":"The candles"} {"text":"mustn't forget how it looks, for I certainly shan't see it again.\" They put him","book":"The candles"} {"text":"in the basket and closed the lid. Away the boy went with it.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Where can he be taking me?\" the candle wondered. \"I may have to live with poor","book":"The candles"} {"text":"people who don't even own a brass candlestick, while the wax candle sits in","book":"The candles"} {"text":"silver and beams at all the best people. How fine it must be to shine in good","book":"The candles"} {"text":"company. But this is what I get for being tallow, not wax.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"And the candle did come to live with poor people. They were a widow and her","book":"The candles"} {"text":"three children, who had a low-ceilinged room across the way from the well-to-do","book":"The candles"} {"text":"house.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"God bless our neighbor for all that she gave us,\" the widow said. \"This good","book":"The candles"} {"text":"candle will burn far into the night.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"She struck a match to it.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Fut, fie,\" he sputtered. \"What a vile smelling match she lights me with. Would","book":"The candles"} {"text":"anyone offer such a kitchen match to the wax candle, in the well-to-do house","book":"The candles"} {"text":"across the way?\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"There the candles were lighted too. They made the street bright as carriages","book":"The candles"} {"text":"came rumbling with guests dressed in their best for the ball. The music struck","book":"The candles"} {"text":"up.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Now the ball's beginning.\" The tallow candle burned brighter as he remembered","book":"The candles"} {"text":"the happy little girl whose face was more shining than the light of all those","book":"The candles"} {"text":"wax candles. \"I'll never see anything like that again.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"The smallest of the poor children reached up, for she was very small, and put","book":"The candles"} {"text":"her arms around the necks of her brother and sister. What she had to tell them","book":"The candles"} {"text":"was so important that it had to be whispered. \"Tonight we're going to have -","book":"The candles"} {"text":"just think of it - warm potatoes, this very night.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"Her face beamed with happiness and the candle beamed right back at her. He saw","book":"The candles"} {"text":"happiness again, and a gladness as great as when the little girl in the well-","book":"The candles"} {"text":"to-do house said, \"We're having a ball this evening, and I'm to wear my red","book":"The candles"} {"text":"ribbon.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Is it such a treat to get warm potatoes?\" the candle wondered. \"Little children","book":"The candles"} {"text":"must manage to be happy here too.\" He wept tallow tears of joy, and more than","book":"The candles"} {"text":"that a candle cannot do.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"The table was spread and the potatoes were eaten. How good they tasted! It was a","book":"The candles"} {"text":"real feast. There was an apple for everyone, and the smallest child said grace:","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Now thanks, dear Lord, I give to Thee","book":"The candles"} {"text":"That Thou again hast filled me. Amen.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"And didn't I say it nicely?\" the little girl asked.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Don't say such things,\" her mother told her. \"Just thank the good Lord for","book":"The candles"} {"text":"filling you up.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"The children went to bed, were kissed good night, and fell fast asleep. Their","book":"The candles"} {"text":"mother sat up late and sewed to make a living for them and for herself. From the","book":"The candles"} {"text":"well-to-do house came light and music. But the stars overhead shone on all the","book":"The candles"} {"text":"houses, rich or poor, with the same light, clear and kind.","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"This has been a wonderful evening,\" the tallow candle told himself. \"Can the","book":"The candles"} {"text":"wax candle have had any better time of it in his silver candlestick? I'd like to","book":"The candles"} {"text":"know that before I'm burned out.\"","book":"The candles"} {"text":"He remembered the two happy children, one face lighted up by the wax candle,","book":"The candles"} {"text":"the other shining in the tallow candle's light. One was happy as the other. Yes,","book":"The candles"} {"text":"that is the whole story!","book":"The candles"} {"text":"\"Yes, this is a song for very small children!\" declared Aunt Malle. \"As much as","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"I should like to, I cannot follow this 'Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine!'\"","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"But little Amalie could; she was only three years old, played with dolls, and","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"brought them up to be just as wise as Aunt Malle.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"There was a student who came to the house to help her brothers with their","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"lessons, and he frequently spoke to little Amalie and her dolls; he spoke","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"differently from anyone else, and the little girl found him very amusing,","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"although Aunt Malle said he didn't know how to converse with children - their","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"little heads couldn't possibly grasp that silly talk. But little Amalie did.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Yes, the student even taught her the whole song, \"Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine!\"","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"and she sang it to her three dolls; two were new, one a girl doll and the other","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"a boy doll, but the third doll was old; her name was Lise-moér. She also heard","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"the song, and was even in it.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Dance, dance, doll of mine!","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Girl doll's dress is very fine.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Boy doll is a dandy, too;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"He wears gloves and hat and shoe;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"White pants, blue coat, him adorn;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"On his toe he has a corn.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"He is fine and she is fine.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Dance, dance, doll of mine!","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Old doll's name is Lise-moér;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"She is from the year before;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Hair is new; it's made of flax,","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Forehead polished up with wax.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Young again, not old and done.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Come along, my cherished one,","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Let us dance a fast gavotte;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"To watch it is worth a lot.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Dance, dance, doll of mine!","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Watch your steps and get in line;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"One foot forward; watch your feet.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Dancing makes you slender, sweet.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Bow and twist and turn around;","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"That will make you hale and sound.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"What a sight it is to see!","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"You are doing fine, all three.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"And the dolls understood the song; little Amalie understood it, and so did the","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"student, but then he had written it himself and said it was excellent. Only","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"Aunt Malle didn't understand it; she had passed over the fence of youth. \"Silly","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"song!\" she said. But not little Amalie! She sings it.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"It is from her that we know it.","book":"\"Dance, dance, doll of mine!\""} {"text":"There was a little sea fish of good family, the name of which I don't remember;","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that the more learned will have to tell you. This little fish had eighteen","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"hundred brothers and sisters, all the same age; they didn't know their father","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"or mother, so they had to care for themselves and swim about on their own, but","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that was a lot of fun. They had plenty of water to drink - the entire ocean.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"They didn't think about their food; that was sure to come their way. Each did as","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"he pleased; each would have his own story, but then none of them thought about","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The sun shone down into the water, making it light and clear. It was a world","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"full of the strangest creatures, some of them enormously big, with great,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"horrible mouths that could sallow all the eighteen hundred brothers and sisters,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"but none of them thought about that, either, for none of them had ever been","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"swallowed.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The little ones swam together, close to one another, as the herring and the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"mackerel swim. As they were swimming along at their best and thinking of nothing","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"in particular, there sank from above, down into the midst of them, with a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"terrifying noise, a long, heavy thing which seemed to have no end to it; further","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and further it stretched out, and every one of the small fish that it struck was","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"crushed or got a crack from which he couldn't recover. All the fishes, the small","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and the big as well, were thrown into a panic. That heavy, horrible thing sank","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"deeper and deeper and grew longer and longer, extending for miles - through the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"entire ocean. Fishes and snails, everything that swims, everything that creeps","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"or is driven by the currents, saw this fearful thing, this enormous unknown sea","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"eel that all of a sudden had come from above.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"What kind of thing was it? Yes, we know! It was the great telegraph cable that","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"people were laying between Europe and America.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"There were great fear and commotion among all the rightful inhabitants of the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"ocean where the cable was laid. The flying fish shot up above the surface as","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"high as he could, and the blowfish sped off like a gunshot across the water,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"for it can do that; other fishes went to the bottom of the ocean with such","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"haste that they reached it long before the telegraph cable was seen down there,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and they scared both the codfish and the flounder, who lived peacefully at the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"bottom of the ocean and ate their neighbors. A couple of the starfish were so","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"frightened that they turned their stomachs inside out, but in spite of that they","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"lived, for they can do that. Many of the lobsters and crabs got out of their","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"fine shells and had to leave their legs behind.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"In all this fright and confusion, the eighteen hundred brothers and sisters had","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"all become separated, never again to know or even meet each other, excepting ten","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"of them who had remained at the same place; and after these had held themselves","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"still for a couple of hours, they recovered from their first fright and began to","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"be curious. They looked about; they looked up and they looked down, and there in","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the deep they thought they saw the frightful thing that had scared them, scared","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"everyone, big and little. There it lay along the bottom of the ocean, extending","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"as far as they could see; it was quite thin, but then they didn't know how thick","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"it could make itself or how strong it was. It lay very quiet, but that, they","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"thought, could be a trick.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Let it lie where it is! It doesn't concern us,\" said the most cautious of the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"little fish.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"But the very smallest one of them insisted on gaining some knowledge as to what","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that thing might be. It had come down from above, so above one could best find","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"out about it.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"And so they swam up to the surface, where there was calm weather. There they","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"met a dolphin, which is a sort of jumping jack, an ocean rover, that can turn","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"somersaults in the water. As these have eyes to see with, he must have seen what","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"had happened and should know all about it. They inquired, but the dolphin had","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"only been thinking of himself and his somersaults, had seen nothing, and didn't","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"know what to answer, so he kept quiet and looked proud.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Thereupon they turned to the seal who had just ducked down; he was more polite,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"although seals eat small fishes, for today he had had his fill. He knew a little","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"more than the dolphin.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Many a night I have rested on a wet rock and looked far inland, miles away","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"from here; there live some sneaky creatures who, in their language, are called","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"people; they plot against us, but often we slip away from them, which I know","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"how to do, and that is what the sea eel has done, too. He has been in their","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"power, up there on the earth, for a long, long time, and from there they carried","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"him off on a ship, to bring him across the ocean to a distant land. I saw what","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"trouble they had, but they could manage him, because he had become weak on the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"earth. They laid him down in coils and circles; I heard how he 'ringled' and","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"'rangled' when they put him down, but still he got away from them. They held","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"on to him with all their might; many hands held fast, but still he slipped away","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"from them and reached the bottom; there he lies now, for a while at least, I","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"think.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"He is rather thin!\" said all the little fish.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"They have starved him,\" said the seal, \"but he will soon be himself again, fat","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and big around. I suppose he is the great sea serpent that people are so afraid","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"of and talk so much about. I had never seen him before and never believed he","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"existed, but now I do; I'm sure he's the sea serpent!\" And with that the seal","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"dove down.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"How much he knew! How much he talked!\" said all the little fish. \"We have never","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"been so enlightened before! If only it isn't all a lie!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"We could swim down and investigate,\" said the smallest fish. \"On the way, we","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"can hear what others think about it.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"We're not going to move a fin to find out anything more!\" said the others, and","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"swam away.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"But I'm going to,\" said the smallest, and plunged down into deep water.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"But the little fish was a considerable distance from the place where \"that","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"long sunken thing\" lay. He looked and searched in a direction down in the deep","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"water. Never before had he imagined the world to be so big. The herring swam","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"in great masses, each school of them shining like a mighty boat of silver; the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"mackerel also swam together and looked even more magnificent. There were fishes","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"of all shapes and with markings in all colors. Jellyfish, like half-transparent","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"flowers, simply lay back and let the currents carry them along. Great plants","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"grew up from the bottom of the ocean, as did fathom-high grass and palm-shaped","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"trees, every leaf beset with shining shellfish.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"At last the little fish saw a long, dark streak way down and swam toward it;","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"but it was neither fish nor cable; it was the gunwale of a large sunken vessel,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the upper and lower decks of which had been broken in two by the force of the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"ocean. The little fish swam inside, where the many people who had perished with","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the sinking of the ship had since been washed away, except for two - young woman","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"lay stretched out with a little child in her arms. The water rocked them to and","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"fro, and they seemed to be asleep. The little fish became quite frightened, for","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"he didn't know that they never again could awaken. Seaweed hung like cultivated","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"foliage over the rail above the fair forms of mother and child. It was so quiet","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"there, so lonely. The little fish hurried away as fast as he could, out to where","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the water was clearer and there were fishes to see. He hadn't gone far when he","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"met a young and terribly large whale.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Don't swallow me!\" said the little fish. \"I'm so small that I'm not even a tiny","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"bite, and it's a great pleasure for me to live!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"What do you want way down here, where your kind never comes?\" asked the whale.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"So the little fish told of the strange long eel, or whatever that thing was,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"which had sunk and scared even the most courageous of ocean creatures.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Ho, ho!\" said the whale, and drew in such a lot of water that he had to make an","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"enormous waterspout when he came to the surface for a breath. \"Ho, ho!\" he said,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"so that was the thing that tickled my back when I turned around! I thought it","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"was a ship's mast that I could use for a back-scratcher! However, it wasn't in","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"this location; no, that thing is much farther out. I'll investigate it, though;","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"I have nothing else to do.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"And so he swam forth, the little fish following, but not too close, for there","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"would be a powerful stream where the big whale shot through the water.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"They met a shark and an old sawfish. These two had also heard of the strange sea","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"eel that was so long and thin; they hadn't seen it, but they wanted to.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Then a catfish appeared. \"I'm coming with you!\" he said, and took the same","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"course. \"If the great sea serpent isn't thicker than a cable, then I'll bite it","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"in two with one bite!\" And he opened his mouth and showed his six rows of teeth.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"I can bite dents in a ship's anchor, so I can easily bite through that stem!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"There it is!\" said the big whale. \"I can see it!\" He thought he saw better than","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the others. \"See how it rises, see how it sways, bends, and curves!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"However, this was not the sea serpent, but an exceptionally large eel, who was","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"many yards long, and came closer.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"I've seen him before,\" said the sawfish. \"He's never made much fuss in the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"ocean here or frightened any big fishes.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"And so they talked to him about the new eel and asked if he wanted to join them","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"on their voyage of discovery.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"If that eel is longer than I,\" said the sea eel, \"then something unfortunate","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"will happen.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"That it will!\" said the others. \"There are enough of us not to have to tolerate","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"it.\" And then they hurried along.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"But now, directly in their way, there appeared a strange monster, bigger than","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"them all. It looked like a floating island that could not hold itself up. It","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"was a very old whale. His head was overgrown with seaweed, his back beset with","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"barnacles and so many oysters and mussels that his black skin was entirely","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"covered with white spots.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Come along, old fellow,\" they said. \"A new fish has come that we will not","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"tolerate!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"I'd rather lie where I am,\" said the old whale. \"Leave me in peace. Let me lie.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Oh, my, oh, my! I suffer from a dreadful sickness. The only relief I have is","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"when I go up to the surface and get my back above it; then the big, nice birds","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"come and pick at me, and that feels so good, as long they don't drive their","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"beaks in too far; often they go right into my blubber. Just see for yourself!","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"There is a complete skeleton of a bird stuck in my back. That bird struck his","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"claws in too deep and couldn't get loose when I went down to the bottom. Now the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"little fishes have eaten him. Just see how he looks, and how I look! I have a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"sickness!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"That's just imagination!\" said the other whale. \"I am never sick. No fish is","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"sick!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"I beg your pardon!\" said the old whale. \"The eel has a skin disease, the carp","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"has smallpox, and all of us have intestinal worms!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Nonsense!\" said the shark, and didn't care to hear more; nor did the others;","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"they had something else to do.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Finally, they came to the place where the telegraph cable lay. It had a very","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"long resting place indeed at the bottom of the ocean, from Europe to America,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"over sandbanks and sea mud, rocky formations and sea-plant wilderness, and, yes,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"entire forests of coral. The currents down there change, and whirlpools twist","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"around; fishes crowd each other and swim in flocks greater than the countless","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"multitudes of birds that people see when birds of passage are in flight. There","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"are a commotion, a splashing, a humming, and a rushing; a little of that rushing","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"still remains to haunt the big, empty conch shells when we hold them to our","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"ears.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Yes, now they came to the place.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"There lies the animal!\" said the big fishes, and the little one said so, too.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"They saw the cable, its beginning and end beyond their horizon. Sponges, polyps,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and seaweed swayed from the ground, rising and falling over the cable, so that","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"now it was hidden and then visible again. Sea porcupines, snails, and worms","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"moved over it. Gigantic spiders, with whole fringes of vermin on them, crawled","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"along the cable. Dark-blue \"sea sausages,\" or whatever the creatures are called","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that eat with their entire bodies, lay beside it and smelled this new animal","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that had come down to lie at the bottom of the ocean. Flounders and codfish","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"turned about in the water, in order to hear what was said from all sides. The","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"starfish, who could hold himself down in the mud and keep his eyes outside, lay","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and stared to see what would come of all this confusion. The telegraph cable lay","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"motionless. But life and thought were in it; human thoughts went through it.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"That thing is cunning,\" said the whale. \"It's able to hit me in the stomach,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and that's my weak point!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Let's feel our way,\" said a polyp. \"I have long arms; I have limber fingers. I","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"have touched it. Now I'll feel it a little more firmly.\" And then he stretched","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"his longest and most flexible arms down to the cable and around it. \"It has","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"no scales!\" said the polyp. \"It has no skin! I don't believe it will ever bear","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"young ones!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The sea eel laid down alongside the telegraph cable and stretched himself as","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"far as he could. \"That thing is longer than I am!\" he said. \"But it isn't length","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that counts; one must have skin, stomach, and flexibility! The whale - that is,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"the young, strong whale - dove down deeper than he ever had been. \"Are you a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"fish or a plant?\" he asked the cable. \"Or are you only some piece of work from","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"above that can't thrive down here among us?\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"But the telegraph cable didn't answer; it had no means of contacting anyone at","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"such a location. Thoughts were going through it, people's thoughts, which in a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"single second were heard from land to land, many hundreds of miles apart.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Will you answer, or do you want to be broken?\" asked the fierce shark, and","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"all the other big fishes asked the same. \"Will you answer, or do you want to be","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"broken?\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The cable didn't move, but it had its own private thoughts, which it had a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"right to have, considering that it was filled with other's thoughts. \"Let them","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"break me; then I'll be hauled up and put in order again - that has happened to","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"others of my kind who were in shallower waters.\" And so it didn't answer; it had","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"something else to do; it telegraphed and thereby did its just duty at the bottom","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"of the sea.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Up above, the sun was going down, as people say. It blazed like the reddest","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"fire, and all the clouds in the heavens glowed with a fiery hue, each more","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"magnificent than the other.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Now we're getting the red lighting,\" said the polyps, \"and we may be able to","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"see the thing better, if necessary.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"At it! At it!\" shouted the shark, showing all his teeth.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"At it! At it!\" said the swordfish, and the whale, and the sea eel. They rushed","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"forward, the shark leading, but just as he was about to bite the cable, the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"swordfish, out of pure anxiety, ran his saw right into the back of the shark;","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"that was a great mistake, and the shark had no strength left to bite. Everything","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"became muddled in the mud. Big fishes, little fishes, \"sea sausages,\" and snails","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"ran into one another, ate each other - clashed and gnashed. The cable lay still","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and attended to its own business, as one should do.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The dark night brooded above; but in the ocean the millions and millions of","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"small living creatures lighted it. Crawfish, not even as big as a pinhead, gave","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"out light. It is quite wondrous, but now that's the way it is.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The ocean creatures looked at the telegraph cable. \"What is that thing, and what","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"isn't it?\" Yes, that was the question.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Presently an old sea cow appeared. People call these mermaids or mermen. This","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"one was a she, and had a tail and two short arms to splash with; she wore","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"seaweed and parasites over her breasts and head, and she was proud of this.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Are you seeking knowledge and wisdom?\" she said. \"I am the only one who can","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"give you this; but in return I demand that you guarantee safe pasturage on the","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"bottom of the ocean for me and mine. I am a fish like you are, but I am also a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"crawling animal, through practice. I am the wisest in the ocean; I know about","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"everything that moves down here and about all that goes on up above. That thing","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"you are pondering over is from above, and whatever falls down from up there is","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"dead, or will be dead, and powerless; let it lie there for what it is. It's only","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"a man-made invention.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"I believe there is more to it than that!\" said the little fish.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Hold your tongue, mackerel!\" said the big sea cow.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Stickleback!\" said the others, and that was even more insulting.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"And the sea cow explained further to them that this alarming thing, which, as a","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"matter of fact, hadn't uttered a single sound, was in its entirety nothing more","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"than some new device from the dry land, and she delivered a little lecture about","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"people's deceitfulness. \"They want to catch us,\" she said; \"that's all they","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"live for. They stretch out nets for us, and come with bait on hooks to tempt","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"us. That thing there is some sort of big string that they think we are going to","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"bite. They are so stupid! But we are not! Don't touch that junk; in time it will","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"unravel and all turn to dust and mud. Everything that comes from up there cracks","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and breaks - is good for nothing!\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"Good for nothing!\" said the other ocean creatures, and held onto the sea cow's","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"opinion, so as to have an opinion.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The little fish, however, had his own thoughts. \"Perhaps that enormously long,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"thin serpent is the most wonderful fish in the ocean. I have a feeling it is.\"","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"\"The most wonderful,\" say we humans, too, and we say it with knowledge and","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"assurance.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"The great sea serpent has long been the theme of song and story. It was","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"conceived and born by man's ingenuity and laid on the bottom of the ocean,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"stretching from the eastern to the western lands, and carrying messages as","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"swiftly as light flashes from the sun to our earth. It grows, grows in power","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"and length, grows year after year, through all oceans, around the world; it is","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"beneath the stormy seas and the glass-clear waters, where the skipper, as if","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"sailing through transparent air, looks down and sees crowds of fishes resembling","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"many -colored fireworks.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"Deepest down of all lies the outstretched serpent, a blessed Midgard snake,","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"which bites its own tail as it encircles the earth. Fishes and other sea","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"creatures clash with it; they do not understand that thing from above. People's","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"thoughts rush noiselessly, in all languages, through the serpent of science, for","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"both good and evil; the most wondrous of the ocean's wonders is our time's.","book":"The great sea serpent"} {"text":"About four miles from the city stood an old manor house with thick walls,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"towers, and pointed gables. Here lived, but only in the summer season, a rich","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"and noble family. Of all the different estates they owned, this was the best and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the most beautiful; on the outside it looked as if it had just been cast in a","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"foundry, and the inside was made for comfort and ease. The family coat of arms","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"was carved in stone over the gate; beautiful roses climbed about the arms and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the balconies; the courtyard was covered with grass; there were red thorn and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"white thorn, and many rare flowers even outside the greenhouse.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The owners of the manor house also had a very skillful gardener. It was a","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"pleasure to see the flower garden, the orchard, and the vegetable garden. A part","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"of the manor's original old garden was still there, consisting of a few box-tree","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"hedges cut so that they formed crowns and pyramids. Behind these stood two old,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"mighty trees, almost always without leaves, and one might easily think that a","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"storm or a waterspout had scattered great lumps of dirt on their branches, but","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"each lump was a bird's nest. Here, from time immemorial, a screaming swarm of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"crows and rooks had built their nests; it was a regular bird town, and the birds","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"were the owners, the manor's oldest family - the real lordship! The people below","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"meant nothing to them; they tolerated these crawling creatures, even if every","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"now and then they shot with their guns, making the birds' backbones shiver, so","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"that every bird flew up in fear and cried, \"Rak! Rak!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The gardener often spoke to the noble family about cutting down the old trees;","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"they did not look well, and by taking them away they might also get rid of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the shrieking birds, which then would probably look for another place. But the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"family did not want to give up either the trees or the swarm of birds; that was","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"something the manor could not lose, something from the olden times, which should","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"never be forgotten.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Why, those trees are the birds' heritage by this time, so let them keep them,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"my good Larsen!\" Larsen was the gardener's name, but that is of very little","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"consequence to this story.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Haven't you space enough to work in, little Larsen? Have you not the flower","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"garden, the greenhouse, the orchard, and the vegetable garden?\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Yes, those he had, and he cared for them; he kept them in order and cultivated","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"them with affection and ability, and that the noble family knew; but they did","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"not conceal from him that they often saw flowers and tasted fruits in other","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"people's homes that surpassed what they had in their garden, and that made the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"gardener sad, for he always wished to do his best and really did his best. He","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"was goodhearted and a good and faithful worker.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"One day the noble family sent for him and told him, very kindly, that the day","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"before, at some distinguished friend's home, they had eaten apples and pears","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"that were so juicy and so well flavored that they and all the other guests had","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"expressed their admiration. It was doubtful if the fruits were native, but they","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"ought to be imported and grown here, provided the climate would permit it. It","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"was known that they had been bought from the finest fruit dealer in the city,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"and it was decided that the gardener was to go there and find out where these","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"apples and pears came from and then order some slips for grafting. The gardener","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"knew the fruit dealer well, because he was the very person to whom he sold the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"superfluous fruit that grew in the manor garden.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"And the gardener went to town and asked the dealer where he got those highly","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"praised apples and pears. \"Why, they are from your own garden,\" said the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"fruit dealer, and showed him both the apples and pears, which he recognized","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"immediately.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"How happy the gardener felt! He hurried back to the family and told them that","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"both the apples and the pears were from their own garden. That they couldn't","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"believe! \"That's not possible, Larsen! Can you get a written guarantee to that","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"effect from the fruit dealer?\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Yes, that he could, and a written guarantee he brought.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"That certainly is remarkable!\" said the noble family.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Now every day great dishes filled with wonderful apples and pears from their","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"own garden were set on the table. Bushels and barrels of these fruits were sent","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"to friends in the city and outside the city; yes, even to foreign lands. This","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"afforded great pleasure; yet the family added that the last two summers had, of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"course, been remarkably good for tree fruits and these had done very well all","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"over the country.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Some time passed. The family were dinner guests at court. The next day they","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"sent for the gardener. At the royal table they had eaten melons, very juicy and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"wonderfully flavored, from their majesties' greenhouse.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"You must go to the court gardener, my good Larsen, and let him give you some","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"seeds of those precious melons.\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"But the court gardener got his melon seeds from us!\" said the gardener, very","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"pleased.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Then that man knows how to bring the fruit to a higher perfection!\" answered","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the family. \"Each melon was splendid.\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Well, then, I really can feel proud!\" said the gardener. \"I must tell your","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"lordship that the court gardener had had bad luck with his melons this year, and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"when he saw how beautiful ours looked, and then tasted them, he ordered three of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"them for the castle.\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Larsen, don't try to tell us that those were melons from our garden.\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"I really believe so,\" said the gardener.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"And he went to the court gardener, from whom he got a written guarantee to the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"effect that the melons on the royal table were from the manor. This was really","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"a big surprise to the family, and they did not keep the story to themselves;","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the written guarantee was displayed, and melon seeds were sent far and wide, as","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"grafting slips had been earlier.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"These slips, the family learned, had taken and begun to bear fruit of an","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"excellent kind. This was named after the family manor, and the name became","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"known in English, German, and French. This, no one had expected. \"Let's hope the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"gardener won't get big ideas about himself,\" said the family.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"But he took it in a different way; he would strive now to be known as one of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the best gardeners in the country and to produce something superior out of all","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"sorts of garden stuff every year. And that he did. But often he was told that","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the very first fruits he brought out, the apples and the pears, were, after all,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the best, that all later variations were very inferior to these. The melons were","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"very good, to be sure, though, of course, they belonged to another species; his","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"strawberries might be called delicious, but no better than those grown by other","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"gardeners, and when one year his radishes did not turn out very well, they spoke","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"only of the unsuccessful radishes and not about all the other fine products he","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"had developed.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"It almost seemed as if the family felt a relief in saying, \"It didn't go well","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"this year, little Larsen!\" Yes, they seemed quite happy when they said, \"It","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"didn't go well this year!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Twice a week the gardener brought fresh flowers up to their drawing room, always","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"arranged with such taste and artistry that the colors seemed to appear even","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"brighter.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"You have good taste, Larsen,\" said the noble family, \"but that is a gift from","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"our Lord, not from yourself!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"One day the gardener brought a large crystal bowl; in it floated a water-lily","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"leaf upon which was laid a beautiful blue flower as big as a sunflower.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"The lotus of Hindustan!\" exclaimed the family.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"They had never seen a lotus flower before. In the daytime it was placed in the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"sunlight and in the evening under artificial light. Everyone who saw it found","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"it remarkably beautiful and unusual; yes, even the most highborn young lady in","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the country, the wise and kindhearted Princess, said so. The family considered","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"it an honor to present her with the flower, and the Princess took it with her","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"to the castle. Then they went down to their garden to pick another flower of the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"same kind, but none was to be found. So they sent for the gardener and asked him","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"where he got the blue lotus flower.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"We have been looking for it in vain,\" they said. \"We have been in the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"greenhouses and round about the flower garden!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Oh, no, it's not there,\" said the gardener. \"It is only a common flower from","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the vegetable garden; but, look, isn't it beautiful! It looks like a blue","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"cactus, and yet it is only the flower of the artichoke!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"You should have told us that immediately!\" said the noble family. \"Naturally,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"we supposed it was a rare, foreign flower. You have ridiculed us to the young","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Princess! She saw the flower in our house and thought it was beautiful; she","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"didn't know the flower, although she knows her botany well, but then, of course,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"that science has nothing to do with kitchen herbs. How could you do it, Larsen!","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"To place such a flower in our drawing room is enough to make us ridiculous!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"And the gorgeous blue flower from the vegetable garden was taken out of the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"drawing room, where it didn't belong; yes, and the noble family apologized","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"to the Princess and told her that the flower was only a kitchen herb that","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the Gardener had had the idea of exhibiting, and that he had been severely","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"reprimanded for it.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"That was a shame, and very unfair,\" said the Princess. \"He has really opened","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"our eyes to a magnificent flower we otherwise would have paid no attention","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"to; he has shown us beauty where we didn't expect to find it. As long as the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"artichoke is in bloom, our court gardener shall daily bring one of them up to my","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"private room!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"And this was done.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The noble family told the gardener that he could again bring them a fresh","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"artichoke flower.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"It is really beautiful!\" they said. \"Highly remarkable!\" And the gardener was","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"praised.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Larsen likes that,\" said the noble family. \"He is like a spoiled child.\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"In the autumn there was a terrific storm. During the night it increased so","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"violently that many of the large trees in the outskirts of the wood were torn","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"up by the roots, and to the great grief of the noble family - yes, they called","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"it grief - but to the gardener's delight, the two big trees with all the birds'","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"nests blew down. Through the storm one could hear the screaming of the crows and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the rooks as they beat their wings against the manor windows.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Now, of course, you are happy, Larsen!\" said the noble family. \"The storm has","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"felled the trees, and the birds have gone off into the forest. There is nothing","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"from olden times left to see here; every sign and reference has disappeared; it","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"makes us very sad!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The gardener said nothing, but he thought of what he had long had in his mind,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"how he could make use of that wonderful, sunny spot, now at his disposal; it","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"could become the pride of the garden and the joy of the family.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The large trees, in falling, had crushed the very old box-tree hedges with all","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"their fancy trimmings. Here he put in a multitude of plants, native plants from","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the fields and the woods. What no other gardener had ever thought of planting","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"in a manor garden, he planted, giving each its appropriate soil, and sunlight","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"or shadow, according to what the individual plant required. He gave them loving","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"care, and everything grew magnificently.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The juniper tree from the heaths of Jutland rose in shape and color like the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Italian cypress; the shiny, thorny Christ's-thorn, ever green, in the cold of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"winter and the sun of summer, was beautiful to behold. In the foreground grew","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"ferns of various species; some of them looked as if they were children of the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"palm tree, others as if they were parents of the pretty plant we call Venus's-","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"hair. Here stood the neglected burdock, so pretty in its freshness that it","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"can be outstanding in a bouquet. The burdock stood in a dry place, but further","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"down, in the moist soil, grew the coltsfoot, also a neglected plant and yet","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"very picturesque with its enormous leaf and its tall stem. Six-feet tall, with","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"flower after flower, like an enormous, many-armed candelabra, rose the mullein,","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"just a mere field plant. Here grew the woodruff, the primrose, and the lily of","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"the valley, the wild calla and the fine three-leaved wood sorrel. It was all","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"wonderful to see.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"In the front, in rows, grew very tiny pear trees from French soil, fastened","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"to steel wires; by getting plenty of sun and good care they soon bore fruit as","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"large and juicy as in their own country. In place of the two old leafless trees","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"was set a tall flagpole from which Dannebrog - the flag of Denmark - proudly","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"flew; and close by stood another pole, around which the hop tendril twisted and","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"wound its fragrant flower cones in the summer and at harvesttime, but on which","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"in the winter, according to an old custom, oat sheaves were hung, so that the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"birds could have a good meal during the happy Christmastime.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Our good Larsen is getting sentimental in his old age,\" said the family, \"but","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"he is true and faithful to us!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"At New Year's, one of the city illustrated papers published a picture of the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"old manor; it showed the flagpole and the oat sheaves for the birds at the happy","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Christmastime, and the paper commented that it was a beautiful thought to uphold","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"and honor this old custom, so appropriate to the old manor.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"\"Anything that Larsen does,\" said the noble family, \"they beat the drum for. He","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"is a lucky man. We should almost be proud to have him!\"","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"But they were not a bit proud of it; they knew they were the masters of the","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"manor, and they could dismiss Larsen, but that they wouldn't do. They were good","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"people, and there are many good people of their kind in the world - and that is","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"fortunate for all the Larsens.","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"Yes, that is the story of the gardener and the noble family. Now you may think","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"about it!","book":"The gardener and the noble family"} {"text":"The wind whistles in the old willow tree. It is as if one were hearing a song;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the wind sings it; the tree tells it. If you do not understand it, then ask old","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Johanne in the poor house; she knows about it; she was born here in the parish.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Many years ago, when the King's Highway still lay along here, the tree was","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"already large and conspicuous. It stood, as it still stands, in front of the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"tailor's whitewashed timber house, close to the ditch, which then was so large","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"that the cattle could be watered there, and where in the summertime the little","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"peasant boys used to run about naked and paddle in the water. Underneath the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"tree stood a stone milepost cut from a big rock; now it is overturned, and a","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"bramblebush grows over it.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The new King's Highway was built on the other side of the rich farmer's manor","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"house; the old one became a field path; the ditch became a puddle overgrown with","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"duckweed; if a frog tumbled down into it, the greenery was parted, and one saw","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the black water; all around it grew, and still grow, \"muskedonnere,\" buckbean,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and yellow iris.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The tailor's house was old and crooked; the roof was a hotbed for moss and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"houseleek. The dovecot had collapsed, and starlings built their nests there. The","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"swallows hung nest after nest on the house gable and all along beneath the roof;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it was just as if luck itself lived there.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And once it had; now, however, this was a lonely and silent place. Here in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"solitude lived weak-willed \"Poor Rasmus,\" as they called him. He had been born","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"here; he had played here, had leaped across meadow and over hedge, had splashed,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"as a child, in the ditch, and had climbed up the old tree. The tree would raise","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"its big branches with pride and beauty, just as it raises them yet, but storms","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"had already bent the trunk a little, and time had given it a crack. Wind and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"weather have since lodged earth in the crack, and there grow grass and greenery;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"yes, and even a little serviceberry has planted itself there.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"When in spring the swallows came, they flew about the tree and the roof and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"plastered and patched their old nests, while Poor Rasmus let his nest stand or","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"fall as it liked. His motto was, \"What good will it do?\" - and it had been his","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"father's, too.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He stayed in his home. The swallows flew away, but they always came back, the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"faithful creatures! The starling flew away, but it returned, too, and whistled","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"its song again. Once Rasmus had known how, but now he neither whistled nor sang.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The wind whistled in the old willow tree then, just as it now whistles; indeed,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it is as if one were hearing a song; the wind sings it; the tree tells it. And","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"if you do not understand it, then ask old Johanne in the poorhouse; she knows","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"about it; she knows about everything of old; she is like a book of chronicles,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"with inscriptions and old recollections.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"At the time the house was new and good, the country tailor, Ivar Ölse, and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"his wife, Maren, moved into it - industrious, honest folk, both of them. Old","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Johanne was then a child; she was the daughter of a wooden-shoemaker - one of","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the poorest in the parish. Many a good sandwich did she receive from Maren, who","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"was in no want of food. The lady of the manor house liked Maren, who was always","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"laughing and happy and never downhearted. She used her tongue a good deal, but","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"her hands also. She could sew as fast as she could use her mouth, and, moreover,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she cared for her house and children; there were nearly a dozen children -","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"eleven altogether; the twelfth never made its appearance.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Poor people always have a nest full of youngsters,\" growled the master of the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"manor house. \"If one could drown them like kittens, and keep only one or two of","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the strongest, it would be less of a misfortune!\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"God have mercy!\" said the tailor's wife. \"Children are a blessing from God;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"they are such a delight in the house. Every child is one more Lord's prayer. If","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"times are bad, and one has many mouths to feed, why, then a man works all the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"harder and finds out ways and means honestly; our Lord fails not when we do not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"fail.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The lady of the manor house agreed with her; she nodded kindly and patted","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Maren's cheek; she had often done so, yes, and had kissed her as well, but that","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"had been when the lady was a little child and Maren her nursemaid. The two were","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"fond of each other, and this feeling did not wane.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Each year at Christmastime winter provisions would arrive at the tailor's house","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"from the manor house - a barrel of meal, a pig, two geese, a tub of butter,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"cheese, and apples. That was indeed an asset to the larder. Ivar Ölse looked","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"quite pleased, too, but soon came out with his old motto, \"What good will it","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"do?\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The house was clean and tidy, with curtains in the windows, and flowers as well,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"both carnations and balsams. A sampler hung in a picture frame, and close by","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"hung a love letter in rhyme, which Maren Ölse herself had written; she knew how","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"to put rhymes together. She was almost a little proud of the family name Ölse;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it was the only word in the Danish language that rhymed with pölse (sausage).","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"At least that's an advantage to have over other people,\" she said, and laughed.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"She always kept her good humor, and never said, like her husband, \"What good","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"will it do?\" Her motto was, \"Depend on yourself and on our Lord.\" So she did,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and that kept them all together. The children thrived, grew out over the nest,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"went out into the world, and prospered well.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Rasmus was the smallest; he was such a pretty child that one of the great","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"portrait painters in the capital had borrowed him to paint from, and in the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"picture he was as naked as when he had come into this world. That picture","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"was now hanging in the King's palace. The lady of the manor house saw it, and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"recognized little Rasmus, though he had no clothes on.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"But now came hard times. The tailor had rheumatism in both hands, on which great","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"lumps appeared. No doctor could help him - not even the wise Stine, who herself","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"did some \"doctoring.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"One must not be downhearted,\" said Maren. \"It never helps to hang the head. Now","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"that we no longer have father's two hands to help us, I must try to use mine all","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the faster. Little Rasmus, too, can use the needle.\" He was already sitting on","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the sewing table, whistling and singing. He was a happy boy. \"But he should not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"sit there the whole day long,\" said the mother; \"that would be a shame for the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"child. He should play and jump about, too.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The shoemaker's Johanne was his favorite playmate. Her folks were still poorer","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"than Rasmus'. She was not pretty. She went about barefooted, and her clothes","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"hung in rags, for she had no one to mend them, and to do it herself did not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"occur to her - she was a child, and as happy as a bird in our Lord's sunshine.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"By the stone milepost, under the large willow tree, Rasmus and Johanne played.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He had ambitious thoughts; he would one day become a fine tailor and live in the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"city, where there were master tailors who had ten workmen at the table; this he","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"had heard from his father. There he would be an apprentice, and there he would","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"become a master tailor, and then Johanne could come to visit him; and if by that","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"time she knew how to cook, she could prepare the meals for all of them and have","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"a large apartment of her own. Johanne dared not expect that, but Rasmus believed","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it could happen. They sat beneath the old tree, and the wind whistled in the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"branches and leaves; it seemed as if the wind were singing and the tree talking.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"In the autumn every single leaf fell off; rain dripped from the bare branches.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"They will be green again,\" said Mother Ölse.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"What good will it do?\" said her husband. \"New year, new worries about our","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"livelihood.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"The larder is full,\" said the wife. \"We can thank our good lady for that. I am","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"healthy and have plenty of strength. It is sinful for us to complain.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The master and lady of the manor house remained there in the country over","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Christmas, but the week after the new year, they were to go to the city, where","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"they would spend the winter in festivity and amusement. They would even go to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"a reception and ball given by the King himself. The lady had bought two rich","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"dresses from France; they were of such material, of such fashion, and so well","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"sewn that the tailor's Maren had never seen such magnificence. She asked the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"lady if she might come up to the house with her husband, so that he could see","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the dresses as well. Such things had surely never been seen by a country tailor,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she said. He saw them and had not a word to say until he returned home, and what","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he did say was only what he always said, \"What good will it do?\" And this time","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he spoke the truth.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The master and lady of the manor house went to the city, and the balls and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"merrymaking began. But amid all the splendor the old gentleman died, and the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"lady then, after all, did not wear her grand dresses. She was so sorrowful and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"was dressed from head to foot in heavy black mourning. Not so much as a white","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"tucker was to be seen. All the servants were in black; even the state coach was","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"covered with fine black cloth.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"It was an icy-cold night; the snow glistened and the stars twinkled. The heavy","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"hearse brought the body from the city to the country church, where it was to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"be laid in the family vault. The steward and the parish bailiff were waiting on","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"horseback, with torches, in front of the cemetery gate. The church was lighted","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"up, and the pastor stood in the open church door to receive the body. The coffin","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"was carried up into the chancel; the whole congregation followed. The pastor","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"spoke, and a psalm was sung. The lady was present in the church; she had been","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"driven there in the black-draped state coach, which was black inside as well as","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"outside; such a carriage had never before been seen in the parish.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Throughout the winter, people talked about this impressive display of grief; it","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"was indeed a \"nobleman's funeral.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"One could well see how important the man was,\" said the village folk. \"He was","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"nobly born and he was nobly buried.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"What good will it do him?\" said the tailor. \"Now he has neither life nor goods.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"At least we have one of these.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Don't speak such words!\" said Maren. \"He has everlasting life in the kingdom of","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"heaven.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Who told you that, Maren?\" said the tailor. \"A dead man is good manure, but","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"this man was too highborn to even do the soil any good; he must lie in a church","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"vault.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Don't speak so impiously!\" said Maren. \"I tell you again he has everlasting","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"life!\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Who told you that, Maren?\" repeated the tailor. And Maren threw her apron over","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"little Rasmus; he must not hear that kind of talk. She carried him off into the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"peathouse and wept.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"The words you heard over there, little Rasmus, were not your father's; it was","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the evil one who was passing through the room and took your father's voice. Say","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"your Lord's Prayer. We'll both say it.\" She folded the child's hands. \"Now I am","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"happy again,\" she said. \"Have faith in yourself and in our Lord.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The year of mourning came to and end. The widow lady dressed in half mourning,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"but she had whole happiness in her heart. It was rumored that she had a suitor","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and was already thinking of marriage. Maren knew something about it, and the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"pastor knew a little more.