How to add a data set


This package provides infrastructure to make text datasets available within R, even when they are too large to store within an R package or are licensed in such a way that prevents them from being included in OSS-licensed packages.

Do you want to add a new dataset to the textdata package?

  • Create a R file named prefix_*.R in the R/ folder, where * is the name of the dataset. Supported prefixes include
    • dataset_
    • lexicon_
  • Inside that file create 3 functions named download_*(), process_*() and dataset_*().
    • The download_*() function should take 1 argument named folder_path. It has 2 tasks, first it should check if the file is already downloaded. If it is already downloaded it should return invisible(). If the file isn’t at the path it should download the file to said path.
    • The process_*() function should take 2 arguments, folder_path and name_path. folder_path denotes the the path to the file returned by download_* and name_path is the path to where the polished data should live. Main point of process_*() is to turn the downloaded file into a .rds file containing a tidy tibble.
    • The dataset_*() function should wrap the load_dataset().
  • Add the process_*() function to the named list process_functions in the file process_functions.R.
  • Add the download_*() function to the named list download_functions in the file download_functions.R.
  • Modify the print_info list in the info.R file.
  • Add dataset_*.R to the @include tags in download_functions.R.
  • Add the dataset to the table in README.Rmd.
  • Add the dataset to _pkgdown.yml.
  • Write a bullet in the file.

What are the guidelines for adding datasets?

Guidelines for textdata datasets

  • All datasets must have a license or terms of use clearly specified.
  • Data should be a vector or tibble.
  • Use word instead of words for column names.

Classification datasets

For datasets that comes with a testing and training dataset. Let the user pick which one to retrieve with a split argument similar to how dataset_ag_news() is doing.