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"On Palm Sunday, after the sermon, the banns of marriage for the widow lady and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"her betrothed were to be published. He was a wood carver or a sculptor; just","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"what the name of his profession was, people did not know; at that time not many","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"had heard of Thorvaldsen and his art. The future master of the manor was not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"a nobleman, but still he was a very stately man. His was one profession that","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"people did not understand, they said; he cut out images, was clever in his work","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and young and handsome. \"What good will it do?\" said Tailor Ölse.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"On Palm Sunday the banns were read from the pulpit; then followed a psalm and","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Communion. The tailor, his wife, and little Rasmus were in church; the parents","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"received Communion, while Rasmus sat in the pew, for he was not yet confirmed.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Of late there had been a shortage of clothes in the tailor's house; the old","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"ones had been turned, and turned again, stitched and patched. Now they were all","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"three dressed in new clothes, but of black material - as at a funeral. They were","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"dressed in the drapery from the funeral coach. The man had a jacket and trousers","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"of it; Maren, a high-necked dress, and Rasmus, a whole suit to grow in until","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"confirmation time. Both the outside and inside cloth from the funeral carriage","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"had been used. No one needed to know what it had been used for before, but","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"people soon got to know.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The wise woman, Stine, and a couple of other equally wise women, who did not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"live on their wisdom, said that the clothes would bring sickness and disease","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"into the household. \"One cannot dress oneself in cloth from a funeral carriage","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"without riding to the grave.\" The wooden-shoemaker's Johanne cried when she","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"heard this talk. And it so happened that the tailor became more and more ill","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"from that day on, until it seemed apparent who was going to suffer that fate.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And it proved to be so.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"On the first Sunday after Trinity, Tailor Ölse died, leaving Maren alone to keep","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"things together. She did, keeping faith in herself and in our Lord.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The following year Rasmus was confirmed. He was then ready to go to the city as","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"an apprentice to a master tailor - not, after all, one with ten assistants at","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the table, but with one; little Rasmus might be counted as a half. He was happy,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and he looked delighted indeed, but Johanne wept; she was fonder of him than","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she had realized. The tailor's wife remained in the old house and carried on the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"business.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"It was at that time that the new King's Highway was opened, and the old one,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"by the willow tree and the tailor's, became a field path, with duckweed growing","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"over the water left in the ditch there; the milepost tumbled over, for it had","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"nothing to stand for, but the tree kept itself strong and beautiful, the wind","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"whistling among its branches and leaves.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The swallows flew away, and the starlings flew away, but they came again in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the spring. And when they came back the fourth time, Rasmus, too, came back to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"his home. He had served his apprenticeship, and was a handsome but slim youth.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Now he would buckle up his knapsack and see foreign countries; that was what","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he longed for. But his mother clung to him; home was the best place! All the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"other children were scattered about; he was the youngest, and the house would","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"be his. He could get plenty of work if he would go about the neighborhood - be a","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"traveling tailor, and sew for a fortnight at this farm and a fortnight at that.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"That would be traveling, too. And Rasmus followed his mother's advice.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"So again he slept beneath the roof of his birthplace. Again he sat under the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"old willow tree and heard it whistle. He was indeed good-looking, and he could","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"whistle like a bird and sing new and old songs.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He was well liked at the big farms, especially at Klaus Hansen's, the second","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"richest farmer in the parish. Else, the daughter, was like the loveliest flower","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"to look at, and she was always laughing. There were people who were unkind","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"enough to say that she laughed simply to show her pretty teeth. She was happy","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"indeed, and always in the humor for playing tricks; everything suited her.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"She was fond of Rasmus, and he was fond of her, but neither of them said a word","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"about it. So he went about being gloomy; he had more of his father's disposition","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"than his mother's. He was in a good humor only when Else was present; then","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"they both laughed, joked, and played tricks; but although there was many a good","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"opportunity, and played tricks; but although there was many a good opportunity,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he did not say a single word about his love. \"What good will it do?\" was his","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"thought. \"Her parents look for profitable marriage for her, and that I cannot","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"give her. The wisest thing for me to do would be to leave.\" But he could not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"leave. It was as if Else had a string fastened to him; he was like a trained","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"bird with her; he sang and whistled for her pleasure and at her will.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Johanne, the shoemaker's daughter, was a servant girl at the farm, employed","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"for common work. She drove the milk cart in the meadow, where she and the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"other girls milked the cows; yes, and she even had to cart manure when it was","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"necessary. She never came into the sitting room and didn't see much of Rasmus or","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Else, but she heard that the two were as good as engaged.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Now Rasmus will be well off,\" she said. \"I cannot begrudge him that.\" And her","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"eyes became quite wet. But there was really nothing to cry about.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"There was a market in the town. Klaus Hansen drove there, and Rasmus went along;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he sat beside Else, both going there and coming home. He was numb from love, but","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"he didn't say a word about it.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"He ought to say something to me about the matter,\" thought the girl, and there","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she was right. \"If he won't talk, I'll have to frighten him into it.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And soon there was talk at the farm that the richest farmer in the parish had","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"proposed to Else; and so he had, but no one knew what answer she had given.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Thoughts buzzed around in Rasmus' head.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"One evening Else put a gold ring on her finger and then asked Rasmus what that","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"signified.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Betrothal,\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"And with whom do you think?\" she asked.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"With the rich farmer?\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"There, you have hit it,\" she said, nodding, and then slipped away.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"But he slipped away, too; he went home to his mother's house like a bewildered","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"man and packed his knapsack. He wanted to go out into the wide world; even his","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"mother's tears couldn't stop him.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He cut himself a stick from the old willow and whistled as if he were in a good","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"humor; he was on his way to see the beauty of the whole world.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"This is a great grief to me,\" said the mother. \"But I suppose it is wisest","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and best for you to go away, so I shall have to put up with it. Have faith in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"yourself and in our Lord; then I shall have you back again merry and happy.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He walked along the new highway, and there he saw Johanne come","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"come driving with a load of rubbish; she had not noticed him, and he did not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"wish to be seen by her, so he sat down behind the hedge; there he was hidden -","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and Johanne drove by.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Out into the world he went; no one knew where. His mother thought, \"He will","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"surely come home again before a year passes. Now he will see new things and have","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"new things to think about, but then he will fall back into the old folds; they","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"cannot be ironed out with any iron. He has a little too much of his father's","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"disposition; I would rather he had mine, poor child! But he will surely come","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"home again; he cannot forget either me or the house.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The mother would wait a year and a day. Else waited only a month and then","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she secretly went to the wise woman, Stine Madsdatter, who, besides knowing","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"something about \"doctoring,\" could tell fortunes in cards and coffee and knew","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"more than her Lord's Prayer. She, of course, knew where Rasmus was; she read it","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"in the coffee grounds. He was in a foreign town, but she couldn't read the name","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"of it. In this town there were soldiers and beautiful ladies. He was thinking of","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"either becoming a soldier or marrying one of the young ladies.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"This Else could not bear to hear. She would willingly give her savings to buy","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"him back, but no one must know that it was she.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And old Stine promised that he would come back; she knew of a charm, a dangerous","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"charm for him; it would work; it was the ultimate remedy. She would set the pot","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"boiling for him, and then, wherever in all the world he was, he would have to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"come home where the pot was boiling and his beloved was waiting for him. Months","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"might pass before he came, but come he must if he was still alive. Without peace","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"or rest night and day, he would be forced to return, over sea and mountain,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"whether the weather were mild or rough, and even if his feet were ever so tired.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He would come home; he had to come home.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The moon was in the first quarter; it had to be for the charm to work, said old","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Stine. It was stormy weather, and the old willow tree creaked. Stine, cut a twig","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"from it and tied it in a knot. That would surely help to draw Rasmus home to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"his mother's house. Moss and houseleek were taken from the roof and put in the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"pot, which was set upon the fire. Else had to tear a leaf out of the psalmbook;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she tore out the last leaf by chance, that on which the list of errata appeared.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"That will do just as well,\" said Stine, and threw it into the pot.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Many sorts of things went into the stew, which had to boil and boil steadily","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"until Rasmus came home. The black cock in old Stine's room had to lose its red","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"comb, which went into the pot. Else's heavy gold ring went in with it, and that","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"she would never get again, Stine told her beforehand. She was so wise, Stine.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Many things that we are unable to name went into the pot, which stood constantly","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"over the flame or on glowing embers or hot ashes. Only she and Else knew about","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Whenever the moon was new or the moon was on the wane, Else would come to her","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and ask, \"Can't you see him coming?\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Much do I know,\" said Stine, \"and much do I see, but the length of the way","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"before him I cannot see. Now he is over the first mountains; now he is on the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"sea in bad weather. The road is long, through large forests; he has blisters on","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"his feet, and he has fever in his bones, but he must go on.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"No, no!\" said Else. \"I feel so sorry for him.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"He cannot be stopped now, for if we stop him, he will drop dead in the road!\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"A year and a day had gone. The moon shone round and big, and the wind whistled","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"in the old tree. A rainbow appeared across the sky in the bright moonlight.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"That is a sign to prove what I say,\" said Stine. \"Now Rasmus is coming.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"But still he did not come.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"The waiting time is long,\" said Stine.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Now I am tired of this,\" said Else. She seldom visited Stine now and brought","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"her no more gifts. Her mind became easier, and one fine morning they all knew in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the parish that Else had said \"yes\" to the rich farmer. She went over to look at","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the house and grounds, the cattle, and the household belongings. All was in good","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"order, and there was no reason to wait with the wedding.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"It was celebrated with a great party lasting three days. There was dancing to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the clarinet and violins. No one in the parish was forgotten in the invitations.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Mother Ölse was there, too, and when the party came to an end, and the hosts had","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"thanked the guests, and the trumpets had blown, she went home with the leavings","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"from the feast.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"She had fastened the door only with a peg; it had been taken out, the door stood","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"open, and in the room sat Rasmus. He had returned home - come that very hour.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Lord God, how he looked! He was only skin and bone; he was pale and yellow.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Rasmus!\" said his mother. \"Is it you I see? How badly you look! But I am so","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"happy in my heart to have you back.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And she gave him the good food she had brought home from the party, a piece of","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the roast and of the wedding cake.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"He had lately, he said, often thought of his mother, his home, and the old","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"willow tree; it was strange how often in his dreams he had seen the tree and the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"little barefooted Johanne. He did not mention Else at all. He was ill and had to","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"go to bed.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"But we do not believe that the pot was the cause of this, or that it had","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"exercised any power over him. Only old Stine and Else believed that, but they","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"did not talk about it.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Rasmus lay with a fever - an infectious one. For that reason no one came to the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"tailor's house, except Johanne, the shoemaker's daughter. She cried when she saw","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"how miserable Rasmus was.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The doctor wrote a prescription for him to have filled at the pharmacy. He would","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"not take the medicine. \"What good will it do?\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"You will get well again then,\" said his mother. \"Have faith in yourself and in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"our Lord! If I could only see you get flesh on your body again, hear you whistle","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and sing; for that I would willingly lay down my life.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And Rasmus was cured of his illness, but his mother contracted it. Our Lord","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"summoned her, and not him.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"It was lonely in the house; he became poorer and poorer. \"He is worn out,\" they","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"said in the parish. \"Poor Rasmus.\" He had led a wild life on his travels; that,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and not the black pot that had boiled, had sucked out his marrow and given him","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"pain in his body. His hair became thin and gray. He was too lazy to work. \"What","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"good will it do?\" he said. He would rather visit the tavern than the church.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"One autumn evening he was staggering through rain and wind along the muddy road","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"from the tavern to his house; his mother had long since gone and been laid in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"her grave. The swallows and starlings were also gone, faithful as they were.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Johanne, the shoemaker's daughter, was not gone; she overtook him on the road","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and then followed him a little way.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Pull yourself together, Rasmus.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"What good will it do?\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"That is an awful saying that you have,\" said she. \"Remember your mother's","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"words, 'Have faith in yourself and in our Lord.' You do not, Rasmus, but you","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"must, and you shall. Never say, 'What good will it do?' for then you pull up the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"root of all your doings.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"She followed him to the door of his house, and there she left him. He did not","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"stay inside; he wandered out under the old willow tree and sat on a stone from","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the overturned milepost.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The wind whistled in the tree's branches; it was like a song: it was like talk.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Rasmus answered it; he spoke aloud but no one heard him except the tree and the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"whistling wind.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"I am getting so cold. It is time to go to bed. Sleep, sleep!\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And he walked away, not toward the house, but over to the ditch, where he","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"tottered and fell. Rain poured down, and the wind was icy cold, but he didn't","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"feel this. When the sun rose, and the crows flew over the bulrushes, he awoke,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"deathly ill. Had he laid his head where he put his feet, he would never have","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"arisen; the green duckweed would have been his burial sheet.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Later in the day Johanne came to the tailor's house. She helped him; she managed","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"to get him to the hospital.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"We have known each other since we were little,\" she said. \"Your mother gave me","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"both ale and food; for that I can never repay her. You will regain your health;","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"you will be a man with a will to live!\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And our Lord willed that he should live. But he had his ups and downs, both in","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"health and mind.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The swallows and the starlings returned, and flew away, and returned","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"again. Rasmus became older than his years. He sat alone in his house, which","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"deteriorated more and more. He was poor, poorer now than Johanne.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"You have no faith,\" she said, \"and if we do not believe in God, what have","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"we? You should go to Communion,\" she said; \"you haven't been since your","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"confirmation.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"What good will it do?\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"If you say that and believe it, then let it be; the Master does not want an","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"unwilling guest at His table. But think of your mother and your childhood. Once","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"you were a good, pious boy. Let me read a psalm to you.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"What good will it do?\" he said.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"It always comforts me,\" she answered.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Johanne, you have surely become one of the saints.\" And he looked at her with","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"dull, weary eyes.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"And Johanne read the psalm, but not from a book, for she had none; she knew it","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"by heart.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Those were beautiful words,\" he said, \"but I could not follow you altogether.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"My head feels so heavy.\"","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Rasmus had become an old man. But Else, if we may mention her, was no","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"longer young, either; Rasmus never mentioned her. She was a grandmother. Her","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"granddaughter was an impudent little girl.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"The little one was playing with the other children in the village. Rasmus came","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"along, supporting himself on his stick. He stopped, watched the children play,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"and smiled to them, old times were in his thoughts. Else's granddaughter pointed","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"at him. \"Poor Rasmus!\" she shouted. The other little girls followed her example.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"\"Poor Rasmus!\" they shouted, and pursued the old man with shrieks. It was a","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"gray, gloomy day, and many others followed. But after gray and gloomy days,","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"there comes a sunshiny day.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"It was a beautiful Whitsunday morning. The church was decorated with green birch","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"branches; there was a scent of the woods within it, and the sun shone on the","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"church pews. The large altar candles were lighted, and Communion was being held.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Johanne was among the kneeling, but Rasmus was not among them. That very morning","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"the Lord had called him.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"In God are grace and mercy.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Many years have since passed. The tailor's house still stands there, but no one","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"lives in it. It might fall the first stormy night. The ditch is overgrown with","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"bulrush and buck bean. The wind whistles in the old tree; it is as if one were","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"hearing a song; the wind sings it; the tree tells it. If you do not understand","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"it, ask old Johanne in the poorhouse.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"She still lives there; she sings her psalm, the one she read for Rasmus. She","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"thinks of him, prays to our Lord for him - she, the faithful soul. She can tell","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"of bygone times, of memories that whistle in the old willow tree.","book":"What old Johanne told"} {"text":"Every key has a history, and there are many kinds of keys - a chamberlain's key,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"a watch key, Saint Peter's key. We could tell you about all the keys; but now we","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"will only tell about the councilor's gate key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"It had come into being at a locksmith's, but it might well have believed it","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"had been made by a blacksmith, the way the man had worked on it with hammer","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and file. It was too large for one's trouser pocket, so it had to be put into","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the overcoat pocket. There it often lay in utter darkness; yet it had its","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"own special hanging place on the wall, beside a childhood silhouette of the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor, in which he looked like a dumpling dressed in a frilled shirt.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"It is said that every human being acquires in his character and conduct","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"something from the astrological sign under which he has been born, such as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the Bull, the Virgin, or Scorpion, as they are called in the almanacs. The","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's wife never mentioned the names of any of these; she said that her","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"husband was born under the sign of the \"Wheelbarrow,\" for he always had to be","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"pushed on. His father had pushed him into an office; his mother had pushed him","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"into matrimony; and his wife had pushed him on to become a councilor; the latter","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"fact, however, she did not mention, being a good, sensible sort of woman who","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"kept quiet in the right place and spoke and pushed in the right place.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"He was now along in years - \"well proportioned,\" as he said himself - a well-","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"read man, good-natured, and \"key wise\" as well, which is something we shall","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"better understand later. He was always in a good humor, loved all mankind, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"liked to talk to everybody. If he went into the city, it was difficult to get","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"him home again when his wife was not with him to push him along. He simply had","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"to talk to every acquaintance he met; he had a lot of acquaintances, and this","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"often made him late for dinner. Mrs. Councilor would sit at the window and watch","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"for him. \"Here he comes,\" she would say to the maid; \"put the pot on the fire.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Now he has stopped to speak to somebody, so take the pot off, or the food will","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"be cooked too much. Now he is finally coming, so put the pot on again!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"But then he wouldn't come, after all. He would stand right under the windows of","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the house and nod up to her, and if an acquaintance happened to come by then, he","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"could not keep from saying a few words to him; if while he was talking to this","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"one, another one came by, he would take hold of the first by the buttonhole,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"clasp the other's hand, and shout to a third who wanted to pass by.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"This was a heavy trial for the patience of the Councilor's wife. \"Councilor!","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor!\" she would shout. \"Yes, indeed, that man was born under the sign of","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the 'Wheelbarrow'; he won't move unless he is being pushed.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"He was very fond of visiting bookshops and looking at books and periodicals. He","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"would give his bookseller a small amount of money for the privilege of reading","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the new books at home, which meant he had permission to cut the leaves of the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"books along the side but not across the top, for then they could not be sold as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"new. He was a living newspaper, but a harmless one, and knew everything about","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"engagements, weddings, and funerals, book talk and town talk. Yes, and he even","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"gave out mysterious hints regarding matters no one else knew anything about.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"This mysterious information came from the gate key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor and his wife had lived in their own house since young and newly","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"married, and they'd had that very same gate key since then; but in those days","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"they hadn't yet come to know of its unusual powers, and not until much later had","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"they learned of these.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"It was at the time of King Frederick VI. Copenhagen had no gas then; it had only","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"train-oil lamps; it had no Tivoli Gardens, no Casino Theater, no streetcars,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and no railways. It had very few public amusements, compared with what it now","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"has. On Sundays one would go for a walk, out beyond the city gates, to the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Assistants' Churchyard, read the inscriptions on the graves, sit down in the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"grass, eat from one's food basket, and drink a glass of schnapps; or one would","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"go to Frederiksberg, where in front of the palace military music was played; and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"many people would go to see the royal family rowing about in the small, narrow","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"canals of the park, with old King himself steering the boat, and he and the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Queen greeting everyone, without distinction of rank. Well-to-do families from","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the city would come to this place and drink their afternoon tea. They could get","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"hot water at a small farmhouse in the field outside the park, but they had to","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"bring their own tea service along.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"One sunny Sunday afternoon the Councilor and his wife went out to the park, the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"servant girl walking in front with the tea service, a basket of food, and a \"sip","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of Spendrup's Liqueur.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Bring the gate key,\" Mrs. Councilor had said, \"so we can get in by ourselves","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"when we return; you know, they lock the gate here at nightfall, and the bell","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"cord was broken this morning! It will be late before we get home! After we've","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"been in Frederiksberg Park, we are going to the Casorti's theater at Vesterbro","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"to see the pantomime, Harlequin, Chief of the Thrashers. You see them come down","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"in a cloud; it costs two kroner a person.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"And so they went to Frederiksberg, heard the music, saw the royal barges with","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"their waving banners, saw the old King and the white swans. After drinking some","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"very good tea, they hurried away; yet they did not arrive at the theater on","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"time.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The rope-dance act was finished, the dance on stilts was finished, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the pantomime had started; as always, they were too late, and that was the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's fault; every moment on the road, he had stopped to speak to an","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"acquaintance. Within the theater he also found several good friends, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"when the performance was over, he and his wife were obliged to accompany a","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"family home at Vesterbro, to enjoy a glass of punch; they would stop for only","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"ten minutes. But this was extended to a whole hour. They talked and talked.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Especially entertaining was a Swedish baron, or, perhaps, he was German, for the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor hadn't quite caught which - but, on the other hand, the trick with the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"key that the baron taught him he caught and always remembered. This trick was","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"extraordinarily interesting! He could get the key to answer everything that one","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"asked it, even questions pertaining to the most secret matters. The Councilor's","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"gate key was particularly suitable for performing this trick; its bit was heavy,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and this part had to hang downward. The baron let the handle of the key rest on","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the forefinger of his right hand. There it hung loosely and lightly, and every","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"pulsebeat in his finger could put it into motion and make it swing; and if this","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"failed to happen, the baron understood how unnoticeably to make it turn as he","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"wished. Every turn denoted a letter of the alphabet, and as many letters as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"desired, from A on through the alphabet, could be indicated by the key. When the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"first letter of a word was revealed, the key would turn to the opposite side;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"then the next letter would be sought, and in that manner one got whole words,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"sentences, and answers to questions. It was all a fake, but at any rate provided","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"amusement; this was the Councilor's first thought, but he did not retain it; he","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"became very engrossed in the key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Husband! Husband!\" cried Mrs. Councilor. \"The Westgate closes at twelve","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"o'clock! We won't get through; we have only a quarter of an hour in which to","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"hurry there.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"They had to hurry indeed; several persons who were going into the city soon got","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"ahead of them. They finally approached the outside guardhouse as the clock was","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"striking twelve and the gates were being slammed shut. A number of people were","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"locked out, and among these were the Councilor and his wife, with their servant","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"girl, tea service, and empty food basket. Some stood there greatly frightened,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"while others were very annoyed, each reacting in his own manner. What could be","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"done? Fortunately, an ordinance had been passed of late that one of the city","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"gates, the Northgate, should not be locked at night, and there pedestrians were","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"allowed to slip through the guardhouse into the city.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The road to the Northgate was by no means short, but the weather was fine, the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"sky bright with starlight and shooting stars; the frogs were croaking in the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"ditches and ponds. The party began singing and sang one song after another, but","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the Councilor did not sing; nor did he look up at the stars or even look at his","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"own feet. He then fell down at the edge of the ditch, the full length of his","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"body alongside it. One might have thought that he had had too much to drink;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"but it was not the punch, it was the key, that had gone to his head, and kept on","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"turning there. They finally reached the Northgate guardhouse, slipped across the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"bridge and into the city.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Now I am happy again, \" said the Councilor's wife. \"Here's our gate.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"But where is the gate key,\" said the Councilor. It was neither in the back","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"pocket nor in the side pocket.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Good gracious!\" cried the Councilor's wife. \"Haven't you got the key? You must","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"have lost it after letting the Baron use it for the key trick. How will we get","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"in now? You know the bell cord was broken this morning, and the watchman doesn't","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"have a key to our home. We are in a hopeless situation!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The servant girl began to cry. The Councilor was the only one who showed","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"presence of mind.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"We must break in a windowpane at the grocer's downstairs!\" he said, \"get him","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"up, and then we can get into the building.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"He broke one pane; he broke two. \"Petersen!\" he shouted, as the put the handle","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of his umbrella in through the windowpanes. Whereupon the grocer's daughter","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"began to scream loudly. The grocer threw open the door of his shop and shouted,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Watchman!\" And before he had a chance to see and recognize the Councilor's","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"family and let them in, the watchman blew his whistle, and in the next street","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"another watchman answered and whistled. People appeared in the windows. \"Where","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"is the fire? Where is the cause of all the excitement?\" they asked, and were","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"still asking such questions even after the Councilor was in his room. There he","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"removed his overcoat - and in it lay the gate key, not in the pocket, but inside","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the lining; it had slipped through a hole that should not have been in the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"pocket.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"From that night on, the gate key held a unique and great importance, not only","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"when it was taken out in the evening, but also when remaining at home, for in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"either case the Councilor would show how clever he was by making the key answer","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"questions. He would think of the most likely answer and then pretend to let the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"key give it. Finally, he himself came to believe in the power of the key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"That was not so of the Pharmacist, however, a young man closely related to the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's wife. The Pharmacist had a good head, a critical mind; he had, as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"mere schoolboy, sent in critical articles on books and the theater, but without","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"his signature, which is always important. He was what one calls a bel esprit,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"but he by no means believed in spirits, and, least of all, key spirits.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Yes, I believe, I believe,\" he said, \"blessed Mr. Councilor, I believe in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"gate keys and all key spirits as firmly as I believe in that new science which","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"is beginning to become known the table dance and the spirits in old and new","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"furniture. Have you heard about that? I have! I have doubted - you know I am","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"a skeptic - but I have been converted by reading, in a quite reliable foreign","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"paper, a dreadful story. Councilor, can you imagine! I will give you the story","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"as I read it. Two clever children had seen their parents raise the spirits in a","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"large dining-room table. The little ones were alone, and decided they would try,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"in the same manner, to rub life into an old chest of drawers. Life came, for","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"a spirit was awakened; but it did not tolerate the commands of mere children;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"it arose, and the chest of drawers creaked; it then shot out the drawers, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"with its wooden legs put each of the children in a separate drawer. The chest","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of drawers then ran off with them, out the open door, down the stairs, into the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"street, and over to the canal, where it jumped out into the water and drowned","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"both the children. Their little bodies were given Christian burial, but the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"chest of drawers was taken to the town hall, tried for murder, and burned alive","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"in the market place! I have read this,\" said the Pharmacist, \"in a foreign","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"paper; it is not something I have invented myself. This is the truth, and may","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the key take me if it isn't! I swear to it - on my oath!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor found that such talk was all too much like a coarse joke. The two","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"could never speak agreeably about the key. The Pharmacist was key ignorant.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor made progress in his key knowledge; the key was his diversion and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"channel of wisdom.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"One evening, as the Councilor was getting ready to go to bed, and was half","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"undressed, there was a knock on the front door. It was the shopkeeper from","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"downstairs who was calling at this late hour; he, too, was half undressed, but","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"he had suddenly had a thought, he said, which he was afraid he would not be able","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"to retain through the night.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"It is my daughter Lotte-Lene I must talk about. She is a beautiful girl, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"has been confirmed, and now I would like to see her well provided for.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"But I am not as yet a widower!\" said the Councilor, and chuckled, \"and I have","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"no son to offer her.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"You must understand me, Councilor,\" said the man from downstairs. \"She can","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"play the piano, and she can sing; you must be able to hear her upstairs. You","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"have no idea of all the things that little girl is able to do; she can talk","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and entertain people. She is made for the stage, and that is a good course for","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"pretty girls of good families to take; they may even have an opportunity to","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"marry a count, though neither I nor Lotte-Lene are thinking of that. She can","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"indeed sing and play the piano, so the other day I took her up to the singing","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"school. She sang; but she doesn't have a beer bass, as I call it in women,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"nor does she shriek those very high canary-bird notes which they now demand in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"singers, and so they advised her strongly against pursuing that career. Well,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"I thought, if she can't become a singer, she can always become an actress; that","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"only requires the ability to speak. Today I talked about it to the Instructor as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"they call him. 'Is she well read?' he asked. 'No, ' I said, 'not at all.' 'But","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"it is necessary for an actress to be well read!' said he. She still has time for","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"that, was my opinion; and then I went home. She can go to a rental library and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"read what is to be had there, I thought.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"But then tonight, while I was undressing, it occurred to me - why rent books","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"when one can borrow them? The Councilor has plenty of books; let her read them;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"there is enough reading here for her, and it could be hers gratis!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Lotte-Lene is a nice girl,\" said the Councilor, \"a beautiful girl! She shall","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"have books to read. But has she what one calls grit and spirit - aptitude -","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"genius? And, what is equally important, has she luck with her?\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"She has twice won in the lottery,\" said the grocer from downstairs. \"Once she","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"won a clothes cabinet, and another time six pairs of bed sheets; that I call","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"luck, and that she has!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"I shall ask the key,\" said the Councilor. And he placed the key on his right","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"forefinger, and on the grocer's right forefinger as well, and then the key swung","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and gave out letter after letter.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The key said, \"Victory and luck!\" And so Lotte-Lene's future was decided.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor at once gave her two books to read, Dyveke and Knigge's Social","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Intercourse.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"That night marked the beginning of a closer acquaintance between Lotte-Lene","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and the Councilor and his wife. She would come upstairs to the couple, and the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor found her to be a sensible girl; she believed in him and the key. The","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's wife saw something childish and innocent in the frankness with which","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"she would at every moment show her great ignorance. The couple was fond of her,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"he in his way and she in hers, and Lotte-Lene was fond of them.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"It smells so lovely upstairs,\" Lotte-Lene would say. There was an odor, a","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"fragrance, an apple fragrance, in the hallway, where the Councilor's wife had","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"put away a whole barrel of graystone apples. There was also an incense odor","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of roses and lavender throughout all the rooms. \"There is something refined in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"that!\" Lotte-Lene would say.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Then, too, her eyes were pleased by the many pretty flowers the Councilor's wife","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"always had. Even in the middle of winter, lilacs and cherry-tree slips bloomed","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"here. The leafless twigs were cut off and put into water and in the warm room","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"soon bore leaves and flowers.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"One would have thought that all life was gone from these naked branches, but","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"see how they rise from the dead. It has never occurred to me before,\" said","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Lotte-Lene, \"how wonderful nature is!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"And the Councilor let her look at his \"key book, \" in which were written","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"strange things the key had said - even about the half of an apple cake that","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"had disappeared from the cupboard on the very evening that the servant girl had","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"had her sweetheart there for a visit. The Councilor had asked his key. \"Who has","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"eaten the apple cake, the cat or the sweetheart?\" and the key had replied, \"The","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"sweetheart.\" The Councilor had already thought so before asking the key; and the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"servant girl had confessed, \"That cursed key knows everything!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Yes, isn't it strange!\" said the Councilor. \"That key, that key! And about","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Lotte-Lene it has said, 'Victory and luck.' That we shall see! I swear to it.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"That's wonderful\" said Lotte-Lene.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor's wife was not so confident, but she did not express her doubts","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"when her husband was within hearing distance. She later told Lotte-Lene in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"confidence that the Councilor, when a young man, had been quite taken with the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"theater. Had someone pushed him a little in that direction, he surely would have","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"become an actor; his family, however, had pushed him in the opposite direction.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"But, he had still aspired to the stage, and to further that ambition he had","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"written a play.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"This is a great secret that I am entrusting you with, little Lotte-Lene. The","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"play was not bad; it was accepted at the Royal Theater, and then hissed out, and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"no one has since heard of it, for which I am glad. I am his wife and know him.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Now you want such a career, too. I wish you all that is good, but I don't think","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"that things will work out as predicted; I don't believe in the gate key.\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Lotte-Lene believed in it, and in that belief she was united with the Councilor.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Within their hearts they had a mutual understanding, in all honor and chastity.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The girl had many qualifications that the Councilor's wife valued. Lotte-Lene","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"knew how to make starch from potatoes, make silk gloves from old silk stockings,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"and recover her silk dancing shoes, although she could afford to buy all her","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"clothes new. She had, as the grocer said, pennies in the table drawer and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"credit notes in her money safe. She would make just the wife for the Pharmacist,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"thought the Councilor's wife, but she did not say so, and of course didn't","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"permit the key to say anything about it. The Pharmacist was going to settle","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"down soon and have his own pharmacy in one of the nearest and largest provincial","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"towns.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Lotte-Lene was continually reading Dyveke and Knigge's Social Intercourse. She","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"kept the two books for two years, and by the end of that time she had learned","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"one, Dyveke, by heart - all the parts, although she wished to play only one,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"that of Dyveke; she did not, however, want to appear at first in the capital,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"where there is so much envy, and where they would not have her, anyway. She","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"wanted to start her artistic career, as the Councilor called it, in one of the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"country's large provincial towns. Now that, strangely enough, turned out to be","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the same place where the youthful Pharmacist had settled down as the youngest of","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the town's pharmacists.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The great, long-awaited night came on which Lotte-Lene was to make her debut and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"have \"victory and luck,\" as the key had said. The Councilor was not there, for","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"he lay in his bed, and his wife was nursing him; he had to have warm napkins and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"camomile tea; the napkins about his body and the tea in his body.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"While the couple was absent from the Dyveke performance, the Pharmacist was","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"there, and wrote a letter about it to his relative, the Councilor's wife.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Dyveke's ruff was the best thing about it,\" he wrote. \"If I had had the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's gate key in my pocket, I would have pulled it out and used it as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"a whistle; she deserved it, and the key deserved it, because of its nasty lie","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"about her 'victory and luck.'\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor read the letter. It was all spitefulness, he said, key hatred,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"aimed at that innocent girl. And as soon as he was out of bed and was himself","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"again, he sent a short but poisonous note to the Pharmacist, who in turn replied","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"as if he had seen only jest and good humor in the whole epistle. He thanked him","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"for this and for any future contribution to the revelation of the incomparable","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"worth and significance of keys; next he confided to the Councilor that, apart","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"from his activities as an apothecary, he was writing a great key novel in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"which all the characters were keys and keys alone. A gate key naturally was the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"central character and - patterned after the Councilor's gate key - was gifted","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"with prophetic vision and second sight; around this all the other keys had to","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"revolve - the old chamberlain's key, experienced in the splendor and festivity","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of the court; the watch key, small, refined, and distinguished, but worth only","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"a few pennies at the ironmonger's; the key to the church pew, which counted","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"itself among the clergy, and which, from remaining one night in its keyhole in","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the church, could see ghosts; the larder key, the wine-cellar key, and the coal-","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"cellar key all appeared, and bowed before, and turned around, the gate key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The sunbeams brightened it into silver, and the wind, that spirit of the earth,","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"entered its body and made it whistle!","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"It was the key of all keys; it was the Councilor's gate key. It was now the key","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"of the heavenly gate itself; it was the papal key; it was infallible!","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Wickedness!\" said the Councilor. \"Great wickedness!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"He and the Pharmacist never saw each other again - except once, and that was at","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the funeral of the Councilor's wife.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"She was the first to die. There were sorrow an emptiness in the house. Even the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"slips of cherry which had thrown out fresh roots and flowers seemed to mourn and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"fade away; they stood forgotten, for she was not there to tend them.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"The Councilor and the Pharmacist walked behind her coffin, side by side, as","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the two nearest relations of the departed. This was not the time, nor were","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"they in the mood, for quarreling. Lotte-Lene tied the mourning crape around the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Councilor's hat. She was living in the house again, having long since returned","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"without victory and luck in her career. Yet that still might come; Lotte-Lene","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"had a future before her; the key had said so, and the Councilor had said so.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"She went up to him. They talked about the departed and they wept, for Lotte-Lene","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"was tenderhearted; but when they talked about the art, Lotte-Lene felt strong.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Life in the theater is charming,\" she said, \"but there is so much nonsense and","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"envy! I would rather go my own way. Myself first, then art!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"Knigge had told the truth in his chapter about actors; that she was aware of;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"the key had not told the truth, but she never spoke of this to the Councilor;","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"she was fond of him. Besides, the gate key was his comfort and relief during the","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"whole year of mourning. He gave it questions, and it gave him answers.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"And when the year had passed, and he and Lotte-Lene were sitting together one","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"inspiring evening; he asked the key, \"Will I marry, and whom will I marry?\" No","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"one pushed him, but he pushed the key, and it answered, \"Lotte-Lene!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"So it was said, and Lotte-Lene became Mrs. Councilor.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"\"Victory and luck!\"","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"And these words had been said before -by the gate key.","book":"The gate key"} {"text":"There was an old manor house where a young, splendid family lived. They had","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"riches and many blessings; they liked to enjoy themselves, and yet they did a","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"lot of good. They wanted to make everybody happy, as happy as they themselves","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"were.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"On Christmas Eve a beautifully decorated Christmas tree stood in the large old","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"hall, where fire burned in the fireplaces and fir branches were hung around the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"old paintings. Here gathered the family and their guests; here they sang and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"danced.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The Christmas festivities had already been well under way earlier in the evening","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"in the servants' quarters. Here also stood a large fire tree, with lighted","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"red and white candles, small Danish flags, swans and fishing nets cut out of","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"colored paper and filled with candies and other sweets. The poor children from","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the parish had been invited, and each had its mother along. The mothers didn't","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"pay much attention to the Christmas tree, but looked rather at the Christmas","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"table, where there lay woolen and linen cloths, for dresses and trousers. Yes,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the mothers and the older children looked at this; only the smallest children","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"stretched out their hands toward the candles, the tinsel, and the flags. This","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"whole gathering had come early in the afternoon; they had been served Christmas","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"porridge and roasted goose with red cabbage. Then when the Christmas tree had","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"been looked over and the gifts distributed, each got a small glass of punch and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"apple-filled æbleskiver.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"When they returned to their own humble rooms, they talked about the \"good","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"living,\" by which they meant the good food they had had, and the presents were","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"again thoroughly inspected.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Now, among these folks were Garden-Kirsten and Garden-Ole. They were married,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and earned their lodging and their daily bread by weeding and digging in the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"manor house garden. At every Christmas party they received a goodly share of the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"gifts, but then they had five children, and all five of them were clothed by the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"wealthy family.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Our masters are generous people,\" they said. \"But then they can afford it, and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"they get pleasure out of it.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"The four children received some good clothing to wear,\" said Garden-Ole, \"but","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"why is there nothing here for the Cripple? They always used to think of him,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"too, even if he wasn't at the party.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"It was the eldest of the children they called the Cripple, although his name was","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Hans. When little, he had been the most able and the liveliest child, but all of","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"a sudden he had become \"loose in the legs,\" as they called it. He could neither","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"walk nor stand, and now he had been lying in bed for nearly five years.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Yes, I got something for him, too,\" said the mother. \"But it's nothing much; it","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"is only a book for him to read!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"That won't make him fat!\" said the father.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"But Hans was happy for it. He was a very bright boy who enjoyed reading, but","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"who also used his time for working, doing as much as he, who always had to lie","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"bedridden, could, to be of some benefit. He was useful with his hands, knitted","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"woolen stockings, and, yes, even whole bedcovers. The lady at the manor house","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"had praised him and bought them. It was a book of fairy tales Hans had received;","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"in it there was much to read and much to think about.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"It is of no use here in this house,\" said the parents, \"but let him read, for","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"it passes the time, and he can't always be knitting stockings.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Spring came; green leaves and flowers began to sprout, and the weeds, too, as","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"one may call the nettles, even if the psalm speaks so nicely about them:","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"If every king, with power and might,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Marched forth in stately row,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"They could not make the smallest leaf","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Upon a nettle grow.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"There was much to do in the manor house garden, not only for the gardener and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"his apprentices, but also for Garden-Kirsten and Garden-Ole.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"It's a lot of hard work,\" they said. \"No sooner have we raked the walks, and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"made them look nice, than they are stepped on again. There is such a run of","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"visitors at the manor house. How much it must cost! But the owners are rich","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"people!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Things are strangely divided,\" said Ole. \"We are our Lord's children, says the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"pastor. Why such a difference, then?\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"That comes from the fall of man!\" said Kirsten.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"In the evening they talked about it again, while Cripple-Hans was reading his","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"book of fairy tales. Hard times, work, and toil had made the parents not only","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"hard in the hands but also hard in their judgment and opinion.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"They couldn't understand, and consequently couldn't explain, the matter clearly,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and as they talked they became more peevish and angry.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Some people are prosperous and happy; others live in poverty. Why should we","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"suffer because of our first parents' curiosity and disobedience! We would not","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"have behaved as those two did!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Yes, we would!\" said Cripple-Hans all of a sudden. \"It is all here in this","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"book!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"What's in the book?\" asked the parents.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And Hans read for them the old fairy tale about the woodcutter and his wife.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"They, too, argued about Adam's and Eve's curiosity, which was the cause of","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"their misfortune also. The king of the country then came by. \"Follow me home,\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"he said, \"and you shall be as well off as I, with a seven-course dinner and a","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"course for display. That course is in a closed tureen, and you must not touch","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"it, for if you do, your days of leisure are over!\" - \"What can there be in the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"tureen?\" said the wife. \"That's none of our business,\" said the husband. \"Well,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"I'm not inquisitive,\" said the woman, \"but I would like to know why we don't","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"dare lift the lid; it must be something delicious!\" - \"I only hope there is","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"nothing mechanical about it,\" said the man, \"such as a pistol shot, which goes","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"off and awakens the whole house!\" - \"Oh, my!\" said the woman, and she didn't","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"touch the tureen. But during the night she dreamed that the lid lifted itself,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and from the tureen came an odor of the most wonderful punch, such as is served","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"at weddings and funerals. In it lay a large silver coin bearing the following","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"inscription, \"If you drink of this punch, you will become the two richest people","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"in the world, and all other people will become beggars!\" Just then the woman","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"awoke and told her husband about her dream. \"You think too much about that","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"thing,\" he said. \"We could lift it gently,\" said the woman. \"Gently,\" said the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"man. And the woman lifted the lid very, very gently. Then two small, sprightly","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"mice sprang out and disappeared into a mousehole. \"Good night,\" said the king.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Now you can go home and lie in your own bed. Don't blame Adam and Eve any more;","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"you two have been just as inquisitive and ungrateful!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Where has that story in the book come from?\" said Garden-Ole. \"It sounds as if","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"it were meant for us. It is something to think about.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The next day they went to work again, and they were roasted by the sun and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"soaked to the skin by the rain. Within them were grumbling thoughts as they","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"pondered over the story.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The evening was still light at home after they had eaten their milk porridge.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Read the story about the woodcutter to us again,\" said Garden-Ole.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"But there are so many other beautiful stories in this book,\" said Hans, \"so","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"many you don't know.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Yes, but those I don't care about!\" said Garden-Ole. \"I want to hear the one I","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"know!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And he and his wife heard it again.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"More than one evening they returned to that story.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"It doesn't quite make everything clear to me,\" said Garden-Ole. \"It's the same","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"with people as it is with sweet milk when it sours; some becomes fine cheese,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and the other, only the thin, watery whey; so it is with people; some are lucky","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"in everything they do, live high all their lives, and know no sorrow or want.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"This Cripple-Hans heard. His legs were weak, but his mind was bright. He read","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"for them from his book of fairy tales, read about \" The Man Without Sorrow and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Want.\" Yes, where could he be found, for found he must be! The king lay on his","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"sickbed and could not be cured unless he wore the shirt that had belonged to,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and been worn on the body of, a man who could truthfully say that he had never","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"known sorrow or want. A command was sent to every country in the world, to","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"all castles and manors, to all prosperous and happy people. But upon thorough","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"questioning, every one of them was found to have known sorrow and want. \"I","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"haven't!\" said the swineherd, who sat laughing and singing on the edge of","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the ditch. \"I'm the happiest person!\" - \"Then give us your shirt,\" said the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"messengers. \"You will be paid for it with half of a kingdom.\" But he had no","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"shirt at all, and yet he called himself the happiest person!","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"He was a fine fellow!\" shouted Garden-Ole, and he and his wife laughed as they","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"hadn't laughed for years.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Then the schoolmaster came by.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"How pleased you are!\" he said. \"That is unusual in this house. Have you won a","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"prize in the lottery?\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"No, it isn't that sort of pleasure,\" said Garden-Ole. \"It is because Hans","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"has been reading to us from his book of fairy tales; he read about ' 'The Man","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Without Sorrow and Want,' and that fellow had no shirt. Your eyes get moist when","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"you hear such things, and from a printed book, at that! Everyone has a load to","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"carry; one is not alone in that. That, at least, is a comfort!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Where did you get that book?\" asked the schoolmaster.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Our Hans got it at Christmastime over a year ago. The manor house family gave","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"it to him. They know he likes reading and, of course, that he is a cripple. At","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the time, we would rather have seen him get two linen shirts. But that book is","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"unusual; it can almost answer one's thoughts.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The schoolmaster took the book and opened it.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Let's have the same story again,\" said Garden-Ole. \"I don't quite get it yet.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And then he must also read the one about the woodcutter.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"These two stories were enough for Ole. They were like two sunbeams pouring","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"into that humble room, into the oppressed thoughts that had made them cross","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and grumbly. Hans had read the whole book, read it many times. The fairy tales","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"carried him out into the world, where he, of course, could not go because his","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"legs would not carry him. The schoolmaster sat beside his bed; they talked","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"together, and both of them enjoyed it.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"From that day on, the schoolmaster visited Hans often when his parents were at","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"work, and every time he came it was a great treat for the boy. How attentively","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"he listened to what the old man told him - about the size of the world and about","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"its many countries, and that the sun was nearly half a million times larger than","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the earth and so far away that a cannon ball in its course would take twenty-","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"five years to travel from the sun to the earth, while the light beams could","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"reach the earth in eight minutes. Of course, every studious schoolboy knew all","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"that, but to Hans this was all new, and even more wonderful than what he had","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"read in the book of fairy tales.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Two or three times a year the schoolmaster dined with the manor house family,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and on one of these occasions he told of how important the book of fairy","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"tales was in the poor house, how alone two stories in it had been the means","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"of spiritual awakening and blessing, that the sickly, clever little boy had,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"through his reading, brought meditation and joy into the house. When the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"schoolmaster departed from the manor house, the lady pressed two shiny silver","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"dollars in his hand for little Hans.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Father and Mother must have them,\" said the boy, when the schoolmaster brought","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"him the money.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And Garden-Ole and Garden-Kirsten both said, \"Cripple-Hans, after all, is also a","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"profit and a blessing to us!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"A couple of days later, when the parents were away at work at the manor house,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the owners' carriage stopped outside; it was the kindhearted lady who came,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"happy that her Christmas gift had afforded so much comfort and pleasure to the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"boy and his parents. She brought fine bread, fruit, and a bottle of sweet sirup,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"but what was still more wonderful, she brought him, in a gilded cage, a little","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"blackbird which whistled quite charmingly. The bird cage was placed on the old","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"cabinet close by the boy's bed; there he could see and hear the bird; yes, and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"people way out on the highway could hear it sing.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Garden-Ole and Garden-Kirsten didn't return home until after the lady had driven","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"away. Even though they saw how happy Hans was, they thought there would only be","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"trouble with the present he had received.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Rich people don't think very clearly,\" they said. \"Now we have that to look","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"after. Cripple-Hans can't do it. In the end, the cat will get it!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Eight days went by, and still another eight days. During that time the cat was","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"often in the room without frightening the bird, to say nothing of not harming","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"it.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Then one day a great event occurred. It was in the afternoon, while the parents","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and the other children were at work, and Hans was quite alone. He had the book","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"of fairy tales in his hand and was reading about the fisherman's wife who got","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"her wishes fulfilled; she wished to be king, and that she became; she wished to","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"be emperor, and that, too, she became; but then she wished to be the good Lord -","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and thereupon she again sat in the muddy ditch she had come from.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Now that story had nothing whatsoever to do with the bird or the cat, but it","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"happened to be the story he was reading when this occurrence took place; he","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"always remembered that afterward.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The cage stood on the cabinet, and the cat stood on the floor and stared,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"with its yellow-green eyes, at the bird. There was something in the cat's look","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"that seemed to say, \"How beautiful you are! I'd like to eat you!\" That Hans","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"understood; he could read it in the cat's face.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Get away, cat!\" he shouted. \"You get out of this room!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"It looked as if the cat were getting ready to leap. Hans couldn't reach it and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"had nothing to throw at it but his greatest treasure, the book of fairy tales.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"This he threw, but the cover was loose and flew to one side, while the book","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"itself, with all its leaves, flew to the other side. The cat slowly stepped","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"backward in the room and looked at Hans as if to say, \"Don't get yourself mixed","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"up in this matter, little Hans! I can walk and I can jump. You can do neither.\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Hans was greatly worried and kept his eyes on the cat, while the bird also","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"became uneasy. There wasn't a person he could call; it seemed as if the cat knew","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"that, and it prepared itself to jump again. Hans shook his bedcover at it - he","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"could, remember, use his hands - but the cat paid no attention to the bedcover.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And after Hans had thrown it without avail, the cat leaped up onto the chair and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"onto the sill; there it was closer to the bird.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Hans could feel his own warm blood rushing through his body, but that he didn't","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"think of; he thought only about the cat and the bird. The boy could not get out","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"of bed without help; nor, of course, could he stand on his legs, much less walk.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"It was as if his heart turned inside him when he saw the cat leap straight from","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the window onto the cabinet and push the cage so that it overturned. The bird","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"fluttered about bewilderedly in the cage.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Hans screamed; a great shock went through him. And without thinking about it, he","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"sprang out of bed, moved toward the cabinet, chased the cat down, and got hold","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"of the cage, where the bird was flying about in great fear. Holding the cage in","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"his hand, he ran out of the door, onto the road. Then tears streamed from his","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"eyes, and joyously he shouted, \"I can walk! I can walk!\" He had recovered the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"use of his limbs. Such a thing can happen, and it had indeed happened to Hans.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The schoolmaster lived near by, and to him he ran on his bare feet, clad only in","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"his shirt and jacket, and with the bird in the cage.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"I can walk!\" he shouted. \"Oh, Lord, my God!\" And he cried out of sheer joy.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And there was joy in the house of Garden-Ole and Garden-Kirsten, \"We shall never","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"live to see a happier day,\" said both of them.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Hans was called to the manor house. He had not walked that road for many years.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The trees and the nut bushes, which he knew so well, seemed to nod to him and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"say, \"Good day, Hans! Welcome back out here!\" The sun shone on his face and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"right into his heart.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The owners of the manor house, that young, blessed couple, let him sit with","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"them, and looked as happy as if he were one of their own family. But the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"happiest of the two was the lady, for she had given him the book of fairy tales","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and the little songbird. The bird was now dead, having died of fright, but it","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"had been the means of getting his health back. And the book had brought the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"awakening to him and his parents; he still had it, and he wanted to keep it","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"and read it, no matter how old he became. Now he also could be of help to his","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"family. He wanted to learn a trade; most of all he wanted to be a bookbinder,","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"because,\" he said, \"then I can get all the new books to read!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Later in the afternoon the lady called both his parents up to her. She and","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"her husband had talked about Hans - he was a fine and clever boy, with a keen","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"appreciation of reading and a capacity for learning. Our Lord always rewards the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"good.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"That evening the parents were really happy when they returned home from the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"manor house, especially Kirsten.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"But the following week she cried, for then little Hans went away. He was dressed","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"in good, new clothes. He was a good boy, but now he must travel far away across","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"the sea, go to school, and learn Latin. And many years would pass before they","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"would see him again.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"The book of fairy tales he did not take with him, because his parents wanted to","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"keep that in remembrance. And the father often read from it, but only the two","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"stories, for those he understood.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"And they had letters from Hans, each one happier than the last. He lived with","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"nice people, in good circumstances. But best of all, he liked to go to school;","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"there was so much to learn and to know. He only wished to live to be a hundred","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"years old, and eventually to become a schoolmaster.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"If we could only live to see it!\" said the parents, and held each other's","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"hands.","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"\"Just think of what has happened to Hans!\" said Ole. \"Our Lord thinks also","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"of the poor man's child! And to think that this should have happened to the","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Cripple! Isn't it as if Hans might have read it for us from the book of fairy","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"tales!\"","book":"The cripple"} {"text":"Where did we get this story? would you like to know?","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"We got it from the basket that the wastepaper is thrown into.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Many a good and rare book has been taken to the delicatessen store and the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"grocer's, not to be read, but to be used as wrapping paper for starch and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"coffee, beans, for salted herring, butter, and cheese. Used writing paper has","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"also been found suitable.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Frequently one throws into the wastepaper basket what ought not to go there.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I know a grocer's assistant, the son of a delicatessen store owner. He has","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"worked his way up from serving in the cellar to serving in the front shop; he","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"is a well-read person, his reading consisting of the printed and written matter","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to be found on the paper used for wrapping. He has an interesting collection,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"consisting of several important official documents from the wastepaper baskets","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"of busy and absent-minded officials, a few confidential letters from one lady","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"friend to another - reports of scandal which were not to go further, not to be","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"mentioned by a soul. He is a living salvage institution for more than a little","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"of our literature, and his collection covers a wide field, he has the run of his","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"parents' shop and that of his present master and has there saved many a book, or","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"leaves of a book, well worth reading twice.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"He has shown me his collection of printed and written matter from the wastepaper","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"basket, the most valued items of which have come from the delicatessen store.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"A couple of leaves from a large composition book lay among the collection; the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"unusually clear and neat handwriting attracted my attention at once.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"This was written by the student,\" he said, \"the student who lived opposite here","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and died about a month ago. He suffered terribly from toothache, as one can see.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"It is quite amusing to read. This is only a small part of what he wrote; there","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"was a whole book and more besides. My parents gave the student's landlady half a","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"pound of green soap for it. This is what I have been able to save of it.\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I borrowed it, I read it, and now I tell it.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The title was:","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"AUNTY TOOTHACHE","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty gave me sweets when I was little. My teeth could stand it then; it didn't","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"hurt them. Now I am older, am a student, and still she goes on spoiling me with","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"sweets. She says I am a poet.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I have something of the poet in me, but not enough. Often when I go walking","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"along the city streets, it seems to me as if I am walking in a big library; the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"houses are the bookshelves; and every floor is a shelf with books. There stands","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a story of everyday life; next to it is a good old comedy, and there are works","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"of all scientific branches, bad literature and good reading. I can dream and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"philosophize among all this literature.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"There is something of the poet in me, but not enough. No doubt many people have","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"just as much of it in them as I, though they do not carry a sign or a necktie","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"with the word \"Poet\" on it. They and I have been given a divine gift, a blessing","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"great enough to satisfy oneself, but altogether too little to be portioned","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"out again to others. It comes like a ray of sunlight and fills one's soul and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"thoughts; it comes like the fragrance of a flower, like a melody that one knows","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and yet cannot remember from where.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The other evening I sat in my room and felt an urge to read, but I had no book,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"no paper. Just then a leaf, fresh and green, fell from the lime tree, and the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"breeze carried it in through the window to me. I examined the many veins in","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"it; a little insect was crawling across them, as if it were making a thorough","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"study of the leaf. This made me think of man's wisdom: we also crawl about on a","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"leaf; our knowledge is limited to that only, and yet we unhesitatingly deliver","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a lecture on the whole big tree - the root, the trunk, and the crown - the great","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"tree comprised of God, the world, and immortality - and of all this we know only","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a little leaf!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"As I was sitting there, I received a visit from Aunty Mille. I showed her the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"leaf with the insect and told her of my thoughts in connection with these. And","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"her eyes lit up.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"You are a poet!\" she said. \"Perhaps the greatest we have. If I should live","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to see this, I would go to my grave gladly. Ever since the brewer Rasmussen's","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"funeral you have amazed me with your powerful imagination.\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"So said Aunty Mille, and she then kissed me.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Who was Aunty Mille, and who was Rasmussen the brewer?","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"II","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"We children always called our mother's aunt \"Aunty\"; we had no other name for","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"her.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She gave us jam and sweets, although they were very injurious to our teeth; but","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the dear children were her weakness, she said. It was cruel to deny them a few","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"sweets, when they were so fond of them. And that's why we loved Aunty so much.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She was an old maid; as far back as I can remember, she was always old. Her age","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"never seemed to change.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"In earlier years she had suffered a great deal from toothache, and she always","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"spoke about it; and so it happened that her friend, the brewer Rasmussen, who","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"was a great wit, called her Aunty Toothache.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"He had retired from the brewing business some years before and was then living","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"on the interest of his money. He frequently visited Aunty; he was older than","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"she. He had no teeth at all - only a few black stumps. When a child, he had","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"eaten too much sugar, he told us children, and that's how he came to look as he","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"did.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty could surely never have eaten sugar in her childhood, for she had the most","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"beautiful white teeth. She took great care of them, and she did not sleep with","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"them at night! - said Rasmussen the brewer. We children knew that this was said","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"in malice, but Aunty said he did not mean anything by it.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"One morning, at the breakfast table, she told us of a terrible dream she had had","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"during the night, in which one of her teeth had fallen out.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"That means,\" she said, \"that I shall lose a true friend!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Was it a false tooth?\" asked the brewer with a chuckle. \"If so, it can only","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"mean that you will lose a false friend!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"You are an insolent old man!\" said Aunty, angrier than I had seen her before or","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"ever have since.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She later told us that her old friend had only been teasing her; he was the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"finest man on earth, and when he died he would become one of God's little angels","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"in heaven.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I thought a good deal of this transformation, and wondered if I would be able to","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"recognize him in this new character.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"When Aunty and he had been young, he had proposed to her. She had settled down","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to think it over, had thought too long, and had become an old maid, but always","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"remained his true friend.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"And then Brewer Rasmussen died. He was taken to his grave in the most expensive","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"hearse and was followed by a great number of folks, including people with orders","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and in uniform.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty stood dressed in mourning by the window, together with all of us children,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"except our little brother, whom the stork had brought a week before. When the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"hearse and the procession had passed and the street was empty, Aunty wanted to","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"go away from the window, but I did not want to; I was waiting for the angel,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Rasmussen the brewer; surely he had by now become one of God's bewinged little","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"children and would appear.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Aunty,\" I said, \"don't you think that he will come now? Or that when the stork","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"again brings us a little brother, he'll then bring us the angel Rasmussen?\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty was quite overwhelmed by my imagination, and said, \"That child will become","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a great poet!\" And this she kept repeating all the time I went to school, and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"even after my confirmation and, yes, still does now that I am a student.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She was, and is, to me the most sympathetic of friends, both in my poetical","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"troubles and dental troubles, for I have attacks of both.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Just write down all your thoughts,\" she said, \"and put them in the table","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"drawer! That's what Jean Paul did; he became a great poet, though I don't admire","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"him; he does not excite one. You must be exciting! Yes, you will be exciting!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The night after she said this, I lay awake, full of longings and anguish, with","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"anxiety and fond hopes to become the great poet that Aunty saw and perceived in","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"me; I went through all the pains of a poet! But there is an even greater pain -","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"toothache - and it was grinding and crushing me; I became a writhing worm, with","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a bag of herbs and a mustard plaster.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I know all about it, \" said Aunty. There was a sorrowful smile on her lips, and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"her white teeth glistened.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"*","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"But I must begin a new chapter in my own and my aunt's story.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"III","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I had moved to a new flat and had been living there a month. I was telling Aunty","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"about it.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I live with a quiet family; they pay no attention to me, even if I ring three","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"times. Besides, it is a noisy house, full of sounds and disturbances caused by","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the weather, the wind, and the people. I live just above the street gate; every","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"carriage that drives out or in makes the pictures on the walls move about. The","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"gate bangs and shakes the house as if there were an earthquake. If I am in bed,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the shocks go right through all my limbs, but that is said to be strengthening","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to the nerves. If the wind blows, and it is always blowing in this country, the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"long window hooks outside swing to and fro, and strike against the wall. The","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"bell on the gate to the neighbor's yard rings with every gust of wind.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"The people who live in the house come home at all hours, from late in the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"evening until far into the night; the lodger just above me, who in the daytime","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"gives lessons on the trombone, comes home the latest and does not go to bed","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"before he has taken a little midnight promenade with heavy steps and in iron","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"heeled shoes.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"There are no double windows. There is a broken pane in my room, over which the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"landlady has pasted some paper, but the wind blows through the crack despite","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"that and produces a sound similar to that of a buzzing wasp. It is like the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"sort of music that makes one go to sleep. If at last I fall asleep, I am soon","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"awakened by the crowing of the cocks. From the cellarman's hencoop the cocks","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and hens announce that it will soon be morning. The small ponies, which have no","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"stable, but are tied up in the storeroom under the staircase, kick against the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"door and the paneling as they move about.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"The day dawns. The porter, who lives with his family in the attic, comes","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"thundering down the stairs; his wooden shoes clatter; the gate bangs and the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"house shakes. And when all this is over, the lodger above begins to occupy","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"himself with gymnastic exercises; he lifts a heavy iron ball in each hand,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"but he is not able to hold onto them, and they are continually falling on the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"floor, while at the same time the young folks in the house, who are going to","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"school, come screaming with all their might. I go to the window and open it to","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"get some fresh air, and it is most refreshing - when I can get it, and when the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"young woman in the back building is not washing gloves in soapsuds, by which she","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"earns her livelihood. Otherwise it is a pleasant house, and I live with a quiet","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"family!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"This was the report I gave Aunty about my flat, though it was livelier at the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"time, for the spoken word has a fresher sound than the written.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"You are a poet!\" cried Aunty. \"Just write down all you have said, and you","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"will be as good as Dickens! Indeed, to me, you are much more interesting. You","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"paint when you speak. You describe your house so that one can see it. It makes","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"one shudder. Go on with your poetry. Put some living beings into it - people,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"charming people, especially unhappy ones.\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I wrote down my description of the house as it stands, with all its sounds, its","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"noises, but included only myself. There was no plot in it. That came later.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"IV","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"It was during wintertime, late at night, after theater hours; it was terrible","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"weather; a snowstorm raged so that one could hardly move along.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty had gone to the theater, and I went there to take her home; it was","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"difficult for one to get anywhere, to say nothing of helping another. All the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"hiring carriages were engaged. Aunty lived in a distant section of the town,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"while my dwelling was close to the theater. Had this not been the case, we would","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"have had to take refuge in a sentry box for a while.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"We trudged along in the deep snow while the snowflakes whirled around us. I had","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to lift her, hold onto her, and push her along. Only twice did we fall, but we","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"fell on the soft snow.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"We reached my gate, where we shook some of the snow from ourselves. On the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"stairs, too, we shook some off, and yet there was still enough almost to cover","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the floor of the anteroom.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"We took off our overcoats and boots and what other clothes might be removed.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The landlady lent Aunty dry stockings and a nightcap; this she would need, said","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the landlady, and added that it would be impossible for my aunt to get home that","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"night, which was true. Then she asked Aunty to make use of her parlor, where she","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"would prepare a bed for her on the sofa, in front of the door that led into my","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"room and that was always kept locked. And so she stayed.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The fire burned in my stove, the tea urn was placed on the table, and the little","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"room became cozy, if not as cozy as Aunty's own room, where in the wintertime","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"there are heavy curtains before the door, heavy curtains before the windows,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and double carpets on the floor, with three layers of thick paper underneath.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"One sits there as if in a well-corked bottle, full of warm air; still, as I have","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"said, it was also cozy at my place, while outside the wind was whistling.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty talked and reminisced; she recalled the days of her youth; the brewer came","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"back; many old memories were revived.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She could remember the time I got my first tooth, and the family's delight over","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"it. My first tooth! The tooth of innocence, shining like a little drop of milk -","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the milk tooth!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"When one had come, several more came, a whole rank of them, side by side,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"appearing both above and below - the finest of children's teeth, though these","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"were only the \"vanguard,\" not the real teeth, which have to last one's whole","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"lifetime.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Then those also appeared, and the wisdom teeth as well, the flank men of each","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"rank, born in pain and great tribulation.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"They disappear, too, sometimes every one of them; they disappear before their","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"time of service is up, and when the very last one goes, that is far from a happy","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"day; it is a day for mourning. And so then one considers himself old, even if he","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"feels young.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Such thoughts and talk are not pleasant. Yet we came to talk about all this;","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"we went back to the days of my childhood and talked and talked. It was twelve","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"o'clock before Aunty went to rest in the room near by.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Good night, my sweet child,\" she called. \"I shall now sleep as if I were in my","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"own bed.\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"And she slept peacefully; but otherwise there was no peace either in the house","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"or outside. The storm rattled the windows, struck the long, dangling iron hooks","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"against the house, and rang the neighbor's back-yard bell. The lodger upstairs","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"had come home. He was still taking his little nightly tour up and down the room;","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"he then kicked off his boots and went to bed and to sleep; but he snores so that","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"anyone with good ears can hear him through the ceiling.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I found no rest, no peace. The weather did not rest, either; it was lively. The","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"wind howled and sang in its own way; my teeth also began to be lively, and they","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"hummed and sang in their way. An awful toothache was coming on.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"There was a draft from the window. The moon shone in upon the floor; the light","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"came and went as the clouds came and went in the stormy weather. There was a","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"restless change of light and shadow, but at last the shadow on the floor began","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"to take shape. I stared at the moving form and felt an icy-cold wind against my","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"face.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"On the floor sat a figure, thin and long, like something a child would draw with","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a pencil on a slate, something supposed to look like a person, a single thin","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"line forming the body, another two lines the arms, each leg being but a single","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"line, and the head having a polygonal shape.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The figure soon became more distinct; it had a very thin, very fine sort of","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"cloth draped around it, clearly showing that the figure was that of a female.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I heard a buzzing sound. Was it she or the wind which was buzzing like a hornet","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"through the crack in the pane?","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"No, it was she, Madam Toothache herself! Her terrible highness, Satania","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Infernalis! God deliver and preserve us from her!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"It is good to be here!\" she buzzed. \"These are nice quarters - mossy ground,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"fenny ground! Gnats have been buzzing around here, with poison in their stings;","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and now I am here with such a sting. It must be sharpened on human teeth. Those","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"belonging to the fellow in bed here shine so brightly. They have defied sweet","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and sour things, heat and cold, nutshells and plum stones; but I shall shake","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"them, make them quake, feed their roots with drafty winds, and give them cold","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"feet!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"That was a frightening speech! She was a terrible visitor!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"So you are a poet!\" she said. \"Well, I'll make you well versed in all the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"poetry of toothache! I'll thrust iron and steel into your body! I'll seize all","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the fibers of your nerves!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I then felt as if a red-hot awl were being driven into my jawbone; I writhed and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"twisted.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"A splendid set of teeth,\" she said, \"just like an organ to play upon! We shall","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"have a grand concert, with jew's-harps, kettledrums, and trumpets, piccolo-","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"flute, and a trombone in the wisdom tooth! Grand poet, grand music!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"And then she started to play; she looked terrible, even if one did not see more","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"of her than her hand, the shadowy, gray, icecold hand, with the long, thin,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"pointed fingers; each of them was an instrument of torture; the thumb and the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"forefinger were the pincers and wrench; the middle finger ended in a pointed","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"awl; the ring finger was a drill, and the little finger squirted gnat's poison.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I am going to teach you meter!\" she said. \"A great poet must have a great","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"toothache, a little poet a little toothache!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Oh, let me be a little poet!\" I begged. \"Let me be nothing at all! And I am not","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"a poet; I have only fits of poetry, like fits of toothache. Go away, go away!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Will you acknowledge, then, that I am mightier than poetry, philosophy,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"mathematics, and all the music?\" she said. \"Mightier than all those notions that","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"are painted on canvas or carved in marble? I am older than every one of them. I","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"was born close to the garden of paradise, just outside, where the wind blew and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"the wet toadstools grew. It was I who made Eve wear clothes in the cold weather,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and Adam also. Believe me, there was power in the first toothache!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I believe it all,\" I said. \"But go away, go away!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Yes, if you will give up being a poet, never put verse on paper, slate, or any","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"sort of writing material, then I will let you off; but I'll come again if you","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"write poetry!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I swear!\" I said; \"only let me never see or feel you any more!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"See me you shall, but in a more substantial shape, in a shape more dear to you","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"than I am now. You shall see me as Aunty Mille, and I shall say, 'Write poetry,","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"my sweet boy! You are a great poet, perhaps the greatest we have!' But if you","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"believe me, and begin to write poetry, then I will set music to your verses, and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"play them on your mouth harp. You sweet child! Remember me when you see Aunty","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Mille!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Then she disappeared.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"At our parting I received a thrust through my jawbone like that of a red-hot","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"awl; but it soon subsided, and then I felt as if I were gliding along the smooth","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"water; I saw the white water lilies, with their large green leaves, bending","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"and sinking down under me; they withered and dissolved, and I sank, too, and","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"dissolved into peace and rest.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"To die, and melt away like snow!\" resounded in the water; \"to evaporate into","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"air, to drift away like the clouds!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Great, glowing names and inscriptions on waving banners of victory, the letters","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"patent of immortality, written on the wing of an ephemera, shone down to me","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"through the water.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The sleep was deep, a sleep now without dreams. I did not hear the whistling","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"wind, the banging gate, the ringing of the neighbor's gate bell, or the lodger's","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"strenuous gymnastics.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"What happiness!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Then came a gust of wind so strong that the locked door to Aunty's room burst","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"open. Aunty jumped up, put on her shoes, got dressed, and came into my room. I","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"was sleeping like one of God's angels, she said, and she had not the heart to","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"awaken me.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I later awoke by myself and opened my eyes. I had completely forgotten that","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Aunty was in the house, but I soon remembered it and then remembered my","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"toothache vision. Dream and reality were blended.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"I suppose you did not write anything last night after we said good night?\" she","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"said. \"I wish you had; you are my poet and shall always be!\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"It seemed to me that she smiled rather slyly. I did not know if it was the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"kindly Aunty Mille, who loved me, or the terrible one to whom I had made the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"promise the night before.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Have you written any poetry, sweet child?\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"No, no!\" I shouted. \"You are Aunty Mille, aren't you?\"","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"\"Who else?\" she said. And it was Aunty Mille.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"She kissed me, got into a carriage, and drove home.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"I wrote down what is written here. It is not in verse, and it will never be","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"printed.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"*","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Yes, here ended the manuscript.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"My young friend, the grocer's assistant, could not find the missing sheets;","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"they had gone out into the world like the papers around the salted herring, the","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"butter, and the green soap; they had fulfilled their destiny!","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"The brewer is dead; Aunty is dead; the student is dead, he whose sparks of","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"genius went into the basket. This is the end of the story - the story of Aunty","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"Toothache.","book":"Aunty Toothache"} {"text":"There was an aëronaut, and things went badly with him. His balloon burst, hurled","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"him out, and went all to pieces. Just two minutes before, the aëronaut had sent","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"his boy down by parachute - wasn't the boy lucky! He wasn't hurt, and he knew","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"enough to be an aëronaut himself, but he had no balloon and no means of getting","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"one.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"Live he must, so he took to sleight-of-hand tricks, and to throwing his voice,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"which is called ventriloquism. He was young and good-looking. When he grew a","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"mustache and wore his best clothes, he might well have been mistaken for the son","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"of a nobleman. Ladies found him handsome and one young lady was so taken by his","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"charm and dexterity that she eloped with him to foreign lands. There he called","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"himself \"The Professor\" - he could scarcely do less.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"He continually thought about how to get himself a balloon and sail through the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"air with his little wife. But they still lacked the means to do so.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"That will come yet,\" he said.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Oh, if only it would,\" said she.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"We are still young people,\" he said, \"and I'm a Professor.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Crumbs are also bread!\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"She helped him all she could, and sat at the door to sell tickets for his","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"entertainments. In the wintertime this was a chilly sort of pleasure. She also","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"helped him with one of his acts. He would put her into a table drawer - a large","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"table drawer - and she would creep into the back drawer. From in front she was","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"not to be seen, and as far as the audience was concerned she was invisible. But","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"one evening, when he pulled out the drawer she was invisible to him too. She","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"was not in the front drawer, not in the back one, and not in the whole house.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"She was nowhere to be seen or heard, and that was her contribution to the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"entertainment.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"She never came back. She was tired of it all, and he became tired of it too. He","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"lost his good humor and could not laugh or make jokes, so people stopped coming","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"to see him. His earnings fell off and his clothes wore out, until at last all","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"that he had was a large flea, an heirloom from his wife; that's why he liked it","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"so well. He trained the flea and taught it to perform - to present arms, and to","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"fire off a cannon. Of course it was a very small cannon.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The Professor was proud of the flea, and the flea was proud of himself. He had","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"learned a thing or two, and had human blood in him. He had been to the largest","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"cities. Princes and Princesses had seen him and given him high praise, which was","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"printed in the newspapers and on the billposters. He knew he was a famous flea","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"who could support a Professor, yes, a whole household.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"Proud he was and famous he was. Yet when he and the Professor traveled they","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"went by fourth-class railway carriages, which took them along just as quickly","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"as those of the first-class. They made a secret pledge to each other that they","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"would never separate. Neither of them would marry. The flea would remain a","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"bachelor and the Professor a widower. That made them even.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Where one has the best luck,\" said the Professor, \"one ought not go back a","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"second time.\" He was a student of human nature, which is a science in itself.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"At length he had traveled through all countries except the savage ones, and to","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"those he decided to go. There they eat Christian men. The Professor knew this,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"but then he was not much of a Christian, and the flea was not much of a man,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"so he thought they might venture successfully into the wilds, and make a lot of","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"money.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"They traveled by steamship and they traveled by sailboat. The flea performed","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"his trick along the way in exchange for free passage, and thus they came to the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"country of savages. Here a little Princess ruled the land. She was only eight","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"years old, but she ruled just the same. She had taken away the power from her","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"papa and mamma, for she had a will of her own and was uncommonly beautiful, and","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"uncommonly rude.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"As soon as the flea presented arms and fired off his cannon, she took such a","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"fancy to him that she cried, \"Him or nobody!\" She fell madly in love with the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"flea, and she was already a madcap in all other respects.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"My sweet, level-headed little child - \" her papa said, \"if only there were some","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"way to make a man of him.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Leave that to me, old fellow,\" said she, which was no way for a little Princess","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"to talk to her papa, but then she was a savage. She set the flea on her fair","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"hand:","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Now you are a man, ruling with me, but you must do what I want you to do, or I","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"shall kill you and eat the Professor.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The Professor had a large room to lice in, with walls made of sugar cane. He","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"could have licked them, but he didn't care for sweets. He had a hammock to sleep","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"in, and that reminded him of being in a balloon, where he had always wanted to","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"be. He thought of this continually.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The flea lived with the Princess. He sat upon her delicate hand or on her fair","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"neck. She had taken a hair from her head and made the Professor fasten it to the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"flea's leg, and kept it tied to the big red coral pendant which hung from the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"tip of her ear. What a delightful time the Princess did have, and the flea too,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"she thought.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The Professor was not so delighted. He was a traveler, who liked to ride from","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"town to town, and to read in the newspapers about how persevering and ingenious","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"he had been to teach the flea tricks of human behavior. Day in and day out he","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"lay lazily in his hammock. He ate good food: fresh bird's eggs, elephant eyes,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"and fried giraffe legs. Cannibals do not live entirely on human flesh. No, that","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"is a specisl delicacy!","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Shoulder of child with pepper sauce,\" said the Princess's mamma, \"is the most","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"delicate.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The Professor was bored with it all, and preferred to leave this savage land,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"but his flea he must take with him, for it was his wonder and his bread and","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"butter. How could he catch it? How could he get hold of it? This was not an easy","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"thing to do. He racked his wits, and at last he declared:","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Now I have it! Papa of the Princess, give me something to do. Let me teach your","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"people to present themselves before Your Royal Highness. This is what is known","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"as culture in the great and powerful nations of the earth.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Can I learn to do that too?\" the Princess's papa asked.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"It's not quite proper,\" the Professor told him, \"but I shall teach your Savage","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"Papaship to fire off a cannon. It goes off with a bang. One sits high in the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"air, and then off it goes or down you come.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Let me bang it off,\" the Princess's papa begged. But in all the land there was","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"no cannon, except the one the flea had brought with him - and that was so tiny.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"I shall cast a bigger one,\" said the Professor. \"Just give me the means to","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"do so. I must have fine silk cloth, a needle and thread, and rope and cordage,","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"besides stomach drops for the balloon. Stomach drops blow a person up so easily","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"and give one the heaves. They are what make the report in the cannon's stomach.\"","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"By all means.\" The Princess's papa gave him everything that he asked. The whole","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"court, and all the populace gathered together to see the casting of the big","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"cannon. The Profesor did not call them until he had the ballon all ready to be","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"filled and to go up. The flea sat there upon the Princess's hand, and looked on","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"as the ballon was filled. It swelled out and became so violent that they could","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"scarcely hold it down.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"I must take it up in the air to cool it off,\" said the Professor who took his","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"seat in the basket that hung underneath.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"But - I cannot steer it alone, I must have a trained companion to help me.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"There is no one here who can do that except the flea.\" - \"I am not at all","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"willing to permit it,\" said the Princes, but she held out her hand and gave the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"flea to the Professor, who placed it on his wrist.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"\"Let go the lines and ropes!\" he shouted. \"Now the balloon is going up.\" They","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"thought he said \"the cannon.\" So the balloon went higher and higher, up above","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"the clouds and far away from that savage land.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"The little Princess, her family, and all of her subjects sat and waited. They","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"are waiting there still, and if you don't believe this, just you take a journey","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"to the country of savages. Every child there is talking about the Professor and","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"the flea, whom they expect back as soon as the cannon cools off.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"But they won't be back. They are at home here with us. They are in their native","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"land. They travel by rail, first-class, not fourth. For they have a great","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"success, an enormous balloon. Nobody asks them how they got their balloon, or","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"where it came from. They are wealthy folk now - oh, most respectable folk - the","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"flea and the Professor.","book":"The flea and the professor"} {"text":"It sizzled and fizzled as the flames fired the cauldron.. it was the Tallow","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"Candle's cradle - and out of the warm cradle came a flawless candle; solid,","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"shining white and slim it was formed in a way that made everyone who saw it","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"believe that it was a promise of a bright and radiant future – promises that","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"everyone who looked on believed it would really want to keep and fulfil.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"The sheep – a fine little sheep – was the candle's mother, and the melting pot","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"its father. Its mother had given it a shiny white body and an inkling about","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"life, but from its father it had been given a craving for the flaming fire that","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"would eventually go through its marrow and bone and shine for it in life.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"That's how it was born and had grown; and with the best and brightest","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"anticipation cast itself into existence. There it met so many, many strange","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"creations that it became involved with, wanting to learn about life – and","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"perhaps find the place where it would best fit in. But it had too much faith in","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"the world that only cared about itself, and not at all about the Tallow Candle.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"A world that failed to understand the value of the candle, and thus tried to use","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"it for its own benefit, holding the candle wrongly; black fingers leaving bigger","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"and bigger blemishes on its pristine white innocence which eventually faded","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"away, completely covered by the dirt of a surrounding world that had come much","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"too close; much closer than the candle could endure, as it had been unable to","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"tell grime from purity – although it remained pristine and unspoiled inside.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"False friends found they could not reach its inner self and angrily cast the","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"candle away as useless.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"The filthy outer shell kept all the good away – scared as they were to be","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"tainted with grime and blemishes – and they stayed away.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"So there was the poor Tallow Candle, solitary and left alone, at a loss at what","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"to do. Rejected by the good, it now realised it had only been a tool to further","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"the wicked. It felt so unbelievably unhappy, because it had spent its life to no","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"good end – in fact it had perhaps sullied the better parts of its surroundings.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"It just could not determine why it had been created or where it belonged; why it","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"had been put on this earth – perhaps to end up ruining itself and others.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"More and more, and deeper and deeper, it contemplated – but the more it","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"considered itself, the more despondent it became, finding nothing good, no real","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"substance for itself, no real goal for the existence it had been given at its","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"birth. As if the grimy cape had also covered its eyes.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"But then it met a little flame, a tinder box. It knew the candle better than","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"the Tallow Candle knew itself. The tinder box had such a clear view – straight","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"through the outer shell – and inside it found so much good. It came closer and","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"there was bright expectation in the candle – it lit and its heart melted.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"Out burst the flame, like the triumphant torch of a blissful wedding. Light","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"burst out bright and clear all around, bathing the way forward with light for","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"its surroundings – its true friends – who were now able to seek truth in the","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"glow of the candle.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"The body too was strong enough to give sustenance to the fiery flame. One drop","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"upon another, like the seeds of a new life, trickled round and chubby down the","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"candle, covering the old grime with their bodies.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"They were not just the bodily, but also the spiritual issue of the marriage.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"And the Tallow Candle had found its right place in life – and shown that it was","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"a real candle, and went on to shine for many a year, pleasing itself and the","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"other creations around it.","book":"The Tallow Candle"} {"text":"The storks relate to their little ones a great many stories, and they are all","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"about moors and reed banks, and suited to their age and capacity. The youngest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of them are quite satisfied with \"kribble, krabble,\" or such nonsense, and think","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it very grand; but the elder ones want something with a deeper meaning, or at","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"least something about their own family.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"We are only acquainted with one of the two longest and oldest stories which the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"storks relate– it is about Moses, who was exposed by his mother on the banks of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Nile, and was found by the king's daughter, who gave him a good education,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and he afterwards became a great man; but where he was buried is still unknown.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Every one knows this story, but not the second; very likely because it is quite","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"an inland story. It has been repeated from mouth to mouth, from one stork-mamma","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to another, for thousands of years; and each has told it better than the last;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and now we mean to tell it better than all.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The first stork pair who related it lived at the time it happened, and had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"their summer residence on the rafters of the Viking's house, which stood near","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the wild moorlands of Wendsyssell; that is, to speak more correctly, the great","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moorheath, high up in the north of Jutland, by the Skjagen peak. This wilderness","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"is still an immense wild heath of marshy ground, about which we can read in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the \"Official Directory.\" It is said that in olden times the place was a lake,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the ground of which had heaved up from beneath, and now the moorland extends","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"for miles in every direction, and is surrounded by damp meadows, trembling,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"undulating swamps, and marshy ground covered with turf, on which grow bilberry","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"bushes and stunted trees. Mists are almost always hovering over this region,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"which, seventy years ago, was overrun with wolves. It may well be called the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Wild Moor; and one can easily imagine, with such a wild expanse of marsh and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lake, how lonely and dreary it must have been a thousand years ago. Many things","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"may be noticed now that existed then. The reeds grow to the same height, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"bear the same kind of long, purple-brown leaves, with their feathery tips. There","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"still stands the birch, with its white bark and its delicate, loosely hanging","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"leaves; and with regard to the living beings who frequented this spot, the fly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"still wears a gauzy dress of the same cut, and the favorite colors of the stork","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"are white, with black and red for stockings. The people, certainly, in those","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"days, wore very different dresses to those they now wear, but if any of them, be","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he huntsman or squire, master or servant, ventured on the wavering, undulating,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"marshy ground of the moor, they met with the same fate a thousand years ago","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"as they would now. The wanderer sank, and went down to the Marsh King, as he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"is named, who rules in the great moorland empire beneath. They also called him","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Gunkel King,\" but we like the name of \"Marsh King\" better, and we will give him","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that name as the storks do. Very little is known of the Marsh King's rule, but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that, perhaps, is a good thing.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"In the neighborhood of the moorlands, and not far from the great arm of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"North Sea and the Cattegat which is called the Lumfjorden, lay the castle of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Viking, with its water-tight stone cellars, its tower, and its three projecting","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"storeys. On the ridge of the roof the stork had built his nest, and there the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stork-mamma sat on her eggs and felt sure her hatching would come to something.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"One evening, stork-papa stayed out rather late, and when he came home he seemed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"quite busy, bustling, and important. \"I have something very dreadful to tell","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"you,\" said he to the stork-mamma.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Keep it to yourself then,\" she replied. \"Remember that I am hatching eggs; it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"may agitate me, and will affect them.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You must know it at once,\" said he. \"The daughter of our host in Egypt has","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"arrived here. She has ventured to take this journey, and now she is lost.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"She who sprung from the race of the fairies, is it?\" cried the mother stork.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Oh, tell me all about it; you know I cannot bear to be kept waiting at a time","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"when I am hatching eggs.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Well, you see, mother,\" he replied, \"she believed what the doctors said, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"what I have heard you state also, that the moor-flowers which grow about here","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"would heal her sick father; and she has flown to the north in swan's plumage, in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"company with some other swan-princesses, who come to these parts every year to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"renew their youth. She came, and where is she now!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You enter into particulars too much,\" said the mamma stork, \"and the eggs may","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"take cold; I cannot bear such suspense as this.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Well,\" said he, \"I have kept watch; and this evening I went among the rushes","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"where I thought the marshy ground would bear me, and while I was there three","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"swans came. Something in their manner of flying seemed to say to me, 'Look","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"carefully now; there is one not all swan, only swan's feathers.' You know,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mother, you have the same intuitive feeling that I have; you know whether a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thing is right or not immediately.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Yes, of course,\" said she; \"but tell me about the princess; I am tired of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hearing about the swan's feathers.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Well, you know that in the middle of the moor there is something like a lake,\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"said the stork-papa. \"You can see the edge of it if you raise yourself a little.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Just there, by the reeds and the green banks, lay the trunk of an elder-tree;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"upon this the three swans stood flapping their wings, and looking about them;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"one of them threw off her plumage, and I immediately recognized her as one of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the princesses of our home in Egypt. There she sat, without any covering but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her long, black hair. I heard her tell the two others to take great care of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"swan's plumage, while she dipped down into the water to pluck the flowers which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she fancied she saw there. The others nodded, and picked up the feather dress,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and took possession of it. I wonder what will become of it? thought I, and she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"most likely asked herself the same question. If so, she received an answer,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a very practical one; for the two swans rose up and flew away with her swan's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plumage. 'Dive down now!' they cried; 'thou shalt never more fly in the swan's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plumage, thou shalt never again see Egypt; here, on the moor, thou wilt remain.'","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"So saying, they tore the swan's plumage into a thousand pieces, the feathers","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"drifted about like a snow-shower, and then the two deceitful princesses flew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"away.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Why, that is terrible,\" said the stork-mamma; \"I feel as if I could hardly bear","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to hear any more, but you must tell me what happened next.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"The princess wept and lamented aloud; her tears moistened the elder stump,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"which was really not an elder stump but the Marsh King himself, he who in marshy","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"ground lives and rules. I saw myself how the stump of the tree turned round, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was a tree no more, while long, clammy branches like arms, were extended from","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it. Then the poor child was terribly frightened, and started up to run away. She","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hastened to cross the green, slimy ground; but it will not bear any weight, much","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"less hers. She quickly sank, and the elder stump dived immediately after her; in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fact, it was he who drew her down. Great black bubbles rose up out of the moor-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"slime, and with these every trace of the two vanished. And now the princess is","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"buried in the wild marsh, she will never now carry flowers to Egypt to cure her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"father. It would have broken your heart, mother, had you seen it.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You ought not to have told me,\" said she, \"at such a time as this; the eggs","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"might suffer. But I think the princess will soon find help; some one will rise","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"up to help her. Ah! if it had been you or I, or one of our people, it would have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"been all over with us.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I mean to go every day,\" said he, \"to see if anything comes to pass;\" and so he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"did.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"A long time went by, but at last he saw a green stalk shooting up out of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"deep, marshy ground. As it reached the surface of the marsh, a leaf spread out,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and unfolded itself broader and broader, and close to it came forth a bud.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"One morning, when the stork-papa was flying over the stem, he saw that the power","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of the sun's rays had caused the bud to open, and in the cup of the flower lay a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"charming child– a little maiden, looking as if she had just come out of a bath.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The little one was so like the Egyptian princess, that the stork, at the first","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moment, thought it must be the princess herself, but after a little reflection","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he decided that it was much more likely to be the daughter of the princess and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Marsh King; and this explained also her being placed in the cup of a water-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lily. \"But she cannot be left to lie here,\" thought the stork, \"and in my nest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there are already so many. But stay, I have thought of something: the wife","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of the Viking has no children, and how often she has wished for a little one.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"People always say the stork brings the little ones; I will do so in earnest this","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"time. I shall fly with the child to the Viking's wife; what rejoicing there will","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"be!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"And then the stork lifted the little girl out of the flower-cup, flew to the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"castle, picked a hole with his beak in the bladder-covered, window, and laid the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"beautiful child in the bosom of the Viking's wife. Then he flew back quickly to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the stork-mamma and told her what he had seen and done; and the little storks","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"listened to it all, for they were then quite old enough to do so. \"So you see,\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he continued, \"that the princess is not dead, for she must have sent her little","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"one up here; and now I have found a home for her.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Ah, I said it would be so from the first,\" replied the stork-mamma; \"but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"now think a little of your own family. Our travelling time draws near, and I","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sometimes feel a little irritation already under the wings. The cuckoos and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the nightingale are already gone, and I heard the quails say they should go","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"too as soon as the wind was favorable. Our youngsters will go through all the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"manoeuvres at the review very well, or I am much mistaken in them.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife was above measure delighted when she awoke the next morning","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and found the beautiful little child lying in her bosom. She kissed it and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"caressed it; but it cried terribly, and struck out with its arms and legs,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and did not seem to be pleased at all. At last it cried itself to sleep; and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"as it lay there so still and quiet, it was a most beautiful sight to see. The","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Viking's wife was so delighted, that body and soul were full of joy. Her heart","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"felt so light within her, that it seemed as if her husband and his soldiers,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who were absent, must come home as suddenly and unexpectedly as the little child","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"had done. She and her whole household therefore busied themselves in preparing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"everything for the reception of her lord. The long, colored tapestry, on which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she and her maidens had worked pictures of their idols, Odin, Thor, and Friga,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was hung up. The slaves polished the old shields that served as ornaments;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"cushions were placed on the seats, and dry wood laid on the fireplaces in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"centre of the hall, so that the flames might be fanned up at a moment's notice.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife herself assisted in the work, so that at night she felt very","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"tired, and quickly fell into a sound sleep. When she awoke, just before morning,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she was terribly alarmed to find that the infant had vanished. She sprang","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from her couch, lighted a pine-chip, and searched all round the room, when,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"at last, in that part of the bed where her feet had been, lay, not the child,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but a great, ugly frog. She was quite disgusted at this sight, and seized a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"heavy stick to kill the frog; but the creature looked at her with such strange,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mournful eyes, that she was unable to strike the blow. Once more she searched","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"round the room; then she started at hearing the frog utter a low, painful croak.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She sprang from the couch and opened the window hastily; at the same moment","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the sun rose, and threw its beams through the window, till it rested on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"couch where the great frog lay. Suddenly it appeared as if the frog's broad","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mouth contracted, and became small and red. The limbs moved and stretched out","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and extended themselves till they took a beautiful shape; and behold there was","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the pretty child lying before her, and the ugly frog was gone. \"How is this?\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she cried, \"have I had a wicked dream? Is it not my own lovely cherub that lies","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there.\" Then she kissed it and fondled it; but the child struggled and fought,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and bit as if she had been a little wild cat.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking did not return on that day, nor the next; he was, however, on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"way home; but the wind, so favorable to the storks, was against him; for it blew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"towards the south. A wind in favor of one is often against another.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"After two or three days had passed, it became clear to the Viking's wife how","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"matters stood with the child; it was under the influence of a powerful sorcerer.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"By day it was charming in appearance as an angel of light, but with a temper","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wicked and wild; while at night, in the form of an ugly frog, it was quiet and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mournful, with eyes full of sorrow. Here were two natures, changing inwardly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and outwardly with the absence and return of sunlight. And so it happened that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"by day the child, with the actual form of its mother, possessed the fierce","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"disposition of its father; at night, on the contrary, its outward appearance","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plainly showed its descent on the father's side, while inwardly it had the heart","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and mind of its mother. Who would be able to loosen this wicked charm which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the sorcerer had worked upon it? The wife of the Viking lived in constant pain","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and sorrow about it. Her heart clung to the little creature, but she could not","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"explain to her husband the circumstances in which it was placed. He was expected","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to return shortly; and were she to tell him, he would very likely, as was the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"custom at that time, expose the poor child in the public highway, and let any","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"one take it away who would. The good wife of the Viking could not let that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"happen, and she therefore resolved that the Viking should never see the child","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"excepting by daylight.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"One morning there sounded a rushing of storks' wings over the roof. More than a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hundred pair of storks had rested there during the night, to recover themselves","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"after their excursion; and now they soared aloft, and prepared for the journey","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"southward.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"All the husbands are here, and ready!\" they cried; \"wives and children also!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"How light we are!\" screamed the young storks in chorus. \"Something pleasant","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"seems creeping over us, even down to our toes, as if we were full of live frogs.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Ah, how delightful it is to travel into foreign lands!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Hold yourselves properly in the line with us,\" cried papa and mamma. \"Do not","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"use your beaks so much; it tries the lungs.\" And then the storks flew away.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"About the same time sounded the clang of the warriors' trumpets across the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"heath. The Viking had landed with his men. They were returning home, richly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"laden with spoil from the Gallic coast, where the people, as did also the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"inhabitants of Britain, often cried in alarm, \"Deliver us from the wild","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"northmen.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Life and noisy pleasure came with them into the castle of the Viking on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moorland. A great cask of mead was drawn into the hall, piles of wood blazed,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"cattle were slain and served up, that they might feast in reality, The priest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who offered the sacrifice sprinkled the devoted parishioners with the warm","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"blood; the fire crackled, and the smoke rolled along beneath the roof; the soot","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fell upon them from the beams; but they were used to all these things. Guests","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were invited, and received handsome presents. All wrongs and unfaithfulness were","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forgotten. They drank deeply, and threw in each other's faces the bones that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were left, which was looked upon as a sign of good feeling amongst them. A bard,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who was a kind of musician as well as warrior, and who had been with the Viking","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in his expedition, and knew what to sing about, gave them one of his best songs,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in which they heard all their warlike deeds praised, and every wonderful action","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"brought forward with honor. Every verse ended with this refrain,–","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Gold and possessions will flee away,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Friends and foes must die one day;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Every man on earth must die,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But a famous name will never die.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"And with that they beat upon their shields, and hammered upon the table with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"knives and bones, in a most outrageous manner.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife sat upon a raised cross seat in the open hall. She wore a silk","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dress, golden bracelets, and large amber beads. She was in costly attire, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the bard named her in his song, and spoke of the rich treasure of gold which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she had brought to her husband. Her husband had already seen the wonderfully","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"beautiful child in the daytime, and was delighted with her beauty; even her wild","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"ways pleased him. He said the little maiden would grow up to be a heroine, with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the strong will and determination of a man. She would never wink her eyes, even","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"if, in joke, an expert hand should attempt to cut off her eye-brows with a sharp","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sword.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The full cask of mead soon became empty, and a fresh one was brought in; for","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"these were people who liked plenty to eat and drink. The old proverb, which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"every one knows, says that \"the cattle know when to leave their pasture, but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a foolish man knows not the measure of his own appetite.\" Yes, they all knew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"this; but men may know what is right, and yet often do wrong. They also knew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"that even the welcome guest becomes wearisome when he sits too long in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"house.\" But there they remained; for pork and mead are good things. And so at","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Viking's house they stayed, and enjoyed themselves; and at night the bondmen","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"slept in the ashes, and dipped their fingers in the fat, and licked them. Oh, it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was a delightful time!","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Once more in the same year the Viking went forth, though the storms of autumn","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"had already commenced to roar. He went with his warriors to the coast of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Britain; he said that it was but an excursion of pleasure across the water,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"so his wife remained at home with the little girl. After a while, it is quite","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"certain the foster-mother began to love the poor frog, with its gentle eyes and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"its deep sighs, even better than the little beauty who bit and fought with all","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"around her.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The heavy, damp mists of autumn, which destroy the leaves of the wood, had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"already fallen upon forest and heath. Feathers of plucked birds, as they call","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the snow, flew about in thick showers, and winter was coming. The sparrows took","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"possession of the stork's nest, and conversed about the absent owners in their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"own fashion; and they, the stork pair and all their young ones, where were they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"staying now? The storks might have been found in the land of Egypt, where the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sun's rays shone forth bright and warm, as it does here at midsummer. Tamarinds","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and acacias were in full bloom all over the country, the crescent of Mahomet","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"glittered brightly from the cupolas of the mosques, and on the slender pinnacles","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sat many of the storks, resting after their long journey. Swarms of them took","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"divided possession of the nests– nests which lay close to each other between","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the venerable columns, and crowded the arches of temples in forgotten cities.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The date and the palm lifted themselves as a screen or as a sun-shade over them.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The gray pyramids looked like broken shadows in the clear air and the far-off","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"desert, where the ostrich wheels his rapid flight, and the lion, with his subtle","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"eyes, gazes at the marble sphinx which lies half buried in sand. The waters of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Nile had retreated, and the whole bed of the river was covered with frogs,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"which was a most acceptable prospect for the stork families. The young storks","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thought their eyes deceived them, everything around appeared so beautiful.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"It is always like this here, and this is how we live in our warm country,\" said","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the stork-mamma; and the thought made the young ones almost beside themselves","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with pleasure.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Is there anything more to see?\" they asked; \"are we going farther into the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"country?\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"There is nothing further for us to see,\" answered the stork-mamma. \"Beyond this","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"delightful region there are immense forests, where the branches of the trees","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"entwine round each other, while prickly, creeping plants cover the paths, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"only an elephant could force a passage for himself with his great feet. The","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"snakes are too large, and the lizards too lively for us to catch. Then there","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"is the desert; if you went there, your eyes would soon be full of sand with the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lightest breeze, and if it should blow great guns, you would most likely find","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"yourself in a sand-drift. Here is the best place for you, where there are frogs","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and locusts; here I shall remain, and so must you.\" And so they stayed.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The parents sat in the nest on the slender minaret, and rested, yet still were","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"busily employed in cleaning and smoothing their feathers, and in sharpening","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"their beaks against their red stockings; then they would stretch out their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"necks, salute each other, and gravely raise their heads with the high-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"polished forehead, and soft, smooth feathers, while their brown eyes shone","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with intelligence. The female young ones strutted about amid the moist rushes,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"glancing at the other young storks and making acquaintances, and swallowing a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"frog at every third step, or tossing a little snake about with their beaks, in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a way they considered very becoming, and besides it tasted very good. The young","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"male storks soon began to quarrel; they struck at each other with their wings,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and pecked with their beaks till the blood came. And in this manner many of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"young ladies and gentlemen were betrothed to each other: it was, of course, what","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"they wanted, and indeed what they lived for. Then they returned to a nest, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there the quarrelling began afresh; for in hot countries people are almost all","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"violent and passionate. But for all that it was pleasant, especially for the old","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"people, who watched them with great joy: all that their young ones did suited","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"them. Every day here there was sunshine, plenty to eat, and nothing to think of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but pleasure. But in the rich castle of their Egyptian host, as they called him,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"pleasure was not to be found. The rich and mighty lord of the castle lay on his","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"couch, in the midst of the great hall, with its many colored walls looking like","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the centre of a great tulip; but he was stiff and powerless in all his limbs,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and lay stretched out like a mummy. His family and servants stood round him;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he was not dead, although he could scarcely be said to live. The healing moor-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"flower from the north, which was to have been found and brought to him by her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who loved him so well, had not arrived. His young and beautiful daughter who,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in swan's plumage, had flown over land and seas to the distant north, had never","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"returned. She is dead, so the two swan-maidens had said when they came home; and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"they made up quite a story about her, and this is what they told,–","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"We three flew away together through the air,\" said they: \"a hunter caught","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sight of us, and shot at us with an arrow. The arrow struck our young friend and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sister, and slowly singing her farewell song she sank down, a dying swan, into","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the forest lake. On the shores of the lake, under a spreading birch-tree, we","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"laid her in the cold earth. We had our revenge; we bound fire under the wings of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a swallow, who had a nest on the thatched roof of the huntsman. The house took","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fire, and burst into flames; the hunter was burnt with the house, and the light","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was reflected over the sea as far as the spreading birch, beneath which we laid","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her sleeping dust. She will never return to the land of Egypt.\" And then they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"both wept. And stork-papa, who heard the story, snapped with his beak so that it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"might be heard a long way off.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Deceit and lies!\" cried he; \"I should like to run my beak deep into their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"chests.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And perhaps break it off,\" said the mamma stork, \"then what a sight you would","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"be. Think first of yourself, and then of your family; all others are nothing to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"us.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Yes, I know,\" said the stork-papa; \"but to-morrow I can easily place myself on","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the edge of the open cupola, when the learned and wise men assemble to consult","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"on the state of the sick man; perhaps they may come a little nearer to the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"truth.\" And the learned and wise men assembled together, and talked a great deal","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"on every point; but the stork could make no sense out of anything they said;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"neither were there any good results from their consultations, either for the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sick man, or for his daughter in the marshy heath. When we listen to what people","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"say in this world, we shall hear a great deal; but it is an advantage to know","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"what has been said and done before, when we listen to a conversation. The stork","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"did, and we know at least as much as he, the stork.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Love is a life-giver. The highest love produces the highest life. Only through","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"love can the sick man be cured.\" This had been said by many, and even the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"learned men acknowledged that it was a wise saying.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"What a beautiful thought!\" exclaimed the papa stork immediately.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I don't quite understand it,\" said the mamma stork, when her husband repeated","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it; \"however, it is not my fault, but the fault of the thought; whatever it may","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"be, I have something else to think of.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Now the learned men had spoken also of love between this one and that one; of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the difference of the love which we have for our neighbor, to the love that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"exists between parents and children; of the love of the plant for the light, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"how the germ springs forth when the sunbeam kisses the ground. All these things","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were so elaborately and learnedly explained, that it was impossible for stork-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"papa to follow it, much less to talk about it. His thoughts on the subject quite","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"weighed him down; he stood the whole of the following day on one leg, with half-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shut eyes, thinking deeply. So much learning was quite a heavy weight for him","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to carry. One thing, however, the papa stork could understand. Every one, high","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and low, had from their inmost hearts expressed their opinion that it was a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"great misfortune for so many thousands of people– the whole country indeed– to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"have this man so sick, with no hopes of his recovery. And what joy and blessing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it would spread around if he could by any means be cured! But where bloomed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the flower that could bring him health? They had searched for it everywhere; in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"learned writings, in the shining stars, in the weather and wind. Inquiries had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"been made in every by-way that could be thought of, until at last the wise and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"learned men has asserted, as we have been already told, that \"love, the life-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"giver, could alone give new life to a father;\" and in saying this, they had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"overdone it, and said more than they understood themselves. They repeated it,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and wrote it down as a recipe, \"Love is a life-giver.\" But how could such a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"recipe be prepared– that was a difficulty they could not overcome. At last it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was decided that help could only come from the princess herself, whose whole","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"soul was wrapped up in her father, especially as a plan had been adopted by her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to enable her to obtain a remedy.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"More than a year had passed since the princess had set out at night, when","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the light of the young moon was soon lost beneath the horizon. She had gone","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to the marble sphinx in the desert, shaking the sand from her sandals, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"then passed through the long passage, which leads to the centre of one of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"great pyramids, where the mighty kings of antiquity, surrounded with pomp and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"splendor, lie veiled in the form of mummies. She had been told by the wise men,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that if she laid her head on the breast of one of them, from the head she would","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"learn where to find life and recovery for her father. She had performed all","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"this, and in a dream had learnt that she must bring home to her father the lotus","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"flower, which grows in the deep sea, near the moors and heath in the Danish","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"land. The very place and situation had been pointed out to her, and she was told","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that the flower would restore her father to health and strength. And, therefore,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she had gone forth from the land of Egypt, flying over to the open marsh and the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wild moor in the plumage of a swan.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The papa and mamma storks knew all this, and we also know it now. We know, too,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that the Marsh King has drawn her down to himself, and that to the loved ones","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"at home she is forever dead. One of the wisest of them said, as the stork-mamma","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"also said, \"That in some way she would, after all, manage to succeed;\" and so","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"at last they comforted themselves with this hope, and would wait patiently; in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fact, they could do nothing better.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I should like to get away the swan's feathers from those two treacherous","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"princesses,\" said the papa stork; \"then, at least, they would not be able to fly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"over again to the wild moor, and do more wickedness. I can hide the two suits of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"feathers over yonder, till we find some use for them.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"But where will you put them?\" asked the mamma stork.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"In our nest on the moor. I and the young ones will carry them by turns during","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"our flight across; and as we return, should they prove too heavy for us, we","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shall be sure to find plenty of places on the way in which we can conceal them","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"till our next journey. Certainly one suit of swan's feathers would be enough for","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the princess, but two are always better. In those northern countries no one can","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"have too many travelling wrappers.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"No one will thank you for it,\" said stork-mamma; \"but you are master; and,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"excepting at breeding time, I have nothing to say.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"In the Viking's castle on the wild moor, to which the storks directed their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"flight in the following spring, the little maiden still remained. They had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"named her Helga, which was rather too soft a name for a child with a temper","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"like hers, although her form was still beautiful. Every month this temper showed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"itself in sharper outlines; and in the course of years, while the storks still","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"made the same journeys in autumn to the hill, and in spring to the moors, the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"child grew to be almost a woman, and before any one seemed aware of it, she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was a wonderfully beautiful maiden of sixteen. The casket was splendid, but the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"contents were worthless. She was, indeed, wild and savage even in those hard,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"uncultivated times. It was a pleasure to her to splash about with her white","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hands in the warm blood of the horse which had been slain for sacrifice. In","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"one of her wild moods she bit off the head of the black cock, which the priest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was about to slay for the sacrifice. To her foster-father she said one day, \"If","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thine enemy were to pull down thine house about thy ears, and thou shouldest be","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sleeping in unconscious security, I would not wake thee; even if I had the power","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"I would never do it, for my ears still tingle with the blow that thou gavest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"me years ago. I have never forgotten it.\" But the Viking treated her words as a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"joke; he was, like every one else, bewitched with her beauty, and knew nothing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of the change in the form and temper of Helga at night. Without a saddle, she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"would sit on a horse as if she were a part of it, while it rushed along at full","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"speed; nor would she spring from its back, even when it quarrelled with other","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"horses and bit them. She would often leap from the high shore into the sea with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"all her clothes on, and swim to meet the Viking, when his boat was steering","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"home towards the shore. She once cut off a long lock of her beautiful hair, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"twisted it into a string for her bow. \"If a thing is to be done well,\" said she,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I must do it myself.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife was, for the time in which she lived, a woman of strong","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"character and will; but, compared to her daughter, she was a gentle, timid","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"woman, and she knew that a wicked sorcerer had the terrible child in his power.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"It was sometimes as if Helga acted from sheer wickedness; for often when her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mother stood on the threshold of the door, or stepped into the yard, she would","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"seat herself on the brink of the well, wave her arms and legs in the air, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"suddenly fall right in. Here she was able, from her frog nature, to dip and dive","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"about in the water of the deep well, until at last she would climb forth like a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"cat, and come back into the hall dripping with water, so that the green leaves","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that were strewed on the floor were whirled round, and carried away by the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"streams that flowed from her.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But there was one time of the day which placed a check upon Helga. It was the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"evening twilight; when this hour arrived she became quiet and thoughtful, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"allowed herself to be advised and led; then also a secret feeling seemed to draw","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her towards her mother. And as usual, when the sun set, and the transformation","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"took place, both in body and mind, inwards and outwards, she would remain quiet","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and mournful, with her form shrunk together in the shape of a frog. Her body was","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"much larger than those animals ever are, and on this account it was much more","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hideous in appearance; for she looked like a wretched dwarf, with a frog's head,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and webbed fingers. Her eyes had a most piteous expression; she was without a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"voice, excepting a hollow, croaking sound, like the smothered sobs of a dreaming","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"child.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then the Viking's wife took her on her lap, and forgot the ugly form, as","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she looked into the mournful eyes, and often said, \"I could wish that thou","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wouldst always remain my dumb frog child, for thou art too terrible when thou","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"art clothed in a form of beauty.\" And the Viking woman wrote Runic characters","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"against sorcery and spells of sickness, and threw them over the wretched child;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but they did no good.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"One can scarcely believe that she was ever small enough to lie in the cup of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the water-lily,\" said the papa stork; \"and now she is grown up, and the image","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of her Egyptian mother, especially about the eyes. Ah, we shall never see her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"again; perhaps she has not discovered how to help herself, as you and the wise","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"men said she would. Year after year have I flown across and across the moor, but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there was no sign of her being still alive. Yes, and I may as well tell you that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"you that each year, when I arrived a few days before you to repair the nest, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"put everything in its place, I have spent a whole night flying here and there","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"over the marshy lake, as if I had been an owl or a bat, but all to no purpose.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The two suit of swan's plumage, which I and the young ones dragged over here","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from the land of the Nile, are of no use; trouble enough it was to us to bring","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"them here in three journeys, and now they are lying at the bottom of the nest;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and if a fire should happen to break out, and the wooden house be burnt down,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"they would be destroyed.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And our good nest would be destroyed, too,\" said the mamma stork; \"but you","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"think less of that than of your plumage stuff and your moor-princess. Go","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and stay with her in the marsh if you like. You are a bad father to your own","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"children, as I have told you already, when I hatched my first brood. I only","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hope neither we nor our children may have an arrow sent through our wings, owing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to that wild girl. Helga does not know in the least what she is about. We have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lived in this house longer than she has, she should think of that, and we have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"never forgotten our duty. We have paid every year our toll of a feather, an","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"egg, and a young one, as it is only right we should do. You don't suppose I can","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wander about the court-yard, or go everywhere as I used to do in old times. I","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"can do it in Egypt, where I can be a companion of the people, without forgetting","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"myself. But here I cannot go and peep into the pots and kettles as I do there.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"No, I can only sit up here and feel angry with that girl, the little wretch; and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"I am angry with you, too; you should have left her lying in the water lily, then","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"no one would have known anything about her.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You are far better than your conversation,\" said the papa stork; \"I know you","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"better than you know yourself.\" And with that he gave a hop, and flapped his","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wings twice, proudly; then he stretched his neck and flew, or rather soared","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"away, without moving his outspread wings. He went on for some distance, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"then he gave a great flap with his wings and flew on his course at a rapid rate,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"his head and neck bending proudly before him, while the sun's rays fell on his","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"glossy plumage.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"He is the handsomest of them all,\" said the mamma stork, as she watched him;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"but I won't tell him so.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Early in the autumn, the Viking again returned home laden with spoil, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"bringing prisoners with him. Among them was a young Christian priest, one of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"those who contemned the gods of the north. Often lately there had been, both","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in hall and chamber, a talk of the new faith which was spreading far and wide","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the south, and which, through the means of the holy Ansgarius, had already","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"reached as far as Hedeby on the Schlei. Even Helga had heard of this belief","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the teachings of One who was named Christ, and who for the love of mankind,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and for their redemption, had given up His life. But to her all this had, as it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were, gone in one ear and out the other. It seemed that she only understood the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"meaning of the word \"love,\" when in the form of a miserable frog she crouched","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"together in the corner of the sleeping chamber; but the Viking's wife had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"listened to the wonderful story, and had felt herself strangely moved by it.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"On their return, after this voyage, the men spoke of the beautiful temples built","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of polished stone, which had been raised for the public worship of this holy","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"love. Some vessels, curiously formed of massive gold, had been brought home","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"among the booty. There was a peculiar fragrance about them all, for they were","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"incense vessels, which had been swung before the altars in the temples by the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Christian priests. In the deep stony cellars of the castle, the young Christian","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"priest was immured, and his hands and feet tied together with strips of bark.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife considered him as beautiful as Baldur, and his distress raised","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her pity; but Helga said he ought to have ropes fastened to his heels, and be","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"tied to the tails of wild animals.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I would let the dogs loose after him\" she said; \"over the moor and across","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the heath. Hurrah! that would be a spectacle for the gods, and better still to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"follow in its course.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But the Viking would not allow him to die such a death as that, especially as he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was the disowned and despiser of the high gods. In a few days, he had decided to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"have him offered as a sacrifice on the blood-stone in the grove. For the first","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"time, a man was to be sacrificed here. Helga begged to be allowed to sprinkle","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the assembled people with the blood of the priest. She sharpened her glittering","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"knife; and when one of the great, savage dogs, who were running about the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Viking's castle in great numbers, sprang towards her, she thrust the knife into","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"his side, merely, as she said, to prove its sharpness.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The Viking's wife looked at the wild, badly disposed girl, with great sorrow;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and when night came on, and her daughter's beautiful form and disposition were","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"changed, she spoke in eloquent words to Helga of the sorrow and deep grief that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was in her heart. The ugly frog, in its monstrous shape, stood before her, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"raised its brown mournful eyes to her face, listening to her words, and seeming","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to understand them with the intelligence of a human being.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Never once to my lord and husband has a word passed my lips of what I have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to suffer through you; my heart is full of grief about you,\" said the Viking's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wife. \"The love of a mother is greater and more powerful than I ever imagined.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But love never entered thy heart; it is cold and clammy, like the plants on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moor.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then the miserable form trembled; it was as if these words had touched an","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"invisible bond between body and soul, for great tears stood in the eyes.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"A bitter time will come for thee at last,\" continued the Viking's wife; \"and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it will be terrible for me too. It had been better for thee if thou hadst been","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"left on the high-road, with the cold night wind to lull thee to sleep.\" And","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Viking's wife shed bitter tears, and went away in anger and sorrow, passing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"under the partition of furs, which hung loose over the beam and divided the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hall.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The shrivelled frog still sat in the corner alone. Deep silence reigned around.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"At intervals, a half-stifled sigh was heard from its inmost soul; it was the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"soul of Helga. It seemed in pain, as if a new life were arising in her heart.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then she took a step forward and listened; then stepped again forward, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"seized with her clumsy hands the heavy bar which was laid across the door.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Gently, and with much trouble, she pushed back the bar, as silently lifted the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"latch, and then took up the glimmering lamp which stood in the ante-chamber","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of the hall. It seemed as if a stronger will than her own gave her strength.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She removed the iron bolt from the closed cellar-door, and slipped in to the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"prisoner. He was slumbering. She touched him with her cold, moist hand, and as","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he awoke and caught sight of the hideous form, he shuddered as if he beheld a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wicked apparition. She drew her knife, cut through the bonds which confined his","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hands and feet, and beckoned to him to follow her. He uttered some holy names","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and made the sign of the cross, while the form remained motionless by his side.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Who art thou?\" he asked, \"whose outward appearance is that of an animal, while","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thou willingly performest acts of mercy?\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The frog-figure beckoned to him to follow her, and led him through a long","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"gallery concealed by hanging drapery to the stables, and then pointed to a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"horse. He mounted upon it, and she sprang up also before him, and held tightly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"by the animal's mane. The prisoner understood her, and they rode on at a rapid","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"trot, by a road which he would never have found by himself, across the open","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"heath. He forgot her ugly form, and only thought how the mercy and loving-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"kindness of the Almighty was acting through this hideous apparition. As he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"offered pious prayers and sang holy songs of praise, she trembled. Was it the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"effect of prayer and praise that caused this? or, was she shuddering in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"cold morning air at the thought of approaching twilight? What were her feelings?","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She raised herself up, and wanted to stop the horse and spring off, but the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Christian priest held her back with all his might, and then sang a pious song,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"as if this could loosen the wicked charm that had changed her into the semblance","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of a frog.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"And the horse galloped on more wildly than before. The sky painted itself red,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the first sunbeam pierced through the clouds, and in the clear flood of sunlight","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the frog became changed. It was Helga again, young and beautiful, but with a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wicked demoniac spirit. He held now a beautiful young woman in his arms, and he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was horrified at the sight. He stopped the horse, and sprang from its back. He","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"imagined that some new sorcery was at work. But Helga also leaped from the horse","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and stood on the ground. The child's short garment reached only to her knee.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She snatched the sharp knife from her girdle, and rushed like lightning at the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"astonished priest. \"Let me get at thee!\" she cried; \"let me get at thee, that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"I may plunge this knife into thy body. Thou art pale as ashes, thou beardless","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"slave.\" She pressed in upon him. They struggled with each other in heavy combat,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but it was as if an invisible power had been given to the Christian in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"struggle. He held her fast, and the old oak under which they stood seemed to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"help him, for the loosened roots on the ground became entangled in the maiden's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"feet, and held them fast. Close by rose a bubbling spring, and he sprinkled","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Helga's face and neck with the water, commanded the unclean spirit to come","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forth, and pronounced upon her a Christian blessing. But the water of faith has","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"no power unless the well-spring of faith flows within. And yet even here its","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"power was shown; something more than the mere strength of a man opposed itself,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"through his means, against the evil which struggled within her. His holy action","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"seemed to overpower her. She dropped her arms, glanced at him with pale cheeks","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and looks of amazement. He appeared to her a mighty magician skilled in secret","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"arts; his language was the darkest magic to her, and the movements of his hands","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the air were as the secret signs of a magician's wand. She would not have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"blinked had he waved over her head a sharp knife or a glittering axe; but she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shrunk from him as he signed her with the sign of the cross on her forehead","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and breast, and sat before him like a tame bird, with her head bowed down. Then","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he spoke to her, in gentle words, of the deed of love she had performed for","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"him during the night, when she had come to him in the form of an ugly frog, to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"loosen his bonds, and to lead him forth to life and light; and he told her that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she was bound in closer fetters than he had been, and that she could recover","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"also life and light by his means. He would take her to Hedeby to St. Ansgarius,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and there, in that Christian town, the spell of the sorcerer would be removed.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But he would not let her sit before him on the horse, though of her own free","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"will she wished to do so. \"Thou must sit behind me, not before me,\" said he.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Thy magic beauty has a magic power which comes from an evil origin, and I fear","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it; still I am sure to overcome through my faith in Christ.\" Then he knelt down,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and prayed with pious fervor. It was as if the quiet woodland were a holy church","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"consecrated by his worship. The birds sang as if they were also of this new","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"congregation; and the fragrance of the wild flowers was as the ambrosial perfume","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of incense; while, above all, sounded the words of Scripture, \"A light to them","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide their feet into the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"way of peace.\" And he spoke these words with the deep longing of his whole","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"nature.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Meanwhile, the horse that had carried them in wild career stood quietly by,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plucking at the tall bramble-bushes, till the ripe young berries fell down","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"upon Helga's hands, as if inviting her to eat. Patiently she allowed herself","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to be lifted on the horse, and sat there like a somnambulist– as one who","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"walked in his sleep. The Christian bound two branches together with bark, in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the form of a cross, and held it on high as they rode through the forest. The","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"way gradually grew thicker of brushwood, as they rode along, till at last it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"became a trackless wilderness. Bushes of the wild sloe here and there blocked","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"up the path, so that they had to ride over them. The bubbling spring formed not","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a stream, but a marsh, round which also they were obliged to guide the horse;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"still there were strength and refreshment in the cool forest breeze, and no","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"trifling power in the gentle words spoken in faith and Christian love by the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"young priest, whose inmost heart yearned to lead this poor lost one into the way","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of light and life. It is said that rain-drops can make a hollow in the hardest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stone, and the waves of the sea can smooth and round the rough edges of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rocks; so did the dew of mercy fall upon Helga, softening what was hard, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"smoothing what was rough in her character. These effects did not yet appear; she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was not herself aware of them; neither does the seed in the lap of earth know,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"when the refreshing dew and the warm sunbeams fall upon it, that it contains","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"within itself power by which it will flourish and bloom. The song of the mother","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"sinks into the heart of the child, and the little one prattles the words after","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her, without understanding their meaning; but after a time the thoughts expand,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and what has been heard in childhood seems to the mind clear and bright. So now","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the \"Word,\" which is all-powerful to create, was working in the heart of Helga.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"They rode forth from the thick forest, crossed the heath, and again entered a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"pathless wood. Here, towards evening, they met with robbers.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Where hast thou stolen that beauteous maiden?\" cried the robbers, seizing the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"horse by the bridle, and dragging the two riders from its back.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The priest had nothing to defend himself with, but the knife he had taken from","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Helga, and with this he struck out right and left. One of the robbers raised","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"his axe against him; but the young priest sprang on one side, and avoided the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"blow, which fell with great force on the horse's neck, so that the blood gushed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forth, and the animal sunk to the ground. Then Helga seemed suddenly to awake","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from her long, deep reverie; she threw herself hastily upon the dying animal.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The priest placed himself before her, to defend and shelter her; but one of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"robbers swung his iron axe against the Christian's head with such force that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it was dashed to pieces, the blood and brains were scattered about, and he fell","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dead upon the ground. Then the robbers seized beautiful Helga by her white arms","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and slender waist; but at that moment the sun went down, and as its last ray","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"disappeared, she was changed into the form of a frog. A greenish white mouth","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"spread half over her face; her arms became thin and slimy; while broad hands,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with webbed fingers, spread themselves out like fans. Then the robbers, in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"terror, let her go, and she stood among them, a hideous monster; and as is the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"nature of frogs to do, she hopped up as high as her own size, and disappeared in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the thicket. Then the robbers knew that this must be the work of an evil spirit","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"or some secret sorcery, and, in a terrible fright, they ran hastily from the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"spot.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The full moon had already risen, and was shining in all her radiant splendor","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"over the earth, when from the thicket, in the form of a frog, crept poor Helga.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She stood still by the corpse of the Christian priest, and the carcase of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dead horse. She looked at them with eyes that seemed to weep, and from the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"frog's head came forth a croaking sound, as when a child bursts into tears.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She threw herself first upon one, and then upon the other; brought water in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her hand, which, from being webbed, was large and hollow, and poured it over","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"them; but they were dead, and dead they would remain. She understood that at","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"last. Soon wild animals would come and tear their dead bodies; but no, that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"must not happen. Then she dug up the earth, as deep as she was able, that she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"might prepare a grave for them. She had nothing but a branch of a tree and her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"two hands, between the fingers of which the webbed skin stretched, and they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were torn by the work, while the blood ran down her hands. She saw at last that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her work would be useless, more than she could accomplish; so she fetched more","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"water, and washed the face of the dead, and then covered it with fresh green","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"leaves; she also brought large boughs and spread over him, and scattered dried","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"leaves between the branches. Then she brought the heaviest stones that she could","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"carry, and laid them over the dead body, filling up the crevices with moss, till","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she thought she had fenced in his resting-place strongly enough. The difficult","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"task had employed her the whole night; and as the sun broke forth, there stood","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the beautiful Helga in all her loveliness, with her bleeding hands, and, for the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"first time, with tears on her maiden cheeks. It was, in this transformation, as","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"if two natures were striving together within her; her whole frame trembled, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she looked around her as if she had just awoke from a painful dream. She leaned","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"for support against the trunk of a slender tree, and at last climbed to the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"topmost branches, like a cat, and seated herself firmly upon them. She remained","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there the whole day, sitting alone, like a frightened squirrel, in the silent","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"solitude of the wood, where the rest and stillness is as the calm of death.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Butterflies fluttered around her, and close by were several ant-hills, each with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"its hundreds of busy little creatures moving quickly to and fro. In the air,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"danced myriads of gnats, swarm upon swarm, troops of buzzing flies, ladybirds,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dragon-flies with golden wings, and other little winged creatures. The worm","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"crawled forth from the moist ground, and the moles crept out; but, excepting","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"these, all around had the stillness of death: but when people say this, they do","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"not quite understand themselves what they mean. None noticed Helga but a flock","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of magpies, which flew chattering round the top of the tree on which she sat.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"These birds hopped close to her on the branches with bold curiosity. A glance","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from her eyes was a signal to frighten them away, and they were not clever","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"enough to find out who she was; indeed she hardly knew herself.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"When the sun was near setting, and the evening's twilight about to commence,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the approaching transformation aroused her to fresh exertion. She let herself","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"down gently from the tree, and, as the last sunbeam vanished, she stood again","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the wrinkled form of a frog, with the torn, webbed skin on her hands, but her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"eyes now gleamed with more radiant beauty than they had ever possessed in her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"most beautiful form of loveliness; they were now pure, mild maidenly eyes that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shone forth in the face of a frog. They showed the existence of deep feeling and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a human heart, and the beauteous eyes overflowed with tears, weeping precious","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"drops that lightened the heart.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"On the raised mound which she had made as a grave for the dead priest, she found","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the cross made of the branches of a tree, the last work of him who now lay dead","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and cold beneath it. A sudden thought came to Helga, and she lifted up the cross","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and planted it upon the grave, between the stones that covered him and the dead","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"horse. The sad recollection brought the tears to her eyes, and in this gentle","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"spirit she traced the same sign in the sand round the grave; and as she formed,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with both her hands, the sign of the cross, the web skin fell from them like","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a torn glove. She washed her hands in the water of the spring, and gazed with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"astonishment at their delicate whiteness. Again she made the holy sign in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"air, between herself and the dead man; her lips trembled, her tongue moved, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the name which she in her ride through the forest had so often heard spoken,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rose to her lips, and she uttered the words, \"Jesus Christ.\" Then the frog skin","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fell from her; she was once more a lovely maiden. Her head bent wearily, her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"tired limbs required rest, and then she slept.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Her sleep, however, was short. Towards midnight, she awoke; before her stood the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dead horse, prancing and full of life, which shone forth from his eyes and from","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"his wounded neck. Close by his side appeared the murdered Christian priest, more","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"beautiful than Baldur, as the Viking's wife had said; but now he came as if in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a flame of fire. Such gravity, such stern justice, such a piercing glance shone","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from his large, gentle eyes, that it seemed to penetrate into every corner of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her heart. Beautiful Helga trembled at the look, and her memory returned with a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"power as if it had been the day of judgment. Every good deed that had been done","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"for her, every loving word that had been said, were vividly before her mind.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She understood now that love had kept her here during the day of her trial;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"while the creature formed of dust and clay, soul and spirit, had wrestled and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"struggled with evil. She acknowledged that she had only followed the impulses of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"an evil disposition, that she had done nothing to cure herself; everything had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"been given her, and all had happened as it were by the ordination of Providence.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"She bowed herself humbly, confessed her great imperfections in the sight of Him","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who can read every fault of the heart, and then the priest spoke. \"Daughter of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the moorland, thou hast come from the swamp and the marshy earth, but from this","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thou shalt arise. The sunlight shining into thy inmost soul proves the origin","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from which thou hast really sprung, and has restored the body to its natural","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"form. I am come to thee from the land of the dead, and thou also must pass","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"through the valley to reach the holy mountains where mercy and perfection dwell.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"I cannot lead thee to Hedeby that thou mayst receive Christian baptism, for","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"first thou must remove the thick veil with which the waters of the moorland are","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shrouded, and bring forth from its depths the living author of thy being and thy","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"life. Till this is done, thou canst not receive consecration.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then he lifted her on the horse and gave her a golden censer, similar to those","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"she had already seen at the Viking's house. A sweet perfume arose from it,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"while the open wound in the forehead of the slain priest, shone with the rays","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of a diamond. He took the cross from the grave, and held it aloft, and now they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rode through the air over the rustling trees, over the hills where warriors","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lay buried each by his dead war-horse; and the brazen monumental figures rose","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"up and galloped forth, and stationed themselves on the summits of the hills.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The golden crescent on their foreheads, fastened with golden knots, glittered","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the moonlight, and their mantles floated in the wind. The dragon, that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"guards buried treasure, lifted his head and gazed after them. The goblins and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the satyrs peeped out from beneath the hills, and flitted to and fro in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fields, waving blue, red, and green torches, like the glowing sparks in burning","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"paper. Over woodland and heath, flood and fen, they flew on, till they reached","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the wild moor, over which they hovered in broad circles. The Christian priest","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"held the cross aloft, and it glittered like gold, while from his lips sounded","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"pious prayers. Beautiful Helga's voice joined with his in the hymns he sung,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"as a child joins in her mother's song. She swung the censer, and a wonderful","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fragrance of incense arose from it; so powerful, that the reeds and rushes of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the moor burst forth into blossom. Each germ came forth from the deep ground:","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"all that had life raised itself. Blooming water-lilies spread themselves forth","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"like a carpet of wrought flowers, and upon them lay a slumbering woman, young","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and beautiful. Helga fancied that it was her own image she saw reflected in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"still water. But it was her mother she beheld, the wife of the Marsh King, the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"princess from the land of the Nile.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The dead Christian priest desired that the sleeping woman should be lifted on","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the horse, but the horse sank beneath the load, as if he had been a funeral pall","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fluttering in the wind. But the sign of the cross made the airy phantom strong,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and then the three rode away from the marsh to firm ground.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"At the same moment the cock crew in the Viking's castle, and the dream figures","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"dissolved and floated away in the air, but mother and daughter stood opposite to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"each other.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Am I looking at my own image in the deep water?\" said the mother.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Is it myself that I see represented on a white shield?\" cried the daughter.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then they came nearer to each other in a fond embrace. The mother's heart beat","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"quickly, and she understood the quickened pulses. \"My child!\" she exclaimed,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"the flower of my heart– my lotus flower of the deep water!\" and she embraced","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her child again and wept, and the tears were as a baptism of new life and love","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"for Helga. \"In swan's plumage I came here,\" said the mother, \"and here I threw","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"off my feather dress. Then I sank down through the wavering ground, deep into","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the marsh beneath, which closed like a wall around me; I found myself after a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"while in fresher water; still a power drew me down deeper and deeper. I felt","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the weight of sleep upon my eyelids. Then I slept, and dreams hovered round me.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"It seemed to me as if I were again in the pyramids of Egypt, and yet the waving","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"elder trunk that had frightened me on the moor stood ever before me. I observed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the clefts and wrinkles in the stem; they shone forth in strange colors, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"took the form of hieroglyphics. It was the mummy case on which I gazed. At","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"last it burst, and forth stepped the thousand years' old king, the mummy form,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"black as pitch, black as the shining wood-snail, or the slimy mud of the swamp.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Whether it was really the mummy or the Marsh King I know not. He seized me in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"his arms, and I felt as if I must die. When I recovered myself, I found in my","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"bosom a little bird, flapping its wings, twittering and fluttering. The bird","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"flew away from my bosom, upwards towards the dark, heavy canopy above me, but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a long, green band kept it fastened to me. I heard and understood the tenor of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"its longings. Freedom! sunlight! to my father! Then I thought of my father, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the sunny land of my birth, my life, and my love. Then I loosened the band, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"let the bird fly away to its home– to a father. Since that hour I have ceased","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to dream; my sleep has been long and heavy, till in this very hour, harmony and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fragrance awoke me, and set me free.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The green band which fastened the wings of the bird to the mother's heart, where","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"did it flutter now? whither had it been wafted? The stork only had seen it.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"The band was the green stalk, the cup of the flower the cradle in which lay the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"child, that now in blooming beauty had been folded to the mother's heart.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"And while the two were resting in each other's arms, the old stork flew round","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and round them in narrowing circles, till at length he flew away swiftly to his","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"nest, and fetched away the two suits of swan's feathers, which he had preserved","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there for many years. Then he returned to the mother and daughter, and threw the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"swan's plumage over them; the feathers immediately closed around them, and they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rose up from the earth in the form of two white swans.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And now we can converse with pleasure,\" said the stork-papa; \"we can understand","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"one another, although the beaks of birds are so different in shape. It is","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"very fortunate that you came to-night. To-morrow we should have been gone. The","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mother, myself and the little ones, we're about to fly to the south. Look at me","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"now: I am an old friend from the Nile, and a mother's heart contains more than","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her beak. She always said that the princess would know how to help herself. I","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and the young ones carried the swan's feathers over here, and I am glad of it","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"now, and how lucky it is that I am here still. When the day dawns we shall start","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with a great company of other storks. We'll fly first, and you can follow in our","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"track, so that you cannot miss your way. I and the young ones will have an eye","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"upon you.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And the lotus-flower which I was to take with me,\" said the Egyptian princess,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"is flying here by my side, clothed in swan's feathers. The flower of my heart","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"will travel with me; and so the riddle is solved. Now for home! now for home!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But Helga said she could not leave the Danish land without once more seeing her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"foster-mother, the loving wife of the Viking. Each pleasing recollection, each","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"kind word, every tear from the heart which her foster-mother had wept for her,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rose in her mind, and at that moment she felt as if she loved this mother the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"best.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Yes, we must go to the Viking's castle,\" said the stork; \"mother and the young","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"ones are waiting for me there. How they will open their eyes and flap their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wings! My wife, you see, does not say much; she is short and abrupt in her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"manner; but she means well, for all that. I will flap my wings at once, that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"they may hear us coming.\" Then stork-papa flapped his wings in first-rate style,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and he and the swans flew away to the Viking's castle.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"In the castle, every one was in a deep sleep. It had been late in the evening","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"before the Viking's wife retired to rest. She was anxious about Helga, who,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"three days before, had vanished with the Christian priest. Helga must have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"helped him in his flight, for it was her horse that was missed from the stable;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but by what power had all this been accomplished? The Viking's wife thought of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it with wonder, thought on the miracles which they said could be performed by","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"those who believed in the Christian faith, and followed its teachings. These","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"passing thoughts formed themselves into a vivid dream, and it seemed to her","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that she was still lying awake on her couch, while without darkness reigned.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"A storm arose; she heard the lake dashing and rolling from east and west,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"like the waves of the North Sea or the Cattegat. The monstrous snake which,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it is said, surrounds the earth in the depths of the ocean, was trembling in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"spasmodic convulsions. The night of the fall of the gods was come, \"Ragnorock,\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"as the heathens call the judgment-day, when everything shall pass away, even","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the high gods themselves. The war trumpet sounded; riding upon the rainbow,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"came the gods, clad in steel, to fight their last battle on the last battle-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"field. Before them flew the winged vampires, and the dead warriors closed up","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the train. The whole firmament was ablaze with the northern lights, and yet","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the darkness triumphed. It was a terrible hour. And, close to the terrified","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"woman, Helga seemed to be seated on the floor, in the hideous form of a frog,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"yet trembling, and clinging to her foster-mother, who took her on her lap, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lovingly caressed her, hideous and frog-like as she was. The air was filled","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with the clashing of arms and the hissing of arrows, as if a storm of hail was","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"descending upon the earth. It seemed to her the hour when earth and sky would","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"burst asunder, and all things be swallowed up in Saturn's fiery lake; but she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"knew that a new heaven and a new earth would arise, and that corn-fields would","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wave where now the lake rolled over desolate sands, and the ineffable God reign.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then she saw rising from the region of the dead, Baldur the gentle, the loving,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and as the Viking's wife gazed upon him, she recognized his countenance. It","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"was the captive Christian priest. \"White Christian!\" she exclaimed aloud, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with the words, she pressed a kiss on the forehead of the hideous frog-child.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then the frog-skin fell off, and Helga stood before her in all her beauty, more","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"lovely and gentle-looking, and with eyes beaming with love. She kissed the hands","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of her foster-mother, blessed her for all her fostering love and care during the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"days of her trial and misery, for the thoughts she had suggested and awoke in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her heart, and for naming the Name which she now repeated. Then beautiful Helga","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rose as a mighty swan, and spread her wings with the rushing sound of troops of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"birds of passage flying through the air.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then the Viking's wife awoke, but she still heard the rushing sound without. She","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"knew it was the time for the storks to depart, and that it must be their wings","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"which she heard. She felt she should like to see them once more, and bid them","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"farewell. She rose from her couch, stepped out on the threshold, and beheld,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"on the ridge of the roof, a party of storks ranged side by side. Troops of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"birds were flying in circles over the castle and the highest trees; but just","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"before her, as she stood on the threshold and close to the well where Helga had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"so often sat and alarmed her with her wildness, now stood two swans, gazing at","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her with intelligent eyes. Then she remembered her dream, which still appeared","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to her as a reality. She thought of Helga in the form of a swan. She thought of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a Christian priest, and suddenly a wonderful joy arose in her heart. The swans","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"flapped their wings and arched their necks as if to offer her a greeting, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the Viking's wife spread out her arms towards them, as if she accepted it, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"smiled through her tears. She was roused from deep thought by a rustling of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"wings and snapping of beaks; all the storks arose, and started on their journey","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"towards the south.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"We will not wait for the swans,\" said the mamma stork; \"if they want to go with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"us, let them come now; we can't sit here till the plovers start. It is a fine","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thing after all to travel in families, not like the finches and the partridges.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"There the male and the female birds fly in separate flocks, which, to speak","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"candidly, I consider very unbecoming.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"What are those swans flapping their wings for?\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Well, every one flies in his own fashion,\" said the papa stork. \"The swans fly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in an oblique line; the cranes, in the form of a triangle; and the plovers, in a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"curved line like a snake.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Don't talk about snakes while we are flying up here,\" said stork-mamma. \"It","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"puts ideas into the children's heads that can not be realized.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Are those the high mountains I have heard spoken of?\" asked Helga, in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"swan's plumage.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"They are storm-clouds driving along beneath us,\" replied her mother.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"What are yonder white clouds that rise so high?\" again inquired Helga.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Those are mountains covered with perpetual snows, that you see yonder,\" said","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"her mother. And then they flew across the Alps towards the blue Mediterranean.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Africa's land! Egyptia's strand!\" sang the daughter of the Nile, in her swan's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plumage, as from the upper air she caught sight of her native land, a narrow,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"golden, wavy strip on the shores of the Nile; the other birds espied it also and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hastened their flight.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I can smell the Nile mud and the wet frogs,\" said the stork-mamma, \"and I begin","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to feel quite hungry. Yes, now you shall taste something nice, and you will see","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the marabout bird, and the ibis, and the crane. They all belong to our family,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"but they are not nearly so handsome as we are. They give themselves great airs,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"especially the ibis. The Egyptians have spoilt him. They make a mummy of him,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and stuff him with spices. I would rather be stuffed with live frogs, and so","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"would you, and so you shall. Better have something in your inside while you are","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"alive, than to be made a parade of after you are dead. That is my opinion, and I","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"am always right.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"The storks are come,\" was said in the great house on the banks of the Nile,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"where the lord lay in the hall on his downy cushions, covered with a leopard","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"skin, scarcely alive, yet not dead, waiting and hoping for the lotus-flower","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"from the deep moorland in the far north. Relatives and servants were standing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"by his couch, when the two beautiful swans who had come with the storks flew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"into the hall. They threw off their soft white plumage, and two lovely female","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forms approached the pale, sick old man, and threw back their long hair, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"when Helga bent over her grandfather, redness came back to his cheeks, his eyes","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"brightened, and life returned to his benumbed limbs. The old man rose up with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"health and energy renewed; daughter and grandchild welcomed him as joyfully as","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"if with a morning greeting after a long and troubled dream.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Joy reigned through the whole house, as well as in the stork's nest; although","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"there the chief cause was really the good food, especially the quantities of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"frogs, which seemed to spring out of the ground in swarms.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then the learned men hastened to note down, in flying characters, the story of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the two princesses, and spoke of the arrival of the health-giving flower as a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mighty event, which had been a blessing to the house and the land. Meanwhile,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the stork-papa told the story to his family in his own way; but not till they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"had eaten and were satisfied; otherwise they would have had something else to do","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"than to listen to stories.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Well,\" said the stork-mamma, when she had heard it, \"you will be made something","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of at last; I suppose they can do nothing less.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"What could I be made?\" said stork-papa; \"what have I done?– just nothing.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You have done more than all the rest,\" she replied. \"But for you and the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"youngsters the two young princesses would never have seen Egypt again, and the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"recovery of the old man would not have been effected. You will become something.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"They must certainly give you a doctor's hood, and our young ones will inherit","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"it, and their children after them, and so on. You already look like an Egyptian","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"doctor, at least in my eyes.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I cannot quite remember the words I heard when I listened on the roof,\" said","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stork-papa, while relating the story to his family; \"all I know is, that what","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the wise men said was so complicated and so learned, that they received not only","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rank, but presents; even the head cook at the great house was honored with a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mark of distinction, most likely for the soup.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And what did you receive?\" said the stork-mamma. \"They certainly ought not to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forget the most important person in the affair, as you really are. The learned","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"men have done nothing at all but use their tongues. Surely they will not","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"overlook you.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Late in the night, while the gentle sleep of peace rested on the now happy","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"house, there was still one watcher. It was not stork-papa, who, although he","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stood on guard on one leg, could sleep soundly. Helga alone was awake. She","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"leaned over the balcony, gazing at the sparkling stars that shone clearer and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"brighter in the pure air than they had done in the north, and yet they were the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"same stars. She thought of the Viking's wife in the wild moorland, of the gentle","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"eyes of her foster-mother, and of the tears she had shed over the poor frog-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"child that now lived in splendor and starry beauty by the waters of the Nile,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"with air balmy and sweet as spring. She thought of the love that dwelt in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"breast of the heathen woman, love that had been shown to a wretched creature,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hateful as a human being, and hideous when in the form of an animal. She looked","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"at the glittering stars, and thought of the radiance that had shone forth on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forehead of the dead man, as she had fled with him over the woodland and moor.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Tones were awakened in her memory; words which she had heard him speak as they","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"rode onward, when she was carried, wondering and trembling, through the air;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"words from the great Fountain of love, the highest love that embraces all the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"human race. What had not been won and achieved by this love?","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Day and night beautiful Helga was absorbed in the contemplation of the great","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"amount of her happiness, and lost herself in the contemplation, like a child","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"who turns hurriedly from the giver to examine the beautiful gifts. She was over-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"powered with her good fortune, which seemed always increasing, and therefore","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"what might it become in the future? Had she not been brought by a wonderful","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"miracle to all this joy and happiness? And in these thoughts she indulged, until","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"at last she thought no more of the Giver. It was the over-abundance of youthful","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"spirits unfolding its wings for a daring flight. Her eyes sparkled with energy,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"when suddenly arose a loud noise in the court below, and the daring thought","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"vanished. She looked down, and saw two large ostriches running round quickly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in narrow circles; she had never seen these creatures before,– great, coarse,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"clumsy-looking birds with curious wings that looked as if they had been clipped,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and the birds themselves had the appearance of having been roughly used. She","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"inquired about them, and for the first time heard the legend which the Egyptians","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"relate respecting the ostrich.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Once, say they, the ostriches were a beautiful and glorious race of birds, with","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"large, strong wings. One evening the other large birds of the forest said to","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the ostrich, \"Brother, shall we fly to the river to-morrow morning to drink, God","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"willing?\" and the ostrich answered, \"I will.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"With the break of day, therefore, they commenced their flight; first rising high","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in the air, towards the sun, which is the eye of God; still higher and higher","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the ostrich flew, far above the other birds, proudly approaching the light,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"trusting in its own strength, and thinking not of the Giver, or saying, \"if","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"God will.\" When suddenly the avenging angel drew back the veil from the flaming","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"ocean of sunlight, and in a moment the wings of the proud bird were scorched and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shrivelled, and they sunk miserably to the earth. Since that time the ostrich","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and his race have never been able to rise in the air; they can only fly terror-","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stricken along the ground, or run round and round in narrow circles. It is a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"warning to mankind, that in all our thoughts and schemes, and in every action we","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"undertake, we should say, \"if God will.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then Helga bowed her head thoughtfully and seriously, and looked at the circling","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"ostrich, as with timid fear and simple pleasure it glanced at its own great","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"shadow on the sunlit walls. And the story of the ostrich sunk deeply into the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"heart and mind of Helga: a life of happiness, both in the present and in the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"future, seemed secure for her, and what was yet to come might be the best of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"all, God willing.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Early in the spring, when the storks were again about to journey northward,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"beautiful Helga took off her golden bracelets, scratched her name on them, and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"beckoned to the stork-father. He came to her, and she placed the golden circlet","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"round his neck, and begged him to deliver it safely to the Viking's wife, so","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that she might know that her foster-daughter still lived, was happy, and had not","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forgotten her.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"It is rather heavy to carry,\" thought stork-papa, when he had it on his neck;","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"but gold and honor are not to be flung into the street. The stork brings good","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fortune– they'll be obliged to acknowledge that at last.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"You lay gold, and I lay eggs,\" said stork-mamma; \"with you it is only once in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"a way, I lay eggs every year But no one appreciates what we do; I call it very","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"mortifying.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"But then we have a consciousness of our own worth, mother,\" replied stork-papa.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"What good will that do you?\" retorted stork-mamma; \"it will neither bring you a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"fair wind, nor a good meal.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"The little nightingale, who is singing yonder in the tamarind grove, will soon","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"be going north, too.\" Helga said she had often heard her singing on the wild","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moor, so she determined to send a message by her. While flying in the swan's","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"plumage she had learnt the bird language; she had often conversed with the stork","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and the swallow, and she knew that the nightingale would understand. So she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"begged the nightingale to fly to the beechwood, on the peninsula of Jutland,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"where a mound of stone and twigs had been raised to form the grave, and she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"begged the nightingale to persuade all the other little birds to build their","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"nests round the place, so that evermore should resound over that grave music and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"song. And the nightingale flew away, and time flew away also.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"In the autumn, an eagle, standing upon a pyramid, saw a stately train of richly","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"laden camels, and men attired in armor on foaming Arabian steeds, whose glossy","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"skins shone like silver, their nostrils were pink, and their thick, flowing","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"manes hung almost to their slender legs. A royal prince of Arabia, handsome as a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"prince should be, and accompanied by distinguished guests, was on his way to the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"stately house, on the roof of which the storks' empty nests might be seen. They","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were away now in the far north, but expected to return very soon. And, indeed,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"they returned on a day that was rich in joy and gladness.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"A marriage was being celebrated, in which the beautiful Helga, glittering in","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"silk and jewels, was the bride, and the bridegroom the young Arab prince. Bride","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and bridegroom sat at the upper end of the table, between the bride's mother and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"grandfather. But her gaze was not on the bridegroom, with his manly, sunburnt","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"face, round which curled a black beard, and whose dark fiery eyes were fixed","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"upon her; but away from him, at a twinkling star, that shone down upon her from","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the sky. Then was heard the sound of rushing wings beating the air. The storks","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were coming home; and the old stork pair, although tired with the journey and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"requiring rest, did not fail to fly down at once to the balustrades of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"verandah, for they knew already what feast was being celebrated. They had heard","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"of it on the borders of the land, and also that Helga had caused their figures","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"to be represented on the walls, for they belonged to her history.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"I call that very sensible and pretty,\" said stork-papa.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Yes, but it is very little,\" said mamma stork; \"they could not possibly have","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"done less.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"But, when Helga saw them, she rose and went out into the verandah to stroke","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the backs of the storks. The old stork pair bowed their heads, and curved","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"their necks, and even the youngest among the young ones felt honored by this","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"reception.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Helga continued to gaze upon the glittering star, which seemed to glow brighter","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"and purer in its light; then between herself and the star floated a form, purer","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"than the air, and visible through it. It floated quite near to her, and she saw","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"that it was the dead Christian priest, who also was coming to her wedding feast–","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"coming from the heavenly kingdom.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"The glory and brightness, yonder, outshines all that is known on earth,\" said","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"he.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then Helga the fair prayed more gently, and more earnestly, than she had ever","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"prayed in her life before, that she might be permitted to gaze, if only for a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"single moment, at the glory and brightness of the heavenly kingdom. Then she","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"felt herself lifted up, as it were, above the earth, through a sea of sound and","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"thought; not only around her, but within her, was there light and song, such as","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"words cannot express.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Now we must return;\" he said; \"you will be missed.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Only one more look,\" she begged; \"but one short moment more.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"We must return to earth; the guests will have all departed. Only one more","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"look!– the last!\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then Helga stood again in the verandah. But the marriage lamps in the festive","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"hall had been all extinguished, and the torches outside had vanished. The storks","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"were gone; not a guest could be seen; no bridegroom– all in those few short","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"moments seemed to have died. Then a great dread fell upon her. She stepped from","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the verandah through the empty hall into the next chamber, where slept strange","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"warriors. She opened a side door, which once led into her own apartment, but","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"now, as she passed through, she found herself suddenly in a garden which she had","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"never before seen here, the sky blushed red, it was the dawn of morning. Three","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"minutes only in heaven, and a whole night on earth had passed away! Then she saw","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"the storks, and called to them in their own language.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then stork-papa turned his head towards here, listened to her words, and drew","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"near. \"You speak our language,\" said he, \"what do you wish? Why do you appear,–","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"you– a strange woman?\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"It is I– it is Helga! Dost thou not know me? Three minutes ago we were speaking","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"together yonder in the verandah.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"That is a mistake,\" said the stork, \"you must have dreamed all this.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"No, no,\" she exclaimed. Then she reminded him of the Viking's castle, of the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"great lake, and of the journey across the ocean.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"Then stork-papa winked his eyes, and said, \"Why that's an old story which","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"happened in the time of my grandfather. There certainly was a princess of that","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"kind here in Egypt once, who came from the Danish land, but she vanished on the","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"evening of her wedding day, many hundred years ago, and never came back. You may","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"read about it yourself yonder, on a monument in the garden. There you will find","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"swans and storks sculptured, and on the top is a figure of the princess Helga,","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in marble.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"And so it was; Helga understood it all now, and sank on her knees. The sun burst","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"forth in all its glory, and, as in olden times, the form of the frog vanished","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"in his beams, and the beautiful form stood forth in all its loveliness; so","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"now, bathed in light, rose a beautiful form, purer, clearer than air– a ray of","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"brightness– from the Source of light Himself. The body crumbled into dust, and a","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"faded lotus-flower lay on the spot on which Helga had stood.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Now that is a new ending to the story,\" said stork-papa; \"I really never","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"expected it would end in this way, but it seems a very good ending.\"","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"And what will the young ones say to it, I wonder?\" said stork-mamma.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"\"Ah, that is a very important question,\" replied the stork.","book":"The marsh king's daughter"} {"text":"We are up in Jutland, near the wild marsh. We can hear the North Sea, hear it","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"tossing about, for it is quite close by. Before us there rises a great sand","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"dune; we have been looking at it for a long while, and we've been, and still","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"are, driving toward it, very slowly, through the deep sand. On the top of this","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"sand dune is an old, rambling building, the Börglum Monastery, the largest wing","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"of which is the church. We arrive there in the late evening, but the air is","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"clear and the night is bright, so we can enjoy an expansive view over meadow and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"moor as far as the Aalborg Fiord, over field and heath, out over the dark-blue","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"sea.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Now that we are up there, we drive on through barn and shed, then turn through","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the gates and on into the old castle court, where the linden trees stand in","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a row along the walls; sheltered from wind and weather, they thrive here, and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"their leafy branches almost hide the windows.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"We climb up the winding stone staircase; we then walk through the long","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"corridors, beneath raftered ceilings. The wind whistles so strangely here,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"whether outside or inside; one doesn't quite know where the sounds come from.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"And then one tells stories. Yes, a person tells and sees so many things when he","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"is frightened or wants to frighten others. The old dead monks, one says, glide","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"silently past us and into the church, where the wind rushes through and seems","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"to us to be singing Mass for their souls; this brings strange thoughts to one,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"thoughts that carry us back into the olden times.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"There is a stranded ship on the coast, and the Bishop's men are active there","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"on the beach. While the ocean has spared some of the voyagers, these men spare","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"none; the water will wash away all trace of crimson blood that has flowed from","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"broken skulls. The stranded goods - and there are many - all belong to the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Bishop. The waves have washed up the anchor and barrels filled with fine wines","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"for the cellar of the monks, where there is already a full supply of ale and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"mead; there is also a plenitude of poultry, sausages, and ham in their kitchen,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and in the ponds outside are fat bass and delicious carp. The Bishop of Börglum","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"is a man of power; he owns much land and yet he wants to acquire more; all must","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"bow before him, Oluf Glob. A wealthy kinsman of his, at Thy, has just died; the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"widow will find Oluf Glob neither kin nor kind to her. Her late husband ruled","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the whole district, with the exception of the church properties; her son is in","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a foreign land, having been sent away, at his own wish, when no more than a boy,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"to learn foreign customs. For years no word has come from him; he may be in his","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"grave and may never return home to take over the rule that now his mother must","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"assume.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"\"What! Shall a woman rule?\" says the Bishop. He summons her into the courts, but","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"for what gain? She has broken no law; right and justice are on her side.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Bishop Oluf of Börglum, what are you pondering over? What are you writing on","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"that white parchment? What is it that you now conceal under band and seal and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"then give to a knight and his servant, who ride off with it, out of the country,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"far away to the city of the Pope?","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The time of the falling leaves, the season of storms and wrecks, is past, and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"now icy winter comes. Twice it has come with no tidings from abroad, but now","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"finally with its return the knight and his servant ride back from Rome, bearing","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a papal ban against the widow who dared oppose the pious Bishop.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"\"A curse upon her and all that is hers! Cast out is she from church and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"congregation. None shall dare lend her a helping hand; friends and kinfolk alike","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"must shun her as a plague and pestilence! What will not bend must break,\" said","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the Bishop.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The people all forsake her; yet she is steadfast in her trust in God, who alone","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"will be her strength and bulwark. Only one servant, an elderly maid, remains","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"faithful to her; together they guide the plow over fields where the corn","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"flourishes, though the land has been cursed.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"\"You child of hell, I shall yet carry out my purpose!\" says the Bishop of","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Börglum. \"Now I summon you before the tribunal that will condemn you!\"","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Then the widow harnesses her last two oxen to her carriage, and she and her","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"faithful servant drive away across the heath, out of the land of Denmark. Now","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"she is a stranger among strangers, where a strange tongue is spoken, and where","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"foreign customs prevail, far away, where the green hills rise into mountains,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and where the vineyards grow. Traveling peddlers pass her, carefully guarding","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"their loaded wagons, in deadly fear of attack from robber barons. But the two","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"poor women, in their humble cart drawn by the black oxen, may pass in safety","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"along the dangerous roads and through the dense forests. Now they are in France,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and they meet a gallant knight followed by twelve men-at-arms. The knight","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"pauses and looks at the strange wagon and then asks the younger of the women","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"what country they have come from and what their journey's destination is. She","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"explains that they are from Thy, in Denmark, tells of her cares and misery,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"but these all seem to come to an end; our Lord has guided them together - the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"stranger knight is her son! He holds out his arms and embraces her, and the poor","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"mother weeps, which she has not been able to do for many years, but rather has","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"bitten her lips until blood has come forth.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"It is the time of the falling leaves, the season of wrecks. The ocean washes","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"ashore filled wine casks for the Bishop's cellars; in his kitchen the wild","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"venison is roasting; it is pleasant and warm within doors, though winter freezes","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"without. But news is brought; Jens Glob has returned to Thy with his mother.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Jens Glob summons the Bishop into court, to demand their lands and rights.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"\"Much good that will do him!\" said the Bishop. \"Spare your efforts, Sir Jens!\"","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Another year passes; again the time of the falling leaves returns, the season","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"of wrecks; icy winter follows, and the white bees swarm about and sting one's","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"face until they melt. It is sharp weather today, say people who have ventured","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"out into it. Jens Glob stands close to his fire, lost in thought; he singes his","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"mantle, burns a hole in it unawares. \"I will master you yet, Bishop of Börglum!","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"You are safe from the law, sheltered by the mantle of the Pope, but not safe","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"from Jens Glob!\" He writes to his brother-in-law, Sir Oluf Hase of Salling,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"bidding him meet him Christmas Eve at Mass in Hvidberg Church; the Bishop must","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"leave Börglum and come to Thyland, to read the Mass there; this Jens Glob knows.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Meadow and moorland are buried beneath ice and snow, and across them speeds","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a cavalcade of horse and riders - the Bishop, his clerks, his squires. They","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"take the short cut among the waving reeds, where the wind sings its melancholy","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"song. Blow your brazen trumpet, you trumpeter dressed in foxskin! It sounds","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"sharply in the clear air! They ride on over heath and moorland, where in the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"warm summertime Fata Morgana decks her magic bowers; on they ride, to the south,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"toward Hvidberg Church.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The wind blows his trumpet, too, blows it louder and louder, creating a storm,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a terrible storm, that continues to grow in force. On, on through the storm,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"toward the church, they ride. The house of God stands firm, but the storm drives","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"on over field and moorland, over fiord and ocean. The Bishop reaches the church.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"But Sir Oluf Hase can scarcely do so, however hard he rides. He reaches the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"opposite side of the fiord with his men, whom Jens Glob has summoned to aid him","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"in calling the Bishop to account. The church is the courthouse; the altar is","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the counsel table. The candles in the heavy brass candlesticks are all burning.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Outside the storm screams out the accusation and the sentence. The wind rushes","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"through the air, over moorland and heath, over the rolling billows; no ferryboat","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"can cross the fiord in such weather.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Oluf Hase is held at Ottesund; he dismisses his men, bids them keep his horse","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and armor and take his farewell to his wife, for alone will he risk his life in","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the roaring waters. They will be his witnesses that it is not his fault if Jens","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Glob stands alone in Hvidberg Church. But his faithful warriors will not leave","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"him; they will follow him even into the raging waters. Ten of them are swept","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"away by the torrent; Oluf Hase and the two youngest reach the opposite shore in","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"safety and have still four miles to ride.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"It is past midnight, Christmas Eve. The wind has died down; the church is","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"lighted up, the light shining from the windows over meadow and heath. The","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"service is ended, and the house of God is so still that the wax can be heard","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"dripping from the candles to the stone floor. Now at last Oluf Hase arrives.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Jens Glob meets him in the forecourt, saying, \"God day. The Bishop and I are","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"reconciled now!\"","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"\"Are you, indeed!\" says Oluf. \"Then neither you nor the Bishop shall leave","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"this church alive!\" His sword flashes from its scabbard and splits in two the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"wooden door of the church, which Jens has closed between them. \"Hold back, dear","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"brother-in-law! First see what sort of reconciliation this is! I have slain","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the Bishop and all his men! Not one of them will do evil again, and we need say","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"nothing more of the wrongs done my mother!\"","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The altar lights burn red, but redder is the stain that shines from the church","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"door; there, lying in blood, is the Bishop, with a cloven skull, and lying dead","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"around him are his men. It is quiet and calm on the holy eve of Christmas.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The third evening after Christmas, funeral bells in Börglum Convent. The","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"murdered Bishop and his slain men lie in state beneath a black canopy, lighted","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"by candelabras swathed in crape. The once mighty lord is a corpse, robed in a","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"silver-bordered mantle, with the crosier in his powerless hand. Incense fills","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the air as the monks chant a funeral dirge; it sounds like a sentence of wrath","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and condemnation, and may be heard over the whole countryside as it is carried","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"along and wailed by the wind. Sometimes the accusing voice sinks to rest for","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a while, but it never dies out completely; it always rises again, carrying its","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"dismal strains late into our own century, singing of the cruel Bishop of Börglum","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"and his wicked men. On many a dark night the terrified peasant, driving along","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the heavy sandy road past Börglum Convent, hears it; and the sleepless listener","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"within Börglum's thick walls hears it, too. The church entrance has long been","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"walled up, but superstitious eyes still see the door there, opening before them;","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the candles in the church brass crowns shine, and the church is revealed in its","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"former splendor, rich with the smoke of incense, while the monks still sing the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"funeral Mass for the murdered Bishop. He lies there in his silver-bordered robe,","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the crosier in his powerless hand, the bloody wound shining as red as fire from","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"his pale, proud forehead. There are the worldly mind and evil passions that","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"burned.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Sink into the grave, into the night of oblivion, you dismal memories of the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"olden days!","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Listen to the voice of the wind, sweeping over the rolling sea! Out there a","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"storm is raging and will take many lives, for the sea has not changed its nature","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"because the times have changed. Tonight it is all mouths to devour; tomorrow","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"perhaps it will be as clear as a mirror, just as it was in the olden times we","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"have now buried. Sleep calmly if you can!","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Now it is morning; the new day brings sunshine into the room. But the wind still","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"blows, and there is news of a wreck, as in the olden times. Last night, down by","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Lökken, the little red-roofed fishing village visible from our windows, a ship","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"was wrecked. But by the use of a rocket apparatus a line was cast ashore and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"a bridge made between the wreck and the mainland; all on board were saved and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"brought to land, and beds were found for them. Today they are going to Börglum","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Convent. There they will find warm hospitality, be sheltered in comfortable","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"rooms, see friendly eyes, and hear kindly voices speaking their own language.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"The piano will sound for them with melodies of their native land, and before","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"these have died away, a chord of another sort will be struck; soundless and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"yet full of sound and certainty, the telegraph wire will reach the homes of the","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"shipwrecked in a foreign land and tell of their safety. Then with their minds at","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"ease, they will join in the dancing at the feast given in the hall at Börglum.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Waltzes and folk dances will be danced, and songs will be sung about Denmark and","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"her valiant soldier in our time.","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"Blessed be you, our new age! Let a fresh and pure summer breeze sweep through","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"the towns! Send your sunrays into our hearts and minds! Let them erase the dark","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"traditions of the cruel days of old!","book":"The bishop of Börglum and his men"} {"text":"It was very frosty, starry clear weather, quiet and calm.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Bump! A pot was thrown against a door. Bang! Fireworks were shot off to welcome","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the new year, for it was New Year's Eve; and now the clock struck twelve!","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Trateratra! There came the mail. The big mail coach stopped outside the gate","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"to the town. It carried twelve people and couldn't hold more, for all the seats","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"were taken.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Hurrah! Hurrah!\" rang out in the houses, where people were celebrating New","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Year's Eve. They arose with full glasses and drank a toast to the new year.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Health and good wishes for the new year!\" they said. \"A pretty little wife!","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Lots of money! An end to nonsense!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Yes, these were their wishes for one another, and glasses were struck together,","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"while the mail coach stopped in front of the town gate with the unknown guests,","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the twelve travelers.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"What kind of people were they? They had passports and luggage with them; yes,","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"even presents for you and me and for all the people in the town. Who were these","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"strangers? What did they want, and what did they bring?","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Good morning!\" they said to the sentry at the town gate.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Good morning!\" said he, as the clock had struck twelve. \"Your name? Your","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"profession?\" asked the sentry when the first of them stepped out of the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"carriage.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Look in the passport!\" said the man. \"I am myself!\" And a splendid-looking","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"fellow he was, too, dressed in a bearskin and fur boots. \"I am the man on whom","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"many people pin their hopes. Come to see me tomorrow, and I'll give you a real","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"new year! I throw dollars and cents about, give presents, and, yes, I even","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"give balls, thirty-one of them; that's all the nights I have to spare. My ships","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"are frozen tight, but in my office it is warm. I am a merchant, and my name is","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"January. I have only bills!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Then came the second. He was a comedian, a theatrical director, the manager of","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"masked balls, and all the amusements you could think of. His luggage consisted","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"of a great barrel.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"We'll beat the cat out of the barrel at carnival time!\" he said. \"I'll amuse","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"others, and myself, too, for I have the shortest time to live of the whole","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"family; I get to be only twenty-eight days old. Yes, sometimes they throw in an","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"extra day, but that doesn't make much difference. Hurrah!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"You must not shout so loud!\" said the sentry.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Yes, I may!\" said the man. \"I am Prince Carnival, and traveling under the name","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"of February!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now came the third. He looked very much like Fasting itself, but strutted","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"proudly, for he was related to the \"Forty Knights,\" and was a weather prophet.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"But that is hardly fattening employment, and for that reason he approved of","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Fasting. He had a cluster of violets in his buttonhole, but they were very","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"small.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"March, March!\" shouted the fourth, and pushed the third. \"March, March! Into","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the guardroom; there's punch there! I can smell it!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"But it wasn't true; he only wanted to make an April fool of him; thus the fourth","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"began his career in the town. He looked very jolly, did little work, and had","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"lots of holidays.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Good humor one day and bad the next!\" he said. \"Rain and sunshine. Moving out","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"and moving in. I am also moving-day commissioner; I am an undertaker. I can both","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"laugh and cry. I have summer clothes in my trunk, but it would be very foolish","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"to use them now. Here I am! When I dress up I wear silk stockings and carry a","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"muff!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now a lady came out of the carriage. \"Miss May,\" she called herself, and wore","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"summer clothes and overshoes. She had on a beech-tree-green silk dress, and","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"anemones in her hair, and she was so scented with wild thyme that the sentry had","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"to sneeze.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"God bless you!\" she said, and that was her greeting.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"She was beautiful. And she was a singer; not of the theater, but a singer of the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"woodlands; not at county fairs; no, she roamed through the fresh green forest","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"and sang there for her own entertainment. In her handbag she had a copy of","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Christian Winther's Woodcuts, which were like the beech-tree forest itself, and","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"also Little Poems by Richardt, which were like the wild thyme.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"Now comes the mistress, the young mistress!\" shouted those inside the carriage.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"And then out came the lady, young and delicate, proud and pretty. You could","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"easily see that she was born to be a lady of leisure. She gave a great feast","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"on the longest day of the year, so that her guests might have time to eat the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"many dishes of food at her table. She could afford to ride in a carriage of her","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"own, but still she traveled in the mail coach like the others, for she wanted to","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"show she wasn't too proud. But she didn't travel alone; with her was her elder","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"brother, July.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"' He was a well-fed fellow, in attire, and with a Panama hat. He had but little","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"baggage with him, because it was a nuisance in the heat. He had brought only his","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"bathing cap and swimming trunks; that isn't much.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now came the mother, Madam August, a wholesale fruit dealer, proprietor of many","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"fish tanks, and landowner, wearing a great crinoline. She was fat and hot, and","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"took an active part in everything; she herself even carried beer out to the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"workmen in the fields.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,\" she said. \"That is written in","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the Bible. Afterward we can have the picnics and dances in the woods and the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"harvest festivals.\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Such was the mother.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now again came a man, a painter by profession, a master of colors, as the forest","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"soon learned. The leaves had to change their colors - but how beautifully -","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"whenever he wished it; soon the wood glowed with red, yellow, and brown. The","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"painter whistled like the black starling bird, and was a brisk worker. He wound","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the brown-green hop plants around his beer jug, which decorated it beautifully;","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"indeed, he had an eye for decorating. There he stood with his color pot, and","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"that was all the luggage he had.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now followed a land proprietor, who was thinking of the grain month, of the","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"plowing and preparing of the land, and, yes, also a little of the pleasures","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"of field sports. He had his dog and his gun, and he had nuts in his game bag.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Crack, crack! He had an awful lot of baggage with him, and even an English plow.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"And he talked about farming, but you couldn't hear much of what he said, because","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"of the coughing and gasping.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"It was November coming. He had a cold, such a violent cold that he used a bed","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"sheet instead of a handkerchief; and yet he had to accompany the servant girls","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"and initiate them into their winter service, he said; but his cold would go when","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"he went out woodcutting, which he had to do, because he was master sawyer for","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"the firewood guild. His evenings he spent cutting soles for skates, knowing that","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"in a few weeks there would be good use for these amusing shoes.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Now came the last passenger, a little old mother, with her firepot. She was","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"cold, but her eyes sparkled like two bright stars. She carried a flowerpot with","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"a little fir tree growing in it.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"I shall guard and nurse this tree, so that it may grow large by Christmas Eve","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"and reach from the ground right up to the ceiling, and be covered with lighted","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"candles, golden apples, and little cut-out paper decorations. This fire-kettle","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"warms like a Stove. I take the storybook from my pocket and read aloud, so","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"that all the children in the room become quiet. But the dolls on the tree come","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"to life, and the little wax angel on top of the tree shakes its golden tinsel","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"wings, flies down from the green top, and kisses in the room, yes, the poor","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"children, too, who stand outside and sing the Christmas carol about the star of","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"Bethlehem.\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"And now the coach can drive again,\" said the sentry. \"We have the twelve. Let","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"another coach drive up!\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"\"First let the twelve come inside,\" said the Captain of the Guard, \" one at a","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"time. I'll keep the passports. Each is good for a month; when that has passed,","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"I'll write a report of their behavior on each passport. Be so good, Mr. January;","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"please step inside.\"","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"And in he went.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"When a year has passed, I shall be able to tell you what the twelve have brought","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"you, me, and all of us. I don't know it now, and they probably don't know it","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"themselves, for these are strange times we live in.","book":"Twelve by the mail"} {"text":"The New Century' s Goddess - whom our great-grandchildren or perhaps a still","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"later generation will know, but we shall not - when and how does she reveal","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"herself? What does she look like? What is the theme of her song? Whose","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"heartstrings will she touch? To what heights will she lift her century?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Why so many questions, in a busy day like ours, when poetry is very nearly","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"superfluous, when it is agreed that the many \"immortal\" productions of today' s","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"poets will, in the future, perhaps exist only in the form of charcoal tracings","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"on a prison wall, seen and read only by a few curiosity seekers?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Poesy is required to serve in the ranks - at least to accept the challenge in","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"party wars, whether it be blood or ink that flows.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"But this is only one-sided talk, many will say; poesy has not been entirely","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"forgotten in our time.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"No, there are still people who, when they are not busy, are conscious of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"a desire for poetry, and no sooner do they feel that spiritual rumbling in","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"their respective nobler parts than they promptly go to a bookstore and buy","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"four shillings' worth of poetry of the most approved styles. Others take much","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"pleasure from whatever they can get at a bargain; they are contended with","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"reading the scrap that is on the grocer' s wrapping paper; it is much cheaper,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and in our busy time we must take notice of that. There is demand for whatever","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"is supplied, and that is enough! The poetry of the future, as well as the poetry","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"of music, is reckoned with the Don Quixotiana; to speak of it is much like","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"speaking of a voyage of discovery to Uranus.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Time is too short and precious for the mere plays of fantasy, and, to speak","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"seriously for once, what is poetry? These resonant outpourings of feeling and","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"thought, they are only the offspring of nervous vibrations. Enthusiasm, joy,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"pain, all the movements of the organism, the wise men tell us, are but nerve","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"vibrations. Each of us is but a string instrument.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"But who touches the strings? Who causes them to vibrate into sound? The Spirit,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"the unseen Heavenly Spirit, who echoes in them His emotion, His feelings; and","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"these are understood by other string instruments, which respond in melting","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"harmonies or clashing dissonances. So it was, and so it will be, in mankind' s","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"mighty onward march in the consciousness of freedom.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Each century, each thousand years, one might even say, has its chief expression","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"in its poetry. Born in the passing era, it comes forth and reigns in the new,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"succeeding era.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Thus she is already born, this Goddess of the New Century, amid the roar of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"today' s machinery. We send her our greetings! May she hear this, or sometime","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"read it, perhaps among the charcoal tracings we just mentioned.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The rocker of her cradle extended from the farthest point reached by the foot","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"of man on polar voyages, as far as the living eye can gaze into the jet depth of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"the polar sky. We would never hear the rocking for the clatter of engines, the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"screams of locomotives, the thunder of quarry blasts, and the bursting of the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Spirit' s old bonds.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She is born in the vast factory of the present, where steam sets in action its","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"power, and where Master Bloodless and his crew toil night and day.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She bears the womanly heart of love, the vestal' s flame, and the furnace of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"passion. Hers is the lightning ray of intellect, in all its endless, shifting,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"prismatic hues of the ages. Fantasy' s vast, swanfeathered tunic is her strength","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and pride; science wove it; the \"elemental forces\" gave it power of wing.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"On her father' s side, she is a child of the people, sound in sense and heart,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"with an earnest eye, and with humor on her lips. Her mother is the highborn,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"academy-trained emigrant' s daughter, with gilded rococo reminiscences. The","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Goddess of the New Century has in her the blood and soul of both.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Upon her cradle were laid splendid birthday gifts. Plentiful as bonbons, the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"occult riddles of nature, with their solutions, are strewn there. The diver'","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"s bell gives mystic souvenirs from the deep. The map of the heavens, that","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"high-hung Pacific Ocean with its countless isles, each a world in itself, is","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"embroidered on the cradle cloth. The sun paints her pictures; photography has","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"given her toys to play with.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The nurse has sung to her of Eivind Skalde-spiller and Firdausi, of the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"minnesingers, and what Heine, bold as a boy, sang from his poetic soul. Much,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"far too much, has the nurse told her; she knows the Edda, the old great-","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"grandmother' s frightful tales, where horrors sweep the air with bloody wings.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The whole of the Oriental Thousand and One Nights she heard in the quarter part","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"of an hour.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The Goddess of the New Century is still a child, but she has sprung forth from","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"her cradle and is governed by will, though she still doesn't know what she","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"wants.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She is still at play in her vast nursery packed with treasures of art and the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"rococo. Greek tragedy and Roman comedy are carved there in marble. The folk","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"songs of the nations cover the walls like withered vines; a kiss from her, and","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"they blossom forth with freshness and sweet vapor. The mighty tones and thoughts","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"of Beethoven, Mozart, Glück, and the other great masters surround her with","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"eternal chords. On her bookshelves are many laid to rest who in their day were","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"immortal; and there is yet room for many another whose name we hear clicking","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"from the telegraph of immortality but who dies with the telegram.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She has read an awful lot, far too much, for is she not born in our time? And","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"all too much must again be forgotten; but the Goddess will know how to forget.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She doesn't think of her song, which will flourish in thousands of years to","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"come, beside the legends of Moses and Bidpai's golden fable about the craft and","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"luck of the fox. She doesn't think of her mission or of her melodious future;","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"she is still playing, while the struggles of nations shake the air and sound","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"figures of pen and cannon rush to and fro - runes of mystic reading.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She wears a Garibaldi hat, and when she reads her Shakespeare she stops for a","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"moment to think; he can still be played when I am grown! Calderón rests in the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"tomb of his works, beneath the tablet of his glory. The Goddess is cosmopolitan,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"for she has bound together Holberg with Molière, Plautus, and Aristophanes; but","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"most she reads her Molière.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She is free from the turbulence that drives the goats of the Alps, but still","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"her soul yearns for the salt of life, as the goats pant for the mountain salt.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"There is calm in her heart as in the ancient Hebrew songs the voice of the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"nomad drifts over green pastures beneath starry skies; and yet in song her heart","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"swells mightier than the heart of the inspired warrior from the Thessalonian","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"mountains in the old days of Greece.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"How goes it with her Christendom? She has learned the ins and outs of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"philosophy; the elements broke one of her milk teeth, but a new one grew. While","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"yet in the cradle she ate of the fruit of knowledge and grew wise, so that","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Immortality flashed forth before her as mankind' s happiest thought.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"When begins the New Age of Poesy? When will the Goddess be known? When will she","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"be heard?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"On a wonderful spring morning she will come on the locomotive dragon, thundering","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"over bridges and through dark tunnels; or on the back of the puffing dolphin","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"across the calm but surging sea; or high in the air, carried by Montgolfier's","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"bird, Roc, descending in the land where first her God-given voice shall greet","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"the race of man. When? Will she come from the newfound land of Columbus,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"the land of freedom, where the native is hunted and the African is a beast","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"of burden, the land from where we heard The Song of Hiawatha? Or from the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"antipodes, that golden nugget in the southern sea, the land of opposites, where","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"our nighttime is their daytime, and where the black swans sing in mossy forests?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Or maybe from the land where Memnon' s pillar rings but we never understood the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"song of the Sphinx in the desert from the isle of the coalpit, where, since the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"age of the great Elizabeth, Shakespeare has reigned? Or from Tycho Brahe's home,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"where he wasn't wanted; or from California's fairyland, where the redwood holds","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"high its crown as king of the earth' s forests?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"When shall the star be lit, the star on the brow of the Goddess, the flower","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"on whose petals is inscribed the century's ideal of beauty in form, color, and","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"fragrance?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"\"What is the Goddess' new platform?\" inquires the skillful politician of the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"day. \"What does she stand for?\"","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Better ask what she does not stand for!","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"She will not appear as a ghost of bygone times! She will not fashion her","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"dramas from the discarded splendor of the stage, nor cover the lack of dramatic","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"architecture with the dazzling colors of lyric drapery! Her flight forth among","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"us will be as from the car of Thespis to the marble arena. She will not shatter","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"normal human speech to fragments, to be clinked together for an artificial music","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"box with tones from troubadour tournaments. Nor will she separate patrician","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Verse and plain plebeian Prose - twins are they in voice, quality, and power!","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Nor will she carve from the saga blocks of Iceland and ancient gods, for they","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"are dead; no sympathy or fellowship awaits them in our day! Nor will she command","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"her generation to occupy their thoughts with the fabric of a French novel;","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"nor will she dull them with the chloroform of everyday history! She will bring","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"the elixir of life; her song, whether in verse or prose, will be brief, clear,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and rich. The nations' heartbeats are but letters in the endless alphabet of","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"mankind' s growth; she grasps each letter with equal lovingness, and ranges all","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"in words, and weaves her words into rhythms for her Age' s Hymn.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"And when shall the hour come?","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"It will be long to us who are still here; brief to those who have flown ahead.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The Chinese Wall will soon fall. The railways of Europe open old Asia' s tightly","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"sealed culture archives, and the opposing streams of human culture meet, mayhap","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"with a thunderous crash. The oldsters of our days will tremble at that sound","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and hear in it a judgment, the fall of ancient gods, forgetting that times","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and peoples must pass from the earth, and only a tiny image, sealed in a word","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"casket, remain of each, floating like a lotus flower on the stream of eternity,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"and telling us that all were flesh of our flesh, dressed in different attire.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"The Jewish image shines radiant from the Bible; the Greek from the Iliad and the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Odyssey; and ours? Ask it of the coming Goddess, at judgment time, when the new","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"heaven is lifted to light and sight at the judgment day.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"All the power of steam and all the pressure of modern times were levers! Master","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Bloodless and his busy crew, who seem the all-powerful rulers of our day, are","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"but its servants, black slaves to adorn the festive hall, open its treasures,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"set its tables, for the great feast day when the Goddess, a child of innocence,","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"a maid of inspiration, a matron of calm wisdom, shall lift on high the wonderful","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Lamp of Poetry, that rich, full human heart flaming with the fire of God.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Greetings, you Goddess of Poetry' s coming age! May our salutation be heard","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"as is heard the worm' s hymn of thanksgiving - the worm that is cut to pieces","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"beneath the plow, while a new springtime is dawning and the plowman draws his","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"furrow among us worms, crushing us, that your blessings may be bestowed upon the","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"coming generation.","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"Greetings, you Goddess of the New Century!","book":"The new century's Goddess"} {"text":"In the country of Wurtemburg, in Germany, where the acacias grow by the public","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"road, where the apple-trees and the pear-trees in autumn bend to the earth with","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the weight of the precious fruit, lies the little town of Marbach. As is often","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the case with many of these towns, it is charmingly situated on the banks of the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"river Neckar, which rushes rapidly by, passing villages, old knights' castles,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and green vineyards, till its waters mingle with those of the stately Rhine.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"It was late in the autumn; the vine-leaves still hung upon the branches of the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"vines, but they were already tinted with red and gold; heavy showers fell on","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the surrounding country, and the cold autumn wind blew sharp and strong. It","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"was not at all pleasant weather for the poor. The days grew shorter and more","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"gloomy, and, dark as it was out of doors in the open air, it was still darker","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"within the small, old-fashioned houses of the village. The gable end of one of","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"these houses faced the street, and with its small, narrow windows, presented a","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"very mean appearance. The family who dwelt in it were also very poor and humble,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"but they treasured the fear of God in their innermost hearts. And now He was","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"about to send them a child. It was the hour of the mother's sorrow, when there","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"pealed forth from the church tower the sound of festive bells. In that solemn","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"hour the sweet and joyous chiming filled the hearts of those in the humble","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"dwelling with thankfulness and trust; and when, amidst these joyous sounds, a","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"little son was born to them, the words of prayer and praise arose from their","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"overflowing hearts, and their happiness seemed to ring out over town and country","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"in the liquid tones of the church bells' chime. The little one, with its bright","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"eyes and golden hair, had been welcomed joyously on that dark November day.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Its parents kissed it lovingly, and the father wrote these words in the Bible,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"\"On the tenth of November, 1759, God sent us a son.\" And a short time after,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"when the child had been baptized, the names he had received were added, \"John","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Christopher Frederick.\"","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"And what became of the little lad?– the poor boy of the humble town of Marbach?","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Ah, indeed, there was no one who thought or supposed, not even the old church","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"bell which had been the first to sound and chime for him, that he would be the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"first to sing the beautiful song of \"The Bell.\" The boy grew apace, and the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"world advanced with him.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"While he was yet a child, his parents removed from Marbach, and went to reside","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"in another town; but their dearest friends remained behind at Marbach, and","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"therefore sometimes the mother and her son would start on a fine day to pay","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"a visit to the little town. The boy was at this time about six years old,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and already knew a great many stories out of the Bible, and several religious","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"psalms. While seated in the evening on his little cane-chair, he had often heard","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"his father read from Gellert's fables, and sometimes from Klopstock's grand","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"poem, \"The Messiah.\" He and his sister, two years older than himself, had often","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"wept scalding tears over the story of Him who suffered death on the cross for us","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"all.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"On his first visit to Marbach, the town appeared to have changed but very","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"little, and it was not far enough away to be forgotten. The house, with its","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"pointed gable, narrow windows, overhanging walls and stories, projecting one","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"beyond another, looked just the same as in former times. But in the churchyard","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"there were several new graves; and there also, in the grass, close by the wall,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"stood the old church bell! It had been taken down from its high position, in","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"consequence of a crack in the metal which prevented it from ever chiming again,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and a new bell now occupied its place. The mother and son were walking in the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"churchyard when they discovered the old bell, and they stood still to look","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"at it. Then the mother reminded her little boy of what a useful bell this had","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"been for many hundred years. It had chimed for weddings and for christenings;","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"it had tolled for funerals, and to give the alarm in case of fire. With every","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"event in the life of man the bell had made its voice heard. His mother also","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"told him how the chiming of that old bell had once filled her heart with joy and","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"confidence, and that in the midst of the sweet tones her child had been given","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"to her. And the boy gazed on the large, old bell with the deepest interest. He","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"bowed his head over it and kissed it, old, thrown away, and cracked as it was,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and standing there amidst the grass and nettles. The boy never forgot what his","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"mother told him, and the tones of the old bell reverberated in his heart till","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"he reached manhood. In such sweet remembrance was the old bell cherished by the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"boy, who grew up in poverty to be tall and slender, with a freckled complexion","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and hair almost red; but his eyes were clear and blue as the deep sea, and what","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"was his career to be? His career was to be good, and his future life enviable.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"We find him taking high honors at the military school in the division commanded","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"by the member of a family high in position, and this was an honor, that is","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"to say, good luck. He wore gaiters, stiff collars, and powdered hair, and by","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"this he was recognized; and, indeed, he might be known by the word of command–","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"\"March! halt! front!\"","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"The old church bell had long been quite forgotten, and no one imagined it would","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"ever again be sent to the melting furnace to make it as it was before. No one","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"could possibly have foretold this. Equally impossible would it have been to","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"believe that the tones of the old bell still echoed in the heart of the boy from","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Marbach; or that one day they would ring out loud enough and strong enough to be","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"heard all over the world. They had already been heard in the narrow space behind","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the school-wall, even above the deafening sounds of \"March! halt! front!\" They","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"had chimed so loudly in the heart of the youngster, that he had sung them to his","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"companions, and their tones resounded to the very borders of the country. He was","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"not a free scholar in the military school, neither was he provided with clothes","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"or food. But he had his number, and his own peg; for everything here was ordered","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"like clockwork, which we all know is of the greatest utility– people get on so","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"much better together when their position and duties are understood. It is by","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"pressure that a jewel is stamped. The pressure of regularity and discipline here","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"stamped the jewel, which in the future the world so well knew.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"In the chief town of the province a great festival was being celebrated. The","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"light streamed forth from thousands of lamps, and the rockets shot upwards","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"towards the sky, filling the air with showers of colored fiery sparks. A record","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"of this bright display will live in the memory of man, for through it the pupil","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"in the military school was in tears and sorrow. He had dared to attempt to reach","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"foreign territories unnoticed, and must therefore give up fatherland, mother,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"his dearest friends, all, or sink down into the stream of common life. The old","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"church bell had still some comfort; it stood in the shelter of the church wall","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"in Marbach, once so elevated, now quite forgotten. The wind roared around it,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and could have readily related the story of its origin and of its sweet chimes,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"and the wind could also tell of him to whom he had brought fresh air when, in","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the woods of a neighboring country, he had sunk down exhausted with fatigue,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"with no other worldly possessions than hope for the future, and a written","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"leaf from \"Fiesco.\" The wind could have told that his only protector was an","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"artist, who, by reading each leaf to him, made it plain; and that they amused","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"themselves by playing at nine-pins together. The wind could also describe the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"pale fugitive, who, for weeks and months, lay in a wretched little road-side","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"inn, where the landlord got drunk and raved, and where the merry-makers had it","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"all their own way. And he, the pale fugitive, sang of the ideal.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"For many heavy days and dark nights the heart must suffer to enable it to endure","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"trial and temptation; yet, amidst it all, would the minstrel sing. Dark days and","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"cold nights also passed over the old bell, and it noticed them not; but the bell","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"in the man's heart felt it to be a gloomy time. What would become of this young","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"man, and what would become of the old bell?","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"The old bell was, after a time, carried away to a greater distance than any one,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"even the warder in the bell tower, ever imagined; and the bell in the breast","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"of the young man was heard in countries where his feet had never wandered. The","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"tones went forth over the wide ocean to every part of the round world.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"We will now follow the career of the old bell. It was, as we have said, carried","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"far away from Marbach and sold as old copper; then sent to Bavaria to be melted","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"down in a furnace. And then what happened?","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"In the royal city of Bavaria, many years after the bell had been removed from","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the tower and melted down, some metal was required for a monument in honor of","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"one of the most celebrated characters which a German people or a German land","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"could produce. And now we see how wonderfully things are ordered. Strange things","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"sometimes happen in this world.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"In Denmark, in one of those green islands where the foliage of the beech-","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"woods rustles in the wind, and where many Huns' graves may be seen, was another","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"poor boy born. He wore wooden shoes, and when his father worked in a ship-","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"yard, the boy, wrapped up in an old worn-out shawl, carried his dinner to him","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"every day. This poor child was now the pride of his country; for the sculptured","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"marble, the work of his hands, had astonished the world.* To him was offered","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the honor of forming from the clay, a model of the figure of him whose name,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"\"John Christopher Frederick,\" had been written by his father in the Bible. The","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"bust was cast in bronze, and part of the metal used for this purpose was the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"old church bell, whose tones had died away from the memory of those at home and","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"elsewhere. The metal, glowing with heat, flowed into the mould, and formed the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"head and bust of the statue which was unveiled in the square in front of the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"old castle. The statue represented in living, breathing reality, the form of him","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"who was born in poverty, the boy from Marbach, the pupil of the military school,","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"the fugitive who struggled against poverty and oppression, from the outer world;","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Germany's great and immortal poet, who sung of Switzerland's deliverer, William","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Tell, and of the heaven-inspired Maid of Orleans.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"* The Danish sculptor Thorwaldsen.","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"It was a beautiful sunny day; flags were waving from tower and roof in royal","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Stuttgart, and the church bells were ringing a joyous peal. One bell was silent;","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"but it was illuminated by the bright sunshine which streamed from the head and","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"bust of the renowned figure, of which it formed a part. On this day, just one","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"hundred years had passed since the day on which the chiming of the old church","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"bell at Marbach had filled the mother's heart with trust and joy– the day on","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"which her child was born in poverty, and in a humble home; the same who, in","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"after-years, became rich, became the noble woman-hearted poet, a blessing to the","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"world– the glorious, the sublime, the immortal bard, John Christoper Frederick","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Schiller!","book":"The old church bell"} {"text":"Father and mother and all the brothers and sisters had gone to the theater; only","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"little Anna and her grandfather were left at home.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"We'll put on a play, too,\" he said, \"and it can start right away.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"But we don't have any theater!\" said little Anna. \"And we haven't anybody to","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"do the acting. My old doll can't, because she looks dreadful, and my new one","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"mustn't, because she'd rumple her new dress.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"You can always find actors if you use what you have,\" said Grandfather. \"Now","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"let's build the theater. We'll set up a book here, and another there, and one","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"more over there, in a slanting row. Now three on the other side; so, now we have","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"the side wings. The old box lying over there can be the backdrop, and we'll turn","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"the bottom out. The stage represents a room; everyone can see that. Now we need","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"the actors. Let's see what we can find in your toy drawer. First the characters,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"and then we'll prepare the play; one holds the other together. This is going to","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"be splendid! Here's a pipe head, and there an odd glove; they'll do very well","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"for father and daughter.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"But that's only two characters,\" said little Anna. \"Here's my brother's old","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"waistcoat - couldn't that play a part, too?\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"It's certainly big enough,\" said Grandfather. \"We'll make it the lover. There's","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"nothing in its pockets, and that's very interesting, for that's why the course","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"of true love doesn't run smoothly! And here we have the nutcracker's boot, with","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"spurs on it. Potz, blitz, mazurka! Look how he can dance and strut! He'll be the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"unwelcome suitor, whom the lady doesn't care for. Now what kind of play do you","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"want? A tragedy? Or a domestic drama?\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"A domestic drama,\" said little Anna. \"The others like that sort of play. Do you","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"know one?\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"I know a hundred!\" said Grandfather. \"The most popular ones are from the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"French, but they're not good for little girls. Instead, we'll take one of the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"prettiest; they're all about the same inside. Now I'll shake my bag! Kukkelrum!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Brand-new! And now here's the play, all brand-new! Now listen to the program.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Then Grandpapa took up a newspaper, and pretended to be reading from it:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"THE PIPE HEAD AND THE GOOD HEAD","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"A Family Drama in One Act","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"CHARACTERS","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"MR. PIPE HEAD, a father MR. WAISTCOAT, a lover","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"MISS GLOVE, a daughter MR. BOOT, a suitor","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Now we're ready to start. The curtain rises! But we don't have any curtain,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"so it's up already. All the characters are on the stage, so we see them","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"immediately. Now I speak as Father Pipe Head; he's angry today. You can see that","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"he's a colored meerschaum.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Chitchat! Muttering! Poppycock! I'm master of this house! I'm my daughter's","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"father! Listen to what I have to say! Mr. Boot is a person in whom you can see","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"your face; his upper part is made of morocco, and he has spurs at the bottom.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Prattle! Chitchat! He shall have my daughter!'","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Now listen to what the Waistcoat says, little Anna,\" said Grandfather. \"He's","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"speaking now. The Waistcoat has a laydown collar, is very modest, but knows his","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"own value and has a right to speak his mind. 'I haven't a spot on me!' he says.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"'Good material ought to be taken into consideration; I'm made of real silk, and","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"have strings on me.'","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\" 'On the wedding day, but not after that. You don't keep your color in the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"wash!' This is Mr. Pipe Head speaking. 'But Mr. Boot is watertight, made of","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"strong leather, and yet very delicate. He can creak and clank his spurs, and","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"looks Italian!' \"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"But they ought to speak in poetry,\" said little Anna. \"I've heard that's the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"nicest way.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Oh, they can do that, too,\" said Grandfather. \"And if the public wants it,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"they'll do it. Just look at little Miss Glove, pointing her fingers!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"A glove without a mate;","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"That's forever my fate!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Ah!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"I can't get over it!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"I think my skin will split!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Bah!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"It was Father Pipe Head who said, 'Bah!' And now Mr. Waistcoat speaks:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Oh, beautiful Glove,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"You must be my love,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Though you're from Spain","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"And I'm Holger the Dane!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"When Mr. Boot hears this he kicks up his heels, jingles his spurs, and knocks","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"down three of our side wings.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"This is such wonderful fun!\" said little Anna.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Quiet, quiet!\" said Grandfather. \"Silent approval will show that you belong to","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"the educated public in the front rows. Now Miss Glove sings her great aria with","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"a break in her voice:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"I have no voice;","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"I can crow, but that's all;","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Caw, caw-in the lofty hall!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Now comes the really exciting part, little Anna. This is the most important","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"scene in the whole play. Mr. Waistcoat unbuttons himself and addresses his","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"speech to you out front, so that you will applaud. But don't do it; it's more","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"refined not to. Hear how his silk cloth rustles.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\" 'I am driven to extremities! Take care of yourself! Here's my plot! You are","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"the pipe head, and I am the good head. Zip! and away you go!'","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Did you see that, little Anna!\" said Grandfather. \"That's a most delightful","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"comic scene; Mr. Waistcoat seized the old Pipe Head and put him into his pocket!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"There he lies, and Mr. Waistcoat speaks:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\" 'Aha, you are in my pocket now, in my deepest pocket! You will never come out","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"unless you promise to unite me to your daughter, Miss Left-hand Glove. I hold","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"out my right hand!' \"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"My, that's awfully pretty!\" said little Anna.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"And now old Pipe Head replies:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"I'm getting so awfully dizzy!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Unlike before, I'm not busy.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Gone is my humor, I fear.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Never have I felt so queer.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Without my stem here I feel so frail.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Take me from your pocket without fail,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"And you shall have my daughter here,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"To marry and to hold dear.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Is the play over already?\" said little Anna.","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Certainly not,\" said Grandfather. \"It's just all over with Mr. Boot. Now the","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"lovers kneel and one of them sings:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Father!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"and the other:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Mr. Pipe Head, do as you oughter,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Bless your son and daughter!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"They receive his blessing and celebrate their wedding, and all the furniture","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"sings in chorus:","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"Clinks and clanks,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"A thousand thanks,","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"And now our play is over!","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"And now we can applaud,\" said Grandfather. \"We'll bring them all out for a","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"curtain call, and the pieces of furniture, too, for they're made of mahogany.\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"And isn't our play just as good as the ones you see in a real theater?\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"\"Our play is much better!\" said Grandfather. \"It's shorter; the admission was","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"free; and it has passed away the time before our tea!\"","book":"In the children's room"} {"text":"The drummer's wife went to church and saw the new altar with painted pictures","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"and carved angels. The angels were very beautiful, both those painted on cloth,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"in all their colors and glory, and those carved in wood, painted and gilded.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Their hair shone like gold and sunshine and was beautiful to look at. But God's","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"sunshine was still more beautiful; it glowed bright and red between the dark","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"trees as the sun was setting. And as the woman gazed on the descending sun, her","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"innermost thoughts were about the little child the stork was bringing her. She","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"was radiantly happy as she gazed, and she wished most fervently that her child","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"might be as bright as a sunbeam, or at least look like one of the shining angels","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"on the altarpiece.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"And when she actually lifted up her child in her arms to show her husband,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"it seemed to her that the infant really did resemble one of the angels in the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"church; at least it had golden hair, hair that had caught the reflection of that","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"setting sun.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"My Golden Treasure, my wealth, my sunshine!\" said the mother as she kissed the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"bright locks; and this sounded like music and song in the drummer's home; there","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"was joy, and lots of life, and celebrating. The drummer beat a whirlwind on his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drum, a whirlwind of happiness; the drum, the fire drum shouted, \"Red hair! The","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"young one has red hair! Listen, believe the drum and not the mother! Dr-rum-a-","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"lum! Dr-rum-a-lum!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"And all the town agreed with what the fire drum said.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"The boy was taken to church and was christened. There was nothing unusual about","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the name given him; he was called Peter. Everybody in town called him \"Peter,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the drummer's red-haired boy,\" but his mother kissed that red hair and called","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"him \"Golden Treasure.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"In the clayey embankment along the hollow road, many people had scratched their","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"names to be remembered. \"Fame,\" said the drummer. \"That's always important.\" So","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"he, too, scratched his name there and that of his little son. And in the spring","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the swallows came; in their long travels they had seen many characters cut into","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"rock cliffs, and on the temple walls of India, telling of the great deeds of","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"mighty kings, immortal names so old that no one could even read them now. Name","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"value! Fame! The swallows built their nests in the hollow road, in holes in the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"embankment. Rain crumbled it and washed away all the names, the drummer's and","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"his little son's with them. \"However, Peter's name stayed there for a year and a","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"half,\" said the father.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Fool!\" thought the fire drum, but it only said, \"Dr-rum, dr-rum, dr-rum! Dr-","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"rum-a-lum!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"The drummer's son with the red hair\" was a lively and high-spirited boy. He had","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"a lovely voice; he could sing, and sing he did, as does the bird in the forest:","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"all melody and no tune. He ought to be a choirboy,\" said his mother, \"and sing","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"in the church, standing under the pretty gilded angels whom he looks like.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Fire cat!\" said the town wits. The drum heard it from the neighbors.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Don't go home, Peter,\" cried the street boys. \"If they make you sleep in the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"attic your hair will set the thatch on fire, and that will start the fire drum.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Look out for the drumsticks!\" retorted Peter; although he was only a little","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"fellow, he was courageous, and threw his fist right into the stomach of the boy","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"nearest him, knocking his legs from under him; and the others took to their legs","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"- their own legs!","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"The state musician was proud and haughty; he was the son of a royal servant. He","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"liked Peter and took him home with him for hours at a time, gave him a violin","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"and taught him to play; it seemed to show in the boy's fingers that he would","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"become more than a drummer, that he would become a state musician.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"I want to be a soldier,\" said Peter, for he was still a very small fellow and","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"thought it would be the finest thing in the world to shoulder a gun and to march","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"- \"One, two! One, two!\" - and to wear a uniform and carry a saber.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"You'll learn to obey the drum! Dr-rum-a-lum! Come, come!\" said the drum.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Yes, you may march ahead to become a general,\" said the father, \"but only if","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"there is a war.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"God save us from that!\" said the mother.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"We have nothing to lose!\" said the drummer.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Yes, we have my boy!\" said she.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"But when he could come home a general!\" said the father.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Without any arms or legs!\" said the mother. \"No, thank you, I'd rather keep my","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Golden Treasure whole!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Dr-rum! Dr-rum! Dr-rum!\" beat the fire drum, and all the drums joined in. War","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"really did come; the soldiers marched out, and the drummer's boy marched with","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"them. \"Red-top!\" - \"Golden Treasure!\" The mother wept; the father imagined him","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"coming home famous; the state musician thought he would have been better off","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"staying home and studying music.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Red-top!\" the soldiers said, and Peter laughed, but when some of them called","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"him \"Foxy\" his mouth tightened and he looked straight ahead, as if that name did","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"not concern him. The boy was smart, carefree, and good-humored, and that made","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"him a favorite with his older comrades. Many nights he had to sleep under the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"open sky, in rain and mist, wet to the skin; but his good humor never failed.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"His drumsticks beat, \"Dr-rum-a-lum! Everybody up!\" Yes, he was certainly a born","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drummer boy.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"It was a day of battle; the sun was not yet up, but it was morning; the air was","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"cold and the fight was hot; the morning was foggy, but there was a still heavier","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"fog from gunpowder. Bullets and grenades flew overhead and into heads, bodies,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"and limbs; still the command was \"Forward!\" One after another sank to his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"knees with bleeding temple and pale white face. The little drummer boy's color","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"was still healthy; he wasn't hurt at all. With flashing eyes he watched the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"regimental dog running before him, and the animal was really happy, as if the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"whole thing were in fun and they were firing the bullets only to play with him.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"March! Forward, march!\" was the command given the drummers; but sometimes","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"orders have to be changed, with good reason, and now the word was, \"Retreat!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"But the little drummer boy still sounded, \"March forward!\" not understanding","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"that the orders had been changed. The soldiers obeyed the drum, and it was lucky","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"they did, for the mistake resulted in victory.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Lives and limbs were lost in the battle. The grenade tears away the flesh in","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"bleeding fragments; the grenade sets fire to the straw heap where the poor","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"wounded has dragged himself, to lie forsaken for many hours, forsaken perhaps","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"until dead. It doesn't help to think about it, and yet people do think about","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"it even far away in the peaceful town at home. There the drummer and his wife","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"thought of it, for, of course, Peter was in the war.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"It was the day of battle; the sun was not yet up, but it was morning. After","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"a sleepless night spent in talking about their boy, the drummer and his wife","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"had finally fallen asleep, for they knew that wherever he was God's hand was","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"protecting him. And the father dreamed that the war was over, that the soldiers","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"came home, and Peter was wearing a silver cross on his breast; but the mother","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"dreamed that she walked into the church and looked at the painted pictures and","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the carved angels with the gilded hair and that her own dear boy, her heart's","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Golden Treasure, stood among the angels clad in white, and sang as sweetly as","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"surely only the angels can sing, and was carried up into the sunshine with them,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"nodding tenderly to his mother.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"My Golden Treasure!\" she cried, and awoke in the same instant. \"Now I know that","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"our Lord has taken him!\" Then she folded her hands, leaned her head against the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"cotton bed curtain, and wept. \"Where has he found rest? In the wide common grave","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"they dig for so many of the brave dead, or in the deep waters of the marsh?","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"No one will know his grave! No holy words will be read over it!\" Silently the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Lord's Prayer passed over her lips; her head drooped in fatigue, and she fell","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"asleep.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Days pass by, in wakeful hours and in dreams.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"It was toward evening, and a rainbow arched over the battlefield; it touched","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the edge of the wood and the deep marsh. There is an old saying that where","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the rainbow touches the earth a treasure lies buried, a golden treasure. And","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"here was one. No one thought about the little drummer except his mother, and","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"that's why she had dreamed of him. Not a hair of his head had been injured,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"not a single golden hair. \"Dr-rum-a-lum, dr-rum-a-lum! There he is, there he","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"is!\" would the drum have said, and his mother would have sung, had she seen or","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"dreamed this.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"With song and hurrah, and wearing the green leaves of victory, the regiment","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"marched home, when the war was over and peace had come. The regimental dog","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"jumped and ran in wide circles, as though trying to make the journey three times","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"longer.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Days passed and weeks passed, and at last Peter entered his parents' room;","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"he was as brown as a hermit, his eyes bright, and his face as radiant as the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"sunshine. His mother held him in her arms and kissed his lips, his eyes, his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"red hair. She had her boy home again; he had no silver decoration on his breast,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"as his father had dreamed, but then he was unharmed, which his mother had not","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"dreamed. And there was great joy; they laughed and they wept. And Peter embraced","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the old fire drum. \"The old thing is still standing here!\" he said. And his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"father beat a tattoo on it. \"There's as much fuss as though there were a big","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"fire in town!\" said the drum to itself. \"Fire in the roof, fire in the hearts!","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Golden Treasure! Dr-rum, dr-rum, dr-rum!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"And then? Yes, what then? Just ask the state musician. \"Peter has outgrown the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drum,\" he said. \"He'll be a bigger man than I.\" And remember he was the son of a","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"royal servant! But what had taken him a lifetime to learn, Peter had learned in","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"half a year. There was something cheerful about him; his eyes sparkled, and his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"hair shone - that cannot be denied.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"He ought to dye his hair,\" said their next-door neighbor. \"The policeman's","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"daughter did, and look what it did for her; she was engaged at once!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Yes, but a little later her hair turned as green as duckweed, and she has to","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"dye it again and again!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Well, she can afford to,\" said the neighbor woman, \"and so can Peter.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Doesn't he go into the best houses, even the mayor's, to teach Miss Lotte the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"harpsichord?\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Yes, play he could, play right out of his heart, the most charming pieces that","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"had never been written down in notes. He played on moonlit nights and stormy","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"ones as well. It was difficult to put up with, said the neighbors and the fire","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drum. He played until his thoughts soared strongly upward, and great plans for","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the future took shape before him. Fame!","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"The mayor's daughter, Lotte, sat at the harpsichord, and as her delicate fingers","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"danced over the chords they vibrated in Peter's heart, until it seemed as if","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"it were growing too big for his body. This happened not once, but many times,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"until one day he seized her delicate hand, kissed it, and gazed into her large","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"brown eyes. Our Lord knows what he said; we others may guess it. Lotte blushed","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"crimson, face and neck, and answered not a word, and just then they were","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"interrupted by strangers, among them the councilor's son, with his high, smooth","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"forehead. But Peter did not go, and Lotte's kindest glances were for him. At","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"home that evening he talked of going abroad and of the golden treasure that his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"violin would bring him. Fame! \"Dr-rum-a-lum! Dr-rum-a-lum! Dr-rum-a-lum!\" said","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the fire drum. \"Now something is surely wrong with Peter; I think the house must","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"be on fire!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"The mother went to market the next day. \"Have you heard the news, Peter?\" she","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"said, when she returned. \"Such wonderful news! The mayor's daughter, Lotte, was","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"betrothed to the councilor's son; it happened last evening!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"No!\" said Peter, and sprang up from his chair. But his mother said yes; she had","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"learned it from the barber's wife, and the barber had it from the lips of the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"mayor himself. And Peter grew as pale as death and sat down again.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Lord God! How do you feel?\" said his mother.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Fine, fine. Just let me alone!\" he said, but the tears were rolling down his","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"cheeks.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"My sweet child! My Golden Treasure!\" said the mother, and cried. But the fire","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drum grumbled to itself, \"Lotte is dead! Lotte is dead! Yes, that song is over","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"now!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"The song was not over; it still had many unsung verses, long verses, the most","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"beautiful, about a life's golden treasure. \"What a fuss she makes!\" said the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"next-door neighbor. The whole world has to read the letters she gets from her","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Golden Treasure, and hear what the newspapers say about him and his violin","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"playing. He sends her money, too, for she needs that, now that she's a widow!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"He plays before kings and emperors,\" said the state musician. \"That was never","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"my good luck, but at least he was my pupil, and he hasn't forgotten his old","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"master.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"My husband dreamed,\" said his mother, \"that Peter came home from the war with","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"a silver cross on his chest. Well, he does wear a cross now, but it's not a","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"decoration earned in the war; it's an order of knighthood. If his father had","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"only lived to see it!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Famous!\" said the fire drum, and everybody in his home town said the same.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Peter, the red-haired boy of the drummer - Peter, whom they had seen wearing","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"wooden shoes as a youngster, and seen as a drummer boy playing at dances - was","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"now famous.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"He played to us before he played before the kings,\" said the mayor's wife.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"Once upon a time he was crazy about our Lotte; he always aimed high! How my","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"husband laughed when he learned that nonsense! Now Lotte is a councilor's wife.\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Yes, there was a golden treasure hidden in the heart and soul of the poor child","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"who as a little drummer boy had beaten \"Forward!\" to troops supposed to retreat;","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"in his breast was a golden treasure indeed, the gift of music. It resounded","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"from his violin as if an organ were inside, as if all the elves of Midsummer","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Eve danced along its strings, and one could hear the song of the throstle and","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"the human voice together; his playing enraptured people's hearts, and carried","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"his name throughout all lands, like a great fire, a fire of inspiration. \"And","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"he's so handsome, too!\" said the young ladies and the old ones as well. Yes, the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"oldest lady bought herself an album for the locks of celebrities, just so she","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"could beg for a tress from the young violinist's abundant and beautiful hair - a","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"treasure, a golden treasure.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"And the son returned to the drummer's humble dwelling, as handsome as a prince,","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"happier than a king, his eyes bright, his face like sunshine. He held his mother","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"in his arms, and she kissed his warm mouth and wept as happily as one can weep","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"with joy. He greeted every old piece of furniture in the room, the chest of","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"drawers with the teacups and flower vases on it and the little cot where he","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"had slept as a child. But he dragged the old fire drum into the middle of the","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"room and said, both to his mother and to the drum, \"Father would have beaten a","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"welcome on you today; now I must do it instead!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"So he thundered a regular tempest on the drum, and the old drum felt itself so","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"honored that the skin of the drumhead burst.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"\"He certainly has a fine fist!\" said the drum. \"Now I'll always have a souvenir","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"of him. I expect that his mother, too, will burst from joy over her Golden","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"Treasure!\"","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"That's the story of Golden Treasure.","book":"Golden treasure"} {"text":"In olden days, when grandfather was just a little boy and wore red trousers, a","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"red jacket, a sash around his waist, and a feather in his cap - for that's the","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"way little boys dressed in his childhood when they wore their best clothes -","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"so many things were different from nowadays. There were often street pageants,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"which we don't see now, for they have been done away with, because they became","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"old-fashioned; but it's fun to hear Grandfather tell about them.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"It must have been quite a show to see the shoemakers move their signboard when","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"they changed to a new guild hall. A big boot and a two-headed eagle were painted","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"on their waving silken banner; the youngest journeymen carried the welcome cup","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"and the guild chest, and had red and white ribbons dangling from their shirt","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"sleeves; the older ones wore naked swords with lemons stuck on the points.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"They had a full band, and the best of their instruments was \"The Bird,\" as","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Grandfather called the long pole with the half moon and all sorts of sounding","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"dingle-dangle things on it - real Turkish music. It was lifted up and swung,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"and it was dazzling to the eyes when the sun shone on all that polished gold and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"silver and brass.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"In front of the procession ran a Harlequin in clothes made of many-colored","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"patches, with a black face and with bells on his head, like a sleigh horse. He","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"struck the people with his wand, which made a noise without hurting, and the","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"people pushed against each other to move back and forth; little boys and girls","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"fell over their own feet right into the gutters; old women elbowed their way","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"along, looking sour and scolding. Some people laughed and some people chatted;","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"there were spectators on the steps and in the windows, and, yes, even on the","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"roofs. The sun shone; a little rain fell on the people now and then, but that","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"was a good thing for the farmers; and when finally they became wet through, that","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"was a real blessing to the country.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Ah, what stories Grandfather could tell! When he was a little boy he had seen","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"all that grand show at the height of its splendor. The oldest guild journeyman","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"made a speech from the scaffold where the signboard was hung; it was in verse,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"just like poetry - which, indeed, it was. There had been three of them working","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"on it, and before writing it they had drunk a whole bowl of punch, so that","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"it would be really good. And the people cheered the speech, but still more","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"they cheered the Harlequin when he appeared on the scaffold and mocked the","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"speaker. The clown cut his capers so gaily, and drank punch out of schnapps","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"glasses, which he then threw out among the people, who caught them in the air.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Grandfather had one of them, which the plasterer had caught and presented to","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"him. Yes, it was fun. And at last the signboard hung, decked with flowers and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"wreaths, on the new guild hall.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"You never forget a sight like that, no matter how old you grow, Grandfather","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"said. He himself never forgot it, though afterward he saw many things of pomp","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"and splendor and could tell about them; but the funniest thing of all was when","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"he told about the moving of the signboards in the big town.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Grandfather had gone there with his parents when he was a little boy, and that","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"was the first time he had seen the largest town in the country.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"There were so many people in the streets that he thought the signboards were","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"going to be moved; and there were many signboards to move. If these signs had","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"been hung up inside instead of out-of-doors they would have been filled up","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"hundreds of rooms. There were all kinds of garments painted on the sign at the","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"tailor's; he could change people from uncouth to genteel. There were signboards","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"of tobacconists, with the most cunning little boys smoking cigars, just as in","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"real life; there were signs with butter and salted herrings, minister's ruffs","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"and coffins, and signboards that just carried inscriptions and announcements.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Indeed, one could spend a whole day going up and down the streets and looking","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"at the pictures, and at the same time you could learn what sort of people lived","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"inside the houses, for they had hung their own signs outside. That is a very","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"good thing, Grandfather said; in a large town it is instructive to know who","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"lives in all the houses.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"But then, something was about to happen to the signboards, just as Grandfather","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"came to town; he has told me about it himself, and there wasn't then any twinkle","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"in his eye, as Mother used to say there was when he was fooling me; he looked","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"quite trustworthy.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"That first night he came to the big town, the weather was worse than any we ever","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"have read about in the papers, a storm such as there had never been within man's","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"memory. All the air was full of roof tiles; old wooden fences were blown over;","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"a wheelbarrow even ran for its life by itself along the street. The wind howled","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"in the air; it whistled and it shook everything. It was indeed a terrible storm.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The water in the canal ran over the banks, not knowing where it belonged. The","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"storm swept over the town, carrying the chimneys with it; more than one old,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"proud church tower bent and has never been quite straight since.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"A sentry box stood outside the house of the honest old fire chief, whose engine","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"was always the last one at the fire; the storm begrudged him that little box and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"flung it down the steps and rolled it along the street until, strangely enough,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"it arose and remained upright before the house of the poor carpenter who had","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"saved the lives of three people at the last fire. But the sentry box didn't give","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"that a thought. The barber's signboard, a large brass dish, was torn off and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"carried across into the councilor's window. All the neighbors said this seemed","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"almost like malice, for they, like the most intimate lady friends of the family,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"called the mistress \"the Razor\" - she was so sharp, and knew more about people","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"than they knew about themselves.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"A sign with a dried codfish drawn on it flew over to the door of a newspaper","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"writer. That was a pretty poor joke on the part of the storm; it probably didn't","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"remember that a newspaper writer isn't the sort of person to be joked about; he","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"is a king in his own paper and in his own opinions.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The weathercock flew over to the roof of the opposite house, and there it","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"remained - a picture of the darkest wickedness, said the neighbors.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The cooper's barrel was hung just under the sign for \"Ladies' Apparel.\"","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The restaurant's menu, which hung in a heavy frame near the door, was placed by","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"the storm just over the entrance to the theater, where nobody ever went. It was","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"a comical program, \"Horseradish Soup and Stuffed Cabbage,\" but it made people go","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"in.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The furrier's foxskin, which was his respectable sign, was hung on the bellpull","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"of the young man who always went to morning church services looking like a","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"folded umbrella, strove for the truth, and was \"a model young man,\" said his","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"aunt.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The sign \"Establishment for Higher Education\" was moved to the pool hall, and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"the Establishment itself received a board inscribed, \"Babies Brought up Here by","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"the Bottle.\" This wasn't really witty, only naughty; but the storm did it, and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"we can't control a storm.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"It was a terrible night; and by morning, just think, nearly every signboard","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"in town had been moved! In some cases it was done with so much malice that","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Grandfather wouldn't talk about it, but he laughed inwardly; I could see that,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"and it is possible he was up to some mischief.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"The poor inhabitants of the big town, especially those that were not familiar","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"with it, were all mixed up figuring out who was who; they couldn't help it","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"when they judged by the signboards. Some people who thought they were coming","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"to a solemn meeting of the town elders, assembled to discuss highly important","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"matters, found themselves instead in a school full of noisy boys just about to","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"jump over their desks.","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"There were even some people who mistook the church for the theater; and that was","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"really awful!","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"There has never been such a storm in our days; only Grandfather saw one, and","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"that was when he was a very little boy. Such a storm may never come in our time,","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"but it may in our grandchildren's, and then we must hope and pray that they will","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"keep indoors while the storm shifts the signboards!","book":"The storm shifts the signboards"} {"text":"Near the coast of Zealand, off Holsteinborg castle, there once lay two wooded","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"islands, Vänö and Glänö, on which were villages, churches, and farms. The","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"islands were quite close to the coast and quite close to each other; now there","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"is but one of these tracts remaining.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"One night a fierce tempest broke loose. The ocean rose higher than ever before","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"within man's memory. The storm increased; it was like doomsday weather, and it","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"sounded as if the earth were splitting. The church bells began to swing and rang","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"without the help of man.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"That night Vänö vanished into the ocean depths; it was as if that island had","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"never existed. But afterward on many a summer night, when the still, clear water","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"was at low tide, and the fisherman was out on his boat to catch eel by the light","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"of a torch, he could, on looking sharply, see Vänö, with its white church tower","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"and high church wall, deep down below. He would recall the saying, \"Vänö is","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"waiting to take Glänö,\" as he saw the island, and he could hear the church bells","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"ringing down there, but in that he was mistaken, for the sound came from the","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"many wild swans which frequently rested on the water there, and whose clucking","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"and complaining sounded like faraway church bells.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"There was a time when there were still many old people on Glänö who well","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"remembered that stormy night, and that they, when little, had ridden between the","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"two islands at ebb tide, as we nowadays ride from the coast of Zealand over to","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"Glänö, the water reaching up only to the middle of the wheels.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"\"Vänö is waiting to take Glänö,\" it was said, and this saying was accepted","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"as a certainty. Many little boys and girls would lie in bed on stormy nights","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"and think, \"Tonight the hour will come when Vänö calls for Glänö.\" In fear,","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"they said the Lord's Prayer, fell asleep, had sweet dreams - and the following","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"morning Glänö was still there, with its woods and cornfields, its friendly","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"farmhouses and hop gardens; the bird sang and the deer sprang; the gopher","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"couldn't smell sea water, however far he could dig.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"And still Glänö's days were numbered; we could not say just how many there were,","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"but they were numbered, and one beautiful morning the island would no longer","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"exist.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"You were perhaps down there at the beach on a day prior to this and saw the wild","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"swans resting on the water between Zealand and Glänö, while a sailboat in full","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"sail glided by the wooded shore, and perhaps you, too, rode across at low tide,","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"with the horses trampling in the water as it splashed over the wagon wheels.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"You went away from there, perhaps traveled out into the wide world, and after","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"a few years you have returned. You see the same woods, now surrounding a large,","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"green meadow, where fragrant hay is stacked in front of pretty farmhouses. Where","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"are you? Holsteinborg, with its golden tower spires, is still there, but not","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"close to the bay; it now lies farther up in the country. You walk through the","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"woods, across the field, down toward the beach. Where is Glänö? You don't see","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"little wooded island before you; you see only the open water. Has Vänö finally","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"taken Glänö, as it so long was expected to? On what stormy night did this","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"happen, and when did an earthquake move old Holsteinborg so far inland?","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"There was no stormy night; it all happened on clear, sunny days. Human skill","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"built a dam to hold back the ocean; human skill dried up the water and bound","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"Glänö to the mainland. The bay has become a meadow with luxuriant grass; Glänö","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"has become part of Zealand. And the old castle stands where it always stood.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"It was not Vänö that took Glänö; it was Zealand that, through mechanical skill,","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"gained many new acres of land.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"This is the truth; you can find it in the records. Glänö Island is no more.","book":"Vänö and Glänö"} {"text":"Godfather could tell stories, so many of them and such long ones, and he could","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cut out paper figures and draw pictures. When it was nearly Christmas he would","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"bring out a scrapbook with clean white pages, and on these he pasted pictures","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cut out of books and newspapers; and if there weren't enough for the story he","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"was going to tell, he drew them himself. When I was a little boy I got several","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of these picture books, but the prettiest of them all was the one from \"that","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"memorable year when gas replaced the old oil lamps in Copenhagen\" - and that was","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the inscription written on the first page.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"We must take great care of this book,\" said Father and Mother, \"and only bring","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"it out on important occasions.\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"But Godfather had written on the cover:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"If you should tear the book, that's not a great wrong;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Other little friends have done worse for ever so long.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Best of all were the times when Godfather himself showed the book, read the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"verses and other writings in it, and told many things besides; then the story","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"would become a very real one.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"On the first page was a picture from \"The Flying Post,\" showing Copenhagen with","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"its Round Tower and Our Lady's Church. On its left was pasted an old lantern,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"on which was written, \"Train oil,\" and on the right was a chandelier, with \"Gas\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"written on it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"See, that's the title page,\" said Godfather. \"That's the beginning of the story","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"you're going to hear. It could also be given as an entire play, if one could","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"perform it. Train Oil and Gas; or , The Life and Times of Copenhagen. That's a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"very good title! At the bottom of the page is still another little picture; it's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"quite hard to understand, so I'll explain it to you. That is a hell horse. He","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shouldn't have come until the end of the book, but he has run on ahead to say","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"that neither the beginning, nor the middle, nor the end is any good; he could","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"have done it much better - if he could have done it at all. The hell horse,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"you see, stands hitched all day in the newspaper, and walks on the columns,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"they say. But in the evening he slips out, stations himself outside the poet's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"door, and neighs, so that the man inside will instantly die; but he won't die if","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there's any real life in him.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The hell horse is usually a poor creature who can't understand himself and can't","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"earn a living, and he gets his air and food by going around and neighing. I am","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"certain that he doesn't like Godfather's picture book, but in spite of that, it","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"may be worth at least the paper it's written on.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now that's the first page of the book; that's the title page.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It was the very last evening on which the oil lamps were to be lighted; the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"town had gas, and it was so bright that the old street lamps seemed quite lost","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"I was in the street myself that evening,\" said Godfather. \"The people were","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"walking about, looking at the old and the new lighting. There were a great","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"many people and twice as many legs as heads. The watchmen stood around sadly,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"for they didn't know how soon they would be dismissed, like the oil lamps.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"They could remember so far back, but dared not think forward. They had so many","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"memories of quiet evenings and dark nights. I leaned up against a lamppost,\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"continued Godfather, \"and there was a great spluttering in the oil and the wick.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"I could hear what the lamp said, and you shall hear it, too.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'We've done the best we could,' said the lamp. 'We were good enough for our","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"time, and have lighted up joy and sorrow; we have lived through many wonderful","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"things; you might say we have been the night eyes of Copenhagen. Now let new","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"lights take our place and take over our duties; but how many years they'll","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shine, and what they will light up, remain to be seen! Indeed, they shine a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"little stronger than we old fellows, but that's nothing; when you're molded like","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"a gas chandelier, and have the connections they have, the one pours into the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"other. They have pipes going in all directions and can get strength from both","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"inside the town and outside it. But each one of us oil lamps shines because of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"what he has in himself, and not because of any family connections. We and our","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ancestors have lighted Copenhagen from olden times, from immeasurably long ago.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"But since this is now the last evening that we'll stand and shine in the second","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"row, so to speak, in the street here along with you, you shining comrades, we","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"won't sulk or be envious. No, far from it; we'll be happy and good-natured.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"We are the old sentinels, being relieved by new guards in better uniforms than","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ours. We'll tell you what our family, way back to great-great-great-grandmother","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"lantern, has seen and experienced - the whole history of Copenhagen. May you and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"your successors, right down to the last gas chandelier, experience and be able","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to relate such wonderful things as we can, when you get your discharge someday.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And you'll get it!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"You may be sure of that! People are certain to find a better light than gas.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"I've heard a student say that there's a possibility they may someday burn sea","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"water!' When the lamp said these words, the wick spluttered, as if it had water","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in it already.\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Godfather had listened closely, thought it over, and decided it was an excellent","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"idea of the old lantern, on this evening of the change from oil to gas, to tell","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and display the whole history of Copenhagen.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"You mustn't let a good idea slip,\" said Godfather. \"I took it at once, went","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"home, and made this picture book for you. It goes even farther back in time than","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the lamps could go. Here's the book, and here's the story!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"COPENHAGEN'S LIFE AND TIMES","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It begins in darkness, on a coal-black page - that's the Dark Ages.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now let's turn the page,\" said Godfather. \"Do you see the picture? Only the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"wild sea and the swelling northeast wind, driving heavy ice floes before it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"There's no one out sailing on them, only great stone blocks, which rolled down","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"onto the ice from the mountains of Norway. The north wind blows the ice away; he","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"wants to show the German mountains what rocks are found up in the North. The ice","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"floes are already down in the sound, off the coast of Zealand, where Copenhagen","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"now stands; but there was no Copenhagen there then. There were great sandbanks","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"under the water, and the ice floes with the big boulders struck against one of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"these. Then the whole ice field stuck so fast that the northeast wind couldn't","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"move it again, and so he became as furious as could be and pronounced a curse on","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the sandbank, the 'Thieves' ground,' as he called it. He swore that if ever it","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"should rise above the surface of the sea, thieves and robbers would live there,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and the gallows and wheel be raised on it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But while he cursed and swore this way, the sun came out, and those bright and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"gentle spirits, the children of light, swayed an swung in its beams; they danced","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"over the ice floes until they melted, and the great boulders sank to the sandy","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"bottom of the sea.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Sun scum!' said the northeast wind. 'Is that friendship and kinship? I'll","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"remember and take revenge for that. Now I pronounce a curse!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'We pronounce a blessing!' sang the children of light. 'The sandbank will","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"rise, and we shall guard it. Truth, goodness, and beauty shall dwell there!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Stuff and nonsense!' said the northeast wind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"You see, the lantern knew nothing of all this and therefore couldn't tell about","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"it,\" said Godfather. \"But I know it, and it's very important to the life and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"times of Copenhagen.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we'll turn the page,\" said Godfather. \"Years have passed, and the sandbank","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"has lifted itself; a sea gull has settled on the biggest rock, which has jutted","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"out of water. You can see it in the picture. Years and years have passed.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The sea cast up dead fish onto the shore. Tough lyme grass sprang up, withered,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"rotted, and fertilized the soil; many different kinds of grasses and plants","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"followed, until the bank became a green island. There the vikings landed, for","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there was level ground for fighting and good anchorage beside the island off the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"coast of Zealand.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"I think the first oil lamp was lit to cook fish over, and there were plenty","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of fishes here. The herring swam through the sound in great shoals; it was","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hard to force a boat through them. They glittered in the water as if there","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"were lightning down there, and shone in the depths like the northern lights.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The sound had a wealth of fishes; therefore houses were built on the coast of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Zealand, with walls of oak and roofs of bark - there were trees enough for that","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"purpose. Ships anchored in the harbor, oil lamps hanging from swaying ropes,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and the northeast wind blew and sang, 'O-out!' If a lantern glimmered on the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"island it was a thieves' lantern, for smugglers and thieves plied their trade on","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Thieves' Island.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'I believe that all the evil I wished for is coming,' said the northeast wind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"'Soon the tree will come, from which I can shake the fruit.'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And here is the tree,\" said Godfather. \"Do you see the gallows on Thieves'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Island? Robbers and murderers hang there in iron chains, exactly as they hung","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in those days. The wind blew until it rattled the long skeletons, but the moon","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shone down on them as serenely as it now shines on a country dance. The sun","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"also shone down pleasantly, crumbling away the dangling skeletons, and from the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sunbeams the children of light sang, 'We know it! We know it! Here it shall be","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"beautiful in the days to come; here it shall be good and splendid!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Chicken prattle!' said the northeast wind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we'll turn the page,\" said Godfather.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The bells were ringing in the town of Roskilde, where Bishop Absalon lived. He","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"could both read his Bible and wield his sword; he had power and will. He wished","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to protect from assault the busy fishermen at the harbor, whose town had grown","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"until it was now a market town. He sprinkled the unhallowed ground with holy","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"water; thus, Thieves' Island received the mark of honor. Masons and carpenters","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"set to work on it; at the Bishop's command, a building grew up, and the sunbeams","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"kissed the red walls as they rose. There stood the house of Axel:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The castle, with its towers, so stately and high,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Had balconies and stairs up to the sky","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Booo! Whooo!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The northeast wind huffed and puffed,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"But the castle stood unyielding, unruffed.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And outside it lay 'The Haven,' the merchants' harbor:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Mermaid's bower amid seas of sheen,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Built beside groves of green.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The foreigners came there and bought the wealth of fish, and built shops and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"houses with bladders for windowpanes, as glass was too expensive. Warehouses","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"followed, with gables and windlasses. See the old fellows sitting there in the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shops - they dare not marry; they trade in ginger and pepper, the pebersvende.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The northeast wind whistled through the streets and lanes, sending the dust","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"flying and tearing off a thatched roof. Cows and pigs wandered about in the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"street ditch.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'I shall tame and subdue them!' said the northeast wind. 'I'll whistle around","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the houses and around Axel's house! I can't fail! They call it Gallows' Castle","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"on Thieves' Island.'\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Then Godfather showed a picture of it, which he himself had drawn. On the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"wall were rows of stakes, and on every stake was the head of a captured pirate","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"showing its teeth.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"That really happened,\" said Godfather. \"And it's worth hearing and worth","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"knowing about.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Bishop Absalon was in his bath, and through the thin walls he heard the arrival","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of a ship of freebooters. He instantly sprang out of the bath and into his","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ship, blew his horn, and his crew assembled. The arrows shot into the backs of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the robbers as they rowed desperately to escape. The arrows pierced into their","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hands, and there was no time to pull them out. Bishop Absalon caught everyone","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and cut their heads off, and every head was set up on the outer wall of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"castle. The northeast wind blew with puffed-out cheeks - with bad weather in his","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"jaw, as the sailors say.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'I'll stretch myself,' said the wind. 'Here I'll lie down and look the whole","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"matter over.'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It rested for hours, then blew for days. Years went past.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The watchman appeared on the castle tower; he looked to the east, the west,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the north, and the south. You can see it there in the picture,\" said Godfather,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"pointing it out. \"You can see him there, but I'll tell you what he saw.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is open water from the wall of Stejleborg right out to Kjöge Bay, and a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"broad channel over to the coast of Zealand. In front of Serritslev and Solberg","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Meadows, with their large villages, the new town, with its gabled timber","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"houses, is growing up more and more. There are entire streets for shoemakers","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and tailors, for grocers and beer sellers; there is a market place and there","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"is a guildhall, and near the shore, where there was once an island, stands","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the splendid Church of St. Nicolaus. It has an immensely high tower and spire;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"how it is reflected in the clear water! Near this is Our Lady's Church, where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Masses are sung, where incense gives out its fragrance and wax candles burn. The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"'merchants' haven' is now the Bishop's town; the Bishop of Roskilde rules and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"reigns there.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Bishop Erlandsen sits in Axel's house. There is good cooking in the kitchen;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ale and claret are served to the sound of fiddles and kettledrums. Burning","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"candles and lamps make the castle shine as if it were a lantern for the whole","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"country and kingdom. The northeast wind whistles around the tower and walls, but","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"they stand firmly. The northeast wind swoops around the western fortification of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the town - only an old wooden fence - but it holds up well. Christopher I, King","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of Denmark, stands outside it; the rebels have beaten him at Skelskör, so he","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"seeks shelter in the Bishop's town.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The wind whistles, and says, like the Bishop, 'Keep out! Keep out! The gate is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shut to you!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It is a time of trouble, dismal days, when every man is his own master. The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Holstein banner waves from the castle tower. There is want and woe, for it is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the night of anguish. War and the black death stalk the land in the pitch-dark","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"night - but then comes Valdemar Atterdag. Now the Bishop's town is the King's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"town. It has gabled houses and narrow streets, watchmen and a town hall, and a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"permanent gallows by the west port. No man from out of town can be hanged on it;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"you must be a citizen to be allowed to dangle there, to get so high as to see","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Kjöge and the hens of Kjöge.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'That's a lovely gallows,' says the northeast wind. 'The beautiful is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"growing!' And it whistles and whoops.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And from Germany blew trouble and want.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The Hanseatic merchants came,\" continued Godfather, \"from warehouse and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"counter, the rich traders of Rostock, Lübeck, and Bremen. They wanted to seize","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"more than the golden goose from Valdemar's Tower; they had more power in the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"town of the Danish King than the Danish King himself. They came in armed ships,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and no one was prepared. And King Eric had no desire to fight with his German","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"kinsfolk; they were too many and too strong. So King Eric and all his courtiers","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"escaped through the west port to the town of Sorö, to the quiet lake and green","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"forests, to the song of love and the clang of goblets.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But there was one left behind in Copenhagen, a kingly heart and a kingly mind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Do you see this picture here, this young woman, so fine and tender, with sea-","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"blue eyes and yellow hair? It is the Queen of Denmark, Philippa, the English","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"princess. She stayed in the distracted city, where the townspeople swarmed","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in panic in the narrow lanes and streets with steep stairs, sheds, and shops","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of lath and plaster. With the courage of a man, she summoned townspeople","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and peasants, to inspire and encourage them. They fitted out the ships and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"garrisoned the blockhouses; they fired with their carbines; there were fire","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and smoke and lightness of spirit - our Lord will never forsake Denmark! The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sun shone into all hearts, and in all eyes was the bright gladness of victory.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Blessed be Philippa! Blessed she was in hut and in house; and blessed she was","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in the King's castle, where she nursed the wounded and the sick. I have clipped","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"a wreath and laid it around this picture,\" said Godfather. \"Blessed be Queen","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Philippa!\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we spring forward for years,\" said Godfather, \"and Copenhagen springs","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"with us. King Christian I has been to Rome to receive the Pope's blessing and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"has been greeted with honor and homage on the long journey. Here at home he is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"building a hall of red brick; there shall be learning there, displaying itself","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in Latin. The poor man's children, from plow and workshop, can also come there,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to live upon alms, to attain the long black gown, and sing before the doors of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"citizens.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Near the hall of learning, where everything is in Latin, is a little house","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"where Danish rules, in language and in customs. There is beer soup for early","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"breakfast, and dinner is at ten o'clock in the morning. The sun shines through","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"small panes onto cupboards and bookcases; on the shelves are written treasures -","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Master Mikkel's Rosary and Godly Comedies, Henrik Harpestreng's Leech-book, and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Denmark's Rhyming Chronicle by Brother Niels of Sorö. 'Every Danish man should","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"know these,' says the master of the house, and he is the one to make them known.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"He is the Dutchman, Gotfred van Gehmen, Denmark's first printer, who practices","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the divine black art of printing.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" And the books enter the castle of the King and the houses of the citizens.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Proverbs and songs are given immortality. Things that men dare not say either","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in sorrow or in joy are sung by the Bird of Folklore, allegorically and yet","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"clearly. For it flies free and wide through the common man's room and the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"knightly castle; it sits and twitters like a falcon on the hand of the noble","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"lady; it steals in like a tiny mouse and squeaks in the dungeon of the enslaved","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"peasant.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Merely words - all of it!' says the sharp northeast wind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'It's the spring!' say the sunbeams. 'See how the green buds are peeping out!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we'll turn more pages in our picture book,\" said Godfather.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"How radiant Copenhagen is! There are tournaments and sports and splendid","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"processions! Look at the gallant knights in armor and the noble ladies in","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"silk and gold! King Hans gives his daughter, Elizabeth, to the Elector of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Brandenburg. How young she is, and how happy she is! She is treading on velvet;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there is a whole future in her thoughts - a future of domestic happiness. Close","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"beside her is her royal brother, Prince Christian, with the melancholy eyes and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the hot, passionate blood. He is beloved by the commoners, for he knows their","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"burdens; in his thoughts he has the poor man's future. God alone decides our","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"fate!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we'll turn another leaf in the picture book,\" said Godfather. \"The wind","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"blows sharply and sings of the sharp sword and this difficult time of trouble.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It is an icy-cold day in mid-April. Why is the crowd gathering outside the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"castle and before the old customhouse, where the King's ship lies with its","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sails and banners? People are crowded in the windows and on the roofs. There are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sorrow and trouble, expectation and anxiety. They look toward the castle, now so","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"still and empty, but where formerly there were torch dances in the gilded halls;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"they look at the balcony from which King Christian so often gazed out over","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the 'court bridge' and down the narrow court-bridge street to his dovelet, the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"little Dutch girl he brought from the town of Bergen. The shutters are bolted.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"As the crowd gazed toward the castle, the gate is opened and the drawbridge is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"let down. There comes King Christian with his faithful wife, Elizabeth; she will","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"not forsake her royal lord, now when he is so hard pressed.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is fire in his blood and fire in his thoughts; he has wished to break","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"with the olden times, to strike off the peasants' yoke, to do good to the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"commoners, to clip the wings of the 'greedy hawks,' but they have been too much","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"for him. He leaves his country and his kingdom, to win allies and friends for","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"himself abroad. His wife and loyal men go with him. Every eye is moist in this","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hour of parting.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Voices are blended in the song of time, against him and for him a three-part","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"choir.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Listen to the words of the nobles; they are written and printed: 'Woe to you,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Christian the Wicked! The blood that poured out in the market place of Stockholm","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cries aloud and curses you!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And the monks' cry echoes the same refrain: 'Be you cast off by God and by","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"us! You have called hither the Lutheran doctrine; you have given it church and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"pulpit and bid the tongue of the Devil speak out! Woe to you, Christian the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Wicked!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But the peasants and commoners weep: 'Christian, beloved of the people! No","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"longer may the peasant be sold like cattle or exchanged for a hunting hound!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"That law shall bear you witness!' But the words of the poor man are only chaff","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"before the wind.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now the ship sails past the castle, and the commoners line the ramparts, so","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"that they may once more see the royal galley sail.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'The time is long; the time is hard. Trust neither in friends nor in kinsmen!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Uncle Frederick in the Castle of Kiel would like to be King of Denmark.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"King Frederick is before Copenhagen. See the picture here - 'The Faithful","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Copenhagen.' Coal-black clouds are around it - in picture after picture; just","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"look at each of them! It is all a resounding picture; it resounds still in song","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and story - those heavy, hard, and bitter times during the long procession of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"years.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"How did it go with that wandering bird, King Christian? The birds have sung","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"about it, and they fly far over distant lands and seas.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Early in the spring the stork came from the south, across the land of Germany;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"it had seen what I will tell you now.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'I saw the fugitive King Christian crossing a heather - grown moor; he met","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"a wretched cart drawn by only one horse. A woman sat in it, his sister, the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Countess of Brandenburg. Faithful to the Lutheran religion, she had been exiled","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"by her husband. And so on that dark heath the exiled children of a king met. The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"time is hard; the time is long. Trust neither friend nor kinsman!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The swallow came from Sönderborg Castle with a sad song, 'King Christian","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"is betrayed! He sits in the dungeon tower, deep as a well; his heavy steps","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"wear tracks in the stone floor, and his fingers leave their marks in the hard","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"marble.'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Oh, what sorrow ever found such vent","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"As that in the furrows of the stone?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The fish eagle has come from the tossing sea, which is open and free. A ship","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"flies over it, bearing the brave Sören Norby from Fyn. Fortune is with him - but","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"fortune is as changeable as wind and weather.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"In Jutland and Fyn the crows and ravens scream, 'We seek spoil! It is grand!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Caw, caw! Here lie the bodies of horses and of men, too!' It is a time of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"trouble; it is during the Count of Oldenburg's war. The peasant raises his club","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and the townsman his knife, and loudly they shout, 'We shall slay the wolves and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"leave no cub of them alive!' Clouds of smoke roll up from the burning towns.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"King Christian is a prisoner in Sönderborg Castle; he cannot escape or see the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"bitter distress of Copenhagen. On the North Common stands Christian III, where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"his father stood before him. Despair is in the city, and plague, and famine.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"A ragged, emaciated woman sits reclined against the church wall. She is a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"corpse; two living children lie on her lap and can suck only blood from the dead","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"breast.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Courage has collapsed; resistance collapses. Oh, you faithful Copenhagen!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Fanfares are blown, hear the drums and trumpets! In rich garments of silk and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"velvet, with nodding plumes, the noble lords come on horses adorned with gold,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"riding to Old Market Square. Is there a customary festivity or tournament?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Commoners and peasants in holiday attire flock in that direction. What is there","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to see? Is there a bonfire to burn popish images? Or is the hangman standing","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there, as he stood at the death fire of Slaghoek? The King, ruler of all the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"land, is a Lutheran, and this shall now be proclaimed with solemnity.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Noble ladies and highborn maidens, with high collars and caps of pearls, sit","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"behind the open windows and see all the splendor. Beneath a canopy near the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"King's throne, the councilors of state sit in antique dress on an outspread","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"carpet. The King is silent, but his will, the will of the council of state, is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"proclaimed in the Danish tongue. Commoners and peasants are sternly rebuked for","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the opposition they have shown to the nobility. The commoner is humbled, and the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"peasant becomes a slave. Now condemning words are uttered against the bishops of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the land. Their power is gone, and all the property of the church and cloisters","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"is transferred to the King and the nobles.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Pride and hatred are there, and pomp and misery, too.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The poor bird comes limping, drooping,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Comes stooping.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The rich bird comes huffing,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Comes puffing.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The time of change brings heavy clouds, but sunshine, too; it then shines in","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the halls of learning and in the student's home. And names shine from it on down","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to our own days. There is Hans Tousen, the son of a poor smith of Fyn:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"This was the little lad who came from Birkende town;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"His name flew over Denmark; widely spread his renown.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"A Danish Martin Luther, he drew the Gospel sword,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And gained a mighty victory for truth and for the Lord.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is also the immortal name of Petrus Palladius; that is the Latin, but","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in Danish it is Peter Plade, Bishop of Roskilde, also the son of a poor smith","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of Jutland. And among noblemen shines the name of Hans Friis, Chancellor of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"kingdom. He would seat the students at his own table and see to their wants and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"those of the schoolboys as well. But one name above all others is greeted with","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cheers and song.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"So long as there's a student to be found","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Near Axel's Haven, at work or play,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Will King Christian's name loudly resound","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And with hurrahs be greeted every day!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Yes, there were sunbeams between the heavy clouds in the time of change.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now we turn the page.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"What is it that whistles and sings in the Great Belt under the coast of Samsö?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"A mermaid, with sea-green hair, rises from the sea; she reveals the future to","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the peasant. A prince shall be born who shall become a great and powerful king.\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"He was born in the field, beneath the blossoming whitethorn. His name now","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"lives in song and story, in the knightly halls and castles everywhere. The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"stock exchange came forth with tower and spire; Rosenborg Castle rose up and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"gazed far out over the ramparts; the students got their own house. And close","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"by, where it still points to heaven, stood 'the Round Tower,' facing toward","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the island of Hveen, where Uranienborg once stood. Its golden domes glittered","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in the moonlight, and the mermaids sang of the man who lived there, whom kings","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and sages visited, the master sage of noble blood - Tycho Brahe. He raised the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"name of Denmark so high that it was known with the stars of heaven in all the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cultured lands of the earth. And Denmark turned him away.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"In his sorrow he sang for comfort:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Is not heaven everywhere?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"What more do I require?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"His song lives in the hearts of the people, like the mermaid's song about","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Christian IV.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now comes a page that you must look at carefully,\" said Godfather.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is picture after picture here, just as there is verse after verse in the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"old ballads. It is a song, so happy in its beginning, so sorrowful at its close.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"A king's child is dancing in the castle of the King. How lovely she is to look","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"at! She is sitting on the lap of Christian IV - his beloved daughter, Eleonore.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"She grows in all the virtues and graces of a woman. The foremost among the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"nobles, Corfits Ulfeldt, is her betrothed. She is still only a child and is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"beaten by her stern governess; she complains of this to her sweetheart, and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"rightly, too. How clever and cultured and learned she is! She can speak Latin","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and Greek, sing in Italian to her lute, and talk about the Pope and Martin","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Luther.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now King Christian lies in the vault in Roskilde Cathedral, and Eleonore's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"brother is King. In the palace at Copenhagen there are pomp and show; there are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"beauty and wit - and foremost is the Queen herself, Sophie Amalie of Lyneborg.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Who can guide her horse as cleverly as she? Who dances with such grace? Who can","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"talk with such wisdom and wit as the Queen of Denmark?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Eleonore Christine Ulfeldt!' These are the words of the French Ambassador.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"'She surpasses all in beauty and wit!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Up from the polished floor of the palace ballroom has grown the burdock of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"envy; it has clung there, worked itself in, and twisted around - contempt and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"scorn. 'That illegitimate creature! Her carriage shall stop at the bridge of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"castle! Where the Queen drives, the commoner shall walk!' There is a storm of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"gossip, of lies and slander.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Then Ulfeldt takes his wife by the hand in the still of the night. He has the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"keys to the town gates; he opens one of them, and horses wait outside. They ride","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to the shore and sail to Sweden.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now let's turn the page, just as fortune turned itself for those two.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"It is autumn. The days are short and the nights are long; it is gray and damp.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The cold wind rises in its strength, and it whistles through the leaves of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"trees on the ramparts. The leaves drop into Peter Oxe's courtyard, empty and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"forsaken of its owners. The wind sweeps over Christianshavn, around the mansion","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of Kai Lykke, which now is a penitentiary. He himself has been driven from home","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and honor; his escutcheon is smashed and his effigy hung on the highest gallows.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Thus is he punished for his thoughtless, frivolous words about the powerful","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Queen of Denmark. The wind pipes loudly as it rushes over the open space where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the mansion of the Lord High Steward once stood. Only one stone of it is now","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"left, 'And that I drove down here as a boulder on the floating ice,' shrieks","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the wind. 'That stone stranded where since has grown Thieves' Island, under my","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"curse, and so it became a part of the mansion of Lord Ulfeldt, where his lady","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sang to the sounding lute, and read Greek and Latin, and bore herself proudly.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Now only the stone is here with its inscription:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The traitor Corfits Ulfeldt","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"In eternal scorn, shame, and disgrace.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'But where is the stately lady now? Whoo-ee-oo!' blows the wind with a","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"piercing shriek.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"For many years she has been shut up in the Blue Tower, behind the palace, where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the sea water beats against the slimy walls. There is more smoke than warmth","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in the cell; its tiny window is high up under the ceiling. In what discomfort","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and misery sits the adored child of Christian IV, the daintiest of maids and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"matrons! Memory hangs curtains and tapestries on the smoke-blackened walls of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"her prison. She recalls the lovely days of her childhood, her father's gentle,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"beaming face; she recalls her splendid wedding, her days of pride, but also her","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"days of misery in Holland, England, and Bornholm.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Nothing seems too hard for wedded love to bear,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And loyalty is not cause for shame or care.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But he was with her in those days; now she is alone, alone forever. She does","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"not know his grave; no one knows it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Faithfulness to her husband was her only crime.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"For long and many years she sat there, while life went on outside. Life never","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"pauses, but we will for a moment here, and think of her and the words of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"song.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"I keep my promise to my husband still,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"In want and dire need, and always will.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now do you see this picture here?\" said Godfather. \"It's winter, and the frost","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"has thrown a bridge of ice between Laaland and Fyn, a bridge for Carl Gustav,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"who pushes on unchecked. There are plundering and burning, fear and want,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"throughout the whole land.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now the Swedes are encamped before Copenhagen. It is bitterly cold and the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"snow is blinding, but, true to their king and themselves, men and women stand","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ready to fight. Every tradesman, shopman, student, and schoolmaster is on the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"ramparts, ready to guard and defend, with no fear of the red-hot cannon balls.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"King Frederick has sworn he will die in his nest. There he rides to and fro, and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Queen is with him, and courage, patriotism, and discipline are there. Let","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Swede don his white shroud and crawl forward in the white snow and try to","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"storm the walls! Beams and stones are hurled down on him; even women come with","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"steaming caldrons and pour boiling pitch and tar onto the storming enemy.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"That night King and peasant are one united power. Then there is relief,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and there is victory. Church bells ring, and songs of thanksgiving resound.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Commoners, on this spot you won your knightly spurs!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"What comes next? Look at this picture. Bishop Svane's wife drives in a closed","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"carriage, which only the high and mighty nobility dare do. The proud young men","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"stop the carriage; the bishop's wife must walk to the bishop's house.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Is that the whole story? Something much greater is stopped next - the power of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"pride.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Burgomaster Hans Nansen and Bishop Svane clasp hands to work in the name of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Lord. Their wise and honest talk is heard in the church and the house of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"commoner. One handclasp of fellowship, and the harbor is blocked, the gates are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"locked, and the alarm bell rings.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Power is granted to the King alone, who remains in his nest in the hour of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"peril; he governs, and rules over great and small. It is the time of absolute","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"monarchy.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now let's turn the page, and time with it.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'Halloo, halloo, halloo!' The plow stands idle, and the heather grows wild,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"but the hunting is good. 'Halloo, halloo!' Listen to the sounding horn and the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"baying hounds! See the huntsmen, and look at the young and gay King himself,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Christian V! There is merrymaking in palace and in town. In the halls are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"waxlights, in the courtyards torches, and in the streets of the town are new","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"lamps. Everything is so new! Favors and gifts go to the barons and counts of the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"new nobility, brought in from Germany. Nothing is accepted now except titles and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"rank and the German language.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But then there sounds a voice that is truly Danish, the voice of the weaver's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"son, who is now a bishop; it is the voice of Kingo, singing his beautiful","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"psalms.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is another commoner's son, this time the son of a vintner, whose thoughts","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"shine forth in law and justice. His book of laws has become gold-ground for the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"King's name, and will stand for ages to come. That commoner's son, the greatest","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"man in the land, receives a coat of arms - and enemies as well, so that the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sword of the executioner is raised over the head of Griffenfeld.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But mercy is granted, with life imprisonment, and he is banished to a rocky","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"islet off the coast of Trondhjem.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Munkholm - Denmark's St. Helena","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"But the dance continues merrily in the palace hall; there are splendor and pomp","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there, and courtiers and ladies dance to lively music.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now these are the times of Frederick IV!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"See the proud ships with their flags of victory! See the tossing sea! It","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"can tell of great deeds for the glory of Denmark. We remember the victorious","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Sehested and Gyldenlöve! We remember Hvitfeldt, who blew up his ship to save","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Danish fleet, and flew to heaven with Dannebrog. We think of the struggles","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of those ages, and of the hero who sprang to the defense of Denmark from the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"mountains of Norway - Peder Tordenskjold.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Across the surging sea his name thunders from country to country.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Lightning flashed through the powder dust;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"A thunderbolt roared through the whispering age.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"A tailor's boy jumped down from the tailor's table;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"From Norway's coast he sailed a little sloop.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And over Northern seas there flew again","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The viking spirit, youthful, and clad in steel.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Then a fresh breeze blew from the coast of Greenland, bringing a gentle","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"fragrance, as if from the land of Bethlehem; it brought tidings of the Gospel","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"light kindled by Hans Egede and his wife.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"So this half page has a golden ground; but the other half, which means sorrow,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"is ashen gray with black specks, as from fire and disease and pestilence.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The plague is raging in Copenhagen. The streets are empty. The doors are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"barred, and where crosses are chalked on them the plague is inside, but where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the cross is black all within are dead.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The bodies are carried away by night, with no tolling bell; the half dead in","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the streets are taken with them. Funeral wagons rumble, piled with corpses. But","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"from the taverns sound the horrid songs and wild shrieks of the drunkards. They","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"try to forget their bitter in drink; they want to forget, and end - end! Yes,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"everything comes to an end. The page ends here, with the second time of distress","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and trial for Copenhagen.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"King Frederick IV is still alive. The course of the years has turned his hair","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"gray. From the window of his palace he looks out on the stormy weather of late","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"winter.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"In a little house near the Westgate a boy is playing with his ball; it bounces","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"up into the loft. The child takes a candle and goes up to seek it, but he sets","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"fire to the little house - to the whole street. The fire leaps into the air so","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"that the clouds themselves reflect it! See how the flames grow higher! There is","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"food for the fire - hay and straw, bacon and tar, piles of firewood for winter","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"- and it all burns. There is weeping, shrieking; there is great panic. The old","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"King rides through the tumult, commanding and encouraging. There is blowing up","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"with gunpowder, and the tearing down of houses. Now the fire has swept into the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"north quarter, and the churches are burning, St. Peter's and Our Lady's. Listen","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"to the bells playing their last tune, 'Turn from Us Thy Wrath, O Lord God of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Mercy!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Only the 'Round Tower' and the castle are left standing, with smoking ruins","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"about them. King Frederick is kind to the people; he is a friend to the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"homeless; he comforts and feeds them and is with them constantly. Blessed be","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Frederick IV!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now look at this page!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"See that gilded carriage with footmen around it and armed riders before and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"behind it, coming from the castle, where an iron chain is stretched to keep the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"people from coming too near! Every common man must cross the square with bare","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"head; and therefore few are seen there; they avoid the place. There comes one","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"now, with downcast eyes, and with hat in hand, and he is the one man of that","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"time whom we can name with pride:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"His voice like a cleansing storm wind rang.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"To sunshine in the days which yet were to come!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Then smuggled-in tunes like grasshoppers sprang","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"In haste to return to where they were from.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Witty and humorous - that is Ludvig Holberg. The Danish stage, the castle of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"his greatness, has been closed as if it were the dwelling place of shame. All","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"merriment is banished; dance, song, and music are forbidden and gone. For the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"dark side of religion is now in power.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'The Danish prince!' his mother used to call him. Now come his days of","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"sunshine, with the song of birds, with gladness and true Danish gaiety.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Frederick V is King, and the chain is taken from the square beside the castle;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Danish theater is reopened; there are laughter and pleasure and good cheer.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And the peasants again hold their summer festivals, for it is a time of joy","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"after the time of fast and oppression. The beautiful lives again, blossoming and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"bearing fruit in sound, color, and creative art. Listen to Grétry's music! Watch","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Londemann's acting! And Denmark's Queen loves all that is Danish. God in His","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"heaven bless you, beautiful and gentle Louise of England! The sunbeams sing in","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"spirited chorus about the queens of Denmark - Philippa, Elizabeth, Louise!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The earthly shells have long been buried, but the souls live, and the names","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"live. England again sends a royal bride, Matilde, so young and so soon forsaken!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"In days to come poets will sing of your youthful heart and your hours of trail!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And song has an indescribable power through all times and all peoples. See the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"burning of the castle of King Christian! They try to save the best they can","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"find. Look at the men from the dockyard dragging away a basket of silverware","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and precious things - a great treasure! But suddenly through an open door, where","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the flames are brightest, they see a bronze bust of King Christian IV. Then they","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"cast aside the treasure they are rescuing; his image means so much more to them","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"that it must be saved, regardless of how heavy it may be to carry. They know him","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"from the song of Ewald and the beautiful melody of Hartmann.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Indeed, there is power in words and song, and someday it shall resound as","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"strongly for the poor Queen Matilde.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Now let's go further in our picture book.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"On Ulfeldt's Place stood the stone of shame, and where in the world is there","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"one like it? By the Westgate a column was raised, and how many in the world are","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"there like it?","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The sunbeams kissed the boulder foundation of the Column of Freedom. All","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"church bells rang and the flags waved, and the people cheered for Crown Prince","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Frederick. The names of Bernstorff, Reventlow, Colbjörnsen were held in the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hearts and were on the lips of old and young. With bright eyes and grateful","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hearts they read the blessed inscription on the column:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\" 'The King has decreed that serfdom shall cease, the agrarian laws be set in","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"order and enforced, so that the free peasant may become brave and enlightened,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"diligent and good, a worthy and happy citizen!'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"What a sunny day! Summer is in town!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The spirits of light sang, 'The good is growing! The beautiful is growing! Soon","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the stone on Ulfeldt's Place shall fall, but the Column of Freedom shall stand","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in the sunlight, blessed by God, King, and people.'","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"We have an ancient highway;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"It goes to the ends of the earth.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There in the open sea - open for friend and foe - was the foe! The mighty","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"English fleet sailed up; a great power came against a little one. The battle was","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"hard, but the people were valiant.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Each stood firm, untiring, held his place,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Stood and fought until death's embrace.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"They won the admiration of the enemy and inspired the poets of Denmark. The day","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of that battle is still commemorated with unfurled banners - Denmark's glorious","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Second of April, the Maundy Thursday battle at Copenhagen Harbor.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Years passed. A fleet was seen in Öresund. Was it bound for Russia or for","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Denmark? No one knew, not even those on board the ships.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"There is a legend in the hearts of the people which tells that on that morning","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in Öresund, when the sealed orders were opened and the instructions to destroy","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the Danish fleet were read, a young captain stepped forward, a son of Britain,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"noble in word and deed. 'I swore,' he said, 'that I would fight for England's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"flag to my death, in open and honorable battle, but not overpower the weak!' And","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"with that he jumped overboard!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"The fleet sailed toward Copenhagen just the same;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"But far from the place where the battle was to be","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Lay he, the captain - and unknown is his name -","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"An ice-cold corpse, in the dark-blue sea.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Shoreward he drifted, until Swedish men,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Fishing beneath the stars with their nets,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Found him, bore him to shore, and then","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Cast dice to win his epaulets!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"The enemy made for Copenhagen. The town was soon in flames. We lost our fleet,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"but not our courage and faith in God; He casteth down but He raiseth again. Our","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"wounds healed, as those of the warriors in Valhalla. The history of Copenhagen","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"is rich in consolation.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Our faith, from the beginning of time to the end,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Is that Our Lord is Denmark's friend;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"If we hold firmly, He will hold, too,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And tomorrow the sun will shine on you.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Soon the sun did shine on the rebuilt city, on the rich cornfields, and on the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"skill and art of our people. It was blessed summer day of peace, when poetry","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"raised her Fata Morgana, so rich in color, through the words of Oehlenschläger.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And a great discovery was made in science. It was a discovery far greater than","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the gold horn of ancient days, for a bridge of gold was found:","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"A bridge for thought to flash like lightning","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"At all times into other lands and nations.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Hans Christian Örsted wrote his name on that bridge. And look! Beside the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"church by the castle a building was raised to which the poorest man and woman","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"gladly gave their pennies.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"You will remember that in the first part of our picture book,\" said Godfather,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"the old stone blocks rolled down from the mountains of Norway and were carried","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"here on the ice. They are raised up again from the sandy depths at the bidding","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"of Thorvaldsen, in marble beauty, magnificent to look at!","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"Remember all that I have shown you and all that I have told you! That sandbank","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"in the sea raised itself up to become a breakwater in the harbor; it bore Axel's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"house, and the Bishop's mansion, and the King's castle, and now it bears the","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"temple of the beautiful. The words of the curse have vanished, but all that","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"the children of sunlight sang in their gladness about the coming ages has been","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"fulfilled. Many storms have passed; they will come again and pass again. The","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"true and the good and the beautiful have the victory.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"And that finishes the picture book, but not the history of Copenhagen - far","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"from it! Who knows what you may live to see! It has often looked black, and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"storms have raged, but the sunshine has never been blown away - it remains. And","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"stronger yet than the brightest sunshine is God! Our Lord reigns over more than","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"Copenhagen.\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"That is what Godfather said as he gave me the book. His eyes were shining;","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"he was so certain of it all. And I took the book so gladly and proudly and","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"carefully, just the way I carried my little sister for the first time.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"And Godfather said, \"You're quite welcome to show your picture book to people,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and you may also tell them that I made it, pasted it, and drew the whole thing.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"But it's of great importance that they know at once where I got the idea for","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"it. You know where, so tell them! The idea came from the old oil lamps, which,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"on the last evening they burned, showed the new gaslights, like a Fata Morgana,","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"everything that had been seen from the time the first lamp was lit at the harbor","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"until that evening when Copenhagen was lighted with both oil and gas.","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"\"You may show the book to anybody you like; that is, to people with kindly eyes","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"and friendly minds; but if a hell horse should come, then close Godfather's","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"picture book.\"","book":"Godfather's picture book"} {"text":"We are travelling to Paris to the Exhibition.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Now we are there. That was a journey, a flight without magic. We flew on the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"wings of steam over the sea and across the land.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Yes, our time is the time of fairy tales.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"We are in the midst of Paris, in a great hotel. Blooming flowers ornament the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"staircases, and soft carpets the floors.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Our room is a very cosy one, and through the open balcony door we have a view","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of a great square. Spring lives down there; it has come to Paris, and arrived","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"at the same time with us. It has come in the shape of a glorious young chestnut","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"tree, with delicate leaves newly opened. How the tree gleams, dressed in its","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"spring garb, before all the other trees in the place! One of these latter had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"been struck out of the list of living trees. It lies on the ground with roots","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"exposed. On the place where it stood, the young chestnut tree is to be planted,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and to flourish.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"It still stands towering aloft on the heavy wagon which has brought it this","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"morning a distance of several miles to Paris. For years it had stood there, in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the protection of a mighty oak tree, under which the old venerable clergyman had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"often sat, with children listening to his stories.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The young chestnut tree had also listened to the stories; for the Dryad who","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"lived in it was a child also. She remembered the time when the tree was so","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"little that it only projected a short way above the grass and ferns around.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"These were as tall as they would ever be; but the tree grew every year, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"enjoyed the air and the sunshine, and drank the dew and the rain. Several times","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"it was also, as it must be, well shaken by the wind and the rain; for that is a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"part of education.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad rejoiced in her life, and rejoiced in the sunshine, and the singing","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of the birds; but she was most rejoiced at human voices; she understood the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"language of men as well as she understood that of animals.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Butterflies, cockchafers, dragon-flies, everything that could fly came to pay","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"a visit. They could all talk. They told of the village, of the vineyard, of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"forest, of the old castle with its parks and canals and ponds. Down in the water","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"dwelt also living beings, which, in their way, could fly under the water from","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"one place to another– beings with knowledge and delineation. They said nothing","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"at all; they were so clever!","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"And the swallow, who had dived, told about the pretty little goldfish, of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"thick turbot, the fat brill, and the old carp. The swallow could describe all","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that very well, but, \"Self is the man,\" she said. \"One ought to see these things","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"one's self.\" But how was the Dryad ever to see such beings? She was obliged to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"be satisfied with being able to look over the beautiful country and see the busy","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"industry of men.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"It was glorious; but most glorious of all when the old clergyman sat under the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"oak tree and talked of France, and of the great deeds of her sons and daughters,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"whose names will be mentioned with admiration through all time.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Then the Dryad heard of the shepherd girl, Joan of Arc, and of Charlotte Corday;","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"she heard about Henry the Fourth, and Napoleon the First; she heard names whose","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"echo sounds in the hearts of the people.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The village children listened attentively, and the Dryad no less attentively;","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"she became a school-child with the rest. In the clouds that went sailing by she","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"saw, picture by picture, everything that she heard talked about. The cloudy sky","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"was her picture-book.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She felt so happy in beautiful France, the fruitful land of genius, with the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"crater of freedom. But in her heart the sting remained that the bird, that every","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"animal that could fly, was much better off than she. Even the fly could look","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"about more in the world, far beyond the Dryad's horizon.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"France was so great and so glorious, but she could only look across a little","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"piece of it. The land stretched out, world-wide, with vineyards, forests and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"great cities. Of all these Paris was the most splendid and the mightiest. The","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"birds could get there; but she, never!","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Among the village children was a little ragged, poor girl, but a pretty one to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"look at. She was always laughing or singing and twining red flowers in her black","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"hair.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Don't go to Paris!\" the old clergyman warned her. \"Poor child! if you go there,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"it will be your ruin.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"But she went for all that.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad often thought of her; for she had the same wish, and felt the same","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"longing for the great city.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad's tree was bearing its first chestnut blossoms; the birds were","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"twittering round them in the most beautiful sunshine. Then a stately carriage","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"came rolling along that way, and in it sat a grand lady driving the spirited,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"light-footed horses. On the back seat a little smart groom balanced himself.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad knew the lady, and the old clergyman knew her also. He shook his head","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"gravely when he saw her, and said:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"So you went there after all, and it was your ruin, poor Mary!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"That one poor?\" thought the Dryad. \"No; she wears a dress fit for a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"countess\" (she had become one in the city of magic changes). \"Oh, if I were only","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"there, amid all the splendor and pomp! They shine up into the very clouds at","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"night; when I look up, I can tell in what direction the town lies.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Towards that direction the Dryad looked every evening. She saw in the dark night","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the gleaming cloud on the horizon; in the clear moonlight nights she missed the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"sailing clouds, which showed her pictures of the city and pictures from history.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The child grasps at the picture-books, the Dryad grasped at the cloud-world, her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"thought-book. A sudden, cloudless sky was for her a blank leaf; and for several","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"days she had only had such leaves before her.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"It was in the warm summer-time: not a breeze moved through the glowing hot","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"days. Every leaf, every flower, lay as if it were torpid, and the people seemed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"torpid, too.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Then the clouds arose and covered the region round about where the gleaming mist","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"announced \"Here lies Paris.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The clouds piled themselves up like a chain of mountains, hurried on through","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the air, and spread themselves abroad over the whole landscape, as far as the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dryad's eye could reach.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Like enormous blue-black blocks of rock, the clouds lay piled over one another.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Gleams of lightning shot forth from them.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"These also are the servants of the Lord God,\" the old clergyman had said. And","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"there came a bluish dazzling flash of lightning, a lighting up as if of the sun","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"itself, which could burst blocks of rock asunder. The lightning struck and split","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"to the roots the old venerable oak. The crown fell asunder. It seemed as if the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"tree were stretching forth its arms to clasp the messengers of the light.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"No bronze cannon can sound over the land at the birth of a royal child as","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the thunder sounded at the death of the old oak. The rain streamed down; a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"refreshing wind was blowing; the storm had gone by, and there was quite a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"holiday glow on all things. The old clergyman spoke a few words for honorable","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"remembrance, and a painter made a drawing, as a lasting record of the tree.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Everything passes away,\" said the Dryad, \"passes away like a cloud, and never","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"comes back!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The old clergyman, too, did not come back. The green roof of his school was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"gone, and his teaching-chair had vanished. The children did not come; but autumn","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"came, and winter came, and then spring also. In all this change of seasons the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dryad looked toward the region where, at night, Paris gleamed with its bright","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"mist far on the horizon.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Forth from the town rushed engine after engine, train after train, whistling","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and screaming at all hours in the day. In the evening, towards midnight, at","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"daybreak, and all the day through, came the trains. Out of each one, and into","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"each one, streamed people from the country of every king. A new wonder of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"world had summoned them to Paris.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In what form did this wonder exhibit itself?","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"A splendid blossom of art and industry,\" said one, \"has unfolded itself in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Champ de Mars, a gigantic sunflower, from whose petals one can learn geography","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and statistics, and can become as wise as a lord mayor, and raise one's self to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the level of art and poetry, and study the greatness and power of the various","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"lands.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"A fairy tale flower,\" said another, \"a many-colored lotus-plant, which spreads","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"out its green leaves like a velvet carpet over the sand. The opening spring","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"has brought it forth, the summer will see it in all its splendor, the autumn","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"winds will sweep it away, so that not a leaf, not a fragment of its root shall","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"remain.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In front of the Military School extends in time of peace the arena of war– a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"field without a blade of grass, a piece of sandy steppe, as if cut out of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Desert of Africa, where Fata Morgana displays her wondrous airy castles and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"hanging gardens. In the Champ de Mars, however, these were to be seen more","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"splendid, more wonderful than in the East, for human art had converted the airy","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"deceptive scenes into reality.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"The Aladdin's Palace of the present has been built,\" it was said. \"Day by day,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"hour by hour, it unfolds more of its wonderful splendor.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The endless halls shine in marble and many colors. \"Master Bloodless\" here moves","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"his limbs of steel and iron in the great circular hall of machinery. Works of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"art in metal, in stone, in Gobelins tapestry, announce the vitality of mind that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"is stirring in every land. Halls of paintings, splendor of flowers, everything","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that mind and skill can create in the workshop of the artisan, has been placed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"here for show. Even the memorials of ancient days, out of old graves and turf-","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"moors, have appeared at this general meeting.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The overpowering great variegated whole must be divided into small portions, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"pressed together like a plaything, if it is to be understood and described.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Like a great table on Christmas Eve, the Champ de Mars carried a wonder-castle","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of industry and art, and around this knickknacks from all countries had been","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ranged, knickknacks on a grand scale, for every nation found some remembrance of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"home.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Here stood the royal palace of Egypt, there the caravanserai of the desert","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"land. The Bedouin had quitted his sunny country, and hastened by on his camel.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Here stood the Russian stables, with the fiery glorious horses of the steppe.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Here stood the simple straw-thatched dwelling of the Danish peasant, with the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dannebrog flag, next to Gustavus Vasa's wooden house from Dalarne, with its","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"wonderful carvings. American huts, English cottages, French pavilions, kiosks,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"theatres, churches, all strewn around, and between them the fresh green turf,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the clear springing water, blooming bushes, rare trees, hothouses, in which","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"one might fancy one's self transported into the tropical forest; whole gardens","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"brought from Damascus, and blooming under one roof. What colors, what fragrance!","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Artificial grottoes surrounded bodies of fresh or salt water, and gave a glimpse","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"into the empire of the fishes; the visitor seemed to wander at the bottom of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"sea, among fishes and polypi.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"All this,\" they said, \"the Champ de Mars offers;\" and around the great richly-","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"spread table the crowd of human beings moves like a busy swarm of ants, on foot","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"or in little carriages, for not all feet are equal to such a fatiguing journey.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Hither they swarm from morning till late in the evening. Steamer after","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"steamer, crowded with people, glides down the Seine. The number of carriages","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"is continually on the increase. The swarm of people on foot and on horseback","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"grows more and more dense. Carriages and omnibuses are crowded, stuffed and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"embroidered with people. All these tributary streams flow in one direction–","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"towards the Exhibition. On every entrance the flag of France is displayed;","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"around the world's bazaar wave the flags of all nations. There is a humming and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"a murmuring from the hall of the machines; from the towers the melody of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"chimes is heard; with the tones of the organs in the churches mingle the hoarse","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"nasal songs from the cafes of the East. It is a kingdom of Babel, a wonder of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the world!","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In very truth it was. That's what all the reports said, and who did not hear","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"them? The Dryad knew everything that is told here of the new wonder in the city","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of cities.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Fly away, ye birds! fly away to see, and then come back and tell me,\" said the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dryad.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The wish became an intense desire– became the one thought of a life. Then, in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the quiet silent night, while the full moon was shining, the Dryad saw a spark","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"fly out of the moon's disc, and fall like a shooting star. And before the tree,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"whose leaves waved to and fro as if they were stirred by a tempest, stood a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"noble, mighty, and grand figure. In tones that were at once rich and strong,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"like the trumpet of the Last Judgment bidding farewell to life and summoning to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the great account, it said:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Thou shalt go to the city of magic; thou shalt take root there, and enjoy the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"mighty rushing breezes, the air and the sunshine there. But the time of thy","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"life shall then be shortened; the line of years that awaited thee here amid","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the free nature shall shrink to but a small tale. Poor Dryad! It shall be thy","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"destruction. Thy yearning and longing will increase, thy desire will grow more","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stormy, the tree itself will be as a prison to thee, thou wilt quit thy cell and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"give up thy nature to fly out and mingle among men. Then the years that would","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"have belonged to thee will be contracted to half the span of the ephemeral fly,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that lives but a day: one night, and thy life-taper shall be blown out– the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"leaves of the tree will wither and be blown away, to become green never again!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Thus the words sounded. And the light vanished away, but not the longing of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dryad. She trembled in the wild fever of expectation.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I shall go there!\" she cried, rejoicingly. \"Life is beginning and swells like a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cloud; nobody knows whither it is hastening.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"When the gray dawn arose and the moon turned pale and the clouds were tinted","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"red, the wished-for hour struck. The words of promise were fulfilled.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"People appeared with spades and poles; they dug round the roots of the tree,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"deeper and deeper, and beneath it. A wagon was brought out, drawn by many","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"horses, and the tree was lifted up, with its roots and the lumps of earth that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"adhered to them; matting was placed around the roots, as though the tree had its","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"feet in a warm bag. And now the tree was lifted on the wagon and secured with","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"chains. The journey began– the journey to Paris. There the tree was to grow as","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"an ornament to the city of French glory.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The twigs and the leaves of the chestnut tree trembled in the first moments","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of its being moved; and the Dryad trembled in the pleasurable feeling of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"expectation.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Away! away!\" it sounded in every beat of her pulse. \"Away! away\" sounded in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"words that flew trembling along. The Dryad forgot to bid farewell to the regions","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of home; she thought not of the waving grass and of the innocent daisies, which","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"had looked up to her as to a great lady, a young Princess playing at being a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"shepherdess out in the open air.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The chestnut tree stood upon the wagon, and nodded his branches; whether this","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"meant \"farewell\" or \"forward,\" the Dryad knew not; she dreamed only of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"marvellous new things, that seemed yet so familiar, and that were to unfold","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"themselves before her. No child's heart rejoicing in innocence– no heart whose","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"blood danced with passion– had set out on the journey to Paris more full of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"expectation than she.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Her \"farewell\" sounded in the words \"Away! away!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The wheels turned; the distant approached; the present vanished. The region was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"changed, even as the clouds change. New vineyards, forests, villages, villas","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"appeared– came nearer– vanished!","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The chestnut tree moved forward, and the Dryad went with it. Steam-engine after","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"steam-engine rushed past, sending up into the air vapory clouds, that formed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"figures which told of Paris, whence they came, and whither the Dryad was going.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Everything around knew it, and must know whither she was bound. It seemed to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her as if every tree she passed stretched out its leaves towards her, with the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"prayer– \"Take me with you! take me with you!\" for every tree enclosed a longing","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Dryad.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"What changes during this flight! Houses seemed to be rising out of the earth–","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"more and more– thicker and thicker. The chimneys rose like flower-pots ranged","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"side by side, or in rows one above the other, on the roofs. Great inscriptions","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"in letters a yard long, and figures in various colors, covering the walls from","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cornice to basement, came brightly out.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Where does Paris begin, and when shall I be there?\" asked the Dryad.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The crowd of people grew; the tumult and the bustle increased; carriage followed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"upon carriage; people on foot and people on horseback were mingled together; all","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"around were shops on shops, music and song, crying and talking.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad, in her tree, was now in the midst of Paris. The great heavy wagon all","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"at once stopped on a little square planted with trees. The high houses around","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"had all of them balconies to the windows, from which the inhabitants looked down","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"upon the young fresh chestnut tree, which was coming to be planted here as a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"substitute for the dead tree that lay stretched on the ground.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The passers-by stood still and smiled in admiration of its pure vernal","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"freshness. The older trees, whose buds were still closed, whispered with their","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"waving branches, \"Welcome! welcome!\" The fountain, throwing its jet of water","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"high up in the air, to let it fall again in the wide stone basin, told the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"wind to sprinkle the new-comer with pearly drops, as if it wished to give him a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"refreshing draught to welcome him.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad felt how her tree was being lifted from the wagon to be placed in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"spot where it was to stand. The roots were covered with earth, and fresh turf","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"was laid on top. Blooming shrubs and flowers in pots were ranged around; and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"thus a little garden arose in the square.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The tree that had been killed by the fumes of gas, the steam of kitchens, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the bad air of the city, was put upon the wagon and driven away. The passers-","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"by looked on. Children and old men sat upon the bench, and looked at the green","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"tree. And we who are telling this story stood upon a balcony, and looked down","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"upon the green spring sight that had been brought in from the fresh country air,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and said, what the old clergyman would have said, \"Poor Dryad!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I am happy! I am happy!\" the Dryad cried, rejoicing; \"and yet I cannot realize,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cannot describe what I feel. Everything is as I fancied it, and yet as I did not","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"fancy it.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The houses stood there, so lofty, so close! The sunlight shone on only one of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the walls, and that one was stuck over with bills and placards, before which the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"people stood still; and this made a crowd.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Carriages rushed past, carriages rolled past; light ones and heavy ones mingled","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"together. Omnibuses, those over-crowded moving houses, came rattling by;","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"horsemen galloped among them; even carts and wagons asserted their rights.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad asked herself if these high-grown houses, which stood so close around","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her, would not remove and take other shapes, like the clouds in the sky, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"draw aside, so that she might cast a glance into Paris, and over it. Notre Dame","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"must show itself, the Vendome Column, and the wondrous building which had called","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and was still calling so many strangers to the city.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"But the houses did not stir from their places. It was yet day when the lamps","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"were lit. The gas-jets gleamed from the shops, and shone even into the branches","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of the trees, so that it was like sunlight in summer. The stars above made their","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"appearance, the same to which the Dryad had looked up in her home. She thought","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"she felt a clear pure stream of air which went forth from them. She felt herself","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"lifted up and strengthened, and felt an increased power of seeing through every","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"leaf and through every fibre of the root. Amid all the noise and the turmoil,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the colors and the lights, she knew herself watched by mild eyes.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"From the side streets sounded the merry notes of fiddles and wind instruments.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Up! to the dance, to the dance! to jollity and pleasure! that was their","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"invitation. Such music it was, that horses, carriages, trees, and houses would","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"have danced, if they had known how. The charm of intoxicating delight filled the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"bosom of the Dryad.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"How glorious, how splendid it is!\" she cried, rejoicingly. \"Now I am in Paris!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The next day that dawned, the next night that fell, offered the same spectacle,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"similar bustle, similar life; changing, indeed, yet always the same; and thus it","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"went on through the sequence of days.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Now I know every tree, every flower on the square here! I know every house,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"every balcony, every shop in this narrow cut-off corner, where I am denied","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the sight of this great mighty city. Where are the arches of triumph, the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Boulevards, the wondrous building of the world? I see nothing of all this. As","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"if shut up in a cage, I stand among the high houses, which I now know by heart,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"with their inscriptions, signs, and placards; all the painted confectionery,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that is no longer to my taste. Where are all the things of which I heard,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"for which I longed, and for whose sake I wanted to come hither? what have I","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"seized, found, won? I feel the same longing I felt before; I feel that there is","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"a life I should wish to grasp and to experience. I must go out into the ranks","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of living men, and mingle among them. I must fly about like a bird. I must see","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and feel, and become human altogether. I must enjoy the one half-day, instead","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of vegetating for years in every-day sameness and weariness, in which I become","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ill, and at last sink and disappear like the dew on the meadows. I will gleam","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"like the cloud, gleam in the sunshine of life, look out over the whole like the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cloud, and pass away like it, no one knoweth whither.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Thus sighed the Dryad; and she prayed:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Take from me the years that were destined for me, and give me but half of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"life of the ephemeral fly! Deliver me from my prison! Give me human life, human","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"happiness, only a short span, only the one night, if it cannot be otherwise; and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"then punish me for my wish to live, my longing for life! Strike me out of thy","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"list. Let my shell, the fresh young tree, wither, or be hewn down, and burnt to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ashes, and scattered to all the winds!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A rustling went through the leaves of the tree; there was a trembling in each","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of the leaves; it seemed as if fire streamed through it. A gust of wind shook","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"its green crown, and from the midst of that crown a female figure came forth. In","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the same moment she was sitting beneath the brightly-illuminated leafy branches,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"young and beautiful to behold, like poor Mary, to whom the clergyman had said,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"The great city will be thy destruction.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad sat at the foot of the tree– at her house door, which she had locked,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and whose key had thrown away. So young! so fair! The stars saw her, and blinked","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"at her. The gas-lamps saw her, and gleamed and beckoned to her. How delicate she","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"was, and yet how blooming!– a child, and yet a grown maiden! Her dress was fine","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"as silk, green as the freshly-opened leaves on the crown of the tree; in her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"nut-brown hair clung a half-opened chestnut blossom. She looked like the Goddess","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of Spring.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"For one short minute she sat motionless; then she sprang up, and, light as","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"a gazelle, she hurried away. She ran and sprang like the reflection from the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"mirror that, carried by the sunshine, is cast, now here, now there. Could any","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"one have followed her with his eyes, he would have seen how marvellously her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"dress and her form changed, according to the nature of the house or the place","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"whose light happened to shine upon her.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She reached the Boulevards. Here a sea of light streamed forth from the gas-","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"flames of the lamps, the shops and the cafes. Here stood in a row young and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"slender trees, each of which concealed its Dryad, and gave shade from the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"artificial sunlight. The whole vast pavement was one great festive hall, where","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"covered tables stood laden with refreshments of all kinds, from champagne and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Chartreuse down to coffee and beer. Here was an exhibition of flowers, statues,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"books, and colored stuffs.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"From the crowd close by the lofty houses she looked forth over the terrific","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stream beyond the rows of trees. Yonder heaved a stream of rolling carriages,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cabriolets, coaches, omnibuses, cabs, and among them riding gentlemen and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"marching troops. To cross to the opposite shore was an undertaking fraught with","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"danger to life and limb. Now lanterns shed their radiance abroad; now the gas","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"had the upper hand; suddenly a rocket rises! Whence? Whither?","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Here are sounds of soft Italian melodies; yonder, Spanish songs are sung,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"accompanied by the rattle of the castanets; but strongest of all, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"predominating over the rest, the street-organ tunes of the moment, the exciting","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Can-Can\" music, which Orpheus never knew, and which was never heard by the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Belle Helene.\" Even the barrow was tempted to hop upon one of its wheels.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad danced, floated, flew, changing her color every moment, like a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"humming-bird in the sunshine; each house, with the world belonging to it, gave","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her its own reflections.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"As the glowing lotus-flower, torn from its stem, is carried away by the stream,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"so the Dryad drifted along. Whenever she paused, she was another being, so that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"none was able to follow her, to recognize her, or to look more closely at her.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Like cloud-pictures, all things flew by her. She looked into a thousand faces,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"but not one was familiar to her; she saw not a single form from home. Two bright","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"eyes had remained in her memory. She thought of Mary, poor Mary, the ragged","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"merry child, who wore the red flowers in her black hair. Mary was now here,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"in the world-city, rich and magnificent as in that day when she drove past the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"house of the old clergyman, and past the tree of the Dryad, the old oak.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Here she was certainly living, in the deafening tumult. Perhaps she had just","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stepped out of one of the gorgeous carriages in waiting. Handsome equipages,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"with coachmen in gold braid and footmen in silken hose, drove up. The people who","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"alighted from them were all richly-dressed ladies. They went through the opened","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"gate, and ascended the broad staircase that led to a building resting on marble","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"pillars. Was this building, perhaps, the wonder of the world? There Mary would","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"certainly be found.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Sancta Maria!\" resounded from the interior. Incense floated through the lofty","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"painted and gilded aisles, where a solemn twilight reigned.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"It was the Church of the Madeleine.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Clad in black garments of the most costly stuffs, fashioned according to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the latest mode, the rich feminine world of Paris glided across the shining","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"pavement. The crests of the proprietors were engraved on silver shields on","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the velvet-bound prayer-books, and embroidered in the corners of perfumed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"handkerchiefs bordered with Brussels lace. A few of the ladies were kneeling in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"silent prayer before the altars; others resorted to the confessionals.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Anxiety and fear took possession of the Dryad; she felt as if she had entered a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"place where she had no right to be. Here was the abode of silence, the hall of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"secrets. Everything was said in whispers, every word was a mystery.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad saw herself enveloped in lace and silk, like the women of wealth","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and of high birth around her. Had, perhaps, every one of them a longing in her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"breast, like the Dryad?","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A deep, painful sigh was heard. Did it escape from some confessional in a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"distant corner, or from the bosom of the Dryad? She drew the veil closer around","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her; she breathed incense, and not the fresh air. Here was not the abiding-place","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of her longing.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Away! away– a hastening without rest. The ephemeral fly knows not repose, for","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her existence is flight.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She was out again among the gas candelabra, by a magnificent fountain.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"All its streaming waters are not able to wash out the innocent blood that was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"spilt here.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Such were the words spoken. Strangers stood around, carrying on a lively","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"conversation, such as no one would have dared to carry on in the gorgeous hall","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of secrets whence the Dryad came.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A heavy stone slab was turned and then lifted. She did not understand why.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She saw an opening that led into the depths below. The strangers stepped down,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"leaving the starlit air and the cheerful life of the upper world behind them.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I am afraid,\" said one of the women who stood around, to her husband, \"I cannot","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"venture to go down, nor do I care for the wonders down yonder. You had better","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stay here with me.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Indeed, and travel home,\" said the man, \"and quit Paris without having seen the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"most wonderful thing of all– the real wonder of the present period, created by","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the power and resolution of one man!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I will not go down for all that,\" was the reply.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"The wonder of the present time,\" it had been called. The Dryad had heard","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and had understood it. The goal of her ardent longing had thus been reached,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and here was the entrance to it. Down into the depths below Paris? She had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"not thought of such a thing; but now she heard it said, and saw the strangers","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"descending, and went after them.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The staircase was of cast iron, spiral, broad and easy. Below there burned a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"lamp, and farther down, another. They stood in a labyrinth of endless halls and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"arched passages, all communicating with each other. All the streets and lanes of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Paris were to be seen here again, as in a dim reflection. The names were painted","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"up; and every, house above had its number down here also, and struck its roots","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"under the macadamized quays of a broad canal, in which the muddy water flowed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"onward. Over it the fresh streaming water was carried on arches; and quite at","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the top hung the tangled net of gas-pipes and telegraph-wires.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In the distance lamps gleamed, like a reflection from the world-city above.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Every now and then a dull rumbling was heard. This came from the heavy wagons","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"rolling over the entrance bridges.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Whither had the Dryad come?","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"You have, no doubt, heard of the CATACOMBS? Now they are vanishing points in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that new underground world– that wonder of the present day– the sewers of Paris.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad was there, and not in the world's Exhibition in the Champ de Mars.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She heard exclamations of wonder and admiration.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"From here go forth health and life for thousands upon thousands up yonder! Our","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"time is the time of progress, with its manifold blessings.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Such was the opinion and the speech of men; but not of those creatures who had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"been born here, and who built and dwelt here– of the rats, namely, who were","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"squeaking to one another in the clefts of a crumbling wall, quite plainly, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"in a way the Dryad understood well.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A big old Father-Rat, with his tail bitten off, was relieving his feelings in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"loud squeaks; and his family gave their tribute of concurrence to every word he","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"said:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I am disgusted with this man-mewing,\" he cried– \"with these outbursts of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ignorance. A fine magnificence, truly! all made up of gas and petroleum! I can't","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"eat such stuff as that. Everything here is so fine and bright now, that one's","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ashamed of one's self, without exactly knowing why. Ah, if we only lived in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"days of tallow candles! and it does not lie so very far behind us. That was a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"romantic time, as one may say.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"What are you talking of there?\" asked the Dryad. \"I have never seen you before.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"What is it you are talking about?\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Of the glorious days that are gone,\" said the Rat– \"of the happy time of our","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Then it was a great thing to get","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"down here. That was a rat's nest quite different from Paris. Mother Plague used","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"to live here then; she killed people, but never rats. Robbers and smugglers","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"could breathe freely here. Here was the meeting-place of the most interesting","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"personages, whom one now only gets to see in the theatres where they act","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"melodrama, up above. The time of romance is gone even in our rat's nest; and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"here also fresh air and petroleum have broken in.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Thus squeaked the Rat; he squeaked in honor of the old time, when Mother Plague","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"was still alive.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A carriage stopped, a kind of open omnibus, drawn by swift horses. The company","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"mounted and drove away along the Boulevard de Sebastopol, that is to say, the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"underground boulevard, over which the well-known crowded street of that name","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"extended.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The carriage disappeared in the twilight; the Dryad disappeared, lifted to the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"cheerful freshness above. Here, and not below in the vaulted passages, filled","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"with heavy air, the wonder work must be found which she was to seek in her short","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"lifetime. It must gleam brighter than all the gas-flames, stronger than the moon","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that was just gliding past.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Yes, certainly, she saw it yonder in the distance, it gleamed before her, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"twinkled and glittered like the evening star in the sky.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"She saw a glittering portal open, that led to a little garden, where all was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"brightness and dance music. Colored lamps surrounded little lakes, in which","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"were water-plants of colored metal, from whose flowers jets of water spurted","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"up. Beautiful weeping willows, real products of spring, hung their fresh","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"branches over these lakes like a fresh, green, transparent, and yet screening","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"veil. In the bushes burnt an open fire, throwing a red twilight over the quiet","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"huts of branches, into which the sounds of music penetrated– an ear tickling,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"intoxicating music, that sent the blood coursing through the veins.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Beautiful girls in festive attire, with pleasant smiles on their lips, and the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"light spirit of youth in their hearts– \"Marys,\" with roses in their hair, but","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"without carriage and postilion– flitted to and fro in the wild dance.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Where were the heads, where the feet? As if stung by tarantulas, they sprang,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"laughed, rejoiced, as if in their ecstacies they were going to embrace all the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"world.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad felt herself torn with them into the whirl of the dance. Round her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"delicate foot clung the silken boot, chestnut brown in color, like the ribbon","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"that floated from her hair down upon her bare shoulders. The green silk dress","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"waved in large folds, but did not entirely hide the pretty foot and ankle.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Had she come to the enchanted Garden of Armida? What was the name of the place?","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The name glittered in gas-jets over the entrance. It was \"Mabille.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The soaring upwards of rockets, the splashing of fountains, and the popping of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"champagne corks accompanied the wild bacchantic dance. Over the whole glided the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"moon through the air, clear, but with a somewhat crooked face.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A wild joviality seemed to rush through the Dryad, as though she were","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"intoxicated with opium. Her eyes spoke, her lips spoke, but the sound of violins","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and of flutes drowned the sound of her voice. Her partner whispered words to her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"which she did not understand, nor do we understand them. He stretched out his","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"arms to draw her to him, but he embraced only the empty air.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad had been carried away, like a rose-leaf on the wind. Before her she","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"saw a flame in the air, a flashing light high up on a tower. The beacon light","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"shone from the goal of her longing, shone from the red lighthouse tower of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Fata Morgana of the Champ de Mars. Thither she was carried by the wind. She","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"circled round the tower; the workmen thought it was a butterfly that had come","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"too early, and that now sank down dying.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The moon shone bright, gas-lamps spread light around, through the halls, over","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the all-world's buildings scattered about, over the rose-hills and the rocks","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"produced by human ingenuity, from which waterfalls, driven by the power of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Master Bloodless,\" fell down. The caverns of the sea, the depths of the lakes,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the kingdom of the fishes were opened here. Men walked as in the depths of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the deep pond, and held converse with the sea, in the diving-bell of glass.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The water pressed against the strong glass walls above and on every side. The","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"polypi, eel-like living creatures, had fastened themselves to the bottom, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stretched out arms, fathoms long, for prey. A big turbot was making himself","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"broad in front, quietly enough, but not without casting some suspicious glances","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"aside. A crab clambered over him, looking like a gigantic spider, while the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"shrimps wandered about in restless haste, like the butterflies and moths of the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"sea.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In the fresh water grew water-lilies, nymphaea, and reeds; the gold-fishes stood","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"up below in rank and file, all turning their heads one way, that the streaming","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"water might flow into their mouths. Fat carps stared at the glass wall with","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"stupid eyes. They knew that they were here to be exhibited, and that they had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"made the somewhat toilsome journey hither in tubs filled with water; and they","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"thought with dismay of the land-sickness from which they had suffered so cruelly","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"on the railway.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"They had come to see the Exhibition, and now contemplated it from their fresh or","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"salt-water position. They looked attentively at the crowds of people who passed","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"by them early and late. All the nations in the world, they thought, had made an","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"exhibition of their inhabitants, for the edification of the soles and haddocks,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"pike and carp, that they might give their opinions upon the different kinds.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Those are scaly animals\" said a little slimy Whiting. \"They put on different","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"scales two or three times a day, and they emit sounds which they call speaking.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"We don't put on scales, and we make ourselves understood in an easier way,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"simply by twitching the corners of our mouths and staring with our eyes. We have","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"a great many advantages over mankind.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"But they have learned swimming of us,\" remarked a well-educated Codling. \"You","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"must know I come from the great sea outside. In the hot time of the year the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"people yonder go into the water; first they take off their scales, and then they","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"swim. They have learnt from the frogs to kick out with their hind legs, and row","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"with their fore paws. But they cannot hold out long. They want to be like us,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"but they cannot come up to us. Poor people!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"And the fishes stared. They thought that the whole swarm of people whom they","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"had seen in the bright daylight were still moving around them; they were certain","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"they still saw the same forms that had first caught their attention.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A pretty Barbel, with spotted skin, and an enviably round back, declared that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the \"human fry\" were still there.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I can see a well set-up human figure quite well,\" said the Barbel. \"She was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"called 'contumacious lady,' or something of that kind. She had a mouth and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"staring eyes, like ours, and a great balloon at the back of her head, and","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"something like a shut-up umbrella in front; there were a lot of dangling bits","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"of seaweed hanging about her. She ought to take all the rubbish off, and go as","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"we do; then she would look something like a respectable barbel, so far as it is","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"possible for a person to look like one!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"What's become of that one whom they drew away with the hook? He sat on a wheel-","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"chair, and had paper, and pen, and ink, and wrote down everything. They called","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"him a 'writer.'\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"They're going about with him still,\" said a hoary old maid of a Carp, who","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"carried her misfortune about with her, so that she was quite hoarse. In her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"youth she had once swallowed a hook, and still swam patiently about with it in","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"her gullet. \"A writer? That means, as we fishes describe it, a kind of cuttle or","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"ink-fish among men.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Thus the fishes gossipped in their own way; but in the artificial water-grotto","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the laborers were busy; who were obliged to take advantage of the hours of night","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"to get their work done by daybreak. They accompanied with blows of their hammers","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and with songs the parting words of the vanishing Dryad.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"So, at any rate, I have seen you, you pretty gold-fishes,\" she said. \"Yes, I","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"know you;\" and she waved her hand to them. \"I have known about you a long time","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"in my home; the swallow told me about you. How beautiful you are! how delicate","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"and shining! I should like to kiss every one of you. You others, also. I know","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"you all; but you do not know me.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The fishes stared out into the twilight. They did not understand a word of it.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad was there no longer. She had been a long time in the open air, where","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the different countries– the country of black bread, the codfish coast, the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"kingdom of Russia leather, and the banks of eau-de-Cologne, and the gardens of","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"rose oil– exhaled their perfumes from the world-wonder flower.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"When, after a night at a ball, we drive home half asleep and half awake, the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"melodies still sound plainly in our ears; we hear them, and could sing them all","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"from memory. When the eye of the murdered man closes, the picture of what it saw","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"last clings to it for a time like a photographic picture.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"So it was likewise here. The bustling life of day had not yet disappeared in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"quiet night. The Dryad had seen it; she knew, thus it will be repeated tomorrow.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad stood among the fragrant roses, and thought she knew them, and had","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"seen them in her own home. She also saw red pomegranate flowers, like those that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"little Mary had worn in her dark hair.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Remembrances from the home of her childhood flashed through her thoughts; her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"eyes eagerly drank in the prospect around, and feverish restlessness chased her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"through the wonder-filled halls.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"A weariness that increased continually, took possession of her. She felt a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"longing to rest on the soft Oriental carpets within, or to lean against the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"weeping willow without by the clear water. But for the ephemeral fly there was","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"no rest. In a few moments the day had completed its circle.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Her thoughts trembled, her limbs trembled, she sank down on the grass by the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"bubbling water.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Thou wilt ever spring living from the earth,\" she said mournfully. \"Moisten my","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"tongue– bring me a refreshing draught.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"I am no living water,\" was the answer. \"I only spring upward when the machine","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"wills it.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Give me something of thy freshness, thou green grass,\" implored the Dryad;","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"give me one of thy fragrant flowers.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"We must die if we are torn from our stalks,\" replied the Flowers and the Grass.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Give me a kiss, thou fresh stream of air– only a single life-kiss.\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Soon the sun will kiss the clouds red,\" answered the Wind; \"then thou wilt be","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"among the dead– blown away, as all the splendor here will be blown away before","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the year shall have ended. Then I can play again with the light loose sand on","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the place here, and whirl the dust over the land and through the air. All is","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"dust!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The Dryad felt a terror like a woman who has cut asunder her pulse-artery in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"bath, but is filled again with the love of life, even while she is bleeding to","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"death. She raised herself, tottered forward a few steps, and sank down again at","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the entrance to a little church. The gate stood open, lights were burning upon","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the altar, and the organ sounded.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"What music! Such notes the Dryad had never yet heard; and yet it seemed to her","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"as if she recognized a number of well-known voices among them. They came deep","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"from the heart of all creation. She thought she heard the stories of the old","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"clergyman, of great deeds, and of the celebrated names, and of the gifts that","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"the creatures of God must bestow upon posterity, if they would live on in the","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"world.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The tones of the organ swelled, and in their song there sounded these words:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Thy wishing and thy longing have torn thee, with thy roots, from the place","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"which God appointed for thee. That was thy destruction, thou poor Dryad!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The notes became soft and gentle, and seemed to die away in a wail.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"In the sky the clouds showed themselves with a ruddy gleam. The Wind sighed:","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"\"Pass away, ye dead! now the sun is going to rise!\"","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"The first ray fell on the Dryad. Her form was irradiated in changing colors,","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"like the soap-bubble when it is bursting and becomes a drop of water; like a","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"tear that falls and passes away like a vapor.","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"Poor Dryad! Only a dew-drop, only a tear, poured upon the earth, and vanished","book":"The dryad"} {"text":"away!","book":"The dryad"}